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A26759 The utter routing of the whole army of all the Independents and Sectaries, with the totall overthrow of their hierarchy ..., or, Independency not Gods ordinance in which all the frontires of the Presbytery ... are defended ... / by John Bastvvick, captain in the Presbyterian army. Bastwick, John, 1593-1654. 1646 (1646) Wing B1072; ESTC R10739 685,011 796

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into the true Religion and forces them by stripes and corporall punishments to imbrace it which is recorded to his immortall praise and for all Christian Magistrates imitation so that he abhorred the toleration of all Rel gions and as David would not suffer a Lyar in his house so good Nehemiah would not suffer any of a contrary Religion to be under his government hee had learned this Lesson from God himselfe Deut. 4. and Deut. 6 and Deut. 11. Deut. 13. c. This renowned Governour and Magistrate was not affraid to constraine them to doe that which was for the glory of God and according to his will and for the good of their owne soules and for the good of the whole Land and the safety and peace of them all and yet I beleeve Nehemiah knew as well what belonged unto tender consciences as any Independents now living and hee understanding that the heart of man was deceitfull above all things and desperately wicked Jer. 17. v. 9. that conscience being but a branch springing from that deceitfull and desperately wicked root knew also that there could be nothing in it but evill that continually and therefore tooke that liberty upon him to constraine their wicked consciences to conforme to the commandements of God and to submit themselves to his most holy Lawes and Statutes and to that way of worship God had injoyned his people which is the duty of all Parents and Magistrates who by Gods command and this example of good Nehemiah's may at any time use the rod of correction and by it make rebellious and stubborne children and people conforme themselves to the commandements of the Lord and to his true worship and this duty they are bound unto by the Law of God if they urge them to nothing but what God hath declared to be his will in his blessed Word And truly it is not to be passed over without serious taking notice of it how zealous this good Nehemiah was against all sinne and false worship and how adverse hee was to a toleration of all religions under his government for hearing them speake but the language of Ashdod hee by and by reviled them and fell about their eares and forthwith constrained them and that by stripes to embrace the true worship of God But if this good Nehemiah were now living here amongst us and should heare not onely the language of Ashdod but the language of hell out of every mouth and see the abominable practises of the Sectaries of our times and should heare their hellish and blasphemous and hereticall doctrines of denying the Trinity and the Deity of Christ and slighting the holy Scriptures and many such desperate doctrines how may wee thinke would his righteous soule be troubled with it and how would hee bestirre him in cudgelling these fellowes into the true Religion and making of them serve God according to his own appointment and not after their own fantasies as they all now doe without all controversie good Nehemiah would baste them to the purpose and all such as should side with them and especially hee would belabour all such well as should write bookes in defence of such and should call them Saints and their damnable blasphemies the infirmities of the Saints I say I am most confident that were good Nehemiah in our times and had hee that authority hee had then in Ierusalem hee would baste them all to some purpose and make and force them by cudgelling of them to be conformable to wholesome words and I am most assured he would pull off Cretensis his blew beard qui ne pilum boni viri habet and knock him soundly about his hairy scalp And St. Quarter-man also he would have some good slaps as he deservs over his great pate all the rest of these hereticall dangerous Sectaries would by him be constrained with beatings to yeeld obedience to the authority of Gods word and hee would make them know themselves and this indeed is the duty and place of all Magistrates and Parents and Masters of Families neither to suffer or tolerate such fellows in their houses nor Countries for this would but bring judgements upon the land much more ought every man to detest all such as should labour to bring in a toleration of all Religions when we see what misery came upon all Israel by Solomons toleration of them there But the Independents say there is no presidents of any corporall punishment layd upon any under the New Testament for matter of Religion that Magistrates should follow but I conceive the example of our Saviour may suffice for their imitation Who Joh. 2. whipped the buyers and sellers out of the Temple for merchandizing there and therefore laid corporall punishments upon them And truly if the Magistrates now should whip all the buyers and sellers of their new and