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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15622 A view of the marginal notes of the popish Testament, translated into English by the English fugitiue papists resiant at Rhemes in France. By George Wither Wither, George, 1540-1605. 1588 (1588) STC 25889; ESTC S120301 238,994 326

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beléeue you but must néedes score vp this amongst your lies Acts. 23. 18. The text ⸫ And he taking him brought him to the tribune and said The prisoner Paul desired me to bring this yoong man to thee hauing something to say to thee The note See the curtesie and equity of heathen officers toward their prisoners to saue them from all iniurie and villanie The answer And compare on the other side the barbarous and sauage crueltie of popish bishops and other officers and kéepers towards them that were their prisoners for the testimonie of the truth in the late daies of Quéene Marie and thou shalt euidentlie sée that poperie hath exiled from the professors thereof all kinde of humanitie Acts 24. 14. The text But this I confesse to thee that according to the ⸫ sect which they call heresie I do so serue the father my God beleeuing al things that are written in the law in the prophets The note Bicause Tertullus the Iewes orator called Christian religion the sect or as it is there verse 5. in the Greeke the heresie of the Nazarens Saint Paule answereth and sheweth that it is no heresie And as for the word Sect in this place it is in the Greeke according to the way which they call heresie as also Acts. 9 2. 24 22. And therefore the worde Sect is heere so taken See annot cap. 28 22. The answer By this note we sée that you read the Gréeke text and otherwise it is vtterly to no purpose For there is nothing in it but ●hat euerie boie that hath learned his Gréeke Grammer may sée As for the ioie that heretikes take of this that Christian religion is called here and else where a sect or heresie it may reioice papists as much as any other Acts. 24. 25. The text And he disputing of ⸫ iustice and chastitie and of the iudgement to come Felix being terrified answered For this time go thy waie The note The Apostolike teaching was not of onely and speciall faith but of iustice and chastitie and iudgement that is to saie of the terror of hell and other Gods iudgements in the next life answerable to our deedes in this world by which the hearers were first terrified and so induced to penance how saie heretikes that then such things make men hypocrites The answer If there be any that teach so onely and speciall faith that they omit to teach other Christian duties tell vs I praie you tell vs who they be Otherwise we shall thinke this to be an ordinarie cast of office with you to induce your ignorant followers to thinke that iustice chastitie and iudgement to come are not taught now a daies Againe if you can shew vs any that deny the preaching of the iudgements of God to be profitable for the conuersion of men frō wicked waies tell vs that we may also detest them Yet we saie that they which neuer learne to yéeld obedience to God of sonnelike dutie but of seruile feare are but hypocrites when they are at the best Acts. 25. 11. The text But if none of those things be whereof they accuse me no man can giue me to them ⸫ I appeale to Caesar. The note If Saint Paule both to saue himselfe both from whipping and from death sought by the Iewes doubted not to crie for succor of the Romain lawes and to appeale to Caesar the prince of the Romaines not yet Christened how much more may we call for aide of Christian princes and their lawes for the punishment of heretikes for the churches defence against them Augustine epist. 50. The answer It is lawfull for man being wronged at an inferior magistrates hand to séeke for defence and protection at the hands of the superior and higher It is lawfull also for true catholikes to vse the defence of their owne princes and soueraignes against the violence of heretikes and to vse the benefit of their lawes for the punishment of them But it is vnlawfull to séeke to set princes togither by the eares one with another and to constreine other mens subiects and their dominions by force of armes to accept and embrace religion For this neither the example of Paul approueth neither yet Augustine alloweth Acts. 25. 19. The text Of whom when the accusers stood vp they brought no cause which I thought till of but certaine questions of their owne superstition which they had against him and of one ⸫ Iesus deceased whom Paule affirmed to liue The note This whom he tearmeth by contempt one Iesus hath now made al the Romaine Emperours and princes of the world to know him and hath giuen the seate of the Caesars to his poore seruants Peter and his successours The answer Saint Peter neuer vsurped Caesars seate Those whom you vntrulie tearme his successors like traitors haue by treason displaced their soueraigne Lords and by force and fraude set themselues in their place But that this was giuen them by Christ is your surmise which you can neuer prooue Acts. 26. 20. The text Whereupon king Agrippa I was not incredulous to the heauenly vision but to them first that are at Damascus and at Hierusalem and vnto al the country of Iurie and to the Gentiles did I preach that they should do ⸫ penance and turne to God doing works woorthie of penance The note Penance often inculcated and works agreeable to the same The answer Repentance which you corruptly call penance and workes woorthie of the same we inculcate in our sermons oftener more earnestly and more fruitfully then you And yet we foster no such confidence in the merits of mens works and doings as you flatter and puffe vp men withall Acts. 27. 9. The text And when much time was spent and wheras now it was not safe sailing bicause the ⸫ fast now was past Paule comforted them saieng to them The note It may signifie the Iewes fast of the seauenth moneth September after which the nauigation was perilous winter approching The answer It is verie likely that Luke reckoned the time according to the maner and custome of the Iewes and that therefore it is their fast in the feast of reconciliation that is here spoken of Which if you would haue vouchsafed to haue cited Master Beza or Master Caluine for you should haue done well for of them or one of them you learned this But whatsoeuer you reape by them you haue not any good maners to be thankfull to them for it Acts. 27. 24. The text Feare not Paul thou must appeere before Caesar and behold God hath ⸫ giuen thee all that saile with thee The note Paul saith S. Hierom had so many soules in the ship giuen him that is so many men saued for his sake and after he is with Christ shall he shut his mouth and not be able once to speake for them that haue beleeued in his Gospell Hierom aduer Vigil Whereby he prooueth that if God do much for the merits of saints in this life much more at their intercession and
