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A18640 An harmony of the confessions of the faith of the Christian and Reformed Churches which purelie professe the holy doctrine of the Gospell in all the chiefe kingdomes, nations, and prouinces of Europe: the catologue and order whereof the pages following will declare. There are added in the ende verie shorte notes: in which both the obscure thinges are made plaine, & those thinges which maie in shew seeme to be contrarie each to other, are plainelie and verie modestlie reconciled, and if anie points doe as yet hang in doubt, they are sincerelie pointed at. All which things, in the name of the Churches of Fraunce and Belgia, are submitted to the free and discrete iudgement of all other Churches. Newlie translated out of Latine into English. Also in the end is added the confession of the Church of Scotland. Alowed by publique authoritie.; Harmonia confessionum fidei orthodoxarum & reformatarum ecclesiarum. English Salnar.; Goulart, Simon, 1543-1628. 1586 (1586) STC 5155; ESTC S107818 484,469 636

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of our religion And here let the Church performe her faithfullnes and diligence in bringing the Children to be catechized as beeing desirous and glad to haue her children well instructed That which followeth in this Article is conteined in the sixteenth section Also CHAP. 28. Of the goodes of the Church and right vse of them THe Church of Christ hath riches through the bountifulnes of princes and the liberalitie of the faithful who haue giuen their goods to the Church for the Church hath need of such goods and hath had goods from auncient time for the manteinance of thinges necessarie for the Church Now the true vse of the Church goods was and now is to manteine learning in schooles and in holie assemblies with all the seruice rites and buildinges of the Church finallie to manteine teachers schollers and ministers with other necessarie things and chieftelie for the succour and reliefe of the pore But for the lawfull dispensing of these Ecclesiasticall goods let men be chosen that feare God wise men and such as are of good reporte for gouernement of their families But if the goods of the Church by iniurie of the time and the boldnes ignorance or couetousnes of some be turned to anie abuse let them be restored againe by godly wise men vnto their holy vse for they must not winke at so impious an abuse Therefore we teach that Schooles and Colledges whereinto corruption is crept in doctrine in the seruice of god and in manners must be reformed that there must order be taken godly faithfully and wiselie for the reliefe of the poore OVT OF THE FORMER CONFESSION OF HELVETIA Holie meetings WE think that holie meetings are so to be celebrated that aboue all things the word of God be propounded to the people euerie day publiquely in a publique place and appointed for holie excercises also that the hidden thinges of the Scripture maie dayly be searched out and declared by those that are fit thereunto that the faith of the godlie maie be exercised and that we maie continuallie be instant in praier according as the necessitie of all men requireth As for other vnprofitable and innumerable circumstances of ceremonies as vessells apparell vailes torches or candelles altars golde and siluer so farre forth as they serue to peruert religion but especially Idolls which are set vp to be worshipped and giue offence and all prophane things of that sort we do remooue them far from our holie meeting Of Heretikes and Schismatiks ALso we remooue from our holie meetings all those who forsaking the propertie of the holie Church do either bring in or follow strange and wicked opinions with which euill the Catabaptistes are chiefelie infected who if they do obstinatelie refuse to obey the Church and Christian instruction are in our iudgement to be bridled by the Magistrate lest by their contagion they infect the flocke of Christ OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BOHEMIA Of Catechizing CHAP. 2. IN the second place they teach the Christian Catechisme that is a Catholike doctrine and an instruction made with the mouth which agreeth in Christianisme with the auncient Church and holie fathers and this doctrine or instruction is the inward or secret thing and the marrow and the keie to the wholl holie Scripture and conteineth the summe thereof It is comprehended in the 10. commaundements in the Catholike Christian and Apostolique Creed wherein be 12. Articles which are expounded and confirmed by the Nicen and Athanasius his creed and by godlie Catholike and generall Councells also in the forme of praiers to wit of that holie praier which the Lord appointed and in a summarie doctrine touching the sacraments and such dueties as we owe or be proper regarde being had to euerie mans place and order in diuers and distinct kindes of life whereunto he is called of God and there is an open confession and profession made that this Christian doctrine is that true full perfect and well pleased wil of God necessarie to euery faithful Christian vnto saluation This Catechisme which doth conteine in it the ful Catholike doctrine of Christianisme the knowledge of most weighty