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A14710 An hundred, threescore and fiftene homelyes or sermons, vppon the Actes of the Apostles, written by Saint Luke: made by Radulpe Gualthere Tigurine, and translated out of Latine into our tongue, for the commoditie of the Englishe reader. Seene and allowed, according to the Queenes Maiesties iniunctions; In Acta Apostolorum per Divum Lucam descripta, homiliƦ CLXXV. English Gwalther, Rudolf, 1519-1586.; Bridges, John, d. 1618. 1572 (1572) STC 25013; ESTC S118019 1,228,743 968

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enuious Therfore to leape ouer the walles or to breake open the gates of a city was death although no other trespasse had bene cōmitted Yet these brethren vsed a godly and holy ordering of the matter without contempt of the ciuile lawes therfore deserue to be excused For they saw that more regard was to be had of Gods law which biddeth vs to succour them that be in perill commaundeth vs so to obserue mans lawe that we displace not Gods law or preiudice the good and godly Therfore to the intent he might escape this present daunger they let him downe ouer the walle in a basket and Paule refuseth not the benefite thus offered him By the which example first wee are taught that sometime Christian men yea Ministers of the worde may by flying prouide for themselues and not rashly put themselues in ieoperdie of death For we both reade that Christ oftentimes fledde when he conueyed himselfe from the Iewes lying in wayte ▪ and from the rage of Herode and also warned his Disciples to take heede of men and when persecution ariseth to flie from one Citie to another In deede we must be well aduised that we flie not when our tarying maye set forth the glorie of God and doth not pull vs from the office and dutie wherein the Lorde hath appoynted vs For vnlesse we haue a diligent eie to these two things when we flie we shall shamefully betray the glory of God ▪ and forgetting our dutie neglect the saluation of them ▪ whome we ought to holde moste deare Paule had a consideration of both these things forasmuch as when he fled there were notwithstanding at Damascus which set forth Christes quarrell and Paule gaue not himselfe to shamefull ydlenesse but both at Ierusalem and elsewhere set forth the doctrine of saluation with great fruite and vtilitie as the hystorie following sheweth Moreouer the faythfull are admonished of that dutie that the Lorde hath bounde them in to their teachers He requireth that they shall prouide for the safetie of their Ministers with the perill of their owne life For it is playne they are to be accounted as our parentes bicause through their ministerie as Paule sayth we are borne againe to eternall life Therefore the ingratitude and falshoode of those which assoone as persecution ariseth let go their vnbridled tongues against the ministers of Gods worde and redeeme and purchase to themselues peace with their liues is most shamefull But if it be the dutie of a priuate person to defende the Ministers with the perill of his owne life howe much more is it to be required of the ciuill magistrates whom Christ once promised should be the Nurses and defenders of his Church Wherefore their opinion is playne foolishe which saye the Magistrates ought not to defende religion by walles and fight whereas the brethren at Damascus brake the religion of walles with great commendation in the defence of Paule onely Furthermore Luke declareth what Paule did after his prosperous escape out of Damascus saying he came to Ierusalem which came to passe in the iii● yere after his conuersion as himselfe writeth Where when he would haue ioyned himselfe to the Disciples and chiefely to Peter they mistrusted him bicause of hys former tyrannie vsed agaynst those that beleeued in Christ. But Barnabas of whom mention was made in the ende of the fourth Chapter hauing better intelligence of his doings commended his ministerie with great prayse vnto the Apostles namely to Peter and Iames whome onely Paule sayeth he sawe of all the Apostles beside writing to the Galathians Therefore remayning with them fifteene dayes space hee boldly maintayned Christes religion till he was agayne layde wayte for and compelled to flie Here we haue to consider the Disciples at Ierusalem who Luke writeth were afrayde of Paule This was no dastardly feare but such a feare as Christ commendeth where he requireth of hys people the wysedome of Serpents For where it was scarce credible that so cruell a tyrant could so sodeinly be chaunged they thought they had good cause to beware least he might beguyle them vnawares For they knewe that saying of Christ which testifieth that the children of this worlde are wyser in their generation than the children of light But afterwarde being enformed of the truth they embrace him courteously as a brother and fellowe In these thinges we haue an example both of Christian prudence and charitie whereby we are taught howe both these vertues must be coupled togither For where all men are lyers they knewe that they ought not rashlye to beleeue euery one that coulde egregiously counterfeyte godlynesse For what great harme false brethren doe Paule himselfe confesseth that he had prooued to his great perill And for that cause he biddeth vs to beware of newe brethren or yong scholers and will haue him that desireth to be a Bishop to haue the commendation of them that be abrode and without Agayne we must take heede of that ouer great rigour wherwith many are so stiffe hardened that they thinke all straungers and vnknowne persons ought at once to be reiected For as it is the dutie of Christian charitie to thinke well of all men so it easily admitteth the honest and credible testimonie giuen of vnknown brethren Let vs therefore vse this moderation at these dayes seeing the banished for Christes sake wander vp and downe euerywhere and let vs not yeelde to their sentences which on both sides being to extreeme eyther through their ouermuch facilitie cause all men to laugh at them or by their to great austeritie reiect all men without any difference Moreouer Barnabas is to be considered who as before of his liberalitie he relieued the needye of the whole Church and therefore was called the childe of Consolation so nowe by his testimonie he maintaineth Paules good name being in daunger and is not ashamed of him whome he knewe euery body suspected This deede of charitie is singuler and very necessary bicause there is scarce anything amongst men more ryfe than sinister and wrong suspicion For as being blinded with selfeloue we flatter our selues so we diligently note other mennes maners and seeke euery little occasion howe to backbite their good name Therefore great is their offence which aggrauate the faultes of them that are wrongfully suspected whose good name and fame they rather ought to tender and defende Thirdly let vs consider Paule who Luke writeth declared his fayth at Ierusalem by many and singuler vertues And first he writeth howe hee sought the familiaritie and company of the Church and of Christes Disciples This is worthy of singuler prayse if a man consider howe Paule not long before was accounted amongst the chiefe of that Citie But he iudging all worldly dignities worthy nowe to be stamped vnder his feete is desirous to get Christ and to be ioyned vnto his Church See the thirde to the Philippians Let vs laye this example before
case both here in our coūtrie and abrode who list to marke and consider them True it is that christians haue bene made away and murthered vpon verye light and tryfling occasions and are also at this daye where tyrants doe reigne For in Tertullians dayes which liued about two hundreth and nine yeares after Christ If the riuer Tybris at Rome had flowed vp to the walles if Nilus the riuer in Aegypt had not watered their fieldes if there had bene no raine if there had bene anye earthquake dearth or plague by and by the people would crye to haue the Christians throwne to the Lions And all this was to ridde the countrie of them and to deface their beliefe and doctrine But what followed hereof Uerily nothing lesse than they wéened For Tertullian tolde them plainely Torment racke condemne and make vs awaye and your vniust dealing with vs is but a tryall of our innocencie Therefore God suffreth vs to suffer this at your handes The more exquisite your crueltie is towarde vs the more it allureth to take our partes And whereas they call vs Sectaries as then they did the Christians lette vs reioyce in that we see our quarrell and theirs our slaunders and theirs so like and tell them as Tertullian telleth Scapula the Romanes President that this sect shall not fayle or decay but the more it seemeth to be cut downe the more let them be assured it is builded vp And considering what they be that are our condemners Let vs also saye Such and such consecrators of our condemnation we reioyce in For as Tertullian sayde whosoeuer knoweth him meaning Nero must needes vnderstande that of force it must be some singuler good thing that he woulde condemne so may we as truely say of Boner Storye and such like that haue condemned our faythfull brethren and sisterne that whosoeuer knewe what they were how they liued and howe they dyed must néedes know also that it coulde be none other than good that they woulde condemne And therefore lette vs saye to them with Tertullian for a short aunswere when you condemne vs God pardoneth vs. Wherfore let vs not feare them that can kill the body but then can doe no more ne yet that but when God permitteth but rather let vs feare him that can cast both body and soule into the fire of hell which is Iesus Christ our Sauiour knowing that he will crowne all those that striue lawfully and continue vnto the ende to him therefore with the father and the holy ghost thrée persons and one eternall maiestie of godheade all honor power and glory be now and euer worlde without ende Amen To the Noble and honorable Consuls and whole Senate of the famous Common weale of Zurich his verye good Lordes and Maysters Raufe Gualthere Tigurine wisheth grace and peace from God the father through Iesus Christ our Lorde IT is an olde custome and confirmed by examples of holy Fathers that the professours of good Artes and learning vse to dedicate the fruites of theyr studyes eyther to theyr friendes or to men of honour and authoritie whereby to procure eyther their fauour and good wyll or else to make them defenders of their labours and paynes And whereas I haue thought good most honourable Lordes and fathers to dedicate my labors vpon the Actes of the Apostles chiefly vnto you many and weightie causes haue mooued me therevnto For priuately your liberalitie towarde mee required the same and publikely the continuall care that you haue to profite your countrey and religion in generall enforced me to shew myne alleageance good hart towards you with some dutie of gratitude thankfulnesse Wherby that feruent desire that you beare vnto godlinesse might be set forth with the publike testimonie of our Church whose example now many yeres diuers excellent states of common weales haue not bene ashamed to ymitate Howbeit to tell you the playne truth the chiefe cause of this my dooyng was for that I perceyued the matter of this booke and the consideration therof appertayned vnto you principally For in this boke is conteyned a most absolute paterne and forme of Christes vniuersall Church which it behooueth all such as are in authoritie beare rule well to knowe and vnderstande For those men that say temporall magistrates haue nothing to doe but with temporall matters and woulde haue them vtterlye to abstaine from entermedling in ecclesiasticall affayres are in no wyse to be regarded which men seeme to mee to be of opinion that they would haue common weales exempt from Gods prouidence without the which the verye Gentyles perceyued they coulde not stande or be preserued And who knoweth not that sentence of the Godly and princely Prophete Except the Lorde keepe the citie the watcheman waketh but in vayne Which also exhorteth kings and Princes to suffer themselues to be instructed in the word of God and to kisse and reuerence Iesus Christ the sonne of god But to what ende should kings be taught the word if there be no vse of the same in the administration of the common weale And howe shall they kisse or reuerence Christ if they neglect his Church which he esteemeth dearer than the apple of his eye yea than his life And how can they neglect that body whereof if they be not members vnder Christ their head they can not be saued We must hearken rather vnto Esaias who prophecying of Christes Church amonge other thinges sayth Kinges and Queenes shall be thy Nurrices In which wordes he seemeth not so much to comfort the Church as to sette foorth the office and dignitie of Kinges and Rulers which chiefly appeareth in this that God doth vouchsafe to commit vnto them the care of his Church which he hath redemed with the bloud of his sonne In dede we must confesse that God hath herein no neede of mans helpe if he would vse his absolute perelesse power Neyther deny we that many times Churches are increased and defended rather by the power and vnspeakeable councell of God than by the industrie of man But this commeth not so to passe bicause God disalloweth the care and dutie of Magistrates but that it might appeare howe all prayse and glorie is to be ascribed to him onely bicause no man should thinke religion depended more vppon the will of man than vppon Gods prouidence In the meane season such is the goodnesse of God that he doth vouchsafe to take men to be hys coadiutors helpers by their ministery to regenerate his elect people through the word defendeth the same vnder godly magistrates against the rage of this world in the midle of present daungers on euery side that they may liue in peace rest as farre forth as is conuenient for their faith and saluation And that this is the will of God not only the scriptures testifie but the whole consent of all nations doth likewise proue the same Certes in that golden world of the Patriarkes we read that one man was both king and
their mindes as they read occupied with other cogitations as though the reading of scripture were appoynted but for delyte or to passe the time away Let vs therfore well marke what commaundementes and examples belong to our vocation that we maye continue in the same and declare our industrye towarde god For in thus doing a minister of the worde shall thinke whatsoeuer things are spoken by the Prophetes or Apostles touching the administration of the same worde to be sayde vnto him And they that be Magistrates let them thinke whatsoeuer is sayde in the Scriptures touching the dutie of Officers with examples of auncient Magistrates whether they be good or badde to be spoken vnto them The same shall priuate men also doe of what state or condicion so euer they be So shall it come to passe that with a certayne godly delight and pleasure of minde they shall receyue incredible profite by reading of the Scriptures Let vs examine the wordes of Peter wherein two things most appertayning to this present purpose are handled First he teacheth what maner of person should be chosen to the roume of an Apostle Then he defineth the office or dutie of an Apostle And of these two he so disputeth that they may serue to the institution of all Ministers of the word of the congregation To the first part appertayneth this saying Wherefore of these men which haue companied with vs all the time that the Lorde IESVS had all his conuersation among vs beginning at the baptisme of Iohn vntill that same day that he was taken vp from vs must one be ordayned c. Peter requireth here two things of great weyght The first is a sure and sounde knowledge of Iesus Christ and of all the things he did whyle he was amongst his Disciples For vsing an Hebrewe phrase by two contraries that is to saye of going in and comming out he includeth all things that euer Christ did Yet least any man should take occasion hereof ouer curiouslye to inquire after euery thing he compasseth this knowledge within certaine boundes that is to saye the baptisme of Iohn and the glorious ascention of Christ into heauen For before Christ was baptised of Iohn he led a priuate life in Nazareth of Galiley behauing himselfe obediently to his Parents and exercising the Carpenters craft as maye be gathered But the thinges that concerned our redemption and belonged to the office of the Messias he then went aboute when hee had bene baptised of Iohn and was authorized by the visible annoynting of the holy Ghost and by the testimonye of the father which was hearde from heauen For which cause the Euangelists contented with the describing of his incarnation touching his nonage and childehoode haue written very little For the holy ghost ment hereby to bridle the foolish curiositie of mans wit which not many yeares ago vttred and set forth it selfe by no simple writers I warrant you who haue compyled vs the lyfe and whole chyldehoode of Christ to the great mockery open scorne of the Christian profession Howbeit Peter thinketh the knowledge of these things sufficient and inough which Christ did after he was so solemnlye admitted and put in office And this knowledge was necessary bicause Christ ordayned his Apostles to be faithfull witnesses of his doings Secondly he requireth a certaine and euident signe of perseuerance and continuance For he woulde haue none chosen out of that number which were yet but nouices and newly entred into Christes religion but such as began to follow Christ from the beginning of his conuersation amongst men and so continued with him being neyther feared with daunger of persecution nor offended with the crosse and his ●launderous death And these thinges should now a dayes be obserued in choosing ordering of Ministers if they had any care of the Church which chalenge greatest authoritie ouer the same For it is playne that the chiefe dutie of the Minister standeth in teaching as God sayth by the Prophete In the Priestes lippes should be the sure knowledge that men may seeke the lawe at his mouth For hee is the messenger of the Lorde of hostes But how shall he teach who is vnlearned and rude him selfe Surely Paule in a Bishop requireth this thing chieflye that he be able to teach and that not only the playne doctrine of truth to the more tractable sort of men but also that he be able to refell and conuince such as shall gainesay and contrary the same whereof there is alwayes a great multitude Therefore in a Minister of the worde the knowledge of Christ and his misteries is necessary with al the things that concerne the articles of the Christian fayth and the dutie of the faythfull There is required of him diligent reading of the Scripture wherein hee ought to be well exercised He hath neede of the knowledge of the tongues that in reading the Scriptures he depende not vpon the sense of others and be constrayned to looke with other mens eyes and to go with other mens feete Furthermore it is meete he be furnished with the Artes of speaking that hee maye perceyue what to propounde in what place and after what sort and order All which are of such weyght that Paule not without a cause exhorted Timothy to continue on still in reading who yet he confesseth of a childe had learned the Scriptures Moreouer whereas infinite daungers hange ouer the function of Ministers boldenesse of minde is requisite least being ouercome with feare of perill hee drawe backe or sticke in the middest of his course But this shall chiefly be perceyued by perseuerance or continuance whereof no doubt he had giuen manifest tokens The same hath Paule obserued likewyse where he sheweth vs that a Byshop shoulde not be a yong scholer or Nouice least being puffed vp with sodaine dignitie he commit some thing dishonest or vncomely and giue occasion to the aduersary to reprooue him Yea and Christ himselfe at his last supper commendeth his Apostles whom it is plaine were subiect to many faultes and infirmities chiefely for this cause that they abode with him in all his temptations But let vs see Peters last wordes where he defineth the office or dutie of an Apostle Let one be appoynted sayth he which may be a witnesse of his resurrection First he will haue a partner or fellow ioyned with the eleuen not a seruant whome the reast at their pleasure might commaunde For he knewe that equalitie was needefull to be amongst Christes Ministers Then he calleth him a witnesse which name Christ called them by a little before he went from hence And the often repeticion and diligent consideration of this name is not a little profitable For hereby the worthynesse of the Christian fayth and certaintye of the doctrine euangelicall may be perceyued bicause Christ had not onely preachers of the things he did ●ut also sworne witnesses which wrate and deliuered to vs the fayth in him Last of
necessary that they haue a good regard not onely to their owne persons but also to their whole familie For how shall he be able to rule the Churche of God which is not able to rule hys owne house 1. Timoth. 3. Titus 1. Then secondly he commendeth to them the charge of the whole flocke wherein he is somewhat long as wee shall heare Under this worde flocke he comprehendeth the Church therin folowing both the Prophets and Chryst which many times vsed the like Allegorie or translation And the vse of this word is very commodious bicause it containeth in it very expressely all states and degrees of men as doe these woordes house and familie whereby otherwhiles the Church vseth to be termed For these woordes admonishe both the Ministers and the people of their duetie The Ministers learne that the care of al men appertaineth vnto them and that it is not lawfull for them to neglecte any man be hee learned or vnlearned noble or base rich or poore maister or seruaunt but must rather thinke that in a great house are many and diuers instruments which the good man of the house will haue all the seruauntes to haue a diligent and conuenient care off Againe the hearers learne that all men vniuersally of what estate or degree so euer they bee ought to bee subiect to the Ministerie and Discipline of the woorde and that no man is free therefrom which will bee accoumpted one of Goddes flocke or familie For that that God saide vnto Hieremie is well knowne to euery bodie Beholde this day doe I make thee a strong fensed Towne an yron â–ª Piller and a Brasen wall againste the whole lande againste the Kings and mightie men of Iuda against the Preestes and people of the lande Therefore it was not without a cause that the Prophetes in times past tooke vppon them to reprehende and admonishe all states of men as their Sermones testifie whome Iohn the Baptist did immitate and reprehended not only the common people but also the Publicanes Souldioures Scribes and Priestes moste earnestly yea hee was so bolde to tell Herode the King that it was not lawful for him to kepe his brothers wife The like did Christe beeing otherwise the miledest man that euer was which would not deuide the inheritaunce betweene the brethren bicause hee would doe nothing not belonging to his office The same did the Apostles and their successoures whose laboures and trauailes the church dothe reuerence yet to this day Therefore their blockishnesse is very grosse and their rebellion very obstinate which challenge to them selfe a certaine immunitie and freedome saying the Ministers haue nothing to doe with their matters But bicause it is needefull with reasons to vrge and sette forward our dull fleshe in difficulte and daungerous functions Paule therefore vseth reasons and in the beginning hee comprehendeth diuers in very fewe woordes For he saythe Looke vnto the flocke among whome the holy Ghoste hathe made you ouerseers to feede the congregation of GOD which he hath purchased with his bloude First hee alleageth God to be the aucthor of his Ministerie to declare that they are not free and at their owne libertie but ought to be occupied in the vocation of God vnto whome they shall once giue an accompte as Christe teacheth in the Parables of the Talentes and Stewarde Hee maketh mention of the holy Ghoste by name bicause Christe by him doth cheefely rule and gouerne his Churche as in the first and seconde Chapiters of this Booke we might perceiue And this is a waightie reason if we consider howe we shall giue an accoumpt vnto him from whome nothing is hidden and which beholdeth with what minde and beleefe wee doe all things and which is not onely a iudge but also a swifte witnesse against all those which cast from them the feare of him and neglect their duetie as he threatneth them in the Prophet And this reason ought to awake and stirre vp not onely the Ministers of the woorde but also all other personnes which take God for the aucthoure of their vocation and estate Let Magistrates remember that they are aduaunced to honoure and dignitie by God and that he sitteth in the middle of them and that they shall not escape if they neglect their Office. Let Lordes and Maisters remember that they also haue a Maister in Heauen vnto whome they shall geue an accoumpte Let married folke remember that God is the aucthor of their estate who as he hathe appoynted the marriage Chamber to bee honourable so will hee greeuously punishe Adoulterers and Whoremongers Hebrues 13. Also let Parentes consider that God hathe giuen them a charge ouer their Children and therefore that they canne not neglecte their Children wythoute the manifest faulte of vntrustinesse Likewyse lette Seruauntes and Subiectes learne to obey their Maisters and Princes not onely for feare of punishment but also for conscience sake bicause GOD hath made them subiecte vnto them whose sight they shall neuer beguile â–ª though they can beguile men Thys doone hee setteth before them the ende of theyr duetie saying they are made ouerseers by the holy Ghoste to feede the Church of god Hee alludeth vnto Ezechiel in the thirde and thirtie three Chapters where the Prophetes are called ouerseers or watchmen And to the ende they shoulde not thinke that their duetie consisted in a bare and vaine speculation hee vseth this woorde to feede to the intente they shoulde remember they were feeders and therefore oughte to fulfill the duetie of feeders These poynts are partly expressed by Christ in the 10. of Iohn partly by Ezechiel in the foure and thirtie Chapiter For a good Shepeheard bringeth his flocke into well grown pastures he goth before them like a Faithfull guide hee seeketh for them that are strayed and lost hee bringeth them home againe he bindeth vp his woundes that is contrite in heart and conscience he strengtheneth the weake he keepeth them vnder that growe to fatte hee stoutely resisteth the Wolues and all these things he doth circumspectly and with iudgement Paule admonisheth the Ephesians and Ministers of Asia of all these things where he saythe they are appoynted to feede Woulde God the Bishoppes of our dayes would remember these things who where they doe none of these things but all things quite contrary yet after an impudent sorte they challenge to them selues not onely the titles of Bishops but also exercise a manifest tyrannie ouer the Churche and like Princes of this world obtaine a kingdome vpon earth contrary to the commaundement of Christe But what they shall haue for their laboure see Ezechiel 34. and Zacharie the .11 Chapiters The third reason is deduced of the dignitie of the Churche which appeareth in this for that God purchased it with hys bloude Hee attributeth bloud vnto God by a figure called communione or propretie of tongues bicause Iesus Christ which is God from euerlasting at a time long beefore appointed became
you also most honourable Lordes haue followed For where GOD did vouchsafe about .xxxix. yeares past to illuminate our Countrey Heluetia with the light of his word and to call it from the darknesse of superstition into the brightnesse of his Gospell you thinking there was no longer lingring to be made began aduisedly and seriously to consider howe Christes kingdome might be restored in your common weale Therefore you thought it good out of hande to mooue the Bishoppes and specially him of Constantia to whose charge your whole Countrey belonged to laye to their handes with you in abolishing of abuses and superstition and to take order for the reforming of the Church with your aydes and assistaunce But whyle they forgetting their vocation and dutyes made delayes you thought it shoulde be much to your shame and reproche to see their negligence anye longer hinder the publike saluation and glorie of God and therefore for that you woulde not want of your duties you were the Capitaynes and beginners of so godly an enterprice your selues following the examples of Ezechias Iosias Constantine and diuers others which we reade in tymes passed did the like with great commendation when the ministers and Bishops of the Church were founde slacke in their office For appoynting a publike and generall assemblie of all the Ministers both in your Citie and whole territorie you willed them to deliberate and conferre among themselues out of the word of God touching the chiefe pointes and articles of fayth and religion And there were that earnestlye withstoode this your deuise saying the determination of this matter belonged not to the iudgement of one common weale or Prince but to the authoritie of an vniuersall and generall councell Howbeit their authoritie was of no such force with you that it coulde make you looke behinde you after you had once set your hande vnto the plough And therefore your godly begunne enterprise did prosperouslye proceede For in that disputation the truth had the victorie and that in such sorte that the greatest part of them that came to assault the same yeelded therevnto of their owne accorde and thought their greatest prayse and glorie to consist herein that God had giuen them grace to bee so happely ouercome and to follow Christes Chariot in triumph From that daye forwarde you neuer ceased to deuise and doe all such thinges as you perceyued did appertaine to the glorie of Christes kingdome For you purged and rydde your Churches of the drosse and filthinesse of Images and Aultares and cleered Christes doctrine from the pernitious inuentions of mans traditions enacting by publike authoritie that none shoulde eyther reduce and bring againe the superstitions abolished or else teach the flocke of Christ any thing disagreeable to the doctrine of the Gospell The vse and administration of the Sacraments you caused to be brought to the fourme and order first instituted you caused prayers aswell publike as priuate to be duely ordered and whatsoeuer other duetyes of true fayth you caused to be exercysed according to the prescription of Apostolyke doctrine yea you caused your publike lawes and discipline of maners to be refourmed after the rule of the gospell And bicause no man should think you did these thinges eyther for desire of priuate lucre or for that you delited in nouelties you had a speciall regard that others might haue the whole fruite and auayle of the reformation and your selues all the payne and labour in reforming For you did not lyke sweepestakes rape and reue the Church goodes into your handes nor put any man eyther of nobilitie or of the Church from theyr right For those which were deceyued and caryed with the common sway of ignoraunce you laboured to winne by friendly and brotherly instruction and did not vncurteously cast them of Wherby it came to passe that they which were best witted amonge them did afterwarde great good seruice to Christ and to his Church and other whome eyther age or dulnesse of wit hindered you suffered paciently to enioy their goodes and reuenues bicause they shoulde haue no occasion eyther to make complaint or tumult And whatsoeuer of those goodes fell to your administration was appoynted partlye for the building and mainteyning of schooles and partly for the sustentation and relieuing of the poore For you vsed in liberall wyse to mainteyne not onely the professors of sciences and tongues but also certaine studentes of the same to the number of fourescore with continuall stipende and exhibition insomuch that the most part of them which at this day preach Christ in your Citie and Countrey which haue in them about an hundred and fortie parishes are bounde and beholden to your liberalitie for the rowme and place that they now are in And such was your dexteritie in handling all these matters wisedome in taking counsell about them and modestie in executing them that the thing which seemed impossible to be done was easily brought to passe insomuch that within short space of time in a free nation without any feare of publike tumult or sedition with great approbation of the people all these things that we haue spoken of were both taken in hand and brought to an ende For although they which thought Poperie was gainefull and therfore coulde not well brooke the ouerthrowe thereof attempted oftentimes many things yet through the singuler benefite of God their enterpryses were alwayes in vaine and the tempestes by them raysed were chased away by the wholesome breath of our heauenly father Where according to the precept of Christ both the simplicitie of Doues and wisedome of Serpentes appeared in your deuyses For as often as your aduersaryes went about eyther by flatterie and fayre promises or by fearefull menaces to withdrawe you from your purpose or at least woulde haue perswaded you to haue left all controuersie in religion to the iudgement of the Bishops and Clergie you still aunswered them both wisely and plainly after this sort that you coulde not nor woulde not denie or reiect such thinges as you had learned out of Gods worde were true and that you were readie to render a reason of your beliefe to any man that shoulde demaunde it of you yea that you woulde willingly yeelde to any man that coulde conuince you of error ▪ by the holy Scripture and coulde teach you a better waye of saluation than you helde Diuers your aunsweres of lyke kinde and tenour there are wherewith you stopped the mouthes of a great many and wherein still maye be read that saying of the Apostles Whether it be right before ●od to hearken vnto you rather than God iudge you For we cannot choose but speake those things which we haue both seene and heard Againe We ought rather to obey God than men Therefore the heauenly grace of the eternall God fauoured and prospered so godly enterprises whereby it came to passe that your common weale hath most happily escaped all kinde of tribulations and at this day in the middle of the horrible and daungerous styrres
and troubles of all Christendome doth not only liue in peace hir selfe but also is a most safe sanctuarie for forreyners and straungers resorting to hir from all places Therefore great and weightie causes as me thinketh haue mooued me most honourable and my especiall good Lordes to dedicate this my labour and traueyle vnto you wherein according to the grace of God bestowed vppon mee I haue gone about to open and make plaine that booke which describeth the fi●st countenaunce and looke of that Church that is called the primitiue Church wyth the proceedings encrease and whole estate of the same a president wherof I see you haue followed with no lesse industrie and diligence than good and happie successe Which president if they shall follow which shall suceede you in gouernement of the common weale they shall both see howe you haue done nothing rashly and on a head and shall also perceyue themselues woonderfully pricked forwarde to obserue and keepe with all their power that fourme and order of a refourmed Church and Religion that they shall receyue of you And surely it shall be verie profitable to meditate oftentymes by what meanes and beginnings our auncestours deuised such an order and fourme both of Church and common weale For in so doing they shall neyther regarde slaunderers which maliciously depraue thinges done well and godlily neyther shall they be turned from the truth for anye stormes of persecution or threates of the worlde that may aryse It is also profitable manye tymes to talke of these thinges before the people which as they are ledde most commonly with things present so doe they easily forget thinges passed and gone and verie seldome thinke of things to come Therefore they allow not the deuises of the Magistrates but when they see them ioyned eyther with present profite or cleere of perilles and daunger For as soone as daunger once appeareth they finde fault and lacke of wisedome and equitie in those whose councels they ought faythfullye to set forward and obey But if they did vnderstande that their rulers had God for the authour and guyder of their drifts and deuises and that they did whatsoeuer they did according to their duetie then surelye they woulde learne more religiously to iudge of their rulers and more easilye to obey them and woulde not so sodenly bee mooued and turned at euerye rumour of daunger arysing Surely this was the thing that I chiefly ment and intended when I began openly to reade this booke to the flocke of Christ among you and to publishe and set abroade that which I had openly spoken and declared For I sawe that the state of this age waxing euery day woorse and woorse was such that it was most nedefull continually to pervse the bookes of holy scripture and to sette before the people the examples of the primitiue Church conteyned in the same that they shoulde not be deceyued with the gloses of such as vnder a false colour and pretence of antiquitie burthen vs with newe errours and accuse those thinges of noueltie which graue and godly menne haue restored vnto vs out of the worde of god Accept therefore these my labours mine honourable and good Lordes with such fauour as you haue manye yeares borne vnto the truth and vnto mee and manye other my fellowes and coparteners euen from our childehoode Continue your good will vnto the students of diuinitie holde on your accustomed humanitie and gentlenesse toward the pilgrimes and banished for Christes sake abide in the mainteyning of your lawes and correcting of the peoples maners in enhaunceing vertuous exercises and in bridling wickednesse with iustice In many places the horrible contempt of God reigneth Diuers doe wickedly reiect the wholesome benefite of Gods worde and the knowledge of christ Charitie in most men waxeth chill and fayth fayleth euerie day by little and little Iniquitie aboundeth and newe croppes of naughtinesse dayly encrease God therefore being angrie ▪ threatneth vs with punishment and feareth the world with woonders monsters and horrible vprores of kingdomes And yet will he neuer fayle them which abyde and continue in promoting his glorie defende the Church of his Christe and according to the measure of their vocation perseuere in doing their duetie He shall blesse your labours and gouerne your councels by his spirite he shall blesse all your people so that they shall of their owne accorde obey your wholesome lawes and moste happilye enioye the gladsome benefite of euangelicall peace He shall blesse your whole Church so that it shall go forwarde euerie day more and more in the doctrine of godlinesse To him who is the onely Lorde of Lordes the immortall and euerlasting God be blessing honour power and glorie for euer Amen Giuen at Zurich in your famous and chiefe Citie of Heluetia the first daye of August in the yeare of oure Lorde 1557. ❧ Ioannes Parkhurstus Anglus Episcopus Nordouicensis Multa relucenti debent haec tempora Lucae Et debet Lucas multa Rodolphe tibi Lux Lucae luxit totum diffusa per orbem Lux Lucae lucet nunc magè luce tua Ergo tibi Lucae tantum qui luminis adfers Christus cum Luca lucida regna dabit Eiusdem aliud ad Lectorem Quae 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 fuerint Apostolorum Qui ritus veteres apudque Patres Et quot discere Lector est ne cordi Huc adsis auido legantur ore Haec quae scripta vides pererudita Sacris eruta scripta quaeque libris Aut è Patribus eruta Orthodoxis Quae multo peperit tibi labore Gualtherus pietate clarus atque Doctrina patriae decus suaeque Praefulgens celebres habendus inter Scriptores potes id negare Liuor Laudes quid memorare pergo plures Vino vendibili haud opus virente Est suspensa hedera Liber loquatur ¶ A Table of the chiefe wordes and things expounded in these Homelies and Annotations A A ante A. AAron and hys chyldren chosen to be ministers Pag. 67. A ante B. Abelles fayth what it was Pag. 853. Abnegation or denying of our selfe is the beginning of Christianitie Pag. 367. Abraham is an example of the obedience of fayth 295. Abraham pleased God wythout the ceremonialles 293. Abraham is in manye daungers after he came into the lande of promyse 297. Abrahams faythe is stedfast althoughe hee bee tryed dyuers wayes ibidem Abrahams singuler faythe is sette forth ibidem Abraham what GOD dyd with him after hee came into the lande of promise ibidem Abrahams faythe in all aduersities is vpholden by Gods promyse onely ibidem A ante C. Actes of the Apostles instructe all states and degrees of men wyth examples Pag. 4. Actes of the Apostles commende the truth and Maiestie of the propheticall Oracles of vtility necessitie dignitie and Maiestie 2 Actes wherewith it begynneth the hystorie 1. A ante D. Adam was a christian 852. Adams sinne depryued vs of lyfe Pag. 119. Admiration of Gods workes is necessary 157 Admonitions out of Gods words are needefull
