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A80637 A treatise of the covenant of grace, as it is dispensed to the elect seed, effectually unto salvation. Being the substance of divers sermons preached upon Act. 7. 8. / by that eminently holy and judicious man of God, Mr. John Cotton, teacher of the church at Boston in N.E. Cotton, John, 1584-1652. 1659 (1659) Wing C6465; Thomason E1920_2; ESTC R209963 152,585 277

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the Lord. So that whether you look at the Root or Rule or Scope and bent of holiness an hypocrite will carry all things in so fair a way that you shall hardly discover him to his very death and when a Christian cometh to measure his own Sanctification by this mans sanctification he will verily think the one to be as light as the other and unless it be one that hath his wits well exercised marvelous much adoe he hath to clear himself in such a point as this There be that think there is no reality in hypocritical sanctification but certainly it is a real work the gifts be real though common Graces and not meer counterfeit pretences there are indeed some that do meerly pretend and do but outwardly make fair weather in their profession but beleeve it it is not so in all hypocrites there is a real work in some Heb. 6.4 5. They are enlightned and have tasted of the heavenly gift and are made partakers of the holy Ghost c. these things are real and not imaginary God casting in their own ends and their own glory in their way the servants of God have given them the right hand of fellowship and so long they have held out that it was never known when they did apostate yea and so glorious may this common Sanctification be that it may dazle the eyes of the best of Gods children and especially of poor Christians and almost discourage them when they see such to fall away This very point hath been one principal root of Arminianism as another is that men receive Christ by their own Free-will they are able to prove that there is not only a pretence in hypocrites but a real work and so indeed the Scripture doth call it Sanctification Heb. 19.29 now hereupon they do beleeve that the very best of all the servants of God may depart from and forsake their Justifying Faith but there in they shew the bleat of a Goat in so saying they condemn the generation of the Righteous It is true that the best of their righteousness may dye for they have known no more but the way of works Thus much for the first Proposition That true Christian Sanctification Propos 2 which is a work of Faith is many times dark to a sincere Christian it is generally granted to be so in the first conversion and in time of Temptation and desertion as also when a man looketh at the Majesty and Purity and Glory of God Wo is me for I am unclean saith the Prophet Esay at such a time there is so much power of flesh even in spiritual Christians specially in young Christians so much power in their lusts and in their passions as will put their best friends to a stand what to think of them and much more themselves when as they come to be pressed with the power of their corruptions specially when they compare with such Hypocrites as run along with more freedom of spirit then themselves for sometimes their corruptions do less appear and they are more free from temptations and not exposed to such sinful courses as sometimes true-hearted Christians are subject unto so a poor Christian is discouraged and an hypocrite is imboldened seeing himself more sanctified in the outward view then the other That the true sanctification of a sincere Christian is not discerned by him Propos 3 nor is indeed discernable until he first discern his Justifying Faith A double ground of it and so leave it to your Christian disquisition and search they are both taken from the necessity of Faith both to the acceptance of a mans person and of his work there is a necessity of the activeness of Faith in a mans sanctification The Lord had respect to Abel and to his offering Gen. 4.4 a mans person must be first accepted otherwise all his work will not go beyond the work of a legal Christian and without Faith it is impossible to please God no acceptance therefore without faith It is also necessary to the performance of all spiritual and holy duties for all sanctification is from that faith which Christ doth convey into the soul Now if the just man live by his Faith whether it be the life of sanctification or consolation then no Christian can discern his sanctification to be lively but he must discern his faith living in it he must see his faith deriving strength and grace and life from Christ or else he cannot approve his sanctification to be the Sanctification of the Gospel for as there can be no true Sanctification unless there be Faith whereby the person is accepted and whereby life is received to act in all sanctification so there can be no knowledge of Sanctification but there must be knowledge of Faith whereby a mans person is accepted and whereby strength is conveyed to Sanctification for if a poor soul be doubtful of his acceptance with the Lord he is where he was notwithstanding his Sanctification and wanteth comfort for this doubt remaineth whether he be accepted or no which until the Lord do manifest a mans Faith unto him by the revelation of the holy Ghost he is still at a loss in for though true Sanctification be an evidence of Justification yet it self must be first evident Thus we see by this third Proposition that a further light is required to the sight of Sanctification Notwithstanding this neer resemblance between legal and Evangelical holiness Propos 4 yet there is a real difference