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A05535 A true narration of all the passages of the proceedings in the generall Assembly of the Church of Scotland, holden at Perth the 25. of August, anno Dom. 1618 VVherein is set downe the copy of his Maiesties letters to the said Assembly: together with a iust defence of the Articles therein concluded, against a seditious pamphlet. By Dr. Lyndesay, Bishop of Brechen. Lindsay, David, d. 1641?; Calderwood, David, 1575-1650. Perth assembly. 1621 (1621) STC 15657; ESTC S108553 266,002 446

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and trie the diligence of Ministers specially concerning their instruction of the youth but that it was proper to the Superintendent Now if yee haue sworne that this is lawfull in the person of the Superintendent how can yee call it a damnable presumption in the person of a Bishop whose function and name is the same differing onely in the origination of the word the one being drawne from the Latine the other from the Greeke for a Bishop in the Greeke tongue is the same that a Superintendent is in the Latine And in visiting of Churches the triall of the education of children which now is a dutie belonging to the Bishops function is here set downe as a speciall point of the Superintendents office As to the blessing which the Bishop is appointed to giue vnto them Caluine in the place aboue cited sayes That it should bee vsed to the end that graue and sacred action may haue the greater reuerence and dignitie This examination of children in the ancient Church had ioyned with it not the blessing onely but the ceremonie also of imposition of hands and thereupon in the fourth Councell of Carthage Can. 85. It is called Examinatio impositionis manus and is appointed to be often vsed towards the Catechumenists before they were baptised But this blessing and imposition of hands vpon the Catechumenists and vpon the young children of Christians was not the principall action nor a Sacramentall rite as it was after esteemed nor giuen to Bishops for honour of their Episcopall dignitie but accessorie onely as Caluine rightly thinks vnto the examination which was the Bishops speciall dutie in his Visitation It is true the omission of the principall dutie and the vsing onely of the accessorie to wit the imposition of hands was the first corruption that crept in after that came in the crossing the annointing of the forehead and the buffet giuen to the child in stead of the blessing and so a Bastard Sacrament was instituted in the place of a most profitable point of the Episcopall function Further as it is the dutie of euery Pastor to catechize the young children in his Parish and try whether the Parents haue kept their promise made at the Baptisme of their Children in which tryall if hee shall finde the childe to haue profited well hee ought to blesse and pray for them So is it the Bishops dutie in his Visitation to try if the Pastors haue performed their parts and after examination to blesse these same children And as the examination and blessing vsed by the Pastor takes not away the power that parents haue to examine and blesse their owne children so the examination and blessing of Bishops takes not away the power that Pastors haue of triall and blessing within their owne Parish Therefore to conclude the Ordinance set downe in the Act of Perth appropriates nothing to Bishops that is common to Pastors and Parents but preserues vnto euery one the prerogatiue of his owne calling Neither is there any thing ordayned in the Act but that which Caluine wished earnestly to be restored againe in the Church In the fourth booke of his Institutions cap. 29. sect 4. 13. De Confirmatione hee writes as followes Hic mos olim fuit vt Christianorum liberi postquam adoleuerant coram Episcopo sisterentur vt officium illud implerent quod ab ijs exigebatur qui se ad Baptismum adulti offerebant hi enim inter Catechumenos sedebant donec ritè fidei mysterijs instituti poterant fidei confessionem coram Episcopo ac populo edere Qui ergo Baptismo initiati erant infantes quia fidei confessione apud Ecclesiam tunc defuncti non erant sub finem pueritiae aut ineunte adolescentia repraesentaba●tur iterum à parentibus ab Episcopo examinabantur secundùm formulam Catechismi quam tunc habebant certam communem Quo autem haec actio quae alio qui grauis sanctaque meritò esse debebat plu● reuerentia haberet ac dignitatis ceremonia quoque adhibebatur manuum impositiones Ita puer ille fide sua approbata cum solenni benedictione dimittebatur c. Talem ergo manuum impositionem quae simpliciter loco benedictionis fiat laudo restitutam hodie in purum vsum velim that is to say It was the custome of old that the children of Christians after they were growne vp to some perfection were brought vnto the Bishop to performe that dutie which was done by these that were of perfit yeares before they came to be baptised For these sate amongst the Catechumenists while they were sufficiently instructed in the mysteries of Religion and were able to giue a confession of their Faith before the Bishop and the People But such as were baptised in