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A25478 A supplement to The Morning-exercise at Cripple-Gate, or, Several more cases of conscience practically resolved by sundry ministers; Morning-exercise at Cripplegate. Supplement. Annesley, Samuel, 1620?-1696. 1676 (1676) Wing A3240; ESTC R13100 974,140 814

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or froward (w) Luke 2.51 1 Pet. 2 18. in all that is well-pleasing to God whose honour is the end ingenuous Children should aim at by just and honest means in the exercise of their duties keeping themselves from their iniquities (x) 1 Tim 5.22 i. e. those which their own turbulent passions are apt to hurry them into If we did more reverence our selves we should carry better towards our Superiours Pythagoras his advice is very wholsom * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Carmin Let a man be the greatest shame to himself keep his own heart in awe by a secret blush upon his own extravagancies in their first risings and so he will have his Keeper every where with him then as he saith further Let him follow that which is just not only in words but in deeds He that is duly affected with shame of himself will be careful to pay just respects in all due circumstances unto those he is mostly oblig'd to honour 4. Set about all your duties to your Parents willingly and readily not with grudging or disdain but with an holy warmth of heart lifting up your selves to and following hard after whatever God requires (y) Judges 5.39 in all affectionate expressions of a free and chearful spirit sith all is to be in the Lord who loves readiness (z) 2 Cor. 9.7 This manner of performance will be the more easie if Children timely learn the great lesson of self-denial and do really exercise that and love they will then without bogling go through the most unpleasant uneasie and mean imployments they are call'd unto and concern'd to manage for their Parents as Jacob's Sons did for their Father after as well as before their marriage (a) Gen. 30.35 37.13 14. 42.1 2 3. 43.15 47.1 2 3. and in his straits Judah express'd great readiness to comfort his Father (b) 44.33 34 with 30. Ruth as was noted before was very exemplary in this manner of obedience (c) Ruth 1.15 16. but Isaac's readiness was the most singular (d) Gen. 22.9 10. till Christ himself whom he typified came then saith he to his Father (e) Psal 40.8 Ad semper velle non ad semper agere I delight to do thy will O my God thy Law is within my heart Believe it Willingness puts a great acceptableness upon duties Children are bound always to will though not always to act they should readily embrace all opportunities 'T is said Amasiah the Son of Zichri willingly offer'd himself unto the Lord (f) 2 Chron. 17.16 and so should ingenuous Children be ever ready as Paul was in Christ (g) Acts 21.13 for their Parents service Somewhat of this was hinted before and I shall only add what Hierocles saith in this case * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. in Pythag. Carm. p. 54 57 mihi It is fit we should not withdraw our selves from performing with our own hands what our Parents require as occasion serves but by how much the more mean and servile the offices by so much should Children think them the more honest and laudable and not to he avoided because expensive but to be done with a ready and chearful mind for their use and with joy we are put to those pains and expences for their sakes 5. Persevere in all and be constant with diligence unto the end whatever temptations you meet with Let not the instructions you have received according to godliness depart from your heart all the days of your life (h) Deut. 4.9 Be not fickle or inconstant but hold out in all circumstances though your Parents be aged and decay'd (i) Prov. 23.22 Ru h 1.15 16. 4.15 so long as they and you coexist in this world and the Relation remains Be like constant Ruth and holy Joseph when advanc'd he continued his obedience to the very last moment of his dear Father's life and after (k) Gen. 46.29 47.31 48.12 a vertue wherein it seems Samuel's sons were defective (l) 1 Sam 8.5 but Jonadab's were praise-worthy (m) Jer. 35.56 as well as others after their Parents decease when tempted to the contrary yea though it was in a business unpleasing to flesh and blood They did as Physicians prescribe to their Patients receive their Father's documents cum debitâ custodiâ so as not to indulge their appetites in that he forbad them but persevere in observing his injunction This is praise-worthy Nay though our Parents should not submit to the yoke of Christ we should not withdraw our neck from their yoke nor desist from obedience to them so far as it hinders not our obedience to Christ but should hold out that none take our Crown As Antonius said † 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Lib. 8. Sect. 5. Remember well you ought to be a good man and that which the nature of man requires of you this do constantly So that which the Nature of your Relation calls for do it with all your might and never suffer your self to be diverted or recalled from it Having found the true way of obedience go on in it and be not turned back again remembring vvhat our blessed Lord and Master saith He that shall endure to the end the same shall be saved (n) Mat. 24 13. After these Particulars to Children I must crave leave before I shut up 2. To say somewhat in particular unto Parents to direct and help them likewise to manage their office in an evangelical manner 1. Be sure that you your selves do keep up the life and power of godliness in your own domestick practise that hereby your children may be kept from corruption in a bad air and encourag'd in an holy conversation I have already hinted something of this concerning the exemplariness of Parents and in the premis'd general duty of their good behaviour and therefore shall not need to enlarge much upon it here Only suggest this that you are to walk in your integrity as for your own so for your posteritie's comfort in the family exercise of Religion by behaving your self wisely in an upright way and walking within your house with an upright heart (o) Psal 101 2. 112.2 Prov. 20.7 shewing your selves in all things patterns of good works (p) Tit. 2.7 And putting persons and things into their proper places to prevent confusion which else will arise and much obstruct you in your most important offices This will gain a reputation to your Government and facilitate the management of particular duties When your children see what a gloss you put upon holiness by your sincere chearful and grave Christian deportment they begin to discern the pleasantness of the ways of wisdom the excellency of the life of faith and the odiousness of flesh-pleasing courses and so come to esteem your instructions which are very legible and easie to be understood by such a practical commentary The holy life of John the Baptist had some influence upon Herod's affections for
Divine meditation Faith is enlarged and grows up by converse with divine objects meditate upon these things 1. Christ's Deity Be well stored with Scriptural knowledg of this great truth set thy heart to it and let it be fixed in the midst of thy heart assure your selves that the eternal Godhead of Jesus is the most practical point in Heaven and will be so while Heaven is Heaven 2. Be intimately acquainted with Christ's righteousness that it is the only righteousness that can present us holy unreprovable unblameable in God's sight that it was his business in the world to bring in this everlasting righteousness that it is done and finished that he hath nothing to do with this righteousness now in Heaven but to cloath us with to present us in before God 3. Meditate on God's righteousness that it is not only his will but his nature to punish sin sin must damn thee without Christ there is not only a possibility or probability that sin may ruine but without an interest in Christ it must do so whet much upon thy heart that must God cannot but hate sin because he is holy and he cannot but punish sin because he is righteous God must not forego his own nature to gratifie our humors 8. Direct Be well skilled and settled as it becomes a Christian in the great article of justification before God thy Faith and duties and comforts depend might and main upon this Know that no servant of God be he Abraham Moses or Paul if God enter into judgment with him can stand justified in his sight God will not justifie us without a righteousness and that righteousness must be unblamable and therefore in all numbers perfect God will not call that perfect which is not so for his judgment is according to truth Rom. 2.2 where shall we find this perfect righteousness but in Christ who is Jehovah our righteousness Jer. 23.6 and made of God to us righteousness 1 Cor. 1.30 how shall this become ours but by imputation Rom. 4.6 how shall we receive this gift of righteousness but by Faith Rom. 5.17 be well skilled in the good old way go in the foot steps of the flock and feed besides the shepherds tents Believe it Sirs there is no way but Christ unto the Father his blood is that new and living way Heb. 10.19 there is no standing in God's presence but in him no acceptance but by him no comfort but from him Be wise and wary there are many adversaries Only give me leave to say this I think that the Socinians had never set up man's obedience for his righteousness if they had not with wicked hands quantum in illis first pulled down Chist's Deity and as they are abhorred for this blasphemy of blasphemies so I cannot abide them for dawbing over man's obedience in this affair so deceitfully and deceivingly viz. in saying it is not only causa sine quâ non in our justification as if the material cause or the matter which God imputes for righteousness were only a poor causa sine quâ non but no more now of this jugling 9. Direct If you would preserve a right understanding of the nature of Faith take heed of advancing it into Christ's place as if God should impute the act of Faith for righteousness or that God should impute Faith and obedience as the condition or matter of our righteousness and not Christ's obedience for both cannot be imputed if God imputed Christ's obedience then not ours if ours then not Christ's The nature of Faith consists in coming to Christ for righteousness and pardon only the man hurt with the fiery sting looks to the brazen Serpent for cure Fides que that Faith which is justifying takes in Christ as Lord with all the heart but qua justificat in the business of justifitation qua sic it looks only to Christ as crucified This plain old distinction will stand If the nature of Faith did consist in Christianity I say if this were true I believe all believers could be contented to have it so for any harm they should have by it for they willingly devote themselves to the obedience of God only they cannot make this Faith or Christianity to be the condition or matter of justification for this were to fall from grace to make of none effect the death of Christ and to drive Christianity and comfort out of the world 10. Direct Get and keep this Faith specially by a constant and conscionable living in duty and living above it Say to the commandements you are my rule and love and joy to Christ thou art my life Col. 3.4 'T is the height of Christianity to live in duties and to live above them 'T is quickly said 't is an easie matter to distinguish in the Schools or pulpit but to distinguish in the conscience practically to distinguish is not so easie qui novit distinguere inter legem evangelium sciat se esse edoctum à Deo Had I all the holiness of the Saints from the beginning to this day I would bless God for the least and prize it above all treasures yet I would lay all aside and be found in Christ In the midst of thy duties ask thy soul the question soul what is thy title thy plea If I were to dye this day what have I to plead in what shall I stand before God what have I to plead why I should not perish in hell ask thy self what is thy righteousness ask it solemnly frequently is it not Christ and he only this would much conduce to confirm thy Faith such a Faith that would bring in comfort The thoughts of this so affected Dr. Mollius that he seldom names Jesus with dry eyes 11. Direct Be much in secret prayer ejaculations this will breed acquaintance and that comfort the non exercise of this breeds a strangeness between God and the soul and that 's uncomfortable This and meditation who can hinder The soul is active breathings and thoughts are quick it is soon done it will never hinder your business and in this way the blessed spirit causeth us to know and believe the love that God hath to us 1 Joh. 4.16 and refresheth the soul with joy and comfort in believing Do not only pray for the comforts and supplies of the holy spirit but pray to him to this purpose Blessed spirit convince me of my sins more and convince me more and more of Jesus Christ Holy Spirit take of Christ's and shew it unto me and the like To pass by the prophane scoffs of many and the gross ignorance of more I take it to be a very great neglect in believers that they do not glorifie the Holy Spirit as the Lord and giver of Faith and comfort Remember this qui unum honorat omnes he that honoureth one person aright honoureth every one and he that doth not honour every person honoureth none qui non omnes nec unam 12. Direct If you would get and keep this
some commands may be observed without so much as common grace as duties meerly moral but this must have a great measure of the spirit it speaks much acquaintance with God through experience of his wayes and much conformity to Christ in a well composed conversation in short it includes the highest perfection possibly attainable in this life yet let not this difficulty fright you for through Christ our sincere love though weak is accepted and our imperfect love because growing shall not be despised 8. This is the first and great command in respect of the End 8 Ratione finis All the commands of God are referr'd to this as their end and last scope which was first in the mind of the Law-giver 9. This is the first and great command in respect of the lastingness of it 9 Ratione perperuitatis Thou shalt love the Lord thy God it is not only spoken after the Hebrew (e) Futurum pro imperativo way of commanding but it notes singular perseverance Most of the other commands expire with the world as all or most of the commands of the second table but this remains and flourishes more than ever When Repentance and Mortification which now take up half our life when Faith which is now as it were Mother and Nurse to most of our Graces when Hope which now upholds weak faith in its languors when all these shall as it were dye in travail perfection of grace being then in the birth love to God shall then be more lively than ever That love which as it were passed between God and the Soul in letters and tokens shall then be perfected in a full enjoyment Our love was divided among several objects that cut the banks and weakned the stream henceforth it shall have but one current Our love is now mixt with fear fear of missing or losing what we love but that fear shall be banished There shall never be any distance never any thing to provoke jealousie never any thing to procure cloying never any thing more to be desired than is actually enjoyed Is not this then the first and great Commandment is it not our priviledge and happiness to be swallowed up in it this may suffice to evidence it to be our duty But then What abilities are requisite for the well performance of this duty and how we may obtain those abilities 3. What Abilities are requisite to the performance of this duty and how may we attain those Abilities This we must be experimentally acquainted with or all I can say will at best seem babling and therefore let me at first tell you plainly nothing on this side Regeneration can capacitate you to love God and it is God alone that giveth worketh infuseth impresseth the gracious habit of Divine Love in the Souls of his people Our love to God is nothing else but the eccho of Gods love to us Through the corruption of our Nature we hate God God implanted in our Nature an inclination to love God above all things amiable but by the fall we have an headlong inclination to depart from God and run away from him and there is in every one of us a natural impotency and inability of turning unto God The grace of love is no Flower of Nature's Garden but a Forreign p Non secundum bona naturalia sed secundum dona grat●ita Aquin. plant We may possibly do something for the meerly rational inflaming of our hearts with love to God e. g. God may be represented as most amiable we may be convinced of the unsatisfyingness of the Creature we may understand something of the worth of our Souls and what a folly it is to expect that any thing but God can fill them and yet this will be at the utmost but like a solid proof of the truth of the Christian Religion which may Non-plus our cavils but not make us Christians This may make love to God appear a rational duty but it will not of it self beget in us this spiritual Grace It is the immediate work of God to make us love him I do not mean immediate in opposition to the use of means but immediate in regard of the necessary efficacy of his Spirit beyond what all means in the world without his powerful influence can amount unto 'T is the Lord alone that can direct our hearts into the love of God q 2. Thes 3.5 Exoplat a Leo quod non ambigit posse praestari Ambros God is pleased in a wonderful and unexpressible manner to draw up the heart in love to him God makes use of Exhortations and Counsels and Reproofs but though he works by them and with them he works above them and beyond them r Deut. 30.6 19 20. The Lord thy God will circumcise thine heart and the heart of thy seed to love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul that thou may'st live And again I call heaven and earth to record this day against thee that I have set before thee life and death blessing and cursing therefore chuse life that both thou and thy seed may live that thou may'st love the Lord thy God and that thou may'st obey his voice and that thou may'st cleave unto him for he is thy life and the length of thy dayes He is thy life i. e. effectively and that by love saith Aquinas it is reported s Sales of the love of God p. 63. that it often happens among Partridges that one steals away anothers eggs but the young one that is hatcht under the wing of a stranger at her true Mothers first call who laid the egg whence she was hatch'd she renders her self to her true Mother and puts her self into her Covey 'T is thus with our hearts though we are born and bred up among terrene and base things under the wing of corrupted Nature yet at and not before God's first quickning call we receive an inclination to love him and upon his drawing t Cant. 1.4 we run after him God works a principle of love in us and we love God by that habit of love he hath implanted hence the Act of love is formally and properly attributed to man as the particular cause u Psal 18.1 116.1 V●●tius I will love thee O Lord my strength and I love the Lord because he hath heard my voice the Soul works together with God in his powerful working the Will being Acted of God Acteth It is a known saying of w Non ideo bene currit vt rotunda sit sed quia rotunda est Augustine The wheel doth not run that it may be round but because 't is round The Spirit of God enables us to love God but 't is we that love God with a created love 't is we that acquiesce in God in a gracious manner What God doth in the Soul doth not hurt the liberty of the will but strengthens it insweetly and powerfully drawing it into
premised my work shall be to shew what use and respect Baptism has unto this benefit of obtaining remission of Sins by Jesus Christ I shall do it in these considerations 1. First that God hath ever delighted to deal with his Creatures in the way of a Covenant that we might know what to expect from him and might look upon our selves as under the firmer Bonds of obedience to his blessed Majesty In a Covenant which is the most solemn transaction between Man and Man both parties are engaged God to us and we to God It is not meet that one party should be bound and the other free therefore both are bound to each other God to Bless and we to Obey Indeed in the first Covenant the debitum poenae is only mentioned because that only took place Gen. 2.17 In the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely dye But the other part is implied and it doth in effect speak thus much Do and Live Sin and Dye 2. Secondly because the first Covenant was broken on our part God was pleased to enter into a second wherein he would manifest the glory of his Redeeming grace and pardoning Mercy to fallen Man this was brought about in Christ 2 Cor. 5.19 God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself and therefore this second Covenant is called a Covenant of Peace as being made with us after the breach and when Man was obnoxious to the wrath of God Isa 54.10 The Covenant of my Peace shall not be removed Man needeth such a Covenant and God appeased by Christ offereth it to us 3. Thirdly In this Covenant of Peace the Priviledges and Duties are suited to the State in which man was when God invited him into Covenant with himself Man was fallen from his Duty and obnoxious to the wrath and displeasure of God and therefore the new Covenant is a Doctrine of Repentance and Remission of Sins What is Preach the Gospel to every Creature Mark 16.16 is in Luk. 24.47 That Repentance and Remission of sins should be Preached in his Name among all Nations for that is the Gospel or the new Remedial Law of our Lord Jesus Repentance to heal us and set us in joint again as to our Duty Remission of Sins to recover us into God's favour both these benefits we have by the Redeemer Acts 5.31 Him hath God exalted to give Repentance and Remission of Sins to Israel he giveth the one simply and both giveth and requireth the other so that by the New Covenant Remission of Sins is conveyed to all true Penitents Fourthly More distinctly to understand the tenour of this New and second Covenant we must consider both the Duties and the Priviledges thereof for in every Covenant there is ratio dati accepti there is something promised and given and something required and usually the Promise consists of somewhat which the Party is willing of and the Duty or Condition required of that to which he is more backward and loath to submit so in the Covenant of Grace in the Promise God respects man's want in the Duty his own Honour Every man would have pardon and be saved from Hell but God will have subjection even corrupt Nature is not against desires of Happiness these God makes use of to gain us to Holiness All men readily catch at Felicity and would have Impunity Peace Comfort Glory but are unwilling to deny the Flesh to renounce the credit profit or pleasure of Sin or to grow dead to the World and worldly things Now God promiseth what we desire on condition that we will submit to those things that we are against as we sweeten bitter Pills to Children that they may swallow them the better they love the Sugar though they loath the Alloes so doth God invite us to our Duty by our Interest Therefore whosoever would enter into the Gospel-state must resolve to take the Blessings and Benefits offered for his Happiness and the Duties required for his Work Indeed accepting of the Benefits is a part of the Condition because we treat with an invisible God about a happiness that lieth in another World but 't is but part there are other terms and therefore we must draw nigh with a true heart in full assurance of Faith Heb. 10.22 With a true heart resolving upon the Duties of the Covenant in full assurance of Faith depending upon God's Word that he will give us the blessings Fifthly The Priviledges are two Pardon and Life these are the great Blessings offered in the New Covenant you have them both together Acts 26.18 To turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God that they may receive forgiveness of sins and inheritance among them that are sanctified by Faith These two Benefits are most necessary the one to allay the Fears of the guilty Creature and the other to gratifie Desires of Happiness which are natural to us the one to remedy the misery incurr'd by Sin and the Fall of Man the other to establish our true and proper Felicity in the everlasting enjoyment of God the one to ease our Consciences and support us against troubles of mind the other to comfort us against the outward troubles and afflictions which sin hath introduced into the World In short the one to free us from deserved Punishment the other to assure us of undeserved Blessedness the one importeth Deliverance from Eternal Death and the other Entrance into Eternal Life Sixthly The Duties thereof do either concern our first entrance into the Christian state or our Progress therein Our Lord representeth it under the Notions of the Gate and the Way Mat. 7.14 Strait is the Gate and narrow is the Way which leadeth into Life Other Scriptures deliver it under the notions of making Covenant and keeping Covenant with God making Covenant Psal 50.5 keeping Covenant Psal 25.10 Psal 103.18 The Covenant must not only be made but kept I. As to entring into Covenant with God there is required true Repentance and Faith Mark 1.15 Repent and believe the Gospel Repentance respects God as our end Faith respects Christ as the great means or way to the Father Acts 20.21 Repentance towards God and Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ God is our end for Christ died to bring us to God 1 Pet. 3.18 and Christ is our way John 14.6 and whole Christiany is a coming to God by Christ Heb. 7.25 Now in our first entrance Faith and Repentance are both mixt and it is hard to sever them and show what belongs to the one and what to the other at least it would perplex the Discourse Both together imply that a man be turn'd from a life of Sin to God by Faith in Christ or a renouncing the Devil the World and the Flesh and devoting and dedicating our selves to God 1. A Renouncing of the Devil the World and the Flesh for these are the three great Enemies of God and our Salvation Eph. 2.2 3. In time past ye walked according to
is yet but an Embrio there is not only requisite Prayer which was presupposed with thanksgiving for the sanctifying the fruit of the body (a) 1 Tim. 4.4 5. as Jeremiah and John were (b) Jer. 1.5 Luke 1.15 but also a tender care for the preservation of life Both Parents are concern'd in order to a better observance of the fifth Commandment to have regard to what is imply'd and required in the sixth and seventh Commandment When God hath curiously made the babe in secret in the lower parts of the earth (c) Ps 139.13 15. it is to be regarded even before it see the light Manaoh's wife had a positive order in this case for the safety of her self and child vvhen it was conceiv'd and her good husband was desirous as appears by his enquiry to be assistant to her therein (d) Judg. 13 4 11 12. The Rule given her by the Angel of the Lord r spected temperance forbearance of wine vvas order'd both for her own and the child 's good Upon such an account the Philosopher * Arist. Folitic l. 7. de Rep. l. 8. c. 17. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 determined in his Politick that pregnant women should be careful as to their aliment and elsewhere particularly commends milk and not wine as more fit nourishment for many bodies wherein he conceits the latter may occasion diseases As for nourishment the Mother should be prudently careful and the Father in special case of a real longing appetite should endeavour seasonable supplies so there should be a joynt care for a provision of things necessary and convenient to entertain the Babe into the world when brought forth Though the Virgin Mary was in a low estate and necessitated to travel at the Emperor's command yet she was not unprovided of swadling clothes (e) Luke 2.7 All this gives check to those Mothers who without a call frisk and jantle about any how at their pleasure and are intemperate yea against the Apostle's charge and to the disparagement of their Christian Profession (f) Tit. 2.4.5 for he would have the Matrons by good example to teach the young women to be sober to love their husbands and their children to be discreet chast keepers at home good c. And this is more especially requisite for Child-bearing women sith the Romans observ'd that Coriolanus's Neece miscarried by being too strait lac'd the Sister of Curius by much dancing and the Sister of C. Duilius by immoderate eating of various dainties 'T is indeed granted that carelessness of making provision of necessaries for clothing their new-born Infants is the fault of a few in our Age wherein under the notion of clouts or clothtrenchers things of the greatest value by some of mean quality are found out to such an height of curiosity sometimes as appears not very consonant to the simplicity and humility of the Gospel 'T were I confess Ostrich-like to suffer these sure pledges of nature to be without conveniences or to expose them like some of the ancient Greeks as they are sometimes in this great City at the doors in the street but to make them Peacock-like to surpass in finery above their rank can be no symptome of humility and then too when the Parents would have it thought they engage them to forsake all the pomps and vanities of the vvorld But this may respect the next duty viz. 2. To give the Child nourishment when it appears in the world for the preservation of it's natural life and to seek that it may be spiritually alive Parents should use the best means nature and grace do prompt to them For the former that breast-milk is ordinarily the most proper aliment Nature teacheth as also for the most part that the Mother's is most agreeable likewise that she is oblig'd to nurse her own Babe whatever softnesses many delicate Dames do now cherish the Scriptures as well as Principles of Reason do evince unless she be excus'd in some few instances as in case of necessity or greater charity namely when the impediment to her giving suck is natural disability a really great weakness or an affliction with a disease which might be transmitted with the milk or in case of the publick concerns of a Kingdom for securing of succession in the Royal Throne or c. For natural instinct which is seen in these springing fontinels the breasts (h) Cantic 4.5 unto this end for giving that food better digested unto the child vvhen come out vvith vvhich it vvas fed in the vvomb hath reason super-added in man As marriage to him especially under the Christian constitution becomes an ordinance of God vvhich in the mixture of other creatures is merely natural * Dr. Jer. Taylor 's Great Exempl p. 1. Sect. 3. Now to pervert the end and designation of Nature with the necessities thereof is in effect to violate those reasonable inducements which do oblige conscience in that vvhich is comly and not to correspond with the design of justice charity and sohriety A matter certainly very inaccountable for those who are bound seriously to think on so as to do whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are of good report or if there be any other vertue (i) Phil. 4.8 Certainly the thing can be no disparagement to them of the best quality but a credit only because it agrees not with the modern mode of the Italian and French amongst whom the great ones often suckle their Children upon vile women and sometimes upon Strumpets whose manners are drawn in with their milk Chrysostom * Homil. in Psal thought it a reproach that any women should blush to be Nurses who were become Mothers The Spartan law was that the Noblest even the Kings wives should nurse the first child Historians † Herodotus c. shew Queens have done it The Noblest amongst the ancient Romans and Germans did it And one of the Caesars thought it a prodigie in those days that a Roman Lady refused to suckle her own Infant and yet gave suck to a Puppy that her milk might be more artificially dried up But I fear the wantonness and pride of some Mothers and the ill-nature of some Fathers who love their ease and quiet may render this discourse unpleasing to them yet had I time to enlarge for that reason it would be the more necessary in the cases not excepted However the blessed Virgin giving Jesus milk from the bottles of his own filling may commend it with reputation enough to any Christian Mother who seriously desires to practise the choice lesson of Self-denial For the Scriptures consonant to the common prinicples of right reason do either take this Duty for granted where no just exceptions of Mothers nursing their own Children for a ruled case as in the Father of the faithful's wife Sarah (k) Gen. 21.7 who was a very honourable
