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A96976 Meditations upon the marks of the true Church of Christ: or, Motives of credibility in behalf of the true religion: and, the easiest way to finde it out. / By H.W. H. W.; Wilkinson, Henry, 1610-1675, 1655 (1655) Wing W36A; Thomason E1666_1; ESTC R208388 95,687 283

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say it is so but other Sectaries deprive it not of comely ornaments onely but even requisites and have lest in it nothing but one Sacrament to wit baptisme for their other things is but bare Bread and Wine and that now omitted and abused by many no form of Worship but some one of their ill translated Psalms and that not used by all and Preaching common to all sorts and even Sexes of People Secondly they teach things which are plainly paradoxical and asystata things not onely repugnant to most clear texts of Scripture but quite destructive of good Works and by consequence of the means for salvation for by their private spirit and each mans own interpretation of scripture they measure and square out the whole busines of Faith and Religion in this if they erre and how can they be free from errours they not onely run hazard of but plainly incur damnation for he that will not believe shall be condemned Amay with this pernicious and presumptuous tenent let the Church be your guide hear Her Shee 's exposed to no illusions of self-conceipt or of the wicked spirits whose transfiguring themselves into angels of light she can discover you cannot They deny also that man can merit by his good Works a tenent evidently contrary to all places of scripture in which the word reward is extant for merit and reward are correlatives they inferre one another to say that Christ amongst the other things he merited merited also this that mans good works done in relation to hi● passion and in vertue of it should be meritorious does not this more extoll Christs merits and magnifie them more than the negative opinion does many stupendious benefits favors and means for mans salvation Christ our Savior merited amongst the rest this They deny Free will at least to do good in man O imposture What 's this but a cloak for malice an occasion if not invitation allurement to sin and a stumbling block laid in the way for all to break their necks over this was a trick of Luthers and Calvins devising who after they had shamefully fallen into some enormous sins of the fltsh as they did began to broach this doctrine conformable to the lives they had begun and intended to lead thereby to save themselves from the indeleable stain of sacriledge Apostacy and infamy and because companions contribute to lessen the miseries of disgrace and dishonour by how many the more there be that participate of them therefore they indeavoured by this hellish herefie to inveagle others to adhere to them Many of them hold that the Commandements of God cannot possibly be kept O blasphemy What 's this but to impeach the divine Majesty of tyranny Can that goodnesse that infinite wise legislator impose laws under pain of damnations which are impossible to be kept stand astonisbed you heavens at this And to omlt other their assertions dishonourable to Christian Religion they hold that an act of Faith alone works that great work of mans justification that great change which the Prophet David cals the work of the right hand of him that is on high of a soul transferred from the state of being found guilty of mortal fin and by it of eternal punishment to the state of grace divine adoption and right to the eternal inheritance of the kingdom of heaven to attribute this stupendious effect to one act of faith alone as the cause either efficient or formall of it is an incredible paradox yea an impossibility besides the bad sequels which thence result that by which a man is formally justified is justice intrinsecally inherent in the soul to wit sanctifying grace and this is bestowed upon him for Christs justice to wit his merits nor can Faith alone be the efficient cause of mans justification or sanctification it is indeed a disposition but so is fear penance hopes and an act of the love of God by which act the soul is much more unired to God than by an act of Faith of mans justification therefore the efficient cause is God the formall cause divine grace and the meritory cause is Christ to wit by his merits and passion The bad sequels are many which that opinion of faith alone justifying brings first it hinders the exercise of many other vertues much recommended unto us in the holy Scripture as filiall fear offending God sorrow for having offended him and good purposes of amendment secondly it is a great let and impediment to good Works and the study of vertue for if I can be satisfied and consequently saved by producing one act of Faith only what need is there of spending my time and taking pains to pray fast watch do penance give alms What need you take pains about self-denyal carrying my Crosse and following my Saviour by imitating his vertues the three things he recommends unto us the practice of which since that opinion hinders it who does not see how pernicious it is thirdly it lays open a wide gate for all licenciousnesse sin and wickednesse for if with an act of faith onely you can repair and redress all the misery which sin brings to my soul why should I not feed all my senses with their delightfull objects follow the instinct of my flesh give the bridle to my passions and sacrifice my time my body my thoughts and my endeavours