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A64114 Holy living in which are described the means and instruments of obtaining every virute, and the remedies against every vice, and considerations serving to the resisting all temptations : together with prayers containing the whole duty of a Christian, and the parts of devotion occasians [sic], and furnished for all necessities / by Jer. Taylor. Taylor, Jeremy, 1613-1667. 1656 (1656) Wing T374; ESTC R232803 258,819 464

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loving kindness to my Patron to all my friends and Benefactors Reward them and make them plentiful recompense for all the good which from t●y merciful providence they have conveyed unto me Let the light of thy countenance shine upon them and let them never come into any affliction or sadness but such as may be an instrument of thy 〈◊〉 their eternal comfort Forgive them all 〈◊〉 sins let thy Divined Spirit preserve them from all deeds of Darkness Let thy ministring Angels guard their persons from the violence of ●hy spirits of Darkness And thou w●o knowest every degree of their necessity by thy infinite wisdom give supply to all t●ei● needs by ●he glorious mercy preserving 〈◊〉 persons sanctifying their hearts and leading them in the waies of righteousness by the waters of comfort to the land of et●r●al ●e●t and glory through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen CHAP. IV. Of Christian Religion REligion ●n a large sense doth signifie the whole duty of Man comprehending in it Justice Charity and Sobriety because all these being commanded by God they become a part of that honour and worship which we are bound to pay to him And thus the word is used in S. James Pure Religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this Iam. 1.27 To visit the fatherlesse and Widows in their ●ffliction and to keep himself unspotted from the world But in a more restrained sense it is taken for that part of duty which particularly relates to God in our worshippings and adoration of him in confessing his excellencies loving his person admitting his goodness believing his Word and doing all that which may in a proper and direct manner doe him honour It contains the duties of the first Table only and so it is called Godliness Tit. 2.12 and is by S. Paul distinguished from Justice and Sobriety In this sense I am now to explicate the parts of it Of the internal actions of Religion Those I call the internal actions of Religion in which the soul only is imployed and ministers to God in the special actions of Faith Hope and Charity Faith believes the rev●lations of God Hope expects his promises and Charity loves his excellencies and mercies Faith gives our understanding to God Hope gives up all the passions and affections to Heaven and heavenly things and Charity gives the will to the service of God Faith is opposed to infidelity Hope to Despair Charity to Enmity and Hostility and these three sanctifie the whole Man and make our duty to God and obedience to his Commandments to be chosen reasonable and delightful and therefore to be intire persevering and universal SECT IV. Of Faith The Acts and Offices of Faith are 1. TO believe every thing which God hath revealed to us Demus Deie aliqu●d posse quod no● fateamu● invest●gare no● poss● S. Aug. l. 21. c 7. de Civitat and when once we are convinced that God hath spoken it to make no further enquiry but humbly to submit ever remembring that there are some things which ou● understanding cannot fathom nor search out their depth 2. To believe nothing concerning God but what is honourable and excellent as knowing that belief to be no honouring of God which entertains of him any dishonourable thoughts Faith is the parent of Charity and whatsoever Faith entertains must be apt to produce love to God but he that believes God to be cruel or unmerciful or a rejoicer in the unavoidable damnation of the greatest part of mankinde or that he speaks one thing and privately means another thinks evil thoughts concerning God and such as for which we should hate a man and therefore are great enemies of Faith being apt to destroy Charity Our Faith concerning God must be as himself hath revealed and described his own excellencies and in our discourses we must remove from him all imperfection and attribute to him all excellence 3. To give our selves wholly up to Christ in heart and desire to become Disciples of his doctrine with choice besides conviction being in the presence of God but as Ideots that is without any principles of our own to hinder the truth of God but sucking in greedily all that God hath taught us believing it infinitely and loving to believe it For this is an act of Love reflected upon Faith or an act of Faith leaning upon Love 4. To believe all Gods promises and that whatsoever is promised in Scripture shall on Gods part be as surely performed as if we had it in possession This act makes us to relie upon God with the same confidence as we did on our Parents when we were children when we made no doubt but whatsoever we needed we should have it if it were in their power 5. To believe also the conditions of the promise or that part of the revelation which concerns our duty Many are apt to believe the Article of remission of sins but they believe it without the condition of repentance of the fruits of holy life and that is to believe the Article otherwise then God intended it For the Covenant of the Gospel is the great object of Faith and that supposes our duty to answer his grace that God will be our God so long as we are his people The other is not Faith but Flattery 6. To professe publickly the doctrine of Jesus Christ openly owning whatsoever he hath revealed and commanded not being ashamed of the Word of God or of any practices enjoyned by it and this without complying with any mans interest not regarding favour nor being moved with good words not fearing disgrace or losse or inconvenience or death it self 7. To pray without doubting without weariness without faintness entertaining no jealousies or suspicions of God but being confident of Gods hearing us and of his returns to us whatsoever the manner or the instance be that if we doe our duty it will be gracious and merciful These acts of Faith are in several degrees in the servants of Jesus some have it but as a grain of mustard-seed some grow up to a plant some have the fulness of faith but the least faith that is must be a perswasion so strong as to make us undertake the doing of all that duty which Christ built upon the foundation of believing but we shall best discern the truth of our faith by these following signes S. Hierome reckons three D●a●● adver Lucif Signes of true Faith 1. An earnest and vehement prayer for it is impossible we should heartily believe the things of God and the glories of the Gospel and not most importunately desire them For every thing is desired according to our belief of its excellency and possibility 2. To doe nothing for vain-glory but wholly for the interests of religion and these Articles we believe valuing not at all the rumours of men but the praise of God to whom by faith we have given up all our intellectual faculties 3. To be content with God for our Judge for
people so long GOD would have that to be the solemn manner of confessing these attributes but when the Priesthood being changed there was a change also of the Law the great dutie remain'd unalterable in changed circumstances We are eternally bound to confess God Almightie to bee the Maker of Heaven and Earth but the manner of confessing it is chang'd from a rest or a doing nothing to a speaking somthing from a day to a symbol from a ceremonie to a substance from a Jewish rite to a Christian dutie wee profess it in our Creed wee confess it in our lives wee describe it by every line of our life by every action of dutie by faith and trust and obedience and wee do also upon great reason complie with the Jewish manner of c●nfessing the Creation so far as it is instrumental to a real dutie Wee keep one day in seven and so confess the manner and circumstance of the Creation and wee rest also that wee may tend holie duties so imitating God's rest better then the Jew in Synesius who lay upon his face from evening to evening and could not by stripes or wounds bee raised up to steer the ship in a great storm God's rest was not a natural cessation hee who could not labor could not bee said to rest but God's rest is to bee understood to bee a beholding and a rejoicing in his work finished and therefore wee truly represent God's rest when wee confess and rejoice in God's Works and God's glorie This the Christian Church does upon every day but especially upon the Lord's day which she hath set apart for this and all other Offices of Religion being determined to this day by the Resurrection of her dearest Lord it beeing the first day of joy the Church ever had And now upon the Lord's day wee are not tied to the rest of the Sabbath but to all the work of the Sabbath wee are to abstain from bodily labour not because it is a direct dutie to us as it was to the Jews but because it is necessarie in order to our dutie that wee attend to the Offices of Religion The observatio● of the Lord's daie differs nothing from the observation of the Sabbath in the matter of Religion but in the manner They differ in the ceremony and external rite Rest with them was the principal with us it is the accessory They differ in the office or forms of worship For they were then to worship God as a Creator and a gentle Father we are to adde to that Our Redeemer and all his other excellencies and mercies and though we have more natural and proper reason to keep the Lords day then the Sabbath yet the Jews had a divine Commandement for their day which we have not for ours but we have many Commandements to do all that honour to GOD which was intended in the fourth Commandement and the Apostles appointed the first day of the week for doing it in solemn Assemblies and the manner of worshipping God and doing him solemn honour and service upon this day we may best observe in the following measures Rules for keeping the Lords day ●nd other Christian festivals 1. When you go about to distinguish Festival daies from common do it not by lessening the devotions of ordinary daies that the common devotion may seem bigger upon Festivals but on every day keep your ordinary devotions intire and enlarge upon the Holy day 2. Upon the Lords day wee must abstain from all servile and laborous works except such which are matters of necessity of common life or of great charity for these are permitted by that authoritie which hath separated the day for holy uses The Sabbath of the Jewes though consisting principally in rest and established by God did yeeld to these The labour of Love and the labours of Religion were not against the reason and the spirit of the Commandement for which the Letter was decreed and to which it ought to minister And therefore much more is it so on the Lords day where the Letter is wholly turned into Spirit and there is no Commandement of God but of spiritual and holy actions The Priests might kill their beasts and dress them for sacrifice and Ch●ist though born under the Law might heal a sick man and the sick man might carry his bed to witness his recovery and confess the mercy and leap and dance to God for joy and an Ox might be led to water and an Ass be haled out of a ditch a man may take physick and he may eat meat and therefore there were of necessity some to prepare and minister it and the performing these labours did not consist in minutes and just determined stages but they had even then a reasonable latitude so onely as to exclude unnecessary labour or such as did not minister to charity or religion And therefore this is to be enlarged in the Gospel whose Sabbath or rest is but a circumstance and accessory to the principal and spiritual duties Upon the Christian Sabbath necessity is to be served first then charity then religion for this is to give place to charity in great instances and the second to the fi●st in all and in all cases God is to be worshipped in spirit and in truth 3. The Lords day being the rememb●ance of a great blessing must be a day of joy festivitie spiritual ●ej●icing and thanksgiving and therefore it is a proper work of the day to let your devotions spend themselves in singing or reading Psalms in recounting the great works of God in remembring his mercies in worshipping his excellenc●es in celebrating his attributes in admi●ing his person in sending portions of pleasant meat to them for whom nothing is provided and in all the arts and instruments of advancing God's glorie and the reputation of Religion in which it were a great decencie that a memorial of the resurrection should be inserted that the particular religion of the day bee not swallowed up in the general And of this wee may the more easily serve our selvs by rising seasonably in the morning to private devotion and by retiring at the leisures and spaces of the day not imploied in publick offices 4. Fail not to be present at the publick hours and places of praier entring early and cheerfully attending reverently and devoutly abiding patiently during the whole office piously assisting at the praiers and gladly also hearing the Sermon and at no hand omitting to receive the holy Communion when it is offered unless some great reason excuse it this being the great solemnitie of thanksgiving and a proper work of the day 5. After the solemnities are past and in the intervalls between the morning and evening devotion as you shall finde opportunitie visit sick persons reconcile differences do offices of neighb●u●h●od ●nquire into the needs of the poor especially house keepers relieve them as they shall need and as you are able for then wee truly rejoice in God when we make
