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duty_n child_n family_n parent_n 3,006 5 8.2083 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08357 To the Quenes Maiesties poore deceyued subiectes of the north countrey, drawen into rebellion by the Earles of Northumberland and Westmerland. Written by Thomas Norton. Seen and allowed according to the Quenes iniunctions Norton, Thomas, 1532-1584. 1569 (1569) STC 18680; ESTC S113359 23,488 60

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inestimable benefit a most gracious Quéene our most deare mother nurse and protectrice to draw vpon vs the yoke of a cursed and abhominable rule of most vile and cruell example odious to God and man to shake away a most peasible gouernment to pull vpon our owne heades by Gods iust plage most miserable calamitie flauerie and to be parteners of his iuste reuenge for the notorious euils of those whose yoke we should so séeke to enter And yet a change must be made by our wyse leaders greate discretions a noble change forsothe Some of you parhaps sée nothing but the outward shewe colour bicause you loke to nothing else which yet God wot is full il fauoured Your great Captains a likely matter pitying the foule dysorder of the realme of England so empouerished and decaied frō the maruelous welthy state wherin Quéen Marie lefte it so far indetted beyond the expenses of infinite treasure that King Philip brought and left in this land so subiected to strangers that had so small lykelyhode to haue oughte to doe here in Quéene Maries raigne so troubled with forrein warres and inuasions as we haue ben in the. xj yeares more of the Quéenes noble gouernment so defrauded of due excution of iustice that no subiect can haue his right by lawe wher in déed none wanteth his right but they and you that yet wante your due execution but may haue it time ynough and that most lamentable is those good deuout men as your holy Earle of Westmerlande and other in whome no kinde of lewdnesse lacked but rebellion which they haue now added to make vp their full heape of iniquitie y t they might be perfitly starke nought being gréeued forsoth to sée God yll serued in the common order of prayers preaching and administration of sacramentes and specially in this that the boke of God lieth open to the people and that god is serued after gods own teaching to remedie al those mischiefs these notably well chosen men like themselues haue called a noble Parlament Conuocation that is a route of vnlearned rude Rebelles forgetting all dutie to God Prince Countrey Neighbours and al that euer honest is and in this déep wise and godly assemblie by the inspiration of the Diuels spirit whome vnder false name of the holie Ghost they haue in abhominable sacrifice called vpon it is at length decréed enacted and proclaimed that your two Earles with the rest of their faction are the Quenes true and faithful subiectes that they haue a good meaning that nobilitie haue giuen their fayth to further it that disordered and euill disposed persons about the Quene seking their own aduancements haue ouerthrowne true religion disordred the realm and seke destruction of the nobilitie that these your good Gouernours wil with the help of God and good people redresse things amisse restore ancient customes liberties to the Church and Realme Finally they enforme of a great purpose of strangers to correcte and chasten vs to the hazard of the Realme which they wil auoyd by hazarding it themselues And after the ende they saye God saue the Quéene when in their doings and discourses before out of all course of dutie they haue plainly shewed it is not our quéene Quéene Elizabeth that they meane Blind men may iudge no colors A man in a darke place without light or he whose eies be blindefild or couered with any thing that he can not sée through or he that obstinately winketh is as vnapt to discerne colours as he that is stark blinde Wherfore if you will rightly iudge of these coloures and sée what they be in déed you must come out of that blinde corner of rebellion and errour where no truthe shyneth you muste shake of the veyle or couering of wrongfull affection and misunderstanding and you must leaue winking at your owne faultes and follies And principally you must pray to Almighty God to open your eies to giue you his grace to sée truthe and finde mercie at his handes And thus prepared I besech you descende to conferre these gaye colours in the broade light Your Earles say they are the Quéenes true subiects Suppose it for the time and for the questions sake as they would haue you but for the time and for their purposes sake to take it that they vnderstād or mean therby Quéene Elizabeth