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A13024 The Christians sacrifice much better then all the legall sacrifices of the Iewes; and without the which, all the said legall sacrifices of the Iewes, euen when they were in force, were not acceptable to God. Or, a logicall and theologicall exposition of the two first verses of the twelfth to the Romanes, with all the doctrine in the said two verses, plainly laid forth, and fitly applied according as these times do require the same. Wherein also besides the orthodoxall exposition of the said words, diuers other places of Scripture by the way occurring, before somewhat obscure, are so naturally interpreted, as that the iudicious reader shall thinke his paines well bestowed in vouchsafing to reade this treatise following. With the authors postscript to his children, as it were his last will and testament vnto them. Stoughton, Thomas. 1622 (1622) STC 23314; ESTC S100120 224,816 288

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a vision of the right c. Haue we not also heard Iob. 21. 13. before that Iob saith that the wicked in a moment go downe to the graue Is not this manifest by the whole world eight Gen. 7. 17. persons onely excepted taken all napping in the flood Gen. 19. 24. by Sodome and Gomorrha suddenly consumed by fire from heauen So likewise by the examples of Pharaoh and Exod. 14. 24. his armie suddenly drowned in the sea of Corah Dathan Num. 16. 31. and Abiram suddenly swallowed vp of the earth of Nabal suddenly becoming like a stone c. of Absolom subdenly 1. Sam. 25. 38. 2. Sam. 18. 9. hanged by the haire of the head in an oake and all his armie as suddenly vanquished of the armie of Senaherib all almost slaine in one night by one Angell of the Isay 37. 36. 38. Lord and himselfe likewise murdered by his owne sonne suddenly as he was worshipping in the temple of Nisroch his god of Haman on the sudden hanged on the tree Ester 7. 9. 10. which he had prepared for Modecai of Belshazzar suddenly losing both life and kingdome and finally to omit Dan. 5. 30. many other of Herod in a moment smitten by an Angell of the Lord and eaten vp of wormes Act. 12. 23. The riches of the world are vncertaine their honours vncertaine their friendship vncertaine their health vncertaine their liues vncertaine not onely as other mens but also much more who therefore that is wise would conforme vnto them Besides the former vncertaintie in euery respect of the men of the world who seeth not that men fashioning themselues to the world and being at greater expenses by the daily change of such fashions then they need to disable themselues from performing many duties of loue vnto other and from leauing so much to their own children though many as their parents left to themselues alone yea sometimes by such conformitie and often change of fashions as new fashions are inuented they that were at the first full are brought to such penurie that they are glad to hire themselues out for bread or that which is worse 1. Sam. 2. 5. they hide themselues and play least in sight yea that is worse of all either they beg for bread or else being taken and committed to prison they die in great miserie yea also do greatly damnifie other by their great brauerie making shew of great wealth and running into greater debt then they are able to pay do also begger other as well as themselues Do not some also fall to theeuerie and robberie for maintenance of their new fashions and brauerie Last of all for our further admonition to be the more warie of all conformitie to the world it is worthy our remembrance and good considerations that the Israelites 1. Sam. 8. 5. 6. desired a King only to be in the fashion of other nations so they said Make vs a King to iudge vs like all nations This thing did not a little displease Samuel but it di●pl●ased the Lord much more For though the Lord bade Samuel praying in his griefe for direction therein to hearken ver 7. vnto the people in all that they said vnto him yet marke the Lords reason why he would haue Samuel so to hearken vnto the people For saith the Lord they haue not reiected thee but they haue reiected me that I should not reigne ouer them May not such as are so ready to conforme to the world as the Israelites were desirous of a King to be like to other nations feare lest the Lord say of them that they haue reiected him in that they haue reiected his word and not submitted themselues to his word against such conformi●ie This reason against such conformitie from the former example of the Israelites desire of a King that they might be conformable to other nations is the more weightie because the Lord by the Prophet Hos 13. 10. 11. Num. 11. 33. Psal 106. 15. Qu. saith that when they asked a King he gaue them a King in his anger as before he had giuen them quailes and tooke him away in his wrath But if he gaue them a King in his anger how did he take him away in his wrath The taking away of a King giuen in Gods anger may seeme to be a testimonie of his fauour rather then of his wrath especially the Lord aduancing Dauid to his throne a man according to Gods owne heart I answer that the Lord gaue An. Saul to be their King in his anger against them but hee tooke him away in his wrath against Saul himselfe for his sinnes namely for his transgression of the Lords commandement 1. Sam. 15. 