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A10398 Three and tvventie sermons, or, Catechisticall lectures upon the sacrament of the Lords Supper preached monthly before the Communion. By that late able, and painfull preacher, Master Iohn Randall Bachelour of Divinitie, pastor of Saint Andrewes Hubbart in little Eastcheape London, sometimes fellow of Lincolne Colledge in Oxford. Published by his executor Iosh. Randall, as he found it corrected by the authors one hand, in his study, since his death. Randall, John, 1570-1622.; Randall, Joshua, fl. 1630. 1630 (1630) STC 20682A; ESTC S115645 295,622 568

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religiously and certainly the God of peace will be with you Here is a most serious exhortation as any is in the Booke of God that is for the generall Now for the severall duties of the first and second table and first of the first table in the 1 Thess 5.16 to 21. Rejoyce evermore pray continually In all things give thankes quench not the spirit despise not prophecying Ioy in God prayer thankes cherishing the spirit and good motions embracing the Word that Gods Prophets and Ministers bring unto us these and such like are duties of the first Table which wee must be exercised in And so for the second table Tit. 3.8 this is a true saying and these things I will that thou shouldst affirme that they which have beleeved in God might bee carefull to shew forth good workes as many as beleeve as many as professe the faith of Christ Iesus must be carefull to shew forth all good duties that are profitable to men which specially are those of the second Table if we take a view of all true professors that are approved in Scripture we shall find them all wel experienced in the practice of the duties of both tables it is true they had their failings but yet this was the ordinary bent of all their courses The reasons why we must doe thus there are many reasons The first reason is this because the practice of these duties is the grace of our profession the grace of all morall vertues consists in the actions of vertue and the grace of every trade consists not so much in the knowledge of the trade as in the well managing of that trade our Christian profession is a vertue and a trade a spirituall vertue and a heavenly trade therefore the grace of it stands in our well managing of it by the practice of all religious duties godly cariage in servants the meanest that professe religion and consequently in all doth adorne and beautisie and grace the doctrine of God our Saviour Tit. 2.10 not that wee can adde any grace to religion in it selfe no in it selfe and of it selfe it is most gracious so that it need not nor cannot receive any grace from our doing but that thereby we grace it before men our friends that like us the better for it and our enemies that are put to shame and silence by it yea and oft-times are forced to speake well of our Religion for our practice and we also procure a more reverent estimation of our profession generally in the world When we take this holy profession upon us it graceth us and when we prastice hereby answerable to this holy profession we grace it therefore this wee must doe Secondly this is the life of our faith it can live no longer then it is exercised in good duties as Rachel Gen. 39.1 said to Iacob Give me children or else I dye so likewise saith faith to the soule of a Christian give me children let mee bring forth fruits of piety towards God and charity towards man else I dye and have no life in me The Apostle saith as much Iames 2.26 Faith without works it dead and Revel 3.1 God tells the Church of Sardis That she had a name to live but was dead because her practice was not answerable to her profession vers 2. her faith and religion was readie to die how so I have not found thy workes perfect before God there was a great failing in the practice of Religion when good exercises dye amongst us saith dies amongst us when they decay within us faith decayes it lyes a bleeding but when they are well practised that saith worketh by love that is both to God and man then our faith lives and thrives within us therefore we must practise good duties both to God and men else faith cannot live within us Thirdly it is the end of our calling 1 Thess 4.7 For God hath not called us unto uncleannesse but unto holinesse that is to the practise of holy and religious duties when a man is called of purpose to doe a worke shall hee come and not doe that which he is called to and come for this were a shamefull and a senslesse thing either let him not come when he is called or when he is come let him doe that which hee is called unto The maine matter that Christians are called unto is holinesse therefore if wee doe not practise holy and religious duties wee goe quite beside the marke and to the profession we aime at Fourthly it is one maine condition that is intended on our part when wee are first admitted to the profession of Christianitie it is so required by God 2 Tim. 2.19 The Lord knoweth who are his and let every one that calleth on the name of Christ depart from iniquity And it is so undertaken by us in baptisme that we will renounce the world the flesh and the Devill and become dutifull Children unto God in the practise of all holy duties which he requires This then being our condition in Christianity therefore we must practise it or else we shall never come to heaven Lastly God scornes and hates all Professors of his name that will not obey his will hee utterly renounceth them and their profession to be none of his so he doth here in this world and so he will doe hereafter so hee doth here as wee may see Psal 50.16 But unto the wicked saith God what hast thou to doe to declare mine ordinances that thou shouldest take my covenant in thy mouth Lay this to heart and see if God say not thus to every one of us here present What hast thou to doe to come into my house and to professe my name seeing thou wilt not obey my will but hatest to be reformed And so he will scorne and deny them hereafter Matth. 7.23 Then will I professe to them I never knew you depart from me you that worke iniquity though they professe never so much yet if their practice bee not answerable God will scorne and hate and renounce them here and so he will doe hereafter The Vses are these First this serves for matter of reproofe of divers sorts indeed of all sorts For who is there here among us yea what professor living upon the earth that is not rightly taxed and reproved for the breach of this doctrine what professing man or woman in the world can say My heart is cleane in this kinde Every one is faulty some more some lesse let our owne courses be our owne accusers The whole Land professeth Gods Religion as being a nationall Church but how few be there in the whole land that are daily conversant in the exercises of Religion either they doe not performe them at all or else if they doe them yet they doe not make conscience of them but they doe them overly and for fashion at least they doe not make it their daily and continuall practice but onely now and then when they list themselves Who is zealous for the Lord
better inabled and the more quickned to the performance of this duty First I will give you a taste of the meanes whereby wee may attaine to make the death of Christ so familiar to us and then I will shew the benefits that we shall receive hereby if we conscionably travell in this course The means of it are these in few words If we would have the death of Christ familiar unto us we must be sure that we doe never passe it over with a sleight meditation but let it be soundly taken to heart doe not thinke upon it as an ordinary common thing but conceive of it as a matter that doth concerne us and our good most of all let us thinke upon the death of Christ in that which he suffered and endured in his soule and body for our sinnes how hard it went with him in the Garden when hee sweat water and blood when his soule was heavy even unto death and how much more harder it went with him when hee was upon the Crosse when he said My God my God why hast thou forsaken me That he that was in singular favour with God should be made the very marke of Gods wrath to light upon that he who was the worlds Redeemer should bee exposed to the obloquy and reproch of the whole world that he who was the Lord of heaven and earth should be now in the hands of the powers of darknesse wee should yearne in our very bowels and be much troubled in our inmost affections at the thoughts of these things Secondly we must be frequent in the use of the meanes in the hearing of the Word in the receiving of the Sacrament and prayer for by this meanes wee shall make this death of Christ our owne there God tenders unto us the death of Christ let us come thither with hearts desirous ready and willing to receive it and there we shall be sure to have it Let it be our reach in all these duties to have an eye upon the death of Iesus Christ seeking to have that soundly fixed and fastened upon us whatsoever we faile in else still let that above all other sticke most close to us Then againe wee must labour to worke the remembrance of Christs death into our affections this is the right memory of heavenly things when the heart affects them the heart will surely remember that which it doth much affect When I see any thing that causeth deepe affection within me either much sorrow or much joy or the like I will remember that soundly then let us labour to worke the remembrance of the death of Christ into our affections let it still worke love in us because Christ loved us to die for us and let it worke hatred in us against sinne because it was sinne that brought him to his death and let it worke sorrow in us that he should bee so cruelly murthered and put to death for us And let it worke rejoycing in us that wee for our parts by his death are saved and by his stripes are healed Let the death of Christ worke these affections in us and then it shall be our owne never to forget it Lastly let us put our selves to the power and the rule and the directions of it let us suffer our selves to be swayed by the death of Iesus Christ in all our courses let it beare rule with us the counsell that our Saviour gives in the like case Iohn 7.17 If any doe my will the same shall know my doctrine any Christian that labours to be well acquainted with any duty the best way to bee acquainted with it is to labour for the obedience to that duty so if wee would remember Christ his death then let us labour to submit our selves to the power and obedience of it Whatsoever we doe let us examine it whether it be agreeable to the death of Christ if it be not then to say with our selves wee will not doe it though we may gaine all the world by it these are the meanes whereby wee may attaine to the habit of this grace namely to the continuall remembring of the death of Christ Iesus a saving remembrance The other point is the benefits that hereby will arise unto us If wee remember continually the death of Christ in our hearts we shall have many and great blessings The first blessing is this By this means we shall have a Book alwayes ready in our bosome alwaies a book about us to teach us every Christian duty for the death of Iesus Christ is such a Booke that will instruct us in every duty that belongs unto us To give you an instance in two or three Would you learne humility and meeknesse looke into the death of Christ Philip 2.5 6. that shall be sufficient to teach you humility and meeknesse and obedience Would you learne patience