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A07350 The English catechisme explained. Or, A commentarie on the short catechisme set forth in the Booke of common prayer Wherein diuers necessarie questions touching the Christian faith are inserted, moderne controuersies handled, doubts resolued, and many cases of conscience cleared. Profitable for ministers in their churches, for schoole masters in their schooles, and for housholders in their families. By Iohn Mayer, Bachelour of Diuinitie.; English catechisme Mayer, John, 1583-1664. 1622 (1622) STC 17733; ESTC S100659 485,672 636

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commonly runne into 3. A disposition alwayes to interprete such things as are done against vs in the best sense that wee can as it is noted to bee the property of loue It thinketh not euill 1 Cor. 13.5 for by a misconstruction men are often prouoked causelesly to sinne against their owne soules or when small matters are aggrauated and accounted greater 4. A loue of peace and seeking it with all men as much as may be according to the precept As much as in you lyeth Ro● 12.8 haue peace with all men And againe Dost thou desire to liue long and to see good dayes refraine thy tonge from euill Psal 34.12 and thy lips that they speake no guile cease to doe euill learne to doe well seeke peace and ensue it 5. Lastly a minde content for the loue of peace sometimes to depart with a mans right as Abram the vncle Gen. 13. Math. 17. gaue Lot his nephew his choise being content that part which hee left and Christ when he had proued that hee was not to pay tribute or poll money did notwithstanding pay it being demanded By interring and timely bringing to the buriall dead bodies of Christian people or others which being vnburied would be noysome and preiudiciall to the liues of the liuing Wherefore Abraham prouideth a place to bury Sarah in But this taxeth not the hanging vp of paricides or other notorious murtherers in chaines without buriall who are vnworthy of the honour of Christian buriall And this duty doth more properly belong to the fift Commandement 1 Pet. 2.2 Ro. 10.14 Now as there is a spirituall murthering as well as a corporall so there are duties to be done to preserue the spirituall life and first to preserue thine owne thou art bound to desire the sincere milke of the word as S. Peter saith that thou maist grow thereby 1 Pet. 2.2 Rom. 10.14 attend the preaching hereof whereby faith may be wrought and confirmed and that with all diligence as it is to bee preached in season and out of season thou must hide the word in thy heart by serious meditation as Dauid did Psal 119.11 Cor. 3.16 and let it dwell plenteously in thee pray continually for grace and reuerently receiue the Sacraments and vnto all these ioyne obedience be doers of the word and not hearers onely deceiuing your selues If any of these things bee neglected Iam. 1.22 thy soule cannot liue thou destroyest thy selfe euerlastingly To preserue the life of the soule To preserue thy neighbours spirituall life 1. If thou be a minister teach exhort rebuke vse all meekenes discretion and diligence in doctrine and life to keepe in the right way to bring in such as are out to strengthen the weake to comfort the faint-hearted to curbe the vnruly to informe the ignorant and erronious and to further the sanctification saluation of all 2. If thou beest a Iudge a ruler or a magistrate in executing iustice seeke not onely in regard of temporall punishments to make men affraid of sinning but much more because they shall thus damne and destroy their owne soules commend an honest and deuout course of life both by word and example so as S. Paul saith to Timothy thou maist saue both thy selfe and many others 3. If thou be father or mother master or priuate gouernour teach and season youth in good things betimes command them with Abraham to walke in the way of the Lord instruct them in the grounds of religion out of the holy Scriptures euen in their childhood with Timothies grandmother chastize them duly when they sinne against God as Ely did not and in all things bee an example of holinesse vnto them bringing them to the publike place of Gods worship and praying earnestly for them with Elchana and Hannah and thus thou shalt dedicate them with Samuel to the LORD and well prouide for the saluation of their soules Heb. 3.13 Leuit. 19.27 4. If thou be a priuate person exhort such as are backward and prouoke vnto loue and good workes reproue such as offend and suffer them not to sinne such as are forward in goodnesse incourage with the Kingly Prophet who saith I was glud when they said Psal 1 22. 1 Cor. 10● let vs goe vp to the house of the Lord and by no meanes lay any stumbling-blocke before thy brother by which he should fall and perish and thus many priuate persons to their great ioy saue the soules of others whilest others carelesse of these duties like Cain haue murtherous mindes and say am I my brothers keeper Quest 94. What is the seauenth Commandement Answ Thou shalt not commit Adultery Quest 95. What is heere forbidden Answ First all outward vncleane actions of Adultery Fornication c. Secondly all filthy and vncleane speeches songs and Bookes and Ballads of this sort Thirdly all incontinent thoughts and lusts of the heart Fourthly whatsoeuer is an occasion of vncleannesse as surfetting drunkennesse and idlenesse c. Mat. 5.28 Explanat The sinne heere forbidden is not onely the act of Adultery but whatsoeuer is any way against chastitie or sobernesse either in deed in word or in thought directly or indirectly as a meanes of sinning heere against For thus large our Sauiour sheweth the extent of this Commandement to be where hee saith Whosoeuer looketh vpon a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her in his heart stretchihg this commandement to the very thoughts and the meanes of such wicked thoughts a wandering eye Gen 19.18 First therefore this commandement is broken by vnclean actions of euery kinde whether by beastiality Leuit. 18.23 or by vnnaturall lust Rom. 1.26.27 and so foule an euill is this as that the Lord hath done more against it euen in the view of the world then against any other sinne sweeping away euen whole Kingdomes with fire and brimstone from Heauen not sparing any of that impure people and continuing the memoriall of his iudgement vnto this day by the dead sea which is there by the apples outwardly faire hauing nothing within them but smoke and by the generall desolation of the Countrey voyd of euery liuing creature Deut. 22.22 Or the act of vncleannesse is committed with a man or woman married or betrothed and this is adultery which is also so foule as that the punishment appointed is death If any man bee found lying with a woman married to a man then they shall dye euen both twaine to wit the man that lay with the wife 23. and the wife If a maa bee betrothed to an husband and a man lye with her then shall yee bring them both out to the gates of the Citie and shall stone them with stones to death And good reason that adultery should bee thus puninished because it is an abhominable sinne diuers wayes Against adultery 1. It is a breach of a most sacred couenant made before God and the congregation of his people in most sollemne
discourse is had hereof in the Epistle to the Hebrewes Thirdly to the office of a Prophet that he might reueale the will of his Father vnto vs enlighten our vnderstandings therein and continually pray to the Father for vs. Of Christ vnder this name did Moses foretell Deut. 18.15 The Lord shall raise you vp a Prophet from amongst your brethren like vnto me him shall ye heare chiefely meaning the head of all Prophets Jesus Christ And according to this office it is said Ioh. 1.18 The onely begotten Sonne who is in the bosome of the Father he hath declared him and again In these last dayes he hath spoken to vs by his Sonne Heb. 1.1 whereas he was wont to speake sundry waies by his Prophets as if hee should haue said now he hath spoken once for all by his greatest Prophet of all Ioh. 6.20 The Sonne of Mary the Virgin is this Iesus and Sauiour of the world annointed and none other in the world besides for vnto him agreeth the time of the Messias birth and suffering the manner of his comming of a pure Virgin poore and in the forme of a seruant of the tribe of Iudah of the seede of Dauid the wonders he should worke the vniuersall Peace ouer all the world the departure of the Scepter then from Iudah the testimony of diuels the heathen Gods and prophets the witnesses from Heauen at his baptisme his miracles in healing maladies raysing the dead darkening the Sunne his glorious resurrection and ascension the miserie of his enemies the Iewes and the wonderfull acts done in his name by his seruants the passage and power of his Gospell through the world the subiection of kings Scepters thereto the continuance of it to this day manger the rage of tyrants and persecutors Seuenthly that I am to beleeue in his name it is the summe of his preaching Repent and beleeue in the Gospell And this is the worke of God saith he that ye beleeue in him Ioh. 1.12 whom he hath sent And they only are iudged to bee such as vpon whom he will bestow eternall life which receiue him and they onely receiue him which beleeue in his name 1. Duty Now follow the duties by which we are to expresse this faith in Iesus Christ which are sundry First a thankefull admiration of this vnspeakeable fauour of the Lord towards vs we were miserable vnder the curse and through feare in bondage to the diuell all our life long 1. To prayse God for Christ there was no way to be deliuered but the glorious Sonne of God must become vile and wretched man the King of Heauen must put off his glorious robes lay aside his princely Scepter and come out of his royall throne of heauen from riding betweene the wings of the winde and bee basely cloathed as a seruant bee ruled like a babe and lodged in a stable with bruit beasts If mans heart be not lifted vp to more then ordinary thankfulnesse for this the very heauens will wonder the earth will bee amazed and the stones will vtter his praises and cry out vpon mans ingratitude Mary that blessed virgin that bare him breakes out into Magnificat anima mea c. My soule doth magnifie the Lord Luc 1.40 and my Spirit reioyceth i● God my Sauiour Iohn that was to be his cryer did but heare the sound of his mothers feet whilst hee was yet in the wombe and skipt for ioy vers 41. and Simeon no sooner saw him but as though ouercome with ioy falls into Nunc demittis Luc. 2.29 Lord now lettest thou thy seruant depart in peace according to thy word to omit Zachary and Anne The Angels and shepheards singing wondring and setting forth the Lords praise for these things But wee vnworthy wretches looke for as much good at his hands yet do no way ioyne in thankfulnesse with this holy company When Moses with the Israelites had beene deliuered from the Egyptians by the red Sea they sung praises Iude. 3. When Deborah and Barack were freed from the Midianites they sang praises and so did Mordecay and Ester when they had the vpper hand of their enemies euer still we heare the sound of praises and greater deliuerance is wrought for vs but where bee our praises what testimony doe we giue of our thankfull hearts therefore 2. Duty In humility to serue one another Phil. 2. The second duty is humbling our selues to seeke the good one of another for the Apostle propounds this as a sound argument This minde was in Christ that being equall in glory with God he became vile for our good therefore wee ought to humble our selues for the good of our brethren and Christ himselfe vseth the same He takes water and washeth the feet of his Disciples and wipes them with a towell Math. 23. saying What I haue done see that yee doe likewise Wee must thinke that wee are best and greatest Christians when wee are most seruiceable through loue one towards another according to that Hee which is chiefe amongst you Ioh. 13.15 let him bee seruant to all This is the honor and Lordship ouer one another that we must affect and the higher our places bee the more must wee exceed this way Not as some foolish Monks haue done to shew the lowlinesse of their minde embrace lazarous persons kisse their vlcerons bodies and drinke the very water wherein they haue been bathed nor yet wilfully to impouerish our selues of all worldly goods with the Mendicant Fryers Gal. 6.1 for it may rightly be said Who required these things at your hands But first wee are in meekeesse to restore such as are fallen through infirmity and not proudly insult ouer them Secondly we are to lay aside our greatnesse and superiority ouer our brethren in the case of offence and to goe vnto them and be reconciled according to that of our Sauiour Christ Math. 5.23 If thou bringest thy guift vnto the Altar and there remembrest that thy brother hath ought against thee goe first and bee reconciled to thy brother and then come and offer thy guift and not to stand vpon this I am a better man then hee let him come to me if he will Thirdly we are euen to forget our estates and to visit poore mens houses in the case of sicknesse and to put to our helping hands for the reliefe of our brethren in the case of danger by any sudden casualty according to that allegation to the comfort of Christ his sheep at the last day Math. 25. Exod. 23.5 J was sicke and in prison and yee did visit me and to that precept of old If the Asse of thy very enemy falls vnder his burthen in the way thou shalt helpe him vp againe Fourthly we are to abate of our dainty fare and of our costly apparell yea we must spare out of our owne bellies for the comfort of others in the time of extreame want according the commendable practice
soule which is the losse of it the intollerable pangs to bee suffered by it in the fire Matth. 25 that neuer goeth out and by the worm● that neuer dyeth Lastly he is freed from the bondage of Sathan who ruleth in the children of disobedience that is in sinners who is their master and they his seruants according to that Eph. 2.2 2 Tim. 2.25 Rom. 7 He which committeth sinne is the seruant of sinne Who hath them in his snare carrieth them away as captiue slaues at his pleasure who terrifieth them and putteth them in feare all the dayes of their liues Secondly that God is the author of this grace is euident for no man forgiueth sinnes but God only Marc. 27. it is one of his attributes as was declared by the Lords owne voice vnto Moses saying The Lord the Lord strong gratious and mercifull slow to anger and abundant in goodnes and in truth forgiuing iniquity transgression and sinne c. Exod. 34.6 Vers 7. Wherefore as was obiected by the Pharisees against Christ it may truely be said of the Popes of Rome This man blasphemeth for none can forgiue sinnes but God Ioh. 20.23 It is true indeede which our Sauiour said vnto Peter and the rest of his Disciples Whose sinnes ye remit they are remitted and whose sinnes ye retaine they are retayned But what authoritie hath the Pope giuen him here more the any other minister of Gods word what ground is here for his māifold indulgēces by which he beguiles the simple world of such a masse of Money and increaseth his treasuries For the Disciples had none other power hereby giuen them but that which was fit for men appointed to carry the glad tidings of saluation to the rest of the world viz to publish forgiuenesse of sinnes to all such as did or should repent and beleeue in Iesus Christ and the retention of sinnes vnto all that remayned hardened against this faith of Christ and impenitent 1 Cor. 5. For as when by their preaching they were said to conuert any to Christ or to beget any to Christ nothing else is meant but that faithfully executing their office of preaching men were through the working of Gods Spirit made beleeuers and so the members of Christ in like manner when they are said to forgiue sinnes it is meant first in generall that preaching forgiuenesse to beleeuers it should not be in vaine but so many as became hereby through the working of Gods Spirit beleeuers should haue their sinnes forgiuen them before God in heauen and contrariwise to vnbeleeuers The words also haue a further meaning in particular of forgiuing sinnes by admitting into the Church notorious offendors becomming penitent and retayning them by iust excommunication and casting out of the Church as Saint Paul seemeth to comment hereupon in his first and second epistle to the Corinthians for first hee giueth charge that grauely and orderly the incestuous person bee deliuered to Satan here is retaining of sinnes then he wills them vpon his repentance to receiue and comfort him againe here is forgiuenes of sinnes yea he vseth the very word of forgiuing saying Contrariwise ye ought now rather to forgiue him and comfort him 2 Cor. 2.7 Vers 10. and againe To whom ye forgiue any thing I forgiue also Whence it is most plaine that the power of forgiuing and retayning sinnes and consequently of the keyes of heauen consisteth in admitting or duely and rightly casting any out of the Church and equally belongeth vnto the Disciples and equally to the graue ministers of Gods word so that some Paul sit at the sterne to moderate this weightie action and this is not the Bishop of Rome but euery Bishop within the limits appointed vnto him Math. 