between them and such a difference as is discernable to Christians whose wits are exercised in the waies of the spirit and Word of God and is discerned by the Revelation or manifestation of the Spirit of God both of the state and work of good Christians and that ordinarily also for I would not count it extraordinary being that which the Lord by his Spirit doth reveal unto his people A real difference there is both in the root and in the rule and in the scope which they aim at and so it will appear to be at the last day Mat. 2.23 Depart from me saith Christ you workers of iniquity I never knew you though they came and told him that they wrought by Faith in him indeed they stood in some relation to him but not as members to the head only as branches to the vine which may be cut off and yet the vine not maimed but if the members should be cut off any one from the other then is the body maimed and Christ will not suffer his body to be maimed but take you never so many branches from the vine and it is not maimed but will bring forth the more fruit if therefore there be no more fellowship between Christ and a Christian then between the branches and the vine you may take them away and yet not hurt the vine But wherein should this relation stand It is very hard to conceive in so much that those who have been most exact and diligent to enquire into it
unless the Lord come in with his immediate power above the power of any Ordinance all that you have received amounteth not to the faith of Gods elect and unless it be the Spirit of God that enlighteneth we have received no saving light and when he doth come to seal up Jesus Christ unto our souls he ever speaketh in some promise of the free grace of God for the Lord justifieth no man upon an imperfect righteousness but in that work doth ever declare himself to be just and a justifier of him that is of the faith of Jesus Rom. 3.26 therefore seeing in this work he sitteth upon a throne to declare his own righteousness there is no place now for our righteousness to appear hence it is that if he justifie it is freely by his grace Rom. 3.23 thus God dealt with Abraham when he shewed him the innumerable stars of heaven and told him So shall thy seed be He believed God and it was imputed to him for righteousness Gen. 15.5 it was the free grace of God which he mentioneth unto him But suppose the Lord should reveal a work unto you as a work there is in every soul that is justified if you should see any work in your soul yet unless the Spirit of God should above the power of the work breathe in it it is not possible that it should beget a Divine Faith it is only the work of the Spirit of God it is he also that shews you your acceptance with God and that manifesteth your sanctification and makes it a sign unto you of your justification otherwise neither word nor work can set on a promise with power upon the soul until the Holy Ghost confirm it it is his immediate work What then Object doth the Spirit do this immediately without the word No Answ if he speak peace unto the soul he ever doth it in some word of promise and if he testifie our acceptance it is in some word and in that respect it is mediate but he doth set on a power above the word and in that respect I call it immediate and therefore if a man shall seek to hammer out any thing by his own knowledge though he may add to his knowledge yet he can do nothing to the begetting of faith unless the Lord come in by a power above the word and when he doth speak in any word of his grace he doth not in the first place speak to you of your own righteousness but first convinceth you that you are a chief sinner as when he said to Saul Why persecutest thou me when he sends his Spirit it is first to convince the world of sin Joh. 16.8 9 c. and what of your sanctification next no of your justification next he will convince the world of righteousness that is of his righteousness and afterward of judgement and that is sometimes put for sanctification Mat. 12.20 A bruised reed shall he not break and smoaking flax shall he not quench until he bring forth judgement into victory But it is the Spirit that doth all this and therefore let not men deceive themselves in any conclusions that they can make for their enlightened conscience is but a creature and unless the Lord come in with a greater light then your conscience will afford you all will be but lost work unto your souls you will build but castles in the air which in time of temptation will vanish away In the third place Use 3 this may teach all the servants of God that have received in any measure the first fruits of the Spirit to know that they have received an earnest of an everlasting possession that Spirit will never leave you till you become a full vessel and running over if he have given you one promise he will give you more and if he have given you Christ he will with him give you all things else In the fourth and last place Use 4 it may teach us That if we have received Christ and our hope be in him never to rest until we do more fully and clearly see that the Lord is our God until the Holy Ghost do fill your hearts with more power and stamp more of the image of Christ in you grow more and more sensible how dead and insufficient you are unto any thing that is good be meek and lowly in heart think meanly of your selves you cannot pray you cannot preach you cannot of your selves perform any Christian duty it is Christ that must work all our works for us know therefore that if you be lively and active it is because your life is hid with Christ in God he it is that stirreth up your faith to look up unto Christ to expect all help from his hand Sometimes