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A08610 The monument of matrones conteining seuen seuerall lamps of virginitie, or distinct treatises; whereof the first fiue concerne praier and meditation: the other two last, precepts and examples, as the woorthie works partlie of men, partlie of women; compiled for the necessarie vse of both sexes out of the sacred Scriptures, and other approoued authors, by Thomas Bentley of Graies Inne student.; Monument of matrones. Part 1-4. Bentley, Thomas, student of Gray's Inn.; Abergavenny, Frances Nevill, Lady, d. 1576.; Marguerite, Queen, consort of Henry II, King of Navarre, 1492-1549. Miroir de l'âme pécheresse. English & French.; Catharine Parr, Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England, 1512-1548. Lamentacion of a sinner.; Tyrwhit, Elizabeth, Morning and evening prayers.; Catharine Parr, Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England, 1512-1548. Prayers or meditacions. 1582 (1582) STC 1892; ESTC S101562 669,543 1,114

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are giuen vs in the Supper doo represent vnto vs C They represent vnto vs that the bodie and bloud of Iesus Christ haue such vertue towards our soules as the bread and wine haue towards our bodies M Understand you that the bodie of Iesus Christ may be inclosed in the bread and his bloud in the wine C No. M Where then must we seeke Iesus Christ to enioie him C In heauen in the glorie of his father M What is the meanes to come vnto heauen there as Iesus Christ is C It is faith M It behooueth vs then to haue true faith before we can well vse this holie Sacrament C It is so M And how may we haue this faith C We haue it by the holie spirit that dwelleth in our harts and assureth vs of Gods promises which are made vnto vs in the Gospell Unto God the Father of whom and by whom and in whome are all things And vnto Iesus Christ our Lord and Redeemer of the world And vnto the holie Ghost be honour and glorie for euer So be it The true summe of all Christian Religion Mother MY child art thou a Christian Child Yea by the grace of God whereas of nature I was a child of wrath as well as others M Art thou certaine that thou art a Christian C Yea through faith and the holie spirit who giueth witnesse vnto my spirit that I am the child and heire of God M What is it to saie a Christian C It is the same which by faith in Iesus Christ hath receiued the holie spirit as a child of God dooing his dutie in time and place M What is the dutie of a Christian C It is for to knowe God for to serue him in spirit and truth according to the doctrine of Iesus Christ M In how manie points consisteth the true Christian adoration and the true seruice of God C It is faith which is the onelie foundation of Christians M The faith commeth it of vs C No for it is the gift of God M Where lieth this faith C In the hart for with the hart we beleeue to righteousnesse with the mouth we confesse to saluation M Be we then bound to render a reason of our faith and hope C Yea to all men that demand it of vs so that it be done with wisedome gentlenes reuerence and gratious words M And he that confesseth not Iesus Christ in time and place doth he not renounce him C Yea for he that is not with him is against him he that gathereth not with him scattereth abroade M Giue me then a reason of thy faith and first what confession makest thou of the Christian faith C The same that the Church holdeth being founded vpon the doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles which is brieflie comprehended in our Creede M Canst thou make confession in the common language C Yea I thanke God M Saie it with an high voice and pronounce it well C I beleeue in God the Father almightie c. M Beleeuest thou that thou art saued by this faith of the Church C Yea well if I haue it in my selfe as the first word sheweth I beleeue in God For the iust shall liue by his owne faith M What is it to beleeue in God C It is a full assurance and hope to trust and commit all to him according to his promises in Iesus Christ M Can we haue this faith in perfection whiles we be in this world C No. For we haue neede with the Apostles to require augmentation of faith The Lord increase it in vs and make vs perseuere in it vnto the end Of Inuocation Mother WHat is the second part of Christian adoration and seruice of God Child It is inuocation whereby we haue all our refuge vnto our father through faith in the name of Iesus Christ M Why puttest thou inuocation after faith C Because it is one of the greatest and principall fruite of the same For whosoeuer calleth vpon the name of the Lord in faith shall be saued M Haue we commandement to call vpon God onlie and not vpon others C Yea euen as we are commanded neither to beleeue nor worship anie other but him alone M Should we not praie to the father in the name of other but of Iesus Christ C No. For the father hath giuen vs none other aduocate but him who onlie is verie God and verie man and we haue no promise to be heard in the name of anie other but in his name onlie M Yea but we knowe not what we ought to praie as apperteineth C Iesus Christ teacheth vs by his holie spirit according to the forme that he hath giuen vs. M Rehearse it in the common language to the end that we all may vnderstand it and be edified C Our father which art in heauen c. M Wherefore will he that we call him father C To declare the loue that he beareth towards vs in Iesus Christ to the end that in full assurance and boldnesse we may come to him onlie and not to be afraid of him no more than a child is of his father M What doth this word our shew C The vnitie and charitable brotherhood which ought to be heere well practised among vs according as the communion of Saints requireth M Seeing that God is euerie where and filleth heauen and earth ought not we to seeke and worship him in all his creatures C No. For he is a spirit and incomprehensible wherfore he willeth that in Iesus Christ we seeke and worship him in spirit and truth lifting vp our hearts aboue all corruptible things M What conteine the sixe petitions comprehended in this praier C The three first all y t which makes for the aduancement of the honor and glorie of God which we ought to desire with our whole hart and before all things M And the three last what doo they conteine C Our entertainement and saluation which is also the glorie of God M Why addeth he to the end For thine is the kingdome the power and the glorie for euer C To shew that the dignitie efficacie of our praiers consisteth not in vs but altogether in that good father by Iesus Christ working in vs by the holie spirit M Then is it to saie that we all will liue and die in his obedience subiection and glorie C Yea acknowledging him to be the author of all goodnesse and vnto whome onelie apperteineth the true maiestie roiall with all power and glorie for euer M What is the conclusion of this praier C It is that all our desires requests and actions of grace be addressed vnto God alone through Iesus Christ confirming vs throughlie in substance vnto that which it conteineth as vnto the perfect rule of all true godlinesse M Why is this word added to the end Amen or So be it C To assure vs that our praier made thus in truth and according to his will is trulie heard Of Obedience Mother WHat is the third point of Christian adoration and