1. For the meritorious cause of the forgiuenesse of sinnes that it is Iesus Christ his very name doth shew for he is therefore called Iesus because he shall saue his people from their sinnes as the Angell told Ioseph before that he was borne and there is none other name giuen amongst men Act. 4 1● 1 Ioh. 1.7 Whereby we must be saued saith Peter it is the blood of Iesus saith Iohn that cleanseth from all sinne with infinite other testimonies tending to the setting forth of the same thing We did not loue God first that for our loue towards him he might forgiue our sinnes for he loued vs first yea when we were enemies Rom. 5. and hated him we did not seeke for it at his hands that for our importunitie he might be moued to forgiue our sinnes for I am found Esa 65.1 saith he of them that sought me not our good workes did not so please him as that therfore he should forgiue our sinnes for wee were so farre from good workes that we could not thinke a good thought of our selues 2 Cor. 3.5 Lastly neither men nor Angels doe solicite him for vs or can obtaine the pardon of our sinnes but Iesus Cbrist the righteous is our aduocate with the Father who is the propitiation for our sinnes 1 Ioh. 1.2 Psal 32 1● Vers 2. Esa 38.17 Mich. 7.19 Fourthly for that which is further added Whereby he accounteth of sinne as if it had neuer beene committed it is taken out of the Psalmes where the Prophet saith Blessed is the man whose wickednesse is forgiuen and whose sinne is couered blessed is the man to whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity The Lord is therefore said to cast all our sinnes behinde his backe yea to cast them into the bottome of the sea euen as when a debt is discharged the bonds and writings which were before carefully kept are now cancelled and carelesly cast about because it is no more any debt so although before the remission of sinnes the Lord did carefully keepe his bookes as it were and account of all our sinnes as infinite debts yet being forgiuen Col. 2.14 he hath put out the hand-writing that was against vs and it is as it were nayled vnto the crosse of Christ because it is now no more any debt to be exacted at our hands Math. 12. Chap. 23. Ioh. 15. Lastly wee must further know that this forgiuenesse is only to the faithfull all others remaine in the bands of their sinnes and this partly appeareth by that which was said before that hee shall sau● his people from their sinnes Vnto others hee denounceth manifold woes saying Woe be to thee Cor●zin woe be to thee Bethsaida and woe be vnto you Scribes and Pharisees hypocrites and if I had not come amongst them the had not had sinne but now their sinne remaineth yea he threatneth many of his followers that hee will bid them Mat. 7.21 Depart from mee yee workers of iniquity I know you not so that euen they are without this benefit of the forgiuenesse of their sinnes viz. all such as notwithstanding their profession of the Christian faith doe still liue in sinne 1 Duty To pray for the pardon of our sinnes For the duties of this faith The
euen as the holy Scriptures yea which is horrible before them and against them It is a farre greater wickednes accounted amongst them to omit auricular confession once in the yeare which was inuented by man then to leade a vile life all the yeare long to taste a little flesh vpon the Friday then to wallow in the filthy sin of vncleannes that a Priest be coupled vnto one lawful wife then that he defile himselfe with many whores Pap. pharis cap. ●7 to neglect a vow of going on Pilgrimage then to breake the necessarie vow of obedience in diuers Morall and Christian duties to God and man c. and therefore whereas any light punishment sufficeth when Gods lawes are broken such as breake any of their traditions are punished with imprisonment banishment death Neither doth it make any whit the more for their iustification whereas they pretended them to be the Traditions of holy men and ancient for this was the colour of the Pharisies theirs were the Traditions of the Fathers yet they were threatned for teaching and following them as Papists doe at this day Yet on the other side this hindreth not but that a true Christian Church may without any imputation of Idolatry inuent according to Ecclesiasticall prudence and impose decent circumstances of time place habit and gestures for the outward clothing of Gods worship so they be neither burthensome in multitude nor superstitious nor vnsauorie but tending to edification good order and comlines whereby the sincere inward worship may be not choaked but cherished Such are those which our blessed Mother hath thought fit to reteine as being vsed of old in the purer age before the corruptions of Popery crept in but as for the later Ceremonies which are the very spawne of Romish superstition our Church hath most piously and wisely cast them out of her doores I pray God and hope they shall neuer rush in againe Iohn 4.20 Secondly an Idoll is worshipped and not the true God when as men rest in the outward work of his seruice without the truth of heart and spirit For God is a Spirit and all true worshippers worship him in Spirit and in truth As the Apostle saith of comming together to the holy Communion 1. Cor. 11.20 When ye come together into one place This is not to eate the Lords body So is it of all other duties the outward hearing and preaching of the Word the outward praying singing and giuing of thankes are not alwayes acceptable seruice vnto God but when the life of the Spirit and heart is annexed The drawing neare with the lips when the heart is away is abomination to the Lord. And herein againe are they of the Church of Rome to be taxed for that they place the worship of God in outward things in kneeling knocking crouching kissing crossing repeatings praying vpon Beades sprinkling with holy water going on pilgrimage c. and some dull and ignorant people of our Church which serue God with the bare reciting of the Pater noster Creed and ten Commandements with resorting to the place of his worship and inwardly profiting no more then stocks and stones All these and the like doe please the Lord no better with their seruice then Kain did with his sacrifice or the Iewes imperfect offering Lastly an Idoll is worshipped and not the true God when men presume to compasse about the Lords Altar with vnwashen hands when they come impenitently to doe any holy duty For the Lord professeth that he is not delighted in any such seruice yea that he requireth it not yea which is more that it is abomination vnto him Wherefore he dealeth with the Iewes in this case by his Prophet Esay Esay 1.12 as a man would deale with his professed enemy who notwithstanding maketh a shew of loue by offering his best seruice he sendeth him as it were to meete them vpon the way and to stay them from their incense and Sacrifices new Moones and Sabbaths bidding them to bring no more oblations in vaine and professing that hee is weary of their solemne Assemblies c. and the cause hereof was for that their hands were full of bloud that is they liued impenitently in oppression and wrong and other heynous sinnes Now if God be not serued but grieued and made weary by being thus serued what else can it bee but an Idoll vnto which homage is done when holy duties are vndertaken by wicked persons liuing and proceeding in their sinnes Whence wee may see the fearefull estate of sinners which make a trade of wickednesse they runne still more into sinne euen into the worshipping of an idoll when they would be holyest when they would giue God honour they doe most dishonour him when they would bring a present to pacifie his wrath they make him more angry and to bid them bring no more oblations in vaine Wherefore whosoeuer thou art that wouldest please God by doing the parts of his worship present him first with a broken heart and contrite Spirit for thy sinnes as Dauid did Psal 51. Luke 16. wash the feete of the Lord with thy teares as Mary Magdalen did be deiected and haue a sense of thy sinnes foulenes as the poore publican had Rom. 7. let there bee an hatred of that which thou hast done as in Paul let there be a forsaking of sinne as in him that shall haue mercy Prou. 28.13 and then shalt thou bee like to bring an acceptable present and not to depart without thy full load of mercy and iustification Quest. 60. What are wee heere commanded Answ To performe all outward duties of Gods seruice according to his will reuealed in his word The duties of this Commandement Explan This duty of doing all the parts of Gods worship according to his will c. doth necessarily follow vpon the contrary forbidden viz. the following of our owne heads in the seruice of God for if we may not make our phantasies the rule of our doings then certainely Gods word alone must be our rule in all things Againe our God is so wise and prouident for our good as that it cannot but be a great disparagement vnto his care ouer vs to thinke that he hath left vs at sixe abd seauen in matters of so great moment as the parts of his worship be In the old Testament the temple was distinctly plotted out and all sacrifices particularly prescribed Matth 6. And in the new Testament the Lord directeth his Disciples not only in the matter but in the maner of fasting prayer 1. Cor 11. Chap. 14. and giuing of almes Saint Pau● setteth downe the maner of rightly comming to the holy Communion and how the word is to be preached and heard But yet there is difference for matter of circumstance betwixt the old Testament and the new Gal. 4. In the old as in the infancy of the Church euerie particular is set downe about euery duty for that was the time in which they
to receiue them That Beggar is worthy to goe without his almes euen when dole is most bountifully dealt to all that will not offer him-selfe to aske it and put forth the hand to receiue it So grace and mercy being offered from aboue we are worthy to be sent away without it if wee will not put forth the hand daily by hearty prayer to receiue it Thirdly prayer is the applying and actuall putting on of Christ Iesus to couer euery part of our spirituall nakednesse to cure euery wound of our soule and to strengthen euery faculty of our minde Now by sinning wee are subiect daily to make our soules naked to Gods iudgements to wound and hurt our soules and to craze and infeeble our Spirits If we haue faith we haue cloathing medicines cordialls but without this exercise of faith by prayer we are without the vse benefit heereof Wherefore let Prayer be held as a most necessary exercise of the soule and the most excellent of all other whereby it conuerseth and hath familiarity with God as Moses had yea let me bee imprisoned with Peter in the Whales belly in the bottom of the sea with Ionah forsaken of all men with Paul or stoned to death with Steuen by prayer I obtaine the Lords presence and by him more ioy as some of the Martyrs haue found by experience then in the time of freedome from all sufferings insomuch that they haue beene grieued when they haue been taken from the racks and torments Quest 115. I perceiue by that which hath been said that it is necessary to pray as well in prosperity as in aduersity what times therefore are specially to be spent in prayer Answ It is necessary that euery Christian make his prayers solemnly vnto God euery morning and euening sitting down rising vp from euery meale and at all other times as the Spirit moueth or other occasions and necessities doe require to haue the heart lifted vp in prayer The times of Prayer Explan Seeing the necessity and excellency of prayer the times follow to bee considered of which are both generall and speciall Generally we are commanded to pray continually in all th●ngs to giue thankes that is by continuall lifting vp of the heart vnto God when we begin to awake to sleepe to read to labor when we walke abroad come into the house when we are in safety in danger by land by sea c. For that which some haue fondly taken vpon them to performe in grosse and outward manner sequestring themselues from all wordly imployment that they might spend their whole time in prayer tying themselues therefore to a great number of prayers or to the rehearsall of the same prayers many times ouer to make vp the number counted sometime by little stones more lately by beads this I say as it is actually and vocally vsed by Monkes and Heretiques commeth too neere the practice of ancient fond heretiques called Euchitae and robbeth a Christian of all opportunities of doing other profitable and necessary duties to and for our brethren yet is there another kinde of continuall prayer well becomming a Christian which is performed in a spirituall manner and is to be intermingled in all the morall and ciuill actions of our life without impeaching or interrupting them namely a perpetuall disposition to lift vp the heart vnto God and to bend and tend in all our actions to the glorifying of his name This by the due exercise of actuall prayers in their times becommeth habituall and extendeth it selfe to all times consecrating the whole course of our liues and endeauours vnto obedience and holinesse The speciall times of Prayer are both of publike and priuate prayers the one subordinate such as is to giue place vnto the other To come to publique prayers The times of publique prayers are the times in vse in the Church of God wherein we liue when it is requisite that we come duely and reuerently together euen as of old they came vp to the Temple at Ierusalem to worship from all partes For though now a dayes there bee no such place of speciall holinesse so that for hauing respect vnto the place we may haue the more hope of being heard in our prayers yet it auaileth much to frequent the assemblies of Gods people vnto prayer The prayers of many made together are like vnto many coales of fire together making the greater heat as saith S. Chrysostome When the Lord would set forth a most strong and powerfull prayer he ioyneth Noah Ezech. 14. Iob Daniel together in his name Wherefore I would to God that all would make more account of publique prayers to come betimes and duely vnto them Peter and Iohn went vp to the Temple to pray euen since the time that in all places God was to be prayed vnto and shall we prefer our prayers at home before prayers there Praying in company and alone The times of priuate prayers of euery person daily to bee made alone and if hee liueth in any society with others also For it is not sufficient that thou prayest alone and in secret if thou liuest in a family or society where more doe vsually come together to prayer neither is it sufficient that thou prayest daily in such company if praying in secret bee omitted Math. 6.6 It is to be feared that he which prayeth in company only makes no better prayers then the Pharisies and shall lose his reward seing that to such as pray in secret it is promised that the Father will reward them openly and on the other side if any man prayeth in secret and neglecteth the ioynt praying with others it is to bee feared that he is left without Gods presence to vaine speculations seeing that hee delighteth not to enioy his presence in the middest of two or three gathered together in his name Exod. 29.39 Wherefore it is necessary to pray daily in secret morning and euening and likewise with company if it may be according to the ancient rite of sacrificing a Lambe in the morning and a Lambe in the euening euery day continually For euery Christian family is a little Church as the Apostle intitleth some amongst the Christians to whom hee wrote not that it is any way fit now wee haue allowance for publique meetings to meet in priuate houses for all religious exercises for this is the way to faction and against the vnity of Gods Church but especially for the prayers daily vsed in euery such house making it a Church and Gods house according to that My house shall bee called the house of prayer and therefore the Prophet speaketh of this as a note distinguishing Christian and Heathen families when hee saith Ier. 10.25 Poure out thy wrath vpon the Heathen that know thee not and vpon the families that call not vpon thy name Let all Gouernours of families think vpon this to set vp prayers in their houses that they may bee Gods houses and not houses
