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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11095 The bride by S.R. Rowlands, Samuel, 1570?-1630? 1617 (1617) STC 21365.5; ESTC S2862 12,668 38

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elements together The one forsaking aire the other water And they that woare the finne to weare the feather Remaining changelings all the worlds time after The course of nature will be so beguilde One maide shall get another maide with childe When euery Crow shall turne to be a Parret And euery Starre out-shine the glorious Sunne And the new water works runne white and clarret That come to towne by way of Islington Woemen and men shall quite renounce each other And maides shall bee with childe like Merlins mother Grace Like Merlins mother how was that I pray For I haue heard he was a cunning man There lines not such another at this day Nor euer was since Brittans first began Tell vs the story and we well will minde it Because they say In written bookes we finde it Bride Marry this Merlins mother was welsh Lady That liued in Carnaruan beautious maide And loue of Lords and Knights shee did not way by But set all light and euery one denay'd All Gentlemen as all you knowe be there That came a wooing were no wit the neere At length it hapned that this gallant girle Which scorned all men that she euer saw Holding her selfe to be a matchlesse Pearle And such a Loadestone that could Louers draw Grew belly-full exceeding bigge and plumpe Which put her Mayden-credit in a dumpe Time running course and her full stomacke fed When consumation of fewe months expired Shee husbandlesse a mayde was brought to bed Of that rare Merlin that the world admired This to be honest all her friends did doubt i● Much prittle prattle was in Wales about it So that ere long the strangnes of the thing To heare that Lady Adhan had a childe Caus'd famous Arthur being Brittans King Send for her to the Court and reason milde To know how this rare matter could be done And make her finde a father for her sonne She told his Maiestie with sighes and teares That keeping beautie carefull from the Sunne Within her chamber safely shut from feares Till Phaebus horses to the West were runne The doores fast lock'd and she her selfe alone Came in a gallant stranger meere vnknowne Who euer came in courting manner to her With all the louing courage could be thought So powerfull in perswasions force to woe her That to his will constrained she was brought Although her heart did firme deniall vow Yet she was forc'd to yeeld and knew not how So oft he came quoth she priuate and strange When I shut vp my selfe in most sad humor That I began to finde an inward change Which brought me quickly to an outward tumor An 't please your highnes I was in such case That to the world I durst not show my face My foes reioyced all my friends were sad My selfe in sorrow spent both day and night No satisfaction my wrong'd honour had Was neuer maide in such perplexed plight To be with child whether I will or no And for my child no humane father know Had I bin married quoth she as I ought And with my loue the loue of man requited I had not to this woefull state bin brought In all contempt disgracefully despighted And tearmed strumpet by the rude vnciuill Who say my sonne is bastard to the diuell Wherefore I wish Ladies of my degree And all the rest inferiour sorts of maydes To rake a warning for their good by me Yeelding affection when kind men perswades And hate disdaine that vile accursed sin Least they be plagu'd for pride as I haue bin How say you to this warning wenches now That Lady Adhan giues vnto you all Were you not better marriage to allow Then in a manner for a Midwife call I thinke you were if I might iudge the cause How say you Susan speake good Doll and Grace Grace This is a story that seemes very strange And for my part it doth me full perswade My Mayden-head with some man to exchange I will not liue in danger of a mayde The world the flesh the diuell tempts vs still I le haue a husband I protest I will If I were sure none of you here would blabbe I would euen tell you of a dreame most true And if I lye count me the veriest drabbe That euer any of you saw or knewe When a friend speakes in kindnes do not wrong her For I can keepe it for my life no longer One night I haue the day of moneth set downe Because I will make serious matters sure Me thought I went a iourney out of towne And with a propper man I was made sure As sure as death me thought we were assured And all things for the businesse were procured We did agree and faith and troath did plight And he gaue me and I gaue him a Ring To doe as Mistris Bride will doe at night And I protest me thought he did the thing The thing we stand so much vpon he tooke And I vpon the matter bigge did looke Forsooth in sadnes I was bigge with childe And had a belly marry God forbid Then fell a weeping but he laught and smil'd And boldly said wee le stand to what we did Fye fye quoth I who euer stands I fall Farewell my credit maydenhead and all Thus as I cry'd and wept and wrong my hands And