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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15144 The vvay to the celestiall paradise Declaring how a sinner may be saued, and come to life euerlasting. Contained in three bookes.The first second third sheweth that a sinner may be saued, & come to life euerlasting. By faith, apprehending Christ for his iustification, & applying to himselfe the promises of the Gospell made in Iesus Christ. Repentance, hauing his sins washed away in the bloud of the lambe Iesus Christ. Prayer, calling vpon God in the name of Iesus Christ. By Robert Whittell, minister of the Gospell. Whittle, Robert, d. 1638. 1620 (1620) STC 25441; ESTC S120396 338,769 458

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materiall Churches are the 2 Against those which profane the house of God by any disorder places of Gods worship this reprooues those who prophane the house of God by any manner of disorder For this cause our Sauiour Christ was displeased to see the Temple of the Lord prophaned by those that sold Oxen and Sheepe and Doues and changers of money insomuch that he made a f Iohn 2. 15. scourge of small cords and droue them all out of the Temple And S. Marke saith that hee g Marke 11. 16. would not suffer that any man should carry any vessell thorough the Temple And yet this Temple was not the Sanctuary but onely the Court of the Temple which Christ would not haue to be prophaned Thirdly here they are reprooued who are backward 3 Against those who will not willingly contribute to the maintenance reparation of the Church and vnwilling to contribute to the necessarie maintenance and reparation of the materiall Church Dauid that holy man of God did purpose such was his zeale to build a house for the Lord for he reasoned thus h Sam. 7. 2. I dwell in a house of Cedar but the Arke of God dwelleth within curtaines This saying of Dauid is verified with many in many places of our Land though they cast not so farre as Dauid did neither haue hearts so zealously affected as Dauid had for many men build faire and goodly houses for themselues but build whatdoe I say build repaire not the houses of God which are built to their hands and many men are careful enough to beautifie and adorne their owne houses with great cost but care not in what case the house of God be They dwell in their i Hagg. 1. 4. sieled houses and suffer the house of God to lye wast Let such men search their owne hearts and they shall finde that they come far●e short of Dauids zeale to the house of God CHAP. XI Of the priuate place of praier where of domesticall or Houshold praier and also of Secret praier in the Chamber or in any secret place AS publique praier hath ordinarily a certaine set 2 The priuate place of prayer Twofold place the house of God so hath also priuate praier and the place for priuate praier is twofold The one domesticall in the house with the familie the other secret in the chamber or in any other secret place In the house First of domesticall or houshold praier In handling whereof I will Therein Two things First shew to whom this dutie chiefely belongeth Secondly vse reasons to perswade thereunto For the First The performance of houshold praier 1 To whom the performance thereof chiefely belongeth namely to the Master of the house together with the familie is a dutie chiefely and principally belonging to housholders to Parents and masters of families As vpon the Lords day Parents and masters of families are bound not only to come to the house of God themselues but likewise to bring with them their children and seruants to the publique worship of God so likewise in the house Parents and Masters of families are bound morning and euening and at all times of the day when they receiue their meate to pray to God and to praise God either themselues if they haue knowledge and abilitie to performe the same or else to see it performed by some other and that through their default praier and thanksgiuing be not omitted And that for these reasons And that First This is our daily seruice and spirituall sacrifice 1 In regard of order and to auoid confusion in the familie morning and euening to call vpon the name of the Lord to pray vnto him and to praise him in the morning before we beginne our worke at our meales when we receiue our meate and at night when we haue ended our busines before we say vs downe to sleepe now there ought to be an order for the obseruing of this seruice and worship of God and to whom in all the family should this care and dutie belong to see this seruice performed but to him who is the head of the house so then the care of the performance of this dutie lies principally vpon the master of the house in regard of order and to auoide confusion in the familie Secondly this dutie of worshipping God and doing 2 Parents and masters of houses are so charged and commanded him seruice priuately in the house is a dutie wherewith Parents and masters of families are charged Moses the the man of God exhorting the Children of Israel to obedience directeth his speech to the heades of the houses the masters of families saying These words which I command thee this day shall be in a Deut. 6. 