bountifull reward euen euerlasting life They of the Church of Rome are afraid that by teaching this all good workes would be neglected and therefore make men beleeue that they may perfectly keepe the Law yea and doe workes of supererrogation also more then the Law requireth at their hands but you may easily perceiue by that which hath beene said how little cause there is of any such feare The sonnes of Belial indeede men without all grace growe secure hereupon and endeauour to doe nothing themselues because Christ hath done all for them but they are fowly deceiued as they shall finde to their cost another day The Apostle saith not simply He hath fulfilled the Law for vs Rom. 8.4 but with this addition which walke not after the flesh but after the spirit that is for vs which would faine be righteous and keepe the Law our selues but through the weaknesse of the flesh are not able hee hath done nothing therefore for these secure persons 2. Duty To rely onely vpon Christ The second duty is to cast out the anchor of our hope of eternall life onely vpon the righteousnesse of Christ Iesus and not vpon any merits of our owne no not whereunto we are inabled by the merits of Christ Iesus For as hee saide vnto Paul My grace is sufficient for thee 2. Cor. 12. so may it be said of his merits and righteousnesse His righteousnesse is sufficient for vs. Either it alone must make vs righteous or not at all that must not doe somewhat and our owne righteousnes somewhat the Lord will admit no such partnership Rom. 11.6 But if it be of grace it is no more of workes saith hee else were grace no grace if of workes it is no more of grace else were worke no more worke Our good workes are ordained of God as a way to eternall life Ephes 2.10 verse 9. that we should walke in them they merit nothing lest any man should boast Let the Roman Catholiques therefore sit at anchor here if they will let them build their hope vpon this sandy foundation but let vs sticke fast and remaine vnmoueable vpon the rocke Christ Iesus let vs looke for the sweetning of all our imperfect good workes from the perfume of his righteousnesse that thus wee may be sure to be accepted before God his Father at the last day Quest 28. In which wordes is his exaltation set downe and how many be the degrees hereof Answ In these words The third day hee rose againe from the dead and ascended into Heauen he sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty and from thence he shall come to iudge both the quicke and the dead And of this there be three degrees also Quest 29. Which is the first and in which words Answ First In that he arose againe from death to life and ascended vp into Heauen In these words The third day he arose againe from the dead and ascended vp into Heauen Two branches of the fift Article Explan As the Lord Iesus taking vpon him the worke of our redemption was greatly humbled as hath beene shewed so when this worke was finished he was againe highly exalted and looke by what steps of humiliation he descended by the like also he ascended till he came to the height of his glory beginning first to rise from the lowest in that out of the nethermost earth he goeth vp to the highest Heauens Of this Article there be two branches The third day hee arose againe from the dead is the first He ascended vp into Heauen is the second Concerning the first Being laid into the Sepulchre by Ioseph of Arimathea and a great stone rolled to the doore of the Sepulchre a watch also was set to keepe his body lest his Disciples stould come by night and steale it away and say He is risen againe being I say thus strongly guarded he is not hereby hindered but powerfully riseth and commeth forth of the Sepulchre the third day after his buriall which was the Lords day or first day of the weeke as he had foretold vnto his Disciples Proofe for the grounds of holy Scripture Math. 28. Mark 16. Ioh. 20. Luk. 24. from whence this is taken the history recorded by the foure Euangelists doth plainely declare thus much who doe all set forth his rising againe with the circumstances thereof Generally this time was the time of the Passeouer to shew that the true Paschall Lambe was now come into the world and the religious killing of all other lambs as meerely a figuratiue and shadowing ceremony should now cease the substance it selfe being now present Againe it was the first moneth about the middest of it which answereth to our March wherein in this Northern Hemisphere of the world the pleasant spring doth begin to shew that the earth did in her kind reioyce to receiue the Lord reuiued from the dead according to that of Melancthon Melancth Ecce renascentis testatur gratia mundi Omnia cum Domino dona red sse suo See how the worlds grace reuiu'd doth shew With the Lord of all all gifts return'd anew Gal 5 2. Thirdly it was early in the morning before the Sun to shew that a brighter Sun the Sun of righteousnesse was risen to the world Fourthly it was the first day of the weeke when he had lyen all the Iewes Sabboth in the graue to shewe that they are dead still vnto Christ that keepe their holy rests vpon that day as is spoken of circumcision If ye be circumcised Christ profiteth you nothing and to shew that a greater worke was now ended then the creator of the world viz. the redemption of the world and that as vnder the creation the Lords resting day from that great worke was the Sabboth of Gods people so vnder the redemption Christs resurrection day and of ending a greater worke became their Sabboth to endure to the worlds end Fiftly it was the third day after his death and buriall no sooner to shew that hee was truly dead without all deceit no later lest through his longer tarrying the faith of his Disciples should turne into despaire Now that he did rise againe indeed and that he was not taken away out of his sepulcher as the Iewes his enemies would make the world beleeue is diuersly testified and so fully as that it were shamefull impudency to deny it First he himselfe foretold thus much sometime darkely Ioh. 16.16 Yet a little while and ye shall not see me and a little while againe and yee shall see me Sometime plainely Math. 12.40 As Ionah was three dayes and three nights in the Whales belly so must the Sonne of man be in the heart of the earth Sometime againe more plainely Math. 17.12 23. The Son of man shall be deliuered into the hands of sinners and be crucified and slaine and rise againe the third day Secondly as he foretold so that it came to passe the Angels doe witnesse He is
risen he is not here Luk. 24.6 saide they vnto the women that came to imbalme him Remember how be spake vnto you when he was yet in Galilee Thirdly Ioh. 20.18 Mary Magdalen Who came and told the Disciples that she had seene the Lord and that he had spoken vnto her and other deuout women that followed him to the Crosse concerning whom Cleopas in his conference with the Lord saith Luk. 24.22.23 c. Certaine women made v● astonied saying that they had seene a vision of Angels which said that he was aliue Now by the way is to be noted that women first of all of mankind were vouchsafed this ioyful sight of Christ risen againe and chiefly she which had bin the fowlest sinner Mary Magdalen I meane not Mary the blessed Virgin to intimate vnto vs that our comfort in Christ his resurrection comes not to any in regard of their own worthines any way for then he would first haue called man to testifie the same who is the head 1. Cor. 11. the image and glory of God or if not man some excellent woman such as Mary the Virgin or Elizabeth or if not some so excellent one at the least not noted for some great fault But whereas hee doth cleane contrariwise hee shewes that as no vnworthinesse past can hinder vs of Gods grace in Christ so no worthinesse in vs being naturall can further the same Fourthly the very enemies of Christ the wicked souldiers that watched at his sepulcher they came into the City Math. 28.11.12 and shewed the High Priests how they were affrighted with the Angels and Christ his comming out of the sepulcher but they had large money giuen them to say that whilst they slept his Disciples came and stole him away Which their report did not disproue their first testimony because so manifest a lye For 1. it was contrary to their knowledge and notice giuen to the High Priests and againe the very words conuince them of lying insomuch as that they say Whilst we slept his Disciples stole him away for if they slept how durst they haue confessed it their charge of watching being so strict if it were true that they slept how could they say what was done in the time of their sleepe Fiftly we haue many witnesses at once of his Disciples Ioh. 20.25 hee appeared to ten of them being together in one roome and the doore shut to the very day of his resurrection who certified Thomas then absent hereof and because he was then incredulous eight dayes after verse 26.27 he shewed himselfe againe when Thomas was amongst them also who feeling and seeing the prints of his hands and feet and side made with the nayles and speare cryed out My Lord and my God Moreouer hee ouertooke two of his other Disciples the same day wherein he arose as they were trauelling to Emmaus and after much conference manifested himselfe vnto them who so desires to finde more witnesses may see the 21. of Iohn the first of the Acts and 1. Cor. 15.6 c. And the same was long before typically set foorth in Adam cast into a dead sleepe whilest the woman was taken out of his side and then wakening againe after which manner Christ sleeping by death had his side wounded whereout came water and bloud which giue the very being to his Spouse the Church and then after a while he reuiued againe Then was it set foorth in Isaac whom his Father Abraham receiued in a manner from the dead being bound and laid vpon the wood for a sacrifice Ionah was cast out of the Whales belly the third day when he had beene before in the bottome of the deepe And thus much for the testimonies and proofes of this clause For the duties arising from this Faith they are two First 1. Duty To liue as at peace with God Rom. 4. Chap. 5.1 Ephes 2 to liue as those that be at peace with God For as he dyed for our sinnes so hee rose againe for our Iustification and being iustified by faith we haue peace with God before wee were enemies and so much at varience as that we are said to haue beene without God in the world but now this difference is taken away and we are throughly reconciled Now that we may liue as such we must practice these foure things First contentation Rom. 5.2 and ioy in tribulation as is added in the same place not onely haue we peace with God but reioyce in tribulation the Prophet Esay saith that He gaue his cheeke to the nippers Esa 50.8 and his back to the pinchers for the Lord God saith he will helpe me and if the Lord will helpe vs what can hurt vs if he be on our side may we say with the Apostle Who can be against vs Secondly Rom. 8.33 because our felicity stands in the continuāce of this peace we must by all meanes remoue whatsoeuer may breake it and because sinne seperates betwixt our God and vs Esa 59.1.2 wee must remoue this chiefely farre from vs. Thirdly because strang●nesse may easily breake off peace loue and familiarity encreaseth it and cuts off occasions if any arise we must haue our Ligier-Ambassadors as it were lying in the Court of Heauen for vs viz. our prayers by which we may obtaine the continuance of this and if any contrary occasion be offered cut it off Wherefore wee are often warned of this Pray continually and in all things giue thankes 1 Thes 5.17 and Christ by Parables shewes often Luc. 16.28 that we should pray importunatly and without wearinesse for euery day there cannot but bee occasions offered on our part of breaking this peace wee being so weake and subiect to fall therefore euery day must our prayers ascend to the heauens Fourthly because God hath his Ambassadors of Peace the Ministers of Gods Word amongst vs we must vse them reuerently and redily hearken to all good motions which they shall make vnto vs on Gods part lest the Lord seeing our base vsage of them and our regardlesnesse of such wholesome instructions as they offer vnto vs in his name grow angry and refuse to keepe any more peace with vs. We must therefore take into our mouthes Rom. 10.14 that of the Prophet How beautifull are the feet of those that bring glad tydings of peace and glad tidings of good things We must yeelde those that labour in the World double honour 1 Tim. 5.17 as the Apostle saith they are worthy 2. Duty To rise vp to newnesse of life Rom. 6.4 The second duty arising hence is to rise vp to a holy and new life from the death of sinne as Christ our Lord arose from death to life Like as Christ was raised vp from the dead to the glory of the Father so should we also walke in newnesse of life yea we must doe this if we would not haue the second death to rule ouer vs according to
cleane broken off wee are put from him and without all pitty must endure the euer-burning flames of hell fire 4. Duty To doe good vnto all Gal. 6.10 The fourth duty is to doe good vnto all but specially to those of the houshold of faith as the Apostle warneth because of our communion with them and that not onely in distributing our temporall goods but our spirituall in being like affected towards them reioycing with them that reioyce and weeping with them that weepe For in the members of our body to vse the Argument of the Apostle Can one be pained and not all of them in like manner grieued so in the spirituall body of Christ of which wee professe our selues members there can be none grieued but it must bee our griefe also none comforted but it must bee our comfort also And if wee be thus affected towards one another wee shall need no spurs to pricke vs forward to any duty of loue towards one another but Ministers will preach diligently to inlighten their fellow members people will pray heartily that a doore of vtterance may be giuen vnto them neighbors wil not suffer one another to sin but plainly rebuke vice the forward in matters of religion will not suffer others to bee slacke but prouoke them to loue and good works the stayed will not suffer the vnruly to goe on in their inordinate courses but restore them in the spirit of meekenesse the rich will not suffer the poore to perish for want of food but relieue them they which haue plenty will supply the necessities of such as suffer through scarcity euen beyond that which they are able and all this readily and cheerefully because it is to the benefit of our common body of which wee are all members alike Neither is this all but in thus doing we do wonderfully please our deare Sauiour and shall haue it remembred at the last day to our vnspeakable comfort Math 2● Wherefore let our hard hearts breake within vs let them resolue into bowels of compassion towards the poore and let our security in regard of others become anxious carefulnesse for the keeping of them vpright in the way of righteousnesse 5. Duty To be comfortable in distresse Heb. 4.15 The fift duty is to bee comfortable in all our sufferings whether by persecutors or slanderours by sicknesses or l●sses by pouerty or wants because our head Christ is not without a Sympathy and feeling of these miseries and will not suffer vs to be tempted heereby beyond that we are able but will giue the issue together with the temptation Was it not a wonderfull stay to the mindes of the Disciples when Christ told them Math 10. Hee that receiueth you receiueth mee and hee that receiueth me receiueth him that sent me And on the contrary side to those that do contrariwise Did it not confirme Paul much becomming a Preacher of the Gospell to heare that they which persecuted the Christians did persecute Christ himselfe Doubtlesse it did Likewise then should it confirme and comfort vs in all our troubles and crosses If any man were so neere vnto the King and so great in his fauor as that whosoeuer dares to touch him it were as good for him to touch the King himselfe hee would bee secure in all wrongs and iniuries done vnto him But wee are so neere vnto the King of Heauen as that whosoeuer toucheth vs goeth about to pull the signet out of his right hand and toucheth the apple of his eye Esa 49.15.16 What ioy and comfort then should wee exexpresse euen in the time of our tribulations seeing that when wee suffer Rom. 5. the Lord is grieued who will not hold his peace for euer but as a mighty Gyant waked out of his sleeep will surely come forth and smite all his enemies with a great destruction and with Sampson shake off the cords and ropes of all miseries as threds burnt in the fire 6. Duty To lead an heauenly life The sixth duty is to leade an heauenly life whilst we liue vpon earth because there is a communion betwixt vs and the Saints in heauen And this is by hauing our hearts lifted vp to heauen by meditation by setting vp Iaacobs ladder to Heauen by prayer by hauing our mouthes seasontd with speeches of Heauen and of heauenly things by making vnto vs wings with the Angels for swiftnesse and readinesse in doing Gods will by being fiery through zeale with the Seraphims for Gods glory If wee looke well about vs all things consent together to worke in vs this heauenlines our Father is in Heauen our head and husband Christ in Heauen the Prophets and the Apostles with the rest of our fellow-seruants in Heauen our riches our ioy and our crowne in Heauen and our deare Country and pleasant dwelling places no where but in Heauen How is it then that wee so farre forget our selues as to bee sensuall and earthly and haue so little sauour of heauenlinesse in vs Why doe wee not hang downe our heads and bee ashamed that the Lord should see our hearts and tongues so basely taken vp so estranged from our deere Husband Father Brethren and Countrey where so excellent things are prouided for vs Quest 45. What meane you by the forgiuenesse of sinnes Answ That wonderfull grace of God in Iesus Christ whereby he accounts of sinne as if it had neuer beene committed Explan We shall not neede to be so large about this Article because it is easie to be vnderstood The meaning is nothing else but as is laid downe in the answere viz. that the Church of God and euery member thereof hath all their sinnes so done away that they shall neuer be laid vnto their charge no more then if they had neuer by them beene committed and all this through the meere grace and onely mercy of God in Iesus Christ Proofe For the proofes of holy Scripture here is plainely set downe First that the forgiuenesse of sins is a wonderfull fauour for He is blessed saith the Psalmist Psal ●2 1 to whom his sins are forgiuen and good cause is there why he should be counted blessed indeede who attaineth vnto this seeing that he is forgiuen ten thousand of talents of which he was not able to pay one penny and so stood euery houre in danger to be cast into prison to lie there in misery perpetually Ma● 18.24 Deut. ●7 Againe he is deliuered from the curse of God which attendeth vpon sinners for Cursed is he that continueth not in all things written in the booke of the Law to doe them and this curse is death according to that Rom. 6 The wages of sinne is death the death of the body which is terrible for death came in by sinne and all such punishments as doe hasten vnto and be fore-runners of this for Rom. 5. Lament 3 3● man suffereth for his sinnes and which is most terrible of all the death of the