things spokē of before our preachers do vse in stead of a sure rule method table of al those things which they teach of all their sermons writings this they do faithfully care for and bestowe all their labour therein that this wholl ordinarie doctrine of the principles of true faith and Christian godlines and the doctrine of the foundation may be imprinted in the bottome of the heartes of Christians throughlie ingrafted in the mindes and life of the hearers and that after this manner First that all maie know that they are bound to yeelde an inward and outward obedience to the law and therefore they must endeuour to performe and fulfil the commaundements of God both in their heart seeing that the law is spirituall and in their deedes by louing God aboue all things and their neighbour as themselues Secondlie they must well learne and beare in minde and be able readilie to rehearse to beleeue from the heart to keepe and to professe with the mouth the chiefe points of the Catholike Christian and Apostolike Creed and to testifie a christian pietie by actions or manners a life which maie beseeme it Therefore they do also in their sermons by expounding it laie open the true and sound meaning and euerie mysterie which is necessarie to true and eternall saluation and is comprehended in the Articles of faith and in euerie parte thereof and confirme it by testimonies taken out of the holie scriptures and by these holie scriptures they doe either more largelie or brieflie declare expound and laie open the meaning and the mysteries And in all these things they do so behaue them selues that concerning the order which the Apostles brought in and propounded they labour to instruct not onelie those which be of riper yeares who being come to lawfull age are able presently to vnderstand but also so to teach litle children that they being exercised euen frō their childood in the chiefe points of the couenant of god may be taught to vnderstand the true worship of god For this cause there be both peculiar Ecclesiasticall assemblies with children which doe serue for the exercise of catechizing and also the parents those that are requested of the parents vsed for witnesses who are called Godfathers and Godmothers at Baptisme are put in minde of the dutie and faith which they owe that they also may faithfully instruct their beloued children train them vp in the discipline of the Lord and from the bottome of their heartes praie vnto God for these and all other the children of the faithfull of Christ But chiefelie they which are newlie instructed before they be lawfullie admitted to the Supper of the Lord are diligentlie taught the christian catechisme and the principles of true religion and by this meanes they are furthered towards the obtaining of
they cease to be right sacraments of Christ Iesus And therefore it is that we fl●● the societie with the papisticall Church in participation of their sacraments first because their ministers are no ministers of Christ Iesus yea this is more horrible they suffer women whome the holie Ghost will not suffer to teach in the congregation ●o baptize and secondlie because they haue so adulterated both the one sacrament and the other with their owne inuentions that no parte of Christes action abideth in the originall puritie For oile salte spattle and such like in baptisme are but mens inuentions adoration veneration bearing through streetes and townes keeping of bread in boxes or boists are prophanation of Christes sacraments and no vse of the same For Christ Iesus saide Take eate c. Doe you this in rememberance of me By which words and charge he sanctitied bread and wine to be the Sacrament of his holy body and bloode to the end that the one should be eaten and that all should drinke of the other and not that they should be kept to be worshipped and honoured as God as the Papists haue done heretofore who also haue committed sacriledge stealing from the people the one part of the sacrament to wit the blessed cup. Moreouer that the sacraments be rightlie vsed it is required that the end cause for which sacraments were instituted be vnderstanded and obserued as well of the Minister as by the receiuers For if the opinion be changed in the receiuer the right vse ceaseth which is most euident by the reiection of the sacrifices as also if the teacher plainlie teach false doctrine which were odious and abhominable before God albeit they were his own ordinance because the wicked men vse them to another end then God hath ordained The same we affirme of the Sacraments in the Papistical Church in which we affirme the wholl action of the Lord Iesus to be adultered as well in the externall forme as in the end and opinion What Christ Iesus did and commaunded to be done is euident by the Euangelists and by Saint Paul what the Priest doth at his ●ul●●r we neede not to rehearse The end and cause of Christes institution and why the selfe same should be vsed is expressed in these wordes Doe ye this in rememberance 〈◊〉 me As of●e as you shall eate this breade and drinke of this ●uppe you shall shew foorth that is extoll preach magnifie and praise the Lordes death till he come But to what ende and in what opinion the Priestes saie their masse let the