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A00283 A briefe and plaine declaration, concerning the desires of all those faithfull ministers, that haue and do seeke for the discipline and reformation of the Church of Englande which may serue for a iust apologie, against the false accusations and slaunders of their aduersaries. Fenner, Dudley, 1558?-1587, attributed name.; Fulke, William, 1538-1589, attributed name.; Travers, Walter, 1547 or 8-1635, attributed name. 1584 (1584) STC 10395; ESTC S111889 54,423 158

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together with the whole multitude Actes 15. And as they are seuered in place so will they bee higher in authoritie So that whatsoeuer is decreed amongest them that must bee called the determynation of the whole Synode So that no manne muste bee suffered to speake anye thinge agaynste it bee it neuer so reasonable or agreeable to the vvorde of GOD yea vvhosoeuer vvill not subscribe to all suche thinges as they decree muste bee excluded out of the Conuocation as vvas practized and threatened in the Conuocation at the foresayde Parliamente vnto diuerse Godlye and learned Preachers that offered to speake agaynste dyuerse grosse and palpable erroures that had escaped the Byshoppes decrees As for the distinction of Canonicall and Apocriphall bookes for explication of the clause in the article of Predestination where it is sayde that the elect may fall from Grace and such like matters If this bee not to practise Lordshippe ouer our faith to set downe decrees of Religion which must bee accepted of all men without eyther reason or testimony of the Scripture to prooue them and no man permitted to shew anye reason or Scripture that inforceth his Conscience to the contrarye but onely to hang vppon the authority of bishops Let some other declare what Paul meaneth 2. Cor. 1. 4. where he denieth that he woulde excercise any Lordship ouer the faith of the Corinthians For although their decrees were neuer so perfect yet it were an example of tyrannicall Dominion neither to giue reasons to satisfie the ignoraunt them selues nor to hear or cōfute that which might be alleaged against them by others but for a few lordbishops in comparison of all the conuocation to sit by them selues order all thinges at their pleasures as though the Gospell sprang firste from them or had come vnto them only it sauoreth of nothing so much as of popish tyranny Whereas otherwise it is well knowne they are not al of the best learned nor all of longest study nor all of soundest iudgement nor all of greatest zeale nor all of best example and therfore not meetest to be the onely determiners in Ecclesiasticall matters to the preiudice of the whole synode Wherefore it is greatly to be desired that our synodes also which are so farre out of order maye be refourmed according to the scripture and the example of the primitiue Church that all thinges may be done with such modesty grauitie iudgement as they were by the Apostles and Elders Act. 15. And now that we haue set forth the whole Ecclesiasticall ministerye according to the word of God with all the duties authoritie that pertayneth vnto it the place requyreth that we should also intreat of the authority of the ciuil Magistrate in matters ecclesiastical Of the title of the princes supremacie if it be truly vnderstood we moue no contronersie but that it doth properly apperteine to the ciuil magistrat to be the highest gouernor of al persons within his dominion so that the soueraign Empyre of God be kept whol But herein resteth all the doubt howe this is truely to be vnderstoode that shal we best vnderstand by the contrarie namely by the vsurped tiranny of antichrist For antichrist did challenge vnto himselfe al authority both that which is proper to god that which is cōmon to men Therefore that the pope claimed to be that only head of the church frō which the whol body receiued direction was kept in vnity of faith This was blasphemous against Christ therfore may not be vsurped by any Ciuill magistrate no more thē by the pope Likewise wher hee challengeth authoritye to alter change dispence with the cōmandement of god to make new articles of faith to ordain new sacramēts c. this is also blasphemous and ought not to be vsurped of any ciuil prince On the other side where he challengeth authority ouer all princes so ouer al the clergy that he did exempt them from the ciuil iurisdiction this is contumelious iniurious against al christian kings And therfore euery prince in his own dominiō ought to cast off the yoke of his subiection and to bring al ecclesiastical persons vnto his obedience and iurisdiction Here haue we the first part of the title of supreame gouernment ouer al persons In matter or causes ecclesiastical likewise the pope doth not only presume against god as we said before but also against the lawfull authority giuen by God vnto men For he forbiddeth princes to medle with reformation of Ecclesiasticall matters or to make anye lawes pertayning to causes of religion answering them that those things do appertain onlye to him the general counsel But when he cōmeth to debate anye thing with his clergy then al laws knowledge are enclosed in the closet of his brest When any generall counsel must be holden all that they doe receiueth authoritie from him For except he doe allowe it is nothing And he is so wyse that neyther with the councell nor without the counsell he can erre or thinke amisse in matters Ecclesiasticall wheras it is not onely lawful but also necessary for Princesse if they will doe their dutie to looke to the reformation of religion and to make lawes of matters Ecclesiasticall but so that we confounde not the offices of the Prince and the Pastour Eor as it is not lawfull for the Prince to preach nor administer the Sacramentes no more is it lawfull for him to make lawes in Ecclesiastical causes contrarie to the knowledge of his learned Pastors For as these three partes of a pastors dutie are graunted to him by God preaching ministring of sacraments and Ecclesiasticall gouernment he maye no more take from a Pastor the third then he may the two first By this it appeareth how farre it is lawful for Princes to intermedle with causes Ecclesiasticall namelye that it is the chiefest poynt of their dutie to haue especiall regarde that God may be glorified in their dominion and therefore they ought to make ciuill lawes to binde the people vnto the confession of true faith and the right administring and receiuing of the sacramentes and to all ecclesiastical orders that they beeing instructed by the worde of God thorow the ministerie of the preaching of the same shall vnderstande to bee profitable for edifying of the church of Christe and the aduauncement of the glory of God If any shall offende against the laws whether he be preacher or hearer beside the ecclesiasticall censure which he shoulde not escape he is also to be punished in bodye by the ciuill magistrate This we see that all christian Emperours obserued that when anye controuersie arose either of doctrine or of order and ceremonies they commaunded the Cleargie to consult determine thereof according to the scripture who assembling togeather incounsel obeyed their commandement Their conclusion then by authoritie of the Emperour was commaunded euerye where to be obserued and those that impugned it to be punished the same order we
