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A69066 A summe of Christian doctrine: composed in Latin, by the R. Father P. Canisius, of the Society of Iesus. With an appendix of the fall of man & iustification, according to the doctrine of the Councel of Trent. Newly translated into Englishe. To which is adioined the explication of certaine questions not handled at large in the booke as shall appeare in the table; Summa doctrinae Christianae. English Canisius, Petrus, Saint, 1521-1597.; Garnet, Henry, 1555-1606. 1592 (1592) STC 4571.5; ESTC S107545 301,676 715

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Rom. 2 b c Mat. 5 a Bern. in ser de conuers ad Cler. cap. 25. O Lord who shall dwell in thy Tabernacle or who shall rest in thy holy hill The answere is readie He that entereth with out spotte worketh iustice Or if thou takest more delight in the speach of Christ He (p) Ma. 7 c 19 c 25 b c Apo. 2 b c g 8 b c d 7 d Bern. ser 2. de verb. Apost Non est regnum Dei esca potus that doth the will of my Father which is in heauen he shall enter into the kingdome of heauen This is a holy cittie and it also requireth holy citizens there shall not enter (q) Apoc. 21 g into it any polluted thing 6 What is the vse and commoditie of the wholle doctrine concerning the foure last thinges Vide Chrys epist 5. ad Theod. lapsum Damasc in hist Barlaam Iosaphat ca. 5. 12. 13. 14. FIrst of all to knowe and seriously to meditate these thinges it is profitable to this end that we may the more easely be withdrawen frō the care affection loue of those thinges which are transitorie vaine and floating in this worlde For (a) Eccles 1 a ibidem Hier. item Greg. lib. 5. c. 2. in 1. Reg vanitie of vanities saith Ecclesiastes Vanitie of vanities and all is vanitie I sawe (b) Ibid. c all thinges that are done vnder the sunne and behold all is vanitie and affliction of spirite Then they doe not only being well considered auerte a man from vaine cogitations and earthly cares but also doe terrifie him from all (c) Aug lib. 2. de Genesi cont Manie cap. 28. serm 120. de temp Greg. hom 39. in Euang. Isid lib. 3. de summo bono cap. vlt. libertie custome and pronesse to sinne Hence is that golden sentence In (d) Eccli 7 d Bern. ser 1. in festo omniū Sanctorum item in serm de primordijs me dijs nouissimis nostris all thy workes remember thy last things thou shalt neuer sinne Moreouer they doe admonish a wise man that in all affaires he doe no thing rashly but that first he set (e) Deut. 32 d before himselfe the last thinges and hauing foreseene the end doe go on in the high rode way that he may neither decline on the righte (f) Pro. 4 d hand or on the lefte from that which is right But speacially the memorie and contemplacion of such things doth cause that the feare of God which is the fountaine of true (g) Eccli 1 b Psal 110 b Pro. 1 a 9 b Iob. 28 d Eccles 7 c Pro. 14 c Chry. ho. 15 ad pop Ant itē ho. 2. in 2. ad Thess Aug tract 9 in ep Io. in Psal 127. wisdome the guardian of all vertue and a necessarie scholemaster in all the life of man may confirme and sette vs forewarde in the zeale of Iustice goodnes For (h) Eccli 1 c the feare of God expelleth sinne And hee that is without feare cannot be iustified They (i) Eccli 2 d Aug. ser 13. c. 13. 18. c. 8. de verb. Apost itē l. de Sancta Virg. cap 38 serm 214 de temp that feare our Lorde will enquire what things are well pleasing vnto him they will prepare their hartes and in his sight they will sanctifie their soules Finally they (k) Ibidem that feare our Lorde will keepe his commandementes and will haue patience vntill he beholde them saying If we doe not Penance wee shal fall into the handes of our Lorde But the children of this worlde who loue (l) Psal 4 a vanitie and seeke after a lie who (m) Pro. 2 c reioise when they doe euill triumphe in things that be worst before whose (n) Ps 13 b eies the feare of God is not they doe nothing lesse then thinke of these matters It is a (o) Deut. 32 d Bern. ser 2. in die Apost Petri Pauli item epist 292. people without counsaile and without wisdome woulde to God they were wise and did vnderstand and fore-see the last thinges With them we see it fall out daiely by experience that which holy IOB saith They holde (p) Iob. 21 b the Taber and the Lute and reioice at the sounde of the instrument They passe ouer their daies in pleasures and in a moment they descend into hell So (q) Pro. 14 b laughter shal be mingled with greefe the end of ioye is mourning 7 What is the Summe of those thinges that are contained in this booke THe summe of the whole worke is comprised in two thinges in Christian wisdome iustice To wisdome are these pointes referred to wit of Faith and the Creede of Hope our Lords Praier of Charitie and the tenne Commaundementes For Faith Hope and Charitie are those vertues wherein the diuine scripture cōprehendeth the true wisdome of man as Saint AVGVSTINE (a) Lib. 2 retract cap. 63 in Ench. cap. 2. 