heart Psal 4.5 Out of these premisses we conclude that Christianity is a glorious thing which is the second particular 2. Particular or vindication which I call a Vindication of the Truth Religion is not a little formality in duties joyned with some morality in life but it consists in the new creature or Faith working by love Gal. 5.6 6.16 It consists in the exercise of Repentance self-loathing hatred of Sin as such for these are necessarily implied Faith actual in Jesus love to him obedience before him communion with God by him peace and comfort from him and well grounded hope of eternal life through him the smell of his garments Psal 45.8 the savour of his oyntment Cant. 1.3 the taste of his preciousness makes a Believer think he can never do enough for Jesus If his Holiness were as an Angel and his days as the days of Heaven yet all were too short too little for such a Saviour the love of Christ constrains him He is a debtor to the Spirit to live after the Spirit and what ever is not this in truth there is a difference in degrees is as you heard before but nature raised and varnished and modified with distinctions still it is but nature Wash and dress a Swine as you please 't is a Swine still The Fathers when the breaking out of Pelagianism made them more studious in the point of grace and more wary in their expressions have left us their judgment in this case you bring in a kind of doctrine saith Austin to the Pelagians that men do righteousness and please God without Faith in Christ by the Law of nature this is that for which the Church doth most of all detest you Hoc est undè vos maximè Christiana detestatur Ecclesia Lib. 4. Cap. 3. contr Again saith he far be it from us to think that true vertue should be in any man unless he were righteous and far be it from us to think that any man should be truly righteous unless he did live by Faith for the just shall live by Faith absit autem sit justus vere nisi vivat ex fide and again who would say that a man Diabolo mancipatus a slave to the Devil were a righteous man though he were Fabricius or Scipio To cloath the naked saith he is not sin as the fact is considered in it self but of such a work to glory and not in the Lord none but a wicked man but will grant this to be sin thus far Austin with more to the same purpose in the same place and upon this account he did correct some expressions Lib. 1. Cap. 3. Retract The whole Chapter is seasonable the sum this Austin had called the Muses Goddesses had highly advanced the liberal sciences now corrects it upon this reason viz. that many Godly men knew them not and many that did know them were ungodly the same he doth about Pythagoras his books in which saith he are Plures many errors iidemque capitales Especially this he recants that he formerly said the Philosophers who were not pious were yet shining in vertue no Faith in Christ no vertue 't is spectrum 't is but simulacrum but imago virtutis it is not vertue painted fire is not fire Hierom to the same purpose in Cap. 3. Galat. Paul saith he blameless did not live he was dead while blameless Paul the Christian was indeed alive Men speak of temperance and justice without Faith that cannot be none live without Christ sine quo omnis virtus est in vitio without Christ all vertue is accounted vice thus he 'T is most evident there dwelleth no vertue in the minds of ungodly men their wisdom is not heavenly but earthly not from the Father of lights but from the prince of darkness ac sic vitium quod putatur virtus and so that is a vice which is accounted vertue Non Deo serviunt sed diabolo they serve the devil not God Prosp Con. Coll. Cap. 28. tota vita infidelium est peccatum the whole life of unbelievers is sin idem sent 106. to the same purpose saith Fulgentius with others The Scripture is full and clear an evil tree cannot bring forth good fruit The carnal mind cannot please God Rom. 8.7 1 Cor. 1.2.3 the Apostle doth raise his discourse to the highest strain Though I speak with the tongue of Angels which no man doth if I had all knowledge which no man hath if I could move mountains which no man can if I give all my goods to feed the poor the highest beneficence and my body to be burnt the greatest suffering yet if I have not love I am nothing he doth not say these things are nothing he doth not say knowledge is nothing or giving to the poor is nothing but I am nothing I have no profit I am a hollow tub an empty vessel I make a noise amongst men while I live and go to hell when I die And according to Scripture and Fathers the doctrine of our Church hath determinated in her thirteenth Article thus Works done before the grace of Christ and the Inspiration of his Spirit are not pleasing to God forasmuch as they spring not from Faith in Jesus Christ yea rather for that they are not done as God hath commanded them to be done we doubt not but they have the nature of sin and this is the judgment of the reformed Churches also Sirs be sure you get and exercise this Faith unfeigned in Jesus Christ and love sincere to him A fair deportment with great gifts and splendid performances without Christ is but a more gentile way to perdition everlasting 3. Resolution of the case I come now to the resolution of the practical case How a Christian may get that Faith by which he may live comfortably as well as die safely Where this I think fit to premise first he must not only get such a Faith but he must keep it in exercise for without this there is no living comfortably then this also I premise that to get and keep comfort or that a Christian may have comfort two things are necessary viz. proportion and propriety ex parte objecti it must be a good proportionable and then ex parte subjecti it must be mine it must be commensurate and adaequate to the soul and it must be the souls own tolle meum and tolle gaudium The comfort and sweetness of the Gospel lyes in pronouns as the common saying is as for instance suppose the conquests of Alexander and triumphs of Pompey nay all the world were thine there is propriety 't is thine but herein would be no comfort at all to thee because here is no proportion no sutableness to an immaterial vast and immortal soul on the other side Christ is proposed to thee and in him there is proportion for in him dwelleth all fulness he is an infinite spiritual and eternal good but what comfort is this without propriety unless he be thine
Apostle had shewed the Ephesians their Race and Course of Duties which they had to run in Eph. 4.5 6. 1.9 He acquainteth them also what oppositions they might expect and what Enemies they had to grapple with and what a Panoply or Armour they must put on and use Eph. 6.10 18. that so their Course might be successful 3. By finishing the Course with joy is meant to have it managed and compleated so as that the Comforts Prize and Glory of it might be theirs who run to discharge Trust and Duty with all Activity Prudence Constancy and Delight to face and conquer Difficulties with such masculine courage and success as best becomes the Spirit Hopes and Furniture of a Christian to make our matchless estimation of approaching Glory remarkable in all our strokes and steps No man is crowned that strives not lawfully 2 Tim. 2.5 Our Motions must be persevering swift and even and herein answerable to the great ends of God Christ in calling us to our Trust and Care and all our warrantable ends in our voluntary undertaking to be Combatants and Racers to hold Integrity so fast to prize the Crown so much to watch over Hearts so strictly and discipline the whole Man so exactly as that the Gospel may not be ashamed to own us nor Christ ashamed of us Our Trust nor Talents must not be imbezeled nor managed with slightness nor falshood nor any way abused by us lest those Comforts should be lost that are before us as the determined recompence of faithful Racers For God resolves to render to every man as his work shall be Rom. 2.6 10. 2 Cor. 5.10 Jer. 17.10 We know the Apostle's Care and Counsel 1 Cor. 9.24 27. Phil. 2.12 He knew all running would not serve the turn and he was apprehensive of all those Dangers Snares and Oppositions which called for universal Watchfulness Resolution Care and Courage and knew the Crown of Life could never fit the Sluggard's or Coward 's Temples Nor will God prejudice the Interest of Religion nor restrain and mortifie all those awakening Arguments which are to be derived from this Principle and Topick viz. That only faithful Racers must be Crowned with Life and Joys Query 2. How far must love to Life be conquered and subdued and every thing be disregarded for the right finishing of our course with joy 1. These things must be distinguished in order to the understanding of the Nature and Measure of this Duty and Attainment 1. It is one thing what may be loved and valued simply and abstractedly as only considered in it self and 't is another thing what may be loved and valued as compared with something else And 2. It is one thing what degree of value of Love and Care may suit the excellency and importance of the Object and another thing what may exceed it 3. It is one thing how I may love a thing when consistent with and conducing to our best Concernment and 't is another thing how I may love what is withdrawn from and set against it And 4. It is one thing to have Affections to be Snares and Hindrances and another thing to have them Helps and Furtherances to something better And 5. A moderate and subordinate love is one thing and a supreme and co-ordinate love is another And 6. It is one thing to love with true submission to God's commanding and disposing Will and another thing to love to the prejudice of God's Prerogative and Providence so as to murmur and quarrel with the great Jehovah for what he doth 2. And upon these Distinctions may we ground these following Propositions and Conclusions 1. Life and the Comforts of it are eligible and desirable as they are considered in themselves and in this sense God hath not forbidden the loving of them They come from God as emanations and expressions of his Goodness They are good and perfect gifts and lovely in their kind and plaees for had not Life been lovely it could have been no punishment to dye for all punishment is Malum Physicum propter Malum Morale and when it is laid in a privation the want cannot be evil if the thing we are deprived of be not good and lovely nor could the promise of long life have been a quickning Argument to Holiness and Duty as it is 1 Pet. 3.10 11. Exod. 20.12 had we not loved it Nor would God have promised to us as a Mercy what is not good and lovely Adam in Innocence had the love of Life implanted in him he did ill in that he feared the loss of Life too little to make him regularly careful to preserve it And it had been no argument of awful cogency that he should dye upon transgression had not the love of Life been deeply rooted and implanted in him for who can rationally fear the loss of what he cares not for It is plain that Adam's love to Life was the result of God's Creation and therefore good for it was in him in his Innocence And the Argument was framed to prevent Transgression as something possible but not yet existent and God was never angry with him till he through sin had forfeited his Life and this proved his love to Life to be every way consistent with a state of Innocence And for all the Comforts of Life they are desirable in themselves and lovely As Relation Eph. 5.25 Liberty 1 Cor. 7.21 and Birth-priviledges Acts 22.28 Credit Prov. 22.1 Outward Supplies Prov. 30.8 Yea Plenty of them Eccl. 7.11 10.10 And it is impossible and inhumane for any man simply to desire and attempt his own personal Misery and Destruction yea it is his sin to do it See Acts 26.29 Neither doth Grace it self mortifie or correct our love to Life and all its Comforts as simply considered in themselves for if it did it could neither be the trial nor the commendation of a gracious sober Christian to part with Life and Comforts since it would only be demanding from him what he cared not for Gen 22.1 2 12. 2. Life and the Comforts of it have their subserviency to better things and thus it is more our Duty not to disregard them Life makes us capable of serving God and of the enjoyment of him Our spiritual and eternal Life suppose natural Life and further 't is our state of usefulness and trial We cannot actually serve God any further or our Generation longer than we have our Lives and Beings here The usefulness and comforts of Relations are reciprocal How can I see or serve God with what I have not They are my helps and trust and trials Relations may be mutually won and ripened for eternal Glory by each others Conversation 1 Pet. 3.1 Credit is valuable because of usefulness to others and our own necessary confidences and encouragements 1 Tim. 3.7 Places of Honour and important Trust must not be disregarded Joseph Mordecai and Daniel were greatly serviceable through their great interest and estimation in their respective Princes Courts
Mens carriages will be answerable to the truth and power of their Faith and Hope in reference to the comforts of the unseen world Inf. 3. All the dejectedness of thorow-Gracious Christians arises from their inconsiderateness Inf. 4. To understand the regular measures of Fear and Love is of considerable concernment in our Christian Course Inf. 5. To look and act for joys to come and to make them quickning arguments to our obedience and preparations is an essential part of our Religion 2 John 8. Inf. 6. Immoderate love of Life and fear of Death is sinful and of dangerous consequence Inf. 7. It is of great use to understand the truth and worth of the Comforts of a well-finished Course Inf. 8. Infidelity in whole or in part as far as it reaches cannot but mortifie those noble dispositions and necessary preparations which Christianity calls us to for it is impossible to be religious any further than God's existence and rewarding excellencies and resolutions are credited Heb. 1-1 6 Inf. 9. The want or distance of pertinent and smart temptations is the only reason of perseverance in the formality of Godliness amongst Professors whose hearts and aims are not upon and for the joys of Heaven Inf. 10. To have our Faith and Hope well fixt and exercised is the best Method and Expedient for Chearfulness Constancy and Courage in the whole frame of Christian sufferings and duty This makes exalted active Souls in Godliness and for it Inf. 11. Then what considerable friends are God and Christ to Christianity and serious Christians who have furnished us with hopes and arguments drawn from the certainty and transcendent excellence of joys to come Inf. 12. No man hath cause to quarrel with what he is called to do and suffer for the Christian Cause nor reason to decline Religion because of difficulties in the way These Inferences should and might be enlarged upon but that the determined Bounds of a single Sermon must not be exceeded Close with the Truth delivered here and with the Author lament and pray for the heightning of his too mean accomplishments and furniture What Gifts of Grace are chiefly to be exercised in order to an actual preparation for the coming of Christ by Death and Judgment SERMON XXXI Matth. 25.10 And while they went to buy the Bridegroom came and they that were ready went in with him to the Marriage and the door was shut WE have two large and weighty discourses of Jesus Christ to his Disciples newly before his Death Joh. 14 15 16. the one to comfort them against his departure out of the world the other to prep re both them and us against his return to judge the World of which the present Chapter treateth and part of the precedent In the former Chapter we have Christ's Exhortation unto watchfulness against his second coming Chap. 24.42 urged from the uncertainty of the time of his return And this Exhortation is continued in this 25th Chapter in which there are these three parts The first is contained in the Parable of the Ten Virgins from the first to the fourteenth Verse The second in that of the several Talents given by the Master to his Servants to be employed and improved by them against his return from the fourteenth to the thirty first Verse The third containeth the Description of the Coming of Christ to judge the world from Verse 31 to the end of the Chapter My Text lieth in the first Parable viz. That of the Ten Virgins of which five were wise and five were foolish And whereas Christ very often opened his mouth in Parables none of them comes closer to the Consciences of men than this as I may have occasion to shew hereafter I shall not insist in opening the whole Parable seeing the following Discourse will take in most thereof I will hasten therefore to that part thereof which I have now read unto you Now as for these Ten Virgins they professed alike and who were the wise and who the foolish lay undiscovered till the Midnight-cry was heard Behold the Bridegroom cometh go ye out to meet him behold he cometh with Clouds he cometh to judge the Earth he shall judge the world in righteousness and his People with equity This was an awaking Cry to slumbring Virgins in the midst of the dark and black night who little dream'd that Christ was so near at hand but wise and foolish are startled and raised with it all of them betake themselves forthwith to the trimming of their Lamps when the foolish finding theirs extinguished desire the wise to communicate of their Oil unto them they speak like persons not well awaked For though there is a Communion of Saints in the exercise of their Graces mutually among themselves yet there is no communication of personal Graces to each other and moreover the just shall live by his own and not by another's Faith What therefore say the Wise 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Nequaquam By no means say they lest there be not enough for us and you we have no Oil to spare but go ye rather to them that sell and buy for your selves Salsa derisio non cohortatio saith Beza The Wise answer the Foolish wisely yea wittily upbraid them for their Folly for was this a time to get Grace when the Bridegroom was come and time was slipt Is that a time to have Oil to buy when we should have Oil to burn Or is this Oil to be bought with money and price which is most freely given in the day of Grace and Mercy What therefore do the foolish do As if they foolishly understood an Exprobration for an Exhortation they are thinking now of buying but while they went to buy the Bridegroom came and they that were ready went in with him and the Door was shut In which words you have 1. The going of the Foolish to buy 2. The coming of the Bridegroom to the Marriage 3. The preparedness of the Wise to enter with him 4. The shutting of the Door after them But not to insist upon these things distinctly let me gather up the principal scope of our Saviour in the words which is to shew us Obs That very miserable is the condition of such especially Professors of the Gospel who have Grace to seek and get at the coming of Jesus Christ Observ and as happy is the state of such who are ready to enter with him into the Bride-Chamber of eternal Rest and Peace This is the Point that I shall insist upon which in the Application will lead me to the Question that is to be spoken to 1. I say Very miserable is the condition of such i. e. of such in general and not only of such as profess to Christ but of others also that profess not to him at all as to any shew of Godliness in their lives such as are the far greatest part of men yea and commonly too where the Gospel is preached who are sure enough to seek not
A SUPPLEMENT TO THE Morning-Exercise At CRIPPLE-GATE OR Several more Cases of Conscience Practically Resolved by sundry Ministers The Second Edition Our rejoycing is this the Testimony of our Conscience that in simplicity and Godly sincerity not with fleshly Wisdom but by the Grace of God we have had our conversation in the World 2 Cor. 1.12 Conscientia est nescio quid divinum nunquam perit officium nostrum nobis semper ad memoriam revocat Doroth. Bibl. Pat. T. 4. p. 769. Quaerimus quomodo animus semper aequalis secundoque cursu eat propitius sibi sit sua laetus adspiciat hoc gaudium non interrumpat sed placido statu maneat nec attollens se unquam nec deprimens Seneca de Tranq anim p. 678. LONDON Printed for Thomas Cockerill at the Sign of the Atlas in Cornhil near the Royal-Exchange MDCLXXVI To that part of Christ's Flock to which I am more specially related Grace Mercy and Peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour Beloved Christians AS I called in a Contribution of Help for the composing of a Legacy for others before my Civil Death so I now tender you A Supplement to that Exercise for your better liveliness of Spiritual Life I shall say nothing to commend these Sermons to you my Brethren are all herein unanimous to seek the Church's Profit not their own Applause only this I must say to prevent mistake viz. If any curious Reader shall find matter of Exception besides the Errors of Printing which I confess are too many the blame must be Personal because this joynt-work is no otherwise Social than as single Pearls strung together make one Neck-lace I easily grant here 's not yet a stating of all important Cases yet be this known to you whoever shall follow these Directions shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the work of the Lord nor miss of an abundant entrance into his Everlasting Kingdom Live up to what you have attained and you may be confident that what is further wanting God will as you want it supply it Be assur'd of this that you will get more skill and strength for all necessary Graces and Duties by an humble serious constant Course of Godliness than you possibly can do by captious Criticismes and wrangling Contentions about lesser things in which too many spend their Lives I herein appeal to your Consciences should not these Sermons answer expectation but according to your judgment either the Cases are ill chose or not well stated in that the Matter is either defective or redundant the Language too curious or too careless the Directions too common or too singular I appeal from your Passions to your Consciences and down-right charge you in the Name of my Master who must be your Judg that you read with other Spectacles These are not calculated to humour you but to better you These are not Duties to be cavil'd at but to be practised O that you may be effectually perswaded 1. That your Love to God Sermon 1 must be predominant and growing or you degrade your selves below the Beasts 2. That your Love to Man must be universal and spiritual Sermon 2 Sermon 3 or you can't evidence your Love to God 3. That your Love to the World must truckle under both be subservient to both and never be otherwise for if the World master you 't will ●●in you Oh that your awakened Sermon 4 Consciences may now allarm you 4. To catch at Salvation while it is Sermon 5 offer'd lest you perish for ever Though 't is a vexed Problem 5. What Knowledg is necessary to Salvation yet can you satisfie your Consciences without diligent Endeavours to proportion your Knowledg to the Means you enjoy And to bring forth Fruits every day as those that in some Sermon 6 measure feel 6. What 't is to be in the Spirit on the Lord's Day and Sermon 7 8. that the Word 7. Preach'd and 8. Read may be so impress'd upon Heart and Life that it may be an infallible Evidence you are taught of God And when through weakness of the Flesh your Duties may prove Sermon 9 wearisom 9. Learn to refresh your selves with the Songs of Zion But would you have more particular Directions They are before you Sermon 10 Here you may learn true Christianity 10. In the daily Improvement of Sermon 11 your Baptism Here you may learn 11. How to propagate Religion to Posterity by riveting Truth upon your own Hearts and teaching it to Sermon 12 others but while you are giving Milk to Babes 12. Excuse not your selves upon any account whatsoever from frequent and hungry feeding upon stronger Meat Be you as willing to seal to the Conditions of the Covenant as you are desirous God should seal to the Promises of it But who is sufficient for these things Pour out your Hearts therefore and Sermon 13 list up your Souls to God in all manner of Prayer 13. Let extraordinary Sermon 14 Prayer answer that title 14. Your secret Prayer speak secret Communion Sermon 15 with God 15. Let your Family prayer bring down Blessings upon your Family that you be neither Holy nor Happy alone but that when your Family-relations shall cease they may bless God to Eternity that ever there were such Relations between you Now therefore Sermon 16 16. Let Husbands and Wives be the liveliest Emblems in the World of Sermon 17 Christ and his Church 17. Let Parents and Children be the Evidences and Pledges of God's special presence with this and the next Sermon 18 Generation 18. Let Masters and Servants adorn the Gospel by their exemplary Faithfulness to their Heavenly Master Thus doing Sermon 19 19. Your Thoughts will be cured and in them you 'l enjoy God Sermon 20 20. Your Tongues will in some sense be God's glory as well as yours But Sermon 21 then 21. You must cautiously avoid the catching Canker of Detraction Sermon 22 22. So you sha●l by your Conversations convince the World there 's an Excellency in Christianity And that all this may be as well acceptable Sermon 23 to God as approved of Men 23. Do all in the Name of Christ and Sermon 24 while you thus embarque with Christ 24. He 'l steer you safe between Presumption and Despair those Rocks upon one of which most perish Hereby also 25. You 'l make your Port with the chearing Joys of an Sermon 25 Heroick Faith 26. And keep above all Vexing Discontents with your Sermon 26 Worldly Condition 27. And what Afflictions God's wise Love shall Sermon 27 inflict you 'l be able to bear them with more than a Roman Courage 28. And though reproachful Reproofs may bear hard upon you you 'l not Sermon 28 fret but welcome them as a precious Balm But when you have done your best yet through the Remainders of Corruption Guilt will be contracted 29. You can't but be restless till it be removed 30. Then you Sermon 29 30. may rather hope for than
taken upon me to speak unto the Lord which am but dust and ashes Again O let not the Lord be angry and I will speak (z) Psal 89.7 God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the Saints and to be had in reverence of all them that are about him Methinks that passage of Christ to his Disciples with the circumstance of time when he spake it just upon the most servile action of his life may for ever keep an awe upon our hearts (a) Joh. 13 12 13. Know ye what I have done unto you Ye call me Master and Lord and ye say well for so I am When God deals most familiarly with us as with friends let us carry it reverently as becomes servants 3. Obedience to the commands of God and to those commands which would never be obeyed but out of love to God (b) 1 Joh. 5.3 For this is the love of God that we keep his commandments and his commandments are not grievous e. g. to obey those commands that are unpleasing and troublesome Those commands that thwart our carnal reason and so part with things present for the hopes of that we never saw 1 Joh. 2.5 nor any man living that told us of them Whoso keepeth his word in him verily is the love of God perfected hereby we know that we are in him Once more hear what Christ saith He that hath my commandments and keepeth them he it is that loveth me and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father and I will love him and will manifest my self unto him Joh. 14.21 23 And again if any man love me he will keep my words and my Father will love him and we will come unto him and make our abode with him 4. Resignation of our selves to God whereby we devote our selves wholly to God to be wholly his (e) quoad 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 quoad 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to be every way disposed of as he pleaseth (f) 2 Cor. 5.14 15. The love of Christ constraineth us because we thus judge that if one dyed for all then were all dead And that he dyed for all that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves but unto him which dyed for them c. This resignation is like that in the conjugal relation it debars so much as treating with any other it as it were proclaims an irreconcileable hatred to any that would partake of any such love God doth not deal with us as with slaves but takes us into that relation which speaks most delight and happiness and we are never more our own than when we are most absolutely his 5. Adhesion and cleaving unto God in every case and in every condition (g) Psal 63.7 8. in the shadow of thy wings will I rejoyce my soul followeth hard after thee Methinks we may say of the law concerning (h) Deut. 22.6 birds what the Apostle saith of the law concerning oxen doth God take care of birds for our sakes no doubt 't is written to instruct us against cruelty but may we not learn a further lesson the bird was safe while on her nest our onely safety is with God Now to cleave to God in all conditions not onely when we fly to him as our onely refuge in our pressures but in our highest prosperity and outward happiness when we have many things to take to whence the world expects happiness this is a fruit of great and humble love this demonstrates an undervaluing of the world and a voluntary choosing of God this is somewhat like heavenly love 6. Tears and sighes through desires and joys when the spiritual love-sick soul would in some such but an unexpressable manner breath out it's sorrows and joys into the bosom of God Lord why thus loving to me and why is my heart no more overcome with divine love those that never receiv'd so much from thee love thee more O I am weary of my want of love O I am weary of my distance from God! O I am weary of my unspiritual frame we that are in this tabernacle do groan being burdened not for that we would be uncloathed but cloathed upon that mortality might be swallowed up of life i Here when the heart is ready to dye away through excess of love 2 Cor 5.4 't is passionately complaining of defects Dear Lord what shall I say what shall I do what shall I render O for more endearing communications of Divine love O for more answerable returns of love to God! Thus much of effects as to God The onely effect I shall name as to us is a seeking of heaven and things above with contempt of the world and all worldly excellencies One that loves God thinks he can never do enough in heavenly employments A person that abounds in love to God is too apt to neglect secondary duties which are in their places necessary they are apt to justle out one duty with another e.g. those duties wherein they have most sensible communion with God bear down lesser duties before them whereas could we keep within Scripture-bounds and mind every duty according to it's moment then this is an excellent effect of divine love e. g. to be afraid of worldly enjoyments lest they should steal the heart from God yet at the same time not to dare to omit any worldly duty lest I should prove partial in the work of Christianity To make conscience of the least duties because no sin is little but to be proportionably careful of the greatest duties lest I should prove an hypocrite such a carriage is an excellent effect of divine love this is fruit that none who are not planted near the tree of life can bear Mutual effects are these and such like as these 1. Vnion with God Union is the foundation of communion and communion is the exercise of union The Spirit of God is the immediate efficient cause of this union and faith is the internal instrument on our part but love is the internal instrument both on God's part and ours (k) Eph. 3.17 Christ dwells in our hearts by faith we being rooted and grounded in love This union is most immediately with Christ and through him with the Father and Holy Ghost It is an amazing and comfortable truth that our union with Christ does much resemble the personal union of the two natures in Christ I grant 't is unlike it in more considerations because of the transcendency of the mystery but yet there 's some resemblance e. g. the Humane Nature in Christ is destitute of it's subsistence and personality by it's union with and it's assumption to the divine so the gracious soul hath no kind of denomination but what it hath from its union with Christ It 's gracious being is bound up in its union with Christ Other men can live without Christ but so cannot the gracious soul Again in Christ there 's a communication of properties that is th●t which