the death of Christ is a book to teach you patience Heb. 12.1 2 3. Looke to the author and finisher of your faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the Crosse and despised the shame c. consider him therefore that yee faint not Would you learne love to the brethren Christ his death teacheth you this duty in the highest degree 1 Iohn 3.16 If Christ so loved us that he laid downe his life for us then how ought wee also to lay downe our lives for the brethren Lastly to deny our selves is a speciall lesson that all Christians are to learne this is effectually taught us by the death of Christ 1 Pet. 4.1 2. Christ hath suffered in the flesh that we should not live to our selves but to him and this is a lively teacher if the death of Iesus Christ be soundly layd up in thy heart it will both teach thee the duties to bee performed and also inable thee to performe them A second benefit is this thou shalt have wonderfull peace and unspeakable comfort from God by this meanes Our sinnes they accuse us our consciences they accuse us the devill hee accuseth us daily before the Lord O but if thou have a remembrance of the death of Christ in thy heart there is a Supersedeas for them all that pacifies and appeaseth them all and that is a generall release and acquittance from all that ever they can charge thee withall Thirdly we shall have much spirituall growth and increase by the word and the Sacrament and much spirituall growth if once our hearts be seasoned with the death of Christ What doth the word and the sacrament teach but the death of Christ that is the substance of them all Then if once the death of Christ be grafted in thy heart before Oh with what comfort and chearfulnesse and with what great profit shalt thou heare the word and receive the sacrament When our stomacke hath some liking to our meate and our meate hath some affinitie to our stomacke then there is a quicke digesture Why so if so bee our hearts be seasoned with the death of Christ why then
beleeuers Math. 26.28 This is my Blood shed for you for the remission of sinnes it was the shedding of his Blood it is the remission of our sinnes the smart was his the sweetnesse is ours he is wounded we are cured he is punished we are acquitted he dyes for vs and by his death we are made aliue Thirdly and lastly the acceptablenesse to God it was infinitely pleasing to God his Father there is God and Christ and Man Christ enduring the bitternesse of death Man redeemed and deliuered by it God himselfe therewithall infinitely pleased Man had sinned and thereby enthralled himselfe to Death and Hell and Damnation and except he be redeemed he perisheth without recouerie God was offended and his wrath did burne like fire against Mankind for their sinnes and except he be pacified they are all damned without mercie Christ Iesus came and tooke our Nature vpon him and dyed for our sinnes and by the bitternesse hath redeemed vs and pacified God His offering himselfe for vs was a Sacrifice of a sweet smelling sauour to God Ephes 5.2 Alwayes the beloued Sonne of God but then best-beloued if we may esteeme according to our apprehension when he was performing the highest and vtmost act of his filiall obedience Obedient to the death euen to the death of the Crosse Phil. 2.8 When is a Child best-beloued of his Father but when he is most obedient The Lord was alwayes well-pleased in him Math. 3.17 but then most of all if we may iudge by the effects when he was vpon the Crosse for then and thereby was the Lord well-pleased thorough him with all the Faithfull Col. 1.20 the Lord then smelling a sauour of rest whereby as in the dayes of Noah Gen. 8.21 he was pacified towards the World Spices are sweetest when they are broken and pounded and so was Christ when his Body was broken and pounded vpon the Crosse And as when Mary brake the Boxe of Oyntment the whole House was filled with the fauour of it Iohn 12.3 So when Christ who was full of good Oyntments Cant. 1.2 had his Body broken on the Crosse Heauen and Earth were filled with the sweet sauour thereof and many reasons may be alleaged why it should be so well pleasing to God First it was Gods pleasure and ordinance that Christ should dye for vs and he ordained it in the heighth of his loue to vs God so loued the world c. And he cannot chuse but be infinitely pleased with his owne worke specially the worke of his greatest loue Secondly he delights not in the death of a sinner but rather that they should be conuerted and liue therefore this being the Life and Saluation of sinfull beleeuers it must needs be delightfull and pleasing to God Thirdly it was as it were Gods owne Blood Act. 20.28 For howsoeuer God is not as Man made of Flesh and Blood yet the Person of Christ who was our Mediator being God and Man the Blood that came from him as he was Man by reason of the personall Vnion of both Natures in that his owne Person may iustly be said to be the Blood of God and how can it chuse but the Blood of God should be infinitely pleasing to God Lastly it must make amends for all the sinnes of all Beleeuers now all our sinnes euen the best of them are maruailous filthy and loathsome before the Lord our verie righteousnesse is as a filthy Clout before the pure Eyes of Gods Iustice and therefore there being so many Beleeuers to be saued and euerie Beleeuer hauing so many sinnes and euerie sinne being so loathsome and odious before the Lord it must needs be a verie sweet Sacrifice that must take away all that filthinesse and that obedience must needs be infinitely pleasing to God which makes perfect satisfaction and recompence for our infinite sinnes Now if it be so sweet and infinitely pleasing to God shall we neglect it Or come like Stockes and Stones vnto it without feeling and without life without a liuely and a sensible apprehension of the infinite excellencie of this sweet smelling Sacrifice Let vs stirre vp our selues to esteeme reuerently of it as it well deserues and to take delight in it as God delights in it and accordingly let vs be fitted to the celebration and memoriall of it in this Sacrament In my vnfained affection therefore to the Lord and our Sauiour Iesus Christ and to his precious Death and Blood-shedding so bitter to himselfe so comfortable to vs so pleasing to God that the honour thereof may be rightly and worthily aduanced in our Hearts as at all times so especially in the liuely commemoration of it in the Sacrament of the Lords Supper I haue vndertaken this taske of preparation earnestly desiring that the precious death of the Lord Iesus Christ may be preciously and graciously entertained answerable in some measure to the excellent worthinesse of that great Mysterie Let vs therefore labour to make some vse of these things Let vs consider first that it is one of the greatest parts of our Christian dutie to be well instructed and furnished for this Sacrament Secondly what daunger it is to our Soules if we come vnprepared for then we eat and drinke our owne damnation when we are eating and drinking the Diuell is blind-folding of vs and carrying our Soules to Hell Thirdly let vs looke withall to Gods glorie Is God most glorified by this Then let vs be best prepared to it Lastly let vs consider the preciousnesse of the death of Christ the greatest worke that euer was performed since the World began that Christ the Sonne of God should shed his Blood for the sinne of Man It ought therefore to be prepared vnto with much eleuation and with much affection of mind And when we haue it before our Eyes and come to shew forth the Lords death we must bring with vs all preparation reuerence faith and eleuation that we can by Prayer or any good endeuour attaine vnto and we must further consider the bitternesse of the death of Christ and must come as if then we were to be crucified with him euerie one of vs that looke for a part in his death for the forgiuenesse of sinnes the bitternesse of his death must goe to our Hearts we must looke vnto him whom we haue pierced by our sinnes with mourning Eyes and drouping Hearts and then we must consider how comfortable this his death is to vs it is the greatest blessing that euer can befall vs in this World Life Remission of Sinnes Saluation and what not It is all in all Lastly consider how infinitely pleasing it is to God and know that if it be so pleasing to him if we prophane it he will be infinitely displeased with vs. Let these things therefore stirre vs vp to a reuerent partaking of this holy Mystery Thus you haue some seasoning before hand see how you can profit by it in the weeke you haue some-what now to put you in mind what you are
Soules Physitian but the worke he came to performe was this not so much to take away the sicknesse of our Bodyes but the sinnes of our Soules It is not to be denied but that our Bodyes also are nourished in this Sacrament and that both directly and corporally by the outward Elements of Bread and Wine for so it must be that the proportion may hold and be the more significant and sensible and also by way of consequence and spiritually as the Body also partaking with the Soule in the forgiuenesse of sinnes and the grace of Saluation but that which is chiefly and principally nourished in this Sacrament is the Soule which receiueth and embraceth Christ by Faith Reas 2 The second Reason The Communion which we haue with Christ is a spirituall Communion 1 Cor. 6.17 He that is ioyned to the Lord is one Spirit Therefore this Sacrament which is a speciall meanes of our Communion with Christ to knit vs vnto him must accordingly be a spirituall Banket Reas 3 Thirdly It is the nature of this Sacrament to be the Seale of the New Testament Luke 22.20 The Couenant or Testament is a spirituall Couenant the Couenant of Iustification and Sanctification Hebr. 10.16 17. Therefore the Seale must be spirituall as the Couenant is Reas 4 Fourthly The Word and Sacraments are in generall of the same nature The Word is a Banket of our Soules and therefore the Sacrament being an appendant vpon the Word must also belong vnto our Soules and be a spirituall Banket too The Word begins and nourisheth our eternall life the Sacraments nourisheth it but not begins it the Word brings vs vnto Christ the Sacraments make vs to grow faster to him the Word workes vpon the Eare and being seconded by the Spirit so quickens and feeds the Heart the Sacrament is seene felt tasted wee eat it and drinke it and receiue it into our Bodyes and so being seconded by the Spirit nourisheth our Soules the Word conueyes Christ into vs more largely this Sacrament more neerely each of them verie powerfully and effectually Reas 5 Fifthly The verie time wherein it was instituted proues as much for it was instituted after Supper when their Bodyes were fed already and therefore it is proper and peculiar to their Soules Reas 6 Lastly The proportion betwixt the Signes and Things signified proues as much for seeing the Signes that is to say the Bread and Wine are apt to nourish the Body therefore the thing signified that is to say the Body and Blood of Christ must needs be intended to the nourishment of the Soule therefore it is plaine that this Sacrament is a spirituall Banket wherein the Faithfull are nourished to a spirituall and heauenly life Vse 1 The Vses First It should teach vs that seeing it is a Feast for our Soules therefore we should vse it as a spirituall Feast And how is that We must bring spirituall Mouthes and spirituall Stomackes and spirituall preparation and spirituall affections We must be wholly spirituall our Mouthes are our Minds or our Soules