their infancy because they had not giuen a confession of their Faith vnto the Church about the end of their childhood they were presented by their Parents of new and examined by the Bishop according to a certayne common forme of Catechisme which they had in these times And to the end this action that was in it selfe graue and holy might haue the greater reuerence and dignitie the ceremonie of imposition of hands was also vsed Thus the child after approbation of his Faith was dimitted with a blessing c. Such an imposition of hands which is vsed for a simple blessing I commend doe and wish the sincere vse thereof were restored Et Sect. 13. Vtinam verò morem retineremus quem apud Veteres fuisse admonui priusquam abortiua haec Sacramenti larua nasceretur non enim esset Confirmatio talis qualem isti fingunt quae sine Baptismi iniuria nec nominari potest sed catechesis qua pueri aut adolescentiae proximi fidei suae rationem coram Ecclesia exponerent Esset autem optima catechizandi ratio si formula in hunc vsum conscripta esset summam continens familiariter explicans omnium fere religionis nostrae capitum in quae vniuersa fidelium Ecclesia consentire sine controuersia debet Puer decennis Ecclesia se offerret ad edendam fidei confessionem rogaretur de singulis capitibus ad singula responderet si quid ignoraret aut minus intelligeret doceretur ita vnicam veram synceram Fidem qua vnanimiter Deum vnum colit fidelium populus test● spectante Ecclesia profiteretur Haec disciplina si hodiè valeret profectò parentum quorundam ignauia acu●retur qui liberorum institutionem quasi rem ad se nihil pertinentem securè negligunt quam tunc sine publico dedecore omittere non possent maior esset in populo Christiano fidei consensus nec tanta multorum inscitia ruditas non adeò temerè quidam nouis peregrinis dogmatibus abriperentur omnibus denique esset quaedam velut methodus doctrinae Christianae that is Would to God we did obserue the custome which I shew the Ancients vsed For then Confirmation should not be such
which at that time commonly perplexe men require this at our hands therefore Visitation of the sicke is earnestly commended to Ministers in their admission that they bee readie to attend the sicke person and as his estate craues minister comfort vnto him by preaching the promises of grace and mercie to all penitent sinners Why this Sacrament that is the seale of Gods promises and a speciall meane of binding vp our Communion with Christ should bee denyed to such as desire the same in that time there can be no reason Howbeit saluation depends not vpon the Sacrament and that they vse it superstitiously that giues it for a viaticum to the dying the end of a man cannot but be the more comfortable and his death accompanyed with the greater contentment and tranquilitie of minde when his desire is satisfied in this point For this is to bee considered that it is not to all that die nor to all that are sicke but to such onely whose recouery is desperate and vrgently desire the comfort of this Sacrament that the same is appointed to bee ministred Of which purpose Caluin deliuers his opinion in his 52. Epistle in these words De Coenae administratione censeo libenter admittendum esse hunc morem vt apud aegrotos celebretur communio quum ita res opportunitas feret Nec magnopere repugnandum esse quin maleficis detur qui plectendi sunt si quidem postulent ad receptionem satis comparatos esse appareat hac tamen lege vt sit vnà communio hoc est vt panis in coetu aliquo fidelium frangatur And in his 361. Epistle answering some one that had moued him in this matter he beginnes on this manner Cur coenam aegrotis negandam esse non arbitror multae graues causae me impellunt as you may see in the place Bucer Bullinger and Zepperus are of the same iudgement and the last of these three putting the case that none is by this sicke man disposed to communicate sayes Quod ne sic quidem priuandus est communione aegrotus You may see his reasons in the twelft Chapter of his first Booke De Politia Ecclesiastica Our owne Church hath practised the same in former times as was qualified in diuers particulars at the last Assembly So where the reformed Churches haue approued it and wee our selues by our owne practice now to stand against it when by a speciall Canon it is appointed to bee done cannot but bee thought obstinate disobedience I come to the Article of Baptisme This craues that in the case of necessitie when a child without hazard may not bee brought out of doores it bee lawfull to the Minister to baptise in a priuate house It was not long since a custome amongst vs that no Minister would baptise except vpon the ordinarie day of teaching this same being complayned of in the Assembly that was kept at Holy Rood-house in the yeare 1602. an Ordinance was made that whensoeuer a Parent should require baptisme to his child the Minister should not deny it without delaying to the ordinarie day of preaching The question was then of the Time now it is of the Place Whereabout this you all know that in the institution of Baptisme the Lord Iesus hath not tyed vs to any place but his command binds all men to bee