¶ A BRIEFE and plaine declaration concerning the desires of all those faithfull Ministers that haue and do seeke for the Discipline and reformation of the Church of Englande Which may serue for a iust Apologie against the false accusations and slaunders of their aduersaries GOD IS MY DEFENDER AT LONDON Printed by Robert Walde-graue 1584. A praeface to the Christian Reader THE holy Prophets hauing oftentymes * but searched vvhen and at vvhat time the foreseeing spirit of God declared vnto them the manifold afflictions and troubles of the church to come haue therevpon entered into great lamentations for the same And haue not onely vvept and fasted them selues * but haue compiled for the church vvhole bookes of lamentations therein instructing them what vvay to take for appeasing the fierce wrath of God breaking out against them VVhich dutie in semblable maner should novv long agoe haue beene done of vs did not the hope vvee conceiue in the middest of manye tempestes confirme vs in such expectation of her maiestie and her most honourable counsell as that according to their clemencie tovvardes the poore ministers and their families but most especially according to their holye and zealous care vvhich ought to abound for the cleane driuing out of the Cananites and planting hedging pruning and continuall preseruing of the Lord his vineyard from Foxes yea little Foxes this ciuill vvar as a man may say of the church vvherein so much of that bloud * vvherof Paule speaketh is powred to the grounde shoulde by their holie and iuste authoritie fully bee ended Now vvhen as vve at this time are subiect almoste vnto all the afflictions vvhich can come vnto a church blessed of God vvith such a christian and happie regiment as to the prophane scoffing of the * Hammonits at the buylding of the church as at a vval vvhich a Fox should destroy to the conspiracies of the Arrabies and those of Ashod to the false * charges of sedition contempt of all good lavves and proceedinges like to that of Sanballat yea to the * prophetes them selues vndermining nay reuiling displacing and grieuouslye afflicting the Godly and learned ministerie so consequently plaging the Church vvith that plague vvherby * the priestes may mourne because there is no offering and the people perishe euen the yong men vvith the famine of hearing the vvorde of God preached when I say we are subiect to al these vvee can thinke of no vvaye for reconciling the brethren at variance after a most sure holy vnion of both their forces for a couragious setting vpon the common aduersary then the certaine peaceable and reasonable vvay following VVhich is that vvhereas both by bookes alreadie written and by treatizes latelye and novv published it may appeare vve seeke that vvhich at the least in the iudgement of all true Christians hath no small probabilitie as vve iudge necessitie of trueth out of the scriptures it maye please her most excellent maiestie and their honours to appoynt on both sides the best learned most Godly moderate men to debate all differences of vvaight betweene them and vs. So that first vpon sufficient consideration the questions to be debated be vvithout all ambiguitie set downe the reasons of both sides vvithout all out-goynges shortly and plainely deliuered in vvriting each to other that after vpon sufficient examination the reasons of both be continuallye confirmed and resolued till eyther by the euidence of truth one part yeeld vnto the other or the folly and madnes of those vvhich gaynesay it do in equall iudgement become manifest in regarde of the contradictions and absurdities vvhereto they shall bee dryuen by the force of Gods vvorde VVhich vvay though it shoulde come naked vnto vs can not well be refused but beeing richly attyred vvith all robes and ornaments vvhich the scripture giueth vnto the Synodicall assemblyes for such conferences as namely that there bee * much searching of the trueth by sufficient reasoning vvithout all by matters quarrels euasions and colours vvhatsoeuer that there be much * order vvhen the spirite of euerye prophet shall be subiect vnto the spirits of the other prophets the iudgement of al shalbe sufficiently heard vvithout stopping of free sufficient answere without Lordly carrying away of the matter with no substāce of reason vvhere no authoritie pregnancie of vvit plausible perswasion of mans vvisedome shall turn the truth aside but al shal stand in the * euident demonstration of Gods spirite lastly that there be * peace without all bitternes reuilinges suspicions chargings of men dead aliue wherby affections are mooued iudgement blinded and men driuen as vvith a mighty streame from the loue of the truth vvhen it commeth thus adorned vve thinke that vvhich we labor to procure to be so honorable * not only before God but also before men that none can iudge othervvise of it then vve doe For if any shall obiect that the graue authoritie of Archbishops Bishoppes shall receiue a checke whilest they are brought to deale with those whome they iudge fewe young vnlearned and not comparable to them selues or that it is a challenge not much vnlike the Papistes or lastly that it shall be preiudiciall to the estate of gouerment established It maye please their wisedomes vvho are to bee iudges to consider what vvee haue to aunsvvere vnto these things which if they haue the truth of God his word containe the safest best way in such cases tend to the full quieting of all and the remoouing of the plagues vvhich are vppon vs and are like dayly further to come euen from the cōmon aduersary VVe may boldly yet most humbly vppon our knees requyre them before God and all his elect Angels no● to cast it away VVherfore for the first let vs grant the great difference vvhich they make of yeares and learning yet the speech of Elihu giueth them sufficient answere that this vnderstanding is not tyed to such outvvard respectes but to the * reuelation of Gods spirit and to accept in such cases the persons of men or to giue titles is but to prouoke God to destroy vs. Yea let the memorable examples of * Ezechias and the priestes of the Apostles in their counsels of * Paule in his Epistles and euen of * Peter in yeelding to the challenge of some not so well instructed mooue them vvho not onely not refused the Leuites Elders but accepted the people in some maner to be heard to speake and to authorize their determinations and writings at least let their own opinion that in interpreting the scriptures and deliuerye of doctrine we are equall vvith them persvvade them not to refuse those vvho if they coulde straine their consciences to subscribe to the Archbish. articles they would gladly receiue them to be the Ambassadors of Iesus Christ. As for the fevvnes it may bee if the ignorant ministers the varietie of other