lyghtened wyth the gospel Pag. 655. The church at Berrhea disturbed Pag. 656. B ante L. Blasphemie is a deniall of the faith Pag. 856. Blasphemous and filthy talkers are ledde with the euill spirite 85. Who are sayde to be blessed and happye 763. Blessedfulnesse is to bee iudged of holynesse of place 313. True blessednesse discrybed 119.120 True blessedfulnesse is to bee most like vnto God. 757. It is more blessed to gyue then to take ibidem To blesse is to bid farewell 35. The heyres of blesse 187. The maner of Christs blessing 188. Christ is the Mediator of blesse 47. Blessing what it comprehendeth in it ibidem B ante O. The true marke of those that are borne againe 138. Bookes of the Byble belong to all men 326. B ante R. The vtilitie of well bringing vp of chyldren 615. Breaking of breade 140.734 Brethren kinsfolke of Christ. 48. Brethren at Rome their kindenesse Pag. 894. B ante V. Burials must be reuerently vsed by christians 359. Burthens and yokes are all those things that are taught beside fayth in Christ. 608. B ante Y. Byshops could alwayes abyde to be reprehended of other Byshoppes Pag. 468. Byshops of Rome make money of religion 719. Byshops accuse Paule 818. Byshops of Rome may erre 198. Byshops counselles what they are Pag. 240. Byshops of Romes craft and tyranye in persecuting the truth 191. Byshoppe of Rome hys incurable impietie 350. Byshops which ought most to sette foorth Christes doctrine greatest enimies thereof 191. C. C ante A. CAlamities of men directed to an ende by God.   Captiuity of Babilon 343. Care of God for vs. 832. God careth most for his people whē they are most destitute of mannes helpe 349. Carnall men what they seeke for in Christ. 26. Causes of the calamities of thys worlde 101. Cause of all calamitie is the not beleeuing and gainesaying of the Gospell 31. Causes of calamitie are as well in the godly as the vngodly 101. Causes of strife and contention 550 Cause of saluation is fayth 168. Causes of the euilles of these latter dayes ibidem Causes whye Saule was cast of Pag. 528. Causes of afflictions are to bee diligently considered 269. C ante E. Centurion is Paules friend 871. Centurion gentlye obeyeth Paule Pag. 810. Centurion and his souldiours fayth Pag. 882. Ceremonies that the Apostles taught are certaine 3. Ceremonies of the lawe are abolyshed 76. Ceremonies in religion howe farre they are lawfull 349. Ceremonies of the olde lawe to what ende and vse they were 292. Certainetie and antiquitie of christian fayth 175. C ante H. Chanaan lande a figure of our saluation and of heauen 294. Charitie of the Apostles towarde their enimies 561. Charitie must be vsed euen towarde the vnthankfull 355. Charitie is the cognizaunce of Christes children 77. Charitie hath hir markes and tokens ibidem Charitie and wisedomes examples Pag. 758. What the nature of charitie is 896. Charitie is not suspitio●s 769. The propertie of charitie 756. Charitie in Steuen 351. The effect of Gods chastisement declared in Paule 395. The chastisement of God requyreth repentaunce ibidem The duetie of those whome God chastiseth 491. Chiliastes errour touching the dwelling on earth 98. Goddes children acknowledge hys iudgements and amend by others examples   Who be the children of God. 94. Howe the children of GOD are knowne 181. The children of Iacob grieuouslye offende 308. Choyse of meates 434. and .435 Christian libertie must bee mainteyned 607. Christian fayth doth not derogate from humanitie and ciuilitie 293. The beginning of the christian faith Pag. 202. Christians nowe denie and betraye Christ as the Iewes did 166. Christian people may sometime saue themselues by flying 411. Who ought to bee called Christians Pag. 141. Howe christians be ydolaters 343. Christes enimies 100. The begynning and vse of a christian name 490. Christians what they owe to theyr brethren being in daunger for the testimonie of Christ. 491. Christians must talke of the kingdome of God. 15. Christians must increase go forwarde in fayth 476. What the markes and weapons of christians are 227. The duetie of christians 879.793 and 761. The sacrifices of christians ibidem Christians maye vse the lawe for their safegarde and succour 838. Christians maye possesse thynges of their owne 143. Christians maye seeke ayde of Magistrates 812. Christians which waye they maye get themselues fauour and authoritie 241. Christians must boldely defend their cause 500. Christ is reiected of the buylders Pag. 202. What Christs last comming teacheth vs. 41. Why Christes second comming is so long differred 175. Howe Christ is the aungell of the great counsell 326. Christ instructed hys Apostles with commaundementes before he left the earth 8. Christ is taken hold of by faith 544 Christ is the head of apostolike doctrine 679. Christ comforteth hys Apostles being in errour of an earthly kingdome 30. Christ descrybed of the Prophetes to be honourable 2. Christ called a Mountayne of the Prophets ibidem Christ is the Sauiour of all Nations 32. Christ being preached the kingdome of God is preached 119.915 Christ by his diuine power and operation is euery where 40. Christ is very God. 106.448 Christ is the Lorde 127. Christ is the name of God and the Image of hys father 9 Christ is a priest 127. Christ is a man. 106. Christ is a man approoued of God. Pag. 107. Christ is lyfe and they that beleeue in hym haue lyfe 12. Christ is the lyfe and the resurrection 119. Christ is an vniuersall sauiour 127. Christ dyed according to Gods appointment 109 Christ was a very man of the stock of the Iewes 178.448 Christ tooke hys humane nature into heauen 35. Christ appertayneth to the Iewes Pag. 184. Christ is ascended into Heauen the place of the blessed 35. Christ is ascended into that place whyther our bodyes must also ascende ibidem Christ gyueth light to his people in the myddle of darknesse 494. Christ was crucyfied being innocent 535. Christ shall iudge the quick and the deade 457. Christ resembled to Moses 179. Christ seeth and careth for his sheepe on earth 8. Christ is the peacemaker betweene God and man. 448. Christ the Prince and chiefe of all Prophets 333. Christ is the Phisition for sinnes 130. Christ ouercame by death 381. Christ preached by Moses and the Prophets 177. Christ is the Prince or chiefe of the Prophets 333. Christ is a Prophet 178. How Christ must be acknowledged and confessed 649. How Christ must be preached ibidē How Christ perfourmed the office of a priest 6 How Christ is a stumbling block to the Iewes and foolishnesse to the Gentyles 663. Christ ruleth in the myddle of hys enimyes 242. Christ is declared a king by God his father 2. Christ is a king and a priest 37.452 Howe Chryst fulfylled the office of a king 6. Christ is a victorious king 126 Christ aduaunceth vs to saluation Pag. 576. Christ is not euerye where in bodye Pag. 34.35 Christ ought to dye but once 540. If Christ bee
ante O. Doctrine of the Apostles 139. Doctrine is tyed to no place 899. Doctrine deuised by the holye ghost must be taught in the church 20. Doctrine of Christ maye be learned out of the Prophets 383. Doctrine of the gospell succeedeth most luckily among the enymies thereof 553. Doctrine of faith is not against good workes 640. Doctrine is the chiefe thyng in the church 280. Doctrine of Paule accused 773. Doctrine of Paule out of the scripture 648. Doctrine Apostolike which is true Pag. 407. Doctrine of truth can neuer bee so wisely modestly preached but the world wyll seke to reprochit 289. Doctrine Apostolike hath Christ hir author 8. Doctrine apostolike whence it springeth 900. Doctrine of Christ whereto it serueth 7. Doctrine of Christ begynning and ende 63. Doctrine is chiefely to bee cared for in the Church 139. Doctrine how Paule vsed it 648. Doctrine taught of the Apostles is true 3. Doctrine of Christ contemned bringeth punishment 547. Doctrines that deface the merite of Christ are pernitious 248. Doctours of the Church called pillers 345. Doctours who be 508. Doctrine Apostolike disturbed by the Professours 407. Doctrine of Christ planteth not licentious lyfe 530. Doinges of m●n must be examined after the rule of Gods worde   Domitian a persecutor of the Church kylled by his owne men 300. D ante R. Dronkennesse whereof it beginneth and what euill is in it 92. D ante V. Dutie of christian men in persecutitions 491. Duetie of them whome Christ hath lyghtened 790. Duetie both of Iewes and Gentiles is to seeke the Lorde 601. Duetie of christians what it is 180. Duetie of seruauntes 437. Dust shaken of 557. E. E ante D. EDucation and good bringing vp of children howe profitable it is 617. E ante F. Effect of the Apostles sermon 569. Effect of Gods promisses 846 Effect of Peters sermon 129. Effect of the Apostles counsell 137. Effect of the Apostles doctrine 561. Effect of persecution and banishement 557. Effect of Gods worde in the elect and their du●tie 555. E ante L. Election or choosing is from euerlasting 554. Election gratuitie or free the fountayne of all goodnesse 525. Electing of Ministers vnorderlye what hurt it doth 70. Election lawfull getteth Ministers authoritie ibidem Election lawfull confirmeth Ministers in their office ibidem Electing Ministers in the Church asketh heede and dyligence 281. Election is not hyndred through our sinnes 681. Electing must be made openly in the sight of the church 66. Election and Predestination are certaine 687. Election what the ende and marke thereof is 29. Election of Ministers must be vsed as in the primitiue church 68. The elected bee n●t free from cōmon calamities 420. The elect acknowledge and receyue the worde of God. 548. The elect easilye knowe the worde of God. 555. The elect what their disposition is Pag. 138. The elect are chosen out of all sortes of men 509. The elect God tryeth diuers wayes and delyuereth them when they looke least for it 805. Electing of Ministers in the Primitiue Church 66. Eloquence a gyft of the holy ghost Pag. 698. Elymas the Sorcerer contendeth with Paule 514. Elimas contention wyth Paule how it ended 517. Enemies of the truth must be boldly reprehended 516. Enemies of the truth what weapons they vse 833. Enemies of the truth what craftes they vse 192.245 Enemies of the Apostles who 191. Enemies of Christ and hys gospell who ibidem Enemies of Christ depriued of all helpe and dignitie 60.61 Christes professed enimies must bee fledde 136. Enemies of Christ howe they shall be punished 59. Enemies of Christ are the persecutors of hys church 393. Enemies of Paule set at debate among themselues by God. 805. Enemies greatest to the truth are Priestes 191.244 Enemies of the truth and of the Ministers who 244. 819. Enemies of the truth are giuen vp into a reprobate sense 287 The attemptes of Christes enemies are vaine 242 The attemptes of the enemies of Christ. 218. Enemies of Christe fight againste God and yet execute his counsell Pag. 218.219 What ende Christes enemies haue in their enterprises 262. Enemies of Christ conspired what their propertie is 268 The enemies of Christes enterprises are folish 251. The enemies of Christes enterprises easely disappointed as appeareth by examples 394 The enemies of the Churches enterprises are nothing but mere conceipte and opinion 856. The enemies of Christ destruction Pag. 59. The craftes of the enemies of the truth 192.245 The enemies of the truthes enterprises defeated and the godly defended Pag. 246. The enemies of the truthes impudencie 833.834 The enemies of the truth how they must be delt with 199. E ante P Ephesus estate and condicion 704. Epicures 26. Epicures opinions 660. Epicurious lyfe shal raigne toward the later tymes 661.662 Epistle of Captaine Lysias and the parts therof 814. E ante R. Errours manifest and knowne must not be denyed 408. Errour of the Apostles what comoditie it hath 25.26 Errour of a carnall kingdome imagined by the Israelites appeareth by scripture to be olde 27. Errours rooted are hard to be pulled vp ibidem E ante S Essenes secte what it was 803. E ante V Euangelists sincere how they may be discerned from false ibidem His Baptisme dilygenly described Pag. 384.387 Eunuch complayneth not of Philips departure 387. Eunuche is zelous although ignorāt in many things 382.383 E ante X Examples speciall make no rule generall 143. Examples of Auncestours excuse not errours 673. Example of godly persons preserued by the Lord. 233. Excecation and blyndenes of the wicked is incurable 252. Execution or accomplishing the message sent to the Church at Antioch Pag. 610. Execution of Lawes is the lyfe of them 618. Examinacion of Ministers necessary to be had in the church 15 Example of a christian boldnes 90. Example of an effectuouse power working of the holy ghost ibidem Exercise of the Apostles 611. Exhortacions necessary to styrre vp the people 521. Exorcistes or Coniurers in the church Pag. 712. Exorcistes of the Papistes 713. Externe or outwarde religion 640. F ante A FAce of god what is ment by it 120. To be gathered to the fathers what it is 541. Fathers alwaies contemned Moses Pag. 321.366 The vaine braggers in younger and later fathers 164. Fathers neuer obedient to gods commaundements 343. Fathers in the beginning pleased god by fayth onely without the lawe ceremonies 292. Fathers which are to be followed in religion 162. Affiaunce in Fathers beaten downe by Steuen 350 Fathers examples how they are to be followed 292. False Apostles make their hearers vncertain of saluation 606. False Prophets seeke the frendship of great estates 515. False teachers muste bee noted by name and set out in theyr colours Pag. 516.137 Faultes cōmitted by other men cannot excuse vs. 519 False witnesses brought againste Steuen 287 False teachers and their societie must be auoyded 137. False Apostles are nicked 606. False prophets seke nothing but how to turne men from the fayth 137. Fame of those the
Iudges must follow the goodnes bountifulnes of god 234.235 Iudges what their dutie is 851 Rashe Iudgements ende 645 Iuliane the Apostata forsaketh the fayth 301 Iuliane hys last wordes 218 Iulius Maximinus and hys sonne raging agaynst the Churche were destroyed of their souldiours by the iust iudgement of god 300.301 Iustification of man through fayth in Iesus Christ proued by notable examples in the Actes of the Apostles 3 Iustification of fayth taught by the Prophetes 459 Iustifications order 463 Iustifications reason 595 Iustification attributed to woorkes is a greeuous offence 596 Iustice and temperance are fruites of fayth 829 Iustice of man can not stande in the Iudgement seate of god 801 Iustice commeth not of merites of workes but of fayth as Steuen teacheth through out his oracion 298 K ante Y Kyngs that are proude ambitiouse ruled manye tymes by their bondemen 504 Kyngdome of Christ eternall and inuincible 381 Kyngedome of Christe is not of the earth 24 Kyngdome of Christ by preaching of the gospell spred in all places 3 Kyngdom of Christ spred to the borders aboute Iurie and howe it mikht further be spred 242 Kyngdome of Christ what it is 126 Kyngdome of Christe is spirituall Pag. 30 Kyngedome of Christe enlarged by preaching ibidem Kyngdome of god 710 Kyngdome of god by his appointement ●aryed to the Gentyles 509. and 510 Kyngdome of god declared and for what cause 14 Kyngdom of god preached by Paule Pag. 916 Kyngdome of god when it should be preached ibid. Kyngdome of christ and of his word howe they differ 381 Kyngdome of Christes beginninge successe and increase in thys world Pag. 2 Kyngdome of Christes power maiestie 126 Kyngdome of Christes enlargement Pag. 506 Kingdome of Christe is peaceable Pag. 98 Kingdome of Christ bounded by the Prophetes 32 Kingdome of God comprehendeth in it our saluation and redemption Pag. 13 Kingdome of the Iewes conferred vpon Dauid 528 Kingdome of Christes estate 30 Of Goddes Kingdome and heauenly glory howe we are made partakers 286 L ante A LAbourers that are faythful must be holpen Pag. 579 Last dayes estate what it shall bee 174 Last daye searchers 29 Last dayes feare and remembraunce what it causeth 174.175 Laste daye Deriders and Iesters Pag. 100 Later dayes troublesome estate 98 Lawes ceremoniall not necessary too saluation 293 Lawfull defence permitted to the godly 644 Lawe leadeth vs by the hande vnto Christ. 75.76 Lawe cannot iustifie 544 Law gyuen for them that came after also 335 Lawe wherein it is abrogated Pag. 334 Lawe howe it was published ibid. Lawe is a mirroure or glasse 544 Lawe sheweth vs the true way to attayne vnto lyfe 334 Lawe howe it is called the lyuely woorde ibid. Lawes preuayle not onles they bee executed 618 Lawe and ceremonies vse and ende Pag. 292 Lawe in Christ is ended 76 Lawe begonne in the daye of Pentecost ibid. Lawe can not truly bee vnderstanded but by the Spirit of Chryst. Pag. ibid. Lawe wherto it serueth 545 Lawes publike are profitable to bee kepte 797 Lawes auctoritie wherein it dependeth ibid. L ante E Leuitie or gentlenes of God excuseth not our sinne 525 Leuitie or lightnes in religion muste be auoyded 789 Le●ites or Priestes offended wyth Christ. 227 Leuitie of commones may bee seene in the Samaritanes 362.363 L ante I Liberalitie to the poore commended Pag. 144 Liberalitie in releeuing the poore Pag. 224 Liberalitie is a commendable thinge Pag. 760 Liberalities examples 154 Liberalitie of God. 155 Libertie and free speeche in reprehending of sinnes 110 Libertie abused what hurt it procureth to the people 816 Libertie who can vse best 426 Libertie of Christ muste bee kept inuiolable 602 Libertines Colledge the greatest enemies of Steuen 286 Lightes whereto they serued in the Church 734 Lighte gyuen vs in Chryst. 553 Lighte shyneth where Peter is in prison 494 Licinius Ualerianus a persecutoure of Christes Church taken by Sapores king of the Persians is fain to serue for a footeblocke for Sapores to gette on horse backe by Pag. 301 L ante O Long sufferance of God exemplified Pag. 234 Looking in what the woord conteyneth in it 219 Lottery of twoo kyndes 71 Lot is a part or porcion 70 Lottes are in subiection to Gods prouidence 72 Lottes which bee lawfull and which not 71.72 Lotterye vnlawefull and who abuse lawfull lottes ibid. Lottes are an auncient vsage 72 Lottes vsed in diuidinge of inheritaunce ibidem Lottes Matthias is choosen by Pag. 71 Lottes lawfull to vse 72 L ante V Lucius septimus Seuerus persecuting the Church was kylled in his flourishing estate 300 Lucre sought in religion is not allowed of God. 720 Luke inspired of the holy ghost writeth the story of the gospel diligētly Pag. 2 Luke wrate of all thinges in what sence 5.6 L ante Y Lyfe of man lyke a Pylgrimage Pag. 299 Lyfe eternall 119 Lyfe eternall estate moost happye Pag. ibid. Lyfe of manne of what estate condicion it is 871 Lydia is an example of true conuersion 624 Lydia causeth hir housho●d to be baptised 626 Lydia howe and after what manner shee was conuerted 625 Lystra dwellers how they were affected at Paules myracle 890 M ante A MAgistrates muste beware of brybes Pag. 831 Magistrates offended at the Apostles 556 Magistrates by the sworde muste keepe vnder blasphemers deceyuers and false teachers 233 Magistrates duetie too enquire oute matters diligently 848 Magistrates must be carefull for the fayth and for religion 849 Magistrates wycked 643 Magistrates must bee diligent in the defence of God. 816 Magistrates must do no euill for fauour of men 835 Magistrates must not hasten iudgement for mens fauour 828 Magistrates muste not be defrauded of their honour 119 Magistrates dutie 32 Magistrate must ayde the godly requiring it 812 Magistrates opprssinge innocentes howe they muste bee punished Pag. 801 Magistrates muste bee instructed with the power of the holy ghoste Pag. 20 Magistrates howe farre they muste bee obeyed 274 Magistrate curteouse is a beautifying of his office 816 Magistrates auctoritie howe it is preserued 801 Magistrates wicked their manners Pag. 799 Magistrates must heare causes with diligence 821 Magistrates inferioure muste bee simplye obeyed without lookynge for further aucthoritie of Superio●r 426 Maiestie and truthe of Chrystes Kingdome declared in the story of the Apostles 2 Malta is the place where the Knights of Saint Iohns order keepe their residence 887 Malta people are an example of hospitalitie ibidem Malta men an Example of humanitie 888 Malta menne take Paule for a god Pag. 889 Malta mennes kyndnes 892 Mannes ende teacheth vs the woorshipping of one God. 671 Mannes nature and condicion as he is naturall 396 Manne goyng about to deceyue vs vnder pretence of Religion howe w●e muste iudge and esteeme him Pag. 229 Manne what hee oweth vnto God. Pag. 2●0 Manne how hee must prepare himselfe to receyue the Holy Ghoste Pag. 77 Manne how hee is called the vessell and instrument of God. 399 Mannes enterprises wee muste not passe
much vppon but study to please God onely 818 Mannes power is nothing agaynst God. 875 Manne must haue a regarde of hys dignitie 481 Mannes corruption may be knowen by the faultines in the Sainctes Pag. 26 Menne of three sortes burning● in hatred agaynst the truth 208 Mannes infirmitie set forth in the example of Ananias 402 Mannes redemption figured 566 Mannes traditions can not saue vs. Pag. 353 Mannes counsell or deuyse can not quayle Christes kingdome 30 Mannes traditions and godly intentions are daungerous to bee thrust into the Church 21 Mannes origene and beginning teacheth vs to worshippe one God. Pag. 358 Manne for hys behoofe may eate all meates created of God. 406 Mannes naturall dulnes 437 Menne of base degree and rascalles called in this world embrace and receyue the Gospel 624 Menne are all sinners 543 Manne destitute of the knowledge of God soone corrupted 837 Maynteyners of free will confuted Pag. 790 Maynteyners of Popish merites cōfuted 428 Manaes a noble man and a Courtier 509 Manasses a wicked Idolater 340 Mary the moother of Christe committed to the tuicion of Iohn Pag. 46 Mary the virgin mother of Chryste Pag. ibidem Mariages with the wicked prosper euill 828 Maryners vnbeleefe and falsehoode Pag. 880 Martyres punishmentes muste bee weighed by Sainct Steuens Example 351 Mathew had a wyfe as appeareth by the house hee kept 45 Matthias chosen to bee an Apostle Pag. 72 Matthie the Apostle hys election Pag. 66 Matthie chosen into the rowme of Iudas 44 Matthias auctoritie of vocation 58 M ante E Meanes ordeyned of God must not bee rashly neglected 814 Meane and indifferent things when they cease to be indifferent 616 Meanes lawfully vsed 882 Meanes vnlawfull must none bee vsed to come by commoditie 870 Meates choyse or difference 434 and 435 Mercie of God towarde Synners Pag. 790 Mercy in what sence it is vsed of S. Paule 540 Merites of men how muche is to bee attributed to them 429 M ante I Ministery of Christe comprehended in two wordes 6 Ministers are not polluted by mariage 765 Ministers to be taken into the church what manner of men they shoulde bee 63 Ministery outward is profitable too be duely administred 399 Ministery of the woorde to bee profitable proued by Examples Pag. 400 Ministery Ecclesiasticall commended 429 Ministery Ecclesiasticalles partes Pag. 279 Ministery Ecclesiasticalles reason Pag. 508 Ministeries dignitie 179 Minister of Christes woorde be hee neuer so sclender and base must not bee contempned 397 Minister of the Churche muste bee apt and fit to teache 63.64 Minister of the Church muste haue a sounde and sure knowledge of Christ. 64 Ministers ought to bee suche as are lyke too perseuer and contyneue Pag. ibid. Minister what thinges is requisite for him ibid. Ministers are ordeyned of GOD. Pag. 750 Ministers must bee desirous of humilitie and agreement 91 Ministers where they must preache Christ his name 403 Ministers of the Church are a benefite of God. 49 Ministers of Christ must bee at vnitie 147 Ministers of the Church are Apostles 70 Ministers of the Churche muste bee admitted to the ouersight of ecclesiasticall goods ibid. Ministers of the Church muste not bee money gatherers 756 Ministers of the Churche whether they may take stypend and wages Pag. 679 Ministers muste further and procure the Saluation of all menne Pag. 740 Ministers of the Gospell muste obeye Go●des commaundementes Pag. 19 Ministers must bee lawfully elected Pag. 66 Ministers must be referred and leaft vnto God. 68 Ministers of the Gospell are neyther robbers of goods honor nor blasphemers 727 Ministers what armour they muste do on agaynst the assaultes of this world 211 Ministers haue neede of Gods holy spirit 19 Ministers dutie consisteth chiefly in teaching 64 Ministers vnmeete muste not be●●●ken into the Church 〈…〉 Ministers 〈…〉 tyll they 〈◊〉 lawfully called 58 Ministers who bee lawfull and who vnlawfull 510 Ministers muste speake and not holde their peace 683 Ministers must not ouer hastely forsake the Church 683 Ministers muste doo their dutie although they profit lyttle 746 Ministers howe they are not culpable of other me●nes faultes Pag. 682 Ministers must fight but with scriptures 703 Ministers must be from the crime of sedition 825 Ministers muste haue knowledge in Gods will that will teache other the same 794 Ministers must haue an earnest care to their churches 150 Ministers muste haue a speciall care for their owne Nacion and Country after the Apostle Paules ensample 795 Ministers maye sometymes secke to escape by flying 411 Ministers are not blameable for beating downe superstitiō and a●●iance in woorkes 896 Ministers must praye for the saluation of the people 793 Ministers what they must teache Pag. 794 Ministers howe vehemently they must rebuke those that deface the glory of God by seeking filthy lucre 373 Ministers muste not seditiously disturbe euerye common weales Pag. 823 Ministers must be stout yet gentle to be spoken too 405 Ministers admonished of their dutie by Paules example 402 Ministers are men and therfore subiect to mans infirmitie 55 Ministers must reproue as well secrete as manifest faultes committed agaynst the truth 230 Ministers faithfull haue diuerse and sundry chaunces folowing them as may be seene in Paule 410. Ministers at variaunce must not offend vs. 612.613 Ministers in the Churche that haue bene couetouse what they haue don Pag. 7●6 Ministers true praise what it is 474 Ministers described that are false ibidē Ministers lawfully called a behofefull thing 753. Ministers of the church whence they haue their auctoritie 330. Ministers of the woorde must paint out false teachers in theyr colours and note them by theyr names 136 Ministers muste accuse notorious wyckednes with bold speech 109 Ministers faults must make no man 〈◊〉 b●cke 55. Ministers ought law●●lly to be called 789 Ministers of the woord must bee zelous 375. Ministers how much we are bounde vnto them 895 Ministers may lawfully declare vnto theyr churches what the enemies entend against Christ and his flock Pag. 215. Ministers haue neede of good bringing vp 14. Ministers muste boldly rebuke men Pag. 204. Ministers must be innocent harmeles 838. Ministers must be kindly and thankfully vsed 441. Minis●ers must not be so cleued vnto that if god take thē away we must thinke religion shall quayle 387. Ministers how they should be ordeyned 282. Ministers must haue a regarde who heareth them 678 Miracle of the Apostles 239. Miracle of the lame man healed 565. Miracle of the tounges what it ment Pag. 80. Miracle of the redde Sea. 332. Miracles of the Apostles were the woorkes of Christ. 161 Miracles of Christ and the Apostles were perfect 155. Miracles why Christ wrought 157. Miracles of Moses in Egypte 517. New miracles must not be deuised Pag. 563. Miracles of Moses in the wildernes Pag. 332. Miracles done by Philip. 361. Miracles repugnant to gods woord no miracles 563 Miracles which be true 139. Miracles taught by the Apostles do serue for two endes the cause efficient of
iustification 594 Peters counsel touching the waye of saluation 130 Peters quiet and securitie beeing in prison 493 Peters two miracles described 4●7 Peters traunce 433 Peters exhortacion to the Church to place an other Apostle in Iudas rowme 62 Peters expostulation with Symon Magus 371 Peters playnes to the Priestes and Scribes 136 Peters boldnes in rebuking sin 108 Peters maner of deliuery 494 Peters modestie 423 Peters pouertie 153 Peters patrimonie what it comprehendeth ibidem Peters supremacie and prerogatiue in the Churche howe the papistes proue it 51 Peters readinesse and good will too pleasure and benefite all men 153 Peters demaunde of Saphira 234 Peters answer in the councel at Ierusalem and the effect therof 203 P ante H Pharao his wisedome and kyndnes Pag. 311 Phariseys errour what it was 849 Phariseys secte what it was 803 Philip baptiseth the Ethiopiane after hee had made confession of hys Fayth 387 Philip the Euangelist 764 Philip an ensample of an Euangelike pastor ibid. Philip appointed to teache the Eunuche 378 Philip an ensample of christian stoutnes 364 Philip the Apostle of Samaria 361 Philips affabilitie or courtesie 383 Philips obedience 376 Philips sermon wherby hee conuerted the Ethiopiane 379 Philips doughters do prophesie 765 Philosophie whether it be necessary before the studie of Diuinitie 665 Phora what it signifieth 33 Phrygia and Galatia conuerted Pag. 619 P ante I Pilgrimage superstitiouse 665 Pilgrimage of the Apostles howe it was vsed 619 P ante L Please all men can no man. 467 P ante O Poore commended 145 Poore cared for and considered by the Apostles ibi Poore may haue no cause of impacience ministred them by the godly Pag. 274 Poore how they muste bee holpen Pag. 145 Pouertie is not to be ashamed of 153 Pouertie is alway puling and complayning 274 Posteritie of Christ is euerlastinge Pag. 381 Power of God is inuincible 539 Power of this worlde nothing compared with Christ. 485 Power without feare of God is a great mischiefe 207 P ante R Praying lowd what it meaneth 216 Prayer stirred vp by earnest meditacions 400 Praying with diligence profitable Pag. 427 Prayer rightly vsed 216 Prayers continuall 47 Prayers commended 763 Prayers feruent ibi Prayers offered to God in Christe acceptable 75 Prayers of the faythfull are hearde Pag. 221 Prayers of the godly are not vayne Pag. 500 Prayers ioyned to imposition of the handes 369 Publike Prayers acceptable to God. Pag. 141 Prayers require solytarines and going asyde 426 Prayers without faith vnprofitable Pag. 47 Prayers require sobrietie 433 Prayer a token of faith 76 In praying what gestures should be vsed 758 Prayers power and strength 54 Praying in publike commended 758 Prayers are the wings whereby the church flieth vnto God. 215 Prayers had their appointed houres in old tyme. 150 Praying must bee instaunt and feruent 400 Predestination certain 687 Predestination searchers 29 Preparation and watchinge for the comming of Christ thinges necessary 7 Prerogatiues without Christe are vayne 189 Preaching of the Gospell wherwith it must beginne 108 How men ought to preache 916 What men ought to preache 383 Preface to the Actes of the Apostles expounded 5 Presence of Christ vpon earth howe it must be vnderstanded 43 Presidentes of cōmon weales what vertues should be in them 311 Priesthode of Christ confyrmed with an othe 123 Priestes ignoraunt in Christe and in the Scriptures 534 Priestes fulfilled the scriptures 535 Priest auctours of the Apostles persecutions 191 Priestes enterprises hindred not Christ. 536 Priestes wicked are shamed for euer 63.64 Priestes and Scribes an vntowarde generation 136 Primitiue church not voyd of faults Pag. 274 Princes duties 321 Princes studies 377 Princes and Rulers called to beare office ought to heare Ecclesiasticall causes ibidem Priuate order of a Christian lyfe Pag. 146 Prophetes agree with the Apostles Pag. 600 Prophets for shewers of Christ. 350 Prophets bear witnes to Christ. 182 Prophets interpretat prophesies 610 Prophetes foreshew things to come but the end and meaninge of them they often vnderstand not 762 Prophets who were 508 Prophets gods seruaunts ▪ by whom he reuealeth his secret iudgements Pag. 99 Prophetes office 120 Prophets begū vnder Samuel 182 Prophetes testimonies concerninge Christ and his resurrection 536 Prophesying what it comprehendeth in it 96 Prophesying what the worde signifyeth ibi Prophesie how beneficiall and profitable it is 185 Prophets sermons are holy Scriptures 54.55 Proposition and sum of the Apostles oraciō to the people of Lystra 571 Propertie of things lawfull in Christian men 143 Promise concerning the holy ghost 13 Promises of the old testament extend to the Gentyles 134 Promise of the holy Ghoste made by Christe to the Apostles belongeth to all men 85 Promises of God made too Dauid touching his sonne 93 Promises of God must bee receyued by fayth 879 Promises of God are not made frustrat by the wickednes of men 17 Promises of God must be diligently thought on in aduersitie 327 Promises of God are all ratified in Christ. 854 Promises of God must bee patiently wayted for 79 Promises of god vnto the godly 115 Promises of God made first vnto Adam 852 Promises of God how they must bee vnderstanded 688 Promises of god are infallible 870 Promises of God truliest performed when men hope least in them 79 Promises touching the resurrection of Christ. 12 Promises of the holy ghost often repeated and why 73 Promises of the Gospell belongeth to euery man. 184 Promises made to the Fathers why they be so often repeated 163 Promises of saluation belong to Infantes 134 Promises of Christ are true 73 Promises of god certain true 328 Promises of God how they must bee vsed in aduersitie 744 Promises of our saluation true and inuiolable 284 822 Promises of God to what vse they serue 134 Prouidence of God. 437 Prouidence of God in gouerning the world wonderfull 889 Prouidence of GOD must not bee rashly abused 807 Prouidence of God foreknowen and decreed 110 Prouidence of God howe it must bee vsed in aduersitie 882 Prouidence of God excuseth not sinners 53 Prouidence of GOD no defence for wickednes 59 Prouidence of God comforteth sinners 171 Prouidence teacheth vs the honour of God. 670 Prouidence of God hath all thinges subiect to it 573 Prouidence of God exemplifyed in Iudas the traitor 56 Prouidence of God too what vse it serueth 110 Pryde the cause of euill and beginning of sinne 374 Pryde how mightely God reuengeth it 485 Prudencie muste bee vsed in the affayres of the church 604 Prudencie an example 812 Publike offices must bee committed to good and godly men 311 Publius is a president of hospitalitie Pag. 891 P ante V Punishment of contemning Goddes Counsel 875 Punishment of them that condempne Christ. 182 Punishment of Idolatrie and impietie 343 Punishmentes of Christes enemies what they are 59 Punishment is not sent of god without warning 674 Purification is by fayth 596 Purification god is auctour ibid. Pu●eolane church 893 Q ante V Question made by
the Apostles touching Christes kingdom on earth Pag. 24 Question of the priestes in the councell at Ierusalem 198 R ante E. REdemption in Christe belongeth to all men 78 Redemptiō of mā how it was made 455 Regarde muste bee had more of the church thē of priuate matters 611 Reformation how it may truely bee made 3 Reformacion may haue errours and whereof they spring ibid. Refutacion of such obiections as the people of Lystra might haue made against the Apostles 573 Religion without knowledge of god is nothing 665 Religion standeth not in outward ceremonies but in faith wherby we take hold of the grace of god 313 Religiō corrupted must be abolished and true planted 572 Religion may be found in souldiours Pag. 432 Religion is not subiect to councelles Pag. 818 Religion must not be estemed after the multitude auctoritie of men ibi Religion dependeth not on mannes Iudgement 47 Religion belōgeth to god alone 767 Religion is certen and not to bee suspected of obscuritie 838 Religion must not bee iudged by the successe falling out therof 268 Religion can not man rightly walke in except hee be guyded by the spirit of God. 339 Religion muste the Magistrate haue care of 690 Religions shewing vs any other saluatiō then in Christ ar al false 202 Reliques of Christ and of the faythfull what they are 422 Remission of sinnes is the benefyte of gods grace onely 303 Remission of sinnes in the name of Christ. 458 Remission of sinnes is gyuen vs in Christ. 543 Repentance of the wicked 642 Repentance muste bee vrged by feare of the latter day 674 Repentance must be done as god appointed by his woorde and not after our brayne 788 Repentance after transgression openeth the way to saluation 131 Repentaunce what it is ibid. Repētance wherof it consisteth ibid. Repentance and forgyuenes of sinne preached in Christes name seemeth a thing intollerable to the worlde Pag. 270 Repentaunce cause efficient in man what it is 259 Repentance in hir partes 131 Repentaunce howe God gyueth it Pag. 472 Reprehensions without Christs spirit are cold 680 Reprobates can not heare the worde of Christ. 548 Reprobates manners and condicions and how they must bee dealt with Pag. 710 Resurrection of Christe defended Pag. 536 Resurrection of Christ is the foundacion of fayth and of doctrine Apostolike 12 Resurrection of Christ a thing moste approued ibid. Resurrection of Christ why it was so diligently confirmed 11 Resurrectiō of christ the accomplishment of our redemption 65 Resurrection of Christ why it is confirmed with so many and so sounde argumentes 111 Resurrection declareth the glory of the children of God. 540 Resurrection of the dead ought not to bee thought incredible 854 Resurrection of the dead is vniuersall 823 Resurrection proueth the certayntie and maiestie of Christes kingdome Pag. 11 Resurrectiō of al other articles most repeated of the Apostles 223 Resurrection of Christ diligently defended 12 Resurrectiō of the body what ample fruite it hath in it 118 Resurrection scoffers what we maye iudge of them 13 Resurrection scorners take away all fayth and the misteries of mennes saluation 13.14 Resurrections vse and meditacion Pag. 14 Resurrection preached what it comprehendeth in it 65 Resurrection is certayne 117 Resurrection goeth before lyfe euerlasting 118.119 Resurrectiō of Christ ouercommeth sinne and death and restoreth saluacion vnto man. 12 Resurrectiō proueth Iesus to be the Messias 1●3 R ante I Rites of the primitiue Churche in choosing of Priestes 584 Rites and order of the Lordes Supper must not be altered 140 Riches of the wycked are accursed Pag. ibid. Riche mennes dutie 891 R ante O Romayne church iustely forsaken of Christian men 797 Romaine Church woorshippers are vnwoorthy to bee accompted of the Church 188 Romish Prelates may lawfully bee spoken agaynst 293 Romes destruction and misery 60 Romanistes say the church of Rome can not erre 281 Romaine Antichrist must bee reprehended for the merchandize hee vseth in religion 372 Romaine brethren go to meete Paul. Pag. 894 Romaines diligence in administring of Iustice. 870 Romaine Bishoppes presumptuousnes reprehended 335 Romaine Bishops pryde 468 Romaine Bishoppes Supremacie ridiculous 417 S ante A SAbboth keepinge and breakynge Pag. 733.734 Sabbothes must bee reuerentlye kept 521 Sabbothes how they should bee obserued and kept holy 647 Sabboth obseruances and comming to the church 521 Sacramentall speech 304.791 Sacramentes instituted of god must not be contempned 291 Sacramentes are ●eales of Goddes promises and benefites 23 Sacramentall wordes and misteries how they ought to bee considered Pag. 304.305 Sacrament despisers 463 Sacrament despisers are destitute of fayth 385 Sacramentes and the gifts of health are giuen vs by inuocation of gods name 791 Sacramentes haue their efficacie not of the woordes of consecration but bicause of Christes institution 23 Sacramentes truly vsed in the church Pag. 348.366 Sacramentes and doctrine must goe togyther 451 Sacramentes haue not grace tyed o● bound to them 366 Sacrifice of Christe pourgeth oure sinnes 455 Sacrifices of Christians 667 Sacrifices how they are called purging sinnes 304.305 Sadduceyes doctrine and religion what it was 191.803 Saluation the free gift of God must be obteyned by prayer 102 Saluation dependeth vpon the meere grace and fauour of God. 133 Saluation consisteth in inuocation Pag. 102 Saluation in Christ onely 202 Saluation belongeth to the Gentyls aswell as the Iewes 423 Saluation hangeth vpon Gods prouidence 585 Saluation in our selues 578 Saluation and preseruation both of men and common weales dependeth on God. 529 Saluation by what order we maye attaine to it 393 Saluation and redemption of man confirmed with an oth 123 Saluation pardon for sinners 170 To be a disciple of Christ is the first steppe to saluation 419 Saluation by Goddes commaundement caried to the Gentiles 508 Saluation more plainely declared in the new testament than in the olde Pag. 93 Saluation is giuen to men in none other than in Christ. 897 Saluation by what meanes it is hindred and stopped 181 Saluation of others we must reioyce in 475 Samaria conuerted 362 Samaritanes giue eare to Christ and beleeue in him onely 393 Samaritanes embrace the Gospell Pag. 362 Samaritans obedience 365 Saintes and holy men haue neede to be strengthned 895 Saintes trustinesse in defending of Christ. 531 Saintes are ignorant in many things Pag. 446 Saintes how they alleadge their innocencie in priuate causes 799 Saintes how we must iudge of them Pag. 409 Saintes are subiect to mocions and affections 613 Saintes giue all glorie vnto Christ. Pag. 160 Saintes worship whereof it sprong Pag. 157 Saintes of all ages wherin they hoped 823 Saintes singuler workes must bee ascrybed to God as to the authour of them 613 Saintes flightes what they are 307 Saintes zeale and condicion 579 Saintes slippes and falles proue our corruption 25.26 Saintes patience is no dastardlinesse Pag. 481 Saintes labours are not in vaine Pag. 696 Saintes estate in this worlde 796 Saintes vertue is to obeye and beeleue God. 113