wordes of the same their owne Doctours and writings 〈◊〉 wit that they as mediatours betwixt Christ and his Church do offer vnto God the father a sacrifice propitiatory for the sinnes of the quick and the dead which doctrine as blasphemous to Christ Iesus and making derogation to the 〈◊〉 of his onelie sacrifice once offered for purgation of all those that shall be sanctified we vtterlie abhorre detest and renounce To whome sacraments appertaine WE confesse and acknowledge that baptisme apperteineth as wel to the infants of the faithfull as vnto them that be of age and discretion And so we damne the error of the Anabaptistes who denie baptisme to apperteine to children before they haue faith and vnderstanding But the supper of the Lord we confesse to appertein to such onelie as be of the housholde of saith and can trie examine themselues as well in their faith as in their dutie towardes their neighbours Such as eat and drink at that holie table without faith or being at dissention with their breethren do eat vnworthelie and therefore it is that in our Church our ministers take publike and particular examination of the knowledge and conuersation of such as are to be admitted to the table of the Lord Iesus Of the ciuill maigistrates WE confesse and acknowledge Empires kingdomes dominions and cities to be distincted and ordained by God the powers and authoritie in the same be ●t of Emperours in their empires of Kinges in their realmes Dukes and Princes in their dominions and of other magistrates in their cities to be Gods holy ordinance ordained for manifestation ofhis owne glorie and for the singular profitte and commoditie of mankinde so that whosoeuer goeth about to take away or to confound the whol state of ciuill pollicies now long established we affirme the same men not onelie to be enimies to mankinde but also wickedlie to fight against Gods expressed wil. We farther confesse acknowledge that such persons as are placed in authoritie are to be beloued honored feared and holden i● moste reuerent estimation because they are the lieuete●an●es of God in whose seates God himselfe doth sit and ●●●ge yea euen the iudges and Princes themselues to whome by God is giuen the sworde to the praise and defence of good men and to reuenge and punish all malefactours Moreouer to Kinges Princes Rulers and Magistrates we affi me that chiefelie and moste principallie the conseruation and purgation of the Religion appertaineth so that not onelie they are appointed for ciuill pollicie but also for manteinance of the true Religion and for suppressing of idolatrie and superstition whatsoeuer As in Dauid Iosaphat Ezcehias Iosias and others highlie commended for their zeale in that case maie be espied And therefore we confesse and auow that such as resist the supreame power doing that thing which appertaineth to his charge do resist gods ordinance and therefore cannot be guiltles And farther we affirme that whosoeuer denie vnto them their aide counsell and comforte whilest the Princes and rulers vigilantlie trauell in execution of their office that the same men denie their helpe support and counsell to God who by the presence of his lieftenant doth craue it of them The giftes freelie giuen to the Church ALbeit that the word of God truelie preached and the Sacraments rightlie ministered and discipline executed according to the word of God be the certaine and infallible signes of the true Church yet we meane not that euery particuler person ioyned with such company is an elect member of Christ Iesus For we acknowledge and confesse that darnell cockell and chaffe maie be sowen grow and in great aboundance lie in the middest of the wheat that is the reprobate maie be ioyned in the societie of the elect and maie externallie vse with them the benefites of the word and sacramentes But such being but temporall professors in mouth and not in heart doe fall backe and continue not to the end And therefore they haue no fruit of Christs death resurrection nor ascension but such as with heart vnfainedlie beleeue and with mouth boldlie confesse the Lord Iesus as before we haue said shall moste assuredlie receiue these giftes First in this life the remission of sinnes and that by onelie faith in Christes blood In so much that albeit sinne remaine and continuallie abide in these our mortall bodies yet it is not imputed vnto vs but is remitted and couered with Christes
graunted to those that haue charge of soules and to each seuerall Ecclesiastic all societies whether they besmal or great Of which thing the Lord saith to the Churches Verely I saie vnto you whatsoeuer thinges ye binde on earth shal be bound in heauen And straight after For where two or three be gathered together in my name there am I in the middest of them Moreouer this is likewise taught that euerie Christian so often as he needeth these keies of the Lord ought to require them particularly for himselfe of the pastors of soules of that Church or fellowship of which himselfe is a parte to which he belongeth that he vse them with full confidence no other wise then if he receiued them of Christ himselfe seeing that Christ hath deliuered them vnto the Pastours and that he by no meanes doubt that by the ministerie of these