blasphemous doctrines out of their severall new Temples and Churches I am confident it would be very pleasing unto God and Christs example would justifie and hold them out in this their so doing for who can they better imitate then the King of his Church Yea we see corporall punishment threatned against the Church of Pergamos and Thyatira c. and afterwards inflicted upon them by God himself for suffering those false Prophets and Teachers amongst them Yea we see Act. 13. that Bariesus for but labouring to hinder the Proconsull from hearing the Gospell was by Paul strucken with blindnesse for it by God himselfe to teach all Magistrates that those deserve punishment that hinder the preaching of the faith but much more those that corrupt it ought to be punished And we have another example of corporall punishment for when there was no Magistrate to punish those exorcists those sonns of Sceva the Lord suffered the devill which could not enter into a swine without his permission to be his executioner and to lay corporall punishment upon them for abusing his name and his authority All which may teach all men how much God is displeased with all such as corrupt his worship and service and would bring in a toleratiou of all Religions and may serve to instruct all Magistrates in their duty for the punishing of all false and herericall Teachers and Seducers And truly if ever there were a time that called for an establishment of one Religion and a setled Government with Uniformity in a Church and State and a Suppression of all Heresies Sects and Factions from the Magistrates hand and a punishing of all false Teachers now it is when by the sad effects already of divisions and variety of opinions we may well perceive what ruine will come upon the three Kingdomes if there be a toleration of all Religions granted for divisions and factions especially in Religion have been fatall to Kingdomes and Commonwealth in all ages as the holy Scriptures and all Histories relate The consideration of which makes me take the liberty to recite a story I heard of a great Nobleman in Queen Elizabeths
envyings are of the flesh and they that do such things shall not enter into the Kingdome of God A double misery follows those that do these things misery here and misery hereafter it excludes men out of heaven The contemplation of the sad condition that will inevitably come upon that Land Kingdome and Church where those variances and heart-burnings are and where there is such diversity of opinions and by reason of them such difference in affection put me chiefely upon this imployment to see and try if by any possible meanes I could by shewing wherein the difference between the brethren lyeth be an instrument of a good accord amongst them resolving with my self by Gods assistance whatsoever others do to observe to the uttermost of my abilities the royall Law Jan. 2. 8. I do conceive that if there were a right understanding one of anothers opinions the world would wonder there should be such invectives in every pamphlet one against another and such varience among those that are joyned together and that with nighest relations The truth is the mis-understanding of each others opinions and the mis-prisian of each others intentions is the onely cause of this diversity of affection which to the dishonour of God and of our holy profession and indeed to the disgrace of Christian Religion every where too much venteth it selfe And therefore as Abraham said unto Lot so say I to all those that love the truth in sincerity and wish the Peace of Zion Let not us contend especially with evill language for we are brethren we have one father we worship one God we have one light one truth one way And this I professe to all the world That I contend not for victory but for that ancient light the faith once delivered unto the Saints Iude 3. For that truth which we have heard from the beginning 1 Iohn 2. ver 14. for the old way verse 6. The way the truth and the life Ioh. 14. and for the honour of that Church against which the gates of hell can never prevaile in the which there are all those undeceiveable marks as are able for ever to declare her to be built upon the foundation of Peter in which the Gospell of Jesus Christ is purely and sincerely both preached and beleeved and where the Sacraments are rightly administred and in the which there is the true invocation of God and all other requisites that make her a true Church and from which there is no just cause of separation That I have dedicated this Treatise to no man nor sought the patronage of any Authority no mortall creature I presume will blame me knowing my Reasons For writing in defence of the Prerogative Royall of Kings against Papall Usurpation I dedicated my booke unto the King of great Britaine France and Ireland supposing my selfe safe under his protection whose honour and imperiall dignity I maintain but all men know what misery to the ruine of me my wife and many small children came upon me by it through the power and exorbitant authority of the Prelates so that for my duty and Loyalty to the King I had a prison for my reward and the