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A00945 Certaine very proper, and most profitable similies wherein sundrie, and very many, most foule vices, and dangerous sinnes, of all sorts, are so plainly laid open, and displaied in their kindes, and so pointed at with the finger of God, ... Collected by Anthonie Fletcher, minister of the word of God, ... This present yeere of our happines 1595. Fletcher, Anthonie. 1595 (1595) STC 11053; ESTC S116009 166,265 184

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very good king and setteth down a very plaine paterne a most liuely picture of his vertue that such a man as walketh in an vndefiled way to wit whose life is vnreprooueable shall serue him and be to him a courtier and a counseller and voweth that no man of pride no vaine person nor speaker of euill things shall dwel in his house nor kéepe within his court As if he should say I will diligently inquire and search who they be which in any land countrie and kingdome are faithfull and do loue righteousnes and by their counsell with I be instructed and the familiaritie of them will I vse but all vngodly proud blasphemous lying deceitfull and wicked persons of all sorts will I vtterly expulse out of my house and driue and thrust them out of my court and will suffer them to finde no rest within my kingdome God grant that all good godly Christian princes may follow the steps and example of king Dauid in this and all other his princely vertues and holy exercises Amen IT is the part and dutie of euery good Christian that whatsoeuer he doth in word or déede he do all in the name of the Lord Iesus that is to the glorie of God and in an affiance and confidence that he hath in the name of God that he wil protect defend blesse prosper and preserue him in doing of the same and so to giue vp his hart minde will worke and all vnto God before he do attempt the doing and performance of the same There be very many that do some dédes which to sée to are very good works but not the lesse they kéepe their harts mindes and wils diuided and separated far from God Those things to wit their harts mindes wils and purposes they steale from the Lord and do bestow them vpon the world they regard not God they séeke onely to please men in the action of vertue they haue no respect vnto vertue it selfe but onely and barely to the shew and shape or likenes of vertue Such men are like vnto painters which haue a greater regarde to the colours and shadowes of images and pictures than vnto the substance of the same and contemning the inward parts they bestow all the wit skill and cunning they haue in expressing and painting out a bare shadow and outside of the thing and the more they deceiue the eies of them that behold it the more excellent men are they iudged But the Lord requireth at our hands first fruits that is our harts mindes wils desires and all that is in vs and that we should euen offer vp and consecrate vnto him our selues euen our bodies a quicke a●●●iuing sacrifice holy and pleasing God which is our reasonable seruice of God And when the Apostle willeth vs or rather beséecheth vs that we giue our bodies a liuely sacrifice holy and acceptable to God and calleth the same our reasonable seruice of God he meaneth that the offering of dead calues and vnreasonable beasts as in times past the Iewes offered vnto him wil not please God now neither that the Lord will accept and take in good part any seruice or sacrifice that we shall bring and lay before him either in words or works so long as we loue sinne and harbour iniquitie in our harts mindes and members The Lord will receiue no sacrifice nor seruice of those that be strangers vnto him but onely of those which are graffed in Christ Iesu and are now become in him new creatures in whom there is a newnes a righteousnes and holines of life in whom all old foule filthie and vngodly conuersation is past And therefore the Apostle saith to the Ephesians Be ye renewed in the spirit of your minde and put ye on the new man and to the Colossians he giueth counsell that they destroy the olde man with all his trash and put on the new man and most louingly he beseecheth the Romanes saying Let vs walke in newnes of life But bicause this newnes cannot be wrought in vs without the grace and holy spirit of God Dauid the prophet doth mightily crie vnto the Lord and saith O God create a new hart within me and renew a right spirit within my bowels or inward parts The Lord requireth of vs a lambe that is innocencie humilitie and méekenes and he would haue vs to offer vnto him a yoong pigeon or a turtle doue that is true contrition and puritie of hart and minde for those swéete birds do vse mourning in stéed of singing and are pretie and fine paterns of puritie and innocencie The Lord will not take receiue nor accept barking curre dogs that is railing raging cursing lying slandering blaspheming or any such vngodly persons neither their offerings sacrifices nor praiers when they come and bring and lay them before him no more than he did the sacrifice of Caine. The roring and cruell lion the rauening wolfe the foule and dirtie swine the blinde mole or want that is the tyrannicall and mercilesse man the oppressor piller and poller of his brethren the man that is méere naturall and carnall the man that is blinde and ignorant in spirituall and heauenly things they are neither sacrifices nor sacrificers that God will or is woont to take any pleasure in as he doth abhorre the vices so for the vices sake he doth detest the vessels vntill such time as they be purged and clensed of such foule and filthie matter If there were no other but onely Salomon to tell vs that the Lord requireth and calleth for our harts it is great reason that we should beléeue the Lord at one word and at one message when so louingly and fatherly he saith My sonne giue me thy hart The Lord helpe vs and grant that we may giue him our harts and whatsoeuer else of the inward and outward man Amen HEliotropium the herbe of the sunne so called bicause it windeth it selfe about with the sunne in the morning very early it beholdeth the rising thereof and all the day it euen followeth the course of the sunne euer turning the leaues towards the same but the roote it neuer changeth stirreth nor mooueth it hath that still fast fixed within the earth So very many will séeme to follow the sunne of righteousnes Christ Iesus but it is onely in leaues and outward shewes for their rootes that is their harts are far and fast within the earth where indéede their treasure is according to that which Christ himselfe doth say Where thy treasure is there is thy hart also Such men will lift vp their hands eies and voices towards heauen and God and with such goodly gréene leaues will make a faire florish and a beautfull shew but their harts and affections are surely set vpon earthly vaine vile and transitorie things and are as far from God as heauen and earth are distant one from the other They shew vnto the Lord onely bare and fruitlesse leaues