23. 1. Chron. 10. 13 touching the Amalekites and for his asking counsell of one that had a familiar spirit How we may auoid conformitie to the world That we may the better take heed of such fashioning our selues or being fashioned to the world let vs all especially such as haue bin borne of Christian parents haue had Christian education take heed of all familiar societie with the world For there is no meanes more effectuall to conforme men to the world then companie and familiaritie with the world Therefore the Lord both often and earnestly charged the Israelites to beware of all Exod. 23. 32. and 34. 12. Deut. 7. 2. c. couenants with the heathen nations lest they should learne their fashions and be infected with their sinnes both in the worship of God and also in other things So doth Salomon his sonne and all other We know likewise what Pro. 1. 10. 4. 14. 2. Chron. 20 37 the Lord said to Iehosaphat for his societie with Ahaziah King of Israel how also he commanded Amaziah King of Iuda to dismisse the hundred thousand Israelites whom he had hired to helpe him against his enemies though to the losse of an hundred talents of siluer paid before and to the great spoile that they so dismissed did make as they 2. Chron. 27. 7. c. returned He also that will dwell in Gods tabernacle must contemne avile person Dauid also himselfe often protesteth Psal 15. 4. Psal 26. 4. 31. 6. 139. 21. Psal 119. 15. his hatred of the wicked and biddeth the euill doers to auant because he was resolued to keep Gods commandements thereby noting that he could not keepe Gods commandements if he should suffer the wicked to be his companions A little leauen doth the more easily sowre the whole 1. Cor. 5. 6. 1. Cor. 15 33. lump and euill communications the more easily corrupt good manners because we are all by nature more apt and more inclinable to euill then to good yea altogether to euill not at all to good Another meanes against being fashioned to the world is to turne away our eyes from beholding of vanitie and the Psal 119. 37. fashions of other Dinah paid deare for her going but to see the
should neuer see were not this iust with the Lord so to deale with vs that like to the sonnes in law of Lot haue thought them that haue preached Gen. 19. 14. iudgement to come thereby to moue vs to repentance to haue but mocked Verily it were most iust But let vs at the last make this right vse of the mercies of God for this life that Samuel commended to the Israelites saying 1. Sam. 12. 24. Feare ye the Lord and serue him c. and consider how great things the Lord hath done for you If we still go on in our sinnes and securitie and do wickedly not presenting our selues such a sacrifice vnto God as here the Apostle exhorteth vs vnto let vs beware of that which he threatneth vers 25. in the next verse As this argument from these outward mercies towards vs here in this Land is generally to be applied vnto all because all haue a share in them so let euery man particularly consider that the greater measure of these outward mercies the Lord hath bestowed vpon him the more he endeuours to present himselfe such a sacrifice to God as here we are called vpon to present For if to whom Luk. 12. 48. men haue committed much of him they will aske the more wil not the Lord do the like But doth euery man make this particular vse of Gods mercies for this life particularly receiued from the Lord Alas no but cleane contrary he withdraweth himselfe the more from God and the greater that any man for the most part is in outward blessings the more he hardneth his heart and face against God and the more he thinketh he may sin both against God and also against men Therefore if there be any goodnes in any great men though it be neuer so poore and little we vse to say Little is much in such a man Whereas indeed we should rather say It is nothing in such a man as for whom the Lord hath done so much For doubtlesse for the least of Gods blessings for this life a man is more in his debt and the more he dayly receiueth of that kind into the greater arrerages he runneth with him euen such as he shall neuer be able to discharge so that he may well say What shall I render vnto the Lord for all his benefits towards Psal 116. 12. me And if we make this vse of such blessings for this life then shall they also be mercies of the life to come but if we do not then shall they be iudgements of this life and of the life to come And when we haue deliberated neuer so long what to render vnto the Lord for these or for other sorts of his mercies we must not dreame of making God any recompence for how can a man be profitable Iob 22. 2. vnto God but we must altogether thinke of receiuing more and euery one say with the Prophet in the former place I will take the cup of saluation and call vpon Psal 116. 