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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06667 A rule how to bring vp children A treatise wherein is declared, how the father apposeth his sonne in the holy Scripture, whereby all parents may be taught a rule how to bring vp their children, briefelie collected into a short volume.; Rule how to bring up children. Lyster, John, fl. 1588. 1588 (1588) STC 17122; ESTC S104942 107,568 287

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is in heauen Math. 10. Go saith Christ and preache the kingdome of heauen is at hand heale the sicke clense lepers raise the dead cast out diuels that which I tell you in darkenesse speake in the light and that ye heare in the eare that preach on the house tops Math. 28 Preach the ghospell to all creatures and babtisme them in the name of the Father and of the Sunne and of the holie ghost Mark 16 Goe into all the world and preach the Ghospell to all creatures he that beleeueth is baptized shal be saued he that beléeueth not shal be damned Io. 4. He the God hath sēt speaketh the words of god A true precher Acts. 6. They ought to giue themselues continually vnto prayer to the ministation of the worde to be obedient vnto the faith Acts. 20. Take héede saith the Apostle vnto your selues and to all the flockes among whom the holie ghost hath made you ouerséers to rule the congregation of God which Christ hath bought with his blood 1. Peter 5. Feede Christs flocke asmuch as lyeth in you taking the ouersight of them not as cōpelled therto but of a good will not for desire of filthie lucre but of a good minde Father Are all the ministers in the Church of God of like calling Sonne Some are Appostles some Prophets 1. Cor. 12 some teachers some workers of miracles vnto some is giuen the gifts of healing helpers gouernours Father I héere thée make no mencion of Bishopes or ministers Sonne Father there be Bishops Tim. 3. ministers and Deacons Father Let me héere their seuerall duties with the manner of their conuersations Sonne A Bishop must be blameles A Bishops A●●ie 1. Ti● ● the husband of one wife diligent sober discret a keper of hospitality apt to teach not giuen to ouermuch wine no fighter not gréedy of filthie lucre but gentle abhoring fighting abhoring coueteousnesse one that ruleth well his owne house one that hath Children in subiection with reuerence Titus ● no young scholler least they swel fall into the iudgement of the euill speaker also haue a good report of them that are without A minister must be honest A Ministers dutie not double tounged not giuen to much wine neither gredy of filthie lucre but holding the mistery of faith with a good concience Proued then chosen let him first be proued saith saint Paull and then let him minister so that no man be able to reproue him Deacons Let the Deacons be the husbands of one wife and such as rule their Children well and their owne housholds 1. Tim 4 The dutie of all Ministers Let no man saith Paull to Timothe dispyse thy youth but be vnto them that béeléeue an example in word in conuersation in loue in spirit in faith in purenesse giue attendance to reading to exhortacion to doctrine despise not the gift that is giuen vnto thee through proficie with the laying on the hands by the authoritie of priesthode 2. Tim. 4 Preach the way of God be feruent in season and out of season improue rebuke exhorte with all suffering and doctrine Father False teachers Sonne but I haue heard that ther be false teachers and seducers of the people therefore let me haue some marke wherby they may be knowen Sonne Acts. 5. The true preachers daily in the temple and in euery house cease not to preach Iesus Christ True teachers When they are called straight way Acts. 9 Acts. 10 they preach Iesus Christ in the Synagoges how that he is the Sonne of God and very Christ they kéepe nothing backe that is profitable but openlie in euery house both to the Iewes and Gréekes they witnesse the repentaunce that is towardes God and faith towards Iesus Christ They neither choppe nor change with the word of God 2. Cor 2. but euen out of purensse by the powre of God in the fight of God to speake in Christ They doe not preach themselues but Iesus Christ to be the Lorde 2. Cor. 4. themselues the peoples seruants for Iesus Christ sake and further you may perceiue who are true teachers by the word going before Father Let me heare some doctrine of the false teachers and seducers of the people False teachers Sonne The false teachers you shall know by their fruits Math. 7. they goe in long garmēts and loue salutacions in markets c. Ezech. 