ever in the unity of the holy Catholick Church and in the integrity of the Christian faith and in the love of God and of our neighbours and in hope of life Eternal Amen 2. For the whole Catholick Church O holy Jesus King of the Saints and Prince of the Catholick Church preserve thy spouse whom thou hast purchased with thy right hand and redeemed and cleansed with thy blood the whole Catholick Church from one end of the Earth to the other she is founded upon a rock but planted in the sea O preserve her safe from schisme heresie and sacrilege Unite all her members with the bands of Faith Hope and Charity and an externall communion when it shall seem good in thine eyes let the daily sacrifice of prayer and Sacramental thanksgiving never cease but be for ever presented to thee and for ever united to the intercession of her dearest Lord and for ever prevaile for the obtaining for every of its membres grace and blessing pardon and salvation Amen 3. For all Christian Kings Princes and Governours O King of Kings and Prince of all the Rulers of the Earth give thy grace and Spirit to all Christian Princes the spirit of wisdom and counsell the spirit of government and godly fear Grant unto them to live in peace and honour that their people may love and fear them and they may love and fear God speak good unto their hearts concerning the Church that they may be nursing Fathers to it Fathers of the Fatherless Judges and Avengers of the cause of Widowes that they may be compassionate to the wants of the poor and the groans of the oppressed that they may not vex or kill the Lords people with unjust or ambitious wars but may feed the flock of God and may inquire after and do all things which may promote peace publick honesty and holy religion so administring things present that they may not fail of the everlasting glories of the world to come where all thy faithfull people shall reign Kings for ever Amen 4. For all the orders of them that minister about H. things O thou great Shepherd and Bishop of our souls Holy and Eternall Jesus give unto thy servants the Ministers of the Mysteries of Christian religion the Spirit of prudence sanctity faith and charity confidence and zeal diligence watchfulnes that they may declare thy will unto the people faithfully dispense thy Sacraments rightly and intercede with thee graciously acceptably for thy servants Grant O Lord that by a holy life and a true belief by well doing and patient suffering when thou shalt call them to it they may glorifie thee the great lover of souls and after a plentifull conversion of sinners from the errour of their wayes they may shine like the stars in glory Amen Give unto thy servants the Bishops a discerning Spirit that they may lay hands suddenly on no man but may depute such persons to the Ministeries of religion who may adorn the Gospel of God and whose lips may preserve knowledge and such who by their good preaching and holy living may advance the service of the Lord Jesus Amen 5. For our neerest relatives as Husband Wife Children Family c. O God of infinite mercy let thy loving mercy and compassion descend upon the head of thy servants my wife or husband children and family be pleased to give them health of body and of spirit a competent portion of temporals so as may with comfort support them in their journey to Heaven preserve them from all evill and sad accidents defend them in all assaults of their enemies direct their persons and their actions sanctifie their hearts and words and purposes that we all may by the bands of obedience and charity be united to our Lord Jesus and alwayes feeling thee our mercifull and gracious Father may become a holy family discharging our whole duty in all our relations that we in this life being thy children by adoption and grace may be admitted into thy holy family hereafter for ever to sing praises to thee in the Church of the first-born in the family of thy redeemed ones Amen 6. For our Parents our Kindred in the flesh our Friends and Benefactors O God merciful and gracious who hast made my Parents my friends and my Benefactors ministers of thy mercy instruments of providence to thy servant I humbly beg a blessing to descend upon the heads of name the persons or the relations Depute thy holy Angels to guard their persons thy holy spirit to guide their souls thy providence to minister to their necessities and let thy grace and mercy preserve them from the bitter pains of eternal death and bring them to everlasting life through Jesus Christ. Amen 7. For all that lye under the rod of war famine pestilence to be said in the time of plague or war c. O Lord God almighty thou art our Father we are thy children thou art our Redeemer we thy people purchased with the price of thy most precious blood be pleased to moderate thy anger towards thy servants let not thy whole displeasure arise lest we be consumed and brought to nothing Let health and peace be within our dwellings let righteousness and holiness dwell for ever in our hearts and be express'd in all our actions and the light of thy countenance be upon us in all sufferings that we may delight in the service and in the mercies of God for ever Amen O gracious Father and mercifull God if it be thy will say unto the destroying Angel it is enough and though we are not better then our brethren who are smitten with the rod of God but much worse yet may it please thee even because thou art good and because we are timerous and sinfull not yet fitted for our appearance to set thy mark upon our foreheads that thy Angel the Minister of thy justice may pass over us hurt us not let thy hand cover thy servants and hide us in the clefts of the rock in the wounds of the holy Jesus from the present anger that is gone out against us that though we walk thorough the valley of the shadow of death we may fear no evill and suffer none and those whom thou hast smitten with thy rod support with thy staff and visit them with thy mercies and salvation through Jesus Christ. Amen 8. For all women with childe and for unborn children O Lord God who art the Father of them that trust in thee and shewest mercy to a thousand generations of them that fear thee have mercy upon all women great with childe * be pleased to give them a joyfull and a safe deliverance and let thy grace preserve the fruit of their wombs and conduct them to the holy Sacrament of Baptisme that they being regenerated by thy spirit and adopted into thy family and the portion and duty of Sons may live to the glory of God to the comfort of their parents and friends to the edification of
to him that gives them all that they have or need and unless He who was pleased to imploy your Lordship as a great Minister of his Providence in making a Promise of his good to me the meanest of his servants that he would never leave me nor forsake me shall enable me by greater services of Religion to pay my great Debt to your Honour I must still increase my score since I shall now spend as much in my needs of pardon for this boldness as in the reception of those favours by w ch I stand accountable to your Lordship in all the bands of service and gratitude though I am in the deepest sense of duty and affection My most Honoured Lord Your Honours most obliged and Most Humble Servant IER TAYLOR The Table CHAP. I COnsideration of the general instruments and means serving to a holy life by way introduction Page 1. Sect. 1. Care of time and the manner of spending it 4 23 Rules for imploying our time 7 The 5 benefits of this exercise 17 Sect. 2. Purity of intention or purpose in all our actions c. 17 10 Rules for our intentions 20 8 Signes of purity of intention 23 3 Appendant Considerations 27 Sect. 3. The consideration and practise of the presence of God 29 6 Several manners of the divine presence 30 10 Rules of exercising this consideration 35 The 5 benefits of this exercise 38 Prayers and Devotion according to the Religion and purposes of the foregoing considerations 41 Devotions for ordinary daies 42 CHAP. II. Of Christian sobriety 64 Sect. 1. Of sobriety in the general sense 64 5 Evil consequents of voluptuousness or sensuality 65 3 Degrees of sobriety 67 6 Rules for suppressing voluptuousness 68 Sect. 2. Of Temperance in eating and drinking 71 4 Measures of Temperance in eating 73 8 Signes and effects of Temperance 75 Of Drunkenness 76 7 Evil consequents to Drunkenness 78 8 Signes of Drunkenness 80 11 Rules for the obtaining temperance 81 Sect. 3. Of Chastity 84 The 10 evil consequents of uncleanness 88 7 Acts of Chastity in general 93 5 Acts of Virginal or Maiden Chastity 95 5 Rules for Widows or Vidual Chastity 96 6 Rules for Married persons or Matrimonial Chastity 97 10 Remedies against uncleanness 101 Sect. 4. Of Humility 106 9 Arguments against Pride by way of consideration 107 19 Acts or offices of Humility 110 14 Means and exercises of obtaining and increasing the grace of Humility 117 17 Signes of Humility 124 Sect. 5. Of Modesty 126 4 Acts and duties of Modesty as it is opposed to Curiosity ibid. 6 Acts of Modesty as it is opposed to boldness 130 10 Acts of Modesty as it is opposed to Vndecency 132 Sect. 6. Of Contentedness in all estates c. 135 2 General arguments for Content 137 8 Instruments or exercises to procure contentedness 142 8 Means to obtain Content by way of consideration 157 The Consid. applied to particular cases ibid. Of Poverty 164 The charge of many Children 173 Violent Necessities 174 Death of Children Friends c. 176 Vntimely Death 177 Death unseasonable 180 Sudden Deaths or violent 182 Being Childlesse ibid. Evil or unfortunate Children ibid. Our own Death 183 Prayers for the several graces and parts of Christian sobriety fitted to the necessity of several persons 184 CHAP. III. Of Christian Justice 191 Sect. 1. Of Obedience to our Superiours 192 15 Acts and duties of obedience to all our Superiours 193 12 Remedies against disobedience by way of consideration 198 3 Degrees of obedience 203 Sect. 8. Of Provision of that part of justice which is due from Superiours to inferiours 205 12 Duties of Kings and all the supreme power as Lawgivers ibid. 2 Duties of Superiours as they are Judges 209 5 Duties of Parents to their Children 210 Duty of Husbands Wives reciprocally 213 7 Duties of Masters of Families 215 Duty of Guardians or Tutors 216 Sect. 3. Of Negotiation or civil Contracts 217 13 Rules and measures of Justice in bargaining ibid. Sect. 4. Of Restitution 222 7 Rules of making Restitution as it concerns the persons obliged 224 9 As it concerns other circumstances 227 Prayers to be said in relation to the several obligations and offices of Justice 232 CHAP. IV. Of Christian religion 241 1. Of the internal actions of religion 242 Sect. 1. Of Faith 243 The 7 acts and offices of Faith ibid. 8 Signes of true Faith 245 8 Means and instruments to obtain Faith 248 Sect. 2. Of Christian Hope 250 The 5 acts of Hope 251 5 Rules to govern our Hope 252 12 Means of Hope and Remedies against Despair 254 Sect. 3. Of Charity or the Love of God 261 The 8 acts of Love to God 263 The 3 measures rules of Divine Love 266 6 Helps to encrease our Love to God by way of exercise The 2 several states of Love to God 271 viz. The state of Obedience ibid. The state of Zeal 272 8 Cautions and rules concerning zeal ibid. 2 Of the external actions of Religion 275 Sect 4. Of Reading or Hearing the Word of God 276 5 General considerations concerning it 278 5 Rules for hearing or reading the Word 279 4 Rules for reading spiritual Books or hearing Sermons 280 Sect. 5. Of Fasting 282 15 Rules for Christian fasting ibid. Benefits of Fasting 289 Sect. 6. Of keeping Festivals and daies holy to the Lord particularly the Lords day ibid. 10 Rules for keeping the Lords day and other Christian Festivals 292 3. Of the mixt actions of Religion 297 Sect 7. Of Prayer 297 1 Motives to Prayer 298 16 Rules for the practise of Prayer 300 6 Cautions for making vows 309 7 Remed against wandring thoughts c. 311 10 Signes of tediousness of Spirit in our prayers and all actions of Religion 313 11 Remedies against tediousness of Spirit 314 Sect. 8. Of Alms. 319 The 18 several kindes of corporal Alms. 321 The 14 several kinds of spiritual Alms. 322 The 5 several kinds of mixt Alms. ibid. 16 Rules for giving Alms. 323 13 Motives to Charity 332 Remedies against the parents of unmercifulness 335 1.9 Against Envy by way of consideration ib. 3.12 Remedies against anger by way of exercise 13 Remed against anger by way of consid 341 7 Remedies against Covetousness 344 Sect. 9. Of Repentance 352 11 Acts and parts of Repentance 355 4 Motives to Repentance 364 Sect. 10. Of Preparation to and the manner how to receive the Sacram. of the Lords Supper 367 14 Rules for preparation and worthy Communicating 370 The effects and benefits of worthy c. 375 Prayers for all sorts of men c. 381 The Rule and Exercises of HOLY LIVING c. CHAP. I. Consideration of the general instruments and means serving to a holy Life by way of Introduction IT is necessary that every Man should consider that since God hath given him an excellent nature wisdom and choice an understanding soul and an immortal spirit having made him Lord over the Beasts and but a little lower then the
in mind and will to dye for the testimony of Jesus and to suffer any affliction or calamity that shall offer to hinder my duty or tempt me to shame or sin or apostasie and let my faith be the parent of a good life a strong shield to repell the fiery darts of the Devil and the Author of a holy hope of modest desires of confidence in God and of a never failing charity to thee my God and to all the world that I may never have my portion with the unbelievers or uncharitable and desperate persons but may be supported by the strengths of faith in all temptations and may be refreshed with the comforts of a holy hope in all my sorrows and may bear the burden of the Lord and the infirmities of my neighbour by the support of charity that the yoak of Jesus may become easie to me and my love may do all the miracles of grace till from grace it swell to glory from earth to heaven from duty to reward from the imperfections of a beginning and little growing love it may arrive to the consummation of an enternall never ceasing charity through Jesus Christ the Son of thy love the Anchor of our hope and the Author and finisher of our faith to whom with thee O Lord God Father of Heaven and Earth and with thy holy Spirit be all glory and love and obedience and dominion now and for ever Amen Acts of love by way of prayer and ejaculation to be used in private O God thou art my God ea●ly will I seek thee my soul t●i●ste●h for thee my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land where no water is to see thy power and thy glory so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary because thy loving kindness is better then life my lips shall praise thee Psal. 63. I am ready not only to be bound but to dye for the name of the Lord Jesus Acts. 23. How amiable are thy tabernacles thou Lord of Hosts my soul longeth yea even fainteth for the courts of the Lord my heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God Blessed are they that dwell in thy house they will still be praising thee Psal. 84. O blessed Jesu thou art worthy of all adoration and all honour and all love Thou art the Wonderfull the Counsellor the mighty God the Everlasting Father the Prince of peace of thy goverment and peace there shall be no end thou art the brightness of thy Fathers glory the express image of his person the appointed Heir of all things Thou upholdest all things by the word of thy power Thou didst by thy self purg our sins Thou art set on the right hand of the Majesty on high Thou art made better then the Angels thou hast by inheritance obtained a more excellent name then they Thou O dearest Jesus art the head of the Church the beginning and the first-born from the 〈◊〉 in all things thou hast the preheminence and it pleased the Father that in thee should all fulness dwell Kingdomes are in love with thee Kings lay their Crowns and Scepters at thy feet and Queens are thy handmaids and wash the feet of thy servants A Prayer to be said in any affliction as death of children of husband or wife in great poverty in imprisonment in a sad and disconsolate spirit and in temptations to despair O Eternall God Father of Mercies and God of all comfort with much mercy look upon the sadnesses and sorrows of thy servant My sins lye heavy upon me and press me sore and there is no health in my bones by reason of thy displeasure and my sin The waters are gone over me and I stick fast in the deep mire and my miseries are without comfort because they are punishments of my sin and I am so evill and unworthy a person that though I have great desires yet I have no dispositions or worthiness towards receiving comfort My sins have caused my sorrow and my sorrow does not cure my sins and unless for thy own sake and meerly because thou art good thou shalt pity me and relieve me I am as much without remedy as now I am without comfort Lord pity me Lord let thy grace refresh my spirit Let thy comforts support me thy mercy pardon me and never let my portion be amongst hopeless and accursed spirits for thou art good and gracious and I throw my self upon thy mercy Let me never let my hold go and do thou with me what seems good in thy own eyes I cannot suffer more then I have deserved and yet I can need no relief so great as thy mercy is for thou art infinitely more mercifull then I can be miserable and thy mercy which is above all thy own works must needs be far above all my sin and al my misery Dearest Jesus let me trust in thee for ever and let me never be confounded Amen Ejaculations and ●ort meditations to be used in time of sickness and sorrow or danger of Death HEar my Prayer O Lord and let my crying come unto thee * Hide not thy face from me in the time of my trouble incline thine ear unto me when I call O ●e●r me that right soon For my dayes are consumed like smoak and my bones are burnt up as it were a fire brand My heart is smitten down and withered like grass so that I forget to eat my bread and that because of t●ine indignation and wrath for thou hast taken me up and cast me down * Thine arrows stick fast in me and thy hand presseth me sore There is ●o health in my flesh because of thy displeasure neither is there any rest in my bon●s by reason of my sin * My wicked esses are gone over my head and are a sore burden too heavy for me to bear But I will confess my wickedness and be sorry for my sin O Lord rebuke me not in thy indignation neither chasten me in thy displeasure Lord be mercifull unto me heal my soul for I have sinned against thee Have mercy upon me O God after thy great goodness according to the multitude of thy mercies do away mine offences O remember not the sins and offences of my youth but according to thy mercy think thou upon me O Lord for thy goodness * Wash me thoroughly from my wickedness and cleanse me from my sin * Make me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within me * Cast me not away from thy presence from thy all-hallowing and life-giving presence and take not thy holy Spirit thy sanctifying thy guiding thy comforting thy supporting and confirming Spirit from me O God thou art my God for ever and ever thou shalt be my guide unto death * Lord comfort me now that I lye sick upon my bed make thou my bed in all my sickness * O deliver my soul from the place of Hell and do thou receive me * My heart is disquieted within me and the fear of death is
