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A14710 An hundred, threescore and fiftene homelyes or sermons, vppon the Actes of the Apostles, written by Saint Luke: made by Radulpe Gualthere Tigurine, and translated out of Latine into our tongue, for the commoditie of the Englishe reader. Seene and allowed, according to the Queenes Maiesties iniunctions; In Acta Apostolorum per Divum Lucam descripta, homiliƦ CLXXV. English Gwalther, Rudolf, 1519-1586.; Bridges, John, d. 1618. 1572 (1572) STC 25013; ESTC S118019 1,228,743 968

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shoute required to haue Christ most shamefully crucifyed There are infinite lyke examples which teach vs that Tirauntes cannot allwaye doe what they list These serue to encourage vs that we be not afrayde at the vaine threates of the worlde but to follow our vocacion boldely and not to doubt of Gods defence and ayde who hauing nombred the heares of our heade will suffer nothing to happen vnto vs without his good prouidence and pleasure He defendeth those that be his in the middle of Babylon and Egipt as long as he seeth they serue to set fourth his glorie and to bring other into the way of saluation And when they haue finished their course he calleth them vnto him And although it may then seeme the wicked haue some power vpon them yet is it none other but that they ryd the godly out of this myserable dungeon of the flesh whereas they themselues in the meane season fill vp the measure of their iniquitie and be receiued into Hell among them which brought feare into the lande of the lyuing Furthermore we may behold the state and condicion that tyrants are in when they seeme to be of most power and authority that is to say how while they go about to put many in feare they stande in feare of many The same cōmeth to passe in them that we see fal out among cruell beasts such as are Beares Lions Panthers other like These beasts are fierce against all they meete with are feared of all men Yet men make taltrops digge pits for them and make engines to kill them wherby it commeth to passe many times that that beast which not long before made an whole country afraid is killed by the hande of some one man the most cowarde and fearefullest of al other men Tyrants many times find it so commeth to passe by them and therefore they are still vexed wyth the preposterous feare and dread of the people and going about to make all men afrayde liue in feare of them that are nearest about them as Luke in this place saith these men did Hence proceede those exquisite gardes that Tyrauntes haue about them for preseruation of their bodies and lyfe For this cause most times they wage souldiours and armed men out of straunge Countries and promyse them selues more safety in the defence of straungers than in their owne countrymen bicause among straungers they thinke there be none that hope for any gaine by their death For this cause Masinissa King of Numidia being both in amitie and league with the people of Rome and hauing foure and fiftie children garded his bodie with mastiues and bande dogs reposing in them a more sure succour and defence than in men whome he knewe hee had many times offended What shall we say of Dionysius which caused his daughters to learne the Barbers craft bycause he woulde not commit his throte to the handes of men And after his daughters were mariageable woulde trust them no longer nor neuer woulde company wyth any of his wyues before they were dilygently searched and ransaked But Histories be ful of these examples which may both comfort vs against tyrantes and teach all men that be in authoritie to doe iustlye and truely and not to thinke their lyfe safe through vnbrydeled authoritie For the more they make afrayde the more they prouoke to lye in wayte for their goodes and lyues And whosoeuer be ledde wyth the feare of God and thinke to follow his commaundements and moderate their authoritie and power after the same although sometimes the wicked craftily laye wayte for them yet shall they perceyue that God defendeth them who can easily scatter the deuyses of all that are seditious as we are taught by the examples of Dauid and Ezechias Last of all Luke telleth what the Apostles did after they were let gone saying They came vnto their fellowes and shewed them all that the highe Priestes and Elders had sayde So they declare all the matter to the congregation both for that they woulde mooue them to prayer as the things following declare and also that perceyuing the threates and attemptes of their enimies they might all arme themselues with a christian valiantnesse and pacience and as farre as they might without preiudice of religion take heede of their ginnes and snares By which example we are taught that it is lawfull for Ministers of the Church to declare openly to the congregation whatsoeuer the professed enimies of the truth take in hande agaynst Christ and his flocke Which thing manye nowe a dayes thinke not onely superfluous but also to haue in it some likelyhoode of sedition when eyther the Popes Bulles or the decrees of Synodes and Counsayles and horrible threates of Antychrist are recited before the Congregation But by these mennes iudgement both Christ and his Apostles shall be accused of sedition who it is euident many times thus did Let vs rather remember that the Ministers of the Churche are appointed to be shepeheardes and watchmen It is therefore their dutie to rebuke Woolues and to warne the sheepe of daungers at hande The ende of all these things is that the faithfull shoulde turne vnto God by prayers and amendement of lyfe and be armed with Christian fortitude and constancie of fayth that when we haue ouercome all the attemptes of our enimies we may be taken at length into the blessed kingdome of Iesus Christ to whome be praise honor power and glory for euer Amen The .xxx. Homelie AND when they hearde that they lift vp their voyces to God with one accorde and sayde Lorde thou art God which hast made heauen and earth the sea and all that in them is which by the mouth of thy seruaunt Dauid hast sayde why did the heathen rage and the people imagine vaine things The kinges of the earth stoode vp and the Rulers came togither against the Lorde and against his annoynted for of a truth against thy holy childe Iesus whom thou hast annoynted both Herode and also Pontius Pylate with the Gentyles the people of Israel gathered themselues togither to do whatsoeuer thy hande and thy counsell determined before to be done And nowe Lorde beholde their threatenings and graunt vnto thy seruantes that with all confidence they may speake thy worde So that thou stretch foorth thine hande that healing and signes and woonders bee done by the name of thy holy chylde Iesus And as soone as they had prayed the place moued where they were assembled togither and they were all filled with the holy ghost AS our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ doth oftentimes make mention of the persecutions of the godly so the holy ghost woulde haue Luke diligently to set forth the persecutions of the primitiue Church not only for to maintaine the truth of Christes sayinges but partly for that we shoulde not be offended at the aduersitie and tribulation wherwith the church is now a dayes troubled as at a straunge and vnwoonted thing and partly for that we
horrible attemptes against the Church of Christ and such vnhappy disturbances and troubles in the same Yet besides all these the examples whereof this Hystorie is full bringeth vs no small fruit of learning and godlynesse For in this stage as it were of the Church may wee see the Apostles and Apostolike persons by whose example all the ministers of Christes Church may learne with what trust and prudencie they ought to handle Christs cause with what constancie and truth they may defende the same with what puritie of maners they shoulde leade others and with what courage and pacience they should vanquish all aduersitie Here are set forth Magistrates both good and bad by whose counsel and doings they that be in office may take a president of their gouernment Here want examples neyther of riche nor poore Here haue men of whome they may learne and here are remembred the notable deedes of certaine women of whom all womanhood may take an example to lyue by To be briefe there is no degree or state eyther of the laytie or spiritualtie but this booke instructeth it with many peculyer presidents And although it be but little which I haue spoken in commendation thereof yet I suppose it appeareth therby that God ment to enriche his Church with a singular iewell and treasure whan it liked him by the mynisterie of Luke to haue the storie of the Apostles and primitiue Church to be written It behooueth vs to acknowledge his goodnesse and to follow the diligence of the holy Ghost in searching for the thinges comprysed in this holy writing which Luke beginneth with these woordes In the former treatise deare THEOPHILVS we haue spoken of all that IESVS began to doe and teach c. Before hee entreth into the discourse of the Actes of the Apostles he rehearseth the thinges that Christ did with his Apostles a little before his Ascention He vseth a little short and plaine Preface in the which as it were by rehearsall of thinges done before hee continueth and ioyneth this booke with his first entituled the Gospell of Iesu Christ written by Luke and therwithal sheweth what he purposeth in thys his other booke For the sense of hys woordes seemeth to be this In the first booke I spake of all those thinges which Iesus Christ the Sonne of God did here on earth for our sakes but now in this I am purposed to discourse of the thinges which he would haue done by the mynistery of the Apostles after hys departure in body out of the worlde And he doth dedicate his booke to one Theophilus whom most men do thinke to haue bene some speciall friend of Lukes and singular in the fayth In deede the addition which he putteth to hys name in the Preface of his Gospell calling him 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is most noble or excellent is vsed chiefely to great men in authoritie And afterwarde wee shall heare how he attributeth the same to Festus and Foelix presidents of Iurie He was therefore some godly man of authoritie such as God vseth alwayes to appoint in hys Church to succour and ayde the same beyng in strife and contention And yet no man may hereof gather that the same booke appertaineth not aswell to vs all But rather let all men endeuour to shew themselues to be Theophili that is to saye louers of God and thinke that Luke speaketh no lesse vnto them than to this auncient Theophilus And truly as many as beleeue in Christ being reconciled by him vnto God loue him with all theyr harte and powers But touchyng this opinion it mattereth not much since it is playne ynough that all the doctrine both of the olde and newe Testament appertayneth chiefely to all them that loue God so that thereout they may haue both learnyng and comforte It shall be profitable to examine these fewe woordes of the Euaungelist somewhat more diligently And first is to be considered how he professeth to write of all the thinges For Luke may seeme to repugne with Iohn which about the ende of the Gospell written by him saith There be also many other things which IESVS did which if they shoulde be wrytten euery one I suppose that all the worlde coulde not contayne the Bookes that should be written But these places may be easily reconciled For Luke saith not he hath written euery thing perticularly but he testifieth that he hath spoken of all things necessary to be knowē for the attaynement of our saluation and which may instruct vs with sufficient knowledge of Iesus christ For albeit the Euaungelistes rehearse not all the doings and sayinges of Christ yet is Christ neuerthelesse to be beleeued neither was it needefull they should declare all things For it is euident that Christ which is the selfe truth gainesayth not him selfe in anye place but he obserueth one ende in all his sayinges It is manifest that all his doings tende to one marke and purpose Wherefore though the Apostles had let passe none of them all yet should we haue knowne none other Christ nor learned any other fayth than that wee haue learned by the writinges extant This doth Iohn witnesse when he saith Many other signes truely dyd IESVS in the presence of his Disciples which are not written in this Booke These are wrytten that yee might beleeue that IESVS is Christ the Sonne of GOD and that in beleeuing yee might haue lyfe thorough his name IOHN witnesseth that wee attayne vnto life through beliefe in christ And forasmuch as this beliefe may fully be learned and perceyued by the thinges written of Christ I thinke no man but he that is past shame can denie but that all thinges concerning the perfect doctrine of our saluation and Christian fayth is comprehended in the writings of the Euaungelistes Therefore Luke in these woordes reprooueth the impudent arrogancye of the Sophisters of these dayes who being tried and conuict to haue thrust many thinges into the Church without authoritie of holy Scripture would fayne slippe away with this slye shift saying that all the thinges necessarie for vs to beleeue and obserue are not contayned in the Scripture Which if wee graunt then must wee confesse that eyther the Apostles Prophetes haue not taught vs the faith in Christ perfectly or that this faith is not sufficient to saluation neither of which is tollerable for Christian eares Furthermore Luke comprehendeth all Christes office and ministery here on earth in two woordes that is to say in Woorkes and Doctrine Wee will not here speake of the dutie of a teacher of whome it is well sayde that hee should teach the people with good example For the Euaungelist meaneth not in this place to describe the properties of a teacher but to propose and set forth such thinges as are to be considered of Christ. And he giueth Woorkes the first place whereby he meaneth not myracles onely but whatsoeuer thinges else hee did for our saluation as Kinge and priest For the Scripture
their mindes as they read occupied with other cogitations as though the reading of scripture were appoynted but for delyte or to passe the time away Let vs therfore well marke what commaundementes and examples belong to our vocation that we maye continue in the same and declare our industrye towarde god For in thus doing a minister of the worde shall thinke whatsoeuer things are spoken by the Prophetes or Apostles touching the administration of the same worde to be sayde vnto him And they that be Magistrates let them thinke whatsoeuer is sayde in the Scriptures touching the dutie of Officers with examples of auncient Magistrates whether they be good or badde to be spoken vnto them The same shall priuate men also doe of what state or condicion so euer they be So shall it come to passe that with a certayne godly delight and pleasure of minde they shall receyue incredible profite by reading of the Scriptures Let vs examine the wordes of Peter wherein two things most appertayning to this present purpose are handled First he teacheth what maner of person should be chosen to the roume of an Apostle Then he defineth the office or dutie of an Apostle And of these two he so disputeth that they may serue to the institution of all Ministers of the word of the congregation To the first part appertayneth this saying Wherefore of these men which haue companied with vs all the time that the Lorde IESVS had all his conuersation among vs beginning at the baptisme of Iohn vntill that same day that he was taken vp from vs must one be ordayned c. Peter requireth here two things of great weyght The first is a sure and sounde knowledge of Iesus Christ and of all the things he did whyle he was amongst his Disciples For vsing an Hebrewe phrase by two contraries that is to saye of going in and comming out he includeth all things that euer Christ did Yet least any man should take occasion hereof ouer curiouslye to inquire after euery thing he compasseth this knowledge within certaine boundes that is to saye the baptisme of Iohn and the glorious ascention of Christ into heauen For before Christ was baptised of Iohn he led a priuate life in Nazareth of Galiley behauing himselfe obediently to his Parents and exercising the Carpenters craft as maye be gathered But the thinges that concerned our redemption and belonged to the office of the Messias he then went aboute when hee had bene baptised of Iohn and was authorized by the visible annoynting of the holy Ghost and by the testimonye of the father which was hearde from heauen For which cause the Euangelists contented with the describing of his incarnation touching his nonage and childehoode haue written very little For the holy ghost ment hereby to bridle the foolish curiositie of mans wit which not many yeares ago vttred and set forth it selfe by no simple writers I warrant you who haue compyled vs the lyfe and whole chyldehoode of Christ to the great mockery open scorne of the Christian profession Howbeit Peter thinketh the knowledge of these things sufficient and inough which Christ did after he was so solemnlye admitted and put in office And this knowledge was necessary bicause Christ ordayned his Apostles to be faithfull witnesses of his doings Secondly he requireth a certaine and euident signe of perseuerance and continuance For he woulde haue none chosen out of that number which were yet but nouices and newly entred into Christes religion but such as began to follow Christ from the beginning of his conuersation amongst men and so continued with him being neyther feared with daunger of persecution nor offended with the crosse and his ●launderous death And these thinges should now a dayes be obserued in choosing ordering of Ministers if they had any care of the Church which chalenge greatest authoritie ouer the same For it is playne that the chiefe dutie of the Minister standeth in teaching as God sayth by the Prophete In the Priestes lippes should be the sure knowledge that men may seeke the lawe at his mouth For hee is the messenger of the Lorde of hostes But how shall he teach who is vnlearned and rude him selfe Surely Paule in a Bishop requireth this thing chieflye that he be able to teach and that not only the playne doctrine of truth to the more tractable sort of men but also that he be able to refell and conuince such as shall gainesay and contrary the same whereof there is alwayes a great multitude Therefore in a Minister of the worde the knowledge of Christ and his misteries is necessary with al the things that concerne the articles of the Christian fayth and the dutie of the faythfull There is required of him diligent reading of the Scripture wherein hee ought to be well exercised He hath neede of the knowledge of the tongues that in reading the Scriptures he depende not vpon the sense of others and be constrayned to looke with other mens eyes and to go with other mens feete Furthermore it is meete he be furnished with the Artes of speaking that hee maye perceyue what to propounde in what place and after what sort and order All which are of such weyght that Paule not without a cause exhorted Timothy to continue on still in reading who yet he confesseth of a childe had learned the Scriptures Moreouer whereas infinite daungers hange ouer the function of Ministers boldenesse of minde is requisite least being ouercome with feare of perill hee drawe backe or sticke in the middest of his course But this shall chiefly be perceyued by perseuerance or continuance whereof no doubt he had giuen manifest tokens The same hath Paule obserued likewyse where he sheweth vs that a Byshop shoulde not be a yong scholer or Nouice least being puffed vp with sodaine dignitie he commit some thing dishonest or vncomely and giue occasion to the aduersary to reprooue him Yea and Christ himselfe at his last supper commendeth his Apostles whom it is plaine were subiect to many faultes and infirmities chiefely for this cause that they abode with him in all his temptations But let vs see Peters last wordes where he defineth the office or dutie of an Apostle Let one be appoynted sayth he which may be a witnesse of his resurrection First he will haue a partner or fellow ioyned with the eleuen not a seruant whome the reast at their pleasure might commaunde For he knewe that equalitie was needefull to be amongst Christes Ministers Then he calleth him a witnesse which name Christ called them by a little before he went from hence And the often repeticion and diligent consideration of this name is not a little profitable For hereby the worthynesse of the Christian fayth and certaintye of the doctrine euangelicall may be perceyued bicause Christ had not onely preachers of the things he did ●ut also sworne witnesses which wrate and deliuered to vs the fayth in him Last of
