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A38422 England's remembrancer being a collection of farewel-sermons preached by divers non-conformists in the country. 1663 (1663) Wing E3029; ESTC R36570 328,646 530

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be broken they will not bend Rough Trees must be hewn with Axes so old Sinners must find rough dealing at conversion If you would come home to God comfortably come quickly and early The sooner you begin the more sweetness you will find All God's Wayes afford Pleasantness and in all his Paths there is Peace 2. Having delivered the Counsels that concern you all in general let me now direct my speech to the Regenerate in particular To you whom the Word of God hath been the Power of God to Salvation I would commed these things that they may be kept in remembrance II. COUNSEL 1. Be very thankful for any good which God hath wrought in you by the means of Grace God is takeing away in some measure the pure and powerful dispensation of his Ordinances and this is matter of sorrow O but God hath made them advantagious to your souls already and this is matter of praise 1 Thess 1.3 5. Give thanks to God seeing the Gospel hath come to you not in word only but in the power of the holy Ghost You then that can experience a new Light in your minds Conviction in your conscience a change in your wills and holiness in your affections and union with Christ give God the praise It had been a misery indeed if God had taken us away from Ministers or Ministers from us before we had got any good by them Those amongst you that are ignorant hard-hearted unbelieving sinners have reason to be grieved at the very heart The Sun of the Gospel is eclipsing and you are not yet enlightened by it the fire is putting out before your souls be warmed It is a sad sign those are in the number of the sons of perdition from whom the clear Gospel is hid 2 Cor. 4.3 If the Gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost The Child unborn cannot midwife it self into the world when the Mother is dead but there is hopes that an Infant that is born may be nourished up even unto a perfect man Why Brethren unconverted persons are unborn and if Faithful Ministers and Ordinances should be altogether taken from you both Father and Mother dye and then who shall make you partakers of the new Birth But now you that are born again you will be able in some measure to feed your selves the meat is before you in the Scriptures and the holy Ghost will help you to feed on it If there should not be a succession of Pastors amongst you your condition may be sad but it is safe if you should dye without the continuance of Ordinances having a part in the Resurrection from sin to a new Nature and holiness of life the second Death shall have no dominion over you If you live longer you have former Experiences former Truths former Promises old Store to live on You have the granary of Experiences and of the Scriptures to maintain you in spiritual Life if there should come a Famine of publick Ordinances God hath not dealt with every soul as with yours Two or three of you have lived under the same Ministry have sit and heard together in the same Seats yea one of you is taken the other is left Say then with a thankful heart as Christ Why hast thou revealed thy self to me and not to others Even so Father because it seems good in thy sight Mat. 11.25 2. Walk humbly before God in a sence of your insufficency to good and proness to evil Mic. 6.8 walk humbly with thy God Never walk securely ever be jealous of your deceitful hearts Take heed of falling into sin though at present you stand Ever live under the sence of that truth that the heart is deceitful above all things and madly wicked What Master that knows the deceitfulness of a Servant would trust him too far and so who that hath had frequent experience of the falsness of his heart would put too much confidence in it for the future Ever keep low thoughts of your selves live continually in dependance upon God for strength to perform duties to subdue corruptions resist temptations and to bear afflictions Paul prayed thrice i. e. often when he had a thorn in the flesh a messenger of Satan to buffet him 3. Beware of every sin have and express godly sorrow for it break off every iniquity by repentance Beware especially of and keep your selves from your iniquities Psal 18.23 Cut off your right hand and pluck out your right-eye-sins Mat. 5.29 God hates it Jer. 44.4 it grieves him They rebelled and vexed his Spirit it will grieve you also 1 Pet. 2.11 and wars against the soul i. e. against the Peace and Tranquilty of your minds every sin contracts guilt and guilt creats trouble It 's impossible a Christian should walk comfortably whilst he showes any liking to any sin Sin doth especially prejudice us as to Prayer both before in and after Prayer it shuts our eyes that we dare not lift them up to Heaven O my God I blush and am ashamed to look up Ezra 9.6 It stops our mouths that we cannot speak and manacles our hands and contracts our hearts that we cannot lift them up to God If we would lift up hearts and hands in Prayer without doubting we must lift up holy hands 1 Tim. 2.8 Sin makes a Christian act like an enemy towards God and to think God is justly turned to be his enemy and who can with any heart ask any favour from an enemy If we would draw near to God in full assurance of Faith we must come with an heart sprinkled from a guilty and defiled conscience and our lives washed with pure water Heb. 10.22 Again the least sin smiled upon puts us back in our Christian course it weakens Faith takes away our Courage disheartens us from doing our very duty How canst thou reprove another with courage saith conscience when thou thy self knowest thou standest in need of reproof well than exercise daily repentance for daily failings sue out a pardon every day and get one Seal more added to your Pardon daily you have as much need to pray for daily forgiveness as for daily bread 4. Grow in Grace 2 Pet. 3.18 Make progress in holiness take heed of decaying beware lest God's Ministers lose the things they have wrought upon and amongst you 2 Ep. John ver 8. Increase your knowledge Follow on to know the Lord let your repentings for sin be kindled go from one degree of Faith to another let your love to God abound more and more The more Grace you have the more you will glorify God the fitter you will be to do him service the more able to bear affliction a little Grace is not enough to bear great Trials and the more Grace the fitter for Glory yea and very probably the more Glory To this end continue in the use of those means that uphold and encrease Grace Ex eisdem nutrimus ex quibus constamus Feed upon the Milk of God's Word and the
Godliness as you ought to know If you know any thing of your selves you know that you are insufficient of your selves to every good word and work and that all your your sufficency is of God Every true Believer hath experience of nothing more than of this that without the Grace of Christ communicated to him he is a meer empty nothing But in Christ is all fulness of Grace Grace without measure not for himselfe only but also for all those that beleive in him Go therefore to God through Christ for the communications of Grace and Wisdom as may suffice to enable thee to walk by Line and Rule even the Word of God Which is able to make the man of God perfect and wise to Salvation 2 Tim. 3.15 16 17. 