them by prayer and imposition of hands the visible Graces of the holye Ghoste which Philip did not The same Philip in Act. 21. verse 8. is called an Euangelist So is Timothy 2. Timoth. 4. 5. Such was Titus Silus and many other This office also with the order of the Apostles is expired and hath no place Likewise as wee doe plainly see that the gifts of healing of povvers or myracles and of diuerse tonges haue long since ceassed to be in the Church So the offices of them which were groūded vpon these gifts must also cease and bee determined Therfore the Papists do vainly retain the name office of Exorcists when they cānot cast out diuels extream vnction when they cannot cure disseases and to speak with straunge tonges which they haue not by inspiration that without any interpretation which Saint Paule expresly forbiddeth There remayneth therefore of these before rehearsed onely in the Church these Ecclesiasticall offices instituted of God namely Pastors Doctors Gouernours and Deacons By which the church of God may according to his worde be directed in all matters which are commonly called Ecclesiasticall And therefore as it is vnlawful so it is vnneedeful for men following the deuises of their owne brayne without the warrant of Gods worde to institute and ordayne anye other offices or kindes of ministerye beside these appointed approued by God himself exercised in the Primitiue pure church vntil the mistery of iniquity working a way for Antichristes pride presumption changed Gods ordinance and brought in al kind of false doctrine confusion and now againe restored in al rightly reformed Churches with such daylie increase and glory of the kingdom of Christ and suppression of the tyrannie of Sathan that the onelye experience hereof might bee a sufficient perswasion to vs to leaue this disordered state of ours wherein we haue so long laboured with so little profit and to imbrace that most beautifull order of Ecclesiastical regimēt which God so manifestlye doth blesse and prosper in our neighboures handes But while we speake of Ecclesiasticall gouernment it maye bee thought of some that we shoulde intreat first of the supreame authority of Christian Princes Whereuppon it seemeth that al the regiment of the church dependeth which is such a myst to dazle the eyes of ignoraunt persons that they thinke all thinges in the Ecclesiastical state ought to be disposed by that onelye high authoritye and absolute power of the Ciuil magistrate Others there be with more colour of reason that referre onely indifferent matters to the disposition of Princes but in determining indifferēt matters they shewe themselues not to bee indifferent Iudges For whatsoeuer it shall please the Ciuill Magistrate or themselues to call or count indifferent it must be so holden of all men without anye further enquiry But of the supreame authority of christian princes in Ecclesiasticall causes howe farre it extēdeth by the word of God we shal haue better occasiō to intreat hereafter when we haue described the Ecclesiastical state And that it is neither needefull nor agreeable to good order of teaching to begin first therewith it may be plaine to euerye man by this reason The Church of God was perfect in all her regiment before there was any Christian Prince yea the Churche of God may stande and doth stande at this day in moste blessed estate where the Ciuill Magistrates are not the greatest fauorers By which it is manifest that the regiment and gouernement thereof dependeth not vppon the authority of Princes but vpon the ordinaunce of God who hath most mercifully and wisely so established the same that as with the comfortable ayde of Christian Magistrates it may singulerlie flourish prosper so without it it may continue and against the aduersaries therof preuail For the church craueth help defence of christian Princes to continue go forward more peaceably profitably to the setting vp of the kingdō of Christ but al hir authority she receiueth immediatly of God Let vs therfore return to those offices of Ecclesiasticall regiment which now remain to be exercised in the Church of God being instituted ordained by Christe himselfe which before we haue proued out of the scriptures to be only these Doctors Pastors Gouernors Deacons wherof some appertain to doctrin some to gouernment and discipline The duty of doctors Pastors is chiefly to teach and instruct the people of god in al things that God hath appointed thē to learne The office of Elders Deacons is to prouide that good order and discipline bee obserued in the church These offices being rightly established exercised in the Church are able to make vs meet together in the vnity of faith and knowledge of the sonne of God vnto a perfect man acording to doctrine And both for doctrine and order of gouernement to make vs one body of Christe and members one of another Nowe what shoulde be desired more then this in the church of God or what wisdom of man can espy better then the spirite of God by what means this shold be brought to effect which we do desire what mans wit cā deuise better then the wisdom of god hath expressed Or whē God hath established an order for the administratiō of his own house what presūptiō of man dare change it But what dare not dust ashes presūe to do against his maker that with greatest incōuenience when with best pretences of correcting and reforming that which they do thinke to be vnperfect in his doings Exāple thereof we haue most euident That which is alleaged as the chief defence of this disordered state which now remaineth in our church namely that our fathers of old time were not content with the simple order instituted by Christe and established by his Apostles but for better gouerning of the Church thought good some offices to ad therto some to take away some to alter change and in effect to peruerte and ouerthrow all Christian and Ecclesiastical pollicie which was builded vpon the foundation of the Prophetes and Apostles Iesus Christ being the cheeft corner stone But how vnhappy a successe this good intent as they call it of theirs deserued to haue of God who alwayes abhorreth all good intentes of men that are contrarye to the good pleasure of his will expressed in his holy worde the age before vs alasse hath felt the present time doth plainly see and wee praye God the posterity warned by examples of their auncesters maye take heede of it For where there are specially two thinges propounded in the Churche of God Doctrine and Discipline as if a man woulde say knowledge and practise by which the glory of God is sought and shineth therin In steed of true Doctrine followed all manner of corruptions of the same both in the whole and in euery part thereof as ignorance heresies idolatry superstition c. The Discipline degenerated vnto intollerable tyrannye