Holy Living In which are described The Means and Instruments of obtaining every Virtue and the Remedies against every Vice and Considerations serving to the resisting all Temptations Together with PRAYERS containing the whole duty of a Christian and the parts of Devotion fitted to all Occasians and furnished for all Necessities By JER TAYLOR D. D. The 5 th Edition corrected With Additionals LONDON Printed for Richard Royston at the Angel in Ivie-lane 1656. TO THE Right Honourable and truly Noble RICHARD Lord VAUGHAN Earl of Carbery Knight of the honourable Order of the Bath My Lord I Have lived to see Religion painted upon Banners and thrust out of Churches and the Temple turned into a Tabernacle and that Tabernacle made ambulatory and covered with skins of Beasts and torn Curtains and God to be worshipped not as he is the Father of our Lord Jesus an afflicted Prince the King of sufferings nor as the God of peace which two appellatives God newly took upon him in the New Testament and glories in for ever but he is owned now rather as the Lord of Hosts which title he was pleased to lay aside when the Kingdome of the Gospel was preached by the Prince of peace But when Religion puts on Armor and God is not acknowledged by his New Testament titles Religion may have in it the power of the Sword but not the power of Godliness and we may complain of this to God and amongst them that are afflicted but we have no remedy but what we must expect from the fellowship of ●hrists sufferings and the returns of the God of peace In the mean time and now that Religion pretends to stranger actions upon new principles and men are apt to preferre a prosperous errour before an afflicted truth and some will think they are religious enough if their worshipings have in them the prevailing ingredient and the Ministers of Religion are so scattered that they cannot unite to stop the inundation and from Chairs or Pulpi●s from their Synods or Tribunals chastise the iniquity of the errour and the ambition of evil Guides and the infidelity of the willingly seduced multitude and that those few good people who have no other plot in their religion but to serve God and save their souls doe want such assistances of ghostly counsel as may serve their emergent needs and assist their endeavours in the acquist of virtues and relieve their dangers when they are tempted to sinne and death I thought I had reasons enough inviting me to draw into one body those advices which the severall necessities of many men must use at some time or other and many of them daily that by a collection of holy precepts they might lesse feel the want of personall and attending Guides and that the Rules for conduct of souls might be committed to a Book which they might alwaies have since they could not alwaies have a Prophet at their needs nor be suffered to go up to the house of the Lord to inquire of the appointed Oracles I know my Lord that there are some interested persons who adde scorn to the afflictions of the Church of England and because she is afflicted by Men call her forsaken of the Lord and because her solemn Assemblies are scattered think that the Religion is lost and the Church divorc'd from God supposing Christ who was a Man of sorrows to be angry with his Spouse when she is like him for that 's the true state of the Errour and that he who promised his Spirit to assist his servants in their troubles will because they are in trouble take away the Comforter from them who cannot be a comforter but while he cures our sadnesses and relieves our sorrows and turns our persecutions into joyes and Crowns and Scepters But concerning the present state of the Church of England I consider that because we now want the blessings of external communion in many degrees and the circumstances of a prosperous unafflicted people we are to take estimate of our selves with single judgments every man is to give sentence concerning the state of his own soul by the precepts and rules of our Law-giver not by the after-decrees and usages of the Church that is by the essential parts of Religion rather then by the uncertain significations of any exteriour adherencies for though it be uncertain when a Man is the Member of a Church whether he be a Member to Christ or no because in the Churches Net there are fishes good and bad yet we may be sure that if we be members of Christ we are of a Church of all purposes of spiritual religion and salvation and in order to this give me leave to speak this great truth That Man does certainly belong to God who 1 Believes and is baptized into all the Articles of the Christian faith and studies to improve his knowledge in the matters of God so as may best make him to live a holy life 2 He that in obedience to Christ worships God diligently frequently and constantly with naturall Religion that is of prayer praises and thanksgiving 3 He that takes all opportunities to remember Christs death by a frequent Sacrament as it can be had or else by inward acts of understanding will and memory which is the spiritual communion supplies the want of the external rite 4 He that lives chastly 5 And is merciful 6 And despises the World using it as a Man but never suffering it to rifle a duty 7 And is just in his dealing and diligent in his calling 8 He that is humble in his spirit 9 And obedient to Government 10 And content in his fortune and imployment 11 He that does his duty because he loves God 12 And especially if after all this he be afflicted and patient or prepared to suffer affliction for the cause of God The Man that have these twelve signes of grace and predestination does as certainly belong to God and is his Son as surely as he is his creature And if my brethren in persecution and in the bands of the Lord Jesus can truly shew these marks they shall not need be troubled that others can shew a prosperous outside great revenues publick assemblie uninterrupted successions of Bishops prevailing Armies or any arm of flesh or lesse certain circumstance These are the marks of the Lord Jesus and the characters of a Christian This is a good Religion and these things Gods grace hath put into our powers and Gods Laws have made to be our duty and the nature of Men and the needs of Common-wealths have made to be necessary the other accidents and pomps of a Church are things without our power and are not in our choice they are good to be used when they may be had and they help to illustrate or advantage it but if any of them constitute a Church in the being of a society and a Government yet they are not of its constitution as it is Christian and hopes to be saved And now the
Angels he hath also appointed for him a work and a service great enough to imploy those abilities and hath also designed him to a state of life after this to which he can only arrive by that service and obedience And therefore as every man is wholly Gods own portion by the title of creation so all our labours and care all our powers and faculties must be wholly imployed in the service of God even all the daies of our life that this life being ended we may live with him for ever Neither is it sufficient that we think of the service of God as a work of the least necessity or of small imployment but that it be done by us as God intended it that it be done with great earnestness and passion with much zeal and desire that we refuse no labour that we bestow upon it much time that we use the best guides and arrive at the end of glory by all the waies of grace of prudence and religion And indeed if we consider how much of our lives is taken up by the needs of nature how many years are wholly spent before we come to any use o● reason how many years more before that reason is useful to us to any great purposes how imperfect our discourse is made by our evil education false principles ill company bad examples and want of experience how many parts of our wisest and best years are spent in eating and sleeping in necessary businesses and unnecessary vanities in wordly civilities and lesse useful circumstances in the learning arts and sciences languages or trades that little portion of hours that is left for the practises of piety and religious walking with God is so short and trifling that were not the goodness of God infinitely great it might seem unreasonable or impossible for us to expect of him eternal joyes in heaven even after the well spending those few minutes which are left for God and Gods service after we have served our selves and our own occasions And yet it is considerable that the fruit which comes from the many daies of recreation and vanity is very little and although we scatter much yet we gather but little profit but from the few hours we spend in prayer and the exercises of a pious life the returne is great and profitable and what we sowe in the minutes and spare portions of a few years grows up to crowns and scepters in a happy and a glorious eternity 1. Therefore although it cannot be enjoyn'd that the greatest part of our time be spent in the direct actions of devotion and religion yet it will become not only a duty but also a great providence to lay aside for the services of God and the businesses of the Spirit as much as we can because God rewards our minutes with long and eternal happiness and the greater portion of our time we give to God the more we treasure up for our selves and No man is a better Merchant then be that layes out his time upon God and his money upon the Poor 2. Only it becomes us to remember and to adore Gods goodness for it that God hath not only permitted us to serve the necessities of our nature but hath made them to become parts of our duty that if we by directing these actions to the glory of God intend them as instruments to continue our persons in his service he by adopting them into religion may turne our nature into grace 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Arria●n Epict. l. 1. c. 13. and accept our natural actions as actions of religion God is pleased to esteem it for a part of his service if we eat or drink so it be done done temperately and as may best preserve our health that our health may enable our services towards him And there is no one minute of our lives after we are come to the use of reason but we are or may be doing the work of God even then when we most of all serve our selves 3. To which if we adde that in these and all other actions of our lives we alwaies stand before God acting and speaking and thinking in his presence and that it matters not that our conscience is seal'd with secresie since it lies open to God it will concern us to behave our selves carefully as in the presence of our Judge These three considerations rightly manag'd applied to the several parts and instances of our lives will be like Elisha stretched upon the childe apt to put life and quickness into every part of it and to make us live the life of grace and doe the work of God I shall therefore by way of introduction reduce these three to practise and shew how every Christian may improve all and each of these to the advantage of piety in the whole course of his life that if he please to bear but one of them upon his spirit he may feel the benefit like an universal instrument helpful in all spiritual and temporal actions SECT I. The first general instrument of holy living Care of our time HE that is choice of his time will also be choice of his company and choice of his actions lest the first ingage him in vanity and losle and the latter by being criminal be a throwing his time and himself away and a going back in the accounts of eternity God hath given to man a short time here upon earth and yet upon this short time eternity depends but so that for every hour of our life after we are persons capable of laws and know good from evil we must give account to the great Judge of Men and Angels And this is it which our blessed Saviour told us that we must account for every idle word not meaning that every word which is not designed to edification or is lesse prudent shall be reckoned for a sin but that the time which we spend in our idle talking and unprofitable discoursings that time which might and ought to have been imployed to spiritual and useful purposes that is to be accounted for For we must remember that we have a great work to doe many enemies to conquer many evils to prevent much danger to run through many difficulties to be mastered many necessities to serve and much good to doe many children to provide for or many friends to support o● many poor to relieve or many diseases to cure besides the needs of nature and of relation our private and our publick cares and duties of the world which necessity and the providence of God hath adopted into the family of Religion And that we need not fear this instrument to be a snare to us or that the duty must end in scruple vexation and eternal fears we must remember that the life of every man may be so ordered and indeed must that it may be a perpetual serving of God The greatest trouble and most busie trade and wordly incumbrances when they are necessary or charitable or profitable in order to any