particular instances wherein we shew love to our selves It shall suffice therefore that we speak of such things as are inducive of many more We shall reduce them to these Four heads 1. Our thoughts of and the judgment we pass upon our selves 2. Our speeches concerning our selves 3. Our desires after that which is good for our selves 4. Our Actual endeavours that it may be well with us 1. Let us consider what thoughts we have of and what judgments we pass upon our selves We do not ordinarily nor ought we at any time to censure our selves with too much rigour and severity We are indeed required 1 Cor. 11.31 again and again to judge our selves and it is our duty to do it strictly and severely yet we ought not without cause Luk. 6.41 42. to judge or condemn our Selves for any thing nor are we very forward so to do Our love to our neighbour should be exercised in this matter if he doth or speaketh any thing that is (n) De sactis mediis quae possunt bono vel malo animo fieri temerati●m est judica●e maximè ut condem●emus August 1 Cor. 13.5 Heb. 4.13 1 Cor. 2.11 capable of a double sence and interpretation let us take it as done or spoken in the best sense it is capable of unless the contrary doth manifestly appear by some very convincing circumstances for it is the property of Charity to think no evil We may be much more bold to judge our selves than others we are privy to our own principles from whence our words and actions flow and to our own intentions in all we speak or do But the case is otherwise when we take upon us to judge others their principles and intentions are known only to themselves until they some way or other declare them the heart being the hidden Man is known only to God before whom all things are naked and open and to a mans self What man knoweth the things of a man save the spirit of man which is in him Moreover inordinate self-love hath often too great an influence on the judgment we pass upon our selves and the corruption of our wills and affections on the judgment we pass upon other men that we seldom judge aright As he that hath the jaundise be the object never so white judgeth it yellow his eye being ill disposed so the eye of the mind being affected with the corruption of the heart puts another colour upon that which is most candidly spoken or done Were our hearts principled with true love to others we should be as cautious about the judgment which we pass on them as about that we pass upon our selves and there is great reason we should be more from the 〈◊〉 mentioned considerations 2. We shew our love to our selves in and by our speeches concerning our selves and it is our duty so to do As we ought not to pass too severe a judgment on our selves in our own minds so we may not speak that which is false of our selves and it is seldom known that any mans tongue falls foul upon himself Yea our love to our selves is and ought to be such as not to suffer our tongue to blab and send abroad all the evil we certainly know by our selves It is our duty then in the same matter to shew our love to others Our tongue which is apt to speak the best of our selves should not frame it self to speak the worst we can of our Brethren The Apostle chargeth Titus Titus 3.2 to put Christians in mind of this among other duties to speak evil of no man There are several ways and degrees of evil speaking 1. The first and most notorious is when men are spoken against as evil doers for doing that which is their duty to do When they are condemned for that for which they ought to be commended Thus was Jeremiah dealt with in his time when he faithfully declared the mind of God to the people Jer. 18.18 Come say they and let us smite him with the tongue The same lot had John from Diotrephes who prated against him with Malicious words because he had wrote to have the brethren received a work of Christian love and Charity which he had no heart unto To speak evil of others for that which is their duty is a common thing among men and too ordinary among some professors If they be told of a truth or exhorted to a duty that doth not agree with their private opinion and Comport with their carnal interest how do their hearts rise and their mouths begin to open against such as declare it to them We may well conceive that the Apostle Paul observed some such thing in his days when we find him beseeching Christians to suffer the word of exhortation Heb. 13.22 1 Pet. 2.1 and the Apostle Peter also by his charging them in hearing to lay aside all malice and all guile and hypocrisies and envies and evil-speakings 2. A second way of evil speaking and a great sin against love and Charity is when men raise up false reports of others or set them forward when others have maliciously raised them To offend in this kind is a great breach of a Christians good behaviour as the Apostle intimates Titus 2.3 when he saith That they be in behaviour as becometh Holiness (o) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not false accusers It doth not at all become the profession of a Christian whose master is the God of truth to speak that which is false of any man whatsoever And therefore these false accusers are called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by a name which is usually given to the father of lies Joh. 8.44 3. There may be evil speaking in speaking of such evils as others are really guilty of as 1. First when a man doth industriously (p) Facilius est unicuique nostrum aliena curiose inquirere quam propria nostra inspicere search out such things as are evil in others for this very purpose that he may have something to say against them Of this David complains Psal 64. ver 6. They search out iniquities they accomplish a diligent search It is a sign that Malice boils up to a great height in mens hearts when they are so active to find matter against their neighbours Love would rather (q) Qui bene vult vitam peragere neque videre multa neque audire studear Just Martyr De vita Christ ad Zenam Ep. Luke 11.53 not seen or hear of others failings or if it doth and must busieth it self in healing and reforming them to it's power 2. They also are Guilty and more guilty of evil speaking than the former who endeavour to bring others into sin rather than they will want matter against them Thus the malicious Pharisees did their utmost to cause Christ himself had it been possible to offend urging him vehemently and provoking him to speak of many things seeking to catch something out of his mouth that they
our Enemies This likewise draws the heart to a just indignation Zeal and Compassion The very matter we Sing doth abundantly sweeten this Duty Nay further 1. Singing is the musick of Nature The Scriptures tell us the Mountains Sing Jer. 44.23 The valleys Sing Psal 65.13 The trees of the wood Sing 1 Chron. 16.33 Nay the Air is the Bird's Musick room where they chant their musical notes 2. Singing is the Musick of Ordinances Augustin reports of himself Aug lib. 3. conf cap. 6. B●za That when he came to Millain and heard the people Sing he wept for joy in the Church to hear that pleasing Melody And Beza confesses That at his first entrance into the Congregation and hearing them sing the 91 Psalm he felt himself exceedingly comforted and did retain the sound of it afterwards upon his heart The Rabbies tell us That the Jews after the feast of the Passeover was celebrated they sang the 111 Psalm and the five following Psalms and our Saviour and his Apostles sang an HYMN immediately after the Blessed Supper Mat. 26.30 Mat. 26.30 3. Singing is the Musick of Saints 1. They have performed this duty in their greatest numbers Psal 149.2 2. In their greatest straits Isa 26.19 3. In their greatest flight Isa 42.10 11 4. In their greatest deliverances 5. In their greatest plenties Isa 65.14 In all these changes Singing hath been their stated duty and delight And indeed it is meet that the Saints and servants of God should Sing forth their joyes and praises to the Lord Almighty Every Attribute of him can set both their Song and their Tune 4. Singing is the Musick of Angels Job tells us The Morning Stars Sang together Job 38.7 Now these Morning Stars as Pineda Pineda comment in Job tells us are the Angels to which the Chaldee Paraphrase accords naming these Morning Stars Aciem Angelorum an host of Angels nay when this heavenly Host was sent to proclaim the Birth of our dearest Jesus they deliver their message in this raised way of duty Luke 2.13 They were 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 delivering their messages in a laudatory Singing the whole Company of Angels making a Musical Quire Nay in Heaven there is the Angels joyous Musick Creaturarum Psalmus est Stella they there sing Hallelujahs to the most High and to the Lamb who sits upon the Throne Rev. 5.11 5. Singing is the Musick of Heaven The glorious Saints and Angels accent their praises this way and make one harmony in their state of blessedness Ibi nil nisi laus Dei nisi amor Dei Aug. and this is the Musick of the Bride-Chamber Rev. 15.3 The Saints who were tuning here their Psalms are now Singing there Hallelujahs in a louder strain and articulating their joys which here they could not express to their perfect satisfaction here they laboured with drowsie Hearts and faltering Tongues But in glory these impediments are removed and nothing is left to jar their joyous celebrations Now thirdly we come to shew the Vniversal practice of this Duty Singing Psalms and Spiritual Songs to God is not more sweet than Oecumenical It hath been always the way of Saints thus to express their joy in the Lord. This Duty hath been practised 1. By all varieties of Persons 1. By Christ and his Apostles as hath been shown Mat. 26.30 The glorious Sun and Stars have shined in favour upon this joyous Service and left their practice of it upon Record The Supernal and upper Orders of the World have not been too high for this Spiritual Harmony 2. Godly Princes have glorified God in this Duty 2 Chron. 29.30 Their Thrones have not raised them above this Spiritual service King Jehoshaphat assaults his enemies not only with the brandishing of his Sword but with the Singing of his Song 2 Chron. 20.21 Princes who have swayed regal Scepters have sang Spiritual Songs and have minded the Quire as well as the Crown David not only takes the Scepter into his hand to rule the people but takes the Harp into his hand to sing the praises of the Lord. 3. Worthy Governours Nehemiah takes care that as soon as the wall of Hierusalem was set up Singers should be appointed to perform this part of God's Worship Nehem. 7.1 These Eminent Magistrates held not only the reins of Government but lifted up those hands which held them with the voices in Singing the Praises of God Magistracy is a spur not a curb to Duty I need not mention Ethan Heman and Asaph Eminent and Worthy Men engaged in this pleasing service 2 Chron. 5.12 4. Holy Prophets They did not only prophesie of things to come but they practised Duties for the present more especially this And as David pens Prophetical so he sings Musical Psalms and professes his dying and his singing Air should both expire together Psal 146.2 Psal 146.2 This Duty should lye by him on his Death-bed and as Moses in the 32 Chapter of Deuteronomy he will close up his life with a Swan-like with a Saint-like Song So the 22 Chapter of the second of Samuel was a song of Thanksgiving for manifold mercies a little before his death 5. The body of the People As Singing is not too low for Kings so not too choice for Subjects the whole multitude sometimes engaged in the harmony Then Israel Sang this Song Numb 21.17 The Peoples voice may make melody as the lesser birds contribute to the Musick of the Grove their chirping notes filling up the harmony 6. Eminent Fathers Basil Basil August lib. 9. Conf. cap 6. Non discumbitur priusquam Oratio ad Deum sit c. Tertul. calls the Singing of Psalms Spiritual incense Augustine was highly commendatory of this service and assures us Ambrose and Athanasius were coincident with him in this particuler 7. Primitive Christians and here I shall only mention what Tertullian relates of the practice of those times he lived in When we come to a feast saith he we do not sit down before there is Prayer and after the meal is past one cometh forth and either out of the Holy Scriptures or else from some composure of his own begins a Spiritual Song 2. In all Ages This service of Singing to God was soon started in the World Moses the first Penman of Scripture he both Sung a Song and Penned a Psalm as we hinted before In the Judges time Deborah and Barak Sang a Triumphant Song Judg. 5.1 2 c. During the time of the Kings of Judah the Levites sang the praises of God in the Sanctuary A little before the Captivity we find the Church praising God in Singing Isa 35.2 In the time of the Captivity Israel did not forget the Songs of Zion though they were in Babylon Psal 126.2 After their return from Captivity we soon find them return to this joyous Service Neh. 7.1 their long Exile had not banished this Duty Towards the close of their Prophets prophesying the Church is again engaged in
this part of God's Worship Zeph. 3.15 17. In the beginning of the Christian Aera when the Gospel first made the World happy with its glorious shine we find the primitive Christians much taken up in this Duty Cyprian in his Epistle to Donatus Nec est hora Convivii Caelestis gratiae immunis Sonet Psalmis convivium Sobrium Cypr. adviseth That there may not be an hour of feasting without some Heavenly grace and let every sober feast be accompanied with Singing of Psalms And Chrysostome in his Commentary on the 41th Psalm admonishes all persons Countrey-men Marrines Weavers c. to sing Psalms and spiritual Songs Estius cries out Take notice of the custome of the Primitive Christians who did not only sing Psalms and Hymns in their publique Assemblies but in their private Families Eusebius relates That Plinius Secundus in an Epistle he wrote to Trajan the Emperour makes mention that the Christians of those times being gathered together before day Sang Hymns and Praises to Christ as to a God This was about the year 98 after the birth of our Saviour Those early and more pure times rejoyced in this Duty Nicephorus tells us that Chrysostome caused Psalms to be Sung for the suppression of the Arrian Heresie And Ruffin witnesseth That Basil commanded the people to meet for the pouring out of their prayers to God and for singing of Psalms to the Most High The worthy Junius informs us That the Eastern Church from the time the Sun of Righteousness arose in the East did propagate the practice of Singing of Psalms to successive Generations And Paulinus testifies Per omnes penè Occidentis provincias manasse refert Paulin. That this practice overspread every Province of the Western Church Holy Ambrose so zealously pressed this Duty of Singing Psalms that he would not allow times of persecution to be a sufficient excuse for the neglect of it But the Empress Justina raging against Ambrose He commanded the Common people to lye in the Church and there Sing Psalms and Hymns according to the practice of the Oriental Christians that they might not be sensible of their sorrows or tediousness And this Custome prevailed in after times and was scattered in other places the Churches in other parts imitating this Worthy Practice This then was the Genius of the primitive Times In the middle times of the Church Rabanus Maurus and Gregory the Great mention this service with great approbation and speak liberally of the practice of it But since the Reformation the universal practice of the Reformed Churches give free suffrage to the Duty of Singing Psalms and I need not cite Zanchy c. to give in their testimony our judgments being best discovered by our practises 3. In all places Moses praiseth God by singing in the Wilderness throughout the 15th Chapter of Exodus David practises this Duty in the Tabernacle Psal 47.6 Solomon in the Temple Psal 10.12 Jehosaphat in the Camp 2 Chron. 20.21 Christ and his Apostles in a particular Chamber Mat. 26.30 And Paul and Silas in an uncomfortable Prison Act. 19.25 We may say of Singing as the Apostle speaks of Prayer 1 Tim. 2.8 I will saith he that men pray every where lifting up holy hands Thus every place is now Commodious for lifting up pure voices and pure hearts to the Most High Where devout Christians meet in any convenient place to sing praises to the Lord they make up a Heavenly Quire 4. In all Conditions 1. In a time of chearfulness and inward joy The Apostle James commands us then to take the advantage of singing Psalms Jam. 5.13 Holy Singing is the best Exertion of inward rejoycing Joy may excite must not stifle this Duty A dilated heart is fittest for a raised voice 2. In a time of affliction Paul and Silas sang in Prison a place of sorrow and confinement Acts 16.25 A chain might bind their feet but not their tongue while others sleep they sing and turn their Dungeon into a Chappel Holy singing can nobilitate every Duty and raise it to a better Notion 3. In a time of Fear When some would press Luther with the dangers the Church was in and what a black Cloud hung over Zion he would presently call for the 46th Psalm to be sung and he thought that Psalm was a charm against all fears whatsoever And since Quemadmodum est emnium Deus olim uterque Sexus ad●ibebatur ad laudes Dei canendas Rivet Importunas in Ecclesia l●quacitates Apostoli Domini in Ecclesiis Magistri med stiae gravitatis reprimore studentes ut mulieres in ipsis Ca●erent sepien in co●cilio permiserunt Isid Pelus this Psalm is called Luther's Psalm his sacred spell against invading Fears 5. By all Sexes Miriam sings a Song to God Exod. 15.21 as well as Moses Rivet well observes God is the Lord of both Sexes and therefore both may sing his praises Every Sex may tune their hearts to proclaim their Thanksgivings to God And so Deborah may sing her song as well as Barak Judg. 5.1 Holy singing befits the Female as well as the Masculine Tongue though Women may not speak yet they may sing in the Church there is no silence imposed on them in this particular Rivet here takes notice Women are not to be driven from joining in Divine praises when the Apostle enjoyns singing of Psalms and Hymns upon all believers Col. 13.16 And here Isidore Polusiota well interposes Although the holy Apostles those masters of modesty will not permit womens loquacity and the loudness of their Tongues yet in the greatness of their Wisdom they do permit the loudness of their Voices in singing forth the praises of the Almighty Thus He. Women though they are removed by Apostical command from the Desk or Pulpit yet they are not debarr'd the Quire to join in that Harmony where God's praises are elevated And now we come to speak of that Honour which God hath put upon this Heavenly Duty And this will appear in three things viz. 1. God hath Honoured this duty with glorious appearances This we find upon record in 2 Chron. 5.13 And it came to pass as the Trumpeters and Singers were as one to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the Lord and when they lift up their voice with Trumpets and Cymbals and Instruments of Musick and praised the Lord saying For he is good for his mercy endureth for ever Then the House was filled with a Cloud even the House of the Lord. The Cloud was a certain sign of Divine presence in those times A Cloud to rain blessings a Cloud because Divine brightness would over-power human sight a Cloud not to darken Service but to denote the certainty of God's approach 2. With Eminent Victories This we find upon record 2 Chron. 20.21 22. And when he had consulted with the people he appointed Singers unto the Lord that they should praise the Beauty of Holiness as they went out before the Army and to say
Duties of the Covenant a Badge of the profession and a Bond to engage us to the Duties which that Profession calls for As the Apostle speaks of Circumcision That whosoever is circumcised is a debtor to the whole Law Gal. 5.3 binds himself to the observances of Moses So a Christian by being baptized becomes a Debtor not to the Flesh to live after the flesh c. Rom. 8.12 And 't is called an Answer towards God 1 Pet. 3.21 the answer supposes the demands of the Covenant and so 't is an undertaking faithfully to perform the Conditions required of us a Vow or an Obligation whereby we reckon our selves bound to dye unto Sin and to live unto Righteousness through Jesus Christ our Lord Rom. 6.11 It bindeth us chiefly to the Duties that belong to our entrance as the Lord's Supper doth more directly to the Duties which belong to our progress it bindeth us to a true belief of the Gospel or an acceptance of Christ and consent to the Covenant of Grace to renounce the Devil the World and the Flesh and to give up our selves unto God and therefore the Baptismal Covenant by which we are initiated into Christianity is exprest by our being Baptized in the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost Matth. 28.19 which implies a giving up our selves to them in their distinct personal Relations To the Father that we may return to him and obey him as our rightful Lord that we may love him and depend upon him as the Fountain of all our good and all-sufficient happiness and prefer his favour before all the sensual pleasures of the World We are Baptized in the Name of Christ that we may believe in him accept him as our Saviour and Redeemer expecting to be saved by his Merits Righteousness and Intercession from the Wrath of God and Guilt of Sin and eternal Death To the Holy Ghost as our Guide Sanctifier and Comforter that he may free us from Sin change us into the image and likeness of Christ and lead us into all truth and godliness and comfort us with the sense of our present interest in God's love and the hopes of future glory Eighthly These visible confirming Ordinances give us great advantages above the Word and bare proposal of the Covenant 1. As these sealing Signs are an expression of God's earnest and sincere respect to our Salvation God hath opened his mind in his Word concerning his love and good will to Sinners in Christ and he hath also added his Seal that the Charter of his Grace might be more valid and authentick It argueth the goodness and communicativeness of God to give notice in his Word but his solicitousness and anxious care for our good to give visible assurance in the Sacraments as being willing 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 over and above to satisfie the Heirs of Promise If a man be more than ordinarily cautious to make all sure it is a sign his heart is upon the thing Surely 't is a great condescension that God would dispose his grace into a Covenant-form but 't is a further condescension that he would add Seals which needed not on his part but he added them to give us the more strong consolation Nudum pactum a naked Promise is not so valid and authentick as when Articles of Agreement are put into a formal Instrument and Deed of Law and that sign'd and seal'd and interchangeably delivered this breeds more confidence and security on both sides God's Word certifieth us of his good will but when he is pleased to make a formal Indenture of it and to sign it and seal it it doth breed more assurance in our minds that his Promises are made with a real intent to perform them and bindeth us the more firmly to God when besides our naked Promise there is a kind of Vow and Oath on our part solemnly entered into by Baptism 2. There is this Advantage in the Sacraments above the Word that they are a closer Application The Word speaks to all promis●uously as inviting the Sacraments to every one in particular as obliging By the Word none are excluded from the Grace offered upon God's terms Go preach the Gospel to every Creature but by the Sacraments every one is expresly admonished of his Duty The Object revealed in the Word is like the Brazen Serpent which without difference was exposed to the Eye of all that whosoever looked upon it might be healed but the same Object offered in the Sacraments is like the blood sprinkled on the Door-posts that every man might be assured that his Family should be in safety Now the reason of this difference is because things propounded in the Word are like a Treaty between God and us or an offer and a debating of matters till the parties do agree But Sacraments are not of use till both sides have agreed upon the Conditions of the Covenant In Adults at least the Word conduceth to the making of the Covenant but Sacraments suppose it made therefore the Word universally propoundeth that which in the Seals is particularly applied Now those things do not affect us so much which are spoken indifferently to all as those that are particularly applied to our selves because they stir us up to a more accurate care and endeavour to fulfil the Duty incumbent upon us The Conditions are propounded in the Word Repent and believe and I will pardon and give thee eternal life But the Sacraments suppose an Actual consent that thou hast done or undertaken so to do and then God comes and saith Take this as an undoubted pledge that thou shalt have what I have promised which doth more encrease our Hope and perswade our Duty 3. By these Sealing Signs we are solemnly invested into a right to the things promised as when we are put in possession of what we have bargained for by due formalities of Law This is my Body that is our solemn Investiture into the Priviledges purchased by Christ's Crucified Body A Believer receiveth Christ in the Word John 1.12 and he receiveth Christ in the Lord's Supper What 's the difference There his right is solemnly owned and confirmed in the way which God hath appointed As soon as a man consents to a Bargain he hath an Interest in the thing bargained for but the right is made more explicite when 't is delivered to him by some formalities of Law as an House by a Key a Field by a Turf or Twig in such delivery we say This Key is my House this Turf or Twig is my Field So are we put in possession of Christ by these words This is my Body Every peninent and believing Sinner hath a right to Christ and Pardon but his solemn Enfeoffment is by the Sacraments Repent and be Baptized every one of you for the Remission of Sins or as it is Acts 22.14 Arise and be Baptized for the washing away of thy Sins God gave Abraham the Land of Promise by word of mouth but Gen. 13. he bids him go
their respective Superiours in Church or Family 1. Superiours in the Church These under what Name or Title soever the Scripture presents them are all bound to Catechize that is in a most plain and sound manner publickly to instruct the most ignorant of their charge in the first principles of the Christian Religion This duty so peculiarly belongs to them that their whole work and office is set down under the name of Catechizing Let him that is taught in the Greek it is Catechized Gal. 6.6 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 communicate unto him that teacheth in the Greek that Catechiseth But to speak closely 1. Was not Paul a great Apostle yea the Grand Doctor of the Gentiles and yet he professeth himself a Catechist Paul's work was to plant as well as to water and to beget as well as to bring up 1 Cor. 6.7 and 4.15 Paul compares himself to a Nurse 1 Thess 2.7 the Saints to Babes such as had need of Milk and not of stronger meat 1 Cor. 3.1 Heb. 5.12 13. Paul professeth himself to be one of God's Stewards 1 Cor. 4.1 2. and if faithful he will see that the meanest the weakest in the Family hath his due allowance In a word Paul stiles himself a Master-builder 1 Cor. 3.10 And wherein lies the Art and Honour of a Master-builder so much as in solidly laying the Foundation-stone lest for want of it the building totter Mat. 7.26 27. 2. Was not Peter a great Officer in the Church and yet sure I am that whatever Dispensation Peter's pretended Successor or any of his Allies may boast and crack of Peter himself stands charged with feeding Lambs as well as Sheep John 21.15 In the Church there are not only adult and perfect Fathers and strong in Faith but Infants and Babes weak in Faith such as are ignorant of the word of Righteousness Is 40.11 Lambs to be carried in the bosom 3. The great dulness incapacity and slowness of heart that is in the people to understand by any other way of teaching calls aloud for this Elementary way of teaching By this means those that in vain do hear those Elaborate labours of the Learned in a more full and copious dilating on the Articles of Faith are by these little morsels of Catechising as it were chewed for them nourished up unto Salvation This manner of teaching the Prophet hints Is 28.10 13. like a discreet School-master not to pour in his Precepts all at once for then like water pour'd on narrow-mouth'd Vessels 't would mostly run over but instill drop by drop It becomes Pastors to be frequent in Preaching to be accurate in their Sermons but yet they may by no means forget the shallow Laterem lavat serpendum humi cum suis quasi balbutiendum indocible intractable temper of their hearers 'T is in vain to give great Gobbets of meat to an infant so far from feeding of him that is a ready way to choak him That Ministry usually proves the most effectual that drops as the Rain and distills as the Dew Deut. 32.2 Ezek. 20.26 4. Want and neglect of Catechism confessed to be one of the principal causes of all those desperate defections that have been made from the Faith in this our English Africa and of those insolent Invasions that have been made upon it by loose tongues and lewder Pens What blasphemous Disputes against the infinite Merit and Deity of our Saviour as if we intended to justifie the Jews in condemning him to the Cross for avouching himself the Coessential and Coeternal Son of God Joh. 19.7 Biddle 's Lat. How audaciously have they proceeded in the like sacrilegious attempts against the Holy Ghost What proud brags of the purity of man's Nature and the sufficiency of his power to save himself How daring have men been to decry the Scriptures the Lord's Day and all the Ordinances of God's Institution to despise the Sacraments as if they were as beggerly Elements as the Jewish Ceremonies to deride singing of Psalms as if David's Harp were out of tune to reject Prayer as if they were rais'd to such a plentiful measure of Spiritual Riches that it were a shame for them to crave any further supply In a word scarce any Article of the Christian Religion which hath not received many a desperate Stab under it's fifth Rib and that from the Hand of those whose hearts did ere-while seem ready to expose their heads to the greatest hazard for the least title of sacred Truth And whence all this but from Ignorance of Truth Had Truth been clearly understrod it could never have been so unworthily undervalued much less so treacherously undermined and least of all so impudently affronted as wo is us we behold it both to our grief and horror And whence this Barbarous Ignorance but from want of due Catechising Hinc illae lachrymae Ob. 1. True The laying of Foundations Instructions in the first Principles of Religion a most useful necessary work but what ground is there in the Holy Scriptures for that Form or manner of Catechising as is now in use viz. By way of Question and Answer Sol. 1. There are several Texts of Scripture from which the Learned conclude that this Mode of Catechising was used in the Apostles days and by the Apostles themselves and their immediate Successors and this in imitation of the Jews Rom. 2.20 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 who had A Form of Knowledg and of the Truth in the Law out of which they Instructed the Ignorant and taught Babes Thus Rom. 6.17 the Apostle had given the Romans A Form of Doctrine and to Timothy A Form of sound words 2 Tim. 1.13 A Form of sound words which contained the principles of the Doctrine of Christ and the first principles of the Oracles of God six whereof are distinctly mentioned Heb. 5.12 with 6.1 2. To these plain and fundamental Rules as to their Standard the Apostles would have all Doctrines that were Preached to be brought and tried and so far to be allowed of as they held proportion with them This is that which the Apostle calls Prophesying according to the proportion of Faith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Rom. 12.6 Thus the Magdeburg from these Scriptures assert That there was a Catechism delivered by the Apostles in which they had drawn the Doctrine of the Gospel into short heads for instructing of the Children of the Church Eusebius saith That there was one set apart on purpose for this Office in the primitive Church called the Catechist qui Catechismum docebat and others called Catechumeni that learnt the Catechism and these were of two sorts 1. Jews and Heathens that offered themselves to be listed among the Christians and were not as yet sufficiently seen in the great fundamentals of the Christian Religion 2. The Children of believing Parents that had been Baptized Both these were put under the careful institution of the Catechist and by him to be so far instructed till they had