is it to idlenesse and slouthfulnesse in them that bee alreadye in that vocation to beholde them that take no paine to liue in wealth and ease without punishement of their negligence But here againe it will be obiected because there are not liuinges able to maintaine all learned Pastors we must be inforced to admitte manie ignoraunt ministers But againe we aunswere it is our part not onely to prouide learned Pastours but also liuinges sufficient to maintayne them vppon the necessitie of Gods commaundement Let him that is instructed in the worde sayth Saint Paul minister to him that doth instruct him in all good thinges Be not deceaued for God is not mocked By which saying the Apostle confuteth all vaine excuses which manie are wonte to alleadge why they would contribute nothing to the maintenance of their Pastors al which he affirmeth to be vain because they haue to do with God and not with men onely For here is not regarded the liuing of a man but howe much they esteeme Christ and the Gospell of God Therefore except we will mocke God to his face Let vs obiect nothing to testifie such shamefull ingratitude that we would doubt how they should be prouided of bodely foode of whom we receiue the foode of our souls as though we coulde not afford them an earthely recompence of whome wee receiue heaunely benefits If nothing had bene before time allotted towards the liuing of the Pastors Yet were vvee bounde in payne of damnation to prouide sufficient for them and nowe there is somewhat towardes a liuing where there is least and in all places sufficient if it were well disposed Why should we obiect necessity through lacke of ●iuinges to reteine idols in steede of true Pastors Looke once againe into Fraunce for examples moue muche and beholde the Churches there impouerished and spoiled with long warres persecution vnquietnes They haue neither Byshoppricks Deaneries Prebends nor benefices to bestow on their Pastors and yet minister vnto them all things necessarie for an honest sober life And shall wee that haue all this while liued in peace and prosperitie vnder a godly and religious Princesse hauing all these helpes thincke it is impossible by disposition of godly and wise gouernours to appoint a sufficient portion for so manie learned Pastors as are necessarie for our Churches There is none excuse therefore to be admitted but that wee must endeuour to the vttermost of our power that euery seuerall congregation Church or parrishe be prouided of a learned Pastour For vnskilful sheepheardes haue beene to long thrust vppon vs to the great dishonour of God and defacing of the Gospell of Christe We haue hitherto taken vpon vs without warraunt of Gods worde to allow such for Pastours of mens soules whom no carefull owner of Cattell woulde make ouerseer of his sheepes bodyes Which thing almightye God hath alwayes detested and signified his mislyking by diuers testimonies both of the olde and newe Testament Therefore he sayeth by the Prophet Esaye complayning of the vnlearned Pastours of Israell which was the onelye cause of their affliction and miseries Their watchmen are all blinde they haue no knowledge they cannot barke they lye and sleepe and delight in sleeping and these greedie dogges can neuer haue ynough and these sheepheardes cannot vnderstande for they all looke to their owne way euery one for his aduantage and for his owne purpose Come I will bring wine and we wil fill our selues with strong drink and to morrowe shall bee as this day and much more aboundant If the Prophet had liued in these our days might he not haue spoken the same more truely of many Shiers in Englande We see therefore that blinde watchmen and ignoraunt dumbe Dogges and idle greedie Curres and vnlearned sheepheardes that serue for nothing but to fill their owne purses or their paunches by the testimonie of God his spirite are denied to be meet Pastours of the people of God The prophet Ezechiell also inueigheth at large against the vnfeeding sheepheardes of Israell saying Woe be vnto the sheepheardes of Israell which feede them selues shoulde not the sheepeheardes feede the flockes Yee eate the fat and you cloth you with the wooll yee kill them that are fedde but yee feede not the sheepe The weake haue yee not strengthened the sicke haue yee not healed neither haue yee bound vp the broken nor brought againe that which was driuen awaye neither haue yee sought that which was lost c. throughout the whole Chapter When feeding of Gods sheepe is a matter of so great importaunce and consisteth of so many partes which the Prophet hath heere described how shoulde we admit them whome God reiecteth which being ignoraunt and vnlearned knowe nothing at all and therefore nothing can do that appertaineth to this charge or any part thereof Vndoubtedly the retaining of such is a manifest token of the vengeance of God against vs for so he threatneth by the Prophet Zachary his wordes are these And the Lorde sayde vnto me Take to thee yet the Instrumentes of a foolish Sheepheard for loe I will rayse vp a Sheapheard in the Lande which shall not looke for the thinge that is lost nor seeke the tender Lambes nor heale that is hurt nor feed that which standeth vp but he shall eat the flesh of the fat tear their hooues in peeces O Idole sheaphearde that leaueth the flocke the Sworde shall bee vppon his arme and vpon his right eye his arme shall be cleane dried vp and his right eye shall bee vtterly darkened Now seeing we are taught by these wordes of the Lord God that it is a greate and horrible plague to haue the church of God encumbred with such foolish and Idole Sheapheards Let vs study to remoue such plagues from the flocke of Christe vvhose armes are cleane dried vp that they haue no force and their eyes vtterly darkned that they haue no skill so that they are not able to perfourme those duties which pertaine to a vvise and faythfull Sheaphearde excepte wee will betraye the Sheepe of Christe into the mouthes of rauenous Wolues and speciallye into the teethe of that greate ramping Lyon the deuill who neuer ceaseth going aboute to seeke whome hee may deuoure for his pray For what doe these readinge Ministers differ from those Idole Sheapheards which God in his vengeance threatneth to sende for the ingratitude of the people It wil be answered no doubt that to supplie their ignorance there are added to their appointed seruice manie Godly learned homilies which if they read with their seruice there is not so great neede of Preaching interpretation of the scriptures We will derogate nothing here from the dignitie of those homilies we will not accuse here the vnsensible reading of vnlearned ministers neither yet the vnreuerent contempt of the ignoraunt hearers but which all godly and wise men must needs confesse those exhortations that are not applied to the proper circumstances of times places persons