6. 7. thine heart thou shalt teach them diligently vnto thy children and shalt talke of them when thou sittest in thine house and when thou walkest by the way and when thou liest downe and when thou risest vp So the obseruation of the Sabbath lieth chiefely vpon all heads of houses and masters of families they must not only sanctifie the Sabbath themselues but likewise see that their children and seruants doe sanctifie it for it s said Remember the Sabbath day to keepe it holy c. In it thou shalt not doe any worke thou nor thy sonne nor thy daughter thy man-seruant nor thy maid-seruant c. Now the Sabbath is sanctified not onely by reading the Scriptures hearing the word meditation c. But likewise by praying and praising God and that not only publiquely in the Church but also priuately at home where Parents and Masters of families haue the chiefe command Wherefore I conclude that the care of performing the dutie of praying b Exod. 20. 8. 9. 10. and praysing God in the familie belongs to the master of the familie 2 Reasons to perswade to Hous Now the reasons which may perswade all parents house-holders to the practise of this dutie are these First Examples of holy and good men Abraham receiueth 1 Good men haue vsed it this commendation from the Lord c Gen. 18. 19. I know him that he will commaund his children and his houshold after him and they shall keepe the way of the Lord. Abraham had care to instruct his children and seruants in the wayes of the Lord and to teach his houshold how to worship God When Abraham pitched his tent on the mountaine on the d Gen. 12. 8. East of Bethel there he builded an altar vnto the Lord and called vpon the Name of the Lord. That is as e Muscul in Gen. 12. some expound it he called together his house holde and there instructed them concerning the true worship of the true and onely God he prayed with them and offered sacrifice to the Lord. Ioshua hath this worthie saying to the children of Israel f Iosh 24. 15. choose you this day whom you will serue whether the gods which your fathers
and sorrowing for sinne the Sunne of righteousnesse breakes forth and shines comfortablie vpon the sinner reioycing the heart and greatly refreshing the soule After a storme a calme A question here ariseth concerning outward mourning Quest and weeping for sinne Whether weeping and shedding Whe●her weeping for sinne be of absolute necesitie of teares be simplie necessarie in godly sorrow I answer m Per. cas of Cons●● 1. bo●ke Chap. 5. Weeping for sinne is required and is commend●ble in whomsoeuer it is if it be in truth Yet corporall weeping is not alwayes of absolute necessitie so that Answ First the heart be truly grieued and displeased for sinne Secondly if a sinner haue an earnest desire to sheede teares and cannot being hindered either in regard of the greatnes of the sorrow of heart oppressing the heart that it cannot ease it selfe by weeping or else from the constitution of the bodie being vnapt to yeeld teares for in this case God accepteth the inward sorrow of the soule and the good affections of the hart for the teares of the eyes n Secundum quantitatem interioris affectionis secundum abundantiam lachrymabilis h●moris est vel non est in homine s●e●us c●rporalis ●●min l. 1. c. 43. It is sayth one according to the quantitie of the inward affection and the measure of moist and waterish humours of the eyes that any one either weepeth or is hindred from weeping Vse Now considering that God requireth not onely an Against those who mou●ne and weepe greatly for outward crosses but verie little for their sins inward godly sorrow and griefe of heart but likewise an outward mourning lamentation and weeping for sinne yea and great mourning and sorrowing for our great sinnes and forasmuch as the Saints and children of God haue practised the same moreouer considering that it is so necessary and profitable for vs to weepe mourne for our sinnes this reproues the world for the great neglect of this dutie O how ordinarie and vsuall a thing is it with people to mourne and weepe for worldly crosses and troubles that befall them for losse of goods and cattell for the departure of their friends neighbours and acquaintance it is a marueilous thing to beholde how excessiuely manie mourne and weepe for the losse of their dearest friends as husband wife children their onely sonne But few are there that weepe and mourne seriously for their sinnes o Pro. 14. 