3. hath noted Then is there further annexed a discourse of the Preceptes of the Church and of the Sacramentes For as the foresaide vertues cannot stand without the Sacramentes and perfecte obseruance of the Preceptes of the Church so being ioined with thē they are effectually grafted in vs being grafted are confirmed augmented and brought to perfection Therfore in explicating those things which we reduce vnto wisdome is the first part of the booke cōcluded The latter which treateth of Iustice doth briefly demonstrate two partes thereof belonging both to the fleeing (b) Psal 33 c 36 c of euill thinges and the pursueing of those which are good For to abstaine from euill as witnesseth S. CHRYSOSTOME (c) Chrys in Psal 4. plura vide supra pag. 269. is not sufficient for vs to saluation excepte therewithall be annexed the following of good thinges the action of vertue Therfore to either of these two partes we haue applied some discourses which doe chiefelie serue to the obseruing of the difference of good euill But the force and largenes of all iustice TOBIE a man no lesse wise then iust doth briefely comprehende where he admonisheth his sonne consequently in him all the childrē of God in particuler with these wordes (d) Tob. 4 ● Feare not my sonne wee leade surely a poore life but we shall haue many good thinges if we feare God and abstaine from all sinne and doe well Thus finally wee learne the exacte duety of a christiā man which doth not only require faith but a life also ordered according to the rule of Christian wisdome and iustice For a wise harte that hath vnderstanding as the scripture testifieth Eccli 3 d will keepe it selfe from sinne and will haue successe in the workes of Iustice But to the intent that wee may not passe the bandes of our intended breuitie let this be the ende conclusion of this Doctrine appertaining to the instruction of Christians and those especially of
(n) 2. Cor. 10 8. 13 10. hath God giuen this power to edification and not to destruction Moreouer to the intente that the stubbourne and rebellious persons may feele that (o) Mat. 18 17. et ibi Hieron power of chastising and excommunication which Christ hath ordained and Sainte * 1. Cor. 5 3. 1. Tim. 1 20. PAVL exercised and by the same may be corrected repressed Here vpon (p) l. de fid et op c. 5. 3. l. 3. con Parm. c. 2. Greg. ho. 26 in Euang. Chrysost l. 3. de Sacerd. S. AVGVSTINE they saith he that gouern in the Church maye exercise discipline so it bee without tumulte and in peaceable manner against the wicked outragious Wherfore in all these thinges to omit many others it is manifest that the Churches authoritie is not only profitable but also necessarie so that without the same doubtlesse the Christian common welth might be thought nothing els but a very Babylonical confusion And therefore as we doe beleeue the Scripture and relie vpon it and attribute vnto it speaciall authoritie for the testimony of the holy Ghost speaking (q) 2. Pet. 1 19. 2. Tim. 3.16 Mat. 18 17. Io. 14 16.26 16 12. within it so also doe we owe faith reuerence and obedience to the Church for that by Christ her heade and spouse she is informed endowed confirmed with the (r) Act. 2 4. Eph. 4 4. same spirite so that it is not possible but that she be as she is called the (ſ) 1. Tim. 3 15. Piller and grounde of truth 17 What is the fruite and commoditie of the whole doctrine touching the preceptes Traditions of the Church IT is certes very greate and full of variety And surely the first is that we may knowe that we are not tied to letters only or to diuine Scriptures For to vse the words of Saint Ireneus (a) Lib. 3. c. 4 Epi. haer 61. What if the Apostles had lefte vs no Scriptures must we not haue haue