by other good means reforming vniuer sities by erecting of doctors teachers in as many places as may be by cōpelling the vnlearned ministers in whome is any towardnes to become schollers in diuinity with some allow aunce of liuing if they bee willing to study or else to sende thē frō whence they came to get their liuinges with sweate of their brows and especially cōsidering the gretnes of the haruest fewnes of the laborers by praying earnestly the Lord of the haruest in this great necessity of ours to thrust foorth labourers into his Haruest And in the meane time till God shal blesse vs with a sufficient number of learned pastors to take some extraordinarie and temporall order for ouerseeing the Churches that although they can not bee all sufficientlie instructed and gouerned yet so many shall not be altogether destitute of al knowledge and spiritual gouernment as ther are now in this most corrupt state of the Church in which we haue hitherto continued If any man thinke this is ouer harde to be brought to passe let him consider that there was neuer worke of more difficulty then to build vp the Church of God so that the necessity and commodity of the work should cause vs to stay nothing at the difficultie thereof For with our faithfull endeuor we shall not want the mighty assistance of God who will blesse our Godly labours with greater successe then we can looke for If God therefore will graunt that these and such like meanes may take place by the high authority of our dread soueraigne the Queenes Maiesty and continue this comfortable peace which we enioy vnder her most gratious gouernment wee dare ieopard oure liues that in lesse then halfe the time that is already prosperously passed of her Maiesties moste honourable and glorious reigne the necessity of learned pastors shall bee so well supplied as wee shall haue no great cause to complaine for lacke of them if we may vse like diligence to continue them if not we wil spēd the rest of oure life in mourning expectation of the heauy vengeance of God which must needes fall vpon vs for this manifest contempt of his expresse commaundement aud neglect of increasing the glorious kingdome of our Sauiour Christe In the meane time we may boldly say with the Apostle Act. 20. We testify vnto you this day that we are cleane from the bloud of you all for we haue not failed to shew you the whole Counsell of God concerning the regiment of his Church Hitherto wee haue somewhat at large set foorth the principall parte of a Pastors office which is to preach the word of God and to instruct the people committed to his charge in the same Here followeth now in the second part of his duety which consisteth in right administration of the Sacramentes of God For seeing it hath pleased God to adde such outwarde signes to be helpes of our infirmitie as seales for confirmation of his promises vttered by his worde Rom. 4. 11. He hath appoynted ministers of the same to deliuer them vnto his people Math. 28. 19. Luke 22. 19. For no man may take vppon him any office in the Church but he that is called of God as was Aaron Heb. 3. 4. Seeing therefore that God hath giuen some to bee Pastours in his Church Ephes. 4. 11. And it is the duetie of Pastours to feede the flocke of God committed to their charge with all maner of spirituall pasture of their soules appoynted by God 1. Cor. 4. 1. And that the Sacramentes are a part of this spiritual food it is manifest that it belongeth to the dutie of Pastors to administer the holy Sacramentes and that the Sacramentes appertaine to the doctrine and worde of God it is euident that whome God hath instituted to be minister of the worde him also hath he made to be minister of the Sacramentes and as the Sacramentes are compared by the holye Ghost vnto seales and the worde or promise of God vnto writinges so it appertaineth to him to deliuer the seale which deliuereth the writings For as the seale hath alwayes relation vnto the writinges so haue the Sacramentes vnto the word of God By this it appeareth that as it is the duetie of euerye Pastour to administer the Sacramentes of Christe so this office appertayneth to none but to those which are ministers of the worde Our Sauiour Christ authorizing his Apostles to Baptize all Nations sayeth Goe yee foorth and teache all Nations baptizing them in the name of the father the sonne and the Ghoste teaching them to obserue all thinges that I haue commaunded you Likewise to the same effect Goe yee foorth into the whole worlde and preache the Gospell to euery creature he that shall beleeue and is baptized shall be saued c. Also instituting his holy supper hee sayde Doe this in remembraunce of me Which remembrance Saint Paul declareth that it ought to bee celebrated by preaching of the Lords death So often saith he as you shall eate of tbis Bread and drinke of this Cup you shal shew foorth the Lords death vntill he come By these testimonies it is euidēt that the administratiō of the sacramēts ought to bee committed to none but vnto such as are Preachers of the worde that are able to teach them that they baptise that are able to preache the mystery of Christs death to them to whom they doe deliuer the outward signe thereof Howe intollerable an abuse then is it of the sacraments of the Lord to commit the administration of them to those men that are not able to expounde the mystery of them And seeing the elementes of the worlde of which the outwarde ●art of the sacramentes is taken bee leade and beggerly of themselues except they bee animated and enti●hed with the promise and worde of God which is the life of the Sacramentes what can it bee better then ●acriledge to seperate the ministratition of preaching of the worde from the sacramentes And forasmuch as the spirite of God compareth the Sacraments to seales that are added for confirmation of writinges wee knowe well that a worde or writing may be auailable without a seale but ●euer a seale without a writing Therefore in this behalfe we haue ●ad greate defaulte so long time to ●ommit the administration of the Sacramentes to those men who not onely haue beene knowne to be vnable but also haue beene forbidden to preach the word And that which is more strange to be suffered in this cleare light of the Gospel to permit the ministration of baptisme not only to ignorante men but also to women which haue no voyce to speake in the congregation 1. Cor. 14. 34. 1. Tim. 2. 11. and that in priuate places but in case they say of necessity as though there were such necessity of the outward signe when it cannot bee ministred according to the institution of Christ which is nothing els but to
intemperate person and therfore feared the iudgment of God for his sinne which he purposed not to forsake Such is the maiestie of Gods word when it is preached that either it boweth or breaketh the wicked in pieces God grant therefore that in steede of ordinarie formes of praiers we may haue preaching in all places The seconde thing that we haue to obserue is this that although we make it the dutie of the Pastour to pray in the name of the whole congregation yet we doe not so meane but that the whole congregatiō with one heart and with one voyce maye praise God with singing of Psalmes all at once For this custome hath continued in the church from the beginning that the congregation haue praised God with Psalmes singing altogeather And these three partes of a pastors dutie to preach to minister the sacramentes and to praye are so necessarilye requyred of him in the word of God as no man may rightly execute the office of a Pastor but he that performeth al these each one in their due time And to this part of prayer maye be referred the blessing of marriages not of necessitie but of an auncient vse of the Church Furthermore in those thinges that are necessarie partes of the Pastours office the Church hath authoritie to dispose them as touching the circumstaunces for order and comelynesse sake but cheefely for edification As the dayes and times of preaching and administring the Sacramentes the places meet for the same for publique praiers also the form and maner of vsing those thinges so that all things be don comely and agreeably to order but especially that in all things principall regarde be had to edification which S. Paule so often and so precisely vrgeth in the 14. chapiter of the 1. Cor. For therfore ought our assemblies and comminges together to serue that therefore we maye be better that we may be taught that we may be edified 1. Cor. 11. 