you must look to be severed from the world and the more clear the truths of God are unto you the more they are hidden from the world for if a man cannot look upon a candle how shall he look upon a torch and much less upon the shining Sun Therefore it behoveth all the servants of God to grow up in the power of God and the strength of his might not holding forth insolency of Spirit nor uncharitable censoriousness such things are far off from expressing the Spirit of Christ but it is the part of the servants of Christ to be faithful meck lowly humble and couragious in the waies of the Lord and when you have done all be contented to be counted the off-scouring of the world as 1 Cor. 4.9 for it must be the part of all that fear God to take heed that you give none occasion to any to speak evil of us for if we do consider the great hope of our calling how should it cast holy shame upon our faces that we walk so unworthy of our calling for if there be any work of God upon our hearts it is no transient work if God begin He will perfect until the day of Christ the work of grace is an uncessant work but as in the first creation the Spirit of God hatched upon the face of the waters till the work of Creation was perfected so doth the Lord by his Spirit in his Saints he doth not leave hatching in their hearts till he hath separated light from darkness and made every thing fruitful in the soul We must not rest therefore in former weak beginnings but if we be born of God and under a Covenant of grace we must look to grow up in all well pleasing unto God that we may not be strangers to any of all the heavenly works of the grace of God but that we may grow up to abound in fruitfulness in them all Thus having explained Second Branch of the Doctrine how the Lord gives himself in a Covenant of grace unto Abraham and to his seed we now come unto the second part of the Doctrine which is that he received Abraham and his seed to be a peculiar people unto himself which although we have spoken somewhat unto in
besides the waiting of a Christian upon him who hath made the promises doth make him yet more patient and hopefull and this is a fourth use of conditional promises 5. They are of use to work all these qualifications in us to which the blessings are promised By the exceeding precious promises we are made partakers of the Divine nature 2 Pet. 1.4 and this is no small work or use of these promises that from them should spring all our gracious qualifications for the Lord having promised such blessings in them these promises being received and enjoyed and meditated on by us we beholding them and the glory of the Lord Jesus in them are changed into the same image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord 2 Cor. 3.18 this great power there is in the promises to help an end the work of God in the soul of a Christian so that though they were never given to bring us to Christ yet to this end they were given to work all those qualifications in us to which the blessings are promised 6. They are of use to provoke and stirre up Christians to all such duties to which blessings are promised they stirre them up effectually The Lord maketh a Promise 2 Cor. 6.17 18. that such as touch no unclean thing he will receive them and be a father to them and they shall be his sons And mark what use the Apostle maketh of this conditional promise chap. 7.1 Having therefore these promises dearly beloved let us cleanse our selves from all filthinesse of the flesh and spirit perfecting holinesse in the fear of God Implying that the having of these promises stirreth up Gods people unto duties and the Lord is wont to breath in them and so to set forward the work of cleansing in the hearts and wayes of his servants 7. They are of use further to strengthen faith for the Lord that hath made such promises will accomplish them for his servants Genes 32.9 10. Jacob there putteth the Lord in minde of his promise and saith O God of my father Abraham God of my father Isaac and the Lord which said unto me Return unto thy Countrey and to thy kindred and I will deal well with thee and he was now returned according to the appointment of God but what now doth he plead the condition minde in the next words I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies and of all the truth which thou hast shewed unto thy servant Yet now though hepleadeth not any worth at all yet seeing the Lord hath promised such a mercy to him he prayeth for it vers 11. Deliver me I pray thee from the hand of my brother thus his faith is strengthened though he doth not plead his worthinesse to receive mercy So also do absolute promises strengthen faith and the prayer of faith 2 Sam. 7.13.14 c. the Lord there promiseth David that he would build him an house and that he would not take his mercy from his Children this stirreth up and strengtheneth the faith of David vers 28 29. Now O Lord thou art that God and thy words be true and thou hast promised this goodnesse unto thy servant therefore now let it please thee to blesse the house of thy servant c. this well ordered and sure Covenant of God was all his stay and all his salvation though his house was not so with God 2 Sam 23.5 So when the Lord promiseth to heal the back-slidings of his people Hosea 14.4 their hearts are strengthened to come unto the Lord and to say O Lord thy words are true let it please thee to heal the back-slidings of thy servants Thus by the promises of God the faith and faithfull prayers of Gods servants are both of them strengthned together Now let me further say thus much Let us rightly discerne what use to make of the principal part of the Scriptures take heed you do not