scornes and contumelies of the world to comfort me in it And when I most humbly petitioned his highnesse complaining against the injustice done me and most submissively supplicated his Majesty who was the Caesar to whom only I could then appeal that he would be pleased to grant me one of these humble requests either That his Majesty would be pleased but for one houre to give me a hearing of my just defence or if that could not be granted That at lest he would then grant me that liberty in his Kingdome that he denyed not to Crows and Kites and other Vermine that I might provide for my young ones and if his highnesse would not be pleased to condescend unto either of the former just demands That then he would give me leave to depart the Kingdom and to go into any other Country where I might enjoy my Liberty and provide for my poore distressed family I am most assured there was never a more equall Petition put up to any Prince in the world yet his Majestie vouchsafed not to yeeld unto any of these my requests nor to any other Petition put up either by my poor distressed wife or calamitous children so that without any wrong unto his Majesty I may truely say That Paul found more favour from a Heathen Roman Caesar then I had from a Christian King the defender of the faith After I saw all possibility of releefe was now taken from me I writ my Apology to the Bishops themselves discovering unto them their unjust proceedings in their Courts and their unrighteous dealings towards my selfe and gave them my reasons of all I spake without any offensive language and without any perturbation of Spirit and Dedicated this my Booke to the Lords of his Majesties Privy Councell expecting ayde and reliefe from them and indeed I had no hope of succour from any other nor knew none to whom I could better apply my selfe earnestly imploring their patronage but they as it is well knowne of Patrons became my unjust Judges and after they had made me a spectacle to Men and Angells and exposed me to the scorne and ludibry of the world sent me into banishment where I lived a living death and a dying life and suffered such intolerable misery of all sorts as would exceed beliefe to relate and I am most confident if all the particulars were truly known the world never heard the like and there I had ended my dolefull life had not God of his infinite mercy called this Parliament and put into their hearts to redeem me from my captivity for the which incomparable favour I do as of duty I am ever bound professe my selfe to the last drop of my blood to be their servant in the Lord and in all their most just and honourable imployments I hope with all fidelity to answer to the expectation of the world and shall in life and death shew my selfe to be one that without all by-respects shall ever aime at the glory of God the honour of them and my Country and the common good of all and shall never by Gods assistance do any thing in their concernment that shall be unbeseeming a Man and a Christian Now because by my sad experience I found that I could neither from King nor Nobles have protection I resolved never any more in Gods matters to shroud my self under any covert but Divine Providence and that I with an assured confidence promise my self especially when I now maintain the prerogative royall of the King of Saints King of Kings the Lord Jesus Christ Who is our Lawgiver upon whose shoulders the government of his Church is laid who is the wonderfull Counseller the Prince of peace whose dignity and royalty in all this dispute between me and Mr. Walter Mountague I have to the uttermost of my power maintained under the
originally and primarily from that creature or from such as are as bad as her selfe have you grounded your most unbrotherly and extra judicall judgement against mee and so you have made your selfe party witnesse Iury and Iudge in this your owne cause and which is more have condemned one that is in your opinion without and out of your jurisdiction whereas Paul had taught all Christs Disciples by a Statute Law from Heaven that they should not judge those that are without now you account mee and all the Presbyterians to bee enemies of Iesus Christ and such Saints as Iob would not set with the dogs of his flocke and proclayme us all the sonnes of Belial as your learned Works can sufficiently witnesse and therefore you account us all without and yet you condemne me and that in the face of the whole world as guilty of all those foule crimes you charge me with whereas you had nothing to doe with mee I being out of your jurisdiction I pray tell me courteous Brother whether this your proceeding be to set up Christ as King upon his Throne and be judicially to condemne any Brother when it is apparently manifest by these your actions you transgresse all the Lawes of Christ our King and trample them under your feet for Christ hath taught all his people and subjects saying Matth. 