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duty_n christian_a church_n religion_n 1,340 5 5.5492 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04459 An apologie or answere in defence of the Churche of Englande with a briefe and plaine declaration of the true religion professed and vsed in the same.; Apologia Ecclesiae Anglicanae. English Jewel, John, 1522-1571.; Bacon, Anne Cooke, Lady, 1528?-1610.; Parker, Matthew, 1504-1575. 1564 (1564) STC 14591; ESTC S101072 92,781 278

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sit at home and leaue our whole cause to Gode then to iorney thither whereas wee neyther shall haue place nor bee able to dooe anye good whereas wee can obtaine no audience whereas Princes Embassadours be but used as mockyng stockes and whereas also all wee be condemned alredy before trial as though y e matter were a forhād dispatched and agreed vpon Neuertheles we can beare pacientlye quyetely our owne priuate wronges but wherfore do they shut out Christian kynges and good Princes from their Conuocation why do they so vncourteously or with such spite leaue thē out as though they were not either Christen menne or els could not iudge will not haue them made acquaynted with the cause of Christian Religion nor vnderstand y e state of their own Churches Or yf the sayd kynges Princes happen to entermedly in suche matters and take vpon them to do that they may do that they be commaunded to doe and ought of duty to do the same thinges that we know both Dauid and Salomon and other good Princes haue don that is yf they whiles the Pope and his Prelates slugge and sleepe or els mischevouslye withstande them doe bridle the Preistes sensualitie and driue them to do their dewty and kepe them still to yt yf they do ouerthrow Idols yf they take away superstition and set vp again the true worshiping of God whye do they by and by make an out crye vpon them that suche Princes trouble all and presse by violence into an other bodyes office and do therby wickedly and malepartly What scripture hath at any time forbidden a Christiā Prince to be made priuey to such causes Who but themselues alone made euer any suche lawe They will saye to this I gesse Ciuell Princes haue learned to gouerne a common welth and to ordre matters of warre but they vnderstande not the secret mysteries of Religion Yf that be so what is the Pope I praye you at this day other thē a Monarche or a Prince or what ●e the Cardinals who must be no nother now a days but Princes and kyngs sonnes What els be y e Patriarches and for the most part the Archebysshops the Byshops y e Abbots what be they els at this present in y e Popes kingdome but worlikely Princes but Dukes and Earles gorgiously accompanied w t bandes of men whither soeuer they go Oftentimes also gaylye arayed wyth theynes collers of golde They haue at times to certeine ornamētes by them selfes as Crosses pillers hattes miters and Palles which pompe the auncient Bysshops Chrysostom Augustine and Ambrose neuer had Setting these thinges aside what teache they what say they what doe they how lyue they I saye not as maye become a Byshopp but as may become euen a Christian man Is it so great a mater to haue a vaine title and by chaunging a garment onely to haue the name of a Byshop Surely to haue the principall staye effecte of all maters commited wholy to these mennes hands who neyther know nor will know these thinges nor yet set a iote by any poinct of Religion saue y t which concernes their belly and Ryot to haue them alone sit as Iudges and to be set vp as ouerseers in y e watch tower being no better then blynd spyes of the other side to haue a Christian Prince of good vnderstanding and of a right iudgement to stande still like a blocke or a stake not to be suffred nother to giue his voice nor to shewe his iudgement but onely to wayt what these men shall well and commaund as one whiche had neyther eares nor eyes nor wytt nor hearte and whatsoeuer they giue in charge to alowe it without exception blindly fulfilling their commaundementes be they neuer so blasphemous and wicked yea although they commaunde him quite to destroye all Religion to crucifie again Christ him selfe This surely besides that it is proud and spitefull ys also beyond all right and reason and not to be endured of Christiā and wyse Princes Why I praye you may Cayphas and Annas vnderstand these matters and may not Dauid and Ezechias do the same Is it laufull for a Cardinall being a man of warre and delightius in bloud to haue place in a Councell is it not lauful for a Christian Emperour or a kynge wee truely graunt no further libertie to our Magistrates then that we know hath both ben giuen thē by the word of God and also confirmed by the exāples of the very best gouerned cōmon welthes For besids that a Christian Prince hath the charge of both Tables cōmited to him by God to thende he maye vnderstande that not temporall matters only but also Religious ecclesiasticall causes pertaine to his Office Besides also that God by his Prophettes often and earnestly cōmaundeth the king to cut down the groues to breake downe the Images and aultres of Idoles and to write out the boke of y e law for him selfe and besides that the prophet Esaias saith a kyng ought to be a patrone and nurse of the Churche I saye besides all these thinges we se by histories and by examples of the best tunes that good Princes euer tooke thadministration of ecclesiastical matters to partain to their duety Moses a Ciuile Magistrat chief guide of the people both receiued from God deliuered to y e People al the order for religion and Sacrifices and gaue Aaron the Byshop a vehemēt and so are rebuke for making the golden calfe and for suffering the corruption of Religion Iosua also though he were no nother then a Ciuil Magistrat yet assone as he was chosen by God and set as a Ruler ouer the people he receiued cōmaundements specially touching Religion and the seruice of God Kynge Dauid when the whole religiō was altogethers brought out of frame by wycked kyng Saul brought home againe the Arke of God that is to say he restored Religiō again and was not onely amongest them him selfe as a counseller and furtherer of the worke but he appoincted also hymnes and Psalmes put in order the companies and was the only doer in setting furth that whole solemne shewe and in effect ruled the preistes Kyng Salomō builte vnto the Lord the Temple which his Father Dauid had but purposed in his minde to do after the finishing ther of he made a goodly oration to the people concerning Religion and the seruice of God he afterward displaced Abiathar the Preist and set Sadock in his place After this when the Tēple of God was in shameful wyse polluted thorough the uaughtines and negligēce of the preists Kyng Ezechias commaunded the same to be clensed from the ruble and filthe y e preistes to light vp candelles to burne Incense and to do their diuine seruice according to the olde allowed custome The same kyng also commaunded the brasen Serpent whiche then the people wickedly worshipped to be taken down and beatē to pouder Kyng Iehosaphat ouerthrew