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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15621 An A.B.C. for layemen, othervvise called, the lay-mans letters An alphabet for lay-men, deliuering vnto them such lessons as the holy Ghost teaches them in the worde, by thinges sensible, very necessary to be diligently considered. Wither, George, 1540-1605. 1585 (1585) STC 25888; ESTC S101869 82,014 180

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to a wise consideration of duetye where otherwise if hee bee left at libertye hee oftentimes bringeth his Parentes to shame When straungers and Aliens preuaile against the people of God then are wee to comfort our selues that they are but God his roddes and that therefore God will not alwayes for that purpose vse them but that in short time they shall bee broken worne to the stumpes and throwne away When we see schollers very fearful of their schoole-master comming towards them with a rod in his hand then are wee to remember to take heed that we so behaue our selues towards them that are ouer vs in the Lorde that they rather vse vs to the sweete and spirituall comforts of Gods promises then the terrible seuerity of Dicsipline Rushes AS Rushes and other greene thinges that commonly grow in watery places If in whot weather they want moysture doe quickly consume wither come to naught so the waies of the wicked and the hope of the hypocrite shall perish Ritches AS the glutton that ouerchargeth his stomack with meat is compelled to spue and cast it vp againe so the greedy Cormorant that gathereth great riches and deuoureth and swalloweth vp great substaunce shall loose it againe for God shall euen draw it out of his belly so that the smallest blessing of worldlye wealth which God giueth to the iust man is much better to him then greate riches and wealth which the wicked and vngodly doe possesse For experience teacheth how vainly men disquiet themselues in heaping vp ritches which they knowe not who shall possesse wherefore hee which with ritches will haue the fauour and blessing of God must be liberall and franke to all such vses as tend to the seruice honour and glory of God For if we procure his anger indignation wrath against vs our riches and treasure shall nothing auail profite nor helpe vs. Therefore a good name is aboue riches and fauour aboue siluer and gold It is therefore a very vanity to trauaile too muche for riches when a man thinketh he hath them most sure then sodainlye they slippe and flye away Hee that looueth siluer shall not bee satisfied with siluer and he that loueth riches shal be with out the fruite thereof When wee see a rich man sodainly die and those to possesse his wealth whome hee neuer gathered it for Then are wee to remember what a vauitye it is for a man to disquiet him selfe in heaping vp of wealth and howe muche better it is for a man to bee rich in God or to make Christe his riches and wealth for whose sake euery Christian oughte with ioy to suffer the spoyle of his goods knowing that in heauen hee hath an enduring substance and that the worldly rich man together with his wealth shall vanish as the flower of the grasse Wherefore wee shoulde not followe the fashions of this world in accepting and regarding of men onely for their riches and wealth which commonly they heap together by tyrannous oppression and by persecuting the saintes of God ioyned together with the blasphemy of his most holy name They that desire to be rich fal into many temptations and snares and many foolish and noysom lusts And the desire of monye is the roote of all euil Wherfore rich men are to be warned that they be not prowd nor trust in vncertaine riches but in God who aboundantly giueth to euerye one Roller WHen wee see Husbandmen vse rollers to breake great and hard clodds and to make them fall to power then are we to call to minde the power of God and his Christe to breake down the might and force of his enimies though as high and mighty as the highest and greatest mountaines Rainbowe WHensoeuer we see the Rainbowe we are to call to minde Gods iudgementes against the worlde in the dayes of Noe for their wickednes and also y e kindenesse of God who in mercy hath promised vs that hee will neuer a-againe destroy the whole worlde with Water and hath giuen vs the Rainbowe in the clowdes as a pledge and seale thereof for our better assuraunce Shadow AS now the sunne is shadowed with clowds and by and by shineth foorth bright so subiect to chaunge is the life of man And as the seruaunt working abroade in the whot Sunne longeth for and is glad of the coole shade so men in affliction and misery are glad of a little ease Sacrifice THe persons of Infidelles and impenitent wicked men God abhorreth and therefore the Sacrifice of such is abhominable But God fauourably accepteth the Sacrifice of the faithfull And these are the Sacrifices left now vnto the Church of God 1. Contrite Spirites broken heartes such as tremble at his Worde 2 Our reasonable