keies through the vertue and power of Christ his sinnes are forgiuen him and that he is freed from them according to Christ his owne saying whose sinnes you forgiue c. And He that heareth you heareth me and he that receiueth you in the be halfe to wit of the Ecclesiasticall ministerie and in his time of neeed receiueth me and contrarilie He that despiseth you despiseth me This is also taught and handled * that the Priests ought not to vse these keies of the Lord otherwise then according to the meaning and will of Christ which is declared expresselie in his word and according to the sure flat and expresse determinations of his iudgement and that they doe not any manner of waie according to mens opinions much lesse after their owne minde or lust abuse these keies for so it would come to passe that the keies should swa●ue from their office And this is to be taken heed of that it be not by this meanes fulfilled in the misusing of them which the Lorde hath saide by the Prophet For you saith he is this commaundement O ye Priestes if you will not heare it nor consider it in your heartes to giue glorie to my name saith the Lorde of hoastes I will send a curse vpon you and will curse your blessings as I haue cursed them alreadie because you regarde not in your heartes the feare of the Lorde OVT OF THE FRENCH CONFESSION SEeing that we are not made partakers of Christ but by the Gospell we beleeue that that good order which by the authority of the gospel is confirmed ought to be kept sacred and inuiolable and that therefore Pastours are necessarilie required in the Church vpon whose shoulders the burden of teaching the worde and administring of the Sacraments doth lie whome also we ought to honour and reuerentlie to heare if so be that they being lawfullie called doe discharge their duetie not as though God did stand inneed of such staies inferior helps but therfore rather because that so it seemeth good to him to gouerne vs as it were by vsing this bridle Therefore we detest all those fanaticall spirites who as much as in them lieth desire that both this sacred ministerie or preaching of the word and the administration of the Sacramentes were vtterlie abolished We beleeue that this true Church ought to be gouerned by that regiment or discipline which our Lord Iesus Christ hath established to wit so that there be in it Pastours Elders and Deacons that the puritie of Doctrine maie be retained vices repre●sed the poore and others that be in miserie according to their necessitie maie be prouided for and that there maie be holie meetinges for the edifying both of small and great We beleeue that all true Pastours in what place soeuer they be placed haue the same and equall authoritie among themselues giuen vnto them vnder Iesus Christ the onelie heade and the chiefe and alone vniuersall Bishop and that therefore it is not lawfull for anie Church to challenge vnto it selfe Dominion or soueraigntie ouer anie other Church We beleeue that it is not lawfull for anie man vpon his owne authoritie to take vpon him the gouernment of the Church but that euerie one ought to be admitted thereunto by a lawfull election so neere as maie be and so long as the Lorde giueth leaue And this exception we doe expresselie adde because that sometime as it fell out also in our daies the state of the Church being disturbed it was necessarie that some should be raised vp of the Lorde extraordinarily which should repaire the ruines of the decaied Church Neuertheles howsoeuer it be we beleeue that this rule is Iwa●es to be followed that all Pastours and Elders should haue a testimonie of their calling OVT OF THE ENGLISH CONFESSION FVrthermore we beleeue that there be diuerse degrees of Ministers in the Church whereof some be Deacons some Priests some Bishops to whom is committed the office to instruct the people and the wholl charge and setting forth of Religion Yet notwithstanding we say that there neither is not can be any one man which may haue the wholl superioritie in this vniuersall state for that Christ is euer present to assist his Church and needeth not any man to supplie his roome as his onelie heire to all his substance and that there can be no one mortall creature which is able to comprehend or conceiue in his minde the Vniuersall Church that is to wit all the partes of the world much lesse hable rightlie and duelie to put them in order and to gouerne them For al the Apostles as Cyprian saith were of like power among themselues and the rest were the same that Peter was And that it was saide indifferentlie to them all Feede yee indifferentlie to them all Goe into the whole worlde Indifferentlie to them all Teach yee the Gospel And as Hierome saith All Bishoppes wheresoeuer they be be they at Rome be they at Eugubium be they at Constantinople be they at Rhegium be all of like preeminence and of like priesthood And as Cyprian saith There is but one Bishoprike and a pee● thereof is perfitlie and wholly holden of euery particular Bishop And according to the iudgement of the Nicene Councell we saie that the Bishop of Rome hath no more iurisdiction ouer the Church of God then the rest of the Patriarkes either of Alexandria or of Antioche haue And as for the Bishop of Rome who now calleth all matters before himselfe alone except he doe his duetie as he ought to doe except he minister the Sacraments except he instruct the people except he warne them and teach them we saie that he ought not of right once to be called a Bishop or so much as an Elder For a Bishop as saith Austine is a name of labour and not of honour that the man that seeketh to haue preeminence not to profit maie vnderstande himselfe to be no Bishop And that neither the Pope nor any other wordly creature can no more be head of the wholl Church or a Bishop