3. You must often compare your selves with the Rule An exact Carpenter will hardly fit the least piece of Timber into hi● building without the use of his Rule and Square and yet his building is but for a few years at furthest and shall not we much more especially if we desire to be exact make use of our Rules who are building for Eternity A Rule is not to look upon but to use and God hath not given us his Word to reade only but to apply also Now this a Christian doth cheifly by meditation and self-examination Be much therefore in the exercise of these great Christian Duties Worldings and Hypocrites mind them not practise them not It shall be an argument of your sincerity and the reality of your desires to walk exactly if you practise these duties frequently and faithfully You have a Rule for your thoughts shewing you that they must not be vain Jer. 4.14 nor unclean Job 31.1 nor blasphemous Mat. 9.4 nor idolatrous Acts 17.29 nor proud Rom. 12.3 nor unmerciful and coveteous Deut. 15.9 these and all other evil thoughts are to be forsaken Isa 55.7 and your thoughts must be sober and humble Rom. 12.3 and exercised about those things that are true honest just pure lovely and of good report Phil. 4.8 in a word every thought must be brought into captivity to the obedience of Christ This you see is the Rule for your thoughts You have a Rule likewise for your words Eph. 4.15 1 Pet. 2.1 Jam. 2.12 Jam. 4.11 Mat. 5.37 Col. 3.8 Col. 4.6 the sum whereof is this That putting aside all filthy false vain and evil communication your speech be alway with Grace seasoned with Salt You have a Rule too for all your actions whether Natural Civil or Religious comprized in that one verse 1 Cor. 10.31 Whether you eat or drink or whatsoever you do do all to the Glory of God Consider now either in the very act while you are thinking speaking or doing any thing or at least in your after reflections upon them whether they have been according to these Rules or not and this is comparing your selves with the Rule wherein you shall find a wonderful advantage in order to circumspect and exact walking 4. Converse with those that order their conversations with the afore-mentioned exactness It was Solomons observation Pro. 13.10 that He that walketh with wise men shall be wise And indeed it is very wonderful to observe the strange effects that are produced by converse and society for the assimilating mens minds and manners to each other either in good or evil Hereupon the Apostle compares converse to Leaven a little whereof only by a kind of society will leaven the whole lump 1 Cor. 5.6 For this cause it was that God cōmanded the Israelites to destroy all the old Idolatrous Inhabitants out of the Land of Canaan and strictly forbad all intermarriages with them lest the Israelites by converse and society with them should learn any of their Heathenish and Idolatrous manners Is it not for the same cause also that the Apostle forbids the yoaking of Beleivers with unbelievers 2 Cor. 6.14 Certainly our own every-dayes experience and observation will tell us that for the most part men are such as they with whom they most frequently and familiarly converse and therefore we see that what Art soever any man desires to be skilled in he will endeavour as much as may be to acquaint himself and converse with such as have the best insight into that Art Now let us make a spiritual improvement of this observation and we shall make no little advantage of it God who in his unmeasurable Wisdom knows best how to advance his own Ends is not satisfied with the single services of any or all the single Persons in the world and hath therefore ordained that his Worshippers shall worship him in Societies and Congregations And why Not because it is greater profit to him Psal 16.2 Job 22.2 3. Single persons can adde nothing no perfection to God no nor the greatest Societies in the world no more than single persons but mark God hath inseparably twisted his own Glory and the Holiness and Salvation of his Creatures together So that he hath ordained and appointed to his Creatures the use of no means for advancing of his Glory but such as tend no less to advancing of their holiness and salvation So that it is apparent from hence that the end of God's ordaining his Servants Worshippers to associate themselves together is that by their converse and mutual example those Sparks of Grace which he hath by his Spirit kindled in their hearts might be blown up into a Flame and that dead hearts might be kindled by their company So we see that a little fire in many small sticks laid singly by themselves is apt to go out but if laid together the fire increaseth and inflames also those which had no fire upon them I know you that are Christians indeed have abundant experience of what I say Many a time anothers ardency in prayer affectionateness in discourse fervency in preaching c. hath put life and spirit into you when you have been as dull as stocks and as sensless as stones of your selves and might so have continued had it not been for that help Anothers holy Example his heavenly Discourse his sober Carriage his Watchfulness over his tongue the Uprightness of his dealing c. hath won you to an holy Imitation and Emulation Oh! therefore if you have any desire to order your conversations with that Exactness which the Apostle here calls for neglect not the assembling and associating of your selves together with such as exercise themselves in the practise of this Duty It is a choice means and so upon proof and tryal you will find it to be Use 3. Let us now in the third place improve what hath been spoken by way of caution that you may take heed of being prejudiced against circumspect walking or exactness of life and conversation 1. Have a care of your affections in the first place that they be not drawn away with the enticements of the flesh nor over-swayed with the opinion or reproaches of the world Looseness and Prophaneness commonly creep
and that under two heads 1. They are to remember how Truths have been delivered to them and Ordinances dispensed amongst them 2. How and after what manner they have received and imbraced the Truths and Ordinances of God First It is the duty of Christians to remember how the Word of God hath been preached and Ordinances dispensed to them and that in these four particulars 1. Christians should remember how plainly and in what simplicity of the Gospel of Christ the Word Sacraments and other Ordinances have been dispensed how close and home the Word of God hath been brought to their hearts and consciences This the Apostle Paul often minds those of to whom he writes and this as a means to keep them from being taken with flourishes external pomp and emp●● things in Religion 1 Cor. 2. five first verses As if he had said to them as I may say to you You have not been fed with gingling expressions meer flourishes of Rhetorick or empty speculations but with plain and wholsom Truths you have had Ordinances not in the dress of mens inventions but in the simplicity of the Gospel 2 Cor. 2.17 4.2 Paul was very jealous lest men should be drawn from the simplicity of Christ 2 Cor. 11.2 3. So that I say the remembrance of the plainness and simplicity in which the Gospel hath been dispensed among men will be a means to keep them from being taken with a meer outside Religion and way of Worship 2. It is the duty of Christians to remember how purely you have received and heard with what purity the Word Sacraments and other Ordinances have been delivered and dispensed without the mixtures of mens inventions how you have received the sincere milk of the Word without sophistication and Sacraments without any of the sinful additions of mens own devising Thus you have received them in the Scriptures thus Christ and his Apostles delivered them and so have faithful Ministers their successors endeavoured to do 1 Cor. 11.23 24. That which I have received of the Lord I have delivered unto you Paul though an Apostle added nothing of his own head 2 Cor. 2.17 and 2 Cor. 4.2 Oh Christians it is your duty to remember this and will be a means to make you in love with and adhere to pure Ordinances and fortifie you against all sophistications of them when you see men corrupting of them or adding to them 3. It is the duty of Christians to remember how powerfully they have received and heard with what power the Word hath been preached and Ordinances dispensed among you not so as to tickle your ears and please your fancies but to reach your hearts come home to ●nd work upon your consciences how the Gospel came to you not in word but in power 1 Thess 1.5 commending it self to your consciences as the Apostle phraseth it 2 Cor. 4.2 Hath not the speech and preaching of the faithful Ministers of Christ among you in some measure been as Paul saith his was not with enticing words of mans wisdom but in demonstration of the Spirit and in power 1 Cor. 2.4 Have not you