baptized And wee that are Ministers by our calling are obliged to baptise howsoeuer wee doe not thinke Baptisme absolutely necessary vnto saluation and the child that wants it vpon a necessitie ineuitable nothing preiudiced that way yet if the occasion present there is no doubt but the Minister hath a necessitie lying vpon him to baptize although time place and other circumstances required for the due and solemne administration be not concurring But this yee will say fosters the Popish opinion of the necessitie of Baptisme Let Buce● answer it To with-hold Baptisme for want of the due solemnities sayes hee opens a doore to the Deuill to bring in the contempt of Christs Ordinance and our whole redemption by him We haue a Commandement to baptize and this to vs is a necessary duety which we may not leaue vndone As for inconueniences we must meet them as wisely as we may by doctrine and diligent catechizing but in no sort neglect the Commandement that is giuen Yee shall haue Caluin his iudgement also in this matter being asked Vbinam baptismus recte administrari possit He answers Fas non est administrare baptismum nisi in coetu fidelium non quidem v● templum requiratur sed vt vbiuis numerus aliquis fidelium conueniat qui Ecclesiae corpus efficiat Yee haue this in his 185. Epistle And thus much for Baptisme The third Article is of Confirmation to be giuen to children when they are come to the yeares of discretion and that is one of the most ancient customes of the Christian Church from the dayes of the Apostles it hath continued and with them it began Neither is there any thing more profitable for it helps children to bee seasoned with the principles of true Religion layes a good foundation for the better direction of their whole life preserues the seede of the Church sound makes children more diligent to learne and Pastors and Parents more carefull to instruct them The neglect of this dutie hath done much harme in the Church and the restitution of that good custome which Caluin in the fourth Booke of his Institutions earnestly wishes could not but bring with it an exceeding great benefit It was in substance agreed vnto in the Assembly at Abirdene but two things his Maiestie found deficient in the Act One that there was no mention of laying on of hands vpon the child confirmed Another was that the performance of it was not restricted to the Bishops care And for this last it is cleare by all Antiquitie that the power of Confirming appertayned euer to Bishops Not that Confirmation is a Sacrament of greater dignitie then Baptisme as the Papists teach these were the thoughts of ignorance but as S. Hierome speakes The Church thought fit that seeing Baptisme is giuen by Presbyters lest children should be ignorant of the spirituall superioritie of Bishops ouer them they should attend the receiuing of Confirmation by their hands so this was done for the honour of Prelacy as he speakes Now if any man will enuy this honour to Bishops it is a silly and poore enuy for it encreases their charge and burthen and if the conscience of their dutie make them not carefull of it in this profane and irreligious age the honor or credit it can bring them will neuer worke it Touching imposition of hands let Saint Augustine tell vs what it meanes Hee in his fift Booke De Baptismo contra Donatistas cap. 23. sayes Quid est manuum impositio nisi oratio super hominem that is to say What is imposition of hands but a prayer vpon the man that hands are laid vpon In all personall benedictions from
the Eunuch and the Centurion No man will denie but in the infancie of a Church a priuate Baptisme may be tollerated but we speake of a Church constituted c. The Lord appoynted a precise day of Circumcision which might not be preuented It was no wonder if they had not euer opportunitie of a solemne Conuention there is no precise day set downe for Baptisme c. The Church ought to be assured of the Baptisme of such as are reputed fellow-heires with them c. ANS That the Church may be assured of the Baptisme of the Childe it is ordained in the Act of Perth That the Minister shall the next Lords-day after any such priuate Baptisme declare in the Church that the Infant was so baptized and therefore ought to be receyued as one of the true Flocke of CHRISTS ●olde In a constituted Church Baptisme should not be ministred ordinarily but according to the constitutions of the Church but extraordinarie cases cannot be subiect to ordinarie constitutions more in a constituted Church then in the Infancie of it And that which is lawfull to be done in the Infancie of the Church is yet lawfull to be done in a constituted Church ratione reipraeceptae diuinae institutionis And it is vnlawfull onely rati●ne ordinis in regard of the order appointed by the Church from which cases of necessitie are alwaies excepted Also that which might haue beene tolerated in the infancie of the Church for necessitie must euer be lawfull in the like case for it was not the infancie of the Church that made the toleration lawfull but the necessitie Where ye thinke that the Iewes were more strictly obliged to circumcision then Christians are to