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A31041 The remains of Mr. Joseph Barrett, son of the Reverend Mr. John Barrett, minister of the Gospel at Nottingham being the second part / taken out of an exact diary written by his own hand. Barret, Joseph, 1665-1699.; Whitlock, John, 1625-1709. 1700 (1700) Wing B912; ESTC R28353 124,876 236

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penal Evils which God inflicts upon us Righteousness and Judgment is ever to be ascribed to our God and all the blame to be charged home upon our own naughty Hearts it is Sin which imbitters all our Comforts here O hate Sin and take a holy revenge upon it Afflictions are but the effect Sin is the cause now remove the Cause and the Effects will cease O what bruitish and unreasonable Creatures are we who are so much in love with Sin a thing so odious and hateful in the sight of God and so mischievous to our Selves O unnatural we who are so in love with our own Miseries Now that you may follow this Direction effectually it would be a good way seriously to endeavour to find out what those Sins are that have had the greatest hand in bringing this Affliction upon you for in many of God's strokes his Hand his Rod points very visibly to the Offence I have verily thought so in several of the light Afflictions he hath laid upon me When God afflicts us in Relations we ought with shame and grief to reflect upon our relative Sins I dare not but humbly mind you of this thing having found out the Achans let us dispatch them without delay let us humble our Souls exceedingly for them and earnestly beg the Pardon of them and with all our might strive against them O let us shew Sin no mercy Let the Lord see that his quarrelling with us hath broached an irreconcilable quarrel between our Souls and Sin 2dly Let us be led to see more of the emptiness and vanity of the Creature since our fall from God to the Creature we are very prone to place and seek our Happiness in it whereas our Happiness consists and ought to be placed in God alone who is the chief Good and our Gracious God many times sees good to Afflict his Children most in those things which have got the greatest share of their Affections and so are likely to draw away most of their Hearts from him O remember dear Cozen our Head and Husband the Lord Jesus hath a very jealous Eye over our deceitful Hearts he cannot brook any adultrous Affections in his Spouse when he seeth we are following strangers and so growing strange with him it much offends him yet so constant is his Love to us that he takes various Methods to recover our Affections and if nothing else will do it rather then quite loose us he will hedge up our way with Thorns and seldom that our naughty Hearts will be reclaimed till it comes to that I remember an Expression of my Father in a Sermon of his to this Purpose I am verily perswaded saith he that most of the lashes laid upon God's Children here are to pay home and sharply to correct them for some overloving of the Creature As I said before hate Sin more so here love the World less 3dly When ever we find the Devil tempting us to hard Thoughts of God then let us stand up and plead mightily for God's goodness let not our base distrustful unbelieving Hearts be suffered to entertain any such vile Suggestions when God's providences are dark and afflictive towards his People then it is the Devils trick to do what he can to possess their Minds with black and unworthy Conceptions of him as if he had an evil Eye upon them and grudged them their outward Comforts or did willingly Afflict them or took pleasure in their Grief so it is sometimes with God's Church in general Sion's Language sometimes is The Lord hath forsaken my God hath forgotten me And so it is frequently with particular Souls under their particular Tryals and Troubles here How have poor I experienced this sad Truth And with what shame and sorrow may I acknowledge the too great readiness of my base Heart to close with such Temptations And if you do not meet with the same sometimes I can assure you from sad Experience your Case is singularly Happy and if you do meet with them with abhorrence reject and cast them out fear yet scorn to entertain them labour to recollect former Experiences you have had of the Lord's loving kindness He is unchangable in his Love to his Think often what an Expression it is of his Love and Care that he will be at the pains to Afflict you clearing your Adoption you may thence easily argue that all your Afflictions are but Fatherly Chastizements And O how would that sweet Promise of God's turning all to our spiritual Good and Advantage Rom. 8.28 if frequently seriously and believingly considered of make us think very well of all he doth 4thly Live by Faith upon the Attributes and Promises of God it is nothing below this that will be able to keep up your Heart and hold up your Head above these Waters and here I would advise you to seek out those Attributes of God that most suit your Case as it may be sometimes you are puzzeled even at your Wit 's end and know not what to do not what Course to take I believe it is so with you sometimes is it not Your way is made dark in this Wilderness why then have recourse by Faith to the infinite Wisdom of God it may be you meet with a great deal of treachery and deceitfulness in the Creature in this Case live upon the Truth and Faithfulness of God which never fails It may be you may meet with cruel and harsh Usage from such as you have no reason to expect most of the Contrary in this Case solace your Soul in the Consideration of those Bowels of Compassions that are in your heavenly Father and so improve all