their bodies Reuel 7. not distempered through heat or cold hunger or thirst sickenesse or infirmities and lastly their continuall rest from all labour and paines and yet no darkenesse of the night for they shall keepe a Sabbath from weeke to weeke and from moneth to moneth Esa 66.23 and the Lord shall bee a perpetuall light vnto them 2. They shall haue added vnto their ioy Reu. 21.25 riches for be not there wonderfull riches thinke you where the very Pauements shall be of Gold chap. 2.26 c. where the riches of all the Gentiles shall be brought in to them 3. Vnto their riches shall be added glory therefore it is called a crowne of glory reigne ouer nations our bodies shall shine as the Sunne and be like the glorious body of Iesus Chirst Phil 3.21 4. Our happinesse shall exceede for all these euen as the glory of the Sunne exceedeth all the rest of the Starres and the glory of Kings all the rest of their subiects for this life shall bee vnto vs a Kingdome and hence it is that the Prophet saith The eye hath not seene nor the eare heard any other God that doth so to him that waiteth for him Esa 64.4 5. Our happinesse shall bee absolute vniforme and entire not mixed as all worldly happinesse is pleasure hauing irksomenesse abundance hauing wants glory and honour accompanied with shame and ignominy but in this life Reuel 7. Esa 65 19. All teares shall be wiped from our eyes wee shall sorrow nor grieue no more our delight shall euer bee fulnesse of ioy 6. These things shall not be by intermission and fits but continually yesterday and today the same as the damned in hell can haue no remission of their paines so shall the saued in heauen haue no diminution of their ioyes but as they that liue shall not sometime be dead and sometime liuing no more shall they that liue the euerlasting life bee sometime in pleasures and sometime without for their life is pleasure riches and glory Prou. 16.4 Lastly all this shall be for euer and euer for farre more thousands of yeares then the Sea hath drops of water the earth hath spires of grasse and all men haires vpon their heads and so beginning againe circularly without ende For heerein is God perfectly glorified and the wicked are fully iudged which is the last end of all Gods workes according to that Hee made all things for his glory and the wicked for the day of Iudgement For though the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for euer doth some time set foorth no more but a certaine large time at the last to be ended as the time of the Mosaicall Law or the time of this worlds continuance for thus it is said of ceremonies yee shall obserue these things for euer and of the earth Eccl. 1.4 It standeth for euer yet when it is said that the life ●o come shall last for euer the meaning is as the Lord liueth for euer vnto whose dayes infinite millions of yeares can put none end for death is swallowed vp of life all cause of death is taken away and so neuer neuer can this life cease but still still remaineth simply without respect vnto any period of time The life euerlasting 1. Duty Carefully to fly such sins as are threatned with death 1 Cor. 5 9 10. For the duties of this faith The first is carefully to breake off all those sinnes the doers of which are expressly threatned that they shall neuer enter into the Kingdome of Heauen Such are named to be fornication adultery Idolatry buggery wantonnesse theeuing couetousnesse drunkennesse rayling extortion for such saith S. Paul shall not inherite the Kingdome of God Gal. 5.19.20 Vers 21. In another place he reckoneth vp the same sinnes againe and further addeth witchcraft hatred debate wrath seditions heresies enuy murther and gluttony of which saith hee I tell you before as I also told you before that they which doe such things shall not inherite the Kingdome of God Math. 25. Reuel 22.15 And our Sauiour Christ further numbreth vnmercifulnesse to the poore and the holy Ghost by Iohn the Diuine inchanters lyers and dogs meaning contemners and neglecters of holy things of whom he saith That they shall bee without the gate of the City 1 King 1. Wherefore let vs all with one accord bee at enmity with these vices and watch ouer our hearts and wayes that wee commit them not When Shimei was threatned by Salomon saying Whensoeuer thou shalt goe ouer the brooke Kedron thou shalt dye the death what else could hee expect though vnder so mercifull a Kings gouernment but death when he should transgresse as he found it to his cost so what other thing can wee expect if wee liue in any of these or other grieuous and heynous sinnes concerning which the Lord hath said if thou doe these thou shalt not enter into life but to bee shut out indeed at the latter day Ierusalem in which wee looke to liue is aboue our soules must flye vnto it to vse the words of the Prophet Esa as Doues vnto the windowes but sinne is an heauy clogge and presseth downe if we thinke to be rid of it at leysure when we list we are deceiued for it hangeth on fast Heb. 12.1 how then can we hope to get thither vnlesse wee doe lighten our selues hereof All our faith is vanity our profession is deceit and instead of this endlesse life our end will be miserable death 2. Duty To enter the way of life The second duty is to striue to enter and to walke on in the way that leadeth to euerlasting life and neuer to goe out of it to our dying day and this is the way of good works which God hath appointed that we should walke in them Eph. 2.10 Ioh. 5.29 They that haue done good shall enter into life they that haue done euill into condemnation Reuel 22.14 Blessed are they that doe his Commandements that their right may bee in the tree of life and that they may enter in by the gate of the City Though it be a straight and narrow way and there bee few that finde it most men goe the contrary way yet if thou wilt enter into life thou must keepe the commandements Math. 7.14 Wherefore goe not with the multitude which bee in the broad way but embrace the counsell of Christ Striue to enter in at the straight gate and that whilst thou hast time Will any man being in a strange Countrey returne to his home and yet not take the right way thither And will any man then being in the Countrey of this world come to his home in Heauen and not take the right way How is it then that wee hope to come to eternall life and yet refuse to take the way thither yea to hearken to the guides or to be led by them whom the Lord hath appointed to bee a
direction vnto vs For neuer more guides in euery corner poynting and haling men as it were to the right way yet neuer were they so little regarded which bringeth our profession into a suspition amongst the enemies as teaching good workes to be needlesse vnto life but they shall answer for it who are an occasion of this blasphemy 3. Duty To remember euerlasting life in all tro●bles The third duty is to vse the remembrance of eternall life as a salue against all sores as a cordiall to comfort our hearts against our greatest heauinesse Are we in misery in pouerty in pangs in disgrace in danger in the middest of continuall crosses What are all these to dismay vs the Lord hath prouided an excellent estate for vs euer enduring our suffering of these things is but momentany the Lord hath assured his seruants of Heauen and of Crownes of glory how can he then but giue vs deliuerance from these things supply our temporall wants in his good time Nay which is more the Lord hath sweetned the bitter pils of the troubles of this world by working through them the health of the soule by making them meanes of further assurance that wee are his children and that hee is our Father and by leading vs through them as through the right way vnto the euerlasting life 1. Cor. 11.28 Heb. 18. Iam. 1. If a begger might haue twenty pounds for trauelling in the wet and cold one night or for some few stripes to be giuen vnto him with a rod hee would not bee much grieued hereat no more would we at our crosses if wee had faith to be assured that instead of these wee shall haue an other day so great glory and the lesse would wee murmure at it because our stripes be vpon vs worthily as if a poore prisoner that had deserued death should bee set free and rewarded with a great summe of money for willingly submitting himselfe vnto some light chastisement Rom. 5.1 Let vs therefore not onely be content to beare our crosses but with the Apostle through faith reioyce in our tribulations and praise the Lord for them as Iob did saying Iob. 1. 4. Duty To pray for the ●astening of glory The Lord giueth and the Lord taketh away blessed be the name of the Lord. The fourth duty is to pray that this time might bee hastened 4. Duty To pray for the hastening of glory wherein we shal enter into life and euen to reioyce when we see it approach to any of vs in particular because it will be so happy a change for vs of mortall for immortall of weakenesse for strength of dishonour for glory and as one dying said of tinne for siluer of copper for gold Wee must learne therefore to be like vnto the Brides which saith Come Reuel 22.17 Vers 20 2. Cor. 5.1 and vnto St. Iohn who when he had had some sight of these things said Euen so come Lord Iesus Wee sigh saith Paul desiring to be cloathed vpon that is to goe out of this clay house and to ascend to our house in heauen What faith haue they then that by the course of nature or by the danger of sicknes being brought almost home to this house desire to be farre away from it againe How vnseemely a speech is it in olde men to say I would I were young againe how lamentable a feare in sicke men to heare that they shall die let vs be more strengthened in these things that at our departing hence we may truly beleeue and haue euerlasting life Standing vp at the Creed There be two circumstances further vsed in the rehearsing of these Articles the first is the rising and standing vp which is a ceremony neither vaine nor superstitious as some suppose but they thinke amisse that more reuerence is hereby done to the Creed which is no Scripture then to the written word of God For first of all it is not vaine because it serueth to testifie our consent to the points rehearsed and is a silent confession of the same faith by all the Congregation as in the time of prayer all kneele by this gesture manifesting their consent with the Minister in this heauenly action In other duties done at Church in publique there is not the like reason of following the Minister in his gesture whether hee readeth expoundeth or preacheth because that in all these the Hearers are Patients and he onely an Agent Read more of this aboue at the end of the fift Question Whereto may also be added that this gesture of standing vpright is the most sutable and conuenient as being the posture of soldiers and champions ready to fight vnto the death for that faith which they then proclaime by recitall Amen Why added The second circumstance is the addition of this word Amen signifying verely or certainly or vndoubtedly It is added 1. To shew that we doe not in word only beleeue these things but from our very hearts 2. Not waueringly but certainly and without doubting 3. Not as though it were in our power as if we were secure for our firme and stedfast beleefe of these things but earnestly crauing this faith at the hands of God and thus it is as much as So be it The abuse of the Creede All which shewes the wonderfull abuse of this Creed first first amongst heretikes which say these words with their mouthes but the contrary in their hearts some denying beleefe in the Sonne of God for that they hold him to be meere man and God onely in name as Princes are called Gods vpon earth as the Arians Some in the Holy Ghost as the Macedonians for that they affirme him to be seruant and inferiour to the Father Sonne some deny beleefe in the holy Trinity for that they beleeue only in one God holding the distinction of persons a monstrous fiction of man as the Anttrinitaries And some againe denying Christs bodie 's reall being in heauen because they hold it to be present in euery Masse his Office of mediation sitting at the right hand of God because they appoint other Mediators to commend vs vnto God and the beleefe of the remission of sins with the life euerlasting because they teach doubting till the last gaspe The Creed abused by the Papists 1. Cor. 13.13 Secondly this Creed is further abused amongst the Papists because when they pretend to make a confession of their faith they doe onely confesse their hope which is a distinct thing from faith according to the Apostle There remaine these three things Faith Hope and Loue Now besides that they teach Faith to be a beleeuing in generall of all the Scriptures to be true they make it to be all one with hope through the mercy of God of being saued Thirdly it is further abused by all infidell-like Christians which say with their mouthes I beleeue in God c. But like Parrets not regarding what they say not considering the fearefull estate of such as want
prescribed vnto the Iewes in punishments of crimes euen against the expresse Morall Law Theft Adultery c. But referring the agrauation or mitigation of such penalties to the nature and propensitie of particular Nations and to the necessities of diuers times and occasions To the Iewes saith he God was peculiaris legislator and as a wise Law-maker ordained those Lawes with a singular respect to that people and so hee there concludeth against fome more nice then wise impostures of those lawes vpon vs Quod iactatur a quibusdam fieri contumelium Legi Dei per Mosen Latae quum abrogatâ illâ nouae aliae illi preferuntur vanissimum est It is an idle conceit to think that it is any disrespect to Gods Law deliuered by M●ses if other new lawes be preferred before ti and established in stead of it To this authoritie of Caluin and others I may adde this euident reason for the refuting of that motiue drawne from relation to the Morall Law What Law of the Iudicialls of the Iewes nay what Ciuill Law almost at all in any orderly Common-wealth throughout the world tendeth not to the maintaining some Morall Law and forwarding some duty concerning the liues goods chastitie good name peace and iustice of and among our neighbors must therefore the Lawes I meane the iust and honest lawes of all other Nations bind vs must the same penalties in euer seuerall offence be currant through the world Surely I know no Law for that Generall equitie is diuersified by particular and not onely due punishments but also offences are truly greater and lesser in varietie of times places and people especially in those actions which conserue the more remote parts and skirts of the Morall Law What shall wee say then ate we Christians no more in dutie tied to the Iudicials of Moses then to the Positiue Lawes of the Persians Lacedemonians or the Romans made for the punishment of vice and vpholding of common honestie I dare not in any wise say or thinke so These were deuised by the light of Nature only those suggested by immediate reuelation from God and therefore incomparably exceeding for eminent wisdome and iustice Nay moreouer the Iudicials howsoeuer they haue not in themselues any obligatory power or legall force to bind other Estates and Kingdomes yet in regard of the generall equitie implied in them they remaine as a seasonable and conscionable direction vnto Law-makers now adayes in Christian Common-wealths where the nature of the people and strong motiues from experience doth not enforce another way This exemplary direction though it be lesse to be regarded in those prouisions which are most circumstantiall and variable as being farre off a kind to the Morall Law yet me thinks in the more essentiall and fundamentall parts of the perpetuall and vniuersall Morall Law the discreet imitation of Gods positiue Lawes is very requisite It pertaineth not to vs priuate subiects to prescribe but onely to wish and mention with humilitie what we conceiue out of a good conscience For my part in my poore vnderstanding it many times grieueth me to thinke how in our dayes the foule adulterer vsually escapeth in a manner vnpunished and the pilfering cut-purse is trussed vp on the cursed tree without redemption whereas Gods positiue Mosaicall law strake farre deeper in the former and in the later more gently