close with promises before you have Jesus Christ specially take heed you make not use of promises to a qualification to give you your part in Jesus Christ neither be taken aside to make account that the Lord did give you himself gratiously in a conditional promise for these are aberrations from the Covenant of Grace Consider therefore well what the Promises be and what use the Lord would have us to make of them It is not for a woman to take her husbands inheritance before she take his person and you know that all the blessings and all the promises are as it were the Inheritance of the Lord Jesus given unto him and to no other but in his name and therefore there is not any Soul under Heaven that can challenge his right in Christ at the first by any promise till Christ first be given if you know that you are in Christ you may then know that the promises are yours otherwise you shall not be able to know your right in Christ by your right in the promises and therefore do not turn them upside down beyond the scope and intendment of the Covenant of Grace we may take occasion by them to admire the goodnesse and grace of God as David did Psal 31.19 O how great is thy goodnesse which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee thus ought we to consider of them and whither to look that we might enjoy them and the blessings in them If you shall say We have been converted and we have had gratious changes wrought within us be not deceived such work may reach no farther then conviction and you may come at the last to turn your backs upon Jesus Christ Consider therefore did ever the Lord give himself to be one with you whensoever the Lord doth strike up the bond of Union it is in an absolute and free-promise of his grace Trust not therefore unto every leaning of your Souls upon conditional promises for so you may build upon a Covenant made upon a work and in the end you and your Covevenant will fail together but when you read how the Lord hath made such promises to such and such qualifications then consider that those things are indeed requisite to be found in you but who is there in heaven or earth that is able to work them in you there is none but Jesus Christ and unlesse you have him to be in you you cannot have any of these things wrought in you But will a poor Soul say I am not able to reach the Lord Jesus Christ therefore all the promises of the Gospel do fall heavy upon a man and he seeth that they are too burdensome and weighty for him he doth not say Here is the qualification and here is the blessing promised to it and therefore I will take it to my self but one that is taught of God doth forthwith go and pray unto God that he will set him in the way of those blessings and that so he will make him partaker of them he prayeth that God will give him his
sanctification if they depend upon you you will find your hearts ever unsettled you may find comfort as under the Law you shall for if a man be married to the Law the Law will cast in comforts upon him because of his obedience but if you shall believe that Christ is yours and comfort your selves because you have been by the power of the Law constrained to duties and restrained from sin and thereupon build your conjugal communion with Jesus Christ you will find your souls full of sadness and fear ere long specially if you have true grace in your hearts and therefore it is the faithfulness and tenderness of the grace of God unto his people that when Christians come into this Country though they have been marvelous eminent in our native Country they cannot pray fervently nor hear the word with profit nor receive the seals with comfort they wonder what is become of their old prayers and hearings and Sacraments and of their lively spirits in holy duties truly the Lord hath disenabled them as it were from such things because they did build their union and fellowship with Jesus Christ upon them that so they might know the freedom of the grace of God that justifieth the ungodly then will the poor soul be glad to seek after the Lord Jesus Christ and say as the people of God sometimes did Hos 2.7 I will go and return to my first husband for then was it better with me then now now the soul will plainly see and discern that he closed not with his true husband when as he built so much hope and comfort upon his duties therefore he will find himself weak and dead as it were to all spiritual duties and can find no life in them no comfort from them and it is the marvelous goodness and free grace of God unto such a soul whom the Lord will not suffer to bless himself in his works for if a man should lay the foundation of his comfort in them and be ready as it were to take it ill if he should not find God accepting his works Wherefore have we fasted and thou regardest it not Isa 58.3 If a man rejoyce in the sparks which he hath kindled this shall he receive at the hands of God to lie down in sorrow Isa 50.11 whereas the light of God shall graciously break forth unto the servants of God though they wait upon him though they be for present in darkness and see no light Trust not therefore in any legal comforts but wait upon the free grace of God both to justifie sanctifie comfort and glorifie your souls and this is the way of constant peace and if the Lord do at any time check his servants when they walk in by-waies it is that he may build them upon a surer foundation So that their salvation will not lie upon their obedience nor damnation be procured by their disobedience this is the way of constant peace and safety unto all the Israel of God This Doctrine may serve in the next place Quest 7 to answer a seventh Question touching the necessity of