that without any good affection of him that vseth it This article we finde thus in another Edition COncerning the vse of the Sacramentes they teach that they were ordained not so much to be mar●es and badges of profession amongst men as that they should be signes or testimonies of the will of God towards vs set forth vnto vs to stirre vp and confirme faith in such as vse them Whereupon they condemne those that teach that the sacraments do iustifie by the work done and doe not teach that faith to beleeue remission of sinnes is requisite in the vse of sacraments OVT OF THE CONFSSION OF SAXONIE Of the sacraments THe Church also is discerned from other Gentiles by by certaine rites or ceremonies instituted of God vsuallie called Sacraments as are Baptisme and the Lords Supper which notwithstanding are not onelie signes of a profession but much more as the auncient Fathers saide signes of grace that is they be ceremonies added to the promise of the Gospell touching grace that is touching the free remission of sinnes and touching reconciliation and the wholl benefit of our redemption the which are so instituted that euerie man maie vse them because they be pledges testimonies which declare that the benefits promised in the Gospell doe appertaine to euerie one For the voice of the Gospell is generall this vse doth be are witnes that this voice doth appertaine to euerie one which vseth the Sacraments OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF WIRTEMBERGE Of the Sacramentes THe worde Sacrament as also the worde Mysterie which interpreters do expounde Sacrament is very large But because some haue thought it good to restraine it to the number of seauen Sacraments we wil briefly runne ouer euerie one that we may shew what we finde wanting in the doctrine that some haue broched and what maie seeme to be repugnant to the meaning of that Church which is in deede Catholike or orthodoxe OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF SVEVELAND Of the Sacraments SEeing that the Church of Christ doth liue here in the flesh howbeit not according to the flesh it pleased the Lord also to teach admonish and exhort it by the outwarde worde And that this might be done the more commodiouslie he would also haue his to make much of an externall societie among them selues For which cause he gaue vnto them holie signes among which these are the chiefest Baptisme and the Lords Supper the which we doe not onelie think therfore to haue had the name of Sacraments among the Fathers because they are visible signes of inuisible grace as Saint Augustine doth define them but also for that purpose because that by them we doe consecrate our selues vnto Christ and doe binde our selues as it were by the othe or Sacrament of faith THE THIRTEENTH SECTION OF THE SACRAMENT OF Holie Baptisme THE LATTER CONFESSION OF HELVETIA Of holie baptisme CHAP. 20. BAptisme was instituted and consecrated by God and the first that baptized was Iohn who dipped Christ in the water in Iorden From him it came to the Apostles whoe also did baptize with water The Lord in plaine words commaunded them To preach the Gospel and to baptize in the name of the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost And Peter also when diuers demaunded of him what they ought to doe said to them in the Acts Let euerie one of you be baptized in the name of Iesus Christ for the remission of sinnes and you shall receiue the gift of the holy Ghost Whereupon Baptisme is called of some a signe of in●tiation of Gods people as that whereby the elected of God are consecrated vnto God There is but one Baptisme in the Church of God for it is sufficient to be once baptized or consecrated vnto God For baptisme once receiued doth continue all a mans life and is a perpetuall sealing of our adoption vnto vs. For to be baptized in the name of Christ is to be enrolled entered and receiued into the couenant and familie and so into the inheritance of the sonnes of God yea in this life to be called after the name of God that is to saie to be called the Sonne of god to be purged also from the filthines of sins to be indued with the manifolde grace of God for to lead a new and innocent life Baptisme therefore doth call to minde and keepe in remembrance the great benefit of God performed to mankinde for we are al borne in the pollution of sinne and are the Sonnes of wrath But God who is rich in mercie doth freelie purge vs from our sinnes by the blood of his Sonne and in him doth adopte vs to be his sonnes and by an holie couenant doth ioyne vs to himselfe and doth inrich vs with diuers giftes that we might liue a new life All these thinges are sealed vp vnto vs in Baptisme For