Baptisme because a certain day was appointed for it and to Baptisme there is no day prefixed in the Word Wee know by the Law that he who is not obliged at a certaine day to pay his debt may be charged to pay it at all times and therfore when God layes sicknesse on a child a charge is giuen by God instantly to the Parent to performe his duetie PP The Lords Supper ought to be publique We haue a spirituall vnion with the whole Church but because it is not possible to celebrate a sacramentall communion with the whole Church militant the Lord hath appointed vs to celebrate a sacramental cōmunion with some particular Church We that are many are one bread and one bodie because wee are partakers of one bread 1. Cor. 10.17 We cannot then bee one body sacramētally except we be pertakers of one bread Other Feasts may be priuate in priuate houses but the Lords Supper ought to be publique 1. Cor. 11.12 When yee conuene to eate tarrie one for another 1. Cor. 11.33 Synaxis a word signifying as much as Synagogue was one of the names giuen of olde to this Sacrament ANS As with the whole Church Militant we haue a spirituall Communion so haue we an Euangelicall and Sacramentall Communion for as we are partakers of the same spirit so are we partakers of the same Word and Sacraments The Bread is one which all receiue and the water one wherewith all are baptised Sacramentally for they are clothed with the same sacred mysterie of signification exhibition and obsignation of saluation in Christ crucified When the Apostle sayes 1. Cor. 10.17 Because the bread is one we who are many are one body for we are all partakers of one bread he speaks not of our Communion with a particular Church onely but with the Catholike and by one bread he meanes not one bread mate●ially in number for one bread in number materially none but one particular person can receiue The bread which I receiue materially is not the same that thou receiuest but the Sacrament is one and the same in number To bee short wee haue no more a Sacramentall communion with these in the Parish with whom wee communicate then wee haue with the whole militant Church who are all partakers of the same Sacraments And thus as we haue a spirituall so we haue a sacramentall Communion with them It is true that our communion in the Word and Sacraments is not visible but with some particular Church and therefore as it is lesse or more publike so is it lesse or more visible yet we doe euer celebrate a Sacramentall communion with the whole Church when the action is lawfully performed The other places which yee cite 1. Cor. 11.22 Haue yee not houses to eate and drinke in and Vers. 33. When yee convene to eate tarry one for another of which yee gather that other feasts may be in priuate houses but the Lords Supper should be in publike These places I say are relatiue to the ordinarie meetings of those times which were often in priuate houses Caluine in his 363. Epistle to Ole●ian answers this obiection Neque verò Paulus dum Corinthios admonet domum suam cuique esse in qua comedat bibat coenam excludit à priuatis aedibus tunc neque fidelibus patebant templa nec permissum erat noua extruere sed tantùm à communibus epulis discernit spirituale mysterium ne cum illis misceatur that is When Paul admonishes the Corinthians that euery one hath his owne house wherein hee may eate and drinke he does not exclude the Lords Supper from priuate houses for in those dayes Temples were not patent to Christians neither had they libertie to build new Churches but hee discernes onely the spirituall mysterie from their common feasts and will not haue it to bee mixed with them So the mysterie was called Synaxis because it was euer celebrated in some Conuention lesse or more ordinarie or extraordinarie PP It is a badge of our publike profession it ought therefore to be publike ANS It should not onely be publike but most solemne ordinarily And in cases of necessitie when the same is ministred by an ordinarie Pastor to two or three assembled in Christs name it ceases not to be publike PP The Communion was sent to the sicke in the time or mediately after the action in Iustine Martyr his time It became afterwards to bee reserued for the vse of dying persons c. Some put the Eucharist into the mouthes of the dead lest they should want their voyage victuall Yet in all Antiquitie we reade not that the Communion was celebrated at the sick-mans bed-side ANS The corruptions that haue flowed of mens erroneous conceit of the Sacraments should not take away the lawfull vse of them when necessitie requires As to the sending of the Sacrament to the sicke it was a custome of the ancient Church which Beza allowes and where the Communion was daily at least weekely celebrated in the ordinarie Congregation as that was the custome of those times it was not necessarie to celebrate the Communion at the sick-mans bed-side PP Clinicall Communions haue not onely bred and still doe foster the opinion of absolute necessitie but also of Opus operatum of a preposterous confidence