Sanctification For it may be demanded If the Lord will give himself unto the soul in the Covenant of his Grace not only his attributes but his person all that is God is given by vertue of this Covenant If God will give himself not only to choose us to life and glory but his Son to redeem us and his holy Spirit to sanctifie us Ezek. 36.27 what need is there of Sanctification for if the Holy Ghost will dwell in us he can take our wits and understanding and understand all our Meditations for us without any such actual concurrence of ours as might be requisite for that end if the Lord giveth himself to be my righteousness and holiness what need I then these gifts of holiness So that this in sum is the Question If the Lord will give unto us himself what need we these gifts to work any thing which God is much more able to perform then we can be This springeth naturally from the Doctrine Though the Lord giveth us himself Answ and his holy Spirit to dwell in us yet is it needful that we should be indued with all the gifts of the Spirit of Grace that do accompany-salvation You will say What need is there then that the Holy Ghost should dwell in us or will not these carry an end our souls unto immortality Truly we have need that the Lord should give us his holy Spirit to dwell in us notwithstanding all the gifts of his grace though they indeed are necessary conditions to be found in the souls of all Gods servants Heb. 12.14 Follow peace and holyness without which no man shall see the Lord. As if he made it of absolute necessity to salvation not onely in another world but for a comfortable condition in this world follow Peace and Holiness as if so be that they were ready to fly away from a man and indeed the word doth imply no less for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 doth signifie the pursuit of something that fleeth from a man as peace will many times flee from one and a man will have much ado to attain unto it Psal 120.6 7. My soul hath long dwelt with him that hateth peace I am for peace but when I speak they are for war it is not easily attained unto therefore should not be suffered to depart but held fast when it is enjoyed And so for Holiness the Apostle would have us make an holy kind of pursuit after it as if it were still withdrawing from us which cometh through the corruptions of our heart for we are soon weary of holy Duties as Prayer or Conference or the like if Holiness be in any thing it soon groweth wearisome to flesh and blood but though our weak and feeble nature will be withdrawing us from Holiness yet the Lord would have us to follow it and pursue it and so shall a man be withdrawn from the world and from the temptations and bad examples thereof Do not say What shall we be wiser then our Fathers and Is not Moderation best in all things but consider what the Apostle saith Follow still after it even unto perfection and his words do intimate the reason of it without which no man shall see the Lord for what is Holiness in its own nature it is that which giveth God his due as Righteousness giveth man his due And this is a main ground why we are so slow in works of holiness for were they of another nature and did they serve our turns more as we think we should not then account them tedious If I were to sit and tell money all day long this is for my self saith a man and for my profit and if it were for another we should not think the time long it may be at that work neither but mind you when it cometh to any thing which doth concern the Lord then it 's so far above a mans reach
conversion he counteth it all as dross and dung that he might win Christ Phil. 3.6 7 8. And for our faith they are not to be trusted upon as grounds of it for all the gifts of our sanctification are fruits of our faith and therefore faith is said to work by love Gal. 5.6 And so it doth by all other gifts of the Spirit and if they be fruits of faith then faith is not built upon them And thus much for the second Use which Christians are to make of their sanctification 3. There is in the next place a point of witness which this Sanctification doth yield and the Spirit of God by it The water beareth witness to the bloud and the bloud to the water and the Spirit unto both 1 Joh. 5.6 7 8. A mans own spirit beareth witness also Rom. 8.16 The Spirit of God beareth witness with our spirits that we are the children of God and therefore as a witnesse of God unto our faith we may lawfully hear what it speaketh but this is the life of a true evidence that all these gifts of God do not bear witness any further then a man seeth the Lord Jesus working them in him and for him for it is faith that maketh all the graces of the Gospel active and it is a condition so requisite that unlesse our works be of faith and flow from it they are not acceptable before God Heb. 11.6 for without faith it 's impossible to please God therefore unless faith carry an end our works they are not works of holiness such as should bear witness to the soul Therefore the Apostle doth stir up the Corinthians unto this mainly Examine your selves whether you are in the faith 2 Cor. 13.5 if he do exhort them to examination it is in point of faith and therefore some of our Divines as Reverent Forbes of Middleburgh by name who hath written a Sermon upon it wherein he noteth this that unless men find faith in their holiness none of all their Sanctification will become a sound witness of the grace of God unto them but if faith be found then you shall see Jesus Christ accepting you and breathing in you except you be reprobates There is a marvelous gracious witness that sanctification giveth unto him that liveth by faith in Jesus