17. 1. Cor. 14. 23. 24. 25. 26. 31. And therefore we haue great maruell that some are so precise in vrging ceremonies as many thinke much hindering edification but as moste men confesse nothing profiting to edifycation hauing alwayes in their mouth that sentence of Saint Paule 1. Corinth 14. 40. Let all thinges bee done decently and according to an order And doe so little remember that the Apostle in that long Chapiter laboureth altogether to driue al things to edificatiō or els to driue thē out of the church As he saith of him that hath the gift of tongues being of it selfe an excellente and comely gifte of the holye ghost and being vsed orderly of one or two by course with an interpreter mighte doe muche good in the Church But if there be none interpreter saith he Let him holde his peace in the congregation 1. Cor. 14. 28. The vncomlinesse that Saint Paule reproueth was that women shold preach in the Church as ver 30. 35. The disorder that those giftes which serued leaste for edifying were preferred before them that serued moste for edifying as tongs before prophecie By which it is euident that S. Paules words are wrested of some clean contrary to his meaning to make him a Patron of idle if not hurtful ceremonies maintained more vpon wil then reason or graunted of Gods worde vnder the colour of order and decency not onely with neglect but also with great hinderance of Gods building by spoyling the Churche of so many learned pastoures There are besides these thinges certaine other matters as confirmation Churching of women buriall of the deade thoughte to belonge to the office of a Byshoppe or Pastour Whereof the firste two are meere deuises of men and ought to haue no place in the Churche of Christe The other albeit it bee to bee retayned with a certayne honestye yet it is not to bee tied to the proper office of a Pastour And as for Confirmation it oughte therefore to be shut oute and haue no place in the church of God as wel because it displaced Catechising and broughte in steede thereof vayne toyes and Childishe ceremonies to the greate hurte of the Churche as for that also it derogateth muche from the dignitye of Baptisme the sacrament of the Lorde and is extolled aboue it being a deuise of man and is pretended to bee a signe to certify the Children of the fauoure and gratious goodnesse of GOD towardes them falsely grounded vpon the example of the Apostles Whereas the ministration of baptisme is permitted to euery hedge-priest minister and Deacon And as for Churching of Women because it sauoureth of the Iewish purification and of Popish institution it ought altogether to bee omitted for it breedeth and nourisheth many superstitious opinions in the simple peoples hearts as that the woman which hath born a child is vncleane or vnholy whereas the Apostle pronounceth that Godlye women are sanctified and saued by bearing of Children 1. Timoth. 2. 15. that it is vnlawfull for her for any necessity to go out of her doores before she bee Churched that this churching is a necessarye part of the Pastors office that shee must weare a white raile ouer her head when she goeth to Churche by the Midwife waighted Home with the Parishe Clearke with diuers suche like Bables vvhiche in a vvell refourmed Churche are not to bee suffered As for the buriall of the deade because Sathan tooke occasion vppon Ceremonies appointed therunto to sowe the seede of manye Herisies in the Church as prayers for the dead oblations for the deade Purgatory c. Also many superstitions as hallowing of Churcbyardes distinction of Burialls as some in the Chauncel some in the Churche and some in the Church-yardes some with more pompe as singing ringing c. some with lesse burying towards the East lightes and holy water bestowed vpon the dead c. It is thought good to the best and right reformed churches to burye their deade reuerently without any ceremonies of praying or preaching at them because experience hath taught them what inconuenience may grow therof by exāple of that which hath bin before And as they are not to be excused if any for small tri●●es only raise vp h●t contentions so they haue much to aunswere before God that suffer the people of God to lacke the onelye foode of their souls for such humain constitutions But to conclude it is the duty of euery true Pastor to obserue those thinges that are concluded by the lawfull authoritye of the church concerning ceremonial matters for order and comlinesse sake and for edification and not to controll publique order by his priuate iudgement but vpon great waighty causes Wee haue hitherto intreated of the proper dutye of a Pastour himselfe nowe it followeth that we likewise set foorth his authoritye in common gouernment with the Elders But least any man shoulde mistake that which wee purpose to say of his authority wee haue neede to expresse what wee meane by this worde authoritye For euen those thinges
the consent of the church in that place 1. Tim. 2. 20. So likewise where he speaketh to Timothie in the singular nūber concerning the hearing determining of matters pertaining to Discipline we ought to acknowlege that he teacheth in Timothie his person the duty of elders neuer ment to giue Timothy an absolute or singular authority to be iudge in these matters without consent of the Eldership whereof he maketh mention but a little before To conclude therfore the Pastor with aduise consent of the Elders hath authoritie to heare examine matters pertaining to Ecclesiasticall Discipline and as the cause requireth to excommunicate offenders and vpon their repentance and amendment to receiue them againe into the bosom of the church approued by the word of God Insteede of which Antichrist hath set vp a tyrannicall iurisdiction of one Bishop to be iudge of excommunication which is practized neyther for causes sufficient nor by sufficient authoritie in so much as it hath beene alreadye testified by the scripture that the power of excommunication is in no one man no not in an Apostle but is common to the whole church ought to be executed by lawful delegats of the church also But so much that vsurped authoritie presumeth that the bishop as an absolute owner therof commiteth it ouer to his chancelor or Archdeacō the Archdeacon to his Official he to his register he again to his substitute and his substitute to his seruants man or boy as it happeneth in so much that a learned preacher may be