said deare maydes and maydenhead adue Before my face me thought my mother stands And question'd with me how this matter grew With that I start awake as we are now Yet feard my dreame had bin no dreame I vow I could not for my life tell how to take it For I was stricken in a mightie maze Therefore if marriage come I le not forsake it T is danger to liue virgin diuers wayes I would not in such feare againe be found Without a husband for a thousand pound Susan Is it euen so Grace are you come to this You that perswaded me from loue of late When you knew who sent me a Ring of his And would haue had me bin his turtle mate You cunningly did make me to forsake him Because I thinke in conscience you will take him I le trust your word another time againe That can dissemble so against your heart Wishing that I should earnestly refraine From that which thou thy selfe embracer art This is braue doing I commend you Grace But I le nere trust you more in such a case Bride I pray you here let this contention ende We being all of selfe same woman kind And each the other with aduise befriend Because I see some of you well enclin'd To take good wayes and so become good wiues I le teach you certaine rules to leade your liues You that intend the honourable life And vvould vvith ioy liue happy in the same Must note eight duties doe concerne a wife To vvhich vvith all endeuour she must frame And so in peace possesse her husbands loue And all distast from both their hearts remooue The first is that she haue domestique cares Of priuate businesse for the house vvithin Leauing her
husband vnto his affaires Of things abroad that out of doores haue bin By him performed as his charge to doe Not busie-body like inclin'd thereto Thus as I cry'd and wept and wrong my hands And said deare maydes and maydenhead adue Before my face me thought my mother stands And question'd with me how this matter grew With that I start awake as we are now Yet feard my dreame had bin no dreame I vow I could not for my life tell how to take it For I was stricken in a mightie maze Therefore if marriage come I le not forsake it T is danger to liue virgin diuers wayes I would not in such feare againe be found Without a husband for a thousand pound Susan Is it euen so Grace are you come to this You that perswaded me from loue of late When you knew who sent me a Ring of his And would haue had me bin his turtle mate You cunningly did make me to forsake him Because I thinke in conscience you will take him I le trust your word another time againe That can dissemble so against your heart Wishing that I should earnestly refraine From that which thou thy selfe embracer art This is braue doing I commend you Grace But I le nere trust you more in such a case Bride I pray you here let this contention ende We being all of selfe same woman kind And each the other with aduise befriend Because I see some of you well enclin'd To take good wayes and so become good wiues I le teach you certaine rules to leade your liues You that intend the honourable life And vvould vvith ioy liue happy in the same Must note eight duties doe concerne a wife To vvhich vvith all endeuour she must frame And so in peace possesse her husbands loue And all distast from both their hearts remooue The first is that she haue domestique cares Of priuate businesse for the house vvithin Leauing her husband vnto his affaires Of things abroad that out of doores haue bin By him performed as his charge to doe Not busie-body like inclin'd thereto Nor intermedling as a number will Of foolish gossips such as doe neglect The things which doe concerne them and too ill Presume in matters vnto no effect Beyond their element when they should looke To what is done in Kitchin by the Cooke Or vnto childrens vertuous education Or to their maides that they good huswiues be And carefully containe a decent fashion That nothing passe the lymmits of degree Knowing her husbands businesse from her own And diligent doe that let his alone The second dutie of the wife is this Which shee in minde ought very carefull beare To entertaine in house such friends of his As she doth know haue husbands welcome there Not her acquaintance without his consent For that way Iealousie breeds discontent An honest woman will the scandall shun Of that report is made of wantonnesse And feare her credit will to ruine run When euill speakers doe her shame expresse And therefore from this rule a practise drawes That the effect may cease remoue the cause Th'ird dutie is that of no proude pretence She moue her husband to consume his meanes With vrging him to needlesse vaine expence Which toward the Counter or to Ludgate leanes For many ydle huswiues London knowes Haue by their pride bin husbands ouerthrowes A modest vvoman vvill in compasse keepe And decently vnto her calling goe Not diuing in the frugall purse too deepe By making to the world a pecocke showe Though they seeme fooles so yeelde vnto their wiues Some poore men doe it to haue quiet liues Fourth dutie is to loue her owne house best And be no gadding gossippe vp and downe To heare and carry tales amongst the rest That