prouiding also in this a meanes of reliefe to the party wronged by accumulated restitution If any man be so presumptuous as in this heinous crime of violating wedlocke to take Sanctuary in the new Testament and to claime thence impunity for this impuritie I see not what ground of mitigation can bee built vpon that which is by some alleaged out of Saint Iohn Iohn 8. how Christ dismissed the Woman taken in Adulterie without punishment for hee was no Earthly Iudge and did this onely to take downe the insolencie of the proud Pharisees which were greater and more stiffe sinners then shee was Wherefore let vs mourne for the impuritie which is now adayes in this case and seeke to the Lord for a redresse heerein by moouing the hearts of the higher powers to consider of it and to fortifie the law against so spreading and dangerous an euill The third thing to be further generally spoken of is the difference betwixt the Law of the old Testament and the Gospell Differences betwixt the old testament and the new which is of the new and these doe differ 1. In the manifestation the Law is knowne by the light of Nature as hath been alreadie shewed euen before that it was solemnely giuen but the Gospell is a mystery vnto Nature as Saint Paul calleth it saying Without all controuersie 1. Tim. 3.6 great is the mysterie of godlinesse it is a thing hidden from mans reason yea from the very Angels according to that of Peter 1. Pet. 1.12 Which the very Angels desire to behold 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the word signifieth prying into a thing ouer-veyled and hidden from sight It was first reuealed by God himselfe after published by Angels by Men by Children by Deuils and by dumb Idols 2. The Law doth onely shew what is to bee done that God may be pleased but here leaueth vs without instruction how to do it because that way which it setteth downe is to vs impossible but the Gospell doth fully informe vs how this may be done namely by Iesus Christ who hath fulfilled all for vs and is made vnto vs belieuing in him righteousnes as the Apostle teacheth and so the one may rightly be termed the Law of Faith the other of workes 3. The Law is full of terrible threatnings and without comfort in the promises thereof because nothing is promised but vpon too hard conditions Doe this and thou shalt liue it doth therefore only cast downe and wound with the wounds of deadly sinne Rom. 7. Gal. 2. by it none can be iustified or saued according to the doctrine of the Apostle in sundry places but the Gospell serueth to heale all our wounds and to lift vs vp with comfort for that it is full of sweet promises flowing from Gods meere grace and mercy so that how vnworthy soeuer we are yet turning to the Lord by true repentance wee may be iustified and saued hereby The law is therefore the letter that killeth the Gospell is the spirit that giueth life 2. Cor. 3.6 Gal. 3.24 Lastly the Law is a Schoolemaster to bring vs vnto Christ as the Apostle saith for as without a Schoolemaster first had and vsed for entrance in rudiments children come not to the vniuersities so without the law we cannot be sufficiently taught to be preferred vnto Christ because we rest cōtented through ignorance in sin wounded to the death and yet not knowing that we need to seek a remedy but the Gospell admitteth vs vnto Christ and incorporateth vs into his body it opneth the gate vnto vs and giueth vs entrance into his most stately pallace of heauen The
these things could not better haue been couched together The first words expresse the first Commandement of hauing the Lord for our God for this is to belieue in him to loue him to feare him and to pray vnto him the second is expressed in the next words to worship him and to giue him thanks it being the duty of this Commandement purely to doe the parts of his worship the third is expressed in the words following to honour his holy name and his word it being the maine matter specially pointed at there that in all things Gods name and his Word be glorified and the fourth of keeping holy the Sabbath and then deuoutly seruing God in the duties by him appointed is expressed in the last words and to serue him truly all the dayes of my life as will appeare more plainely in the larger opening of euery of these Commandements as here followeth Quest 53. How many be the parts of euery of the Commandements of the first Table Answ Two the Commandement it selfe and the reason thereof Explan Before that wee come to the particular handling of each Commandement two things are further to bee premised first certaine rules are to be laid downe tending to the better vnderstanding of them and then is to be shewed the singularity of these Commandements concerning God aboue those that concerne our neighbour Rule 1. Rules for expounding the Commandements First for the Rules one is this Euery affirmatiue commanmandement includeth his negatiue and the negatiue the affirmatiue as for example the third commandement is negatiue Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vaine now it containeth also the affirmatiue thou shalt honour the name of the Lord and so of the rest and this is plaine from sundry places thus expounding them The fourth Commandement expoundeth it selfe thus when the Lord vnto the affirmatiue Keepe holy the Sabbath day addeth the negatiue Thou shalt doe no manner of worke therein The fifth is thus expounded where it is said He that curseth Father or Mother or that is disobedient vnto them shall bee brought forth and stoned to death and generally the commandements of the second Table being all negatiue but one are thus expounded of our Sauiour Christ saying the second is this Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe Rule 2. The second rule is this Euery negatiue commandement doth bind alwaies and vnto all times euery affirmatiue doth onely bind alwaies but not vnto all times also as for example Thou shalt not haue no other Gods but me the affirmatiue of hauing the Lord for our God doth bind alwaies so that he sinneth whosoeuer at any time denieth the Lord in his heart or doth contrarie to the feare or loue of God but hee sinneth not that doth not actually exercise these affections at all times because that a man sometime sleepeth sometime through the violence of diseases looseth the vse of his reasonable soule many times also is possessed with vehement thoughts which employ the mind another way and lastly occasions are not at all times offered to try our hearts The fourth Commandement in the affirmatiue hath Remember that thou keepe holy the Sabbath day against this hee sinneth whosoeuer doth breake the Sabbath but he sinneth not that doth not keepe it at all times and parcels of times because the weakenesse of our natures requireth some rest and pause at what time we cannot be busied in holy exercises The like is to bee said of honouring our parents c. But come to negatiue Commandements and you shall see that whosoeuer ceaseth from obseruing them at any time is a sinner for example Thou shalt doe no murther is a negatiue command and so is Thou shalt not commit adultery if any man then shall murther at any time or be adulterous whether he be drunken or sober angry or quiet tempted or not in whatsoeuer place time or occasion hee is a transgressor and this distinction is set forth amongst Schoole-men by the termes of semper and ad semper The third Rule is this Rule 3. Euery commandement forbidding any sinne doth not onely forbid the sinne named but all sins of the same ranke also and all occasions of the same and the maine sinne onely is named to make the branches the more odious as being of the same nature before the Lord. Thus Christ himselfe interpreteth the sixth seauenth and third commandements where reprouing the Pharisees doctrine Math. 5. only forbidding murther and the act of adultery and false swearing by Gods holy name he teacheth that euen vnaduised anger is a sinne and to looke vpon a woman to lust after her is adultery and to sweare any oath at all in ordinary communication is from the Diuell by which we may gather how we are to vnderstand the other commandements also The fourth rule is this Rule 4. The Commandements of the first table are absolutely to be kept and for themselues the other of the second table are to bee kept for the first For if any man shall obserue this Thou shalt haue none other Gods but mee Thou shalt not make any grauen Image c. or thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vaine in meere obedience to the Kings Lawes or thereby to please holy men who doe spit at the workers of such abhominations and not through an imediate reuerence of that heauenly maiesty which hath commanded that mans obedience is none obedience his keeping of these lawes is no keeping of them because the maine thing heere intended is neglected viz. the setting vp of God in our hearts aboue all and that which is most abhorred is practised viz. the feare of God taught by the preceps of men Esa 29.13 And on the other side who so shall obserue these lawes Thou shalt not kill Thou shalt not steale c. without being moued herevnto through a conscience of the first table commending the loue of God vnto vs and the loue of man for Gods cause after whose Image he is made his keeping also is no keeping of the law because the praise of men is the marke at which he aymeth or else that he may be dealt friendly withall againe and thus did the very Pharisees and Publicans Math. 6. Math. 5. Hee only loueth his neighbour aright which maketh the loue of God the fountaine and beginning of his loue to his neighbour Rule 5. The fift Rule is this Howsoeuer the least commandement is not so small but the breach thereof deserueth death yet the breaches of some commandements are greater and more heynous then of others Thus to breake the commandements of the first Table is in it selfe simply more heynous and this sinne shall haue a more grieuous punishment in hell then sinnes against the second table For Sodom and Gomorrah saith Christ vnto the Iewes Math 11. shall rise vp against you and condemne you because their sinne in refusing and denying their God and Sauiour was greater then all
most horrible stench Psal 115.4 5. Thirdly consider how they are derided and mocked that bow before Images The Psalmist euen as if hee should set forth the vanitie of babes and children about their puppets made of clouts so doth he ascribe the Heathen Their Idols are siluer and gold mouthes haue they and speake not eyes and see not eares and heare not and noses and smell not c. They are like vnto them that make thē and so are al they that put their trust in them that is they haue euen as little wit and reason as they And Esay mocketh them thus Esay 28.9 saying Both the Countrey-man and the Noble-man boweth himselfe to the worke of his owne hands And againe Esay 46.6 They bring forth gold out of the pouch and siluer is weighed in the ballance they hire a founder who maketh thereof a God for them they carry him they beare him vpon the shoulder and set him in his place c. ●●n 35.4 Fourthly consider how greatly the worshipping of Images or Idols for they be all of one bastard brood hath been impugned by all holy men from time to time Iacob when hee had once knowledge that some of his houshold fauoured and kept images hee tooke them away and hauing ready no other meanes to destroy them he hid them vnder an Oake where they might neuer come to light againe Moses was so much moued at the golden calues as that he could not bee quiet vntill that hee had broken them in pieces Exod 32 30. Vers 28. beaten them to pouder caused the people to drinke them and destroied three thousands of them by the sword of the Leuites Iosiah did burne with such zeale against these idolaters 2. Kings 2.3 2. Kings 28. as that hee put them to death and burnt their bones vpon the altars of Baal Hezekiah spared not the very brazen Serpent being worshipped but brake it in pieces though at the first there was an holy vse thereof The Christians of the Primitiue Church were at so great defiance with image-worshipping that they would not eate of the meate offered to idols they would rather choose to die then that the world should haue the least occasion to thinke that they consented to the worshipping of Idols When the manner was amongst the heathen to weare a garland vpon their Emperours birth-day for the superstitious honouring of him the Christians hauing garlands offered them carried them in their hands and refused to put them vpon their heads and being asked the reason because said they we are Christians and thus they indangered their liues as witnesseth Tertullian who wrote his booke de corona milit●s of the Souldi●rs Garland in the defence of them When Iulian the Apostata had cunningly brought the Christians to cast euery man a graine of Incense into a C●ns●r of fire wherein perfume was made to idols they vnderstanding his deceit came and cast downe his gold wherewith hee had hired them and offered themselues to martyrdome to expiate this heinous offence Dan. 3 2. Fifthly consider that the meanes which haue been vsed to establish Image-worshipping are altogether carnall euen as Nebuchadnezzars golden Image had so many of all sorts to fal downe before it First the violent and peremptory command of the most haughty King Secondly the acceptation and flattring of Nobles and Officers Thirdly the glittering and alluring matter of which Images are made viz. Gold and Siluer Fourthlie their outward forme and beautie being most curiously wrought and apparreld Fiftly most grieuous penalties threatned to those that refuse to bow themselues Sixthly inchanting musick of all sorts And therefore the thing it selfe was sutably carnall and diuellish and all such of the like sort which are inticed by these fleshly meanes or compelled through feare to fall downe before images 3 Ki●● of Idolatry to serue God according to our owne phantasies 3. The third kind of outward idolatry is to serue God according to our owne phantasies either by a kind of worship which wee our selues haue inuented or other men for vs meerely out of their owne braines or by resting in the work done bodily and outwardly or lastly by seruing God without repenting vs truly of our sinnes For all these are abuses in Gods seruice and he is hereby made an Idoll As for the first most true it is that not onely the whole Church but also euery particular Church hath libertie and power to ordaine conuenient Rites and Ceremonies for the better furnishing and commending the outward seruice of God Caluins iudgement concerning Ceremonies Caluins iudicious resolution herein I preferre before a thousand ouer hasty disrobers who would haue all outward worship stripped starke naked he in his Instituts lib. 4. cap 10. Sec. 30. Dominus totam verae iustitiae fummam c. God hath in the Scriptures euidently set downe the whole summe of true righteousnesse and al the parts of his worship without omitting any thing necessary to our saluation But as for outward discipline and ceremonies it pleased him not to prescribe in particular what we should follow in asmuch as hee foresaw that this dependeth vpon the diuers estate of times and knew very well that one forme and fashion in those externals would not fit all ages In this case therefore wee are to haue recourse vnto the generall Rules namely of order decency and edification which maxims are to bee diuersly accommodated according to the manners of euery people and age as shall be most auailable for the good of the Church Thus in effect Caluin which me thinks should allay the vehement rashnesse of some who peremptorily conclude that in Gods seruice no externall Rite gesture or habit is to bee imposed or admitted without expresse authority of scripture But as this strict shutting vp the gates against al ceremonies deuised by man is a kind of nice superstition so on the other side to set open all doores to breake downe all barres and hedges by neglect of these generall rules and hand ouer head to take vp from Iew or Pagan whatsoeuer occurreth this adorneth not but ouercloudeth and polluteth the sincere worship of God in spirit and truth Verily it is no lesse then a fantastique Idolizing to obtrude vpon Christian people as parts of Gods worship a loade of duties and performances inuented and imposed without either special or general warrant out of the booke of God Which if they were instituted as circumstances tending to decency and edification and as vpon occasion abrogable the presumption were lesse but being thrust vpon the Church as doctrines and performed by the people as part of the Essence of Gods worship surely they aduance not but rather euacuate the worship of God Esay 19.13 Matth. ●5 In vaine doe they worship mee saith the Lord teaching for doctrines the precepts of men It is vanitie then and idolatrie which is daily practised in the Church of Rome where traditions of men are receiued and followed