man which the holy Ghost the author of all light and the onely light it selfe hath chosen to be his owne seate and holy habitation Error cannot flowe from the fountaine of wisdome neither is it possible that a line of wickednes should be drawne from the one a centre of all goodnes the fruits of death cannot growe out of the tree of life these are vnpossible things And on the other side where the holy spirit of grace and might hath not place and possession there is no good thing to be found bicause the author of goodnes is not there S. 170. P. 87. and 88. Calamitie patiently borne doth availe very much for the aduancing of the praise of true vertue and vnfained holines S. 171. P. 88 It is mans onely safetie to keepe himselfe neare vnto God for when he shaketh off the gouernment of Gods word and with his sins and iniquities diuideth himselfe from the Lord then commeth his danger he cannot but fall into the hands of sathan hell and destruction S. 172. P. 88. Sorrowes troubles afflictions and vexations are in the children of God the armour and badges of Christ S. 173. P. 89. Howsoeuer God dealeth with men yet he is all one there is no change nor any shadow of change in him the change is in our selues not in the Lord. When we liuing in his feare faith and loue do inioy the light of his countenance his blessing spirituall and temporal if at any time he turne his face from vs and shall take away the comforts of our soules bodies it is bicause we are changed not he S. 174. P. 89. Man must be verie carefull and haue in himselfe at the least a desire that something may be in him to mooue the Lord to grant that vnto him that he craueth or looketh for at his hand as if he will haue the Lord to be mercifull he must vse mercy towards others if he would haue him to be a good father to him he must shew himself an obedient child c. S. 175. P. 89. 90. 91. Diuers and sundry names giuen to Christ to expresse his nature and his disposition toward man S. 175. P. 91. Though a man be neuer so barren bad without any good thing in him yet if the word of the Lord once take hold of his hart and finde any rooting there it will draw him by degrees to the nature of it selfe and make him very fruitfull S. 176. P. 91. A man may boldly inueigh against the sinnes of others when he hath amended his owne amisses and very likely he shall be salt to others when himselfe is seasoned S. 177. P. 92. Although vertue and godlines seeme vnto the wicked very bitter and vn●auorie and all vice and naughtines swee●e and well sauoring they are very vnwilling that the gardens of their harts should be weeded euill things drawne out of them or that any good should be planted in them yet the ministers of the word must still do their office and dutie S. 178. P. 93. 94. The holy ghost doth ●●e to call men and women the sonnes and daughters of them whose maners and conditions they follow not of their naturall parents when they follow not their footesteps S 179. P. 94. Men very honorablie borne and comming of honorable parents being themselues naked that is without vertues and honorable actes do iustly deserue the losse of their titles honor and dignitie and whiles they degenerate from their noble parents of whose honor they brag they are fitly and rightlie compared to Aesops ●ay S. 180. P. 95. Euen as in a threshing place chaffe will be aboue wheat not bicause it is the better but bicause it is the lighter so amongst men they that be vaine and haue nothing in them but pride vainglory and a false opinion of themselues will thrust foorth themselues before those that haue a far greater weight of vertue and iust deserts then they haue but on the otherside the humble man will euer take the lowest place and be well contented with the least account in this world S. 181. P. 96. Whosoeuer will enter the gate to go into that most stately and princely house of the kingdome of heauen must bowe down humble himselfe and stoupe lowe otherwise he breake his head be driuen backward and neuer get in for pride is pestilent sicknes it deuideth a man from God from himselfe and from his neighbour and doth disperse and distract him into infinite euils and innumerable vices S. 182. P. 97. Rioting excesse and fulnes of meate and drinke doth make mens bodies vnapt to all good and holy exercises and very prone and apt to all sinne and wickednes S. 183. P. 98. A cable rope being singled into threads whereof it was made may be drawn through the eie of a needle and a rich man diuiding his riches as God hath appointed and commanded him may enter into the kingdom of heauen S. 184. 105. P 98. 99. A rustie iron key hanging at a whip coard or at a thong of leather which will open the doore and let a man go into an house where is gold and great riches is better then a k●i● of golde tied to a string or lace of silke and siluer which will not open the locke S. 186. P. 100. 101. Idlenes is a schoolemaster and a teacher of all mischiefes and doth extinguish all vertues in man but godlie and holy exercises are very profitable do much good increase vertue in all that vse them S. 187. P. 102. Vngodly rich men haue a vaile or couering before their eies birde lime in their wings and fetters about their feete that they cannot see the kingdome of God they cannot mooue one feather of a wing towardes heauen nor set one foote before another towards euerlasting life and yet they be merie now but their sorrow is not far off S. 188. P. 102. 103. 104. The higher that proud and vaine men do clymbe the fowler the more mischieuous is their fall Vanitie pompe and pride are very bad and naughtie feathers which christians ought not to suffer to growe in their wings but to pull them out and to cast them into the dust S. 189. P. 104. What difference soeuer is amōg men now whiles they liue in the world death at the length hauing don his office will make them all so equall and alike that the dust of princes and poore men of rich men beggers of the learned and vnlearned of those that are wise and of the foolish being all mingled togither they can no more be discerned and knowne one from another then the ashes of one tree can be deuided from the ashes of another being both burnt togither in one furnace S. 190. P. 104. 105. Very many in this world being without the feare of God do liue in great pompe al pleasures fulnes of great riches and wealth at will and are highly esteemed during their life whose woes and sorrowes do then begin