is contrarie to the report of your stories And he hied him maruellous fast that was so quickly at Ierusalem againe But to let passe that fable which carieth no shew of truth Peter did not set men a worke to kill and murder Herod for the iniurie offered him but committed vengeance to him to whom it belonged Of whom then learned the pope and his adherents to set men a work to murder the Lords annointed and to giue the murderers absolution afore hand Acts. 12. 23. The text And foorthwith an Angel of the Lord ⸫ strooke him bicause he had not giuen the honor to God and being consumed of woorms he gaue vp the ghost The note Princes that take delight in the flatterie and praises of the people so much that they forget themselues to be men and to giue the honor to God may be warned by this example The answer The example is terrible and hath preuailed with many princes and great estates who héerby haue béen admonished to learne to know themselues But the man of sinne the child of perdition the bishop of Rome I meane whom you his flatterers and clawbacks aduance aboue all that is called god and who most proudly taketh vpon him that which was neuer granted to mortall man nothing can make him afraid Acts. 13. 46. The text To you it behoueth vs first to speake the word of God but bicause ⸫ you repell it and iudge your selues vnwoorthie of eternall life behold we turne vnto the Gentils The note The Iewes of their owne free will repelling the truth are vnwoorthie of Christ and woorthily forsaken And the Gentils though they beleeued specially by Gods grace and preordination yet they beleeue also by their owne free will which standeth well with Gods prouidence The answer That the Iewes repelled the grace of God offered them and would none of it we manifestly sée That the Gentils beléeued also by Gods grace and preordination that is also euident by the text it selfe For there beléeued as many as were preordinate to life euerlasting But that they beléeue by their frée will also is your addition without any warrant bicause you cannot abide that faith should be the méere gift and liberalitie of God Acts. 14. 16. The text Howbeit he left not himselfe without ⸫ testimonie being beneficiall from heauen giuing raines and fruitful seasons filling our harts with food and gladnes The note The heathen might by the daily benefits of God haue knowen him at the least to be their creator and onely Lord though the mysterie of our redemption were not opened to them The answer All nations haue so much knowledge offered them in the creatures and things which they sée and are subiect to sense as to make their damnation iust and themselues void of excuse for ignorance Acts. 14. 22. The text And when ⸫ they had ordained to them priests in euerie church and had praied with fastings they commended them to our Lord in whom they beleeued The note We see by this first that S. Paul and Barnabas were bishops hauing heere authoritie to giue holie orders secondly that there was euen then a difference betwixt bishops and priests though the name in the primitiue church was often vsed indifferently lastly that alwaies fasting and praieng were preparatimes to the giuing of holy orders The answer We cannot sée by this that Paul and Barnabas were bishops but that the Apostles at the first planting of the churches had authoritie to order them and to appoint bishops and pastors to them Neither do we find héere any mention at all of sacrificing priests much lesse any difference betwéene bishops and elders that labour in the word whom we also call priests Your last obseruation that in this example fasting and praier is commended to vs in the election choise and appointing of pastors to particular congregations is true Acts. 15. 4. The text And when they were come to Hierusalem they were receiued of the church and of the Apostles and ⸫ Ancients declaring whatsoeuer God had done with them The note Ancients heere and often in this chapter are the same that priests vers 2. as Saint Hierom taketh it also 1. Peter 5. and the Greeke approoueth being alwaies one 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 priests Hierom in 1. ad Tit. 4. ad Galatas The answer For the name of priests so your sacrificers thereby be not vnderstood we stand indifferent But what reason can you shew why in English you flie the word Elders and translate it Ancients Acts. 15. 7. The text And when there was made a ⸫ great disputation Peter rising vp said to them The note See the annotation verse 28. towards the end The answer Your annotation shall be answered with the rest Act. 15. 9. The text And God which knoweth the harts gaue testimonie giuing vnto them the holie Ghost as well as to vs and hath put no difference betweene vs them ⸫ by faith purifieng their harts The note By that faith that worketh by charitie for a dead faith can not purifie the hart of man See chap. 16. 31. The answer Who doubteth of this But here is a secret confession by force of truth of your manifold cauilling in these notes in separating those things from a true liuely iustifieng faith which can not be sundered from it For if here you vnderstande that faith which worketh by charitie why do you not so to when we speak of iustification by faith Act. 15. 23. The text Then it pleased the apostles and ancients with the whole church to choose men out of them and to send to Antioch with Paule Barnabas Iudas who was surnamed Barnabas and Silas cheefe men amongst the brethren ⸫ writing by their hands The note Other latin copies and the Greeke read thus writing by their hand an epistle conteining these things The answer Whether it be expresly added or no the sence is one séeing their epistle followeth verbatim But yet this is to be marked that you make your choise in varietie of copies to follow those which furthest dissent from the Gréeke Act. 15. 36. The text And after certaine daies Paule said to Barnabas Let vs returne and ⸫ visite our brethren in all cities wherein we haue preached the worde of our Lord how they do The note Hereof our catholike bishops tooke vp the necessarie vse of often visiting their flocks and cures committed to their charge for confirmation in faith and vertue and reformation of maners both of cleargie and laitie The answer The apostolicall office being vniuersallie to spread the truth 〈◊〉 to laie the first foundation of Christian Religion necessity of doing their dutie compelled Paule and Barnabas to be absent from the churches which they had planted The knowledge of Sathans subtilties and of humaine infirmitie caused this care to visite the churches againe which they had planted and to confirme them Your bishops I doubt not would faine be Apostels in seeking euerie one to himselfe a little world to gouerne