are the newes reporters of the towne A modest vvomans home is her delight Of businesse there to haue the ouersight At publike playes she neuer will be knowne And to be tauerne guest she euer hates Shee scornes to be a streete-wife Idle one Or field vvife ranging vvith her vvalking mates She knows how wise men censure of such dames And how with blottes they blemish their good names And therefore with the doue shee le rather choose To make aboade where she hath dwelling place Or like the snayle that shelly house doeth vse For shelter still such is good-huswiues case Respecting residence where she doth loue As those good housholders the snayle and doue Fist dutie of a wife vnto her head Is her ohedience to reforme his will And neuer with a selfe conceit be led That her aduise prooues good his counsell ill In Iudgement being singular alone As hauing all the wit her husband none She must not thinke her wisedome to be thus For we alasse are weakelings vnto men What singular good thing remaines in vs Of wise ones in a thousand show me ten Her stocke of wit that hath the most I say Hath scarse enough for spending euery day When as the husband bargaines hath to make In things that are depending on his trade Let not wifes boldnes power vnto her take As though no match were good but what she made For she that thus hath oare in husbands boate Let her take breech and giue him petti-coate Sixt dutie is to pacifie his yre although she finde that he empatient be For hasty words like fuell adde to fire And more and more insenceth wraths degree When she perceiues his choller in a fit Let her forbeare and that 's a signe of wit Many occasions vnto men doe fall Of aduerse crosses woemen not conceiue To find vs honny they doe meete with gall Their toyle for vs doe their owne ioyes bereaue Great shame it were that we should ad their woe That doe maintaine and keepe and loue vs so If that a hasty word sometime be spoke Let vs not censure therefore they are foes Say t is infirmitie that doth prouoke Their hearts are sorry for their tongues God knowes Since we by proofe each day and hower finde For one harsh word they giue ten thousand kind The seuenth dutie that she must endeauour Is to obserue her husbands disposition And thereunto conforme her selfe for euer In all obedient sort with meeke submission Resoluing that as his conditions are Her rules of life she must according square His vertues and good parts which she doth finde shee must endeauor for to imitate The vices whereunto he is enclin'd Shee must in patience beare in milde estate So that the meekenesse of her louing carriage May be peace-maker of all strife in marriage She must not doe as foolish woemen vse When they are met about the gossippes chat Their absent husbands with their tongues abuse But vtterly abhorre to offer that Resoluing that a husbands least disgrace Sould cause the wife to haue a blushing face The eight last dutie she must take vpon her To binde all t'other seauen to be done Is loue and chiefe regard to husbands honour Which if at true affection it begunne Then be he poore or sicke or in distresse See still remaines most firme in faithfulnesse Best in aduersitie it will appeare What constancy within the heart remaines No testimonie can be found more cleare Then friend in trouble that his loue explaines For such a one we may resolue is true That changeth not though fortune turne from you And thus faire virgins to you all farewell What I haue spoken doe proceede from loue The ioyes of marriage I want art to tell And therefore no more talke but try and proue With wedding rings be wiues of credit knowne God send good husbands to you euery one FINIS
THE BRIDE BY S. R. LONDON Printed By W. I. for T. P. 1617. THE BRIDE TO ALL MAYDES NOt out of bubble blasted Pride Doe I oppose my selfe a Bride In scornefull manner with vpbraides Against all modest virgin maides As though I did dispise chast youth This is not my intent of truth I know they must liue single liues Before th' are graced to be wiues But such are only touch'd by me That thinke themselues as good as wee And say girles Weomens fellows arr Nay sawcely Our betters farr Yea will dispute they are as good Such Wenches vex me to the blood And are not to be borne with all Those I doe here in question call Whome with the rules of reasons Arte I le teach more wit before we part Sylence of kindnes I beseech Doe you finde eares and wee le finde speach THE BRIDE VIrgins and fellow maydes that were of late Take kindly heere my weeding dayes a dew I entertayne degree aboue your state For Marriage life 's beyond the single crew Bring me to Church as custome sayes you shall And then as wife farewell my wenches all I goe before you vnto Honour now And Hymen's Rites with ioy doe vndertake For life I make the constant Nuptiall vow Striue you to follow for your credits sake For greater grace to Womankind is none Then Ioyne with husband faithfull two in one God Honoured thus our great Grand-mother Eue And gaue thereby the blessing of increase For were not mariage we must all beleeue The generations of the earth would cease Mankind should be