passe after God had giuen them his lawe he sayth they were iustlye forsaken of God and giuen vp into a reprobate minde and vtterly blinded And that this was the iust iudgement of God may easily be gathered of the things before going For their vngodlynesse and vnthankfulnesse deserued the same whom neyther the worde of God nor infinite other thinges whereby it pleased God to reueale himselfe vnto them coulde keepe in doing their dutie They were worthy therefore that euen seeing they shoulde be blinde hearing they should be deafe and should be hardened in their harts as God threatneth by his Prophete Yet may we see in other Nations lyke examples of Gods iudgementes Paule affirmeth the same of the Gentyles superstition And would to God we sawe not the lyke euen among them that glorye in the name of Christians For after they had banished the authoritie of Gods worde from them and that it lyked them to learne rather of dumbe ymages than of the liuely worde of god then ranne they on so farre in superstition that the very Iewes and Turkes laughed at them And here commeth to my remembrance that notable saying of a Turkishe Ambassador who being in the Court of a great Christian Prince and being asked why the Turkes so abhorred the Christian religion and coulde not be induced to beleeue in it aunswered that no man being in his right witte coulde alowe or lyke that religion which worshipped those for Goddes that were inferior and of lesse power than they that worshipped them And what he ment therby he after declared by our breaden god and by the Idols which were worshipped in Churches which being made by those that worshipped them did prooue sufficiently sayde he that the religion was preposterous and contrary to common sense and reason These thinges Christian Princes knowe the Bishops and people in generall yet no man is grieued at the great iniurie thereby done vnto Christ so that wise men are not without a cause afrayde that many euen in our dayes also are giuen vppe into reprobate mindes This place teacheth vs also that no man can holde the right waye in religion except he be first guyded by the hande and spirite of god For the naturall man perceyueth not the thinges belonging to the spirite of God. Nor no man commeth to Christ except the father drawe him And for bicause he draweth by his worde we must studie the same For whosoeuer make light thereof and cast it fro them make themselues vnworthye of the grace of god Wherefore God turneth his backe vpon them and wrappeth them in darkenesse deuoyde of all light and truth Therefore it behooueth vs to haue a diligent care of the worde and so to depende vppon the same that being entred into the ryght waye we swarue neyther to the right hande nor to the left And least any man should be so impudent as to denye that the fathers thus did Steuen alleageth a testimonie of the Prophete Amos written in the .v. chap. There the Lord accuseth the people of Israell as well for many other vices as for this that they abode not syncerely in his worde And that the heynousnesse of their sinne might the more appeare and that all men might see howe God doth not expostulate with them without a cause he sheweth that this is an olde impietie begun somtime in the wildernesse and afterwarde so increasing that it is become incurable and can not be taken awaye but with the destruction of the whole Nation It shall make much for our instruction if we diligently consider euerye thing that is here sayde First he speaketh of the disobedience and wickednesse of the fathers in the wildernesse in these wordes Gaue yee to me sacrifices and meate offerings by the space of fourtie yeares in the wildernesse ô ye of the house of Israel By asking the question he fortifieth his saying and denyeth that the fathers gaue any sacrifices to him for fourtie yeres long And yet it appeareth they built a Tabernacle according as God had appointed and Alters vpon the which they offred all kinds of sacrifices vnto God which brought them out of the lande of Egypt But God denyeth that thing to be done in the honour of him that is done for any other ende than he appointeth For God appoynted that the ende of all their outwarde ceremonies shoulde be resemblances of the Sauiour that was promysed and that they shoulde admonish them of their dutie as well in fayth and religion as in the whole conuersation of their lyfe But they forgetting this were occupied in the bare ceremonies and thought that by them they satisfied God and purged their sinnes Whereby it came to passe that they abused all their Leuiticals for a cloke and colour of licentiousnesse and wickednesse Therefore God worthily refuseth all this worshipping and sayeth it belonged not to him And there be also other places of Scripture wherein he constantlye affirmeth the same and sheweth that the obseruation of those things which he so diligently prescribeth in the lawe is not profitable Looke Psalm 50. Esay 1. and .43 Mich. 6. Hoseas 6. Yea when he sawe that they gloryed in their circumcision hauing no respect to the spirituall circumcision he cryeth out that their circumcision is not auayleable We are taught therefore by this place that all that worshipping is in vayne which is not done to that ende that God hath appoynted it For it can not be that without the obedience of fayth any kinde of worship can please God. But where the worde of God is neglected there remayneth no place for faith or obedience therfore they are but as vncleane and prophane things whatsoeuer they doe although outwardly they appeare agreeable with the worde of god What shall we then say of those ceremonies which stande onely vpon mannes authoritie and tradition the Lord long ago with one word hath vtterly ouerthrowne them saying they worship me in vaine teaching doctrines of men Euery plant which my heauenly father hath not planted shall be pulled vppe by the rootes ▪ The Lorde holding on in repeating the sinnes of the Israelites rehearseth what their posteritie did after they were in possession of the lande of Chanaan you tooke vnto you the Tabernacle of Moloch and the Starre of your God Rempham figures which you made to worshippe them He comprehendeth all sortes of Idolatrie vnder three kindes The first was the worshipping of Moloch which as it appeareth by the actes of Salomon who first builded a Temple to him was the God of the Ammonites And it seemeth he was the God called on at mennes natiuities or byrthes in the honour of whome infantes were sacrificed in fire as Manasse did which sacrificed his sonne in fire God had appoynted death for the punishment of this wickednesse as is declared Leuiticus 20. in these wordes Whosoeuer hee be of the children of Israel or of the straungers that dwell in Israel that giueth of his seede vnto Moloch
was at this time among the people of the Iewes seeing men durste declare so wicked an enterprise vnto the Priestes and Elders who they knewe vndoubtedly would ioyne with them in their doing Therefore they were all worthy miserably to perishe togyther Which thing let all them looke for like wise which in these dayes labour to gratifie Antichrystes Priestes with sheading of innocent bloud and banishing of the godly And yet howe vayne moste tymes their enterprises are this Hystorie following declareth For a nephew of Paules beeing but a yong strippling yet meete inough to interrupte their deuise chaunceth through the ordinaunce of God to vnderstande their purpose He declareth all the matter vnto Paule who sendeth hym vnto the Captayne and by his diligence and industrie this bloudy attempte as wee shall heare hereafter was quite dashed and defeated Thus God thought good to ratifie his late promise teaching vs all howe easie it is for hym to ouerthrowe the deuises of the wicked For what are wicked enimies able to doo agaynst him which seeth all thing and can arme and set foorth weakenesse agaynst them so he destroyed the wicked tyrannie of Pharao by Moyses that was throwen away in his infancie So he deliuered Sisara and Holo●ernes moste skilfull and valiaunt Captaynes to women to be killed So by the wisedome of Daniell beeing but a childe he reproueth the filthy luste of the Elders and Senatours and defendeth the honest and vertuous lyfe of Susanna And here in this place by the meanes of a yong springal he defeateth such a counsell and deuice as seemed scarse possible to be disappoynted by any meanes bycause it was taken in hande by moste desperate men confirmed with the holynesse of an othe or vowe and corroborated with the authoritie of the Priestes and Elders Lyke kinde of examples are in all Hystories By them it behoueth vs to learne the power of God in whom let vs truste and wee shall lesse feare the tyrannie of the wicked and beeing bolde in the quarell of truthe let vs put all our hope and confidence in God onely through Iesus Chryste our Lorde To whome bee blessing honour power and glory for euer and euer Amen The Cl. Homelie AND Paule called one of the vnder Captaynes to him and sayd bring this young man vnto the highe Captayne for he hath a certayne thing to shewe him And he tooke him and brought him vnto the high Captaine and sayde Paule the prisoner called mee vnto him and prayed mee to bring this young man vnto thee which hath a certayne matter to shewe thee The highe Captayne tooke him by the hande and went with him out of the way and asked him what is it that thou haste to tell me And he sayde The Iewes are determined to desire thee that thou wouldest bring foorth Paule to morrowe to the Councell as though they woulde enq●●●e somewhat of hym more perfectly but followe not thou they● myndes for there lye in wayte for him of them more than fortie men which haue bounde them selues with a vowe that they wyll neyther eate nor drynke tyll they haue kylled hym And nowe are they ready and looke that thou shouldest promyse The vpper Captayne then let the young man departe and charged hym saying See thou tell it out to no man that thou haste shewed thys thing to mee And hee called vnto him two vnder Capitaynes saying Make ready two hundred Souldiours to goe to Caesarea and horsemen threescore and tenne and speare men two hundred at the thirde houre of the nyghte and delyuer them beastes that they may sette Paule on and bryng hym safe vnto Felix the hyghe Deputie ALthough God neuer forsaketh hys electe but according to hys promises is at hande wyth them alwayes and in all places yet hee mixeth many tymes aduersitie wyth prosperitie bycause it is very profitable so to haue them kepte in dooing their duetie and to exercyse their fayth that they may learne to depende onely vppon hym and to ascribe all prosperitie vnto hym alone Many examples heereof are euery where But chiefely in the Hystories of Moyses Dauid and others wherevnto thys example tolde heere of Paule may worthely bee referred For wee haue hearde howe God appeared vnto him beeing greuously and many wayes tempted and effectuously comforted him promising hym that he shoulde not onely escape the handes of the Iewes but also shoulde beare witnesse of hym at Rome But lo or euer it was scarse day forty men conspire hys death and taking the Priestes and Elders to counsell with them so deuise the matter that it seemeth impossible for him to escape This appeared vtterly to be contrary to the promise of God yet bicause Paule is not ignoraunt of Gods vsage and custome he is neyther feared with the mention of sodayne daunger nor God fayleth not of hys promises yea where he least hoped for it God sendeth hym ayde and assistaunce as wee shall nowe see The vse of all these things is that wee should confirme our fayth heereby and not caste off our hope when wee see the successe of thynges not agreable vnto Gods promises For although the Lorde linger and tarry yet can he not forget vs continually But that we may receiue the more vtilitie hereby we muste diligently consider euery person First of all commeth Paule foorthe who althoughe he were confirmed wyth the Oracle yet hee boasteth not foolishely of Gods promyse and prouidence and setteth not all daungers lyghte but prudently taketh holde of that one meane that remayned in man and which hee myghte safely vse wythout breache of Relygion and Christian faythe hauing a care how to make the Captayne vnderstande all the matter by his Nephew that he beeing admonished of his duetie might conuey him from the bloudy handes of these conspiratours And bycause the matter might seeme of more importance and not bee suspected by reason of the age of the strippling he ioyneth a Centurion with him to be his spokesman intercessor By which example we are first taught howe we should vse the prouidence and promises of God in aduersitie For we muste not doubte but God by his eternal prouidence and counsell ruleth al things and the same can be stopped or hindred by no endeuour of any enimies For he vseth to scatter the counsell of Nations but his counsell as Dauid sayth endureth for euer Agayne he promiseth to bee with his people and to assiste them in all aduersities whose promises wee muste assuredly beleeue In the meane season the remedies and meanes which both are lawefull of them selfe and offered of God muste by no meanes bee despised or neglected least by putting our selues ouer rashely in daunger wee seeme to tempt god For the same muste be obserued in al our dooings that is vsed intillage and husbandrie For although all the encrease thereof commeth of God yet no man ought to neglecte husbandry without the great contempt of god Thus we read Dauid vsed somtimes to flie and somtimes other meanes which God
iustification 594 Peters counsel touching the waye of saluation 130 Peters quiet and securitie beeing in prison 493 Peters two miracles described 4●7 Peters traunce 433 Peters exhortacion to the Church to place an other Apostle in Iudas rowme 62 Peters expostulation with Symon Magus 371 Peters playnes to the Priestes and Scribes 136 Peters boldnes in rebuking sin 108 Peters maner of deliuery 494 Peters modestie 423 Peters pouertie 153 Peters patrimonie what it comprehendeth ibidem Peters supremacie and prerogatiue in the Churche howe the papistes proue it 51 Peters readinesse and good will too pleasure and benefite all men 153 Peters demaunde of Saphira 234 Peters answer in the councel at Ierusalem and the effect therof 203 P ante H Pharao his wisedome and kyndnes Pag. 311 Phariseys errour what it was 849 Phariseys secte what it was 803 Philip baptiseth the Ethiopiane after hee had made confession of hys Fayth 387 Philip the Euangelist 764 Philip an ensample of an Euangelike pastor ibid. Philip appointed to teache the Eunuche 378 Philip an ensample of christian stoutnes 364 Philip the Apostle of Samaria 361 Philips affabilitie or courtesie 383 Philips obedience 376 Philips sermon wherby hee conuerted the Ethiopiane 379 Philips doughters do prophesie 765 Philosophie whether it be necessary before the studie of Diuinitie 665 Phora what it signifieth 33 Phrygia and Galatia conuerted Pag. 619 P ante I Pilgrimage superstitiouse 665 Pilgrimage of the Apostles howe it was vsed 619 P ante L Please all men can no man. 467 P ante O Poore commended 145 Poore cared for and considered by the Apostles ibi Poore may haue no cause of impacience ministred them by the godly Pag. 274 Poore how they muste bee holpen Pag. 145 Pouertie is not to be ashamed of 153 Pouertie is alway puling and complayning 274 Posteritie of Christ is euerlastinge Pag. 381 Power of God is inuincible 539 Power of this worlde nothing compared with Christ. 485 Power without feare of God is a great mischiefe 207 P ante R Praying lowd what it meaneth 216 Prayer stirred vp by earnest meditacions 400 Praying with diligence profitable Pag. 427 Prayer rightly vsed 216 Prayers continuall 47 Prayers commended 763 Prayers feruent ibi Prayers offered to God in Christe acceptable 75 Prayers of the faythfull are hearde Pag. 221 Prayers of the godly are not vayne Pag. 500 Prayers ioyned to imposition of the handes 369 Publike Prayers acceptable to God. Pag. 141 Prayers require solytarines and going asyde 426 Prayers without faith vnprofitable Pag. 47 Prayers require sobrietie 433 Prayer a token of faith 76 In praying what gestures should be vsed 758 Prayers power and strength 54 Praying in publike commended 758 Prayers are the wings whereby the church flieth vnto God. 215 Prayers had their appointed houres in old tyme. 150 Praying must bee instaunt and feruent 400 Predestination certain 687 Predestination searchers 29 Preparation and watchinge for the comming of Christ thinges necessary 7 Prerogatiues without Christe are vayne 189 Preaching of the Gospell wherwith it must beginne 108 How men ought to preache 916 What men ought to preache 383 Preface to the Actes of the Apostles expounded 5 Presence of Christ vpon earth howe it must be vnderstanded 43 Presidentes of cōmon weales what vertues should be in them 311 Priesthode of Christ confyrmed with an othe 123 Priestes ignoraunt in Christe and in the Scriptures 534 Priestes fulfilled the scriptures 535 Priest auctours of the Apostles persecutions 191 Priestes enterprises hindred not Christ. 536 Priestes wicked are shamed for euer 63.64 Priestes and Scribes an vntowarde generation 136 Primitiue church not voyd of faults Pag. 274 Princes duties 321 Princes studies 377 Princes and Rulers called to beare office ought to heare Ecclesiasticall causes ibidem Priuate order of a Christian lyfe Pag. 146 Prophetes agree with the Apostles Pag. 600 Prophets for shewers of Christ. 350 Prophets bear witnes to Christ. 182 Prophets interpretat prophesies 610 Prophetes foreshew things to come but the end and meaninge of them they often vnderstand not 762 Prophets who were 508 Prophets gods seruaunts ▪ by whom he reuealeth his secret iudgements Pag. 99 Prophetes office 120 Prophets begū vnder Samuel 182 Prophetes testimonies concerninge Christ and his resurrection 536 Prophesying what it comprehendeth in it 96 Prophesying what the worde signifyeth ibi Prophesie how beneficiall and profitable it is 185 Prophets sermons are holy Scriptures 54.55 Proposition and sum of the Apostles oraciō to the people of Lystra 571 Propertie of things lawfull in Christian men 143 Promise concerning the holy ghost 13 Promises of the old testament extend to the Gentyles 134 Promise of the holy Ghoste made by Christe to the Apostles belongeth to all men 85 Promises of God made too Dauid touching his sonne 93 Promises of God must bee receyued by fayth 879 Promises of God are not made frustrat by the wickednes of men 17 Promises of God must be diligently thought on in aduersitie 327 Promises of God are all ratified in Christ. 854 Promises of God must bee patiently wayted for 79 Promises of god vnto the godly 115 Promises of God made first vnto Adam 852 Promises of God how they must bee vnderstanded 688 Promises of god are infallible 870 Promises of God truliest performed when men hope least in them 79 Promises touching the resurrection of Christ. 12 Promises of the holy ghost often repeated and why 73 Promises of the Gospell belongeth to euery man. 184 Promises made to the Fathers why they be so often repeated 163 Promises of saluation belong to Infantes 134 Promises of Christ are true 73 Promises of god certain true 328 Promises of God how they must bee vsed in aduersitie 744 Promises of our saluation true and inuiolable 284 822 Promises of God to what vse they serue 134 Prouidence of God. 437 Prouidence of God in gouerning the world wonderfull 889 Prouidence of GOD must not bee rashly abused 807 Prouidence of God foreknowen and decreed 110 Prouidence of God howe it must bee vsed in aduersitie 882 Prouidence of God excuseth not sinners 53 Prouidence of GOD no defence for wickednes 59 Prouidence of God comforteth sinners 171 Prouidence teacheth vs the honour of God. 670 Prouidence of God hath all thinges subiect to it 573 Prouidence of God exemplifyed in Iudas the traitor 56 Prouidence of God too what vse it serueth 110 Pryde the cause of euill and beginning of sinne 374 Pryde how mightely God reuengeth it 485 Prudencie muste bee vsed in the affayres of the church 604 Prudencie an example 812 Publike offices must bee committed to good and godly men 311 Publius is a president of hospitalitie Pag. 891 P ante V Punishment of contemning Goddes Counsel 875 Punishment of them that condempne Christ. 182 Punishment of Idolatrie and impietie 343 Punishmentes of Christes enemies what they are 59 Punishment is not sent of god without warning 674 Purification is by fayth 596 Purification god is auctour ibid. Pu●eolane church 893 Q ante V Question made by
as we may see in Daniel 7. .12 And Christ diligently describeth the same Math. 24.25 Iohn 5. He would also the Apostles shoulde be admonished hereof in this place bicause the remembraunce thereof serueth much both for our instruction and comfort For if according to the saying of the sonne of Syrach the remembrance of death bridleth the desire of sinne How much more shall it be restrayned if wee consider in our minde the ymage and counterfaite of the last iudgement where we all shall stande before the iudgement seate of Christ to receyue euery one of vs according as he hath done in this body whether it be good or bad What shall it then profite a man to haue gayned all the worlde if he shall lose his soule Agayne there commeth to vs by remembring of that daye marueylous consolation For hee that shall come to be a reuenger of all euill and a punisher of the wicked shall appeare the Redeemer of his people whom he shall make partakers of his kingdome and table glorifying them both in bodye and soule Wherefore speaking of the signes that shall go before the latter daye he sayth When these things beginne to come to passe lift vp your heades for your redemption draweth neare And Iob speaking of Christ comming to the iudgement saith I knowe that my Redeemer liueth c. It behooued therfore that the Apostles shoulde be admonished hereof that being boldened with this hope they might passe and ouercome the present daungers and grieuous troubles that were to come In the meane time let vs thinke that it is our dutie often to thinke vpon the same whereby we may both represse the naughtye desires of the fleshe and haue a good courage in the middest of daungers and distresse and so happily finishing the race of this lyfe may liue for euer with Iesu Christ our Lorde to whom be blessing honour glory and power for euer Amen The sixt Homelie THEN returned they vnto Hierusalem from the mount that is called Oliuete which is from Hierusalem a Sabboth daies iourney And when they were come in they went vp into a Parlour where abode both Peter and Iames and Iohn and Andrew Philip and Thomas Barthilmewe and Mathewe Iames the sonne of Alphaeus and Simon Zelotes and Iudas the brother of Iames. These all continued with one accorde in prayer and supplication with the women and Mary the mother of Iesus and with his brethren ALthough our Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christ hath taken his bodye from earth into heauen by his glorious ascention yet may we not thinke that he therefore hath cast aside the care of our saluation For it cannot be that that good shepeheard can forget them whome he did vouchsafe to redeeme with the price of his bloude This appeareth aswell by manye other arguments as specially by this that happened in his ascention as wee saw erewhile For whyle the Apostles abashed with his sodeyne departure stoode looking vp into heauen not knowing what to doe he sendeth his Aungels by whose ministerye they are not onely instructed concerning his ascention but also they heare a marueylous comfort touching his comming againe Which comfort we see was effectuous by that which fell out therof For Luke goeth on with his hystorie and sheweth what the Apostles did after Christ was taken from them we will speake of eche of these things in order to th ende the more learning instruction and consolation maye come vnto vs therby First of all they returne againe into the Citie For after they had worshipped as Luke sayth they returned againe to Hierusalem and being gathered togither in the vpper storye of the house which was appointed them to be in they waited for the spirite promised of God the father and Iesus Christ. It was from Mount Oliuete whence Christ ascended into heauen into the Citie a Sabboth dayes iourney which after the authoritie of Hierome is counted a two myles Here in these thinges we haue a singular example of the obedience of faith which it becommeth vs well to followe For the Apostles go agayne into the Citie not of their owne head and counsayle but as the Lord commaunded them which as wee perceyued in the beginning of this booke charged them not to depart from Hierusalem nor to seperate themselues one from another before they had receyued from heauen the holye ghost And yet there were diuers thinges that might haue perswaded them the contrary Amongst which the feare of present daunger and hostile entrappinges of the Iewes seemeth not to be eyther lightest or least And who coulde thinke to be safe in such a Citie as had bene vsed to slaye the Prophetes and whose handes were yet embrued with the bloude of the sonne of god Againe the small commodiousnesse and vnhandsomnesse of the place might haue turned the mindes of diuers awaye For in one house yea in a peece of one house as may be gathered by that that followeth about an hundred and twentie persons dwelled togither which coulde not be without great trouble as any wise man maye vnderstande Beside yet a more grieuous temptation cloked with the pretext of fayth and religion that is to saye that they knewe the holy ghost for whose cause they shoulde tarie in the Citie was tyed to no one place but as Christ sayth breatheth wheresoeuer it will. So that they might thinke it not onely in vayne but also a foolishnesse to wayte in such a daungerous place for the sending of the holye ghost which might as well be giuen them in another place as there And surely it is lyke that diuers such thoughts arose in them seeing there is no man ignorant how many things they that be in feare vse to cast in their mindes But they ouercome all these things with the fayth onely that they gaue to Christes wordes and despising all aswell perill as counsell of mans reason they purpose to obey the commaundements of christ Neither wanteth that holy obedience a most happy successe For they be both safe in that bloudy Citie and they also not many dayes after receiue the holye ghost as Christ had promysed Of this example we ought to make a generall lawe and rule that is to saye that we must walke in the vocation of God and in whatsoeuer his commaundements obediently and that wee suffer not our selues for any reasons that the fleshe can make to be pulled from our dutie For whereas our God is holye and a most louing father to mankinde he commaundeth nothing but that which is both holye and healthfull for vs For all his iudgementes are righteousnesse and truth and as Paule sayth this is the purpose and ende of Gods will that all men should be saued And bicause he is omnipotent he defendeth and maintayneth them that walke in his vocation and keepe his commaundementes and suffreth no hurt to happen vnto them The holy worshippers of God are sometimes tempted bicause it is necessary their fayth