the Attributes of God for they are all yours and strongly engaged for you if you be his and so as to the Promises of God seek out those that come nearest to your Case promises of Support under your Affliction and of Deliverance when the Lord shall see that good for you at least of a blessed Sanctification of all to your Soul which is ten Thousand times better then present deliverance without it 5thly The exercise of Patience is another thing wherein a Christian Carriage under Affliction doth consist a quiet submitting unto and acquiessing in the good Will of God consider God's disposing Will in his Providence is as really his Will and doth as firmly constitute our Duty to Obey as his commanding Will in his Word And seeing it is his Will that it should be so with you as now it is endeavour chearfully to subscribe unto it let it appear that you are a Practitioner yea a good Proficient in the holy Apostles Art who had learnt in whatsoever State he was therewith to be Content what a poor Contentment is ours if it depends upon our Creature enjoyments yet what abundant reason we should be Content with what we have we deserve nothing so surely ought to be Content with any thing and if an ever Blessed God will not Content us surely we are very unreasonable and
to be lead by the Spirit By Nature we are all Men and Women of another Spirit lead and acted by that contrary Spirit which works in the Children of Disobedience Eph. 2.2 Rom. 8.14 For as many as are lead by the Spirit of God they are the Sons of God Gal. 5.25 If we live in the Spirit let us also walk in the Spirit There must be Spiritual Life before there can be any Spiritual Motion 2. That they Regenerate themselves tho' they are renewed in every part yet they are renewed but in part They have in them while they are in this Life Flesh as well as Spirit and while we have Sin in us it will be acting its Part the flesh will be lusting against the Spirit Rom. 7.21 I find then a Law that when I would do good evil is present with me Gal. 5.17 For the Flesh lusteth against the Spirit and the Spirit against the stesh and these are contrary the one unto the other so that ye cannot do the things that ye would 3. That as men easily may so they are very prone to mistake in this Point 1. Bad Men Saul when in his persecuting Course before his Conversion he verily thought that he was in the way of his duty and so following the Motions of Gods Spirit Act. 26.9 But we see how his Mind was changed afterwards that which before he took for Holy Zeal a Fruit of the Spirit he then saw to be no better than exceeding madness 2. Good Men when they seriously consider what depends upon this Point Rom. 8.9 Now if any Man hath not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his v. 13. For if ye live after the Flesh ye shall dye And when they think of the deceitfulness of their own hearts Jer. 17.9 The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it And when they further consider how prevalent the remaining fleshly interest is in their hearts and lives this makes many a gracious Soul tremble when it comes to decide the Point and sometimes to bring in a false Judgment against it self unless that blessed Spirit shine upon it 4. That mistakes here are very dangerous and mischievous That Man who thinks he hath and is lead by the Spirit and is not woe to him for he is a lost Man if he find not out his mistake before Death and Judgment undeceive him And then a mistake on the other hand will cause the poor Soul to drive on but heavily and uncomfortably in the way of its duty tho' its Estate in the main may be safe Have none of us cause to know the Heart of such in this matter Now to the Case propounded I would answer in general thus I think that Man and he alone is lead by the Spirit the habitual and prevailing bent of whose Heart the main Scope and drift of whose Life is Spiritual As for particular marks I shall content my self with a very few which I take to be safe and scriptural so 1. Such as are lead by the Spirit of God they are by him free from the ruling Power of the Flesh Rom. 8.1 2. There is therefore now no Condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the Flesh but after the Spirit For the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the Law of Sin and Death Gal. 5.16 This I say then walk in the Spirit and ye shall not fulfil the Lusts of the Flesh Walking after the Spirit and walking after the Flesh are directly opposed in Scripture such they sin still alas that is a sad truth which cannot be denied for there is not a just man upon earth that doth good and sinneth not Ecl. 7.20 yet he that is born of God he doth not he cannot commit Sin Joh. 1.3 9. He lives not in the ruling Love and practice of Sin He can in some Measure say what the Apostle For that which I do I allow not for that which I would that do I not but what I hate that do I Rom. 7.15 2. They are such as have solemnly taken the holy Spirit for their Guide and given up themselves to his Conduct They were baptized into his Name Mat. 28.19 And every time they do renew the Covenant they do sincerely and afresh renew their Obligations to obey and follow him Before Conversion they rejected him his Counsels and Ways and were only for following the Inclinations of their own evil Hearts and the Course of this World But now they have made a better choice They desire he would teach lead and guide them such Expressions are very frequent And they have an Ear to hear and an Heart to follow him Joh. 10.3 4. And the Sheep hear his Voice and he calleth his own Sheep by Name and he leadeth them out and when he putteth forth his own Sheep he goeth before them and the