wholly to sensuality Ah deer Redeemer Now I see the reason of that your pitifull complaint Supra dorsum meum fabricaverunt peccatores upon my back sinners have built I see who they are that insteed of carrying their crosses after you and in imitation of you build upon your back and lay not onely all their obligations to Christian duties upon your sacred shoulders by omitting them but heap sin upon sin by offending more freely and lay these upon you also For what do they else who under pretence of magnifying your merits deny all merits of mans best works by denying Freewill to do good do no good by extolling the ability of Faith alone give occasion of remisnesse in vertue of falling into vice and of making shipwrack of all true faith The fourth point Consider now in order to a rectifying of thy judgement in matter of belief and for the better managing of thy life what may be inferred out of the precedent points and amongst other things first some peculiar differences betwixt the Doctrine of Romane Catholicks and that of Sectaries the one is most conformable to the holy Scriptures and our Saviours doctrine and example the other is contrary to these the ones Doctrine favours and honours the church of Christ by teaching that which is most beseeming almighty God and it the other by attributing all to an act of faith makes the Church an imperfect yea a needlesse thing for all the other priviledges and proprieties of it as also the means it hath conducing to salvation are superfluous if an act onely of faith will do all The one teacheth to
fulfill both parts of Christian duty decline from evil and do good and prescribes the means the other gives occasion to sinne freely and puts a barre against vertue the one hath a pleasant taste at first and seemingly rellisheth well but in the operation proves rank poyson to the soul the other seems harsh and hath somewhat of the bitter in it but in effect it proves a true cordiall the teachers of the one are those of whom our Saviour bids us beware that come in the sheeps cloathing of soft indulgent and condescending Doctrine but the effects of it proves them to be interiourly ravenous wolves the others are like good shepherds who restrain yet feed their sheep and govern them well In fine the one doctrine leads to the narrow way and strait gate which leads to life the other points out the broad way and wide gate which leads to perdition Inferre secondly that since these tenents of Sectaries make many become Sensualists and Syren-like have a sweet sound pleasing to the ear yet destroy and kill those therefore that desire to escape all danger must imitate Ulisses whose companions being inveigled by the charms of Circe were metamorphosed into Hogs an excellent Hieroglyphick of some Sects and the effects they produce but Ulisses himself by stopping his ears miss'd the hearing of her bewitching voyce and by that means got safe away If you shun not the occasions of hearing bad language and dangerous Doctrine Saint James his words He that loves danger shall perish therein will be verified in you Where your eternal interest is concern'd seek the greatest security and adhere to that Doctrine which most favours fanctity which the more you shall love the more shall you resemble the holy of holies Christ himself The eighth Meditation Of the Conversion of Nations by the efficacy of Doctrine The first Point COnsider first how that the great Commander of the world in chief Christ Jesus resolving to reduce into that one Kingdome of his Church all those Nations which the rebellious Princes of darknes had kept enthral'd in the slavery of infidelity for the effecting of this great designe first made choice of twelve men which he called his Apostles who were to be seconded by new supplies from time to time till that great conquest were finished the arms because the war was a spirituall one in which souls were more looked after and esteemed a greater booty than bodies were to be such as that noble Champion Saint Paul gives us a list of to wit Verity for the sword belt or scarfe the breast plate justice the shield of faith the helmet of salvation and the sword was to be the word of God this he calls the Armour of God This word was the sword which was to doe the deed Of this the same Saint Paul said that the word of God was Efficacious and more penetrating than any two edged sword and of it our Saviour meant when he said I will give you a mouth and Wisdome against which all your adversaries shall not be able to resist And he expressed their Commission in these words Goe teach all Nations baptizing them Consider secondly what may be hence infer'd as undenyable First that efficacy of Doctrine and the conversion of souls thereby is a signe and mark of Christs true Church for at this aimed king David when he said that the Law of the Lord was not only immaculate but converting soules Secondly that that Church was and is the true Church of Christ which hath in all ages and doth still prosecute the same work of converting soules The second Point Consider now the efficacy of the Roman Catholick doctrine And first a priori as from the cause Mans intellective faculty aimes at truth and seeks to perfect it selfe in the knowledge thereof as being it 's naturall object and for the rationall appetite the will good is that which it hunts after Now certaine it is that the Church of Rome teacheth the most noble and sublime things that can be studyed or conceived Such are the nature of the Divine effence and its perfections the eternall