this law some of these dayes for holy duties And a good construction may be made hereof and yet this stand for an vnder-commandement Six dayes shalt thou labour vnlesse the worship of God shall hinder and call thee from thy labour for we must in reason yeeld as much to the businesses of Gods seruice vpon the six daies notwithstanding the command of working as to bodily labours vpon the seuenth notwithstanding the command of resting therefore as when we are bidden to rest all the day we are not yet denied works wherunto necessitie or charitie call vs so when we are bidden to worke the six daies wee are not yet denied ceasing when religion and Gods worship call vs heereunto But for the further cleering of these things here arise certain weightie and needfull questions Quest. 78. Is it not lawfull then to forbeare working to attend vpon God in his seruice in the six dayes Answ Yes it is not onely lawfull but necessary to doe the duties of Gods seruice euery day of the weeke in priuate and in publike when iust occasion is offered 1. Thes 5.7 2 ●im 4 1. Deut. 6.7 Explan It is the corrupt maner of most men when the Sabbath is ended yea when publike seruice is done neuer more to call the Lord to minde all the weeke after or if they doe to performe their deuotion very slenderly and weakely as though they were sufficiently sanctified in two or three houres vpon the Sabbath for all the weeke after or as though they were Gods people only vpon that day and their owne only all the weeke after But this is great forgetfulnes by all meanes to be rooted out from amongst Christians for the Lord is to bee serued euery day of the weeke with the best heart and care that we can First wee haue for this his command Pray continually and in all things giue thanks and preach the word of God be instant in season and out of season and Thou shalt talke of the Lawes of God continually when thou tarriest in thy house and when thou walkest in th way as thou lyest downe and as thou risest vp So that duties of religion doe not onely tye vs semper all the dayes of our liues but ad semper also to euery day and time when good opportunitie is giuen we must expresse our deuotion by praying reading meditation hearing and conferring at fit times 2. We haue for this the example of holy men Daniel prayed dayly thrice a day and praised his God Dan. 6. ●0 and the Text sheweth that it was his manner thus to doe Dauid prayed early in the morning he wept in prayer euen in his bed Psal 5 2. Psal 6 6. Psal 22. ● Psal 34.1 so as that he made it swim with teares I call by day and by night sa●th he I will alway giue thankes vnto the Lord and his praise shall bee in my mouth continually Morning and euening and at noone-tide hee called vpon the Lord. Anna a good widdow is said to haue serued the Lord in the Temple Luc. 2.37 Acts 2.46 wi●h fasting and prayer night and day They were dayly together in the Primitiue Church with one accord in the Temple And Sozomen reporteth out of P●●lo Iudaeus Sozom lib 6. cap. 18. that the Christians in Aegypt continued all the six daies in deuotion so earnestly as that they forgat to take their food from morning till night and the people of Edessa would not bee terrified from their often meetings Ruff. lib. 2. c. 5. through the feare of death threatned vnto them Which I doe not rehearse as fauouring the Monasticall life which is wholly spent in blinde deuotion for euery man must liue in a calling not onely generall as hee is a Christian but specially as he is a member of a Common-wealth and if Anna did liue in the Temple shee had doubtlesse some other imployment besides prayer and fasting and for those of the Primitiue Church their time was extraordinary and most dangerous but I rehearse these examples to commend the general of omitting no day without giuing the Lord his due 3. We haue for this great encouragement giuen Hee is pronounced a blessed man Psal 1.1 Psal 119. ●8 Verse 99. that doth exercise himselfe in Gods word and meditae therin day and night Dauid saith that because Gods Commandements were euer with him he was made wiser than his enemies Yea saith he ● haue had more vnderstanding than all my teachers I vnderstood more than the ancient So that he which will be wise indeed must doe as Dauid did haue euer Gods Commandements with him and make Gods testimonies his daily meditation 4. We haue to vrge vs to holy duties our owne great necessitie euery day We are daily subiect to sin and therefore must daily seek the remission of our sins by praier according to the direction Giue vs this day our daily bread We haue daily businesses vpon which wee need but cannot looke for a blessing without daily earnest prayer otherwise we may build Psal 1 27. watch and worke but in vaine we are subiect to daily dangers either by reason of the Deuils rage the crie of our sins or our weak constitutions which we cannot look should be preuented without diligent prayer euery day prayer being our last greatest refuge Eph. 6. ●8 according to the Apostle and we daily receiue at Gods hands great blessings the course of which we shall cause him to breake off vnlesse we be daily in rendring praises to his holy name Ephes 6.17 Againe for the reading and meditating on Gods word our necessities do all so require that we should be somewhat emploied herein euery day The Word is the sword of the spirit without which how can we combat with our spirituall enemies that will not leaue vs vnassaulted any day The Word is the milke 1. Pet. 2.2 whereby we must be nourished and grow vp in regard of which we are as new borne babes how then can we in any day liue without it but be very Dwarffes in grace The word is the seed of God by which we are kept from sinning 1. Iohn 3.9 brought to be his beloued and holy children If this seed then be not daily in vs how shal we be kept from being ouergrowne with weeds and briars and so from being reprobate accursed ground The word is a light vnto our feet and a lanthorne vnto our paths how then can we walke on and be kept vpright without dangerous stumbling falling Psal 119.105 vnlesse we haue euery day this light set vp in our minds To say nothing of the readinesse and dexteritie in the Word of God which we shall grow vnto by daily exercising ourselues therein according to the prouerbe Vse maketh perfectnesse and how much the more apt we shal thus become for publike instructions to receiue them for our greater comfort Quest 79. It seemeth then that euery day ought to
tedious and thinke that they keepe the Sabbath as well as any other or as they need to doe and more especially if there be nothing but diuine seruice at the Church But let all such know their errour and repent of it they doe indeed sanctifie the Lords day but it is not after the Lords but their owne manner and therefore cannot be accepted of no more then a master can accept of the best indeauours of his seruant at home at that time when he appointeth him to trauell about his busines abroad For the Lord doth now appoint thee to attend him in the publike place Acts 3. hee hath now imployment for thee there Christ himself the holy Prophets and Apostles lurked not at such times in corners or in priuat houses but went vp to the Temple to pray to preach to conuerse with Gods people in publike duties Acts 2 41. Here is the place where Gods ordinance is chiefely vsed and only at the times appointed heere the Lords presence is promised here hath his glory euer shined by the conuersion of soules and sometime of thousands at once Let the proud seperatist therefore goe by himselfe now into corners as ouer-iust in his owne esteeme to come with others to Gods ordinance in publike let the idle or daintie Sabbath-keeper stay at home in his blind priuate deuotion and the ouer scrupulous absent themselues from Church in the case of no preaching at that time let those contemne publike prayer that know not Gods house the Church to be the house of Prayer But let all that feare the Lord feare thus to peruert the Lords day least in so doing sinne lye at their doores The second head Head 2. Forgetfulnes of the Sabbath vnto which I referre the prophaning of the Sabbath is all forgetfulnesse of this day vpon the sixe either in generall in any of them or in particular the day before according to our distinction when I spake of the dutie in the word Remember and it may haue reference also to the Sabbath past Remember how holy thou wert then what rules of holines thou wert then taught how thou didst then make shew of a good disciple of Christ when thou sattest to learne thy lesson of him as Saul who fell downe before the Lord and said Lord what wouldest thou haue mee to doe Acts 9. 1. Sam. 2. and as Samuel Speake Lord for thy seruant heareth Least doing contrariwise in the weeke-dayes after and as one that rather listeneth to Satan and to thine owne corrupt heart thou be condemned out of thine owne mouth for drawing neere vnto God with thy lips but hauing thine hart farre estranged from him The third head Head 3. Neglect of inferiours vnto which I referre the prophaning of the Sabbath is by leauing such as are vnder our gouernment to their owne vnbridled and licentious liberty vpon the Sabbath day which is no small fault in parents masters and gouernours For whilst euery priuate man doth thus neglect his domestick charge the minister may preach reproue admonish and teach but little wil it profit to bring them to the right obseruation of Christian duties Besides doth it not grieue any good parents or masters to see their children or seruants miscarry and come to misery but to be negligent of them at these times is the right way to bring them to all lewdnesse and consequently to smart and misery for which they may also then with heauy hearts thanke their gouernors that were too gentle and remisse towards them 1. Sam. 2. as Ely was vnto his children whose lamentable estate in his children and posteritie what hard heart can reade of without relenting Quest 83. What be the reasons of this Commandement Answ They are partly infolded in the Commandement and partly expressed in these words for in sixe dayes the Lord made heauen and earth the sea c. Quest. 84. What are the reasons infolded in the commandement Answ Three 1. Because the law of the Sabbath is ancient and was of force in Paradice before mans fall 2 Because it is most equall the Lord allowing vs sixe dayes for our worldly affaires and requiring but one of seuen for the workes of his worship 3. Because the seuenth is the Lords peculiar day so that without sacriledge we cannot any way prophane it Reasons infoulded in this Commandement Explan This commandement being of maine and speciall vse for the furthering of true godlinesse and such as vpon which the rest of the law hangeth is therefore both placed in the middest and because man naturally is most vnapt to bee moued with the reuerence hereof fortified with many reasons beyond the rest Which reasons are euery one of great force partly infolded and not distinctly placed out of the words of the commandement and partly expressed and set downe at large by themselues Reas 1 The first reason infolded is taken from the word Remember as if the Lord should haue said Howsoeuer all the rest of these lawes haue hitherto passed without such expresse mention especially when mans nature was vncorrupt in Paradise yet this law of the Sabbath was expressely giuen at that time and now I giue you warning only to remember it as most ancient and euer vsed amongst all my deuout people so that if old customs wil beare any sway with you the very remembrance of this must needs be of force to moue you to keepe holy my Sabbaths Or else Remember is a reason of force because it is a note of special charge for the duty vnto which it is prefixed For when a master commandeth his seruants diuers things and would chiefely haue some one thing done hee impresseth it with this word remember as if hee should say I would not haue that neglected or forgotten by any meanes If therefore any earnest speciall charge giuen by the Lord be of any force with thee if the old custome of Gods Church euer since the creation bee of any force doe not prophane but keepe holy the Sabbath day Reason 2 Gene. 2. The second reason infolded is taken from these wordes Sixe dayes shalt thou labour c. as if the Lord should haue said It is no vnreasonable matter or hard vnto thee that I require in bidding thee keepe holy the Sabbath day it is but one day of seauen I allow thee six for the workes of thy calling I will be content onely with the seuenth though I haue made all the dayes and could require six and leaue thee but one therefore doe thou willingly keepe this day This is a reason of great moment and oftentimes onely vsed as being alone sufficient to mooue any honest heart to obedience In Paradise it was the maine reason to Adam and Euah Ye shall eate of all the trees in the garden but of the tree in the middest ye shall not eat it was the reason vsed to mooue the Israelites to let their land rest the seuenth yeare that the poore might haue some comfort
of that which grew then of it owne accord Deut. 10.12 because they were in times past seruants and poore and had the liberty of tilling and sowing and reaping six yeares for themselues And he must needs be iudged an vnreasonable seruant who if he serueth so kind a master as that will allow him two or three dayes in a weeke for his own busines doth not willingly go about his masters worke the other dayes Reason 3 1. Sam. 2. The third reason infolded is taken from these wordes The seauenth is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God As if the Lord should haue said I haue specially marked the seuenth for mine owne holy and peculiar so that hee which shall presume to take that or any part of it and make it common by doing worldly workes or following vanitie is a thiefe and a robber vnto me euen as he which being an hired seruant taketh the time to follow his owne businesses wherein his master appointeth him to doe his worke Therefore as no honest seruant will thus vse his Master so no honest seruant of God will thus abuse the Lord for if a lewd seruant thus abusing his master cannot endure his presence though hee bee but a man how shall hee that presumeth thus to abuse the Lord indure when hee commeth seeing that if one man sinneth against another the Iudge shall iudge it but if a man sinne against the Lord there is none that dares plead for him Quest. 85. What are the reasons expressed Answ Two first from the Lords example who rested vpon the seauenth from all his workes of creation Secondly from his blessing inseparably linked vnto the hallowing of this day so that he that keepeth it holy shall finde it vnto his comfort a blessed day also The Reasons expressed Explan The Lord not content to haue interlaced the reasons of which it hath beene already spoken addeth further weight of reason For in sixe dayes the Lord made heauen and earth and rested the seauenth c. Reason 1 Ioh. 13. First from his owne example who hauing finished the great worke of the creation vpon the sixe dayes rested the seauenth and for a memoriall heereof hath commended the care of this rest to all his louing subiects euery seauenth day throughout all generations As if hee should haue said I command you O people nothing but what I your Soueraigne Lord haue done before you who when I had made the Heauens the earth the Seas and all creatures rested from this my labour and recreated my selfe in the beholdiog of that I had done follow me therefore and doe likewise after the labour of sixe dayes rest and refresh your selues by sweet and heaueely contemplations and exercises that so in all ages to come ye may be knowne by your holy rests as by my cognizance to be my people and true subiects This reason Christ vseth to his Disciples to perswade humility saying If I your Lord and Master haue washed your feet then ought ye also to wash one anothers feet And very apt are all men to bee led by examples especially of great ones according to that Regis ad exemplar totus componitur orbis After the Kings example the whole world is framed If the King were maimed in any member Fu. Solin Pompen Mela. or had but one eye amongst the Aethiopians they would all willingly make themselues herein like vnto him though to their great paine how much more should all the people of the Lord bee led by his example be like vnto him in keeping holy rests wherin he rested Reason 2 Esa 58.13 ●4 Secondly from the blessing annexed vnto this day being hallowed and kept holy The Lord blessed the seauenth day and hallowed it So that if thou be faithful in the obseruatiō of this day thou shalt not lose thy labour for hallowing this time hath alwayes Gods blessing accompanying it according as more fully it is promised by the Prophet Esay If thou turne away thy foot from the Sabaoth c. Thou shalt thou delight in the Lord and I wil cause thee to mount vpon the high places Chap. 56.2 And againe Blessed is the man that doth this and the Son of man that layeth hold on it that keepeth the Sabaoth and poluteth it not And it is commonly seene that such are blessed men blessed with diuine knowledge and blessed with all the fruites of sauing faith Iustice innocencie and true mercy and blessed with a diligent endeauour about all holy exercises and this is to those that see it the greatest blessing for blessed is that man that exerciseth himselfe in the Law of God Psal 1.1 and meditateth therein day and night If then this Law be so ancient and such as hath beene obserued from the first beginning if it be most equall and indifferent if it bee an entring vpon Gods peculiar right to breake it if the Lord hath gone before vs in the rest of this day in his owne example and if it bee a blessed day also to such as keepe it aright and redounding to their exceeding great good and comfort then rouze vp your dull hearts cast off the clog of worldly thoughts and businesses and lift vp your spirits to the highest Spirit in the due keeping of this holy day Quest. 86. Which is the first Commandement of the second Table or the fifth of the Law Answ Honour thy father and mother that thy dayes may bee long in the land which the Lord thy God giueth thee Quest 87. In which Commandements doe you learne your duty towards your neighbour Answ In the sixe latter Commandements which be of the second Table Quest What is thy duetie towards thy neighbour Answ My duty towards my neighbour is to loue him as myselfe to doe to all men as I would they should doe to me to loue honour and succour my father and my mother to honour and obey the King and his Ministers to submit my selfe to all my goueenours teachers spirituall pastors and masters to order my selfe lowly and reuerently to all my betters To hurt no body by word nor deed To be true and iust in all my dealing To beare no malice nor hatred in my heart To keepe my hands from picking and stealing my tongue from euill speaking lying and slandering To keepe my body in temperance chastitie and sobernes Not to couet nor desire other mens goods but to learne and labour truly to get mine owne liuing and to doe my dutie in that estate of life vnto which it hath pleased God to call me Explan All these recited particular duties are by me to be prosecuted hereafter in the explication of the seueral cōmandements of the second table I shall not need therefore to adioyne any literall comment vpon them here but rather remit the Reader to obserue thē in the branches of streams wherto they seuerally belong Now for the methodicall handling of the second Table I will invert these three questions thus the last