inwardlie we are regenerated purified and renued of God through the holie Spirit and outwardlie we receiue the sealing of moste notable gifts by the water by which also those great benefites are represented and as it were set before our eyes to be looked vpon And therefore are we baptized that is washed and sprinckled with visible water For the water maketh cleane that which is filthie refresheth things that faile and faint and cooleth the bodies And the grate of God dealeth in like manner with the soule and that inuisible and spirituallie Moreouer by the Sacrament of Baptisme God doth seperate vs from all other religions and people and doth consecrate vs a peculiar people to himselfe We therefore by being baptized doe confesse our faith and are bound to giue vnto God obedience mortification of the flesh and newnes of life yea and we are billed souldiers for the holie warfare of Christ that all our life long we shoulde fight against the worlde Sathan and our owne flesh Moreouer we are baptized into one bodie of the Church that we might well agree with all the members of the Church in the same religion and mutuall duties We beleue that that of al other is the most perfect manner of baptisme wherin Christ was baptized and which the rest of the Apostles did vse in baptisme Those things therfore which by mans deuise were added afterwards vsed in the Church we thinke them nothing necessary to the perfection of Baprisme Of which kinde is exorcisme and the vse of lightes oyle salte spattle and such other things as namelie that baptisme is twise euerie yere consecrated with diuerse ceremonies For we beleeue that the baptisme of the Church which is but one was sanctifed in Gods first institution of it and is consecrated by the word and is now of full force by and for the first blessing of God vpon it We teach that baptisme should not be ministred in the Church by women or midwiues For Paul secludeth women from Ecclesiasticall callings but Baptisme belongeth to Ecclesiasticall offices We condemne the Anabaptists who denie that young infants borne of
the Church but yet with this caution that mens consciences be not burdened so as they should account them as things necessarie to saluation and thinke they did sinne when they break anie one of them without offence of others as no man would saie that a woman doth offend if she come abroade with his head vncouered without the offence of anie Of this sort is the obseruation of the Lords day of Easter of Pentecost and such like holie daies and rites For they that thinke that the obseruation of the Lords daie was appointed by the authoritie of the Church in stead of the Sabboth as necessarie they are greatlie deceiued The scripture requireth that the obseruation of it should now be free for it teacheth that the Mosaicall ceremonies are not needful after ●he gospel is reuealed And yet because it was requisite to appoint a certeine daie that the people might know when to come together it seemeth that the Church did for that purpose appoint the Lords daie which daie for this cause also semed to haue better liked the Church that in it men might haue an example of Christian liberty and might know that the obseruation neither of the Sabboth nor of any other daie was of necessitie There are extant certeine monstrous disputations touching the chaunging of the law and the ceremoies of the new law and of the change of the change of the Sabboth which did al spring vp of a false persuasion that there should be a worship in the Church like to the Leuiticall worship and that Christ gaue the charge of deuising new ceremonies which should be necessarie to saluation to the Apostles and Bishops These errors crept into the Church when as the doctrine of faith was not plainly inough taught Some dispute that the obseruation of the Lords daie is not in deed of the law of God but as it were of the lawe of God and touching holie daies they prescribe how farre it is lawfull to worke in them What else are such disputations but snares for mens consciences OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF SAXONY Of Anointing MOre ouer that which now is called Extreame anointing was in times past a kinde ofhealing as it is euident out of the Epist of Saint Ieames cap. 5. Now it is become a shew full of superstition They saie that sinnes be forgiuen through these anointinges and they adde there-unto inuocation of the dead which also must of necessitie be disliked Therefore these ceremonies are not kept in ou● Churches neither in times past did the Church thinke tha● they were necessarie But for the sicke we doe make godlie praiers publiquelie and priuatlie as also the Lorde hath promised that he will asswage euen corporall griefes in the● that aske it of him according to that saying Psalme 49 Call vpon me in the daye of trouble and I will deliuer thee Also we vse burialles hauing there at a decent assemblie godlie admonitions and songes c. The first part of this .19 Article which is of confirmation was placed in the thirteenth Section Hitherto also pertaineth the beginning of the 20. Article so farre as it speaketh of a certaine time appointed for the seruice of God NAtural reason doth know that there is an order and the vnderstainding