excommunicated by a folish boy If this matter seeme not to requyre speedy reformatiō god hath blinded our eies that we can not see the clere light of the sun shining in our faces For if we loke to banish the tyrannye of the Pope out of all mens harts we must vtterly remoue al his detestable enormities out of the Realme as it was wont to be sayd in the common prayers of the Church in the time of K. Henry and Edward whereas now by reteining stil all the detestable enormities of his prerogatiue and faculties whole course of his Canon law the papacie is not so much banished in name as translated in deede from the Sea of Rome to the Sea of Caunterbury vnder the shadowe of the Princes supremacie with as heynous iniurie and contumely of the lawful authoritie godly supremacie of the Prince as ioyned with the great dishonour of God and the miserable disorder of the Church But we meane not in this place to prosecute our iust complaintes nor to inueigh againste the abuse of these thinges with such vehemencie of wordes as the worthines of the matters deserueth but onelye in setting foorth the plaine trueth to giue a glimpst by the waye of the contrarye falshoode We must therefore returne to the authoritie of the Pastour which he hath ioyned with the Elders of the Church whereof he is pastour The Church hath alwayes had great care for prouision of the poore by which compassion they shewed that they were liuely members of the body of Christ and auoyded great reproch of them that were without For what shame is it for them that professe to be all sonnes of one father and therfore all brethren yea that be members all of one body to suffer their brethren fellow members to lacke necessaries to sustayne their temporal life as though they that communicate in all spiritual graces and blessinges were not worthye to take part of these worldlye benefites at leastwyse so farre forth as to supply their necessities Therefore our Sauiour Christe alwayes commendeth brotherly loue among his Disciples to teach vs how ready we ought to be to distribute vnto the necessities of our brethren which is a true testimonie of our loue declared by his owne example For although hee were so poore that he liued of the almesse and liberalitie of other men yet of that which was more then serued his owne necessitie he vsed to bestowe vppon the poore as Iohn 13. 29. to teache them whome hee hath blessed with Temporall riches which hee refused to enrich vs with heauenlye treasures that they of their superfluitie woulde be content to giue to the reliefe of their poore bretheren which he did not neglect in his extreame pouerty To teach also them that haue but mean substaunce that they ought not to bee excused but somewhat to contribute vnto the necessitie of their poore bretheren when he that had nothing at all but that which was giuen euen of that bestowed part Therefore the Apostles in the primitiue Church thought it to be expedient for the better prouiding for the poore that certaine men shoulde be appoynted of approoued Godlinesse and diligence which shoulde take the speciall charge of the distribution vnto the poore Act. 6. These men were called Deacons or ministers because they did minister and serue the poore in their necessities and because the occasion of the ordinaunce continueth alwayes as our Sauiour Christ hath sayde we should alwayes haue the poore amongest vs Iohn 12. 8. vvhereby GOD woulde exercise our charitie The office of Deacons also is perpetuall Therefore the Apostle Saint Paule prescribeth what kinde of men are meete for that office 1. Timothie 3. 8. And in euery well constituted Church they were ordayned accordingly as Phillip 1. 1. Also after the ordeyning of the seuen Deacons this office was deuided into diuers partes as necessitie shewed diuers occasions For some were appoynted for the collection and distribution of al●esse as Romans 12. 8. and some for attending vppon the sicke and impotent among the poore as in the same place Let him that distributeth doe it with simplicitie and let him that sheweth mercie doe it with cheerefulnesse Which kinde of Deacons 1. Cor. 12. 28. are called helpers and for the seruice of this office were appointed diuers olde poore widowes who as they were mainteined by the church so they serued the church attending vppon the other poore who beeing sicke and impotent had neede not onely of things necessary but also of seruice and attending 1. Timoth. 5. 5. These offices being instituted by the spirit of God for the necessary vse of the Church which vse still continueth ought also to be reteined among vs. For we see for want of these offices what great inconueniences are among vs concerning the poore For although ther be very good politike laws made for prouision of the pore yet smal reliefe commeth thereby to the poore indeed at least wise manie abuse the reliefe which they receiue which commeth of this that there be not in euery church or congregatiō such Deacons as the holy ghost hath appointed which should take a speciall care employ a great diligence for the prouision of the poore not only some to gather and distribute but also to see it well imployed on the poore and to imploy the poore that liue of the almes of the church to the releefe of their
reade also to bee obserued by the christian kinges of Fraunce Spaine yea and of this our Brittany also in gouerning their Ecclesiastical state by the aduise of the Cleargie of their dominion But it will perhaps be sayd that for Princes to subscribe to the determination of priestes as they call them is no supremacie but a subiection We answer it is no subiection vnto men but to God his worde to doe nothing in these matters but by the faithfull aduise of thē that know his will are bounde to teach it vnto all men No more then it is to be counted a subiection for a Prince in ciuill affayres to follow the aduise of wise and faithfull Counsellers Whereby we see that if Gods ordinaunce were not plaine in the scriptures yet reason it self wold conclude that if in Temporal matters a wise prince wil doe nothing of weight without the counsell of wise men how much more in Gods busines which are of greatest importāce shold they not decree any thing with out the aduise of them that be learned in those matters And if all princes by heathen wise mens iudgments are so rulers that they are seruaunts of the laws of the cōmon wealth why should it be accounted for anye dishonour vnto princes to be obedient to the lawes of God their father and to serue to the commoditie of the church their mother It is a greater honor to be the son of God and the child of the church then to be a monarch of al the earth Of this honourable subiection to GOD and his church Esay prophesieth Chapiter 49. 