our Stomacke or Appetite must be hungry and thirst after Grace and Righteousnesse and forgiuenesse of Sinnes and newnesse of Life our Preparation must be humblenesse of Mind and brokennesse of Heart in the sight of our owne wretched estate and Faith and confidence in the promise of sauing Grace for our deliuerance It makes no matter when we come to this Feast whether we haue our best Cloathes on or no he is best well-come that comes with the best Heart and the best Soule for whosoeuer comes not thus prepared wants his Wedding-garment and shall speed as he did He shall be cast into vtter darkenesse Lastly our affections must be spirituall our Mirth and Cheerefulnesse and Ioy must not be any carnall Ioy or corporall Reioycing as at our bodily Feasts but we must reioyce in the Lord reioyce in the Spirit reioyce in God and Christ and his Saluation Vse 2 Secondly If it be a spirituall Feast then we must learne to discerne the Body and Blood of Christ the spirituall Food for our Soules we must lift vp the Eye of Faith and apprehend and take hold vpon Christ being in Heauen though we be vpon Earth Our bodily Eyes cannot see so farre but the Eye of Faith sees into Heauen and beleeues that Christ Iesus sitting at the right Hand of God is here present at the Table after a spirituall manner and so doth giue and communicate himselfe vnto vs The Eye of the Body sees the Bread broken and the Wine poured out the Eye of Faith sees and considers the breaking of Christ Body and the shedding of his Blood for the taking away of our sinnes and this is that which the Apostle presseth 1 Cor. 11.29 about the discerning of the Lords Body as who should say That he that comes without this discerning Eye of Faith he comes to this Table as to an ordinarie Feast discernes the Bread and Wine with his bodily Eyes but not as to a spirituall Feast to discerne Christs Body by the Eye of Faith and so can haue no benefite by it For as appeares in the Doctrine it is the Faithfull onely that are here nourished to a Spirituall life but as for vnbeleeuers they are thereby nourished to eternall death as the Apostle there shewes Vse 3 Thirdly Examine our selues whether we haue carried our selues this day or any time heretofore as at a spirituall Feast Haue we hungred and thirsted after the spirituall refreshing of our Soules Haue our Soules beene fatted with these Iunckets God hath set before vs Haue we had Faith in the Promises of God Haue we had repentance of our Sinnes Haue we prepared our selues in the Inward-Man for the entertainement of Christ and his Spirit into our Hearts Haue we beene refreshed with the comforts of God Haue we delighted in the Saluation that hereby is brought vnto vs Haue we had an inward ioy and cheerefulnesse of Heart that we haue found Christ the Lord and Master of the Feast hath bid vs well-come That we are better encouraged to goe on in godly duties More confirmed in the assurance of the forgiuenesse of sinnes And more thoroughly resolued to leade a new life That we haue well profited in the state of Grace and Saluation If we find these things we plainely shew that we haue made it a spirituall Banket and that thereby our Soules are nourished to a heauenly life If wee find none of these things at least in some measure let vs know that wee haue come like brute Beasts or at least like carnall Men we had better haue kept away if wee haue come onely with bodily and not with spirituall Eyes let vs know wee haue committed a greeuous sinne against God Wee came here to receiue a generall quittance for our sinnes past and wee haue added a greater sinne then euer we committed before Let vs therefore examine our selues and lay vp these things in our Hearts to meditate vpon them that thereby we may be
come and so expect a blessing from God but if thou have a veile before thee and thou canst not see and behold the death of Christ that is to say Christ Iesus crucified for the taking away of thy sinnes surely thou art not in case to come to the Table of the Lord. Vse 2 The second Vse of this Doctrine is matter of instruction and it serves to instruct us in many good Christian duties Is it so that the very substance and the chiefest matter of the Lords Supper is the death of Christ Iesus then this should teach us in the first place that wee should hunger and thirst long after this Sacramēt we must hunger thirst after grace we must hunger thirst after righteousnesse the death of Iesus Christ is our grace and our righteousnesse and the same also is the substance of this Sacrament therefore wee must hunger and thirst after this Sacrament Oh beloved that wee could but consider with our selves the worth of the death of Iesus Christ which was as great a matter as the whole world besides or if we could but consider the necessity of the death of Christ that without the sense and feeling of it in our hearts it is impossible that any man can be saved or if we could but consider the power of the death of Christ what a force it hath to beat downe the power of sinne hell and death and if we could consider the sweetnesse of Christ crucified the crucifying of Christ is the very life of a man that is truly regenerate and converted to God if wee could but consider the benefit of Christ Iesus crucified all grace and all glory belongs unto us by the death of Christ lastly if we could but consider the glory of Christ crucified Christ was most glorious upon the Crosse when he was in the height of his obedience and so God beheld him and then indeed did he procure most glory to us as it was his glory so it is our chiefest glory I rejoyce in nothing but in Christ crucified saith the Apostle If wee could soundly taste of these things the worthinesse of Christ crucified the necessity of Christ crucified the power of Christ crucified the sweetnesse of Christ crucified the benefit of Christ crucified the glory of Christ crucified we would hunger againe and againe after the Sacrament of the Lords Supper after the death of Christ therein tendred unto us it should whet us on to a spirituall appetite to this heavenly banquet This teacheth us in the second place what bee the graces that every one of us must be furnished withall when we doe come to the Lords Table What be the speciall graces why all graces that are any way respective to the death of Christ it is the death of Christ that there we come to celebrate now because every grace is in some sort or other respective to the death of Christ therefore every one of us shold come furnished in some measure or other with every grace but yet there be some graces that be more proper and nearer respective to the death of Christ than others are and these we must all be furnished withall when we come to the Sacrament they be so necessary that if we come not with them it is damnable for us to come at all There bee many I will but touch these five Knowledge Faith Love Obedience Thankfulnesse The first grace is knowledge we must bee indued with knowledge the knowledge of God generally and likewise of all other matters that be necessary to salvation but more specially the knowledge of Christ Iesus crucified we must know the story of his crucifying the benefit and power of his crucifying but yet more particularly we must know Christ Iesus crucified in reference to the Lords Supper there is the particular knowledge required of us the presence of Christ in that Sacrament the power of Christ in that Sacrament the benefits of Christ in that Sacrament these bee the things that wee must be well acquainted withall except we know these things wecome in a miserable case I shewed you that the death of Christ must bee meditated upon in the Sacrament of the Lords Supper here is the eye whereby wee doe discerne Christ crucified in these holy mysteries even the knowledge of Christ crucified in reference to the Sacrament of the Lords Supper and therefore as ever thou lookest to have any benefit by the Sacrament of the Lords Supper whosoever thou art see that thou be experienced and well seene and well grounded in the knowledge of Christ crucified be not to seeke of this when thou doest come see that thou have this knowledge before thou commest hee that hath his money to seeke when he should pay for his meat is like to fast so if we have not this knowledge before we come to the Lords Supper if we be not well experienced in this grace we are like to fast we are like to him that hath his weapons to seeke when hee should goe to fight he is like to be beaten Secondly we must bring Faith with us that is the second grace faith to apprehend the death of Christ to apprehend Iesus Christ crucified and this is as it were the hand whereby we doe apply and lay hold upon Iesus Christ for it is but in vaine for us to know Christ crucified except we doe apply him to our selves the eie of knowledge cannot save us without we doe apply him with the hand of faith by faith we doe as it were lay hold upon Christ in the Sacrament and lay his death upon our sores as a plaister to cure them and as a cordiall to our soules to comfort them Thirdly there must be Love in us love to God love to Christ and love to our brethren for Gods cause for the death of Iesus Christ being first wel knowne and understood then secondly well beleeved and applyed by faith worketh in us a kind of sensible feeling of the love of God towards us in Christ Iesus and thereby kindles in us a love to God himselfe and to Christ and then consequently to our brethren if God hath so loved us we must also love him and if Christ have so loved us as to give himselfe for us how ought we to love Christ and to love one another for his sake This is the heart as a man would say whereby we do give entertainment unto Iesus Christ crucified whereby we doe embrace him within us and surely whosoever can come to this that our hearts be seasoned with a love to God and to Christ and to our brethren for his sake out of question the Lord Iesus Christ dwells in us and lives in us and we dwell and live in him The fourth grace is Obedience even obedience to the whole will of God here comes in the whole duty of a Christian as well repentance as new obedience This is a grace specially respective to the death of Iesus Christ Iesus Christ he was perfectly obedient