of order is an euident testimony of god neither is it possible that men should liue without any order as we see that in familes there must be distinct times of labour rest meate and sleepe and euerie nature as it is best so doeth it chiefelie loue order throughout the whole life Also Paull commaundeth That all things in the Church be done decently and in order Therefore there hath beene at al times euen from the beginning of mankinde a certaine order of publique meetinges there hath beene also a certaine distinction of times and certaine other ceremonies and that without doubt full of grauitie and elegancie among those excellent lightes of mankinde when as in the same garden or cottage there satte together Sem Abraham Isaac and their families and when as that Sermon which Sem made concerning the true God the Sonne of God the distinction of the Church and other nations being heard afterwarde they together vsed inuocation That which followeth because it treateth of indifferent Traditiditions in generall is placed in the next Section OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF WIRTEMBERGE Of Fasting WE think that Fasting is profitable not to this end that either by the merit of it worke it might purge sinnes before God or applie the merit of Christ to him that doth Fast but that by sobrietie it maie bridle the flesh lest that man being hindered by surfeting and dronkennes he be the lesse able to obeie the calling of God and discharge his duetie negligentlie But we shall haue a fitte place hereafter to speake of Fasting Also Article 28. Of fasting FAsting hath it praise and vse But now we do not speake either of necessarie fasting when as a man must needs fast for want of meat or of an allegoricall fasting which is to abstaine from all vices but we are to speake of two vsuall kindes of fasting whereof the one is a perpetuall faste and this is a sobrietie which is alwaies to be kept in meate and drink throughout the wholl course of a mans life for it is neuer lawfull for vs to rauine and to follow surfeting and dronkennes There is another fast which is for a daie when as sometimes we abstaine from meate the wholl daie such as was vsed in the olde Testament Leuit. 16. Also the examples of Iosaphat of the Niniuites and others doe witnes the same thing This kinde of fasting was also vsed after the publishing of the Gospell as appeereth Act. 13. and 14. But afterward there folowed a great difference in Churches touching the obseruation of such a kinde of fasting and as this difference brought no discommoditie to the Church so it testified that the vse of this fasting was free And there is a worthie saying among the auncient fathers touching this varietie The difference saie they of fastings doeth not break of the agreement of faith Now although some men doe thinke that Christ by his example did consecrate the fast of Lent yet it is manifest that Christ did not commaunde this fast neither can the constitution of our nature abide it that we should imitate the example of Christ his fasting who did abstaine full 40. dates and 40. nightes from all meate and drinke Also Eusebius doth declare and that not obscurelie That the vse of this Lenten fast was very free in the Church Moreouer Chrysostome in Gen. cap. 2. Hom. 11. saith If thou canst not fast yet thou maist abstaine from sinnes and this is not the least thing nor much differing from fasting but fit to ouerthrow euen the fury of the Deuill Neither was there anie choise of meates appointed because the Apostle had saide To the cleane all thinges are cleane But in the obseruation of such fastes we must chiefely marke the
great and so daungerous a burthen Truelie Irenaeus doth witnes that in times past the obseruation of faste in Churches was diuers and free as it is reade in the Ecclesiasticall historie lib. 8. cap. 14. In the same booke Eusebius maketh mention that one Apollonius an Ecclesiasticall writer among other arguments vsed this for one to confute the doctrine of Montanus the heretike Because he was the first that made lawes for fastes Therupon Chrysostome saith in a vertaine place Fasting is good but let no man be compelled thereunto And in another place he exhorteth him that is not able to faste to absteyne from deinties and yet affirmeth that it doth not much differ from fasting and that it is a strong weapon to represse the furie of the Deuill Moreouer experience also it selfe doth more then prooue that these precepts concerning fastes haue bin a great hinderance to godlines Therefore when we saw it verie euidentlie that the chiefe men in the Church did beside the authoritie of the Scripture take vpon themselues this power so to enioyne fastes as to binde mens consciences vnder paine of deadlie sinne we did loose the consciences out of these snares but by the Scriptures and chiefely by Pauls writinges which doe with a singular endeauour remooue these rudiments of the world from the necks of Christians For wee ought not lightlie to account of that saying of Paull Let no man condemne you in meate and drinke or in respect of an holie daie or of the new Moone or of the Sabbath daies And againe Therefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the worlde why as though ye liued