the heart and the want of this consideration was declared to be the cause why Israel sinned so grievously For they say the Lord hath forsaken the earth and the Lord seeth not Ezek. 9 9. Psal. 10.11 therefore the land is full of blood and the city full of perversness What a child would doe in the eye of his Father and a Pupil before his Tutor and a Wife in the presence of her Husband and a Servant in the sight of his master let us alwaies doe the same for we are made a spectacle to God to Angels and to men we are alwaies in the sight and presence of the All-seeing and Almighty God who also is to us a Father and a Guardian a Husband and a Lord. Prayers and Devotions according to the religion and purposes of the foregoing Considerations I. For grace to spend our time well O Eternal God who from all eternity doest behold and love thy own glories and perfections infinite and hast created me to doe the work of God after the manner of men and to serve thee in this generation and according to my capacities give me thy grace that I may be a curious and prudent spender of my time so as I may best prevent or resist all temptation and be profitable to the Christian Common-wealth and by discharging all my duty may glorifie thy Name Take from me all slothfulness and give me a diligent and an active spirit and wisdom to choose my imployment that I may doe works proportionable to my person and to the dignity of a Christian and may fill up all the spaces of my time with actions of religion and charity that when the Devil assaults me he may not finde me idle and my dearest Lord at his sudden coming may finde me busie in lawful necessary and pious actions improving my talent intrusted to me by thee my Lord that I may enter into the joy of my Lord to partake of his eternal felicities even for thy mercy sake and for my dearest Saviours sake Amen ¶ Here follows the devotion of ordinary daies for the right imploiment of those portions of time which every day must allow for religion The first prayers in the Morning as s●●n as we are dressed ¶ Humbly and reverently compose your self with heart lift up to God and your head bowed and meekely kneeling upon your knees say the Lords Prayer after which use the following Collects or as many of them as you shall choose Our Father which art in Heaven c. I. An act of adoration being the song that the Angels sing in Heaven HOly Holy Holy Lord God Almighty which was and is and is to come Heaven and Earth Angels and Men the Aire and the Sea give glory and honour and thanks to him that sitteth on the throne who liveth for ever and ever Rev. 11.17 All the blessed spirits and souls of the righteous cast their crowns before the throne and worship him that liveth for ever and ever 5.10.13 Thou art worthy O Lord to receive glory and honour and power for thou hast created all things and for thy pleasure they are and were created Rev 15.3 Great and marvellous are thy works O Lord God Almighty Just and true are thy waies thou King of Saints Thy wisdome is infinite thy mercies are glorious and I am not worthy O Lord to appear in thy presence before whom the Angels hide their faces O Holy and eternal Jesus Lamb of God who wert slain from the beginning of the world thou hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every nation and hast made us unto our GOD Kings and priests and we shall reigne with thee for ever Blessing honour glory and power be unto him that sitteth on the throne and to the Lamb for ever and ever Amen II. An act of thanksgiving being the song of David for the Morning S●ng praises unto the Lord O ye saints of his and give thanks to him for a remembrance of his holiness For his wrath indureth but the twinkling of an eye and in his pleasure is life heaviness may indure for a night but joy cometh in the morning Thou Lord hast preserved me this night from the violence of the spirits of darkness from all sad casualties and evil accidents from the wrath which I have every day deserved thou hast brought my soul out of hell thou hast kept my life from them that go down into the pit thou hast shewed me marvellous great kindness and hast blessed me for ever the greatness of thy glory reacheth unto the heavens and thy truth unto the clouds Therefore shal every good man sing of thy praise without ceasing O my God I will give thanks unto thee for ever Allelu●ah III. An act of oblation or presenting our selves to God for the day MOst Holy and Eternal God Lord and Soveraigne of all the creatures I humbly present to thy divine Majesty my self my soul and body my thoughts and my words my actions and intentions my passions and my sufferings to be disposed by thee to thy glory to be blessed by thy providence to be guided by thy counsel to be sanctified by thy Spirit and afterwards that my body and soul may be received into glory for nothing can perish which is under thy custody and the enemy of souls cannot devour what is thy portion nor take it out of thy hands This day O Lord and all the daies of my life I dedicate to thy honour and the actions of my calling to the uses of grace and the religion of all my daies to be united 〈◊〉 the merits and intercession of my holy Saviour Jesus that in him and for him I may be pardoned and accepted Amen IV. An act of repentance or contrition FOr as for me I am not worthy to be called thy servant much lesse am I worthy to be thy son for I am the vilest of sinners and the worst of men a lover of the things of the world and a despiser of the things of God proud and envious lustful● and intemperate greedy of sin and impatient of reproof desirou● to seem holy and negligent of being so transported with interest fool'd with presumption and false principles disturbed with anger with a peevish and unmortified spirit and disordered by a whole body of sin and death Lord pardon all my sins for my sweetest Saviours sake thou who didst die for me Holy Jesus save me and deliver me reserve not my sinnes to be punished in the day of wrath and eternal vengeance but wash away my sins and blot them out of thy remembrance and purifie my soul with the waters of repentance and the blood of the crosse that for what is past thy wrath may not come out against me and for the time to come I may never provoke thee to anger or to jealousie O just and dear God be pitiful and gracious to thy servant Amen V. The Prayer or Petition BLesse me gracious God in my calling to such
against me but thy rod gently correct my follies and guide me in thy waies and thy staffe support me in all sufferings and changes Preserve me from fracture of bones from nois●me infectious and sharp sicknesses from great violences of Fortune and sudden surprises keep all my senses intire till the day of my death and let my death be neither sudden untimely nor unprovided let it be after the common manner of men having in it nothing extraordinary but an extraordinary piety and the manifestation of thy great and miraculous mercy IV. LEt no riches make me ever forget my self no poverty ever make me to forget thee Let no hope or fear no pleasure or pain no accident without no weakness within hinder or discompose my duty or turn me from the waies of thy Commandements O let thy spirit dwell with me for ever and make my soul just and charitable full o● honesty full of religion resolute and constant in holy purposes but inflexible to evil Make me humble and obedient peaceable and pious let me never envy any mans good nor deserve to be despised my self and if I be teach me to bear it with meekness and charity V. GIve me a tender conscience a conversation discreet and affable modest and patient liberal and obliging a body chaste and healthful compitency of living according to my condition contentedness in all estates a resigned will and mortified affections that I may be as thou wouldest have me and my portion may be in the lot of the righteous in the brightness of thy countenance and the glories of eternity Amen Holy is our God Holy is the Almighty * Holy is the immortal Holy holy holy Lord God of Sabaoth have mercy upon me A form of Prayer for the Evening to be said by such who have not time or opportunity to say the publick Prayers appointed for this office I. Evening Prayer O Eternal God Great Father of Men and Angels who hast established the Heavens and the Earth in a wonderful order making day and night to exceed each other I make my humble addresse to thy Divine Majestie begging of thee mercy and protection this night and ever O Lord pardon all my sins my light and rash words the vanity and impiety of my thoughts my unjust and uncharitable actions and whatsoever I have transgressed against thee this day or at any time before Behold O God my soul is troubled in the remembrance of my sins in the frailty and sinfulness of my flesh exposed to every temptation and of it self not able to resist any Lord God of mercy I earnestly beg of thee to give me a great portion of thy grace such as may be sufficient and effectual for the mortification of all my sins and vanities and disorders that as I have formerly served my lust and unworthy desires so now I may give my self up wholly to thy service and the studies of a holy life II. BLessed Lord teach me frequently and sadly to remember my sins and be thou pleased to remember them no more let me never forget thy mercies and doe thou still remember to doe me good Teach me to walk alwaies as in thy presence Ennoble my soule with great degrees of love to thee and consigne my spirit with great fear religion and veneration of thy holy Name and laws that it may become the great imployment of my whole life to serve thee to advance thy glory to root out all the accursed habits of sin that in holiness of life in humility in charity in chastity and all the ornaments of grace I may by patience wait for the coming of our Lord Jesus Amen III. TEach me O Lord to number my daies that I may apply my heart unto wisdom ever to remember my last end that I may not dare to sin against thee Let thy holy Angels be ever present with me to keep me in all my waies from the malice and violence of the spirits of darkness from evil company and the occasions and opportunities of evil from perishing in popular judgments from all the waies of sinfull shame from the hands of all mine enemies from a sinful life and from despair in the day of my death Then O brightest Jesu shine gloriously upon me let thy mercies and the light of thy countenance sustain me in all my agonies weaknesses and temptations Give me opportunity of a prudent and spiritual Guide and of receiving the holy Sacrament and let thy loving Spirit so guide me in the waies of peace and safety that with the testimony of a good conscience and the sense of thy mercies and refreshment I may depart this life in the unity of the Church in the love of God and a certain hope of salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord and most blessed Saviour Amen Our Father c. Another form of Evening Prayer which may also be used at bed-time Our Father c. Psal. 121. I Will lift up my eyes unto the hils from whence cometh my help My help cometh of the Lord which made heaven and earth He will not suffer thy foot to be moved he that keepeth thee will not slumber Behold he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep The Lord is thy keeper the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand The sun shall not smite thee by day neither the moon by night The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil he shall preserve thy soul. The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth for evermore Glory be to the Father c. I. VIsit I beseech thee O Lord this habitation with thy mercy and me with thy grace and salvation Let thy holy Angels pitch their tents round about and dwel here that no illusion of the night may abuse me the spirits of darkness may not come neer to hurt me no evil or sad accident oppresse me and let the eternall spirit of the father dwell in my soul and body filling every corner of my heart with light and grace Let no deed of darkness overtake me and thy blessing most blessed GOD be upon me for ever through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen II. INto thy hands most blessed Jesu I commend my soul and body for thou hast redeemed both with thy most precious blood So blesse and sanctifie my sleep unto me that it may be temperate holy and safe a refreshment to my wearied body to enable it so to serve my soul that both may serve thee with a never failing duty O let me never sleep in sin or death eternal but give me a watchfull and a prudent spirit that I may omit no opportunity of serving thee that whether I sleep or wake live or die I may be thy servant and thy childe that when the work of my life is done I may rest in the bosome of my Lord till by the voice of the Archangel the t●ump of God I shall be awakened and called to sit down and feast in the eternal supper of
which becometh women professing godliness with good works 9. As those meats are to be avoided which tempt our stomacks beyond our hunger so also should prudent persons decline all such spectacles relations Theatres loud noises and out-cries which concern us not and are besides our natural or moral interest Our senses should not like petulant and wanton Girles wander into Markets and Theatres without just imployment Oedipam curiositas in extremas cojecit calamitate● Plat but when they are sent abroad by reason return quickly with their errand and remain modestly at home under their guide till they be sent againe 10. Let all persons be curious in observing modesty toward themselves in the handsome treating their own body and such as are in their power whether living or dead Against this rule they offend who expose to others their own or pry into others nakedness beyond the limits of necessity where a leave is not made holy by a permission from God It is also said that God was pleased to work a miracle about the body of Epiphanius to reprove the immodest curiosity of an unconcerned person who pryed too neer when charitable people were composing it to the grave In all these cases and particulars although they seem little yet our duty and concernment is not little Concerning which I use the words of the Son of Sirach He that despiseth little things shall perish by little and little SECT VI. Of contentedness in all estates and accidents Virtues and Discourses are like Friends necessary in all fortunes but those are the best which are Friends in our sadnesses and support us in our sorrows and sad accidents and in this sense no man that is virtuous can be friendlesse nor hath any man reason to complain of the Divine Providence or accuse the publick disorder of things or his own infelicity since God hath appointed one remedy for all the evils in the World and that is a contented spirit For this alone makes a man passe through fire and not be scorched through Seas and not be drowned through hunger and nakedness and want nothing For since all the evil in the world consists in the disagreeing between the object and the appetite as when a man hath what he desires not or desires what he hath not or desires amisse he that composes his spirit to the present accident hath variety of instances for his virtue but none to trouble him because his desires enlarge not beyond his present fortune and a wise man is placed in the variety of chances like the Nave or Centre of a wheel in the midst of all the circumvolutions and changes of posture without violence or change save that it turns gently in complyance with its changed parts and is indifferent which part is up and which is down for there is some virtue or other to be exercised what ever happens either patience or thanksgiving love or fear moderation or humility charity or contentedness and they are every