Counsels go down glibly When persons are fully satisfied that in all our Addresses to them we study only their benefit and profit this opens an effectual door to all the means that we shall use Thus Paul accosts the Romans I long to see you that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift Rom. 1.10 11. Thus he smooths his way to the Philippians Phil. 1.8 God is my Record how greatly I long after you all in the bowels of Jesus Christ Labour then to get their love their good esteem and the work will thrive beyond expectation Love is like the oiling of the Key which makes it to open the lock more easily love greaseth the nail and makes it enter with more facility 2. To holy hearty serious affectionate frequent admonition add an exemplary Conversation Inferiours are apt to be led rather by example than rule and are more prone to imitate Practices than to learn Principles They are more mindful of what we do than of what we say and they will be very prone to suspect that we are not in good earnest when they see that we command them one thing and do another our selves When we teach them well and do amiss our selves we do but pull down with one hand what we build with the other Like a man that at the same time sings a lovely Song and drowns the melody of it by playing an ugly Tune When the Father is immodest the Child that sees it soon grows impudent and therefore the Ancients thought themselves concern'd to be very reserv'd and cautelous before their children Maxima debetur pueris reverentia Psal 101.2 N●l faedum dictu vis●que ea limina ●angat intra quae pura est P●il 1.4 Col. 1 3. Rom. 10.1 Walk as David therefore in thy house with a perfect heart Let thy children and servants behold nothing in thy deportment which if follow'd may prove sinful 3. To an exemplary conversation add faithful fervent humble constant supplication Paul without ceasing makes mention of his heart's desire and his prayer to God for Israel was that they might be saved Ministers like spiritual Priests should not fail to offer their daily Sacrifices for their people confess their iniquities bewail their misery and cry mightily to God for his mercy All our instructions without prayer will do no good Go to God to sanctifie all By prayer carry thy children servants to the blessed Jesus in the Arms of Faith and beseech him to bless them by laying on his hands on them as Isaac did The accustomed Ceremony used in Blessing Beza in Mat. 19. Impositio manuum Symbolum fuit apud Judaeos familiare quoties sol●nnis erat precatio vel benedict● Mat. 15.22 Gen. 27.1 and 48.9 14. with Matth. 19.13 and Mark 10.16 How pathetically did Abraham plead with God for Ishmael Oh that Ishmael might live before thee Gen. 17.18 Bathsheba calls for Solomon the Son of her Vows Prov. 31.2 Austin the Child of Monica's prayers and tears O pray then pray earnestly O that this my Son Daughter Servant might not dye for ever Thou Lord art the Prince and Lord of Life O speak powerfully to their poor Souls that these pieces of my bowels that are now dead in trespasses and sins may hear thy voice and live Cry out to God with that poor man in the Gospel Lord have mercy on my Son Matth. 17.15 If a Mother do as the Woman of Canaan did Have mercy on me O Lord my Daughter is grievously vexed with a Devil If he seem not to hear and to be silent go nearer to him by Faith and cry Lord help me Lord help me If his Answer seem to be a repulse do not thou desist but rather gather Arguments from his denial as she did and conclude that if he once open his mouth he will not shut his hand and if importunity may prevail with an unrighteous man then much more it will obtain with a gracious God Never leave him therefore till by laying hold on his own strength thou hast overcome him At last thou mayst hear that ravishing voice O Woman be it unto thee even as thou wilt and see thy Daughter made whole from that very hour 4. Lastly To fervent supplication add wary inspection Keep a strict hand Dr. Jacomb Dem. D●c 83. and a watchful eye continually over those that are committed to your charge your utmost care and vigilancy in this will be found little enough How soon will those Gardens that now look like a Paradise be overgrown with weeds if the Keepers thereof do not look to them daily How soon is Childhood and Youth tainted with sin if it be not narrowly watcht Be thou diligent therefore to know the state of thy Flock and look well to thy Herds Carefully observe the natural temper of your inferiours you will by this the better know how to apply your selves to them in advice reproof correction Observe the first sprouts and buds of what is either good or evil in them encourage commend reward them in the one curb restrain and prevent the further growth of the other Do they begin to take God's Name in vain Do they nibble at a lye Doth Pride in apparel peep forth Be sure to kill this Serpent in the very egg to crush this Cockatrice in the Shell 2. Thus of Superiours A word to Inferiours and I have done Dear Lambs the Searcher of Hearts knows how greatly I long after you all in the Bowels of Jesus Christ Shall I prevail with you to remember this when I am laid with my Fathers viz. That 't is no less your Duty to make Religion your business in the relation of Children and Servants than 't is ours in the relation of Parents and Masters Oh what a credit what a glory is it to drink in the Dews of Godliness in the morning of your lives What a lovely sight to behold those Trees blossoming with the fruits of the Spirit in the Spring of their Age Better is a poor and a wise Child than an old and a foolish King Eccl. 4.13 What a Garland of Honour doth the Holy Ghost put on the head of an holy Child How profitable is early Piety Some Fruits ripe early in the year are worth treble the price of latter Fruits Godliness at any time brings in much gain but he that comes first to the Market is like to make the best price of his Ware On the other side how dangerous are delays Remember Children late Repentance like untimely fruits seldom comes to any thing Your lives are very uncertain As young as you are you may be old enough for a Grave Oh then seek your God 1 Tim. 6.6 We read of one that truly repented at his last gasp that so none might despair but 't is of but one that none might presume and seek him when and whiles he may be found Isa 55.5 If thou refuse him now he may refuse thee hereafter I have heard of one that deferring Repentance
is the command of the Lord Jesus to remember him in this Supper is a debt you ow to him your Saviour Lord and head it is a command that bears the superscription of the most supreme Authority in Heaven or Earth and if by the sentence of Christ it was but just to pay the tribute-money to Caesar because it bore his superscription it is much more just for you to pay the tribute of obedience to this command that bears the superscription of an Authority greater than all the Caesars that ever were What 's the name of Caesar in compare to the name and title of the Son of God which is a title that speaks him greater than all Angels or Arch-Angels in Heaven for to which of his Angels said he at any time thou art my Son Heb. 1.5 this day have I begotten thee this is he whom the Prophet Isaiah calleth Wonderful Is 9.6 Counsellor the mighty God the Prince of peace on whose shoulders it hath pleased the Everlasting Father to lay the government this is he whose Kingdom is an Everlasting Kingdom Dan. 4.3 and of whose dominion there will be no end of whom David speaketh Thy Throne O God is for ever and ever a Scepter of Righteousness is the Scepter of thy Kingdom Psal 45.6 all power my brethren God hath given into his hands and hath given him to bear this royal title King of Kings and Lord of Lords Rev. 19.16 and it is he only that is head of his Church it is this great Lord that hath said this do in remembrance of me how then dare you disobey him believe it if he hath so great authority to command he hath as great a power to punish if he find you presumptuously disobedient he that could strike some sick and others dead for profaning this Supper he can do as much to you for not observing it and that he doth not is not because he wants power but because he is gracious long suffering not willing you should perish for your neglect but that you may be drawn to repentance and so to obedience but if you be obstinate after you are told throughly of your fault take heed it will be a horrible thing for you to fall into the hands of consuming fire 2. Consider your neglect of this Ordinance is a sin against the command not only of the greatest but of the best Prince in Heaven and Earth he is not only Maximus but Optimus also this is a further aggravation of your sin Who ever thought but that Absalom's taking up arms against David was treason but he that shall consider that the rebellion was against David the man after God's own heart against David the holiest of men and the justest of Princes and besides all this against David his Father cannot but judge it an act of the highest treason imaginable My brethren in your disobeying this command you sin against Jesus the just and Jesus the gracious against him that is by place your head in love your Father in openness of heart your Friend against him that emptied himself that he might fill you that became poor that he might enrich you that became an exile from his Throne and Father's Kingdom that he might bring you home to your Father's house that became a curse that you might be blessed that hung on a tree for you that you might sit on Thrones with him who called you and washed you from your sins in his blood and after all this when he shall leave such a command as this to remember him in this Supper for all this his love how inexcusable must your neglect be let your Conscience be judge with whom I leave it 3. If you consider what relation you that are believers stand in to this Jesus that left this command with you ye are the Elect of the Father who committed you to his Son to Redeem and effectually call you that he might save you from sin wrath the grave Hell and to bring you to everlasting glory Why are you called believers but from that faith whereby you acknowledg this Jesus as your Lord and your God whereby you trust in him and in what he hath done and suffered for you for the making your peace procuring your pardon and opening a new and living way into your Father's Kingdom and glory it is by this faith that you love him cleave to him and are therefore called his friends his children his brethren his subjects servants followers witnesses and shall such as you be found disobedient to him shall you carelesly forget to remember him in a supper appointed by himself for the remembrance of the greatest act of his love that is his dying for you I tell you Christ will take it worse of you than of any others how hainously did David take a contempt from his friend Psal 41.9 Yea mine own familiar friend in whom I trusted which did eat of my bread hath lift up his heel against me ye are those that he hath chosen out of the world brought into his Father's family and for you to turn the heel upon him and refuse to eat at his Table this is a contempt that cannot but grieve and anger him when Christ had been teaching that they who did not eat his flesh and drink his blood had no life in them at this multitudes were offended and forsook him but saith he to his Disciples will ye go also implying that if they should forsake him it would be matter of greater trouble than that of the multitudes leaving him John 6.53.67 That the profane world comes not nigh his Table that comes not so nigh his heart but that ye believers should withdraw this is that which he must needs take ill from you Oh do not as you tender the good pleasure of your Lord do not grieve him by absenting your selves from his table 4. If you consider the command it self as it is easie pleasant honourable your neglect must needs receive further aggravation What is more easie than to eat and drink or more pleasant than to come to a feast or more honourable than to feast with the King of Kings Christ puts you not upon the painful duty of circumcising your flesh nor on the troublesom duty of washing your selves every time you touch a dead carcase or what is ceremonially unclean nor on the costly duties of sacrificing your Lambs Goats or Oxen nor on the costly and toilsom duties of travelling scores of miles every year to feast before the Lord at Jerusalem to which the Church of the Jews were bound he hath eased you of all these burdens and made your task far easier instead of all these he hath instituted but two duties like them the one of Baptism the trouble of which you are to undergo but once in all your lives and the other of this Supper which you may have without travelling far for and which costs you next to nothing But further it is a duty not less
conjunct Prayer of a domestick combination which is concerning Isaac Gen. 25.21 We read it And Isaac entreated the Lord for his Wife Heb. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Two words especially make for our purpose Ea praesente unà cum illa Junius Simul cum uxore cum qua communicabat preces Fagi 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 orare quidem significat sed non simpliciter quia assiduitatem importunitatem simul connotat precum multiplicationem Res convenit non enim dubium est tam longo tempore Isaacum saepi●●s interpellasse Deum fretum spe promissionum Rivet in loc That vvhich is translated for his Wife might be read with his Wife in the presence of his Wife being vvith him and joining with him in this duty He prayed for and before his Wife it was then conjunct Prayer Isaac praying with his Wife The other vvord translated entreated signifieth to multiply powerful words in Prayer to pour out vvords in abundance and denoteth 1. The multiplying of his Prayers it was not only once but frequently that he pray'd with his Wife 2. The earnestness of his Prayer 3. The continuance and their perseverance therein till they had the mercy prayed for as follows and the Lord was entreated of him Isaac had been married near twenty years with Rebekah and so long without a child so that it seems they had been exercised in this duty for many years upon this account that Rebekah had no child for so long time for which they did unanimously and constantly offer up prayers to God and if they prayed together for issue should not you for the favour of God pardon of sin interest in Christ and eternal life By all you see that there was Family conjunct worship and praying to God by God's command and appointment and approved by God's acceptance of it Now let any one shew where God hath taken off this obligation if God hath any where said though I did appoint Adam to worship me in his Family and did accept of Abel 's offering that did as I commanded and did hear Isaac praying together with his wife yet now I will be prayed to in Families no more shew it if you can What book chapter and verse is it Obj. Will you say that the reason of their worshipping God in their Families at first was because there was no other to worship him with but when men did multiply and there were publick Assemblies men were not bound to do it Ans 1 Shew that Which is the Text that tells you that God's instituting of Publick Worship hath disobliged men from praying to God in their Families Ans 2 When men were multiplied Godly men did serve God in their Families Abraham did and Isaac did and Job did and Joshua did and Cornelius did Did they do it and were they not bound to do it What will you make of all the Worship and Prayers which these did give and offer up to God in their Houses If there was no obligation upon them they had not sinned if they had omitted it and it was no obedience when they did so Will you say either of these What! Were they Works of Supererogation No surely But when Aaron 's Priesthood was instituted Object then the obligation on Families ceased and after that the Israelites did not pray in their Houses Why will you speak without Book Shew me this either Answ I have proved an obligation by God's institution shew me where it is nulled and made void even after the Aaronical Priesthood was instituted But I say they did pray in their houses after this for after the institution of Aaron's Priesthood the Israelites celebrated the Passeover in their own Houses and that was not done without Prayer For though after the Priesthood was setled the Priests killed the Lamb yet after the Lamb was killed the Master of the house caused it to be brought back to his own house and did eat it with his Family Luke 22.7 8.9 10. And the Cup that was used at the Passeover whether it were Sacramental or no is controverted was blessed by the Master of the Family Weemes so that there was Prayer and Praise attending this celebration in their Houses conjunctly after the Priesthood was setled in which service they had also the exp●ication of it why they kept it what was the meaning of the bitter herbs and why eaten with unleavened bread done in form of Catechizing Godw. Jew Antiq and in their Feasts the Master of the House prayed before and after after he gave thanks 1 For their present food 2 For their deliverance from Egyptian bondage 3 For the Covenant of Circumcision 4 For the Law given by the ministry of Moses then he prayed that God would have mercy 1 On his People Israel 2 On his own City Jerusalem 3 On Sion the Tabernacle of his Glory 4 On the Kingdom of the House of David his anointed 5 That he would send Elias the Prophet 6 That he would make them worthy of the days of the Messiah and of the life of the World to come Do you not call this conjunct Prayer and Praise thus done by the Master of the Family May we not now with confidence of the truth from all under this last Topick or Head of Argument frame this manner of reasoning Arg. 6. If serving of God and praying conjunctly to him in proper Families was commanded and appointed by God and never yet revoked then it is the duty of proper Families so to do But serving of God and praying to him conjunctly in proper Families was commanded and appointed by God and never yet revoked Therefore it is the duty of proper Families so to do Pareus Deorum cultor infrequem Insanientis dum sapientiae Consultus erro nunc retrorsum vela dare atque iterare cursus cogor relictos Horat. lib. 1. Od. 34. So much for the first Question Question Second Whether it be the duty of Families jointly to pray to God daily Aff. Some that are convinced that Family Prayer is a duty vvill sometimes practice it and yet but seldom some upon the Lord's Day and yet but once then in the Evening and that serves for all the week till the evening of the Lord's day next doth come Others pray once a day through the week but omit it in the morning when yet the very same reasons which should move them to do it at all should be cogent for more frequent performance of it and are so Though it be not determined expresly in the Scripture that Christian Families should pray together morning and evening every day yet in the general it is required that we should continue in Prayer Col. 4.2 which seems to be meant of Family Prayer For the Apostle had been speaking to Family relations Husbands and Wives Parents and Children Masters and Servants and treating of Family relative duties carrying on his speech still to the same persons saith continue in Prayer but such as
esse non cogitans quia Deus ludibrio habetur rogando semper inopiam nostram verè sentiamus ac seriò cogitantes omnibus que petimus nos indigere Generalis quidem confusus necessitatis suae affectus illuc eos ducit sed non cos sollicitat quasi in re praesenti ut egestatis suae le vamen petant Calv. Inst 3. Direct Get and keep upon your hearts a true real lively sense of your sins and wants and mercies Hereby shall every part of prayer confession petition and thanksgiving be more profitably managed and you better disposed for the work you have to do upon your knees Know your sin in the intrinsecal malignity of it the vileness of it in its own nature as it is sin Know it also and understand it as to the dreadful consequents of it in its several kinds acts and aggravations of them Get also a sense of your wants and of the necessity of the things you are to pray for If you want grace know that you want it and are undone without it and pray accordingly Pray as persons that believe you must be damned if you are not sanctified that you must perish if you do not repent and pray as men that do believe it And if you have grace already in truth know how much you want of it in respect of growth that you love God but a little which is your shame and Oh what a blessed thing were it to love him more Pray as those that would get at least one degree of love to God more by every prayer you make Think seriously what a little grace you have 1. to what you may have 2. to what you might have had 3. to what you ought to have 4. to what others have 5. to what you need And that 1. to fight against such strong corruptions 2. to resist such strong temptations 3. to bear such afflictions that might befall you 4. to perform such duties as are required from you 5. that you dye at last with peace comfort and joy Know also your mercies personal to body to soul relative what mercy you have one in another by being made mercies one to another Mercies for this life and the life to come think how many how great how precious how suitable how durable how sufficient how satisfying good God hath given you himself Son Spirit promises priviledges much in hand and more in hope and all undeserved A real abiding sense of these things will make you think and say Why me Lord why me and will wind up your hearts to lively praises too much neglected in Family duties so that you shall find the benefit and sweetness of drawing near to God in prayer Direction 4. 4. Direct Realize invisible things to yourselves Istuc est sapere non quod ante pedes modò est videre sed etiam illa quae futura su●t prospicere Ter. Adelph Act. 3. by believing of them as certainly as if you saw them with your eyes When you are going to pray look into the unseen world stand and take a view of departed souls and seriously think what is their state and what they are enjoying or suffering that are already gone into eternity and from thence fetch arguments to quicken your hearts when dull and to be laborious when slothful and lively and fervent in your duty O how would a believing view of souls in Heaven and Hell help you to pray in prayer Suppose then you saw the glorious Saints in Heaven and the happiness they there enjoy in that they shall sin no more and suffer no more and be tempted no more and sigh and sob nor weep nor sorrow any more for ever all sin is expelled from those glorious souls and all tears are wiped from their eyes and now are full of love to God solacing themselves in the perfect perpetual and immediate suition of the chiefest good and then think this is the state that I am hoping for and looking longing waiting for and that now I am going to beg and pray I may be fitted and prepared for and hereafter be possessed of and then pray as becometh such that unfeignedly desire to be partakers of their joy and felicity Again stand and take a view of poor damned Souls and suppose you saw them with your eyes rolling in a lake of burning Brimstone full of the fury of the Lord Suppose you heard their direful execrations their doleful outcries their hideous roarings and bitter lamentations ringing in your ears saying Wo and alas that ever we were born that are come to this place of torment to this place of torment Oh! it is it is a place of torment In scipsos furenter exordescent damnati assiduè sibi ipsis iugubrem hanc ca●tilenam occinent O tempus rerum omnium preci●sissimum O dici O horae plusquam aurcae quò evanuistis aeterium non redi●urae nos coeci excordes obstructis oculis auribus libidine furebamus mutuis nosmet exemplis trahebamus ad enteritum post longissima annorum spatia nihil de poenis nostris accisum erit sed iterum quasi ab initio pati tormenta incipiemus a●que ilà sine interruptione sine fine sine m●do volvetur assiduè nostrorum torment●rum rota ibi erit calor ignis rigor frigoris erunt ibi perpetuae t●nebrae e●it ibi fumus perpetuae lachrymae erit ibi aspectus terrificus daemonum erit clamor in perpetuum O aeternitas interminabilis O aeternitas nullis temporum spatiis mensurablìs Quam grave est in mollissimo lectu per triginta annos immobilem ●●cere quid erit in sulphureo isto lacu triginta millia millium annorum ardere O aeternitas aeternitas tu sola ultra omnem modum supplicia damnatorum exaggeras Mor erit sine morte finis erit sine fine defectus sine defectu quia mors semper vivit finis semper incipit defectus deficere nescit Quid gravius quam semper velle quod nunquam erit semper n●llo quod nunquam non erit In aeternum damnati non assequen●ur quod volunt quod nolunt in aeternum pati cogentur Gerhard Meditat. sparsim Once we had praying time and hearing time but we did not improve it for our good else we had not been now in this extremity of pain no we had not no we had not We did pray but we did but triflle in our prayers and did but dally with that God whom now we find and feel to be to us consuming fire and yet we burn and are not consumed we were not in good earnest in those prayers we were at but now we suffer in good earnest and are damned in good earnest Oh! this place is hot it is hot it is exceeding hot Will not God pity us will not God have mercy on us we once thought he would but we did flatter and deceive our selves and thought it would be well because we lived
laetissimum affectum O securissimum amorem Dei quem Zelus non excruciat quem rivalis delectat sine absynthio sine aloe sine felle totus dulcis consentaneus cordi Nieremb de art vol. p. 336 337. Dost thou not pray alone without God without meeting with God Hadst thou there had thy heart enflamed with the love of God and tasted of the sweetness in communion with God would not this have filled thy heart with love to God and Souls in thy house and burning zeal that they might be partakers of the same Divine refreshments could'st thou hold thy peace after such discoveries while thy poor Family are without or would'st thou no time call them together that they also might experience the same delights that thou hast found As the woman of Samaria call'd her Neighbours Joh. 4.28 29. If thou hadst got some earthly Jewel thou might'st be loth that others should share with thee in the value of it because in earthly things participation causeth a diminution if a sum of money be divided amongst many the more one hath the less will fall to the others share Art thou indeed afraid of this Fear it not There is enough in God for thee and thine too Communication in spirituals causeth multiplication even in him that doth communicate to others If thou bee'st an Instrument to draw thine to the Love of God and to joy and delight in him this would fill thee with the greater joy Methinks then when thou hast been alone and God hath graciously been with thee thou shouldest go down into thy Family with burning love to God and them and say Come my Wife Children Servants leave your work and business for a while There is much sweetness in communion with God There is indeed delight which comes into the Soul by holy fervent Prayer I would not have you feed on husks while there is not only bread but dainties too in seeking God I do not love to see you always mudling in the world and be strangers unto God Come then come away for my Soul doth long that you should tast what I have found Thus thou wouldest think surely with thy self if thou speakest not out to them if thou didst meet with God in secret When it is not so with thee but thou can'st constantly neglect Prayer in thy Family reflect upon thy self whether in this sense thou didst not pray alone that thou didst not find God with thee warming of thy heart Tell me could'st thou be content to eat thy food constantly alone without thy Wife and Children and can'st thou be content to pray alone only As you eat together so pray together also Obj. 3. But I am ashamed to pray with others and that hinders me Answ 1. Ashamed to pray ashamed to do thy duty The more shame for thee Be ashamed to sin and of this shame for it is sinful and is to be lamented and prayed against and striven against and overcome Wilt thou tell God at the Day of Judgment that thou wast ashamed to pray in thy House and Family 2. But why ashamed when you are only with your own Family and those you daily converse withal and are head and chief and governer of 3. It is for want of use set upon the work and you will quickly overcome this Obj. 4. But I am not ashamed of the duty but of my own weakness I have not gifts and parts to manage this duty If I were gifted as other men be I would perform it as other men do Answ 1. Where do you live in London What! an old housekeeper in London or where there hath been much means of Grace and are you so ignorant that you are not qualified to pray in your Family This is your sin and will one sin be pleadable to excuse you from another One of the Ancients of the Parish and plead ignorance are you not asham'd 2. It is not parts and gifts and florid expressions that God looks at but an humble penitent broken and believing heart Have you not this neither If you have not get it quickly or you must to Hell If you have God will accept of such a Sacrifice bring it then 3. Study your sins and wants and mercies and get a sense of all these upon your heart and you will be able to express them in your Family in such a manner as may be more for their profit than the constant omission can be If a man feel himself sick or hungry do you think he could not find words to make his complaint and ask for help Study the Scripture and your own hearts and these will be good prayer-Books to furnish you for the duty Besides by praying you shall learn to pray 4. Do not deceive your self and say it is for want of gifts when it is more for want of a heart and love to the duty To discover this Suppose a Law were made by our Governours that every Master of a Family that doth not pray in his house with his Family shall be cast into the Lions Den What would you do then Would you rather venture your life and be torn in pieces by Lions than set upon this duty with that Knowledg and those Gifts that now you have Would you not find something to say to save your Lives And is not the Law of God as binding as the Laws of men and the Dungeon of Hell as dreadful as the Lions Den Go then set upon your duty Obj. 5. But there are some graceless and wicked persons in my Family that I cannot say we desire this or that spiritual blessing grace Christ c. for I see no ground to judge they desire any such thing Answ 1. Have they no grace and must they not pray that they may have some O cruelty Is he exempted from duty because he is not good or wilt thou say that such must only pray alone and be excluded while such from conjunct prayers Whither will this carry you Even to the shutting of all graceless or at least visibly wicked persons from all prayers in publick Congregations as well as from Family duty But this is so gross that I suppose you will not own it You have no reason then for the other 2. How do you know when you are confessing sin and acknowledging the evil of it but God might affect and break their hearts and they be changed on their knees and so be saved from damnation and will you deny them that means that God may bless for their conversion 3. Do you indeed use all other means to your utmost power to have them better Do you reprove them and shew them the danger they are in and perswade them to turn from sin to God and this with constancy and compassion to their Souls Or do you scruple this too Wilt thou neither pray with them nor speak to them when thou oughtest to do both I doubt it is thy sloth that hinders thee or the wickedness of thy heart and that thou pleadest
reverence her Husband This is the Dictate of our Creator both by the Light of Nature and of Scripture This is the constant language both of the Old Testament and of the New And is more purposely handled and prest by the two great Apostles of the Jews and Gentiles that so all Christians however descended should submit unto it The Apostle Paul Ephes 5.22 c. Col. 3.18 c. The Apostle Peter 1 Pet. 3.1 c. Not that these are all their respective Duties but these are specified either 1. (n) Mr. Byfield on Col p. 111. Because in these are the most frequent failings Husbands too commonly being defective in their Love and Wives most defective in their Reverence and Subjection Or 2. Because these two are the sum of the rest and no other Duties are either Possible or Acceptable without them And my present Work is to digest and urge these in a solemn and impartial manner that it may appear Our Religion doth not only propound Rewards to make us happy in the world to come but doth also direct the methods of setling our quiet and comfort in this present world For certainly it is not the Having of Husbands or Wives that brings contentment but the mutual Discharge of both their Duties and this makes their Lives though never so poor an Heaven upon Earth But herein I can but draw up an Abstract and send you where you may be far better provided In the mean time let us all in the prosecution hereof sadly reflect on our former failings and sincerely resolve on future amendment according to that whereof we shall be convinced by the word of Truth And here I shall indeavour these Four things 1. To propound the Mutual or Common Duties of Both. 2. The special Duty of every Husband 3. The special duty of every Wife 4. Directions how to accomplish them That so they may most certaily be Blessings to each oher First let us see what are those Mutual Duties that lie common between Husband and Wife wherein Both of them are equally at least according to the place and power of each concern'd and oblig'd And they are These following 1. Mutual Cohabitation For the man he (o) Gen. 2.24 must leave father and mother and cleave to his Wife And the Woman she (p) Psal 45.10 must forget her kinred and her fathers house The Husband (q) 1 Pet. 3.7 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he must dwell with the Wife and the Wife (r) 1 Cor. 7 10. she must not depart from the Husband though he be an Infidel And indeed the Ends and Duties of marriage are such as will not ordinarily dispense herewith For Example 1 Cor. 7.3 4.5 Let the husband render unto the Wife due benevolence and likewise also the wife unto the husband The wife hath not power of her own body but the husband and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body but the wife Defraud you not the one the other except it he with consent for a time that you may give your selves to fasting and prayer and come together again that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency Which plainly shews that even the sober use of the Marriage-bed is such (s) The wife of Galeac Caracciola denying this debt upon the direction of her Confessor on pain of Excommunication was judg'd a sufficient Reason of Divorce In vita a mutual debt that it may not be intermitted long without Necessity and Consent Nay in the † Deut. 24 5. Old Law the greatest necessity should not send the husband from his wife the first year that their affections might be throughly settled and that he might chear up his Wife which he hath taken * For the man is the head the Woman is as the body for the head and body to be sundered it is present death to either Gataker Serm. p. 203. Neither indeed can any of the following Duties towards each others Souls or Bodies be throughly performed nor many grievous snares avoided without dwelling together And therefore neither desire of Gain nor Fear of Trouble no occasional Distasts nor pretence of Religion should separate those from Conjugal converse and (t) Alibi fluctuare sese existimet in domo autem apud uxorem suum tanquam in portu optat● conquiescere Daven in Col. Cohabitation unless with consent and that but for a time whom God hath joyned together 2. Mutual Love This though in a peculiar manner it be the Duty of the Husband Col. 3.18 Husbands love your Wives yet it is required also of the Wife Tit. 2.4 they must love their Husbands Indeed this is the (u) First you must choose your Love and then you must love your choice Smith Serm. Conjugal Grace the great Reason and the great Comfort of Marriage Not a sensual or doting Passion but genuine conjugal and constant out of a pure heart fervently Not grounded on beauty wealth or interest for these may soon wither and fail nor only upon Graoe and Piety for this may decay to the least degree and in the opinion of both parties quite disappear but it must be grounded upon the Command and Ordinance of God whereby of Two they are made * Vna caro non nexu amoris nec commixtione corporum nec procreatione liberorum sed vinculo conjugii Zanch. One flesh So that though either of them be poor deform'd froward though unregenerate wicked Infidels yet in Obedience to God and in Conscience of the Marriage-Vow which obligeth for better and for worse they ought to love each other with a (x) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Chrys in Eph. hom 29. superlative Love and when the sacred knot is once tyed every man should think his wife and every wife her husband the fittest for them of any in the world And hereupon the (y) Cael. Rhodig l. 28. p. 1575. Heathens took the Gall from their nuptial Sacrifices and cast it behind the Altar to intimate the removing of all bitterness from the Marriage-state there should be nothing but Love And this Love must be as durable and constant as are the grounds of it to the Persons of each other until death and to the memory and posterity of each other when they are dead and gone and thus the good wife is understood by some to do her husband good (z) Prov. 31.12 all the days of her life not only of his life but when he is dead to his Posterity What strange instances of this lasting love former (a) Portia the wife of Brutus A ria the wife of Cecinna Pae us In Valer. Max. Ages hath given and some (b) The Bannyon Wives among the Indians burn themselves to ashes at the funeral of their husbands Herbert in his Travels Pagans at this day is in History both evident and admirable This true-hearted Love will bring true Content and constant Comfort into that Condition will make all counsels and reproofs acceptable will