and to save us by condemning him Fourthly there is another duty required the words of the institution must necessarily bee rehearsed and this is a matter that gives wonderfull light to the death of the Lord Iesus Christ in the sacrament for when wee heare the minister make rehearsall of the same words of Christ then wee doe esteeme highly of the sacrament as if Christ were personally among us speaking to us with his owne mouth and delivering his body and blood unto us as it were with his owne hands this is a notable meanes to set forth the death of Christ Lastly it is a Christian duty and a needfull duty about the time of the sacrament to shew forth both our thankfulnesse and our cheerfulnesse even by singing of Psalmes It is true indeed there is no Psalme amisse because all were penned by the holy Ghost yet some are more fit and seasonable then others the fittest Psalmes are either teaching Psalmes or psalmes of thanksgiving if wee will have Psalmes of thanksgiving there is specially the 103 Psalme and the 116 full of good meditations to this purpose but if we will have teaching Psalmes teaching us the death of Christ for that is then most seasonable that teacheth us the matter of the death of Christ then take the second Psalme for that teacheth us concerning the death of Christ as it is applyed by the holy Ghost Act. 4.25 and so the 22 Psalm as it is alleaged 27 of Matth. for there are three severall places quoted out of that Psalme singled out applyed expresly unto the death of Christ and therfore they are most seasonable to be used and it is necessary that wee make choice of the most seasonable Psalmes that are fittest for that purpose Vse Another use is matter of reproose of the Popish Church many things in the Popish Church are hereby reproved I will but touch them that they doe directly oppose themselves against this doctrine and the truth and tenure of it directly whereas here the Apostle saith as often as you eate this bread and drinke this cup ye shew forth the Lords death till he come the Popish Church doth flatly crosse this rule divers waies First in their halfe Communions they have the bread but not the cup is this to shew forth the Lords death no it is but to shew forth halfe the Lords death this is horrible wrong to the people and disgrace to the Sacrament and dishonour to God hath God given us a great light to see Christ by and shall men scantle it to halfe a light hath God given us both the bread and the wine to discerne the Lords body and blood by and to shew forth the Lords death by and shall we have the body and not the blood shall wee have but one halfe and bee deprived of the other Againe many times in the Popish Church they have their Masses as they call them without any preaching at all many times and usually it is so with them I cannot say that by this they overthrow that very masse of theirs from being a Sacrament I will not stand upon it but yet I say that practice of theirs is a wicked and a gracelesse practice directly against this doctrine of God you shew forth the Lords death how should it bee shewed forth but by preaching and teaching but they have little or no preaching or teaching amongst them but chiefly the words of institution they are to bee rehearsed oh but say they wee have these words of institution rehearsed and therefore you cannot but say that we have teaching I answer though they have the words of institution yet the Priest mumbles them to himselfe and the people heare him not Secondly if they doe heare him it is in an unknowne tongue they understand him not Thirdly when hee rehearses them hee turnes his face from the people as of purpose to suppresse the right shewing forth of the Lords death and therefore this practice of theirs shewes that they wold not have the people discerne the Lords death in this Sacrament These are fearfull abominations and this lyes heavy upon those people of God that live under Antichrist and therefore wee should with great thankfulnesse injoy and use these blessings that God hath bestowed upon us in the cleere exhibition of the death of Iesus Christ in the Lords Supper I but say the Papists we shew forth the Lords death more then you for wee lift up the Host is this to shew forth the Lords death no this is to shew forth their owne Idoll their owne breaden-God that themselves have made The end of the eighteenth Lecture THE NINETEENTH LECTVRE VPON THE SACRAMENT OF THE LORDS SVPPER NOw we are to proceed as the occasion requires for our preparation to the Sacrament the next sabbath in the handling of that Scripture which wee have made choise of out of the 1 Cor. 11. and the 26. vers For as often as ye shall eate this bread and drinke this cup yee shew forth the Lords death till he come We have shewed you the two generall parts of this Scripture an action to bee performed in the former part the receiving of the Sacrament of the Lords Supper and a caution that this action is to bee performed withall in the latter part of the verse the remembrance or the shewing forth of the Lords death til he come we have handled the first part of the verse wholy we have entred into the second part where we shewed that there is first to bee considered the caution it selfe the shewing forth of the Lords death Secondly the frequenting of this action or the often using of this caution to bee supplyed out of the former part of the verse as often as yee eate of this bread and drinke of this cup for that particle often serves indifferently for the whole verse as well for the former as the latter part as if the Apostle should say as often as yee eate this bread and drinke this cup so often ye shew forth the Lords death till he come Thirdly we shewed you here the continuance of the observation of this caution how long it must be kept why till Christ Iesus come to judgement to the end of the world The caution it selfe the shewing forth of the Lords death of that I have spoken already now therefore wee are God willing as the Lord shall inable us to speake of the second thing namely the frequenting or the often using of this caution the often shewing forth or remembring of the Lords death as often as ye eate this bread and drinke this cup so often ye shew forth the Lords death till he come which words we must not so understand as if so bee that the remembrance or the shewing forth of the Lords death were precisely confined and limited to the use of the sacrament of the Lords supper as if the Apostle should say that then onely the death of Christ is to bee remembred when the Sacrament is to bee received and
when wee come to heare the word and receive the Sacrament there will be a sweet digesting and battening in the inner man Indeede the whole worke of the Spirit it is done meerly in the power of the death of Christ Iesus Gods Spirit doth nothing in the heart of any man or woman for the matter of salvation but it is done all in respect of the death of Iesus Christ Fourthly it will be a notable bridle to thee from sinne an excellent meanes to restraine thee from sin that howsoever thy corruption drawes thee on and Sathan hee tempts thee and the world that allures thee the flesh that provokes thee How shouldest thou stand against all these enemies Oh if thou have the death of Iesus Christ and the remembrance of it soundly in thy heart then all these speakers to thee they shall speake unto thee as to a stone-wall to a deafe man Gal. 6.14 The Apostle faith there God forbid that I should rejoyce in any thing save onely in Christ and him crucified whereby the world is crucified to mee and I unto the world Let the whole world set upon me to tempt me yet it shall not prevaile for the whole world is crucified to me and I unto the whole world by the Crosse of Christ I am as a dead man unto the world A man that hath the death of Christ soundly seated in his heart hee cannot wittingly and willingly sinne against God Indeed this light may be and is sometime darkened in us by the mist of corruption and temptation and then we may be and are oft-times over-taken with sinne but so long as this light is cleare within us sinne shall never bee able to overcome us There is such a strong stay against sinne in the serious thoughts of the death of Christ that so long as that these are within us sinne cannot prevaile against us A fift benefit is this it will furnish us and inable us to the dutie of prayer that we shall come to God at all times humbly and yet chearfully too humbly alwayes acknowledging and bewailing our sinnes and mourning that we are the parties that have crucified the Lord of life and of glory and yet cheerfully as resting upon the merits and death of Iesus Christ for our reconciliation And howsoever it be that we finde many infirmities and imperfections in our prayers and thinke with our selves that therefore God will not heare us yet let us comfort our selues in the remembrance of the death of Christ this being in thy heart and conscience be of good cheare the Lord Iesus Christ hee makes continuall intercession for thee and hee takes thy prayers and puts them up and presents them unto God in thy behalfe in his owne name and so makes thy prayers acceptable before the Lord. The last benefit is this this should be a singular meanes to make us fit and ready to die to worke in us an earnest looking for and hastning of the day of Christ Hee that hath the death of Christ soundly seated in his heart hee is fit and ready to die For first by this practice by the continuall remembrance of the death of Christ we alwayes looke death as it were in the face and being every day and every houre so well acquainted with it we are not afraid of it when it comes Againe hereby by the remembrance and sound meditation of the death of Christ wee dye daily as the Apostle saith our sinnes die in us and our lusts die in us and our affections and rebellions dye in us and so wee are halfe dead already that so when death comes to take hold upon us it hath not so much to doe with us as with other men Take this for a certaine truth that a man of mortification who hath his heart broken for sinne and that hath his lusts and affections and rebellions in some good measure mortified and crucified within him I say death is nothing so tedious and irksome to such a man as it is to another Wee see this by experience in the case betweene Christ and the two theeves that were executed with him Iohn 19. The manner of their death was thus They were to bee crucified and nailed upon the Crosse and then to hang till they dead wee cannot say of any one thing that it should give them their deaths wound but the custome was that when they were crucified they should have their legs broken thereby to make an end of them the Text saith that they came to the theeves and brake their legs but when they came to our Saviour Christ they brake not his for he was dead already he had none of those rebellions none of those resisting lusts within him to strive against the ordinance of God as the other had but he did sweetly yeeld up the ghost in obedience unto God and therefore Death had nothing to doe with him so much as with the other So likewise wee finde it with men of mortification Thirdly by this remembrance of the death of Christ continually we see all the evills and all the harmes of our death taken away in his death and so there is no cause to us to feare it at all Fourthly wee see by this that Christ himselfe who is our Lord and Master and Head hee hath undergone this before us and therefore wee are content in a holy resolution to undergoe that which he hath done shall the members fare better than the Head No surely Fiftly and lastly by the continuall remembrance of the death of Christ we see and behold that it was a full and finall end of all his afflictions and that thereby he entred into glory wee consider from thence as it was with him so it shal be with us when death comes it shall put an end to all trouble and affliction and the consideration of this should quicken us up to desire death to desire to be dissolved and to be with Christ O beloved when a man comes to lye upon his deaths bed he would give all that he had to be fitted for death and to be sure of comfort Oh let us make the death of Christ therefore our continuall meditation and this is that which will yeeld us such a gracious preparation for our death as that nothing in the world shall doe the like besides and therefore let these considerations stirre us up to a reverent and conscionable performance of this duty of the remembrance of the death of Christ Iesus so much good and so many benefits as are to be reaped by it why surely we are utter enemies to our owne good if we doe not travell conscionably in the faithfull practice of this duty let not the difficulty of this duty in it selfe let not the distastfulnesse of it to flesh and blood nor the losse of carnall pleasure and worldly profit nor let not the harsh censure of the gracelesse people of the world nor let not the bent of our naturall life which is utterly against it make it unpleasant