the last day when they shall see Ioshuah Abraham El●ana Hannah and all good gouernours sitting downe in the kingdome of God and themselues shut out of doores 5. Leuity and remisnes in Princes and set Magistrates sparing sinnes that must necessarily bee punished and to the incouragement of malefactors 6. Tiranny exercising their owne pleasure vpon their subiects without all respect of equity and right Contrariwise did the good iudge Samuel 1. Sam. 12. and Dauid the King after that he was well schooled witnesse that which hee professeth saying Psal 101.1 I will sing of mercy and iudgement And so scrupulous was he that he would not take of gift much lesse by violence the threshing floore of Arannah but would buy it to offer sacrifice there 2. Sam. 24.21 although the Lord had commanded him to build an Altar in that place 7. Sloath and infidelity in ministers whose calling is to labour who haue hire to labour and whose labour is to so excellent an end if then they be loyterers if they be seeds-men of tares woe is to them The dispensation is committed to me saith Paul 2. Cor 9.16 woe is vnto me then if I preach not the Gospell A threefold woe then is vnto them that haue not only the calling but the hire also and that double and trebble if they vse not diligence as is sometime seene to the scandall of the ministerie 8. A vitious life in all persons of note and qualitie whether they be magistrates ministers masters ancient learned or of any excellency any way they doe not only sinne in the breach of Gods law but in giuing example to inferiour persons so that they pull vpon them the burthen of their sinnes also and because many are ready to follow them more then men of meaner condition they make their estate by far more fearefull then others the sinnes of multitudes besides their owne lying at the dore Wherefore when a grieuous fall is threatned to wicked Iudges it is said Yee shall fall Psalm 82.7 as one of the Princes The Kings of Israel that were wicked are said to haue made Israel to sin they are euen the eldest sonnes of Satan that be such and therefore good reason that they should share deepely in his inheritance Quest. 90. Whence is the reason of this Commandement taken Answ From the promise of long life if God please not to preuent vs with the blessing of eternall life 1. Tim 4.19 Explan The promise heere annexed may bee also read That they may prolong thy dayes Not that parents haue any power so to doe in themselues but partly keeping them from many dangers which they are ready to runne into to the shortening of their dayes but are preuented whilest they obediently follow their graue and godly counsell and partly blessing them by vertue of Gods ordināce with such efficacy as that this redoundeth to their great good euen for the prolonging of their happy and good estate in this world And in this sense it is vsuall in the holy Scriptures to ascribe that to the instrument which is proper to God Paul commending to Timothy the study and teaching of the word of God saith in so doing thou shalt saue both thy selfe and others And to the Corinthians he saith I haue begotten you vnto Christ Iesus Therfore of the reason then is thus 1. That is duly of all to bee done by which they may liue long and comfortably but the rule to be followed for this is Honour thy father and mother Therefore all are to honour father and mother 2. Thou wilt honour them gladly by whom thy life may be prolonged especially in weale but such are thy father and mother therefore honour father and mother For the first of these Life is so sweet that all desire it and most though it be ioyned with much bitternes and sorrow but to liue long well all doe naturally most earnestly desire so that they would follow any rule though verie hard for this but all other rules are vaine this only effectual the Lord the greatest Phisitian telleth thee so Doe not therefore harden thy selfe against it but bring downe thy rebellious nature and become obedient seruants children and people of all sorts For the second Euery phisitian whom experience teacheth to be a meanes of the health and long life of his patients men will honour in the time of necessitie seeking to them and carefully following their directions and he thinkes himselfe a happy man that can come to the best neither will hee for any thing displease him though he be froward and hastie towards him although his skill often faileth him and he bee till that time a very stranger vnto him but thy parents are no strangers but such as may challenge something at thy hands because they haue bred and brought thee vp with care and paines and God giueth them this blessing to prolong thy daies and not to faile if thou honour them Foolish then and out of his wits is hee and worse then a bruite beast which alwaies doth that which is naturall whosoeuer giueth not honour to his parents according to the scope of this commandement Quest 1 But how is this promise verified seeing as well such as honour parents and doe their duty as the disobedient doe often times die in the prime of their age and the disobedient and vnruly doe often liue long First it is often verified to obedient children when as they are kept thus in a temperate and honest course of life the disobedient comming to their end by surfets How parents prolong their childrens life or the Gallowes with shame in their very prime 2. It is alwaies verified because obedient children liue well and in the feare of God and to liue well is to liue long according to the prouerb 1. Tim. 5 6. Bene viuere bis biuere est To liue well is to liue twice and to liue ill is neuer to liue but to be euer dead as S. Paul speaketh of wanton widdowes Shee that liueth in pleasure is dead whilest shee liueth so that though the disobedient liue long yet they haue not this blessing of long life the obedient and dutifull haue it though they liue not many yeares for one day is better then a thousand of the rebellious Eccles 8.12 which is the cause that the Wise man maketh no reckoning of a sinners life though hee liue an hundred yeares 3. If it bee not verified for life here yet it is more then made good by their taking hence they receiuing for frailty strength for basenes glory for temporalitie eternity Who wil say that if the King promise any of his houshold-seruants by name one of his Guard a Pentioner or Porter that he shal euer inioy his place and yet remoueth him to be the Master of his Horse his Treasurer or Chamberlaine that he is not so good as his word vnto him and who can say then that the Lord of all if he promise
sinfull course of life which they might haue amended in them by teaching charging reprouing and requiring better things at their hands and leading them on by a good example For this as hath been shewed is their dutie as it is to furnish them with things necessary for the bodily life and therefore as in the denying of these they which are vnder their gouernment perishing their blood shall be laid to their charge so is it when they deny them meanes necessary for their soules and much more if they giue them the poyson of bad counsell or bad example this murthering of soules shal be charged vpon them 3 Neighbours And lastly euery neighbour that giueth his neighbour drinke to make him drunken that stirreth vp one against another to sighting and quarrelling and generally if hee enticeth to any sinne or doth countenance and fauour and defend it to the heartning of a man on therein euery of these waies he is the cause of the destruction of his neighbour and shall answer as a soule-murtherer For this is taxed in Gods word as an high offence Habbac 2.15 Woe be to him that giueth his neighbour drinke that is to make him drunken and it is set downe as an height of sinne Rom. 1.31 Which not onely doe such things but fauour such as doe them And good reason seeing euery man is bound to keepe his neighbour as much as in him lieth from sinne otherwise he is censured as hating his brother For Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thy heart Leuit. 19.27 saith the Lord but rebuke him plainely ●nd not suffer him to sinne Oh then how shall hee answer it that prouoketh his brother to sinne without doubt hee shall be iudged as an hater yea a murtherer of his brother at the last day Quest 93. What is here commanded Answ Out of the loue that we beare to our neighbour as much as in vs lieth to preserue his life and health and specially the life of his soule by good counsell exhortations admonitions and the like Explan The duty here commanded ariseth from the consideration of the sinne forbidden for if it be forbidden to murther then it is commanded to saue life because he that saueth not life when it is in his power is guilty of murther Now as murther is either of a mans own self or of another man so the duty that we may be free from the guilt of any murther is to endeauour to saue both a mans owne life and the life of another man 1 To saue our owne life by flying in time of danger First then thou art here bound to preserue thine owne life by the vse of all lawfull meanes 1. In the time of danger flying from one place to another whether the danger bee by persecution as Dauid was indangered by Saul and therefore fled from him and as Athanasius an holy father of the Church hid himselfe a long time when he was sought for to the death by the Arians and as Eliah long before fled from Jezabel 1. King 19. or if the danger be by famine as Abraham Isaack Iacob Naomi and other holy persons haue commonly done or if there be danger by the plague the chiefe cure of which deuouring euill next to repentance is to change the aire and that speedily not in an opinion to be safe from Gods stroake but in obedience to his wil who would haue vs to preserue our liues by all lawfull meanes in the time of danger And a principall ground of all this is that commandement of our Sauiour Matth. 10.23 If they persecute you in one City flie into another and the speciall command vnto Eliiah in the time of famine 1. King 17. Gen 12. Gen. 20. and the Lords manifest approbation of Abrahams flying then comforting him and taking his part against Kings If it be demanded but may Ministers flie in the plague-time and leaue their people Answ That Ministers may flie in time of danger Without doubt they may if it bee Gods will to preserue themselues for the greater good of the Church whereas if they should harden themselues and stay amongst the infected there were apparant danger of being cut off and so to bee preuented of doing further good in the Church 2. By vsing lawful meane in times of sicknesse Esay 38.21 Secondly in the time of sicknes keeping thy selfe warme and taking such things as whereby thou mayest be freed from the matter of thy disease and by Gods blessing bee restored Thus Hez●chiah that was sick vnto the death is bidden to take a ●umpe of drie figs and lay it vpon the boile 3. To defend our selues with our best force Thirdly being set vpon by wicked men or by the enemy defending our selues with our best forces 4. By vsing lawfull recreation Fourthly by vsing lawfull recreation at lawfull times by some extraordinary motion of the body or otherwise chearing our minds and spirits with the vse of pleasant pastimes that are in themselues indifferent Such is shooting of which m●ntion is made in the holy Scriptures ● Sam. 1.18 He bad them teach the children of Israel to shoote as it is written in the booke of Jasher And Musicke Nehem. 7.67 Iudges 14 9. vnto which many were brought vp and propounding of riddles and the like But heere is no tolleration for gaming meerely for gaine which in stead of recreating distempereth the mind and body and is commonly accompanied with many foule sinnes To preserue another mans life 1. By almes-deeds Iob 3 9. For the life of another man This is preserued 1. By almes deeds where necessity doth require for thus Iob saith that hee had not seene any perish for want of cloathing c. and some there are in this danger continually vnlesse they be relieued and he that seeth it and hath wherewithall to helpe them but doth not if they perish is guilty of their death 2. To helpe in time of danger 1. King 18.13 2. By rescuing and helping a man in any danger as Obadiah hid the Prophets of the Lord in caues to saue them from Ahab and Iezabel in time of persecution 3 By patience and me●knes 3. By patience and meekenesse preuenting quarrels and bloudshed that doth otherwise often times follow The parts of this gentlenes and meekenes are 1. Soft answers when any meanes be vsed to prouoke vs Prou. 15.1 for a soft answer putteth away strife Dauids fury was calmed when Abigail came vnto him with gentle and pleasing words and without doubt seruants and children might escape many cruell blowes if they would frame their tongues to this soft answering 2. A stayed temper of affections whereby wee are not suddenly moued and for trifling matters neither doe wee keepe our anger as hath beene shewed already Be slow to anger and let not the sunne goe downe vpon thy wrath for thus is this dangerous sinne preuented which for want of this stayd temper many doe