receive a Prophet into the House without advising with her Husband 2 King 4.10 In disposing of her Husband's Goods we find still the man's hand in it the propriety is in him and the use is to her So that unless there be a notorious Impotency in him or some Tacite or General Consent or some case of present and absolute Necessity as in the case of Abagail she ought not to dispose her Husbands Goods Indeed he ought according to the general Obligation of their Relation and according to the particular Discretion of his Wife intrust her in the ordinary affairs of her sphear and by his Bounty enable her to do good where there is need and not to put her by his penuriousness upon the temptation of purloining from him but if he do forget his duty let not her forget hers which is to do him good and not evil all the days of her life Prov. 31.12 But her hardest task is in the loving and thankful bearing of Reproof which is a bitter pill to flesh and blood especially when there is a proud and contentious spirit But herein she ought to consider that she is not without infirmities which as none hath so much opportunity to see so none is so much obliged to represent unto her as her Husband And to answer him with a froward tongue or a cloudy brow or a careless negligence is the greatest ingratitude and discouragement in the world But if her heart be full of Reverence to him and especially if she believe his heart to be full of love to her this pill will be well digested and by the blessing of God work a real amendment in her 3. The Real effects of the Wife's Reverence to her Husband is seen in her Bebaviour towards him which ought always to be chearful and respectful She must not allow or nourish that crossness of humour to be sullen or dumpish when he is pleasant or on the contrary contemptuously frolick when he is sad but must (u) Omnes illius vultus sumet ridenti arrid●bit● moesto se praebebit m●stam servata semper authoritate matronalis integritatis virtutis ut magis illa ex amico proveniant animo quam adulterino L. Vives ubi supra compose her carriage her garments her converse to give him content and to increase his delight in her For if his heart be once estranged from her unless the fear of God with-hold him he may quickly render her condition unspeakably miserable She ought therefore always to express Contentedness in her estate and that will help and move him to be content in his She must entertain him into his House with a (x) Magna amaritudo est in domo uxor tristis Ambr. to 5. p. 265. chearful countenance that he may delight to be at home and study the arts how to pacifie him if ought have provok'd him or how to convince and reform him if ought have insnar'd him She must observe when and how his meals his clothes his lodging do please him and shew the greatness of her respect in these lesser things For even about such things arise the most frequent and sharp contests which a discreet and godly woman will labour to prevent not only because disquiets do (y) Nec aliquid est quod ita alienet virum ab uxore ut crebra rixa uxoris lingua omarule●a Compar'd to a continual dropping which drives a man out of his house Prov. 27.15 Lu. Vives ubi supra alienate the heart but because she cannot live under his frown nor eat nor sleep contentedly while he is angry And notwithstanding the freedom and familiarity of their converse together yet she must still behave her self with all respect towards him and that familiarity must not beget contempt His love must not make her to forget her (z) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Chrysost in Col. hom 10. duty nor his fondness her respect The more he condescends to her the more she must descend into her place and thus oblige him by her demeanour She must consider that it 's better to (a) Quae malunt fatuis imperare viris quam obtemperare prudentibus eorum sunt similes qui in via coecos ducere malunt quam videntes itineris peritos sequi Plutarch praec conj obey a wise man than to rule a fool as it is better to follow a skilful guide than to lead one that 's blind Few Husbands so bad but the discretion and respect of a Wife would reform them and few Wives so ill-temper'd but the wisdom and affection of a Husband would make them better And so much for their particular Duties to each other I know that many will turn off all this by saying We all fall short of our Duty in these things we ever did and ever shall and so they neither grieve for their miscarriages past nor seriously indeavour to reform them and so leave the cure desperate because the Disease is common But a just and holy God will not be so mocked He gives not his sacred Laws to be so lightly put off If we make not conscience here we make a conscience no where yea though the best will fail unless we study with all our skill and strive with all our strength to be faithful in all these things our other Duties will be abhorred He that regards not all regards not at all in God's account And if Divine Vengeance do not meet with them in this life as it often doth yet without doubt it waits for them in another But I hope better things of you and things that accompany salvation though I thus speak I come at last in the Fourth place to present you with some Directions how to accomplish these Duties that so husbands and wives may most certainly be blessings to each other And they are these 1. Maintain Purity in Soul and Body in Single-age This will greatly dispose you for the Duties of a Married life and also lay up a Blessing for it Let every one of you know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour 1 Thess 4.4 He that gives the reins to his vitious affections before Marriage will find them as impetuous after Marriage For Marriage as (b) Mr. Whately One well saith is like Salt which will keep sweet that which is untainted but restores not that which is already unsavoury A chast and honest heart will with the blessing of God by marriage be preserved but a filthy heart will find occasion to be naught in any condition Beware therefore of the beginnings of Lust flee them like poyson forbear such (c) La●aena quaedam marita juveni rem foedam roganti Darem inquit si meum peteres nam quod petis patris erat dum essem virgo nunc mariti postquam nups● Lu. Viv. de Cr foem p. 699. company and discourse as debauch the heart avoid speculative uncleanness snd keep the heart stored with religious thoughts and the body imployed
his wife the wife that truly fears God dares not be cross with her husband A Bible plac'd between you will take up many a difference comfort you under many a cross and pang guide you in many a strait wherein flesh and blood will be confounded and at a loss And then in those critical cases wherein Duty and Passion strive for mastery resolve with your selves that it is much better for either of you to obey God's will than to have your own That as there is the highest Reason in his Commands so there is the greatest Sweetness in obeying them Set oft before you that golden Rule Matth. 7.12 and calmly consider whether you behave your self to your yoke-fellow as you your self would be dealt with if you were in their condition And though you be never so just and good other wayes yet believe that Jam. 2.10 he or she that keeps the whole law and yet offends knowingly and commonly in one point is guilty of all Your Righteousness abroad will not excuse your crossness at home nor her zeal in prayer make any amends for her heat in passion But when you are both resolved to study your own duties and sincerely to do them how hard soever you will live together as heirs of the grace of life and as heirs of the life of glory 5. Settle your affections well at the beginning It was a wise and true Observation (q) Plutacch prae● conjug that vessels which are compacted of divers parts or glued together of divers pieces at first will easily with every bruise or fall be broke in pieces but when they are strengthened by tract of time it will be very hard yea scarce possible to separate them So it is in marriage at first the union is raw and green an unkindness then a cross word or look will quickly alienate but when time and experience have consolidated this new sprung affection then it will be much harder to dissolve it And being once assured of a conjugal love in each other give no way to cursed Jealousie which very often hath no other ground than the Weakness or Wickedness of them that are sick of it and to be sure when once it is admitted all the joy and comfort of this life is gone it is a bitter-sweet Poyson and miserable are they that either give or take occasion for it Stop your ears therefore and knit your brow upon tale-bearers and whisperers that under pretence of great love and secrecy tell you just Nothing and remember that Love thinketh no evil but puts the best interpretation possible upon the doubful words looks and carriage of a stranger much more of so near a (r) Liberiores sunt viri quam foeminae vitae totius rationis Viris curanda esse mutla foeminis solam pudicitiam Claudendae aures iis qui sinistrum quid de marito volunt deferre Lu. Vives de Chr. foem p. 720. Relation And this I mention here because most commonly Jealousie takes place there where true Affection was never fixed and rooted in the beginning 6. Lastly to speak all in one Pray for Wisdom Humility and Vprightness 1. Wisdom for vve owe many of our Domestick distempers to our weakness and indiscretion not wisely preventing or removing things that cause offence How easily would a wise man avoid distasting words or looks or actions How easily might he keep his Authority and never forfeit it and she submit and never dispute it wisdom would pick and chuse the fittest opportunities to instruct advise reprove and comfort and vvould direct to the best manner and method vvherein to do it Wisdom vvill consider that either party might have found the same or greater crosses in another condition as in this or in another person as in this and therefore things are vvell in that they are not worse and however that marriage which is God's Ordinance must not be charged with their disquiets but themselves And 2. Humility that is a singular help for them both in the discharging of their Duties This will keep the Husband from the intemperate use of his power and the vvife in a ready subjection to her Husband For only by pride cometh contention but with the well-advised is wisdom Prov. 13.10 A proud Spirit could not agree vvith an Angel but the humble will agree with any body This also will greatly help them to contentment in their Condition For says Humility my Husband my Wife is a great deal too good for such a sinful creature as I am my condition is too good for me these straits and troubles are great but I deserve greater this was a sharp reproof but alas I deserve hell and what 's a harsh word to hell That man or woman vvill sit down quietly with great tryals that know they are not worthy the least of mercies And besides Humility will suggest such a carriage and behaviour in word and deed as will infallibly oblige each other and force respect from them And lastly Vprightness is necessary to the doing of these Duties well For there is written a conclusive law in an upright heart to do the whole will of God whether it appear to be with them or against them it will teach them rather to obey than to dispute and in obedience to do each more than their part rather than less In doubtful cases the upright heart will choose the safest course though it prove the hardest and resolves to suffer the greatest injury rather than offer the least An upright heart watches against sinful self which is the great root of injuries and mischiefs in every relation and prompts us to keep on in the way of our duty notwithstanding all discouragments In a word the upright Husband and Wife do chiefly study each their (s) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Chrys in Col. Hom. 10. own Duty in their Relations and are most severe against their own particular failings What are the Duties of Parents and Children and how are they to be managed according to Scripture Serm. XVII Colos III. 20 21. Children obey your Parents in all things for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers provoke not your Children to anger lest they be discouraged MY business is not to discuss the Entity of Relations in their foundation and terms which the Philosopher is conversant about but to discourse the Efficacy of the chiefest in Christian practice Relationes etsi minimae e●titatis sunt maximae efficaciae i. e. to enquire into the nature and management of those reciprocal offices betwixt Parents and Children which if well discharg'd according to the sense of the Divine Oracles do contribute most to the happiness of humane Society and give reputation to the Communion of Saints The Subject I know is common and the Scriptures copious upon it which some who it may be are not the most accurate in their own relative station think a very easie task to treat on but to do it distinctly and fully within the time allotted to
this exercise is a thing of greater difficulty to me than such easie Undertakers are aware of and really to perform all the Duties I am to enquire into in a manner well-pleasing to our heavenly Father will cost them and us all more pains than only to read or preach an hour or two upon them which yet might lead into many important concerns of government and obedience Believe it herein we have all need enough of serious and frequent teacbing again and again (a) Heb. 5.12 for our conduct in the Relations whereunto God hath cast us In order then both to my preaching at present and all our future practice as a ground for the Resolution of this Question Question What are the Duties of Parents and Children and how are they to be managed according to Scripture I am directed to the words read Wherein we have the mutual offices of Children and Parents required and virtually at least prescribed with annexed reasons to enforce them severally upon each Relatives which afford this Proposition That God's pleasure and Childrens encouragement should move Christian Children to obedience and Parents to a moderate government in all things Here is a large theme but I shall endeavour as nigh as I can to speak much in a little hoping I shall obtain your pardon though I let slip some considerable Particulars if by some general anticipations and cautions I do in a Sermon decline those numerous special Cases which in a larger Treatise on this Subject might fairly step in and lay claim to some special satisfaction It were an excursion for me now to speak of Children and Parents in any other than the most famous signification * Analogum per se positam stat pro famostore analogato of the words taken not figuratively but properly not for those in a political but natural Relation yet as under the Christian Institution vvhere vve are ever to have regard to our blessed Lord and Master Indeed Children comprehend both sons and daughters 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Gen 46 29. the fruit of the body not excluding grand-children of what age or quality soever as indissolubly bound in duty to those who begot and brought them forth of both sexes Father and Mother the Parents of their flesh (b) Heb. 12.9 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Prov. 23.22 from whom they were originally derived And that the Apostle doth here direct the command to Inferiors before Superiors as in the 18. verse and elsewhere (c) Eph 5.22 6.1 5. to Children before Parents is not that Children and their duties are first in order of nature or time for there are offices of inbred parental love and care before they can be known or observ'd by children 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but writing chiefly to children come to the use of reason he begins with them who are subject and ought first to perform duty The anticipation of time here connoting the honour due to Superiors he doth in the first place put those in mind of their duty who are to obey as usually more defective rather than those that have authority over them in this oeconomical conjunction Either in that this office of obedience is less easie and pleasing to our nature than that of parental love which is allur'd to exert it self readily by the right discharge of the former or in that the subjection of children is the foundation on which the good government of Parents doth depend and a means to make themselves ready for that authority which else they will be unfit for as Antoninus lays down the axiom which many of the moralists used viz. You cannot well govern others unless first governed * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 For my method then in answering the complicated enquiry before me whiles I follow the Apostle in my Text I shall need no Apology to insist on I. The Duty of Children with the extent thereof urged from that which is most cogent to perswade to it and disswade from the neglect of it II. The Office of Parents enforc'd from the special consideration of that the Apostle suggests to move to it III. The manner and means of managing both offices or discharging both duties more generally and particularly according to the mind of God in his word The two former may be look'd upon as the explication of my Text and Proposition and an exhortation press'd with reasons or motives to the Duties and the last as Directions to perform them I. The Duty of Children with the extent thereof urged from that which is most cogent to perswade to it and disswade from the neglect of it This is express'd and imply'd in the former of the verses I have read to you wherein we have three Particulars to be spoken to 1. The Duty 2. Extent or latitude of it 3. Motive to it 1. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1. The Duty of Children from the precept Children obey your Parents The word imports an humble subjection to their authority and government with a ready performance of what they require it being an explanation of that which in the law is engrav'd with God's own hand honour (d) Exod. 20.12 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 importing how highly they are to be valued and not lightly esteemed In another place it is ye shall fear every man his mother and his father (e) Lev. 19.3 with 14. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 awful fear being no other than a deep veneration both which are to be fairly read in the acts of genuine obedience for that doth flow forth from a compound disposition of love and fear mixed in an ingenuous child who is readily mov'd to obey in contemplation of that authority and affection implanted in the Parent towards it To speak more distinctly this obedience to Parents may contain in it these four things 1. Reverence 2. Obedience 3. Pious regards 4. Submission The three first of these may be reducible to active and the last to passive obedience 1. Reverence which is a due and awful estimation of their persons as to this relation placed in eminencie above their children to acknowledg them from God himself the Supreme Parent of us all (f) Acts 17.28 the authors preservers and governors of their lives and upon that account to honour them in their hearts speeches and behaviours from an honest desire to please and filial fear to offend them whose children they are of what rank soever they now appear in the world and therefore to comport themselves so in all the actions of their lives before God and men that they render themselves acceptable to their Parents Yea to both of them the law requires reverence to the Mother as well as the Father (g) Levit. 19.3 with 30. the word which is in one verse fear is in another translated reverence to the claim of which the Mother there seems to be favour'd with some kind of priority because Children who have most needed their Mothers in their tender
years are apt many times to despise them as more subject to infirmities and as looking for less of respect from their hands So that really to give them honour is a fuller evidence of cordial performance The Lord is pleas'd to begin there where the duty is most tried Reverence thy Mother and thy Father de leg l. 4. Ethic. l. 9. l. 2. Spizel de re literar Sineas p. 243. Both are to be had in a just veneration Plato and Aristotle could by Nature's light teach thus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 This as the prime law of Nature the Spartans and generally all Nations of old did and Chinoises at this day do maintain with admirable care Now doing reverence to the Fathers of our flesh (h) Heb. 9.12 in Scripture may comprehend what Children owe to their Parents both with reference to their speech and behaviour 1 With respect to their speech that it be seasonable and agreeable to the relation grac'd with humility (i) 1 Pet. 5.5 and modesty in all converse with them in presence and discourse of them in absence They should give them honourable titles as that of Father and Mother do connote dignity (k) Jer. 31.9 Gal. 4.6 and so Sir or Lord (l) Mat. 21.30 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 thus we have good Children in the Book of God saluting their Parents as Isaac his Father Abraham (m) Gen. 22.11 Jacob Isaac (n) 17.18 David Saul his Father in law (o) 1 Sam. 24.28 Solomon Bathsheba my Mother (p) 1 King 2.20 21. Rachel Laban making her Apology My Lord (q) Gen. 31.35 David again Saul (r) 1 Sam. 26.18 and that with all meekness at a sit season in a few words with freedom and readiness (s) Gen. 22 7. 27.12 giving pleasing answers when spoken to in a becoming civility (t) 1 Sam. 12.4 6.18 waiting with contentment to hear them speak first (u) Prov 4.1 laying their hands on their mouths and refraining to talk in their presence without just occasion (w) Job 29.9 10 21. 32.5 6. And in their absence by speaking so of them amongst those they do converse that by the commendable reports they make of them or prudent apologies for them it may be understood what venerable respects they have for their Parents Thus 't is said of the Children of the prudent Mother they rise up as those who speak pathetically and call her blessed (x) Prov. 31.28 in that laudable discourse they have of her Hereby Children will prove themselves to be of a vertuous temper and not like that elder brother of the penitent Prodigal who spake undecently in a surly manner to his Father (y) Luk. 15 29 30. and sometime some of Jacob's sons to theirs (z) Gen. 34.31 and such like who by their rude and malapert prating disparage and aggrieve their parents (a) 26.35 27.46 Yet of a more untoward generation are they whom the Wiseman took notice of that curse their Father and do not bless their Mother but saith he their lamp shall go out in obscurity (b) Prov. 20.20 Neither can there be a better end of those who are under the Almighty's curse devoted to death (c) Lev. 20.9 Exod. 21.17 neither can they who do any way set light by their Father or Mother avoid a much easier censure (d) Deut. 27 16 Lib. 44. de Rep. sith by interpretation it is a dishonour to God himself Plato in his Commonwealth orders that Children should in their words through their whole life revere their Parents there being a great punishment imminent for light and idle discourse Further 2 The hehaviour and carriage of Children should ever be significative and expressive of reverence to their Parents in all their addresses the countenance so composed in their presence as may argue awfulness and respect the deportment lowly rising up before those they honour for relation as well as those venerable for age (e) Lev. 19.32 and at meeting thus Solomon though a King did to his Mother Bathsheba (f) 1 Kings 2.19 hasting to attend them in a lowly posture thus Joseph who liv'd as a Prince made ready to meet and presented himself to his Father whom he had maintained (g) Gen. 46.29 so Achsah Caleb's daughter who was married to her Cousin German when she addressed her self to her Father she alighted from her beast before she spoke to him (h) Judg. 1 14.5● and again Joseph thought it no disparagement to prostrate himself to his aged father Jacob whose eyes were then dim that he could not see his behaviour when he also gave his own Children an example in praying for his Father's blessing (i) Gen. 43.12 which Esau though he came tardè did passionately beg for (k) 27.19 34. And though Parents now have not a Prophetick spirit as the Patriarch's had yet it seems still very equitable that Christian Children considering their Parents Superiority in the Lord should frequently upon occasion in an (l) Heb. 7 7. Mar. 10.17 humble manner crave their Parents prayers for God's blessing The rude and haughty looks which are in many Children before their Parents cannot comport with this duty which discards a dogged and supercilious countenance that betokens scorn and derision opposite to this filial reverence The Wise man makes a smart remark upon such odious insolent behaviour which might deter any of understanding from it when he saith (m) Prov. 30.17 The eye that mocketh his Father and despiseth to obey his Mother the Ravens of the Valley shall pick it out and the young Eagles shall eat it Here is a signal retaliation to those who in speech or behaviour deride the persons or despise the counsels of their Parents whether yet alive or deceased 'T were to be wish'd it had been better studied by some Children in this Generation I mean some late and present Preachers of our Age who do not parentare manibus but indeed upbraid the Ghosts of their reverend and pious Parents who warmly argued the necessity of regeneration either by reckoning them amongst the herd of Divines or with an harangue of lame sequels perch up to vent their callow notions and bespatter their own nest in complacence with the lax humour of the times when many for the bags cry Hail Master but betray the Son of Man with a kiss (n) Mat. 26.49 wic Luk. 22.48 yet I would hope there are but a few of this feather I proceed to mind Children of another duty and that is 2. Observance whereby their Parents pleasure with fit subjection is perform'd out of a real desire to promote their honour vvhich is more than in countenance and ceremonies to express obedience (o) Mat. 21.30 It is very requisite Christian Children should with an heedful circumspection observe the holy and wise prescripts and practices of their Parents by acknowledging subjection to their government Our blessed Lord himself set a
pattern herein for he went down with his Mother and her Husband and came to Nazareth and was subject to them (p) Luk. 2.51 Mar 6.3 Mat 13.55 Jo● 6.42 Quis quibus Deus hominibus c. saith Bernard * Homil 1. Super missus est He to whom Angels are subject whom Principalities and Powers do obey was observant of his Mother Mary and her espoused Husband Joseph yea most likely in the business of Joseph's calling More particularly this filial observance shews it self in 1. Attending to their instructions 2. Executing their commands 3. Depending on their counsels And 4. Following their examples 1. We ought to attend seriously to our Parents instructions and learn what they teach us for good receiving their djctates with humility and laying them up in our hearts those especially of spiritual advantage out of a love to wisdom and our Parents joys (q) Prov. 29.3 〈◊〉 Solomon bids from his own experience My Son hear the instruction of thy father and forsake not the law of thy mother (r) 1.10 Again Hearken unto thy father which begat thee and despise not thy mother when she is old And then that Daughters might not think themselves exempted Hearken ye Children to the instruction of a father and attend to know understanding and good doctrine (ſ) 4.1 2 3. which if heedfully observ'd makes a wise child when the contrary bewrays folly (t) 13.1 which is a grief and discouragement to the father as was that of Eli's Sons (u) 1 Sam. 2-25 and Lot's Sons in law (w) Gen. 19.14 who sleighted their fathers documents as the Prodigal also did his before he felt the smart of it and came to his wits again (x) Luk. 15.2.13 17. Yet this is dissonant to the voice of Nature which hath taught the very Chickens to hearken unto the clocking of the Hen hath been ever distastful to the wiser Heathens and would bring a disparagement upon the Christian institution So that Christian Children should be very heedful of their Parents teachings especially in the concerns of their souls Hence 2. Children should execute their Parents commands and dispatch readily what they order them to do without whartling disputes this is the most special duty required in my Text the extent of it will come under consideration anon They should be as those under the Centurions authority go and come and do at his command (y) Mat. 8 9. Samuel came at the supposed call of his pro-Parent once and again (z) 1 Sam. 3.5 c. David when his Father Jesse had sent for him out of the field e're he knew what it was for (a) 16.12 and so went as he commanded him (b) 17.17 20. So Jacob when Isaac sent him (c) Gen. 28.5 and Joseph when Jacob sent him (d) 37.14 yea the other ten Sons also upon their Fathers order (e) 42.2 3. Isaac attended in carrying the wood when the servants were free from the burden at his Father's pleasure (f) 22 6. Joseph and the Rechabites are famous instances of observing faithfully the charge of their Parents even when they were dead and gone (g) 50.20 Jer ●5 8 c. out of conscience in a respectful manner with reference to the divine authority Abraham's Children walked in the way of the Lord as their Father commanded them (h) Gen. 8.9 Solomon did not only command his own Son (i) Prov. 6 1● though he prov'd disobedient but he observ'd his Father David's charge to walk in the Lord's statutes (k) 1 King 2.3 and ● 3. though drawn aside after with temptations and to build the Temple (l) 1 C●ro 2● 11 2 Chron 5 and 6. God takes it for granted a good Child will serve his Father (m) Mal. 3 17. yea and when put to pain in things not only necessary but of no reputation supposing in things purely indifferent both in their nature and use their Parents to be more judicious to determine what is expedient and decent yet not without the use of their own discerning faculty nor without any examination in a blind irrational obsequ●ousness (n) Pr●v 14.15 Ne p●c●u● ritis s●qu●mur amecedentiam gr●●em p●●●n●●s nonqua 〈◊〉 e●● se● qua ●●r Senec. like the brutish obedience of the Jesuits Novic●s For though I should grant that Parents have in some sort a power over the consciences of their Children whiles they are as in God's stead (o) 1 Sam 2.30 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 swaying their apprehentions in their tenderest years before they come to the use of their ripened reason yet when there is a judgment of discerning betwixt good and evil their obedience ought to be reas ●●bl● such as God requires to his own service 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 such as is according to his Word not merely childish though the obedience of Children but acceptable * Rom. 12.1 and well-pleasing unto him as in my Text and in the fear of God vers 22. Again 3. Children ought to depend upon their Parents counsels and take their good and wholsom advice giving them the honour of being in an ordinary course more prudent and sagacious than themselves as having greater experience ability and a call to govern in affairs of importance For to disregard them herein were to slight the paternal authority which God would have kept in reputation He was a Prodigal who would not be advised till he was bitten with the ill effect of that extravagant course which grieved his Father (p) Luk. 15.12 13. but the docible Child who is righteous and wise rejoyceth the heart of both his Parents (q) Pro 23.22 24. 15.20 Here I might enter on particulars to shew that Children have no power being under government to dispose of their Parents goods without their advice or allowance (r) Gal. 4.1 2. with Gen. 31.36 37 with 19. 32.10 Prov 28.24 19 26. for faultiness here is aggravated by the relation nor to choose their company disagreeable to their Parents minds (s) 1.10 15. 1 Cor 5.9 but to take their advice and be content with that sutable dress their Parents do order them to appear in (t) Gen. 27.15 37.3 2 Sam. 13 8. and not in strange apparel * Zeph 1.8 But I shall only suggest two more eminent instances wherein Children are more especially to consult their Parents and observe their advice viz. as to a particular Calling and Marriage 1 'T is fit to he advised by Parents in the choice of a Calling or lasting course of life Jacob and David mov'd and liv'd according to their Parents disposal (†) Gen. 28.2 1 Sam. 16.11 19. 17.17 as was hinted before and so did Jonadab's Children (‖) Jer. 35.6 7. It being unfit they should carve for themselves without leave but follow the parental conduct unless that leads them into an unlawful Calling The pretension of Religion in a Monastick life which the Papists urge