seruing of God that is our seruing him according to the prescription of his will 3 Martirdome for the testimony of his trueth 4 The fruite of our Lippes that is Praise and thankesgiuing vnto his moste holye and blessed name 5 Benefiting our brethren and distributing that which God hath blessed vs withall to the needy For with such sacrifices God is pleased and for that cause hee hath made vs priestes that wee shoulde offer vp spirituall sacrifices acceptable to God by Christ. Salte AS often as we see Salt stones wee are to remember the strange punishment wherewith God punished Lots wife for disobedience and to feare the like or greater Salt also aswell because it is sauour it selfe as because it seasoneth all other thinges expresseth vnto vs the duety of good ministers aswell in life as doctrine Sand. IF the sandes of the sea be innumerable so that it is impossible for man to take in hand to number them Then how great is the summe of Gods cogitations and how farre beyonde the reach of man And though the people of God be somtimes for their chastisement giuen ouer to the enemye who thinketh vtterly to extinguishe them and to root them out yet God will againe multiply and encrease the number of them that they shal be as innumerable as the sand of the sea Sauour THe sent and Sauour of the Minister of the Worde is very delectable and pleasaunt to those whom God hath appoynted to be saued but vnto the other who perishe he is an odious loathsome and deadly sauour Sea THe meruailous stormes that Marriners and passengers abyde oftentimes at Sea shewe foorth the mighty and wonderfull works of god The calme that often sodenly followeth and the bringing of men into their desired harborrow setteth out the loue and kindnesse of God to such as call vpon him For God for his people doth make awaye in the sea and a path in the mighty waters As the sea when it rageth the waters thereof cast vp durt and mier so the wicked in their outragiousnes shew
duely and dutifully honour their Parents But sometime God taketh them away sooner for their benefit For Age is not to be gloried in but when it is found in the way of righteousnesse we must honour the aged and rise vp before the hoare head The children that forgat this dutie God shewed heauie iudgements vpon them by causing wild beares out of the wood to teare them in peeces Gods arme is not shortned his hand is stretched out still Therfore we must not rashely rebuke an old man but beseech him as a Father And further we must take heed how we forsake the counsell of olde men who by reason of their long experience know much and betake our selues to the counsell of young men which for the more part is more bold then wise Ambition AMbition is a dangerous euil it doth not only ouertake y e wicked but it often creepeth into the Godly and daungerously infecteth them so that Christ him selfe diuers times findeth his owne Apostles deeply touched with it till men reforme this vice and bee as free from it as litle infants they can not enter into the kingdome of heauen Nay they can not beleeue so long as they are greedy to be honoured of men and seeke not for the honour that commeth from God alone Let them thinke of this that hunt after honour and dignitie and marke from Caine foreward what mischiefes this wrought in wicked men It was the cause of the fall of Adam It caused men to giue the attempt to builde the Towre of Babell It caused Chore Dathan and Abiron and the rest to rebell against Moses and Aaron It made Haman thinke all his honour riches and estimation nothing as long as Mardocheus who would not serue his ambitious affection liued and such like Appels APpels made of Gold and beautifull pictures framed of siluer are neither so precious nor so comely as a worde spoken and vttered in due tyme and place Almesse GIue Almesse sell that which you haue and giue Almesse make you bagges which waxe not old a treasure which can not fayle in heauen make you friendes of the riches of iniquitie that when you want they may receiue you into euerlasting habitation What a man soweth that shal he reape He that soweth sparingly shall reape sparingly Our Almesse if it be franckly bestowed is a sacrifice of sweete sauour and pleaseth God very well but yet we must doe our Almesse secreatly least we hunt for the praise of men by doing it openly and so shew our selues to be Hipocrites Anger WHen we be prouoked to Anger or see other angrye then let vs thinke that he which is slow to Anger is better then the mighty man and he that ruleth his owne minde is better th●n he that winneth a Citie and that he that is hasty to anger committeth not onely folly but also in the iudgement of GOD is a murderer Wherefore let vs learne so to be angrye that we sinne not And when we deale with hotte and hastie men let vs abstaine from grieuous wordes for they stirre vp Anger and rather vse soft and milde aunsweares for they put awaye wrath Further an angrye man stirreth vppe strife which he that is slow to wrath appeaseth