the resolution we take at this time touching the Articles propounded will giue to the world a testimonie what manner of men wee are whether such as rule their proceedings by iudgement or are carried head-strong with conceits and opinions that wee bee nor misse-led by ignorance for that is the fault of many amongst vs wee inquire not of matters nor take paynes to vnderstand what hath beene the iudgement of the most wise and learned but follow vpon trust the opinions we haue beene bred with and of such as we affect to helpe this I say I will with your patience spend some time in the question of Ceremonies see what warrant they haue and how they should bee appointed then from the generall descend to speake of our particulars touching which I shall freely deliuer my owne minde and so conclude First then concerning Ceremonies howsoeuer some haue imagined them to bee superfluities which might well bee spared and that the Church of Rome hath made the very name of them hatefull aswell because of the multitude of them wherewith she oppressed Christians as for the ridiculous choice she made of most of them are such things as without which no publike action either Ciuill or Ecclesiastique can be rightly performed To this purpose a Politike Writer hath said well That as the flesh couereth the hollow deformity of the bones and beautifieth the bodie with naturall graces so Ceremonies such specially as ancient custome hath made reuerend couer the nakednesse of publike actions and distinguish them from priuate businesse that otherwise should not bee so well knowne The neglect of this in any State breedes confusion and with confusion the ruine and abolishment of the State it selfe whereof the examples were easie to be giuen in the Romane Republike and others if that were our subiect But wee are speaking of Church-Ceremonies concerning which no man will deny this generall truth That in euery publike dutie which God craues at our hands there is besides the matter and forme wherein the substance of the dutie consists a certaine externall forme required to the decent administration of the same As for example God hath commanded his Word to bee preached and the holy Sacraments to be ministred Baptisme by the Element of Water and in a prescript forme of words such as you know wee vse and the Sacrament of his blessed Body and Bloud in the Elements of Bread and Wine with certaine mysticall words added thereunto heere is the dutie to bee done and the substance of it yet for the ministration of the same in a due and decent manner there is place time and other circumstances moe required The substance of the dutie God hath giuen vs in the Word from which we may not goe but for these things that belong to the outward administration Ecclesiasticall wisedome hath to define what is conuenient what not Neque tamen permisit Dominus vagam effrae namque licentiam sayes Caluine sed cancellos vt ita loquar circūdedit That is God hath not giuen his Church an illimited power to establish what Ceremonies she lists but hath enrayled her authoritie within borders which she may not passe and these are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Let all things bee done honestly and by order Honestly that is after a good fashion in a decent sort and to the right ends namely the aduancement of Gods honour and the edification of his Church This is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Then they must be done 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by order that is appointed with deliberation and by such as haue the authoritie to ordaine them and being once appointed and concluded by Constitutions they must bee kept and performed by all that are subiect to the same This as one speakes well is that great Ecclesiasticall Canon by which all other Canons must bee squared this is the true Touch-stone of trying Ceremonies and the ballance wherein all Church Orders must be weighed The Ceremonies of the Church must be decent and comely without vanitie without all meretricious brauerie not superfluous but seruing to edification They must also be done to Gods honour and not be idolatrous or superstitious Generally in the Church all things must be done in order and no confusion be either of persons or proceedings for order hath proceeded from the Throne of the Almightie This fabricke of the World that wee see is vpholden by it States and Kingdomes are maintayned by it and without it nothing can flourish or prosper And if Order should haue place in all things sure the Church of God should not be without Order for our God whom wee serue is the God of Order and not of Confusion as the Apostle speakes These things will be easily condescended vpon I meane that religious duties cannot bee performed without externall Rites that these Rites should bee qualited as I haue said established by Lawes and after they are established obeyed by such as are subiect Si enim velut in medio positae singulorum arbitrio relictae fuerint quoniam nunquam futurum est vt omnibus idem placeat breui futura est rerum omnium confusio This is Caluines saying in the fourth Booke of his Institutions and tenth Chapter which Chapter I would earnestly recommend to your reading for these matters chiefly In such generals it may