can be urg'd to the performance of all generous actions viz. because it is well-pleasing to the Lord. So 't is express God himself in Covenant is taken with it with this Chain on a Child's neck as I may allude to that of Christ to his Spouse (e) Cant. 4.9 because it sets forth the beauty and loveliness of a Child as a Child The Lord hath given it in charge to all Christian Children here in my Text and elsewhere (f) Eph. 6.1 as a vigorous enforcement of the fifth Commandment The supreme authority of our Heavenly Father who hath an uncontrollable dominion over us makes any duties which he requires highly reasonable But he who is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him (g) Heb. 11.6 assures the dutiful he takes much pleasure in these Relative duties that they are not only pleasing but well-pleasing to him Certainly it should hugely raise the spirits of all ingenuous Children to be most solicitous in filling up their Relation Dear Children I am hemm'd in as it were by what I am yet to say for Parents duties that I cannot here dilate my self by descending into particulars to perswade the embracing of an exhortation to these duties But if you be Christians indeed who understand your interest I can give you the quintessence of all Motives within the bounds of my Text. Consider it well I beseech you 't is this By your accurateness in these duties you do that which is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 well-pleasing to the Lord to your and my Lord and Master Do this please the Lord and you do all this is right (h) Eph. 6.1 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 whether present or absent that you may be accepted of him (i) 2 Cor. 5 9. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or wellpleasing to him is the highest you can attain to What can I What need I say more I could tell you in pleasing of God you do that which doth or should please your Parents and will be most pleasant to your selves and then you must needs be happy when God and you are pleas'd As in the keeping all God's Commandments there is an exceeding great reward (k) Psal 19.11 Gen. 15.1 so this hath a Primacy in the Promise (l) Eph. 6.1 Prov. 4.10 22. Upon that account it is profitable and beneficial yea it is honest and honourable before God (m) 1 Tim. 5.4 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 every way right agreeable to God's positive Law the Law of Nature and the Law of Nations It is the Parents due as in the place of God they bear his Image in their Parental authority and relation (n) Mal 1.6 with 1 Sam. 2.30 they deserve it we owe it to them as a debt So that disobedience to Parents is against Scripture the light of Nature the common equity of all Nations and renders such persons unworthy the Christian Name and worse than Infidels and Brutes Such were Hophni and Phineas (o) 1 Sam. 2.25.34 Absolom (p) 2 Sam. 18.9 and Adonijah (q) 1 Kings 2.25 Have you then my beloved Children any respect to God his good pleasure or displeasure to your Parents their right or wrong their blessing or cursing to your selves looking for recompence or fearing vengeance Consider then I pray you what you have to do 'T is no arbitrary thing I am perswading to but that which is required by an eternal indispensable Law fortified with the most signal rewards and punishments yea even in this state as you may find in the Annals of most Dominions Yet further you Christian Children are now took into a Covenant-Relation with God as the Jewish Children were under that Paedagogy (r) Rom. 9.4 compar'd with Deut 4.2 Eph 6 1 2. Mic. 7.20 Deut. 32.13 14. 2 Chro. 1.9 10 11. Psal 86.6 Consider I beseech you how much you are indebted to your Parents for pleading the Covenant and Promises on your behalf (ſ) Psal 112.1 2. Prov 20.7 Gen. 49.26 Psal 115.13 14. This obedience to Parents is commended in Scripture you 'l get a lasting reputation by it (t) Ruth 4.15 16. God and men honour the obedient grac'd with this ornament (u) 1 Sam. 2.30 Prov. 1.9 13.18 Jer. 35.18 19. The examples of Sem and Japhet Isaac Jacob Joseph c. are in Scripture recorded to their perpetual honour In Heathen Story the Piety of Aenaeas to his aged Father and the obedience of others is celebrated This is the way to have the good things of this and a better life entail'd upon posterity (w) Gen. 9.23 26 27. 'T is equity you should do as you would have them to do to you in the like circumstances The Philosopher † Arist Ethic. l. 8. c. 16.14 thought none could ever give Parents honour answerable to their merit that there is no equalizing their descending growing love they were the instruments of Childrens having affections because of their being They may then claim your best affections and actions Upon which account it is that want of natural affection as it is the most monstrous so it is the most dreadfully punish'd by God (x) 1 Sam. 4.11 Deut. 21.20 21. Senec. l. 5. contra 4. in fine Instit 6 de pub judicio Yea and for Parricides the old Romans had a strange and unusual punishment in culeum dejicere to put them alive into a great leather Sack made of an Ox-Hide with a live Dog a Cock a Viper and an Ape at first it was with Serpents after the murtherers of Parents had been made bloody with scourging then sewed up close and cast into Tiber or the next River that whiles alive they might begin to want the use of all the Elements not having the benefit of the Heavens while they liv'd nor the burial of the Earth when dead This shews how odious this crime was in the height of it to mere Heathen men also Be sure the beginning of it in the want of natural affection is very displeasing to God (y) Gen. 6.3 with Judg. 14 3. but the obedience I have been describing is very amiable to his eye It keeps from evil and disposeth to reverence God himself (z) Lev. 19.4 with 2 3. It helps to be good Subjects and conduceth to the vvelfare of our Countrey God makes choice discoveries of himself to obedient ones in filial duties as he did eminently to Jacob (a) Gen. 28.7 10.11 being peculiarly present vvith them vvho do choose the things that please him and lay hold of his Covenant (b) Isa 56.4 as those Children do who obey their Parents in all things in the Lord. All encouragement lyes in this obedience is well-pleasing to the Lord. But it is more than time now I have put Children upon their duties following the Apostle that I come to II. My next General propos'd which is the office of Parents enforc'd from the special consideration of that the Apostle suggests to move to it I
shall 1. speak to the office and then 2. a little to the enforcement of it here 1. Concerning the office we may by an affection of a Trope so expound the provocation in my Text forbidden Christian Parents 1. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that in a short manner of speech the Negative doth emphatically intend more than is express'd as including the Positive wherein the office of Parents provident care and well treating of their Children being of great weight and extent is connoted to us 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The charge which the Apostle gives here to all the Fathers of our flesh from the Father of mercies according to the original word is not to irritate their Children which is somewhat different from the prohibition to the Ephesians (c) Eph. 6.4 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 provoke not your Children to wrath this in my Text seeming to deny more generally So that he allows not of any kind of abuse of the paternal authority which may justly irritate or provoke the passions of Children an ill effect produced in their hearts and proceeding from any male-administration of the Father's power which in rigor is more apt to exceed its bounds than the Mothers either in substracting a fit allowance for nourishment and nurture not a usual fault which yet the Apostle taxeth (d) 1 Tim. 5.8 and Quintilian complain'd of * Lib. 1. c. 2. or loading them with impious (e) Mat. 14 8. and inhumane commands (f) 1 Sam 20.31 without necessity compelling to sordid and servile works not fit for ingenuous Children but slaves or treating them for not just hitting their humour with contumelious words (g) 30. pouring forth curses out of that mouth that should bless sith the name of Father breathes sweetness and benignity bitter words and the language of a barbarous enemy will be apt to exasperate when upon any little enormities a Father shews himself morose and sharp it may be beating his Children to gratifie his own lust and rage or inflicting other penalties no way proportion'd to the fault if any (h) 33. compar'd with Deut. 25 1 2. chastening not with the rod of men or the stripes of the children of men i. e. not in a humane way with gentleness and moderation (i) 2 Sam. 7.14 or by imperiousness for some self-respects as wordlings impose upon their Children in the great concern of changing their condition c. be sure it is contrary to the prohibition which imports that the Parents conduct should be moderated betwixt the extremes of an unwarrantable indulgence and rigor that it may tend to their Childrens benefit and their own satisfaction They should so deport themselves in this good government that their Children may both love and honour their presence not being too fond lest their Children should not fear them nor too stern lest they should fear them too much The moving Principle to be premis'd which influenceth Parents and enclineth them effectually to exert a provident care in all the branches of it is an imbred natural affection of love which did act Abraham (k) Gen. 22.2 Isaac and Rebekah (l) 25.28 in the Old Testament and is called forth in the New m (n) Tit. 2.3 Rom. 1.31 as the fundamental requisite to sway Parents in the exercise of their authority and a due performance of their Relative office in all the severals of it so that they may indeed adorn the Gospel Out of this inward Principle arise Dues from Parents to their Children more general viz. 1. Prayer and 2. Good Behaviour and more particular with respect to the 1. Birth 2. Nourishment 3. Education 4. Disposal and 5. Maintenance of their Children and 6. their own departure from them all according to the dictates of humane and Christian prudence 1. The more general and previous duties wherein Parents are concern'd for the sake of their Children as well as themselves are Prayer and good Behaviour which give success to all the following particular ones respectively and without which they will not be well discharg'd so as they should be by a Christian Parent who is oblig'd to rule his own house well having his Children in subjection with all honesty or as we render it with all gravity (n) 1 Tim. 3.4 5. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I know not well how to omit yet can but touch on these 1 Prayer Parents are to make their requests known to God without ceasing (o) 1 Thes 5.17 upon all occasions for all things throughout the whole course of their Childrens lives they are concern'd to be daily Orators at the Throne of grace that God would make their Children his Children and confer upon them all temporal and spiritual blessings this is requisite to the having of Children and the having of them good 'T is a mercy to have them as Isaac Hannah and others had (p) Gen 25.21 1 Sam. 1 10. as a return to prayer which is also a means to have them good (q) Gen. 17.18 20. 1 Chron. 22.12 29.19 Ps 72 per. totu● sith the sincere Parent 's prayer may reach his Child in every particle of its life in the womb as Rebekah did hers (r) Gen 25.22 and in the world at the ingress with Zachariah's (s) Luke 1.64 progress with Job's (t) Job 1.5 and egress with David's who made his petition more fervent with fasting (u) 2 Sam. 12.16 and when the Parent is leaving his Children as Isaac (w) Gen. 27.4 all which shew the benefit of paternal requests for the fruit of their bodies Monica Augustin's Mother was very earnest frequent and pathetical in her addresses to God for her Husband and Son and she had gracious returns for both How wicked then are those Parents who follow their Children yea without provocation too with imprecations and direful curses instead of prayers 2. Good Behaviour before God and man in love to their Children To follow prayer in upright walking is the best course Parents can take to entail a blessing upon their Children and make them good indeed The seed of the just or merciful man who walketh in his integrity shall be blessed after him (x) Prov. 20.7 3.22 The generation of the righteous have certainly the surest Deed of entail for inheriting of blessings that can be made (y) Psal 112.2 Deut. 5.29 4.8 9. sith God hath given promises thereof unto gracious persons who really walk with him and before him according to his holy statutes (z) Gen. 17.1 7. Acts 2.39 1 Kings 11 12. 'T is the Lord's usual way to confer his favours in this channel so that Parents are concern'd to carry themselves well upon this account And what ifluence their good behaviour hath on their Children as they set fair patterns to them may be touch'd on afterwards I hasten to speak to 2. The more particular duties of Parents with their several respects as 1. To the birth of the Child whiles it
a time (q) Mark 6.20 to gain honour and respect from him And Solomon saith A gracious woman retaineth honour (r) Prov. 11.16 and a gracious man too both of them in the Relation of Parents where debauchery though never so secret and blanch'd with subtilty but discern'd by nearest Relations proves as poison to the souls of their children teaching them only with a fair outside to imitate a politick Religion which hath no spirit in it but is flat and insipid such as God will not relish Whereas real and internal godliness truly exercis'd by Parents doth greatly quicken their children and powerfully help both Parents and Children in all relative duties which by their means will not be grievous but delightful But if Parents be insincere and have not their hearts right with God and carry not themselves blamelesly having blots in their own conversation they will find the duties I have been speaking of to be very difficult and insuccessful as we may learn from the Apologue of the Mother Crab † Cum dixisset Mater indecens esse non recta via incedere sed obliquos intorquere gressus faciam inquit ille mea Mater si te idem f●cientem prius videro who had her Son go streight forward sith it was indecent to crawl sideling awry and backwards who answer'd I will do it Mother if I shall first see you your self doing so before me Unholy Parents do indeed by their unholiness contradict that hearty reverence they require from their Children and render the means of their education unprofitable Those Parents who would prosper in their conduct should like that worthy Bishop of Antioch * Theod. III. 6. by a good conversation commend their instructions 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 teaching with words and confirming the words with an holy life They themselves should as the Elders said to Boaz (s) Ruth 4.11 do worthily in Ephrata and be famous in Bethlehem put iniquity far from their hands and let it not dwell in their tabernacle (t) Job 11.14 lest notwithstanding they otherwise be at pains for the education and maintenance of their Children the Lord shall have no joy in them (u) Isa 9.13 17. and never suffer them to be removed (w) 14.20 And as you are to put away all iniquity so particularly that of flattery to friends lest the eyes of your Children should fail (x) Job 17.5 Vbi ubi fueri vive Deo qui esi Dator vitae tuae vive conscientiae quae est vita vitae tuae vive famae quae est vita post vitam tuam Be perswaded then Cristian Parents to take his advice who said Where wheresoever thou shalt be live to God who is the donor of thy life Live to thy Conscience which is the life of thy life Live to thy good Name which is a life after this life and then I may add will flourish most in thy Posterity 2. Maintain your parental authority and assert the dignity of your Relation yet not with lordly rigour but still with love and mildness 'T is good not to lose the power God hath given you in superiority over your Children through any neglect of using it or by making your self cheap in any unbecoming familiarity but then take care that you exercise it in equity with all gentleness and gravity Let none despise you (y) Tit. 2.15 Thus Abraham being in God's stead he would command for God and he is commended for it (z) Gen. 18.19 with 14.23 24. as we have heard If a Father's honour belong to you you should not suffer it to be trampled upon or lightly esteem'd (a) Deut. 32.46 1 Sam. 2.30 If you let go the reins of your Government you cannot rule well when the Master of the Ship le ts go the helm his Vessel is driven before the wind and tide Those Parents who live according to the former direction will be the better able to observe this For justice and holiness are venerable both in man and woman as was noted there (b) Mark 6 20. Prov. 11.16 These will gain respects to persons in a Family though they have not authority to restrain others from evil keep them in a kind of awe and gain at least a formal approbation of vertuous actions much more when they are eminent in those vested with Authority as Parents are who as an holy man ‖ Mr. Baxter in his Cases l. 543. lately directed should take care their Children be neither too bold with them nor yet too strange or fearful They are not to be treated as servants but as the fruits of your own bodies Too much familiarity will over-embolden them and too little countenance will discourage them Endeavour to attain the good skill of upholding and using well the preheminence of your station and relation Some Parents do not only abuse their authority in putting their Children upon things unlawful as Laban (c) Gen. 29.23 Saul (d) 1 Sam 25.44 Herodias (e) Mat. 14 8. but also by their own disobedience to God and their sinful indulgence (f) 2 Sam. 12.9 13.19 Sam. 29 30. David himself it seems under a temptation did disparage himself and lessen his own authority which gave occasion to his son Absolom's rebellion against him A vertuous management of power with an unaffected amiable gravity is necessary to keep a Superiour from being sleighted In commanding of vertue and restraining of vice in your Children you are concern'd to see your pleasure be executed but then your injunctions must be founded in love and design'd for good Hence you are oblig'd as Salvian * Regimen esse non potest nisi fuerit jugiter in Rectore judicium De Gubern Dei l. 1. hath determined to see that what you resolve upon be with judgment and good discretion as you expect good success When your orders are thus circumstantiated you will do well to see them performed and not to connive at your Childrens disobedience nor to please their peccant humour lest saith Euripides † 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 you afterwards weep when it is too late 3. Sweeten all with pathetick expressions of endearing kindness to insinuate the more into their affections but still with Christian prudence this will make your government much more easie and acceptable Solomon gives us an account of the affectionateness of his Father and the tenderness of his Mother to him when engaging him to duty (g) Prov. 4.3 4. 31.1 2 3. Bathsheba useth an abrupt kind of speech which importeth abundance of affection What my son and what the son of my womb and what the son of my vowes implying more of kindness than she was able to express to stir him up as one whom his Mother comforteth (h) Isaiah 66.13 Nothing doth more chear up and is more sweet and pleasing to Children than the due commendation of the Parent ‖ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Eurip. So in our History of
thou shouldest not deal by another as thou wouldest not be dealt by thy self The Law then is good and the punishment is as great Thy Soul may go for an ill word consider of it has an evil word sufficient pleasure to compensate for eternal pain Sure it is wisdom to forbear such words if we may pay so dear for them 4. By considering the odiousness of it in others and in them we may see it in its true colours things are too near us to be aright discerned by us when they are observed in our selves A Lyar a False-witness a Back-bit●●r a Tale-bearer how do you like such men Would you have your Child trained up in such things Why then will you allow them in your selves How came they to be more tolerable in you than other men Is it that it is no matter what becomes of you How comes it that you have cast off all care of and love to self that you would have every body better than your self 5. By reflecting upon the reproaches we have had from our own hearts for it and the inconveniencies we have suffered and the dammages others have reaped by it beyond our possible reparation is it not time then to take up 6. By remembring that God observes it and will Judg thee for it A Reverend man would awe thee if there was danger especially of the Pillory and how canst thou cast off the fear of God to talk before him so loosely How wilt thou like to have all thy vain and vile words read and aggravated at the last day It will be one part of that dayes work Jude 15 16. 2. There is matter that it is our Duty to Discourse of the general Nature of which I shall lay before you as 1. Such as though of a common and inferior Nature as referring to things of this Life yet is of consequence to our selves or Neighbours to be debated for the right understanding or better managing of our joynt or several concerns this as tending to Justice Charity Peace or the like by the good use it may be of is Sanctified and becomes our duty and we may not without sin decline it when duly provoked to it for as mean as these matters seem God hath concerned himself to make severe Laws that we worst not one another in them by which we are obliged to improve and imbetter each other as we can and surely most of all when by a word it may be done How does Job's Conscience approve him in his having been a faithful Counsellor Job 19.15 I was eyes to the Blind And what a Character does Christ give to the Peace-makers Mat. 5.9 They shall be called the Children of God And yet further the command to Worldly business six dayes in seven does more than allow Worldly Discourse especially when it hath a moral use So that as it is a vain Superstition of some not to touch these things so is it of others to decline necessary profitable talk of them as if it were a piece of Service to God to be useless unto men while by his providence we are among them Know then where by weakness your Brother needs advice and by a greater stock of wisdom you are able to give it it is his duty in order to the prudent management even of his Worldly affairs to ask it and yours as freely to give it for you therefore have it and cannot otherwise give a good account of it Caution Let me only caution that on this pretence you Lanch not out into Discourse of this Nature Unseasonably as on the Lord's Day unnecessarily for mere talk's sake immoderately to the burying of all other Discourse or hindering more important business of your own or Brother's it would also be carefully avoided that we intrude not our selves as busie-bodies into the Discourse of others matters while we are unconcerned and to Persons unconcerned for which we are like to go unthanked whereby our Brother may be wronged and no body is edified 2. It may be our duty to Discourse of what is done in the World wherein God's Justice Power Wisdom Faithfulness or Goodness is advanced One design of God's marvellous working is to furnish us with fit matter for talking His Signs in Egypt are particularly noted to have had this reference That they might tell in the Ears of their Sons and Sons Sons what things he had wrought in Egypt that they might know that he was the Lord Exod. 10.2 God's works are one of his Books that we should much confer about David pleases himself to see the whole World as set about a round Table conferring their Notes of what they had seen and observed of God in his works from Generation to Generation Psal 145.5 6. I will speak of the glorious Honour of thy Majesty and of thy wondrous works and men shall speak of the might of thy terrible Acts and I will declare thy greatness they shall abundantly utter the memory of thy great goodness This seems to be talk for the Generality of men there is something in it peculiarly pleasing to all palats and an Example often affects when a Precept would be over-looked and I am confident if we could prudently Discourse of the works of God we might more advantage the profaner sort of men than by talking to them out of the Word for they are prejudiced against that and shut upon it streight as perceiving whereto that would but they are pleased with story and lye more open to it that there is greater hope e're they be aware of their being caught with it Psal 107.42 That this Discourse may be profitable take the following advice 1. Make wise Observation look with both Eyes on what happens look into it look after God in it and spy what Attribute is eminently glorified by it Psal 107.43 Whoso is wise and will observe these things even they shall understand the loving kindness of the Lord. 2. Make faithful representations lye not for God The Romish Legends by their multitude of Fables have greatly minished the veneration of all Miracles One fly spoils a whole pot of Oyntment the same does one lye in a most useful History 3. Make Charitable Interpretations as to persons or parties be not too severe in censuring them that God makes Examples It was the fault and folly of the Jews Christ tells us they were out and we as well as they may be out let us be warned by them Luke 13.1 2 3. 4. And make pious applications and still put in your self as concerned where you note any thing to be learned 1 Cor. 10.5 11. Psal 90.11 12. Many profane the Providences of God by their slight Discourses of them without regard to God or his Glory in them but you on the other hand by observing Rules may hallow his Name and spread his fame 3. It is yet more especially our duty to be Discoursing to one another of what God hath said to the World for our mutual Direction Caution and
larger opening of the Methods of Grace than we can now have leasure for and therefore must be don● its proper season Those that honour God he will honour and therefore let us also give Vse 7 them that honour which is their due The barren Professors who honour themselves by over-valuing their poor knowledge gifts and grace and affecting too great a distance from their Brethren and censuring others as unworthy of their Communion without proof are not the men that honour God and can lay claim to no great honour from men But God hath among us a prudent holy humble laborious patient Ministry that glorifie him by their works and patience and he hath among us a meek and humble a blameless and a loving and fruitful sort of Christians who imitate the Purity Charity and Simplicity yea and Concord of the Primitive Church These tell the World to their sight and experience that Religion is better than Ignorance and Carnality These tell the World that Christ and his Holy Word are true while he doth that in renewing and sanctifying Souls which none else in the World can do These shew the World that Faith and Holiness and Self-denial and the hopes of Immortality are no deceits These glorifie God and are the great Benefactors of the World I must solemnly profess that did I not know such a people in the world who notwithstanding their infirmities do manifest a holy and heavenly disposition in their lives I should want my self so great a help to my Faith in Christ and the promise of Life Eternal that I fear without it my Faith would fail And had I never known a holier Ministry and People than those that live but a common life and excel Heathens in nothing but their Belief or Opinions and Church orders and Formalities I should find my Faith assaulted with so great temptations as I doubt I should not well withstand No talk will perswade men that he is the best Physitian that healeth no more nor worse diseases than others do Nor would Christ be taken for the Saviour of the World if he did not save men And he saveth them not if he make them not holier and better than other men O then how much do we owe to Christ for sending his Spirit into his Saints and for exemplifying his holy Word on holy Souls and for giving us as many visible proofs of his Holiness Power and Truth as there are Holy Christians in the world we must not flatter them nor excuse their faults nor puff them up But because the Righteous is more excellent than his Neighbour we must accordingly love and honour them and Christ in them For Christ telleth us that he is glorified in them here Joh. 17.10 And that what is done to them his Brethren even the least is taken as done to him Mat. 25. And he will be glorified and admired in them when he cometh in his Glory at the last 2 Thes 1.8 9 10. And he will glorifie their very works before all the world with a Well done good and faithful Servant enter thou into the joy of thy Lord. What is it to do all we do in the Name of Christ and how may we do so Serm. XXIII Colos 3.17 And whatsoever ye do in word and deed do all in the Name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to God and the Father by him THERE have been and still are many great and famous Names in the World into which men have been Baptized according to which they have been call'd and also walked in the world Rev. 11.13 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Men of great Name or men of Renown Gen. 6.4 What a Renowned Name had the Beast in the Earth Rev. 13.3 4. that the world wondered after the Beast and worshipped the Dragon that gave power to the Beast and they worshipped the Beast saying Who is like to the Beast Pharaoh was a great Name amongst the Kings of Egypt which were so call'd from their famous Predecessors So the Kings of the Amalakites were called Agag and of Tyre Hyram and of Lycia Antiochus of Pontus Mithridates of the Emperours of Rome Caesars and in the Church Professors have affected to be call'd by the Name of some Eminent persons 1 Cor. 3.4 5. Some cryed up Paul others Peter and this was a growing evil in the Church 1 Cor. 1.12 13 14. They ambitiously affected to be denominated from some Eminent Persons among them As the Lutherans and Calvinists and many others at this day have been call'd and denominated from some great persons that have been famous in their Generation But here is a Name in my Text is above all Names in Heaven and Earth and all Christians are call'd by this Name and call on this Name Jer. 14.9 Amos 9.12 This Name you must trust in and boast in beyond and above all Names whatsoever Isa 45.24 25. Surely shall one say in the Lord have I righteousness and strength and in the Lord shall all the Seed of Israel be justified and shall glory See what a Name is given to Christ Isa 6.7 And bow to it his Name shall be call'd Wonderful Councellour and consider every Letter of his Name and adore it The Apostle according to his usual manner in this Epistle having spoken of the Doctrine of the Gospel and how they received it and the influence it had on them v. 12 13. And concerning Christ in whom they had Redemption v. 14 15 16 17 18 19. And of the Excellency of his Person and of the riches of the glory of his Grace revealed in it v. 27. Then Chap. 2. he stirs them up to live such lives as becometh the Gospel and to beware of Seducers v. 16. to the end Then Chap. 3. he puts them in mind of several duties throughout the Chap. He lays down some general Exhortations with reference to the Gospel and their living suitably to it from v. 1. to 17. Then he proceeds to particular duties in our place and Relations and in this v. 17. having laid down something he gathers up all into one sum how to carry themselves in the whole course of their lives in their thoughts words and works We may observe from the general Scope Doct. That the Doctrine of the Gospel carrieth the highest and strictest obligations upon all such to whom it reveal'd to duty and service in their places and relations to God and Man In the words we have 1. A Rule laid down 2. The things that are under the Rule words works and thoughts and secret motions of the heart which works also are well known to God and so they come under Rule 3. Here is the Universality of the Rule in its extent and full compass it fetcheth in all words and works without exception and all persons for this You takes in all persons of what rank or degree soever 4. Here is the manner how they must be done so as to answer the Mind of God in the Name of Christ 5. Here is a further
