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A07354 Mayers catechisme abridged. Or the A.B.C. inlarged With many necessary questions fitted vnto it, for the benefit of all that desire to teach or learne it effectually. A duty to which all wee of the Church of England are bound, it being generally appointed by authoritie. Mayer, John, 1583-1664. 1623 (1623) STC 17739; ESTC S107048 24,537 78

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required to the right keeping of the Sabbath day A. No but wee must prepare our selues by prayer and emptying our hearts of sinne and meditate vpon Gods Word suffering it to worke in vs so as that we may bee furthred in all holinesse of life Q. Is there no duty to be done towards our neighbour for the hallowing of this day A. Yes it is a speciall time of exercising mercy by helping against sudden dangers Mark 3.4 Mat. 12.12 1. Cor. 16.2 by collecting and distributing to the poore by visiting the sick and reconciling dissentions amongst neighbours Q. Is there any set day vnder the new Testament thus to be kept holy A. Yes the day which is commonly called Sunday but in the Scripture the Lords day Mat. 5.20 Acts 20 7. 1. Cor. 16.1 Reuel 1.10 or the first day in the weeke is thus to be kept without alteration to the end of the world Q. When doth the Lords day begin and end A. It beginneth in the morning at the dawning of the day and endeth next morning likewise Q. Are we bound to doe the holy duties of Gods worship all this time without ceasing A. No for wee may refresh our selues with eating and drinking Neh. 8 9 10 Hosh 2.11 singing and musick and with any honest delight whatsoeuer whereby the minde is cheared vp and ioy and gladnesse befitting the Lords holy day expressed Q. What auaileth it then whether ●he Sabbath beginne in the morning or euening A. Yes it auaileth much to know the beginning of the Sabbath rightly that wee be not entangled with any wordly businesse vpon it Q. Is this all that wee are bound vnto to keepe the Sabbath our selues ●n ceasing from labour and doing the ●uties thereof A. No but who so hath sonne or laughter man-seruant or maid Exo. 12.21 Iosh 24.15 1. Tim. 3.15 Ephes 6.5 cat●ell or stranger within his gates is ●like bound to prouide as much as ●n him lieth that they all obserue ●his day in their kinde both man ●nd beast Q. Doth the Lord only take care for he right spending of this day leaue ●s to our selues vpon the sixe dayes A. No doubtlesse but it is his will and commandement also Ephes 3.28 2. Thes 3.10.12 that we should vpon the sixe dayes abstaine from idlenesse and diligently labour in the works of our callings Q Is it not lawfull then to forbeare working to attend vpon God and his worship vpon the sixe dayes A. 1 Thes 5.17 2 Tim. 1. Deut. 6 7. Dan. 6. Yes It is not onely lawfull but necessary for euery one to doe the duties of Gods worship euery day of the weeke in priuate and in publike when iust occasion is offered Q. How can this stand with the command of working vpon the sixe dayes A. Yes very well because that howsoeuer God is to be serued vpon the sixe dayes yet they are for the most part to bee spent in the workes of our callings Q What more speciall rules are we to follow in our weekely deuotion A. These fiue Q. Which is the first A Wee must pray euery day morning and euening Q. Which is the second A. Before and after the vse of Gods creatures Q Which is the third A. The more our necessities vrge vs pray the oftner and more instantly Q. Which is the fourth A Let no day passe without some reading and Diuine meditation Q. Which is the fift A. Iam. 5.13 Heb. 3.13 1. Tim. 4.13 Amos 12. Neglect not the publike preaching in the weeke-dayes where opportunity is offered to come vnto it Q. What is to be thought of whole dayes set apart to publike duties in the weeke as Saints dayes and dayes of thankesgiuing A. Ester 9.21 Mal. 4.59 Iohn 10.22.23 Leuit. 23. All this may lawfully bee done and is commendable by Gods word and therefore wee are reuerently to conforme our selues to the ordinance of authority herein Q. What is the sinne by this Commandement forbidden Answ All prophaning of the Sabbath day Q. How is the Sabbath prophaned A. Thrée manner of wayes Q Which is the first A. By doing worldly workes which are not of present necessity by iournying about worldly affaires idle resting or absenting our selues from the publique duties o● Gods worship Q. Which is the second Ans By forgetfulnesse of the Sabbath vpon the sixe dayes by which wee often bring vpon our selues a necessitie of prophauing the same Q. Which is the third A. When being Parents or Gouernours wée leaue our Children Pupils or Sernants to their owne liberties vpon this day Q. What be the reasons of this Commandement A. They are partly infolded in the Commandement and partly expressed in these words For in six● dayes the Lord made heauen and earth the sea and all that therein is and rested the senenth day wherefore the Lord blessed