18. If thy brother offend thee tell him of it betweene him and thee c. and againe hee hath said judge not lest yee be judged and againe there shall be judgement without mercy to him that shewes no mercy againe God hath said hee that condemnes the righteous and hee that justifies the wicked they are both an abomination to the Lord whether therefore by all these your proceedings against mee you have not violated all these most holy Lawes and Statutes I shall leave to the judgement of others Brother you may remember in the 17. page of your Booke speaking there what you will doe when you come to my Postscript which you have finely performed you aske mee whether or no when you make mention of it my mind doth not misgive me your words are these which when I mention here say you doth not your mind misgive you for answer I tell you no for I am able to prove every word of that Booke by sufficient witnesse and out of the very Independents writings yea their daily practises have made good every period of it and so farre I am that my mind should misgive mee at the mention of it for doing my duty that I will with all speed print it againe with some little inlargement concerning your New-lights and other of your grolleries But this by the way But because Brother you take that liberty to propound now and then questions to me I will here also use the same freedome with you Therefore tell me I pray the next time I heare from you whether or no your mind doth not misgive you when I mention your bookes and when you thinke what you have done against mee in thus condemning mee and adjudgeing an innocent man and your quondam Fellow-sufferer Brother had you to deale with some man hee would recriminate which would not be for your honour but for the present I content my selfe to have declared my innocency only by the way consider what you did to my reverend Brother Master George Walker a man to whom you were so much ingaged to and when I mention him doth not your heart misgive you But enough of this Now before I conclude this my parley with you I will say thus much concerning your new Courts in your new gathered Churches if this be your way of proceedings there to be witnesse party Iury and Iudge in your owne cause and when you have given sentence against the innocent if ther be no appeale then your Courts are worse and more tyrannicall then that of the High Commission or Star-chamber and for ought I know all such arbitrary Courts as your are and all such arbitrary and unjust Iudges as you are may as well be questioned censured and put downe for all these your illegall unjust and extrajudicall proceedings as either they or any other tyrannicall Courts were and truly it concernes the whole Kingdome now seriously to looke about them and to have a speciall eye to your Jndependent proceedings and Iudgements for if they bee not timely looked unto all the repairing of our breaches and all the restoring of our pathes to dwell in which you make mention of will be no such thing to the poore Presbyterians who cannot already passe quietly in the streets for you nor any man avoyd your uniust censures nor the filth both of your tongues and pens which you cast in our faces every step wee goe The Lord rebuke you for these your revilings Truly Brother I see a divine hand of justice against you in many passages though you looke loftily and speake great swelling words in all which you breath out hell and your own shame the Lord I hope in time will discover unto you all your vanity and sinfulnesse I will say thus much of you that whiles you used the sharpenesse of your parts against the common enemy you were very serviceable to the Church of God but now turning the edge of them against your Christian brethren you have through their sides both wounded your selfe and all those of your party as I am most assured they will all assert Yea I can ascertaine you of this that it is exceedingly admired by many that you having beene some yeares in captivity under the Prelates tyrannie should continue such a trewant in the schoole of affliction as not yet to have learned the lesson of patience so that you cannot digest a merry word or but a conceived Iest But this they are most of all stranged at that out of the height and greatnesse of your spirit you will strike your enemy though it be through the sides of Religion and the Christian cause and truly this your dealing with all your Christian brethren especially with my selfe cals for deepe and serious repentance at your hands For my part I freely forgive you and do professe it is a griefe unto my soul that you have drawn me out with such violence in forcing me to encounter with you by name it 's true the erroneous wayes opinions and false lights under the name of new lately held forth I did and cannot but write against they being contrary to sacred writ yet you my Brother and Quondam Fellow Sufferer I reverenced and did ever love honour and esteem and had it not been to wipe off those black reproaches wherewith you have laboured to besmear me all over making me appear to the world as a man spotted and defiled with scandalous walking an Hypocrite a Persecutor a mad man c. I professe out of tender respect to your person and sufferings as I have hitherto spared your name so I would now have over lookt your false aspersions but seriously considering