teacheth vs in euery place that hee is gyuen to vs a King and a Priest but chieflye Dauid So as he was King he gaue vs Lawes of lyfe euerlasting and made his expedition as it were into this worlde to fight against Sathan the common enimie of mankinde ouercame him and set vs at libertie which were tyed fast in the chaines of our sinne Furthermore of his liberalitie more than royall he abundantly enriched all that beleeue in him with the treasures of the kingdome of Heauen Moreouer by his Priesthood he taught vs he prayed for vs and for al them which hanged him on the Crosse and he offred his body bloud which he tooke of vs to be a sufficient sacrifice and acceptable to God for our sinnes Hereunto serued the myracles by the which he thought to bring men to the obedience of faith and to teache the simple thereby how to know him The other place he assigneth for Doctrine wherin the reason of all the things done by Christ is declared In the meane season we must not thinke Luke in vaine to haue ioyned Workes and Doctrine togyther comprehending in these twoo woordes all that concerneth christ For he teacheth that in the consideration of Christ these twoo must needes be ioyned togither For except wee consider hys doctrine with hys woorkes they shall no more auayle vs to the knowledge of saluation than the thinges done by any other liuyng a thousand fiue hundred yeares past and more But if we consider his doctrine we shall vnderstand that all these thinges were wrought for our sakes that saluation might happen to vs through the benefite of Christ our Redeemer Also the consideration of hys woorkes shall bring credite and authoritie to his doctrine forasmuch as they beare most manifest witnesse of hys diuine power and Godhead as Christ him selfe teacheth saying the woorkes which the Father hath giuen mee to finishe the same woorkes that I doe beare witnesse of mee that the Father hath sent mee And againe If I doe not the woorkes of my Father beleeue me not but if I doe them and if you beleeue not mee beleeue the woorkes that yee may know and beleeue that the Father is in mee and I in him With these woordes are the counterfait Christians of this worlde impeached who beleeue all the workes of Christ and furnished with an Hystoricall faith vse to praise all the things that euer he did or suffered but when it commeth to the poynt to beleeue in one Christ and the saluation obtayned by his onely merite then as though they had forgotten theyr former fayth they turne an other way and seeke infinite meanes besides Christ to attayne to saluation by These men doe as they which being allured with the testimonye of common reporte of friendship or familiarity greatly extoll the Science of Phisicke but when they fall sicke refuse to vse the same thereby plainely declaring that they distrust both the Arte and knowledge of Phisicke Euen so that which these men confesse of Christ with theyr mouth they denie in deede The cause of this hurtfull wauering is none other but this for that they consider Christes bare woorkes whereby they are mooued somewhat to marueyle at them but that marueyle endureth not forasmuch as it wanteth the proppe of doctrine and is ignorant of the ende of them Whereas if they would heare Christes teaching they should perceyue that these myracles were wrought and described to the intent that in him onely wee should repose all hope of our saluation For this is his saying I am the waye the light and the truth No man commeth to the Father but through mee Whosoeuer drinketh of this elementall water drawne by his owne strength shall thirst againe But whosoeuer shall drinke of the water that I shall giue him shall neuer be more a thirst Come vnto mee all yee that labour and are laden and I shall refreshe you Furthermore it is to be considered that Luke maketh Christes ascention the very ende and bounde of the story of the Gospell For he saith that he hath spoken in the first Booke of all the things that Christ both did and sayde vntill the same daye that he was taken vp into Heauen after he had giuen commaundements to his Apostles whom he had chosen Hereby we gather that Christ by his glorious ascention into Heauen hath perfourmed all the poyntes of our redemption and saluation For wee haue shewed before that in the Gospell is perfectly contayned the thinges which concerne our saluation Bicause therefore the Ascention of Christ is placed last it is certaine that it was the last ende of all the thinges necessarye to our saluation This if wee holde it shall appeare as cleare as may be that wee henceforth neede no more bodily presence of Christ in the earth For what should he doe in earth which longe since hath faithfully and fully perfourmed the things he had here to doe Wee haue neede of the Spirite the Grace the Meryte the Doctrine the Counsell and protection of Christ which he neuer withholdeth from his and after this sorte as he promised He is with them vntill the ende of the worlde He him selfe also forbiddeth vs to beleeue them which shall say hee is any where corporallye present But bicause wee haue a more commodious place to speake of these thinges a little after where the Hystorie of the Ascention is handled let these fewe woordes suffice for this present This is now to be obserued that Christ would not leaue the earth before he had giuen commaundementes to his Apostles For I vnderstande not this place of that one commaundement where he badde they should not departe from Hierusalem till they had receiued the promised holy Ghost but Luke seemeth to speake vniuersally of all the thinges which Christ meant to admonish his Apostles of and chiefly those which concerned the office of their Apostleship of the which a little after followeth more to be saide This is very comfortable that Christ although absent in his body ceaseth not yet to care and prouide for his Church For here he fulfilleth the dutie of a good and faithfull Householder which goyng into the countrie committeth the charge of his familie to his trusty friendes and in the meane season telleth eche of his housholde what they shall doe while he is absent Euen so Christ ascending into Heauen commended the care of his Church to his Apostles whom he testifieth in the Gospell to take as his friendes He instructeth them with commaundements least they through rashnesse or vnfaithfulnesse should offende The Parables in the .xxiiij. and .xxv. of Mathew make for the exposition of this place Let no man therefore thinke that he is in such daunger of Tyraunts and deceyuers that he is left destitute of the ayde of Christ and so lieth open to theyr pleasure crueltie For he that hath redeemed his sheepe with the pryce of his owne bloud and gaue such charge of them
to haue erred When they were named they were bidden stande forth that all men might looke vpon them and know them And this example of the Primitiue Church is very notable wherby wee are taught that the election of Ministers of the worde and of the Churche shoulde not be done in corners secretly and within the house by a fewe persons but shoulde be done openly in the sight of the congregation and before all the people For if a Bishop must haue the testimony of them that be without as Paule sayth how much more ought he to be well knowne to them ouer whom he is put in charge Which thing if it be not obserued or be neglected eyther obscure or vnknowne persons eyther else wicked and infect with corrupt maners shall be appointed ouer the Church And they shall be ouerseers of the Church which deserue not the lowest roume in the Church This we are taught by the rytes of the olde Testament where by Gods commaundement Aaron and his children were openly chosen into the holye ministery all the people looking on Neyther let it trouble vs that Paule seemeth to giue authoritie to Titus and Timothie to choose Bishoppes For he woulde not haue them of their priuate authoritie to doe any thing but according to the dutie of Superintendentes to take heede that such as were worthy and meete might be chosen for Ministers And it is not likely that they had more graunted to them than the Apostles had which without the Churches counsayle woulde neuer doe any thing in this matter For not long after they chose Deacons openlye before the congregation and Paule and Barnabas by election ordayned Elders in euery congregation Hereby is reprooued that most corrupt and pernicious vsage of choosing of ministers which many yeares hath borne all the rule in this matter Where manye times some one person in many Churches vseth to choose and order Ministers of his owne authoritie Wherein chiefly Abbots Bishops and Prouostes be to blame And many of them also that glory in the name of the Gospell will be taken for reformers of the Church handle not the matter much better For whyle they put Monkes and Bishops out of their vsurped possession as right is yet they restore not to the Church the libertie which by tyranny they tooke from it but at their owne pleasures administrate the things vsed before time vsurped by the same Bishops and Monkes And hereof in many places sprang that preposterous order for such to choose and order Ministers of the Church as neyther well knowe the Ministers nor yet the Churches ouer which they are set And bicause manye naughty affections are ioyned with ignorance they are manye times therewithall so ledde out of the waye that without all regarde of religion in so weyghtye a matter they seeme to minde none other thing but to shewe the power they haue ouer Churches with as great pride as the Bishops and Monkes did before them Which euill and inconuenience vnlesse it be shortly repressed it will bring vs forth both Simonie the deadly confusion of all ecclesiasticall discipline And all this we are bound to the Bishops of Rome for which haue extorted from the Emperors by bloudy warres that they alone might haue authority to giue Bishopricks and al other whatsoeuer ecclesiasticall Benefices There be yet in Germany not a fewe places which can remember these battayles the Christian bloudshed about the ●ame Certes it is manifest that Henrie the fourth being Emperour both for this diuers other causes ioyned battayle and fought with the Popes in open fielde threescore and two times And at length through the craft and counsayles of the Bishops had his owne sonne as an enimie sent by them against him into the field who at length perceyuing their subtiltie and sleyghtes beganne to withstand them but being ouercome with their importunitie and boldnesse graunted to Calixtus the second all his authority since which time the liberty of the Church pining away as of a deadly disease is at length vtterly lost which libertie whosoeuer will haue restored againe be they Ministers or Magistrates they must knowe that they ought all to labour to haue the auncient vsage of choosing Ministers to be restored againe Nowe to come to the exposition of this present hystory when they had set two before the congregation Ioseph and Matthy men furnished and endued with all kinde of vertues yet none of the Apostles woulde take so much vpon him as to pronounce whether of them should be Apostle naye they thought it not safe to commit so weighty a matter to the number of voices but turning to deuout prayers referre all the successe of the matter to the infallible iudgement of god For they saye Thou Lorde that knowest the hartes of all men shewe whether of these two thou hast chosen c. This is a singular document of godly mindes and of such as will not ouer boldly chalenge to themselues any thing in Gods causes Which example if they would with lyke religion imitate which nowe a dayes haue the handling of Church matters and affayres many things vndoubtedly would succeede more happily than they doe Hereof we gather that the election of Ministers dependeth of God alone and must be referred to him We thinke it the dutie of the Church in this case being lawfully assembled to laye aside all priuate affections to search out such as to whom the function of the Church may safely and conueniently be committed And here we principally require a feruent desire of religion wherevnto fasting was woont to be ioyned that their prayers might be the more ardent and earnest And when there are any found that are thought worthy of so great a charge yet must we not then attribute to much to the iudgement of men But the most commodious and safest way is to referre all the successe of our counsayles to the iudgement of god Although I am not ignoraunt that we finde certaine places of Scripture wherby Ministers myght seeme to be chosen by the iudgement of men and the matter appeareth not to haue bene determined by lottes as here it was wherevnto these sayinges seeme chieflye to be referred which are written 1. Timoth. 3. 5. Titus 1. But I suppose mention is there made only of such things as are requisite in this case for men to doe as ministers and guides the order and president of the Primitiue Church standing still in force the which for diuers and weightie causes is necessary to be obserued still in the Church For first it is euident that the Church is the housholde and family of God as was aforesayde wherein the Ministers be as it were Bayliffes and Stewardes Howbeit none that is wise taketh so much vppon him in another mans house as to prescribe at his pleasure eyther the most vnderlyng seruant or else the Stewarde of the same What absurditie therfore shall it be for any man
Apostles burst into all the worlde which this vehement blast here did foresignifie and in despite of the worlde and Prince of the worlde the doctrine of the gospell was published throughout all Nations Let these thinges comfort vs against the vayne enterprises of the worlde and Tyrannes which studie to stop the course of the gospell For Christe lyueth styll which from hygh derideth the counselles of them and whose spirite bloweth where he wil and is not ruled at mens pleasure Thirdly there appeare clouen tongues as it were of fire which when they were settled vpon the heades of eche of them they were all fylled with the holy ghoste Wee sayde the wynde was a token or signe of the holye ghoste But here commeth a visible signe also of the presence of the spirite that there myght be no doubt at all thereof For this is the maner and trade of God to declare by outwarde tokens the inwarde and spirituall giftes which are conceyued by fayth only and haue their beyng in the mynde The which by reason of the proportion and infallible truth of God wherof they are signes and seales vse to be called after the names of the things that they signifie By this meanes it commeth to passe that Luke reasonyng of the tongues which sate vpon the Apostles heades so speaketh of them as though the spirite him selfe had syt on their heades But it is euident that these tongues were neither essentially the holy ghost nor yet had the holy ghost included in them For who wyll say the substaunce of the holy ghost is of fire except any man list to dote with the Persians which worshipped the fire as a god Who also wyll thinke the holy ghost whiche pierceth through all thinges and whom the scripture teacheth to be euery where present can be inclosed in so small a thyng as a tongue Besydes Luke saith not that the holy ghost sate on their heades but that their mindes were fylled with the holy ghost And the holy ghost shoulde in vayne syt vpon our crownes onlesse he entred into our mindes shewed foorth his power and efficacie Therfore the tongues were tokens of the presence of the holy spirite neither coulde the name of holy ghoste for any other cause be applyed to them than by reason of proportion and similitude that is betweene them as euen nowe was sayde Furthermore as in all other signes whiche God accustometh to vse there is perceaued to be a great lykenesse with the thinges that they signified so here also the presence of the spirite coulde by no other signe haue bene more euidently and properly expressed The lykenesse of tongues was most agreable with the Apostles office whom God had appoynted to be preachers The diuision of the same tongues represented the gift which they chiefly had neede of bicause they must beare witnesse of Christe in all Countries and be vnderstanded of all men And the element of fire signified that the voyce of the Apostles shoulde be effectuous through the workyng of the spirite For by this the spirite as by a bright brenning fire consumeth all the thinges in vs that are carnall and earthly By the same the spirite kindleth the myndes of men with the loue of heauenly thinges that leauing all earthly thinges behinde them they may aspire to the onely eternall goodes of the heauenly kingdome With this the holy ghost warmeth men that are benummed with sinne and maketh them meete and nimble to all good workes and to doe all thinges in Christe And this feruencie and fierie zeale is the proper marke of them which are led with the spirite of Christ Which spirit who so euer feeleth to be quenched in him let him ceasse to glorie in the spirit I coulde here rehearse diuers other effects of Christes spirite but that there is more commodious place to speake therof in the sermon folowyng where it shall be declared what the spirite wrought in the Apostles Let vs acknowledge the truth and goodnesse of Christ wherby he would thus prouide for his Church And let vs prepare our selues after the ensample of the Apostles that we also may be endued with the spirite of Christe and enflamed with the holye loue of God that being founde stoute in the duties of Christian life we may be taken for the true children of God and Coheyres of Iesus Christ to whom be blessing honour glorie and power for euer Amen The eleuenth Homelie AND they began to speake with other tongues euen as the same spirite gaue them vtteraunce There were dwellyng at Hierusalem Iewes deuout men out of euery nation of them that are vnder heauen When this was noysed about the multitude came togither and were astonied bicause that euery man hearde them speake with his owne language They wondred all and marueyled saying among themselues Beholde are not all these which speake of Galiley And howe heare we euery man his owne tongue wherin we were borne Parthyans and Medes and Elamytes and the inhabiters of Mesopotamia and of Iurie and of Capadocia of Pontus and Asia Phrygia and Pamphylia of Egypt and of the parties of Lybia which is beside Syren and straungers of Rome Iewes and Proselytes Greekes and Arabyans we haue hearde them speake in our owne tongues the great workes of god They were all amazed and wondred saying one to another what meaneth this Other mocked saying These men are full of newe wine ALthough the promises of our Lorde and sauiour Iesus Christe were first made to the Apostles and may seeme to belong to them onely Yet is it manyfest that the same are generall and to be extended to all them that doe beleue For as the Apostles bicause of their imperfection and other faultes had neede of the holy ghost and without the helpe of him could not discharge the office committed to them euen so we haue neede of the same spirite bicause if we be destitute of him we can neither order our life christianly nor holde the certainty of faith against the temptations of Satan Therfore the consideration of this present hystorie no man ought to thinke either vnprofitable or superfluous which both strongly mainteyneth the aucthoritie of the Apostolike doctrine also instructeth vs many other wayes For it teacheth vs howe we shoulde prepare our selues to receiue the spirite how we should iudge the spirites As touching the first was spokē yesterday The other may be learned by this presēt place For Luke goeth on in the discription of the hystory declareth the effectes of the holy ghost which he wrought aswel in the Apostles as in their hearers And beginnyng with the Apostles hee attributeth two thinges vnto them which they receyued by the operation of the holy ghost The first is that by and by after they had receyued the holy ghost they began to speake with straunge diuers tongues This is so great wonderful a myracle as I know not whether euer there happened a greater amongst men For who is ignoraunt how
to the grace of God which worketh in vs according to his good pleasure those things that make for his glory and for our and other mennes saluation Let these suffice for declaration of the order of the primitiue Church Let vs knowe it is our partes to be occupied in the same exercises which they sometime were giuen vnto Let the ende of them all be the glorye of God and the saluation of manye whome we must labour to bring vnto christ For so shall it come to passe that we shall haue fauour and authoritie amongest men and shall receyue plenteous fruite of our traueyle in Iesus Christ to whome be blessing honour power and glory for euer Amen The thirde chapiter vpon the Actes of the Apostles The .xx. Homelie PETER and Iohn went vp togither into the Temple at the ninth houre And a certaine man that was halt from his mothers wombe was brought whome they layde dayly at the gate of the Temple which is called bewtifull to aske almes of them that entred into the Temple When hee sawe Peter and Iohn that they woulde go into the Temple he desired to receyue an almes And Peter fastened his eyes on him with Iohn and sayd Looke on vs And he gaue heede vnto them trusting to receyue something of them Then sayde Peter siluer and golde haue I none such as I haue giue I thee In the name of Iesus Christ of Nazareth aryse vp and walke And he tooke him by the right hande and lift him vp And immediatly his feete and ancle bones receyued strength And hee sprang stoode and walked and entred with them into the Temple walking and leaping and praysing God. WE haue perceyued in the Sermon before going what the trade successe and encrease of the primityue Church was This thing of all other was notable that the faythfull grewe in fauoure and authoritie with manye men and caused the wicked to be afrayd of them Among other things mention was made of manye and diuers myracles which Luke sayth the Apostles did Wherefore out of a number he taketh one which gaue occasion of a newe sermon by the which Peter bringeth certaine thousands to the knowledge of Christ as we shall see when we come to the place Nowe bicause this is so singuler a myracle it is meete we diligently discusse all the circumstances therof with as much regard as Luke hath penned them who beginneth first with the occasion of the myracle then he describeth the lame mannes person on whome the myracle was wrought and last of all sheweth what successe folowed of the myracle and what the lame man did after he was healed The occasion of the myracle was that Peter and Iohn about the ninth houre went vp into the temple at what time this lame man was brought thither to aske almes of the people The ninth houre of the day with them was three a clocke at the after noone with vs as maye be gathered of that we sayde in the seconde Chapter touching the counting of houres He calleth it the houre of prayer bicause the people of God had certayne appointed houres when they made their publike prayers as maye be seene as well otherwheres as also in Daniel the sixt Chapter And God had appoynted in the law the morning and euening sacrifice which no man being in his wit will saye was done without prayers Touching the time of mid-day or noone which also was appointed for prayers we shall speake hereafter in the tenth Chapter where Peter at the same houre being in Simon the Tanners house went into the vpper storie thereof to praye And it is not without a cause that the Scriptures make such diligent mention of the houres of prayers For first we are taught hereby that we ought to beginne finishe and ende all our doings with calling on the name of God bicause without his helpe and grace it is impossible for vs to accomplishe any thing well For as Salomon sayth A man deuyseth a waye in his heart but it is the Lord that ordreth his goings Wherevpon the Apostle S. Iames sharpely reprooueth them which without respect vnto the will of God so deliberate and appoint their matters as though the successe of them depended of their owne power Also we are admonished that disciplyne is needefull in the Church according to the which as Paule sayth all things appertayning to religion and the honour of God ought to be done decently and in order We confesse in deede that it is the dutie of Christians in euery place to lift vp pure and cleane handes vnto God when and where we haue neede of his helpe and that he may heare vs Yet bicause Christ hath commended vnto vs publike prayers by a peculiar promise it becommeth vs to haue a speciall care and consideration therof and not without a cause to refraine from the holye congregation which it is euident was instituted long agoe for doctrine and prayers sake And though many things afterwarde grewe into superstition yet ought that to be no impediment vnto vs For the superstition ought to be taken awaye and the primitiue and lawfull vse to be restored Now there is nothing left but the iangling of belles whereby we are called in the morning at noone and at euening to prayers The superstitious vsage whereof many accuse but very fewe traueyle to haue the solemne houres of prayers as they were at the first vsed to be restored The Apostles are specially to be marked who sayth Luke went into the Church at the houre of prayer Which was not for the sacrifice sake that then was offred as was heretofore declared But bicause they were desirous to praye and also hoped to finde some occasion whereby to teache the people And they would not bicause of the pieuishe superstition of the Iewes which easily might be corrected leaue their dutie vndone and let slippe such an occasion and opportunitie to doe good Whose example teacheth vs that we must seeke all maner of occasion to set forth the doctrine of the Gospell and knowledge of christ The dutie that we owe vnto Christ bindeth vs herevnto For as he intermitted nothing belonging to our saluation so must not we fayle of our duties in enlarging the boundes and borders of his kingdome This caused Paule to thinke the weight and care of all congregations laye on his shoulders And in another place he reioyceth in the attemptes of his aduersaries and yllwillers bicause he perceyued they serued after a sort to the setting forth of the Gospell Let vs be ashamed therefore of our negligence and slouth who like sluggardes to say no woorse doe daily let passe the occasions that the Lord offreth vs And here chiefely hath that saying of the Prophete place Cursed is he that doth the worke of the Lorde negligently Secondly Luke diligently describeth the lame mans person on whome the myracle was afterwarde wrought In which description the excellencie of the myracle and the power of Christ the
author thereof doe euidently appeare First he sayth the man was lame from his mothers wombe and so lame that hauing lost the vse of all his limmes he was fayne to be borne Unto the which ioyne his age taken out of the words that follow for he was fourtie yeare olde and thou shalt perceyue his disease coulde not be cured by any arte of man For such are the diseases for the most part that cleaue vnto vs from our natiuitie or else by long time and continuance of yeares growne as it were into a nature or custome yet was the ende of all moste blessed For those thinges that did aggrauate and increase the poore mannes calamitie serued to the setting forth of Gods glorie for it might haue seemed but a small glorie to Christ for Peter to heale a disease curable by mannes arte and cunning But wheras he whose helth no man euer hoped for was healed by the name of Christ it is euident that Christ is almightie endued with diuine power and therefore is verye god And to this ende commonly serue the greatest calamities which God vseth to take from vs that by those things which no counsel or help of man can remedie he setteth forth the glory of his name Example whereof we haue both here in this place and also in him that was blinde from his natiuitie For the Disciples demaunding whether it was his fault or his parentes that he was borne blinde Christ aunswereth Neyther hath this man sinned nor yet his father and mother but that the woorkes of God shoulde be shewed in him This serueth both for our instruction and consolation For it teacheth vs that we must not rashly iudge of other mennes mishappes and miseries as though they that were fallen therein had deserued them through their vngraciousnesse For many times it commeth to passe that God suffreth vs to be afflicted for none other cause but for that by vs he will set forth his name and glorye Wherefore we must not be to hastie in iudgement least we runne against the same rocke that we reade Iobes friends once did which of his calamitie gathered that through his wickednesse and sinfull life he had deserued the wrath of god Also let them take comfort hereof whose calamities are so great that there is no more hope or helpe for them in man let them not therfore thinke they are forsaken of god But let them yeelde themselues paciently to God to doe his pleasure on them and they shall shortly prooue that those things which they thought were tokens of his wrath pertayned to the glorye of his name and to their saluation wherevnto Paule had a respect when he said We knowe that for them that loue God all things worke to the best Besides this remedilesse disease Luke testifieth he was poore And it is a token of extreeme neede that he was laid euery day at the temple gate which by reason of the gorgeous building was called beautifull to aske almes of them that went by to finde him But that this was against the law of God appeareth by that was sayde in the last sermons For Gods lawe is manifest forbidding any begger to be in Israel And many thinges are commaunded of God for the relieuing of the poore which he woulde haue so ordred that our brethren shoulde not go abrode lyke publike stages and woondermentes of miserie and beggerie whereof they were little mindefull as appeareth by example of this miserable creature who was as it maye seeme by his bringing euery day to the Temple gate one of Ierusalem and dwelling in a most welthye Citie And yet he is compelled amongst his brethren and among an infinite number of Priests to begge for his liuing Such other haue we described Iohn 9. and Marc. 10. This declareth the great corruption and degeneration of the Iewish nation For hereby it appeareth that the goodes which God had appointed to feede the poore with were alienated from them and through abuse transposed other wayes So true it is that there is nothing in right order among thē which in Gods religion dare rashly dispence with any thing contrary to his word And not long after extreme destruction folowed such extreme corruption Wherby we may iudge what we ought to looke for in these dayes who are in lyke fault as the Iewes were For we contrarye to the example of the primitiue Church suffer those to begge whome we ought to take and loue as our brethren The true vse of the Church goodes is marred and depraued by the Papistes and those thinges serue to the maintenaunce of ydle men wherewith the poore of the Church ought to be found and nourished And although they that bragge of the Gospell haue put awaye superstition and ydolatrie yet all their reformations of the Church stop here when they shoulde dispose the Church goodes truly and relieue the poore Christians whereby it is manifest that a great many vnder the cloke of the Gospell seeke but their owne gaine onely But Christ which shall come in the later daye to reuenge the quarell of the poore will not fayle of his dutie Last of all this is to be considered in the lame man that Luke sayth he asked almes of the Apostles But where he was daily layde at the gate of the Temple it is not vnlike that he was ignorant what miracles they did euery daye Why then did he not rather aske the health of his body Shall we iudge of him according to the propertie of the beggers in our dayes which cast themselues into diseases and refuse to be healed whereby to get the more by begging God forbid For so great a benefite coulde not haue light vpon so prophane a contemner of God and his grace Me thinketh rather it was for cause he was nowe vtterlye in dispayre to be cured of his disease There were in deede diuers examples of many which Christ had restored to their former health but he knewe of none borne lame from his mothers wombe that he had healed Wherefore since he was out of all hope of hauing his health againe he thought it in vaine to desire it of any body and hauing none other care but for his liuing he asked of the Apostles that which thereto belonged But he receyued more than eyther hee durst hope for or aske For he is deliuered from his sickenesse and made a singuler instrument and vessell of Gods goodnesse and glory which he did vse to the saluation of manye This is a singuler goodnesse of God towardes vs which oftentimes vseth to preuent and to doe beyonde all our hope and prayers in so much that he giueth vs both more and greater things than we once coulde haue hoped for So he promiseth vnto Abraham being onely carefull for Ismael his life a sonne also by Sara called Isaac So brought he the people of Israel out of Egypt with all their owne substance and part of the Egyptians also who scarce euer hoped to
in vaine will he be mooued with other argumentes Here we haue to consider the state of the later daye which Peter expresseth in two wordes First he calleth it a daye of refreshing by a figure called Synecdoche This perteineth only to the godly which then shall feele refreshing and be deliuered from all griefe and sorrowe Then shall God wype away all teares from their eyes And there shall be no more death neyther sorrow neyther crying c. Then also shall they be enriched with those goodes which neyther eye hath seene nor eare hearde nor can be comprehended by any reason of man. Then as many as liued in the worlde and suffered all kinde of griefes in the flesh paciently shall as Iobe sayth see God in their flesh For the which cause Christ biddeth vs lift vp our heades when we see the signes going before the later daye for then our redemption draweth neare For the sight of Christ our Iudge can not be terrible to the godlye forasmuch as they vnderstand that he is their Sauiour and aduocate And this is that great benefit that we haue by faith and none otherwaies For faith only maketh vs bolde and sure of saluation at the comming of christ Then shall they finde no helpe in riches in honors nor friendship of the world which while they liued on earth despised this fayth in christ Therfore it behooueth vs to be armed with this hope against all the temptations of this worlde when we be in aduersitie and so shall we neuer be remooued from the waye of saluation Then he calleth it a day of restitution for then shall there be a restitution of al things a perfite and immutable state of creatures Which many looke for in vaine as long as they liue in this world For this world is full of confusion and breedeth new troubles euery day wherwith the kingdome of Christ sometime hath bene so assaulted that it might seeme vtterly to haue quayled But in the later day this kingdome shall be so set vp as the Prophetes haue prophecied For when all the power of our aduersaries shall be brought vnder Christes feete there shall be nothing more to trouble the faithfull and then shall be that ioyfull and peaceable state of all thinges that the Prophetes many times make mention of At that daye shall the bodies be restored againe howsoeuer they haue perished For the sea shall giue vp hir deade and so shall death and hell There shall be restored a ioyfull and blessed condicion of the worlde And this engine and frame of the world that now groneth vnder the burthen of corruption shal be deliuered and made such as it was before it was accursed for the sinne of man For there shall bee newe heauens and a newe earth wherein righteousnesse shall dwell Euery man shall receyue in his bodye according as he hath done whether it be well or euill Yea and Christ himselfe when he hath put downe all rule and all things be subdued vnto him shall be subiect vnto him that put all things vnder him and shal deliuer vp the kingdome to God the father that God may be all in all To conclude then shal be such a restitution of all things as we can now neyther vtter by woordes nor comprehende by reason for nowe our knowledge is vnperfite and our propheciyng vnperfite but when that which is perfite is come then that which is vnperfite shall be done awaye Nowe we see in a glasse euen in a darcke speaking but then shall wee see face to face In the meane while the consideration hereof serueth to our instruction that we being borne vp with the hope ofthis restitution may paciently suffer whatsoeuer aduersitie and miserie and so order our conuersation oflife by fayth in Christ that that great daye of the Lord may bring vnto vs also comfort and refreshing among other that be godly And so many it seemeth a marueyle that the Lord deferreth his comming so long And perhaps the Iewes might mooue some question hereof For where we measure God after the propertie of our flesh we cannot choose but marueyle at Gods tariaunce and deferring of iudgement But Peter aunswereth such questions where he sayth that Christ must remaine in the heauens or reigne in heauen vntill all things be restored and fulfilled that the Prophetes haue prophecied He hath on the earth fulfilled the affaires of our redemption But there remained as yet certaine things to be done long before decreed by God and foreshewed For it behooued the Gospell shoulde be preached in all the world and that the Gentiles should be brought into the fellowship of the Church as all the Prophetes by one consent testifie There remayned the mysterie of Antichrist through whose tyrannie it was needefull the Church shoulde be tried and the number of Christes martyrs fulfilled Christ therefore hath giuen a place to these things by his going into heauen hauing receyued all power in heauen and in earth Let no man therefore thinke he is vnmindefull eyther of vs or of his dutie bicause he deferreth his comming and daye of iudgement For he knoweth what he hath to doe in all thinges Let it comfort vs that we knowe he reigneth in heauen There let vs seeke him with mindes lift vp by faith without any care ofhis corporall presence in earth vntill that great daye come when like a lightning he shall appeare vnto vs sodenly Woulde to God they would diligently examine Peters wordes which now a dayes bicause they woulde ratifie a bodily presence of Christ in the earth saye that his humaine nature by reason of the coniunction it hath with the godly is so extended and so pierceth through all places that it cannot be circumscribed or conteyned neyther within time nor place Let them therfore looke what aunswere to make to Peter who appointeth to him both a time and a place Yea he affirmeth it is so appoynted of God that he should be taken into heauen and shoulde sit there vntill that last day came when he shall returne to be a iudge and to bestowe fully vpon the godlye the restitution long agone promised I knowe they iumble heauen and earth togither and by this worde heauen vnderstande the heauenlye glorye and conuersation that he is in here on earth But as this glose cannot be prooued by scripture so was it vtterly vnknowne to the learned antiquitie and therefore it needeth no great confutation Therefore leauing their quiddities let vs learne of this thirde part of the sermon that in our sinnes we despaire not of Gods grace but through repentance and true faith let vs returne vnto God and so let vs prepare our selues that that daye on vs also may shine happie and ioyfull when Iesus Christ shall come to deliuer those that be his and to condemne the wicked to whome be praise honour power and glory for euer Amen The .xxiiij. Homelie Moyses truly sayde vnto the fathers
he preferreth Publicanes and harlots to the kingdome of God before these whome Peter here reasoneth with Let this comfort vs that we knowe Christes honor remayneth safe and sounde howsoeuer the wicked worlde rageth against him For of him hath God sayde from euerlasting I haue set my king vppon my holy hill of Syon I will preache the lawe whereof the Lorde hath sayde vnto me Thou art my sonne this daye haue I begotten thee Aske of me and I shall giue thee the heathen for thine enheritance c. Secondly here is an Allegorie to be considered where the Rulers of the Church are compared vnto builders For this thing both admonisheth them of their dutie and setteth forth their whole office The name of a builder is not a name of honor but of charge and dutie and there is nothing so vnsitting for a deuiser or builder as ydlenesse For he onely amonge other that worke laboureth not but yet the whole charge and care of all the building lyeth on his shoulders And his ende is to haue a faire and sure house builded Which ende that he may attaine vnto he layeth a sure foundation vpon the which he setteth his whole frame and his whole care is to haue it workmanly finished These thinges the Ministers of the Churche must obserue whome the Lord hath called to labours and cares For they are builders of the house of God which is the congregation as Paule saith To the building vp of this house let them bring al that they are able remēbring that they haue receyued power to builde and not to destroye Let them laye no newe foundation but builde vpon that which the Lorde hath layde which Paule calleth the foundation of the Prophetes and Apostles which is Iesus Christ. This is that precious stone layd 〈◊〉 the foundations of Zion This is that rocke wherevpon we liuely stones must be builded and against which the gates of hell shall not be able to preuayle Now as the building must be begunne with this stone so the same stone is the chiefe and headstone of the toppe or corner For in him is our perfection and he ioyneth togither two nations the Gentyles and the Iewes into one body of a congregation as the corner stone ioyneth togither two walles He professeth also he is the doore of this building He is the true housholder which hath committed the charge of the house to the Ministers and will one day require a reckonning how they haue vsed his house Therefore let all Ministers regarde this goodman of the house and take heede that they bring no heye or stubble to this building where mennes traditions haue naught to doe As many as fayle in this poynt they with the Iewes being builders vpon a naughtie fayth reiect Christ on whome they fall and procure destruction to themselues After the which rule if they be well examined which nowe a dayes will be taken for builders of the Church it shall easily appeare what they may be iudged to be Last of all this chiefe principle of Christian beliefe must be deepelye layde vp in our mindes wherein Peter ascribeth to Christ onely the whole glory of our redemption and saluation saying There is saluation in none other That he prooueth by the decree of God adding For among men vnder heauen there is giuen none other name wherein we must be saued For as in the world euery thing must be brought to passe by those meanes which god hath appointed therevnto so is it impossible that saluation can be attayned to by any other meanes than by the merite of Christ whom God which is the only author of mans saluation hath appointed from euerlasting to this purpose and businesse And where it is euident Goddes decree can not be broken Peter thought this one place sufficient ynough to confirme his opinion which otherwise had other infinite places wherby to prooue the same For no man can discharge the dutie of a Sauiour but he that can take awaye sinne ouercome death make intercession for vs before God and giue righteousnesse and lyfe to them that beleeue in him That all these thinges be in the power of Christ onely all the Scripture teacheth vs and himselfe cryeth out in the Prophete I am the Lorde This is my name and my glorye will I not giue to another And of him onely the father bare witnesse from heauen This is my beloued sonne in whome I am well pleased Of him he sometime pronounced by the Prophete This is my seruaunt vppon whome I leane mine elect in whome my soule is pacified In him is giuen vnto vs grace and veritie In him are all the treasures of knowledge wisedome and goodnesse of God opened vnto vs. He is made vnto vs of God wisedome righteousnesse satisfaction redemption and sanctification He is to them that hunger the breade of life and to them that thirst a fountaine of liuelye water He promiseth to them that traueyle and are laden refreshing giueth it them He onely is the waye which whosoeuer taketh not hee cannot come vnto the father He is the lambe of God slayne from the beginning of the world through whose merite both the olde fathers were saued and as many as beleeue in him shall be saued vntill the worldes ende Finally in him Paule testifyeth that we be chosen before the foundations of the worlde were layde Therefore by this place all other religions which shewe vs any newe meanes of saluation beside Christ are confuted With this Rammer the Gentyles Idolatrie the Iewes righteousnesse in their lawe the Phariseyes boasting and hypocrisie the Popedome with all their market of pardons and merites and all that confused Chaos of Monkish orders are beaten downe ouerturned and brought to the grounde For whatsoeuer is beside Iesus can neuer saue vs Therefore they condemne not vs but Peter of heresie which in these dayes excommunicate vs bicause we cleaue to Iesus our onely sauiour contemning those things which the superstition of man hath brought vp But we easily contemne their iudgementes which learne of Peter that it is no marueyle if manye of the builders reiect this precious stone We embrace him with constant fayth without whome there is no saluation and which hath promised to all them that beleeue in him saluation and life euerlasting To him be praise honour power and glory for euer Amen The .xxviij. Homelie WHEN they sawe the boldnesse of Peter and Iohn and vnderstoode that they were vnlearned and laye men they marueyled and they knewe them that they had bene with Iesu And beholding also the manne which was healed standing with them they coulde not saye agaynst it but commaunded them to go aside out of the Counsell and counsayled among themselues saying what shall we do to these men for a manifest signe is done by them and is openly knowne to all them that dwell in Hierusalem and wee cannot denie it But that it bee