Rule or rather a part of the general Rule that we should give thanks c. 1. Here 's the duty it self Thanksgiving 2. The Object of it God c. 3. How it must be managed by Christ or through Christ 1. Obs All our actions thoughts words and works must be done in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ 2. Obs All Praises and Thanksgivings as they are only due to God so they must be performed by us to him by Jesus Christ that they may be accepted of him All thanks are due to God the Father who is the Father of Christ and in him our God and Father and therefore this work is to be done only in by and through Jesus Christ Ephes 5.20 giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ All glory be given by the Church to Christ Heb. 10.12 15. and Rom. 16.27 How this great Duty is to be performed to God through Christ Jesus 3. Praises and Thanksgivings are the great duty of our lives for if we do all things in the Name of Jesus Christ then whatever we do in his Name is special matter of Thanksgiving In every thing give thanks if we think a good thought or do a good work it is of God and therefore be thankful and it is a Sacrifice to be tendered to God every day Heb. 13.15 As to the first Doctrine consider 1. What it is to do all in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ 2. Why we must do all in that Name 3. How shall we come to do all in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ 4. Some Uses 1. What is it to do all in the Name of Christ 1. It is to go to him as a Mediator or to go to God by him For we must upon all occasions go to God in a way of prayer by Christ if we will be accepted Psal 65.2 God's Spirit tells us that he is a God hearing prayer therefore unto him shall all flesh come and appear Not come to God in prayer but by Christ as Mediator Beza sets it out Invocato Christi Nomine we must go to God quod autem addit 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 diligenter notandum est ut sciamus Deum frustra coli nisi Christus Mediator interveniat We must go to God by him we must take special notice of that word for we do in vain make our Addresses to God but by the intercession of our Mediator All our Supplications are to be put in the Name of Christ as he bids us John 15.3 16. and John 16.23 26. he tells them whatsoever they should ask the Father in his Name at that day i. e. after his Ascension and giving the Spirit you shall ask in my Name and I say not unto you c. He speaks this by way of encouragement unto them that they should go in his Name and then they should certainly speed He gives as loving Friends sometimes do when they certainly intend to do some special good for a Friend they say I will not tell you what I 'l do for you intimating thereby they will do what they can for them 2. It is to do all by his Authority Power and Command Mat. 18.18 19 20. Christ tells them that whatever they did bind or loose on Earth in his Name i. e. by his Authority and Command should be bound in Heaven For when two or three are gathered together in his Name i. e. by vertue of his Command he would be in the midst of them All Power and Authority is given of the Father to Christ Mat. 28.18 19 20. and therefore go in the Name of the Father c. Laws and Proclamations which go forth in the Name of the King they go forth in his Authority All our actions come under his Command he is our King and our Law-giver Isa 33.22 Though other Lords besides Christ have had Dominion over us but by him only will we make mention of his Name Isa 26.13 By vertue of his Command and Authority we 'll make mention of thy Name we will admire and praise thee He is a Soveraign Lord who Commands and doth impose Laws on the Consciences of men his Laws reach the inward as well as the outward man else all that we do cannot be done in his Name and by vertue of some Authority from him who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords Rev. 19.16 and the only Potentate 1 Tim. 6.11 3. It is to do all in his strength and power this is to do all in his Name Thus Acts 4.6 7. Annas and Caiaphas c. asked Peter and John by what Power or by what Name they had done this v. 10. Peter told them that in the Name of Jesus Christ did that Man stand whole before them thus did they come in the Power of Christ To go about a work in the Name of Christ is to go about it and do it in his strength and Power 1 Sam. 17.45 David went against Goliah in the Name of the Lord of Hosts so David said Psal 108.10 11. that in the Name of the Lord he would destroy them i. e. in the strength and Power of the Lord. Paul can do all things through Christ who strengthens him Phil. 4.13 His Grace was sufficient for him 2 Cor. 12.9 No man in the strength of his own parts or gifts can do any thing so as to be accepted John 15.5 without me ye can do nothing he doth not say that you may do something or that you can do but little but you can do nothing without me He worketh all our works for us Isa 26.12 even the will and the deed Phil. 2.13 Paul laboured more abundantly than they all 1 Cor. 15.10 but he presently corrected himself Yet not I but the Grace of God which was with me 4. For his Glory 1 Cor. 10.31 So that as he is the Author so he is the end of all we do Rom. 11.36 All people must honour the Son as they honour the Father Joh. 5.23 Christ is the Alpha and Omega of all Rev. 1.8 All Glory and Honour is due to Christ as is due to the Father Rev. 4.9 11. they give glory to him that sits on the Throne and Rev. 5.12 13. there is all honour given to him that sitteth on the Throne and to the Lamb they which do all for the glory of God do all their actions to the honour of God the Father Son and Holy Spirit so that when God doth any thing for us he doth it for his Name 's sake and therefore when David begged of God that for his Name 's sake he would lead him Psal 31.3 he means for his Glory we should have an eye at the Glory of Christ 5. To do all in the Name of the Lord Jesus is to live a life of Faith for a supply of all things for Life and Godliness as the Apostle speaks 2 Pet. 1.2 3. he tells us we have all things that is we
faithless confidence a fond credulous presumption arising from a groundless over easie perswasion of the mercy of God towards us this kind of Presumption may be joyn'd vvith some sense and conviction of sin and the dangerous consequence of it but presently salves all vvith the general air and breath of a Promise misconstrued and misapplied The Mistakes are these 1. This is more Fancy than Faith or Hope 'T is a vain imagination that deludes men into a belief and expectation of that vvhich they are in no likelihood of in no capacity for they promise themselves vvhat God hath never promised cry peace peace vvhen God hath not spoken peace 2. Such an one doth not rightly distinguish between the vvorkings of natural affection towards any good propounded and the rational actings of Hope for the obtaining of it in a probable or certain vvay in the use of due and proper means Heaven glory and eternal Life are good vvords and better things at the first mention of them vve naturally desire them and vvish for them but shall vve be carried away vvith a meer sound of vvords must vve needs have all vve hear of vve shall quickly bring our selves into a fools Paradise this vvay dreaming vve eat and yet awake an hungry there is more ado than so to inherit the Promises vve must prove our title first the Promises give us an interest in Heaven but 't is Christ that gives us an interest in the Promises he opens the mouth of a Promise to speak comfort to us in him they are all Yea and Amen but out of him they all cry no no vve have nothing for you vvho are out of Christ they vvill deny all the vvorld that come not in his Name and never let out any thing of their treasure to such no vvringing out of one drop of solid comfort The bare History or outward Relation of the Mercy of God in the letter of the Word gives us no interest in the things promised the carnal Jews as Paul observes had the Promises and boasted of them but got little by them Christ is the door of every Promise let us not think to make a forceable entry to climb up at the vvindows like Theives to steal out mercy as if vve cared not how vve came by it you vvill find vvhat is so gotten vvill thrive accordingly and quickly come to nothing What I drive at is this 't is not the report of the vvorth or amiableness of a thing but an apprehension of the possibility of it as to us that causes hope till vve are clear in this our hope cannot act rationally if it have no other ground besides our own desires and natural inclinations raised and kindled in us by the specious appearance and ravishing beauty of some taking objects this argues rather vvhat vve vvould have than any likelyhood of obtaining of our vvishes vvhich is of the very essence of hope earnest desires are very apt to run out into a forward presuming hope vve know not vvell vvhy or vvherefore Quae volumus facile credimus 3. Another mistake in this fond credulous presumption is that it takes up promises in its own sense and not in the true sense and meaning of God So the Jews John 8.33 cryed they were Abrahams seed c. and the Promise run in these very words to Abraham and his seed therefore who but they must be included in it but it was the Spiritual seed that God meant not that after the flesh they are not all Israel which are of Israel Rom. 9.6 No sayes Christ you are the Children of the Devil of your Father the Devil John 8.44 and they took up stones and threw at him ver 59. being not able to bear any contradiction to their false hopes So when we read those Promises of salvation to those that come to Christ believe in him call upon his Name we must not understand them as if a bare form of Godliness and crying Lord have mercy upon us would bring us to heaven No My brethren the Mystery of Religion lies deeper than so 't is the labour of the heart that requires the greatest diligence intention and seriousness imaginable strong workings within great agonies and contentions of Spirit in our dealings with God in any duty The life of our Worship does consist in these inward spiritual motions of the Soul towards God This is that coming that believing that praying to which Salvation is promised The grace of Hope enquires after the Secrets of the Covenant the real intent and mind of God in every Promise prayes for a right understanding of all particulars Open my eyes that I may see the wonders of thy Law Psal 119.18 Besides the true meaning of a Promise a Child of God is very solicitous to know whether God do indeed mean him and speak to him and offer those pearls to him whether he be a person rightly qualified and under all those due circumstances that belong to persons entertaining such an hope 't is a great comfort and satisfaction to a Believer when God does own his hope and encourage him in it by some sensible demonstrations of his undoubted interest in such and such Promises he hears God saying to him take eat this is thy portion purchased by Christ for thee thou art my Child and this is childrens bread it belongeth to thee While we are musing and praying over a promise God does sometimes feed us out of that promise himself and with his own hand puts many a sweet morsel into our mouths O this is overcoming kindness this is a double a treble welcome to have such fare and the Master of the Feast standing by and looking on and carving to us himself and crying out as it is Cant. 5.1 Eat O my friends drink yea drink abundantly O beloved When we have shut our Bibles and have done with a promise and are setting down the Cup of Salvation out of our hands God many times makes us to mend our draught and go deeper than ever we did drink yea drink abundantly O beloved But presumption is a bold guest thrusts in uninvited catches at this and that in a rude manner The word Presumption notes a taking before-hand before 't is offer'd before 't is due before he is called he runs away with a promise puts his own sense upon it and deludes himself with vain hopes from it and when the King comes to review his Guests shall be cast out into outer darkness Mat. 22.11 12 13. 4. Another errour or mistake in presumption is that it picks and chuses out some Promises and rejects others the priviledges of the Saints it catcheth at freedom from condemnation eternal life and glory but the Promises of Grace Sanctification and Holiness it minds not it hopes to see God without Holiness and to go to Heaven as well as the best it is more for the wages than for the work But the grace of Hope fastens upon every Promise gathers honey out of every flower
Saints but 't is by the permission of the universal Soveraign who hath the hearts of all in his hands and suffers their rage for holy ends The enemy designes against their Faith but God's aim is to make them change their lives Now if either through strong fears or the stinging sense of troubles upon the account of Religion our Courage fails we are presently in danger of falling away and denying our Master The faint-hearted person is usually false-hearted and for want of resolution being frighted out of his Conscience and duty chooses sin rather than suffering and thereby justly deprives himself of the Crown of life that is promised only to those who are Faithful unto the death Besides not only the loss of heaven but the torments of hell are threaten'd against those who withdraw from the service of God to avoid temporal evils Rev. 21.8 The fearful and unbelieving are in the front of those that shall have part in the lake of fire and brimstone which is the second death Now what folly is it when two evils are propounded to choose the greatest that is eternal death rather than temporal and of two goods to prefer the less a short life with its Conveniencies on earth before that which is eternally glorious in heaven By which it appears how much it concerns us to fortifie and fix our minds by a stedfast belief of God's supporting presence with us in all troubles and of his gracious promise that in due time we shall reap if we faint not in well-doing 2. They are incapable of the Comforts proper to an afflicted state Those arise from the apprehension that God loves whom he chastens Rev. 3. for the least sin is a greater evil than the greatest trouble and his design is to take that away and from the expectation of a happy issue Hope is the anchor within the vail that in the midst of storms and the roughest seas preserves from shipwrack The character of Christians is Rom. 12.12 that they are rejoycing in hope But when the afflicted are under fearful impressions that God is an irreconcileable enemy and sadly conclude their miseries are past redress those divine Comforts that are able to sweeten the most bitter sufferings to believers are of no efficacy their deep sorrows are not like the pains of a travelling woman that end in a joyful birth but the killing tortures of the stone that are fruitless to the patient An obstinate grief and rejecting the Consolations of God is the beginning of sorrows the first payment of that sad arrear of mourning that shall be exacted in another world The Use shall be to excite us to those duties that are directly contrary to the extremes forbidden viz. to demean our selves under the chastenings of the Lord with a deep reverence and humble fear of his displeasure and with a firm hope and dependance upon him for a blessed issue upon our complying with his holy Will 1. With a humble reverence of his hand This temper is absolutely necessary and most congruous with respect to God upon the account of his Soveraignty Justice and Goodness declar'd in his chastenings and with respect to our frailty our dependance upon him our obnoxiousness to his Law and our obligations to him that he will please to afflict us for our good This is the reason of that expostulation Will the Lion roar in the forrest when he hath no prey Shall God's threatenings and judgments have no effect Who ever hardened himself against him and prospered Amos 3.4 Do we provoke the Lord to jealousie the most sensible and severe attribute when it is incens'd Are we stronger than he Can we encounter offended Omnipotency Can we with an army of lusts oppose myriads of mighty Angels 'T is not courage but such a prodigious degree of folly and fury that one would think 't were impossible a reasonable creature were capable of it Yet every sinner unreformed by afflictions is thus desperate Job 15.25 26 He stretches out his hand against God and strengthens himself against the Almighty he runneth upon him even on his neck upon the thick bosses of his bucklers Such a furious rebel was Ahaz who in the time of his distress did trespass more against the Lord This is that King Ahaz But God hath most solemnly declared that he will be victorious at last over the most fierce obdurate enemies 2 Chron. 28. As I live saith the Lord every knee shall bow to me His power is infinite and anger puts an edge upon his power and makes it more terrible If our subjection be not voluntary it must be violent 'T is our wisdom to prevent acts of vengeance by humble submissions The duty of the afflicted is excellently exprest by Elihu Job 34.31 32 Surely it is meet to be said to God I have born chastisements I will not offend any more that I know not teach thou me if I have done iniquity I will do so no more Add further upon another account reverence is due to God's chastenings for when love is the motive that incites one to give us counsel though it be mixt with reproofs and his prudence is not great yet a respect is due to the affection Now God who is only wise chastises men from a desire to make them better and happy he intends primarily to refine not to consume them by afflictions so that a serious regard to his hand is the most just and necessary duty of the creature Briefly every chastisement should leave deep and permanent impressions upon us the sense of God's displeasure should make our hearts mournful and mollified broken and contrite that his will may be done by us on earth as 't is in heaven 2. Let us alway preserve an humble dependance and firm hope on God for a blessed issue out of all our troubles The support and tranquillity of the soul ariseth from hence Christian patience suffers all things as well as charity being encouraged by a continual expectation of good from him Patience confirms all other graces and is to the whole armour of God what the temper is to material weapons that keeps them from breaking in the combat Now to maintain a constant hope in affliction 't is necessary to consider the reason of the Exhortation as 't is admirably amplified by the Apostle 1. The relation God sustains when he afflicts believers He is a Judge invested with the quality of a Father The Covenant of grace between God and Jesus Christ our true David contains this observable cause If thy children forsake my law and walk not in my judgments if they break my statutes Psal 89.30 31 32. and keep not my commandements then will I visit their transgressions with a rod and their iniquity with stripes The love that ariseth from this relation though it cannot hate yet it may be displeased and chastise them for their follies Moses tells the Israelites Thou shalt consider in thy heart Deut. 8.5 that as
matter of it were true enough But a Reproach is the Acting of a mind designing of and rejoycing in evil Unto a Reproof it is essential that it spring from Love Whom I love I rebuke is the absolute Rule of these things Let a man rebuke another though for that which indeed is false if it be in Love it is a Reproof but let him rebuke another though for that which is True if it be from a mind delighting in evil it is a Reproach and if it be false it is moreover a Calumny 3. Where a man in such cases is fully justified by the Testimony of his own Conscience bearing Witness unto his Integrity and Innocency yet may he greatly miscarry under the occasion if he attend not diligently unto his own Spirit which most men judge to be set at the utmost liberty under such injurious Provocations as they esteem them Wherefore to keep our minds unto Sedate Christian moderation in such cases and that we may not lose the Advantage of what is befallen us we ought immediately to apply them unto such other Duties as the present Occasion doth require As 1. To Search our own Hearts and ways whether we have not indeed upon us the guilt of some greater evils than that which is falsely charged on us or for which we are reproved on mistake And if it appear so upon examination we shall quickly see what little reason we have to tumultuate rise up with indignation against the charge we suffer under And may we not thence see much of the Wisdom and goodness of God who suffereth us to be exercised with what we can bear off with the impenetrable Shield of a good Conscience whilst he graciously hides and covers those greater evils of our hearts with respect whereunto we cannot but condemn our selves 2. To consider that it is not of our selves that we are not guilty of the evil suspected and charged No man of sobriety can on any mistake reprove us for any thing be it never so false but that it is merely of soveraign Grace that we have not indeed contracted the guilt of it And humble thankfulness unto God on this occasion for his real preserving Grace will abate the edge and take off the fierceness of our indignation against men for their supposed injurious dealings with us 3. Such Reproofs if there be not open malice and continued wickedness manifest in them are to be looked on as gracious Providential warnings to take heed lest at any time we should be truely overtaken with that which at present we are falsely charged withal We little know the Dangers that continually attend us the Temptations wherewith we may be surprized at unawares nor how near on their account we may be unto any sin or evil which we judge our selves most remote from and least obnoxious unto Neither on the other hand can we readily understand the wayes and meanes whereby the Holy Wise God issueth forth those hidden provisions of preventing Grace which are continually administred for our Preservation And no wise man who understands any thing of the deceitfulness of his own heart with the numberless Numbers of invisible occasions of sin wherewith he is encompassed continually but will readily embrace such Reproofs as Providential warnings unto watchfulness in those things whereof before he was not aware 4. When the mind by these Considerations is rendred Sedate and weighed unto Christian moderation then ought a man in such cases patiently and peaceably to undertake the Defence of his Innocency and his own Vindication And herein also there is need of much Wisdom and Circumspection it being a matter of no small difficulty for a man duely to manage self and Innocency both which are apt to influence us unto some more than Ordinary vehemency of Spirit But the Directions which might and indeed ought to be given under all these particular Heads would by no means be confined unto the Limits fixed to this Discourse 3. If the matter of the Reproof be True in fact then it is duely to be considered whether the offence for which any one is reproved be Private or Publick attended with scandal If it be private then it is to be weighed whether it was known unto and observed in and by the Person himself reproved or no before he was so reproved If it were not so known as we may justly be reproved for many things which through Ignorance or Inadvertency or Compliance with the Customs of the World we may have taken no notice of and if the reproof bring along light and conviction with it the first especial improvement of such a peculiar reproof is thankfulness to God for it as a means of deliverance from any way or work or path that was unacceptable in his sight And hence a great Prospect may be taken of the following deportment of the mind under other Reproofs For a readiness to take in Light and Conviction with respect unto any evil that we are ignorant of is an evidence of a readiness to submit to the Authority of God in any other Rebukes that have their Convictions going before them so the heart that is prone to fortifie it self by any Pleas or Pretences against convictions of sin in what it doth not yet own so to be will be as prone unto obstinacy under Reproofs in what it cannot but acknowledge to be evil If it were known before to the person reproved but not supposed by him to be observed by others under the covert of which imagination sin often Countenanceth it self that Soul will never make a due improvement of a Reproof who is not first sensible of the Care and kindness of God in driving him from that retreat and hold where the Interest of sin had placed its chiefest Reserve Sins so far Publick as to give matter of offence or scandal are the ordinary Subject of all orderly Reproofs and therefore need not in particular to be spoken unto Having shewed the Nature of Reproofs in general with such considerations of the matter of them as have afforded occasion unto sundry particular Directions relating unto the duty under Discussion it remains only that we farther explain and confirm the two generals comprised in the observation deduced from the Text namely 1 Why we ought to receive reproofs orderly or regularly given unto us esteeming of them as a singular priviledge and 2 How we may duely improve them unto their proper end the Glory of God and the Spiritual Advantage of our own Souls As to the first of these we may observe 1. That mutual reproofs for the curing of evil and preventing of danger in one another are Prime Dictates of the Law of Nature and that Obligation which our Participation in the same Being Offspring Original and End to seek the good of each other doth lay upon us This God designed in our Creation and this the rational Constitution of our Natures directs us unto To seek and endeavour for each other all that good whereof
Divine Reproofs and Threatnings on their Souls When this is done when our hearts are kept up unto an awful regard of them exercised with a continual meditation on them made tender careful watchful by them any just Reproof from any that falls in compliance with them will be conscienciously observed and carefully improved 6. We shall fail in this Duty unless we are always accompanied with a deep sense of our frailty weakness readiness to halt or miscarry and thereon a necessity of all the Ordinances and Visitations of God which are designed to preserve our Souls Unless we have due apprehensions of our own state and condition here we shall never kindly receive warnings before-hand to avoid approaching dangers nor duely improve Rebukes for being overtaken with them It is the humble Soul that feareth always and that from a sense of its own weakness yea the treacheries and deceitfulness of its heart with the power of those Temptations whereunto it is continually exposed that is ever like to make work of the Duty here directed unto Wherein doth appear the Blessedness of Forgiveness and how it may be obtained Serm. XXIX Psal 32.1 Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven whose Sin is covered OF all the pains or torments that any of the Children of Men do or can feel in this Life none are comparable to those which proceed from the lashes and wounds of a guilty conscience under the apprehensions of the anger of a Sin-revenging God and the impression of some scalding drops of his wrath upon the Soul Prov. 18.14 The Spirit of a Man will sustain his infirmity but a wounded Spirit who can bear David had ventured to transgress and that very hainously and in his breaking of God's Law he had broken his own peace in his dishonouring of God's Name he had wounded his own Conscience After his sin David is shy of God and keeps silence for a while maketh no confession God is highly offended and hides his face from him but layeth his hand sorely upon him making such a deep impression of his displeasure upon his Spirit that he sunk under the weight of it and it became so very grievous unto him that he roareth out all the day under the horrible anguish which he felt hereby yea he complaineth that his moisture was hereby turned into the drought of Summer In this condition David could find no relief no ease or asswagement of his grief until upon acknowledgement of his Sin he had obtained forgiveness and God through his free grace and tender mercy had covered his iniquity as we shall find in the 3 4 and 5. verses of this Psalm which I take to be the occasion of the joyful acclamation and sweet expression in my Text the first verse of the Psalm concerning the blessedness of remission or happiness of the man that hath with him obtained so great a priviledg which priviledg none have a greater sight of than those that have felt the wounds and smart and roared under the horrour of an accusing Conscience and been terrified with the furious rebukes of God's angry Countenance And because this was David's case therefore he might the more feelingly Pronounce those to be Blessed whose Sins were pardoned Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven whose sin is covered Blessed The word in the Original signifies Blessedness 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and it is read in the plural number because as one saith That Man is many ways blessed he is blessed in this world Vir ille est multis modis beatus nempe in hoc mundo in altero est beatissimu● faelicissimus ut propriae videantur beatitudines ad eum singulariter pertinere Genebrardus Quia multa bona debent concurrere ad beatitudinem vel ut ostenderet t●lem cumulatè beatum esse Pol. Synop. Alii 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 est interjectio sive adverbium sic Rhetorica exclamatio ex abrupte vel laeta exclamatio de faelicitate ejus O beate illum Sic Schindler 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Quibus remissa est iniquitas Calvin Condonati praevaricationis cui demittitur praevaricatio Pagnin Qui levetus à defectione Jun. Trem. Vel qui exoneratus à transgressione a quo ablata transgressio Pisca absolutus à crimine Pol. ex Gei and in the other world he is most blessed and happy So that Blessedness seems most properly to be his and singularly to belong to him and it is the plural number because many good things concur to true Blessedness or to shew that such a one is cumulatively happy he hath a heap of blessings upon him Thus our learned Mr. Pool in his Synopsis The same Author observes that some take the word Blessed in the Hebrew to be an Interjection or Adverb And so make this to be a Rhetorical though abrupt exclamation or a joyful acclamation at the happiness of such Whose transgression is forgiven There are divers versions of these words One translates them out of the Hebrew whose iniquity is remitted Another whose prevarication is forgiven Others and that nearer the sense of the Hebrew words who is eased of his defection or unburdened of his transgression Another from whom his transgression is taken away Another who is absolved from his Crime all which versions agree in the same sense with our Translation whose transgression is forgiven for remission of Iniquity or Prevarication is the same as the forgiveness of Transgression to have the sin taken away to be eased and unburdened of the transgression what is it more than to have the sin forgiven forasmuch as the weight and load of guilt is by forgiveness removed whereby alone the Conscience is truely eased and so to be absolved from Crime is as much as to be acquitted from all Obligation of punishment and this is done in forgiveness of sin Whose sin is covered He is Blessed whose sin is covered 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not he whose sins are covered by himself So Prov. 28.13 He that covereth his sins shall not prosper all ought to acknowledg unto God without hiding any as v. 5th of this Psal I acknowledged my sins unto thee and mine iniquity have I not hid But he is Blessed whose sin is covered by God Psal 85.2 Thou hast forgiven the iniquity of thy People thou hast covered all their sin Sin is covered when it is covered by God and when it is covered from God not as if any sin were or could be covered from the Eye and view of his Omnisciency but sin is covered from him when it is covered from his angry Eye and his wrathful revengeful Countenance That is when God ceaseth to be angry for the sin through his reconciliation to the Sinner Piscator noteth upon the place that sin is here compared to filthinesses which use to be covered that they may not offend the Eye When the offence of God's Eye is removed then sin may be said to be covered And it is observed that in the Hebrew the