13. the Name of the Lord. VVe must still prepare our selues to beg more at least heauenly and spirituall blessings and to magnifie his Name for those that already we haue receiued and not to boast or prate of any merits by any thing we haue done but acknowledge that whatsoeuer we haue done yet we are but vnprofitable seruants Luk. 17. 10. By the premises hitherto spoken we see that they do abuse the mercies of God that are made the more secure by them and that take libertie to commit sinne vpon sin either from the mercies already receiued or from the certaintie of Gods mercies to come For his said future mercies are not promised to any but to such as feare him and Psal 103. 11. 13. 17. 18. keep his couenant and remember his commandements to do them Yea certainly they that rightly consider of Gods mercies but towards other be they neuer so meane will thereby prouoke themselues though liuing and wallowing in their sinnes to confesse and forsake them and to returne Pro. 28. 13. Ier. 4. 6. vnto the Lord in hope they shall find mercie Did not the prodigall sonne so do by remembring the plentie of Luk. 15. 17. 18. the poorest seruant in his fathers house Oh that all prodigall and lasciuious sonnes would do the like such as are swaggerers drunkards or great drinkers though not vnto drunkennesse riotous waste-goods stubburne rebellious Isai 5. 11. Luk. 18. 2. neither fearing God nor reuerencing men no not their fathers that begat them nor their mothers that bare them with great paines and gaue them suck with many a pinch and in their age haue more sorow of heart by them then euer they had ioy before Oh that all other vngodly persons would do the like If they be very gracelesse children as there are too many that will not submit themselues to their parents and performe dutie vnto them from consideration of such before mentioned fatherly and motherly kindnesses how gracelesse are they to God how wicked how rebellious that from these his mercies will not be prouoked to yeeld their bodies a sacrifice vnto him They therefore are enemies to all pietie and to these mercies of God and to all grace of God that from the same do argue for all libertie and impietie saying being admonished of their sinne and exhorted to reformation What God is mercifull he is not so hard as you make him Moreouer if Gods mercies be so great and certain vnto men most vnworthy of them how should this prouoke one man to shew mercie to another in imitation of this mercie of God according to that of our Sauiour Be ye Luk. 6. 36. Math. 5. 7. Iam. 2. 13. mercifull as your Father also is mercifull And hath he not said Blessed are the mercifull for they shall receiue mercie Hath not the Apostle also said There shall be iudgement mercilesse to him that sheweth no mercie but mercie reioyceth against iudgement God hath no need of vs but we haue need one of another We cannot be profitable to God but Iob 22. 2. we may be beneficial one to another yea the poorest that is to the greatest as diuers other wayes so especially by praying for him as the Prophet of Iuda was vnto Ieroboam 1. King 13. 6. by his prayer curing his withered hand Yea we may deserue kindnesse one of another but as in part hath bin shewed before we cannot recompence God for that we haue had of him much lesse can we merit any new blessings Besides all the premises if Gods mercies be so great as we haue heard how highly are we to esteeme of the word of God the cabinet or casket wherein all the said mercies of God are contained and whereby likewise the Lord conueyeth them all vnto vs and the which it selfe is one of the principallest mercies Yea further how highly are all Gods Ministers to be regarded that faithfully bring those mercies vnto vs euen so
of other and that therefore we ioyne these two together Feare God honour the King and so 1. Pet. 2. 17. Mat. 21. 21. render to Caesar the things that are Caesars that we forget to giue vnto God the things that are Gods If both cannot Act. 4. 19. be performed it is better to obey God then men If we please God it is no matter though we displease men so it be not in pride and that alwayes we be ready to submit our selues to suffer where we cannot submit our selues to do To speake yet a little more of this third adiunct with Reasons of the former adiunct the subiect thereof so wel pleasing to God is this liuing holy sacrifice that whosoeuer toucheth any of them to do them any hurt toucheth the apple of Gods owne eye Zach. 2. 8. Excellently also doth the Lord set forth how well they please him by comparing his loue towards them to the loue of a woman towards her yong child shewing that Isay 49. 15. c. though a woman should forget such a child yea such a sonne as not to haue compassion on him as some such 2. Kin. 6. 29. mothers there haue bin and too many are by whoredom bringing forth children as often as they may haue mates to partake with them in such wickednes and neuer performing any dutie to such children shewing I say that though a woman should so forget such a sonne as to haue no compassion on him yet he will not forget his viz. that haue this marke holinesse in their hearts and foreheads Isay 49. 