shoute required to haue Christ most shamefully crucifyed There are infinite lyke examples which teach vs that Tirauntes cannot allwaye doe what they list These serue to encourage vs that we be not afrayde at the vaine threates of the worlde but to follow our vocacion boldely and not to doubt of Gods defence and ayde who hauing nombred the heares of our heade will suffer nothing to happen vnto vs without his good prouidence and pleasure He defendeth those that be his in the middle of Babylon and Egipt as long as he seeth they serue to set fourth his glorie and to bring other into the way of saluation And when they haue finished their course he calleth them vnto him And although it may then seeme the wicked haue some power vpon them yet is it none other but that they ryd the godly out of this myserable dungeon of the flesh whereas they themselues in the meane season fill vp the measure of their iniquitie and be receiued into Hell among them which brought feare into the lande of the lyuing Furthermore we may behold the state and condicion that tyrants are in when they seeme to be of most power and authority that is to say how while they go about to put many in feare they stande in feare of many The same cōmeth to passe in them that we see fal out among cruell beasts such as are Beares Lions Panthers other like These beasts are fierce against all they meete with are feared of all men Yet men make taltrops digge pits for them and make engines to kill them wherby it commeth to passe many times that that beast which not long before made an whole country afraid is killed by the hande of some one man the most cowarde and fearefullest of al other men Tyrants many times find it so commeth to passe by them and therefore they are still vexed wyth the preposterous feare and dread of the people and going about to make all men afrayde liue in feare of them that are nearest about them as Luke in this place saith these men did Hence proceede those exquisite gardes that Tyrauntes haue about them for preseruation of their bodies and lyfe For this cause most times they wage souldiours and armed men out of straunge Countries and promyse them selues more safety in the defence of straungers than in their owne countrymen bicause among straungers they thinke there be none that hope for any gaine by their death For this cause Masinissa King of Numidia being both in amitie and league with the people of Rome and hauing foure and fiftie children garded his bodie with mastiues and bande dogs reposing in them a more sure succour and defence than in men whome he knewe hee had many times offended What shall we say of Dionysius which caused his daughters to learne the Barbers craft bycause he woulde not commit his throte to the handes of men And after his daughters were mariageable woulde trust them no longer nor neuer woulde company wyth any of his wyues before they were dilygently searched and ransaked But Histories be ful of these examples which may both comfort vs against tyrantes and teach all men that be in authoritie to doe iustlye and truely and not to thinke their lyfe safe through vnbrydeled authoritie For the more they make afrayde the more they prouoke to lye in wayte for their goodes and lyues And whosoeuer be ledde wyth the feare of God and thinke to follow his commaundements and moderate their authoritie and power after the same although sometimes the wicked craftily laye wayte for them yet shall they perceyue that God defendeth them who can easily scatter the deuyses of all that are seditious as we are taught by the examples of Dauid and Ezechias Last of all Luke telleth what the Apostles did after they were let gone saying They came vnto their fellowes and shewed them all that the highe Priestes and Elders had sayde So they declare all the matter to the congregation both for that they woulde mooue them to prayer as the things following declare and also that perceyuing the threates and attemptes of their enimies they might all arme themselues with a christian valiantnesse and pacience and as farre as they might without preiudice of religion take heede of their ginnes and snares By which example we are taught that it is lawfull for Ministers of the Church to declare openly to the congregation whatsoeuer the professed enimies of the truth take in hande agaynst Christ and his flocke Which thing manye nowe a dayes thinke not onely superfluous but also to haue in it some likelyhoode of sedition when eyther the Popes Bulles or the decrees of Synodes and Counsayles and horrible threates of Antychrist are recited before the Congregation But by these mennes iudgement both Christ and his Apostles shall be accused of sedition who it is euident many times thus did Let vs rather remember that the Ministers of the Churche are appointed to be shepeheardes and watchmen It is therefore their dutie to rebuke Woolues and to warne the sheepe of daungers at hande The ende of all these things is that the faithfull shoulde turne vnto God by prayers and amendement of lyfe and be armed with Christian fortitude and constancie of fayth that when we haue ouercome all the attemptes of our enimies we may be taken at length into the blessed kingdome of Iesus Christ to whome be praise honor power and glory for euer Amen The .xxx. Homelie AND when they hearde that they lift vp their voyces to God with one accorde and sayde Lorde thou art God which hast made heauen and earth the sea and all that in them is which by the mouth of thy seruaunt Dauid hast sayde why did the heathen rage and the people imagine vaine things The kinges of the earth stoode vp and the Rulers came togither against the Lorde and against his annoynted for of a truth against thy holy childe Iesus whom thou hast annoynted both Herode and also Pontius Pylate with the Gentyles the people of Israel gathered themselues togither to do whatsoeuer thy hande and thy counsell determined before to be done And nowe Lorde beholde their threatenings and graunt vnto thy seruantes that with all confidence they may speake thy worde So that thou stretch foorth thine hande that healing and signes and woonders bee done by the name of thy holy chylde Iesus And as soone as they had prayed the place moued where they were assembled togither and they were all filled with the holy ghost AS our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ doth oftentimes make mention of the persecutions of the godly so the holy ghost woulde haue Luke diligently to set forth the persecutions of the primitiue Church not only for to maintaine the truth of Christes sayinges but partly for that we shoulde not be offended at the aduersitie and tribulation wherwith the church is now a dayes troubled as at a straunge and vnwoonted thing and partly for that we
man might iudge them rather kindled and enflamed with the threats of their enimies than made afrayde Whereof more shall be sayde in the next Sermon We are taught by this example that God neglecteth not the praiers of the godlye but that his eyes be fixed vpon the iust and his eares open vnto their prayers Let vs follow the example of the primitiue Church in these dayes where most cruell enimies euerywhere conspire togither against the truth and turning our selues vnto God by prayer let vs commit our whole cause vnto him let vs beseech him of increase of fayth and the holye ghost that we be not ouercome with any daungers or terrors but that after we haue happily ended the course of our life we may be receyued into his heauenly kingdome there to liue with Iesus Christ to whome be prayse honour power and glory for euer Amen The .xxxj. Homelie AND they spake the worde of God boldly And the multitude of them that beleeued were of one heart and of one soule Neyther sayd any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his owne but they had all things common And with great power gaue the Apostles witnesse of the resurrection of the Lord iesu And great grace was with them all Neyther was there any among them that lacked For as many as were possessours of lands or houses solde them and brought the price of the things that were solde and layde it downe at the Apostles feete And distribution was made vnto euery man according as he had neede And Ioses which was called of the Apostles Barnabas that is to saye the sonne of consolation being a Leuite and of the countrie of Cyprus hauing lande solde it and layde the price downe at the Apostles feete AS Luke the Euangelist hath diligently described the first persecution that was raysed against the Apostles so reporteth he as diligentlye what the faithfull did during the time of these whurly burleys The ende of all which is that we should learne what to doe in like case First and foremost they gaue themselues vnto prayers which they powred out before God with one feruent accorde of minde To God likewise must we resort in our aduersities and not to the vaine helpe of the fleshe And we must aske of him not such things as serue the carelesnesse and ydlenesse of the fleshe but such as concerne the setting forth of Christs kingdome Now let vs see the other exercises of the primitiue Church wherby it shall appeare that they intermitted nothing that belonged to their dutie First Luke speaketh of the Apostles and all those who had the office of teaching committed to them He sayth they preached the worde of God with confidence that is boldly and freely whervnto a little after is added with great power gaue the Apostles witnesse of the resurrection of the Lorde Iesu. They accomplished therefore that which they protested they woulde doe contrarie to the decree of the counsayle Luke maketh mention only of the resurrection not for that they only preached the same only but bicause thereby Christ perfited and fulfilled the businesse of our redemption and saluation and for that we shoulde not thinke the Apostles yeelded anye thing to the Saduceyes which then were in greatest authoritie And it is not without a cause that Luke maketh mention of doctrine first of all other things for therevnto a principall care must always be had For where we are regenerate by doctrine and by the same the Church is gathered togither without the same the Church cannot stande in hir full strength and vigour Neyther was it without the prompting of the holy ghost that Salomon in tune past sayde When prophecying fayleth the people go to hauock And that this was truly sayde the examples of all ages abundantly testifye Wherefore as before he sayde the Church continued in the preaching and doctrine of the Apostles so now also he testifieth the Apostles are most mindefull and earnest in their office By which examples Ministers are admonished that they must not suffer the libertie of preaching to be taken from them through feare of persecution and threatning of enimies nor when daunger approcheth cease not to feede Christes sheepe with the word of doctrine and comfort For that is the propertie of hyrelings as Christ sayth and not of those which are readie to lay downe their liues according to the example of Christ for the sheepe committed to their charge But bicause men are much faultie herein it shall be profitable diligently to discusse this example that hereby Ministers may learne what appertaineth to them to doe And first bold libertie of teaching and vnfearefull affiance of minde is attributed to the Apostles Which is necessary for all ministers as it is plaine bicause there will be alwayes some that woulde haue them brydled and musseled For Christ witnesseth that the worlde cannot abide the light of the truth The same worlde cannot abide to be aduertised and reprehended So that there were in the olde time which durst say vnto the Prophetes Prophecie not to vs Looke not out right things for vs but speake faire wordes vnto vs looke out errours get you out of this waye depart out of this path and turne the holy one of Israell from vs. And Paule sayeth there shall be in the later dayes which shall not abide the worde of truth but hauing the ytch in their eares shal get them an heape of teachers which shall bring doctrine agreeable to their corrupt affections And we see it is euerywhere true that he prophecied Here therfore is required an Apostolike liberty bolde affiance of preaching whereby Bishoppes in the Church may applie their office in season and out of season that they maye encourage others of whom there is yet some hope remayning and deliuer their owne soules that the bloude of them that perishe be not required at their handes Furthermore it is sayd they chiefely inculcated the article of resurrection aboue all other And in deede this was the principall and chiefe article wherewith the chiefe of the Iewes were most offended For through this article they were conuinced partly of putting Christ vniustly to death and partly the Saduceyes coulde not suffer the same to be preached as who denied the resurrection Yet notwithstanding the Apostles boldly and stoutly preached the same so that it maye appeare they had a great care of the same This example teacheth vs that those articles are chiefely to be vrged which the aduersaries vse most to impugne For all things in the ministerie of the worde must be directed to edification and profite And the next care must be that the thing which is edified or builded must not fall downe againe But he shall performe none of these prosperously which most constantly resisteth not when the truth of doctrine is assaulted with the craft tiranny of the enimies and is moste in hazarde They that are set to defende Cities and Castelles vse
seene these men turned out againe by Monkes and Bishops and that they haue founde no helpe or succour in those goodes which they had layde vp for that vse to defende the Church by force agaynst the open enimies of religion And better successe let them not looke for which commit lyke offence For if Ananias and Sapphira deserued sodeyne death who as Luke writeth tooke nothing from the Church but deceytfully put aside and withhelde part of their owne goods what deathes and mischiefes doe not they deserue ▪ which dare ryfle Churches by open force and publike authoritie Let vs in these things acknowledge the power of Iesus Christ who as he alwayes doth vouchsafe to be mercifull to his Church so will he not suffer hir to be beguiled but will worthily punish both hir professed enimies and persecutors and also all hypocrites and deceyuers that the synceritie of true religion may be preserued to him be prayse honor power glorye for euer Amen The .xxxiiij. Homelie AND great feare came on all the congregation and as many as hearde it By the handes of the Apostles were many signes and wonders shewed among the people And they were all togither with one accorde in Salomons porch An● of other durst no man ioyne himselfe to them Neuerthelesse the people magnified them The number of them that beleeued in the Lord both of men and women grewe more and more in so much that they brought the sicke into the streetes and layde them on the beddes and couches ●hat at the least waye the shadowe of Peter when he came by might shadowe some of them There came also a multitude out of the Cities rounde about vnto Ierusalem bringing sicke folkes and them which were vexed with vncleane spirites And they were healed euery one WEe haue hearde the horrible example of Goddes iudgement whereby Ananias and his wife Sapphira were punished with sodeyne death both for that they falsly counterfeyted a fayth in Christ and al so went about to beguyle the Churche in the goodes that were giuen for the reliefe of the poore This example teacheth vs how great the seueritie of God is in punishing of hypocrytes who as he cannot be deceyued so can he not but be grieuouslye offended with them that go about to beguyle him We haue seene also what a feruent desire was in the primitiue Church to conserue and mainteyne discipline least eyther dissemblers or open malefactors shoulde creepe in and cause the fayth of Christ eyther to be defamed or suspected And to thintent all posteritie myght be enflamed to followe the same this present place followeth which rehearseth manye and singuler fruites of this example whereto are adioyned the traueyles and exercises of the primitiue Church to thintent we maye learne by them what we haue in these dayes to doe if we desire to haue the kingdome of God enlarged or Christ to be fauourable vnto vs. First Luke sayeth And great feare came on all the congregation and on as manye as hearde these thinges Then the Christians feared as well as straungers to whome the report of this thing came And this was no vnprofitable feare for by it the godlye were the more aware and traueyled the more earnestly in Gods affayres ▪ and the enimies durst doe the lesse against the Church which they sawe had the spirite of God so manifestlye with them This is the chiefe fruite of ecclesiasticall discipline that it keepeth the godly in doing their dutie and feareth the vngodly Now a dayes bicause all men may doe what they will the Churches being disordered by licentiousnesse of lyfe become a praye to the enimies Here must we also learne the vse of Gods iudgementes which consisteth in this that by them we learne Gods iustice and being afrayde amende our liues by the godly consideration thereof God taught vs this vse ▪ when he shewed Abraham the horrible destruction of Sodome saying I knowe that he will commaund his housholde and his children after him that they keepe the way of the Lord and doe after right and conscience And for this cause woulde ●e that the presidentes of his iudgementes shoulde be recorded in writing and be reade in the Church both priuately and apertly as Asaph testifieth where he thus writeth He made a couenant with Iacob and gaue Israel a law which he commaunded our forefathers to teache their children That their posteritie might knowe it and the children which were yet vnborne To the intent that when they grew vp they might shew their children the same That they might put their trust in God and not to forget the woorkes of God but to keepe his commaundementes And not to be as their forefathers c. Therefore this vse of Gods iudgement whereby Ananias and Sapphiras dissimulation is punished must also be now a dayes retained that we may conceyue a true feare of God and take heede of hypocrisie and worship God in spirite and truth as Christ hath commaunded vs yea let all men be excited with this example and applye vnto themselues whatsoeuer any where in hystories is written of this kinde that by other mennes examples they maye learne what they haue to doe if they meane to auoyde the wrath of God. Secondlye it is sayde of the Apostles that by their ministerie many signes and woonders were shewed among the people Wherby it appeareth the prayers of the faythfull were hearde also in this behalfe which besought God that the Apostles might be endued with myracles through the authoritie whereof they might be holpen in setting forth the kingdome of christ And they worke not only common myracles but their power is extended so farre that the diseased layde in the streete desire but the shadowe of Peter pa●sing by and thinke that it will helpe them Nowe beginneth that saying of Christ to be fulfilled He that beleeueth in mee the woorkes that I doe he shall doe the same and greater than these shall he doe This is the second fruit of ecclesiasticall discipline that God heareth the prayers of the Church and encreaseth the gifts of his spirite where contrarily he abhorreth their prayers which stop their eares at his lawe This appeareth by histories which euidently declare that the rarer giftes of the holy ghost and working of myracles began then to cease when discipline beganne to waxe dissolute and corruption of maners encreased Yet let no man thinke that superstition is here defended by that is written of Peters shadowe no more than by that we shall afterwarde heare of Paules handkerchefe ▪ Some vse thus to reason of this place If Peters shadow helped many how much more shall his rayment and bones And herof springeth all that confused Chaos of superstition which we see is in pilgrimages about Saints reliques wherof the most part be counterfeyted But we say that these myracles were not wrought to testifie eyther of Peter or Paules power but to confirme the preaching of the Gospell whereof they were ministers Therefore they
thinke we will come to passe if the corrupt affections of the fleshe be taken to counsayle or if iudgementes be rashly and vnaduisedly giuen The example of Nicholas teacheth vs further what a care and consideration they ought to haue which thinke they stande sure least perhaps they fall For as of nature we be proue to all kinde of vice so the deuill our common enimie is not ydle but walk eth still vp and downe like a roring Lion seeking whome hee maye deuoure Neyther ought they to promise them selfe securitie and safety which haue before their eyes the falles of so many holy men and knowe that euen the iust man falleth seauen times in a daye To conclude they are reproued by this example which vaunt themselues in the bare name of Predecessors and succession manifestly offending agaynst the lawes of god We see the Nicholaites which seeme to haue bene the beginners of the heretikes called Gnostici the wickedst kinde of people that euer the worlde brought forth had this Nicholas for their author whome the primitiue Church thought not onely worthy to be of the number of the faythfull but as farre passing others chose him to be one of the Deacons Paule sayeth that Antichrist shall sit in the very Church And Christ out of the Prophetes teacheth vs that abhomination shall occupie the holy place It is therefore foolishnesse to brag of succession and holynesse of order and not to endeuour to aunswere our vocation But let vs rrturne to the Deacons whom we sayde were euen now elected and let vs see what was furthermore done For they enter not by and by into their office but are first confirmed by common authoritie And first they are set before the Apostles as vnto whom belonged chiefely both the charge of the whole Church and care of the poore Wherby those new Deacons were taught that they ought so to behaue themselues in their office that they might be able to giue an accompt to the Apostles whose seueritie in these affayres not long before appeared in the examples of Ananias and Sapphira By thys example the men of our dayes be reprooued which thinke it meete that Ministers of the worde and congregation should be vtterly debarred from the viewe and ouersight of publike goods and that it is vnfit they should talke of the distribution and distributors of Ecclesiasticall goodes Howbeit it is euident that they ought not to neglect the care of the poore whome Christ hath put in charge with his whole church For with what reason shall they neglect one peece which are bounde to see to the whole Therefore these men must eyther denie that the poore belong to the Church or else they must needes let the Ministers haue a care and ouersight of them And howe can they denie but the poore are a part of the Church seeing Christ so tendereth them that he taketh whatsoeuer is done to them as done to hymselfe But it is playne what these men of oures hunt for verilie euen this that without all restraynt and feare of discipline and comptrolment they may make hauock of the Church goodes at their pleasure which goodes were appoynted for the reliefe of the poore Therefore whosoeuer wyll faythfully and with commendation liue in the ministerie must not stowpe or yeelde to this their tyrannie Secondarily Luke maketh mention of prayers These the Church with one consent powred forth for the Deacons newly chosen that they might obteyne for them the giftes of the holy ghost whereof they knewe they had most neede They commend vnto vs by their example the studie and care of religion which as in all other things so in those things which belong to the publike administration of the church it is chiefely to be regarded And they are not vnworthily iudged wicked which contemptuouslye neglect prayers eyther priuate or publike Furthermore we are taught that we should pray earnestly for all them which are in any publike office For as such men labour not for themselues onely but are carefull and vigilaunt for the weale publike so if they offend in any thing commonly it is the occasion of some publike euill Therefore we see howe the Church not long before made their publike and common prayers for the Apostles And Paule commendeth himselfe to the publike prayers of the congregations that he may preache the worde of saluation freely and wyth open mouth He commaundeth the christians to pray for magistrates and all other in authoritie that they that are not able in other things at leastwise with their prayers myght helpe and promote the publike weale Which was a thing so obserued in the primitiue Churche as Ecclesiasticall wryters testifie that the christians daylie prayed vnto God for the Romaine Emperours being yet infidels And surely it is an argument both of an vnthankefull and blockishe minde to haue no care of them to whom the weale publike is committed The thirde thing in their election was the imposition of handes which was partly a signe of their consecration and partly of their commission For as the priestes in times past vsed to laye their handes vpon the sacrifices thereby declaring they were consecrated vnto God so did the Apostles vse to lay handes vpon the Ministers of the Church to the ende they might knowe they were consecrated vnto God and be the more assured of their vocation And it was not a little needefull for them to be admonished hereof by a publike ceremonie For except a man certainely vnderstande that he is called and ordayned of God he shall doe his dutie no longer than he seeth all things proceede prosperously For if aduersity begin once to thunder bicause he is vpholden with no hope of Gods helpe he shall dishonestly forsake his tackle and standing In the meane whyle let vs diligently obserue that they ioyne prayers to the imposition of handes For hereby the declare that the grace of the holy ghost is not tyed to the outwarde signe but that it commeth from God and is to be obteyned by godly prayer And this is the most sincere way of making Ministers and Deacons of the Church which it is euydent the primitiue church vsed many yeares With the which if a man would compare the things that the Papistes obserue he shall see the auncient simplicitie vtterly worne out and all the thinges which belong to the true worship of God and which should admonishe men of their dueties with most vayne and colde ceremonies all to be blotted and blurred But least any man might thinke this ordeining of Deacons and so diligent a correction of this errour had beene superfluous or vnprofitable Luke sheweth that great vtilitie ensued therof For the word of God increased both for that it spread farther vnto others and also for that it did bring forth more fruite in the mindes of them which before had hearde and receyued it Then agayne the number of the faythfull whome the chiefe Byshops and priestes desyred not onely to
put that thought in his hart Or else coulde it spring of it selfe in such an one as had bene brought vp in Courtly pastymes and taught in the sciences of Egypt No. Then it was the secrete motion of the holye spirite which twitched Moyses by the eare being as one in a sleepe and awoke his mynde with the consideration of auncient promises making hym to ioyne himselfe to that people of whose stocke he vnderstoode that the Sauiour of mankinde shoulde be borne Paule agreeth herewith which attributeth Moyses doing vnto fayth which fayth all the whole Scripture teacheth to be the gyfte of god For he sayeth By fayth Moyses when he was great or in honor refused to be called the sonne of Pharaoes daughter and chose rather to suffer aduersitie with the people of God than to enioye the pleasures of sinne for a season and estemed the rebuke of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt Also it appeareth very euidently by this place that all the prayse of their deliuerye is to be ascribed to God alone who did not onely giue Moyses strength but put a will thereto in his heart also This must in the meane season serue for our learning that Moyses tooke not on hym the care of his brethren tyll he was stirred vp by god Hereof gather we an vniuersall doctrine that they which are yet ledde with worldly and fleshely desyres and ruled by worldly wysedome can doe nothing that is good or commendable in Gods affayres vnlesse they be drawne by the motion of the holy ghost forasmuch as of our selues as Paule sayth we can not thinke well And Christ teacheth vs that no man commeth to him except the father drawe him Wherefore the bryde in Salomon cryeth out not without a cause Drawe mee after thee Wherevpon it foloweth agayne that no prayse of merite is due to our workes but that whatsoeuer good thing we doe it is of grace onely Also Moyses example teacheth vs our dutie that when God stirreth and draweth vs we must yeelde thereto and shewe our selues obedyent For of such force is Gods calling with the faythfull that it can not want effect for as much as Christ sayth this is the propertie of his sheepe to heare his voyce and to follow it Which thing they vse to doe with such feruencie and zeale that they despise all thinges that might hynder their calling as noysome and but verie dunge and againe thinke nothing intollerable or to harde that is ioyned with Gods calling Both these thinges we see in the example of Moyses For as soone as he heareth the worde of God speaking in his heart without anye delaye hee refuseth the delycacies of the Court the pompe of the Realme the dignities of publike authoritie the friendship of greatmen riches ease and whatsoeuer else like is to be had in the court In steade of these he chooseth traueyles pouertie shame and infinite daungers wherewith he sawe the people of God euery daye vexed vnder most cruell enimies And that we see Moses did the same we see in the Apostles who although they forsooke not so great ryches yet that little they had they forsooke with as earnest an affection and zeale as he did Unto whome we may ioyne Zachaeus and diuers other With the example of whome if we compare our owne sluggishe slouthfulnesse who thinke it not meete nor reasonable to lose or suffer any thing for Christes sake it shall plainely appeare howe farre we yet be from a christian perfection For this is that forsaking and denying of themselfe that Christ requireth of his Disciples This is that obedience of fayth that Paule euery where vrgeth and without the which the profession of a christian name is vnprofitable But some will obiect we confesse all that is here sayde of Moses yet it is to be thought that the fathers by their merites deserued that God should appoint hym to be their reuenger and defendour Steuen therefore prudently preuenteth this obiection and sheweth that the fathers of the Iewes in their delyuerie out of Egypt deserued so little prayse or glorye that rather they were worthy to haue bene perpetually in bondage bicause they reiected the benefite of their redemption offred them of God by Moses verie churlishly and vnworthily And for a proofe hereofhe alleageth the storie written in the seconde of Erasmus where he may see more that thinketh Luke in this place to briefe or short The ende of all is that the fathers despised the benefite of God and Moses their deliuerer wherefore their whole departure out of Egypt was to be attrybuted onely to the fauour of god Steuen also manifestly retorteth the contempt of Moses wherwith they charged him vpon their forefathers and vpbraydeth them wyth their olde vngodlynesse and ingratitude not with rayling in●ent but to shewe them howe well they followed their fathers steppes seeing with like contempt they reiected Christ whom Moses long before commaunded them to heare and to follow But that we omytte not such things as serue for our erudition first of all Moses is to be consydered and in him the dutie of a gouernour or Magistrate He is not ashamed of the people whose Shepheard and ouerseer God had appoynted hym to be Therefore no man must be ashamed of the people committed to him of God be he of neuer so great dignitie in the worlde For though the people be neuer so much despised in the iudgement of the worlde yet in Gods sight they are verie deare who hath vouchedsafe to redeeme them by the death of his owne sonne He also defendeth them agaynst open violence and tyranny with armed power and protecteth them though wyth the daunger of his owne lyfe For thus doth Salomon describe the dutie of a good Prince He shall delyuer the poore when he cryeth the needie also and him that hath no helper He shall be fauourable vnto the simple and needie and shall preserue the soules of the poore He shall delyuer their soules from falshood and wrong and deere shall their bloud be in his sight And Paule teacheth vs that God hath gyuen the Magistrate the sworde to thys ende to keepe vnder the frowardnesse of the vngodly and to defende the innocent and good Therefore they greatly are deceyued which being bragge but of a bare and emptie tytle haue no care of the people but let other tyrannes to misseintreate them And these things chiefely consydered be in religion which Princes must see mainteyned among the people that they be not drawne from God by the superstitious traditions of men Therefore Esaye calleth princes the Nurrices of the Church the glorie of which name would God they would acknowledge which suffer the people committed to their charge to be in bondage of the cruell tyrannye of Popes and their wicked counsels and decrees Besides this he is a meane of concorde betweene his brethren the maintenaunce whereof it becommeth them aboue all things well to see too that will
discouraged to flie any more neyther could he haue auoyded the name of a deceyuer if nowe he woulde rather haue prouyded for his owne safegard than obeyed god So read we that Christ fledde when he knewe his howre was not yet come But when it was come he went to his death pacientlye and without feare Therefore whosoeuer is in any publike office or charge let them set this rule before them and let them not thinke they may leaue them whose mindes they see bent to persist in Gods vocation But if the malice of the people be such that they first forsake their dutie and dishonestly reiect their magistrates be they secular or preachers of the worde faythfully doing their dutie there is no cause but that they maye as Christ hath commaunded seeke their owne suretie by flying and spare themselues for better times and oportunitie Here the obedience of fayth tempered with the loue of God and our neyghbour shall be much profitable For this shall cause that we be not blinded and deceyued with priuate affections God graunt that we all being mindfull of his grace and good will maye diligently defende our vocation that being with right course come to the marke of blisse we maye liue in heauen with Iesus Christ our Lorde to whome be prayse honour power and glory for euer Amen The .xlix. Homelie AND when fourtie yeres were expyred there appeared to him in the wildernesse of Mount Sina an Aungell of the Lorde in a flame of fire in a bushe When Moyses sawe it he woondred at the sight And as he drewe neare to beholde the voyce of the Lorde came to him I am the God of thy fathers the God of Abraham the God of Isaac and the God of Iacob Moyses trembled and durst not beholde Then sayde the Lord to him Put of thy shooes from thy feete for the place where thou standest is holye grounde I haue perfitely seene the affliction of my people which is in Aegypt and I haue hearde their groning and am come downe to deliuer them And now come and I will sende thee into Aegypt BIcause Steuen was accused by his aduersaries that he had spoken wicked and blasphemous wordes agaynst Moyses and all the ceremonies of God giuen by Moyses therefore he comprehendeth in fewe wordes yet with sufficient exposition all the hystorie of Moyses partly to shewe that he thought reuerently of him and partlye to prooue that the saluation of manne ought to be attributed to no ceremonies bicause whatsoeuer good or excellent thing was in Moyses he had it through no desert of his but by the meere grace and fauour of god The principall scope and ende of all these thinges is to call the Iewes from the vayne affiaunce that they had in the Ceremonialles of the lawe and to trust in the onely grace of God through christ And to this ende he declared Moyses maner of birth his bringing vp and first conuersation among the Israelites shewing further howe vnworthie their fathers declared them selfe to be of such a deliuerer seeing they reiected him with the greatest ingratitude that could be in so much that he was fayne to liue like a banished man among the Madianites Nowe foloweth the solemne calling of Moyses wherby he was restored to his office agayne in the which that we may the more easily perceyue the tokens of Gods fauour we will consider euery poynt thereof in order First the time is noted when Moyses was called It was the fourtyeth yeare of his banishment in Madian which came to passe in the fowrescore yeare of his age Then he ioyneth the place where he was and his kinde of lyfe For he sayth he was in the wildernesse where he kept the sheepe of Iethro his father in lawe as may be seene Exod. 3. Nowe if we consider all the time of these fourtie yeares it shall appeare Moyses serued God without anye Temple or ceremonies of the lawe Bicause it is playne these things were instituted afterwarde And where he was in the meane while excluded from the company and common weale of the Iewes it remayneth that it must be the onely and meere grace of God that he was thus called In the meane season we haue diligently to consider howe that as soone as he would haue ioyned himselfe to the church of God he felt the griefe of long banishment and of a noble man came to be a keeper of sheepe For hereof may be gathered a generall rule teaching vs what we all may trust to when we forsake the worlde to be ioyned vnto the Church of god We fall into diuers afflictions bicause this worlde can neyther suffer that falling from it nor cannot abyde the light of the truth And as Moyses found Iethro to be his hoste and father in lawe but yet is made no more account of than to keepe sheepe so the godly with them that giue them houseroume and seeme greatlye to fauour their part liue yet but miserablye and as it were in contempt This is the greatest temptation of all other and which sometime more woundeth the heart than that that open enimies cruellye commit agaynst vs Therefore Christ warneth vs that we rashly take not vpon vs the profession of his name but that we first trie our selues whether we be able if neede so requyre to suffer banishment pouertie infamie persecution or such other lyke for his names sake And when these thinges come to passe let vs followe Moyses modestie and constaunt fayth which no doubt was sundry wayes tempted Yet he ouercommeth through that fayth which before caused him to preferre the rebuke of Christ before the riches of Egypt Let vs also by the same ouercome the assaultes of temptation and not be ashamed of the crosse of Christ which he for our sake hath first vouchedsafe to beare For so it shall come to passe that he will not be ashamed of vs when he shall come in the glory of the father to iudge the quicke and the deade Secondarily Steuen sheweth who called Moyses verily an Aungell of the Lorde which he sayth appeared to him in the desert Yet the same Aungell within a whyle after sayth I am the God of Abraham the God of Isaac and the God of Iacob And againe afterwarde he sayth it wash e through whose working and power Moyses wrought signes and woonders in Egypt and which was guyde vnto the people by the way of the desert whom Paule the Apostle testifieth to haue bene Iesus Christ that promised sauior of the world Steuen therfore calleth this Iesus the Angell of the Lord not for that he acknowledged in him no greater thing or of no more excellencie than in an Aungell but as seeming to imitate Esay who on a time called him the Aungell or messenger of the great Counsell not in that he tooke on him a nature Angelicall which thing Paule to the Hebrewes 2. cap. expressely denieth but in that he was sent of God the father into the world and accomplished that