should say there to stay but so to meditate upon it as that we should have a piercing eye to looke upon him for his second comming wherein he shall appeare to salvation The reasons of the doctrine are these marke the doctrine the receiving of the sacrament of the Lords supper the effectuall meditating of Christs death and consequently all other exercises of Religion all other meanes of grace both inward and outward they are serviceable helps and meanes whereby the faithfull are fitted and prepared to the comming of the Lord Iesus Christ to judgement Reason 1 The first Reason is this the visible and the militant Church here upon earth is as it were a nursery for the kingdome of heaven and this is one chiefe reason why the Scripture doth so oftentimes call the visible Church the kingdome of heaven in the 13 of Matthew divers times the visible Church is called the kingdome of heaven because that in the visible Church Gods little ones they are hatched up in the time of their infancy in the time of their nonage to that inheritance in the kingdome of heaven which God hath appointed us to be heyres unto in and with Iesus Christ the Church is the nursery of the kingdome of heaven why now consider all that is done by the parents or by nurses in nursing and in bringing up their children al that is done by thē it is not done so much unto them in regard of the maintenance of their childhood I say not for their childhood it selfe but it is done to us in this respect that thereby we might be fitted to riper yeares to our better strength to our manly age that so we may be able for such employments and offices in the Church or Common-wealth as wee shall be called unto this is their reach and ayme that we may come to be men and beare office in Church and Common-wealth So it is likewise in this case the visible Church it is the nursery for the kingdome of heaven here Gods little children they are nursed and brought up here we suck the milke of the Word here we are washed and clensed with the water of Baptisme here we feed upon bread and wine in the Sacrament of the Lords Supper and so upon the body and blood of Iesus Christ here we grow in grace here we are ingraffed into Iesus Christ here we beleeve here we love here we hope here we watch here we pray here we lead a godly life here we endure temptation here we suffer fatherly chastisements and afflictions that our heavenly Father layeth upon us all this is done not so much for the maintenance of our present spirituall estate but principally and specially that by all these meanes wee may be forwarded and fitted for what for the obtaining and enjoying of a better life in a better world for the comming of the Lord Iesus Christ to judgment which is the reach and the end of all this Eph. 4.11 12. God hath givē gifts some to be Apostles some Prophets some Euangelists some Pastors and some Teachers what to do for the gathering together of the Saints for the worke of the Ministery till when till we all meet together in a perfect man the fulnesse of the age of Iesus Christ God bestowes upon his Church Ministers God bestowes gifts upon his Ministers and he puts it into the hearts of his children that they should make use of his Ministery and of these good gifts that he hath bestowed upon them to what end to hatch them up to heaven till wee all meet together in a perfect man howsoever some doe expound it concerning this present life yet because there is mention made of the state of perfection which cannot be attained in this life and because it is there said till wee all meet together which cannot be fulfilled but at the day of judgement therefore I take the circumstances of the text to be plaine that it is to be extended to that day so then you see the Church being the nursery for the Kingdome of heaven all that is done in the Church the Word and the sacraments and all good duties are so many helps and meanes to further and to fit us to Gods Kindgdome Reason 2 A second reason is this the second coming of Christ and the state that then we shall bee raised up unto that is the finall end and the finall accomplishment of all the good that is done in this life and the good things that wee doe in this life they are as so many meanes tending to that end now we doe know in every course that the middle actions doe alwaies make an introduction to the last end and therefore the second comming of Christ being the perfection and end of all precedent actions in religion the Word and the Sacraments and all the good duties that wee performe are serviceable helps and meanes and instruments for the bringing in of that last action which is the principall of all the rest receiving the end of your faith saith the Apostle even the salvation of your soules 1 Pet. 1.9 The salvation of our soules there is the end that is the upshot of our faith and consequently of all our good duties Now when is this salvation bestowed upon us never before the second comming of Christ Heb. 9.28 He shall appeare the second time saith the Apostle unto salvation Hee hath satisfied for our sinnes and so hath made way for our salvation already but the bestowing of it upon us is reserved and respited till his second comming In the way that we goe in any journey every step and every foot that wee goe maketh us so much neerer to our journeyes end if wee goe on in the right way Is not Religion the way is not the end eternall life Our Saviour makes it so Matth. 7.14 Strive to enter in at the narrow gate c. he maketh religion the way and eternall life the end of this way and journey Now then if every step and foot bring us neerer to the end of our journey then every good duty that is done in religion brings us neerer to eternall life In a mariage before the mariage is performed are there not suings is there not wooings is there not a contract a trimming and a decking up of the Bride Why to what end is all this why it is all for the mariage day that she may bee a pleasing spouse to her husband and that shee may be fitted every way for the wedding Is not the comming of Iesus Christ our mariage day when the mariage shall be fully accomplished betweene him and all the faithfull when we shall be perfectly handfasted to Christ for ever it is so called in the Rev. 19.7 and there it is said This is the day of the mariage and the Bride hath trimmed up her selfe that is as who should say all that ever Gods children doe in the life of grace while they are here it is as the trimming and the fitting up of
themselves against the wedding day that shall bee accomplished at the comming of Iesus Christ to judgement The husband man he sowes his seed what for the seeds sake no for the harvests sake Is not the last comming of Christ our harvest is not this life the seed time Gal. 6. chap. and the 8 vers the Apostle makes it cleere He that sowes to the flesh shall of the flesh reape corruption but he that sowes to the spirit shall of the spirit reape life everlasting Certainly the good duties that we doe in matters of Religion they be as so many seedes of eternall life What is the end and reach of all that we may have a full and comfortable harvest at the day of judgement Reason 3 Another reason is this that is more particularly concerning the Sacrament the proportion betweene the Sacraments of the former Testament and the sacraments of the new Testament the Sacraments of the former testament they tended all to fit the receiver of them to Christ his first comming so did the Passeover and all other Sacraments fit them to Christ his first comming therefore the Sacraments of the new Testament must be so many fittings and preparings of us to the second comming of Christ the rule holds strong because Christ is the substance of all Sacraments both in the old and in the new Testament and his comming in some sort puts an end to all Sacraments and all Sacraments are to fit us to his cōming the former Sacraments must fit us to his first comming therfore the Sacramēts of the new testament they must fit us to Christs last cōming Reason 4 The last reason is in particular concerning the Sacrament of the Lords Supper the Sacrament of the Lords Supper why it caries in it a lively representation resemblance of that same blessed estate that we shall attaine unto at Christs comming here wee have a Table and wee eate and drinke at this Table doe we not so there Our Saviour expresseth it so in the 22. of Luke You that have continued with me and endured temptation I will take you up and you shall eate and drinke at my Table in my Kingdome Here we have a table here we eate and drinke our happiest estate there is to have a Table to eate and to drinke in a spirituall manner Againe this Sacrament is called the Supper of the Lord so is that too Rev. 19.9 There we shall enjoy Gods presence the presence of Christ the presence of his Spirit Doth not every beleeving receiver spiritually enjoy the same at the Lords Table There we shall have the Angells stand about us doe not the Angells stand about us here in the receiving of this Sacrament wee are sure there to have the Saints to accompany us so likewise we have here Lay all these together and see if heaven bee not here tendered to us upon earth a resemblance in the Sacrament to our state at the second comming of Christ The uses of the doctrine are these Vse 1 the first use is this this commends unto us in the first place the infinite goodnesse and the infinite wisedome of God toward his children that hee doth traine us up as it were by little and little by certaine steps and by certaine degrees to the full possessiō of that heavenly Kingdome which shall bee bestowed upon us at Christs second comming This is the wonderfull wisedome and the infinite goodnesse of God wee know that the second comming of Christ it is a wonderful and glorious thing we know that the knowledge and the glory and joy and happinesse and fruition of God that when we shall bee made partakers of in that happy estate they are high points matters of a very high straine infinitely beyond the reach of a mortall man in this state of corruption yet behold it is the infinite goodnesse of God that hee will have us to be made partakers of these things and it is the infinite wisedome of God to condescend to our capacitie to our dull and shallow understanding that whereas we could not receive all these things as they are in themselves all at once he guides us and leades us as it were by the hand by a little and a little here a line and there a line here a little and there a little here a precept and there a precept carying us by certaine degrees from lower things to higher things from smaller things to greater from things more knowne to things more unknowne from nothing to a little from a little to much and from much in the end to perfection this is the great and the wonderfull wisedome of God towards us understand there be three speciall ascents as a man would say or three speciall degrees in the state of religion whereby wee doe aspire to our perfection in Religion the first ascent or the first degree is the outward meanes of grace the Word and the Sacraments The second ascent or degree is the life of grace wrought in our hearts by this meanes The third and the last ascent and degree is the perfection of glory that wee attaine unto at Christs comming these bee the three ascents whereby we attaine perfection in Christ The first step and ascent is this the outward meanes of grace wee have the Word and the Sacraments wee receive the Word and the Sacraments wee conforme our selves to these outward duties these be some degrees of perfection yet they be but a very low degree so low that many come to this degree and yet never come to heaven and yet they are very materiall and so materiall as that none ordinarily can come to heaven without these this is the beginning of our Religion this is as it were our A. B. C. as a man would say and when we come to know these we come to know a little and to smatter a little about the matter of our perfection these bee the first degree The second ascent is the life of grace which is wrought in the hearts of Gods children by these outward meanes effectuated and seconded by the Spirit of God within us our new birth faith repentance new obedience and humiliation and such like this is the life of grace wrought within us these now bee somewhat a neerer degree to perfection these be the next steps to it now wee begin to seize upon Christ to seize upon heaven and to seize upon perfection when wee have these graces then we begin to have a feeling of Iesus Christ in our soules this is as it were to spell perfection and to spell Christ and to spell heaven for now wee doe not onely know the letters as we did in our A. B. C. but now we know how to put the letters and the syllables together and how to make it up in these very things that wee doe beleeve here that we hope here that we love here that we performe and obey God in here in these very things we doe as it were spell Christ and spell heaven and