Christ if it be in Christ and from Christ and for Christ This only is that sanctification which the Lord commendeth unto his children to seek after it 4. A fourth Use of our sanctification is that the Spirit of God helpeth us by it in point of rejoycing and therefore it is that you shall see the servants of God rejoycing in their holiness so doth the Apostle Paul 2 Cor. 1.12 This is our rejoycing the testimony of our conscience that in simplicity and godly sincerity not with fleshly wisdom but by the grace of God we have had our conversation in the world he rejoyceth at what the Lord doth by him and with him Let every man prove his own work and so shall he have rejoycing in himself and not in another Gal. 6.4 But what is it that maketh the Apostle to rejoyce before God When he rejoyceth in his work before the Lord you shall ever find him rejoycing at the Lords acting these gifts in him and blessing him in his work let us look upon two or three Scriptures for this end 1 Tim. 1.12 13. I thank Jesus Christ our Lord who hath enabled me for that he counted me faithful putting me into the ministry who was before a blasphemer c. this he thanketh God for so that mind you as he seeth God giving him these gifts and enabling him unto the work so he blesseth God in that behalf You shall find him also blessing God that had prospered this work of the Ministry wheresoever he came 2 Cor. 2.14 Thanks be to God which alwaies causeth us to triumph in Christ and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place The Lord working in him and for him maketh him to triumph and to over-wrastle all the difficulties which he meeteth withal The Lord had given him gifts and taught him to exercise those gifts and doth accept him and therefore he expresseth himself in a marvelous strong speech Phil. 1.20 21. I am in nothing ashamed but that with all boldness as alwaies so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body whether it be by life or by death for to me to live is Christ and to die is gain to me to live is Christ as if he had said I have no life but from Christ I put forth no act of life but for Christ this is the sum of all his conversation and if Christ be his life then death will be his advantage and Christ will be magnified in either Thus we may see how the Saints of God have made use of their sanctification they are careful to see that it flow from Christ and yet when they have it they dare not trust in their best gifts for the least duty neither do they look for their faith from their best gifts but they expect their best gifts to flow from their faith they make use of the testimony of their holiness when they see Christ in it and faith in it and the Spirit of God carrying them along in the waies and duties thereof thus they see their holiness and take comfort in it and from the witness of it as that by which the Lord dispenseth comfort unto his people when they receive it from the hands of Christ and by faith in him by which they are taught of God to carry an end their whole conversation in his name 5. Furthermore as we receive it from Christ and trust not in it but in Christ and receive the witness of it in Christ and in the holy Spirit of Christ and as we receive Joy and Comfort also which the Lord doth minister unto us in a sanctified course by his holy Spirit so we grow up and perfect our Holiness which we have received in his Name there is growth in grace this sanctification is not bedrid Christians are not as weak now as they were seven years ago nor do they stand at a stay but go forward in Christianity and hereupon the Apostle exhorteth the Ephesians Ephes ● 6 to speak the truth in love that they may grow up into him in all things which is the head even Christ implying that men that enter into wayes of Holiness ought to grow on unto perfection in the fear of God The Righteous shall hold on his way and he that hath clean hands shall grow stronger and stronger Job 17.9 And many sweet means the Lord hath appointed for this end the communion of Gods people tendeth hereunto Prov. 13.20 He that walketh with the wise shall learn wisdom all the Ordinances of God are appointed for this end also to beget and encrease faith and holiness therefore a Christian in the use of all these Ordinances doth not stand at a
of the Covenant he is the Prince of it and hath received all the promises from God they are accomplished in him he hath fulfilled all the conditions and received all the blessings and applyed them unto us and wrought all things in us and for us and still leadeth us on unto further and further fellowship with himself For the Use of this Point Use 1 in the first place it is of refutation unto the Popish Doctrine that hath devised other Mediatours besides Jesus Christ they come unto God in the mediation of Saints and Angels and pray to them to pray for them in Heaven and look that by the vertue of their prayers they shall be saved and whereas the Scripture is plain 1 Tim. 2.5 there is one mediatour between God and man the man Christ Jesus yea say they one Mediatour of Redemption but many of Intercession whereas mind you it is the work of a Mediatour not only to do that which may prevail for the obtaining of peace but he must apply it also or else he hath not brought us unto union and communion with the Father And when they make intercession unto Angels for the vertue and merit of their prayers it doth evacuate the mediation of Jesus Christ for bring in other Mediatours and you weaken him in his Office A sign they trust not in him and therefore are accursed when they put confidence in other things Jer. 17.5 But you will say Answ Do we not pray the Saints on earth to pray