Apostles burst into all the worlde which this vehement blast here did foresignifie and in despite of the worlde and Prince of the worlde the doctrine of the gospell was published throughout all Nations Let these thinges comfort vs against the vayne enterprises of the worlde and Tyrannes which studie to stop the course of the gospell For Christe lyueth styll which from hygh derideth the counselles of them and whose spirite bloweth where he wil and is not ruled at mens pleasure Thirdly there appeare clouen tongues as it were of fire which when they were settled vpon the heades of eche of them they were all fylled with the holy ghoste Wee sayde the wynde was a token or signe of the holye ghoste But here commeth a visible signe also of the presence of the spirite that there myght be no doubt at all thereof For this is the maner and trade of God to declare by outwarde tokens the inwarde and spirituall giftes which are conceyued by fayth only and haue their beyng in the mynde The which by reason of the proportion and infallible truth of God wherof they are signes and seales vse to be called after the names of the things that they signifie By this meanes it commeth to passe that Luke reasonyng of the tongues which sate vpon the Apostles heades so speaketh of them as though the spirite him selfe had syt on their heades But it is euident that these tongues were neither essentially the holy ghost nor yet had the holy ghost included in them For who wyll say the substaunce of the holy ghost is of fire except any man list to dote with the Persians which worshipped the fire as a god Who also wyll thinke the holy ghost whiche pierceth through all thinges and whom the scripture teacheth to be euery where present can be inclosed in so small a thyng as a tongue Besydes Luke saith not that the holy ghost sate on their heades but that their mindes were fylled with the holy ghost And the holy ghost shoulde in vayne syt vpon our crownes onlesse he entred into our mindes shewed foorth his power and efficacie Therfore the tongues were tokens of the presence of the holy spirite neither coulde the name of holy ghoste for any other cause be applyed to them than by reason of proportion and similitude that is betweene them as euen nowe was sayde Furthermore as in all other signes whiche God accustometh to vse there is perceaued to be a great lykenesse with the thinges that they signified so here also the presence of the spirite coulde by no other signe haue bene more euidently and properly expressed The lykenesse of tongues was most agreable with the Apostles office whom God had appoynted to be preachers The diuision of the same tongues represented the gift which they chiefly had neede of bicause they must beare witnesse of Christe in all Countries and be vnderstanded of all men And the element of fire signified that the voyce of the Apostles shoulde be effectuous through the workyng of the spirite For by this the spirite as by a bright brenning fire consumeth all the thinges in vs that are carnall and earthly By the same the spirite kindleth the myndes of men with the loue of heauenly thinges that leauing all earthly thinges behinde them they may aspire to the onely eternall goodes of the heauenly kingdome With this the holy ghost warmeth men that are benummed with sinne and maketh them meete and nimble to all good workes and to doe all thinges in Christe And this feruencie and fierie zeale is the proper marke of them which are led with the spirite of Christ Which spirit who so euer feeleth to be quenched in him let him ceasse to glorie in the spirit I coulde here rehearse diuers other effects of Christes spirite but that there is more commodious place to speake therof in the sermon folowyng where it shall be declared what the spirite wrought in the Apostles Let vs acknowledge the truth and goodnesse of Christ wherby he would thus prouide for his Church And let vs prepare our selues after the ensample of the Apostles that we also may be endued with the spirite of Christe and enflamed with the holye loue of God that being founde stoute in the duties of Christian life we may be taken for the true children of God and Coheyres of Iesus Christ to whom be blessing honour glorie and power for euer Amen The eleuenth Homelie AND they began to speake with other tongues euen as the same spirite gaue them vtteraunce There were dwellyng at Hierusalem Iewes deuout men out of euery nation of them that are vnder heauen When this was noysed about the multitude came togither and were astonied bicause that euery man hearde them speake with his owne language They wondred all and marueyled saying among themselues Beholde are not all these which speake of Galiley And howe heare we euery man his owne tongue wherin we were borne Parthyans and Medes and Elamytes and the inhabiters of Mesopotamia and of Iurie and of Capadocia of Pontus and Asia Phrygia and Pamphylia of Egypt and of the parties of Lybia which is beside Syren and straungers of Rome Iewes and Proselytes Greekes and Arabyans we haue hearde them speake in our owne tongues the great workes of god They were all amazed and wondred saying one to another what meaneth this Other mocked saying These men are full of newe wine ALthough the promises of our Lorde and sauiour Iesus Christe were first made to the Apostles and may seeme to belong to them onely Yet is it manyfest that the same are generall and to be extended to all them that doe beleue For as the Apostles bicause of their imperfection and other faultes had neede of the holy ghost and without the helpe of him could not discharge the office committed to them euen so we haue neede of the same spirite bicause if we be destitute of him we can neither order our life christianly nor holde the certainty of faith against the temptations of Satan Therfore the consideration of this present hystorie no man ought to thinke either vnprofitable or superfluous which both strongly mainteyneth the aucthoritie of the Apostolike doctrine also instructeth vs many other wayes For it teacheth vs howe we shoulde prepare our selues to receiue the spirite how we should iudge the spirites As touching the first was spokē yesterday The other may be learned by this presēt place For Luke goeth on in the discription of the hystory declareth the effectes of the holy ghost which he wrought aswel in the Apostles as in their hearers And beginnyng with the Apostles hee attributeth two thinges vnto them which they receyued by the operation of the holy ghost The first is that by and by after they had receyued the holy ghost they began to speake with straunge diuers tongues This is so great wonderful a myracle as I know not whether euer there happened a greater amongst men For who is ignoraunt how
he preferreth Publicanes and harlots to the kingdome of God before these whome Peter here reasoneth with Let this comfort vs that we knowe Christes honor remayneth safe and sounde howsoeuer the wicked worlde rageth against him For of him hath God sayde from euerlasting I haue set my king vppon my holy hill of Syon I will preache the lawe whereof the Lorde hath sayde vnto me Thou art my sonne this daye haue I begotten thee Aske of me and I shall giue thee the heathen for thine enheritance c. Secondly here is an Allegorie to be considered where the Rulers of the Church are compared vnto builders For this thing both admonisheth them of their dutie and setteth forth their whole office The name of a builder is not a name of honor but of charge and dutie and there is nothing so vnsitting for a deuiser or builder as ydlenesse For he onely amonge other that worke laboureth not but yet the whole charge and care of all the building lyeth on his shoulders And his ende is to haue a faire and sure house builded Which ende that he may attaine vnto he layeth a sure foundation vpon the which he setteth his whole frame and his whole care is to haue it workmanly finished These thinges the Ministers of the Churche must obserue whome the Lord hath called to labours and cares For they are builders of the house of God which is the congregation as Paule saith To the building vp of this house let them bring al that they are able remēbring that they haue receyued power to builde and not to destroye Let them laye no newe foundation but builde vpon that which the Lorde hath layde which Paule calleth the foundation of the Prophetes and Apostles which is Iesus Christ. This is that precious stone layd 〈◊〉 the foundations of Zion This is that rocke wherevpon we liuely stones must be builded and against which the gates of hell shall not be able to preuayle Now as the building must be begunne with this stone so the same stone is the chiefe and headstone of the toppe or corner For in him is our perfection and he ioyneth togither two nations the Gentyles and the Iewes into one body of a congregation as the corner stone ioyneth togither two walles He professeth also he is the doore of this building He is the true housholder which hath committed the charge of the house to the Ministers and will one day require a reckonning how they haue vsed his house Therefore let all Ministers regarde this goodman of the house and take heede that they bring no heye or stubble to this building where mennes traditions haue naught to doe As many as fayle in this poynt they with the Iewes being builders vpon a naughtie fayth reiect Christ on whome they fall and procure destruction to themselues After the which rule if they be well examined which nowe a dayes will be taken for builders of the Church it shall easily appeare what they may be iudged to be Last of all this chiefe principle of Christian beliefe must be deepelye layde vp in our mindes wherein Peter ascribeth to Christ onely the whole glory of our redemption and saluation saying There is saluation in none other That he prooueth by the decree of God adding For among men vnder heauen there is giuen none other name wherein we must be saued For as in the world euery thing must be brought to passe by those meanes which god hath appointed therevnto so is it impossible that saluation can be attayned to by any other meanes than by the merite of Christ whom God which is the only author of mans saluation hath appointed from euerlasting to this purpose and businesse And where it is euident Goddes decree can not be broken Peter thought this one place sufficient ynough to confirme his opinion which otherwise had other infinite places wherby to prooue the same For no man can discharge the dutie of a Sauiour but he that can take awaye sinne ouercome death make intercession for vs before God and giue righteousnesse and lyfe to them that beleeue in him That all these thinges be in the power of Christ onely all the Scripture teacheth vs and himselfe cryeth out in the Prophete I am the Lorde This is my name and my glorye will I not giue to another And of him onely the father bare witnesse from heauen This is my beloued sonne in whome I am well pleased Of him he sometime pronounced by the Prophete This is my seruaunt vppon whome I leane mine elect in whome my soule is pacified In him is giuen vnto vs grace and veritie In him are all the treasures of knowledge wisedome and goodnesse of God opened vnto vs. He is made vnto vs of God wisedome righteousnesse satisfaction redemption and sanctification He is to them that hunger the breade of life and to them that thirst a fountaine of liuelye water He promiseth to them that traueyle and are laden refreshing giueth it them He onely is the waye which whosoeuer taketh not hee cannot come vnto the father He is the lambe of God slayne from the beginning of the world through whose merite both the olde fathers were saued and as many as beleeue in him shall be saued vntill the worldes ende Finally in him Paule testifyeth that we be chosen before the foundations of the worlde were layde Therefore by this place all other religions which shewe vs any newe meanes of saluation beside Christ are confuted With this Rammer the Gentyles Idolatrie the Iewes righteousnesse in their lawe the Phariseyes boasting and hypocrisie the Popedome with all their market of pardons and merites and all that confused Chaos of Monkish orders are beaten downe ouerturned and brought to the grounde For whatsoeuer is beside Iesus can neuer saue vs Therefore they condemne not vs but Peter of heresie which in these dayes excommunicate vs bicause we cleaue to Iesus our onely sauiour contemning those things which the superstition of man hath brought vp But we easily contemne their iudgementes which learne of Peter that it is no marueyle if manye of the builders reiect this precious stone We embrace him with constant fayth without whome there is no saluation and which hath promised to all them that beleeue in him saluation and life euerlasting To him be praise honour power and glory for euer Amen The .xxviij. Homelie WHEN they sawe the boldnesse of Peter and Iohn and vnderstoode that they were vnlearned and laye men they marueyled and they knewe them that they had bene with Iesu And beholding also the manne which was healed standing with them they coulde not saye agaynst it but commaunded them to go aside out of the Counsell and counsayled among themselues saying what shall we do to these men for a manifest signe is done by them and is openly knowne to all them that dwell in Hierusalem and wee cannot denie it But that it bee
seene these men turned out againe by Monkes and Bishops and that they haue founde no helpe or succour in those goodes which they had layde vp for that vse to defende the Church by force agaynst the open enimies of religion And better successe let them not looke for which commit lyke offence For if Ananias and Sapphira deserued sodeyne death who as Luke writeth tooke nothing from the Church but deceytfully put aside and withhelde part of their owne goods what deathes and mischiefes doe not they deserue ▪ which dare ryfle Churches by open force and publike authoritie Let vs in these things acknowledge the power of Iesus Christ who as he alwayes doth vouchsafe to be mercifull to his Church so will he not suffer hir to be beguiled but will worthily punish both hir professed enimies and persecutors and also all hypocrites and deceyuers that the synceritie of true religion may be preserued to him be prayse honor power glorye for euer Amen The .xxxiiij. Homelie AND great feare came on all the congregation and as many as hearde it By the handes of the Apostles were many signes and wonders shewed among the people And they were all togither with one accorde in Salomons porch An● of other durst no man ioyne himselfe to them Neuerthelesse the people magnified them The number of them that beleeued in the Lord both of men and women grewe more and more in so much that they brought the sicke into the streetes and layde them on the beddes and couches ●hat at the least waye the shadowe of Peter when he came by might shadowe some of them There came also a multitude out of the Cities rounde about vnto Ierusalem bringing sicke folkes and them which were vexed with vncleane spirites And they were healed euery one WEe haue hearde the horrible example of Goddes iudgement whereby Ananias and his wife Sapphira were punished with sodeyne death both for that they falsly counterfeyted a fayth in Christ and al so went about to beguyle the Churche in the goodes that were giuen for the reliefe of the poore This example teacheth vs how great the seueritie of God is in punishing of hypocrytes who as he cannot be deceyued so can he not but be grieuouslye offended with them that go about to beguyle him We haue seene also what a feruent desire was in the primitiue Church to conserue and mainteyne discipline least eyther dissemblers or open malefactors shoulde creepe in and cause the fayth of Christ eyther to be defamed or suspected And to thintent all posteritie myght be enflamed to followe the same this present place followeth which rehearseth manye and singuler fruites of this example whereto are adioyned the traueyles and exercises of the primitiue Church to thintent we maye learne by them what we haue in these dayes to doe if we desire to haue the kingdome of God enlarged or Christ to be fauourable vnto vs. First Luke sayeth And great feare came on all the congregation and on as manye as hearde these thinges Then the Christians feared as well as straungers to whome the report of this thing came And this was no vnprofitable feare for by it the godlye were the more aware and traueyled the more earnestly in Gods affayres ▪ and the enimies durst doe the lesse against the Church which they sawe had the spirite of God so manifestlye with them This is the chiefe fruite of ecclesiasticall discipline that it keepeth the godly in doing their dutie and feareth the vngodly Now a dayes bicause all men may doe what they will the Churches being disordered by licentiousnesse of lyfe become a praye to the enimies Here must we also learne the vse of Gods iudgementes which consisteth in this that by them we learne Gods iustice and being afrayde amende our liues by the godly consideration thereof God taught vs this vse ▪ when he shewed Abraham the horrible destruction of Sodome saying I knowe that he will commaund his housholde and his children after him that they keepe the way of the Lord and doe after right and conscience And for this cause woulde ●e that the presidentes of his iudgementes shoulde be recorded in writing and be reade in the Church both priuately and apertly as Asaph testifieth where he thus writeth He made a couenant with Iacob and gaue Israel a law which he commaunded our forefathers to teache their children That their posteritie might knowe it and the children which were yet vnborne To the intent that when they grew vp they might shew their children the same That they might put their trust in God and not to forget the woorkes of God but to keepe his commaundementes And not to be as their forefathers c. Therefore this vse of Gods iudgement whereby Ananias and Sapphiras dissimulation is punished must also be now a dayes retained that we may conceyue a true feare of God and take heede of hypocrisie and worship God in spirite and truth as Christ hath commaunded vs yea let all men be excited with this example and applye vnto themselues whatsoeuer any where in hystories is written of this kinde that by other mennes examples they maye learne what they haue to doe if they meane to auoyde the wrath of God. Secondlye it is sayde of the Apostles that by their ministerie many signes and woonders were shewed among the people Wherby it appeareth the prayers of the faythfull were hearde also in this behalfe which besought God that the Apostles might be endued with myracles through the authoritie whereof they might be holpen in setting forth the kingdome of christ And they worke not only common myracles but their power is extended so farre that the diseased layde in the streete desire but the shadowe of Peter pa●sing by and thinke that it will helpe them Nowe beginneth that saying of Christ to be fulfilled He that beleeueth in mee the woorkes that I doe he shall doe the same and greater than these shall he doe This is the second fruit of ecclesiasticall discipline that God heareth the prayers of the Church and encreaseth the gifts of his spirite where contrarily he abhorreth their prayers which stop their eares at his lawe This appeareth by histories which euidently declare that the rarer giftes of the holy ghost and working of myracles began then to cease when discipline beganne to waxe dissolute and corruption of maners encreased Yet let no man thinke that superstition is here defended by that is written of Peters shadowe no more than by that we shall afterwarde heare of Paules handkerchefe ▪ Some vse thus to reason of this place If Peters shadow helped many how much more shall his rayment and bones And herof springeth all that confused Chaos of superstition which we see is in pilgrimages about Saints reliques wherof the most part be counterfeyted But we say that these myracles were not wrought to testifie eyther of Peter or Paules power but to confirme the preaching of the Gospell whereof they were ministers Therefore they