aboue all take heed of angring the Prince Apparrell BY our first creation we were not subiect to the iniuries of the weather neither yet had wee any thing to bee ashamed of or that wee neede to hide Therefore afore Adams transgression he ware no apparell The putting on off shifting of our garmentes should cause vs to remember out of what felicity we fell and therfore shoulde not encrease but rather represse pride The first garmentes that Adam and Eue did wear God made and put on which was to them and their posteritie a signe and seale of Gods goodnesse that hee woulde not deale with them according to their deserts considering that when they had moste greeuously offended then hee most gratiously prouided for their necessity As our clothes when they waxe old we change them So heauen and earth and all that is in them shall be chaunged An olde rotten tottered garment cannot bee comely peeced with new whole and sound cloth so they that plant and place their righteousnes in fasting and other externall exercises can not admit that righteousnesse that commeth onely and wholly by Christ. Soft silkes and other ruffeling brauery in apparell very often bewrayeth climing spirits and therefore are ordinarily to bee founde in kinges Courts When wee see men by apparell or such other outwarde meanes hunt after the estimation of men then let vs call to minde what Christ spake in like case of the Pharisies namely that they doe all their works for to be seene of men We are to bee contented and to satisfie our selues if God giue vs meate for our bellies and clothes for our backes Finally Saint Peter teacheth vs not to beautify and deck our selues with gay apparell and costly Iewels But with the incorruption of the heart and meekenesse and quietnesse of spirit As other men desire to be gorgeously apparelled so the children of God desire to bee clothed with their house which is from heauen The prowde man doth think violence as comly for him as a decent and a fit garment The garments that are layde by till they bee moth-eaten shall witnesse against the owners of their pride and superfluity Army AN Army of men shoulde make vs remember that the Lorde he is GOD of hostes that is that all strength and force of men is at his beck and commandement For both it withdraweth vs from procuring the curse of God in making flesh our arme and also causeth vs to dispise the might of men that seeke to destroy the Church and truth of God For he hath giuen his Aungelles charge ouer the Godly and they encampe them selues round about them that feare him Further we are to remember that as the armie of heauen is innumerable and the sand of the Sea vnmeasurable euen so God will multiply his Church Armor THe sight of Armor should bring to minde how conuenient it is for vs to put on y e Armor of light that is such defences against sinne as light that is knowledge and vnderstanding of the Word doth lead vs vnto Further by it we are admonished how many and great enemies we haue to do with all and therefore that it is necessarie to bee armed at all points with suche Armor as God in his word hath appointed vnto vs. For otherwise we can not withstande the assaults of so mighty so fierce and so wily aduersaries But against the might and power of our God nothing can preuaile Arrowes BItter wordes pearce like arrowes they are secreatly shot at the innocent they sodainely strike him and wound him when he least thinketh and
which haue seene him shall say where is he The tokens then of pryde that abound and are plentiful amongst vs do shew sharpe vengeance and iudgementes at hand Because the Daughters of Sion are hautie and walke with stretched out neckes and with wandering eyes walking and minsing as they goe and making a tinckling with their feet Therefore the Lord shal make the heades of the Daughters of Sion balde and the Lord shall discouer their secreat partes For god doth resiste the proud and giueth grace to the humble and meeke Pleasure WHen we see foolishe men drowned in voluptuousnesse and pleasures and not hauing any regarde to godlinesse honesty or comelinesse then are we to remember Salomons admonition that pleasure is neuer comely for a foole and most commonly the immoderate loue of pastime bringeth them to pouerty and beggerie Raine THe Raine maketh the new mowen grasse freshly to spring againe and showers so comfort the earth that it yeeldeth the fruites thereof Euen so shall Christe refreshe foster nourishe and cherishe his people As a raging Raine beateth the Corne downe and washeth away al before it so when one poore man oppresseth an other commonlye it is without pittie or mercy Raine and snow falling from heauen retourneth not thither againe but watereth the earth and maketh it fruitfull Euen so the worde that commeth out of Gods mouth shall not retourne voyde but shall accomplishe and bring to passe that which God will and shall prosper in that wherevnto he sent it The raine falling from Heauen and causing the earth to yeelde her fruit