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A01711 Certaine sermons, vpon diuers textes of Holie Scripture Whereof some haue been seuerally before published, and other some for the greater benefit of the godly reader are here now added. By M. George Giffard, preacher of the worde of God at Mauldon Essex. Gifford, George, d. 1620.; Gifford, George, d. 1620. A sermon on the parable of the sower. aut; Gifford, George, d. 1620. Two sermons upon I. Peter 5. vers. 8 and 9. aut; Gifford, George, d. 1620. Foure sermons uppon the seven chiefe vertues of faith. aut; Gifford, George, d. 1620. A godlie, zealous, and profitable sermon upon the second chapter of saint James. aut; Gifford, George, d. 1620. A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse the thirtie day of May. aut; Gifford, George, d. 1620. A sermon on the third chapter of Saint Iames. aut 1597 (1597) STC 11848.5; ESTC S120470 152,707 288

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man haue more then God And if we misse of it we haue lost all seeing without it nothing can defende vs from the assaultes of the Diuell But when we are willed to resist the Diuel stedfast in the faith is it so that wee haue faith in our owne power or when wee will Can wee of our selues be stedfast in faith Or is it a matter so easie to obtaine a strong faith Saint Peter hath no such meaning For goodly thinges are hard to be attained vnto and faith is the most precious and excellent of all other most hard to be come by It is not in mans will or power to beleeue and to beleeue stedfastlie at his pleasure But Saint Peters meaning is to mooue all men to feeke it where it is to be found and by such meanes as be ordayned for to come vnto it by For there is no man almost but will acknowledge that a strong faith is a most rich iewell but when it commeth to the matter they depriue themselues for the most part either deeming that they haue it or can haue it in their owne power resting in a vaine shadowe not knowing at all the nature of the true liuely and powerfull faith or if they doe acknowledge it to be the gift of God yet they neuer seeke it by those meanes which he hath ordained to worke it in men and to nourish it vp in them When wee are therefore willed to resist the Diuell stedfast in the faith it is as much as to saye giue all diligence and vse all the wayes and meanes that may be to increase and strengthen your faith that you may ouercome the Diuell If you be diligent that way happie are you and if you take not that course then are you vtterly vndone for what way can you then escape the power and tyranny of the roaring Lyon But it will be said S. Peter doth not heere shewe how men shall come to this stedfast faith No for his whole doctrine tendeth to that point in al this Epistle and therefore hee needed not to put them in mind particularlie yet it shall not be amisse for me to note somewhat He that will attaine to the true liuelie and iustifying faith which armeth a man with the power of God must first of all know for certainty that he hath not so much as anie spark thereof of himselfe we are all of vs by nature shut vp vnder vnbeleefe and in miserable blindnesse which while many doe not know they rest and content themselues in a certaine dead image of faith and are vtterlie seduced for that faith hath no power He that knoweth this indeed beholding the depth of the calamities which hee is in will looke vp to God who is the giuer of faith Hee is desirous to know what the promises of God are which hee is to beleeue and what the way is in which hee must walke to performe the duties of a Christian life for the true faith worketh by charitie as Paule saith and cannot be without good workes He searcheth the Scriptures as Christ willeth Ioh. 5. hee doth with all diligence bende his eare to heare the holy Gospell of Iesus Christ preached feeling therein the power of God to worke faith He doth crie and cal vnto God day night for to teach him to lighten him to giue him vnderstanding to increase his faith He findeth the blessing of God in these meanes therefore applieth them But now on the contrary part hee that resteth in this God giueth faith and if it be his will I shall haue it and so despiseth all meanes not considering how God giueth faith is vtterlie awrie and out of the right way From hence it is that there be so manie commendations of the word of God and of the liuelie power that it hath to saue our soules From hence it is that wee are often called vpon to giue eare to the voice of God to hearken to his counsels Thus shall wee obtaine the holy faith And he that hath faith and feeleth the power of God in him if he will haue it increase is to consider the abundant kindnes of God who hath bestowed so great a gift vpon him he is from