bee wee all agree but when wee come to particulars Tanta moribus hominum inest diuersitas tanta in animis varietas tanta in iudicijs ingenijsque pugna Such is the varietie of mens minds and opinions that scarce shall they euer bee brought to agree vpon any one thing For the Ceremonie which to one will seeme decent and comely will to another appeare not to be so Now in this case what is to bee done Some would haue vs search into the Apostolike times examine what then was in vse to bee done and follow that But this cannot well be the rule seeing the Apostles haue not deliuered in writing all that they did and diuers of the formes vsed by them which by occasion wee haue recorded are vnfit for these times and inconuenient such as the assembling of people in close and secret meetings their Christnings in Riuers the ministring of the Lords Supper after meate 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or Church-Feasts the abhorring of leuened Bread abstayning from Bloud and that which is strangled the arbitrary maintenance of Ministers and other more particulars which to bring againe in vse were to alter and change in a sort the state of Christianitie it selfe So it being to vs vncertaine what the formes of the Apostles were in euery thing and the dissimilitude of their times and ours being so great they giue no sure direction that send vs to seeke the resolution of our differences in matters of this nature from them Reade Beza his eight Epistle written to that Reuerend Bishop Edmond Grindall then Bishop of London and you shall finde this to bee his iudgement His words are Scio duplicem esse de Ecclesiarum
read but supprest Yee leauing all the rest of the weightier causes chop onely at this as if therefore onely this Councell was reiected And to make this Assembly at Perth odious compares it with that hereticall and turbulent conuention betwixt the which there is no similitude at all no not in the poynt which yee chop at For the Libell ye speak of was not peremptorily reiected but a part of it being read the reading was interrupted for two causes first because it contained no new thing but that which had beene alreadie heard and sufficiently answered to Secondly because it contained some things which could not but giue iust offence The like was practised in that Councell vnder Constantine and Agatho which yee alledged before for a patterne of orderly proceeding In the eleuenth Session therof we find that certaine Libells of Macarius who opponed himselfe to the Councell being presented to bee read publiquely after they had proceeded a while in reading they reiected the rest for that they contayned so absurd doctrine as would haue offended the eares of the hearers And in the twelfth Session other Libels presented by him to the Emperour and offered by the Emperour to the Synod after a part thereof was begun to bee read the Councell finding that they contayned no new reasons but the same which had beene heard and discussed before they caused stay the reading thereof So in this Assembly to reiect a Libell foolish and impertinent could be no fault PP In all free and lawfull Assemblies publique voting should be free from all terrours according to the rule Nihil consensui tam contrarium est quàm vis atque metus quem c●mprobare contra bonos more 's est Neuerthelesse in this Assembly his Maiesties Letters were read the fourth time immediately before the publique voting to moue the Assembly The pretended Moderator threatned to marke their names who dissented and b●eathed out many terrours and threatnings and so he made good in publique that which he professed in priuate That he would commit twentie preiudices to further his Maiesties purpose ANS If all men were alike peaceably disposed towards the weale and peace of the Church there were no need of these meanes to draw them to their dueties but seeing some are wickedly set seeking nothing but disturbance others pre-occupied by their owne opinions others abused and seduced by the craftier sort there is need sometimes to vse terrours that the vnruly may stand in awe to offend and the deliberations taken for the good of the Church may not be hindered As to the reading of his Maiesties Letter directed to the Assembly which the Libeller notes to haue been foure times read and immediately before the voting of matters to moue the Assembly I would aske him What is the fault The Assembly was called by his Maiestie to giue answere to the Articles proponed by himselfe His Letter contained a Declaration of his pleasure and therewith diuers reasons why the Church ought to condescend to his Highnesse desires Such as opposed them insisted still for a new continuation and the delay of a long time And it was needfull they should heare his Maiesties owne minde by his Letter who otherwise could not consent vpon the answers twice giuen by his Highnesse Commissioners in that poynt If the Letter should haue beene read at all the seuerall Sessions of the Assembly there could be no fault in it and I am sure the time had beene better spent that way then in hearing many of their idle discourses For I thinke in that short Letter there