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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01490 An apology against the defence of schisme Lately written by an English diuine at Doway, for answere to a letter of a lapsed Catholicke in England his frend: who hauing in the late co[m]mission gone to to [sic] the Church, defended his fall. Wherin is plainly declared, and manifestlye proued, the generall doctrine of the diuines, & of the Church of Christ, which hitherto hath been taught and followed in England, concerning this pointe. Garnet, Henry, 1555-1606. 1593 (1593) STC 11617.2; ESTC S100190 128,732 216

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deceitfull leasinges to salsifye the truth Euen as S. PAVL doth warne A man that is an hereticke after the first and second admonition auoide knowing Tit. 3. that he that is such a one is subuerted sinneth beeing condemned by his owne iudgement All this doth Eusebius * l. 4. c. 13. reporte of these Saintes out of Ireneus so that you haue in one thing the autority of many of Eusebius S. Ireneus S. Policarpus S. PAVL and S. IOHN S. De nis The same rigour we reade to haue bene obserued by S. Dionisius an auncient Bishoppe of Alexandria whose owne wordes Eusebius thus citeth l. 7. c. 6. This Canon and this example did I receaue of our blessed Father Heraclas S. Heraclas For hee cast out of the Church such as had departed from the Church not so yet but that they in corporall presence were partakers of the congregation of the faithfull whā they were accused that they had much conuersed with one of those which defended a contrary doctrine vnto the Church ❧ Finally you know very well that if this were the auncient custome of the Church towards all excommunicate persons 11. q. 3. c. cum excommunicato sequenti preced Chrys ho. 25. in c. 11. ad hebr 1. Cor. 5. In vita S. Anthonies last will which were neither heretickes nor schismatickes according to S. PAVLES doctrine who speaking of all such deuided members commaundeth not to eate with them you may much more know the stricte kinde of bond in auoiding heretickes and schismatickes Which lesson the glorious S. Anthony a most perfect master of all holines and Christian dewty not onely taught by example but leste vnto his schollers for his last will and testament Heare saieth he my children the last will of your Father And presently To the Meletians and Schisinatickes doe you not come neere neither ioine your selues in ' communication with the Arrians ❧ Thus much as in so cleare a case for this first point shall suffice But because I know very well Two kinds of tollerations in cōmunication with heretickes that you will say that this custome is now worne out in the Church of Christ you see not the most zealous Catholicks of all to be so scrupulous in auoiding hereticks ciuill conuersation as these examples doe seeme to require I must necessarily say somewhat of two kind of Tollerations which hath iustly enlarged the auncient seuerity of the Church herein c. quoniam multos 11. q. 3. seq The first is necessity wherby wiues children seruants bondslaues are permitted to communicate in ciuill thinges with those to whom they belong Also trauailers strangers for their necessary helpes might of olde haue ordinary traficke in places of excommunicate persons This tolleration hath a grounde in S. PAVLES doctrine 1. Cor. 5. See Saint Chrisost cited before who to the Corinthians writeth in this manner I wrote vnto you in an epistle not to keepe company with fornicatours I meane not the fornicatours of this world otherwise you should haue gonne out of this world But if he the is named a brother c. ❧ Where he sheweth a certaine necessity of ciuill cōuersation with those which make the wholle community of the place where we abide for otherwise as he saieth wee could not liue in this world For which cause he geueth leaue * c. 10. in the same epistle to go to an Infidells feast So that we may ground this tolleration vppon an euident necessity that whan we liue amongst Infidells onely or for the most parte although they be heretickes and fugitiues from Gods Church yet we may vse such ciuill conuersation with them as shall be necessary vnto vs auoiding alwaies daunger of infection and scandall Thus farre may we bouldly aduenture by the auncient permission of the Church But for the auoiding of many scandals and dangers of soules which might happen and for the comforte of fearefull consciences it hath seemed conuenient vnto the wisdome of the holy ghost to yeelde a farther liberty Mart. 5. Ext. ad euitanda See Nauar. c. 27. n. 35 and euen in the countreis where most be Catholickes to graunt by the speciall permissiō of our holy mother the Church that we may freely