followed the order of Tradition which they deliuered vnto them to whom they committed the Churches therfore hath S. BASILL (b) Lib. de spir sanct c. 27. saide very well The verities which are helde and taught in the Church some we haue out of the doctrine set forth in writing some wee haue receiued from the Tradition of the Apostles in mysterie that is in hidden and secrete manner Both which haue equall force and authoritie to the furtherance of pietie And these no man will gainesay that hath beene but euen meanly experienced what the lawes of the Church are And it cā not be doubted but that (c) Io. 20 30 21.25 Aug. ep 108 ad seleucianam Christ and his Apostles both did taught many thinges which although they are not written yet they doe very much appertaine vnto vs and all posteritie Of which S. PAVLL (d) Phil. 4 8. warning vs in generall saith For the rest brethren what thinges soeuer be true whatsoeuer honest whatsoeuer iust whatsoeuer holye whatsoeuer amiable whatsoeuer of good name if there be any vertue if any praise of discipline these thinges thinke vpon which you haue both learned and receiued and heard and seene in me these thinges doe you and the God of peace be with you The next commoditiy of them is that we may rightly vse Christian libertie which men giuen to idlenesse and riote if euer at any time now most of all doe make an occasion to the fleshe as the (e) Gal. 5 13 2. Pet. 2 19. Apostle speaketh vnder pretence thereof they serue their filthy pleasures whatsoeuer in a manner they haue a fancie vnto though it concerne euen the alteration of the decrees of Religion they thinke it lawfull for them to doe Aug. ep 118 cap. 1. 5. But frō this prophane noueltie and rashnesse the Apostolicall and Ecclesiasticall Doctrines decrees do call away defend terrifie vs bridling mans licentiousnesse teaching vs to vse Christian liberty in a cōuenient sort to wit so that (f) 1. Pet. 1 18. Ro. 6 18.22 Gal. 3 13. 4 31. Ro. 8 2. being made free by Christ frō the yoke of sinne bondage of the olde lawe we may willingly of our (g) Psa 53 8. Col. 3 23. Luc. 1 71. 2. Cor. 3 17 Ro. 6 22. 1. Cor. 9 19. 1. Pet. 1 22. 2 20. Luc. 21 19. Mat. 4 1.7 16 14. owne accorde performe Christian dutie we may serue God in holinesse and iustice we may followe the holy Ghost as our guide in the lawe of Charitie being the seruauntes of iustice the sonnes of obedience the practisers of humilitie the keepers of patience and louers of penance and of the Crosse You saith the (h) Ga●l 5 1● Apostle are called into libertie only make not this libertie an occasiō to the flesh but by charitie of spirite serue one another To the nourishing maintenāce of which charitie of spirite in the dutifulnesse of an holy seruitude both all honest thinges are profitable and the deuoute obseruation of the Tradition of the Church is vndoubtedlye most auaileable The last vse and commoditye is that we may truly discerne betwene the lawfull and bastarde children of the Church or betwene Catholikes and Heretikes For (i) Vincen. Liren the first doe simply stay them selues in the doctrine of the Church whether the same be deliuered vnto them in writing as in the Bible or approued by the Traditiō of the Fathers For they doe followe the worde of God Doe (k) Pro. 22 28. Eccli 8 11. Deut. 32 7. Hier. c 16. not goe beyond the auncient boundes which thy Fathers haue set But the other which are Heretickes doe swarue from this simplicitie of faith from the approued sentence of our reuerende mother the Church of the holy Fathers and they trust to much either vnto them selues or to those that haue reuolted from the Church insomuch as euen being warned they doe not come backe amend their error And therfore of them hath Saint PAVL so seuerely decreed when he saith A man (l) Tit. 3 10. that is an Hereticke after the first and second admonition auoide knowing that he that is such a one is subuerted And to conclude with (m) ad Pompeium S. CYPRIAN whosoeuer hath reuolted from the vnitie of the Church he must needes be founde in the company of Heretickes 18 What finally is the summe of all the premises THose thinges that from the beginninge hetherto haue bene handled touchinge the summe of Christian doctrine doe tend to this end that the true wisdome of a Christian man might be described and set before vs which is comprehended in these three (a) Aug. l. 2. tetr c. 63. vertues (b) 1. Cor. 13 13. 2. Tim. 2 22 faith hope charitie By faith the soule doth (c) Heb. 11.1 firmlie consent vnto Gods truth and relie vpon the same By hope