was at all times and is still to all ages an open and a plaine euident testimonye of the goodnesse of God so that no man can excuse him selfe of ignoraunce The earth that drincketh in the raine that commeth oft vppon it and bringeth foorth nothing profitable for the vse and behoofe of man sheweth what is to be hoped of that man whome the knowledge of the Worde doth in no part reforme Rasour AS a sharpe Rasour with the least touch that can be shaueth and cutteth so doth also the tongue of a mischeuous lying man Rebellion WHen we see a stubborne frowarde and vnruly Woman brawle skoulde chide and rebel against her husbād we are diligētly to look into our selues how y e case standeth betwixt vs God for commonly y t expresseth vnto vs our vnrulinesse rebellion against God but all that resist God shal be confounded for rebellion is as y e sinne of witchcraft and transgression is wickednesse and Idolatry Therefore Samuel saide to Saule because thou hast cast away the worde of the Lord therefore the Lord hath cast away thee from being king To resist man whome God hath set ouer men is to rebell against GOD. Wherefore God him self hath set vpon rebellion and contumacy against magistrates parentes no lesse penalty then death His wonderful iudgments against such are to be seene in Core Dathan and Abiron and also in Absolom Reede A Reede shaking too and fro with euery little small winde declareth the inconstancy and mutability of the common sort of people whome euery small trifle doth cause to alter their minde and iudgement When wee see any passe by a brused reede and not breake it we are to remember that our sauiour Christ did beare with many infirmities in those which were his least hee shoulde breake of or quench those good thinges which began to appeare in them And of him we are also to learne by bearing and forbearing to cherish and foster such good as we see beginneth to liue and growe in our weake brethren Reward AS the price or best game for running cannot bee obtained of any that eyther runne not or else giue ouer afore they be at the end of their race so none canne attayne the celestiall Crowne of glory but they which perseuer in the right trace of Christianity vnto the end And as they which runne in a race hauing onely regard to the reward make them selues as light and as nimble as they can and therefore throw awaye whatsoeuer is heauy or may hinder their swiftnesse so we in our course to heauen hauing that glory onely before our eyes shoulde throw from vs sinne which like an heauy burthen hangeth vpon vs and whatsoeuer else may hinder vs in the way and course to life euerlasting Yet in this course the greatest paines that can bee taken and the greatest perfection which is possible for men to attaine vnto is not meritorious neither can deserue life And therefore our Lorde and sauiour teacheth vs when wee haue done all that is commaunded vs to say and confesse that we are vnprofitable seruaunts though hee of his meere liberality for our better comfort and encouragement in all good things hath promised large and liberall rewards Robbery WHen we see men which haue no conscience in getting liberall to the poore and to other things in common intendment good Then are wee to put them in minde that God hateth and abhorreth to accept robberye or theeuerye for burnt offerings To loue gifts and to hunt after rewardes in princes and men of Authority is cozen germain to robbery Rockes AS y e rocks that are hard to be clambred vnto are good refuges for the afflicted to fly vnto from the face of their pursuers So God is the safetye of all such as in distresse do flye to him for succour As hee that setteth the foundation of his howse vpon a firme rocke may bee sure that the Foundation shall bee able to beare the waight of that which shal be set vpon it and that no raine or floude shall wash it away so hee that buildeth his faith vpon Christe as he is set out and preached vnto vs in the gospell shall be sure that hell gates that is all the power force and cunning of the Diuel shall neuer be able to preuaile against him Rodde SO oft as the childe seeth the rodde he is to cal to minde these lessons following First that it is fit for the back of him that wanteth wisdome and that therefore correction is necessarye for him that is to be enstructed and taught For correction and instruction is the very way and path to life Wherefore they must thinke that if Father or Master spare his rodde that he loueth not his Childe but that then hee loueth him when he beginneth to chasten him betimes For naturally folly is bound to the heart of euery childe But the rod of correction doth driue it or scowre it away Therefore parents should not with-hold correction from their children For as the commō prouerb is birtch breaketh no bones neither moderate correction bringeth daunger or death but oftentimes it bridleth and keepeth backe him that otherwise woulde runne headlong into hell and so is a meane to saue his soule For it bringeth him