the seuenth day and hollowed it Q. What and how many are the reasons infolded in this Commandement A. Thrée Q. Which is the first A. Because the Law of the Sabbath is ancient and was in force in Paradise before mans fall Q. Which is the second A. Because it is most equall the Lord allowing vs sixe dayes for our worldly affaires and requiring but one of seuen for the worke of his worship Q. Which is the third A. Because the seuenth is the Lords peculiar day so that without sacriledge we cannot any way prophane it Q. What are the reasons expressed A. Two Q Which is the first A. From the Lords owne example who rested vpon the seuenth day from all his works of creation Q. Which is the second A. From his blessing inseperably linked to the hallowing of this day so that he which kéepeth it holy shall finde it to his comfort vnto him a blessed day Q. In which Table do you learne your dutie toward your neighbour A. In the second Table contayning the six latter commandements Q. Reherse the first of these which is the fift Commandement A. Honour thy father mother that thy dayes may bee long in the land which the Lord thy God giueth thee Q. What are we here commanded A. To honour father mother Q. Who are meant by father and mother A. 2 Kings 5.13 Gen. 45.8 1 Cor. 4.15 2 King 6.21 Iob 31.18 1 Tim. 5.1 Our naturall Parents the Magistrates who are the parents of our Country the Ministers of Gods Word who are our Fathers in Christ our Masters and Gouernors the Ancient and all our betters Q. What is meant by this word Honour A. To honour is to loue reuerence cherish and obey Q. Are all Superiours then to be obeyed and reuerenced A. Ephes 6.1 Col. 2.20 Rom. 13.1 1 Per. 2.13 1 Tim. 5.17 1 Thes 5.12 They are all to be reuerenced and obeied in the Lord whose image in a speciall manner they beare Parents Magistrates Ministers and Gouernors for their authoritie the Ancient and other Superiours for their wisedome experience and dignitie Q. Is it our dutie also to cherish
MAYERS CATECHISME ABRIDGED OR The A.B.C. inlarged With many necessary Questions fitted vnto it for the benefit of all that desire to teach or learne it effectually A dutie to which all wee of the Church of England are bound it being generally appointed by Authoritie The second Edition made more compleat and perfect by the Author LONDON Printed by A. M. for I. M. and are to be sold by Iohn Grismand at his shop in Pauls Alley at the Signe of the Gun 1623. The Epistle to the Reader COurteous Reader loe here I offer vnto thee the second time the Briefe of my larger Tract Thou hast beene once abused by the temeritie and indiscretion of the Stationer offering thee the English Teacher a title none of mine and an imperfect confused Chaos of Questions and Answers whereof I was much ashamed To amend this fault and to satisfie the longing desire of many I haue done that which here thou seest And I doe now assure thee of a perfect Catechisme containing the substance both of Text and Comment compleat wherein is both milke for Babes and stronger meate for such as haue attained more growth in knowledge The milke is in a greater Character which if you please may be first learned thorow the stronger meate is in a character somwhat lesser Read consider and vse all according to thy discretion but be sure to vse it or some like vnto it for the common good of Vniformitie and Order and the God of Order graunt that wee may so lay the foundation of the light of truth here as that wee may attaine the light of glorie heereafter A Prayer to bee vsed before the reading of Bookes of Pietie or Instruction O God that art the Father of Lights enlighten my darkned vnderstanding that I may see into the wonders contained in the Law Dispell in me the mistie clouds of ignorance expell the loue of darknesse and repell the rebellious Law of sinne Sanctifie my wit that I may bee able to retaine and rectifie my will that I may obediently submit my selfe to thy good will in all things Thou which art the Master-builder of thine owne house settle me as one of thy liuing stones vpon the right foundation Iesus Christ in whom I may daily grow vp till that all the building coupled together groweth to an holy Temple in the Lord. And this I craue in the name of thy deare Son my most blessed Sauiour and Redeemer Amen MAYERS CATECHISME ABRIDGED OR The A. B. C. Inlarged Question WHat is your name Answer F. or E. Q. Why doth the Catechisme begin with this question touching your name A. Because the name doth serue to put vs in minde of our Christian profession to which we betake our selues in Baptisme Q. Who gaue you this name A. My godfathers and my godmothers in my Baptisme wherein I was made a member of Christ a child of God and an inheritor of the Kingdome of Heauen Q. Is Baptisme of that vertue that by the outward washing thereof eueryone is made a member of Christ the child of God and inheritor of the Kingdome of Heauen A. Ioh. 3.5 No for vnlesse a man bee borne againe of water