things in the world verie readilie and plainlie at all feasts and seasons of the yeere and at all houres and times of the daie and night continuallie vnto the holie mount of heauenlie contemplation and to the christian meditation and consideration of euerlasting felicitie in celestiall things the better to contemne and forget all terrene base vile momentanie and earthlie vanities Fourthlie and lastlie a domesticall librarie plentifullie stored and replenished both of the best approoued presidents of christian praiers and diuine meditations made from time to time by manie right godlie authors men and women of all ages and also of the chosen sentences or perfect precepts of holie scripture concerning the christian duties of all degrees and estates of women in their seuerall callings together with the pleasant histories and memorable acts liues and death of all maner of women good and bad by name or without name mentioned in the old and new testaments of the bible where among for the better vnderstanding of the text I haue inserted some notes out of the Geneua bible with some difference by parenthesis verie necessarie for the simple reader All which treatises though not so portable yet so delectable profitable and readie prepared to lie in your secret chamber or oratorie to vse howsoeuer intituled or called God grant they may as diligentlie be read and fruitfullie practised of you good readers as they and euerie of them I am sure were painfullie compiled and faithfullie purposed of the authors And for these and all other such good helpes and furtherances to faith deuotion and godlinesse God make both you and me alwaie thankfull vnto his maiestie who by all meanes at all times and through all ages most gratiouslie vseth both the ministerie of men and angels to doo vs good continuallie that through our vnthankfulnesse and wilfull contempt of his good gifts and graces dailie offered by so manie high learned and painfull hands we may not loose the same and the profit thereof by loathing that which we ought most to loue and imbrace but rather in good time by our grateful acceptation and approbation of that which deserues good liking gaine to ourselues comfort and consolation and encourage others which as yet of anie singular affection for their priuate vse conceale or deteine the woorks of anie godlie authors men or women to take good opportunitie by this occasion offered euen for the common benefit of Christs congregation to publish the same abroad for the perfection of this good worke to the glorie of God and the authors euerlasting praise and commendation both with God and men that full deseruedlie it may be said of them as most woorthilie it is of these my right christian and heroicall authors Etsi mors indies accelerat Viuit tamen post funera virtus Thus being awaked vp last of all as one that gathereth after them in the vintage I haue laboured as you see good reader like a poore gleaner or grape gatherer with restlesse Ruth to go after the maidens in the haruest and to gleane and gather for my mother Naomi certeine handfuls of corne after the reapers and painfull labourers among the sheaues let fall of deuotion in the fruitfull feelds of charitable Boaz and haue assailed as you well perceiue to replenish my wine presse with the grapes of the Lords plentifull vintage and to fill my lampes brimfull with the oile of Gods good blessing and rich store left behind by the wise virgins in the holie vessels of his increase Here therefore if I might be so bold without offense as in the name of the foresaid blessed Boaz I would gladlie exhort and persuade Ruth and in hir all other godlie women of the simple sort to followe this his good counsell who saith Heare me my daughter and go to none other feeld to gather neither depart from hence to gleane but abide here by my maidens let thine eies be on the feeld that they doo reape in and go thou after the maidens and when thou art athirst go also to the vessels and drinke of that which the seruants and handmaids haue drawne and when thou art hungrie come hither and eate of the bread and dip thy morsell in the vineger and sit by the reapers and thou shalt be satisfied to the full So now least you should gather by anie method order diuision title direction or application that you shall find in this booke or anie part therof that I go about nicelie curiouslie or strictlie to inioine you to obserue hours daies feasts times or seasons or to bind you vnlawfullie to an impossibilitie as of necessitie to vse all or euerie of these praiers and meditations in place maner and forme as they are set downe although it is to be wished that for the most part they might if it were possible or the necessities of this turbulent life would permit that you should not mistake me I saie and iudge that my purpose is in anie respect to hinder common praier or interrupt the ministration of the word and sacraments in the church where at what time I knowe we ought all to glorifie God together with one hart spirit and mouth and to be no otherwise occupied either in reading or in praieng than the publike minister is vnlesse we would be deemed meere superstitious and vnder the pretense of seuerall deuotion to commit manifest vngodlinesse I thinke it verie necessarie for me to let you vnderstand gentle reader that my meaning herby was and is simplie first to plaie the part of a faithfull collector by following my copies trulie and placing their works and praiers together as I found them referred by the authors for priuate or publike vse secondlie for order and memorie sake after the good example of the learned fathers of our time to intitle reduce and applie those other godlie meditations and praiers which for the matter I found woorthie the more often vse in the church or elsewhere vnto some more speciall place apt time and peculiar purpose than heretofore to my knowledge by anie others haue beene intituled referred or applied But thirdlie and principallie by the meanes of some plaine forme and easie method of praier and meditation to prepare for the vnlearned at all times and in all places such and so manie sorts as to auoid ignorance and tediousnesse might conuenientlie serue to further their godlie desires to the glorie of God the confusion of sathan and their owne eternall comfort in Christ Iesus referring them notwithstanding which you shall find proper for the church to be vsed there onelie at conuenient times by the ordinances of the church lawfullie permitted the rest which are more priuate to be vsed elsewhere at your discretions when and so often as opportunitie shall serue and Gods spirit by his heauenlie motion giue you anie occasion For as I would not haue you thinke hereby that I my selfe doo in all respects obserue this order here prescribed although I assure you I striue to doo it either