neglect the same if we will be saued But bicause hearing alone is not ynough for wicked men and spirites doe many times heare it behooueth that our mindes also be mooued and stirred This thing is brought to passe partly by outwarde thinges as we see here by signes and partly by the inwarde working of the holy spirite which working if we feele not it shall nothing profite vs to heare the outward preaching or reading of the worde as Paule diligently and plainely teacheth Howbeit when God reuealeth his worde to vs and pricketh our mindes by the inwarde suggestion of his holy spirite he requireth earnest attention and taking heede least we let the infernall birdes eate vp the seedes out of our minde or suffer the same to be choked with thornes or to be troden vnder of naughtie affections which thing Christ hath faithfully warned vs of Whosoeuer therefore after this sort proceede in the businesse of saluation as we reade the Samaritanes here did they shall quickely receyue great profite thereby And if we compare these things with our doings we shall perceyue what answere to make them who marueyle how it commeth to passe that so few profit by the preaching of the word For who is it almost that stumbleth not as they say at the thressholde or in the beginning We see fewe hearers of the worde at the Church and they thinke they haue sufficiently done their dutie if they heare the Sermon vppon Sundaye onely And fewe there are that heare the same attentiuely and with desire to learne But fewest of all muse or meditate diligently of that they haue hearde In the meane season the naughtie affections of the fleshe beare rule euery where carying vs headlong vnto the blinde desires of the worlde Therefore how can it herein otherwyse come to passe than as in a fielde ouergrowne with thornes and full of stones except it be diligently ●ylled Let vs cast of this noysome sloth of mynde and followe the Samaritanes and then shall that fruite shortly ensue that Luke sayth they receyued For he sayeth There was great ioye in that Citie This is the fruite of fayth that vseth to spring of the feeling we haue of Gods reconcilement with vs For as the countenaunce of God being angry with vs doth vexe and trouble our mindes being feared with the conscience of our sinfulnesse so the doctrine of the Gospell which teacheth that God is reconcyled to vs in Iesus Christ his sonne doth marueylously cheere and recreate our spirites Therefore the Aungels when they tolde the shepeheardes how Christ was borne sayde that they brought them great ioye And that olde father Simeon filled with the feeling of this ioye desired to haue leaue to depart and to be deliuered from the prison of his body Paule also byddeth the Christians alwayes to reioyce bicause this ioye cannot be taken away by any aduersitie forasmuch as the godly vse to reioyce in afflictions as we sawe before in the Apostles which reioyced in that they were thought worthy for Christes sake to be scourged Therefore they are wicked and most vnkynde men that saye the Gospell is the cause of aduersitie and publike calamitie Wheras it is euident God sendeth such things bicause of mennes sinnes and disobedience But they are lyke vnto those which obiected the same vnto Ieremie saying that from the time he beganne to preache they felt all kyndes of distresse and miserie Furthermore to returne vnto Luke there fell out a great hindraunce vnto Christes kingdome thus luckily succeeding among the Samaritanes For Simon the sorcerer which long time had borne a swinge in that city had bewitched the miserable people with his magicall Artes. God would haue Philip his Apostles coped with this Merchant to thintent partly that we might knowe how there will be alway hypocrites in the Church at whose leuitie and falshoode no man shoulde be offended and partly that all men might knowe by an euident and infallible argument that the Apostles wrought their myracles by no magicall sleyghtes but by the power of God seeing that so famous a Magitian ouercome of them acknowledged in them a greater power than his was which power he thought he might with money haue purchased In lyke sort woulde God haue the Magitians of Egypt ioyne agaynst Moses Here it shall be profitable for vs diligently to consider euery person And first Philip sheweth vs a singuler example of valiaunt fayth For this Simon was no small hinderance vnto syncere doctrine bicause the errour of the Samaritanes was confirmed both with antiquitie and superstition For they did not onely thinke that Simon was indued with heauenly power but also they beleeued he was the very selfe power of god But Philip is feared neither with the iuglings of his Magicall enchauntments nor with the rooted error of the foolishe people but rather hath a respect to Christes comaundement who bade the Gospell shoulde also be preached in Samaria Let them followe such a minde as this whosoeuer haue any office committed vnto them whether they be publike or priuate persons For they must not be afrayde of Bugbeares which professe Christ whose power by so many arguments is prooued to be so great Let vs consider that he is stronger and greater that is in vs than he which rageth in the world This Simon is a notable ensample of a deceyuer whome a man might fitly compare with Baalam the false Prophet It is sayde that of long time he had bewitched the people of Samaria For being skilfull in Magicall sciences he shewed straunge woonders and chalenged to himselfe go dly honor calling himselfe not onely the great power of God but also God the father and the sonne and Helena his harlot the holy ghost as Epiphanius a most diligent searcher out of olde heresies hath written By this example we are taught that the Deuill is able to doe much by his Ministers not of his owne free power but by the permission of god For through Gods sufferaunce the Magitians of Egypt did handsomely imitate certayne of Moses myracles And the Witch at Saules request seemed to haue raysed vp Samuelles corpes out of the graue Wherewith may worthily be num bred the Oracles vttered long agone at Delphi or Pytheum although for the most part they were doubtfull in their signification Of lyke kynde are those things which we reade of Images whereof some haue spoken some haue gone out of their places and infinit others haue bene notable by reason of many myracles to say nothing of those which were manifest in the kingdome of Antichrist as Christ and his Apostles foretolde God permitteth these thinges by his iust iudgement partlye bicause of the wicked which deserue to be deceyued whereas they will not imbrace the truth as the examples of Pharao and Saule euidently prooue partlye for the elects sake whose faith must this waye be tryed that they maye learne to cleaue to the simple word of God and admit
the worde of fayth which wee preach For if thou acknowledge with thy mouth ▪ that Iesus is the Lords and beleeue in thine hart that God raysed him vp from death ▪ thou shalt be ●a●e For to beleeue with the heart i●stifieth and to acknowledge with the mouth maketh 〈…〉 Nowe when Philip had gotten of the Eunuch that he chiefly desired by and by without any ●ariaunce he went downe with him into the water and there baptiseth him Where we haue to consider howe baptisme is ministred in common water whether it were ryuer or fountayne as Ierome thinketh I knowe not Neyther is there any mention made of newe hallowing it or of salt sprinckled or of oyle or of exorcisme and many such like as the superstition of Popes in the ages following brought in For Philip knewe the example of Iohn which had baptised in the ryuer of Iordane He knewe also that by the ordinaunce of Christ all water was consecrated to the vse of baptisme and had no neede of newe purging and coniuring Away therfore with the wicked and peeuish inuentions of most bolde merchaunts which would haue religion to serue for priuate honour and gaine Yet I would none by these examples shoulde take occasion euery where to baptise in fountaynes or ryuers For as we confesse it may be godlily done if necessitie so require so where Churches be appoynted all things ought to be done decentlye and according to lawfull order least libertie bursting out into vnbrideled licence disturbe both discipline and vnitie of Churches It remayneth to tell of the ende of all this hystorie which comprehendeth the departure of Philip from the Eunuche which Luke sheweth was after a myraculous sort For when they came out of the water the spirite of the Lorde caught Philip and the Eunuch sawe him no more God woulde by this myracle confirme the fayth of the Eunuch For after this sort hee might vnderstande that nothing was done in all this businesse by chaunce but all things through the prouidence of god Let vs see what they both did after they were seperated Luke sayth the Eunuch helde on his way reioycing Then he complayned not of Philips so sodaine departure neyther carefully enquired after him and much lesse detested him as though he had beene some craftie Apostle or Iugler Hereof must be gathered no argument of any inconstant or vnkinde minde But whereas he was now indued with fayth and taught by the holy ghost who according to Christes promise brought all things to his minde and by his testimonie confirmed the doctrine of fayth which Philip had taught him Therefore he coulde easily settle and quiet hys minde By which example we learne that we must not so sticke to the ministers that when they are gone we must dispayre in matters of fayth and religion Let vs acknowledge them as Gods coadiutours and stewardes of the mysteries of God by whome he giueth vs fayth Againe let vs vnderstande that the spirite of Christ truely supplyeth the dutie of a Teacher and that Christ will not fayle vs although he sometime take them away to whom we knowe we are much bounden For Gods spirit can be bounde neyther to persons nor places but bloweth where him lyketh Moreouer the fruite of fayth which the Eunuch receyued is declared where Luke sayth He helde on his waye greatly reioycing So before hee wrote that great ioye was made in Samaria when Philip had preached the Gospell there The ioy of a faythfull minde must hereby be vnderstanded which vseth to spring of the peace and quiet of conscience For after Christ is receiued by fayth then man vnderstandeth that God the father is reconciled vnto him whose wrath and horrible iudgement he was before afrayde of And as that peace of God as Paule beareth witnesse passeth all vnderstanding so it chaseth from the minde all the 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 it ●l●ereth the whole minde and maketh vs to be without all ●ea●e in the 〈◊〉 of all afflictions For this is the saying of all those that are faythfull ▪ If God bee with vs who can be agaynst vs Who shall lay any thing to the 〈◊〉 of Gods chosen ▪ It is God that iustifieth vs who is it that can condemne For they knowe that the gates of hell are not able to preuayle agaynst that liuelye rocke on whome they are buylded Therefore bicause the Eunuch had obtayned this suretie of a quiet minde he returneth home with greater ioye than if he had gotten the great treasure of kings or if he had returned to Candace with the triumph and victorie of the greatest enimies of Aethiopia For what ryches deserue to be compared with the treasures of the kingdome of heauen Or what victorie is there so great as that which the faithfull haue gotten by Iesus Christ against the deuill and hell If princes in these dayes were as desirous of this victorie as they are of the Kingdomes and vaine glorie of this worlde then would they also more reioyce and the worlde also should be in better case But let vs returne to Philip which was founde at Azotus and from thence passing a long by the sea coast preached the Gospell to all the Cities in these quarters vnto Caesarea where it seemeth he tooke house to dwell in bicause Paule hosted there as we maye see in the .xxj. Chapter You shall marke diligently the feruent and great desire that the men of the primitiue Church had to set forth the kingdome of christ For although Philip had traueyled greatly in conuerting Samaria and now might greatly haue gloried in conuerting the great man of Aethiopia yet he thinketh not he had done his duetie but enioyneth himselfe freshe labours and refuseth not to vndertake new daungers for Christes sake We see the lyke desire in Paule who hauing laboured more than all the Apostles yet holdeth on his course with great feruencie These things reprooue the slouth of our dayes where all sortes and states of men as soone as they haue borne a little brunt make holyday for any more they will doe as though it were at our disposition and libertie to start from the calling of God and the dutie committed to vs Furthermore these thinges teache vs howe vaine the enterprises of the wicked are agaynst the doctrine of christ For the more they rage the more the truth shineth and ouercommeth Yea in the tyme of persecution by their meanes and diligence it is most opened and set forth who before seemed dastardes and cowardes Hereof haue we an example in Philip of whom there was no mencion made almost while the Church was in quiet at Ierusalem but that we hearde he was numbred among the Deacons But now being become an outlaw and banished man he winneth Samaria vnto Christ he sendeth the Eunuch whome he conuerted into Aethiopia to be an Apostle and spreadeth the Gospell ouer all Iurie Thus vseth God to frustrate the attempts of his enimies Therefore no man ought
euerywhere that Paule afterwarde obserued the same trade and confirmed Churches in euery place He sayth that he toke care for all Churches Therfore the Bishops of Rome go about foolishly and ridiculously to defende their supremacie by this place For first they attribute to Peter onely that which it is euident was also commaunded to the other Apostles Next they impudently chalenge to themselues the office of Peter being altogither vnlike Peter Besides this while they catch vnto themselues the cure ouer all Churches they discharge not the dutie belonging to a faithfull Apostle and shepehearde ouer one Church We are furthermore taught that the Churches haue then most neede of faithfull ouerseers when all things seeme to be at peace and in safetie For as through ydlenesse and ease men easily fall into licentiousnesse of the fleshe so being at ease in peace and quietnesse they be most in daunger of the snares of the deuill as Christ hath taught vs. But by this meanes it came to passe that Peter came to the Saints that is to the faythfull sanctified by the merite of Christ which dwelt at Lidda where he restored one Aeneas a man sicke of the palsie and which had lyue bedrid the space of eyght yeares togither to his health agayne in the name of Iesus christ In this myracle the circumstances of persons are diligently to be considered And in Aeneas certaine things be reported which make for the setting forth of the myracle For he was sicke of the palsie which as it is hardly cured euen at the beginning so being let long to run it becommeth incurable The same is a figure of the corruption of manne For sinne hath brought vs all to be weake so that being bereaued of the strength of our first state at the beginning wee bee not able to thinke well And this sickenesse coulde be cured by no mannes arte or counsayle which being deriued from our first father into vs is conceiued and borne with vs and groweth with vs as Dauid testifieth of himselfe Psal. 51. Wherefore except we be borne agayne from aboue there is no helpe for vs in anye other thing And this Peter plainly teacheth vs in this place whereas being mooued by the holy ghost he commeth to him and wyth great boldenesse sayth Aeneas The Lord Iesus Christ make thee whole Aryse and make thy bedde For he so speaketh these wordes that he manifestly confesseth all the effect and prayse of the myracle is due vnto Christ onely and that to himselfe belongeth only but the ministerie thereof And that the Apostles euerywhere did on this wise is declared before in the restitution of the man that was lame and hault in the third Chapter The faythfull that were at Lydda acknowledged the same who perceiuing that Aeneas was made whole by the name of Iesus Christ by and by were conuerted vnto the Lorde Iesus And this is the vse of all myracles to beare witnesse of the Apostles doctrine and to bring men vnto Iesus Christ by whose power they are done They are therfore pieuish and foolish that so set forth the myracles wrought by the ministerie of the Saintes that they teach the people to runne vnto them worship them But it is plaine that they be false miracles which are done to that ende to establishe the worship of any creature and to call men from God the creator of all things Here might many things more be sayd But bicause the same matter is intreated otherwheres and falleth out oftner to be intreated of we will of purpose nowe be briefe Let it be sufficient to be hereof admonished that Iesus Christ is the onely Phisition both of bodye and soule and the most faythfull defender and protector of hys Church who onely is able to preserue hir amiddes the floudes of persecution and sodeinly to graunt hir rest in hir affliction To him be prayse honor power and glory for euer Amen The .lxix. Homelie THERE was at Ioppa a certaine woman a Disciple named Tabitha which by interpretation is called Dorcas the same was full of good workes and almes deedes which she did And it came to passe in those dayes that she was sicke and dyed Whom when they had washed they layd hir in a Chamber But forasmuch as Lydda was nigh to Ioppa and the Disciples had heard that Peter was there they sent vnto him desiring him that he would not bee grieued to come vnto them Peter arose and came with them And when he was come they brought him into the chamber and all the wydowes stoode rounde about him weeping and shewing the coates and garmentes which Dorcas made whyle she was with them And Peter put them all foorth and kneeled downe and prayde and turned him to the body and sayde Tabitha aryse And she opened hir eyes and when she sawe Peter she sate vp And he gaue hir the hande and lift hir vp And when hee had called the Saintes and widdowes he shewed hir alyue And it was knowne thorowe all Ioppa and many beleeued on the lord And it came to passe that he taryed many dayes at Ioppa with one Simon a Tanner AS the sonne of God our Sauiour Iesus Christ sent his Disciples to preach the Gospell so he furnished them with myracles whereby to purchase a credite to their doctrine and to declare the force or fruite of the merite of Iesus christ To this ende must those two myracles principally be referred which Luke reporteth were done by the ministerie of Peter in the ende of the Chapter The first is the restitution of Aeneas who laye bedred eyght yeares of the Palsie but by calling on the name of Christ was healed Wherby we are taught that the strength of our decayed nature is restored by Christ our Phisition and that we which are not able otherwyse to thynke a good thought are able in him to doe all things To this is ioyned another myracle which as it is in deede greater and more woonderfull so it more comforteth vs For Peter rayseth Thabita or Dorcas which was deade to life agayne thereby declaring that Iesus Christ is Lorde also ouer death and therefore that they ought not to feare death which through fayth be grafted in him The consideration hereof shall be very profitable if in order we marke the persons of whome Luke here intreateth He beginneth the description of the myracle with hir on whome the myracle was shewed And although it seeme to be a matter of no great importance by what name she was called yet he thought good to make mention thereof for the more troth of the storie He sayeth that she was called Thabita in the Assirian tongue Dorcas in the Greeke tongue which worde in the Latine tongue is as much to saye as a Kydde But it is more behoofefull to consider the things reported of hir The first is the profession of fayth and religion bicause he writeth shee was a Disciple that is to saye a Christian. For they that
they were buried And these ceremonies might be suffred for a whyle in the primitiue Church vntill they were become so perfite to renounce them altogither In the meane season we are taught that Christian people shoulde deale decently with their corses For although there ought to be no mourning after the maner of the Heathen amonge them which knowe there shall be a resurrection 1. Thes. 4. nor no neede of Iewishe ceremonies bicause all things belonging to our saluation are abundantly fulfilled in Christ yet a diligent consideration must be had both of honestie and godlynesse which both the law of charitie and Christian religion commaundeth vs to obserue by reason that our bodies be the Temples of the holy ghost Why therfore shoulde those bodies vngently be reiected which the spirite of Christ not long before did vouchsafe to dwell in Surely the Prophete doth chiefely vpbrayde the Moabites for that they forgetting all humanitie burned the bones of the king of the Edomites Therefore their offence is grieuous in these dayes which lyke brute beastes vse crueltie agaynst the deade and vnmanerly throwe and cast their carcasses rounde about But they yet vse one other courtesie For they send messengers for Peter whome they hearde was at Lydda and was so famous a man by reason of his myracles which was no small deede of faith and charity For they hope that the Minister of Christ was able to restore hir to lyfe agayne and that they greatly desired bicause they knewe the Church of Christ had neede as yet of such a member This is also the propertie of fayth that despaireth not no not in death bicause it knoweth that Christ hath ouercome death and who once embrace fayth with sincere affection of loue them she casteth not of no not after death Here also appeareth a singular rewarde of christian godlynesse liberalitie For where Dorcas while she lyued was much giuen herevnto there wanted not that faythfully cared for hir when shee was deade Thus God vseth to preserue the memorie of those that be his And oftentimes it commeth to passe that they which seemed to be hated of all men bicause of their godlynesse after they are deade they finde many defenders of their good name whereof we haue example in our heade Iesus christ For after he was put vnto the shamefull death of the crosse Ioseph and Nichodemus which before that were but secrete Disciples buried him honorably Let no man therfore shunne to suffer shamefull death for Christes sake since that God so faythfully preserueth the remembrance of those that be his Ouer and beside all this they declare in the presence of Peter the griefe they had conceyued by hir death through weeping and they shewe vnto the Apostle the garmentes which she caused to be made for the poore whyle she liued Where beside the dutie of charitie wherof we haue spoken may be seene what be the true reliques of the Saintes and faythfull of Christ which the godly ought both openly to shewe and to worship and kisse that is to saye the workes of their charitie and steppes of their life Of these it is sayd that they follow the deade and remayne when they be rotten These things Christ commended in Marie and bicause of that last annoynting of him that she bestowed vpon him he promised the remembraunce thereof shoulde alwayes remayne in his Church The Ecclesiasticall hystories shewe vs euerywhere such Reliques as these These it becommeth vs of dutie to prayse and by diligent imitation of them to worship But to worship their bones after a superstitious sort we are commaunded by no testimonie or example of Scripture Moreouer as it is a great prayse of the godly to leaue behinde them for posteritie examples and presidentes of charitie so is it a dishonest and shamefull thing to leaue after them when they are gone the tokens of couetousnesse lecherie vnrighteousnesse and intemperancie Such as are hourdes and heapes of treasure and whatsoeuer instruments else of wickednesse are thereby gotten which the Apostle sayth shall be hereafter the testimonie of iust condemnation O wretched state shall theirs be the memorie wherof widdowes and fatherlesse children by reason of their goodes taken from them shall testifye with weeping teares But more wretched shall they be who as though they had committed small offence in their lyfe time hange ouer their Sepulchres swordes and shieldes and stande in complete harnesse that the remembrance of their lyfe ledde in robberie and murthering maye remayne the longer O harde heart which the remembraunce of bitter death is not able to mollifie But let vs see at length what Peter did being sent for of them It is sayd that he straightwaies went with them that were sent vnto him Which is a great argument of readinesse and zeale in promoting the kingdome of christ Wherby we may easily gather with what spirite they are ledde that shew themselues daungerous in going about the things which serue to the setting forth of Christes glory and the saluation of others Further when he came to Ioppa and was brought into the chamber where the corps was layde not much regarding the weeping of the Wyddowes bicause by instinct of the holy ghost working in him he mynded another matter he put them all out of the Chamber falleth on his knees and turneth him vnto feruent prayer The holy Apostle truly followeth olde presidentes and examples forasmuch as it appeareth that Elizaeus the Prophete and Iesus Christ vsed the lyke trade in raysing vp of the deade For as prayers require a certaine going aside and solitarinesse so it seemeth to be a poynt of modestie that he woulde not shewe a thing of such importaunce among so many to seeke prayse thereby but woulde doe it by himselfe alone And whyle he maketh such earnest prayer he euidently declareth that all the successe and prayse of the myracle ought to be referred to Christ as vnto God whereof hath bene already manye times entreated When he had done his prayers he speaketh vnto the deade and biddeth hir aryse Which might seeme a ridiculous thing if Christ had not done the lyke when hee raysed vp Iairus daughter and Lazarus Such sayinges as these are the Preambles of that terrible and lowde voyce whereby at the later daye all the deade shall be raysed vp as Christ himselfe teacheth Iohn 5. Yea this is an infallible argument of the resurrection that shall be that at the voyce of a manne pronounced by the spirite and name of Christ we reade howe the deade are raysed agayne For the effect of the matter declareth that Peters speaking was not in vayne For forthwith Dorcas opened hir eyes and looked on Peter then she sitteth vppe last of all Peter reareth hir vp by the hande and sheweth hir alyue to all them that were called in By the which myracle is prooued that the doctrine that Peter taught was a lyuely doctrine and that Iesus Christ the author therof was
and promise For herevnto appertayneth it where they promise him the bullocks of their lips Dauid speaking hereof sayth what rewarde shall I giue vnto the Lorde for all the benefites that he hath done vnto me I will receyue the cup of saluation and call vpon the name of the Lorde· I will paye my vowes nowe in the presence of all his people And he testifyeth that this shall please the Lorde better than a bullocke that hath hornes and hoofes These thinges teach vs what to thinke of the vnkinde and wicked raylers agaynst Gods worde who haue a pleasure with bitternesse of tongue to ca●pe at it and saye it is the cause of all calamitie where it were their dutie to acknowledge and celebrate the grace of God for it Furthermore let vs see howe the beholders were affected with this myracle Amongst whome some were Iewes which accompanied Peter from Ioppe● Luke sayth that they were amazed seeing the gift of the holye ghost was poured vpon the Gentyles also For although they were not ignorant what came to passe vnto Peter yet the common error of the Iewes still bewitched them who thought all Nations vnholy and straungers from God but such as were circumcised and had receyued the other ceremonies of the Iewes lawe It is very notable that they which are of the faythfull are so deceyued For hereby it appeareth that euen to the godlye sometime the spottes of error cleaue and therefore all things that they doe must not be drawen to imitation Which thing it appeareth Paule obserued who biddeth the Corinthians to followe him as farre forth as they see him to follow Christ. For there is nothing so appropriate vnto man as to erre and be deceyued Nor nothing so difficult and laborious as to plucke vp olde rooted errors out of mennes mindes example whereof we haue seene in the Apostles still stumbling at the expectation and looking for of a carnall and earthly kingdome Therefore they are greatly deceyued which iudge continuall teaching and admonition to be superfluous and vnprofitable seeing that blindnesse and frowardnesse of mannes witte is such that he taketh occasion of stumbling at euery thing and hardlye can be brought into the waye againe Wherefore Paule was of a farre better iudgement when he commaunded Timothie to preach in season and out of season But to returne to the exposition of the hystory Peter hath a much better iudgement who of the premisses gathereth the ende of the myracle For where by an heauenly vision he was commaunded to go to Cornelius and to preach the Gospell vnto him and seeth nowe the gifte of the holy spirite giuen to them that heare and beleeue it he easilye acknowledgeth that the grace of the Gospell belongeth to the Gentyles also and that the vncircumcised also so that they beleeue in Christ ought to be receyued into the fellowship of the Church forasmuch as God doth vouchsafe to giue them his holy spirite For drawing an argument from the thing vnto the signe thereof he sayeth Can anye man forbidde water that these shoulde not be baptized which haue receyued the holye ghost as well as we Which is as much as if he shoulde saye As many as are the members of Christ must be receyued by baptisme into the fellowship of Christes Church But no man can doubt but these men are the members of Christ seeing they haue receyued the spirite of Christ as well as we Ergo it is reason they shoulde be baptized And forthwith he commaundeth them to be baptised in the name of the Lorde that is to saye to be consecrated to Christ the Lorde and numbred with his Church For Peters commaundement must not so much be vnderstanded of the fourme of baptisme as of the ende and vse thereof Of these things it is easie to gather all the meaning of baptisme Peter surely acknowledgeth baptisme to be the first sacrament of Gods people and Church whereby outwardly the benefites of regeneration and adoption and whatsoeuer else is giuen vs in Christ are sealed vnto vs and thereby as many as are partakers of them are admonished of their dutie Wherevpon we gather that as many as it appeareth are of the people of God haue neede thereof By these things are many errors confuted that we see haue crept in these many yeares about baptisme yet reigne euerywhere And first this place confuteth the vnholy deprauers of the Sacraments which thinke they are superfluous for them that beleeue and are regenerate by fayth Which kinde of men while they greatly extoll fayth and the grace of God doe wickedly contemne the wisedome of God and his ordinaunces Howbeit Peter sawe that Cornelius and his familie truly beleeued and that they were indued with the holy ghost and adopted into the number of the children of God and yet for all that he commaundeth them to be baptized bicause he would not seeme to contemne Christes commaundement For why shoulde he contemne the sacramentes of Christ which knewe that God in the olde Testament had made it death for them that contemned his sacraments Agayne this place confuteth the boldenesse of the Anabaptistes which vse to keepe the children of the Christians from their baptisme But Peter prooueth that they are to be baptized for none other cause but for that he sawe they were endued with the spirite of Christ and therefore were members of his Church Why then shoulde not infants be baptized by as good right who we knowe are borne members of the Church and who Christ testifyeth appertayne to the kingdome of God Moreouer the example of this place maketh agaynst the error of the Papistes which vse to tye the grace of God vnto Sacramentes and vse to bring it and put it in their sacraments by exorcismes and coniuring wheras it is euident that they are but the cognizances tokens of the grace that is giuen vs in christ And if thou well examine this place it shall appeare the same came to passe vnto Cornelius that somtime was to be seene in Abraham so that thou mayst see the sacraments of both the Testaments had all but one reason For Paule witnesseth that Abraham was iustifyed by fayth that he afterwarde receyued Circumcision which was a seale of the righteousnesse of fayth So we heare that Cornelius beleeued and was endued with the spirite of God which was an infallible argument of his regeneration and iustification and nowe at length commeth baptisme where by all these benefytes of God are sealed and confirmed Therefore it is euident that the grace of God is not tyed vnto baptisme neyther that it is by baptisme poured into vs as by a Pype or Conduite forasmuch as if we receyue the Sacramentes without fayth they be vtterlye super●luous yea wee knowe they indammage the contemners of them as maye be seene in the examples of Iudas the Traytour and Simon the Sorcerer Before we leaue this place it is good to
no aunswere to or at least he might snappishly haue put them back and rebuked them But he knewe that the same lawe aswell belonged to himselfe as to other where he commaunded all Christian men to be ready to giue a reason or aunswere of their doing to euery man. And as in this place he paciently suffereth the vniust censure and checke of men in a iust quarrell so when he was accused of Paule before all men for his dissimulation and inconstancie we reade he aunswered nothing disdainefully And this we reade was alwaye the custome in the primitiue Church that Bishoppes coulde suffer and beare to bee iudged and corrected by other Byshoppes Thus it appeareth Victor the Bishop of Rome was reprehended and admonished of his dutie by Iraeneus and certaine other Bishops of lesse famous Churches for his ouer hastie sentence of excommunication giuen against the Bishoppes of Asia These things reprooue the pride of the bishops of Rome that folowed who are not only not ashamed to make themselues Iudges ouer all the world but also refuse the iudgement of all men My hart quaketh as often as I remember that blasphemous Canone which will not haue the Pope condemned no not though he forget his owne and other mennes saluation and leade with him headlong into hell whole heapes of mennes soules Howbeit he coulde no maner of way more euidently haue prooued himselfe to be Antichrist than in that he refuseth the iudgement of the Church and Bishops challenging to themselues the supremacie ouer them all But to let this passe let vs hearken to Peter intreating his cause and matter Peter in his Apologie vseth a diligent narration or discourse as euen nowe we declared the which he so ordereth that he reporteth not onelye what was done but sheweth also that it was well done and lawfully And this narration consisteth of fiue partes or members of all which we will speake as much as appertaineth to this present matter letting passe that that hath bene sayde in the Chapter before going In the first part is contayned the vision of a great vessell or sheete let downe to him from heauen by which God taught him that no man from thenceforth should be iudged vnworthy of the Gospell and fellowship of the people of God for neglecting the ceremonies of the lawe forasmuch as the stoppe of the lawe was broken downe by Iesus Christ who had made one people of both Peter thought it good to beginne his narration with this that it might appeare to all men that he did nothing of his owne head but according as God appointed In the second part he alleageth the sure commaundement of God ▪ least he might be thought to haue bene beguyled by some dreame or ydle phantasie For euen at the same time he sayeth by the prouidence of God they stoode at his Hostesse doore that were sent from Cornelius and he addeth The spirite sayde that I shoulde go with them nothing doubting And this is the strength of his whole defence which he setteth against his aduersaries accusation For they sayde Thou wentest in to menne that are vncircumised and hast eaten with them Therefore Peter aunswereth them The spirite of the Lord bade me so to do And being with this simplicitie of words content he letteth passe all Rhetoricall colors wherwith he might haue confirmed garnished this argument Which example teacheth vs that they are not to be accused or if they be accused they may easily be defended before Christian men which cast of the traditions and customes of men at Gods appoy●tment For the authority of this saying of the Apostles shall remaine in force for euer we must obey God more than men Let vs also in these dayes with this argument defende our selues against the Papistes which with lyke frowardnesse accuse vs for hauing broken the traditions of men and take occasion of offence on euery side without any giuen on our behalf It offendeth them that we deny Christ is offred in the sacrament of the aultar for the sinnes of the quicke and the deade But we laye against them the word of Christ who yeelding vp his life vpon the crosse declared that all maner of expiation for sinne and our redemption was nowe accomplished Furthermore we heare Paule say that Christ being once offered can be offred no more They are offended bicause they see we haue put the ymage of Christ and the Saintes out of our Churches But we laye for our selues agaynst them the authoritie of God forbidding ymages to be made and commaunding those that are made to be made out of the way and destroyed They are offended bicause we haue taken awaye the differences of meates But the Apostle defendeth vs which sayth it is a doctrine of the Deuill to bring it vp The lyke reason there is of all other thinges in controuersie betweene vs These we haue alleaged onelye for example sake And if our aduersaries will not yeelde vnto the word of God but will holde on and set the customes and traditions of men against the authoritie of the same then shall it easily appeare that they are not the seruauntes of God but of men The thirde part of the narration contayneth the vision of the Aungell which we heard was sent from God vnto Cornelius Hereof Peter thought to make mention to declare that Cornelius did nothing vnaduisedly but was mooued by God to sende for him to teach him Here is diligently to be obserued howe the Aungell speaketh of the ministerie or preaching of the Gospell Peter sayth he shall speake wordes whereby thou and all thy house shall be saued Then he testifyeth that saluation commeth by preaching of the Gospell This the holye Psalmist sawe when he sayde God sent hys worde and they were healed And Paule sayth that the Gospell is the power of God vnto saluation to all beleeuers It is not thus sayd bicause the sounde of wordes bringeth saluation as the supersticious thinke of their exorcismes but bicause through the preaching of the Gospell Christ is offered to vs and they that preach the Gospell be messengers in the roume of Christ that by their ministerie men might be reconcyled to God the father through christ Therefore no common weales nor familyes can haue any sounde health or saluation without they receiue the gospell of Iesus Christ. Therfore their ingratitude that saye the worde of saluation is the cause of all euils as well priuate as publike is most execrable as we read was somtime obiected to Ieremie These men are ledde with the spirite of Caiphas who also sayde that Christ woulde be the author and cause of their destruction vnlesse he were made awaye by the wicked conspiracie of the priests Fourthly he declareth the marueylous sending of the holy ghost The expositor whereof he alleageth Iesus Christ to be I remember sayeth he the worde of the Lorde howe he sayde Iohn baptized with water but you shall be baptized with the holy