in all maner of thinges as well spirituall as temporall communicate with whosoeuer hauing incurred excommunication through some crime so punished by the lawes of the Church are not either specially declared and denounced to be so excommunicate or manifestly and notoriously knowen to be strikers of a Clergy man And although some doe except from this tolleration all manifest excōmunicate persons consequently all manifest hereticks according to the limitation of the Councell of Constance yet hath the custome of the Church a trew interpreter of lawes receiued this decree with this generall enlargement as it was also in the Councell of Basill propounded So that this tolleration must be generally vnderstood that euen with heretickes not by name excommunicate nor notorious strikers of the Clergy we may as well in ciuill as in spirituall thinges cōmunicate Whan I say spirituall things I meane such thinges as belong vnto the spirite of God not the inuentions or society of infernall spirits But what manner of spirituall thinges Caluins misteries are and of the vnderstanding of this kind of tolleratiō See §. 7. enough hath bene said aboue Now must I warne you and whosoeuer shall take the paines to geue the reading vnto this my writing that these Tollerations in two cases cannot be any warrant vnto vs at all No Tolleration in two cases they being in whatsoeuer case indispensable First if we finde such communication to be noisome vnto our soules so that we perceiue our selues to waxe colde in our feruour and Catholicke resolution of perseuering in Christian dewty good life and frequenting of Sacraments for this bond of auoiding spirituall daunger doth bind vs in euery sinne Secondly if there be ioined withall an expresse or virtuall deniall of our faith or contempt of the Church or superstitious behauiour or scandall which in going to heretickes Churches doe alwaies concurre For euen as the aforesaide tolleratiō cannot make but if you in murder thefte fornication Idolatry communicate with heretickes you shall sinne as much as before the Tolleration So is it in this case of going to the Church That therfore which is good you may by the tolleration aforesaid doe with heretickes that which is euill is as vnlawfull as euer before And therfore in vnlawfull matters wee must haue recourse vnto the auncient Apostolicall rule of auoiding most constantly heretickes And especially in their seruice as a thing which can neuer be lawfull For if a man may in putting of his cappe to thē as S. IHON saith in his second epistle cōmunicate to their wicked works because he may geue thē countenance encouragement to prosecute the same how much more shal he do the like in the very toppe of their
vtter defiance with Schisme and Heresie Lett all the worlde vnderstand that in the least dangerouse pointe you will take the secure part and no way shrinke from your duety towards God than shall you certainly auoide the diuerse snares of conscience with which you may otherwise be entangled and perhaps be left in more setled quiet in the world which ordinarily molesteth them moste which most seeke to flatter it This assure your selfe of that as you cannot too soone flye from places suspected of pestilence So cannot you be too curiouse of shūning whatsoeuer hath the least sauour of schisme and heresie And least you may for want of a right persuasion of your duety doe amisse compare alwaie the case of going to the Church A rule to know how farre we may go in this pointe vnto the receuing the cōmunion and doing facrifice or being present at sacrifice vnto Idolls And what you may doe or say you haue donne or will doe or what you may dissemble in one you may in the other For I will shew hereafter that although there be degrees amongst them yet there is sinne committed in them all alike §. 18. Hauing than hitherto declared our full meaning in this question and whome we exclude or include therin Let vs beginne to handle the matter scholastically as I said before as for fruitfull examples of auncient ages and pithy sentences of the doctours of the Church and deuout conceites and exhortations vnto that which is necessary in so weighty a pointe of Christian religion I leaue thē vnto the three bookes The booke of Schisme which learnedly deuoutly and largly intreate therof in our owne tongue My purpose is onely to presse you with sound argumentes and so to inclose you within the bandes of most firme reason The reasons of refufall that you shall neither escape my handes nor being once in them be wrested from me We must therfore out of the sure and stedfast groundes of sound Diuinity The cololatory letter proue that the vsuall going vnto the Church with heretickes in England is altogithtr of it selfe vnlawfull hauing annexed vnto it as signification of false religion a denaill contempt dishonour and preiudice of the truth which doe geue the forme and nature vnto such going and so make it that by to accident or circumstance in the world it may be iustified This will we deduce out of the nature and quality of fiue principall vertues necessarily appertaining vnto Christian duety §. 