would be seene of men verelie I saie vnto you they haue their reward But when thou praiest enter into thy Chamber and when thou hast shut the dore praie thou to thy father which is in secret and thy father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openlie And when thou praiest babble not much as the heathen do for they thinke that they shall be heard for their much babbling sake Be yee not like them therefore for your father knoweth whereof yee haue neede before yee aske of him After this maner therfore praie yee Our father which art in heauen halowed be thy name c. Matth. 6. Watch and praie for you knowe neither the daie nor yet the houre when the sonne of man commeth in his glorie all the holie Angels with him Then shall he sit vpon the seate of his glorie and before him shall be gathered all nations and he shall separate them one from another as a shepheard diuideth the sheepe from the goates and then he shall set the sheepe on his right hand and the goates on the left Then shall the King saie to them on his right hand Come yee blessed children of my father inherit the kingdome prepared for you from the beginning of the world for I was an hungred and yee gaue me meate Then shall the King saie vnto them that shall be on the left hand Depart from me ye curssed into euerlasting fire which is prepared for the diuell and his Angels For I was an hungred and yee gaue me no meate I was thirstie and ye gaue me no drinke Then shall they answer him saieng Lord when sawe we thee an hunged or a thirst or naked or sicke or in prison and did not minister vnto thee Then shall he answere them saieng Uerelie I saie vnto you in asmuch as you did it not to one of the least of these ye did it not vnto me And these shall go awaie into euerlasting paine but the righteous to life eternall Matth. 25. As Iesus sate in mount Oliuet his disciples came vnto him secretlie saieng Tell vs when these things shall be and what signe shall be of thy comming and of the end of the world And Iesus answered and said vnto them Take heed that no man deceiue you for manie shall come in my name saieng I am Christ and shall deceiue manie Yee shall heare of warres and of the fame of warres but see that you be not troubled for all these things must come to passe but the end is not yet Matth. 24. And there shall be signes in the Sunne and in the Moone and in the Stars and in the Earth the Sea and the waters shall roare and mens harts shall faile them for feare and for looking for those things which shall come on the earth Behold the figge tree and all other trees when they shoote foorth their buds ye see and knowe of your owne selues that Summer is then nigh at hand So likewise yee when ye see these things come to passe vnderstand that the kingdome of God is then nigh at hand Luke 21. But of that daie and houre no man knoweth no not the Angels of heauen but my father onlie As the time of Noah was so shall likewise the comming of the sonne of man be For as in the daies before the floud they did eate and drinke marie and were maried euen vnto the daie that Noah entered into the ship and knew of nothing till the floud came and tooke them all awaie so shall also the comming of the sonne of man be Matth. 23. Take heede to your selues least your hearts be ouercome with surfeting and dronkennesse and cares of this world and that daie come on you vnwares For as a snare shall it come vpon all them that sit on the face of the earth Watch therefore continuallie and praie that ye may obtaine grace and flie all this that shall come and that ye stand before the sonne of God Luke 21. Take heed watch and praie for ye knowe not when the time is As a man which is gone into a strange Countrie and hath left his house and giuen authoritie to his seruants and to euerie man his worke and commanded the porter to watch Watch therefore for yee knowe not when the maister of the house will come whether at euen or at midnight whether at the cocke-crowing or in the dawning least if he come suddenlie he should find you sleeping and that I saie vnto you I saie vnto all men Watch and praie Matth. 13. Be sober and watch for your aduersarie the diuell as a roring Lion walketh about seeking whome hee may deuoure whome resist yee stedfastlie in faith Finallie let vs in all our praiers remember to praie for the Queenes most excellent Maiestie that it will please the almightie God to prosper hir in all hir affaires and send hir a long and triumphant reigne ouer vs that she may ouercome all hir enimies and that after this painefull life ended she may reigne with Christ in his heauenlie kingdome there to receiue a glorious crowne that neuer shall perish So be it FINIS THE THIRD LAMPE OF VIRGINITIE Conteining sundrie formes of diuine meditations Christian praiers penned by the godlie learned to be properlie vsed of the QVEENES most excellent Maiestie as especiallie vpon the 17. daie of Nouember being the daie of the gladnesse of hir hart and memorable feast of hir coronation so on all other daies and times at hir Graces pleasure Wherevnto also is added a most heauenlie HEAST spoken as it were in the person of GOD vnto hir Maiestie conteining his diuine will and commandement concerning gouernement and a right godlie and Christian Vow vttered againe by hir Grace vnto God comprehending the heroicall office and dutie of a Prince faithfullie compiled out of the holie Psalmes of that Princelie Prophet King DAVID as they are learnedlie explaned by Theodore Beza verie profitable to be often read and meditated vpon of hir Maiestie and all other Christian Rulers and Gouernours to the glorie of God the benefit of his Church and their owne euerlasting ioie and comfort in the holie GHOST PSALME 45. Audi filia vide inclina aurem tuam obliu●scere popul●… t●● domus patris tui Et concupiscet Rex formam tuam quia ipse est Dominus tuus ipsum adorabis Omnis gloria filiae Regis intùs est 1582 Right godlie Psalmes fruitfull Praiers and comfortable Meditations to be said of our most vertuous and deere Souereigne LADIE Queene ELIZABETH as at all times at hir Graces pleasure so especiallie vpon the 17. daie of Nouember being the memorable daie of hir Maiesties most ioifull deliuerance out of trouble and happie entrie to hir blessed reigne The 18. Psalme of DAVID which he made for the first beginning of his gratulation and thankesgiuing vnto God in the entring into his kingdome for the maruelous mercies victories and graces of God towards him paraphrasticallie explaned and opened by that godlie learned man