found the weapons of your spiritual warfare such as Paul mentions 2 Cor. 10.4 5. even mighty through God Oh! Christians should never forget this but continually remember it all their dayes 4. It is the duty of Christians to remember how plentifully they have received and heard in what great plenty they have enjoyed the Word and Ordinances of God Oh Christians you should remember what dews yea showers of heavenly Manna God hath rained about your tents ye have not been straitned in God If you be straitned it is in your selves even in your own bowels The heart and mouth of God yea and the hearts and mouths of God's Ministers they have been opened and enlarged to you 2 Cor. 6.11 12. You have had the Word in season and out of season the Word frequently preached and Sacraments frequently administred you have had line upon line and precept upon precept Christians should remember how much planting and watering they have had You should remember Christians what great pains cost and charges God hath been at with your souls to bring you home to himself at the first and to make and keep you lively and fruitful ever since O keep this for ever in your minds as a means to make you lively and fruitful Secondly It is the duty of Christians to remember as how Truths and Ordinances have been dispensed so also how and after what manner they have been heard received and imbraced by them This will be a means to keep the heart lively and to keep from degenerating into deadness and formality in Religion and in the Service of God And this in several particulars 1. It is the duty of Christians and a means to keep and recover them from deadness to remember how seriously with what seriousness of spirit they attended on the Service of God and holy duties at their first entertaining of them Christians at first are wont to wait on Ordinances as matters of great weight and moment yea as matters of life and death to read hear pray meditate receive Sacraments as for their very lives and as if every one were the last they should enjoy So those hearers of Christ received the Word Luke 10.48 they hung upon his lips received the Word as the Word of God Christians this should be remembred by you especially when you grow slighty and formal you should say to your souls It was not wont to be thus with me I was not wont to hear play receive Sacraments in this formal manner This remembring how you have received will be a means to keep your hearts lively and to cure you of spiritual deadness 2. Christians should remember how they have received and heard namely with what high estimations and appreciations of the Word and Ordinances you heard and received them how highly you prized the Word and the Dispensers of it how you ran after them as those who see the Sun but one half of the year are ready to run after it and even to adore it upon its first approach Did you not esteem the Ambassadors of Christ even as the Angels of God How beautiful were the feet of them that bring glad-tydings Were you not ready to do as those Galatians Gal. 4.15 When at any time you seel your estimations to abate of the Word Ordinances and Ministers of Christ Oh then remember how you have received say to your hearts Are Ordinances worse than they were Is there any change in the Word or rather am not I grown worse Is not the change in my own wretched heart The remembrance of this will be a means both to keep and recover you from deadness 3. It is the duty of Christians to remember with what lively affections they heard and received the Word and Ordinances of God the difficulties they were ready to break through to enjoy them the fight of afflictions they were ready to
their over eager desires to embrace this present World have let Heaven go have lost that for ever 2. Take heed of following mens examples further than you see them to follow the Rule of God's Word the world is ever ful of bad examples if we would walk safely we must walk by Rule If we think it enough only to do as the most there is little hopes of our working out our salvation Matt. 7.13 The word of Christ must judge you hereafter O let it guide you here As many as walk according to this Rule peace shall be upon them and mercy In matters of Religion of Salvation believe none follow none further than there is ground for their opinions and practices in God's written Word Were we to follow mens examples or mens traditions in matters of Religion besides the Scriptures then will not this follow viz. That the Scriptures are not a perfect Rule as the Papists teach that it must be eeked out with unscriptural traditions and the commandments or documents of men And do but once admit this and we shall have no certain Rule at all 3. Take heed of consulti●● here with flesh and blood In the matters of our Salvation not the Flesh who is ever at that Master spare thy self but Conscience informed out of God's Word must be our Counsellor Our souls interest and our carnal interest are many times cross to one another Hence it is our Saviour so much insists on the duties of self-denial and taking up the Cross Yea he further tells us He that findeth his life shall lose it and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it You know great works are seldom perfected at a small charge A rich Mine it will cost a man something before he comes to it but when he has found it it soon recompenseth him for all his former pains and expences both Heaven and Salvation is such a Treasure though we should lose all our earthly comforts this would certainly repair all our losses and make and enrich our souls for ever 4. Take heed of delaying to set to this work Oh! have we not delayed too long Have we not lost time and lost special opportunities lost such advantages for carrying on this work as for any thing we know we may never enjoy again It is high time now to awake out of sleep to shake off Spiritual sloath to apply our selves to the work in good earnest who knows but the day of our visitation the time of our life and of God's patience may be very near an end It may be the eleventh hour However the longer it is ere we set to our work the more difficulty we shall find in it I now come to the Directions 1. See that you understand your work Be ye not unwise but understanding what the will of the Lord is Yea study to be filled with the knowledge of his Will Rest not in good meanings My People are destroyed for lack of knowledge Hos 4.6 ●ee here though bare knowledge cannot save one yet many a one is destroyed for lack of knowledge Beloved though we may not be permitted to preach publickly yet I know not that it would be any crime for us to instruct such in private as repair to us for assistance and advice O that poor souls were as ready to make use of us as we are willing to afford them the best help we can 2. Be sure your Ground-work be good Build on the Rock Christ so indeed you need not fear but your Work will stand Other Foundation can no man lay If ye build besides this Rock or build partly on Christ and partly on your selves the work will come to nought We are quite lost and ruined in our selves that we must be taken off from our own bottoms brought out of our selves to Jesus Christ or we cannot be saved 3. Do all in Christ's strength Phil. 3.13 This way the Apostle Paul went to work Then the work of our Salvation is like to go forward when we have Christ the Saviour putting to his helping hand and joyning with us O as ever you would have your work to prosper be sure you take Christ along with you 4. As Noah being moved with fear fell to work and prepared an Ark to the saving of himself and of his house so let us work out our Salvation with fear We should have a reverent fear towards God to quicken us to duty and to awe and make us exceeding serious in duty Again we should have a jealous fear of Satan and our own sinful deceitful hearts to look narrowly to them who like Sanballat and Tobiah will do but what they can to hinder and take us off our work 5. Labour much with God in prayer Thus there were hopes the work would be going forward Observe what immediately follows the Text It is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure When it could ●●●aid of Paul Behold he prayeth