be more good and solid stuffe then is in all this long Libell of the Pamphleters yet did it cost him many houres and as we heare many nights and daies to find out these particulars at which he might carpe But I know it is not the consuming of time that troubles him hee is sorie That the Assembly did regard the Letter so much and was moued any way by it as he speakes Now we tell him plainly it was read to moue them to consent and it wrought that for which it was done If any fault be it is this Their humours and purposes were crossed by the reading of the Letter for we can see no more in it Touching the terrours and threatnings breathed out by the Moderator of the Assembly what they were hath beene shewed in the Narration of the proceedings for the marking of the names of those that should be dissenting it is most false They were warned to speake in modestie and abstaine from intemperate words such as many of that sort are giuen to when reason failes them And if they should transgresse warned of theit danger But that it was threatned to delate the names of the voters howsoeuer they should giue their voyces it is most vntrue Yet is it nothing so vnusuall as he would make it appeare in Councels and Synods to threaten and terrifie such as are vnruly In the first Councell of Chalcedon Martianus the Emperour forbare not to threaten such as should shew themselues refractary against the Decrees of the Councell and amongst the instructions giuen to his Commissioner Elpidius and others this is one Si quem videritis conturbationi tumultui s●udentem hunc custodiae mancipate ad nostram perferte notitiam Which in effect is To marke their names and to delate them to the Emperour Many the like are to be obserued in the Bookes of the Councels And if such speeches may furnish any exception for the nullitie of Councels Assemblies we shal hardly find a lawful Coūcel or Assembly at all As to the Sermons and harrangues wherewith he said in his first exception that the Assembly was preoccupied I would gladly know what Church Assembly hath there euer beene kept witho●t Sermons and Harrangues In the olde Councels they were not neglected And if these be pre-occupations how shall yee iustifie any Assembly kept from the beginning of our Church to this day We haue heard by some of you at times strange Discourses and more strange Sermons made at your Assemblies contayning bitter Inuectiues against his Maiestie the whole State and sometimes against the Ministers themselues And then was i● your ordinarie custome to set vp in Pulpit not the wisest or most learned Preachers by whom the rest might haue beene instructed but if there was any bold and impudent fellow that would not forbeare to vtter whatsoeuer was suggested to him in priuate he was the man And all that he spoke was fathered vpon the holy Spirit These were your formes in former times worthie of reproofe And diuerse of the Assemblies yee count to haue beene free and vncorrupt if they were well tried would for this cause be seene most worthy to be reiected PP In all free and lawfull Assemblies the estate of the question to bee voted ought to bee so formed that it carry with it no danger Neuerthelesse in this Assembly the matter to be voted was proponed with sensible danger agree or bee
non ad 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sed ad pec●liarem Dei beneficiorum commemorationem de communi consensu in Ecclesia Christiana instituere non arbitramur simpliter esse illicitum that is Besides this Sabbath which returneth euery seuenth day wee iudge it not simply vnlawfull by common consent of the Church to institute other dayes not for wil-worship but for a speciall remembrance of the benefites of God PERKINS on the fourth Chapter to the Galatians ECclesiasticall obseruation of time is when set dayes are obserued for orders sake that men might come together to worship God These dayes are eyther dayes of thankesgiuing or dayes of humiliation take the example of the Iewes Ester 9.26 Who obserued yeerely the Feast of Purim for a memory of their deliuerance In like manner they obserued the Feast of Dedication and it seemes that Christ was present at Ierusalem as an obseruer of this Feast Iohn 10.22 And thus for orders sake to obserue certayne dayes of Solemnity is not forbidden WILLET in his six-fold Commentarie vpon the fourteenth to the ROMANS THe Apostle reproues them for the superstitious obseruing of dayes such as then the Iewes practised and now the Papists but to obserue such Holy dayes as God hath appointed such as the Sabbath and others for order and policie not for Religions sake is not within the Apostles reprehension Item The Apostle speakes of the Iewes Festiuals wherein they did clogge their consciences and one iudged another not of the Lords Day which is of Christs appointing and of other Festiuals for Order and Policie and not for a part of the Seruice of God to bind the Conscience An answere to the dispute intituled OF CONFIRMATION and of Bishopping Wherein the Pamphlet penner pretends to impugne the third Article concluded in the Assembly at Perth touching the triall of young childrens education the