enuious Therfore to leape ouer the walles or to breake open the gates of a city was death although no other trespasse had bene cōmitted Yet these brethren vsed a godly and holy ordering of the matter without contempt of the ciuile lawes therfore deserue to be excused For they saw that more regard was to be had of Gods law which biddeth vs to succour them that be in perill commaundeth vs so to obserue mans lawe that we displace not Gods law or preiudice the good and godly Therfore to the intent he might escape this present daunger they let him downe ouer the walle in a basket and Paule refuseth not the benefite thus offered him By the which example first wee are taught that sometime Christian men yea Ministers of the worde may by flying prouide for themselues and not rashly put themselues in ieoperdie of death For we both reade that Christ oftentimes fledde when he conueyed himselfe from the Iewes lying in wayte ▪ and from the rage of Herode and also warned his Disciples to take heede of men and when persecution ariseth to flie from one Citie to another In deede we must be well aduised that we flie not when our tarying maye set forth the glorie of God and doth not pull vs from the office and dutie wherein the Lorde hath appoynted vs For vnlesse we haue a diligent eie to these two things when we flie we shall shamefully betray the glory of God ▪ and forgetting our dutie neglect the saluation of them ▪ whome we ought to holde moste deare Paule had a consideration of both these things forasmuch as when he fled there were notwithstanding at Damascus which set forth Christes quarrell and Paule gaue not himselfe to shamefull ydlenesse but both at Ierusalem and elsewhere set forth the doctrine of saluation with great fruite and vtilitie as the hystorie following sheweth Moreouer the faythfull are admonished of that dutie that the Lorde hath bounde them in to their teachers He requireth that they shall prouide for the safetie of their Ministers with the perill of their owne life For it is playne they are to be accounted as our parentes bicause through their ministerie as Paule sayth we are borne againe to eternall life Therefore the ingratitude and falshoode of those which assoone as persecution ariseth let go their vnbridled tongues against the ministers of Gods worde and redeeme and purchase to themselues peace with their liues is most shamefull But if it be the dutie of a priuate person to defende the Ministers with the perill of his owne life howe much more is it to be required of the ciuill magistrates whom Christ once promised should be the Nurses and defenders of his Church Wherefore their opinion is playne foolishe which saye the Magistrates ought not to defende religion by walles and fight whereas the brethren at Damascus brake the religion of walles with great commendation in the defence of Paule onely Furthermore Luke declareth what Paule did after his prosperous escape out of Damascus saying he came to Ierusalem which came to passe in the iii● yere after his conuersion as himselfe writeth Where when he would haue ioyned himselfe to the Disciples and chiefely to Peter they mistrusted him bicause of hys former tyrannie vsed agaynst those that beleeued in Christ. But Barnabas of whom mention was made in the ende of the fourth Chapter hauing better intelligence of his doings commended his ministerie with great prayse vnto the Apostles namely to Peter and Iames whome onely Paule sayeth he sawe of all the Apostles beside writing to the Galathians Therefore remayning with them fifteene dayes space hee boldly maintayned Christes religion till he was agayne layde wayte for and compelled to flie Here we haue to consider the Disciples at Ierusalem who Luke writeth were afrayde of Paule This was no dastardly feare but such a feare as Christ commendeth where he requireth of hys people the wysedome of Serpents For where it was scarce credible that so cruell a tyrant could so sodeinly be chaunged they thought they had good cause to beware least he might beguyle them vnawares For they knewe that saying of Christ which testifieth that the children of this worlde are wyser in their generation than the children of light But afterwarde being enformed of the truth they embrace him courteously as a brother and fellowe In these thinges we haue an example both of Christian prudence and charitie whereby we are taught howe both these vertues must be coupled togither For where all men are lyers they knewe that they ought not rashlye to beleeue euery one that coulde egregiously counterfeyte godlynesse For what great harme false brethren doe Paule himselfe confesseth that he had prooued to his great perill And for that cause he biddeth vs to beware of newe brethren or yong scholers and will haue him that desireth to be a Bishop to haue the commendation of them that be abrode and without Agayne we must take heede of that ouer great rigour wherwith many are so stiffe hardened that they thinke all straungers and vnknowne persons ought at once to be reiected For as it is the dutie of Christian charitie to thinke well of all men so it easily admitteth the honest and credible testimonie giuen of vnknown brethren Let vs therefore vse this moderation at these dayes seeing the banished for Christes sake wander vp and downe euerywhere and let vs not yeelde to their sentences which on both sides being to extreeme eyther through their ouermuch facilitie cause all men to laugh at them or by their to great austeritie reiect all men without any difference Moreouer Barnabas is to be considered who as before of his liberalitie he relieued the needye of the whole Church and therefore was called the childe of Consolation so nowe by his testimonie he maintaineth Paules good name being in daunger and is not ashamed of him whome he knewe euery body suspected This deede of charitie is singuler and very necessary bicause there is scarce anything amongst men more ryfe than sinister and wrong suspicion For as being blinded with selfeloue we flatter our selues so we diligently note other mennes maners and seeke euery little occasion howe to backbite their good name Therefore great is their offence which aggrauate the faultes of them that are wrongfully suspected whose good name and fame they rather ought to tender and defende Thirdly let vs consider Paule who Luke writeth declared his fayth at Ierusalem by many and singuler vertues And first he writeth howe hee sought the familiaritie and company of the Church and of Christes Disciples This is worthy of singuler prayse if a man consider howe Paule not long before was accounted amongst the chiefe of that Citie But he iudging all worldly dignities worthy nowe to be stamped vnder his feete is desirous to get Christ and to be ioyned vnto his Church See the thirde to the Philippians Let vs laye this example before
they were buried And these ceremonies might be suffred for a whyle in the primitiue Church vntill they were become so perfite to renounce them altogither In the meane season we are taught that Christian people shoulde deale decently with their corses For although there ought to be no mourning after the maner of the Heathen amonge them which knowe there shall be a resurrection 1. Thes. 4. nor no neede of Iewishe ceremonies bicause all things belonging to our saluation are abundantly fulfilled in Christ yet a diligent consideration must be had both of honestie and godlynesse which both the law of charitie and Christian religion commaundeth vs to obserue by reason that our bodies be the Temples of the holy ghost Why therfore shoulde those bodies vngently be reiected which the spirite of Christ not long before did vouchsafe to dwell in Surely the Prophete doth chiefely vpbrayde the Moabites for that they forgetting all humanitie burned the bones of the king of the Edomites Therefore their offence is grieuous in these dayes which lyke brute beastes vse crueltie agaynst the deade and vnmanerly throwe and cast their carcasses rounde about But they yet vse one other courtesie For they send messengers for Peter whome they hearde was at Lydda and was so famous a man by reason of his myracles which was no small deede of faith and charity For they hope that the Minister of Christ was able to restore hir to lyfe agayne and that they greatly desired bicause they knewe the Church of Christ had neede as yet of such a member This is also the propertie of fayth that despaireth not no not in death bicause it knoweth that Christ hath ouercome death and who once embrace fayth with sincere affection of loue them she casteth not of no not after death Here also appeareth a singular rewarde of christian godlynesse liberalitie For where Dorcas while she lyued was much giuen herevnto there wanted not that faythfully cared for hir when shee was deade Thus God vseth to preserue the memorie of those that be his And oftentimes it commeth to passe that they which seemed to be hated of all men bicause of their godlynesse after they are deade they finde many defenders of their good name whereof we haue example in our heade Iesus christ For after he was put vnto the shamefull death of the crosse Ioseph and Nichodemus which before that were but secrete Disciples buried him honorably Let no man therfore shunne to suffer shamefull death for Christes sake since that God so faythfully preserueth the remembrance of those that be his Ouer and beside all this they declare in the presence of Peter the griefe they had conceyued by hir death through weeping and they shewe vnto the Apostle the garmentes which she caused to be made for the poore whyle she liued Where beside the dutie of charitie wherof we haue spoken may be seene what be the true reliques of the Saintes and faythfull of Christ which the godly ought both openly to shewe and to worship and kisse that is to saye the workes of their charitie and steppes of their life Of these it is sayd that they follow the deade and remayne when they be rotten These things Christ commended in Marie and bicause of that last annoynting of him that she bestowed vpon him he promised the remembraunce thereof shoulde alwayes remayne in his Church The Ecclesiasticall hystories shewe vs euerywhere such Reliques as these These it becommeth vs of dutie to prayse and by diligent imitation of them to worship But to worship their bones after a superstitious sort we are commaunded by no testimonie or example of Scripture Moreouer as it is a great prayse of the godly to leaue behinde them for posteritie examples and presidentes of charitie so is it a dishonest and shamefull thing to leaue after them when they are gone the tokens of couetousnesse lecherie vnrighteousnesse and intemperancie Such as are hourdes and heapes of treasure and whatsoeuer instruments else of wickednesse are thereby gotten which the Apostle sayth shall be hereafter the testimonie of iust condemnation O wretched state shall theirs be the memorie wherof widdowes and fatherlesse children by reason of their goodes taken from them shall testifye with weeping teares But more wretched shall they be who as though they had committed small offence in their lyfe time hange ouer their Sepulchres swordes and shieldes and stande in complete harnesse that the remembrance of their lyfe ledde in robberie and murthering maye remayne the longer O harde heart which the remembraunce of bitter death is not able to mollifie But let vs see at length what Peter did being sent for of them It is sayd that he straightwaies went with them that were sent vnto him Which is a great argument of readinesse and zeale in promoting the kingdome of christ Wherby we may easily gather with what spirite they are ledde that shew themselues daungerous in going about the things which serue to the setting forth of Christes glory and the saluation of others Further when he came to Ioppa and was brought into the chamber where the corps was layde not much regarding the weeping of the Wyddowes bicause by instinct of the holy ghost working in him he mynded another matter he put them all out of the Chamber falleth on his knees and turneth him vnto feruent prayer The holy Apostle truly followeth olde presidentes and examples forasmuch as it appeareth that Elizaeus the Prophete and Iesus Christ vsed the lyke trade in raysing vp of the deade For as prayers require a certaine going aside and solitarinesse so it seemeth to be a poynt of modestie that he woulde not shewe a thing of such importaunce among so many to seeke prayse thereby but woulde doe it by himselfe alone And whyle he maketh such earnest prayer he euidently declareth that all the successe and prayse of the myracle ought to be referred to Christ as vnto God whereof hath bene already manye times entreated When he had done his prayers he speaketh vnto the deade and biddeth hir aryse Which might seeme a ridiculous thing if Christ had not done the lyke when hee raysed vp Iairus daughter and Lazarus Such sayinges as these are the Preambles of that terrible and lowde voyce whereby at the later daye all the deade shall be raysed vp as Christ himselfe teacheth Iohn 5. Yea this is an infallible argument of the resurrection that shall be that at the voyce of a manne pronounced by the spirite and name of Christ we reade howe the deade are raysed agayne For the effect of the matter declareth that Peters speaking was not in vayne For forthwith Dorcas opened hir eyes and looked on Peter then she sitteth vppe last of all Peter reareth hir vp by the hande and sheweth hir alyue to all them that were called in By the which myracle is prooued that the doctrine that Peter taught was a lyuely doctrine and that Iesus Christ the author therof was
of the Prophete He sent out his worde and healed them They be also to vs in steade of fathers bicause through their ministerye we bee borne againe and made the sonnes and heyres of God as we reade Paule hath oftentimes inculcated And the Philosophers haue taught euen by the lawe of nature that children are neuer able to make their parentes amendes Who then is able to recompence him through whose labour and traueyle he is made the sonne of God and heire of the kingdome of heauen For the which cause the Prophetes vse to account faythfull teachers among the chiefe benefites of God as may be seene Psal. 147. Esay 30. Amos 2. Mich. 6. c. And Paule among the giftes of the holye ghost wherewith from aboue he adorneth his Church maketh mention chiefely of Pastors Teachers Prophetes Apostles and Euangelists But now a dayes men are growne to such vnthankfulnesse that they dare say Ministers are sent of the deuill and are the publike authors of all euill But they shal one daye haue teachers meete for them since they so vnthankfullye reiect the preaching of saluation Thirdly Cornelius promiseth Peter obedience and attention where he sayth Nowe therefore we are all here present before God to heare all thinges that are commaunded thee of God. These wordes are worthye of singuler consideration For they teach vs what maner of persons the hearers of the worde should be First he sayth they are present before god Therefore it behoueth all men that heare the worde of God in the Church to remember aboue all thinges that they stande in the presence of god For this is the saying of Christ He that heareth you heareth me And he promiseth that he will bee in the middle of them that are gathered togither in his name Moreouer he sayeth he is present with those that belong vnto him This is one other thing which the hearers shoulde remember namely that they haue neede of teaching and instruction and therefore it is vnmeete that they shoulde suffer their wittes at the Sermon time to be a wooll gathering For they that so doe receyue the word as Christ sayth into the way where it is destroyed of the birdes and can bring forth no fruite Finally Cornelius is ready to heare all the things that Peter hath to say from god Let vs thinke that the very same is required of vs also and let vs not be so bolde as to heare and embrace some things and to let passe other some which like not our appetites and fantasie If a man woulde compare these thinges wyth the vsage of our dayes alas what an horrible corruption shall he finde Many come togither but not as in the sight of God but much like vnto those of whome we reade in Ezechiel 33. chap. Further a man shall euerywhere heare such busie bodies who when they haue hearde the worde brag that they haue no neede of teaching and instruction But what a number is there of those which dare to controlle the worde of God and will haue such things preached whereof they hope to haue gayne and will commaunde the Ministers to silence if they speake any thing that dislyketh their affections or which the worlde cannot brooke Howbeit it were better the worde were not preached to them and they shall one daye feele that their wicked contempt shall beare witnesse agaynst them These things also admonish Peter of his dutie that he shoulde onely and freely preach the things which God had committed to him without any inuentions of his owne braine In the which the dutie of Ministers specially consisteth as hath already oftentimes bene declared Let vs set Cornelius before vs to imitate and followe that being enflamed with lyke desire of the worde we may worthilye receyue the doctrine of saluation and being therby regenerated may liue a godly life in Iesus Christ to whom be prayse honor power and glory for euer Amen The .lxxiiij. Homelie THEN Peter opened his mouth and sayde Of a truth I perceyue that there is no respect of persons with God but in all people he that feareth him and worketh righteousnesse is accepted with him you know the preaching that God sent vnto the children of Israell preaching peace by Iesu Christ which is Lorde ouer all things ALthough Cornelius hath sufficientlye heretofore declared his great desire to knowe the truth by godly prayer and holy fast yet he more euidently sheweth the same when he heard that Peter the Apostle was come vnto him and was ready to teach him For he confesseth that the Apostle is welcome vnto him and promiseth him that he will faithfully and obediently heare all that he had to say vnto him on Gods behalfe Which place teacheth vs what all they haue to doe which meane to heare the worde of God profitably Furthermore as Cornelius sheweth vs an example of a godly and diligent hearer so in him also it appeareth that a godly and feruent desire vnto the word cannot be without profite and good successe but according to the promise of Christ whosoeuer shall vnfeynedly seeke shall finde out the will of god For he that a little before stirred vp Peter by the oracle of an heauenly vision to go vnto Cornelius euen the same now also by the secret inspiration of his spirite stirreth vppe his minde to prepare himselfe with great grauitie and diligence to teach For so is ment by the opening of his mouth as already hath bene declared The argument of his Sermon is that men are purged and saued through Iesus Christ alone He vseth a very commodious order For it hath a beginning verye apt and meete to get good will and beneuolence bicause that he sheweth howe the doctrine of saluation belongeth also vnto the Gentyles Then in fewe wordes he comprehendeth the summe of the whole Gospell which shortly after he prosecuteth more at large by hystoricall narration confirming the same wyth testimonies both of the Prophetes and Apostles At length he declareth the marke and ende of all these things teaching vs that we become partakers as well of Christ as of the saluation giuen vs in him by fayth onely But at this time we meane to intreate but of the two first partes onely minding to speake of the other when time and oportunitie shall serue He frameth his beginning with an exclamation saying Of a truth I perceyue that with God there is no respect of persons c. The sense is that the Gospell and doctrine of saluation belongeth aswell to the Gentyles as to the Iewes Heretofore there was a great space and an high wall betweene the Iewes and the Gentyles For Paule writeth that the Gentyles were straungers from the common weale of Israel aliauntes from the testaments and couenantes without hope without Christ and without God. And he addeth that that maketh for the explication of this place but now by the meanes of Christ Iesu you which were sometime farre of are made nye by the
plainely testified that our saluation is conteyned in Iesus Christ alone he nowe beginneth by narration of the historie more at large to explicate and dilate the same and that in such sort that it maye easilye appeare howe all the thinges that belong to the redeeming of mankynde are performed by Christ. He beginneth his narration with the time and place shewing where and when Christ began to be knowne Also he citeth them for witnesses of the things which fame long before had bruted so farre abrode least any man might iudge the hystorie to be vncertaine or doubtfull you sayth he know that word which was published ouer all Iurie and beganne in Galiley after the baptisme which Iohn preached It is not without a cause that he maketh mention of the place forasmuch as Esay sometime prophecied that Christ shoulde beginne to preach in Galiley as Mathew also hath noted in his .iiij. Chapter and Esay 9. And it seemeth he alleageth the time for none other cause saying this preaching beganne after the baptisme of Iohn bicause the Prophetes foreshewed that he shoulde be the first Minister of the new Testament and the forerunner of the promised Sauiour For that those things belong vnto him which are reade in Esay 40. of a voyce crying in the wildernesse and in Malachie of Elias appeareth by the writinges of the Euangelistes and by the testimonie of Christ himselfe in Mathewe the .xj. Chapter more manifest than needeth long demonstration They are therfore by this place confuted which denye that Iohn ought to be accounted among the Ministers of the Gospell Whereas it is playne that he bare witnesse of Christ and sent his Disciples of fayth and good zeale vnto Christ. And prepared all the people aswell by his doctrine as by baptisme to embrace and receyue Christ which office of his his father Zacharie by inspiration of the holy spirit acknowledged in him assoone as he was borne We haue here rather to marke diligentlye that the businesse of Christ Iesus and his Gospell beganne by Iohn whose dutie it was to prepare their mindes that shoulde be the Disciples of Christ by the doctrine of repentance and baptisme For this waye Christ thought good to declare that hee woulde haue no man to seeke howe to lyue licentiouslye and fleshly vnder the pretence of him which thing it is euident both many did in tymes past and many doe the same in these dayes also and euen those which glorye in the name of the Gospell For the which cause Christ himselfe thought good to beginne his teaching with repentance and bade the Apostles afterward to beginne with the same Math. 4. and .10 Luc. 24. And they are not to be hearde which seperate the doctrine of repentance from the Gospell wheras without repentaunce we cannot be partakers of the saluation which is in christ And yet for all this we attribute not saluation to mannes merite or righteousnesse bicause we are commaunded to preach repentance in the name of christ And Peter before Act. 5. hath taught vs that God the father hath appoynted Christ to be the author and giuer thereof vnto vs In the meane season they are reprooued also which slaunderously say that we open gappes to the fleshe whereby to sinne by preaching of the Gospell whereas these men for none other cause more hate and persecute the Gospell than for that it grieuously accuseth and inueyeth agaynst their open wickednesse and the cloked hypocrisie of a great many Furthermore it behooueth vs to marke how the Apostle speaketh of the ministery of Iohn For he sayeth he preached Baptisme He ioyneth preaching with Baptisme to declare he was a minister both of doctrine and the sacrament For as by Baptisme he admonished men that they were purged made cleane so expounding the misteries therof by words he taught vs that purification is to be had in Christ only that worthy fruits of repentance are required of them that are purified Wherby it appeareth it is necessary that teaching be ioined with the sacraments forasmuch as without it the mysteries of the sacraments cannot be vnderstanded So God in the beginning commaunded that the meanyng of the feast of Passeouer should be declared vnto the children And we see that the sermons of the prophets are chiefly busied in declaring the misteries of the sacrifices and ceremonies of the lawe while they most grieuously reprehende them which carefully obserued the sacrifices neglecting in the meane season the duties of life by them signified And Christ a little before he departed from his Disciples cōmaunded them not only to baptize but chiefly commended vnto them the preachyng of the Gospell Which thing Paule so diligently obserued that he confesseth how he preached euerywhere but baptized verye fewe These thinges serue to confute them which tying grace to the outwarde signes thinke the vse of them alone sufficient vnto saluation and vse no doctrine wherby to declare the vse of them yea they vse a straunge tounge in the administration of them But how absurde a thing this ought to be iudged Paule sheweth at large in the first to the Corinthians and .xiiij. chapter Hauing nowe declared the beginning of the Gospell he sheweth that Iesus Christ is the author thereof to the ende he woulde notifie vnto vs what and what maner of one we ought to beleeue he is He expressely calleth him Iesus of Nazareth for that we should acknowledge it is he whom by reason of the basenesse of his countrie and bicause of his poore and lowly conuersation outwardly all men contemned Him he testifyeth that God annoynted teaching by these wordes that he is the Sauiour of mankinde which God had long before ordeyned For he maketh mention of annoynting bicause of the olde figure For of olde time the Priests and Kinges of Israel vsed to be annoynted who it is manifest were figures of the Sauiour promised And it was a receyued opinion that the promised Sauiour was called by the name of the Messias or Christ that is to saye annoynted bicause this denomination did declare his Priesthoode and kingdome and all the whole order of our redemption wherevpon the Disciples being asked in the gospell whome they sayde Iesus was they confessed he was Christ that annoynted of god Moreouer least some man might think him to be of no more excellency than other Priests and Kings who by reason of their outward annointing were called by the same name Peter teacheth that he was annoynted wyth the holy ghost and with power alluding no doubt to that verse of Dauid who prophecying of the kingdome of that promysed Sauiour sayth God hath annoynted thee with the oyle of gladnesse aboue thy fellowes Thus he calleth the holy ghost by whose guyding the sonne of God became man and so administred his kingdome and Priesthoode that there is perceyued no griefe or sorowe therein but all kinde of pleasauntnesse and delyght For so he interpreteth the same in the Prophet saying The spirite