in the worlde are ye burdened with traditions For if S. Paull then whome no man at any time did teach Christ more certainelie doe earnestlie affirme that through Christ wee haue obteined such libertie in outwarde thinges that he doth not onelie not giue authoritie to anie creature to burden those which beleeue in Christ no not so much as with those ceremonies and obseruations which notwithstanding God himselfe appointed and would haue to be profitable in their time but also denounceth that they be fallen awaie from Christ and that Christ shall nothing at all profitte them who suffer themselues to be addicted thereunto what shall wee then thinke of those commaundements which men haue deuised of their owne braine not onelie without anie oracle but also without anie example worthie to be followed and which are therefore made vnto manie not onelie beggerlie and weake but also hurtfull not elements that is rudiments of holie discipline but also impediments of true godlines How much more vniustlie shall anie man take vnto himselfe authoritie ouer the inheritance of Christ to oppresse him with such kinde of bondage and how farre shall he remooue vs from Christ if we submit our selues vnto him For who doth not see the glorie of Christ to whom we ought whollie to liue whome he hath whollie redeemed to himselfe and restored to libertie and that by his blood to be more obscured if beside his authoritie we doe binde our conscience to those lawes which are the inuentions of men then to those which haue God for their author although they were to be obserued but onelie for their time Certainelie it is a lesse fault to play the Iewe then the Heathen Now it is the manner of the heathen to receiue lawes for the worship of God which haue their beginning from mans inuention onelie God neuer being asked counsell of in the matter Wherefore if in anie matter at all certainlie here that saying of Paull taketh place Ye are bought with a great price be not made the seruants of men Of the choise of meates CHAP. 9. FOr the same cause was that forbearing and chusing of meates enioyned and tyed to certaine daies which S. Paull writing to Timothie calleth the doctrine of Deuils Neitheir is their answere sufficient Who saie that these thinges be spoken onelie against the Manichies En●ratites Tatians and Marcionites who did whollie forbid certaine kindes of meates and mariage For the Apostle in this place hath condemned those which commaund to abstaine from meates which G●d hath created to be taken with thank●giuing c. Now they also which do but forbid to take certaine meates on certaine daies do neuertheles commaund men to abstaine from those meats which God hath created to be taken are cosin germanes to the doctrine of the Deuils the which also is euidentlie seene by the reason which the Apostle addeth For saith he Whatsoeuer God hath created it is good and nothing is to be refused that is receiued with giuing of thankes Here he doth not take exception against anie times although no man fauoured frugalitie temperance and also choise chastisments of the flesh and lawfull fasting more greatlie then he did Certainlie a Christian must be frugall and sometime the flesh must be chastised by diminishing the dailie and accustomed portion or diet but base meates and a meane doth serue better to this purpose then anie kinde of meates to conclude it is meete for Christians now and then to take vpon them a lawful faste but that must not be an abstinence from certaine but from all meates nor from meates onelie but also from all the deinteis of this life whatsoeuer For what kinde of fast is this what abstinence onlie to chaunge the kinde of deinties the which thing at this day they vse to doe which are counted more religious then others seing that Saint Chrysostome doth not account it to be a faste if we continue whollie without meates euen vnto the euening except together with absteining from meates we doe also conteine our selues from those thinges which be hurtfull and bestow much of that leisure vpon the studie and exercise of spirituall thinges That by praiers and fastes we must not looke to merit anie thing CHAP. 10. MOreouer our Preachers haue taught that this fault is to be amended in praiers and fastes that commonlie men are taught to seeke to obtaine I know not what merit and iustification by these workes For As we are saued by grace through faith so also are we iustified And touching the wotkes of the law among the which praiers and fastes are reckoned Paull writeth thus For we through the Spiritwaite for the hope of righteousnes through faith Therefore we must praie but to this ende that we maie receiue of God not that wee maie hereby giue anie thing vnto him VVe must faste that we maie the better praie and keepe the flesh within the compasse of it duetie and not before God to deserue anie thing for our selues This onelie ende and vse of prayers both the Scripture and also the writinges and examples of the Fathers doe prescribe vnto vs. Moreouer the case so standeth with vs that although wee coulde praie and faste so religiouslie and so perfectlie doe all those thinges which God hath inioyned vs that nothing coulde more be required of vs which hitherto no mortall man hath