34. Woo be to the shepherds of Israell they féede themselues they eate vp the fat and cloth themselues with the wooll the best haue they slaine C●uetous and doing not good but the flocke haue they not nourished the weake haue they not holden vp the sicke haue they not healed the outcasts haue they not brought againe the lost haue they not sought but churlish and cruelly haue they ruled them but I will require my shéepe at their hands saith the Lorde Ieremy 2. They teach their owne wayes and dare saie they are without sinne Iustifiers and guiltles I haue not offended and therfore the Lord sayth I condemne thée in iudgement Ieremi 14 They preach vnto you false vysions Charmes vanyties and deceitfulnesse of their owne harte Mark 12 They go saith Christ in long garments and loue salutacions in the market place False teachers deceiue widowes with praying for their dead husbands and chiefe seates in feasts and in the congregacion and deuoure widowes houses vnder pretence of long prayers but their damnation shall be great Father I perceiue well what the false teachers are and that their ende is damnacion but let vs come againe to the true teachers tell me wherefore the Lorde hath placed Appostles Prophets Euengelists shéepherds and teachers in his Church Sonne Saint Paull saith Ephe. 4 euen to the edifying of the saints to the worke and ministratiō euen to the edifying of the body of Christ till we all come to the vnytie of faith and knowledge of the Sonne of God vnto a perfect man vnto the measure of the full perfect age of Christ Father If preachers and ministers be sent for this purpose then surelie we ought to maintaine them with our goods and reuerence them as the chosen messengers of God tell mée wherevppon they shall liue Sonne The Tythes of the people hath the Lorde giuen them to bée thire inheretaunce Numer 18 Tythes They shall haue saith the Lord the tythe Deut. 14 of all the increase of the field that springeth yéere by yéere Deu. 8. The first fruit of corne wine and oyle the first of the wooll of thy shéepe shalt thou giue to the priest 1. Cor. 9. If we sowe vnto you saith Saint Paull speciall things is it a great thing if wée reape your bodylie thinges doe you not knowe that they which minister aboute holy thinges liue of the sacrifice euen so did the Lord ordaine that they which
thou shalt teach them ordinaunces lawes Iudges must be true men such as feare God not cou●tus and shewe them the way wherein they must walke the worke which they must doe Moreouer thou shalt séeke out among all the people men of actiuitie and such as feare God true men hating couetousnesse and make them heades ouer the people Captanines ouer thousands ouer hundreths ouer fifties and ouer ten and let them iudge the people at all seasons Deu. 1. Moyses said to the people I tooke out of your Trybes The prince commandment to Iudges and officers with their duties Captaynes men of wisedome and that were expert and made thē rulers ouer you and I charged your iudges that same time saying heare the cause of your brethren and iudge righteously betwéene euerie man and his brother and the stranger that is with you sée that you know no face in iudgement but heare the small as well as the great and be afrayde of no man for the iudgement is Gods Thou shalt not fauour the poore Leuitic 19 nor honour the mightie but in righteousnesse shalt thou iudge thy neighbour Thou shalt not raigne ouer thy brother cruelly but shalt feare thy God Leuit. 25 ye shall not raigne ouer an other cruelly Turne not aside from the law of God Deu. 5. neyther to the right hand nor to the last The iudges shal giue sentence between parties and iustisie the righteous Deu. 25. and condemne the vngodly Thou shalt take no giftes Exod. 23 for giftes blinde the sight and peruert the wordes of the righteous Psalm 28. Defende the fatherlesse and poore saith Dauid sée that such as be in néede and necessitie haue right Father Ought these rulers also to be obeyed Sonne Yea Father Deu. ● for when Moyses had ordayned Rulers and Iudges ouer the people they all aunswered and saide that which thou hast spoken is good vnto vs to doe Iosua 1 The