for into thy hands I commit me Amen E ENter thy iudgements in the tables of my hart destroie mine affections with thy loue send thy wisdome from the holie heauens and from the seate of thy Maiestie that she may be with me and labour with me that I may knowe what thing is acceptable before thee and may iudge the people righteouslie and discerne betweene good and euill G GRatious Lord thou that art the most high God aboue all the earth long-suffering and of much mercie sorowing the sinnes of man and of thy great goodnesse hast promised to the penitent remission of sinnes Lord I haue sinned mine iniquitie is multiplied aboue the sands of the sea and there is no hope of life in me because I haue stirred thee to anger in multiplieng offences before thee And now O Lord trusting in thy mercie I bow the knees of my hart beseeching thee of thy goodnesse destroie me not togither with mine iniquitie For the dead whose soules are out of their bodies can neither praise nor thanke thee but the sorowfull hart and the thirstie soule ascribe praise vnto thee O Lord I powre my praiers before thee and require mercie in thy sight saue me which am vnwoorthie and reserue not eternall punishment for mee For thine owne sake I aske it and will praise thee all the daies of my life Amen I ILluminate my hart O Lord with the light of thy word leade me Lord in thy waie and I shall enter into thy truth Print thy feare in my hart that I may reioice in thee Let thy word be a lanterne vnto my feet and a lampe of light vnto my paths so shall I not erre from the right waie but walke like a pure and wise virgin with an vpright hart chaste mind and cleane conscience and single eie before thee this daie and euermore Amen N NEuer will I cease to call vpon thee most mightie God of hosts which sittest vpon the Cherubins and hast dominion ouer all the kingdoms of the earth Thou which madest the heauens all things comprehended in them bow downe thine eare and heare open thine eies and behold saue mee from the hand of mine aduersaries suffer no euill to happen vnto me that all the people may knowe that thou alone art my God Amen A ASsist mee O Lord my God with thy heauenlie grace and renew in mee a right spirit that I may receiue strength ablenesse to doo thy righteous will and to stand against all the assaults of wilie Satan that they may haue no place in mee but that the old man which I beare about in my bodie may be crucified and dailie die in me that the desire of sinne errour and of worldlie vanities may vtterlie be destroied that I may euermore be renewed in the spirit of my mind that the life of my Sauiour Christ may alwaies appeare in me to whome with the Father and the holie Ghost be all honour triumph and glorie for euer and euer Amen The versicle EUen now and euer vouchsafe O LORD for thy deere sonnes sake to heare my humble petitions The answere REceiue my praiers I saie O GOD and in thy truth and mercie pardon mine offences and grant mee thy grace The Collect. O Emanuel my Lord and my GOD Iesus Christ sonne of the pure virgin Marie thou art not onelie the sweete spouse of my soule but with God the Father a most meeke Mediatour full of mercie and truth Wash awaie my sinnes with the most pretious bloud of thy holie passion make me rich in thy mercie and my faith so strong in thee that assisted with thy grace and holie spirit to all duties and works in this life towards thee I may enioie afterwards the glorie of thy blessed kingdome with thy holie Saints and pure Uirgins in euerlasting honour and triumph Amen The Praier O Roote of Iesse my Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ which hast redeemed all mankind from sinne death and hell thou which hast said I am the waie truth and life The waie in doctrine commandements and examples truth in promises life in reward I praie thee by thine ineffable loue wherewith thou hast vouchsafed wholie to bestowe thy selfe for our securitie that thou wilt not suffer me euer to straie from thee bicause thou art the waie nor at anie time to distrust thy promses which art the truth and performest whatsoeuer thou promisest neither let me rest in anie other thing bicause thou art eternall life without the which there is nothing that ought to be desired neither in heauen nor in earth By thee we learne the sure and expedient passage vnto true helth that we wander no longer in the Laberinth of this world Thou hast exactlie taught what to beleeue and what to doo what to hope for and in whom we ought to rest By thee wee learne how wee were of that first Adam vnfortunatelie borne by thee we are assured there is no hope of health but through faith in thee that thou art the onlie brightnesse which giuest light to all men trauelling the darke desarts of this world where is nothing but a profound dimnesse wherby we neither see our calamities nor frō whence we ought to seeke remedie of our euill Thou vouchsafedst to descend into the earth disdainedst not to take our nature vpon thee that by thy doctrine thou mightest shake off the dimnesse of our ignorance by thy commandements mightest direct our feete in the waie of truth peace By the examples of thy life thou hast shewed vs the waie to immortalitie and by thy steps hast restored to vs a plaine easie profitable waie out of an vneeuen and rough waie So thou art made vnto vs a waie which knoweth no error in the which least we should be wearie thou hast vouchsafed to vphold vs in thy benignitie with great sure promises For who can be wearie accounting himselfe redie through thy steps to enter thy heauenlie heritage Therefore whilest we be in this iournie thou wouldest be a sure hope vnto vs to be in steed of a staffe vnto vs wherewith we are sustained Neither was thy goodnes content with this but knowing the weaknesse of our flesh in the meane while with the comfort of thy spirit dooest so refresh our strength whereby we run cheerefullie And as thou being made vnto vs the waie dooest driue awaie all errour so being truth dooest thou take awaie all distrust Finallie being made life vnto vs dooest reuiue the dead in sinne to liue by thy spirit releeuing all things vntill in the resurrection all mortalitie vtterlie abolished we may alwaies liue with thee and in thee when Christ shall be to vs all in all For eternall life is to knowe the Father the Sonne and the holie Ghost to be one true God where now thorough faith we behold onlie in a glasse and riddle And then seeing more felowlie the glorie of the Lord wee shall be transformed into the same image Therefore I beseech thee most mercifull Sauiour that