one of them equally in order to his great end and immortal felicity and beauty is not made by white or red by black eyes and a round face by a straight body and a smooth skin but by a proportion to the fancy No rules can make amability our mindes and apprehensions make that and so is our felicity and we may be reconciled to poverty a low fortune if we suffer contentedness and the grace of God to make the proportions For no man is poor that does not think himself so But if in a full fortune with impatience he desires more he proclaims his wants and his beggerly condition Nam facta tibi est si dissimules injuria But because this grace of contentedness was the sum of all the old moral Philosophy and a great duty in Christianity and of most universal use in the whole course of our lives and the only instrument to ease the burdens of the world and the enmities of sad chances it will not be amisse to presse it by the proper arguments by which God hath bound it upon our spirits it being fastned by Reason and Religion by duty and interest by necessity and conveniency by example and by the proposition of excellent rewards no lesse then peace and felicity 1. Contentedness in all estates is a duty of Religion it is the great reasonableness of complying with the Divine providence which governs all the World and hath so ordered us in the administration of his great Family He were a strange fool that should be angry because Dogs and sheep need no shoes and yet himself is full of care to get some God hath supplied those needs to them by natural provisions and to thee by an artificial for he hath given thee reason to learn a trade or some meanes to make or buy them so that it onely differs in the manner of our provision and which had you rather want shoes or reason And my Patron that hath given me a Farm is freer to me then if he gives a loaf ready baked But however all these gifts come from him and therefore it is fit he should dispence them as he please and if we murmure here we may at the next melancholy be troubled that God did not make us to be Angels or Stars For if that which we are or have doe not content us we may be troubled for every thing in the World which is besides our being or our possessions God is the Master of the Scenes we must not choose which part we shall act it concerns us only to be careful that we doe it well 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 alwaies saying If this please God let it be as it is and we who pray that Gods will may be done in Earth as it is in Heaven must remember that the Angels doe whatsoever is commanded them and go where ever they are sent and refuse no circumstances and if their imployment be crossed by a higher decree ●an 14.13 they sit down in peace and rejoice in the event and when the Angel of Judea could not prevail in behalf of the people committed to his charge because the Angel of Persia opposed it he only told the story at the command of God and was as content and worshipped with as great an extasie in his proportion as the prevailing Spirit Do● thou so likewise keep the station where God hath placed you and you shall never long for things without but sit at home feasting upon the Divine Providence and thy own reason by which we are taught that it is necessary and reasonable to submit to God For is not all the World Gods family Are not we his creatures Are we not as clay in the hand of the Potter Doe we not live upon his meat and move by his strength and doe our work by his light Are we any thing but what we are from him and shall there be a mutiny among the flocks and herds because their Lord or their Shepherd chooses their pastures and
of the family should fear the Father would give meat to the chickens and the servants his sheep and his dogs but give none to them He were a very ill Father that should doe so or he were a very foolish son that should think so of a good Father * But besides the reasonableness of this faith and this hope we have infinite experience of it How innocent how careless how secure is Infancy and yet how certainly provided for we have lived at Gods charges all the daies of our life and have as the Italian Proverb saies set down to meat at the sound of a bell and hitherto he hath not failed us we have no reason to suspect him for the future we doe not use to serve men so and lesse time of tryal creates great confidences in us towards them who for twenty years together never broke their word with us and God hath so ordered i● that a man shall have had the experience of many years provision before he shall understand how to doubt that he may be provided for an answer against the temptation shall come and the mercies felt in his childehood may make him fear lesse when he is a man * Adde to this that God hath given us his holy Spirit he hath promised Heaven to us he hath given us his Son and we are taught from Scripture to make this inference from hence How should not he with him give us all things else The Charge of many Children We have a title to be provided for as we are Gods creatures another title as we are his Children another because God hath promised and every of our children hath the same title and therefore it is a huge folly and infidelity to be troubled and full of care because we have many children Every childe we have to feed is a new revenue a new title to Gods care and providence so that many children are a great wealth and if it be said they are chargeable it is no more then all wealth and great revenues are For what difference is it Titius keeps ten ploughs Cornelia hath ten children He hath land enough to imploy and to feed all his hindes she blessings and promises and the provisions and the truth of God to maintain all her children His hindes and horses eat up all his corn and her children are sufficiently maintained with her little They bring in and eat up and she indeed eats up but they also bring in from the store-houses of heaven and the granaries of God and my children are not so much mine as they are Gods he feeds them in the womb by waies secret and insensible and would not work a perpetual miracle to bring them forth and then to starve them Violent necessities But some men are highly tempted and are brought to a straight that without a miracle they cannot be relieved what shall they doe It may be their pride or vanity hath brought the necessity upon them and it is not a need of Gods making and if it be not they must cure it themselves by lessening their desires and moderating their appetites and yet if it be innocent though unnecessary God does usually relieve such necessities and he does not only upon our prayers grant us more then he promised of temporall things but also he gives many times more then we ask This is no object for our faith but ground enough for a temporal and prudent hope and if we fail in the particular God will turn it to a bigger mercy if we submit to his dispensation and adore him in the denial But if it be a matter of necessity let not any man by way of impatience crie out that God will not work a miracle for God by miracle did give meat and drink to his people in the wilderness of which he had made no particular promise in any Covenant and if all natural means fail it is certain that God will rather work a miracle then break his word He can doe that He cannot doe this Only we must remember that our portion of temporal things is but food and ralment God hath not promised us coaches and horses rich houses and jewels Tyrian silks and Persian carpets neither hath he promised to minister to our needs in such circumstances as we shall appoint but such as himself shall choose God will enable either thee to pay thy debt if thou beggest it of him or else he will pay it for thee that is take thy desire as a discharge of thy duty and Pay it to thy Creditor in blessings or in some secret of his providence It may be he hath laid up in the corn that shall feed thee in the granary of thy Brother or will clothe thee with his wool he enabled Saint Peter to pay his Gabel by the ministery of a fish and Elias to be waited on by a crow who has both his minister and his steward for provisions and his Holy Son rode in triumph upon an asse that grazed in another mans postures And if God gives to him the dominion reserves the use to thee thou hast the better half of the two but the charitable man serves God and serves thy need and both joyn to provide for thee and God blesses both But if he takes away the flesh-pots from thee he can also alter the appetite and he hath given thee power and commandment to restrain it and if he lessens the revenue he will also shrink the necessity or if he gives but a very little he will make it go a great way or if he sends thee but course diet he will blesse it and make it healthful and can cure all the anguish of thy poverty by giving thee patience and the grace of contentedness For the grace of God secures you of provisions and yet the grace of God feeds and supports the spirit in the want of provisions and if a thin table be apt to enfeeble the spirits of one used to feed better yet the cheerfulness of a spirit that is blessed will make a thin table become a delicacy if the man was as well taught as he was fed and learned his duty when he received the blessing Poverty therefore is in some senses eligible and to be preferred before riches but in all senses it is very tolerable Death of Children or nearest Relatives and Friends There are some persons who have been noted for excellent in their lives and passions rarely innocent and yet hugely penitent for indiscretions and harmless infirmities such as was Paulina one of the ghostly children of S. Hierom and yet when any of her children died she was arrested with a sorrow so great as brought her to the margent of her grave And the more tender our spirts are made by Religion the more easie we are to let in grief if the cause be innocent and be but in any sense twisted with piety and due affections * To cure which we may consider that all the world must die and therefore to be
restraint and penalty of Laws and although they are superiour to the people yet they are not superiour to their own voluntary concessions and ingagements their promises and Oathes when once they are passed from them The duty of Superiours as they are Judges 1. Princes in judgment and their Delegate Judges must judge the causes of all persons uprightly and impartially without any personal consideration of the power of the mighty or the bribe of the rich or the needs of the poor For although the poor must fare no worse for his poverty yet in justice he must fare no better for it And although the rich must be no more regarded yet he must not be lesse And to this purpose the Tutor of Cyrus instructed him when in a controversie where a great Boy would have taken a large Coat from a little Boy because his own was too little for him and the others was too big he adjudged the great Coat to the great Boy his Tutor answered Sir If you were made a Judge of decency or witness you had judged well in giving the biggest to the biggest but when you were appointed Judge not whom the Coat did fit but whose it was you should have considered the title and the possession who did the violence and who made it or who bought it And so it must be in judgments between the Rich and the Poor it is not to be considered what the poor Man needs but what is his own 2. A Prince may not much lesse may inferiour Judges deny justice when it is legally and competently demanded and if the Prince will use his Prerogative in pardoning an offender against whom justice is required he must be careful to give satisfaction to the injured person or his Relatives by some other instrument and be watchful to take away the scandal that is lest such indulgence might make persons more bold to doe injury and if he spares the life let him change the punishment into that which may make the offender if not suffer justice yet doe justice and more real advantage to the injured person These Rules concern Princes and their Delegates in the making or administring Laws in the appointing rules of justice and doing acts of judgment The duty of parents to their Children and Nephews is briefly described by S. Paul The duty of Parents to their Children Ephes. 6.4 1. Fathers provoke not your Children to wrath that is be tender boweld pitiful and gentle complying with all the infirmities of the Children and in their several ages proportioning to them several usages according to their needs and their capacities 2. Bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord that is secure their religion season their younger years with prudent and pious principles make them in love with virtue and make them habitually so before they come to choose or to discern good from evil that their choice may be with lesse difficulty and danger For while they are under discipline they suck in all that they are first taught and believe it infinitely Provide for them wise learned and virtuous Tutors P●ti●r mihi ratio viven●● honestè quàm ut optimè dicendi vider●tu● Quintil. lib. 1. cap. 2. and good company and discipline * Heb. 1● 9. Crates apud Plutarch de libe● educand 1 Tim. 5.4 seasonable baptism catechism and confirmation For it is a great folly to heap up much wealth for our Children and not to take care concerning the Children for whom we get it It is as if a man should take more care about his shooe then about his foot 3. Parents must shew piety at home that is they must give good example and reverent deportment in the face of their children and all those instances of charity which usually endear each other sweetness of conversation affability frequent admonition all significations of love and tenderness care and watchfulness must be expressed towards Children that they may look upon their Parents as their friends and patrons their defence and sanctuary their treasure and their Guide Hither is to be reduced the nursing of Children which is the first and most natural and necessary instance of piety which Mothers can shew to their Babes a duty from which nothing will excuse but a disability sickness danger or publick necessity 1 Tim. 5. ● 4. Parents must provide for their own according to their condition education and imployment called by S. Paul a laying up for the Children that is an enabling them by competent portions or good trades arts or learning to defend themselves against the chances of the world that they may not be exposed to temptation to beggery or unworthy arts and although this must be done without covetousness without impatient and greedy desires of making them rich yet it must be done with much care and great affection with all reasonable provision and according to our power and if we can without sin improve our estates for them that also is part of the duty we owe to God for them and this rule is to extend to all that descend from us although we have been overtaken in a fault and have unlawful issue they also become part of our care yet so as not to injure the production of the lawful bed 5. This duty is to extend to a provision of conditions and an estate of life (a) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Eurip. E●ectr Me tibi Tyndareus vità graevis auctor annis Tradidit arbitrium n●p●●s habei●t avus Ovid in ●pist pro Hermione Parents must according to their power and reason provide Husbands or Wives for their Children (b) Li●●ri sine consensu parentum contrahe●e n●n debent A●dremacha apud Euripidem cia● pe●●ta f●●t ad nuptias respondi● pat●is su● esse sponsal●um suc●um curam habere Achilles apud Homerum Regis fil●●m sine patris su● consensu noluit d● cere H. ● H 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Et Justinianus Imp. ait naturali simul civili rationè congruere ne filii ducant u●o es citra Parentum authoritatem Simo Teren●●anus parat abdicati●nem q●●a Pamphilus c●am ipso duxisset uxorem Is●●●smodi sponsalia fiunt i●rita nisi velint parentes At si sid s●quuta est copula nè temere rescindantur connubia multae suadent ca●tiones pericula L●beri autem quamdiu secundum leges patrias su●●u is non sunt clandestinas nuptias si meant peccant centra quin●um praeceptum jus natura●e Secundarium Propriè n● loquendo Parentes n●n habent 〈◊〉 fi●e potestat●m sed authoritatem g. hab●nt jus jubendi aut prehi●endi sed non irrit●m faciendi Atque etiam isla authoritas e● ercenda est secundum aequ●m bonum seil ut nè moro●us diffic●●● sit Pater Ma●er●n vix habet aliquod Ju●is praeter suasi●nes amoris g●atitudinis Si c. Pater filiam non collocasset ante ●5 annos ●●●ta nube ●poterat cu● voluerat
