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A30895 An apology for the true Christian divinity, as the same is held forth, and preached by the people, called, in scorn, Quakers being a full explanation and vindication of their principles and doctrines, by many arguments, deduced from Scripture and right reason, and the testimony of famous authors, both ancient and modern, with a full answer to the strongest objections usually made against them, presented to the King / written and published in Latine, for the information of strangers, by Robert Barclay ; and now put into our own language, for the benefit of his country-men.; Theologiae verè Christianae apologia. English Barclay, Robert, 1648-1690. 1678 (1678) Wing B721; ESTC R1740 415,337 436

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If there be any such thing as vain Oblations or Prayers that are abomination which God heareth not as is certain there are and the Scripture testifies Isa. 66.3 Jer. 14.12 certainly such Prayers as are acted in man's will and by his own strength without God's Spirit must be of that number § XXIV Let this suffice for probation Now I shall proceed to answer their objections when I have said something concerning joyning in prayer with others Those that pray together with one accord use not only to concur in their spirits but also in the gesture of their body which we also willingly approve of It becometh those who approach before God to pray that they do it with bowed knees and with their heads uncovered which is our practice Obj. But here ariseth a controversie Whether it be lawful to join with others by those external signs of reverence albeit not in heart who pray formally nor waiting for the motion of the Spirit nor judging it necessary Answ. We answer Not at all and for our testimony in this thing we have suffered not a little for when it hath faln out that either accidentally or to witness against their worship we have been present during the same and have not found it lawful for us to bow with them thereunto they have often persecuted us not only with reproaches but also with stroaks and cruel beatings for this cause they use to accuse us of pride profanity and madness as if we had no respect or reverence to the worship of God and as if we judged none could pray or were heard of God but our selves Unto all which and many more reproaches of this kind we answer briefly and modestly that it sufficeth us that we are found so doing neither through Pride nor Madness nor Prophanity but meerly lest we should hurt our Consciences the reason of which is plain and evident for since our Principle and Doctrine obligeth us to believe that the Prayers of those who themselves confess they are not acted by the Spirit are abominations how can we with a safe Conscience joyn with them Obj. If they urge that this is the heighth of uncharitableness and arrogancy as if we judged our selves always to pray by the Spirits motion but they never as if we were never deceived by Praying without the motions of the Spirit and that they were never acted by it seeing albeit they judg not the motion of the Spirit always necessary they confess nevertheless that it is very profitable and comfortable and they feel it often influencing them which that it sometimes falls out we cannot deny Answ. To all which I answer distinctly if it were their known and avowed Doctrine not to Pray without the motion of the Spirit and that seriously holding thereunto they did not bind themselves to Pray at certain prescribed times precisely at which times they determine to Pray though without the Spirit then indeed we might be accused of uncharitableness and pride if we never joyned with them and if they so taught and practised I doubt not but it should he lawful for us so to do unless there should appear some manifest and evident hypocrisie and delusion But seeing they profess that they pray without the Spirit and seeing God hath perswaded us that such Prayers are abominable how can we with a safe Conscience joyn with an abomination That God sometimes condescends to them we do not deny albeit now when the Spiritual Worship is openly proclaimed and all are invited unto it the case is otherwise than those old times of Apostasie and Darkness and therefore albeit any should begin to pray in our presence not expecting the motion of the Spirit yet if it manifestly appear that God in condescension did concur with such a one then according to God's will we should not refuse to joyn also but this is rare lest thence they should be confirmed in their false Principle And albeit this seem hard in our profession nevertheless it is so confirmed by the Authority both of Scripture and right Reason that many convinced thereof have embraced this part before other among whom is memorable of late Years Alexander Skein a Magistrate of the City of Aberdeen a man very modest and very averse from giving offence to others who nevertheless being overcome by the Power of Truth in this matter behoved for this cause to separate himself from the publick Assemblies and Prayers and joyn himself unto us Who also gave the reason of his change and likewise succinctly but yet substantially comprehended this controversie concerning Worship in some short questions which he offered to the publick Preachers of the City which I think meet to insert in this place 1. Whether or not should any act of God's Worship be gone about without the motions leadings and actings of the Holy Spirit 2. If the