b soweth sparingly sparingly also shall reape As witnesseth the Apostle And this shall suffice touching the corporall workes of mercie 17 But what doth the scripture testifie of those that are spirituall VVE saith he that are (a) Ro. 15. a stronger must sustain the infirmities of the weake and not please our selues Let euery one of you please his neighbour vnto God to edification For Christ did not please himselfe And againe Be ye gentle (b) Eph. 4. g one to another merciful pardoning one another as God in Christ hath pardoned you Againe Be ye therfore followers (c) Eph. 5. a of God as most deare children walke in loue as Christ also loued vs. Moreouer Put ye on (d) Col. 3. b therfore as the elect of God holy and beloued the bowels of mercie benignitie humilitie modestie patience supporting one an other And pardoning (e) Aug. Enchir cap. 73. 74. ho. 6. 29. cap. 1. 40. cap. 3. seq ex 50. serm 203. de temp Greg. 4. dial cap. vlt. one an other if any haue a quarell against any man as also our Lorde hath pardoned vs So you also And againe (f) 1. Thess 5. c Admonishe the vnquiet comforte the weake minded beare vp the weake be patient to all These and many other thinges of like tenour doth Saint PAVL euery where inculcate who to the intent hee mighte saue (g) 1. Cor. 9. d all was made all thinges to all men So that hereupon himselfe testifieth Who is weake (h) 2. Cor. 11. g and I am not weake who is scandalized I am not burnt And againe I haue greate (i) Rom. 9. a sadnes and continuall sorow in my harte For I wished my selfe an Anathema frō Christ for my brethren And in an other place I most gladly (k) 2. Cor. 12. e will bestow and will my selfe moreouer bee bestowed for your soules although louing you more I am louedlesse 18 What is the summe of al the doctrine touching the performance of the workes of mercie THe Apostle hath comprised the wholle matter as it were in this one worde Beare ye (a) Gal. 6. a one an others burthens so you shall fulfill the lawe of Christ to witte the lawe of charitie of which lawe againe he saith (b) Ro. 13. e Gal. 5. c If there be any other cōmandement it is comprised in this worde thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe And the Apostle S. PETER (c) 1. Pet. 4 b Before all thinges saith he hauing mutuall Charitie continuall among your selues because charitie couereth the multitude of sinnes Which precepte or office of shewing mercie and charitie as it is most agreable to nature and reason so doth it touch euen all kindes of men without exception in so much that of this we reade it written (d) Eccli 17. b God hath giuen euery man a charge of his neighbour And he hath giuē charge in this maner as Christ interpreteth (e) Mat. 7. b Luc. 6. c All thinges whatsoeuer you will that men doe to you doe you also to them for this is the lawe and the Prophettes OF THE CARDINALL VERTVES 1 What meaneth the name and nature of Cardinall vertues CErtaine vertues be therfore (a) Vid. Ambros in Luc. 6. lib. 1. offic ca. 24. Prosp de vita contemplatiua lib. 3. cap. 18. called Cardinall because they be as it were fountaines and hingels of all the rest as the dore turneth vpon the hingells soe the wholle course of honest life consisteth of them the wholle frame of good workes doth seeme after a sorte to depend (b) Greg. l. 2. mor. cap. 36 vpon them And they are accounted foure in (c) Amb. lib. 3. de Virg. et l. 2. offic c. 9 number Prudence Iustice Temperance and Fortitude Whereof it is thus written Shee teacheth (d) Sap. 8. b Sobriety and Prudence and Iustice Vertue Than the which thinges there is nothing in life more profitable vnto men Where by Sobriety (e) Aug. l. 1. retract c. 7. Temperance by Vertue fortitude is not obscurelie signified And all of them are so commended vnto vs that wee may assuredly vnderstande that by the eternal wisedome (f) Pro. 8. b c d Eccli 24. a c which is God they are properly bestowed and are receiued and exercised with verie great fruit of mans saluatiō Which vertues are called also Officiales that is appertaining to offices or duties because that from them as (g) Lib. 1. offic c. 25. Saint AMBROSE hath noted do spring