19. Euery Christian is bound to professe his faith at some times The first of these vertues is an exteriour confession of faith to which euery Chrstian is bound in two fortes For first there is an affirmatiue precept which commandeth vs to confesse our faith and shew outwardly that which we beleeue and to this are we bound sometimes in respecte of other vertues sometimes in respect of faith it selfe In respect of other vertues as of religion which is a vertue to which it belongeth to yeeld honour vnto God not onely with the mind esteeming him our cheife Lorde and finall end Damasc l. 4. c. 13. and submitting our selues vnto him as the soueraigne ruler of our soules but also with our body* and exteriour actions wheras wee consist as well of bodye as of soule exhibiting vnto him outward reuerence in praier thanksgeuing sacraments and ceremonies of religion Which exteriour actions alwaies being a profession of faith it is a cleare case that sometimes in respect of religion we are bound to this exteriour acte of faith which we call confession of faith And this bond in respect of religion taketh place so ofte as the holy Church bindeth vs vnto any acte of religion as of hearing Masse confession receiuing baptisme extreeme vnction or other such like or when there may happen any necessity either of our neighbour or of our selues or of the honor of God or singuler cōmon profit To this confession we are also bound sometimes in respect of charity to wardes our neighbour A man is bound to professe his faith for the charity towardes his neighbour As whan this is a necessary remedy to hinder the peruersion of others in faith and religion or any great scandall in this behalfe As we reade of diuerse Saintes who seing Christians in torments ready to relent comforting them with holsome and necessary counsell haue them selues confessed their owne faith and togither with charity towardes their neighbour shewed their faith towardes God for wihch they haue bene rewarded euen with Martyrdome Christening of children a great bond And here can I not conceale a thing as necessary for the good of my countrey as any other thing without which we cannot be saued It happeneth not seldome that in childbirth the litle Infant is in manifest danger of death The midwife and others assisting either for ignorance malice or for feare of the instrumentes * Commōly against the 9. Iniunctions such are now troubled by the spiritualty of the Diuell which seeketh to take away that onely remedy of saluation which our poore most miserable countrey hath retained doth not care to Christen the same Now whatsoeuer other man or woeman there present yea the * 30. q. 1. c. Ad limina father or mother in such necessity is bound although manifest death woulde ensew vnder paine of mortall sinne that is of eternall damnation if they repent not to Christen or cause to be christened the aforesaide Infant wher by it happeneth that in such fact they consesse this most certaine point of Catholicke verety that no Infant can be saued without Baptisme And in this bond are included schismatikes heretickes themselues who hauing this beliefe are also bound to shew the same in like necessities Some other may be bound hereunto by reason of Iusticke as those which are by office appointed to teach others For such are bound euen with perill of their owne death to instruct theire flocke so therwithall vttering their owne beliefe But in respect of the very vertue of Faith it selfe this outward confession is necessary first Whan is a man ordinarily bound to shew his faith whan any man by concealing and not confessing his faith should be thought to deny the same Secondly in Baptisme where an open profession therof is made Thirdly when generally the faith were in greate hazard or perill of subuersion Saint THOMAS intreating of this matter geueth this rule of the obligation of this precept saying 2.2 q. 3. ar a That a man is bound vnto the exteriour confession of his faith when by the omission therof there shold be withdrawen dew honour from God or profitt to our neighbour as saith he if any man being demaunded of his saith shoulde holde his peace and therby it should be thought either that he had not faith or that the Catholicke faith were not trew or others by his silence should be auerted from the faith for in such cases the consession of our faith