motions of the Spirit be necessary to every particular duty whether should he be waited upon that all our acts and words may be according as he gives utterance and assistance 3. Whether every one that bears the name of a Christian or professes to be a Protestant hath such an uninterrupted measure thereof that he may without waiting go immediately about the duty 4. If there be an indisposition and unfitness at some times for such exercises at lest as to the Spiritual and lively performances thereof whether ought they to be performed in that case and at that time 5. If any duty be gone about under pretence that it is in obedience to the external command without the Spiritual Life and Motion necessary whether such a duty thus performed can in Faith be expected to be accepted of God and not rather reckoned as a bringing of strange Fire before the Lord seeing it is performed at best by the strength of natural and acquired parts and not by the strength and assistance of the Holy Ghost which was typified by the Fire that came down from Heaven which alone behoved to consume the Sacrifice and no other 6. Whether duties gone about in the meer strength of natural and acquired parts whether in publick or private be not as really upon the matter an image of man's invention as the popish worship though not so gross in the outward appearance And therefore whether it be not as real superstition to countenance any worship of that nature as it is to countenance popish worship though there be a difference in the degree 7. Whether it be a ground of offence or just scandal to countenance the worship of those whose professed principle it is neither to speak for edification nor to pray but as the Holy Ghost shall be pleased to assist them in some measure less or more without which they rather chuse to be silent than to speak without this influence Unto these they answered but very coldly and faintly whose answers likewise long ago he refuted Seeing then God hath called us to his spiritual worship and to testifie against the humane and voluntary worships of
to be soothed up and lulled asleep in thy sins by the flattering of Court-Parasits who by their fawning are the ruin of many Princes There is no King in the World who can so experimentally testifie of Gods Providence and Goodness neither is there any who rules so many free People so many true Christians which thing renders thy Government more honourable thy self more considerable than the accession of many Nations filled with slavish and superstitious Souls Thou hast tasted of prosperity and adversity thou know'st what it is to be banished thy Native Countrey to be over-ruled as well as to rule and sit upon the Throne and being oppressed thou hast reason to know how hateful the Oppressor is both to God and man If after all these Warnings and Advertisements thou dost not turn unto the Lord withal thy Heart but forget him who remembered thee in thy distress and give up thy self to follow Lust and Vanity surely great will be thy condemnation Against which snare as well as the temptation of those that may or do feed thee and prompt thee to evil the most excellent and prevalent remedy will be to apply thy self to that Light of Christ which shineth in thy Conscience which neither can nor will flatter thee nor suffer thee to be at ease in thy sins but doth and will deal plainly and faithfully with thee as those that are followers thereof have also done GOD Almighty who hath so signally hitherto visited thee with his love so touch and reach thy heart ere the day of thy visitation be expired that thou mayst effectually turn to him so as to improve thy place and station for his Name So wisheth so prayeth Thy faithful Friend and Subject ROBERT BARCLAY From Ury the place of my Pilgrimage in my Native Country of Scotland the 25 of the Month called November in the YEAR 1675. R. B. Unto the Friendly Reader wisheth Salvation FOrasmuch as that which above all things I propose to my self is to declare and defend the Truth for the service whereof I have given up and devoted my self and all that is mine therefore there is nothing which for its sake by the help and assistance of God I may not attempt And in this confidence I did sometime ago publish certain Propositions of Divinity comprehending briefly the chief Principles and Doctrines of Truth which appearing not unprofitable to some and being beyond my expectation well received both by Foreigners though dissenting from us albeit also opposed by some envious ones did so far prevail as in some part to remove that false and monstruous Opinion which lying fame and the malice of our adversaries had implanted in the minds of some concerning us and our Doctrines In this respect it seem'd to me not fit to spare my pains and labour Therefore being acted by the same measure of the Divine Spirit and the like design of propagating the Truth by which I published the Propositions I judg'd it meet to explain them somewhat more largely at this time and defend them by certain arguments Perhaps my method of writing may seem not only different but even contrary to that which is commonly used by the men called Divines with which I am not concerned for that I confess my self to be not only no imitator and admirer of the School-men but an opposer and despiser of them as such by whose labour I judg the Christian Religion to be so far from being bettered that it is rather destroyed Neither have I sought to accommodate this my work to itching Ears who desire rather