Sheep follow him for they know his Voice By the Spirit it is that great Shep-heard teacheth his Sheep to know his Voice by him he calleth them both to and after him 3. They are such as have chosen the Word of God for their Rule In the Word it is that the Spirit Speaketh to the Churches Rev. 2.7 In the Word he hath chalked out the Paths of Holiness wherein he leadeth such as he hath made willing to follow him And they pray with David Lord teach me thy Statutes Psal 119.12 Let me not wander from thy Commandments Indeed the Flesh will be resisting and rebelling endeavouring to stop them in or to turn them out of the way which will cause them to take many a false Step But yet as Rom. 7.22 They delight in the Law of God after the inward Man In the bent of their renewed Mind and will they delight in it and desire to obey it perfectly and allow not themselves in the breach of any part thereof 4. Such as are lead by the Spirit their Motion is free and voluntary not by force and constraint They are lead not haled or driven Joh. 10.3 4. He calleth them by Name and leads them out and goeth before them and they follow him They are a willing People Psal 110.3 1 Cor. 4. Draw me and we will run after thee Indeed a Partical Unwillingness will be found in the best while here while we have Flesh in us it will be drawing another way But yet Holiness is this Mans choice And when he is in a holy Frame and Course he is as in his Element The habitual prevailing bent of his Heart is for a Course of Holiness and this appears in the main Scope and drift of his Life and this I think doth denominate us what we are and that therefore by it we may safely judge of our selves QUESTION II. How may we come to find out and know what are our special sins and what means are to be used for the Mortification of them The question before us Consists of two Parts 1. How may we
Kingdom and forced to fly for his Life yet we see how sweetly they took it These and such like examples should both encourage and quicken our endeavours here 8. We should consider how good it is that we thus bear them hereby we shall please and honour God hereby we shall credit Religion letting the World see that whatever they faney yet we find something in it that is real something that yields us real Support Hereby we shall lay in for our own both present and future sweet Peace and Satisfaction 9. We should consider the Evil of the Contrary as thereby we shall dishonour God gratisy the Devil discredit Religion harden the World in their Mistakes about it break our present Peace and lay in for our future Sorrow which is the best that can come of it 10. We should consider if we are the Persons concerned in this Case Christians indeed then whatever we have lost yet our all is safe the Lord is his Peoples portion their All and so all that he is all that he hath it s all theirs as they need it and as it would be for their Good thus it is and thus it shall be in spite of Sin Earth and Hell for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it I will be their God and the Zeal of the Lord God of Host's shall perform this shall make it good O methinks there is life and soul in this consideration if we know but how to draw it out Other things might be added but I fear least before this I should be thought tedious 3. We must diligently apply our selves to other seasonable Christian Duties So 1. We must give diligence to clear up our special Covenant Interest in God I cannot reasonably think to perswade my Heart to bear such Losses as it should unless I can shew it something that I have or at least may have which is as good or better then that which I have lost and to bare worldly Losses quietly because I have much more of these things left this is not right and the bear having an Interest in God will not be sufficient for my Support unless it be in some measure known to me but if I know that this God whose Name is I am if I can make it out that he is my own God I need not fear then at next word to say all 's my own and then my Work here would be easy 2. We must exercise our selves much in lively believing Meditations on him and our unspeakable Happiness in him there is certainly that in God which doth amply suit our case and which would effectually do our work but we must not expect this in the way of a Charm or that God should work Miracles for us though I have the best Food upon my Table yet it will not nourish or strengthen me unless I open my Mouth take chew and digest it so it is here 3. We must endeavour all we can to maintain constant Communion with God while a Soul enjoys real Communion with God it s well with that Soul and much at one to it whether it enjoys more or less of the Creature a gracious Soul tasts that sweetness in near and intimate Communion with God that while this is enjoy'd it takes little or no notice of what of the World it either hath or wants O it finds Meat and Drink House and Lands Friènds Earth yea and Heaven too in Communion with God! Hereupon there are such ineffably swet Communications of God to the Soul and such mutual endearing Embraces as immediately fill the Soul in each corner of it with unspeakable Satisfaction and Joy but I must add there is yet something in it which is an unutterable Secret such as experimentally know what it is for the Lord to deal familiarly with them this way such will understand what I mean and would not this do our business now What think you 4. We must endeavour to keep up every Grace in good Heart but especially see we nourish and cherish the Grace of Faith and keep that close to its work every Grace hath its proper work and office in the Soul but among all the rest Faith is the