the bottom of his heart to giue all praise and thankes and honor vnto him for so great kindnesse and mercie shewed Moreouer he is to take heed that wil be stedfast in the faith to resist the diuel that he bee rich in good workes and that hee abstaine from committing those vices which nature doth lead vnto For in the time of triall in the hower of temptation or when Satan doth assault it will greatly shake the mind if a man when he doth looke for the arguments of a true faith and findeth that hee hath beene fruitlesse but if his conscience doe accuse him not only of a slacknesse in good workes but also of foule sinnes commited then will he crie out that all his former profession of the faith was but in shew or in hypocrisie This Apostle in the first chapter of his seconde Epistle teacheth that if we ioyne vertue with our faith and with vertue knowledge and with knowledge temperance with temperance patience and with patience godlinesse and with godlinesse brotherlie kindnes and with brotherlie kindnesse loue we shal make our calling and election sure we shall if we doe these thinges as he saith neuer fall 2. Pet 1. vers 5.6.10 We shall perceiue assuredly if these things be in vs that God hath called vs effectually and that hee hath chosen vs. And therein doth consist the stedfastnes of faith euen when we are sure that God hath chosen vs in his sonne vnto life eternall If this assurance of Gods loue and fauour towards vs were not to be attayned vnto how could he say Whom resist stedfast in the faith Can there be any stedfast faith without that I beseech yee let vs thinke well of these things let vs vse all care and diligence yea all the holy meanes that God hath appointed to increase our faith that being armed therby we may resist and ouercome our enemie the diuell But here it may be demaunded whether the diuell be to be resisted only by faith or some other things to be vsed I answere that Saint Peter doth set downe the only way by which we are to resist the diuell we haue nothing whereby to withstand him but faith and that is sufficient alone to withstand him whatsoeuer way hee seeketh to hurt vs. I suppose that the reason heerof is euident vnto all men The power of God alone is sufficient euery man will confesse to shielde vs from the Diuell and no power indeed but the power of God Faith onely armeth vs with that power of God and maketh it as it were ours He that standeth and liueth as the the Scripture speaketh by faith standeth and liueth not in himselfe but in the power of God If we thinke it lawfull to seeke help to resist him and to put him to
that God may haue the greatest glorie to bring forth the least is not to bee contemned because the Lord in time doth purge them make them more fruitfull I need not to stand heere for to handle many things or to make large exposition the matter is exceeding plain there is no more but this that all our care in hearing and professing the Gospell bee to receiue it into good ground to bring forth the fruites thereof What should I stand to rip vp the shamefull abuse in the contrarie to vtter how manie euill fruits there be in manie which are Gospellers This should be but as it were to light a candle in the cleare Sunshine for all men doe see them I doe not speake this as though it should not bee good to cry out against them but because the former things which I haue now vttered doe fully disclose them And therefore I will heere ende desiring the Lord to write these things in our hearts which wee haue heard with our outwarde eares and to make vs good ground to receiue the heauenly seed and to bring forth fruits of the same that glorifying him in this world we may be glorifyed of him in the world to come through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen FINIS TWO SERMONS VPON THE 1. Peter 5. vers 8. and 9. Wherein is shewed that the diuell is to be resisted only by astedfast faith how soeuer he commeth either against soule or bodie and that whosoeuer hath once attained the true and liuelie faith it can neuer bee vtterly lost but he is sure to get the victerie The first Sermon Be sober and watch for your aduersarie the diuel as aroaring Lyon walketh about seeking whō he may deuour whome resist stedfast in the faith 1. Pet. 5. verse 8.9 BLessed Peter an Apostle of Iesus Christ 1 Pet. 1.1 wrote this Epistle to the Christian Iewes which dwelt as strangers dispersed here and there in sundrie countries as in Pontus Galatia Cappadocia Asia and Bithynia For the ten tribes were scattered of old time and had dwelt long among the Gentiles in many kingdoms being caried away by Shalmaneser king of Ashur out of their owne lande as wee read 2. King 17. And of somewhat later times manie of the tribe of Iuda and Beniamin were also dispersed among the