the Souls of others with close and pressing importunities to prize and prosecute that Element and State of Joys and Holiness which is not credited relished and valued by himself And further 2. Were it supposed also that the regular faithfulness of a Minister was separable from the spirit faithfulness of a Christian either in themselves or in the Subject yet how can we imagine such operative influential apprehensions and true relishes of the joy reported and proposed as shall prevail against all oppositions and discouragements and competitions from the frowns and flatteries bribes and stroaks of Earth and Hell to animate a Minister's brest so as to make him through in all the Enterprizes and Employments of his Function whil'st his own Work and Interest as a Christian is neglected and those influences of this joy entailed upon a course well finished though they be powerful to make him faithful in the one shall yet be found too languid to issue in the same diligence and success as to the other And 3. We must conclude that this Eagle-eyed Apostle saw and reckoned on it that a Christian Minister and an Apostle must be a through-Christian and something yea much more or else he could not possibly conclude his Course would bring him to his Joys 1 Cor. 9.24 27. Therefore the Sense and Errand of the Text amounts to this Doctr. That the comforts of a well compleated course will make all discerning serious Christians to be above the regard of Life or fear of all afflictions bonds or death to compass them Rom. 8.18 and Phil. 1.20.23 The very instance argument and errand of my Text and Doctrine grounded thereupon imply and include several things as that 1. there is a state of future joys and retributions for we have no reason to imagine that our Apostle was so blind as to be deceived himself nor so wicked as to deceive others No man that knows and credits the existence of a Deity but he must take him to be the strongest wisest the best of beings and so that he must needs be omnipotent omniscient and all-sufficient and if so then it is beyond all controvesie that omnipotence can at such a rate address it self to Creatures as to make them happy or miserable as it best becomes it self He that ordained and framed this state cannot be thought to have acted to the utmost of his strength for what can stint omnipotence and doth it suit the wisdom of God to make a Creature capable of an everlasting state and of the hopes and prospect of it and to implant in it an expectation of it and rule him by those hopes and fears which do and must derive their influences from an eternal state and after all to make it evident that man was only made to be imposed on or ruled and managed by mistakes and meer fallacious arguments and errours or hath God afforded us the least intimation of his mind in nature providence or scriptures that this is the way of conciliating that love and honour from his Subjects or of implanting and maintaining those necessary fears in man which government requires for the attainments of its ends to make them live in expectation of what is no ways fit to reach its ends because it is either false or mean and therefore I need not go about to prove what here is granted and improved and what so many incomparably better pens have proved before me 2. this state hath sufficient force as to argument and motive to press us to do and suffer all that we can meet with or be called to in our whole Christian course All those severe perplexities which our religion calls us to as to obedience in sufferings and duty are not beyond the compensations of these approaching expected joys and if they obstruct the influences and eclips the light and glory of what is proposed and promised as our great argument and encouragement 't is utterly only our own fault that makes what is sufficient to be ineffectual 3. The comforts of a course well finished cannot be had without the regular management finishing of our course this can never be without resolution and preparation of the heart by which it must be born and kept above immoderate love to life and fear of sufferings and death Faith is the spirit of religion the spirit of faith is hope and the spirit of hope is love and these are all the most successful preparations of the heart Had faith its liberty power and prospect in the heart of all professors it would make them too sagacious concerned to be imposed on by plausible delusions and bold pretences in all these sublunary trifles to that substantial solid satisfaction and excellency which are expected by ductile mortals to be experienced therein or hoped for therefrom Did we but look beyond the grave and wilderness and search and see that land of promise which is beyond them we might be entertained and allured with such clusters from it as would afford us more grateful relishes and spirits than all the feculent extractions of these transient comforts could amount to All our delights and pleasures in and great sollicitudes about these lower things would be effectually mortified and conquered 2 Cor. 4.17 18. what breasts of consolation are evidence substance Heb. 11.1 sense and presence do strangely invigorate strengthen the dangerous influences of this Worlds comforts and concernments in their addresses to the heart of man 2 Tim. 4.10 And because the gain and comforts of true Religion are invisible and distant therefore their certainty and transcendent excellency must be concocted into deep and sound Perswasions and be digested into answerable Affections Resolutions and Pursuit and all those Arguments and Motives which must prevail upon us to run and finish the course and race which is set before us must be derived from and are to be reduced to this deep perswasion of these certain and transcendent comforts nor is it possible that Religion should live or thrive but in the power of and true proportion to our apprehensions and perswasions of those fundamental truths and principles of God's existence and rewarding excellency Heb. 16.6 Man must be ruled as God hath made him and as fear and love are the commanding passions and affections of every subject capable of moral government so something there must be reported and determined fit for the exercise and discipline thereof and if transcendency in what must influence ●oth be not credible and demonstrable their influences must of necessity prove too languid to attain their end Equality spoils choice as far as i● extends and if the comforts of another state do not exceed what we can meet with here sure powerful Godliness would lose its life and brests together nor could it be existent in its practice without its arguments and motives and with submission to better judgments I think that impossibility of pleasing God without faith spoken of Heb. 11.6 Results not only
they know and they have great jealousies and suspicions of it in sober thoughts and cool blood to their eternal sorrow cost and shame 'T is terrible to those that never valued the joys and hopes and work of Godliness and cannot then expect the recompences of that Godliness which they declined and hated And it is terrible to those that are uncertain as to their spiritual state dark in their evidences low in their hopes and disturbed with melancholick or other fears about their interest in God and Christ and everlasting welfare of their immortal Souls So that where all or any of these things prevail men dread to leave this Life and to be transmitted to another state by Death be it natural or violent And the same Reasons Helps and Motives that may be useful for the one may be also useful for the other and therefore before the Case can be resolved something must be premised to prepare the way and that is this viz. The Argument of the Text is a successful proper Antidote against a double evil and it is the ground and measure of a necessary Duty 1. The Evils are the inordinate love of Life and the fear of Bonds Afflictions Death 2. The Argument imports 1. A prospect of something better than what we are called to mortifie feel or quit and that is joy resulting from a Course well finished and a state if I may call it so of meer non-existence cannot deserve or claim the name of Joy 1 Cor. 15.17 29 32. And nothing but this prospect could necessitate his sufferings or his disregard of Life nor could this do it had he not sure foundations for his Confidence Heb. 11.6 Tit. 1.2 2 Tim 1.10 2 Cor. 4.17 18. And therefore the Prospect mortifies the inordinate fear of Death Now 2. The Argument imports a Project too and that is this viz. so to manage and compleat the Course as to secure the Joy which cannot be if Life or any thing have an equal or transcendent interest in us or influence upon us and therefore the necessary Duty is the Conquest of the Love of Life and Fear of Death The measure of our necessary Conquest is fetcht from its relation and subserviency to the Prize So far as Love of Life and Fear of Death are opposed to and inconsistent with our better hopes and work so far they must be overcome And the ground of the Duty is in the Text because otherwise our Course cannot be finished with joy it can be neither regular nor successful without the conquest and attainment of my Text And therefore my Answer to the Case before us shall lie in these few following Directions Direct 2. Be throughly perswaded of and heartily affected with a Life to come 2 Cor. 4.17 18. This is the poyse and pondus of Religion Heb. 11.6 This is the heart and strength of Godliness Acts 24.14 26. 'T is this that strips that King of Terrors Death of all his frightful looks and strength This spoils his fatal Conquest Gripe and Sting 2 Tim. 4.6 8. 2 Cor. 5.1 10. and 1 Cor. 15.51 58. It was this that did invigorate the confidence and courage of that Noble Army of Martyrs Heb. 11. throughout This cloaths the Brow with Confidence to face the storms and entertain the challenges of Earth and Hell Rom. 8.35 39 This startles hearty Resolutions into awakened Exercises forceth such expressions of inward strength and fixedness as shall amaze the world and shame the daring stupid Infidel into strange Convictions of the transcendent joys gain of godliness and its approaching triumphs This makes the heart indifferent to live or dye so that by either the great concernment may be prosperous and successful and need I furnish you with arguments to perswade you to believe another state doth not the word of God the soul of man the course and consequence of moral government pass into arguments to prove this thing would God create capacity in the soul of man to render him proper for another state and do this as the result of his remarkable love and wisdom and make him capable of being influenced by motives drawn from hence and after all turn his capacity into his wrack and abuse and rule him by mistakes and errours and shame those hope and confidences in the Soul and strip it of those proper ends and exercises which God himself ordained enjoined and started Moreover will not the state and element of everlasting retributions be more significant than a probationary state and theatre and if so no way more proper to conquer the inordinacy in our case than right perswasions and resentments of another state of life It is no wonder that an Infidel should be inordinate in his love of life for he that looks for nothing when he is dead cannot attempt divorcement from his Idols interest and consolations here for now he must conclude that a living dog is better then a dead man and if the smart conviction will not suffer him to remain an Infidel for Atheists and Infidels cannot be such without his permission if not judicial stupefaction and desertion by whom they were created yet if he relish not the joys and exercises of another state hereafter he cannot but be wanton and imposed upon by his ensnaring dreams and shadows and parcel out his heart till he have lost himself amongst the incoherent transient vanities of sense and fancy The world and present life are this mans all and 't is no wonder if when he hath nothing else on which he can place his heart he fix it here but oh when better things appear in chase and view when things commensurate with his capacity and duration strike his concerned eye with close and smart appulses and so affects his heart shadows must fly away and the Sons of the Morning must suit their exercises and attempts to the discoveries of their day and alienate their hearts from what will be abusive of their souls and hopes as their discoveries will make them then conclude Direct 2. Look upon life and comforts as they are not as they seem to be under their present circumstances and make your choice and value sutable thereunto Your life is but a shadow which must disappear a cloud that must be scattered more easily passed through than embraced and all the glory of this World is easily winked into blackness and distaste and all the lower comforts of our lives are but the crums we gather from the broken world The world it self is but an Element of Sin and Sorrow and through that curse upon it which was derived by our first apostacy it is become a stormy and disturbed Region There is nothing suitable to our better part therein when separate from God and set against him Our Souls the noblest part of Man are entertained with nothing but burthens stints and snares A chain of Gold may pinch as hard as one of Iron There is nothing here that can endure those warm affections and close
consolations proper for that hour O! what refreshments do oft times issue and arise from those discoveries of God's image in us presence with and favour for us which are made by us when we are forced to retire within when all things round about us fail and lose their interest in and favour with us because our flesh decays and wasts through pains and rottenness to which the bewitching dotages of time could make their easiest and most successful applications And it oft-times happens that our fears exceed our pains and that the King of Terrors doth not gripe so hard nor stab so painfully as we are apt to think and look for but when the stroke is given indeed and the pains are gone how easily and quickly do the first openings of our eternal morning even swallow up all the remembrances of our dying sorrows Oh when the joys and visions of our God invade and exercise our departed Souls then comes the great prelusion and welcome pledge of our eternal conquest of this last enemy and after a short sleep of Bodies in the dust whilst Souls retire and go to God the Trump will found the Lord will come the World shall perish or be refined by the flames and the dead rise again and die no more 3. Is it because you fear a change of state to your great disadvantage when you are dead that you are loath and dread to die If so then it is because either 1. You credit not or question the certainty and excellency of the world to come Or 2. Because you do not understand and value it Or 3. You do suspect your interest in and fitness for it If it be the first concoct those Arguments and Intimations which God hath given you by diligent enquiries sober pauses faithful meditation reflect upon the first and second Propositions and those more cogent useful Treatises which are written on this Subject and wherewith the world abounds and let not the bribes and flatteries of a vain world divert you nor the malignant influences of a wanton Fancy corrupt and mortifie the Faculties which God hath given you for this end for here the light is ready for the prepared eye 2. If you do not understand its excellence and so have no value for it compare both states together that so your choice and value may result from wisdom and be the product of true and sober judgment Is it so good to dwell delight and perish in the flames of smart contention betwixt God and you or to have your breath and spirits expended in dreadful groans and ecchoes to the Apostle's deep complaints and cries in Rom 7.18 21 23 24. Is there no melody like heart-reproaches for practical despising and displeasing God Psal 51.3 4. Is there such harmony and advantage in the sluggish exercises motions of diseased souls Is there such pleasure in dark and difficult discoveries which are but one remove from the thick darkness of damning Ignorance and Blindness as that your aversation to be sent away unto that Element of clearer views and visions in the other world may well be fixed there Can you delightfully be exposed to temptations to injurious and unworthy thoughts of God and dwell where God is little discerned prized and served What! is an Hospital such a desirable habitation that you are loth to quit it Are the distractions pains and vanities of a forsaken world such Charms and Loadstones to your hearts as to set you on building Tabernacles and fixing there Who ever loved to be exposed to miseries or to build his Palace on the sands or hasty Streams and what is this state of Life but the true Theatre and Center of all these woes and miseries But of this see more in Prop. 2. But if you look above and pierce the Heavens there you will meet with clear discoveries and vehement flames of Love and all desirable unconceivable vigour liberty and satisfaction in an immortal state 4. Is it because you do suspect your interest in and fitness for the life to come If so then know the terms of Life and try your state thereby Do you not know what God is believe what he saith accept what he tenders and do what he commands Know you not who Christ is what he hath done what he expects what he promises and will do Are you an enemy to the Graces Truths and motions of the Spirit and to his directing quickning and comforting influences Are ye not dead to sin alive to God through Christ Is not another Life the exercise and object of your chief desire pursuit and satisfaction have you no prevalent inclinations affections and resolutions to renounce the World Flesh Devil and to discharge all your Duties to God yourselves and others with wisdom holiness activity and courage And to do all this as in the sight of God and with delight as in the hopes and prospect of a better world and to expect what God hath promised in the ways which he commands If these things be in you and abound your hearts are right condition safe and title good If you be wanting here this is your way of reparation and security Do these things and Death is yours and when these things are done all your discouraging doubts fears are answered and dispelled by being clearly understood For 1. It is one thing to be fit to die and another thing to know it 2. It is one thing to have your Title good another thing to be sinless and so fully ripe for Heaven immediately 3. It is one thing to have a serious fixed heart and will for God and another thing to have passionate affections which depend more upon the temper of the Body than the power and ripeness of the Grace of God upon the heart 4. It is one thing what we cannot be though we would be with strength and readiness of will another thing what we have little or no will to be 5. It is one thing to love and hate proportionably to what God and sin are and deserve and 't is another thing to love and hate as God requires in proportion to our strength and with reference to our Work and Joy And 6. It is one thing to have Corruption dwell in us and another thing to have it rule 7. It is one thing to be tempted of the Devil and another thing to yield thereto And 8. It is one thing to have ground of Hope and Joy and another to have the sense thereof 9. Joy is also considerable as our Duty and God's Gift And these 9 Distinctions well observed rightly applied and carefully improved will go exceeding far towards answering all those Doubts which animate unwarrantable Fears of Death in those whose hearts are right whilst their hopes are low their jealousies great their Spirits faint and so their Lives uncomfortable through their own ignorant and sad Mistakes Infer 1. Christian Religion at the worst is better than a course of wickedness at the best Inf. 2.
and light transient tasts and relishes are no evidences we must have these better things to bear up our hearts against the coming of the Bridegroom It sufficeth ●ot to be enrolled among Professors and to enjoy the charitable thoughts and approbations of the wisest Virgins under Heaven It is singular mercy to be rightly guided in self-esteem and valuation for they that measure themselves by themselves or compare themselves among themselves are not wise The Apostle 2 Cor. 10.12 would not have us to take up with the positive degree of good things but to take our aims by the comparative of better These good things are more light ineffectual and superficial and too often like the Seal that is impressed upon bare Paper whereas these better things are like the Seal's impression on the Wax Yet let no trembling Soul or broken reed be affrighted at the end of these foolish Virgins to see the Door thus shut against them the tender heart of Jesus Christ aimeth not at our consternation but awaking and to prepare and hasten us unto Glory before the Key be turned Nor doth his Apostle in the foresaid place despise the day of small things but his real scope and purpose is to excite Professors to look carefully to their foundations and then to go on unto perfection Heb. 6.1 And blessed for ever be the Lord for the second part of that sixth Chapter to the Hebrews in the close whereof we may see the afflicted heart tossed with tempests and not comforted yet hoping in Mercy and fleeing to Jesus as his Refuge and casting the Anchor of his floating Soul within the Vail whither the Fore-runner is entred for us who himself was once tossed in the Ship of the Militant Church albeit without sin but is now gone ashore to heaven as our fore-runner both to look to our Anchor which is fastned there and to hold all fast and to draw our tossed Ship to shore and to see all safe that where our fore-runner is there may we be also And thus the sweet conclusion of that Chapter doth fully recompence the severity of its beginning Let us comfort our selves and one another with these things Thirdly You have heard the miserable condition of such especially Professors of the Gospel and Pretenders to Christ who have Grace to seek at his coming As for the hapy state of such as are ready to enter in with him into the Bride-chamber of eternal peace and joy I shall speak a little in the Close Now therefore in the remainder of this Exercise it will be expected as seasonable that it be considered What gifts of Grace are chiefly to be in exercise in order to an actual Preparation for the coming of Christ by Death and Judgment For his coming is first by Death and then by Judgment And I say an actual Preparation because there is always a general and habitual preparedness to meet Christ Jesus in hearts that are truly godly but not always a particular actual fitness And this we see here in the five wise Virgins who are found in their midnight-sleep with Lamps that have need of trimming at the coming of Christ Thus Hezekiah was fit to dye as to a general and habitual fitness in that he could assert his sincerity before God when the message of death was brought him but he was to seek of a particular actual fitness in that he begs for longer life with prayers and plenty of tears The Message of Death awaked him and the holy man is startled and hath his Lamp to trim for the tidings of his death at hand was as much in effect as if it had been said unto him by the Prophet Behold the Bridegroom cometh go forth Hezekiah to meet him The nature of his distemper which some by the remedy a lump of Figs applied to the Bile conceive to have been the Pestilence and this considered with the shortness and sharpness of the Message and the Prophet Isaiah's quick abrupt departure from him that the King had then no Heir to succeed him in the Throne and also that he was now at the full strength of Nature being but nine and thirty years of age and his fear also what might become of his Kingdom and of his former Reformation after the grand Apostasie of his Father Ahaz I say these considerations made him to apprehend that there was a rebuke of God in this present Dispensation and therefore he is loth to dye under a temporal frown albeit his a vowed integrity would at the worst have seen him safe at heaven For though a Child of God cannot dye in his debt yet he is unwilling to depart under the sense of his temporal displeasure so as the good Prophet did whom the Lion slew at his return from Bethel to Judah 2 Kings 13.24 When David therefore was under God's rebukes for sin and even almost consumed with the blow of his hand he betakes himself as Hezekiah did to prayers and tears saith he Psal 39.10 11. to the end Hear my prayer O Lord and give ear to my Cry hold not thy peace at my tears for I am a stranger with thee and a Sojourner as all my Fathers were O spare me that I may recover strength before I go hence and be no more Thus you see that the dear Children of God who have a general and habitual fitness to meet Jesus Christ when he is coming to them by Death and Judgment may yet be to seek of a particular actual preparation 2. Before I come to the answer of the Question let me premise this also That though a state of Grace is here supposed seeing Grace cannot be exercised where it is not yet there may be need to have it cleared inasmuch as the want thereof is a great hinderance in the way of this Duty You know that one that feareth God and obeyeth the voice of his Servant Jesus Christ may yet walk in darkness and see no light Isa 50.10 and he may say with Jonah he is cast out of God's sight and his soul is filled with troubles when his life draweth nigh unto the Grave wherefore let your eye be not only on your Lamp but also on your Vessel and examine your Oyl as well as mind your light For though you have received an Vnction from the Holy One and felt the sweet influences of the Spirit and have had the witness in your self yet the Comforter which sometimes relieved your Soul may at the present be far from you and suspend his testimony for Grace inherent is not self-enlightning but like the Moon which holdeth forth Light no longer than the Sun shineth upon it and though the Diall hath its Lines and Figures to declare the time of the day yet you will be to seek if the Sun withdraw hi● Light Even thus though the Spirit of God hath drawn the Lines and Figures of his Gifts and Graces in your heart yet if he also do not shine upon them you will not know what
and therefore the Blessing is null and moreover what the meaning of this Providence is that my Brother should come forth against me in this hostile manner I knovv not Wherefore I humbly beg thy Blessing and the confirmation of that Title vvhich hath so great an error in it Thus God brought an old reckoning to his remembrance in an evil day and set it on his conscience and put him to repent and mourn for he wept and made supplication to the Angel Hos 12.4 He came not off so easily but was fain to vvrestle hard all night to lose his rest and to struggle and sweat and pray and vveep and shed many a tear and to go halting aftervvard upon his Thigh unto his dying day Take heed therefore of old Reckonings undischarged look back and consider hovv it hath been and omit not a day vvithout revievving your Actions and Repentings I say as duly as the day determineth let not the Sun go dovvn upon any guilt contracted that so your sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord and exercise your self to have always a Conscience void of offence towards God and men and this vvill the better prepare you for the coming of Jesus Christ both by Death and Judgment Fifthly Be much in the exercise of Goodness Mercy and works of Liberality towards Christ in his needy Members according to your opportunity and power For though you shall be saved by your Faith yet you shall be judged according to your Works And it greatly concerneth us to be laborious in that Service upon vvhich the judgment shall pass at Christ's appearance Mat. 25.35 36. Call your self therefore to an account what you have done in this way for Christ as how you have fed cloathed visited relieved him in his Members here on earth And if this were more considered such as profess to Christ would be more active for him in ought wherein they might be more serviceable to him but when we see but little activity in the exercise of this Grace we may well fear there is but little Oil in the Vessel for rich anointings will make men agile and ready for every good work inasmuch as the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and they that hope for eternal Life when Christ shall come by Death and Judgment must seek for Glory Honour and Immortality not only in well-doing but in continuance in it Beware of Omissions and among others of this great duty The Judgment will reach unto all sins In the Narrative of his Life and Death and to omissions in a special manner Mat. 25.37 38. For which that learned and holy Vsher was humbled upon his death-bed The Nobleman hath put a Pound into your hand saying Occupy till I come yea he hath given you many Pounds in a literal sense with which you must trade as well as with the Talents of your Parts and Gifts of Grace And I know you would be glad to find Mercy with Onesiphorus in the day of Christ Remember therefore Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy Mat. 5.7 But He shall have judgment without mercy who hath shewed no mercy whereas mercy rejoyceth against judgment A merciful man is so far from fearing judgment at Christ's coming that he rather rejoyceth at the thoughts of it Sixthly Exercise diligence and faithfulness in your particular Calling For when Christ speaketh of his Coming saith he Be ye ready for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh What followeth Who then is a faithful and wise servant whom his Lord hath made Ruler over his houshold to give them meat in due season Blessed is that servant whom his Lord when he cometh shall find so doing Mat. 24.44 45 46. When Christ was speaking to this Point saith Peter Lord speakest thou this Parable to us or even unto all Luke 12.41 Truly Christ spake it unto all though in a special manner to such as Peter for Christ will have an account how every one of us have managed our particular Callings But they that are Stewards in the House of God which is his Church have a very great account to give and it is required of them in a special manner that a man be found faithful and of all Christ's servants his Stewards have most to answer for that if a dispensation of the Gospel and the care of souls were not committed to them he that understandeth the weight of Stewardship would dread to undertake it but a necessity is laid upon them and wo unto them if they Preach not the Gospel It is said of Calvin that when Nature began to decline in him Melch. Adam in vit Calv. and the symptoms of a dying man appeared on him he would be diligent at his Studies from which his friends disswading him saith he Nunquid me Dominus inveniet otiosum Shall my Master find me idle Let such therefore and all be diligent and faithful in their respective place and employments And indeed every man is a Steward more or less You know what the Master saith of the slothful Servant Take him and cast him into outer darkness there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth Such slothful servants shall be under the tribute of eternal pains Prov. 12.24 when the good and faithful Servant shall be made ruler over many things and enter into the joy of his Lord Mat. 25.23 Would you stand before Christ at his coming Oh dread Idleness and unfaithfulness in your Callings as you desire to be sound of him in peace at his appearance Fill up your days with Duty and give your time to him who gave it to you Paul was a great lover of Christ and his Appearance and who more abundant in his Labours for him For he had the Conscience of his indefatigable industry and fidelity in his work for his Master Saith he I have fought a good fight I have finished my course I have kept the Faith 2 Tim 4.7 8. He meaneth especially his military faith and oath in fighting a good fight for Christ And wherefore do we hear him groaning so earnestly desiring to be cloathed upon with his house which is from Heaven It was because he laboured ambitiously that whether present or absent he might be accepted of him For saith he We must all appear before the Judgment-Seat of Christ that every one might receive the things done in his body according to that he hath done whether it be good or bad 2 Cor. 5 2. with 9.10 Lastly That I might not multiply particulars let me add what Christ hath joined together Sobriety Watchfulness and Prayer Luk. 21 34.36 And therefore take heed to your selves lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfetting and drunkenness and cares of this Life and that Day come upon you unawares Gird up therefore the loins of your minds be sober and hope to the end for the Grace that is to be brought