one Sermon The barrennesse of our times is such as we may make three thousand Sermons and haply not winne three soules but the fruitfulnesse of those times were such that Peter at one Sermon did winne three thousand soules this was the glory and prime and first fruits of the visible gifts of the Holy Ghost The meanes whereby they were gathered to the Church and admitted to bee of the Church are set downe in these words and they that gladly received his word there is the means of their gathering and were baptized there is the meanes of their admission Peter he preached and many heard him and so many as gladly received the word were baptized and thus they were added to the Church now being thus encreast in this verse it is shewed how they were afterward imployed they continued in the Apostles doctrine c. they went on as they beganne they beganne religiously and they went on religiously they had the Apostles doctrine and were called by it and they continued in the Apostles doctrine The reach of the Holy Ghost here is this to commend to us the religious practice of religious professors and so to set before us the right forme of a true visible Church and he sets it downe in these few words most pithily and most plainly that this example of this primitive Church might be a president and direction to all succeeding Churches to continue to the worlds end The parts of the verse are two first the duties they did performe secondly their cariage in performance of them The duties are in number foure Apostles doctrine fellowship breaking of bread and prayer These duties though they be in number but foure yet they are of that nature as whereunto we may reduce all other Christian duties whatsoever so that when it is said here that they performed these foure it is intended that they were carefull also of all other duties belonging to their profession but in these they laboured especially as those that were the chiefe and heads of all the rest First the Apostles doctrine that is the word of God and doctrine of salvation that the Apostle preached unto them Indeed it is the doctrine of Iesus Christ himselfe Yet it is called the Apostles because they were the messengers and ministers of it no other teachers would they acknowledge but the Apostles onely nor receive no other doctrine but that which they taught them They had not the whole doctrine of the Apostles as yet revealed to them for most of them were but newly converted how could they continue in it then The meaning is that that which they had learned every one more or lesse did faithfully continue and remaine stedfast in Second duty is fellowship the word in the original signifies communion for which cause some understand it of the Lords Supper but yet because first the word is never so used elsewhere in Scripture without addition with addition it is as in 1 Cor. 10.16 the communion of the blood of Christ c. and secondly because the Lords Supper is significantly exprest in the next words breaking of bread therefore I rather understand it according to our translation fellowship that is mutuall communion and participation in all duties and offices of Christian love and concord one toward another whereof three particulars are specified in the verses following verse 44 45 and 46 they had all things that is all worldly goods common those that had any communicating freely to the use of those that had none here was Christian fellowship indeed they laid all their goods and possessions together and made a common stocke for the maintenance of the whole Church and secondly vers 36. they continued together daily with one accord in the Temple here is Christian fellowship to consent and joyne all together as one man in Gods worship thirdly and breaking bread at home here is Christian fellowship not onely in Gods Temple but even at their own private houses not only at the Lords Table but at their owne ordinary meales they met lovingly together and dranke together and were Christianly merry together for so are the words with gladnesse of heart Thirdly breaking of bread the phrase doth sometime and indeed most properly signifie the receiving of their naturall and daily food as in Luke 24.35 compared with verse 30 and there is good reason for that phrase because bread is the staffe of our life and the chiefe of all our food therefore all our food is usually and fitly comprehended under the name of bread and breaking of bread a matter specially in use among the Iewes for they made their bread into Cakes of thinne Loaves and so they might and ordinarily did breake them with their hands they were not so thick or tough that they needed any knives to cut them and from this their ordinary practice is the phrase borrowed and applyed to the receiuing of their spirituall food in the Lords Supper and that very fitly and significantly there being a breaking of bread after a speciall manner The bread there broken is a speciall bread that is to say separate for a speciall use and a speciall breaking of bread being a lively and teaching signe of the breaking of Christs body and so it is called too Act. 20.7 And the first day of the weeke the Disciples being come together for to breake bread Paul preached unto them where it is meant of the Sacrament of the Lords Supper and that it is so meant here it appeares to be cleare because of the other religious duties that it is sorted withall for they would not put in the receiving of their naturall food amongst these things and againe that is put in afterward in 46. vers and hee calls it their breaking of bread at home in opposition to this Neither yet is it to be understood that because one part of the Sacrament is here onely named that is breaking of bread that therefore they were denyed the other that is drinking the wine as the Papists would beare us in hand but a part is put for the whole the naming of one part in right reason certainly presupposing they had the other as we see in 46 vers in the receiving of their naturall food onely bread no drinke is named and so it will follow by the Papsits rule that they had no drinke at home neither a grosse inference but if it bee ingenuously and understandingly considered wee cannot but conceive the drinke too and that the naming of the one doth certainly presuppose the other too specially being things so usually and naturally joyned together so it is likewise in the sacrament the naming of the bread doth certainly presuppose the wine Fourthly prayers which is specially to bee understood of publike prayers no doubt but everie one had their private devotions and prayers for many of their owne private and particular necessities and no doubt but they were frequent in them too but yet the other three being publique and common duties this is to
be presumed to be so too and indeed it is the speciall reach of the Euangelist here to shew their care in publike and common exercises here are the duties which they did performe which is the first part of the verse The second part is their cariage in the performance of these duties they continued in them our translation comes farre short of the force of the Originall for that signifies not onely that they continued in them though that bee a great commendation but that they continued in them with much diligence and with strong patience they did not as many of us doe intermit them at their owne pleasures and use them as their owne case of worldly businesse would give them leave but they continued with much diligēce al other things laid by to give way to these exercises in their season Nor yet were they dismayed with the scoffes and reproaches of the world nor with the opposition of Sathan as no doubt they had verie many but strongly and patiently went through them all and still continued their godly courses This is the fulnesse of their cōmendation the duties themselves are excellent duties and their carriage in them is as excellent Good exercises sleightly performed are not praise-worthy no not amongst men but such excellent duties as these The Apostles doctrine c. so excellently carried as they are here continuing in them these have praise and that of God Lay al these together and see what a comfortable spectacle here is in these Christians to a religious beholder They had the Apostles doctrine there is their faith and knowledge They had fellowship amongst them there is their love and obedience They had breaking of bread there is their remembrance of the death of Christ They had prayers there is their zeale and devotion and they continued in all these here is their constancy and perseverance First they had the Apostles Doctrine that is the ground and substance of their religion Secondly Fellowship that is the fruit and life of their religion Thirdly Breaking of bread that is the seale and bond of their religion Fourthly Prayers that is the sinews and strength of their religion And lastly They continued in all these that is the grace and beauty of their religion It being the reach of the Holy Ghost to set before us as I shewed before the right forme of a true visible Church in these professors We may see here what a glorious forme of a true visible Church is here presented unto us So much of the reach of the Holy Ghost and of the parts and meaning of these words Now we will proceed to the observations and the first is from the reach of the place And first in that the Holy Ghost doth here set forth these religious Professors unto us by their practice of religious duties hence the observation is this namely that it is or must bee the practice of all true Professors of religion to be daily conversant in the exercises of religion both in the duties of the first and second Table piety towards God love towards men both these are here specified The Apostles Doctrine breaking of bread and prayer and their continuance therein are duties of the first Table Fellowship or Christian love and continuance therein are duties of the second Table The whole tenure of the Booke of GOD both in the old and new Testament tends directly to the proofe of this Doctrine I will cull out some few and first I will give you a place or two for the generall of all duties together both of the first and second Table and then I will come to the particulars First for the generall Matth. 