great doer and not the least among the bearers of Burthens and in reference to this present Case it will be well or ill with us as our Faith is either lively or languishing 5. We must be much in the search and study of the holy Scriptures the Word of God abounds with precepts promises examples very Applicable to our present Case some little hath been hinted I had thoughts here to have added more but must forbear being sensible I have over done Once more 6. And lastly We must give our selves unto Prayer when we have done our best Satan will be solliciting Evil and distempered Frames will be creeping on us when it s thus we must run to God by earnest and believing Prayer there 's no way like it if ever we bear our Losses graciously it must be by the special help of the Spirit as hath been hinted and though the Lord sometimes in the way of Prerogative or of his soveraign Grace is found of those that seek him not yet the promise is made unto those that ask QUESTION VII How may a christian improve outward Prosperity to God 's Glory and to his own and others Good TO know how to abound is as high and rare an attainment of Grace as to know how to want but though few in comparison do yet some have and therefore we in our advantagious Circumstances may attain to it in the strength of the same Christ Phil. 4.12 13. Now in answer to this Question the scope and drift of which is as I take it to instruct us in this Lesson 1. We must labour to discover and then carefully to avoid those Sins and Temptations which this Estate doth especially expose us to 2. We must labour to get acquainted with and then dilligently and conscienciously to discharge those Duties and exercise those Graces which this Estate doth especially call us to and gives us an advantage for 3. As we would do thus we must carefully observe and follow some Rules and Directions 1. We must labour to discover and then carefully to avoid those Sins and Temptations which this Estate doth especially expose us to And 1. Those which do respect others And so 1. Those which more directly respect God himself such as these unmindfulness forgetfulness of God an alienation of our Hearts and Affections from him a careless neglect of the Duties of his Worship or a formal customary dead and heartless Performance of them O that in these things and the like we did not speak from so much sad experience as we do Again Disobedience and Rebellion if Jesheron be waxed fat the next news we hear of him is that he kicked we must beware of these things and the like 2. Those which do more directly respect our Brethren and do we never in Prosperity meet with a
Temptation and find a Proneness in our Hearts when we are as it were on the Top of the Hill to overlook despise contemn our poor Brethren that are below us in the Valley Job saith He that is ready to slip with his feet is as a lamp despised of him that is at ease if so we must take heed of that Again Beware of unmercifulness towards them have we a care they do not want our Bowels but especially that we do not hurt their's take we heed that when we are at ease our selves we be not among them who are not greived for the Affliction of others but especially that we add not to their Affliction O beware we of any thing that looks like injury or oppression and as we must thus labour to discover and carefully to avoid those Sins and Temptations which respect to others So 2. Those which do more directly respect our slves and so take heed of Pride this was the Devils Sin and his Ruine and he would have us like him in both and do we not find our Spirits ready to be puffed up on this occasion I dare say they are no ordinary Christians with whom its otherwise Again Take we heed of Security when our Mountain seems to stand strong it s well if our Hearts say not next it shall never be moved take heed of that Again Take we heed of Prodigality an unlawful excessive wastful Spending or spending Wastfulness of the Creature I remember a choise Servant of God one that hath laboured much amongst us once when I was with him in a fit of Sickness taking a Medicine he called for the Spoon back to lick it saying Jesus Christ would have nothing lost in which as I concluded he had reference to his ordering the Fragments to be gathered up after that large and plentiful Feast upon a few Barly-loaves and two or three small Fishes Again Take we heed of Sensuality our Lusts will expect our Prosperity should be a Feast for them they will crave it and the Devil will sollicite for them but these Beggers must be denied we must take heed of sensuality and of worldiness take heed of sinful inordinate pantings after love to use of or delights in the Creature This as to the first General 2. We must labour to get acquainted with and then conscientiously and diligently to discharge those Duties and exercise those Graces which this Estate gives us a special call to and advangage for And 1. Those which more directly respect others And so 1. Those which more immediately respect God himself and so we must own and acknowledge God as the free and gracious author founder and maintainer of our Prosperity and then it naturally follows hence that we be thankful to him for it and here a true Christian hath far the Advantage of another Man and is thereby laid under a stronger Obligation to this Duty for he may see his outward Prosperity his outward Mercies coming from that self same loving Hand and Heart that gave him his dear Christ O how thankful should a Christian be In a mercy that in it self may be but small yet may he see and tast that which is of more worth then a World this is no phanatical Dream but a proved and experienced Truth Again