heathen so that S. Iames wrothis epistle in like maner to the twelue tribes which were in the dispersion Iames 1. ver 1. These dispersed Iewes came vp out of all landes at certaine solemne feastes vnto Ierusalem for to worship there according to the law of Moses and there had they heard the Apostles preach Christ as ye may see by that which is written Act. 2. and beleeued in him and vnto them that so beleeued S. Iames and S. Peter directed their Epistles Touching the matters handled in this Epistle of Peter we are to note that the holy Apostle dealeth principallie about the duties of christian life as namelie the times being then full of troubles and terrour of persecutions hee laboureth to make them bolde patient constant and cheerefull in all afflictions and sufferinges which they were to passe through to come to the partaking of the heauenly glory with Christ Also hee vseth manie graue and forcible reasons to mooue them vnto true holinesse euen to walke in the vertues of the spirit of grace and to bring foorth fruites worthie of so high a calling But first of all he openeth as it were the fountaine and beginning of all good actions in man that is how God of his great mercie had chosen them and begotten them in Christ to bee his children and heires of glory Among these perswasions admonitions and exhortations of the Apostle this is one which I haue read vnto you and which I am now to handle It may bee diuided into three partes Of which the first is an admonition or an exhortation wherby he stirreth vp all the faithfull vnto sobriety and watchfulnes in these wordes Be sober and watch The second part sheweth what cause there is to moue all men vnto this sobriety and watchfulnes or how much it standeth them euery way vpon seeing they haue so terrible and so cruell an aduersary who continuallie seeketh their eternall woe and destruction which is in these wordes For your aduersarie the diuell as a roaring Lion walketh about seeking whom hee may deuoure The thirde and last parte doth teach howe wee shall withstand him ouercome him and put him to flight that so wee may escape from his cruell tyranny which is in these words Whom resist stedfast in the faith All men may easilie see that the matter which wee haue here to deale in is of the greatest moment If a man haue landes or goods and perceiue that he hath an aduersary which lyeth in wait and seeketh to depriue him of the same it will mooue him to take heed and it wil set him on worke to seeke all the wayes and meanes hee can to learne how hee may defend and hold his right If a man do knowe that his enemie doth continuallie seeke all opportunitie and all occasions howe hee may set vpon him vnawares and with the greatest aduantages be can to take away his life will he not watch and take heed yea will he not bee glad to learne how he may so arme and strengthen himselfe that hee may withstand his saide cruell enemie when hee commeth Here is a farre greater matter not the losse of goods or landes or of this fraile life but the destruction of both body and soule in eternall damnation which is sought by a very mightie subtill and cruell enemie I know therefore that so many as haue any sparke of true wisedom wil be very attentiue to hearken to this exhortation of the Apostle and willing to learne how they may be kept safe from so great a danger For how foolish a thing is it that we should bee so carefull to beware of men that they may not harm vs which is but in lighter matters in the mean time haue no regard how to beware of diuels which seek our eternal wo and miserie Hearken therfore beloued vnto this wholsome instruction for nowe will I come to handle euery member by it selfe Be sober and watch Watching to this end that we may keep our selues out of danger is the chiefe and principall matter of this exhortation and because no man can bee fit to watch vnlesse hee bee sober hee ioyneth them both together and saith vnto vs Be sober and watch It is in vaine to call vpon drunken men to watch for sleep will soone oppresse them hee that is sober hee may watch Be sober therefore saith the Apostle and watch For our further instruction in this point wee are to remember that there bee two kindes of drunkennesse two kindes of sobernesse two sortes of sleeping and two sorts of watching the one of the boby the other of the minde Hee that with excesse and ryote powreth in wine and strong drinke vntill he