9. Fooles saith Solamon make a mocke at sinne Foolish wicked people haue no moderation in worldly sorrow but sport themselues with their sinnes and if they sheede any teare in regard of sinne it is with laughing at sinne and not weeping for sinne Doth the Father goe heauily for the death of his first borne And doth the sorrowfull mother mourne and weepe and wring her hands for the departure of her onely sonne O how much more cause haue we to mourne and weepe for our sinnes which haue beene the death of the Sonne of God p Mat. 2. 18. Rachel wept for her children and would not be comforted because they were not Rachel wept for her sonnes we ought to weepe for our sinnes she because they were not we because they are yet remaining and are not done away Woefull then and lamentable is their condition whose heart is soft and whose eyes are moist and waterie to sheede teares for worldly wants for temporall losses for bodily paine and griefe but haue hard hearts and drie eyes not able to straine forth a sorrowfull sigh nor wring out a brinish teare for their sinnes CHAP. VII Of confession of sinne COnfession of sinne is the third step of grace 3 Confession of Sinne. whereby the penitent sinner returneth from sin vnto God For after that a sinner hath sorrowed after a godly sort for his sinnes he returneth vnto God by confessing his sinnes as the prodigall son returned to his Father confessing and saying a Luk. 15. 18. Father I haue sinned Two-fold And confession of sinne is two-fold Publique Publique and Priuate Publique confession of sinne is that which is made in 1 Two-fold the Congregation and is two-fold Either of the whole congregation when the Minister 1 Of the whole Congregation the mouth of the people maketh an humble confession of sinne and the people ioyne with him confessing and crauing pardon for their sinnes Or when any one that hath offended God and the 2 Of any one that hath offended the Congregation congregation doth publiquely make and acknowledgement of his sinne before the Congregation and so is receiued into the fellowship of the Church againe Priuate confession of sinne is also two-fold 2 Priuate Two-fold To Man and To God To Man and that in two respects 1 To Man In two respects First when any one hauing offended his brother and wronged his neighbour doth make an acknowledgement of his fault and is willing to giue satisfaction to the 1 For satisfaction party wronged and that for peace sake and reconciliation one with another gathered from that saying of our Sauiour Christ b Mat. 5. 23. 24 If thou bring thy gift to the altar and there remembrest that thy brother hath ought against thee leaue there thy gift before the altar and goe thy way first be reconciled to thy brother and then come and offer thy gift Secondly when any one is troubled in conscience for some sinne that lieth heauy vpon his soule and clogs 2 For Consolation his conscience he may make knowne his griefe to another in priuate and that either to the Pastor of his soule or to some other discreet faithfull and trusty friend that is able to counsell and comfort him in his distresse According to S. Iames his direction c Jam. 5. 16. Confesse your faults one to another and pray one for another Such is our confession to man Secondly Confession of sinne is made in priuate vnto 2 To God God When as the poore penitent sinner gets himselfe into some secret place and there falling downe before the Lord by humble confession layeth open his And therein sinnes before God in hope to finde mercy with the Lord. Now the confession of sinne which I heere entreat of is not confession vnto man but vnto God In handling whereof I will shew Foure things First what Confession of sinne vnto God is Secondly the sorts and kindes of it Thirdly the manner of performing it that our confession may please God Fourthly I will vse motiues to perswade thereunto For the first Confession of sinne is an humble acknowledgement 1 What confession of sinne to God is Pola Synt. c. 2. l. 6. c. 37. of our sinnes before God arising from an inward godly sorrow of heart for sinne whereby the sinner doth witnesse against himselfe that hee hath offended God and deserues punishment hauing a purpose of heart neuer to offend God any more For the second Confession is of