then was Ananias ●●nt to confirm him that he might receive his sight and be filled with the holy Ghost Acts 9.11 17. The Work is great to work out your Salvation and it is possible you may want some helps you have had yea and meet with greater hindrances new difficulties in it O pray in strength to carry you thorow It may be you shall not have liberty to hear so much to quicken you the more to prayer You may have fewer hearing-opportunities that you shall have more time to pray 6. Up and be doing when you can find the Spirit at work in your hearts Attend to the motions of God's Spirit This is a special season not to be let slip when we have an offer of his co-operating Grace 7. Do all as in the sight of God Set the Lord ever before you Eye-service is a fault in our servants condemned Eph. 6.6 but a vertue in God's servants Indeed could we but ply our work while God's eye is on us we should never be idle or ill-employed 8. Let out the strength of your spirits in the weighty matters of God's Law and not about trivial unnecessary things Such things as God no where requires of which he sayes In vain do they worship me after the traditions of men If we make our selves busie in building hay and stubble on the Foundation our work shall be burnt and we shall suffer loss 9. Improve the day time God hath alotted to you wherein to work The day of Grace O that we had known our day we have had a large space and a fair season of working granted to us and yet I am afraid that as to the most of us little of our work is done The consideration of our former loss of time should cause us henceforward to double out diligence Now let not a day pass over your heads wherein you do not some way further th●●●●●rk of your salvation Especially improve the Lor●● Day Sabbath-dayes are dayes of resting from outward labours from
God did we see him to be an alsufficient unchangable faithful God it would help us to hold out to follow him fully 4. Again eye His Omnisciency His eyes are upon the wayes of man and He seeth all his goings Job 34.21 He telleth all our wanderings When Peter was turning his back on Christ his Lord and Master looked on him all the while As he beheld guile-less Nathaniel under the Fig-tree So he likewise beheld Peter halting in the High Priests Palace 5. His Omnipresence O that we had Moses eyes to see him that is invisible Doubtless he is not far from any of us No fleeing from his presence Psa 139.7 c. That we cannot sin but in the face of our Judge What are ye not afraid to turn aside from God his Truth his Commands while the Lord himself stands by and observes all our carriage 6. His Holiness Justice and Severity against sin If any draw back his soul can take no pleasure in that man Only such as are upright in the Way that are his delight Pro. 11.20 As God is displeased at mens halting before him so he is ready to manifest his displeasure And what a fearful thing is it to fall into the hands of the living God even as to fall into a consuming fire Such of God's Attributes as these last mentioned would very much awe us make us fear to depart or turn aside in the least from him But so much of the eighth Direction 9. Look to Jesus as your best guide And strive to follow his steps Observe how Christ carried in this world He did no sin neither was guile found in His mouth His love to man without dissimulation His zeal for God free from the least mixture of self-seeking He had the wisdom of the Serpent and the Doves innocency most exactly contempered duly proportioned in him He knew how to converse with sinners without the least communicating in their sins He was one and the same in all places at all times Far from studying a compliance with a corrupt and sinful generation rather he made it his work to do all that might be to change and amend it to set a crooked generation streight He was ever more careful to discharge duty than to provide for his own safety here In doing the work his Father sent him about into the world he wav'd and set aside self-respect John 5.30 8.49 50. The Truth and Honour of God was dearer to him than his own life O Christians follow this your Guide If we are Christians we ought to walk as Christ also walked 1 John 2.6 We are unworthy of the name of Christians if it be not our care and indeavour to follow Christ Now wherein we are followers of Christ we may be confident we go right so far we halt not in our course Therefore observe and eye Christ more Consider how he carried upon earth And where you are at a stand think if you can how Christ would have carried what he would have done in the like case with yours 10. Reckon upon troubles in this world Expect to meet with crosses in your Christian course As Paul and Barnabas confirmed the souls of the Disciples and exhorted them to continue in the Faith and that through much tribulation we must enter into the Kingdom of God Acts 14.22 When we look to meet with the Cross in our way we shall not so soon stumble at it On the contrary the Disciples were offended at Christs passion and shrunk away from him being in a great measure surprized with it for as many fair warnings and express items as they had from our Saviour to prepare for his sufferings yet they would not let those sayings sink down into their hearts still their thoughts were upon Christs reigning here as an earthly King and on some great worldly advancement which they expected under Christ 11. Be going forward The way of the Lord is strength to the upright Though I do not determine this to be the sense of the place yet it is a truth if we take it thus The further we go on in the ways of God the more strength we shall find to hold out and continue in them The way of the Lord is strength to the upright The Righteous shall hold on his way and wax stronger and stronger Here they that run fastest are least weary Whereas if we sit still we shall soon grow lame and stark O take heed of standing still Be going forward Grow in Grace Let it be your care to grow in Grace as you fear to fall from your own steadfastness Weaklings are aptest to stumble and fall Therefore let us be going on from strength to strength It is a good thing indeed that the heart be established with Grace Heb. 13.9 Where note it is one property of Grace to establish the heart And the more Grace the more inward establishment Adde to Faith Vertue sayes the Apostle Peter Let these things be in you and abound And if ye do these things ye shall never fall 2 Pet. 1. Here I might instance in sundry particular Graces that you should be growing in especially You heard before what corruptions especially and most frequently are a cause of halting Now strengthen those Graces that are opposite thereunto Labour to increase and excel in Faith By Faith Enoch walked with God By Faith Moses chose rather to suffer affliction with the People of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin In sincerity Being really what we seem to be The more truth in our inward parts the more Evenness and Uniformity in our outward Conversations In self-denial They that would follow God fully as Moses did must deny themselves as he did who refused to be called the Son of Pharaohs Daughter that he might be found the faithful Servant of God In an holy contempt of the world Labour to sit looser in your affections to the world if you would stick close to God Demas falling in love with this present world and affecting its embraces shook off holy Paul once and as some tell us turned Priest afterwards in an Idols temple Though others suppose he fell not so far but soon recovered again However the danger was very great see 1 Tim. 6.9 10. Many alas stick fast in the world stick fast here so that they know not how to take a step how to set a foot forward in the way to Heaven In love to God his Truth and Wayes This would cause you to cleave to him In Patience We have great need of Patience too that we be not wearied nor faint in our minds We must run with patience the race set before us Without patience we should soon be run out of breath 12. Lean ever upon Christ As you would not halt in your course lean hard upon Christ While we desire to grow in Grace yet we should fear to trust to Grace received It was the cause of Peters foul and shameful fall his self confidence conceiting that he was