Doth it not also follow that we should love him more dearly Love would and should be paid in its own Coin and by the way observe it if we can but find this that we love God more for our outward Prosperity this would be an infallible sign that it comes from his Love for as one saith this is a certain Rule that which causeth love cometh from love and then see that we grieve more ingenuously for our Sins against him and the consideration of the cursed Ingratitude and Disingenuity that there is in our Sin 's sure this will when the Spirit strikes it home open a Vein to purpose in a gracious Heart Again Let us see we learn to trust in him more stedfastly we have promises and experiences too see we trust him in our Prosperity see we trust in him and not in uncertain riches friends or the like and if he bring us into straits again let us now learn to trust him then trust him for these things if they be good for us however that he will give us that in himself which is infinitely better and so le ts learn to trust him for better things if from his Love he give us Earth will he not much more give us Heaven and all that we need in the way And then le ts see we make him the chief object of our delight and joy Again Let 's see we be more abundant vigorous and chearful in his Service in all acts of Obedience 2. Those which more directly respect our Brethren and so we must see we be humble courtious and affable in our Carriage towards them and that we do heartily pity and compassionate them in their Necessities and Troubles and that we do actually relieve and help them as we have abillity and opportunity remembring that the Lord hath more backs to cloath more bellies to fill more hearts to chear with our Prosperity then our own and as we must thus labour to get acquainted with and then conscientiously and diligently to discharge those Duties and exercise those Graces which a prosperous Estate calls to and gives us advantage for with respect to others So 2. Those which do more immediately respect our selves such as self-denial moderation holy contentation a grave and sober joy and rejoycing weanedness from the World heavenly mindedness and the like But I fear I have enlarged too much and would fain leave a little room for the last thing and so as that I may not streighten others neither So 3. As we would thus improve our outward Prosperity as hath been confusedly hinted we must carefully observe and follow some rules and directions To name five or six 1. We must labour to get throughly convinced of our own Impotency and utter insufficiency to do this of our selves and truly we know e'ne nothing of our selves if we know not this that of our selves without Christ we can do nothing alass we can't bare a Cross no more can we handle a single Comfort as we ought then what shall we do in a State of full Prosperity especially if of any long continuance How certainly it sinks us into security sensuallity worldliness into a neglect of God our Souls Eternity and the like if left to our selves 2. We must see to it that we be Christians indeed that we have a thorough work of Grace wrought in our Hearts there are many Natural carnal Men that know what it is to be in Prosperity what it is to Abound but not one of them knows how to Abound nor can they know any thing of it while they so continue in the right improving of Prosperity there are many spiritual Acts and Motions required as you have heard but this cannot be
c. Prov. 9.8 Reprove not a scorner least he hate thee though we must use this with Caution and not falsly call and account others so and then think our selves excused from our Duty 3. The general Rules are as follow 1. In the business of Reproof we must not only have regard to the Matter and Manner of it but we must likewise take notice what are our principle Motives and Ends and see that they be right in general it is the Glory of God the Good of others with our selves that we should aim at a desire of promoting which should set us on work influence and guide us in the whole of it should we reprove others from a proud envious unquiet or malicious Spirit merely with an intent to provoke disgrace them or the like this were to say the Commandment backward which would be sad work we must be very dilligent watchful and careful to get rid of or avoid as much as possibly we can those things in our selves which we reprove in others want of due Care here we shall find exceedingly to damp our Spirits and to be a very great obstruction to the discharge of our Duty so it will also cause us and our Reproofs to be less regarded if not dispised by others they will not have that authority in them but they will be ready in Heart at least if not in words to retort that upon us Physician Practice will be found another thing hereafter then many I fear now take it for but yet also heal thy self Or that Math. 7.3 4 5. We must not forget our selves so as to leave Prayer out or rather so as to leave God out of the business for want of engaging him by Prayer it is by Prayer that this word of Reproof must be sanctified When ever we are called to this Duty we had need lift up a Prayer to God that he would put suitable Affections into our Hearts right Words which are forcible into our mouths and that he would send the Arrow home to the Mark and direct it to the White and that he would so influence and wind about the Heart of the Party reproved that our Reproof may not fail of attaining our forementioned desired end 4. If we would be profitable and successful Reprover's our selves we must then learn in like manner to receive a Reproof from others but this brings us to the Second Part of the Case or Question namely 