beatitude of man and the most comfortable and efficacious means to obtaine it and how to remove the letts and impediments to the purchase of it Add to these the excellency of Christs Church and its holy Sacraments and Sacrifice together with the doctrine contained in the Second point of the former meditation And as for the verity of this Catholick doctrine it is grounded upon the greatest authority that can be exacted yea or wished for to wit the veracity of God and the testimony of that Church which undoubtedly deserves more credite than any single person or particular Sect in the world that is the Church of the Roman Catholicks dispersed over all the world Now these things so great and so beneficial to mans soul established also by so unquestionable authority how can they but move the will that is the rational appetite of man the sensitive indeed a thing not more excellent in man than in bruits finds the effects of Luther and Calvin's doctrine more agreeable to it but speaking of the soul as rational in loves that which is truly good Quid enim fortius desiderat anima quam veritatem As truly said Saint Austin Tract 26. in Joan. Consider secondly the efficacy of this doctrine à posteriori or from its effects the forcible attractivenesse of this converted all that have been converted after the successefull labours of the Apostles and Disciples of Christ other Apostolicall men put for ward the work and amongst the first was holy Pantenus who converted many Indians soon after which the Scythians Dacians Nemians and Morines of which Paulinus writeth were brought into the Church as also the Armenians and Hurmes as Saint Hierom recounteth In the fifth Age the Scots were converted by Saint Palladius a man born in Rome and sent from Rome by Pope Celestine into Scotland to preach the Faith of Christ to that Nation This is recorded by Prosper Bede and Baronius soon after Saint Remigius and Saint Vaus authorized both by the same power of the Bishop of Rome brought the French Nation to embrace the Catholick Faith at which time Clodoveus their King received the first tincture of Christianity by being baprized by Saint Remigius As for our own Nation England whose the conversions patently convince these late Sects of Novelty and falshood the first time of its being enlightned by Christs Gospel was in the Apostles time the second illustration of it was when Pope Eleutherius sent the men of God Fugatius and Damianas thither who baptized King Lucius and converted his Subjects And thirdly it was totally converted by whom By St. Austin and his companions Justus Mellitus Laurence and others Whence they From Rome By whose order Saint Gregories the Pope And here is matter for amazement when a man reflects how ungratfully our English off-spring like an unnatural brood defiles the Nest
other sorts of people so have they most excellent instructions given them by holy and learned men 4. Fasting so much commended and extolled by holy scripture in the lovers of it how can it but be very conducing to vertue since it weakens vertues adversaries the rebellion of the Flesh inordinate passions and the malignant humours both of body and soul so much as experience teaches the Roman Catholicks surpasse all others in this 5. Another great advantage they have above all others and that is the direction of their spiritual Pastors and Ghostly Fathers upon whom as there is a most strict charge laid that they have care of their spirituall children so they discharge that duty most exactly 6. The Doctrine they teach especially that of good Works Works of Supererogation Penance and Satisfaction is a great spurre and mover to perfection 7. To omit other instrumental causes of vertue and devotion that admirable and plainly divine invention and institution of Religious Orders differing one from another in their manner of living but most unanimous in beliving is plainly an admirable means to get vertue by yea that state of life is properly the schoole of perfection it self and by these you see how abundantly the Roman Catholicks are supplied with means for attaining to sanctity to these also may be added other particular helps mentioned in the second point of the first Meditation Consider secondly how Catholicks correspond with these great helps they have for the expulsion of Vice and purchase of Vertue The Church commands each one that 's come to the years of discretion to approach once a year to the holy Communion but commends a more frequent accesse What do they do hundreds in every great Town yea thousands in some repaire not once a year but once every week to that divine banquet they are commanded to confesse their sins to the Priests whose power to forgive sins was most assuredly given by Christ in these expresse and clear words Whose soever sins ye remit are remitted unto them Once a year yet thousands of them go to that Sacrament once every week They are commanded to be present at holy Masse every Sunday and Holyday yet besides these dayes thousands of them in every great Town perform that act of Religion every day is not this a true compliance with the forementioned means Are not these works of Supererogation a fair way to perfection These instances alone argue how much these people are addicted to prayer what good they get by their spirituall directors and how they fulfill that doctrine of good Works As for Fasting that soveraigne antidote against the sins of the Flesh Roman Catholicks are admired by all Sectaries for this as for upright dealing in civill contracts they