people aunswered Iosua all that thou commaundest vs will we doe and whether thou sendest vs will we goe and whosoeuer hée bee that disobayeth thy mouth will not harken vnto the wordes in all the thou cōmaundst him let hym dye Exod. 17 When Moyses sat downe to iudge the people all the people stoode before him from morning till euen Exod. 22. Thou shalt not rayle on the Gods neither blaspheme the ruler of the people Ieremi 35 We haue said the people obayed Ionadab our father in all that he commanded vs and the Lord said to those Rachabites God blesseth obedient persons because you haue béene obedient to Iona. Iona. shall not fayle to haue one to stand alwaies before me out of his stocke And concluding with S. Paules words to Titus Titus 3 warne thē that they bée subiect to rule and power that they obay the officers Father Prechers and Ministers My Sonne I am nowe desirous to knowe the duties of Preachers and ministers of the word of God Sonne Deu. 10. According to my little knowledge as I haue red in Gods booke I will shew you the same The Lord seperated the tribe of Leuy to beare the Arke of the appoyntment of the Lord to stand before the Lord to minister vnto him and to blesse in his name Whosoeuer killeth a beast Leuiti 17 and bringeth it to the Tabernacle of witnesse to offer to the Lord No man may take vppon him the Priests office vncalled blood shall be imputed to that man as though he had shed blood and he shal be rooted out of the people of Israell wherefore when the people bring offerings let them bring them to the Priests to offer them Looke out among you seuen men of honest report Acts. 6. and full of the holy Ghost and wisedome Who ought to be chosē to whom we may commit this businesse and when they had prayed they layde their hands vpon them I warne thée that thou stirre vp the gift that is in thée Tim. 1. Ordering of Ministers Acts. 14 Titus 1. by the putting on of my hands And they ordayned them elders in euerie congregation by election prayed Reforme things that are vnperfect ordaine elders in euery citie as I appointed thée Let them be sober sage discret Titus 2 soūd in the faith in loue in paciēce 1. Cor. 6. Let vs giue none occasiō of euill that in our office be found no fault but in all thinges behaue our selues as the ministers of God in much paynes in afflictions in necessities in anguish in stripes in prisonments in stryfes in labours in watchinges in fasting in purenesse in knowledge in long suffering in kindnesse in the holy Ghost in loue vnfained in the word of truth in the power of God by the armour of righteousnesse on the right hand on the left by honour and dishonour by euill report and good report as deceauers and yet true as vnknowen and yet knowen as dying and beholde we liue as chastened and not killed as sorrowing and yet alway merrie as poore and yet make many rych as hauing nothing yet possessing all thinges Esay 62. I haue set watchmen vpon thy wales Oh Ierusalem which shall cease neyther day nor night to preach the Lord. Ieremy 3. I will giue you heardmen after mine owne minde which shall féede you with learning and wisedome Ezech. 3 Thou sonne of man I haue made thée a watchman vnto the house of Israell and therefore take good héede vnto the words of my mouth and giue them warning at my commaundement if I say vnto thée concerning the vngodly man that without doubt he must dye and thou giuest him no warning nor speakest vnto him that he turne from his euill way and so liue then shall the same vngodly man dye in his vnrighteousnesse but his blood will I require at thine hands but if thou giue him warning yet he forsake not his vngodlynesse then shall he dye in his owne wickednes but thou hast discharged thy selfe If the people take a man of their Countrie and set him to be their watchman Ezech 34 the same man when he séeth the swoord come vppon the Land shall blow the Trumpet and warne the people c. I set thée ouer people and kingdomes Ieremy 1 that thou maiest roote out breake off destroy and make wast and that thou maist build vp and plant I will send out my fishers to take them Ieremi 6. and after that I wil send out my hunters to hunt them out from all moūtaines and hills and out of the Caues of stone In the Priests lippes should be sure knowledge Malachi 2 Gods messenger that men may seeke the Lawe at their mouthes for he is a messenger of the Lorde of hosts Ye are the light of the world Math. 5. let your light so shine before men that they may sée your good workes and glorifie your Father which