to comprehend in their head the sublime notions of Truth than to imbrace it in their heart For what I have written comes more from my heart than from my head what I have heard with the Ears of my Soul and seen with my inward Eyes and my hands have handled of the Word of Life And what hath been inwardly manifested to me of the things of God that do I declare not so much minding the Eloquence and Excellency of Speech as desiring to demonstrate the efficacy and operation of Truth and if I err sometime in the former it is not great matter for I act not here the Grammarian or the Orator but the Christian and therefore in this I have followed the certain Rule of the Divine Light and of the Holy Scriptures And to make an end what I have written is written not to feed the Wisdom and Knowledge or rather vain pride of this world but to starve and oppose it us the little Preface prefix'd to the Propositions doth shew which with the title of them is as followeth THESES THEOLOGICAE To the Clergy of what sort soever unto whose hands these may come but more particularly to the Doctors Professors and Students of Divinity in the Universities and Schools of Great Brittain whether Prelatical Presbyterian or any other ROBERT BARCLAY a Servant of the Lord God and one of those who in derision are called Quakers wisheth unfeigned Repentance unto the acknowledgment of the Truth FRIENDS UNto You these following Propositions are offered in which they being read and considered in the fear of the Lord you may perceive that simple Naked Truth which Man by his Wisdom hath rendred so obscure and mysterious that the World is even burthened with the great and voluminous Tractates which are made about it and by their vain jangling and Commentaries by which it is rendred a hundred fold more dark and intricate than of it self it is which great Learning so accounted of to wit your School Divinity which taketh up almost a mans whole Life-time to learn brings not a whit nearer to God neither makes any man less wicked or more righteous than he was Therefore hath God laid aside the Wise and Learned and the Disputers of this World and hath chosen a few despicable and unlearned Instruments as to Letter-learning as he did Fisher-men of old to publish his pure and naked Truth and to free it of these Mists and Fogs wherewith the Clergy hath clouded it that the People might admire and maintain them And among several others whom God hath chosen to make known these things seeing I also have received in measure Grace to be a Dispencer of the same Gospel it seemed good unto me according to my duty to offer unto you these Propositions tho short yet are weighty comprehending much and declaring what the true ground of knowledge is even of that knowledge which leads to life Eternal which is here witnessed of and the Testimony thereof left unto the Light of Christ in all your Consciences Farewel R. B. The First Proposition Concerning the true Foundation of Knowledge SEing the height of all happiness is placed in the true knowledg of God This is Life Eternal to know the true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent the true and right understanding of this foundation and ground of knowledge is that which is most necessary to be known and believed in the first place
than a cutting off from the Church is not nor can be shewn Beza upon the place saith We cannot understand that otherwise than of Excommunication Such as was that of the incestuous Corinthian And indeed it is madness to suppose it otherwise for Paul would not have these cut off otherwise than he did Hymenaeus and Philetus who were Blasphemers which was by giving them over to Satan not by cutting off their Heads The same way may be answered that other argument drawn from Rev. 2.20 Where the Church of Thyatira is reproved for suffering the woman Jezebel Which can be no other waies understood than that they did not excommunicate her or cut her off by a Church censure for as to corporal punishment it is known that at that time the Christians had not power to punish Hereticks so if they had had a mind to it Fourthly they alledge Obj. that Heresies are numbred among the works of the Flesh Gal. 5.20 Ergo c. That Magistrates have power to punish all the works of the Flesh Answ. is denyed and not yet proved Every evil is a work of the Flesh but every evil comes not under the Magistrates cognisance Is not Hypocrisie a work of the Flesh which our adversaries confess the Magistrates ought not to punish Yea is not Hatred and Envy there mentioned as the works of the Flesh and yet the Magistrates cannot punish them as they are in themselves until they exert themselves in other acts which come under his power But so long as Heresie doth not exert it self in any act destructive to humane society or such like things but is kept within the sphere of those duties of doctrin or worship which stand betwixt a man and God they no waies come under a Magistrates power § IV. But secondly this forcing of mens consciences is contrary to sound Reason and to the very law of Nature For man's understanding cannot be forced by all the bodily sufferings another man can inflict upon him especially in matters Spiritual and Supernatural 't is arguments and evident demonstrations of Reason together with the power of God reaching the Heart that can change a man's mind from one opinion to another and not knocks and blows and such like things which may well destroy the Body but can never inform the Soul which is a free agent