none other cause graunted to flie but for that they shoulde after such daunger escaped turne vnto doing their dutie againe and to bestowe all their life after in setting forth the glory of Christ. Howbeit Luke maketh a diligent mention also of the places where these men preached And first he nameth Phaenicia which is neare vnto Iurie famous by reason of the Cities and people therin and is accounted notable euen among the prophane writers After that he nameth Cyprus an Islande of great fame in the Poets writings which they say by reason aswell of the pleasantnesse of the soyle as of the dissolute maners of the inhabitants is consecrated vnto Venus And here appeareth partlye the great goodnesse of God which woulde vouchsafe to endue such people with the knowledge of his sonne and partly the woonderfull and inuincible power of the Gospell through the preaching whereof the boundes of Christes kingdome were in short time so enlarged that from the mayne land it passed ouer sea and beganne to come into the Islandes as was long before foretolde of the Prophetes See Psalme 72. Esay 60.66 c. He chiefely maketh mention of Antioch which was the moste famous Citie of all the Cities of Syria For as it was notable by reason of Seleucus the builder thereof and of great renowme bicause of their woonderfull glorie and ryches so as we shall herafter heare the first Church among the Gentyles was there assembled and flourished in such number that they which before were called onely but Disciples of Christ beganne nowe to be called by a more worthy name Christians This Citie hath had Bishops notable both in life and learning It hath also so abounded in Martyrs that scarce any other can be compared therewith It is therefore woonderfull and much to be obserued that God woulde haue so great a Citie conuerted by the ministerie of those men whose names be not extant For this onely is written of them that they were of Ciprus Cyrene Howbeit it might haue pleased God aswell to haue vsed the helpe of notable Apostles But by the vyle and contemned thinges of this worlde after his maner he woulde bring to passe a thing of most importance that we might knowe howe we ought to reioyce and glory in him and not in man. Now let vs see what they preached that layd the foundations of the Church at Antioch They preached sayth Luke the Lord Iesus He was then the argument theme of their doctrine whome Paule also saith he only acknowledgeth He maketh mention onely of Iesus Christ bicause in him is contayned whatsoeuer things make for our saluation For he is giuen vnto vs of God to be the authour of repentance and remission of sinnes to all mankind as hath bene declared in the fyft Chapter For as in him onely remission of sinnes is to be founde so that repentance that is made without fayth in Christ cannot please god We haue here therfore what to answere them which reprehende vs and scorne vs bicause in our Sermons we inculcate and often repeate Christ only Thus we doe following the example of the Apostles and we can not doe otherwyse forasmuch as we can fynde no saluation without Christ. Last of all Luke declareth a notable successe of the Gospell saying And a great number beleeued and turned vnto the Lorde He first declareth the cause efficient least any man might ascribe it vnto the ministerie of men For he sayth the hande of the Lorde was with them Whereby we gather that all successe of fayth and saluation dependeth vppon God and that nothing is to be attributed to man more than the outwarde ministerie This thing Paule declareth at large in his first Epistle to the Corinthians the thirde Chap. And it is good oftentimes to haue the same in remembrance both bicause Ministers shoulde not waxe to prowde and also for that they whome God hath illuminated with true faith might learne to be thankfull vnto him Also the Euangelist expresseth the proper ende of Christian faith which is that they which through ignorance or superstition or sinne haue turned from God might conuert and turne againe vnto him Therefore fayth is not occupied in vayne speculation but is a liuely knowledge of Iesus Christ which draweth whole man vnto the obedience of god And they are not to be taken for Christians which being drowned in superstition and sinne will not conuert vnto the Lorde Let vs therefore set before vs this marke that we turning by true faith vnto God may attayne to saluation in Iesus Christ our onely Sauiour to whome be prayse honor power and glory for euer Amen The .lxxx. Homelie Tydings of these things came vnto the eares of the congregation which was in Ierusalem And they sent forth Barnabas that he should go vnto Antioch which when he came and had seene the grace of God was glad and exhorted them all that with purpose of heart they would continually cleaue vnto the Lorde For he was a good man and full of the holye ghost and of fayth and much people was added vnto the Lorde Then departed Barnabas vnto Tharsus for to seeke Saule And when hee had founde him hee brought him vnto Antioch And it came to passe that a whole yere they had their conuersation with the cōgregation and taught much people insomuch that the Disciples of Antioche were the first that were called Christians BYcause God had appointed Iesus Christ his sonne to be the Sauiour of all the worlde therefore it was requisite that all nations should be brought vnto him by preaching of the Gospell as it appeareth by the Oracles of the Prophetes and by the commaundement of Christ where he bade the Apostles to go into all the world and to bring him Disciples out of all Nations And howe this thing beganne to come to passe Luke declareth in this chapter For although it be described before in the storie of Cornelius conuersion to the fayth of Christ yet bicause it might seeme he was called vpon some speciall fauor or priuiledge the conuersion of the notable citie of Antioch is ioyned therevnto in the which a Church of the Gentyles for many causes notable is gathered togither The beginners whereof were certayne men that came from Cyprus and Cyrene as was yesterday declared of small or no name yet whose names vndoubtedly are written before God in the booke of life These men comming into the Citie preached Iesus Christ onely vnto the Gentyles teaching them that he was sent from God the father to giue repentance and forgiuenesse of sinnes to them that beleeue in him And their godly enterprise wanted not a most prosperous successe For Gods power working most effectually by their ministery an innumerable sort of menne learned the fayth and turned vnto the Lorde Now vnto these premisses Luke ioyneth certaine things touching the confirming of the Church at Antioch And first he declareth the kindenesse of those of Ierusalem towardes this newe Church of Christ which
sent Barnabas to them as it were to helpe them After that he sheweth the singuler diligence that Barnabas vsed in accomplishing the charge committed vnto him and last of all his prosperous successe And touching the Ierosolymites amongst whome it seemeth he numbreth the Apostles he sayth but little bicause their meaning may easily be perceyued by Barnabas doing This is it therefore that he sayth that when worde was brought to Ierusalem how Antioch was conuerted vnto Christ they that by reason of their office were the chiefe among them and watched for the saluation of all men sent Barnabas thither to confirme the beliefe of the newe Disciples and to nourishe mutuall good will amonge the congregations The lyke whereof we sawe done before when they sent Peter and Iohn to Samaria which being wonne by the preaching of Philip set open hir gates vnto the worde of god This is a very notable example whereby we are taught that congregations farre distant when neede so requireth shoulde be holpen both with counsell and trusty diligence of Ministers that they are greatly to be praysed that in this case vse most diligence For if Christ so greatly commende the benefite that is done but to one of his least Disciples that he will at the later daye testifye it was done to himselfe and promiseth a sure rewarde to him that giueth but a cup of colde water to him that he sendeth with howe much more glory will he rewarde those which confirme or saue whole congregations by their helpe and counsell Lette Bishops and Christian Magistrates remember this well that they suffer not themselues to be plucked from doing their dutye by such as saye they are authors of sedition which vse to prescribe or giue counsayle to straungers in matters of religion But let vs see Barnabas of whome Luke diligentlye speaketh For he declareth what maner of man he was and what he did in these affaires of the Antiochianes And although his person is sufficiently described by the things which he did at Antioch yet haue we first to consider the same that we may be the better able to iudge of the cause of so excellent vertues as shined in him specially bicause Luke for that ende and intent describeth his propertie and condicion He sayth he was a good man and full of the holy ghost and of fayth This is so singuler a commendation of this holy man as Demosthenes and Cicero coulde haue deuised no greater For what greater prayse can there be than to be called of the holy ghost good whereas by the testimonie of Christ there is not one good but onely God But least anye man might thinke that Luke had forgotten that saying he sheweth straight waye whyle he was bolde to call him a good man doubtlesse bicause he was full of the holy ghost and of fayth For although God onely be of himselfe good in deede yet bicause he doth vouchsafe to giue vnto men his spirit and by him his other vertues there is no let but we maye call them good in whome appeare any arguments of Gods goodnesse by reason of Gods spirite dwelling in them And where fayth onely maketh vs partakers both of the spirite of God and all other goodnesse the same doth Luke attribute to Barnabas saying he was full of fayth For by fayth are men iustifyed bycause thereby they take holde of Christ through whose desert they are purifyed from all iniquitie and made meete for all good workes to performe faithfully both towardes God and man whatsoeuer duties they owe vnto them It is very good that we remember this definition of a good man to laye it against the fonde iudgement of the worlde which vseth to call them that are hypocrytes and giuen to the pleasures and desires of the fleshe good men Furthermore we are taught by this place what maner of men shoulde be called to beare office in the Common weale and specially in Ecclesiasticall affaires Euen good men surely who it is euident are gouerned by the holy ghost and endued with faith For vnto such men may any thing safely be committed And whosoeuer commit vnto wicked men voyde of Gods spirite eyther publike or priuate matters to them it falleth out for the most part as we reade it did vnto Noah which sent the Rauen out of the Arke And Salomon sayth very wisely as he doth all things He is lame of his feete yea drunken he is in vanitie that committeth his message to a foole For both they are deceyued of their hope and manye times paye for their follye and lightnesse Moreouer we must see what Barnabas did in the Church at Antioch all which Luke comprehendeth in fower articles First he sayth when hee came and had seene the grace of God hee was glad He vnderstandeth by the grace of God the profite of faith and the giftes of the holy ghost which followe it And he vseth this worde grace to teach vs that all these thinges are giuen of Gods goodnesse This is a notable argument of a good man and faythfull Minister of Christ that Barnabas reioyceth in the profite of other men For they which lacke faith and the lightning of the holy ghost they enuie other for the most part seeking their owne glory And all men followe not the modestie of Moses which desired that all the Israelites might be filled with the holy ghost and be instructed with the gift of prophecying Yea there are euerywhere the more pitie many examples of ambicious men which while they go about to take from other their due honour breede great contentions in Congregations But they which are gouerned by the spirite of Christ and illuminated with true fayth they easilye despyse the losse of priuate glorye so that they perceyue they maye aduaunce the glorye of GOD. After this Barnabas exhorteth the Antiochianes that with purpose of heart they woulde cleaue vnto the Lorde For as in all other exercises and studies so chiefly in religion is perseueraunce and continuation needefull For he that wrastleth is not crowned or rewarded except he wrastle or stryue lawfully And Christ alloweth not them which haue once layd their hande to the plough and looke behinde them Therefore Barnabas doth well in requiring perseuerance of the Antiochians But least he might seeme to require onely an outwarde shewe and bare bragge of wordes he exacteth purpose of heart For that is a true perseuerance and ioyning with our sauiour Christ when we haue dedicated and giuen our harts to his seruice And those which haue so done no terror of perils can feare them from the Lorde For they esteeme all thinges but losse and dammage so that they may winne Christ. But bicause Barnabas was not ignorant that there were many things which vsed to call men from Christ he thought that exhortation also was needefull for them notwithstanding there appeared notable tokens of Gods grace in them which thing caused Paule to commaunde Timothie continually to exhort those
our dutie that we should not forget that we be made Kings and Priestes by Christ and that we should valiauntly maintayne the dignitie of our name It is the propertie of a King to be at his libertie and not to be in subiection vnder the rule of another Let vs therfore abide in the libertie wherevnto the sonne of God hath called vs and not suffer our selues to be oppressed hereafter with the seruitude of sinne which is the fylthiest and miserablest thing that can be It is the property of a King to vanquish and ouercome his enimies Let vs therefore subdue and vanquishe the moste cruell enimies of our saluation Satan the world and the fleshe with all the concupiscences therof It is the part of a king to cōmaunde and beare rule Let vs therfore rule our selues mightily ouercome al those things which leade vs crosse the way of saluation So let vs lykewise performe the dutie of Priests to teach to pray to consecrate and offer Wherefore it shall be our dutie to teach those that belong vnto vs both by word and example of lyfe as farre forth as the dutie of our calling bindeth vs It shall be our parts to pray both in secret and openly and to make intercession to God not onely for our owne necessities but also for our neyghbors It shall also be our duties to consecrate our selues for liuely sacrifyce vnto God and to offer to him euery day the bullockes of our lippes that is to say giuing of thankes which is the moste acceptable and thankefull sacrifyce that we can giue vnto him These thinges myght at large be drawne through the whole lyfe of man but it shall suffyse to giue the vnlearned an occasion to expende and consider better of them Whosoeuer perfourmeth these things is worthy to be called a Christian. And such it appeareth the Patriarches were in times past whome God in the hundreth and fyft Psalme calleth his annoynted that is to saye Christians Such it is credible those men of Antiochia were which first enioyed that name And if any will presumptuously bragge of the name they shall surely deceyue themselfe but God they cannot deceyue Let vs therefore diligently thinke of these thinges that remembring both our dignitie and dutie we may aunswere to so notable and excellent a name and being taken from this lyfe may raigne in heauen with Iesus Christ to whome be prayse honor power and glory for euer Amen The .lxxxj. Homelie IN those dayes came Prophetes from the Citie of Ierusalem vnto Antioch And there stoode vp one of them named Agabus and signified by the spirite that there should be great dearth throughout all the world which came to passe in the Emperour Claudius dayes Then the Disciples euerye man according to his abilitie purposed to sende succour vnto the brethren which dwelt in Iurie which thing they also did and sent it to the Elders by the handes of Barnabas and Saule ALthough our Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christ is alwaye present with his Church yet he suffereth it as he foretolde diuerslye and manye wayes to be troubled hauing aduersitie as it were by continuall enterchaunge still following prosperitie The principall cause wherof is partly for that he woulde brydle the lustynesse of our fleshe and partlye bicause he woulde teache vs that he is as well able to deliuer his people in aduersitie as to maintaine them in prosperitie We haue heretofore seene certayne notable examples hereof For the Gospell in the beginning being prosperouslye preached at Ierusalem brought a great number of Disciples vnto Christ shortly after riseth a tempest of persecution that driueth down the florishing of the Church flat to the grounde By and by againe when Saule was conuerted vnto Christ sodeinly the Church was quiet the doctrine of Christ being caried vnto the Gentyles gaue likelyhoode of great encrease seeing that at Antioch the noblest Citie in all Syria there was a Church of Gentyles assembled togither and were there first called after that noble name of Christians But beholde a great and straunge aduersitie following namely a dearth which as it troubled the whole worlde so it most miserablye afflicted the faythfull whose goodes were spent partlye in finding the poore of the Church and partly were taken from them in the rage of persecution The consideration herof is most profitable for vs for herby we may learne the lesse to be offended if the lyke aduersity betide vs in these dayes And of all other this present place is worthy to be diligently considered as well for the manifolde comfort as also the instruction which the holy ghost here setteth forth For it declareth the dearth that was in the Church and it setteth out the fatherly prouidence of God hauing a care for the same and also sheweth what way and counsayle the faythfull tooke seeing the publike calamitie like to ensue And of all these we meane orderly to intreate First we will speake of the dearth wherof prophane writers but chieflye Iosephus and Suetonius make mention This dearth no man will deny but was sent by the iudgement of God except such an one as will deny God to be the gouernor of the whole worlde For the Prophete witnesseth that there is no plague in a Citie without the Lordes doing And in the lawe among the punishmentes wherewith God reuenged the contempt of hys worde barrennesse of grounde and scarcitie of victuals ar● chiefely reckoned See Leuiticus 26. Deuter. 28. And we must not thinke that anye thing commeth vnto man by fortune forasmuch as it appeareth that the care of Gods prouidence extendeth it selfe euen to the sparrowes flowres of the field It shall be good when such things come to passe to search the causes of Gods iudgements which can be founde no where sooner than in mennes conuersation And surely Luke seemeth to poynt as it were with his fynger the causes of this dearth where he writeth it was in the dayes of Claudius Caesar. For he therefore named the Prince of the world who had then all authoritie and rule in his hande that by him we might iudge of the whole state of the worlde and the condicions of those dayes For it appeareth that the vices of Princes first infect with their contagiousnesse the Nobilitie and then their corrupt example poysoneth the Comminaltie And euen prophane writers report that Claudius was in all poyntes a moste naughtye Prince For from his childehoode he was cumbred with diuers and continuall diseases so that being dulled and made lumpish both in bodye and spirit growing further in age he was thought vnable to discharge any office publike or priuate Insomuch that Antonia hys mother vsed to say he was a monster a worke of nature begunne but not fynished and when she woulde note any body of blockishnesse or dulnesse she would say he was more foole than hir sonne Claudius And his sister Liuulla hearing on a time that he should be chosen Emperour did openly and alowde