relations Sat●n and corrupt nature would soon cut the cords of amity dissolve bands knit angry looks weave vexations gestures contrive evil surmises hinder domestick Prayer c. 2. Manner Secret Prayer is elbow-room-Duty The kno●s in the Actus exerciti quoad indivuum cut No Act of Vniformity takes place here In a word Thou maist be what thou wilt be if ipse locus sis as Bernard I leave thee with thy Bridegroom in secret U S E. Let me hear my Will read give leave to the impropriety of speech what I have bequeathed to you Your deeds are good if you have every parcel You count right as we say in Arithmetick if you answer the total or All. 1. My eldest Son in the Closet Read 1 Cor. 11.22 though in another case What have you not houses to Pray in or despise you the Church I mean forsake you the assembling of your selves together for one duty to swallow up another it spoiles All. The whole City to be in the Gates is not good 2. My second Son in the Family You have your House well adorned but there 's something wanting A man is a man though he want an arm or a leg but is not integral Your Prayers are not Mathematically total but when they are then are you 3. My third Publick Prayer is good when there is a concurrance of Family and secret You do well when you believe the History but to rest in Historical faith is not that I commend I give to every one of you an allowance and yet you are found too light Ment mene tekel But first What light peeces without allowance Secondly With allowance First We consider secret Prayer 1. It may be thou makest thy closet but a creep-hole hiding thy self from reproof pleading that thy heart is as good as those that make the greatest shew Though I make not that appearance in the Church nor that noise in my house yet I pray in secret Pardon my mistrust I fear thy prayers are not constant Again thou wilt say I pray alwayes I answer As it is in point of Sabbath when men plead every day ought to be kept a Sabbath and then no Sabbath is kept So thy praying alwayes is not to pray at all 2. Admit thou prayest in secret Dost thou perform Duty out of Conscience to the Command If not thy sacrifice is not accepted 1 Sam. 15.22 Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and Sacrifices as in obeying the Voice of the Lord Behold to Obey is better than Sacrifice and to Hearken than the fat of Rams For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft c. If thou say out of Conscience of Command then what answerest thou to God who commands all Prayer James 2.11 For he that said pray in secret said also pray in family now if thou prayest in secret and not in family thou art become a transgressor of the Law 3. Thou being a Master of a family contentest thy self with secret prayer 1. My Family will not be subject to House-duty Art thou a King in thy House as Jezebel in a far different case said Dost thou now govern the Kingdom Dost thou give up thy Lordship Lose not thy Authority O King say I and my House will serve the Lord. 2. Wilt thou say I am ashamed to appear in publick If Prayer be a black deed than let red cover thy face Art thou afraid of children or fools even such are scoffings Michals think it not much to be vile in their sight and thine own sight too Be not ashamed of Christ who is not ashamed of thee his Brother but fear lest be be ashamed of thee when he cometh in the Glory of his Father with the holy Angels Mark 8.38 3. My thronging family business will not permit Answ As we are to pray with all Prayer so to watch with al Watchfulness not only to watch in prayer and after to hear God's answer but unto Prayer He is a strange God who gives thee Lands Labourers c. and gives thee no time Why hath God given thee two Oxen together two Horses two Servants together but thy hours not two together but minutatem this certainly to index to thee and to give thee warning that time is to be improved and weighed very strictly and more regarded than thy Horses c. Let me perswade thee to look after Blessings in God's Way Dayly bread is sweetest that is got by Prayer and Labour Secondly Light with allowance Though I give thee the allowance of that weighty duty of Family-Prayer yea if thou couldst truly say with the young man Thus have I prayed from my youth up what lack I yet I must answer thee One Prayer more is wanting i. e. Publick Prayer As it is in Petitions to ask daily bread and not hallowed be thy Name is but a lame prayer and to pray for Justification in that Petition Forgive us our trespasses but not for Sanctification in that following and lead us not into temptation it measures not out the blood of Christ rightly which reacheth to the purifying of his People as well as pardoning because of something wanting the foresaid Prayer is but a mutile halting prayer So when one limb is cut off all Prayer is maimed thy Deed is imperfect Thou hast both House and Land but not the Commons thereunto belonging II. Family Prayer First If there be nothing but this Family-Prayer it is not one half of All. 1. I mistrust that something besides the glory of God moves thee to it may be thou wast brought up in a praying Family and custom puts thee upon duty or else the sought applause of thy Family or Neighbours thou art desirous to seem ●o be a good Christian rather than to be so and seekest after the gift of Prayer rather than the grace of Prayer 2. I mistrust thou art not constant in duty may be upon the Sabbath but not in thy six dayes may be at night when thou hast time but not in the morning may be when business is not throng but seed-time and harvest or strangers will easily put thee by 3. Admit a constancy it 's not obedience to the Law-giver for he that hath commanded thee to attend him in thy Parlour hath said the like of the Closet Obedience must be copulative and connexive The Soveraignity of God is alike in all kinds of Prayer The disregarding of secret Prayer is the disregarding the Soveraignity of him who is Unicus Praeceptor Mat. 6.6 Secondly But though I give thee an allowance of one weighty kind viz. secret Prayer Yet for all this thou art not currant For as it is in the Commandments to respect one and not another shews a want of sincerity and thou mayest be ashamed when the wicked call thee an Hypocrite Psal 119.6 So as it is in the parts of a Commandment the negative part of the fourth Commandment it is good not to labour but when thou hast no respect to the positive the sanctification of
exercised your patience to the full and the time far gone yet give me leave a little more have patience for your dying Minister God knows whether ever or never I shall trouble you thus again the pains is mine I pray God the profit may be yours If the Word of God's Grace be such Security Comfort to a left People Be exhorted 1. To attend upon the Publick Preaching of the Word This is the ordinary and appointed means to get benefit for your souls Those that came to Christ were healed of their several infirmities and maladies Would you have your spiritual maladies healed your natures sanctified corruptions mortified Grace implainted Grace increased strengthned Wait on the Word for this is the standing and appointed means When Joseph and Mary sought for Christ they could not find him in the Company nor amongst their Friends nor in the City but in the Temple Luke 2.43 44 45 46. Think not to find God and Christ in sinful company in your houses nor in your fields nor flocks but in his Ordinances these are his Wine-Cellers and Banqueting-houses wherein he will feast your souls with spiritual dainties and varieties Cant. 2.4 2. Be frequent in reading it labour to understand and believe it The oftner you reade it the more you shall understand it the more you understand it the more you shall believe it and the more you believe it the more comfort and benefit you shall reap by it What advantage will all the excellencies be to us if we do not believe them and how can we believe them unless we understand them and how can we understand them unless we reade it and hear it preached Therefore be constant in reading every day some part of God's Word season your souls with it in the