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duty_n christian_a faith_n life_n 1,074 5 4.4282 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01988 A godly boke wherein is contayned certayne fruitefull, godlye, and necessarye rules, to bee exercised [et] put in practise by all Christes souldiers lyuynge in the campe of this worlde Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536. Enchiridion militis Christiani.; Artour, Thomas.; Gough, John, fl. 1561-1570. 1561 (1561) STC 12132; ESTC S105777 97,714 292

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cō passyon on his neyghboures necessytie Why the phariseis are pain●…d sepulchres wickid●…s bodies sepulchres of carions As disspysynge the gospel and the trewe preachers therof 〈◊〉 ●…nge blasphemy fyl thy talke such like God is the life of the sowle The sowle departing from the bodye in sin is past recouerye 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 cō forte to enter the feld against 〈◊〉 By chryste we may do all thyngs ●…he use●…y of a christia an hys battel dependeth not on tortu●… Christy●… may not be idle A measure to be vsid●… in this battell we muste knowe our ●…r and haue it in a redines In the spirituall bat tell is no rest but cō tinu●… fight as long as we bee in this life The crafty nes of our enemie the deuil in his fight Two 〈◊〉 of armoure meete for 〈◊〉 Christian. The vertu and effecte of praier the opera●… of trew knowledg We cannot walke oure longe and dangerous Iorneye to heauē with out our two capitains 〈◊〉 ron 〈◊〉 woy ses that is praier and knowledg wante of knowledge is the occa syon that praier is abused what maner of prai er Christ te cheth vs. It is not the noise or voice that cawserhe god to heare vs. what wee ought to do when wee are en●…d to sinne what infynitt treasures shalbe fo●…d in the holy scriptuers by hi which com meth w●… a pure mid what expo syteres of the scriptu res are me teste to be red The māe●… of the 〈◊〉 ●…his of the holy scryptures we must indeuer oure selues to 〈◊〉 from milke to stronge meates howe we ought to be stowe oure wittes The profit ●…t commeth of the knowledge of holy scri ptures what armo ure must be cast awaie if we al haue the armoure of a very Chrisan Our enemy the deue●… is to be ouerthrows and resisted by the scripture whiche be the perticu lar armoures of a christian The 〈◊〉 of this armoure and comforte to hym that weareth it The strengthe holye scryptuere geuethe to suche as de light there in The vncer tayntye of the peac of this world is 〈◊〉 The onely waye to ob tayne the parfecte trew peace The 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 betwen trewe wisdome and folishenes The deuill the Capita ine of myschefe the fountayn of wisdome Christ. Christe our redempciō iustificatiō wisdome ●…hat wisdome wee ought to fo lowe ●…here Chr iste is folowede the worlde is strayghte way angry The folish nes of worl delye wise dom descri bid It is commendable to be disp●… sed of the wicked worldly wis dome worthely ha●… of god and why what the wisdom of Christe is the 〈◊〉 ●…e therof A qu●…et cō●… a prin cipall fruit of 〈◊〉 lyfe where god ly wisdome 〈◊〉 to be soughte To knowe our selues is the begi ninge of godly wise dome ▪ Wanne a monstruou●… beast The bodie of man a bruite and ●…be beast The great dyffer●…nce betw●… the soule the bodie whearein the bodie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The delight of the sowle Sinne soweth the discord betwene the sowle end bodie ●…an com●…arid to a factious sedycious Cittie and the maner of the gouernement of the same ●…dyt●…one and disobe dience the vtter ruine of any com 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Reason 〈◊〉 king 〈◊〉 who the noble●… and ancientes Riot enuy and suche like be the 〈◊〉 mo●… The one 〈◊〉 perfecte waie to felicitie is first to know our selues ▪ next to subdue our 〈◊〉 ●…tes Excelent commenda ble thinges ●…llwayes daūgerous to be prose ●…d 〈◊〉 of his owne pow er can not subdue his owne 〈◊〉 but is ouer come by Christ and bowe Many christians bond●… seruaun tes to sin The peace Christ ca●… to breake 〈◊〉 to set healthefull ●…tell The difference betwene ●…au les doctri●… the philo sopher●… 〈◊〉 contrarye to ma●…s reason gods wo●…king to oure 〈◊〉 i●… The contra●…es of plato and paules d●… trine The difference betwene the bodie and soule Of the frui tes of the spirite and the fleshe S. Paule could clere lie be ridd of fleshlie mocions he that wil be stronge in god must fyrste be weke in the fleshe Sin to bee driuē away by praier ▪ Temptacion profitable to chris tians ▪ Pryde and vaine glory assaulteth the good ▪ ●…hoo shall see god trust in him No●… The deuision origen maketh of man by iii. partes wherof the fyrst is the flesshe The secōd part is the sprite The third part is the ●…le The fesh●… an 〈◊〉 The diuers workinges of the sprite the soul the flesh what workes we do of nature The battel betweene the soule the fleshe An error to esteme that on absolute vertu whiche procedeth of nature Wherin the lawde of vertue con sistethe Praier and fastīg how to be vs●…d The carn●… vsynge of prayer ●…we we oughte to loue oure children Rules wherby we may learne earelye t●… crepe owe frome the blinde errors of the worlde too the puer●… light of spi ritual life Note here The vertu of baptim Thre princi pal euils in man Blindenes the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The secōd euyll the flesshe The third euyll is ●…firmitie The firste remedie to know good from euill The third remedie to contynewe in vertue after the same knowne Faithe the one●…e ga●…e e●…nce to Christe The estim●… cyone wee oughte too haue of chri ste the holy scriptures The more part not to be folowed ●…ow faith 〈◊〉 tobe 〈◊〉 ●…ed we must be redy bothe with body and minde to lose all for the gos pell what impe dimentes mans nature hathe to plucke hym frome god we muste fly from 〈◊〉 bilon good ad●… uysement●… ought to be taken in woildely afayres But to 〈◊〉 no de●…ught to be made Against suche as wol de please bothe god 〈◊〉 the world Then pur●… ga●… 〈◊〉 gonne he that w●… lyue with Christ must dye with Christe The fond●… 〈◊〉 of fleshe It is euery christen ma n●… dutie to knowe the scripturs 〈◊〉 to confesse Christe ●…ow 〈◊〉 ●…ord 〈◊〉 ought to be taken The crosse what it is we may not desyre to reign with the ●…ed i●… we will take no pains wyth the ●…ed we mai not hange our fayth on other men The straight lyfe al Christyans are bounde vnto no estate excep●…ed we muste endeuoure our selues to folowe our ●…dde Christe Thoughe the way to saluatyon semeth sha rpe yet it oughte not to be feared ▪ No kind of life in this world with out troble The misera ble lyfe of courtyers The trauel some life of the marchaunte Trobles in mariage Dysommodyties in this life indifferent to good bad The trauel som life of th●…se that follow the worlde The waye to eternall life compa red to the trauel some lyfe of the world●… mā i●… exceding 〈◊〉 Comparisones betwene the lyfe of a trewe christian and a worldling ▪ ●…hat ●…uste cause we haue to 〈◊〉 ●…yse the world and to imbrace Christe Note thys for thy com forte ●…e that foloweth chr iste muste not loke for reputacion of