which being giuen to curious artes contrary to the prescript word of God dare prophecie of warres to come of plentie of sickenesses and such lyke things Whose boldenesse and impietie I haue before declared to be forbidden by the lawes of god See the fourth Homelie and also our Commentaries vpon Micheas homil 20. It remayneth that we declare what the Christians at Antioch did after the Prophete had thus admonished them Where chiefly appeareth their fayth which was the grounde of all their well doing For by their doings it may easily be gathered that they beleeued Agabus prophecie For they coulde not suspect him whome they sawe threatned but such things as the publike corruption of all states and degrees deserued This is the beginning of saluation when men can fynde in their heartes to beleeue the word of god This thing in time past put away the destruction which god threatned vnto the Niniuites Contrarywise it appeareth that diuers men haue bene the occasion of their owne vtter vndooing bicause they rather woulde with their hinderaunce and losse prooue the veritie of Gods worde than beleeue it And our Sauiour Christ teacheth this to be the onely cause of the destruction of Ierusalem that they knewe not the daye of their visitation So likewise he calleth that the time of grace when the father of heauen did vouchsafe to admonishe the Iewes of the wrath to come first by Iohn the Baptist then by his sonne and the Apostles and did exhort them to amendment of lyfe and a newe conuersation And if we list to apply these things to our dayes we shall be constrayned to confesse that this is the chiefe cause of our miseries in that there be so fewe which vse to beleeue the worde of God and to feare the predictions or warnings of punishment to come Moreouer after the people of Antiochia had beleeued Agabus thus prophecying they called to minde the state of their needye brethren and weighing with themselues diligently what a dearth was lyke to be at that time they prepared themselues to the deedes of Christian charity deuotion a thing not vsed of the children of this world For when they perceyue a dearth like to folow they apply themselfe to their gainful deuises they heap vp corne and hoorde in their Garners to make of a publike calamitie their priuate lucre and aduantage yea by these fellowes subtelties it commeth to passe that they which are in neede are the more distressed with penurie the dearth holdes the longer bicause they still greedily gape after more aduauntage But the Christians at Antioche did farre otherwise whome Christ did vouchsafe first to haue called after his own name For their chief care was howe to succour their poore and needye brethren And in this case they thinke their brethren the Iewes to haue most neede partly for that they knew their goodes were taken from them as Paule testifyeth Heb. 10. and partly for that they knewe they were bounde to them in that they had receyued from them the wholesome doctrine of the Gospell and knowledge of Christ their sauiour For being godly and wyse people they did easilye perceyue that it was not without the prouidence of God that they whose goodes as yet were not consumed shoulde for this ende be admonished of the dearth to ensue For after this sort they thought that god in this publike scarcitie did in their brethrens behalfe require this deede of charity of them This is a verye notable example of Christian gratitude whereby we are taught what dutie learners owe to their teachers seeing the Antiochians acknowledge themselues to be debters to all the Iewes bicause they had learned the truth of some of the Iewes For by common reason they vnderstande that saying of Paule to be most iust that it is but a small matter if they reape their temporall goodes which haue sowed them spirituall goodes But nowe a dayes we be moste vnkinde for hauing receyued great profite by the doctrine of the Gospell men enuye the teachers themselues a necessary liuing much more their other neighbours and countrie men Thus they declare they make no great account of the Gospell when they make so much a doe to paye the Ministers of the Gospell but their bare stipende and pension Howbeit Luke diligently declareth the order that the Antiochians tooke about this matter First euery man of the Disciples purposed to sende succour vnto the brethren which dwelt at Iurie And where hee declareth that thys was the purpose of euery one he sheweth it was a voluntary benefyte and not enforced Such ought they to be which will haue their charitie accepted of god For as Paule teacheth the Lorde looueth a cheerefull giuer It shall much make for the stirring vp of liberalitie in vs if we consider that the richer sort owe this seruice and dutie to the poore Which thing is the cause that Paule reasoning of this matter vseth so often this word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifyeth the dutie of ministery and dispensation Whervnto is to be referred that saying of Christ admonishing vs to make vs friendes of the vniust Mammon which when we depart hence maye receyue vs into euerlasting Tabernacles These done he sayth they purposed to sende euery one according to his a bilitie For God did so moderate our Christian liberalitie that hee woulde no man shoulde be charged aboue his possibilitie For it is well knowne what Paule sayth if there be first a willing minde it is accepted according to that a man hath and not according to that hee hath not Not that other be set at libertie and you brought into combraunce but that there be egalnesse nowe at this time and that your abundance may succour their lacke And wee reade that the widdowe that cast but two Mytes into the Corban was praysed of Christ bicause she was able to giue no more And here is the niggishnesse of them greatlye reprooued which neglect the workes of liberalitie vnder pretence that they thinke it vniust to bestowe the goodes that they haue gotten with their labour and traueyle vpon other whereas God requireth nothing of them more than that they be able to spare Last of all they are very circumspect that their so godly and necessarye a deuise be not by craft and subtiltie hindred or disappoynted For when they had gathered this mony they committed it not at all aduentures to euery one to be caried but to Paule and Barnabas whose credit they had tryed diuers wayes And surely to let all this geare passe it appeareth in Paules writings what great truth he vsed in this behalfe and howe carefully hee procured the reliefe of his needye brethren in Iurie See .1 Corint 16. 2. Cor. 8. and .9 and Rom. 15. Moreouer they sende it to the Elders that it might duely be distributed according to their discretion We haue therfore in this place to learne what Christians haue to doe in times of publyke distresse
the worlde hath of vs and casting away the desire of earthly glory lette vs aspire to the glory to come which is heauenly Secondly he produceth Esay by whome God speaking amongst other things of the benefytes that he woulde giue vs in Christ sayth I will make an euerlasting couenant with you euen the sure mercies of Dauid Furthermore Paule folowing the common translation of the Greekes expoundeth this word mercy by this word holy not vnaptly bicause he meaneth Christ vpon whom only depend all the promises of God made in times past to Dauid and to the fathers This therfore is the sense I wil giue vnto you that holy one that is to say that sauiour which I sometime promised vnto Dauid and in whome he put all his hope trust He applyeth the whole place to the resurrection of Christ taking his argument of the perpetuity of the couenant as though he should say God made an euerlasting couenant with Dauid and promised that the same should remayne for euer vnto his posteritie And it is certaine that that couenant is grounded vpon Christ whome the Scriptures euerywhere call the sonne of Dauid Ergo Christ also must be eternall and immortall For the couenant coulde not be eternall vnlesse he also were eternall and incorruptible in whome the same is made and which is the onely mediator thereof It followeth therefore that it was necessary that Christ shoulde rise againe from the deade and being raysed agayne shoulde after that suffer no more corruption Here by the waye it is to be obserued howe Christ must die but once And then it followeth that he must be but once offered for sinne forasmuch as without shedding of bloude there is no forgiuenesse of sinne See howe copiously Paule handleth this matter Heb. 9. and .10 Whereby the sacrifyce of the Masse is so ouerthrowne that it is marueyle howe there shoulde be any among Christians so voyde of shame that can go about to stablish and defende it The thirde testimonie he alleageth out of the .xvj. Psalme which we see Peter also vsed in his fyrst sermon at Ierusalem and euen in the same sorte and wise Also he prooueth that that place cannot be vnderstanded of Dauid but onely of christ For thus he reasoneth Dauid sayeth Thou shalt not suffer thine holy one to see corruption But it is manifest that Dauid fynished the course of his lyfe after the maner of other men and after he had ended his lyfe fell on sleepe and mouldred to dust Therfore Dauid speaketh not of himselfe but of Christ which he knewe should be borne of his stocke For before he suffered corruption he rose againe the thirde day in his glorious body So Paule in fewe words comprehendeth all the mysteries of Christ and sheweth that it is he of whome the Prophetes euerywhere haue spoken Furthermore before we make an ende lette vs obserue the phrase of speach where he sayth that Dauid after he had serued his age or time This thing teacheth vs both our dutie and condicion and state admonishing vs that mutuall charitie is required of vs as long as we liue in this worlde but after we are taken out of this lyfe that we are quitte of all duties towardes all men and that from thenceforth there is no more required at our handes Ergo the deade haue nothing to doe with the liuing so that it is truly sayde of the saintes in the Prophete Abraham knoweth vs not and Israel is ignorant of vs. By this inuocation and intercession to saintes is confuted whose felicitie cannot be perfyte if they shoulde be troubled with our miseries and aduersitie Also the appearing of spirites and soules are reprooued wherby they that forged and inuented the fyre of Purgatory haue hitherto gotten great gayne Then also Paule so describeth the death of Dauid that by the same may be seene the state of euery one of vs in death For fyrst he sayeth he fell on sleepe by the will of god Then our death hangeth not vpon the vncertaine hazardes of fortune or vpon the will of man but vpon Gods counsayle and determination who as he hath the heares of our heades numbred so hath he also the number of our dayes And this one thing is sufficient to comfort vs against the daungers and terrors of death That done he sayth he fell on sleepe Christ also calleth death sleepe bicause we being ridde of all the sorowes and griefes of lyfe by death rest from our labours in hope of the resurrection to come Thirdly he sayth hee was layde vnto his fathers which kinde of speach in the Scripture is vsed very often and teacheth vs that there are certain places appointed for the soules of the deade wherof Christ also maketh mention in the Parable of the rich glutton and Lazarus For the soules of the godly are layde with the blessed whose resting place the scripture sometime calleth the bosome of Abraham Contrarywise the soules of the wicked and of as many as haue put men in feare in the lande of the liuing go vnto hell Last of all Dauid sawe corruption For this is the immutable sentence of God that we which tooke our beginning of dust shoulde be turned into dust agayne and so is it requisite for the order of our saluation For this corruptible must put on incorruptibility this mortall must put on immortality bicause flesh and bloud cannot inherite the kingdome of heauen Therfore we haue a great hope in our corruption which we knowe is the beginning of our regeneration and resurrection to come And that this was the onely hope of the Saintes Iobes wordes in his .xix. Chapter manifestly declare Let vs therefore comfort our selfe with the same and not feare death seeing that we shall be made like vnto Iesus Christ the sonne of God to whome be prayse honor power and glory for euer Amen The lxxxxiij Homelie BE it knowne vnto you therefore ye men and brethren that through this man is preached vnto you the forgiuenesse of sinnes and that by him all that beleeue are iustified from all things from which you coulde not be iustified by the lawe of Moses Beware therefore least that fall on you which is spoken of in the Prophetes Beholde you despysers and woonder and perishe ye For I doe a worke in your dayes which you shall not beleeue though a man declare it you AFter the Apostle Paule had diligentlye and plainely declared that Iesus Christ was the very sonne of God and that sauiour that was once promised vnto mankinde and had also remooued out of the way all those impedimentes that might hinder the Iewes from the embracing of Christ nowe at length he concludeth his sermon which consisteth in two pointes For fyrst he sheweth what benefytes are giuen vs in Christ meaning thereby to enflame the mindes of his hearers with the desire of true fayth Next he layeth the horrible iudgement of God before their eyes in that he
the saying of Dauid Many are the tribulations of the iust and that Christ foretolde shoulde come vnto vs And in all these things we must remember that so it must be not onely for that God maye be founde true of hys worde but bicause it is expedient thus to tame and brydle our fleshe and to mooue vs to lothe this lyfe and to desire the life to come For we feele in our selues what a loue of this worlde is in our fleshe and with howe much adoe we are brought to the desire of heauenly things And what thinke you woulde come of vs if we should taste of no aduersitie in this world but haue all things come to passe according to our desire lyking Surely the flesh would neuer be brought to renounce this worlde which notwithstanding all these vexations is woonderfully in loue with the worlde The second reason is that they declare how there is a ioyfull ende of tribulations for that by tribulations there is an entrance for vs into the kingdome of god Which wordes are not so to be vnderstanded as though by suffring afflictions we deserue the kingdome of God which is purchased for vs by the bloude of our Sauiour Christ only But they teach vs that Christ by his example hath trode out this way vnto vs that as he by the crosse entred into the glory of his father so the ende of all afflictions is set forth vnto vs to be the inheritaunce of eternall life according to the promise of Christ I will that where I am there my Minister shall also be Who therfore will henceforth abhorre the crosse who will be offended at afflictions seeing he heareth they come also vnto the wicked but by Christes meane worke to the saluation of the godly Let vs remember these things at this day O brethren Let vs consider that it is Gods appoyntment that we should be thus invred with diuers troubles and that it can not be otherwise bicause the naughtynesse of our flesh so requireth Let vs haue an eye to the example of Christ who bicause he woulde be our Captaine suffered fyrst all these things Furthermore let vs fasten the eyes of our minde vppon the glory of the heauenly life and forgette these frayle and temporall things behinde vs Lette vs ioyne herevnto feruent prayer that he maye vouchsafe to accomplish and performe the good worke which is begonne in vs And so shall it come to passe that being inspyred with his spirite and grace and hauing prosperously ended this race of our life and attayned to the rewarde of the heauenly we shall liue and reigne with our Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christ to whome be prayse honor power and glory for euer Amen The C. Homelie AND when they had ordeyned them Elders by election in euery congregation and had prayed and fasted they commended them to the Lorde on whome they beleeued And when they had gone thorowout Pisidia they came to Pamphilia and when they had preached the woorde in Perga they descended into the Citie Attalia and thence departed by shippe to Antioch from whence they were committed vnto the grace of God to the woorke which they fulfilled When they were come and had gathered togither the congregation they rehearsed all that God had done by them and howe hee had opened the doore of fayth vnto the Gentyles And there they abode long time with the Disciples AS it was the dutie of the Apostles to bring our Sauiour Iesus Christ Disciples and to gather him a Church out of all Nations by preaching of the Gospell so was it their parts and dutie carefullye and diligently to see vnto the same Churches And this doe Paule and Barnabas most faythfullye For after they had with perill of their lyues planted Congregations at Antioche Iconium and Lystra they laboured with all industrie possible to maintaine and defende the same against the assaults and craftes of Satan And bicause they knewe the Iewes did marueylously vexe them they returned againe to the Churches there notwithstanding they were opprobriously driuen forth of them Neither doe they returne without profyte but confyrme and strengthen the mindes of the Disciples with admonitions and comfortes exhorting them to continue and abide in the doctrine and putting away the slaunder and offence of the Crosse of all which hath bene spoken in the sermon before going Herevnto is to be adioyned that that is sayde in the beginning of this place touching Elders ordeyned by the sayde Apostles When we haue hereof intreated as much as God shall giue vs grace then will we speake of their returne vnto the Church at Antioch agayne to whome they recounted all that they had done abrode When they had sayth Luke ordeyned them Elders by election in euery congregation and had prayed and fasted they commended them to the Lorde on whome they beleeued They are called Seniors or Elders which partlye are Ministers and teachers of his word and partly such as are ayding and assisting the Pastours in the administration of the Church and which by reason of their authoritie see that Discipline be obserued in the Church And where Luke sayth they ordeyned such in euery Church it easily appeareth that it is very necessarye for the conseruation of the Church to haue such as by whose ministery the doctrine of the worde may be had in continuall vse This is requisite both for the infyrmitie of the flesh and also bicause of the corruption of mannes nature which must needes be oftentimes warned to doe his dutie least he be brought to destruction by the craftes and subtiltie of the Deuill For the which cause Christ did not onely sende forth the Apostles to preach the Gospell among all Nations of the worlde but also gaue vnto his Church Pastours and teachers by whose diligence the fayth and knowledge of God which the Apostles taught might be confyrmed and preserued in mens mindes And Paule writeth that he left Titus for this cause in Creta that he should ordeyne Elders in euery Citie of that Islande And herevnto it is manifest the godlyest Kings and Princes that were hertofore had a respect by whose liberalitie Churches were endowed and enriched least for want of prouision the ministery of the word shoulde haue fayled Therefore their error is very pieuishe and absurde which reiect the doctryne of the worde as vnprofytable and superfluous For if these men did well knowe themselues they would perceyue that thys is the readyest waye whereby to attayne vnto saluation as Christ sometime tolde Martha being very much busied and occupyed in other matters Therefore as many as will haue the Church to be maintayned let them diligentlye prouide that the Church want not fytte and worthy Ministers The Euangelyst also declareth the ceremony or maner of choosing Elders wherein prayer and fasting were fyrst placed whereof mention was made as we haue hearde before in the lyke case Act. 1. and .13 When the Scripture vseth to ioyne both these togither it signifyeth that
a cause that Luke maketh mention twise or thrise of the grace worke of god For fyrst he sayth they were committed vnto the grace of God in this worke to the intent that all the Church might wytnesse they were able to doe nothing without the grace of god Then declare they what woonders God wrought by them which kinde of phrase attributeth the whole successe of their ambassage and ministerie to God onely Moreouer they declare howe God opened the dore of fayth vnto the Gentyles Then is there a dore opened vnto the fayth when an effectuall operation of the holy spirite is ioyned vnto the outwarde preaching whereby the mindes of men are illuminated and drawne vnto the obedience of fayth This is the only worke of God as Christ testifyeth saying No man commeth vnto me except my father draweth him We are taught therefore by the example of the Apostles to attribute nothing to our owne industrie and wisedome in deede of vs it is required to be faithfull and diligent Howbeit as the successe of our doings must be committed vnto God so must all the prayse and glorye of their well doings be referred vnto him also Which doctrine is not onely for ministers of the worde to remember but also for all Magistrates housholders maryed folke seruauntes and to conclude for all states and degrees of men as we haue oftentimes declared Last of all it is sayde they tarrie a good space at Antioche to the ende doubtlesse to recreate themselues with honest and godly quietnesse hauing bene wearied a long whyle before with many labours and daungers both by lande and sea For it is meete conuenient that they should reape some fruite of their labours whose fayth and diligence had bene so many waies tried So Christ bade his Apostles when they returned from preaching the gospell to go aside out of the waye for a season and to repose themselues a little Let no man yet thinke that the Apostles sate still at Antioche ydely gasing vpon others For without doubt they faithfully taught the brethren and tooke paines in helping the other Ministers But for a certaine time they surceased from traueyling and taking anye enterprise of daunger in hande God the father of mercie graunt that all they that nowe a dayes glory in the gospell may fynishe the course of their lyfe with like diligence and successe as did the Apostles and that in the heauenly Chanaan they may enioy perpetuall rest and peace with Iesus Christ our Sauiour to whome be all praise honor power and glory for euer Amen The .xv. chapiter vpon the Actes of the Apostles The Cj. Homelie AND certayne men which came downe taught the brethren except you be circumcised after the maner of Moses you cannot be saued So when there was rysen discention and disputing not a little vnto Paule and Barnabas and certayne other of them should go vp to Ierusalem vnto the Apostles and Elders about this question And after they were brought on their way by the congregation they passed ouer Phoenices and Samaria declaring the conuersion of the Gentyles and they brought great ioy vnto all the brethren And when they were come to Ierusalem they were receyued of the congregations and of the Apostles and Elders and they declared all the things that God had done by them IN the former part of his treatise or worke Luke hath declared howe the primitiue Church was gathered togither both of Iewes and Gentiles by preaching of the Apostles and howe by the wonderfull assistaunce of GOD it was preserued amonge the contynuall stormes blastes of persecution Herevnto is added a newe hystorie in thys Chappiter that teacheth vs howe the Lorde preserued the same Church agaynst false brethren and teachers least it myghte lose eyther simplicitie of doctrine or puritie of faith For hytherto for fourteene yeares togyther Paule had preached the Gospell and according to the common consent of the Apostles doctrine had taught that all saluation was in Christ Iesus onelye which doctrine being euerywhere receyued certayne of the Iewes specially those of the Phariseys secte that professed the fayth of Christ began to withstande Who albeit they confessed Christ yet they would needes haue circumcision and the ceremonies of the lawes to be ioyned with it which opinion whiles Paule earnestly resisted caused great adooe and contention insomuch that it horribly shooke the whole Church But our Sauiour Christ forsooke not them that stro●e for the glory of his merite by whose prouidence it came to passe that the plaine and simple doctrine of Christ was defended and confyrmed by the publike testimonie of the Apostles and the whole Church The consyderation of thys hystorie serueth much both to instruct and comfort all congregations For as by the example of the Apostles we are taught which waye to resist false doctrine ●o learne we that the doctrine of truth standeth fyrme and sure against all inuasions wherefore we will in order consider all the partes of this present place First Luke telleth who were the authors of this strife discention euen certaine persons that came out of Iurie and from Ierusalem Therfore they must needes be of great authoritie considering Ierusalem was the mother Church of all other and was worthily esteemed of all menne bicause from thence the Gospell of saluation did fyrst issue and spring for the which cause Paule also commendeth it saying It was meete the Gentyles shoulde minister corporall thinges vnto those of Ierusalem which had giuen them the spirituall and eternall giftes of saluation And it is no doubt but those deceyuers and seducers did marueylously bragge of the name and authoritie of the Apostles and did make lyght of Paules name as who should saye he deserued not to be counted among the Apostles bicause he had not bene conuersant with Iesus Christ whyle he liued For this maye we gather of Paules Epistles where he is enforced earnestlye to defende his authoritie and Apostleship against them Furthermore we maye here see howe deceyuers breede euen in the Church but were neuer true members of the Church For they that are in deede of the Church vse to continue in the same Therefore Christ sayth they go in sheepes clothing And Paule in another place sayth from among your selues shall ryse grieuous wolues c. And this is a woonderfull craft of Satan which knowing that men doe hate and abhorre him vseth to counterfeyte an Aungell of light and vnder the cloke of holynesse to beguyle and deceyue the simple This place serueth to confute them which constantly beleeue that the Romane Church cannot erre and be deceyued and affirme that whatsoeuer commeth from thence ought to be receyued as an Oracle And yet out of Ierusalem where the Apostles discharged their office and dutie with all diligence came these hypocrites and deceyuers What therefore shall we hope for at their handes amongst whome these many hundred yeres hath bene seene no token eyther of Apostolike lyfe or