morning let it lock up your thoughts in the evening Here you have a prescribed remedy for every malady a plaister for every sore here is comfort for every sorrow and in all affliction here is counsel in all your straits Deprive not your selves of the benefit for want of reading studying the Word You feed every day your bodies with your daily food feed your souls with this food 3. Treasure up the Word in your hearts Let the Word of Christ saith the Apostle dwell in you richly in all wisdom Col. 3.16 Where there is a Malady there the Remedy must be applied Your Malady is within So many sins so many diseases so many sins so many wounds This will be Physick to cure your diseases A Plaister to heal your wounds Blindness is the disease of the understanding Vanity the disease of the mind Stuborness the disease of the will And the sin of each faculty of the soul and member of the body is the disease and wound of that faculty and member But this Word dwelling powerfully in you enlightens your understandings fils your minds with heavenly mindedness makes your wills obedient heals every faculty and every member though it be in part Physick doth not cure us Cordials do not comfort nor strengthen us unless we drink them Plaisters do not heal us unless we apply them Food doth not nourish us unless we eat and digest it No more will the Word of God be as Physick as a Cordial as a Plaister as Food to purge sin to comfort us to heal us to nourish our Graces unless it dwell within us How can a Souldier defend himself and beat his enemies when he is a naked man without his Weapons you are naked unarmed if the Word dwell not in you Well than Be well acquainted with God's Menaces against sin and his Judgments upon it Be well acquainted with his Promises that you have both in readiness when occasion requires 4. Walk according to it Make it a light to your feet and a lanthorn to your paths Psal 119.105 This is the way of peace And as many as walk according to this Rule peace be upon them and the whole Israel of God Gal. 6.16 It is the way of security read Isa 33.15 16. It is the way of blessedness Not the hearers but doers of the Word shall be blessed in the deed Jam. 1.22 23 24 25. I shall give you three or four instances First In sanctification of the Sabbath God hath given us six dayes to do our work in and hath taken himself but one in seven to be served in and it is a robbing of God not to keep his Day holy The Christian Sabbath is a weekly commemoration of Christ's arising from the dead and accomplishing the great work of our Redemption and in thankfulness for so great a mercy be sure you keep holy be strict in religious Duties publick and private Make conscience of performing duty and make conscience of a right manner of performing duty when others play sport walk abroad sleep or talk at home reade you the Word or good Books pray and sing praises to God Such as are not careful to sanctifie God's Day care not for God nor Religion any day Such as deny him publick Worship will deny private Worship Such as are careless in performing publick Duties are careless in performing private Duties and Cursed be they that do the work of the Lord negligently Mal. 1. ult Secondly Be careful to govern your Families according to the Word It was Joshuahs resolution That he and his house would serve the Lord Chap. 24.15 and David would suffer no wicked man in his house Psal 10● Be careful to offer to God a morning and an evening Sacrifice reading some portion of God's Word Be careful and constant to instruct your Families your Children and Servants in principles of Religion in the fear of God season them while they are with you that they may be preserved from infection when they are from you Endevour that Husbands be holy that your Wives be holy that Children be holy that Servants be holy that your Families be as little Churches of God The holiness of a Family is the glory the safety the riches of a Family Thirdly Live in subjection to Supream Power and Authority of the Nation We are branded for Rebels Fomenters of divisions labouring to fire the Nation with civil Discord and engage it in another War but our Practice and our Doctrine shall witness the contrary to the world And therefore I charge you before God's holy Angles and God himself the great Judge of the world that ye be subject to the higher Powers Be actively obedient so far as you may keep peace and a good conscience within and when you cannot obey actively obey passively Fear not Josephs Prison nor Jeremiahs Dungeon nor Daniels Lions Den for a good conscience Praying for all in Authority that under them we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in ALL godliness and honesty Labour I beseech you by your quiet and peaceable lives to vindicate the innocency of your Ministers and their Doctrine from those black-mouthed blasphemies and reproaches envie and malice and ignorance hath cast upon them and doubtless
have Tribulation but be of good Comfort As you should be humble in Prosperity so quiet and chearful in Adversity Carry an even frame in each state Let your Moderation be known unto all men even in bearing Afflictions Be not overmuch cast down with any trouble Let the Enemy see that you have been with God by the Gladness of your Countenance You 'l discredit Religion by too much drooping Let not others say You serve a hard Master God that knows all things knows what condition is best for you and how to deal with you Rejoyce in the Lord alwayes Though Adversity and the Wicked may intermeddle with your outward comforts and take them away yet let them see you have inward Joyes with which they cannot intermeddle nor take away 13. Esteem and approve Time as a precious Commodity Husband Opportunities for Soul-Advantage When you have spare hours improve them in Reading Meditation and Prayer Redeem Time from sleep your callings and recreations in order to Heaven Men usually work sleep and recreate more than necessity calls for and then cry out they have no time for holy Exercises Oh what would damned spirits give for two or three of those hours which we throw away Oh how would they spend them would they sleep play or work them away Nay how would they Pray Read and Repent more in one hour than we do in many Brethren the time is short your work is much you have God to honour your Relations to watch over your own Evidences to make clear O then redeem precious Time do not throw it away Ephes 5.16 15. Contend earnestly for the Faith Jude 3. Maintain fundamental Truths I do not mean that you should fall a wrangling with every one you meet The Apostle indeed takes notice of some men that place their Religion in fightings of Words in conflicting with the Air in janglings and disputings about things they understand not 1 Tim. 1.5 6. Some place their Religion in being of this and that Opinion and indeed they are meer Opinionists Our meaning is this When the Enemies of the Church labour to root up the necessary and very foundation Truths of Christianity that we should stick to them As Paul he did earnestly contend for the Doctrine of Christ being the Messiah against the Jews He maintained the Doctrine of the Resurrection against the Saduces The Doctrine of Justification by Christ's Righteousness against the Teachers of the Law He doth strongly and vehemently maintain Divine Worship against the idolatrous worship of the Athenians And so should we contend opportunely and wisely with tongues and lives Contend against Justification by Works against Idolatry rather than God's Honour should be given to dumb Idols give your honour to the Dust Consider fundamental yea every Truth hath been confirmed by no less than Miracles preserved in a miraculous way and sealed in the Blood both of Christ and of Martyrs Never then sell the Truth but buy it 16. Get longing Desires after the Enjoyment of God in Heaven Let your hearts be often sending sighs thither Long till you be at home Groan earnestly till mortality be clothed with Immortality 2 Cor. 5.1 2. Say as he When shall I come and appear before God Long till you be in Heaven that so you may have constant Communion with God's Angels and Saints that ye may be wholly freed from sin and made perfect