tenor whereof followes FOr as much as one of the most speciall meanes for staying the encrease of Popery and setling of true Religion in the hearts of the people is that a speciall care be taken in triall of young children their education and how they are catechized which in time of the primitiue Church was most carefully attended as being most profitable to cause young children in their tender yeares drinke in the knowledge of God and his Religion but is now altogether neglected in respect of the great abuse and errors which crept into the Popish Church by making thereof a Sacrament of Confirmation Therefore that all superstitions built thereupon may be rescinded and that the matter it selfe being most necessary for the education of the youth may be reduced to the primitiue integritie it is thought good that the Minister in euery Parish shall catechize all young children of eight yeares of age and see that they haue the knowledge and bee able to make rehearsall of the Lords prayer Beliefe and ten Commandements with answers to the questions of the small Catechisme vsed in our Church And that euery Bishop in his Visitation shall censure the Minister who shall be found remisse therein And the said Bishops shall cause the said children to be presented before them and blesse them with prayer for the encrease of their knowledge and continuance of Gods heauenly graces with euery one of them In the narratiue of this Act the Sacrament of Confirmation is counted amongst the abuses errors and superstitions which crept into the Papistical Church in stead of the profita●le catechizing that the primitiue Church vsed for the t●iall of you●g childrens education therefore the first part of the dispute wherein the Pamphleter intends to prooue that Confirmation is not a Sacrament contayning nothing that is contrary to the Act shall be passed by In the second part of the dispute intituled Bishopping he contends that the Sacrament of Confirmation and imposition of hands is not proper to Bishops but common to all Presbyters This contention is idle for the Sacrament of Confirmation and imposition of hands being refuted in the former dispute by himselfe and condemned by the Act why should hee striue to haue that common which neither he nor we esteeme to be lawfull But to the end all occasion of debate about this matter might be preuented the Assembly at Perth ordayned that the Bishop after examination should blesse the young children with prayer and purposely omitted the ceremonie of imposition of hands as a thing indifferent to bee vsed or not vsed as the Bishop should thinke most meet Albeit in the primitiue Church this blessing was alwayes giuen with imposition of hands as Caluine affirmes Instit. lib. 4. sect 4. wishing that it were restored to the first integritie in the reformed Churches Yet the Pamphleter to make simple ones beleeue that euery thing concluded in that Assembly was erroneous hee giues out that the Sacrament at least the ceremonie of Confirmation was there allowed and appropriated to Bishops PP We haue abjured Episcopall gouernment and therefore we cannot lawfully admit Episcopall Confirmation giuing and not granting their office were lawfull and that they haue gotten a lawfull calling by the Church to the said office Thirdly that we were free of our oath and fourthly That Confirmation were to be allowed whether as a Ceremonie or as a Sacrament yet it is damnable presumption to appropriate vnto themselues the dutie that belongs to all Pastors ANS If by the Ceremonie or Sacrament of Confirmation yee vnderstand the miraculous imposition of hands vsed by the Apostles or yet the bastard Sacrament of Confirmation vsed in Poperie whereby Bellarmine whom yee afterwards cite sayes That the Lord would honour Episcopalem dignitatem neither of these are allowed by the Act nor appropriated to Bishops Therefore your whole dispute following being directed onely against these two points is idle superfluous But if by Confirmation ye did vnderstand according to the meaning of the Act the dutie which Bishops should performe in trying at their Visitation the diligence of Pastors in catechizing young children and in causing them bee brought before them to bee examined and blessed this part of Episcopall gouernment yee haue not abjured but haue approued by your assertorie oath and obliged your selfe to maintayne and obey by your promissorie oath if so bee yee did sweare to the Policie set downe in the first booke of Discipline Anno 1560. as yee haue often professed For the wordes in that booke touching this point of Bishops dutie are these After the Superintendents haue remayned in their chiefe Townes three or foure moneths at the most they shall be compelled vnlesse by sicknesse onely they be retayned to re-enter in their Visitation In which they shall not onely preach but also examine the life diligence and behauiour of the Ministers as also the order of their Churches and manners of their people They must further consider how the poore are prouided for and the youth instructed By these wordes it is manifest that it was not a thing common to euery Pastor to visite Churches