ex Ju●e Rom●norum Patrum n. authoritas maj●r aut m●n●r est ex legibus p●tru● sole● extendi ad c●●tam aetatem t●m expir●t qu●●d Ma●●●moni●m est major in filias quàm filios Num 30 34. In which they must secure piety and (c) Eosdem qu●● maritus nesse deos col●re selos uxor debet supervacan●i● a. re●igionibus ali●nis supersi●i●●nibu● f●●es ●ccludere Nulli enim D●i●m g●ata sunt sacra quae multer ●●an●u um furtim ●acit Plutarch Conjug praecept Gen. 24. Vecemu● pu●dam quaeramu● a● ej●● Religion and the affection and love of the interested persons and after these let them make what provisions they can for other conveniences or advantages Ever remembring that they can doe no injury more afflictive to the children then to joyn them with cords of a disagreeing affection it is like tying a Wolf and a Lamb or planting the vine in a Garden of Coleworts Let them be perswaded with reasonable inducements to make them willing and to choose according to the parents wish but at no hand let them be forced Better to sit up all night then to go to bed with a Dragon The duty of Husbands c. See Chap. 2. Sect. 3. Rules for married persons 1. Husbands must give to their Wives love maintenance duty and the sweetnesses 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Odyss ● of conversation and Wives * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Menand 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Homer must pay to them all they have or can with the interest of obedience and reverence and they must be complicated in affections and interest that there be no distinction between them of Mine and thine And if the title be the mans or the womans yet the use must be cōmon only the wisdom of the man is to regulate all extravagācies and indiscretions in other things no question is to be made and their goods should be as their children not to be divided but of one possession and provision whatsoever is otherwise is not marriage but marchandise And upon this ground I suppose it was that S. Basil commended that woman 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 who took part of her Husbands goods to doe good works withall for supposing him to be unwilling and that the worke was his duty or hers alone or both theirs in conjunction or of great advantage to either of their souls and no violence to the support of their families she hath right to all that And Abigail of her own right made a costly present to David when her husband Nabal had refused it The Husband must (a) Laetum esse debet officiosum mariti imperium Plut. Namque es ei Paeter frater venerandáque Mater nec minus sacit ad dignitatem viri si mulier eum suum Praeceptorem Philosophum Magistrúmque appellet Plutarch rule over his Wife as the soul does over the body obnoxious to the same sufferings and bound by the same affections and doing or suffering by the permissions and interest of each other that as the old Philosopher said as the humours of the body are mingled with each other in the whole substances so marriage may be a mixture of interests of bodies of minds of friends a conjunction (a) Convillio est quasi quaedam intentio benevolentiae of the whole life and the noblest of friendships But if after all the fair deportments and innocent chast complyances the Husbands be morose and ungentle let the (b) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Inferior Matrona suo sit Sexte Marito Non al●ter fiunt fae●●●a ●irque pares Matt. Wife discourse thus If while I doe my duty my Husband neglects me what will he doe if I neglect him And if she thinks to be separated by reason of her Husbands unchast life let her consider that then the man will be uncurably ruined and her Rivals could wish nothing more then that they might possesse him alone The duty of Masters of Families 1. The same care is to extend to all of our family in their proportions as to our Children for as by S. Pauls oeconomie the Heir differs nothing from a servant while he is in minority so a servant should differ nothing from a childe in the substantial part of the care and the difference is only in degrees Servants and Masters are of the same kindered of the same nature and heirs of the same promises and therefore * 1. must be provided of necessaries for their support and maintenance 2. They must be used with mercy 3. Their work must be tolerable and merciful 4. Their restraints must be can so it be without violence and 2. when you contract on equal terms with persons in all senses as to the matter and skill of bargaining equal to your self that is Merchants with Merchants wise men with wise men rich with rich and 3 when there is no deceit and no necessity and no Monopoly For in these cases viz when the contractors are equal and no advantage on either side both parties are voluntary and therefore there can be no injustice or wrong to either But then add also this consideration that the publick be not oppressed by unreasonable and unjust rates for which the following rules are the best measure 4. Let your prices be according to that measure of good and evil which is established in the fame and common accounts of the wisest and most merciful Men skilled in that manufacture or commodity and the gain such which without scandal is allowed to persons in all the same circumstances 5. Let no prices be heightned by the necessity or unskilfulness of the Contractor for the first is direct uncharitableness to the person and injustice in the thing because the Mans necessity could not naturally enter into the consideration of the value of the commodity and the other is deceit and oppression much lesse must any Man make necessities as by ingrossing a commodity by monopoly by det●ining corn or the like indirect arts for such persons are unjust to all single persons with whom in such cases they contract and oppressors of the publick 6. In entercourse with others doe not doe all which you may lawfully doe but keep something within thy power and because there is a latitude of gain in buying and selling take not thou the utmost peny that is lawfull or which thou thinkest so for although it be lawful yet it is not safe and he that gains all that he can gain lawfully this year possibly next year will be tempted to gain something unlawfully 7. He that sels dearer by reason he sells not for ready money must increase his price no higher then to make himself recompence for the losse which according to the Rules of trade he susteined by
Laws of Religion and the Common-wealth O Lord I am but an infirm man and know not how to decree certain sentences without erring in judgment but doe thou give to thy servant an understanding heart to judge this people that I may discern between good and evil Cause me to walk before thee and all the people in truth and righteousness and in sincerity of heart that I may not regard the person of the mighty nor be afraid of his terrour nor despise the person of the poor and reject his petition but that doing justice to all men I and my people may receive mercy of thee peace and plenty in our daies and mutual love duty and correspondence that there be no leading into captivity no complaining in our streets but we may see the Church in prosperity all our daies and religion established and increasing Doe thou establish the house of thy servant and bring me to a participation of the glories of thy kingdom for his sake who is my Lord and King the holy and ever blessed Saviour of the world our Redeemer Jesus Amen A Prayer to be said by Parents for their Children O Almighty and most merciful Father who hast p●omised children as a reward to the righteous 〈◊〉 hast given them to me as a testimony of thy mercy and an ingagement of my duty be pleased to be a Father unto them give them healthful bodies understanding souls and sanctified spirits that they may be thy servants and thy children all their daies Let a great mercy and providence lead them through the dangers and temptations and ignorances of their youth that they may never run into folly and the evils of an unbridled appetite So order the accidents of their liv●s that by good education careful Tutors holy example innocent company prudent counsel and thy restraining grace their duty to thee may be secured in the midst of a crooked and untoward generation and if it seem good in thy eyes let me be enabled to provide conveniently for the support of their persons that they may not be destitute and miserable in my death or if thou shalt call me off from this World by a more timely summons let their portion be thy care mercy and providence over their bodies and souls and may they never live vitious lives nor die violent or untimely deaths but let them glorifie thee here with a free obedience and the duties of a whole life that when they have served thee in their generations and have profited the Christian Common-wealth they may be coheirs with Jesus in the glories of thy eternal Kingdom through the same our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen A prayer to be said by Masters of Families Curats Tutors or other obliged persons for their charger O Almighty God merciful and gracious have mercy upon my Family or Pupils or Parishioners c. and all committed to my charge sanctifie them with thy grace preserve them with thy providence guard them from all evil by the custody of Angels direct them in the waies of peace and holy Religion by my Ministery and the conduct of thy most holy Spirit and consigne them all with the participation of thy blessings and graces in this World with healthful bodies with good understandings and sanctified spirits to a full fruition of thy glories hereafter through Jesus Christ our Lord. A Prayer to be said by Merchants Tradesmen and Handicrafts men O Eternal God thou Fountain of justice mercy and benediction who by my education and other effects of thy Providence hast called me to this profession that by my industry I may in my small proportion work together for the good of my self and others I humbly beg thy grace to gu●de me in my intention and in the transaction of my affairs that I may be diligent just and faithful and give me thy favour that this my labour may be accepted by thee as a part of my necessary duty and give me thy blessing to assist and prosper me in my Calling to such measures as thou shalt in mercy choose for me and be pleased to let thy holy Spirit be for ever present with me that I may never be given to covetousness and sordid appetites to lying and falshood or any other base indirect and beggerly arts but give me prudence honesty and Christian since●ity that my trade may be sanctified by my Religion my labour by my intention and thy blessing that when I have done my portion of work thou hast ●llotted me and improved the talent thou hast instrusted to me and served the Common-wealth in my capacity I may receive the mighty price of my high calling which I expect and beg in the portion and inheritance of the ever blessed Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Amen A Prayer to be said by Debtors and all persons obliged whether by crime or contract O Almighty God who art rich unto all the treasurie and fountain of all good of all justice and all mercy and all bounty to whom we owe all that we are and all that we have being thy Debtors by reason of our sins and by thy own gracious contract made with us in Jesus Christ teach me in the first place to perform all my Obligations to thee both of duty and thankfulness and next enable me to pay my duty to all my friends and my debts to all my Creditors that none be made miserable or lessened in his estate by his kindness to me or traffick with me Forgive me all those sins and irregular actions by which I entred into debt further then my necessity required or by which such necessity was brought upon me but let not them suffer by occasion of my sin Lord reward all their kindness into their bosoms make them recompense where I cannot and make me very willing in all that I can and able for all that I am obliged to or if it seem good in thine eyes to afflict me by the continuance of this condition yet make it up by some means to them that the prayer of thy servant may obtain of thee at least to pay my debt in blessings Amen V. LOrd sanctifie and forgive all that I have tempted to evil by my discourse or my example instruct them in the right way whom I have led to errour and let me never run further on the score of sin but doe thou blot out all the evils I have done by the spunge of thy passion and the blood of thy Crosse and give me a deep and an excellent repentance and a free and a gracious pardon that thou may est answer for me O Lord and enable me to stand upright in judgment for in thee O Lord have I trusted let me never be confounded Pity me and instruct me guide me and support me pardon me and save me for my sweet Saviour Jesus Christ his sake Amen A Prayer for Patron and Benefactors O Almighty GOD thou Fountain of all good of all excell●ncy both to Men and A●gels ex●end thine abundant favour and