have the repute of being generally the left injurious or unjust nor does any sort of peoples word go further than theirs even in treating with those who are averse from their opinions And truly to see so many of them families of great worth in this our Nation live so contentedly amongst the ruines of their great Fortunes which they might have kept intire in great part by once going with those of a different Religion to Church or swallowing over that one Oath yet would not this must needs argue a great fidelity to their religious Principles and a great esteem of vertue and piety in them as for these holy inhabitants of religious Monasteries they live as if they would win heaven which suffers force even by very violence such is their study of persection so intense their prayers so protracted their fastings so long their watchings so continual their study of self denial carrying their crosses and following their Saviour the things so much recommended by him to all by an exact imitation of heroicall vertues Who now can deny but the Roman Catholicks take to heart the study of perfection and that science of the Saints which is sanctity Compare these and Sectaries together and see what sequels follow Consider thirdly the number of their Saints behold a short Catalogue of some few of them in every Age besides the Apostles Disciples and others these following lived in the first Age Saint Dennis Linus Cletus Clement Martialis Thecla and others 2. Ignatius Policarp Justine Vincent Irenaeus Eleutherius Lucius Felicitas 3. Tiburtius Valerianus Cecily Barbara Agnes Agatha Laurence Xirtus George S. Gregory Thaum 4. Nicholas Antony Hilarion Hellen Athanasius Hilary Basil Gregory Naz. Hierom Ambrose Epiphanius 5. Chrysostome Augustine Paulinus Alexius Vrsula Lutrick Leo Germanus Simeon Stelites 6. Columbe Columbane Genovesa Siverius Leonard Leander Hermingildus Gregory the great 7. Isidore Aidan Edwin Oswald Cuthbert Theodore Benedict Ebbe Cesarius Lambert Eugenius 8. Bede S. John Damascen Germanus Cuthlack Grimwald Hubert 9. Sabinus Geroldus Ludgerus Rumoldus Nicetas Rembertus Swithin 10. Wenceslaus Dunstan Bruno Odocluniacensis Romaldus Elphegus Guibert 11. Henry the Emperour Edward Conf. Lanfrank Anselme Stanislaus Ivo Bruno Carthusianus Robert 12. Malachy Bernard William Norbert S. Thomas of Canterbury S. Hugh Bishop of Lincolne 13. Dominick Francis Mary Ognes Thomas Aquinas Bonaventure Gertrude 14. Roche Christina Sumlensis Gertrude ab Oesten Catharine of Sienna 15. Bernardinus senensis Viucentius Laurence Justinian Antoninus Colecta Francis of Paula Ignatius Loyola Francis Xaverius Philip Nereus Teresa Carolus Borom To these many thousands more might be added yea the English Martyrologe alone affords us Saints of our own Country for every day in the year Now that these were Saints and also Roman Catholicks it is evident First because all the whole Roman Church not any one expressing in the least the contrary acknowledgeth them for such and upon that score honoureth them Secondly because their written lives and Ecclesiasticall History do evidently evince the same Thirdly the practice of their lives and their opinions demonstrate that they were Roman Catholicks for they all honoured and obeyed the Pope as supream head of the Church next after Christ they practised Invocation of Saints Prayer for the faithfull departed saying or hearing holy Masse Priestly power to remit sins and other tenents now held by Roman Catholicks yea their very enemies the Magdeburgian Centurists acknowledge many of them for Saints even of the latest of them as S. Bernard S. Malachy S. Dominick S. Francis and others and grant that they held these foresaid opinions The third Point Consider now the state and condition of other Sectaries in point of sanctity First they have no means to acquire it whilest they remain as they are They deny that Priests have power to forgive sins and consequently make no use of that Sacrament their Communion they grant is but bare bread and consequently it cannot sanctifie them for publick worship there is none now in any sect in England a Psalm is all that is now extant of publick service amongst them and that rejected by most and for private prayer certainly they spend little time in it at least they do nothing that 's comparable to what the
honour of both and greater expressions of divine perfections than the adversary opinions are Is it not better to have more means for obtaining divine grace and consequently more Sacraments the instrumentall causes of it than fewer to receive the real body blood of Christ is not that a more noble memorial of Christs a thing more beneficiall to man and more honourable to God than a bit of Bread onely and a sup of Wine Is it not farre more beneficial for frail and sinfull men that Christ give Priests power to remit and forgive them their sins than otherwise that the Church of Christ be conspicuous and visible in all Ages that it be liable to no defectibility or fallibility that it have easie and accessible means for the decision of Controversies that some stately and majesticall form of worship be exhibited to the divine Majesty as also that a sacrifice of some rare thing such as is the precious body blood of Christ be offered daily to that infinite deity that there be an Ecclesiastical Hierarchy ascending by different degrees up till it come to one supream head to whom all are to yeeld obedience do not these make more for the Churches perfection Gods honour and glory than the contrary Frame to thy self