his spirit vpon them that in compassion there may bee labourers sent foorth and that such as haue taken vpon them the charge and be idle or absent may be compelled to doe their dutie that such as bee not able to feede or that walke in a dissolute and wicked behauiour in life and conuersation may bee remoued And that such as bee both skilfull to teach and of godlie life may bee set ouer them to guide them both by doctrine and example If this be not per formed how is the true concord and vnitie sought If the people bee not instructed and led in the way of godlines how shall they be framed and built together in one holie temple If the Shepheard bee vngodly and giue corrupt example what peace what vnitie or what agreement can such as will feare God hold with him And if there be a diuision betweene the sheepe and the shepheard where shall be the vnitie of brethren It is out of all controuersie that the meane to worke the godlie vnitie of brethren is that the flocke of Christ be fedde and guided by skilfull godly men which teach doctrine and giue good example in life and conuersation And now touching the care of the flocke not by constraint nor for gaine but willingly and of a readie mind not as Lords ouer Gods heritage but as examples to the flock I doe againe instantly beseech the pastors and gouernours euen for Christs sake to abound and to increase in all fatherly loue towards the Lords people without which this care cannot rightly be performed Follow herein the example of Saint Paul who setting foorth his labour and trauaile not of ambition or desire of gaine nor with roughnes but as he saith we were gentle among you euen as a nurse cherisheth her children 1. Thess 2. ver 7. where this fatherly loue is broken off there followeth to the exceeding decay and desolation of the Church that which the Lord complained of by the Prophet Ezechiel against the pastors of Israel Woe be vnto the shepheards of Israel that feede themselues should not the shepheards feed the flocks Ye eate the fat and ye clothe ye with the wooll ye kill them that are fed but ye seed not the sheep the weake haue ye not strengthened the sick haue ye not healed neither haue ye bound vp the broken nor brought againe that which was driuen away neither haue ye sought that which was lost but with violence and with crueltie haue ye ruled them Ezec. 24. vers 3.4 This was the state of the flocke then and shall be euen to the worlds ende that among Christs sheepe as some be strong so some bee weake some sicke some going astray Yea such are the frailties of all the faithfull so many are the errors and the sinnes which doe breake foorth but yet they are still the sheepe of Christ the Israel of God and the shepheards of Israel are to looke to them Now I say if there bee not a fatherly loue in the shepheards to couer the multitude of sinnes if there be not a tender compassion as in the Nurse towards the little babe in stead of care to heale the broken and sick to support the weake to bring into the way that which straieth they shall despise and lothe them as not worthie to bee regarded yea they shall with violence and rigor beate and bruse them certaine it is that the greater the frailties are the greater care and compassion is to be shewed So that violence rigor are not fit to bee in the shepheards For shall the nurse throw the little infant against the stones or push it forward when it can hardly stand alone Shall the shepheard take his staffe and strike the young and tender Lambes or shall he beate and bruse the weake and feeble sheepe What shall we say are the sheepe of Christ of lesse valew Many of them are weake and feeble in knowledge many of them are but as young babes as touching the spirituall power of sanctification A number of sins doe breake from them Many are wounded in conscience and troubled in spirit here is place for the loue the care the compassiō and labour of Shepheards O ye shepheards of Israel put on this loue and compassion lothe not the sheepe of Christ for these frailties rule them not with violence and crueltie but feed and support and heale them with all meeknes and long suffering Let no peruersnes or iniuries of any of the sheep towards the shepheards breake off the course of this loue and care For if they look vnto this how the sheep despise them how they walke stubbornly against them they shall neuer bee able with patience and meekenes to goe through with the worke If wee thinke it an vnworthie thing or such as doth discharge the shepheard from his tender loue care or that may warrant him to bee rigorous that many of the sheepe do not reuerence him Look vpon Moses and Paul two great notable seruants of God two speciall shepheards of the Lords flocke who is worthie to be compared with them They haue left an example to be followed How great things did Moses for the people And yet how often did they murmur against him and were readie to stone him How many were their rebellions and iniuries done vnto him And yet his loue is not quenched his care doth not faile but his prayer is most earnest vnto God to pardon them he still esteemeth them though not all as the