our most gracious soueraigne Ladie not any other that woulde bring vpon vs Mariana tempora the miserablest dayes that euer Rome or Englande felte Farre doth the proportion of dutie of Subiectes to the Prince exceede the dutie of Seruants to Maisters or Children to Parents yea or Wiues to their Husbands the very neerest conioyning in humaine fellowship euen so farre as a Realme excéedeth a priuate Familie But if one of your owne seruantes children or wiues should do that without your wil yea against your wil and expresse commaundement that your Captains and you haue attempted without and against the Quenes highnes plesure would you accompt them good seruaunts good children or good wiues If the seruant shall departe from his maisters seruice wythout leaue the childe from his fathers obedience the wife frō the society of her husband without hys contentement or pleasure knowen the case being supposed your owne you can not like it If they shall put on armoure and weapon and become terrible or threaten force to the Master Father Husband or the rest of the familie if the case I say were your owne you would more myslike it If they shall threaten to pull away to banish to destroy those frends or good seruantes or the rest of the children whom the maister father or husbande dearely estemeth by whose good trauayle cherishing and dutiful ministerie and attendance the maister father or husband is serued preserued mainteyneth the cōmodities of his contenāce this being your own case you would yet more disalowe it If they shall misentreate rob spoyle mayheme and murder some of the rest of those other seruauntes friendes children that the maister father or husband so dearly loueth for his benefite cōfortably vseth were it in your own case you wold now abhor it If by no warning prohibition request promise of recōciliation threatning or otherwayes they wil cesse off prosecuting their enterprise the case being your owne you would hiely stomack it If notwithstāding all these doings procedings continuings neglecting of threatnings reiecting of faire speache and promises these risers withstanders inuaders robbers murderers cōtemners without licence against the authoritie ageinst the open declaration of his own wil and meanes of pacification sought by the maister father or husbande will still saye and maintayn that they be true and faithfull seruantes humble and obedient children good and louing wiues if the cases were you owne you would not beleeue it The Quenes maiestie Quene Elizabeth is by al right the soueraigne Ladie Maistresse of vs al and of you too that must ye
vntruthes dissimulations and bypocrisies The residue of your doltish Captaynes what be they think you they be men able to beare you out against the power of a Prince al her Nobilities Cities Realme subiects frends and allies One with little wit far set an other in his olde age wery of his welth an other a runne-away with a yong wilde braine tickled to sée fashions Alas what be these to carry you through the serious and earnest dangerous enterprise that you haue in hand ▪ They are rather méeter to fraye you from it méete men surely to followe your ominous fatall or vnluckie ensignes wounde and crosses the apte and due signes of iust slaughter or infamous execution But yet perhaps some of you haue this meaning that you owe them dutie and for dutie you will not forsake any danger If this consideration haue place in any dutie it hath it chiefly in the highest dutie which you haue despised A mad excuse it is to say you entred into danger for duty when the principall dutie did bid you sitte in quiet without danger at all Euen such a fonde doing of dutie it is as if one would kill his Father to please his Maister or rather murder Father Maister and him selfe to kepe promise with a théefe What be these duties that may moue you wey them and compare them The name of Percies and Neuilles haue long bene honourable and well beloued among you some of you and your for fathers haue ben auanced by them and their ancesters some perhaps be knit in kinred some be tenantes some be seruants some be with like causes allied and bound to the meaner Captaines Greate things be these to moue loue and good neibourhed and of great importance and efficacie to draw honest true and kinde harted men to sticke by their Lords frends in all wars against the Princes enemies and in al honest quarels and perilles but small matters they be yea no causes at all to draw any man to stand with any man in rebellions and treasons Is Percie and Neuill more auncient more beloued and deare vnto you than your naturall Soueraigne Ladie the Quéene of England yea or England it selfe Doth one small tenancie moue you more