for us It is true we do so Object and Christ hath bidden us and given us paterns to pray one for another but if we in this Country should pray to a friend in England to pray for us it were Idolatry Paul indeed doth write unto the Churches to pray for him but not unto the Saints or Angels in heaven 2. We do not depend upon their prayers that by the merit of them they should prevail but we look at it only as a way wherein the Lord calleth us to wait upon him so as that when we have done desiring we look for all blessing from Jesus Christ even then when we beg the prayers of our friends When as God was angry with the friends of Job because they falsly accused Job chap. 42.7 8. he bids them take a sacrifice and go to Job and he shall pray for you for him will I accept but must they now trust upon Job or upon his acquaintance with God no verily but upon the Lord Jesus who was held forth by the Sacrifice So that though we crave the help of our brethrens prayers yet the Lord doth not allow us to make our friends Mediatours between Christ and us we look not for any thing from them but from the Lord Jesus Christ alone in that way Now they look at Mary as able to command the Lord Jesus Jube Mater Filium command thy Son and when they pray to this Saint and that Saint they look that the right and merit and efficacy of their prayers shall carry all an end whereas they need a Mediatour themselves and therefore they cannot by their own right be Mediatours unto us But that we might the better understand the mystery of iniquity do not they make the Saints and Angels the Mediatours of their Redemption also what is the ground of the Popish indulgences have not they a treasure of Church-merit which they boast of and therefore have they power as they say to grant pardons and to apply the merits of the Saints unto this and that soul now minde you he which is a Mediatour of the pardon of my sins is a Mediatour of redemption and justification and this is the dangerous gulfe into which the Popish Religion sinketh many millions of souls The second Use Use 2 Is of Instruction how to make an holy use of all the gifts of Gods grace and duties of Gods worship this Doctrine will properly hold it forth for here is as dangerous a rock for our souls to be split upon as is among them for we also may be subject to the like danger in making our own righteousness our mediatours as they be in making their prayers and merits of their Saints their Mediatours if we shall make any graces in our hearts the ground of our union with God we have forgotten that Jesus Christ became God and man and that he only is a fit person to remove all offence and to communicate all good things from God unto us if we shall say within our selves Were I but thus and thus humbled the Lord would accept me and all the blessed promises would be mine if I could but pray as such a Christian can then I know the Lord would accept me This may be a piece of refined Popery but it is Popery at the very bottom if we look unto our graces or duties to bring us unto union with Christ or if we think that by the right of them communion shall be maintained we have forgotten our Mediatour Jesus Christ God and man for if he be our Mediatour he doth work both these for us these things cannot bring us unto Christ for they all flow from him if therefore we have no other union with Christ then that which flows from them we are not united unto this very day But you will say Cannot our gifts and works maintain this union when it is true If they can uphold it they are in part Mediatours that they do uphold it by merit no Protestant will say neither is there any right or power in them to do this and therefore to trust in them is to put confidence in the arm of flesh and though it be not so gross as Popery yet it tends unto the like dishonour of Jesus Christ It was a faithful saying of the Apostle Peter and worthy of all acceptation when they saw the people ready to attribute much unto their holiness Acts 3.12 c. Ye men of Israel saith Peter why look ye so earnestly on us as if we by our power or holiness had made this man to walk the God of Abraham of Isaac and of Jacob the God of our fathers hath glorified his Son Jesus c. so it is not in the power of the best spiritual gifts or works to make a creeple go much less is it in their power to make a feeble soul stand upright but the God of our fathers glorifieth his Son Jesus in doing all this work for us for he is our only mediatour of reconciliation redemption and intercession and if we look for any such vertue power or right in any other means under heaven we deprive Christ of the Office of a Mediatour There is an Opinion as I hear stirring in our native Country that though none of our works give us merit right or power to reach the blessing yet they give us fitness Now truly this is but an English word in Latine we call it congruity and this the Papists come unto that when they be driven hard