preach the ghospell should liue of the ghospell Gal. 6. Let him that is taught in the worde minister vnto him that teacheth him in all good thinges Iosua 13 Offerings Heb. 13 Iosua gaue none inheretance to the Leuits but the offerings of the people Remember them that haue the ouersight of you which haue spoken vnto you the word of God whose faith sée that you follow and marke the ende of their conuersation Reuerence Ministers Obey them that haue the ouersight of you and submitte your selues vnto them for they watch for your soules euen as they that must giue accompts that they may doe it with ioye and not with griefe I beséech you be obedient to all that helpe and labour 1. Cor. 16. looke that you knowe them that are such I was filled after that I receyued the thinges which were sent from you Phillip 4 an odour of a sweete smell a sacrifice accepted vnto God Father But Sonne what shall Ministers and Preachers doe with that which remayneth of the tythes and benefices more then they bestow of themselues their wiues Children and famelie Sonne They shall giue it saith the Lord Deu. 26. vnto the straunger the fatherlesse and the wydowes that they may eat within their gates and fyll themselues Father Thou hast spoken much what Ministers must doe and wherevpon they shall liue but tell me what reward the Lorde prepareth for them in the worlde to come Sonne The wise Dan. 12. such as haue taught others vnto godlinesse shall glyster as the shining of heauen and shall be as the stars world without ende Reuel 213 A crowne of glorie a throne of Maiestie a paradise of pleasure a life euerlasting Math. 15 They shall shine as the Sunne in the kingdome of the Father Esay 51. An euerlasting ioy is vpon their heads they possesse ioye and exultacion and all payne and forrow is fled from them Reuel 3 I will saith Christ graunt them to sit in my seat with mée 1. Peter 5 When the chiefe shepperd Iesus Christ shall appeare they shall receaue an incorruptable crowne of Glorie Reuel 22 They shall sée the sace of God and his names shall be in their foreheades Father Well sonne the Lord is a great God and mercifull father thus to reward them that worke his worke but are Ministers and Preachers reuerenced of all men as the messengers of God and disposers of his secrets Sonne No Father sometime slandered sometime mocked sometime bett and sometime put in death They ●acked the messengers of the Lord and despised his worde 2. Cro. 36 and misvsed his prophets vntill the wrath of God arose agaynst the people They hadde the messengers of the Lord in●ension 3. Esdras 1 and looke what GOD saide vnto them by his prophetes they made but a sporte of it The rulers beat the Apostles Acts. ● and commaunded them not to speake in the name of the Lord Iesu but they went away from the Counsell reioycing that they were compted worthie to suffer rebuke for his name Christ left vs an example that wée should follow his steppes 1. Peter 2 who did no sinne neyther was there any guile founde in his mouth which when hée was reuiled reuiled not agayne when he suffered he threatned not by whose stripes we were healed The wicked saith Saint Peter 2. Peter 2. liue in pleasure in their owne deceyueable waies and feasting and mocking the desciples Elia saide 3. kings 1 the Children of Israell haue forsaken thy couenant broken downe thine alters slayne the Prophets with the sword and I onely am left and they séeke to take away my life Heb. 11. Some are racked some reproched some whipped some chayned some imprisoned other stoned cut in péeces slayne with the swoord Math. 26. Yea Christ our Maister and heade crucified Wherefore if we be compted the off skowring of the world and with the Apostles and Christ himselfe kylled let vs reioyce Math. 5. for great shall our reward bée in heauen Father ●a●sters Procéede to the duties of Maisters to their seruants Sonne ●ollo 4. Saint Paull teacheth playnely saying that Maisters must doe to the seruaunts that which is iust and equall knowing also that they haue a maister in heauen ●phe 6 Ye Maisters doe that which is right vnto your seruants putting away threatninges for the Lord hath no respect of persons ●euitic 19 Let no seruaunts wages abide with shée vntill the morning Whosoeuer woorketh any thing for thée Tobias 4. immediatly giue him his hyre and looke that thy seruaunts wages remayne not by thée one night If thy brother or sister serue thée sixe yéeres Deu. 15. and in the seuenth yéere depart from thée thou shalt not let him goe from thée empty but shall giue them of thy shéepe and of thy corne and of thy wine Whereas thy seruant worketh truely Eccle. 