in Holiness Let your Conversation be in Heawhilst you are on Earth To this end get more acquaintance with Heaven Study till you be convinced that it is and what it is Understand what that Happiness is that Saints enjoy there When you have got minds informed and hearts affected with it often muse and meditate of it This heavenly Conversation is very sweet it will comfort us when we are never so sad Well may the soul say Now I am full of sin O but then no sin I am now sold under sin O but then I shall be free Now I dishonour God but then I shall honour him altogether Now I am in continual fear of falling into sin but then I shall be past all danger Now I am in continual sorrow but then all tears shall be wip'd away Now I am kept in bondage through fear of death but then there shall be living and no more Death and so no more fears of it Moreover this would teach us to understand the World When we do experimentally taste Heavens Joyes we shall despise Earths Pleasures when we seriously think of that Friendship and Communion we shall have with Friends in Heaven even God Christ Angels and Saints it will wean us from Friends on Earth and make us more willing to leave them And when we think of Heavens Honour we shall undervalue the honours and scorn the contempt we meet with in this world Get now and then upon the top of Pisgah and solace your selves with a view of the Heavenly Canaan Having now given you an account of those main Duties and Counsels that relate more immediately to God and your souls I shall briefly give you the sum of those Counsels I have to leave you about things that relate more nearly to you and others with whom you converse and have to do The first is this 1. Discharge domestical Duties Study and perform the Duties that every Relation calls for Act as Christian Parents and Christian Masters towards your Children and Servants bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord call on them to re●d the Scriptures frequently that even of Children they be acquainted with that which will make them wise to Salvation keep them to a form of sound words 2 Tim. 1.13 hold them to the Principles of Religion Catechisms are called A Form of sound words because they keep the Judgment and Affections sound they help to discern betwixt Truth and Error fit and prepare for hearing of the Word preached and for the receiving of the Lord's Supper For want of this we may observe notorious ignorance in grown youth and old men also For want of this how many that are Fathers in years are meer Children in understanding Again pray with and for your Children and Servants and set them to pray by themselves for this end give them time convenient do not so much forward them in your service as to hinder them from serving God your Servants have God to acknowledge honour and serve as well as you they have sins to be pardoned corruptions to be subdued Graces to beg wants to be supplied and souls to be saved as well as you and will you make them throw their souls over-board to secure your goods And so study to carry as Christians in every other Relation Carry as Christian Husbands and Christian Wives are directed and ought to do that the Gospel of Christ be not blamed upon your account And so you that are Children and Servants as you expect your Parents and Masters should discharge their duties towards you so it is expected you should
his People a love to above Private Worship He loves it Psal 87.2 He loves the dwellings of Jacob but especially the Gates of Zion He will meet his People in secret but he hath made a more peculiar Promise to meet them in their Meetings Mat. 18.20 Exod. 29.42 Private Duties want not a blessing but Publick Worship is honoured by God to be the main Conveiance of Blessings Publick Ordinances are the great Veins wherein the Blood of Christ runs Psal 128.5 Psal 133.3 The Mount of Zion is the Mount of blessing The Gleanings of Ordinances are better than the Vintage of other Helps There he commanded the Blessing 1. There is Conviction 1 Cor. 14.23 24. 2. There is Conversion Rom. 10.14 Private Means want not their Encouragements but God sets the most seals to his Publick Worship Hearing is not the only way but it is the most ordinary way of Faith God's chief Doles are at Wisdoms Gates Psal 87.5 Of Zion it shall be said This and that man was born I may say new born there These are as it were the troughs as once Jacob did wherein God layes the Rod of his Strength and transforms hearts 3. There is Consolation The Ordinances are the breasts of Consolation Isa 66.11 There in the Banqueting-House God stayes his with Flagons and comforts them with Apples as in Cant. 2.4 5. There God puts the teat into the mouth and stills the Whimperings of his Children The Comforts that are given in Assemblies are most satisfactory as things done in open Court are most Authentick Hannah 1 Sam. 1.18 went away and her countenance was no more sad 4. There God carries on his work begun God feeds his People where he breeds them gives them Strength where he gave them Life Psal 84.7 Growth where he gave them truth of Grace Psal 92.13 To talk of over-thriving Ordinances is a mistake 'T is decay not thrift 't is death not growth We must be and may learn in Christ's School till we be sent to the University of Heaven Secondly And as God loves it and hath set his Broad-Seal to it so God hath wrought in his People a Love to it God's People cannot live without Secret Corners nor comfortably without Publick Meetings if they be cooped up at any time they are as a Child in the wombe strugling to get forth Hezekiah was more loth to leave Worship than to leave the world He mentions his Isa 38.11 loss of Converses with Men but not so emphatical as the other as you may observe I shall not see the Lord even the Lord He redoubles the word Lord to express his ardent Affections to God's Service and to intimate his desire of life that he might go to Church again Reade ver 22. of that Chapter Now can we part with such a Dorcas for good deeds and such a Jonathan for pleasantness without sorrow Can we suffer such a Right-hand to be cut off such a Right-eye to be plucked out without grief Shall such a Darling-Blessing dye unlamented Thirdly As Publick Worship is in the Heart of God and in the hearts of his People so Publick Worship is that which all need be their personal Abilities be their private Helps what they will 1. All need it Publick Worship is a publick Good and so a publick general Loss our persons our families will feel it it will be soon every where in a little time The Publick Worship is like Husbandry of which it is said The profit of the Earth is for all The King himself is served by the field Eccles 10.9 'T is well noted That the Ministry of the Word or rather the Ministers of the Word are set forth by common Blessings such as are Light and Salt and Harvest-men Bread so that the removal of such away is a common Mischief it is as if no Sun no Tillage no Labourers to reap down our Fields It is like the bellies want in the Apologue no member can do its office The Minister himself will want this Mercy The Light is profitable to him that carrieth it as well as to others They may in saving their Hearers save themselves 1 Tim. 4.16 But Oh how will all sorts of People want it Solemn Assemblies are the great Banks against Sin the main Quickners to Duty Ministers are both God's and mans Remembrancers Isa 62.6 2 Pet. 1.12 13. The want of them turns our Palaces into Hell for Darkness and Prophaness as Egypt was when it wanted Light Solemn Assemblies are the Directors of all sorts to their duties How soon shall we find this want in our Children and in our Servants nay in our selves We that have had so much a do to get or keep any life or sence what shall we do when we want those Rubbings Chasings Joggs Wheels Quicknings that we have had in the publick Ordinances Read and apply to this present purpose that speech which your dying dead Ministers may use to you Deut. 31.27 Mutatis mutandis For I know thy Rebellion and thy Stiff-neck Behold whilst I am yet alive with you this day ye have been rebellious against the Lord and how much more after my death Nay Furthermore I say it is that which all need