the diuerse kinds of offices and are deriued all manner of duties appertaining to the ordinary life of man according to euery mans vocation 2 How are the Cardinall vertues defined Vide Aug. l. 1. de l. arb c. 13. lib. de morib Eccl. Cathol cap 15. Amb. in libris de officiis Prosp l. 3. de vita cōtemplatiua c. 18. seq Ber. ex paruis ser 35. in Cant. ser 22. PRudence is a vertue which according to the rule of honestie prescribeth what is to be desired what is to bee eschewed by a man Iustice is a vertue whereby we giue euery man his own Temperance is a vertue moderating the pleasures of the flesh which are fealt in tasting and touching Fortitude is a vertue whereby labors dangers of death are constantly both vndertaken and suffered out This is the noble chariot of vertues whereby wee are carried into heauen These are the foure riuers of (a) Gen. 2. b Paradise as (b) Lib. 2. de Gen. contr Manic c. 10. Amb. lib. de Paradis c. 3. S. AVGVSTINE calleth them of whom also this saying of worthie memorie is extant That saith he is the science knowledge of (c) L. 1. cont Acad. cap. 7. humane things which knoweth the light of Prudence the decēcie of Temperance the strength of Fortitude the holinesse of Iustice For these are they which fearing no fortune wee may be bolde to call truely our owne 3 Howe is Prudence commended vnto vs in holy Scripture Bas in constit Monast c. 15. ho. 12. in Principium Prouerbiorum Bern. ser 49. in Cant. VVIselye doeth Ecclesiasticus teach vs in this manner (a) Eccli 32. d 37. c Pro. 12 c 1● b My sonne without aduice doe nothing and after thy deede thou shalt not repent thee And againe (b) Eccli 31 d 18. d 33. a Pro. 14. b Iob. 28. d Deut. 4 32 d vide Pro. 3. b 8. b Sap. 6. a c d 7. a b d A wise heart that hath vnderstanding wil keepe it selfe from sinne and in the workes of Iustice it shall haue successe Also the (c) Eccli 1. a fountaine of all Wisedome Prudence Christ that true (d) Mat. 1● d Luc. 11. d SALOMON teacheth thus Be yee (e) Mat. 10. b ib. Theophyl Hieron Aug. q. 8. ex Matth. Greg. lib. 1. mor. c. 2. ho. 30. in Euang Prosp lib.
religion was A fore-telling prefiguration of our trueth so the Gentiles must be An erroneous imitatiō of the same Such kinde of reasoning therefore by which our Ceremonies are condemned for the Gentiles vsing the like is to be hissed at and aunswere is to be made with Saint Augustine Ibidem that as in Virginitie it much importeth to whom it is Vowed and performed whereby our NVNNES differ form the Vestalles so also doe the outwarde Ceremonies of Gentiles far differ from ours in their contrary ende and intention they beeing to the honour of the Diuell ours to the honour and exaltation of Gods holy name Now for the matter it selfe We maie aske euery thing of euerie Saint True it is that to aske one thing particularly of one Saint so that we thinke that the Saint cannot aswel obtaine all whereas the Saintes geue nothing of themselues but by theire intercession obtaine of God whatsoeuer he himselfe is able to geue which is euery good and perfecte gift were a superstition much to be condemned and vtterly to bee banished from all Christian minds For after this maner had the Gentiles Gods for euery thing whom they had so tied to their seuerall dueties and taskes that the Goddesse of the Aug. l. 4. ciu cap. 8. 21. corne yet vnder the earth could not meddell with the same nowe sprong nor she that had the charge of the corne in the fielde could take the protection therof in the barne and such other infinite follies But among Christians neuer was there any such opinion but that of any Sainte one might aske any gifte or benefitte lawfull to bee asked or loked for from God We aske one thing of one Saint rather than of another Yet hath there bene and there is also a laudable and Godly custome of one Sainte to aske one thing espeacially and of another to demaund another not for any imbecillity in other Saints nor for any imperfection in that Sainte to whom we pray but for diuerse Godly and lawfull causes as here we will declare The first reason may be the imitation of the Saint for S. Paul commaundeth 1. Cor. 4 16. 11 1. Phil. 3 17. 1. Thes 1 6. 1. Thes 2 14 2. Thes 3 7. Heb. 6 12. 