God giueth repentaunce after two sortes eyther when he graunteth time and place to repent or else when he mollifyeth and conuerteth mens mindes by his spirite and worde by repentance to frame themselues to a better trade of lyfe In this place it appeareth that God did both although the later sense be more agreeing to this present argument It is most worthy to be obserued where they say repentaunce vnto lyfe is giuen vnto the Gentiles by preaching of the Gospell For in so saying they testifie that they speake of that repentaunce which through fayth in Christ bringeth saluation and which we may call the scope and marke of all the Gospell which is that we being reconcyled vnto God through Christ shoulde turne vnto him with all our hartes and liue in him For so Paule writeth God hath reconcyled vs vnto himselfe by Iesus Christ and hath giuen to vs the office to preache the attonement Nowe then are we messengers in the rowme of Christ euen as though God did beseech you through vs So pray we you in Christes steede to be reconcyled vnto God. They name repentaunce expreslye hauing respect vnto that saying of Christ which commaundeth both repentaunce and forgiuenesse of sinnes to be preached in his name Neyther must these two be at any time seperated least men take occasion vnder pretence of the Gospell to liue carnally Againe this hath in it a singuler comfort that he sayeth repentaunce is giuen vnto lyfe Therefore repentaunce in the faythfull is neuer in vayne or vnfruitefull but maketh them partakers of saluation through christ There are apparaunt promises of God wherein he euerywhere promiseth lyfe vnto them which turne vnto him with all their hart Where he sayth I will not the death of a sinner but rather that he conuert and liue And we must not thinke that God flattereth or deludeth any man with vaine promises Hereto belongeth the whole booke almost of the Iudges which prooueth by many examples that the Israelites neuer returned to God by true repentaunce in vayne And it is manifest that the Niniuites through faythfull repentaunce caused God to reuoke his sentence passed against them What shall I speake of these seing we reade that the repentaunce that Achab had but for a season and little time was by the mouth of God commended These things ought to encourage them which stande vpon the pytbrinke of desperation thinking that God is so offended with them for their former wickednesse that their repentaunce is not acceptable vnto him Which men woulde be comforted with these sayings of the Prophet If your sinnes were as red as Scarlet they shall be as whyte as snowe And though they were like purple they shall be as whyte as woolle Againe The Lorde is full of compassion and mercye long suffring and of great goodnesse He will not alwaye be chyding c. Nowe after Luke hath made an ende of the storye of Cornelius which contayneth the beginning and first fruites as it were of the vocation of the Gentiles he returneth to the discourse of the things belonging to the whole Church which he had intermytted and declareth howe the kingdome of Christ began to be stretched enlarged vnto the Gentyles And first he telleth how Antioch was conuerted vnto Christ and how men were there first called Christians And principally he noteth the occasion therof saying it was bicause of the persecution that was raysed agaynst Steuen And it is very worthye to be considered where he sayth the beginning of such a benefite sproong of so dolefull a cause For howe pitifull a case the Church stoode in in the time of that persecution we hearde in the .viij. Chapter when the rage of persecutours went so farre that it was not safe for a man in secrete ●o be a christian when both men and women were haled out of their dores as to a slaughterhouse which thing was the cause that the Church being scattered hither and thither seemed like a scratched and torne body that had be●ne incurable But by the grace and goodnesse of God it commeth to passe that of euery member of this scattered Church springeth a newe body For they whome this cruell tempest had thus scattered remembring their office and dutie beganne to preach euerywhere the name of Christ and many of them going as farre as Phenicia and Cyprus did illustrate those countries with the light of the Gospell By which example the primitiue Church and fayth full of all ages might be confirmed not to be offended with the cruell attempts of enimies forasmuch as it appeareth by these men that the kingdome of Christ can not be ouerthrowne nor driuen into straightes but is rather thereby builded vp enlarged For that that Luke reporteth here to haue come to passe the same the writers of the Ecclesiasticall hystorie report to haue come to passe in all persecutions And as after horrible tempests cleere weather commonly followeth so it appeareth that after persecutions the Church alway looked more bright cheerefull For God scattereth the deuises of Nations but his purpose standeth fast for euer whereby he hath made his sonne king and Ruler of all the worlde See the Psalmes 33.2 110 But Luke diligently intreateth of those by whose ministery God brought to passe a matter of such weight and importance All which were dispersed bicause of the faith and doctrine of Christ yet they agreed not in all points touching the order ministerie of the gospell For some of them preached to the Iewes only who it is lyke were ignorant of the things done betweene Peter Cornelius Other some which he writeth were of Cyprus Cyrene came to Antioch and preached to the Greekes that is to the Gentyles So it oftentimes commeth to passe that in some things they which are counted the most faithfull seruants of Iesus Christ doe disagree God so disposing his giftes that his woorde may be of the more authoritie and that the successe thereof shoulde not seeme to depende of a certayne conspiracie and consent of men among themselues Wherevnto also is to be referred that that is hereafter reported of the contention that fell betweene Paule and Barnabas which wexed so hote that those singuler and chosen instrumentes of Christ departed one from another Therefore let it offende no man if nowe a dayes he see any like matter to fall out in the Church For Paule writeth that there must be sectes that the elect may be tryed Howbeit in all this adooe the feruent desire of spreading abrode the kingdome of Chryst is greatly to be praised wherewith they all being enflamed haue vtterlye forgotten the daungers that they were in a little before and euerywhere publishe the worde of god Such constancie ought all faithfull Ministers of Christ to haue to th ende they must not thinke they haue done all their dutie when they haue bene once in daunger for the name of christ And they must not thinke they are for
that were committed to his charge and by all meanes to be alwayes instant vppon them Therefore their error is most absurde which thinke all doctrine vnprofytable and superfluous for those which haue already once attayned to the knowledge of truth Thirdly Barnabas goeth to Tharsus from thence he bringeth Paule to Antioch to thintent the congregation through his ministery might the more be strengthened This is an other argument of a true faithfull minde and feruent in loue towarde christ For Barnabas coulde not be ignorant howe great giftes of the spirite were in Paules brest and how much authoritie he should lose if Paule came to Antioch who was the singularest instrument that Christ had But we haue before shewed that they which are feruent in faith seeke not to be glorifyed of men but desire to promote the glory of god Yea it is certayne that all they lacke fayth which are led with the desire of their owne glory prayse which argument Christ vseth against the Scribes of the Iewes In the meane season Barnabas example teacheth vs that in well ordred congregations the chiefe care is to haue fit Ministers of the word and that they shoulde be sought for and brought from all places Christ teacheth the same where he biddeth vs to praye vnto the Lorde of the haruest that he will sende forth labourers Herof we see it came to passe that the chiefe of the Prophetes and most noble Kings had so diligent a care and consideration of schooles bicause without them they perceyued the Church coulde not stande nor the pure doctrine of fayth be maintayned Wherefore their ingratitude is very grosse which do not onely contemne the Ministers as persons vnprofitable whome the Lorde of his mercy offreth but also hate them as the greatest malefactors that can be and woorse than Toades Last of all is adioyned howe Barnabas and Paule continued a whole yeare togither at Antioch For this cause vndoubtedly for that they sawe the congregation had neede of their help For Luke writeth not that they sate ydelie there like sluggards but declareth that they instructed there a great company of men in the true faith and religion of christ Let ministers of the Church followe this example and while they perswade other men to perseuerance let them constantly perseuer in their duty and not boaste themselues of the bare name of Pastors but lette them doe that that belongeth to true Pastors least they become followers and successors of that foolishe shepeherde which is described in Zachary .xj. Chapter Nowe remayneth the profite and successe of this godly and feruent diligence which Luke sayth was notable For first he sayth a great company was added vnto the Lorde Whereby it is euident that the traueyles of the godly Ministers was not without effect For as the worde of God like vnto a fruitefull seede hath power or vertue in it selfe to bring forth fruite so it alwayes falleth vpon some which being well disposed to receyue it bring forth worthy fruites And although some bring stony hearts some thorny giuen to all kinde of pleasures yet hath God his people euerywhere which receyue his seede into good hearts and there keepe it till it bring forth much fruite And the Prophete beareth witnesse that the worde of God returneth not without fruite or in vaine but is like vnto a showre of raine which watereth the grounde and maketh it fruitfull Moreouer God blesseth the studies of his Ministers so that they shall not labour in vayne This ought to encourage those that labour in the Church of Christ to thinke their traueyles can not be lost For if they deliuer but a fewe soules from destruction let them thinke they haue gotten great treasure bicause Christ witnesseth that the saluation of one soule cannot be redeemed with all the substance of the world In the meane while marke howe he sayth this compa●ye was added vnto the Lorde Then Paule and Barnabas gathered not scholers to themselues but vnto the Lorde For they knewe well that they must glory in Christ alone as their teacher and maister And they knewe Christ commaunded them to bring schollers vnto him Therefore great is their insolencie which be authors of sectes among Christians and make them the seruauntes of men whome Christ hath purchased to himselfe with the price of his bloude See what Paule sayth against this doing in the first epistle to the Corinthians 1.3.7 c There ensueth yet another commoditie which hath gotten perpetuall and immortall glory to the Citie of Antioche For where in that Citie the first Church of the Gentyles was gathered togither it came to passe that they which hytherto were called but Disciples are now first adourned with the name of Christians And this is that newe name which God long before promised hee woulde giue vnto his elect And what greater glorye coulde comme vnto the Antiochianes Let the Bishoppes of prowde and haultie Rome be compared with these men and they shall whether they will or nill be inforced to giue place And yet we neuer reade that that prowde tytle was giuen to Antioch to be called the heade of the Church But to let passe these matters let vs rather expende the force of this name bicause it is not giuen vs without the prouidence of god It is euident that we be so called of the sonne of God which according to the figure of the olde ▪ Testament wherewith Kings and Priests were annointed is of the Greekes for excellencie sake called Christ of the Hebrues Meschias and of vs annoynted bicause God hath appointed him the vniuersall and euerlasting King and Priest of his people as may be seene Psalm 2. and .110 And where he giueth himselfe and all that is his wholye to his people therefore he woulde haue them to be called Christians after his owne name And he hath not giuen vs a naked and an emptie name but as the Apostle sayth he hath annointed vs and made vs Kings and Priestes to God his father Therfore the vse of this name is manifolde For first it admonisheth vs of the dignitie which we haue in Christ wherevnto there is none like as they shall confesse which throughly weigh the matter For it is plaine that there was neuer King which was able to make all the subiectes of his Realme Kings no not his Courtyers or those that were of his counsayle But such is the vertue power of Iesus Christ that he is able to make them Kings for euer that acknowledge him to be their king Then this name serueth to confirme the beliefe and certaintie of our saluation For in Iesus Christ is God the father well pleased Therefore he can not be angrye with vs nor forsake vs whome he hath vouchsafed to call after the name of his belooued sonne Hence therefore may we fett arguments of consolation in aduersity especially in the temptations of our conscience Finally this title admonisheth vs of
sandales And so he did And he sayth vnto him cast thy garment about thee and follow me And he came out and followed him And wyst not that it was truth which was done by the Aungell but thought he had seene a vision When they were past the first and the seconde watche they came vnto the yron gate that leadeth vnto the Citie which opened to them by the owne accord And they went out and passed through one strete and forthwith the Aungell departed from him And when Peter was come to himselfe he sayde Nowe I knowe of a suretie that the Lorde hath sent his Aungell and hath deliuered me out of the hands of Herode and from all the wayting for of the people of the Iewes THe Euangelist Luke in the description of this present hystorie compriseth three things very worthy to be remembred First he sheweth as it were in a glasse the state and condicion of the Church of Christ which God suffreth to be tryed with diuers troubles afflictions Secondly he teacheth what the dutie of euery Christian is when the tempest of persecution ariseth that is to say that euery one should remember the fellowship which they haue togither in Christ think that their brethrens case is their owne when they can none otherways help them being so afflicted at the least to make their harty continuall praiers to God for them For this he sayth the congregation did when Herode did cast Peter in prison Thirdly he setteth forth vnto vs an example of the kindenesse and fauor of God whereby he teacheth vs that God hath then most care of his people when they seeme moste destitute both of Gods helpe and mannes And in this part maye be perceyued the effect of godly prayers which the beleeuers in those dayes founde in all points agreeable to Gods promises For the holy Ayostle of Christ is myraculously deliuered and all the power and pollicie of Herode is fayne to giue place to the prayers of the Church seeing that neyther watch nor yron chaynes nor fast locked doores nor yron barred gates were able to holde him whome God woulde deliuer at the intercession of his people It shall behooue vs diligently to consider this place bicause Luke is so diligent in describing euery circumstance that he leaueth out nothing be it neuer so little for that euery poynt therof serueth much both for our comfort and instruction He beginneth with the time not so much after the common vsage of Hystoriographers as for that it serueth greatly for the better setting forth of Gods benefyte For he wryteth that Peter was set at libertie that nyght after that Herode had purposed to put him to death Whereby it appeareth that this deliuery was suspended for certaine dayes in the which time Peter abode the annoyance of imprisonment and the congregation continued in feruent prayer and the Iewes burning in hatred against Christ lyke gaping Cormorants greedily wayted for so excellent a mannes death But euen in a moment of time when the space but of one nyght seemed to lette their expectation the Lorde egregiously deluded them and deliuered hys seruant from the sworde hanging ouer his necke Whereby we are taught that God vseth sometime to deferre his helpe but yet not vtterlye to forget and forsake vs but rather meaneth thereby to trye and prooue vs and to make his benefite seeme the more notable when we see it commeth to passe beyonde all hope and helpe of man This was the cause that long agone he then deliuered the people of Israel when they were constrayned to make awaye their infantes and to mannes thinking were past all hope of recouering their libertie againe And he brought them through the middle of the redde sea when the Egyptians were almost on their backes and ready to set vpon them Hereto also is Ezechias to be referred whom God euen then helped when Sannecherib was ready as it seemed to haue taken the Citie The vse of all these things is that we should learne paciently to abide Gods leysure and to prescribe him no meane or time howe to appoynt his affaires For although Christ seeme sometime to be a sleepe in the sterne of the shippe yet he vseth in time conuenient to helpe our afflictions and to calme and cease all stormes and tempestes After this he describeth howe Peter was minded and affected in such a present daunger And verilye if a man consider the common course of the world it would seeme he shoulde haue bene ready to die for feare seeing by reason of Iames late putting to death and his straight watching there was no hope of any better helpe Therefore what should he doe but crye out and lament his owne state and case But this glorious souldiour of Christ is set out to vs to be of a farre other minde For Luke writeth that he lay a sleepe fast bounde with two chaines betweene the two souldiours That this was no token of sloth or sluggishnesse but rather an argument of true faith and sure confidence may be gathered hereby for that we hearde before when the Apostles were scourged with rods they went out reioycing and being glad that they were iudged worthy to suffer for Christes sake Let vs here compare Herode and Peter togither and it shall easily appeare howe great difference is betweene the wicked and the true worshippers of god That Herode was carefull and much troubled howe he might handsomely compasse his intended persecution against Christ may hereby appeare in that he causeth Peter who had neyther will nor power to doe anye hurt to be bound with chaines as it had bene a fierce and sauage beast and to be kept with souldiers lying at eche syde of him and before the prison doores and to haue yron gates to be barred against him What troubles and vexations of minde felt he thinke you in other thinges that was so carefull onely for Peters keeping But in how much better case is Peter which sleepeth soundlye while the tyraunt can take no rest all the night long And that that is in this example declared may be applyed to all such as he is For such is the state of all the wicked that they procure themselues traueyles and cares while they thinke to bring their matters to passe by their owne deuises and strength And bicause they haue to doe with Christ whose inuincible power they feele both in outwarde affaires and also in their consciences euen against their willes therefore they neuer rest deuising how to shake of his yoke and to breake his bridle See the ymage of these men painted out by Dauid And therefore the Lord sayth the wicked haue no peace but rage and boyle in minde like the restlesse sea Esa. 48. .57 But the godly bicause they hope in the equitie of their cause repose themselfe in the prouidence of God wherevpon they know that both themselues and all their doings depende and so expulse all feare and care
man had giuen them leaue For who can doubt but they woulde then haue vsed the libertie giuen them of the spirite But forasmuch as they might vse the same and not breake the custome of the Church they must needes haue bene reprehended if they woulde without cause haue broken that custome Furthermore this was verye well done of the Antiochians to giue leaue vnto men vnknowne and straungers to saye their minde For they woulde not quench the spirite nor despise prophecying wherof Paule elsewhere giueth warning 1. Thess. 5. Here is chiefly to be obserued that they require a sermon of exhortation For thus they expresse the ende wherevnto all doctrine and preaching in the Church is to be referred namely that the Church be not onely taught what it ought to doe but may also be prouoked with godly exhortation to doe their dutie and so may be builded vpon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophetes and may truly close and ioyne togither vnder Christ their heade And hereto belongeth that commendation of holye scripture which Paule sayth is profitable to teach to improoue to amende and to instruct in righteousnesse that the man of God may be perfect and prepared vnto all good workes These thinges are to be obserued of them which make their sermons in the Church for ostentation sake and are more carefull for their owne glory than for Christes Let euery man rather learne so to order all exercises of the Church that by godly exhortations they may be builded in true faith vnto the glory of Iesus Christ to whom be praise honor power and glory for euer Amen The .lxxxix. Homelie THEN Paule stoode vp and beckened with the hande for silence and sayde Men of Israel and ye that feare God giue audience The God of this people chose our fathers and exalted the people when they dwelt as straungers in the lande of Egypt and with an high arme brought he them out of it and about the time of fourtie yeares suffered he their maners in the wildernesse And he destroyed seauen Nations in the lande of Canaan and deuided their land to them by lot And afterward he gaue vnto them Iudges about the space of foure hundred and fyfty yeares vntill the time of Samuell the Pro●phete And afterwarde they desired a king and God gaue vnto them Saule the sonne of Cis a man of the tribe of Beniamin by the space of fourty yeres ▪ NOwe followeth it how Luke the Euangelist describeth the Sermon which Paule the Apostle that most chosen vessell made to the Congregation at Antioche and this is the fyrst of Paules sermons that the holy ghost would should be put in writing not that he iudged the rest vnworthy to be knowne but that by this we might iudge of the other which could not be but like vnto this bicause the spirite of God is at all times and places like vnto it selfe Howbeit it is not without a cause that Luke chose this sermon chiefly of all other so diligently to rehearse For as this one comprehendeth in it moste fully all the mysteries of Iesus Christ and of our saluation so when those of Antioch contemned it the Apostles did that which wee reade they very seldome did before For shaking the dust of from their feete vpon the Iewes they caried the doctrine of saluation vnto others Furthermore the argument of the Sermon is the same that Christ commaunded the Apostles to obserue For he laboureth altogither to bring the Iewes from the vaine affiance of the lawe and ceremonies therof vnto the fayth in christ For the better obteyning whereof he proceedeth in most commodious order For fyrst where he knewe they gloryed much in certaine prerogatiues so that they thought it superfluous to search or take any other waye of saluation he teacheth that they haue nothing of themselues wherin to glory but that they haue receyued what so euer good qualitie is in them of the meere mercie of God who for the Messias sake which he had promised did vouchsafe both to saue them and also to giue them those prerogatiues And thereof he gathereth that it is necessarye for them to embrace that Messias least they fall from the grace of God and be depriued of all goodnesse This done he sheweth that this Iesus is the sonne of God and of Mary the virgin and that sauiour and Messias that was promised and here he so reasoneth of his office that he briefely comprehendeth all the businesse of our saluation and confyrmeth the same with euident Oracles of the olde Testament At length he sheweth the threats of the Prophets that as many as despised the sonne of God and the saluation in him offered might knowe that the horrible iudgement of God hanged ouer their heades And this is the summe of all his sermon which it suffyceth in fewe wordes to haue touched bicause we entende to speake more at large of euery thing in his place Nowe let vs come to the treatie of the same The beginning is short after the maner of the Apostles not to be suspected of any curious artifyciousnesse or conueyaunce He fyrst holdeth out or lifteth vp his hande which was a kinde of gesture vsed in the olde time to cause men to keepe silence when others were about to speake as wee shall see in places following not so fewe as one Then to make them the more attent he calleth them by such names as he both knewe woulde get their good will and also admonishe them of their dutie For fyrst he calleth them Israelites in which name they greatlye reioyced not onely bicause of Iacob the Patriarch which was fyrst so called but bicause therein also were conteyned manifest promises of Gods helpe and protection as we may see Gen. 32. And he addeth And yee that feare God giue audience so plainely thereby admonishing them of their dutie that they might perceyue they were then true Israelites when they feared God and obeyed his worde The breuitie of the Apostles beginning admonisheth vs of two things very worthy to be knowne and considered The fyrst is wherefore those tytles serue that wee vse in the beginning when we reuerently and honourably speake vnto the hearers wherein much is to be attributed to honor euen by the testimony of Paule who commaundeth vs in giuing honour to go one before another Yet must we take diligent heede that we nourish not the ambicion of arrogant men with a flattring tongue and meaning which are euen drunke with the pride of glorious names But this rather wee must obserue that with meete and condigne names we admonishe them with whome we haue to doe of their dutie Therefore the simplicitie of our auncesters and elders is very worthy to be commended who being content with the names of their office and dutie only neuer knew what these painted and flattering tytles ment For what wilt thou adde vnto the name of a king that shall be more honourable or noble than it seeing the very name
this example in the later Epistle to Timothy cap. 3. by these wordes Thou hast seene the experience of my doctrine fashion of liuing purpose fayth long suffring loue pacience persecutions and afflictions which came on mee at Antioch at Iconium and Lystra which persecutions I suffred paciently and from them all the Lorde deliuered me yea and all they that will liue godly in Christ Iesu shall suffer persecution Wherefore fyrst let vs laye this foundation in our minde that nothing can come vnto vs without the ordinance and pleasure of God who hath numbred euen the heares of our head Next let vs thinke he ordreth all things after his righteous and holy iudgement Thirdly let vs be fully perswaded that he will neuer cease to take care for vs but beareth a fatherly minde and affection to vs and that euen then he moste careth for vs when we seeme most in daunger of our enimies Therefore he will deliuer vs out of all daunger if he thinke it so meetest for our behoofe And if it seeme not so good vnto him which farre better knoweth our case and what is meete for vs than we our selues what be we I pray you to replye against him But hereof we shall haue occasion to say more about the ende of the sermon Nowe what did the Disciples whose minds were lightened with sounder knowledge of Christ in all thys businesse Did they denie their fayth and take part with the Gentyles or were they ashamed of Paule so being stoned and in shamefull wise haled through the Citie No truely But they gathered about him by likelyhoode of good will. For where they were not able to defende him against the open violence of the furious people they doe yet as much as in them lyeth And whome they thought to be deade him they stande about bewayling him and desirous to accomplishe the last dutie of buriall vnto the most valyaunt minister of Christ as we heard the faithfull at Ierusalem did before when Steuen was martyred And yet was this a daungerous enterprise if a man well consider the Iewes cankred hatred towardes Christ and the rage of the people not yet calmed by reason of the late disdayne conceyued But our Sauiour Christ fayleth not to further such godlye duetie For whome they lamented as deade hym dyd God in such woonderfull wise restore agayne that he by and by rose vp and went into the Citie We are taught by this example what duetie we owe vnto the faythfull ministers of Christ being in daunger for doing of their duetie First they that are able must faythfully helpe them being in distresse wherein many dueties are to be considered and fall out amongst which there is none so small that hath not his rewarde before God considering that he shall not lose his recompence that gyueth but a Cup of colde water vnto a Disciple of Christ. And if any denie them the succour they are able to giue them let them thinke that sayde vnto them that Mardocheus sometyme sayde vnto Queene Hester If thou holde thy peace at thys time then shall the Iewes haue helpe and delyueraunce some ootherwayes and thou and thy fathers house shall perishe Cap. 4. The seconde degree of duetie is that they that are not able to helpe them consent not vnto the counsell of the wicked enimies of Christ and by al meanes possible declare that they neuer consented vnto them The storie of the Gospell sheweth vs as example hereof in Ioseph of Arimathaea The thirde and last is that we comfort those whome other tyrannouslye afflict by all the meanes we are able and if we lacke abilitie yet to testifye by our teares howe we lament their state And let vs not be ashamed of them in whom we knowe Christ lyeth bounde is banished afflicted and put to sorrowe This did Iosephus most faythfully perfourme whyle he caused Christ to be honorably buried whome his aduersaries shamefully hong on crosse If we would nowe a dayes thus dutyfully vse our selues towardes the members of Christ we should see God would helpe and ayde vs beyonde our expectation For God will not suffer the indeauours of his beloued to be lost nor the kingdome of Christ his sonne to be shrowne downe by the enterprises of the wicked But let vs returne to the Apostles and see what they did after they had escaped these broyles of whom thus much is reported as followeth The next daye following Paule accompanyed with Barnabas went from Lystra and came vnto Derba where he preacheth the Gospell of Ie●us Christ bringeth many disciples vnto Christ. This is a notable and rare example of christian constancie and faythfull endeuour that by daunger being made the more bolde and feruent they returne againe vnto their office and duetie Hereby is reprooued the sluggishnesse of those slydebackes which after they haue bene once in daunger as though they had then done all their duetie can neuer be brought againe to suffer anye more for Christes sake Howbeit in deede they should rather haue considered that by reason God of late had so deliuered and helped them they should haue bene the more incouraged and bolde For hath God therefore set vs at libertie to the intent we should afterwarde stande ydle and looke on whyle others are in perill Nay but for this cause rather he maketh good his promise to the ende we should stande the more boldely in the defence of his name Paule remembring thys coulde not fynde in his heart to rest scarce one day togither and yet it might seeme he had deserued to haue his Quietus est This also is to be obserued that wheresoeuer Luke reasoneth of the Apostles doctrine he maketh mention of nothing but the gospell the Ministerie and preaching whereof Christ had committed vnto them This is a great argument of the fayth and credite which they vsed in the office commytted to their charge and also teacheth vs what ought to be preached in the Church For if the Apostles durst not take so much vpon them as to giue back starte from the commaundement of Christ and to infeoffe the Church with newe traditions Doubtlesse their boldnesse can not be excused which now a dayes impudently presume so to do vnder the name and pretence of the Apostles Moreouer the Apostles returne to the three Cities from whence they were expulsed that is to Antioche Iconium and Lystra to confirme and establishe those that they had woonne vnto Christ in the fayth For as in ordering of an house it is as much prayse to saue that is gotten as to get more vnto the same so in the Church of God we must haue a care not onely to gette more vnto it but also to take heede that none fall from their duetie and fayth through our negligence And as seede must not onely be throwne into the grounde but also be tended and cherished that thornes and bryers ouergrowe it not so that it perishe so the seede of Gods worde being once
the saying of Dauid Many are the tribulations of the iust and that Christ foretolde shoulde come vnto vs And in all these things we must remember that so it must be not onely for that God maye be founde true of hys worde but bicause it is expedient thus to tame and brydle our fleshe and to mooue vs to lothe this lyfe and to desire the life to come For we feele in our selues what a loue of this worlde is in our fleshe and with howe much adoe we are brought to the desire of heauenly things And what thinke you woulde come of vs if we should taste of no aduersitie in this world but haue all things come to passe according to our desire lyking Surely the flesh would neuer be brought to renounce this worlde which notwithstanding all these vexations is woonderfully in loue with the worlde The second reason is that they declare how there is a ioyfull ende of tribulations for that by tribulations there is an entrance for vs into the kingdome of god Which wordes are not so to be vnderstanded as though by suffring afflictions we deserue the kingdome of God which is purchased for vs by the bloude of our Sauiour Christ only But they teach vs that Christ by his example hath trode out this way vnto vs that as he by the crosse entred into the glory of his father so the ende of all afflictions is set forth vnto vs to be the inheritaunce of eternall life according to the promise of Christ I will that where I am there my Minister shall also be Who therfore will henceforth abhorre the crosse who will be offended at afflictions seeing he heareth they come also vnto the wicked but by Christes meane worke to the saluation of the godly Let vs remember these things at this day O brethren Let vs consider that it is Gods appoyntment that we should be thus invred with diuers troubles and that it can not be otherwise bicause the naughtynesse of our flesh so requireth Let vs haue an eye to the example of Christ who bicause he woulde be our Captaine suffered fyrst all these things Furthermore let vs fasten the eyes of our minde vppon the glory of the heauenly life and forgette these frayle and temporall things behinde vs Lette vs ioyne herevnto feruent prayer that he maye vouchsafe to accomplish and performe the good worke which is begonne in vs And so shall it come to passe that being inspyred with his spirite and grace and hauing prosperously ended this race of our life and attayned to the rewarde of the heauenly we shall liue and reigne with our Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christ to whome be prayse honor power and glory for euer Amen The C. Homelie AND when they had ordeyned them Elders by election in euery congregation and had prayed and fasted they commended them to the Lorde on whome they beleeued And when they had gone thorowout Pisidia they came to Pamphilia and when they had preached the woorde in Perga they descended into the Citie Attalia and thence departed by shippe to Antioch from whence they were committed vnto the grace of God to the woorke which they fulfilled When they were come and had gathered togither the congregation they rehearsed all that God had done by them and howe hee had opened the doore of fayth vnto the Gentyles And there they abode long time with the Disciples AS it was the dutie of the Apostles to bring our Sauiour Iesus Christ Disciples and to gather him a Church out of all Nations by preaching of the Gospell so was it their parts and dutie carefullye and diligently to see vnto the same Churches And this doe Paule and Barnabas most faythfullye For after they had with perill of their lyues planted Congregations at Antioche Iconium and Lystra they laboured with all industrie possible to maintaine and defende the same against the assaults and craftes of Satan And bicause they knewe the Iewes did marueylously vexe them they returned againe to the Churches there notwithstanding they were opprobriously driuen forth of them Neither doe they returne without profyte but confyrme and strengthen the mindes of the Disciples with admonitions and comfortes exhorting them to continue and abide in the doctrine and putting away the slaunder and offence of the Crosse of all which hath bene spoken in the sermon before going Herevnto is to be adioyned that that is sayde in the beginning of this place touching Elders ordeyned by the sayde Apostles When we haue hereof intreated as much as God shall giue vs grace then will we speake of their returne vnto the Church at Antioch agayne to whome they recounted all that they had done abrode When they had sayth Luke ordeyned them Elders by election in euery congregation and had prayed and fasted they commended them to the Lorde on whome they beleeued They are called Seniors or Elders which partlye are Ministers and teachers of his word and partly such as are ayding and assisting the Pastours in the administration of the Church and which by reason of their authoritie see that Discipline be obserued in the Church And where Luke sayth they ordeyned such in euery Church it easily appeareth that it is very necessarye for the conseruation of the Church to haue such as by whose ministery the doctrine of the worde may be had in continuall vse This is requisite both for the infyrmitie of the flesh and also bicause of the corruption of mannes nature which must needes be oftentimes warned to doe his dutie least he be brought to destruction by the craftes and subtiltie of the Deuill For the which cause Christ did not onely sende forth the Apostles to preach the Gospell among all Nations of the worlde but also gaue vnto his Church Pastours and teachers by whose diligence the fayth and knowledge of God which the Apostles taught might be confyrmed and preserued in mens mindes And Paule writeth that he left Titus for this cause in Creta that he should ordeyne Elders in euery Citie of that Islande And herevnto it is manifest the godlyest Kings and Princes that were hertofore had a respect by whose liberalitie Churches were endowed and enriched least for want of prouision the ministery of the word shoulde haue fayled Therefore their error is very pieuishe and absurde which reiect the doctryne of the worde as vnprofytable and superfluous For if these men did well knowe themselues they would perceyue that thys is the readyest waye whereby to attayne vnto saluation as Christ sometime tolde Martha being very much busied and occupyed in other matters Therefore as many as will haue the Church to be maintayned let them diligentlye prouide that the Church want not fytte and worthy Ministers The Euangelyst also declareth the ceremony or maner of choosing Elders wherein prayer and fasting were fyrst placed whereof mention was made as we haue hearde before in the lyke case Act. 1. and .13 When the Scripture vseth to ioyne both these togither it signifyeth that