Word of God that we know of by any certain instrument The good books and spiritual discourses the sermons or homilies written or spoken by men are but the Word of men or rather explications of and exhortations according to the Word of God but of themselves they are not the Word of God In a sermon the Text only is in a proper sense to be called Gods Word and yet good Sermons are of great use and convenience for the advantages of Religion He that preaches an hour together against drunkenness with the tongue of men or Angels hath spoke no other word of God but this Be not drunk with wine wherein there is excesse and he that writes that Sermon in a book and publishes that book hath preached to all that read it a louder Sermon then could be spoken in a Church This I say to this purpose that we may separate truth from error popular opinions from substantial Truths For God preaches to us in the Scripture and by his secret assistances and spiritual thoughts and holy motions Good men preach to us when they by popular arguments and humane arts and complyances expound and presse any of those doctrines which God hath preached unto us in his holy Word But 1. The Holy Ghost is certainly the best Preacher in the world and the worst of Scripture the best Sermons 2. All the doctrine of salvation is plainly set down there that the most unlearned person by hearing it read may understand all his duty What can be plainer spoken then this Thou shalt not kill Be not drunk with wine Husbands love your Wives Whatsoever ye would that men should doe to you doe ye so to them The wit of man cannot more plainly tell us our duty or more fully then the Holy Ghost hath done already 3. Good Sermons and good books are of excellent use but yet they can serve no other end but that we practise the plaine doctrines of Scripture 4. What Abraham in the parable said concerning the brethren of the rich man is here very proper They have Moses and the Prophets Luk. 16 29 31. let them hear them But if they refuse to hear these neither will they believe though one should arise from the dead to preach unto them 5. Reading the holy Scriptures is a duty expresly * Deut. 31.13 Luke 24 45. Mat 22.29 Acts 15.21 Rev 1.3 2 Tim. 3.16 commanded us and is called in Scripture Preaching all other preaching is the effect of humane skill and industry and although of great benefit yet it is but an Ecclesiastical ordinance the Law of God concerning Preaching being expressed in the matter of reading the Scriptures and hearing that Word of God which is and as it is there described But this duty is reduced to practise in the following Rules Rules for Hearing or Reading the Word of God 1. Set apart some portion of thy time according to the opportunities of thy calling and necessary imployment for the reading of holy Scripture and if it be possible every day read or hear some of it read you are sure that book teaches all truth commands all holiness and promises all happiness 2. When it is in your power to choose accustome your self to such portions which are most plaine and certain duty and which contain the story of the Life and Death of our blessed Saviour Read the Gospels the Psalms of David and especially those portions of Scripture which by the wisdome of the Church are appointed to be publickly read upon Sundaies and holy-daies viz the Epistles and Gospels in the choice of any other portions you may advise with a Spiritual Guide that you may spend your time with most profit 3. Fail not diligently to attend to the reading of the holy Scriptures upon those daies wherein it is most publickly and solemnly read in Churches for at such times besides the learning our duty we obtaine a blessing along with it it becoming to us upon those daies a part of solemn Divine worship 4. When the Word of God is read or preached to you be sure you be of a ready heart and minde free from worldly cares and thoughts diligent to hear carefull to mark studious to remember and desirous to practise all that is commanded and to live according to it Doe not hear for any other end but to become better in your life and to be instructed in every good work and to increase in the love and service of God 5. Beg of God by prayer that he would give you the spirit of obedience and profit and that he would by his Spirit write the Word in your heart and that you describe it in your life To which purpose serve your self of some affectionate ejaculations to that purpose before and after this duty Concerning spiritual books and ordinary Sermons take in these advices also 6. Let not a prejudice to any mans person hinder thee from receiving good by his doctrine if it be according to godliness but if occasion offer it or espcially if duty present it to thee that is if it be preached in that assembly where thou art bound to be present accept the word preached as a message from God and the Minister as his Angel in that ministration 7. Consider and remark the doctrine that is represented to thee in any discourse and if the Preacher adds any accidental advantages any thing to comply with thy weaknesse or to put thy spirit into action or holy resolution remember it and make use of it but if the Preacher be a weak person yet the Text is the doctrine thou art to remember that containes all thy duty it is worth thy attendance to hear that spoken often and renewed upon thy thoughts and though thou beest a learned man yet the same thing which thou knowest already if spoken by another may be made active by that application I can better be comforted by my own considerations if another hand applies them then if I doe it my self because the word of God does not work as a natural agent but as a Divine instrument it does not prevail by the force of deduction and artificial discoursings only but chiefly by way of blessing in the ordinance and in the ministery of an appointed person At least obey the publick order and reverence the constitution and give good example of humility charity and obedience 8. When scriptures are read you are only to enquire with diligence and modesty into the meaning of the Spirit but if Homilies or Sermons be made upon the words of Scripture you are to consider whether all that be spoken be conformable to the Scriptures For although you may practise for humane reasons and humane arguments ministred from the Preachers art yet you must practise nothing but the command of God nothing but the Doctrine of Scripture that is the Text. 9. Use the advice of some spiritual or other prudent man for the choice of such spiritual books which may be of use and benefit for the
our neighbours the poor members of Christ rejoice together with us 6. Whatsoever you are to do your self as necessarie you are to take care that others also who are under your charge do in their sta●ion and manner Let your servants bee called to Church and all your familie that can be spared from necessarie and great houshold ministeries those that cannot let them go by turns and be supplied otherwise as well as they may and provide on these daies especially that they be instructed in the articles of faith and necessary parts of their dutie 7. Those who labour hard in the week must bee eased upon the Lord's day such ease beeing a great charity alms but at no hand must they be permitted to use any unlawful games any thing forbidden by the Laws any thing that is scandalous or any thing that is dangerous and apt to mingle sin with it no games prompting to wantonness to drunkenness to quarrelling to ridiculous and superstitious customs but let their refreshments bee innocent and charitable and of good report and not exclusive of the duties of Religion 8. Beyond these bounds because neither God nor man hath passed any obligation upon us wee must preserv our Christian libertie and not suffer our selvs to be intangled with a yoke of bondage for even a good action may become a ●●are to us if we make it an occasion of scruple by a pretence of necessity binding loads upon the conscience not with the bands of God but of men and of fancy or of opinion or of tyranny Whatsoever is laid upon us by the hands of man must be acted and accounted of by the measures of a man but our best measure is this He keeps the Lords day best that keeps it with most religion and with most charitie 9. What the Church hath done in the article of the resurrection she hath in som measure done in the other articles of the Nativity of the Ascention and of the Descent of the Holy Ghost at Pentecost and so great blessings deserve an anniversary solemnity since he is a very unthankful person that does not often record them in the whole year and esteem them the ground of his hopes the object of his faith the comfort of his troubles and the great effluxes of the divine mercy greater then all the victories over our temporal enemies for which all glad persons usually give thanks And if with great reason the memory of the resurrection does return solemnly every week it is but reason the other should return once a year * To which I adde that the commemoration of the articles of our Creed in solemn daies and offices is a very excellent instrument to convey and imprint the sense and memory of it upon the spirits of the most ignorant person For as a picture may with more fancie convey a story to a man then a plain narrative either in word or writing so a real representment and an office of remembrance and a day to declare it is far more impressive then a picture or any other art of making and fixing imagery 10. The memories of the Saints are precious to God and therefore they ought also to be so to us and such persons who served God by holy living industrious preaching and religiou● dying ought to have their names preserved in honour and God be glorified in them and their holy doctrines and lives published and imitated and we by so doing give testimony to the article of the communion of Saints But in these cases as every Church is to be sparing in the number of daies so also should she be temperate in her injunctions not imposing them but upon voluntary and unbusied persons without snare or burden But the Holy day is best kept by giving God thanks for the excellent persons Apostles or Martyrs we then remember and by imitating their lives this all may do and they that can also keep the solemnity must doe that too when it is publikly enjoyned The mixt actions of Religion are 1. Prayer 2. Alms. 3. Repentance 4. Receiving the blessed Sacrament SECT VII Of Prayer THere is no greater argument in the world of our spiritual danger and unwillingness to religion then the backwardness which most men have alwaies and all men have sometimes to say their praiers so weary of their length so glad when they are done so wittie to ●xcuse and frustrate an opportunitie and yet all is nothing but a desiring of God to give us the greatest and the best things wee can need and which can make us happie it is a work so easie so honorable and to so great purpose that in all the instances of religion and providence except onely the incarnation of his Son God hath not given us a greater argument of his willingness to have us saved and of our unwillingness to accept it his goodness and our gracelesness his infinite condescention and our carelesness and follie then by rewarding so easie a duty with so great blessings Motives t● Praier I cannot say any thing beyond this very consideration and its appendages to invite Christian people to pray often But wee may consider That first it is a duty commanded by God his holie Son 2. It is an act of grace and highest honour that wee dust and ashes are admitted to speak to the Eternal God to run to him as to a Father to laie open our wants to complain of our burdens to explicate our scruples to beg remedie and ease support and counsel health and safety deliverance and salvation and 3. God hath invited us to it by many gracious promises of hearing us 4. Hee hath appointed his most glorious Son to bee the President of Praier and to make continual intercession for us to the throne of Grace 5. Hee hath appointed an Angel to present the Praiers of his servants and 6. Christ unites them to his own and sanctifies them and makes them effective and prevalent and 7. Hath put it into the hands of men to rescind or alter all the decrees of God which are of one kinde that is conditional and concerning our selvs and our final estate and many instances of our intermedial or temporal by the power of praiers 8. And the praiers of m●n have saved c●ties and kingdoms from ruine praier hath raise● dead men to life hath stopped the violence of fire shut the mouths of wilde beasts hath altered the course of nature caused rain in Egypt and drought in the sea it made the Sun to go from West to East and the Moon to stand still and rocks and mountains to walk it cures diseases without physick and makes physick to do the work of nature and nature to do the work of grace and grace to do the work of God and it does miracles of accident and event and yet praier that does all this is of it self nothing but an ascent of the minde to God a desiring things fit to bee desired and an expression of this desire to
God as wee can and as becomes us And our unwillingness to pray is nothing else but a not desiring what wee ought passionately to long for or if wee do desire it it is a choosing rather to miss our satisfaction and felicitie then to ask for it There is no moe to bee said in this affair but that wee reduce it to practise according to the following Rules Rules for the practice of Prayer 1. Wee must bee careful that wee never ask any thing of God that is sinful or that directly ministers to sin for that is to ask of God to dishonour himself and to undoe us we had need consider what we pray for before it returns in blessing it must be join'd with Christs intercession and presented to God Let us principally ask of God power and assistances to doe our duty to glorifie God to do good works to live a good life to die in the fear and favour of God and eternal life these things God delights to g●ve and commands that we shall ask and wee may with confidence exspect to be answered graciously for these things are promised without any reservation of a secret condition if we ask them and do our duty towards the obtaining them we are sure never to miss them 2. Wee may lawfully pray to God for the gifts of the Spirit that minister to holy ends such as are the gift of preaching the spirit of praier good expression a ready and unloosed tongue good understanding learning opportunities to publish them c. with these onely restraints 1. That wee cannot be so confident of the event of those praiers as of the former 2. That we must be curious to secure our intention in these desires that we may not ask them to serve our own ends but onely for Gods glorie and then we shall have them or a blessing for desiring them In order to such purposes our intentions in the first desires cannot bee amiss because they are able to sanctifie other things and therefore cannot be unhallowed themselves 3. Wee must submit to Gods Will desiring him to choose our imployment and to furnish our persons as hee shall see expedient 3. Whatsoever we may lawfully desire of temporal things wee may lawfully ask of God in praier and we may expect them as they are promised 1. Whatsoever is necessary to our life and beeing is promised to us and therefore wee may with certainty expect food and raiment food to keep us alive clothing to keep us from nakedness and shame so long as our life is permitted to us so long all things necessary to our life shall be ministred wee may be secure of maintenance but not secure of life for that is promised not this onely concerning food and raiment we are not to make accounts by the measure of our desires but by the measure of our needs 2. Whatsoever is convenient for us pleasant and modestly delectable we may pray for so we do it 1. with submission to Gods will 2. Without impatient desires 3. That it be not a trifle and inconsiderable but a matter so grave and concerning as to bee a fit matter to bee treated on between God and our souls 4. That we ask it not to spend upon our lusts but for ends of justice or charitie or religion and that they be imploied with sobriety 4. Hee that would pray with effect must live with care and piety For although God gives to sinners and evil persons the common blessings of life and chance 1 Iohn 3.31 Iohn 9.31 Isa 1.15 58.7 Mal. 3 10. 1 Tim 2 8. Psal ● 16. 