than the holding of the whole realme Is not in all your homages and fealties vnto them saued your faith and allegeāce to your souerain Lady This is euen as vntoward a follie as if a mad foole in a tempest would trauayle to drowne the whole ship to saue one of the mariners cabbens This is not rightly considered of you The common weale is the ship we sayle in no one cā be safe if the whole do perish To god then to the realme to the croun to the law and gouernment your leaders and you we all do owe our selues and all that we haue in highest degrée of dutie Al other inferior duties are but meanes that these may be the better performed When now your Captains haue forsaken faith dutie to God naturall loue and dutie to the realme allegeance and dutie to the Croune obedience and duetie to lawe and gouernement it is no following of dutie to followe them against these duties no thoughe they were your fathers And that they haue done so you may not beléeue their pretenses you must beléeue the booke of GOD which you haue troden vnder foote ye must beleue the lawes of the Realme which you haue contemptuously broken you must beleeue the Quéenes Maiestie her selfe speaking in her Proclamations and by the mouthes of her officers whose gracious voice you haue rebelliously contemned Now as I haue compared your smal duties pretended with your great duties forsaken compare again your most due duties with your vndue doings You haue without warrant fro the Q. Maiestie or any by her authorized assembled yourselues in forcible maner adhered to those whom her maiestie hath declared traitors rebels you haue leuied war within y e realm against the realm within the Quenes dominions against the Quene you haue broken the common peace wherby your selues your families and possessions haue hitherto bene preserued you haue in your rebellious outrage committed many haynous and horrible factes you haue destroyed the monumentes of Gods moste holy Communion you haue torne and defaced the sacred Byble of Goddes most holy worde the very pledge of youre saluation you haue presumed to alter the forme of Christes Religion you haue in dishonoure of Christes most blissed and onely sufficient sacrifice sette vp the most abhominable and blasphemous sacrifice of wicked Masse you haue committed vnnaturall and vyle crueltie vppon Gods Ministers and dispensers of Gods mysteries and of the health of youre Soules you haue defaced Gods holy ordinance whereby all mankynde is preserued in chastitie and continued by lawefull encrease you haue robbed your neyghboures spoyled and destroyed the Quéenes true subiectes you haue wasted the prouision for your wiues and children you haue vndone your selues Trow you this be your dutie eyther as Christian men Englishmen subiectes tenauntes husbandes fathers neighbours yea or naturall men And when you haue thus done thynke you to beare it thus away A piece of the Bishoprike of Durhamme and Richmond shire conteyneth not all Englande Your courage may be good I would it were employed to better causes your power is but small You know you are but fewe weake vnarmed vnfurnished to holde out vnlawfully called vnskilfully guyded sclenderly prouided for falsely abused fondly blinded your captains not trustie to you nor bound by any authoritie so to be youre companie not holden togither by any iuste power but that they may slip away as their luste their werynesse their néede their businesse hope of pardon or better aduisement may come vppon them your succoures faile you within and without youre vittayles in a barren place not like long to endure the season harde your lodgings incommodious your housholdes in perill of famine or destruction in youre absence no stoare of armoure Weapon nor Munition youre number of Horsse though not nowe manie yet dayly like to be fewer those necessaries that you haue eyther for defence inuasion or sustenance being once spente no way to recouer more one ouerthrowe destroyeth you wholly you haue no meane to repaire yours force you are enclosed round about no refuge by Lande no escape by Sea Are not you in a gay taking And this you know to be true On the other side beholde the dreadefull maiestie of God the Lord of hostes is displeased with you ▪ the Quenes highnesse sometime your louing Soueraigne Lady now by your lewdnesse is enforced to be the heuie minister of Gods wrath against you The whole nobilitie for their dutie and the rather for reuenge of the dishonorable spots and suspitions sprinkled vpon them by your trayterous proclamations is earnestly bent to ouerthrowe you the whole number of her highnesse true subiects ready to die vpon you ▪ the number is great against you infinitely excéeding your petit