be most expedient for them granting vs in this world knowledge of thy truth and in the world to come life euerlasting Amen When the people arise to depart out of the Church saie thus to thy selfe RIse vp O Lord arise and let thine enimies be scattered yea let all them that hate thee and prophane thine honour flee before thee but gather the Saincts togither continuallie and let them neuer depart from thy Church So be it So soone as you be out of the Church dore saie BLessed bee the glorie of the LORD out of his place Going homeward from the Church meditate and praie as followeth O Christ whose home is heauen and whose house is a place of ioies eternall I thanke thee for all thy great mercies shewed towards me especiallie for vouchsafing mee yet time to repent and liue godlie grant also I beseech thee that being trulie humbled before thee this daie I may by my good life declare that I haue not come to Church in vaine and that with the penitent Publicane I may returne home now to my house vnder thy protection imbettered and iustified both before God and man and in all holie obedience glorifie thee both at home and abroade in my life and in my death Amen Another BEhold me O Lord I praie thee a poore seelie woorme here creeping walking bodilie on earth for a time in this life which is our pilgrimage and passage to our home and make me more mindfull of mine euerlasting home and very desirous to returne to the house of the liuing that hauing mine affections inflamed by thy holie spirit I may vtterlie contemne all earthlie things and couet euermore to be present with thee that my conuersatoin may be in heauen whither grant mee at the length to come there in my long home with thy children to be partaker of thy glorie and to reioice as thy child bicause of this my euerlasting home and the great glorie thereof For I knowe O Lord that if mine earthlie house of this tabernacle my bodie were destroied I haue a building of thee euen an habitation not made with hands but eternall in heauen for the which I sigh desiring to be further clothed with my house which is from heauen that mortalitie might be swalowed vp of life bicause I knowe that as long as I am at home in the bodie I am absent from thee therefore had I rather to be absent from the bodie and to be present with thee O Lord neuerthelesse whether I be at home or from home I am of good comfort and alwaies of good cheere in thee beseeching thee in mercie to grant me grace to endeuour my selfe so to walke by faith in thy feare after the inward appearance that when we shall all appeare before the iudgement-seate of Christ euerie one to receiue the works of his bodie according to that he hath done whether it be good or bad I may be found accepted vnto thee Amen When you enter into your house praie THY fauour and grace O God being my guide I enter into this my materiall house and home beseeching thy mercie so to blesse and preserue my comming in and my going out both now and euer that thy peace O God which passeth all vnderstanding may be euermore therin and that I neuer turne back or be deformedlie scattered abroad from thee vntill thou bring me home from this painfull pilgrimage whereas be the first fruits of my spirit So be it Being come home praie LORD blesse vs and make our houses Churches of thy saints linked in one confession and religion that being by thee made all of one mind in this house we may with the deuout Galileans praise thee for thy benefits both now and euer O Lord now fashion conforme me by thy holie spirit in this house of my peregrination that herein enioieng the benefit of perfect peace most seemelie quietnesse and comlie order I may make thy mysteries my songs vntill it shall please thee to lead me vpward vnto the peace of thy children euen into thy holie house and mansion place where thou hast placed vs and where we shall will or desire nothing else but to tarrie and remaine for euer For whilest we are clad with this bodie we doo as it were go astraie and are strangers vnto thee neither haue we here anie abiding place for euer but we must seeke for one that is to come To the which thou bring vs that camest from thence to redeeme vs Iesus Christ the righteous to whom with the Father and the holie Ghost be all possible praise and endlesse glorie now and for euer Amen Praiers before meate on Sundaie ALmightie God and most mercifull Father who hast taught vs that outward things defile not a man but those that proceede from the hart grant vs so to esteeme cleane that thou pronouncest cleane as that by praier and thankes-giuing the vse of thy creatures made for our benefit may be sanctified vnto vs and of the other part so to abhorre the pollusion of sinne which onelie thou declarest to be common and vncleane that wee may auoid by thy grace all murders adultries thefts false-witnesse-bearing vnlawfull desires and concupiscence and whatsoeuer thou hast forbidden touching our dutie towards men or seruice and obedience vnto thee that being thus sanctified by thy grace we may alwaies haue free accesse vnto thy sanctuarie in this life and be receiued into the heauenlie Ierusalem where no Canaanite nor vncleane person shall enter in the life to come through Iesus Christ our Lord to whom with thee and the holie Ghost be all honour glorie and praise for euer Amen Another O Sonne of God which by thy miraculous multiplieng of a few fishes and loaues of bread didst feed fiue thousand of thy people in the wildernesse both inwardlie with spirituall comfort and outwardlie with corporall food thereby shewing thy selfe in deed to be the Creator susteiner of all things we beseech thee who onelie giuest vs the breath of life and knowest what we need and alone canst giue a reason why after this maner thou wilt feed vs with corporall things and not as thou dooest the startes without anie nourishment Giue vnto thy Church of thy wisedome such things as are necessarie for the sustentation of this life wherein the ioies of the life eternall and to come doo begin And albeit somtime we lacke diuers things although thine aduersarie throweth stones at vs for bread yet by thy power strengthen vs that we faint not And that we which liue not by bread alone or by our owne industrie being armed with thy word and promise the spirituall food and sword of our soule may receiue comfort thereby and being protected by thee after a woonderfull sort to liue and glorifie thee both here and in the world to come Amen Another praier before meat to be vsed that daie that you haue receiued the holie Communion WE thanke thee O eternall housholder for that after the banket of paradise troubled