a cause that Luke maketh mention twise or thrise of the grace worke of god For fyrst he sayth they were committed vnto the grace of God in this worke to the intent that all the Church might wytnesse they were able to doe nothing without the grace of god Then declare they what woonders God wrought by them which kinde of phrase attributeth the whole successe of their ambassage and ministerie to God onely Moreouer they declare howe God opened the dore of fayth vnto the Gentyles Then is there a dore opened vnto the fayth when an effectuall operation of the holy spirite is ioyned vnto the outwarde preaching whereby the mindes of men are illuminated and drawne vnto the obedience of fayth This is the only worke of God as Christ testifyeth saying No man commeth vnto me except my father draweth him We are taught therefore by the example of the Apostles to attribute nothing to our owne industrie and wisedome in deede of vs it is required to be faithfull and diligent Howbeit as the successe of our doings must be committed vnto God so must all the prayse and glorye of their well doings be referred vnto him also Which doctrine is not onely for ministers of the worde to remember but also for all Magistrates housholders maryed folke seruauntes and to conclude for all states and degrees of men as we haue oftentimes declared Last of all it is sayde they tarrie a good space at Antioche to the ende doubtlesse to recreate themselues with honest and godly quietnesse hauing bene wearied a long whyle before with many labours and daungers both by lande and sea For it is meete conuenient that they should reape some fruite of their labours whose fayth and diligence had bene so many waies tried So Christ bade his Apostles when they returned from preaching the gospell to go aside out of the waye for a season and to repose themselues a little Let no man yet thinke that the Apostles sate still at Antioche ydely gasing vpon others For without doubt they faithfully taught the brethren and tooke paines in helping the other Ministers But for a certaine time they surceased from traueyling and taking anye enterprise of daunger in hande God the father of mercie graunt that all they that nowe a dayes glory in the gospell may fynishe the course of their lyfe with like diligence and successe as did the Apostles and that in the heauenly Chanaan they may enioy perpetuall rest and peace with Iesus Christ our Sauiour to whome be all praise honor power and glory for euer Amen The .xv. chapiter vpon the Actes of the Apostles The Cj. Homelie AND certayne men which came downe taught the brethren except you be circumcised after the maner of Moses you cannot be saued So when there was rysen discention and disputing not a little vnto Paule and Barnabas and certayne other of them should go vp to Ierusalem vnto the Apostles and Elders about this question And after they were brought on their way by the congregation they passed ouer Phoenices and Samaria declaring the conuersion of the Gentyles and they brought great ioy vnto all the brethren And when they were come to Ierusalem they were receyued of the congregations and of the Apostles and Elders and they declared all the things that God had done by them IN the former part of his treatise or worke Luke hath declared howe the primitiue Church was gathered togither both of Iewes and Gentiles by preaching of the Apostles and howe by the wonderfull assistaunce of GOD it was preserued amonge the contynuall stormes blastes of persecution Herevnto is added a newe hystorie in thys Chappiter that teacheth vs howe the Lorde preserued the same Church agaynst false brethren and teachers least it myghte lose eyther simplicitie of doctrine or puritie of faith For hytherto for fourteene yeares togyther Paule had preached the Gospell and according to the common consent of the Apostles doctrine had taught that all saluation was in Christ Iesus onelye which doctrine being euerywhere receyued certayne of the Iewes specially those of the Phariseys secte that professed the fayth of Christ began to withstande Who albeit they confessed Christ yet they would needes haue circumcision and the ceremonies of the lawes to be ioyned with it which opinion whiles Paule earnestly resisted caused great adooe and contention insomuch that it horribly shooke the whole Church But our Sauiour Christ forsooke not them that stro●e for the glory of his merite by whose prouidence it came to passe that the plaine and simple doctrine of Christ was defended and confyrmed by the publike testimonie of the Apostles and the whole Church The consyderation of thys hystorie serueth much both to instruct and comfort all congregations For as by the example of the Apostles we are taught which waye to resist false doctrine ●o learne we that the doctrine of truth standeth fyrme and sure against all inuasions wherefore we will in order consider all the partes of this present place First Luke telleth who were the authors of this strife discention euen certaine persons that came out of Iurie and from Ierusalem Therfore they must needes be of great authoritie considering Ierusalem was the mother Church of all other and was worthily esteemed of all menne bicause from thence the Gospell of saluation did fyrst issue and spring for the which cause Paule also commendeth it saying It was meete the Gentyles shoulde minister corporall thinges vnto those of Ierusalem which had giuen them the spirituall and eternall giftes of saluation And it is no doubt but those deceyuers and seducers did marueylously bragge of the name and authoritie of the Apostles and did make lyght of Paules name as who should saye he deserued not to be counted among the Apostles bicause he had not bene conuersant with Iesus Christ whyle he liued For this maye we gather of Paules Epistles where he is enforced earnestlye to defende his authoritie and Apostleship against them Furthermore we maye here see howe deceyuers breede euen in the Church but were neuer true members of the Church For they that are in deede of the Church vse to continue in the same Therefore Christ sayth they go in sheepes clothing And Paule in another place sayth from among your selues shall ryse grieuous wolues c. And this is a woonderfull craft of Satan which knowing that men doe hate and abhorre him vseth to counterfeyte an Aungell of light and vnder the cloke of holynesse to beguyle and deceyue the simple This place serueth to confute them which constantly beleeue that the Romane Church cannot erre and be deceyued and affirme that whatsoeuer commeth from thence ought to be receyued as an Oracle And yet out of Ierusalem where the Apostles discharged their office and dutie with all diligence came these hypocrites and deceyuers What therefore shall we hope for at their handes amongst whome these many hundred yeres hath bene seene no token eyther of Apostolike lyfe or
is not without a cause suspected For a Bishop must be blamelesse and Paule forbiddeth yong schollers chiefely to be kept out of the Ministery bicause such are in daunger of backbiting and slaundering Nowe adayes bicause we be to soone intreated in admitting of euerye one it is no marueyle though the authoritie of the Ministerie growe so much in contempt Moreouer it maye seeme to anye man marueylous that God woulde suffer such most chosen vessels of his grace to be intangled in such implacable hatred and that the holye ghost woulde haue their errours recorded in wryting for their sake that shoulde come after But to him that shall deepely ponder these things there shall appeare to be diuers iust and weightye causes of this doing For fyrst these things teache vs that euen the holyest men also are subiect to perturbations of minde and therefore haue neede of the grace of god This Paule acknowledgeth where he writeth that he felte the pricke of the fleshe and had the messenger of Satan sent him agaynst the which he had none other wayes to resist but by the grace of God. The same Paule writing of the lawe of sinne which in all men fyghteth against the spirite of God cryeth out O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer me from this body subdued vnto death I thanke God through Iesus Christ our Lorde The vse of all these things is to teach vs that whatsoeuer things holy men doe commendably we should ascribe them vnto God as to the author and only magnifye him therefore Againe these slydinges of holye men stirre vs vp vnto a feruent and continuall desire of godlinesse that according to Paules saying we may worke our saluation with feare and trembling For who will not be afrayde who will not be stirred vp to watch and praye when he seeth such notable seruaunts of God so grieuously fall Who will not stande in dreade to fall yea euen then when he seemeth to stand sure There is also another vse and commoditie of this contention that we now adayes be not offended with the discentions of the Ministers of the worde nor for discentions sake suspect the doctrine of Gods worde For the authoritie thereof dependeth not on man but as Esaias sayeth endureth for euer when all fleshe with the glory thereof wythereth and falleth away like a flower The fourth and last poynt of this Chapter is the peregrination of Paule and Barnabas in which they execute and perfourme their deuise concerning the visiting and confyrming the Churches in the word of god For although they disagreed among themselues yet is neyther of them vnmindefull of his dutie But Barnabas goeth into Cyprus and Paule into Syria and Cilicia and from thence into Lycaonia And this constancie is worthy of all men to be followed that we suffer not our selues by contention and importunitie of men to be ouercomme and so forgetting our duties become vnfaythfull vnto god In the meane season it behooueth vs to consider the goodnesse and wisedome of God which knoweth best howe to vse the offences of his people For of this lamentable discorde of the Apostles springeth this profyte that diuers Churches are at one very time visited and confyrmed Yea God many tymes vseth the sinnes of the wicked to the setting forth of his glory and the saluation of manne Examples whereof are extant both in the sale of Ioseph and manye other hystories Yet let no man for all this thinke vs voyde of fault For men sinne and by sinne deserue to be made the vesselles of wrath And if any good followe of their offending all that is to be ascribed to the goodnesse and wisedome of god God graunt that by vs his name may be glorifyed and that our most mercifull father woulde vse all our doinges to that ende to serue for the commoditie and saluation of many that we may lyue in heauen with Iesus Christ to whome be all prayse honour power and glorye for euer Amen The .xvj. chapiter vpon the Actes of the Apostles The Cvj. Homelie THEN came he to Derba and to Lystra and beholde a certaine Disciple was there named Timotheus a womans sonne which was a Iewesse and beleeued but his father was a Greeke Of whome reported well the brethren that were at Lystra and Iconium Him would Paule that he should go forth with him and toke and circumcised him bicause of the Iewes that were in those quarters For they knew al that his father was a Greke As they went through the Cities they deliuered them the decrees for to keepe that were ordeyned of the Apostles and Elders which were at Ierusalem And so were the congregations stablished in the fayth and increased in number daily THe Apostle Paule appoynted to visite the Churches which he had gathered togither by preaching of the Gospell and to confyrme them in the fayth they had once receyued least being eyther drowned in securitie or circumuented with the subtiltie of Satan or ouercome wyth persecutions they shoulde fall awaye This he so doth that whersoeuer occasion also is offred he laboureth to winne moe congregations vnto christ This hystorie Luke in this place describeth who was Paules continuall companion in this iourney and therfore as a witnesse that sawe all things knewe all things well And fyrst we hearde how they went ouer Syria and Cilicia Then it followeth what they did in Lycaonia the Churches wherof by reason of the Iewes the bitterest enimies that Christ had had more neede to be strengthned than others and hereof Paule stoode in feare bicause he had diuers times tryed the hostyle attemptes and implacable mindes of the Iewes Moreouer the Euangelist taketh his beginning of the calling of Timothie whome Paule tooke vnto him as a companion in his voyage and partener in all his labors For he knewe that without fytte Ministers of the worde the kingdome of Christ and fayth in him could not be enlarged Wherefore as the Princes of this world which labour to dilate and stretch out their borders a farre are altogither occupied about getting of long tryed Captaynes and bolde souldiours from all places so was this the chiefe care of Paule to searche and get many faythfull and fytte Ministers for the Church of Christ by whome the kingdome of Christ might be stretched farre and wyde whosoeuer desire the safetie of the Church whether they be teaching Bishops or ruling Magistrates they must followe this example For as without the preaching of the worde newe Churches cannot be planted so those that are already planted and gathered togither cannot be kept in doing their dutie without the same Hereof proceeded that care and industrye which the Prophetes of the olde Testament had about schooles which our Predecessors being most prudent and godly men did imitate as the foundations of most auncient Colledges doe testifye In the vocation of Timothie there are two things to be considered wherof we shall speake in order Fyrst it is described who and what maner
that notable marke of the beast which no man can receyue or keepe wythout denying of christ Wherfore it becommeth Christian men rather to impugne these thinges than neuer so little to violate the profession of Christes name Before we passe from this place we haue to consider the mariage of Timothies parents forasmuch as Luke maketh expresse mention thereof He sayth that Eunica his mother was a Iewe and his father a Greeke or a Gentyle Yet we reade that Iewes were forbiden to marrye with the Gentyles Yet such was the state of the people of the Iewes in those daies that being oppressed vnder the tiranny of the Romanes and dispersed here and there they were driuen to suffer many things agaynst their wyll In the meane season the godly woman Eunica by reason of this mariage was in such daunger as God foreshewed in his lawe For she was not able by Circumcision to take hir sonne Timothie into the societie of Gods people who no doubt was borne before Christ suffered and the lawe was abrogated by reason hir husbande withstoode hir who as it is like was deuoyde of true religion bicause Paule commendeth him in no place and yet setteth forth in writing the worthy fayth of Eunica and Lois These thinges ought to feare the professors of Christian fayth from drawing the yoke with Infydels as elsewhere the Apostle sayth Also the example of Eunica is very notable which procured hir sonne to be trayned vp in the scriptures from his childehoode agaynst hir husbandes will least he shoulde be corrupted with the superstition and ydolatrie of the Gentyles Lette Matrones matched in such vnlyke mariages well obserue this thing Let them remember that their children be holy by reason of the promise of the couenaunt as Paule plainly teacheth Let them therefore bring them vp in the doctrine of true godlynesse and trayne them vnto God whose honor if they seeke with all their heart they shall fynde him true of his promises where he sayeth he will be their protector and defender But let vs come to the treatie of this present place where after the vocation of Timothie is declared what they which were with Paule taught in the Churches As they went sayth he through the Cities they deliuered them such things to obserue and keepe as were decreed by the Apostles and Elders at Ierusalem Which wordes the Papistes wrest I wote not to what maner of traditions which they imagine the Apostles and their successors deliuered from hande to hande vnto the Church but were neuer written This Sanctuarye being by them once founded whatsoeuer they cannot prooue by authorite of Scripture they saye by and by it is the tradition of the Apostles But Luke sayth no such thyng but speaketh of those decrees whereof mention was made in the chapter before going They were these that man was iustifyed and saued by the onely grace of God through faith in Iesus Christ and not by the works of the l●we that we should abstaine from those things which pollute the profession of our fayth and our holynesse as is Idolatrie and fornication that we must labour for loue and in outwarde things yeelde somewhat vnto the weake or else vnto such as are not yet come vnto the fayth if there be any hope of winning them In the meane season that we beware mennes consciences be not snarled or charged with any burthen intollerable These things Luke sayth that Paule and those with him did euerywhere inculcate both to represse the Iewes which to importunately vrged the Gentyles to the obseruing of the lawe and to brydle the licentiousnesse of the Gentyles which abused the Christian libertie with great offence For he chiefly desired that peace might flouryshe in the Church whereby he knewe the same shoulde chiefly increase Agayne where there was no daunger of offence he constantlye defended the libertie of Christ bicause he woulde not preiudice the same which thing the Apostles wynked at for the weakes sake The fyrst Epistle to the Corinthians teacheth the same where he maketh the eating of thynges offered to Idolles free as touching conscience if there be none present that is offended therewith In the meane season Paules example teacheth vs that it is not sufficient to haue good lawes made vnlesse they which haue the charge thereof see them put in execution For dayly experience teacheth vs that execution is the lyfe and sinewes of the lawe Take that awaye and the lawe shall lye as deade and as Anacharsis sayde shall become lyke vnto Spyders webbes which euerye bolde and presumptuous bodye will not sticke to breake Therefore let both Ministers of the Church and gouernors of the common weale imitate Paule if they meane to doe their duetie and not rather with vayne counterfeyting mocke both God and man. Last of all Luke addeth a notable successe of their most godly endeuour and labour where he sayth the Churches were confyrmed in the fayth and grewe and increased euery day more and more in number And bicause he maketh mention of fayth it is euident that Paule chieflye beate that into their heades and not vayne and colde Ceremonies and traditions These are the continuall effectes of the worde of God that lyke vnto a showre it neuer returneth wythout fruite vnto him that sent it These also are the weapons wherby the kingdome of Christ in this world is most prosperously enlarged to saye diligent preaching of the worde and feruent desire to conserue and keepe the same Whensoeuer these cease by and by fayth falleth and all loue of true religion dyeth We haue examples hereof euerywhere whereby they are conuinced which thinke it sufficient if they be not constrayned through tyrannie to be partakers of wicked sacrifyces and yet in the meane season they liue in such places where the worde of God is banished and no duties of Christian religion exercised Let vs all therefore studye to set forth the worde of God that both our selues maye be confyrmed in the fayth and the Church daylye increase in number of beleeuers wherein Iesus Christ onely reygneth the sauiour of mankynde and onely Brydegroome of the Church to whome be prayse honor power and glory for euer Amen The Cvij Homelie WHEN they had gone throughout Phrygia and the Region of Galatia and were forbidden of the holy ghost to preache the worde in Asia they came to Mysia and sought to go into Bithynia but the spirite suffered them not But when they had gone thorowe Mysia they came downe to Troada And a vision appeared to Paule in the night There stoode a man of Macedonia and prayed him saying Come into Macedonia and helpe vs After he had seene the vision immediately we prepared to go into Macedonia being certified that the Lorde had called vs for to preache the Gospell vnto them When we losed forth then from Troada we came with a strayte course to Samothracia and the next daye to Neapolis and from thence to Philippos which is the chiefe
that in Claudius dayes they were all driuen out of Rome and Italie And surelye it might seeme a grieuous attempt for Iewes defamed persons almost with all men to prescribe lawes vnto the Romanes the Lords seigniors of the whole world And this accusation was of such force and effect that all the people ranne vpon the Apostles as it had bene to the quenching of some great fyre begun Thou shalt in this place consider what the crafts of the enimies of the truth are We heard how they were incensed led with the desire of priuate lucre aduantage But bicause it was an vnhonest poynt to disturbe the whole citie for a fewes sake they make of a priuate case a publike with marueylous arte and craft so proceeding as though they tooke the publike weales cause in hande Thus we heare Caiaphas played the Rhetorician when he sayde vnto the Scribes consulting agaynst Christ It is expedient for vs that one man dye for the people and not all the Nation perishe And now a dayes nothing is so common a thing as to set a pretence of common weale vpon priuate affections when men desire the doctrine of truth to be banished This craft they haue learned of their Captaine the Deuill who we reade vsed the same trickes euen from the beginning For did he not this wayes entyce our fyrst parents to breake Gods commaundement so propose his matter as though he had sought no whitte for his owne auayle but was onely carefull for theirs When he begoonne also to dispute with Christ he seemed to go about to cause Christ to declare his Godheade vnto the worlde by some woonderfull and myraculous wise and not to holde the worlde anye longer in suspence and doubt what he was For to this ende were his sayings touching turning of stones into breade and casting himselfe downe from the pinnacle of the Temple We haue euerywhere examples of such sleyghtes the chiefe ende whereof is to warne vs that we suffer not our selues to be circumuented and beguiled eyther with the craftes of the deuill himselfe or of his members This place also teacheth vs with what crimes commonly the truth is charged in this worlde Namely that she troubleth and disquieteth common weales and beguyleth the simple Commons with new and false religion Hereof commeth it to passe that the Ministers and teachers of the truth are counted for seditious fellowes seducers and beguilers The faythfull seruauntes of God Moses and Aaron are so called of Pharao the tyrant For thus he aunswereth them desiring him that the people myght be set at libertie You Moses and Aaron why pluck you the people away from their labour But the wicked Achab more bitterly vpbraydeth the Prophete Elias with the same saying Art not thou he that troublest Israel Yet is that more grieuous that Amasias the Priest layeth to Amos the Prophetes charge before king Ieroboam in these wordes Amos hath made a conspiracie against thee in the middest of the house of Israel and the lande cannot away with his sermons Yea the wicked Courtyers of Sedechias the king accuse Ieremie of treason and of flying to his enimies the Assirians saying he is the onely authour of all their miseries and destruction But this is no marueyle considering these were the poynts of accusation that were layde vnto Christes charge For the Priestes sayde vnto Pylate wee founde this man peruerting the whole Nation and forbidding to paye tribute vnto Caesar saying he was Christ a king Agayne If thou let him loose thou art not Caesars friend Whosoeuer maketh himselfe a king speaketh against Caesar. These are grieuous matters and argue the great impudencie of the worlde And yet they may seeme tollerable being compared with the things done in our dayes These thinges in times past did they saye which were the professed enimies of the Prophetes and Apostles and which knewe not that Christ was their sauiour But nowe adayes they that will be taken and counted for Christians which challenge vnto them the chiefe gouernaunce of the Church which professe themselues to be the nurses shepeheardes and defenders of the Church vse to persecute the ministers of Christ and his Gospell and call that a newe doctrine a seditious and a deceytfull which according to the scriptures of the olde and newe Testament sheweth that all our saluation is onely in Christ Iesus which teacheth vs the right vse of the sacraments innocencie and puritie of life the duties of charitie commaundeth vs to loue our enimies leaueth lawes and priuiledges free vnto Magistrates biddeth vs giue vnto Caesar that is Caesars and vnto God that belongeth vnto him which commendeth vnto vs principally the desire of peace and commaundeth vs asmuch as lyeth in vs to haue peace with all men Who may not therefore crie out ô maners ô tymes Let vs therfore acknowledge the blindenesse of this world and not esteeme their slaunders one myte whereby they go about to defame and bring in suspition the wholesome doctrine of the Gospell It remayneth for vs to consider what the iudgement of the Gouernour of Philippi was concerning this present cause But what saye I the iudgement whereas without all iudgement they raged like madde men against the Apostles Sreyghtways they tare and rent their garments as though there wanted Ministers of such mischiefe Then they commaunde them without hearing their aunswere and being guiltlesse to be beaten with roddes And when they had bene well scourged at length they cast them in prison commaunding that they shoulde be well watched as though they were worthye of more punishment than other malefactors Which thing was the cause that they were put in an inner prison and their feete thrust into the stockes But what more iniustice coulde Magistrates and men in office shewe He offendeth that doth but denie him leaue that is accused to excuse himselfe But these men besides beate straungers with roddes and when they haue beaten them thrust them in prison meaning afterwarde at leysure to heare their aunswere The cause of this rage was for that they suffered other that slaundered them to much to kindle their choler Therfore let them that sitte in iudgement flie this pestilent plague and remember that they haue two eares giuen them for this cause that one maye be kept open for the Plaintife and that other for the defendant Let them also remember that God is the President of iudgements to whome they also shall one day giue an account of their iudgements In the meane season we are admonished what the state of the godly is in this worlde Notorious malefactors maye liue in safetye but the godlye are hated and persecuted of all men and where they hurt none but doe good vnto all men they haue least thanke of all men in the worlde It was a singular benefite to deliuer the Damsell out of the thraldome of Satan But for their good turne they are punished with strypes and imprisonment as publike enimies of the Citie Hereof we haue euery
both to Chryste and his Apostles which dare coyne newe Articles of fayth and thruste into the Churche diuers things expressely contrary to the doctrine of the Apostles Secondely hee declareth the manner that hee obserued in teaching whyle hee saythe he taughte bothe priuately and apertly thoroughout euery house witnessing bothe to the Iewes and also to the Gentiles These thinges declare the continuall trauell of the Apostle wherewith he was so enflamed that as he sette before all men the doctrine of saluation so he omitted nothing which made for the saluation of all men Wee learne heereby what the beste trade and manner of teaching is Firste all thinges muste bee declared generally and openly that belong to saluation so that all men may vnderstande what they ought eyther to doo or to leaue vndoone But bycause all men do not yelde of their owne accorde and yet many tymes they offende of carelesnesse more than of malice without offence of others it behoueth also to adioyne priuate admonitions exhortations and reprehensions For if it be the duetie of euery Christian to admonishe his neighboure and to bring him into the way that is out of it howe muche more oughte the Minister thus to doo of whome Chryste one day shall require an accompte of the office committed vnto hym But by this word witnessing is noted an earnest and free kinde of speech without the which all other things are but colde It is diligently to be considered what authoritie the Minister hath ouer the sheepe committed to his charge seeing that he muste teache and exhorte them bothe openly and priuily through euery house Where also may be gathered howe they ought to bee taken which will not be admonished neither publikely nor priuately of their Ministers For why shoulde they bee iudged the sheepe of Chryst which presumptuously disdayne the voyce of their shepheard Finally he cōprehendeth the summe of his doctrine in two poynts that is to say in repentaunce toward God and fayth in Iesus Chryst. These things agree with the commaundement of Chryst which appoynted the Apostles to preach repentaunce and forgiuenesse of sinnes in his name Wherby it appeareth that Paule preached a true Gospell and also what maner of doctrine ought to be preached And heere repentaunce hathe the first place which otherwheres we haue defined to be a conuerting or turning vnto God which diffinition Paule alloweth where he sayth he taught repentaunce towarde God that is such a thing as men turne vnto God by Of this tooke the Apostles the beginning of their preaching as Chryst commaunded them bicause we haue all gone out of the way and are of nature corrupte And bycause wee flye the sighte of God as Adam did therfore must fayth in Chryst also be preached which teacheth vs that wee are reconciled to the father through meane of his sonne by whome wee beeing borne agayne of the immortall seede of Gods worde are made the children of god Therefore their errour is very hurtefull and shamefull whiche still vrge penaunce but in the meane whyle neglecte faythe without the whiche repentaunce can not stande For howe shoulde he returne vnto God which hath not Chryste who onely is the way the lighte and the truthe and without whom no man commeth vnto the father But bycause we haue entreated of these matters other wheres more at large let these fewe suffise for this season Let all men learne by Paules example to iudge of Doctrines and not suffer any manner of doctrine to be thrust in among them but suche as teacheth a true conuersion vnto God through fayth in Iesus Chryste to whome be prayse honor power and glory for euer Amen The Cxxxiiij Homelie AND now behold I go bounde in the spirite vnto Ierusalem not knowing the things that shall come on me there but that the holy Ghost witnesseth in euery Citie saying that bands and troubles abide me But none of these things moue me neither is my life deare vnto my selfe that I might fulfill my course with ioy and the ministration that I haue receyued of the Lorde Iesu to testifie the Gospell of the grace of god And now behold I am sure that hencefoorth ye all through whom I haue gone preaching the kingdome of God shall see my face no more Wherefore I take you to recorde this day that I am pure from the bloud of all men For I haue spared no laboure but haue shewed you all the counsayle of God. ALthough Iesus Chryst the sonne of God whyle he was in this world alwayes loued his Disciples maruelously yet he declared most euident tokens of his loue a little before his gooing away as those graue and wholsome admonitions that he gaue them at his laste Supper abundauntly declare Paule following his example was not onely carefull for the saluation of Churches whyle he was among them but when he departed from them yea beeing absent he much more manyfestly declared howe neare his harte the welfare of them all dyd sitte This appeareth euerywhere in all his Epistles but specially in this oration which he made in the Synode at Miletum before the Pastours and Ministers of Asia For where he foresawe that he shoulde neuer come agayne to the Churches of Asia and knewe what daunger was lyke to follow by false teachers after he was gone therefore he warneth them with all trustinesse and diligence possible both of their duetyes and other things necessarie for their saluation But chiefly he setteth before them his owne example to purchase the more authoritie to his admonition whereof bycause we yesterday intreated sufficiently ynough nowe we will come to the explication of this present place For there followeth a reason of the cause that moued him so earnestly to vrge his owne example verily euen for that he was vpon departure and should returne no more to them agayne For hereof he gathered that they ought to follow the example of their Apostle and teacher with all diligence to take vpon them the care of the Church least they should lose that through their slouthe and negligence which he had gotten with so great labours and trauell And this is the whole summe of this place It shall be good to consider all things in the order that they are declared and to seeke out what mysteries lye hidden in euery worde First and now beholde sayth he I go bounde in the spirite vnto Ierusalem By the which words he vnderstandeth a secrete motion of the holy Ghost which we see was alwayes his guide in all his dooings Unto whō although he willingly obeyed as the things folowing declare yet he testifieth that he is led bounde as it were least he might seeme ouer lightly or rashly to tempt God by putting himselfe in daunger without a cause He declareth therefore that he coulde not do otherwise vnlesse he would obstinately wrastle with the spirite of god This maner of Paules speaking teacheth vs how we should regard both the secret suggestions of the holy
of God it teacheth vs that we be reconciled to God the father through his sonne Iesus Chryste Hereby it appeareth what great vngodlynesse theirs is which wickedly disdaine and contemne the Gospell They be like vnto sedicious people which thinke it not inough to moue and stirre sedition agaynst the Magistrates but wil also scornfully deride the grace which is offred them of the Magistrates and fowly intreate the messangers sent vnto them with the same For it is euident that all we are gyltie of sedition against God haue deserued destruction But God pardoneth al our o●fences for the merite of his sonne and declareth that grace and fauor to vs by his Gospell Whiche whosoeuer refuse verily they declare themselues to be vtterly inexcusable and vnworthy of pardon hereafter Again speaking of the ministery he vseth this word testifying wherby we haue oftentimes declared is vnderstanded a playn free earnest kinde of preaching For the Gospell is not a bare and simple narration of a thing done but a testimonie of Iesus Chryst. And Chryste him selfe calleth his Apostles witnesses They earnestly therefore preached Chryst yea they testified not onely in words and deedes but also by their lyfe and bloud that Chryst was the sauiour of the worlde for the which cause they are commonly called Martyrs That we say the Apostles did the same muste all christians do likewise For Christ wil haue vs to confesse him before this worlde and acknowledgeth none for his seruants which are ashamed of him his gospell before this adulterous naughty generation But concer●ing Paule bicause he would haue his exhortation to haue the more authoritie with thē he repeateth in a short recapitulation to what ende he spake those things which he had heretofore said he maketh mētion again of his departure not that only but also he plainly testifieth that they shall see him no more hereafter saying And now behold I am sure that hencefoorth al you through whō I haue gone preaching the kingdom of God shal see my face no more Here he doth as parēts vse to do being redy to depart this life which in their admonitiōs oftētimes vse the like therby meaning to leaue the sharper stings in the harts of their childrē Paules intent purpose is worthy of al praise diligēt obseruation whose maruelous bold constāce appereth in these few words For althogh he knoweth that this is the last meting he shold haue with thē therfore loketh for nothing but death yet he doth not with womanly weping bewaile his departure nor vttreth any tokē of sadnes or priuat sorow but is only carefull for the welth of their churches only desireth thē to be careful for the same Which example teacheth vs what minds we should haue in the consideration of death or else when death approcheth is at hand We must in such case beware of this womānish pulinesse wherwith many so bewaile their state condition as though God had apointed thē only to dye are with such sorow care pulled frō their kinsfolke friends as though there remained none in the world through whose care prouidēce they might liue in safetie whē they were gone Howbeit they ought rather to remēber that this is the way of al flesh as Iosua Dauid testifie What iniurie then receyue we if we do but as al others do As touching our frēds wiues children neither do we lose them by death but either we send thē afore beeing our selues shortly after redy to folow or els we go before thē to that place whither they must folow where Christ hath prepared vs a countrey where the faithful of al natiōs shal sit with Abraham Isaac Iacob And the tutor patrone of those we leaue behind vs is God whō the scriptures call the defender of the strāgers and widows the father of the fatherlesse Therfore they must be cōmitted to his charge we must takewith stedfast faith that way which leadeth to heuē through the merite of Chryst. Last of all Paule vseth a most weighty protestatiō wherin he layeth the fault of their perdition on their owne heads if they neglect the Churches committed to their charge and suffer them to stray from the fayth I take you sayth he to recorde this day that I am pure from the bloud of all men The reason is for that I haue spared no labour but haue shewed you al the councell of God. Undoutedly he had a respect vnto the words of God red in Eze. 3. .33 Where the bloud of those that perish is imputed to the minister if he do not expresly giue them warning but him self is free frō al fault if he do his duetie faithfully And bycause Paule so did as one not culpable in his owne conscience thus he speaketh Also he seemeth to follow the example of singular men such as Moses Iosua were who we read vsed not much vnlike protestations a little before their death Paules example teacheth vs that they are excused before God which do their dutie although they little or nothing preuayle among the people committed to their charge For they are gyltie of destruction that continue in incurablenesse And this doctrine is not to be applied onely to the Ministers but also vnto all degrees of men And that it ought to haue place in the Magistrates the example of Iosias declareth whome the holy Ghoste maruellously commendeth although he had many in his kingdome yea in his Courte that were not very sounde and many playne incurable and wicked as the Sermons of Sophonias the Prophete testifie The lyke reason is to be made of Parents For oftentimes it commeth to passe that godly fathers haue children that go out of kinde and yet the childrens wickednesse is not preiudiciall to the fathers if they fayle not of their duetie in seeing to their children Wee haue ensamples in the sonnes of Iacob the Patriarche of Dauid and of diuers like But if Magistrates and parents forget their duetie and with ouermuche tendernesse or euill example infect those that are committed to their charge then the seueritie of Gods iudgement will fall vpon them as we see in the Scripture by the example of Heli. Heere haste thou what to aunswere to suche that thinke it good to cease where no hope of profyte is This is nowe obiected both agaynst Magistrates and Ministers and with this argument the sluggish vse to flatter themselues But do thou thinke that thy soule is also in danger which thou canst deliuer none other wayes than by faythful diligence and if thou deliuer hir then thinke not that thou haste laboured in vayne It appereth also by this place what a miserable condition they are in who where their predecessors haue wel discharged their duetie before they eyther like sluggardes giue ouer or else with their naughtinesse corrupte that that other before them haue well ordered For they are altogither gyltie
and voyde of excuse before God forasmuch as they which before had the charge of them are cleare from the bloud of them This ought to be obserued in the Churches of this age reformed by the word of god The reformatiō hereof was both laborious very dangerous What excuse then shall the light backsliders haue seeing that the very dust of the Ministers shall suffise to conuince thē as we haue otherwheres declared The like is nedeful to be obserued in the cōmon weale In Heluetia we enioy a libertie redemed with the bloud of our Auncestrie Good lawes are made out of the doctrine of the Gospell a discipline of maners instituted with much labour paynes Then wo vnto vs wretches worthy of all punishmēt if either through cowardly fear or light demeanor or wickednesse we suffer these things to be takē frō vs in which our publike weale cōsisteth So the faythful industrie care of the parents maketh the children inexcusable if they bee not aunswerable vnto the same Finally it is all mens duetie well to remember this least whyle they flatter them selues they put the faulte in another whereof they are guyltie It is further worthy to bee obserued that Paule hath shewed them all the councell of God namely touching our redemption and saluation Wee knowe otherwyse that there are many thinges in the prouidence of God which it is not lawefull for vs to searche out neither can they be declared by tong suche as Paule testifieth he heard in the thirde heauen But he omitted none of the things whiche concerne our saluation bycause he hath declared the causes and reason thereof and also moste truely reported the dueties of them which are saued Whervpon agayne wee gather that the Apostles doctrine conteyned in the Scriptures is perfect and absolute in all poyntes Therfore the vanitie of them is very rashe which thruste the traditions of men into the Church whereof the greatest part playnly repugne agaynst the doctrine of the Apostles which teache vs that Chryste alone is our Sauiour For it can not be that the things so playnely repugnaunt amongest them selues can haue one selfe spirite of God to bee the author of them Laste of all thou shalte note that thoughe Paule shewed all the counsell of God vnto the Ephesians yet afterwarde he wrote an Epistle to them wherein he expounded the same vnto them agayne By this example wee are taughte what a care and consideration Ministers of the Churche muste haue of all mens saluation and howe lyttle Apostolyke they are which so easily neglecte the Churches In the meane season let vs learne to embrace with true fayth and obedience the councell of God reuealed to vs by the Apostles in Iesus Chryste that wee followyng the same may attayne vnto true saluation throughe Iesus Chryste our onely Lorde and Sauiour to whome be prayse honour power and glory for euer Amen The Cxxxv. Homelie TAke hede therfore vnto yourselues and to all the flocke among whom the holy ghost hath made you ouerseers to rule the congregation of God which he hath purchased with his bloud For I am sure of this that after my departure shall greeuous wolues enter in among you not sparing the flocke Moreouer of your owne selues shal men arise speaking peruerse things to draw Disciples after them Therfore awake and remember that by the space of three yeres I ceased not to warne euery one of you night and day with teares And now brethren I cōmend you to God and to the worde of his grace which is able to builde further and to giue you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified SEing nothing is more deare and precious to God than the church which he hath purchased with the bloud of Christ it becommeth all men that will be compted for Gods seruauntes and frendes to studie for the prese●uation therof but cheefely this care belongeth to the Ministers of the woorde bicause God hath made them peculiar ouerseers of his Churche and will heereafter require an accompt of their stewardship For the which cause Paule the Apostle being ready to forsake Asia called to the Ministers of the Church and in open assembly before them discoursed diligently of al things which appertained to the administration of the charge committed vnto them And first he setteth before them his owne example and speaketh of his going away from them with a moste graue protestation that they might know how al the charge of the church hereafter lay on them only and therfore that they ought the more earnestly and zelously to laboure therein Moreouer after these premisses he commeth nearer admonishing them more plainely of their duetie alleaging moste pithie reasons the rather to prouoke them First propounding the summe of the matter in fewe wordes he saythe Take hede vnto your selues and to all the flocke By this worde attending or taking hede he commēdeth to them an earnest studie that they should not think they had then done their duetie when they had but superficially seene vnto it but that they should know there was great neede of care and circumspection And he propoundeth two things wherein they had neede to be circumspect First he saith Take hede to your selues This he commaundeth them bicause they should not think their selues excepted or excused but that their health and wel doing was in hazard as well as other mennes And as it is scarce credible that they shall haue any earnest care of others saluation which neglect their owne so they which beeing set in high degree ought to view the life manners and conuersation of others can not be out of daunger For either they shal swarue at one side and runne into ruine being puffed vp with vaine glory or else they shal be drawne from doing their duetie by being offended with mennes vniuste iudgements of them Therfore it is not without a cause that he admonisheth them to take heede of them selues And heere it behoueth pastoures to haue a special care of two things The one is doctrine wherein they can not erre without manifest detriment That their doctrine therefore may be true let it be taken from the mouthe of God which speaketh vnto vs in the scriptures and distributing the same in prudēt maner let them vse it duely in time and place that al things may serue to edification Bicause this is a matter of no small importance the continuall studie and reading of holy scripture is needeful as the same Paule teacheth vs in an other place The other is conuersation of life which in Ministers behooueth to be well ordered and blamelesse least they destroy with their euill example that they builde vp by their doctrine and that by their meanes bothe doctrine and religion growe not in contempt as we read it came to passe sometimes vnder the children of Hely and the wicked Priests that returned from Babylon 1. Sam. 2. Malach. 1. and .2 And for the auoyding of these and such like things it is