intollerable yoke cannot be layde vpon the Disciples neckes without a marueylous offence if they be driuen to seeke saluation by obseruing the lawe And with this opinion or doctrine he sayth God is tempted For they tempt him that without his commaundement eyther go about themselues or exact of others to doe that that is not in their power And they also which will be taught the will of God by anye other meanes than he hath appointed So the Israelites tempted God when after his infynite benefytes they sayde they woulde acknowledge his goodnesse and omnipotencie if he coulde giue them fleshe to eate in the wildernesse And Christ shoulde haue tempted God if he had followed the deuils counsayle to haue cast himselfe downe headlong from the pinnacle of the Temple to haue prooued the will and truth of Gods promises toward him Both these thinges it is manifest they doe that will be iustifyed by the workes of the lawe For those things which farre passe the strength of man without any calling of God or his worde both they themselues enterprise to doe and also exact of other For it is as impossible for any man to fulfyll the law as to reach heauen with his fynger For the lawe is spirituall and requyreth not onely our outward workes but also all our minde and all the powers of man to obey god But we be carnall and solde vnder sinne And euen in the Saints remaine the dregs of flesh and the law of sinne which bringeth vs in thrall to sinne euen against our will and against the spirit of God as Paule confesseth of himselfe in the chapter last rehearsed Moreouer the law threatneth the sentence of malediction and death vnto as many as fulfyl not all the commaundements therof What else then doe they but tempt God which will be iustifyed by the lawe And bicause they neglect the meane of saluation which God offreth them in Christ and deuyse a newe meane to attayne vnto the grace of God they tempt him two wayes And if they will enforce other men also vnto the same way they lay such a yoke vpon them as the holy fathers in time past were not able to beare For thus vsed they to saye If thou Lord wilt marke narrowly what is done amisse who shall be able to abyde it Enter not into iudgement with thy seruant All our righteousnesse is like a patched garment and like a cloth arayed with a womans monethly disease Marke therefore what iust occasion we haue to contende with these men which nowe a dayes woulde haue people iustifyed by their workes and which like the Phariseys contemning the righteousnesse of God which he giueth vs in Christ go about to set vp their owne And let no man here replye Ergo the lawe is giuen vs in vaine Ergo we will boldly doe what we list For the true vse of the lawe remayneth still in that like a Tutor it leadeth vs vnto Christ and sheweth vs a rule howe to liue godly Neither must we renounce good workes although we attribute not the glory of iustifycation vnto them For although iustifycation belongeth only vnto God yet is it euident that the dutie of them whome God iustifyeth is continually to keepe innocencie and puritie of lyfe which is giuen them in Christ as much as in them is touching which poynt Paule hath diuers considerations What can be spoken more grieuously than that that Peter sayth agaynst them which woulde seeme to striue for the glory of God for good works and the duties of a Christian lyfe He sayeth they tempt God which is such an heynous offence by Scripture as is worthye of no pardon They put a yoke vpon other mennes neckes and bring them into thraldome againe that are redeemed with the bloude of christ Therefore they commit sacriledge against christ If our aduersaries nowe a dayes woulde expende these things they shoulde easily perceyue that they had no cause to rayle and fare so fowle with vs but woulde rather acknowledge their fault and not treade vnder foote the grace of God and the merite of Christ with their fylthie hypocrisie so waywardly as they doe Furthermore least Peter might seeme ouerboldlye to condemne the fathers in saying that they were able to fulfyll the lawe in his conclusion he bringeth in the meane whereby they were saued saying wee beleeue that through the grace of our Lorde Iesus Christ we shall be saued as they doe beleeue Thus he encourageth the weake to whome it seemed an harde matter to forsake that religion wherein they beleeued their forefathers pleased God and were saued as though he shoulde say you are fowlye deceyued if you thinke our Predecessors were iustifyed and saued by the workes of the lawe seeing they haue plainely confessed they neuer fulfylled the lawe And if you woulde then knowe which waye they were saued we can shewe you none other than the same which is at this day preached to vs in christ For he whome we knowe is come they wayted for to come and hoped in none other Sauiour but him Therefore there is but one maner of fayth both of the olde and new Testament and but one way of saluation in them both Christ testifyeth the same speaking of Abraham where he sayth that Abraham sawe his daye and reioyced therein And Paule sayeth that the fathers did eate the same spirituall meate that we do eate and confesseth that they drewe saluation out of the rocke which was Christ. And to conclude he maketh such a communion betweene vs and the fathers that one while he applieth their sacraments vnto vs and an otherwhile ours vnto them They are therefore greatly deceyued that saye the olde Testament belongeth not vnto vs and saye we be no Iewes for whose behoofe they were written Why rather doe not we thinke the Iewes were the people of God whome God saued none other waye in times passed than we be saued now adayes Againe Peter briefely toucheth the meane of our saluation And the foundation thereof he layeth in the grace of God by the which worde alone the righteousnesse and merite of workes is excluded bicause they be contrary one to the other For if saluation come of grace as Paule sayth then not of workes for then grace shoulde not be grace if workes shoulde merite But if we be saued by workes then it is not by grace for the worke loseth the name of merite assoone as grace entreth See Romaines the .xj. Chap. Which place abundantly teacheth vs that the grace of God and the merites of our workes cannot stande togither Then againe he sayth that Iesus Christ is the mediator of that grace in whome we are taught by Oracle from heauen that God is reconciled vnto vs Last of all he sayth we take holde of this grace by faith For we beleeue sayeth he to be saued by the grace of our Lorde Iesus Christ. Therefore all the meane of our saluation may be comprehended in fewe and
can not be in rest and safetie bicause the insatiable auarice of Priestes exacteth tribute of them fayning that their soules are tormented and purifyed in the fornace of Purgatorie Is there not an vnknowne God worshipped amonge vs the God Maozim as Daniel sayeth whome all our fathers knew not which eyther is made of bread or chaunged into breade Would God men woulde nowe a dayes expende these thinges and learne what a miserable case it is to want the lyght of truth For whoso lacketh this lyght are both ignorant themselues of all things in religion and lose their labor before God which neyther can nor will be worshipped with mans traditions Let vs therefore harken vnto Paule and the Apostles whome God ordeyned to teach the blinde worlde his true religion and worship Furthermore Paule so teacheth al these things in the second part of his sermon that therwith also he confuteth the errors of the gentiles wherof sprang those errors which yet bewitch the world In the meane while although he had to do with most subtile Philosophers and curious men yet he disputeth not subtilly of Gods essence or nature which God himselfe testifyeth Exo. 33. is inscrutable but describeth God by his works teaching what we ought to beleeue of him and how to worship him God sayth he that made the world and all things therin conteyned seeing that he is Lorde of heauen and earth c. It seemeth he speaketh this agaynst the Epicures which affirmed the world was from euerlasting or else that all things came togyther by concurrence and meeting of motes togither and that God had no care of worldly things But Paule sayth that God is the creator and lord of the world and layth this for an infallible grounde of hys doctryne such as no man will denie but he that is voide of common reason Herofhe gathereth that templary religion was but a vayne thing which was of such pryce and authoritie among the Grecians that they hated the Persians for none other cause more than for that they euerywhere burned the temples in Greece bicause they sawe they serued more for superstition than godlinesse Thus reasoneth Paule He that is Lord of all things must needes be euerywhere But god as he is creator of all things so is he Lorde of all Therefore he is present euerywhere and so by consequence dwelleth not in Churches which are builded with mens handes But that which is sayde agaynst the Gentyles which iudged that religion stoode in the bewty and furniture of Temples and vnto them tyed the maiestie power and grace of God the same maketh agaynst all those which glorying in the honour of the true God are yet drowned in the dotage of this errour When Salomon had bestowed great costes and treasure in building of a Temple at length he sayth vnto God Behold the heauen of heauens is not able to conteyne thee howe much lesse this Church which I haue builded And God himselfe in Esay cap. 66. sayth Heauen is my seate and the earth is my footestoole where therefore shall this house bee that you will builde for me Ieremie sharpely reprehendeth the Iewes trusting in the religion of their Temple Yea Christ sayeth that true worshippers are not tyed vnto certayne and peculiar places but sheweth vs that they worship God euerywhere in spirite and in truth Here therefore are all pilgrimages taken away in the whych foolish menne of an heathenish error suppose saluation chiefely to stande And yet for all this we vtterlye condemne not the vse of Churches For they serue for outward religion which is necessary for the profession of fayth and for the nourishing of concorde and vnitie whyle we resort thyther to heare the worde of God that is to saye common prayers and to haue the sacraments ministred Wherevnto Temples must be so ordered that we must thynke it vnlawfull to pollute them with any kinde of prophane vsages But Paule continueth on in describing of God saying that God hath neede of nothing Wherevpon he gathereth that he is not worshypped wyth handes and that religion consisteth not in outwarde obsequies and duties of men He prooueth the Antecedent in that he sayth he giueth life and breath vnto all men By this argument he impugneth the vaine affiance in priests in whome our Auncestours reposed the chiefe part of religion It seemeth Paule tooke his argument out of Gods wordes where he accuseth the Israelites that thought he was worshipped and pleased with sacrifyces For he sayth I will take no Bullocke out of thy house nor hee Goates out of thy foldes For all the beastes of the forrest are mine and so are the cattelles vppon a thousande hilles I knowe all the fowles vpon the mountaines and the wylde beastes of the fielde are in my sight If I be hungry I will not tell thee c. But by this argument it appeareth all popish religion is condemned For what else doe they in that religion but being deceyued by wicked superstition take from the poore commended to vs by Christ the duties which they offer to Saintes that haue no neede yea which knowe vs not Yea the most of their oblations serue for Idols voyde of all senses or for Priests that liue wantonly and in ryot In the meane season superstition hath taken so deepe roote that it is thought a lesse offence to kill a man and robbe him than to take a peece of a vayle from an Idoll or the aultar to clothe a poore bodye with O maners O times But some man maye saye If God be not worshipped by sacrifyces why did he appoynt them for the people by Moses and commaunde them Let vs consider there were two kindes of sacrifyces The one was expiatorie for sinnes so called not for that sinnes coulde be purged by the bloude of Oxen and Gotes for that Paule plainly denieth Heb. 10. but for that they prefygured Christ whome all the holy and godly men beleeued shoulde dye for the sinnes of the worlde at a time long before appoynted They taught vs also that we shoulde slaughter and mortifye all beastlye affections and bring a contrite heart before God which Dauid testifyeth is the acceptablest sacrifyce that God requireth Another kinde of them was gratulatorie or of thankes giuing for benefytes receyued Yet all these for the more part consisted in bloud bicause as yet the bloud of Christ was not shed wherwith only the father shoulde be appeased This bloude therefore being shed and the mysterie of our redemption accomplished there remayned no more sacrifyce expiatorie or propitiatorie for sinnes For Christ his merite is sufficient and there is no neede of other sacrifyce as the Epistle to the Hebrues at large teacheth vs Yet Christians want not sacrifyces but yet vnbloudy for since the bloude of Christ was shedde there is no more vse eyther of beastes bloude or mannes in the things pertayning to the ordinary honouring of God. For they make themselues
Christ cryeth Repent you for the kingdome of heauen is at hande The Apostles preach likewyse by his commaundement And in the last of Lukes gospell he prescribeth the same order of teaching that fyrst repentaunce shoulde be preached in his name and then forgiuenesse of sinnes Which order all this booke and their Epistles doe sufficientlye testifye they diligently obserued Therefore they falsly and to impudentlye call themselues Gospellers which holde on in their former errors and licentiously followe vice and will not suffer the Ministers to reprooue their maners which is as though a man shoulde desire of the Phisition to maintayne his health but yet woulde not haue him withstande sickenesses and applye thereto conuenient dyet and remedies We are taught moreouer that no man is excused before God eyther through ignorance of his Predecessors or times passed For that our auncestors erred in the ages passed was through the iust iudgement of God which dissembled and bare with their errors But when he reuealeth his will it is certayne he will no longer beare with their error but requyreth repentaunce of all men Which thing whoso performeth not are contemners of the grace offred and therfore deserue most grieuous punishments This thing shoulde they well obserue that vnder the plausible pretence of forefathers and auncient superstitiousnesse persecute the Gospell with fyre and sworde But they shall neuer escape the iudgement of God whereof Paule reasoneth in this present place For he alleageth the cause wherefore God nowe reuealeth his worde vnto the Gentyles saying for he hath appoynted a day in the which he wyll iudge the worlde with righteousnesse c Thus he layeth before their eyes the auncient vsage of God which neuer punisheth any sinners but such as are abundantly tolde and warned before For he can doe nothing but he fyrst reuealeth the same vnto his seruauntes the Prophets We haue euery where examples not onely in the scriptures but also in the stories of the Gentyles so that we neede not here to stande long in rehearsall of them It is better for vs to consyder the order of the last iudgement which Paule briefly and plainly toucheth Fyrst bycause of Epicures their sectaries he declareth that God hath appoynted a day of iudgement bicause none should hickscornelyke deryde the mention therof which thing Peter teacheth vs certaine ●o●kers should doe And that that Paule sayth the whole consent of scripture prooueth Herevnto appertaine the things spoken in the last chapter of Daniel Which Christ also so often inculcateth And as it is sayde in an other place we must also come before the iudgement seat of christ This doth the iustice of God plainely requyre which coulde by no meanes stand if that iudgement were not where euery man shall receyue condigne rewarde according to his workes For in this worlde we see for the most part that the godly are afflicted without anye renumeration and the wicked rage and ryot without check Then he declareth who they be that shall be thus iudged naming all the worlde which we in the articles of our faith expresse by the quick and the dead Therefore none shall escape that day but as we sayde before we shall all come before the iudgement seate of god For there is no respect of persons with God neyther can any man bleare his eyes This thing ought to make great men which are puffed vp in worldly pride mindefull of modestie and humilitie Thirdely he declareth the maner and fashion of the iudgement saying he shall iudge with righteousnesse Therefore there shall be no place for colours or pretences but they that haue synned vnder the lawe shall beare the sentence of the lawe and they that haue sinned without lawe shall be condempned without lawe And euery man shall receyue according to that he hath done in his body This ought we to remember when the entisements of sinne and the fleshe creepe vpon vs which pull vs from doing our duetie when also the glorie and riches of this worlde prouoketh vs to sinne For what shall man giue for the redemption of his life in that daye when the most seuere Iudge shall pronounce sentence according to the tenor of iustice Finally he defyneth the Iudge by whome God shall iudge the worlde ver●ly by the man whome he hath ordeyned So he calleth Christ bicause of his humaine nature meaning to vse the more tollerable name among the vnbeleeuing to the ende he might come by little and little to speake of the mysteries of christ It is not without a cause that the scripture euerywhere declares that Christ shall be our Iudge For this maketh very much for the comfort of the godly when they heare he shall be their Iudge who they knowe is their Sauiour and Byshop For hereof they gather that he shall rather be a reuenger than a Iudge for them as Iob calleth him And they are not afrayde of the sentence of damnation at his hande whome they beleeue was offered on the crosse for them Againe to the wicked it is a great terror when they thinke he shall come to be their Iudge whome they haue wickedly contemned For they shall looke vpon him whome they pierced and to their perpetuall hindraunce and losse shall be constrayned to abyde his iudgement whome they would not acknowledge to be their redeemer Nowe bicause Paule hath made mention of Christ he beginneth to intreate of his mysteries in which treatise no man maye doubt but he was more prolixe and diligent then is here mentioned Luke noteth the chiefe pointes onely which abundantly declare what Paules oration and doctrine was They are three in number First he sayth he was predestinate or appointed of God from euerlasting as is elsewhere sayd This appeareth by the promises which declare he was ordeined to be the sauiour of mankinde euen from the very beginning Hereof we gather as Paule otherwheres teacheth that saluation commeth of grace without anye our desert For what man is there which can bragge that he hath deserued from euerlasting that the sonne of God should be appointed to be his sauiour Secondly he sayth that God in Christ hath perfourmed his promise vnto all men meaning that in him the promises fygures and prophecies wherein long agone saluation was comprysed are fulfylled wherevnto Christ being ready to yeelde vp the ghost had a respect and sayd It is finished or perfourmed And after his resurrection he shewed that so it behooued thynges shoulde be perfourmed that the Scriptures might be fulfylled which are wrytten in Moses the Prophetes and Psalmes Where vppon we gather that they all fowly erre which shewe any newe or other waye of saluation than in christ For what else doe they but reprooue God and Christ of lying See touching this poynt 1. Iohn 5. He that beleeueth not God maketh him a lyer c. Thirdly he maketh mention of Christes resurrection meaning thereby to prooue that he is the God and iudge of