and must either accept or reject matters of opinion as they are born in upon it by something proportional to its own nature To seek to force minds in ony other manner is to deal with men as if they were brutes void of understanding and at last is but to lose ones labour and as the proverb is to seek to wash the Blackmore white By that course indeed men may be made Hypocrites but can never be made Christians and surely the products of such compulsion even where the end is obtained to wit an outward assent or conformity whether in Doctrin or Worship can be no waies acceptable to God who desireth not any Sacrifice except that which cometh througly from the Heart and will have no constrained ones so that men so constrained are so far from being members of the Church that they are made ten-times more the Servants of Satan than before in that to their Error is added Hypocrisie the worst of Evils in matters of Religion and that which above all things the Lord's Soul most abhors But if it be said their error notwithstanding is thereby suppressed Obj. and the scandal removed I answer besides that this is a method no waies allowed by Christ Answ. as is above proved surely the Church can be no waies better'd by the accession of Hypocrites but greatly corrupted and endangered for open Heresie men be aware of and shun such as profess them when they are separated from the Church by her Censures but secret Hypocrites may putrifie the Body and leaven it ere men be aware And if the Dissenters prove resolute and suffer boldly for the Opinions they esteem right experience sheweth that such sufferings often tend to the condemnation of the sufferers but never of the persecutors for such suffering ordinarily breeds compassion and begets a curiosity in others to inquire the more diligently into the things for which they see men suffer so great losses so boldly and is also able to beget an opinion that it is for some good they do suffer it being no waies probable that men will venture all meerly to acquire fame which may as well be urged to detract from the reputation of all the Martyrs unless some better arguments be brought against it than a Halter or a Faggot But supposing this principle that the Magistrate hath power to force the Consciences of his Subjects and to punish them if they will not comply very great inconveniencies and absurdities will follow and even such as are inconsistent with the nature of the Christian Religion For first it will naturally follow that the Magistrate ought to do it and sinneth by omission of his duty if he do it not Will it not then hence be inferred that Christ was defective to his Church who having power to force men and for to call for legions of Angels so to do did notwithstanding exert that power but lest his Church to the mercy of the wicked without so necessary a bulwark Secondly seeing every Magistrate is to exercise his power according to the best understanding he hath being obliged so to do for the promoting of what he in conscience is perswaded to be Truth Will not this justifie all the Heathen Emperors in their persecutions against Christians Will not this justifie the Spanish Inquisition which yet is odious not only to Protestants but to many moderate Papists How can Protestants in reason condemn the Papists for persecuting them seeing they do but exercise a lawful power according to their Conscience and best understanding and do no more to them than the sufferers profess they would do to them if they were in the like capacity Which takes away all ground of commiseration from the sufferers whereas that was the ground that gained of old reputation to the Christians that they being innocent suffered who neither had nor by principle could hurt any But there is little reason to pity one that is but dealt by according as he would deal with others For to say they have not reason to persecute us because they are in the wrong and we in the right is but miserably to beg the question Doth not this Doctrin strengthen the hands of persecutors every where and that rationally from a principle of self preservation For who can blame me for destroying him that I know waits but for an occasion to destroy me if he could Yea this makes all suffering for Religion which of old was the glory of Christians to be but of pure necessity whereby they are not led as Lambs to the Slaughter as was the Captain of their Salvation but rather as Wolves catched in the snare who only bite not again
Haman and with Elihu not to give flattering titles to men lest we should be reproved of our Maker and if according to Peter's example and the Angel's advice to bow only to God and not to our Fellow-servants and if to call no man Lord nor Master except under particular relations according to Christ's command I say if these things be not to be reproved then are we not blame-worthy in so doing If to be vain and gaudy in apparel if to paint the face and plait the hair if to be cloathed with gold and silver and precious stones and if to be filled with ribbands and lace be to be cloathed in modest apparel and if these be the ornaments of Christians and if that be to be humble meek and mortified then are our adversaries good Christians indeed and we proud singular and conceited in contenting our selves with what need and conveniency calls for and condemning what is more as superfluous but not otherwise If to use games sports plays if to card dice and dance if to sing fiddle and pipe if to use stage plays and comedies and to lye