66 8. yet either they want the comfort and blessing of those blessings or they become occasions of sadder accidents to them or serve to upbraid them in their ingratitude or irreligion and in all cases they are not the effects of praier or the fruits of promise or instances of a fathers love for they cannot bee expected with confidence or received without danger or used without a cu●se and mischief in their company * But as all sin is an impediment to praier so some have a special indisposition towards acceptation such are Uncharitableness and wrath Hypocrisie in the present action Pride and Lust because these by defiling the bodie or the spirit or by contradicting some necessarie ingredient in praier such as are Mercie Humilitie Puritie and Sinceritie do defile the praier and make it a direct sin in the circumstances or formalitie of the action 5. All praier must bee made with Faith and Hope that is wee must certainly believe wee shall receive the grace which GOD hath commanded us to ask and wee must hope for such things which he hath permitted us to ask Mark 11.24 Iam. 5.6 7. and our Hope shall not bee vain though wee miss what is not absolutely promised because wee shall at least have an equal blessing in the denial as in the grant And therefore the former conditions must first bee secured that is that wee ask things necessarie or at least good and innocent and profitable and that our persons bee gracious in the eies of God or else what God hath promised to our natural need● hee may in many degrees denie to our personal incapacitie but the thing bring secur'd and the person dispos'd th●●e can bee no fault at all for whatsoever 〈◊〉 ●emains is on God's part and that cannot possibly f●●l But because the things which are not commanded cannot possibly bee secured for wee are not sure they are good in all circumstances wee can but hope for such things even after wee have secur'd our good intentions Wee are sure of a blessing but in what instance we are not yet assured 6. Our praiers must bee fervent intense earnest and importunate when wee praie for things of high concernment and necessitie Rom 12.18 15.30 Col. 4.12 1 ●he● 3.10 Ephes 6 18. ●am 5.16 1 Pet. 1.7 Continuing instant in praier striving in praier labouring fervently in praier night and day praying exceedingly praying alwaies with all praier ●o S. Paul calls it watching unto praier so S. Peter praying earnestly so S. James and this is not at all to bee abated in matters spiritual and of dutie for according as our desires are so are our praiers and as our praiers are so shall bee the grace and as that is so shall bee the measure of glorie But this admitts of degrees according to the perfection or imperfection of our state of life but it hath no other measures but ought to bee as great as it can the bigger the better wee must make no positive restraints upon it our selvs In other things we are to use a bridle and as wee must limit our desires with submission to Gods will so also we must limit the importunitie of our praiers by the moderation and term of our desires Pray for it as earnestly as you may desire it 7. Our desires must be lasting and our praiers frequent assiduous and continual not asking
〈…〉 est in noluit 〈◊〉 Sen●ct●● 〈…〉 brevis nec 〈◊〉 m●vendas In 〈…〉 facili d●●funditur ●austu 〈…〉 amans culti villicus h●●i ●●de 〈◊〉 p●s●t● 〈…〉 Pythago●as Est aliquid puecunque lico quocunque necessu Vnius dominum sese fecisse lace●tae Iuven. Sat. 3. but he that feasts every day fea●●● no day there being nothing left to which he may beyond his Ordinary extend his appetite that the rich man sleeps not so soundly as the poor labourer that his feares are more and his needs are greater for who is poorer he that needs 5 l or he that needs 5000 the poor man hath enough to fill his belly and the rich hath not enough to fill his eye that the poor mans wants are easy to be relieved by a common charity but the needs of rich men cannot be supplied but by Princes and they are left to the temptation of great vices to make reparation of their needs and the ambitious labours of men to get great estates is but like the selling of a Fountian to buy a Fever a parting with content to buy necessity a purchase of an unhandsome condition at the price of infelicity that Princes and they that enjoy most of the world have most of it but in title and supreme rights and reserved priviledges pepper corns homages trifling services and acknowledgements the real use descending to others to more substantial purposes These considerations may be useful to the curing of covetousnesse that the grace of mercifulness enlarging the heart of a man his hand may not be contracted but reached out to the poor in almes SECT IX Of Repentance Repentance of all things in the World makes the greatest change it changes things in Heaven and Earth for it changes the whole man from sin to grace from vitious habits to holy customes from unchast bodies to Angelical soules from Swine to Philosophers from drunkenness to sober counsels and God himself with whom is no variablenesse or shadow of change is pleased by descending to our weak understandings to say that he changes also upon mans repentance that he alters his decrees revokes his sentence cancels the bils of accusation throwes the Records of shame and sorrow from the Court of Heaven and lifts up the sinner from the grave to life from his prison to a throne from Hell and the guilt of eternal torture to Heaven and to a title to never ceasing felicities If we be bound on earth we shall be bound in Heaven if we be absolved here we shall be loosed there if we repent God will repent and not send the evil upon us which we have deserved But repentance is a conjugation and society of many duties and it contains in it all the parts of a holy life from the time of our returne to the day of our death inclusively and it hath in it some things specially relating to the sins of our former dayes which are now to be abolished by special arts and have obliged us to special labours and brought in many new necessities and put us into a very great deal of danger and because it is a duty consisting of so many parts and so much imployment it also requires much time and leaves a man in the same degree of hope of pardon as is his restitution to the state of righteousness holy living for which we covenanted in Baptism For we must know that there is but one repentance in a mans whole life if repentance be taken in the proper and strict Evangelicall Covenant sense and not after the ordinary understanding of the word That is we are but once to change our whole state of life from the power of the Devil and his intire possession from the state of sin and death from the body of corruption to the life of grace to the possession of Jesus to the kingdome of the Gospel and this is done in the baptisme of water or in the baptisme of the spirit when the first right comes to be verified by Gods grace coming upon us and by our obedience to the heavenly calling we working together with God After this change if ever wee fall into the contrary state and be wholly estranged from God and Religion and profess our selves servants of unrighteousness God hath made no more covenant of restitution to us there is no place left for any more repentance or intire change of condition or new birth a man can be regenerated but once and such are voluntary malicious Apostates Witches obstinate impenitent persons and the like But if we be overtaken by infirmity or enter into the marches or borders of this estate and commit a grievous sin or ten or twenty so we be not in the intire possession of the Devil we are for the present in a damnable condition if we dye but if we live we are in a recoverable condition for so we may repent often we repent or rise from death but once but from sickness many times and by the grace of God we shall be pardoned if so we repent But our hopes of pardon are just as is the repentance which if it be timely hearty industrious and effective God accepts not by weighing graues or scruples but by estimating the great proportions of our life a hearty endevour an effectual general change shall get the pardon the unavoidable infirmities and past evils and present imperfections and short interruptions against which we watch and pray and strive being put upon the accounts of the crosse and payed for by the holy Jesus This is the state and condition of repentance its parts and actions must be valued according to the following rules Acts and parts of Repentance 1. He that repents truly is greatly sorrowful for his past sins not with a superficial sigh or tear but a pungent afflictive sorrow such a sorrow as hates the sin so much that the man would choose to dye rather then act it any more This sorrow is called in Scripture a weeping sorely Ier. 13 17. Ioel 2.13 Ezek. 27 31. Iames 4.9 a weeping with bitternesse of heart a weeping day and night a sorrow of heart a breaking of the spirit mourning like a dove and chattering like a swallow and we may read the degree and manner of it by the lamentations and sad accents of the Prophet Jeremy when he wept for the sins of the nation by the heart breaking of David when he mourned for his murder and adultery and the bitter weeping of S. Peter after the shameful denying of his Master * The expression of this sorrow differs according to the temper of the body the sex the age and circumstance of action and the motive of sorrow and by many accidental tendernesses or masculine hardnesses and the repentance is not to be estimated by the tears but by the grief and the grief is to be valued not by the sensitive trouble but by the cordial hatred of the sin and ready actual dereliction of it and a resolution and real resisting
blessed be that loving kindness and pity by which thou didst neglect thy own sorrows and go to comfort the sadness of thy Disciples quickning their dulness incouraging their duty arming their weakness with excellent precepts against the day of triall Blessed be that humility and sorrow of thine who being Lord of the Angels yet wouldest need and receive comfort from thy servant the Angel who didst offer thy self to thy persecutors and madest them able to seise thee and didst receive the Traytors kiss and sufferedst a veil to be thrown over thy holy face that thy enemies might not presently be confounded by so bright a lustre and wouldest do a miracle to cure a wound of one of thy spitefull enemies and didst reprove a zealous servant in behalf of a malicious adversary and then didst go like a Lamb to the slaughter without noise or violence or resistance when thou couldest have commanded millions of Angels for thy guard and rescue Lord what is man c. Blessed be thy Name O holy Jesus and blessed be that holy sorrow thou didst suffer when thy Disciples fled and thou wert left alone in the hands of cruel men who like evening Wolves thirsted for a draught of thy best blood and thou wert led to the house of Annas and there asked insnaring questions and smitten on the face by him whose ear thou hadst but lately healed and from thence wert dragged to the house of Caiaphas and there all night didst endure spittings affronts scorn contumelies blows and intolerable insolencies and all this for man who was thy enemy and the cause of all thy sorrows Lord what is man c. Blessed be thy Name O holy Jesus and blessed be thy mercy who when thy servant Peter denied thee and forsooke thee forswore thee didst look back upon him and by that gracious and chiding look didst call him back to himself and thee who were accused before the High Priest and rail'd upon and examined to evill purposes and with designes of blood who wert declar'd guilty of death for speaking a most necessary and most profitable truth who wert sent to Pilate and found innocent and sent to Herod and still found innocent and wert arayed in white both to declare thy innocence and yet to deride thy person and wert sent back to Pilate and examined again and yet nothing but innocence found in thee and malice round about thee to devour thy life which yet thou wert more desirous to lay down for them then they were to take it from thee Lord what is man c. Blessed be thy Name O holy Jesus and blessed be that patience charity by which for our sakes thou wert content to be smitten with canes and have that holy face which Angels with joy and wonder do behold be spit upon and be despised when compared with Barabbas and scourg'd most rudely with unhallowed hands till the pavement was purpled with that holy blood and condemned to a sad and shamefull a publick and painfull death and arayed in Scarlet and crown'd with thorns and strip'd naked and then cloathed loaden with the crosse and tormented with a tablet stuck with nails at the fringes of thy garment and bound hard with cords and dragg'd most vilely and most piteously till the load was too great and did sink thy tender and virginal body to the earth and yet didst comfort the weeping women and didst more pity thy persecutors then thy self and wert grieved for the miseries of Jerusalem to come forty yeares after more then for thy present passion Lord what is man c. Blessed be thy Name O holy Jesus and blessed be that incomparable sweetness and holy sorrow which thou sufferedst when thy holy hands and feet were nailed upon the crosse and the crosse being set in a hollowness of the earth did in the fall rend the wounds wider and there naked bleeding sick and faint wounded and despised didst hang upon the weight of thy wounds three long hours praying for thy persecutors satisfying thy Fathers wrath reconciling the penitent thief providing for thy holy and afflicted mother tasting vineger and gall and when the fulness of thy suffering was accomplished didst give thy soul into the hands of God didst descend to the regions of longing souls who waited for the revelatiō of this thy day in their prisons of hope and then thy body was transfixed with a spear and issued forth two Sacraments Water and blood and thy body was compos'd to buriall and dwelt in darkness three dayes and three nights Lord what is man that thou art mindfull of him and the Son of man that thou thus visitest him The Prayer THus O blessed Jesu thou didst finish thy holy passion with pain anguish so great that nothing could be greater then it except thy self and thy own infinite mercy and all this for man even for me then whom nothing could be more miserable thy self onely excepted who becamest so by undertaking our guilt and our punishment And now Lord who hast done so much for me be pleased onely to make it effectuall to me that it may not be useless and lost as to my particular lest I become etenally miserable ' and lost to all hopes and possibilities of comfort All this deserves more love then I have to give but Lord do thou turn me all into love and all my love into obedience and let my obedience be without interruption and then I hope thou wilt accept such a return as I can make make me to be something that thou delightest in and thou shalt have all that I am or have from thee even whatsoever thou makest fit for thy self Teach me to live wholly for my Saviour Jesus and to be ready to dye for Jesus and to be conformable to his life and sufferings and to be united to him by inseparable unions and to own no passions but what may be servants to Jesus and Disciples of his institution O sweetest Saviour clothe my soul with thy holy robe hide my sins in thy wounds and bury them in thy grave and let me rise in the life of grace and abide and grow in it till I arrive at the Kingdome of Glory Amen Our Father c. Ad. Sect. 7.8 10. A form of prayer or intercession for all estates of people in the Christian Church The parts of which may be added to any other formes and the whole office intirely as it lyes is proper to be said in our preparation to the holy Sacrament or on the day of celebration 1. For our selves O Thou gracious Father of mercy Father of our Lord Jesus Christ have mercy upon thy servants who bow our heads and our knees and our hearts to thee pardon and forgive us all our sins give us the grace of holy repentance and a strict obedience to thy holy word strengthen us in the inner man with the power of the holy Ghost for all the parts and duties of our calling and holy living preserve us for