a lively Idea of the congruity of these particulars with Gods and his Churches greater honour look upon these instances with a judicious eye and conclude that in case it were doubtfull whether the affirmative or negative opinion were truer in these points yet since one of the two must be embraced choose that which is most conducing to the honour of God and his Church The second consideration is that the opinions of the Roman Catholicks these in particular now urged and others which will be mentioned hereafter are more suitable and consonant to the holy scriptures than their contradictories are For the better intelligence of which observe these two rules whereof the first is clear places of scripture must be preferred in point of proof before hard and obscure ones the other is many texts of Scripture must be a greater argument than fewer caeteris paribus these two rules can be rejected by none but such as conscious of their own unjust plea will come to no try all at all Now conformably to these rules it is apparently evident that Roman Catholicks bring more and clearer places out of the scriptures to establish the truth of the forementioned opinions and others which they hold than their adversaries can possibly bring to the contrary Read any Catholick book of Controversie and you will see the truth of what is here affirmed and by the way note also how this consideration strengthens and fortifies the truth of the former The third consideration is that the tenents of Roman Catholicks are more conducing to the security of mens salvation than the Negative opinions are in this corruption of humane nature vitiated by that Original sin of our protoparent Adam the flesh wages war continually against the spirit and the inferiour against the superiour portion of the soul and the issue of the war would be the undoing of the nobler part unlesse it had continuall recruits and supplyes both of auxiliary forces from heaven and made use also of Fasting Watching and self-denial and other asperities and mortifications for these are the ordinary arms with which the rebellious passions vicious inclinations must be curb'd these are the things so much recomended in the scriptures both Propheticall and Apostolicall these are the things recommended unto us all by Christ himself when he bid us deny our selves take up our crosses follow him as also when he bid us go in the narrow way and enter in at the strait gate Now this is the very doctrine of Roman Catholicks and only of them They both in their Pulpits and with their pennes inculcate these vertues continually witnesse the many rare Treatises written by their Priests upon that subject as also of the angelical vertue Chastity and of the Sacrament of Confession which is accompanied with the exercise of most virtuous acts of Contrition Penance purposes of emendation of satisfying for injuries done and removing the occasions of relapses all which vertues as they are contrary to self-ease the wild liberty of flesh and blood so they keep off sin secure salvation so much the more and thus you see how their doctrine teaches to decline from evill by the aforesaid means as for doing good which is the second part of the works of Christian duty it is most certain that their doctrine favours this and leads to this most effectually for they teach that the commandements of God may be kept and that the difficulty of observing them is not insuperable They teach that man hath a free liberty of will not onely to doe evill but good also They teach that mans works done in vertue of Christs merits and united with them may be good and meritory of an increase of grace and glory These opinions cannot but animate a man towards the keeping of divine precepts and doing all the good he can and consequently bring a greater security of salvation Which if thou takest to heart truly thou must like love and embrace this doctrine The third Point Consider now whether or no the doctrine of other Sectaries now swarming in England be holy and wholsome and how helpfull it is to the saving of soules this will appear by a short survey made of those particulars which are commonly held by them all first behold what a pitiful poor and naked thing they make the Church of Christ by w ch Church is here meant not this or that Church which either Roman Catholicks or other Sects call Christs Church and theirs but prescinding from controversie about whose or where it is we mean the Church of Christ secundum se and which all Sects must grant Christ hath upon earth this they devest of all the ornaments which become it and the founder of it They deny it to be of infallible authority and say it can and hath erred they will not admit it to be the judge of Controversies nay nor to have been in all ages visible they deny that Priests have power to remit sins which is contrary to the expresse words of Christ and contrary to the Book of Common Prayer and they averre that Christ hath not left his real and true body and blood to be received by Christians nor that there is in the Church any true proper or propitiatory sacrifice and since sacrifice is so great an act of Religion as it is by depriving the Church of Christ of this they undervalue the Church and monarchicall government which even Aristotle a heathen could define to be the best for keeping of order they deny Christs Church a man would think that God who does all things in number weight and measure should have made the Church a master-piece of his wisdome power and goodnesse the Roman Catholicks indeed