Ghost also his open and expresse oracles They muste be like bāds wherby our wayward striuing flesh must be brought to the obedience of faith that willingly least we fele the mightie hand of god to our great losse calamitie who bringeth thē which had lefer to folow the sēsuality of flesh than to obey his calling euen perforce to that he willeth Thus we read he was angry with Moses refusing the office that he offered him Exod. 4. And vnto Ieremie doing the lyke and alleaging his youthe he sayde in wrathfull wyse Saye not I am to yong For thou shalte go to all that I shall send thee vnto ▪ and whatsoeuer I commaunde thee that shalt thou speake c. Iere. 1. What happened vnto Ionas for refusing the vocation of God is more euident than nedeth rehearsal of wordes So from this matter he commeth by litle litle to his purpose saying I knowe not what shall become of me there nor what the cause is that the spirite so vrgeth me to take this iourney but the same spirite telleth me that euery where afflictions and bands are prepared for me which thing the holie Prophets in euery Church with one consent testifie Yet must I goe thorough all these pykes and daungers yea and through death also considering it so semeth good vnto God who only hath power both vpon my selfe and death This place is very worthye to be consydered bicause it may serue much both for our instruction and consolation For first it declareth the faythfull care of God which vseth to defende and prouide for those that be his For where he loueth entirely he can not chose but consider them and giue them warning in time of all thinges that shall befall them For howe can he neglecte his seruauntes that honoure him seing he foresheweth the paines of the wicked bringeth no calamitie vpon them but he first warneth them thereof by his Prophetes Nexte we see howe God also warneth those that be his Paule vnderstoode that bands afflictions were prepared for him at Hierusalem But what the ende hereof should be the holy Ghoste as yet had not reueled vnto him God therefore after a generall sorte for the most parte admonisheth those that bee his although he declare not the perticulers of euery thing For he reuealeth asmuch vnto them as is needefull for them to know so that they may prepare themselues to beare the Crosse but to leaue all the successe thereof vnto him So we haue generall predictions whereby we are admonished that we shall suffer tribulations and aduersities in the worlde The chiefe vse whereof is that we shoulde prepare our selues to beare them least if they fel on vs vnarmed they would be occasion of greater offence Thirdely it behoueth vs to obserue the counsell of God which he is wont meruellously to shewe towarde his faythfull seruaunts Paule being many times before warned of the brethren eyther by flying saued him selfe or else prudently defeated his ennimies awaytes Nowe is he also admonished of bandes and afflictions but he is so vrged and prycked forwarde by the spirit of God that he vnderstandeth he must wade through the middle of them notwithstanding the brethren greatly dissuade him to the contrarie We reade also that Iesus Chryst sometime auoyded the attemptes and laying wayte of his enimies yet at length he commeth forth to meete them when he perceiued his houre was come and that the eternall decree of his heauenly father so required These thinges teach vs that daungers are not alwayes sufficient occasions for a man to flye For when we are vrged with the sure vocation of God we must not suffer our selues to be reuoked neyther through fire nor sworde nor floudes of the maine Sea as once happened at the redde Sea from doing our duetie wherevnto we perceyue we are called of God. But bycause he woulde not put his friendes and brethren to much in feare he vseth an Apostolyke and Christian consolation saying Howe of None of these things moue me As who should say I woulde not haue you to be greeued for my sake For why should you take any sorrowe for these things that I make no accounte off Why Paule doest thou then contemne the Oracles of the holy Ghost and the louing admonitions of thy brethren No but I therfore little esteeme the present daungers that be at hande bicause I passe little of my life that is to say I esteeme not this temporall lyfe more than my vocation which the Lorde hathe appoynted me vnto Yea I desire to finishe my course ioyfully and to satisfie my office and duetie by publishing the Gospell of the grace of God in all places Therefore where I haue long sithence dedicated my lyfe vnto Chryste imprisonmentes and afflictions can not make me afrayde This example of Paule declareth howe the godly should vse themselues in aduersitie Firste they shoulde not so care for tribulations that for the auoyding of them they shoulde committe any vncomely and vnworthy parte Otherwise God will not haue vs ledde with that Stoikes indolencie but that wee shoulde not haue more consideration of our selfe than of his vocation There can bee no greater comforte in this case than if men oftentimes meditate vppon Gods prouidence which Christ setteth before his Disciples and Dauid maketh this to bee his onely defence and safest Sanctuarie that he beleeueth His fleetings are numbred with God and hys teares putte in his bottell Math. 10. Psalm 56. Nexte let them take heede that they preferre not this temporall lyfe before the eternall Let them rather consider howe God hath lente vs this lyfe to liue vnto him and if neede also so require to dye vnto him And bicause we must once dye we can neuer dye happelier than in Gods vocation For so shall that saying of Dauid be verified on vs Precious in the sighte of the Lorde is the death of his Saincts And if it be vnlawfull to preferre this lyfe before the life euerlasting howe muche lesse oughte we to preferre riches honours pleasures and suche other worldely commodities as these before the same For what aduantageth it a man to get all the worlde and to lose his soule Or what thing is so precious that it can redeeme but one soule Finally the godly muste labour all that in them is to passe all aduersities ioyfully and to accomplishe their course that is the office wherewith they are put in charge prosperously For it su●fiseth not to beginne well but to continue still on as wee haue often tymes declared Let all men therefore remember that this lyfe is lyke vnto a race the ende whereof is death which they moste ioyfully take holde of which do their duetie euen vnto the ende But before we go any further let vs see how Paule speaketh of the Gospell and the Ministerie thereof He calleth it the Gospell of the grace of God of the effecte thereof bycause it offereth to vs the grace
deede but not according to knowledge suche as Christ sharpely reprehended in Peter when he also dissuaded him from bearing the Crosse yet their affection is to be praised in that they are carefull for Paules safetie being farre vnlike to menne in these dayes which bring Ministers in daunger wythout a cause and thinke that they haue well discharged their dueties if they can for a time redeme a worldly peace with the liues and bloud of the Ministers But Paule moste earnestly withstandeth them and complayneth of them saying they greeue him more with their weping than with the remembraunce of the daunger Therfore Paule was not stony hearted such an one as the Stoikes faine their good and blissefull man to be but he cōfesseth plainely that Goddes calling is more deare vnto him than his life and body The holy Ghost setteth his Example before all Ministers yea before all Christians to bee followed For vnlesse wee bee of the same mynde wee shall little or nothyng profytte in the waye of Christe bicause daungers are at hande on euery syde to them that seeke to serue Chryst. And this is no grieuous thing to the true godly if they wel wey the matter for what more profitable losse can we haue of this transitorie life and body which shall in few moneths mouldre into dust than to giue it for Chrystes sake whome we know died and rose againe for this ende that whether we liue or die we haue him to our Lord and Protectoure Which is the cause that Christ biddeth vs we should not feare thē which are able to kill the body but yet haue no power vpon the soule which is the better part of man And vnto these reasons do Paules companions also giue place For seeing him so constantly to persist in his purpose they say The will of God be fulfilled So now they perceiue at length that he is instigated heereunto by the calling of god Therfore least they might seeme to striue against God they commit them selues and the whole businesse vnto him folowing bothe the example and commaundement of christ And surely there is no more safe hauen for the godly to get them selues into amidde the raging and horrible tempests of these dayes than the will of god Which bicause it is holy and wholesome is able most effectually to recreate and cheare the mindes that are tossed with troubles and cares with the consideration therof Let vs therfore after the example of these men haue a regarde onely vnto the same and couragiously suffer what so euer God layeth vpon vs who for that he is faithfull wil not suffer vs to be tempted aboue our strength but euen in the middle of temptation wil make a way that we shall be able to beare it Nowe followeth Paules arriuall at Ierusalem where we haue three things to be considered First his frendes accompanie him which hitherto had bene his companions and vnto these are added newe frendes gotten at Caesaria In which place the truth of God appeareth which vseth to ioyne freendes and companions to them that suffer daunger for his names sake as otherwheres we haue declared Furthermore in them appeareth a notable example of faithe and constancie For they were not ignorant what was like to happen vnto Saule And there was greate cause for their owne parte also to be afraide Yet they forsake him not whome they knewe maintained Christes quarrell nor would not be driuen from him by any waues and ●ourges of aduersitie Let suche marke this Example as are pot freendes and as long as fortune laugheth will be companions with men but if shee begin once to lowre they forget all frendship and benefites and turne their backes The second is how the faithfull there prouide Paule of a commodious lodging For althoughe daungers were toward him yet prudencie must be ioyned with religion as Christ teacheth who in daungers wil haue vs to be wise as serpents His hoste was one Mnason a Cypriote borne and an olde disciple or protestant whereby is noted the perseueraunce and continuaunce he was of in the faith And charitie accompanieth faithe whereof this was a notable argument that he would lodge Paule and his companions knowing what daunger they were like to be in This is the propertie of true faith that the nigher daunger approcheth and the more vehemently it vrgeth the brighter it shineth Therefore our coldnesse is very worthy to be blamed which in daungers dissemble our faith and plainely neglect the duetie of charitie Last of all the brethren at Ierusalem do gladly receiue Paule yet heereafter we shall heare what euill rumors they spread of him But thy brethren would not condempne him without hearing of his cause They are most worthy to be folowed and teach vs by their example that we rashly beleue not such as ill report the brethren For such as these for the most parte are the chosen instrumentes of the Deuill which knoweth that the Church can no way be more greuously disturbed than by the deuision of the brethren Let vs therfore be mindfull of charitie which of all things abhorreth suspitiousnesse and let vs wholely apply our selues to keepe the vnitie of the Church vnblemished in Iesus Christ our sauiour to whome be praise honor power and glory for euer Amen The Cxxxix Homelie ANd on the morrow Paule went in with vs vnto Iames. And all the Elders came togither And when he had saluted them he told by order all things that God had wrought among the Gentiles by his Ministration And when they heard it they glorified the Lord and said vnto him thou seest brother how many thousand Iewes there are which beleue and they are all earnest followers ouer the law And they are enfourmed of thee that thou teachest all the Iewes which are among the Gentiles to forsake Moses and sayest that they ought not to circumcise their children neyther to liue after the customes What is it therfore The multitude must needes come togither for they shall hear that thou art come Do therfore this that we say to thee We haue four men which haue a vow on them Thē take purifie thy selfe with them and do cost on them that they may shaue their heads and all shall knowe that those things which they haue heard concerning thee are nothing but that thou thy selfe also walkest and keepest the law But as touching the Gentiles which beleue we haue written and concluded that they obserue no such thing saue only that they keepe them selues from things offred to Idolles and from bloud and from strangled and from fornication ALthough many false rumors were spred of Paule the Apostle that chosen vessell of Iesus Christ whereby bothe his good name and doctrine was greeuously stained and impeached by his aduersaries yet Luke wryteth that the brethren at Ierusalem did frendly and courteously receyue him thereby teaching vs that they had a more regarde of charitie than of a fewe of persones boyling in hatred
the world he shal easily perceiue in himself that hath not vtterly lost his senses And what we haue to do when God by such meanes as these allureth vs Pauls exāple declareth In dede ther appereth in him some smack of carnal slouthfulnesse which being strickē to the groūd doth not yet know his lord But this is worthy to be cōmended that whē the Lord had told him what he was by by he demandeth what his wil is that he should do For this is the saying of a true hūble hart submitting himself wholy to obey the wil of god Let vs therfore folow this exāple which the holy Ghost wold haue put in wryting to serue for our instruction And when we are chastised let vs think we are chastised of the Lord who requireth of vs repentance And let vs do penaunce not according to our owne braine or as seemeth good in our sight but according to Gods appointment which we shal learne in his word For after this sort aduersitie shal serue to our amendment and our amendment or conuersion shall be acceptable vnto god But if a mā wold compare these things with the vsage of our dayes he shal easily perceiue how many wayes mē herein offend For a man shal find few which whē they are chastised wil acknowledge God to be the author therof but the most part impute their misfortunes vnto other causes And if there be any so touched with the feeling of religion ▪ that they are constrained to acknowledge the hand of God yet is that feling very smal and of litle continuance or else ioyned with superstition wherby being deceiued they do their penaunce but counterfetly and for a litle season as God vpbraideth the people of Israel by his Prophet And this is the cheefe cause of so many and so continuall calamities as are in our dayes which if we redresse not lette vs neuer looke for better state The last thing in this treatise is how Paule is sent into the Citie to Ananias of whome he requireth more fully to be instructed The causes of this precept or doing we haue declared before where ye may loke for the same It becommeth vs to follow the example of Paule that framing our selues according to Gods calling we turne from superstition and other sinnes vnto God and hang wholy vpon his mouth and word fashioning our life and conuersation according to his will. For so after we haue happily ended this life we shall be coheires in heauen with Iesus Christe the sonne of the euer liuing God to whome be praise honor power and glory for euer Amen The Cxliij Homelie ANd one Ananias a perfecte man and as pertaining to the lawe hauing good reporte of all the Iewes which there dwelt came vnto mee and stoode and said vnto me brother Saule receiue thy light And the same houre I receiued my sight and sawe him And he saide the God of our fathers hath ordained thee before ▪ that thou shouldest knowe his will and shouldest heare the voice of his mouth For thou shalt be his witnesse vnto all men of those things which thou hast seene and heard And nowe why tarriest thou Arise and be baptised and wash away thy sinnes in calling on the name of the Lord. BIcause all chaunge of religion is odious as arguing a light and inconstant minde therefore Paule so diligently excuseth his leauing the Iewes religion And first he declareth that he behaued himselfe therein with great zeale least any should thinke he were fallen away of ignorance and lack of knowledge or of hatred of discipline or of leuitie and inconstantnesse And he beginneth the Historie of his vocation in suche sorte as it may appeare that he was not onely called by God but also constrained And now he addeth hereunto how he was ordained vnto the office of an Apostle by the ministery of Ananias ▪ who was appointed of God to be the interpreter of this heauenly oracle and vision The principall vse of this place is to answere them which suspected the storie of his vocation and saide that Paule was deceiued by a vaine fantasie and delusion He beginneth in commodious wise with the description of Ananias lest any man might thinke he had giuen credit to any slender or light person of no estimation And for bicause the Iewes would not haue admitted the testimonie of any that had forsaken his religion he first and formoste commendeth him for a diligent obseruer and follower of the lawe where he saithe he is a godly man according to the lawe Unto this commendation he ioyneth the publike testimonie of al the Iewes dwelling at that time at Damascus Beesides this hee declareth howe his sight was restored to him againe the cheefe vse wherof it seemeth God would haue to be this that Paule mighte knowe that Ananias was sent vnto him of god For who woulde accuse him of vanitie which beeing admonished by heauenly Oracle yea beeing vtterly amased and following such an expounder of the Oracle had altered his religion And Paules example teacheth vs that of all things we must flee leuitie in religion that wee rashly beleeue not euery one For as in religion consisteth the summe of our saluation so it appeareth there haue bene in all ages deceiuers whiche haue layde snares to entrappe the mindes of the simple And both Chryste and the Apostles abundauntly teache vs that suche should arise in the Church after them Therefore the suggestions of the men of our dayes is to bee lamented which in the most cleare light of the Gospell beleeue euery spirite contrary to the bydding of Iohn the Apostle yea they take them to be the true followers of the Apostles which with scoffery and tauntes can quippe the Ecclesiastical Ministers and Magistrates in secrete wheras them selues in the meane season are neither learned nor honest Agayne let vs marke what the true commendation of a Minister is and of all that beare any publike office The first thing is godlynesse ordered and directed after the lawe of God that is according to Gods appoyntment For it is not ynough onely to be godly but wee must frame the same according to Gods worde Otherwise it shall be a zeale without knowledge suche as the Iewes and Paule sometime were deceiued with Agayne they must haue a good testimonie of them amongst whom they dwell and also of others abroade that the Gospell bee not euill spoken of for their sake See Paule touching this poynt in the first to Timothe the third chapter Unto this must be ioyned a lawful vocation or calling which thing if they feele not in them selues they shall neither boldly nor profitably discharge their duetie But it is euident that the Prophets and Apostles to whom we haue giuen credite were suche For they following the worde of God in all thing haue not swarued one nayles breadth from the same And such was their integritie of life that to this day the Turkes and Papistes reuerence their name
God giueth repentaunce after two sortes eyther when he graunteth time and place to repent or else when he mollifyeth and conuerteth mens mindes by his spirite and worde by repentance to frame themselues to a better trade of lyfe In this place it appeareth that God did both although the later sense be more agreeing to this present argument It is most worthy to be obserued where they say repentaunce vnto lyfe is giuen vnto the Gentiles by preaching of the Gospell For in so saying they testifie that they speake of that repentaunce which through fayth in Christ bringeth saluation and which we may call the scope and marke of all the Gospell which is that we being reconcyled vnto God through Christ shoulde turne vnto him with all our hartes and liue in him For so Paule writeth God hath reconcyled vs vnto himselfe by Iesus Christ and hath giuen to vs the office to preache the attonement Nowe then are we messengers in the rowme of Christ euen as though God did beseech you through vs So pray we you in Christes steede to be reconcyled vnto God. They name repentaunce expreslye hauing respect vnto that saying of Christ which commaundeth both repentaunce and forgiuenesse of sinnes to be preached in his name Neyther must these two be at any time seperated least men take occasion vnder pretence of the Gospell to liue carnally Againe this hath in it a singuler comfort that he sayeth repentaunce is giuen vnto lyfe Therefore repentaunce in the faythfull is neuer in vayne or vnfruitefull but maketh them partakers of saluation through christ There are apparaunt promises of God wherein he euerywhere promiseth lyfe vnto them which turne vnto him with all their hart Where he sayth I will not the death of a sinner but rather that he conuert and liue And we must not thinke that God flattereth or deludeth any man with vaine promises Hereto belongeth the whole booke almost of the Iudges which prooueth by many examples that the Israelites neuer returned to God by true repentaunce in vayne And it is manifest that the Niniuites through faythfull repentaunce caused God to reuoke his sentence passed against them What shall I speake of these seing we reade that the repentaunce that Achab had but for a season and little time was by the mouth of God commended These things ought to encourage them which stande vpon the pytbrinke of desperation thinking that God is so offended with them for their former wickednesse that their repentaunce is not acceptable vnto him Which men woulde be comforted with these sayings of the Prophet If your sinnes were as red as Scarlet they shall be as whyte as snowe And though they were like purple they shall be as whyte as woolle Againe The Lorde is full of compassion and mercye long suffring and of great goodnesse He will not alwaye be chyding c. Nowe after Luke hath made an ende of the storye of Cornelius which contayneth the beginning and first fruites as it were of the vocation of the Gentiles he returneth to the discourse of the things belonging to the whole Church which he had intermytted and declareth howe the kingdome of Christ began to be stretched enlarged vnto the Gentyles And first he telleth how Antioch was conuerted vnto Christ and how men were there first called Christians And principally he noteth the occasion therof saying it was bicause of the persecution that was raysed agaynst Steuen And it is very worthye to be considered where he sayth the beginning of such a benefite sproong of so dolefull a cause For howe pitifull a case the Church stoode in in the time of that persecution we hearde in the .viij. Chapter when the rage of persecutours went so farre that it was not safe for a man in secrete ●o be a christian when both men and women were haled out of their dores as to a slaughterhouse which thing was the cause that the Church being scattered hither and thither seemed like a scratched and torne body that had be●ne incurable But by the grace and goodnesse of God it commeth to passe that of euery member of this scattered Church springeth a newe body For they whome this cruell tempest had thus scattered remembring their office and dutie beganne to preach euerywhere the name of Christ and many of them going as farre as Phenicia and Cyprus did illustrate those countries with the light of the Gospell By which example the primitiue Church and fayth full of all ages might be confirmed not to be offended with the cruell attempts of enimies forasmuch as it appeareth by these men that the kingdome of Christ can not be ouerthrowne nor driuen into straightes but is rather thereby builded vp enlarged For that that Luke reporteth here to haue come to passe the same the writers of the Ecclesiasticall hystorie report to haue come to passe in all persecutions And as after horrible tempests cleere weather commonly followeth so it appeareth that after persecutions the Church alway looked more bright cheerefull For God scattereth the deuises of Nations but his purpose standeth fast for euer whereby he hath made his sonne king and Ruler of all the worlde See the Psalmes 33.2 110 But Luke diligently intreateth of those by whose ministery God brought to passe a matter of such weight and importance All which were dispersed bicause of the faith and doctrine of Christ yet they agreed not in all points touching the order ministerie of the gospell For some of them preached to the Iewes only who it is lyke were ignorant of the things done betweene Peter Cornelius Other some which he writeth were of Cyprus Cyrene came to Antioch and preached to the Greekes that is to the Gentyles So it oftentimes commeth to passe that in some things they which are counted the most faithfull seruants of Iesus Christ doe disagree God so disposing his giftes that his woorde may be of the more authoritie and that the successe thereof shoulde not seeme to depende of a certayne conspiracie and consent of men among themselues Wherevnto also is to be referred that that is hereafter reported of the contention that fell betweene Paule and Barnabas which wexed so hote that those singuler and chosen instrumentes of Christ departed one from another Therefore let it offende no man if nowe a dayes he see any like matter to fall out in the Church For Paule writeth that there must be sectes that the elect may be tryed Howbeit in all this adooe the feruent desire of spreading abrode the kingdome of Chryst is greatly to be praised wherewith they all being enflamed haue vtterlye forgotten the daungers that they were in a little before and euerywhere publishe the worde of god Such constancie ought all faithfull Ministers of Christ to haue to th ende they must not thinke they haue done all their dutie when they haue bene once in daunger for the name of christ And they must not thinke they are for