28.19 20. Goe therefore and teach all Nations baptizing them in the name of the Father the Sonne and the Holy Ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you c. In the 19. verse there is their commission to plant Churches throughout the world and how must they plant them by teaching and baptizing and how are these Churches to cary themselves after they are thus planted verse 20. they must observe and doe all those things that the Lord Iesus commanded his Apostles now Christ Iesus he is a perfect Law-giver an exact Teacher instructing his Apostles no doubt in all duties both of the first and second Table and therefore all that professe to be of the Church must bee daily conversant in the practice of all good duties both towards God and toward men Tit. 2.11 12. The grace of God that bringeth salvation to all men hath appeared and teacheth us that wee should deny ungodlinesse and worldly lusts and that wee should live soberly and righteously and godly in this present world The saving grace of God is here compared to a Schoole-master or Teacher and consequently professors thereof to Schollers now what is the lesson that this Master teacheth to all these Schollers To deny ungodlinesse and worldly lusts and to live soberly and righteously and godly that is to abstaine from every sinne and to doe every good duty to God and men and our selves all the duties both of the first and second Table Philip. 4.8 9. Furthermore brethren whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things pertaine to love whatsoever things are of good report if there bee any vertue or any praise thinke on these things which yee have both learned and received and heard and seene in me these things do and the God of peace shall be with you These Philippians were much furthered in the profession of the Gospell by Pauls ministery many heavenly lessons had they received from him by word writing and example and this is the last of all his exhortations in this Epistle as containing the summe of all the rest and here he reckons up all sorts of good duties Whatsoever things are true c. and he presseth his exhortation with a serious obtestation If there be any vertue or if there be any praise thinke on these things as if hee should say You professe the things that are true thinke on the things that are true and doe them and the God of peace shall be with you you professe the things that be honest think on the things that be honest and doe them and the God of peace shall be with you you professe the things that are just thinke on the things that are just and doe them and the God of peace shall be with you you professe the things that are pure thinke on these things and doe them and the God of peace shall bee with you you professe love thinke on love and practise love and the God of peace shall be with you you profess things of good report think on them and doe them and the God of peace shall be with you if ever you looke for peace with God see that you think on do the good things that you professe ye professe religiously thinke and doe
of Hosts Who stands up to maintaine the cause of the common good but every man is for his owne good nay who is it that is sincerely earnest for the saving of his own soule We know that the word of God is scarce in many places in all places it is little set by Christian fellowship is banisht from amongst us the Sacraments much abused publike prayers condemned of some contemned of others and by some turned into meere babling The field of this land hath beene plentifully sowne with the seed of Gods word but where are the fruits Thistles and thornes and weeds great store sinnes and corruptions and oathes without number ignorance prophanenesse oathes blasphemies oppressions deceit and all manner of evill reignes and rules amongst us but good fruits are verie few or none at all every one of you knows this to be too true if you were asked in your consciences you would acknowledge and say as much your selves Then marvell not beloved that the Lord is incenst with anger against this Land marvell not that so many judgments are inflicted on us marvell not that such great floods of waters doe now make havocke of the commodities of the earth the corne and the grasse marvell not at this but rather marvel that the Lord shews not forth his wrath upon us to the utmost and that he that hath most justly drowned our grasse and corn with floods of waters hath not also poured forth the floods of his everlasting wrath and drowned us soules and bodies in hell There is just cause for all this for the Lord hath made choice of this Land as his owne Vineyard as it is in Esay 5. and hath planted it with the best plants and hath digged it c. and looked for grapes that is godly and religious duties but we have brought forth wilde grapes sinnes and rebellions and abominations of all sorts but no pleasing fruits unto God To come nearer this City professeth as well as any City in the world I may safely speake it none professeth a more holy and sound Religion nor would seeme to be more forward in it but where is the life and practice of Religion Is it in our Churches there indeed it should bee but is it there wee tender indeed oft-times our bodies there when our mindes are abroad on the world or here set upon some present vanity Is it then in our houses the hard dealing of masters to their servants the nice education of children in wantonnesse and idlenesse without Gods feare and without any ordinary calling too too common through this whole City and the children of our greatest Citizens rue it daily and our neglect of private catechizing and prayer witnesseth against us that it is not in our houses If it bee not in Gods house nor in our owne houses is it then in our shops and ware-houses indeed there it is most needfull but there it is least used Lying and swearing and deceiving and over-reaching is there more gainfull to us and therefore are the more practised Is it then in the streets no they are very stages of naughtiness and vanity A thousand baites are there to allure our eyes and eares to some evill or other not one to goodnesse religious practices dare not shew their heads in our streets If we looke into the City it is bad if into the Suburbs it is worse if we look into our selves or wives or our children or our dyet specially into our apparell all these testifie against us that we practise nothing lesse than the Religion wee professe I said before no City in the world goes farther in profession than this City I say now No professing Citie in the world is of lesse or worse practice than this is professing Cities said I nay those that never profest Religion Sodome and Gomorrah we may compare with them the pride and fulnesse of bread and idlenesse and abominable filthinesse and uncleannesse of this City cryes out in every corner for fire and brimstone to be poured downe from heaven upon us To come nearer to our selves looke into our owne Parish and Congregation I cannot but grieve and am ashamed that by my weake labours and the labours of so many my good Brethren and assistants so long continued in this place so few are brought to be duly conversant in religious duties One is given to the world another to his pleasure another to drinking another to pettishnesse another envies at his brothers prosperity another is selfe-willed another is a swearer another a prophaner of the Sabbath another thinkes much of an houre or two spent in Gods service on the Lords day all of us professe Religion yet this is our irreligious practice some of you happely make some conscience of the duties of the first Table hearing praying and some other parts of Gods worship but are not so conscionable of the second Table either you neglect your ordinary calling or are unjust in your dealing an exception too common and too just against many great professors On the other side some are carefull of the duties of the second Table they are just in their dealing and will wrong no man wittingly and so thinke that is Religion enough to be saved by Oh my brethren you are deceived on both sides it is true that both these kinde of duties be good but so as they be both practised together 1 John 3.23 This is Gods commandement that we beleeve in his Sonne and love one another where all the duties of the first Table are commanded under the name of faith and the second under the name of love God commands both and we must practise both Thou that art carefull in the duties of Gods worship if thou be not withall carefull in good duties towards thy selfe and men thy faith shall never save thee On the other side thou that art carefull of good duties towards thy selfe and men if thou be not withall carefull of the duties that belong to God thy love shall never save thee Second Vse It serves for tryall it will bring every one of us to the true touchstone whereby we may prove our profession to bee sound and good we all professe Gods holy religion if our hearts and lives be able to speake for us that wee be duely conversant in the practice of holy and religious duties we may boldly conclude that we are true and sound professors but if our practice be naught this our profession is nothing worth to us our Saviour himselfe sets the matter before us in those very termes Matth. 7.24.28 If we heare Gods Word and doe it we build upon a rocke and whatsoever comes we shall surely be saved but if we heare and doe not we build but upon the sand we are foolish builders wee and our building shall fall and our fall shall be great even downe to hell And the like touchstone doth the Apostle bring us to Ephes 4.21 to 24. Many learne Christ but none learne Christ as the truth is in Iesus