knees and prayed with them all For where he knew that God only gaue all increase as otherwheres he teacheth therefore he was not vnmindfull of prayer specially in a matter of such importaunce whervpon depended the saluation of al men And hereof sprang that auncient and notable vsage of the Church wherin sermons vsed to be begon and ended with prayers which prayers who so neglect abundantly declare that they resorte vnto sermons more of curiositie than either for desire of Gods glory or their owne saluation of which sort they are which are described in Ezechiel the xxxiij Chapter And as this example commendeth prayers and specially publike prayers which it behoueth vs to make with feruent affection of minde so it teacheth vs to obserue also a godly modestie of behauiour in the same wherby we testifie the meaning of our minde Among these gestures this is the moste auncient where the godly men vse to pray on their knees or else lying with their bodies prostrate on the ground therby setting themselues in order of humblenesse They vse also commonly to lift vp their hands vnto heauen both to declare the ardent desire of their minde and also to testifie their fayth wherby they firmly beleue that they shall receiue that they desire Yet muste we take heede that we cloke not a naughtie minde with a vayne kinde of gesture or that we lifte not vp handes embrued with bloud Touching bothe which vices reade Esai 1. and .29 Chapiters After all these things Luke addeth Paules departure out of Asia in the which two things fall out chiefly to be marked First he sayth they fell on weeping of all hands and euen they whom Paule had somdeale more openly quipped But they regarded not so muche their priuate reprehension as the publike commoditie of the whole Churche They are therfore sory that the Church should be depriued of suche an Instrument and they declare their sorrow by weeping embracing and kissing This is a very delectable example of mutuall charitie wherein the Ministers and Congregations shoulde stryue eche to ouercome others Paule loued them wonderfully as his whole trade of life declared Therefore they agayne loued him and reuerenced him as their Apostle and Father Where this mutuall affection reigneth all things prosper well But they whych hate their Ministers are for the moste parte moste vnhappy as may euidently bee seene in the Israelites which hated Moyses and Aaron Also by this place the indolencie of the Stoikes is condemned They thinke it vnlawfull for any man to shew any token of any affection As though affections were euill of themselfe and not set in vs by nature and that when any excesse is committed it were not through our default God requireth of vs a moderation of the minde but will not haue men to become stockes or stones Last of al they bring Paule to the shippe which is a dutie of reuerence and for the most parte proceedeth of loue Here we learne that they are worthy of honor which labour diligently in setting foorth the glory of God or otherwise wel accomplish their duetie Agayne we are taught that God neuer letteth them go without glory that are such For his promise is I will honour those that hono●r m● ▪ Le● ministers of the Church Magistrates also remember these things tha● they may learne by like industrie to preserue and maintaine their autority And let vs one with another lay to our helpes to the maintenaunce of the Church so shall we hereafter be partakers of the heauenly honour wyth Chryst our Lord and Sauiour to whome be prayse honour power and glorie for euer Amen The .xxj. Chapiter vpon the Actes of the Apostles The Cxxxviij Homelie ANd when it chaunced that we had launched foorth and were depar●ed from them we came with a straight course vnto Choon and the day● following vnto the Rhodes and from thence vnto Patara And when w● had gotten a Ship that would sayle vnto Phenices we went aboo●d on it and set foorth But when Cyprus began to appeare vnto vs we lefte it on the lefte hande and sayled vnto Syria and came vntoo Tyre for there the Ship vnladed the burthen And when we had found brethren we tarried there seuen dayes And they tolde Paule through the spirit that he should not goe vp to Hierusalem And when the dayes were ended we departed and went our way and they all broughte vs on our waye with wiues and children till we were come out of the Citie And we kneeled downe on the shoare and prayed And when we had taken our leaue one of another we toke Ship and they retourned home againe When we had ful ended the course from Tyre we went downe to Ptolemais and saluted the brethren and abode with them one day THe holy Ghost rehearseth very diligently the paynefull and dangerous voyages of the Apostles that by them we might learne the exceeding goodnes of God towarde vs who woulde haue his elect instrumentes and most faithful Ministers for oure saluation sake ▪ inured with such trauels and dangers for that wee shoulde the more feruentelye embrace the doctrine of the Gospell which it behooued to haue sette foorth wyth so greate paynes And to this ende must the hystorie of this Chapiter be referred wherin we are taught how Paule passing many seas through many hazardes came into Syria and from thence to Ierusalem where beeing courteously receiued of the godly but betrayed by the sedicious and apprehended he was committed to the power of the Deputie or lieuetenaunt of the Romanes al which things we shal consider in their time place This place specially hath many things which make muche for the explication of that we sayd euen now Wherefore the Contents muste be the more diligently discussed whiche at the first sight seeme but barren First it is declared how Paul vnwillingly departed frō Athens with his company We launched foorth sayth he and were plucked from them On this sort it is said Christ was pulled from his Disciples at mount Oliuet Luc. 22. By which worde is declared a great griefe of minde risen about his departure And verily the causes of this griefe were neither fewe nor yet tryfling For Paules three yeres conuersation amongst them had engendred a mutuall loue betweene them And diuers arguments of this loue were apparaunt all which these freshe teares and common griefe taken on all partes called agayne to remembraunce Moreouer Paule knew that he should come no more amongest them which loued him so intierly that he had lefte them in daunger of Wolues whom he had trayned and brought to with great paynes and trauell All these things had bene able to moue euen an heart of yron Thus wee see Parentes mourne when their children by death are pulled from them which by reason of their minoritie are not yet able to helpe them selues Yet Paule ouercommeth all griefe of minde bicause he would obey the calling of God which drue him to Ierusalem By
Magistrate or officer is necessarie to brydle and keepe vnder suche vnruly fellowes Let vs therefore lyue within the feare of God and directe al our dooings after his holy will who is able not onely to delyuer vs out of the hands of the wicked but also from the iawes of Hell and death through hys sonne Iesus Chryst our Lorde to whom be blessings honour power and glory nowe and euer Amen The Cxlj. Homelie THen the Captayne came neere and tooke him and commaunded him to be bounde with two chaynes and demaunded what he was and what he had doone And some cryed one thing some another among the people And when he coulde not knowe the certayntie for the rage he commaunded him to be carried into the Castle And when he came vnto a Stayre it fortuned that he was borne of the Souldiours for the violence of the people For the multitude of the people followed after â–ª crying away with him And when Paule beganne to be carryed into the Castle he sayde vnto the high Captayne May I speake vnto thee Which sayde Canst thou speake Greeke Arte not thou that Aegyptian which before these dayes madest an vproare and leddest out into the wildernesse foure thousande men that were murtherers But Paule sayde I am a man which am a Iewe of Tharsus a Citie in Cicill a Citizen of no vile Citie I beseeche thee suffer mee to speake vnto the people And when he had giuen him lycence Paule stoode on the steppes and beckened with his hande vnto the people and when there was made a great sylence he spake vnto them in the Hebrue tongue saying WHere Dauid a man after Gods owne mynde sayth Many are the tribulations of the iuste and the Lorde deliuereth them out of all The same appeareth in this Hystorie to be moste truely sayde For we haue here howe Paule was taken by the furious multitude of the Iewes howe he was buffeted and beaten howe he was lyke to be killed among them which burning in cankred hatred agaynst him thyrsted for nothing so muche as his bloud But lo on the sodayne God rayseth vp for hym a defender and deliuereth his Apostle by those which were strangers from the fayth and religion of god But where we haue in the laste Sermon entreated of the vse and ende heereof wee will nowe examine the hystorie of hys delyuerie which Luke moste exactly describeth with all the circumstances thereof First he declareth what the Captaine of the souldiers did He first of all taketh Paule out of their raging hands and commaundeth to bynde hym with two chaynes this doth he not of any head or ouercome with hastinesse of anger bicause al his dooing declareth manyfest tokens of a moderate meaning But he doth it partely for that he thought he was some euill man seeing euery body so earnestly set agaynst him and partly for that he perceiued he could pacify the furious people no way more commodiously than by making them beleeue that he should shortly be punished according to his deserts In the meane season beeing mindfull of his duetie he diligently enquireth what he is and what he had done For this is the duetie of a Magistrate to do nothing rashly or vpon heade For if he haue once iniuried him whom he ought to haue defended then is there no excuse lefte for him Therfore Moyses commaundeth the Iudges to heare both the small and the great yea and to searche out the circumstances of all matters that they offende not either through ignoraunce or blinde affection of the fleshe In the meane whyle we haue heere diligently to consider the maner of this deliuerie Paule is deliuered out of the present perill of his lyfe which the Iewes put him in yet is he bounde with two chayns as though he were some greeuous malefactor Howbeit God had ben able at once to haue set him cleane at libertie which thing bycause he doth not it is certayne that these chaynes were for Paules commoditie and that his captiuitie serued the more to set oute Chrystes kingdome And this is alwayes Gods continuall custome vsing in this sorte to moderate his benefites specially when he perceiueth wee haue neede to bee kepte vnder and brydeled This we finde true many times in sicknesse and in other tribulations wherein it becommeth vs paciently to suffer whatsoeuer God sendeth forasmuche as bothe his will is good and wee can not be exempte or secluded from the care and protection of his diuine prouidence by any aduersitie But what do the people in the meane season First they fill the eares of all men with vncertayne and confused noyse so that nothing coulde bee certaynely knowen or perceyued which is a thing commonly vsed in seditions as hath bene sayde in the .xix. Chapter Next when the Captayne had commaunded him to be bounde and to bee brought into the Castle meaning there to heare the matter they all follow most impudently after and preace vpon him with suche violence that the souldiours are fayne to carry him on their armes and neckes for feare the Rebels might doo him some harme At length they agree all in this that they woulde haue him put to death and made out of the way In which things as Luke setteth out to vs a liuely image of sedition so he teacheth vs that none are more greeuous enimies of the truthe and of the godly than suche as colour their enterprises with a zeale of godlynesse For here a man may see both more equitie humanitie in the barbarous souldiers than in the Iewes which would seme to fight for the Temple and for their religion For they would haue killed him without hearing his cause whome the Captayne made diligent inquirie of They trouble disturbe all thing with shouting and crying where the Captayne dothe all thing peaceably and in quiet These men impudently treade on him whom the souldiours vouchsafe to carry on their shoulders What needeth many words they would neither haue the truth enquired nor the cause tryed but would haue him foorthwith made out of the way to feede their wicked eyes with the sight of an Innocentes bloud We reade how the lyke fell out in Chrystes passion For there was more equitie in Pylate and Herode than in the Priestes and Scribes And the Priestes scorned him hanging on the crosse whom the barbarous Souldiours testified to bee an Innocent bycause of the wonders that they sawe There wante not examples in these dayes considering it appeareth that many bycause of their confession of the truthe are more iustly and gently entreated of Turkes than of the Byshoppes and Monkes which will seeme to bee enflamed with the zeale of godlynesse But this is the liuely portraiture of the diuell cruelly raging vnder the cloke of godlynesse Wee are taught by these examples that they are not to bee excused which wrong the faythfull of Chryst vnder a pretence of suche a zeale For this Chryste prophesied long agoe should come to passe And it is euident
offred very holyly although he nothing doubted of the truthe of God which promised him the kingdome Likewise did Ezechias yea Chryst him selfe sticked not to flye while he knew his houre was not yet nigh neither would he cast him selfe downe from the pynacle of the Temple at Sathans bidding although he alleaged the promise of God which was of most authoritie with Chryst. Yea he furnisheth hys disciples with most large promises yet he warneth the same diligently to beware of men Therefore the errour of suche as abuse the prouidence of God to maintayne their temeritie and licentious boldnesse and vnder pretence hereof wickedly contemne not only al forecast wisedome but suche meanes beside as God hath ordeined is both shamefull and wicked Wee must rather auoide the inconuenience of distrust least we be ouercome therof and turne vnto vnlawfull meanes but in the meane while vsing the lawful meanes prouided of God let vs cōmit al the successe vnto the good and holy will of god For so shall we walke safelyest in the middle of the way auoyding aswell too much confidence as diffidence as Paule doth in this place both wisely and godly and therfore is allowed of god This example teacheth vs moreouer that it is lawfull for godly and christian people to demaunde ayde of the Magistrates and to besech them of armed defence if neede shall so require Neither are suche men to be harkened to that say Chrystes kingdome must not be set foorth by warre seing we are commaunded not to resiste euill For we do not aske lawfull defence of the magistrate bicause our meaning is by fight to enlarge Christes kingdome but require his office duty which if he be a good magistrate he ought not to deny vs which the godly people may vse without the breach of faith religion For it is euident that magistrates are appointed of god that for good purpose ●hat the sworde is not in vayne committed to them of god Reade Rom. 13. And God promysed by Esay that kinges should be Nourices of hys Churche As touching Chrystes precepte forbidding vs to resiste euill he mente not thereby to take from the Magistrate his lawfull function but forbiddeth priuate men greedy desire of reuengement which vseth to violate and breake publike lawes and disturbeth all kind of amitie peace friendship Therfore Paule doth wel in seeking the Captaynes ayde and he refuseth not the armour of the souldiours wherby he sawe the craftie awaytes of the Iewes mighte be preuented and repressed And he had bene in no faulte if the Souldiours and Conspirators had met and committed slaughter on both sydes but rather all the faulte shoulde haue light vpon those wicked persons which were the beginners of so wicked an enterprise But if it were lawful for Paul to vse the defence safegard of the Romane garrison then doubtlesse are they very seuere controllers of the faith which blame Ministers in these dayes that seeke the ayde and succour of christian Magistrates and require of them that duetie that an Heathen Captayne thought was not meete to deny to the Apostle of Chryst. But let vs let Paule passe and come to the Centurion whose intercession he vsed He calleth hym vnto hym and desireth him to bring the yong strippling vnto the vpper Captayne which he accomplisheth very gently and readily For God vseth to get his people fauour in the sight of straungers and by his secret working procureth them the good will of men So Ioseph in time pas●e was in great fauour with Potiphare And wee reade that the Israelites easily obtayned of the Egyptians the costlyest things they had bicause God had gotten his people fauour in their sights These things ought to make vs desirous of godlinesse bicause we see that the more duetifull we shewe our selues to bee vnto God the more gentle and fauourable we fynde men vnto vs For God can easily at his pleasure get vs the good wil of men Also we must imitate this Centurion after his example willingly to helpe those that be in affliction or calamitie Reade Math. 25. But O the detestable wickednesse of our dayes where men are growen into suche vngodlynesse that a man shall scarcely obteyne of Christians that that Paule so easily obteyned of an Heathen souldiour For many nowe a dayes are ashamed of the Captiued for Chrystes sake and for this cause onely regarde them not least by dooing any thyng in their cause they should runne in suspition themselues But let vs see what the Captayne dyd in Paules cause where in an heathen man appeare tokens of singular vertues God doubtlesse working in his minde which ment to deliuer his Apostle out of the hands and awaytes of these conspiratours First he vseth a singular curtesie not repelling the strippling that came vnto him nor frowning when he herd the name of the Captiue but taketh him by the hande and leadeth him aside and asketh him friendly wherefore he was come Which example all men in office and authoritie ought to vse seeing this is not one of the least commendations in them to let all men haue an easie accesse vnto them and to heare their Subiectes causes gently and paciently For in so dooing they resemble the propertie of God who of his own voluntary and accorde calleth vs and hath his eares open alwayes to the prayers of the afflicted And doubtlesse where a number for feare or shame can not declare their mindes before men in aucthoritie it behoueth to encourage them with signification of humanitie and good will that their preposterous shame or feare hinder them not Agayne the Captayne ioyneth wisedome with curtesie which may hereby be perceyued that he easily beleeueth the young man although there were many things which might haue caused him to suspect the message But where he had many times before perceyued the maliciousnesse of the Iewes and by their first proceedings easily vnderstoode what hatefull myndes they bare vnto Paule he easily suspected there might be suche among them as the yong man described Yea suche was his humanitie that he disdained not to be counseled by the yong man warning him that he shoulde not bring Paule out vnto them Here haue Princes and Rulers also what to imitate For as ouermuch credit which hath in it a kinde of lightnes is to be auoyded so must they not be to hard of credit specially if they heare probable reasons alleaged But rather let them wisely and with present mynde be ready at all assayes lest as it oftentimes happeneth with their hardnesse of beleefe they bring either theyr common weales or els good men in hazarde and daunger Finally we may see great industrie and diligence in this Captaine seeing he omitteth nothing making for this present busines For he wysely requyreth the yong felowe to saye nothing of the matter least the bewraying thereof might giue the Conspiratours an occasion to take a new way and deuise Next he sendeth for two Centurions and
Of the maner and order of his deliuery Exod. 2. Moses stirred vp by God taketh vpon him the office of a deliuerer Hebru 11. Except we be drawne of God we doe no good 2. Cor 3. Iohn 6. Cant. 1. Wee must obey God calling drawing vs Iohn 10. The deliuery of the fathers out of Aegypt was of grace The dutie of a Magistrate Psalm 72. Roma 13. Let no man be grieued at the ingratitude of the people A figure of Christ and our redemption Phil. 2. Iohn 13.15 The punishment of the ingratefull Iewes Num. 14. Rom. 10. How the godly may sometime flie Math. 10. 1 The time of Moyses calling Luc. 24. Marc. 8. 2 An Aungell of the Lord calleth Moyses 1. Cor. 10. Ephes. 1. 1. Pet. 1. Iohn 8. Dan. 7. 1. Pet. 1. The fierye bushe Iohn 14. Math. 28. Psal. 116. 3 Moses calling The God of the fathers c. Rom. 8. Iohn 11. Math. 22. The shooes must be put off Iohn 4. Iohn 13. God seeth the affliction of his people Psalm 56. Exodus 22. 1 Moses the ruler and delyuerer of Israel God aduaūceth the abiect and despysed Luke 1. Prouer. 16. After what sort Moses is sayde to be the delyuerer of the people 2 Moses fulfilleth the office of a delyuerer Moses myracles in Egypt The myracle of the red sea The myracles in the desert 1. Pet. 1. 1 The lawe gyuen by Moyses Exo. 20.24 Num. 12. 1. Cor. 15. 2. Cor. 3. Leuit. 18. Galat. 3. Rom. 7.8 Moses deliuereth the precepts he receyued of God. Leuit. 24. Nume 15.9 Hierem. 1. Ezech. 3. Math. 28. The law giuen also for them that came after Iohn 4. Esay 40. Math. 5. 2 The he ynousnesse of Idolatry Exodus 32. The beginning and going forwarde of ydolatrie i. Contempt of the worde ij. Contempt of the Minister iij. Newe Goddes Psal. 106. Rom. 1. iiij. Worshipping of Idolles Habacuc 2 v. Reioycing of Idolaters Hos. 4. The Idolatrye of the Israelytes is of cōtinuance 1. Reg. 11. 1 Reg 12 13 1. Reg. 16. 2. Para. 25. 2. Para. 28. 2. Reg. 21. Esay 6. Roma 1. 1. Cor. 2. Iohn 6. Deut. 4.12 A place in Amoz the .v. ch Ierem. 4. Heb. 11. Esay 29. Math. 15. The worshipping of Moloch The God Rempham Iere. 10. Worshipping of Images Deut. 4. Rom. 1. See Paulus Iouius in the historie of his ●yme the .40 booke 1 The worshipping of God was not tyed vnto the Tabernacle The Tabernacle was a type of heauenly things Iohn 4. The Tabernacle translated into the lande of the Gentiles Iohn 4. The place of the Tabernacle vncertaine Psalm 132. Iosua 18. 1. Sam. 1. c. 1. Sam. 11.20 1. Paral. 21. 1. Reg. 12. 2 The worshipping of God is not tyed to the Temple 1. Reg. 6. 1 He beateth downe confidence in Circumcision 2 He ouerthroweth the confidence in their forefathers Math. 3. Iohn 8. Esay 53. 1. Cor. 1. Ierem. 23. Luke 24 ▪ 1. Pet. 1. iij. He beateth them from their affiance in the lawe Psal. 147 Luke 11. Math. 7. Math. 10. Hebr. 10. How Steuens enemies like of his Oration or sermon 2. Tim. 4. Ezech. 3. God comforteth Steuen being ready to be put to death Psal. 121. Iere. 17. The maner and order how God comforteth Iohn 14. 1. Iohn 4. Ioh. 10. Psa. 3.35.44 Psal. 110. 2. The fury of Steuens enemes is incurable Psal. 58. The wicked obserue a shew of equitie Leuit. 24. Deut. 13.17 Prouerb 6. Num. 35. Prou. 18. 3 What Steuen doth being at the point of death Iohn 14. Math. 5. Steuen falleth on slep● 1 An vniuersall persecution of the Church The Apostles remaine at Ierusalem Iohn 10. Se the Tripartite hystory the .ix. booke and xx Chap. See a lyke storye of godlye courage in Ambrose agayn●t Theodosius the Emperor whom Ambrose had excommunicated for a great slaughter committed at Thessalonica and would haue comen into the Church at Milane but was withstanded of Ambrose in the same booke the xxx Chap. * What the faythfull dyd towarde Steuen Iohn 9. 1. Thes. 4. Ioh. 11. 3 Saule is a singular example of tyranny Gen. 49. 1. Tim. 1. Math. 24. 1 Philip the Apostle of Samaria 1. Tim. 3. Actes 5. 1. Iohn 4. Galat. 1. 1. Cor. 2. Galat. 6. Myracles wer wrought by Philip. 2. Cor. 3. Phil. 4. Iohn 15. Iohn 8. 1. Peter 5. Math. 12. 2 The Samaritanes embrace the Gospell The order of astayning to saluation Psal. 107. 1. Cor. 3. Luke 8. Math. 13 The fruite of the Gospell and of fayth Luc. 2. Ierem. 4.4 3 Simon Magus hindreth the course of the Gospell Philip an example of christian valiantnesse 1. Iohn 4. Simon Magus an example of a seducer Eusebius in his 2. booke and .13 chap. Irenaeus in his first boke and 20. Chap. 1. Sam. 28. Deut. 13. A marke of a seducer or deceyuer Actes 14. The inconstancie of the worlde 1 The appointing of the Church at Samaria Ephes. 4. Luc. 10. Iohn 13. 1. Thess. 2. Baptisme is an outwarde bande of the Church Iohn 15. Against the Anabaptists Gene. 17. Math. 18.19 1. Cor. 7. 2 Simon beleueth and is baptized Marc. 5. 1. Cor. 1. 3 The going forwarde in fayth and increase of the holy ghost Rom. 10. Galat. 3. Coloss 3. The Apostles giue the holy ghost to the Samaritanes Actes 1● 19 Iohn 14. The industry and modes●ye of the Apostles A latere from their side meaning their ●●tyer friends and counsaylors Prayers are ioyned vnto the laying on of handes 1 Simons s●nne Math. 10. Eccle. 10. Num. 16. Mat. 18.20 Luke 22. 2 Peter expostulateth with Simon 2. Reg. 5. Iohn 2. Math. 21. Mar. 11. Zach. 14. The riches of the wicked are accursed 2. Pet. 2. Habac. 2. The ende of reprehensions in the Church Deut. 29. Math. 22.15 Sinners must be sent vnto God. 3 Howe Simon tooke Peters expostulation Rom. 15. Ephes. 6. 1 What the Apostles did beside at Samaria Iohn 15. Actes 1 Math. 28. Ezech. 3. Ierem. 23. 1. Cor. 9. 2 The historie of the conuerted Eunuche The speciall calling of Philip. The obedience of Philip Gene. 12 ▪ The discription of the Aethiopian Eunuch A Prince Rom. 13. Actes 10. Actes 13. His maners and vsage or studie Psal. 76. 1. Reg. 8. 1. Reg. 12. Esay 49. Psal. 82. Deut. 17. Philip is appoynted to teach this Eunuch Esay 66. 1. Cor. 12.14 Ephe. 4. The place of Esay 53. In his Preface vpon Esay to Paula Eustachium In his first preface to his Commentaries vpon Esay In his Epistle to Paulinus the priest vppon all the bookes of the Byble i. Christ died of his owne will. Math. 20. Iohn 10. Phil. 2. 1. Pet. 2. ii. Christ by death got the victorie Genes 1. Psal. 110. 1. Cor. 15. Colos. 3. Iohn 12.13 and .17 Rom. 14. Psal. 34. iii. Christes kingdome is eternall and inuincible Luke 1. Iohn 17.14 Psal. 89. Math. 28. 1. Cor. 15. Rom. 8. iiij. Death is the entry into Chrystes kingdome Phil. 2. 1. Cor. 15. 2.
Tim. 2. Rom. 8. The zeale of the Eunuch being yet ignorante in many things Math. 7. Philips facilitie and easie intrea●ance Actes 5. Actes 4. Luke 24. Luke 4. 1 The Eunuch desireth to be baptized Rom. 4. Marc. 8. Col. 1.2 ij. Philip requireth the confession of his fayth Math. 7. Math. 28. iij. The confession of the Eunuch Math. 6. Iohn 6. Rom. 10. iiij. The Eunuch is baptized 1. Cor. 14. The sodeyne departure of Philip. The Eunuch complayneth not of Philips absence 1. Cor. 3.4 Iohn 3. The fruite of fayth is the ioy of the conscience Rom. 8. The painfull industrie of Philip. 1. Cor. 15. 2. Cor. 11. Rom. 15. Iohn 6. Iohn 15. 〈◊〉 1. 〈◊〉 15. 1 The description of Saule being a persecutor Saule hath power giuen him from the high priests Deut. 17. Esay 49. Saules ende and purpose Actes 26. Philp. 3. Galat. 1. Iohn 16. ●om 10. 2 The historie of Saules conuersion The time the place Psal. 27. The maner of his conuersion The effect They are Christes enimies that persecute the Church zach 2. Psal. 2. 2. Tim. 2. The punishment of persecutors of the Church zach 12. 1. Cor. 2. Gene. 8. 1 The effect of Gods chastyning The dutie of them whome God chasteneth 1. Cor. 11. Psal. 94. Iohn 18. Chastisement hath place in matters of religion Luke 14. Deut. 1● Christ turneth not from him that hūbleth himself Math. 11. Iohn 6. Rom. 10. Luke 16. 2 Paules cōpanions The companions of the wicked are punished with the wicked Rom. 1. 3 Paules state and condicion God turneth the enterprises of the wicked vpon the deuysers Galat. 1. Psalm 2. Ananias is called to giue Paule hys orders Actes 22. Luke 15. Rom. 10. Luke 8. Ezech. 33. Paule prayeth 1. Thes. 5. Luke 18. Ananias fearfully draweth backe Gene. 12.20 Exod. 3.4 1. Reg. 19. Math. 10. The Lorde comforteth Ananias The prayse of Paule A chosen vessell Rom. 9. Esay 1● Esay 1● Dan. 4. 1. Cor. 3. Paule appoynted to preach the Gospell 1. Cor. 2. Gala● 6. Actes 4. 1. Pet. 2. Rom. 15. Paule is most strong in bearing of the crosse Iohn 3 Roma 8 1 Paule is restored and baptysed The obedience of Ananias The impos●tion or laying on of handes Preaching of the worde Scales fall from Paules eyes 2. Cor. 3. Paule is baptised Paule refresheth himselfe with meate 1. Tim. 5. zach 7. Colos. 2. 1. Tim. 4 2 The first thing that Paule did in his Apostleship Psalm 15. Psalm 16. Paule preacheth Iesus The summe of the Apostles doctrine 1. Cor. 2. Roma 9. Gala. 4. Math. 16. Iohn 6. Galat. 1. Paule confuteth y Iewes How the gospell ought to be preached Titus 1. 2. Tim. 3. The effect of Paules preaching Galat. 1. The order of the hystory is opened Chrystes ministers abyde persecution Iohn 15. Persecutors are bridled by the hande of God. Psal. 33. Math. 10. The brethren at Damasco set Paule at libertie Math. 10. The godlye must defende and deliuer their Ministers 1. Cor. 4. Galat ▪ 4. Esay 49. Paule commeth to Ierusalem Galat. 1. The Disciples are afrayde of Paule Math. 10. Luke 16. 2. Cor. 11. 1. Tim. 3. Barnabas cōmendeth Saul i. Paule des●reth to be ioined vnto the congregation Psal. 84. ii. Paule taketh hys repulse in good part iii. He preacheth boldly Actes 6. Paule hath persecutors at Ierusalem also Luke 9. The Church hath rest 1. Co● ●● 2. Cor. 1. Psal. 94. The fruite of Ecclesiastical pe●ce 1. Cor. 3. 2. Cor. 10. How the godlye vsed the rest wherein they liued Iohn 14.16 Peter traueyleth from Church to Church 2. Cor. 11. Math. 12. The myracle of Aeneas healed of the pa●s●e 2. Cor. 3. Iohn 3. i. The description of Thabita i. A Disciple 2. Cor. 10. Rom. 1.16 Ephes. 2. 1. Cor. 3. 1. Cor. 1.3 ii. Full of good works Iohn 15. Iacob 2. Iohn 15. Esay 58. Hoseas 6. Iohn 13. Math. 25. iii. She sickneth dieth Roma 8. Iohn 9. Iohn 11. 2 What they did with Dorcas when she was dead They washe hir corps Amos. 2. They sende for Peter Psal. 34. They shewe the garments that she made The relikes of the deade Apoc. 14. Marc. 14. Iacob 5. 3 How Peter rayseth vp Dorcas 2. Reg. 4. Math. 9. Peter lodgeth at Simon the Tanners 1. Cor. 1. Math. 21. The calling of the Gentyles Rom. 11. Iohn 15. 1 The description of Cornelius A Captayne Pomponius Mela in hys first booke of the situation of the world and .16 chap Deuout and fearing God. In his Apologie cap. 5. Luke 7. The exercises of true godlynesse i. The instructing of the familie or housholde Gene. 18. 1. Sam. 2.3 1. Reg. 10.11 ij. Almesses Luke 3. 1. Cor. 3. iij. Continual prayers A comparison betweene Cornelius and the souldiers of our dayes 2 The calling of Cornelius Hebrues 1. The saying or message of the Aungell Against the mainte●ners of merites 1. Cor. 2. Heb. 11. Ephe. 2. 2. Cor. 3. 1. Cor. 4. Esay 64. Math. 3 17. Luke 17. Cornelius is appoynted to sende for Peter Rom. 10. Rom. 11. 1 The obedience of Cornelius The commoditie of a wel instructed familie Gen. 24. Eusebius in the first boke of the lyfe of Constantius Sozomenus in the Tripartite hystorye 1. boke 7. ch Religion hath place also a●onge souldiers 2. Sam. 10. 1. Sam. 17. Psa. 18.144 Eusebius in the Eccl●s●asticall hystory the .ix. booke and .ix. chap. Ruffinus in the same hystorie ●1 booke and 33. chap. Cicero in hys Oration for Luc. Muraena Agaynst the Anabaptists 2 Peter by a vision is enstructed concerning the calling of the Gentyles Peter goth to his prayers fasting Peters traūce 2. Cor. 12. The description scope of the vision An allegoricall exposition of the vision Math. 15. Iohn 3. Ephe. 2. What God hath clensed that call not thou foule 1. Tim. 4. Math. 15. 1. Tim. 4. The cloth is taken vp into heauen agayne i. Howe Peter was aff●cted in mind with the heauenly vision The dul●●●●e of mannes natu●● Math. 7. The modesty of Cornelius messengers The prouidence of God In his bookes agaynst the Academites and in his first boke of Retractations 1. chap. Peter is aduertysed by the holy ghost 2 Peter obeyeth the commaundement of God. 1. Tim. 3. Marc. 6. 3 The meeting of Peter and Cornelius Peter refuseth godly honor Actes 14. Rom. 12. Peter excuseth his going to the Gentyles Let them eschewe the company of the wicked that will honor God. Deut. 7. Iosue 23. 1. Cor. 15. 2. Cor. 6. Apoc. 18. No manne must be iudged vnworthye the doctrine of saluation Psal. 51. Genes 8. Esay 64. Math. 7. Customes must yeelde vnto the worde of God. 2. Cor. 10. Math. 16. Luke 8. Cornelius answere vnto Peter 1 He declareth the cause of his sending Eccle. 10. Math. 24. Luke 17. 2 He giueth thanks vnto Peter Psal. 107. 1. Cor. 4. Galat. 4. Ephes. 4. 2. Thes. 2. 3 He promiseth attention Luke 10. Math. 28. The dutie of Ministers The argument
that border vpon him The condicions of Tyrants The successe of the wicked is a preamble of ruine Ierem. 12. Prou 16. Psal. 37. Herode des●reth to be honoured as a God. The destruction of Herode Eusebius in the .2 booke of the Ecclesiasticall storie .x. chap. A disease which maye well be called the lowsie euill by reason of lyce which encrease so mightily that they deuour and eate vp the body 1. Pet. 5. The enlargement of Christes kingdome 1. Pet. 1. 1 The commendation of the Churche at Antioch Prophets Pastours Roma .. 10. 1. Cor. 4. Ephes. 4. Amos. 2. Manaen a noble man and a Courtyer Phil. 2. Heb. 11. 2 Paule and Barnabas are sent to the Gentyles Rom. 13. Heb. 1. The order of Ecclesiastical ministery Rom. 10. Heb. 5. 3 How Paule and Barnabas beginne to preach amōg the Gentyles Exod. 3.4 Math. 8. The Apostles preache vnto the Cypriotes Rom. 5. Math. 9.18 Luke 9. The Apostles preach the worde of God. They preach in the Synagoge of the Iewes Rom. 11. See Theodorete touching the prouidence of God in his x. Sermon Psal. 110. 1 The occasion of the cōtention betweene Paule and Elymas the sorcerer Luke 15. Iohn 10. 2 The meeting togither of Paule and Elymas the sorcerer The condicions of false Prophetes Math. 24. Paule confuteth Elymas 1. Iohn 4. 3 The ende and successe of the contencion 2. Tim. 3. 1 Pamphilia is lightened with the gospell Rom. 15. 2 Iohn Mark fayleth in the ministerye of the Gospell 3 The Apostles go into Pisidia Iohn 16. Iohn 14. Math. 28. Psal. 27. Esay 40. 4 What the Apostles did in Antioch of Pisidia The truth must be preached openly Iohn 18. The Sabboth dayes must be kept holy Num. 15. The order of holy metings or assemblies Luke 4. Math. 15. Esay 29. 2. Tim. 3. The argument par●s of Paules sermon 1 The beginning of Paules sermon Rom. 12. Suetonius Tranquillus in the lyfe of Augustus chap. 53. 1. Iohn 5. 2 The narration 1 Free election or choyse Psa. 76.147 Iosua 24. Ephe. 1. Psal. 65. ij. The deliuery out of Egypt iij. The sufferance of God towarde sinners Psal. 103. iiij. The possession of the lande of promise Deut. 6. v. The ordinance of common weale and kingdom 1. Reg. 6. Genes 49. Hose 13. The translation of the kingdome of Iurie vnto Dauid Psal. 2. Esay 60. The prayse of Dauid 2. Sam. 7. 1. Sam. 15. Howe Dauid is sayde to haue fulfilled all the will of God. Psal. 19. 2. Sam. 15. 2. Sam. 16. 2. Sam. 24. The second part of the Sermon teaching howe Iesus is Christ. i. Iesus is borne of the seede of Dauid according to the promise Genes 3. 1. Iohn 4. ij. Iesus had a forerunner as was foreshewed iij. The testimony of Iohn Baptist cōcerning Christ. Iosephus in his .xviij. booke of antiquities cap. and Eusebius Caesariens reporteth the same out of him in the first booke of his ecclesiasticall hystorie and xiij chap. The Gospell ought fyrst to be preached to the Iewes Math. 10. He aunswereth the slaūder taken by the crosse Esay 2. i The priests were ignorāt of Christ and the scriptures Mala. 2. Iohn 5. 2. Cor. 3. ij. The Priestes fulfilled the scripture● ▪ iij. Christ was put to the death of the crosse innocently 2. Cor. 5. Rom. 8. 2. Tim. 2. iiij. The Priestes enterprises coulde not hurt Christ. Iohn 10. The resurrection of Christ is prooued Luc. 10. 1. Cor. 15. 1 The testimonie of the Apostles cōcerning christ and his resurrection 1. Cor. 1. Iohn 1. Iohn 14.8 Rom. 8. Luke 22. Iohn 17. 1. Cor. 15. The doctrine of the Apostles is not newe Iohn 5. Luc. 24. Math. 13. The truth of Gods promises Dani 2. Gene 49. Gene. 3. Esa. 7. Mich. 5. 2 The testimonies of the Prophets of Christ and his resurrection Psal. 2. The resurrection declareth the glory of the sonnes of God. Rom. 1. 1. Iohn 3. The place of Esay 55. Christ is but once onely offered The place of the .xvi. psal The state of the deade Esay 63. The consideratiō of death Math. 10. Apoc. 14. Luc. 16. Ezech. 32. Esay 14. 1. Cor. 15. The knowledge of christ is necessarye to the attainment of saluation Iohn 17. Luke 17. Iohn 8. Iacob 1. Remission of sinnes is giuen vs in Christ. i. All men are sinners Gene. 8. Psal. 51. Esay 64. ij. Sinns are forgiuen of grace fauor iij. Grace is giuen vs in Christ. 1. Cor. 1. 2. Cor. 5. Iohn 1. iiij. Christ is taken hold of by fayth Rom. 3. The law can not iustifye Esay 1. Psal. 50. Psal. 51. Hebr. 10. The vse of the lawe Galat. 3. Righteousnes of works is ouerthrowne Math. 15. Luke 17. 1. Cor. 2. Galat. 6. The conclusion of Paules sermon Vnto the Gospell must bee ioyned threates and declaration of punishments Math. 11. Luke 19. Mat. 23.24 Ezech. 3.33 Contempt of Gods worde worde is a most grieuous sinne Rom. 11. Reprobates cannot abide to heare the word of god Iohn 8.10 Psal. 58. The elect acknowledge the worde of God and receyue it A Proselyte was anye straunger or forreuer born that did conuert or turne vnto the Iewes religion Esay 1.10 Rom. 10. In religion perseuerance or holding on is needefull The Gospell is called the grace of God. Math. 10. Luke 10. The cōtention of the Apostles with the Iewes Iohn 15. i. The occasion of the contention Phil. 1.2 Tim. 4. Iohn 4. ij. The cause of the contention Rom. 10. Num. 15. iij. The sleightes and weapons of the Iewes iiij. The Apostles stoutly and boldlye resist Titus 1. v. The Apostles excommunicate the incurable Math. 21. Math. 10. The place of Esay 4 9. touching the vocation of the Gentyles Iohn 1. Iohn 17. 1 The doctrine of the Gospell is set forth in the midst of troubles They that are ordeyned vnto life eternall beleeue 1. Cor. 2. Phil. 2. Iohn 3 6. Math. 16. Ephes. 1. 1. Pet. 1. Rom. 8. Iohn 10. Rom. 11. The effect of Gods worde in the elect and their duties Math. 5. Ephe. 4. 2. Pet. 1. The word of God is set forth through the enterprises of the aduersaries Luke 18. 2 Persecutiō raysed by the Iewes Women raysed against the Apostles 2. Tim. 3. Magistrates offended with the Apostles Math. 11. Banishment the effect of persecution 2. Tim. 2. Marc. 10. Luke 22. Iohn 12.14 and .17 Math. 25. 3 The end of the persecution The shaking off of oust Luke 9. The ende of persecution is ioyfull vnto the faythfull Iohn 16. Iconium 1 The Apostles teach in the sinagoge The constancie and fayth of the Apostles Ezech. 3. The loue of the Apostles toward their enimies Rom. 10.9 Luke 19. 1. Tim. 2. 2 The effect of the Apostles doctrine 3 The persecutiō against the Apostles i. The Iewes are authors of the persecution ij. The Apostles do boldlye resist the seditious Marc. 8. Iohn 5.10 Marc. 16. Math. 24. 2. Thes. 2. iij. All the citie is at diuision Math. 10.