2. How we are to manage a Reproof when it is given us by others QUESTION IV. What must the People of God do when he is testifying against them AS the Carriage of God's People towards him so his Dispensations towards them are very various sometimes he smiles and lifts them up sometimes he frowns and casts them down a right and ready compliance with God in all his providential Dispensations towards us is our plain and indiscensible Duty and that wherein much of the Excellency of a Christian lieth Now in answer to this seasonable Question which I take as chiefly aiming at the Publick God's testifying against us in his Judgments there though withal it with the answers to it may be also applied unto a private Case take my poor Thoughts in the following Particulars 1. We must see and take notice of God's Hand when it is either lifted up in his threatnings or laid on in his Judgments the great God expects as well he may to be heedfully noticed and observed by all but more especially by his own People as in what he saith so also in what he doth as in his Mercies so in his Judgments by the contrary we greatly affront and provoke him as thereby we put a great and unworthy Slight upon him This the Lord takes very ill and by it we are like to bring more and greater Judgments upon our selves Isa 26.11 Lord when thy hand is lifted up they will not see but they shall see if we will not see his Hand we are like to feel more of it till we cannot but see and take notice of it Psal 28.5 Because they regard not the work of the Lord nor the operation of his hands he shall destroy them and not build them up This is One Part of our Duty 2. An holy awful fear and dread of our incensed God and of his Judgments the Name of the Lord is a glorious and fearful Name Deut. 28.58 and as his Attributes so his Works also are part of his Name and therefore grounds for our fear and particularly his Works of Judgment And so we read that Moses was afraid when God's displeasure was hot against the Children of Israel Deut. 9.19 And so 2 Sam. 6.19 When Uzziah was smitten it is said that David was afraid of the Lord that day and elsewhere it s he that saith Psal 119 v. 120. My flesh trembleth for fear of thee I am afraid of thy judgments It is the duty of all Men to fear him who doth but look upon the Earth and it trembleth who can and shortly will with one angry Frown make all the stout hearted Sinners in the World fear him and tremble before him but especially he expects it from his own People who are better acquainted with him and know better then others do what the Smiles and Frowns of a God mean and that especially when he is meeting them in those ways of his in which he is terrible unto the Children of Men. 3. We must justify God in his severest Dispensations towards us The Lord is righteous in all his Ways and holy in all his Works there are great depths sometimes but never any the least irregularities or excesses in any of his Judgments righteousness is the Habitation of his Throne even when Clouds and Darkness are round about him as it is the Duty so it hath been the Practice of God's People when his hand hath lain heaviest on them yet to ascribe Righteousness to him and it becomes us to look on them and do likewise to say as Ez. 9.15 O Lord God of Israel thou art righteous Neh. 9 33. Howbeit thou art just in all that is brought upon us for thou hast done right Dan. 9.14 The Lord our God is righteous in all his works that he doth Or as the Prophet Jeremiah in the Name of the Church Lam. 3.22 It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed because his Compassions fail not 4. We must dilligently search and try our Hearts and Ways we are not now speaking of a matter that is forreign to us alass it is our own Case the Lord hath certainly a Controversy with us if ever he had one with any People on this side utter Ruine and his Controversy hath seemed to be very much if not mostly with his own People Now methinks we should each of us be saying Lord is it I Without doubt it is Sin that hath broached this quarrel between God and us and there is none of us without that Achan in our Tents our business is to
Sympathize with them as Brethren we must do it for Jesus sake if we would have him hereafter say inasmuch as ye did it to one of the least of these my brethren for so the King in all his Glory out of his great Love and Condescention doth and will own them too how poor low and afflicted soever they may be at present ye have done it unto me thus we must pity them 2. We must do what we can to help them And 1. We must endeavour to do it our selves 2. We must endeavour to engage others to do that which we cannot 1. We must endeavour to do it our selves And so 1. We must endeavour to inform our selves about the Nature of their Affliction as it is either outward or inward together with the Grounds and Causes of it observing as near as we can where the Burthen pincheth sorest and where their great weakness lieth that so we may apply our selves to them most suitably and so as may be with greatest probabillity of Success 2. As we are able and have opportunity we should be ready to advise counsel and direct them how they ought to Bear how they may improve their Afflictions and also how they may get holily and comfortably out of them in God's way and time which is ever best 3. We must endeavour to support chear and comfort them by pointing them to Scripture promises those strong Pillars and full Breasts of Consolation especially to such of them as come nearest to their Case first endeavouring to clear their Right and Interest in them if that be a Matter in Question as alass it is with the most and then directing