stay but is still thriving and growing and that not in his own strength but in the strength of Jesus Christ seeking for his acceptance and help in every duty he goeth about and this is that which the Apostle Paul doth exhort the Colossians unto chap. 2.6 7. As ye have received Christ Jesus the Lord so walk ye in him rooted and built up in him and stablished in the faith This ought Christians mainly to attend unto that as you see the branch the more juice it sucketh from the root the more fruitful it is so also it becometh the people of God to know that the more need we stand in to be fruitful the more need we have to derive a continual fresh supply from the Lord Jesus Christ that by his Spirit renewing grace in us we may be enlarged and carried an end in the waies of God whereas otherwise the hearts of Christians would soon fail to go on in those things wherein they desire to be growing up unto perfection What is the reason that so many servants of God are not so lively in their profession as they were wont to be many years ago Truly we attend upon Ordinances but it is only upon the outward act of them and not upon Jesus Christ in them This is many times wanting in the hearts of Gods people but truly if this be our constant frame and we do not recover our selves then is not our sanctification that which floweth from fellowship with Jesus Christ and the Spirit of his grace for you shall ever find this to be true that there is no gift of Jesus Christ nor sanctification accompanying salvation but it doth knit us neerer and neerer unto Christ for the more we are filled with true spiritual gifts the more empty we are of our own strength and of self-conceits and so we ought to be otherwise you shall constantly find this that if the Lord do not preserve this empty frame in us the more full we are of any gift the more full shall we be of our own strength and consequently we shall feel the less need of Jesus Christ and if this be our constant frame it will be a sad argument that our best sanctification will not endure but fall away unless we be knit unto Jesus Christ by the Spirit of his grace for by all true sanctification we are the more knit unto him so that if any man would know whether the superscription of Christ and his image be stamped upon his sanctification this you shall ever find to be the stamp of the grace of Jesus Christ That the more you receive from him the more need you stand in of him insomuch that notwithstanding all the gifts of the Spirit there is not the ablest Minister of the New Testament but if your gifts flow from the Spirit of Christ and knit you unto Christ you will find as great need to cleave unto Jesus Christ as ever you did the first day when you came trembling into the Pulpit If therefore we feel our selves full so that the more we have received the more sufficient we are and go not about the duties we have in hand in fear and trembling but in self confidence if this be our usual and constant practice it is but counterfeit Christianity I do not say That the gifts are counterfeit for they are from the Spirit of God and men may by them be very serviceable to Church Commonwealth but this is certain that the stronger and the more your gifts are if you sit loose from Christ the emptier your hearts are of him But you will say May not a Christian be sometimes full of himself and depend upon the strength of his own gifts Yes brethren God forbid I should deny that for the best Christians have gone astray in the exercise of their best gifts and hereupon Abraham hath been wanting in faith and Moses in meekness and Peter in courage and Sarah in her modesty they have been so apt to trust upon those graces of God wherein they have most abounded that they have principally failed therein but this you shall find that if they have been overtaken once or twice as the burnt child dreadeth the fire so they grow to be more sensible of their need of Jesus Christ more fearful of departing from him more careful to cleave unto him that they might grow up in his name to all well pleasing in his sight If therefore there be a sanctification that standeth at a stay in any man it is a great suspicion whether it flow from fellowship with Christ or no if gifts be truly spiritual a man shall ordinarily grow up in them Habenti dabitur Imploy them and multiply them but if you have received gifts in your own strength and you are now full of your own sanctification truly this is but froathy work and doth not convey true nor lively nourishment and comfort but to him that in his most spiritual gifts is empty of himself and only full of Jesus Christ to live or die is his advantage This is the Use which I would commend unto you touching your Christian Sanctification Thus we see sundry things have been clear'd from this Doctrine concerning the Covenant of Grace There remaineth another thing to be resolved and cleared from the Doctrine For if God in the Covenant of his Grace do give himself to be a God to Abraham and his seed It is then to be enquired 1. How God the Father giveth himself 2. How God the Son giveth himself 3. How God the Holy Ghost giveth himself For these are the Fundamentals of the Covenant of Grace and necessary to be opened for clearing the Doctrine of it 1. Quest 2 How God the Father doth give himself to be a God in Covenant to Abraham and to his seed that is to the faithful seed of Abraham By a threefold work doth God the Father give himself Answ in the Covenant of his Grace to be a God unto Abraham and to his elect seed 1. The first Act of God is by Giving his own Son out of his bosom for the redemption of Abraham and his seed That is the first and Fundamental of all the rest that God doth put forth or any other person in Trinity for the applying of the Covenant unto the hearts of his people And God in giving his Son doth give himself Joh. 9.14 and 10.30 He that hath seen me hath seen the Father and I and my Father are one if God giveth us his Son he giveth us himself also so saith the Apostle John 1 Joh. 2.23 He that hath the Son hath the Father and he that hath not the Son hath not the Father Herein hath God commended his love towards us that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us Rom. 5.8 this is the love of God to send us his Son that whosoever believeth in him might not perish but have everlasting life Joh. 3.16 As God giveth us his Son so he giveth us all things else