Lords chosen people What can they doe more vnto vs then goe about to stone vs Behold also the exceeding aboundant loue of Paul who wished himselfe accursed from Christ that his kinsemen the Iewes which were obstinate might be saued How much greater was his loue to the faithfull of his kindred And yet could they euen the Church of Ierusalem scarse think any thing well of him al the time that he liued but thought hardly of him though he did neuer so much for them This is gathered by that which he writeth Rom. 15. where he first sheweth that it had pleased them of Macedonia Achaia to giue somwhat to the poore Saints in Ierusalem and that he went with this their beneuolēce to see it deliuered and then he intreated them to be verie earnest in praier to God for him that he might be deliuered from the disobedience of Iudea and that his ministerie towards Ierusalem might be accepted of the Saints It is a marueilous thing to consider that there being so great need in the Church at Ierusalem and that money being so welcome to those which are in penurie he carying so plentifull store yet there needeth earnest prayers that this his seruice might be accepted He had moued the Churches of the Gentiles as appeareth in his second Epistle to the Corinthians to make this liberall contribution He wrought this matter he goeth vp with it so great was his care Yet when he shewethal this loue and diligence towards thē how
great was their misliking of him that he feareth his ministrie would not be acceptable to thē The cause of the misliking Iames doth shew vnto him when he was come vp Act. 21. ver 21. Namely that it was reported hee had taught the Iewes among the Gentiles to depart from Moses and not to circumcise their children Wee see hee loueth them deerely for all this and calleth them saints notwithstanding their great frailtie in this matter the hard opinion they conceiued and held of him so great and so worthie a seruant of the Lord Iesus Christ What a paterne of meekenes fatherly loue is here for all the shepheards of the Lords flocke to follow among the poore feeble and wandring sheepe which doe not so reuerence and regard them as they ought to doe The shepheards as S. Peter requireth must bee examples to the flockes and therefore of all other are to shew meekenes long suffering and that loue which couereth the multitude of sinnes Where the pastors abound in this fatherly loue and doe not fall vpon the fraile sheepe and tender lambes with rigour and violence the blessed vnitie of brethren here praised is chiefly furthered for the building vp of Christs bodie in sanctification is greatly aduanced by the example of the pastors and teachers The multitude are drawne thereby to imbrace and to follow the trueth I doe therefore againe humbly beseech all the pastors and guides of the Lords people to consider of this holy rule and worthie examples and to practise it that the people of the Lord may bee brought into true concorde and brotherly amitie Then lastly it appertaineth also vnto rulers in ciuill matters to maintaine this vnitie according to the trueth They are to minister iustice true iudgement vnto all to punish the euill doers and to cherish maintaine the good Mercie loue is also necesssarily required in them that they may deale euen as fathers when they correct chastise If this be not there will great mischiefes ensue euen to the disturbance of all godly peace and concord for let a ruler a Iudge or a mightie man be void of religiō and withall giuen to anger dealing among the Lords weake and feeble sheepe he will be readie to beate them downe and to crush them in pieces The frailties and sins are many that breake foorth euen from some of Christs sheepe lambes as we see there be the weake the sicke the brused and such as erre the thing is odious in thē because they professe holinesse and therefore cannot in them be borne therefore lift vp your hearts in earnest praier vnto God that he will powre downe the spirit of fatherly loue and mercie vpon rulers and iudges that they may deale in the Lords flocke and towards his poore weak sheep with such regard as that they may answer before Christ Thus if we honour and imbrace the truth if we practise the rules therof euery one performing those duties which the Lord inioyneth the rulers and iudges pastors gouernors in the church as also the priuate persons we shal grow into this holy vnitie which the holy Ghost here praiseth we shall receiue all heauenly gifts and blessings yea euen that great blessing of all blessings the lfie for euermore Grant this vnto vs O Lord for thy deare sonnes sake our redeemer and Sauiour to whom with thee and the holy Ghost three persons one euerlasting God whom we worship be all honour glorie dominion and power for euermore Amen FINIS