and assisting them in drawing those Breasts which are ever full though continually emptying themselves and we must also do this by imparting Experiences to them in a free but humble Manner experiences of our own and also those of others that we have met with thus endeavouring to comfort them with the Comforts wherewith we and others have in the like Case been comforted of the Lord. 4. If their Case be outwardly necessitous we must actually Relieve them as we have Abillity and Opportunity not only draw out our Bowels to their Pity but also our Purses to their Relief not only give them good Words but also such things as they need thus we must endeavour to help them our selves 2. We must endeavour to engage others to do that which we cannot 1. Men. 2. God 1. Men our fellow Creatures and Brethren especially such as either upon temporal or spiritual Accounts have larger Abillities and fairer Opportunities to do it then ourselves I can do little more then name things and that in hast but I doubt not these with other things will be more fully and pertinently insisted on by others then alass I had I more time should be able to do 2. We must especially endeavour by fervent and believing Prayer to engage the great God their Father and our Father to their help He that is the Comforter of those that are cast down in a special manner the Orphan's God such as are destitute afflicted and helpless he that can most easily speedily and effectually reach both Persons and Cases which are quite out of our reach or the reach of any one besides bimself QUESTION VI. How may a Christian come to bear the greatest worldly Losses graciously BY a Christian here we mean one that is so indeed such a one is not so secured by the Promise or so hedged in by the Providence of God but that outward Losses as well as other Afflictions may sometimes break in upon him here yea such as are very Great any but such as would quite undo him as a Christian From these indeed he is as secure and safe as Eternal Truth can make him and shall be so while that endures but yet he may loose his Staff though he cannot loose his God I think it may not be amiss here to hint farther in a word or two what we mean by his bearing these Losses graciously And in general I think it is to bear them by the special help of God's holy Spirit according to the Rule of his Word aiming therin chiefly and ultimately at his Glory 1. By the special help of God's holy Spirit For mere Nature when most highly refin'd and elevated will not pass with God for Grace though sometimes with Men it may and all Grace flows from the Spirit the immediate inspirer actor and perfecter of it in the Soul 2. According to the Rule of his Word God's willing this or that shews sufficiently that it is Good or Gracious yea it makes it to be so and in his Word it is that he hath most fully and plainly told us what his Mind and Will is and in reference to the Case before us the Seripture abounds with that which may direct us in the streight Line of our Duty warning us we turn not aside to the right Hand or to the left But I may not add more here 3. Aiming herein chiefly and ultimately at his Glory For though we may also look at our own Benefit and Advantage yet not solely seperately or supreamly but as in Conjunction with and Subordination to the Glory of that God of through and to whom are all things But to do this I should rather have said something like it merely to get a Name by seeming to be that which in Truth we are not this is very mean and low base hypocrisy and that big with several other grievous Sins I thought these hints not altogether impertinent to the Case though alass it s like the account I have laid down is very lame and imperfect Now in Answer to the Question I shall lay down my thoughts under these three general Heads 1. We must endeavour to rid and then keep our Hearts as clear as we can of those things which would hinder us 2. We must seriously ply our Hearts with suitable moving Considerations 3. We must diligently apply them to other seasonable Christian duties 1. We must endeavour to rid and then keep our Hearts as clear as we can of those things which would hinder us as they breed and nourish a contrary frame in us To name some of the chief of them 1. Pride an over high opinion of our selves a fond conceit of some Worth or Defect in our selves this is that which makes us so hard to be pleased when our condition is at best and that which breeds and feeds in patience and discontent when by Losses or other Afflictions our condition seems to be changing or changed for the worse so we must endeavour to get and keep Pride low 2. Unbelief when we cannot trust God take his word lean upon a promise any farther then we have sensible props to support us it is a very sad and dreadful Truth that tho' we will trust any Man even such a one as we know to be an unrighteous dishonest Man so far as we can see him yet we have