the Churches commended to us in Scripture for true Churches had these as Corinth Ephesus and the rest as might bee proved either directly or by necessary consequent in them all no nor any instance in the Scripture to the contrary so the doctrine is proved The Reasons are these First where these things are thus used there is the promise of Christs speciall presence and blessing Matth. 18.20 Where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of them saith our Saviour What is it to be gathered together in his name but to joyne together in the true use of his owne saving ordinances in the Word Sacraments Prayer Fellowship and such holy duties Therefore where these are there is Christs saving presence and promises now Christs saving promises are peculiar to the Church he is the head the Church is the body the head hath no life to communicate to any but to its owne body therefore there is Christs true Church Now the Congregation there spoken of is a visible Congregation as appeares in the 17. and 18. verses where he speakes of excommunication and such like therefore where these are the Word truly preacht Sacraments rightly administred prayer to God and love to the brethren religiously and conscionably practised there is a true visible Church And this might further bee enlarged in every one of these particulars here mentioned where the word is truly preacht there is a promise of Christs presence and blessing and so where the Sacraments are rightly administred as we may see in Matt. 28.18 19. Goe teach all nations baptizing them c. and loe I am with you alway untill the end of the world And so for prayer the Lord hath promised his saving presence and blessing to those that are conversant in religious prayer Matth. 18.19 If two of you agree in earth upon any thing whatsoever they shall desire it shall be given them of my Father c. And so for love to the brethrē God hath promised his blessing to be there for ever where this love is Psalme 133. the last verse If God promise then his saving presence and blessing to every one of these in particular then where all these meet together there is a promise of his saving presence and blessing much more now Christs saving presence and blessing being peculiar to his Church then where these are there is a true Church Secondly where these duties are truly practised there is true saving faith at least in outward profession Now what is a true visible Church but a company of those that openly and joyntly professe the true saving faith therefore where these are there is a true visible Church Let men professe what other Faith or Religion they will though never so plausible a Religion and never so zealously profest yet only the profession of this Faith and Religion makes a true visible Church yea where these duties are practised there is true saving faith indeed at least in some though not in all for they are the meanes to beget and confirme faith that is the Word and Sacraments and Gods blessing alwayes attends on the ordinary use of these means to make them effectuall to some for salvation And there also are the speciall exercises of saving faith prayer to God and love to the Saints and it cannot be at least charity forbids us to thinke otherwise but that though many amongst them yea most of them should bee Hypocrites yet some performe those exercises in the truth and singlenesse of their harts and so there is a true Church if it should so fall out that all should be Hypocrites yet professing and outwardly practising these duties they are a true visible Church in regard of the truth of the visibility of it But because alwayes in such congregations there are by the blessing of God some true beleevers therefore they are true Churches visible in regard of the truth of a Church among them And I take it this is the proper sense of the speech when we speake of a true visible Church that there be some true beleevers amongst them that make profession of the saving faith for whose cause they and others that joyne with them are rightly called a true Church visible and not onely a true visible Church but that they are as truly a Church as they are truly visible Thirdly there be the true and right causes of a true visible Church as first the efficient God in the ministery of his word Iames 1.18 Of his owne will begat he us by the word of truth Secondly there is the materiall cause Saints by calling 1 Cor. 1.2 Thirdly there is the formall cause their joynt and open profession in the use of Gods saving ordinances Lastly there is the finall cause the glorifying of God in the embracing of his saving Faith and Religion now where these causes are it is impossible but there should bee a true Church except the Lords owne labour bee in vaine which cannot be Lastly there be the true constituting parts of a true visible Church there is Christ the head as we shewed in the first reason and there bee the members Ministers and people The Ministers preaching the Word administring the Sacraments instructing and perswading to the duties of prayer and love And the people conscionably obeying and practizing those duties therefore there is the whole body of a true visible Church The Vses First use is matter of reproofe of sundry Adversaries first of those that oppose the first branch of the doctrine Some congregations say they have these and yet are no true visible Churches but let them shew me any such Congregations where these are in any true measure and then let them shew mee any just cause why these should not be a true Church They may be hereticall Churches and yet true Churches and they may be schismaticall Churches and yet true Churches except they overthrow the foundation and if they overthrow the foundation then the Word is not truly taught and received amongst them nor any other of these duties religiously practised Secondly it is for reproofe of those that oppose the other branch of the doctrine Some Congregations say they are true visible Churches and yet they have not these things yes they have them in some measure more or lesse or else they are no true visible Churches at least they have the Word truly preached amongst them which doth inclusively comprehend the other duties The state of a true Church is rightly to be weighed and considered and accordingly these things may be affirmed of it There is a beginning Church that hath the beginnings of these things and there is a flourishing Church and that hath all these things in some good beauty and perfection and there is a Church in persecution and that hath these things yet with many oppositions and interruptions there is a decaying or a dying Church and that also hath these things though decaying and dying as we may see in the
Church of Sardis Rev. 3.1 2 3. Thirdly it reproves those that pretend themselves to be the true Church and yet are destitute of these things As the Popish Church I mean the faction of the Pope and Cardinalls and Iesuits which challenge to themselves to bee the onely or at least the chiefe visible Church on earth and yet are farre to seeke in the practice of these duties For first the Apostles doctrine that is amongst them is mingled with mens traditions and mastered by the Popes interpretation and subdued unto the censure of their Church and so upon the point it is their owne doctrine not the Apostles Then for the Sacraments of God they have them indeed yet sorted with the Sacraments of men and corrupted with many prophanations and superstitions and foully stained with mens inventions And concerning brotherly love and fellowship herein they would seeme to excell all other oh say they wee are full of Almes and good workes And no marvell For which of us would not give all he hath to the poore if hee were thorowly perswaded that hee should merit heaven by it But what is their practice of love to get all to themselves for looke in all places where Popery hath raigned tell me if they have not encrocht upon the greatest or upon the richest and fattest part of the Land if they doe part with any thing it is to uphold the Popes crowne or the Iesuits faction And if they did build hospitalls or give almes they did it with opinion of merit which marres all to themselves or to bee seene of men and then they have their reward happily the poore fare the better for it but they themselves performe no true service to God in it nor yet can receive no true comfort by it So for prayer many of them spend a great part of their time in prayer but they pray to Saints as well as to God yea they doe not pray to God but by the intercession of Saints and all is done usually in an unknowne tongue without understanding they know not what they aske and what comfort can they have in such prayers So then howsoever they pretend and say wee have the Church wee have the Church yet it is but as the Iewes said The Temple of the Lord the Tēple of the Lord when indeed they were destitute of the true worship of the Lord. I doubt not but that there live under that government many true beleevers that worship God in some measure in spirit and truth But how that popish faction may be called a true visible Church that I referre to the censure of this doctrine The second use is for application to this present particular Church of England that we live in First here is matter of confirmation that wee have a true visible Church and that our standing in it is warrantable safe and good and if wee walke conscionably and uprightly therein we are in the ready way to heaven for to live in a true visible Church is not a thing so comfortable for it selfe but for the greatnesse of the consequent because if we are in a visible Church and live accordingly we are in the ordinary way to salvation else not Therefore it stands us much upon to to looke well to our selves herein if therefore any of us be scrupulous in our selves or any other of our adversaries deny us to bee a true Church or call us in question about it here is a sure evidence to confirme and secure us in it wee have through Gods mercy the Apostles doctrine amongst us truly preacht the Sacraments rightly administred the duties of prayer to God and love to the brethren by many of us religiously and conscionably practised therefore wee are a true visible Church And this wee dare to hold out as a flag of defiance against all our opposites and slanderers the Papists on the one side and the Separatists on the other let them say and doe their worst to disprove us in it we doe not justifie any abases or corruptions amongst us God forbid we should no wee abhorre them and mourne and groane under the burthen of them and pray to God against them and use all the lawfull meanes so farre as in us lies for the reformation of them But for the true being of our Church being impugned by our adversaries we must justifie Gods ordinances amongst us I say therefore againe and I speake it with confidence and comfort and glory to God we have the Word truly preached the Sacraments rightly administred the duties of prayer to God and love to the brethren in some good measure amongst us religiously and conscionably practised therefore wee are a true visible Church The Papists lay hard at us you the Church say they no you are a company of heretiques and no true Church We answer wee embrace the Apostles doctrine the written word wholly and onely that and nothing but that for matter of faith and if this be heresie we are content to bee called heretiques and we say further with Paul Acts 24.14 After the way that they call heresie so worship we the God of our fathers wee beleeve the Word of God and all that is written in it and desire to live by that rule let these men call it heresie or what they will we know we worship God in it aright therefore are no heretiques as they charge us to be The Separatists they charge us also that wee are no true Church you a true Church say they no you are a limme of Antichrist An uncharitable speech and a heavy slaunder and till it be substantially proved the burthen of the slander lies on themselves and the Lord forgive them or rebuke them for it heare is our shield againe to ward off this fiery dart too if the Apostles doctrine and fellowship c. be Antichristian then let us be taken for limmes of Antichrist but if these be true Christian duties then we that in the truth of our hearts labour the practice of these duties are a true Christian Church But say they you faile in many things you have not the discipline of the Church and therefore are no true Church I answer some discipline wee have though not that which they pretend But what then if wee have not that discipline which they pretend are wee therefore no true Church by the same reason this Church here mentioned may bee proved to bee no true Church neither for the discipline which these men pretend was not in use nor in being nor in name when this Church was in this glorious beauty for as yet there were no deacons at all as is plaine in Chapter 6 and yet they are the first and most exceptionlesse Church-officers next unto the Apostles that the Scripture speakes of I but say they the discipline which was presently after established was to bee used in all other succeeding Churches for ever I answer it is true that the same discipline that was establisht by the Apostles for all