and to doo awaie mine offences For I knowe O Lord that all grace and goodnesse commeth of thee and therefore art thou praised loued and feared in the congregation among the Saincts For thou art onlie he that giuest victorie O Lord of hosts and that as thou saiest by thy Prophet neither through an host of men nor through strength but through thy spirit Therefore I beseech thee giue me not onlie strength and knowledge of thee but also a readie earnest purpose and will to subdue mine imperfections and grace at all times to liue as thou in thy holie word hast prescribed vnto me Moreouer I beseech thee make me perfect in thy sight that I may render continuall thanks by Iesus Christ to thee And where I haue not hitherto indeuored my selfe according to that power which thou hast giuen me to liue after thy will I praie thee forgiue me for Iesus sake And now I protest before thee through the helpe of the spirit to order my life from hence foorth according to thy word and to walke perfectlie before thee neuerthelesse I beseech thee for Christes sake at all times to beare the imperfections that shall or may at anie time be found in me and deliuer me by thy power and mercie Increase my faith O my sauiour increase my faith O my iustifier increase my faith O my redeemer increase faith hope and charitie and all other vertues in me consonant and agreeable to a godlie life For I come vnto thee the well and euerlasting fountaine of all health and saluation O my heauenlie Father let me and all other men and women liue in thy sight which seeke thy word to the intent to forsake sinne and all vngodlie liuing and to walke in a godlie conuersation innocentlie before thee And I thanke thee O Lord with all my hart and mind that it hath pleased thee of thy great mercie and goodnesse to create and forme me of the mould of the earth and giuen me all my members requisite and needfull to the bodie and that it hath pleased thee to preserue all that which thou hast created in me sith the time of the creation vntill now and that it hath pleased thee to defend me this daie or night and all the daies and time of my life hitherto from all hurt and perils and deliuered me from the hour of temptation and tribulation as well when I was asleepe and forgetfull as when I remembred and called vpon thee And that it hath pleased thee to minister to my necessitie meate drinke and cloathing inward reioicing quietnesse of mind health of bodie and such like and that it hath pleased thee to giue me this man and my brother in profession T. B. to be my husband vaile remedie consolation and comfort in my necessities Grant me grace in him O Lord trulie to honor loue serue and obeie thee for I knowe whatsoeuer I doo to him be it good or euill it shall be rewarded of thee Lighten vs dailie with thy grace that we may gouerne our selues the houshold and children which thou hast giuen vs in the true faith feare and knowledge of thee so that it may be an acceptable sacrifice vnto thee by Iesus Christ our Lord. And seeing it hath pleased thee O Father to lighten the inward eies of my mind with thy grace and to call me from the great blindnesse of ignorance and sinne wherein all men are borne to the knowledge of thee let it now more as S. Paule saith please thee to preserue me and all other whome thou hast called which are dailie oppressed by sinne which desire to turne and to come vnto thee of what tongue or nation soeuer they be through the whole world And seeing it hath pleased thee to call me by grace to the knowledge of thy word giuen me a will to seeke it to loue and beleeue it let it be thy will to direct my waies that I erre not Oh staie my feet with thy holie hand and preserue me with thine arme for I am else farre too weake without thee I can doo nothing Oh let me liue in thy sight O Lord and put me not from thee but giue me a new hart and a new spirit yea a pure mind and a cleane conscience make thou in me then shall I be perfect before thee Then shall I call vpon thee in time of my trouble and offer acceptable sacrifice vnto thee by Iesus Christ euen the fruit of these lips which confesse thy name and patientlie receiue the cup of health at thy hand and call vpon thy name in time of aduersitie Oh heare my praier I beseech thee let my power and pleasure alwaie be in the tree of life and in the fruit thereof which standeth in the midst of the Paradise of God O accept this voluntarie sacrifice at my hand as the sweet smell of incense and let the lifting vp of my hart with my hands be an euening sacrifice pleasant and acceptable vnto thee through Iesus Christ our Lord to whome be euerlasting praise honor and glorie now and euer Amen Another Christian praier for grace and remission to be dailie vsed O Most mightie God mercifull and louing Father I wretched sinner come vnto thee in the name of thy deerelie beloued sonne Iesus Christ my onlie sauiour and redeemer and most humblie beseech thee for his sake to be mercifull vnto me and to cast all my sinnes out of thy sight and remembrance through the merits of his bloudie death and passion Powre vpon me O Lord thy holie spirit of wisedome and grace Gouerne and leade me by thy holie word that it may be a lampe vnto my feet a light vnto my steps Shew thy mercie vpon me so lighten the naturall blindnesse and darknesse of my hart through thy grace that I may dailie be renewed by the same spirit grace by the which O Lord purge the grosenesse of my hearing vnderstanding that I may profitablie reade heare vnderstand thy word heauenlie will beleeue and practise the same in my life conuersation euermore hold fast y t blessed hope of euerlasting life Mortifie and kill all vice in me that my life may expresse my faith in thee Mercifullie heare the humble suite of thy seruant and grant me thy peace all my daies Gratiouslie pardon mine infirmities and defend me in all dangers of bodie goods and name but most chieflie my soule against all assaults temptations accusations subtill baites and sleights of that old enimie of mankind Sathan that roring Lion euer seeking whome he may deuoure And heere O Lord I prostrate with most humble mind craue of thy diuine Maiestie to be mercifull vnto the vniuersall Church of thy Sonne Christ And especiallie according to my bounden dutie I beseech thee for his sake to blesse saue defend the principall member thereof thy seruant our most deere and souereigne Ladie Queene Elizabeth increase in hir roiall heart true faith godlie zeale and loue of the same and grant her