7. intreat him not euill nor the hireling that is faithfull vnto thée loue a discrete seruaunt as thine owne soule defraude him not of his libertie neyther leaue him a poore man He that defraudeth a labourer of his hyer is a bloudshedder Eccle. 34 The hyer of the labourers that haue reaped downe your Corne fieldes Iames. 5. which hyer is of you kept backe by fraud cryeth and the crye hath entred into the eares of the Lords Sabaoth so that if Maisters detayne their seruaunts wages or deale cruelly with them the king of glorie will burne their flesh in the fier Father Let me heare the seruaunts dutie to their Maisters Seruants Sonne Titus 2 Saint Paull saith exhort seruants that they be obedient vnto their own maisters and to please them in all things not answering agayne neyther to be pickers but that they shew all good faithfulnesse that they may doe worshippe to the doctrine of Christ our Sauiour in all things Ephe. 6. Ye Seruants obey them that are your bodelie maisters with feare trembling euen with the singlenesse of your heart as vnto Christ not doing seruice vnto the eye as they that goe about to please men but as the Seruaunts of Christ doing the will of God from the heart with good wil seruing the Lord and not men Collo 3 Ye Seruaunts be obedient vnto your bodely Maisters in all thinges not with eye seruice as men pleasers but in singlenesse of heart fearing God 1. Tim. 6 Let as many seruaunts as are vnder the yoake compt their Maisters worthie of all honour that the name of God and his doctrine bée not euill spoken off 1. Peter 2 And concluding with Saint Peters words which are Seruaunts obay your Maisters with feare not onely if they bée good and curteous but also though they be froward Father Tell me some thing of the duties of husbands to their wiues Husbands Sonne Saint Peter who was married himselfe thus exhorteth husbandes 1. Pet. 3● yée men dwel with your
wiues according to knowledge giueing honour to the wife as vnto the weaker vessell and as vnto them that are heyres of the grace of life that your prayers be not hindred Ye husbands saith Saint Paull loue your wiues and be not bitter vnto them Collo 3 Ye husbands loue your wiues Ephe. 5. euen as Christ loued the congregation and gaue himselfe for it to sanctifie it so ought men to loue their owne wiues as their owne bodies he the loueth his wife loueth himselfe for this cause shall a man leaue father mother shal be ioyned vnto his wife Gen. 2. and of two shal be made one flesh Father Shew me what wiues should doe to their husbands because many now adaies grow stubbourne and wilful Sonne Ye wiues saith Saint Paull VViues duties submitte your selues vnto your owne husbands as vnto the Lorde for the husbande is the wiues heade euen as Christ is the heade of the congregation therefore euen as the congregation is in subiection vnto Christ likewise let the wiues be in subiection vnto their husbands in all thinges Gen. 3. Sub potestate viri eris thou shalt sayd God be subiect to thy husbande Col. 3. Ye wiues submit your selues vnto your owne husbands as it is conuenient in the Lorde 1. Peter 3 Ye wiues saith Saint Peter be in subiection to your husbands that euen they that obey not the word may be without the woord wonne by the conuersation of the wyues while they beholde their chast conuersation coupled with feare VViues apparell whose apparell shall not be outwarde with broyded hayre and hanging on of Golde eyther in putting on of gorgious apparell but let the hyd manne which is in the hart be without all corruption so that the spirit be myld which is before God a thing much set by for after this manner in the olde time did the holye women which trusted in God tyre themselues and were diligent to their owne husbands euen as Saray obeyed Abraham and called him Lord whose daughters ye are as longe as ye doe well and are not dismaide with any terror All women should hold their husbands in honour both among great and small ●ester 1 Father What may not man and woman be