23. Kinges shall be thy nursing Fathers and Queenes shall bee thy Nurses They shall worship thee with their faces towardes the earth and licke the dust of thy feete and thou shalt know that I am the Lord. The prophet meaneth that Kinges and Queenes shal be so careful for the preseruatiō of the church that they shall thinke no seruice too base for them so they maye profite the Church of Christ withal Vnto this honourable subiection the holy Ghost exhorteth princes in the second psalme after that they haue tryed that they preuayle nothing in stryuing againste the kingdome of Christ Be now therefore wise O yee Kinges be learned that iudge the earth serue the Lord with feare and reioyce vnto him with trembling Declaring that it is a ioyfull seruice to bee obedient to Christ yea to serue GOD is indeede to reigne And especiallye it is to be noted where Saint Paule commaundeth prayers and supplications to bee made for the conuersion of Kinges vnto the knowledge of the truth and their own saluation that he alleadgeeth this reason That we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all Godlinesse and honestie vnder their protection A godly and honest life wee may liue vnder enemies of the Churche and persecutors but a peaceable and quiet life in all godlinesse and honesty only vnder a christian Prince This thing therefore the Church most humbly desireth of the prince for this end the Church continually prayeth to GOD for the Prince in this respect the Churche most obediently submitteth her self vnto the Prince as a Childe to his nurce that both prince and people may honour God in this life and after this life reigne with Christe euerlastingly Thus haue we breefely set foorth a form of reformation touching matters ecclesiastical as we are throughly perswaded agreeable to the word of God and as we are able to proue consenting with the example of the primitiue Church building only vppon the most sure foundation of the canonicall scriptures but intending more at large if occasion shall serue hereafter to set foorth the practize and consent of the Godly fathers in their Actes Counsels and writinges following the same rule interpretation of the scripture that we haue done Therfore we protest before the liuing God and his holy Angels and before the Lord Iesus Christ that shal come to iudge the quicke and the dead and before the Queenes maiestie our most gratious Soueraigne the whole assemblie of all estates of this Realme that as the whol world may plainly see we seeke hereby not our owne profite ease nor aduancement but onely the glorye of God and the profite of his Church so by this present writing wee discharge our conscience according to our dutie which is to shew vnto all men the true waye of reformation and to mooue them that haue authoritie to put it in practize and to seeke by all lawfull and ordinarye meanes that it may take place that if it may please God to giue it good successe at this time to be imbraced we maye fulfill the rest of our course with ioy But if our sinnes be the let that this or the like groūded vpon Gods worde may not now be receiued yet the present age may see iudge what is the vttermost of our desire concerning reformation which hitherto for lacke of such a publike testimoniall hath been subiect to infinite slaunders deuised by the aduersaries of Gods truth hinderance of Godly procedings vnto reformatiō And that the posterity may know that the truth in this time was not generallye vnknowen nor vntestified concerning the right regiment of the church of god nor this disordered forme of ecclesiasticall gouernement which we haue receiued for the most part of popery deliuered to our Children without contradictiō that our example shold not be preiudicial vnto them as the exāple of our Godly fathers which in this poynt neglected their duetie hath beene preiudiciall vnto vs. The Lorde graunt for Christes sake that we beeing so farre from perfection God may open al our eyes to see the same and bend our heartes earnestly to labour to attaine therevnto and in the mean time so farre as we haue attained that we may proceede al by one rule that we may be like affectioned to seeke the glory of God and to build vp the ruynes of his temple that with one hearte and with one voyce we maye praise the Father of our Lorde Iesus Christ in his holye Temple which is the congregation of saints in the holy ghost to whom be al honor Dominion for euermore Amen FINIS 1. Pet. 9. 10. Lamen 1. 2 3. 4. Ioel. 2. Act. 20. 26. Neh. 4. 2. 3. 4 Neh. 4. 7. Neh. 6. 5. 6. Neh. 10. 11. 12 Ioel. 1. 9. Amos. 8. 11. 12. 13. Act. 15. 7. 1. Cor. 14. 13. 32. 1. Cor. 2. 4. 1. Cor. 14. 33 Act. 14. 16. Iob. 32. 7. 8. Iob. 32. 21. 22. 2. Chro. 30. 1 5. 23. ver Actes 15. 23. Gal. 1. 1. Act. 11. 1. 2. 3 4. c. D. VVhitgifts booke page 389. Tim. 3. 15. The definition of the Church 2. Tim. 3. 17. VVhat ministers are appointed in the church Ephes. 4. 11. 1. Cor. 12. 28. Act. 14. 23. Titus 1. 5. Rom. 12. 6. 1. Cor. 12. 28 Ephes. 4. 11. Math. 28. 19. Mark 16. 25. Act. 1. 15. Act. 12. 2. Act. 13. 2. 1. Cor. 12. Ephes. 4. 11. Acts. 11. 28 21. 10. Acts. 20. 23 Acts. 8. 5. Act. 8. 14. Acts. 21. 8. 2. Tim. 2. 5. 5 1. Corin. 14. VVhat offices remaine in the Church Doctors Ephes. 4. 13. 1. Cor. 12. 27. Ephes. 2. 20. 2. Thes. 2. 1● Prou. 29. 18. The office of a Doctor Ephes. 4. 11. Rom. 12. 7. Rom. 12. 8. Acts. 11. 26. Acts. 18. 28. Pastors and their Titles Acts. 20. 28. 1. Pet. 5. 2. Num. 11. 16. Mala. 2. 7. Heb. 7. 12. 24 Act. 14 23. Act. 20. 17. 1. Tim. 5. 17. Tit. 1. 5. Iam. 5. 14. Pet. 5. 2. Act. 20. 17. Phillip 1. 1. 1. Tim. 3. 2. 8. Tit. 1. 5. 6. 7. 1. Pet. 5. 1. 1. Pet. 5. 1. 2. 3 4. Pet. 2. 25. Luk. 22. 25. Mat. 20 25. Mark 10. 41. Iohn 13. 13. Mat. 23. 8. 3. Iohn 9. Heb. 13. 7. 1. Pet. 5. Tit. 1. 5. Tit. 1. 5. Actes 14. 23 Rom. 12. 7. 8. Acts. 20. 2. Tim. 3. 16. 17. 2. Tim. 4. 1. 2 1. Tim. 3. 2. Tit. 2. 9. Rom. 10. 14. Math. 21. 22. Mark 11. 15. John 2. 14. Gal. 6. 6. 1. Cor. 9. 7. Gal. 6. 6. 7. Esai 56. 10. 11. 12. Eze. 34. 2. 3. 4 Zac. 15. 16. 16 1. Pet. 1. 8. Math. 15. 14. Math. 5. 13. Acts. 20. 18. 19. 20. Acts. 20. 26. Acts. 20. 31. Math. 9. 38. Actes 20. 26. 27. Rom. 4. 11. Math. 28. 19. Luke 22. 19. Heb. 3. 4. Ephes. 4. 11. 1. Cor. 4. 1. Math. 28. 19. Mark 16. 15. Luke 2● 19. 1. Cor. 24. 1. Cor. 14. 34. Tim. 2. 11. 1. Cor. 1. 17. Act. 16. 16. Acts. 6. 4. Tim. 2. 1. 1. Cor. 14. 16. 1. Cor. 14 40. 1. Cor. 14. 16 1. Cor. 14. 28. 1. Cor. 14. 15 1 Cor. 14. 15 26. 1. Cor. 11. 17. 1. Cor. 14. 23. 24. 25. 26. 31. 1. Cor. 14. 40 1. Cor. 14. 28. 1. Tim. 2. 15. Acts. 28. 29. 1. Cor. 12. 28. 1. Pet. 5. 3. Luke 23. 26. 2. Cor. 1. 14. Hierarchia Iohn 3. 27. Heb. 5. 4. Philip. 2. 6. Luke 22. 26. Math. 20. 25 Mark 10. 42. Math. 23. 8. 2. Tim. 6. 15. Math. 18. 19. Math. 18. 19. 20. 1. Cor. 28. 29 Rom. ●2 8. Acts. 14. 23. 1. Tim. 5. 7. Acts. 14. 23. ● Cor. 5. 4. Math. 18. 17. Num. 11. 6. Mat. 18. 1. Tim. 4. 14. Luke 22. 66. Acts. 20. 5. The ende of Discipline 1. Cor. 5. 2. Cor. 2. 1. Cor. 5. 11. Tit. 3. 10. 2. Tim. 2. 16. 1. Tim 1. 20. 2. Ioh. 10. 11. Math. 18. 15. 16. c. ● Thes. 3. 6. 1. Cor. ● 1. Tim. 5. 19 21. 1. Cor. 5. 4. 2. Cor. 1. 10. 1. Tim. 2. 20. 1. Tim. 2. 20. Ioh. 13. 29. Actes 6. Ioh. 12. 8. 1. Tim. 3. 8. Phil. ● 1. Rom. 12. 8. 1. Cor. 12. 28. 1. Tim. 5. 5. Act. 11. 30. 1. Tim. ● 1. Tim. 3. 13. Phillip 1. 1. Act. 6. Act. 21. 18. ●al 2. 9. 12. Act. 6. 20. 29 Genes 9. 4. Act. 15. Actes 14. 23. 1. Tim. 4. 14. Chusing of Clearkes of the Conuocatiō house Actes 15. 2. Cor. 1. 14. Actes 15. Esay 49. 23. Psal. 2. 10. 11 1. Tim. 2. 2.