and the holy Ghost he cannot enter into the Kingdome of Heauen Q. Why then sayst thou that by Baptisme thou art made a member of Christ A. Because baptisme is the Sacrament of regeneration and therefore we may rightly say that wee are thereby Sacramentally made the members of Christ and the children of God and in the iudgement of Charity hold the same touching all others that are baptized Q. What did your godfathers and godmothers then for you A. They did promise and vow thrée things in my name First that I should forsake the Deuill and all his workes and pomps the vanities of this wicked world and all the sinfull lusts of the flesh Secondly that I should beléeue all the articles of the Christian faith And thirdly that I should kéepe gods holy Will and Commandements and walke in the same all the dayes of my life Q. VVhat need is there that any should stand thus to promise for children in their Baptisme A. There is great need for the more assurance of the Church into which the childe is by baptisme admitted Q. How is the Church the more assured thus A. Because hee is not onely bound in duty now but also by vow solemnly made before all the congregation Q. Dost thou thinke then that thou art bound to doe as thy godfathers and godmothers promised for thée A. Yes verily and by Gods helpe so I will And I heartily thanke our heauenly Father that he hath called me to this state of saluation through Iesus Christ our Sauiour And I pray God to giue me his grace that I may continue in the same vnto my liues end Q. Thou saydst that thou were bound by vow in baptisme to beléeue all the Articles of the Christian faith let me therefore heare thée rehearse these Articles A. I beléeue in God the Father Almighty Maker of heauen and earth And in Iesus Christ his only Sonne our Lord which was conceiued by the holy Ghost borne of the Virgin Mary suffered vnder Ponce Pilate was crucified dead and buried he descended into hell The third day he rose againe from the dead He ascended into heauen and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty From thence hée shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead I beléeue in the holy Ghost The holy Catholike Church The communion of Saints the forgiuenesse of sinnes The resurrection of the body And the life euerlasting Amen Q. What dost thou chiefly learne in these Articles of thy beliefe A. First I learne to beléeue in God the Father who hath made me and all the world Secondly in God the Sonne who hath redéemed mée and all mankind Thirdly in God the holy Ghost who sanctifieth mée and all the elect people of God Q. How knowest thou that there is a God A. Many waies Rom. 2.15 1. Cor. 2.11 but chiefly by mine owne conscience accusing me for secret sinnes Q. How doth this proue that there is a God A. It proueth an infinite wisdome that knowes the most secret thoughts of the heart such as is neither man deuill nor Angell but God alone Q. How many Gods be there 1. Cor. 8.6 Deut. 4.39 A. But one onely true God the rest are Idols set vp by man Q. What is God A. God is a Spirit Exod. 3.14 Ioh. 2.24 Ier. 2.24 Psal 139.8 infinite most holy onely wise most merciful iust and Almighty of whose dayes there is no beginning nor end Q. Into how many Persons is the God-head destinguished A. Into thrée the Father Son and holy Ghost Q. If in the God-head there bée thrée persons and euery one be God how say you then that there is but one God A. 1. Ioh. 5.7 There is but one onely Essence one Infinite power and one Eternity Q. In which words learne you to beléeue in
and maintaine them A. It is our dutie to giue maintenance to the Magistrate and Minister Rom. 13.6 1 Cor. 9. Gal. 6.5 Math. 15.3 who spend their whole time in doing publike Seruice and to Parents aged persons being in want Q. Is there no dutie required of Superiours A. Ephe. 6.4 Col. 4.1 It is the dutie of Superiours to walke worthy the honour due vnto them and to vse all gentlenesse towards their Inferiours Q. What is here then forbidden A. Exod. 21.17 Deut. 17.10 Ephe. 6.9 Col. 4.1 All irrenerence disobedience and neglect toward those that his in place and authoritie aboue vs and churlish behauiour in such toward those that be of a low degrée Q. Whence is the reason of this Commandement taken A. From the promise of long life if God please not to preuent vs with the blessing of eternall life Q. Rehearse the firth Commandement A. Thou shalt do no murther Q. What is here forbidden A. 1 Sam. 31.4 Math. 27.5 All vnlawfull killing of our selues or of other men and all the degrées hereof Q. What are these degrées A. The degrées of vnlawfull killing are sixe Q. Which is the first A. 1 Kin. 21 19 Acts 8.1 Deut. 21.7 The approbation of murther either by command counsell consent or concealement Q. Which is the second A. Exod. 21.24 Esay 1.15 All injurious actions tending to the preiudice of our neighbors life Q. Which is the third A. Math. 5.22 Iam. 3.6 All rayling and reuiling spéeches Q. Which is the