13 7. that we imitate him and other Saints Nowe certaine it is that there be diuisions of Graces 1. Cor. 12 God geuing to euery one as he willeth Euery Sainte excelleth in some one gifte or other wherfore the Church applieth that sentence of the Ecclesiasticus spoken particularly of Abraham to euery Bishop Confessor consequētly to euery Saint Eccles 44 20. There was not found any like vnto him So that of so many diuersities of infinite Saints vnlike one to another in the mesure of graces yet tending all to the ende of the loue of God there ariseth that bewtifull Psal 44 10. ornamēt of the spouse of Christ exceedingly delighting his heauenly eies those Io. 14 2. diuerse Mansions in Gods house agreeable to theire diuerse desertes Now then what absurdity can ther be if for patience I pray to Iob for Faith to Abraham for feruour in Praier to Elias for teares of Penance to Mary Magdalen for charitable diligence in Hospitalitie to Martha and so of many other vertues in which the scriptures doe particularly exhort Iac. 5 11. Iudith 4 13 vs to their imitation Or may I not He. 13 7 See Amb. l. de offic Basil ep ad Greg. Naz. beholding the end of their conuersation and that which did moste shine in them demaund of God that speaciall vertue in which they did excel Nowe therefore thus doe I ioyne with our aduersaries I must imitate in one Sainte one vertue more than another Therefore I may desire of God in memory and imitation of the Sainte that vertue rather than another Againe whatsoeuer I may aske of God I may also aske of a Sainte according to the true meaning of praier to Saintes not as to the principall geuers but as to our intercessours for euery good gifte euen as it is in thē who liuing here pray for vs But I aske of God the imitation of a Sainte in a particular vertue more than in another therfore I may aske of the Sainte himselfe that particular vertue and of another another Hence for diuerse states of men may there bee chosen diuerse Patrons Patrons of diuerse states of life because of the laudable conuersation of some Saintes in euery degree Saint Ioseph was a Carpentar S. George a Souldier S. Anthony an Heremite S. Edward a King S. Cosmas and Damian Phisitions S. Anne a paterne for maried foulkes our Blessed Lady for Virgins Although in this moste excellent Queene of Angells there hauing bene Eccles 24 25. all grace of life and verity and her life hauing bene Amb. l. 2. de Virg. a discipline and instruction for all sortes of men God hath shewed more aboundantlye his greatnes Pro. 31 29 than in any other creature For according to that moste true prediction of her selfe Luc. 1 48. All generations shall call me blessed shee hath particularly in the Church of God in consideration of all maner of benefitts receaued from her obtained those names Our Lady of pittie our Lady of grace our Lady of comforte our Lady of peace c. Our Lady of pitty of grace such like how truely religiously each Catholicke harte feeleth but the senslesse stony minds of hereticks cānot but scoffe at the same to their vtter confusion at the last But we shall haue thē one day as well taunte the like names of God who although he be but one most simple essence yet is called diuersly The God of Comforte of Mercie of Hope of Strength such like And not only particular states of men but also particular countreis may haue their speciall Patrons Patrons of Countreys God hauing promised Mat. 22 30. that the Saintes shall bee like Angells and therefore no Dan. 10 13.21 Hieron in 34. Ezech. doubt haue protectiō of the world Yea God gimselfe expresly hauing promised them that they shall haue power ouer nations Apoc. 2 27. 5 10. that they shall rule them But the cause of the attributing certaine countreys to the gouernment of one Sainte more than another most ordinarily is the desire of imitation of that speaciall Sainte either because of his profession in his life which the countrey doth speacially embrace as of a Souldier or Merchaunte or because the Leo. ser 1 de SS Pet. et Paul calleth those two Apostles the speciall Patrons of ROME Sainte hauing liued there hath there espeaciallye lefte liuely examples of his notable vertues A second reasō of this matter may be the disptsition of almighty God who as we before rehearsed Ep. 137. ad Cler. pop Hipp. out of Sainte Augustine worketh some Miracles in one place not in another consequently by one Saint and not by another Wherefore if it please his diuine Maiestie to shew some wonder by any Sainte then