be their personal Abilities never so great and be their private helps never so many It is a choice observation of a Man of God Hildersham on John 4. now with God a Man mighty in the Scriptures concerning David that though he was a Man of Excellent Gifts a Prophet a Pen-man of Scripture You have his Character and Portraiture in 2 Sam. 23.1 2. A man of incomparable Abilities vast Experiences singular Integrity A man after God's own heart and yet this man was a lover of the Habitation of God's House Psal 268. Nay besides these his own treasures he had w● h him sometimes if not alwayes an extraordinary 〈…〉 to be his Chaplain even God 1 Sam. 22.5 〈…〉 had likewise Abiathar a Priest to enquire of 〈…〉 h●m 1 Sam. 23.9 Yet he longs after the Or●●●●nces bewails the want of Publick Worship and speaks as if he wanted God in many Psalms as if he had nothing of God comparatively to what he enjoyed there Oh who like David Great men that have much within themselves yet cannot quite keep off the Markets Verily the best stored heart or house will not live fully without these spiritual Markets All private helps may say to the publick Ordinances as Gideon to the men of Ephraim Judg. 8.2 What have I done in comparison of you Lay all this together strike ●●e●e con●iderations on the heart as Moses did the Ro●● with his Rod and conclude the heart is a Rock indeed if it yeeld no water after these strokes Oh if any thing should open springs of sorrow in the heart i● should be the stopping up of such Wells But I stay too long upon things I proceed to the second Particular that sheweth how considerable the Loss of Solemn Assemblies are and that is Secondly In wanting the Solemn
O mourning soul is it nothing that there is no change in the Covenant of Grace though it may be thou thinkest there is a great alteration as to the Means of Grace Thy Teacher is where he was though some of thy Teachers be removed It is he that taught thee by them and he can teach thee without them Thou hast before seen cause to magnifie him because he did All by the Instruments and now thou mayest see cause to omnify him that can be to thee instead of all Instruments Christ Jesus is in Office and in exercise of his Office as Prophet when some Officers may be discharged John 5.17 Christ works if some others may not can you not find all that you have lost in that one Title of Christ The great Shepherd of the Sheep Heb. 13.10 If you should be brought so low as to see no Temple yet may you find a Temple in the Lamb Rev. 21.22 Some think that Promise of God to this mourning People Ezek. 11.16 That he would be to them as a little Sanctuary is not only a Promise of protection but that he would from himself also make some supply of Temple-Ordinances I will be a little Temple to you I will be instead of your City-Walls and your Temple-Priviledges 2. As for future Hopes there is room for an If I shall find favour in his eyes 2 Sam. 15.25 The Prophet Ezekiel dare not conclude against dry bones living Ezek. 37.3 11 12. The Text is a promise of gathering a mourning People If it be asked May we apply such Promises I Answer Yes sure we may with giving God that liberty he hath reserved to himself That he will either give us the very thing or that which is equivolent The Promises are a cōmon stock What Peter saith of Scripture There is no Scripture of private interpretation I may with a little change say of Scripture-Promises they are not of private application Nay if that be true which some upon good grounds affirm That the Church then was typical and the times that passed over her then were typical of that state of the New-Testament Church in its latter age then I say these Promises are as much ours as theirs Act Faith therefore on this Promise if God hath pricked thy heart and fear not to conclude that either God will find us a room in his House on Earth or give us the Mansions that Christ hath prepared for us in Heaven Either we shall be gathered thither where we have enjoyed Ordinances or into Heaven where we shall need none which is best of all O let our scatterings unite us O let us be sowing Goodness and scattering Religion wherever we come compare Acts 8.1 4. with chap. 11.19 And pour out our hearts in those words with which the Jews conclude both in writing and in reading the Lamentations of Jeremiah in Lam. 5.21 wherewith I will conclude this mournful discourse Turn thou us unto thee O Lord and we shall be turned Renew our dayes as of old Amen SERMON XVII Ephes 5.15 16. See then that ye walk circumspectly not as Fools but as Wise Redeeming the time because the dayes are evil THe Apostle having in the former part of this Chapter given the Ephesians warning to avoid that Looseness Prophaneness and Disorder in their lives and conversations which would exclude them out of the Kingdom of Heaven In this verse he comes by way of inference to direct them what course they should take In which words we have several things well worthy our consideration As 1. The Duty enjoyned and that with a note of earnestness See that ye walk circumspectly q. d. have a care 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Accurate exactte be sure what ever ye do that ye walk exactly And this Duty he amplifies 1. Negatively Not as Fools And 2. Positively But as Wise 2. Here is a special part of the Duty particularized Redeeming the time 3. Here is a reason of the Command or a motive to the performance of the Duty Because the dayes are evil The words thus considered are very pregnant and will without much midwifery bring forth these very many useful and seasonable Observations Doctrine 1. That a truly Christian Conversation is an exact Conversation Doct. 2. That a loose Life is a Fools Life Doct. 3. That he is the wisest Man that lives most exactly Doct. 4. That specially in evil Times we have need of much spiritual Wisdom for the right ordering of our Conversations Doct. 5. That it is a special part of Christian Wisdom to redeem Time Doct. 6. That the worse the Times are wherein we live the more it concerns us to redeem Time and to live exactly and wisely Doct. 7. That to live loosely and lose Time and Opportunities of good when times are evil is the veriest Folly in the world Here are rich Materials for a large Fabrick and I would gladly make the best of them for your advantage but I am confined not self-confined as formerly but by a necessity imposed upon me I say I am confined to such narrow straits of time that though it be a Treasury of such precious Truths as deserves a long and serious view yet I shall be constrained to crowd much in a little room and to give you but an half-fight of these Jewels and so put them up again but this I 'le do I will open the Cabinet and shew them to you as I can and so leave them with you in hopes you will take a more full and considerable view of them afterwards And so I shall begin with the first Doct. 1. That a right Christian Conversation is a circumspect exact Conversation a strict and precise Conversation wherein a man endeavours 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to go to the top and walk upon the very ridge of his Rule As Paul Phil. 3.12 13 14 15. who laboured not only to see at a distance but to hit the very Mark of Christianity While he was a Jew he was strict and precise in that way he was of the strictest Sect of Religion Acte 26.5 And so when he was converted to Christianity he did not throw off his strictness and preciseness but guided it by the Rule of Christianity and exhorteth the Ephesians and all other Christians in the words of the Text to do the like I should not doubt easily to convince your judgements and understandings of this Truth but because strictness is a thing that is every where spoken against the hardest task will be to perswade your wills and affections to embrace this Truth I shall endeavour both by this ensuing Demonstration 1. Christians have a Rule to live by and this Rule is the Word of God This is that Rule mentioned by the Apostle Gal. 6.16 God hath not left man like brute beasts in a Forest As soon as he made man in the world he gave him a Rule to walk and live by Gen. 2.16 17. And as an Emblem of this spiritual Enclosure he left not our