God Grant also that both being in bed asleepe and awake we may alwaies remember our death which is a passing to an immortall life and withall our ioifull resurrection to euerlasting glorie Finallie at our last gaspe when our harts pant our strength faileth our sight departeth our hearing is deafe our mouth dumbe when our feet cannot go nor our hands feele when all our senses forsake vs giue vs O blessed Trinitie some sense of eternall life that we may tast in this world the beginning of thine euerlasting ioie and at our departure out of this world behold by faith thy diuine presence and so sleepe quietlie to eternall life Amen Amen Lord haue mercie vpon vs. Christ haue mercie vpon vs. Lord into thy hands we commend our soules because thou hast redeemed vs. Lord Iesu receiue our spirits At mid-night if you happen to awake praie HAue mercie vpon me O God after thy great goodnesse according to the multitude of thy mercies doo awaie mine offenses Turne thy face from my sinnes and put out all my misdeeds Make me a cleane hart O God and renew a right spirit within me Cast me not away from thy presence and take not thy holie spirit from me I will remember thee O God in my bed and thinke vpon thee now that I am waking because thou hast beene mine helper Euen now in the night season while thou holdest mine eies waking I saie will I thinke of thee my creator and make my praiers vnto thee my redeemer and God of my life that my soule may not refuse hir comfort In my bed now by night will I seeke thee whom my soule loueth O let me find thee and my soule embrace thee For with my soule doo I desire thee now in the night season and with my spirit within me will I seeke thee in the morning Yea at mid-night I will arise vp to giue thanks vnto thee O Lord because of thy righteous iudgements and in the night watches I will lift vp my hands towards thy holie place and blesse thee and powre out my hart before thee and saie Haue mercie vpon me O God haue mercie on me a most miserable sinner From the snares of the diuell O Lord deliuer me from the mid-night euill defend me and in the houre of death helpe me Our father which art in heauen c. Meditation AT mid-night there was a crie made Behold the bridegrome commeth go out to meet him blessed are those virgins whom the Lord when he commeth shall find waking O my soule let vs therfore take héed watch and praie that wée may bée found prepared with our Lamps burning readie to enter with our spouse and Lord Iesus vnto the wedding In the night when you heare the clocke strike praie THE clocke of our conscience dooth ring euerie minute the houre of death to be at hand O mercifull God grant vnto me therefore I beseech thee a happie houre blessed departure out of this life whensoeuer it shall please thee to call me hence and cause my soule to flie out of this bodie Be mercifull vnto me O God be mercifull vnto me a most miserable sinner and deliuer me from the houre of temptation death and damnation through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Meditation HE that hath ears to heare let him heare The daie of the Lord will come as a théefe in the night Watch therefore because yée know neither the daie the time nor the houre when the sonne of man will come to iudgement VVhen you giue your selfe to sleepe againe and commend your selfe last to God Praie INto the hands of thy vnspeakable mercie O Lord I commend my wretched soule and bodie my senses speech counsell thoughts works all things belonging vnto me my lieng downe and rising vp my faith and conuersation the whole course and end of my life the daie and houre of my departure out of this world finallie my death buriall rest and resurrection beseeching thee O Lord now suffer mine eies to sleepe mine eie lids to slumber the temples of my head to take some rest that my bed may comfort me and my couch giue me some refreshing Grant that I may so sleepe gouerne and end my life that I may sleepe in peace and rest in thee Sticke thou to me O my God euen to the end that sleepe with rest and rest with quietnesse quietnesse with euerlastingnesse may receiue me For lo I giue my selfe once againe to sleepe and rest in the name of thee O Father Sonne and holie Ghost euermore crieng and saieng Haue mercie on me O glorious Deitie Haue mercie on me O triumphant humanitie Haue mercy on me O blessed Trinitie and receiue my spirit yea rather thy spirit into thy holy hands send me a ioifull resurrection with all thy Saints elect people Amen Amen The Conclusion NOt vnto vs O Alpha not vnto vs O Omega but vnto thy name O Iehoua be giuen all the glorie for thy louing mercie and for thy truths sake For thou hast directed the thoughts of our harts and prospered the works of our hands vpon vs euen thou I saie O Lord hast gouerned all our counsels enterprises from heauen hast gratiouslie wrought all our works for vs. O let our mouthes therfore be filled with thy praise and make vs continuallie thankefull that we may giue woorthie honor and glorie to thée for so great graces and manifold benefits bestowed vpon vs. And now forsomuch as thou hast giuen euerie one of vs that portion of thy graces that hath pleased thée and hast commanded vs to occupie and vse them to thy honor till thou come grant vs whether we haue receiued little or much that we doo not idelie or slothfullie neglect our dutie herein Suffer vs not I saie O swéet Christ with the rest of the world to fall asléep in the pleasant vanities of this life and to forget the waiting for thy comming but rather stirre vs vp by thy holie spirit faithfullie to vse thy gifts giuen vnto vs and in all warie watching fasting and earnest praier continuallie to prosper and go forward in our holie calling prouoking one another by good example to followe thée in true worship and due obedience and grant that all ambition vaine glorie hypocrisie and dissimulation being remooued our chéefe care may be in all our dooings studies and labours euer to séeke the increase of thine honor and the aduancement of thy kingdome and so with a single eie respecting the praise which is of thée looke and wait for the reward and recompense of our labours not of men but of thée that in that daie of thy second comming which shall be sudden and fearefull to the wicked we may with ioie and comfort méet thy sonne in the aire and when thou shalt heare our accounts we may also receiue of thée through our redéemer Iesus not onlie praise and commendation as thy good and faithfull seruants whose liues are hid in thée but also obtaine the finall