counterfeit and dissemble be to fear always and if that be to do all things to the glory of God and if that be to pass our sojourning here in fear and if that be to use this world as if we did not use it and if that be not to fashion our selves according to our former lusts to be not conformable to the Spirit and vain conversation of this world then are our adversaries notwithstanding they use these things and plead for them very good sober mortified and self-denyed Christians and we justly to be blamed for judging them but not otherwise If the profanation of the Holy Name of God if to exact oaths one from another upon every light occasion if to call God to witness in things of such a nature in which no earthly King would think himself lawfully and honourably to be a witness be the duties of a Christian man I shall confess that our adversaries are excellent good Christians and we wanting in our duty but if the contrary be true of necessity our obedience to God in this thing must be acceptable If to revenge our selves or to render injury evil for evil wound for wound to take eye for eye tooth for tooth If to fight for outward and perishing things to go a warring one against another whom we never saw nor with whom we never had any contest nor any thing to do being moreover altogether ignorant of the cause of the war but only that the Magistrates of the Nations foment quarrels one against another the causes whereof are for the most part unknown to the Souldiers that fight as well as upon whose side the right or wrong is and yet to be so furious and rage one against another to destroy and spoil all that this or the other worship may be received or abolished If to do this and much more of this kind be to fulfill the Law of Christ then are our Adversaries indeed true Christians and we miserable Hereticks that suffer our selves to be spoiled taken imprisoned banished beaten and evilly entreated without any resistance placing our trust only in GOD that he may defend us and lead us by the way of the Cross unto his Kingdom But if it be otherways we shall certainly receive the reward which the Lord hath promised to those that cleave to him and in denying themselves confide in him And to sum up all If to use all these things and many more that might be instanced be to walk in the strait way that leads to life be to take up the Cross of Christ be to dye with him to the lusts and perishing vanities of this world and to arise with him in newness of Life and sit down with him in the heavenly places Then our adversaries may be accounted such and they need not fear they are in the broad way that leads to destruction and we are greatly mistaken that have laid aside all these things for Christ's sake to the crucifying of our own lusts and to the procuring to our selves shame reproach hatred and ill-will from the men of this world not as if by so doing we judged to merit Heaven but as knowing they are contrary to the will of him who redeems his Children from the love of this world and its lusts and leads them in the ways of Truth and Holyness in which they take delight to walk The CONCLUSION IF in God's fear candid Reader thou apply'st thy self to consider this System of Religion here delivered with its consistency and harmony as well in it self as with the Scriptures of Truth I doubt not but thou wilt say with me and many more that this is the Spiritual day of Christs Appearance wherein he is again revealing the ancient paths of Truth and Righteousness For thou mayst observe here the Christian Religion in all its parts truly established and vindicated as it is a living inward spiritual pure and substantial thing and not a meer form shew shadow notion and opinion as too many have hitherto held it whose fruits declare they wanted that which they bear the name of and yet many of those are so in love with their empty forms and shadows that they cease not to calumniate us for commending and calling them to the substance as if we therefore denyed or neglected the true form and outward part of Christianity which indeed is as God the searcher of hearts knows a very great slander Thus because we have desired People earnestly to feel after God near and in themselves telling them that their notions of God as he is beyond the Clouds will little avail them if they do not feel him near hence they have sought maliciously to infer that we deny any God except that which is within us Because we tell people that it is the Light and the Law within and not the letter without that can truly tell them their condition and lead them out of all evil hence they say we villifie the Scriptures and set up our own imaginations above them Because we tell them that it is not their talking or believing of Christ's outward life sufferings death and resurrection no more than the Jews crying The Temple of the Lord the Temple of the Lord that will serve their turn or justifie them in the sight of God but that they must know Christ in them whom they have crucified to be raised and to justifie them and redeem them from their Iniquities hence they say we deny the life death and sufferings of Christ justification by his blood and remission of sins through him Because we tell them while they are talking and determining about the Resurrection that they have more need to know the Just One whom they have slain raised in themselves and to be sure they are partakers of the first resurrection and that if this be they will be the more capable to judg of the second hence