16. because he hath grauen them vpon the palme of his hands c. Is it not likewise a great testimonie of their well pleasing to God that God commandeth them to aske what Mat. 7. 7. they will of him not only for themselues but also for other Iam. 5. 16. assuring them they shall haue it What can a man haue more of a Prince then to aske and haue for himselfe and for his friend as Ester had of Ahashuerus yea euen against Ester 5. 3. him that before was of all other the greatest fauourite of Ahashuerus Yea God acknowledgeth himselfe so ouercome by the prayers of his Saints that is of such as are holy and well pleasing vnto him that when they pray he intreateth them as it were to hold their peace and to let Exod. 32. 10. him alone thereby not obscurely insinuating that though he be Almightie yet he is in some sort ouercome by the prayers of his children and cannot do that that they for whom they pray had deserued Yea so well pleasing are the Lords holies vnto him that sometimes he granteth their requests for the most wicked that haue bin or are as of Exod. 8. 8. 31. 9. 33. Moses and Aaron for Pharaoh of the man of God that came from Iuda to Bethel to threaten the ruine of the Altar there praying for the healing of wicked Ieroboams 1. Kin. 13. 6. hand It were infinite to tell what mightie things haue bin done by the prayers of some of the Lords holies for themselues and for other good and bad how the Sunne stood Iosua 10. 12. 2. Kin. 1. 20. c. Isay 38. 1. c. 1 Kin. 17. 17. 2. Kin. 4. 20. c. Act 12. 7. chapt 16. 25. in the firmament how Hezekiah sicke vnto death and by the Lord told that he should die yet by his prayer recouered health how the dead haue bin restored to life how prisons haue bin opened and prisonerrs extraordinarily set at libertie yea how the foundation of the prisons hath bin shaken all doores opened the prisoners bands loosed Of these and other the like it were infinite to make relation So well pleasing also are the Lords holies vnto him that not onely for one of them whole families of the wicked haue bin the more blessed as Potiphars house for Ioseph Gen. 39. 3. but that also for some few of them many millions haue fared the better whiles they haue bin with him The whole world was not drowned whiles Noah was among them and till the Lord had put him and his small companie into Gen. 7. 10. the Arke No fire and brimstone came vpon Sodome and Gen. 19. 23. Gomorrha till the Lord had violently as it were taken Lot and his wife and two daughters out of Sodome The like may be said of many iudgements of God inflicted vpon many wicked ones for their indignities against some of these the Lords holies well pleasing the Lord. The Lord sent fire from heauen to deuoure the two 2. Kin. 1. 10. Captaines and their fifties whom Ahaziah sent to fetch Eliah for their rude and rough cariage to the Prophet So dangerous it is for men to be employed by Kings in wicked businesses Did not the Lord send two she Beares out 2. Kin. 2. 24. of the wood that tare in sunder 42 silly and wanton boys for mocking Elisha What a slaughter and hauocke also did one Angell of the Lord make in the camp of the Assyrians for the bragging and reprochfull speeches of Sanaherib Isay 37. 36. c. against the Lords virgin the daughter of Zion c Yea how was the said Sanaherib slaine by two of his own sonnes when he thought himselfe most safe worshipping Nisroch his god How also did the Angell of the Lord smite and consume with a foule and fearfull death Herod Act. 12. 23. that had killed with the sword Iames the brother of Iohn and had also clapt vp Peter into prison I might here also remember the great iudgements of God against the Egyptians in Egypt and the vtter ouerthrow of their King and themselues desperately pursuing the Israelites in the red sea and that for all their hard dealing with the Israelites the Lords holies whiles they had them in their power So also the great and manifold iudgements of God against Iuda and Ierusalem for their abusing of the Prophets and 2. Chron. 36. 15 16. contempt of that word whereby the Lord endeuouted as it were to haue made them also well pleasing vnto him But what need I remember such ancient matters Later times do affoord vs many examples of Gods heauy hand against many persecuting Papists in other countries and in our owne of the Lords holy professors of the Gospell and such as desired well to please him The yeare also 88. and the powder treason do plentifully shew the truth of the premises For what moued the Lord to shew vs such grace his owne goodnesse but yet for his holies sake amongst vs labouring well to please him And is it not hereby most apparent how well pleasing such are vnto him With the former iudgements of God against the wicked maligning the godly must alwayes be remembred his great fauours to them that are his holies For in Gods iudgements against the wicked there is such mercie towards his holy ones as whereby