without a spiritual Principle first infused into the Soul without a gracious Habit no gracious Act without spiritual Life no spiritual Motion as we were lately instructed 3. Having Grace we must see we keep it awake stirring and in a growing posture a Man that hath Life yet if he fall asleep and much more if he fall into a Lethargy or into a Sound outward Motion ceaseth even while his Life remains now and then he breaths almost insensibly and that 's all so it will be with us here we had need if we would have any work done keep Grace waking stirring yea and growing too O a little Grace will be e'ne lost in a great heap of worldly stuff Believe me that Christian who hath a great share of outward Prosperity needs more Grace then his Neighbours and alass for us whose stock is so low can we not bless God from our Souls that our outward Prosperity riseth not so high as some others doth I am fully perswaded some of us can as I am sure there is reason we should 4. We must labour to maintain and keep up a constant watchfulness this is absolutely necessary both with respect to our Dangers and our Duties so we must watch our Hearts watch our Corruptions watch our Thoughts Affections and our outward Senses and so we must watch Satan and his Temptations and so we must watch unto Duty watch for Calls to seasons of and advantages for it that so we may take wind and tide when they offer And so we must watch our Hearts in duty to see that Grace be in its lively and kindly exercise 5. We must see we be not strangers to our Bibles whatever our Condition be prosperous or adverse the Word of God that 's our Pole-star to direct us how to stear our course this must be a lamp unto our feet a light unto our paths for it is not in Man that walketh to direct his steps as some of us heard not long since we must therefore study our Bibles highly prize and diligently attend upon a Gospel Ministry and improve that with other helps we have to get a thorough understanding of and acquaintance with them 6. And lastly We must see the Lord find us much and often upon our Knees and that in Prayer we be much in the actings and exercise of Faith in this Estate especially if we enjoy it for any time without some considerable Interruptions we must expect many Dangers and Difficulties and upon this ground a kneeling I mean a praying posture is far more safe and advantagious then to stand upon our own Legs and so we must be much in the lively exercise of Faith on Christ and the promises for wisdom and strength to enable us to discover avoid or crush those Temptations and to mortify those Corruptions which in this Estate we are most exposed to and endangered by as also to discharge those duties and exercise those Graces which it gives us special calls to opportunities and advantages For All this is soon said but to do it will cost us some pains but I think it is not more then needs and moreover this we can say Religion is so sweet a thing that it will more then pay its own cost and charges even here O then what will a well done good and faithful Servant hereafter be And this with such an cetera as eternal Possession can only fully unfold sure this will be a reward for all our pains a reward I say but of free Grace heaped up and running over QUESTION VIII What is the Duty which Persons joined together in a Christian Society owe one unto another I Will not take upon me to say much to this Case or Question But 1. Mutual brotherly Love is one thing wherein our Duty lieth indeed though I mention this as a particular it is the Sum of all if we would say all in one Word it must be this of Love for Love is the fulfilling of the Law There is a Love we owe to all Men as Men even to our very Enemies Again There is a more special Love we owe to all the godly in general as such and more especially to such as excel in godliness and farther I think there are some peculiarities in that we owe to such of them as we are joined to by more near Cohibition and in more fixed and constant Church Communion That Love amongst us is a Duty it is a thing so obvious in it self as we are Brethren and Members one of another and as it is the subject Matter of so great a Part of our Bibles that I think I need not give particular Instanstances for Proof in so plain a case This Love must branch it self out into several streams and discover it self several ways to instance in a particular or two here And 1. We must express and exercise our Love one to another in a real hearty Simpathy one with another weeping with them that weep and rejoycing with them that rejoyce as in the natural Body if one Member suffer be it but a Finger or a Toe all the rest suffer with it and so on the contrary if one Member be honoured the other Members rejoyce with it so here we should be afflicted in the Afflictions of our Brethren and rejoyce in their Welfare and Prosperity as our own in this Sense Afflictions and Mercies should as it were lie in common amongst us 2. We must do it by denying our selves in many cases for their good yea in some cases so far as to expose and actually lay down our Lives for them as to preserve the Life of an eminently useful Minister or Christian in some cases we should be ready to Sacrifice our own this is that which some have done and found great Satisfaction in if a blow threaten my Head or Breast which I know not how to avoid my Hand is presently up to receive it 2. Another thing wherein our Duty lies which is indeed but another way of expressing our Love and that is mutual Christian watchfulness that I mean by it is a concerned eying observing taking notice of one anothers Estates Conditions Frames and Carriages I do not mean a prying into these things to satisfy Curiosity or to furnish us with Matter for our vain idle unprofitable and sinful Chat much less to satisfy feed and nourish a proud and censorious Humour no but an endeared brotherly Love must here set us on work and manage the matter as a thing necessary in order to our mutual helpfulness one to another And so 3. Another thing wherein our Duty lies is mutual helpfulness And here 1. We must beware we be at no time found acting the Part of Enemies or false Brethren as to the outward Man and outward Concerns one of another but especially we must beware of doing it as to one anothers Souls which were to take Satan's part and become his Tools a thing we were not long since awfully warned against O let us take