diuorsed after they be married together Sonne At the beginning God made man and woman and saide Gene. 2 Diuorce for this cause shall a man leaue father and mother Math. 19. and cleaue to his wife and they twaine shal be one flesh wherefore they are not twaine but one flesh let no man therfore put a sunder that which God hath coupled together Father Moyses gaue the people a testimoniall of diuourcement that they might put them away Sonne Yea father Moyses Fornicatiō Math. 19. because of the hardnesse of their harts suffred them to put away their wiues but whosoeuer saith Iesus Christ putteth away his wife except it be for fornication marrieth an other breaketh wedlocke and whosoeuer marrieth her that is deuorsed committeth adulterie Father Parents The dutie of parents would I learne for many bring vp their children wantonlie tel me therefore plainely and truelie although thou be but a Childe in yéeres yet I praise God thou art almost a man in wisdome and knowledge Sonne Gen. 13 The Lord said I know that Abraham will command his Children and his housholde after him that they kéepe the waye of the Lorde and doe after right and concience Eccle. 26 If thy daughter be not shamefast hold her in straitely least she abuse her selfe through to much libertie Eccle. 7. If thou haue sonnes bring them vp in nourture learning Daughters married to wisemen and hold them in awe from their youth vp If you haue a daughter kéepe her body and shew not thy face cherefull towards her marry thy daughter giue her to a man of vnderstanding If thy daughter bée wanton kéepe her in straitly Eccle. 42 least shée cause thine enimies to laugh thée to scorne You shall saith God Deu. 4. teach all my lawes and ordinances vnto your Children Ye fathers moue not your children vnto anger and wrathe Ephe. 6. but bring them vp in the doctrine and informacion of the Lorde Ye fathers prouoke not your Children to anger least they be of a desperate minde Collo 3 He that spareth the rood hateth his sonne Pro. 13. but who so loueth him chasteneth him betimes Who so loueth his childe holdeth him still vnder correction Eccle. 30 that he may haue ioy of him afterward and that he grope not after his neighbours dores he that teacheth his sonne shall haue ioye of him and néede not to be a shamed of him among his acquaintance Giue him no libertie in his youth Eccle. 30 Libertie hurteth children and excuse not his follie teach thy Child and be diligent therein least it be to thy shame Father What saith the scripture of Children to their parents Sonne Children Ephe. 6 Thus saith S. Paull children obey your fathers and mothers in the Lorde for that is right honour the father and mother that thou maist prosper and liue longe on the earth Col. 3. Ye Children obey your fathers and mothers in all things for that is well pleasing vnto the Lorde Leuitic 19 Ye shall saith the Lorde of hosts feare euery man his father and mother and kepe my sabaoths Pro. 23. Giue eare to the father that begat thée and despyse not thy mother when she is olde Pro. 28. Robbers of parents Tobias 4. He that robbeth his father and his mother saie it is no sinne he is a destroyer Hold thy mother saith Toby as in honour all the daies of the life for thou oughtest to remember how great perills shée suffered for thée in her wombe Tobias 5. All that the parents command them that they ought to doe dyligentlie honour thy father in word and déed Ecclesi 3 in paciens that thou maist haue Gods blessing and his blessing shall abyde with the at the last He that defyeth his father shall come to shame Fathers blessing and he that forsaketh his mother is cursed of God The blessing of the Father buildeth vp the houses of the Children Eccle. 3 but the mothers curse rooteth out the foundacions He that forsaketh his Father shall come to shame and he that defieth his mother is accursed of God Father Now would I know Sonne how elders both men and women ought to liue for the example of the younger sorte Elders Sonne The elder men must be sober sage Titus 2 discret sound in the faith in loue in pacience The elder women likewise Elder women must be in such rayment as becommeth holynesse not being false accusers not giuen to much wine but that they teach honest thinges let them shew themselues in all thinges an example in good workes with honistie and grauitie Father How must the younger sorte behaue themselues