hurt vnder thy hand thou must make it good If thou beest any way wronged not to go to law if by any other meanes thou maist be restored and not for trifles for wee must rather depart from our right in something especially where the Gospell is scandalized by contentious brabbling among Christians according to the Apostle Why rather suffer ye not wrong 1. Cor. 6.7 why rather sustaine yee not harme And as we reade of Abraham that to auoid contention yeelded vnto Lot being his Nephew from his right And if we be constrained to go to law then not to prosecute matters in malice seeking the hinderance but the reformation of our aduersary recalling him frō his error if it be a criminal cause and faire recouery of our owne right if it be a Ciuill cause 4. In giuing and taking do as thou wouldst be done to in mercy relieuing the poore with clothing meat and drink Iames 1.27 and other comforts according to his necessity The pure religion and vndefiled before God is to visit the fatherlesse and widdowes in their aduersitie So that he which performeth not this duty hauing this worlds goods hath no true religion in him yea 1. Iohn 3.17 he hath no loue of God for If any man hath this worlds good and seeing his brother in want shutteth vp his compassion towards him how dwelleth the loue of God in him yea he hath no faith for Iames 2.20 faith without workes is dead yea he hath no sure foundation for 1. Tim. 6.17.18 the rich are warned to be rich in good workes to be ready to distribute and communicate laying vp in store for themselues a good foundation yea hee hath no conformitie with God as the child of God hath for doe good saith the Lord to them that hate you Matth. 5.45 that yee may bee the children of your father which is in heauen Now that this duty may be rightly performed it must be done liberally according to a mans ability for he that soweth liberally shall reape liberally and with all chearefulnes and not grudgingly 2. Cor 9 6.7 for God loueth a cheareful giuer And for taking there must be no more taken then is giuen neither must they aske and receiue almes that are not pressed hereunto by necessity labor must not be neglected an idle loitring vagrant life entred vpon for this is to breed a confusiō to hinder the poore indeed to rob the spittle And thus much of following the rule which hath been embraced euen amongst the heathen by the law of Nature Quod tibi non vis fieri alteri nefeceris Insomuch as that Alexander Seuerus an heathen Emperour of the Romans caused it to be written in all open places and market-places that it might bee continually before the eyes of all people That which thou wouldest not haue done to thee doe not to another man Rules of obedience to this Commandement Now there is further added as a speciall meanes to inable vnto this duty by diligent paines taking to get mine owne liuing in that estate of life to which it pleaseth God to call me 1. Cor. 7.20 For that we may doe the duty of this Law we must first be in a lawful estate and calling according to the precept Let euery man abide in the same vocation wherein he was called and as a remedy against stealing and as a meanes to inable vs to giue to the needy it is said Let him worke with his hands the thing that is good Ephes 4.22 so that thy calling must be good and honest otherwise what thou gainest hereby is stollen and if thou giuest it is not accepted it must be profitable to Church or Common-wealth Gen. 3 17. Secondly thou must be diligent herein for In the sweate of thy brow saith the Lord thou shalt eate of thy bread vntill thou returne to the earth Diligence was at the first enioyned Adam when hee was set to dresse the garden The Lord himselfe though a most omnipotent essence and pure act is in continuall action ruling all things the Angels haue wings to expresse their diligence and celerity the Sunne Moone and Starres with all the heauenly orbes are alwaies in motion and the smallest creatures the very Bee and little Pismire are diligent in their kind all which teach man diligence in his calling 1. Tim. 6.6 Thirdly thou must be content with thy present estate for godlinesse is great gaine with contentation Discontent besides that it is ingratitude against God is a ground of all vnlawful practices to gaine more and cooleth and kils the spirits from the workes of our callings but contentation stayeth from that which is vnlawfull and putteth life into our honest labours and endeauours Prou. 21.5 Fourthly thou must bee frugall and thriftie to saue that wherewith the Lord hath blessed thee not spending it vnnecessarily vpon vanity nor loosing it through neglect The thoughts of the diligent doe surely bring abundance so that a man by thrift hauing in reasonable sort enough of his owne shall not need to gape after other mens goods but may haue wherwithall to giue to others Psal 15.4 Lastly thou must bee constant to performe all thy lawfull promises for Who shall dwell in the Tabernacle of the most High he that sweareth to his owne hinderance and changeth not or if hee maketh any speech or promise of doing any thing to the benefit of another For he that boasteth of false liberality Prou. 25.14 is like clouds and winde without raine Hee bringeth poore men into a vaine hope of some benefit to be receiued but doth nothing or he maketh a shew before others as is the manner of many seeming good and beneficiall and making faire promises but in deeds least of all they shall haue reward accordingly Quest 100. Which is the ninth Commandement Answ Thou shalt not beare false witnesse against thy neighbour Quest 101. What is here forbidden Answ All false witnesse bearing which is first falsely accusing and witnessing against our neighbour before a Iudge 2. By slandring and back-biting and by all readinesse to hearken to such false reports 3 By flattering and soothing any for aduantage against the truth 4 By lying or telling any vntruth against our conscience Explan In this Commandement the maine intent and scope is to preserue the good name of our neighbour and our owne credit and good name for by false witnessing and lying as our neighbours disparagement is sought so a mans owne is procured The maine sin therefore here is vniustly or out of malice to detract from the good name of our neighbour 1. King 19. First I say vniustly because sometime a man is so bad and notorious as that hee which should goe about to maintaine his credit should endanger himselfe of the woe to such as iustifie the wicked Of such like it is iust and right for a man according to their deserts to complaine either before
and deuise in his minde how to attaine them he is a sinner in the highest degree against this Commandement Marke 7.12 Verse 23. If his thoughts wherein he is delighted be adulterous hee is guilty of adultery if murtherous of murther and is defiled heereby according to that saying of Christ From within euen out of the heart of man proceed euill thoughts adulteries fornications murthers thefts couetousnesse wickednesse c. All these euill things come from within and defile a man All which serueth to help vs to a sight of our own spirituall deformitie whosoeuer is best amongst vs so that if the Lord should enter into iudgement with vs the holiest man were neuer able to abide it seeing he hath about him the flesh the root of bitternesse often euill motions though he striueth against them and some taking vp the heart with delight by their pleasing insinuation And thus the Law doth the office rightly to conclude all vnder sinne that we might all depend onely vpon Gods mercy for pardon and saluation Quest 105. What is heere commanded Answ To keepe our very hearts and mindes free from all euill motions and thoughts contrary to any of the Lawes and Commandements of God Explan The duty commanded here is our through sanctification not only in deeds but euen in heart and thought also as the Apostle prayeth for the Thessalonians The very God of peace sanctifie you throughout 1 Thes 5.23 and I pray God that your spirit and soule and body may be kept blamelesse vnto the comming of the Lord Iesus Christ The parts of this are mortification putting off the old man which is corrupt through deceiuable lusts and viuification Ephes 4.24 which is the putting on of the new man which after God is created in righteousnesse Iohn 3.5 and true holinesse It is otherwise called Regeneration or a New birth without which a man shall neuer see the Kingdome of Heauen Now of this new birth there be foure degrees or parts 1. The birth of a pure and holy minde hating sinne and louing the Law Rom 7.16 Verse 22. Verse 15. this was in Dauid Lord how doe I loue thy Law and all false wayes I vtterly abhorre and in Paul I consent to the Law that is good and I delight in the Law of God concerning the inner man and I hate the thing that I doe 2. Stirring and mouing in holy duties as a liuing man doth the actions of the liuing which a dead carcasse cannot doe Psal 34.12 This stirring of the regenerate is ceasing to doe euill and learning to doe well doing the duties of pietye towards God and of loue towards man 3. An earnest desire of food whereby this new life may be maintained 1 Pet. 2.2 As new borne babes desire the sincere milke of the word that yee may grow thereby 2 Pet. 3 18. A growing vp towards mans estate in knowledge and holinesse according to S. Peter Finally brethren grow in grace and in the knowledge of Iesus Christ Now the Law sheweth all this to be done but helpeth not to the doing and so leaueth a man destitute of all comfort that all conceit of righteousnesse in man might bee taken away his frailty and weaknesse might be acknowledged hee might despaire of his owne power and ability that he might be set a worke to seeke out of the Law meanes of fulfilling the Law and to become righteous before God And hitherto of the ten Commandements Of keeping the Law MY good child know this that thou art not able to doe these things of thy selfe nor to walke in the commandements of God and to serue him without his especiall grace c. Very fitly in this publike Catechisme after the setting downe of the particulars required by the Law we are put in mind of our owne weakenesse and disabilitie to performe those duties in any measure and therefore wee are sent to seeke from aboue a supernaturall assistance which may fight with our corruptions and helpe our infirmities not that we are thereby aduanced in this life to a total and perfect correspondence to the Legall rigor of these duties but that we may know that it is a greater strength then our owne naturall abilities which worketh in vs a sound and sincere though imperfect obedience in this life which is the Euangelicall performance of Gods Law atchieued partly by vs in our weake endeauours through grace and the rest by supply for vs by our Sauiours perfect satisfaction vnto the vtmost of the Law as more distinctly appeareth in the Questions following Quest. 106. Is any man able to keepe all these Commandements Answ No man vpon earth hath or can euer be able to keep them perfectly Adam onely excepted in the state of innocency and Christ who was both God and man Explan For clearing hereof we will deduce these Theses Thes 1. Man at the first able to keep the Law or positions Man by his first creation was able to keepe the whole Law without sinning for hee was made after Gods image which as is expressed by the Apostle is righteousnes and true holines Eccles 7.31 and God saith Salomon made man righteous his hart was full of diuine vnderstanding his will was altogether right his affections holy his power absolute to persist and continue such alwaies Thes 2. Man vnable to keepe the law Man as his nature now is cannot keepe the Law of God neither the whole nor any parcell thereof but is altogether corrupt his vnderstanding darkened his will crooked his affections impure and his best strength weakenesse towards the running the race of Gods Commandements Iob 14 4. And when the best meanes are offered of being brought into the right way he is apt to turne them into his owne corruption to the increasing thereof euen as the spider turneth all into poyson This corruption of nature is wel set forth by Iob Who can bring a cleane thing out of filthinesse so that mans nature now is filthines it selfe and so farre gone is it herein as Paul sheweth that speaking hereof in his owne person hee saith Rom. 7.18 In me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing The vnderstanding is so darke as that euen like as a blind man borne blind 1. Cor. 2.14 doth not see any light neither can hee the naturall man perceiueth not the things of God neither can he The will is so crooked as that in all things it is contrary to Gods will according to that saying Nitimur in vetitum semper cupimusque negata We are prone to that which is forbidden vs we long most for that which is denied vs. See an example in the corrupt Iewes Ezech. 3.11 vnto whom the Lord sending Ezechiel saith but they will not heare neither will they cease The affections are so impure as nothing is so good but he is apt to hate and impeach it nothing so vile but hee loueth it and is wedded vnto it
fore-knowledge of God and against his disposing will it is not possible that wicked men and wicked Angels should do any thing But in this there is little comfort as to the gally-slaues of the Turkes being compelled to their taske the comfort onely is when from the heart willingly and chearefully Gods will is done namely his reuealed will and Law To doe Gods will Heb. 11.6 Esay 1. Now for this it is necessary that a man be first of this kingdome Without faith it is impossible to please God All duties done by the vnsanctified Iewes liuing in sinne are reiected as abominable Their new Moones their Sabbaths their incense their sacrifices without these a man cannot so much as thinke any thing pleasing vnto God 2. Cor. 3.5 euen as they that yeeld alleageance to the Pope or to the Turke or any enemy of our King cannot please him their lawfull Soueraigne how officious soeuer they bee So they in whom the power of darkenesse is not yet shaken off but are still through infidelity and the loue of sinne vnder the Prince of the ayre and not subiects of the kingoome of heauen cannot please God what duties soeuer they seeme to the world to performe with zeale and deuotion This then serueth first to shew vs the fountaine of all our goodnes the grace of God the mercy of our heauenly King who maketh vs able to serue him and crowneth our seruice with glory t●at for no seruice which wee doe we presume to challenge ought at his hands as the merit of our worke but reiect this as Popish arrogancy and acknowledge when wee haue done al that we can we are vnprofitable seruants which is Christian simplicitie 2. Not to rest in any outward act or duty which we doe but labour for true faith for hearts rightly seasoned as hearts of the subiects of his kingdome otherwise it is lost labour whatsoeuer we doe in vaine are ye iust mercifull or deuout vnlesse the seruice of Satan be in heart renounced vnlesse there be faith purging inwardly 2. The Kingdome of God For the sense of the words Thy kingdome the obiect of this desire is first to bee considered and then the act let it come Gods kingdome is the rule that hee doth exercise ouer his creatures and is generall ouer all and speciall ouer the elect Generally his kingdome doth comprehend the whole world with all things therein which he ruleth and gouerneth by his prouidence making one to be for the preseruation or punishment of the other thus vpholding things in order euer since the first creation Psal 48.2 Psal 93.1 In this sense God is called by the Psalmist the great King and God is King be the Heathen neuer so impatient and againe the Lord reigneth c. and vnto his First-borne Christ the Heathen are giuen for inheritance Psal 2. and the vttermost ends of the earth for a possession Specially Gods Kingdome is ouer the Church howsoeuer dispersed into many places yet making but one Kingdome and this Kingdome is partly in Heauen partly vpon earth till the last great day when in Heauen onely it shall flourish That part of his Kingdome which is vpon earth is the whole multitude of all such people as outwardly embrace the Christian religion though many be prophane or hypocrites and this part is called the Kingdome of Heauen Matth. 13. both in the Parable of the Sower of the Draw-net and of the Field wherein the enuious man sowed tares c. Wicked men being for a time mixt amongst the godly but at the last day to bee seuered and singled out and left the godly onely being taken and this is Gods speciall outward Kingdome which in speciall manner he defend●th from Infidels holding vp the Scepter of his Word and giuing them lawes whereby to be gouerned Now besides this there is an inward spirituall Kingdome of God which is ouer all those in whose hearts these lawes are written to doe them and the holy Spirit ruleth and beareth sway and happy is that man which is thus of his Kingdome for when Christ did highly extoll Iohn the Baptist saying that a greater then he was not borne of women hee affirmeth yet that the least in the Kingdome of Heauen is greater then hee the least of those that are inwardly called greater then hee by his most excellent office euen as they which doe the will of God in Heauen are more then mother brethren and sisters of Christ then Mary as shee was dignified to be his mother according to the flesh That part of the Kingdome which is really in Heauen consisteth of Angels and Saints and is imperfect till the last day when in a more speciall manner the Kingdome shall bee deliuerd vp to God the Father that he may bee all in all 1. Cor. 15.24 And thus much for the meaning of the obiect The act Let it come This is first of the generall Kingdome whereby the world is most prouidently ruled let it stand let wickednesse be punished and godlinesse rewarded 1. The Kingdome of grace commeth by foure degrees Secondly of the speciall Kingdome the comming whereof is in foure degrees 1. Let it be erected where it is not send thy word send Labourers to worke in thy haruest let thy Word sound to all parts of the earth to the Iew to the Turke to Infidels in all places plant a Church there this specially is the praying for al men vnto which Saint Paul exhorteth that the Gospell may shine amongst them that it may shine to their hearts who are yet in darknesse 2. Let it be confirmed and continued where it is let it not be abolished by persecution corrupted by heresie vanish by hypocrisie or degenerate and grow into the contrarie by prophanenesse 3. Let it be restored where it is decaied or corrupted in doctrine or manners restore such as are falne by weaknesse purge the errours of such as are seduced 4. Let it be perfected made compleat by hastening the marriage day wherein the new Ierusalem may bee in all points as a Bride trimmed for her husband which shall onely bee at the last day when death and the Deuill and euerie enemie shall be destroyed and God alone shall absolutely raigne ouer his people guiding them in and out euerlastingly and communicating his heauenly most glorious Kingdome vnto them 3. For the scope The supplication is 2. The scope of the words 1. For Gods generall Kingdome not that it shall faile whilst the world endureth bur because it is Gods will that we should pray for such things as make for his glory wee are directed to aske here the exercising of Gods soueraigntie and dominion ouer the world whereby his power wisedome and goodnesse may appeare to the sonnes of men of the great creatures the irrationall the Heauens Earth and Seas being still contained in their proper places properties and operations of the rationall the obstinate and rebellious being by his iust iudgement punished and the