fourth A. Math. ● 22 All murdrous desires and affections of the heart as of anger malice hatred and enuy Q. Which is the fifth A. 1 Iohn 3.15 All cruelty towards the creature which sheweth a murtherous mind Q. Which is the firth A. All impatience and discontent with our estate Deut. 22.7 the very high way to most horrible murthers Q. What are we here commanded A. Out of the loue which wee beare to our neighbour Iob 31.19 1 Kin. 1● 13 Hebr. 10.25 Gal. 6.1 as much as in vs lyeth to preserue his life and health and specially the life of his soule by good counsell exhortation and admonition Q. Rehearse the seuenth Commandement A. Thou shalt not commit Adul●erie Q. What is here forbidden A. All ●●eshly uncleannesse both in outward act and inward conception of the minde and all occasions thereof Q. What are the uncleannesses in outward act A. Gal. 5.17 1 C●● 1.6 Rom. 1. Ephe. 5.12 Adultery Fornication Buggery Sodometry c. which are so souse that it is a shame to name them Q. What is vncleannesse in the inward conception of the mind A. To looke vpon a woman to lust after her for this is adultery in heart Q. What are the occasions forbidden Ephe. 4.29 Rom. 13.13 Deut. 22.5 Mark 6.22 Gat. 5.19 Ezec. 16.19 Gen. 19. 2 Sam. 11. A. Filthy songs and talke chambering and want annesse being present at filthy Stage playes putting on apparell of another sex mixt lascfuious dauncing surferting drunkennesse idlenesse c. Q. What are wee heere commanded A. To liue in temperance chastitie 2 Cor. 6.16 and sobernesse and so to keepe my body holy and pure as a Temple of the Holy Ghost Q. Rehearse the eight Commandement A. Thou shalt not steale Q. What is heere forbidden A. All theft and stealing Deut. 22.29 Exod. 22.1 which is committed many wayes Q. Which is the first A. By violence 1 King 21. or secret taking away any thing which is our neighbours Q. Which is the second A. Hos 5.10 Luk. 2.13 By oppression and tyranny of the rich towards the poore Q. Which is the third A. Leu. 25.14 By deceit in buying and selling Q. Which is the fourth A. By vsing any vnlawfull trade Pro. 11.26 or way of gaine or gaming fortune-telling or selling drinke vnto drunkennesse Q. Which is the fifth A. By prodigalitie Iam. 4. for thus doe men rob their children and posteritie Q. What more is here forbidden A. All couetousnesse and vnmercifulnesse Mat. 6.25 1 Tim. 6.10 the robbing of God in things dedicate Leuit. 27.30 tithes and offrings Q. What are wee here commanded A. Math. 7.12 To doe to all men as I would they should doe vnto me and by diligent paines taking to get mine own liuing in that estate of life to which it shall please God to call me Q. Rehearse the ninth Commandement A. Thou shalt not beare false witnesse against thy neighbour Q. What is here forbidden A. All false witnesse bearing to the abuse and hurt of our neighbour and all maintaining of such as goe about with tales against him Q. How many wayes is this sin committed A. Foure Q. Which is the first A. Deut. 19.16 1 Kings 22. By falsly accusing and witnessing against our neighbour before a Iudge Q. Which is the second A. Leu. 19.16 By flaundering and backbiting Q. Which is the third A. Prou. 27.14 c. 26.22 By flattering or soothing any for aduantage against the truth Q. Which is the fourth A. By lying Psal 12.2 Iohn 8.45 or telling an vntruth against our consciences Q. What are we here commanded A. As much as in vs lieth to preserue the good name of our neighbor Prou. 10.22 Gal. 6.2 Psal 15.3 Iosh 7.19 and our owne good name stopping our eares against false reports and suppressing them and alwayes what soeuer comes of it speaking the truth Q. Rehearse the tenth Commandement A. Thou shalt not couet thy neighbours house thou shalt not couet thy neighbours wife nor his seruant nor his maid nor his oxe nor his asse nor any thing that is his Q. What is here forbidden A. Rom 7.7 2 Cor. 12.7 Mark 7.22 All first motions of the mind vnto sin though no consent be yéelded vnto it Q. What are wée commaunded heere A. To kéepe our very hearts and minds frée from euill thoughts against any of the Commandements of God 1 Th. 5.23 Ephes 4.2 Q. What is the breach of the Law and the punishment of it A. 1. Ioh. 3.4 Rom 7.7 Rom. 5.18 Iam. 2.10 It is sinne which if it be but once committed onely and that but in thought it makes a man subiect to Gods eternall curse Q. Is it not iuiustice to appoint so great a punishment for euerie sinne yea euen for the least A. It is very iust and right for the Lord to adiudge the least sinne to hell fire Q. Why so A. Because his marke which is perfect holinesse set vpon man in his creation Iohn 8.34 Rom 6.16 1 Iohn 3.8 is hereby remooued and a marke with the deuils brand is made vpon the soule of the sinner for which it is iust that the deuill and not GOD should now haue such a wicked soule Q. Is any man able to liue without breaking these Commandements A. No not the best that euer was except Christ onely and Adam in the state of innocency Q.