extinguish'd and decreas'd And all the world would but consist of beast Which caused me to finde my Mayden folly And having found it to reforme the same Though some of you thereat seeme melanch●●● That I for ever doe renounce your name I not respect what censure you can giue Since with a loving Man I meane to liue Whose kindest heart to me is worth you all Him to content my soule in all things seekes Say what you please exclaiming chide and brall I le turne disgrace vnto your blushing cheekes I am your better now by Ring and Hatt No more playn Rose but Mistris you know what Marrie therefore and yeald increase a store Else to what purpose weare you breed and borne Those that receaue and nothing giue therefore Are fruitles creatures of contempt and scorne The excellence of all things doth consist In giuing this no reason can resist The glorious Sun in giving forth his light The Earth in plants and hearbs countles things The trees their fruit The Empresse of the Night She bountious giues to rivers flouds and springs And all that heaven and all that earth containes Their goodnes in Increase of guifts explaynes But what doe you that neither giue nor take As only made for hearing and for seeing Although created helpers for Mans sake Yet Man no whit the better for your being That spend consume and Idle out your howers Like many garden-paynted vselesse flowers Your liues are like those worthles barren trees That never yeald from yeare to yeare but leaues Greene-bowes vpon them only all men sees But other goodnes there is none receaues They flourish sommer and they make a showe Yet to themselues they fruitles spring growe Consider beast and fish and foule all creatures How there is male and female of their kinde And how in loue they doe inlarge their natures Even by constrayn'd necessity inclyn'd To paire and match and couple t is decreed To stocke and store the earth with what they breed In that most powerfull word still power doth lye To whose obedience all must subiect bee That sayd at first Increase and multiply Which still enduers from age to age we see Dutie obligeth every one should frame To his dread will that did commaund the same It is not good for Man to be alone Sayd that great God who only knowes what 's best And therefore made a wife of Adams bone While he reposing slept with quyet rest Which might presage the great Creator men In their coniunction sume of earths content Mistris Susan Good Mistris Bride now we haue hard your speach In commendation of your Nuptiall choyse Giue me a little favour I beseech To speake vnto you with a Virgins voyce Though diuers elder maydes in place there be Yet I le begin trusting they 'le second me We are your fellows but to Church you say As custome is that maydes should bring the Bride And for no longer then the wedding day You hould with vs but turne to tother side Boasting of Honour you assend vnto And so goe forward making much adoe But this vnto you Iustly I obiect In the defence of each beloued mayde Virginity is life of chast respect No worldly burden thereupon is layd Our syngle life all peace and quiet bringes And we are free from carefull earthly things We may doe what we please goe where we list Without pray husband will you giue me leaue Our resolutions no man can resist Our own 's our owne to giue or to receiue We liue not vnder this same word obay Till Death depart vs at our dying day We may delight in fashion weare the same And chuse the stuffe of last devised sale Take Taylors counsell in it free from blame And cast it off assoone as it growes stale Goe out come in and at selfe pleasure liue And kindly take what kind youngmen do giue Wee haue no checking churlish taunts to feare vs We haue no grumbling at our purse expence We seeke no misers favour to forbeare vs We vse no houshold wranglings and offence We haue no cocke to over crowe our combe Cate. Well said good Susan now thou pay'st her home Bride A little favour pray good Mistris Sue You haue a time to heare aswell as speake You challenge more by odds then is your due And stand on Arguments are childish weake Of freedome liberty and all content But in the aire your breath is vainely spent It is your shame to bost you haue your will And that you are in feare of no controwle Your cases Susan are more bad and ill Most dangerous to body and to soule A woman to her will hath oft bin try'd To run with errour on the left hand side Pray did not danger then to Eue befall When she tooke liberty without her heda The Serpent ouercame her therwithall And thorow will she wilfull was misled Yelding assoone as Sathan did intice And of her husband neuer tooke aduise In wit to men we are inferiour far For arts for learning and Ingenious things No rare Inuentions in our braynes there are That publique profit to a kingdome brings T is they that must all callings execute And wee of all their labours reape the fruite They are Diuines for soules true happines They Maiestraites to right offensiue wronges They souldiers for their martiall valiantnes They artizans for all to vse belonges They husbandmen to worke the earths increase And they the