victorie ouer all hir enimies a long prosperous and honourable life vpon earth a blessed end and life euerlasting Moreouer O Lord grant vnto hir Maiesties most honourable Counsellers and euerie other member of this thy Church of England that they we in our seuerall callings may trulie and godlie serue thee Plant in our harts true feare and honor of thy name obedience to our Prince and loue to our neighbours Increase in vs true faith and religion Replenish our minds with all goodnes and of thy great mercie keepe vs in the same till the end of our liues Giue vnto vs a godlie zeale in praier true humilitie in prosperitie perfect patience in aduersitie and continuall ioie in the holie Ghost And lastlie I commend vnto thy fatherlie protection all that thou hast giuen me as husband children and seruants Aid me O Lord that I may gouerne nourish and bring them vp in thy feare and seruice And forasmuch as in this world I must alwaies be at warre and strife not with one sort of enimies but with an infinite number not onelie with flesh and bloud but with the diuell which is the prince of darkenesse and with wicked men executors of his most damnable will grant me therefore thy grace that being armed with thy defence I may stand in this battell with an inuincible constancie against all corruption which I am compassed with on euerie side vntill such time as I hauing ended the combate which during this life I must susteine in the end I may atteine to thy heauenlie rest which is prepared for me and all thine elect through Christ our Lord and onlie sauiour Amen Another praier for mortification and holinesse O Lord our God most gratious and most mercifull I doo acknowledge before thee that I am vnwoorthie to appeare before thy high Maiestie to offer vp vnto thee a sacrifice of praier being full of sinne and corruption naturallie glad of euill and vnprofitable to good yea beeing so miserable that I see not my miserie I feele it not I bewaile it not as I ought to doo but multiplie mine iniquities prouoking thy iust iudgement against me My zeale is cold my loue feeble my exercises of religion faint and few and I take no waie but that which leadeth from euill to worsse and finallie would leade me from sinne to the reward of sinne All this is true deere Father yet my hart is not moued with feare all this true yet I doo not sorowe for it but walke with ioie where I must if I continue reape affliction Therefore be mercifull vnto me and blesse me be mercifull vnto me and in Christ Iesus wash awaie all mine iniquities be mercifull vnto me and create in me a new hart and prepare it to praier and to thy holie seruice For thou alone O Lord art my hope and the mightie God of my saluation Thou hast giuen me a desire to serue thee O teach me that I may doo it and the good worke which thou hast begun make it perfect in me that I may no more loue goodnesse and yet followe vanitie but that my good desires in thee may be increased and all of them accomplished so shall I praise thee and magnifie thee for euer For there is no honour but thy honour no glorie but thy glorie O Lord. It is in vaine to trust in princes but trulie to trust in the Lord bringeth plentifull saluation From age to age it hath appeared that thou O Lord God art mercifull and that in thy courts there is nothing but truth and holinesse This world is full of vanitie full of pride full of rebellion and the flesh also The world hath manie baits to destruction and the flesh doth delight in them they are sworne togither to betraie vs to Sathan yea we betraie our selues Therfore deere Father by the crosse of Christ mortifie in vs the deeds of the flesh and crucifie both vs to the world and the world to vs that our soules may liue In our generall calling make vs obedient to serue thee in holinesse and righteousnesse all the daies of our life in our particular callings also make vs faithfull that we may neither put awaie a good conscience nor make shipwracke of faith I beleeue O Lord helpe mine vnbeleefe In the daie of peace and prosperitie make vs sober in the daie of trouble and aduersitie make vs to looke vp and cheerfullie to wait and trust in thee for our deliuerance that our enimies mouthes may be stopped by our godlie conuersation and their harts pricked with zeale to turne vnto thee Neither doo I praie O Lord for my selfe alone but for the whole bodie vnto the which I am ingraffed by Christ Iesus that is for thy Church O God for thine inheritance that thou wouldest increase it from one end of the world to another that all nations may worship before thy footstoole Especiallie O Lord I praie for them that professe thy Gospell as for this our nation that thou wouldest be mercifull vnto it turning our harts to thee for our gratious Souereigne the Queene and for all hir Counsell that thou wouldest powre thy graces vpon them to the discharge of their dutie and our peace for all the holie teachers of thy Church that thou wouldest blesse them and their labours for the peace and full beautie of this Church for the peace and wealth of the Commonwealth We praie thee also for to blesse the meanes to bring this to passe also we praie thee for our parents for all others to whom we owe especiall loue or seruice but principallie we beseech thee to shew thy compassion vpon all that are in persecution for thy Gospell O Lord increase and renew their strength giue them victorie and turne their aduersaries harts if they apperteine to thine holie election otherwise O Lord bring vpon them the cōfusion that they would bring vpon others and into the pit that they haue digged let them fall and neuer rise vp againe O Lord heare vs in these suits pardon our dull spirits in praier and giue vs these and all other graces needfull for vs and thy Church to thy glorie for our Lord Iesus Christs sake in whose name as he hath taught vs so we praie saieng Our Father c. After that you may ad anie morning or euening praier Another verie deuout praier for grace and mercie O Lord God almightie three in persons yet but one GOD who both art in all and wast before all and wilt be in all things a blessed God for euermore Now and alwaies into thine hands I doo commend both my soule my bodie my sight hearing tasting smelling and feeling with all my cogitations affections actions outward and inward things my sense and vnderstanding my memorie my faith and beleefe and perseuerance that thou maiest keepe them daie and night euerie houre and moment O sacred Trinitie heare my petition and saue mee from all euill from offending and from sinning anie maner of waie from all snares and pursuits