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A03465 The historie of Adam, or the foure-fold state of man, vvell formed in his creation, deformed in his corruption, reformed in Grace, and perfected in glory. By Mr. Henry Holland, late preacher at Saint Brides Church in London Holland, Henry, 1555 or 6-1603.; Topsell, Edward, 1572-1625? 1606 (1606) STC 13587; ESTC S104152 275,758 386

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He lift vp his eyes and looked and lo three men stood by him and when he saw them he ran to meet them from the tent doore and bowed himselfe to the ground This Salomon a King performeth to his mother 1. King 2.19 Bathshebah went vnto the King to speak vnto him for Adonijah And the King rose to meet her and bowed himselfe vnto her Thirdly to vncouer the head beefore the auncient 1. Cor. 11.9.10 Fourthly to bow the knee before them for so doth Salomon to his mother and Abraham to the Angels supposing they were but men Fiftly to giue them the better place in all meetings for this the Apostle teacheth Rom. 12.10 Luke In giuing honour go one before another Eph. 5.21 Submit your selues one to another in the feare of God And this wee see practised by Salomon 1. King 2.19 He caused a seat to be set for the Kings mother and she sate at his right hand And this reuerend regard of superioritie was in Ioseph and his brethren the Patriarches in Egipt to the great admiration of the Egiptians Gen. 43.33 Ioseph sate by himselfe and they sate before him the eldest according to his age and the youngest according to his youth and the Egiptians marueled among themselues Sixtly to giue the elder the first place of speaking So doth Elihu teach by his owne example Iob. 32.6 I am yong in years and ye are auncient therefore I doubted and was afraid to shew mine opinion and ver 16. he addeth When I had waited for they spake not but stood still and answered no more then answered I in my turne Seauenthly to giue titles to all persons according to their place of honour to the honourable of reuerence to the reuerend 1. Pet. 3.6 Sarah obayed Abraham and called him Lord. 1. Sam. 1.14 Annah answered Eli saying nay my Lord I am a woman troubled in spirit Eightly to honour them for their calling and office for wee are bound in conscience to performe these duties and not for ciuilitie or manners sake Ninthly to obey them in all things which they command vs according to the diuine rules of pietie and iustice Tenthly with thankfulnesse and with cheerefulnesse and diligence in all seruice all which points we may obserue in Eleazar that faithfull seruant of Abraham Gen. 24. chap. Quest 110. And what be the duties common to all superiours Iob. 31.13 2. King 5.13 Ans First to loue and tender the state and welfare of their inferiours as the naturall Parents doe their naturall children Tit. 2.2 Heb. 12 1. Pet. 5.3 1. Pet 3 1.2.3 Secondly to bee examples of all pietie sobrietie and iustice and to goe euer beefore them as good presidents for their imitation in all the holy exercises of religion that they may say with Iob. chap. 29.8 The young men saw me and hid themselues and the aged arose and stood vp Quest 111. What bee the generall sinnes of inferiours against superiours and of superiours to their inferiours Ans The common sinnes of inferiours be these First to hate them for their calling as a number of popish protestants or carnall Gospellers doe the ministers of the Gospell for their calling sake Secondly to ascribe vnto them more honour then is due vnto them as the people did to Herod after his glorious Oration they shouted crying The voice of God and not of man Act. 12.21.22 Thirdly to aggrauate and to discouer their infirmities and weakenesse as Cham did to his father Noah Gen. 9.22 Fourthly to flatter them in their sinnes as the young Sycophants did Rehoboam whose counsell hee followed to his ruine 1. King 12.14.15 or not to admonish them in loue if need require The common sinnes of Superiours bee these First to neglect their duties to their inferiours which concerne either their soules or bodies their welfare in this life and their saluation in the life to come Secondly not to correct the lesser sinnes by admonitions and censures nor the greater by more speciall chasticements Quest 112. Now let vs come to the speciall duties of superiours and inferiours in the priuate familie and first of parents and children Ans First the first dutie following the order of nature is of the mother that with all care and conscience shee indeuour the preseruation of the life of her childe euen from the first conception in her wombe albeit shee endure many sorrowes as Gods speciall chasticements for her good till it bee borne and come to yeares of strength A barren wombe better then a barren brest Wherefore here a speciall dutie lying on the mother is the nourishing of her owne children with her owne brests if the Lord shall graunt her that good blessing first for that the holy Ghost accounts this one good note of a Godly matrone 1. Tim. 5.10 She is well reported of for good works next is added if she haue nourished her children Secondly the examples of holy women must bee followed whose daughters religious mothers are said to bee when they doe well and doe performe duties 1. Pet. 3.6 But Sarah gaue suck to her owne sonne Isaach Gen. 21.7 albeit shee had many women in her family which might haue eased her of that dutie The like wee read of that godly woman Annah the mother of Samuel 1. Sam. 1.29 And of the blessed Virgin Mary the mother of Christ Luke 2.12 Instruction is required also in the mother 2. Tim. 1.5 3.15 This then ought religious Matrons to respect carefully and the rather for that this is the principall dutie that God requires at their hands when hee saith 1. Tim. 2.15 Notwithstanding all their sinnes through bearing of children they shall be saued if they continue in faith and loue and holinesse with modestie Foure pearles to adorne godly Matrons A second dutie which specially concernes the husband as head is to prouide for the family for the maintenance of wife and children 1. Tim. 5.8 If there be any that prouideth not for his owne and namely for them of his houshold he denieth the faith and is worse then an Infidell This care and conscience we finde in Iacob when hee answereth Laban of his faithfull seruice hee addeth these words I haue serued thee long and thou art become rich through my diligence and faithfulnes now when shall I trauell for mine owne house also Gen. 30. ver 30. A third dutie common to both Parents is this to catechize instruct and to bring vp their children in the instruction and information of the Lord. That this dutie concernes father and mother ioyntly appeares Prou. 30.17 Againe the charge of God is great and to bee considered Deu. 4.9 Take heed vnto thy selfe and keepe thy soule diligently that thou forget not the things which thine eyes haue seene and that they depart not out of thine heart all the dayes of thy life but teach them thy sonnes and thy sonnes sonnes Deu. 6.6 These words which I command thee this day shall be in thine
conscience toward God endure griefe suffering wrongfully for what praise is it if when yee bee buffeted for your faults ye take it patiently But and if when yee doe well ye suffer wrong and take it patiently this is acceptable to God for hereunto ye are called for Christ also suffered for vs leauing vs an example that we should follow his steps who did no sinne neither was guile found in his mouth who when he was reuiled reuiled not againe when he suffered he threatned not but committed it to him that iudgeth righteously Iacob and Ioseph followed this Scripture as beeing written by Gods holy spirit in their hearts The Sinnes here forbidden are these The first foule sinne here condemned is eye seruice contrary to simplicity and truth desiring to please men but not in singlenesse of heart Col. 3.22 Eph. 6.5 The Second sinne of Seruants is to answere againe in reprehensions and admonitions Tit. 2.9.10 The third sinne is to reiect admonitions to refuse and to resist the authoritie and corrections of their gouernours as Agar and Onesimus Gen. 16.6 Epistle to Philemon Fourthly by fraud or theft to conuay away their masters goods or by negligence to become vnprofitable drones in their Maisters seruice Such were Zibah 2. Sam. 16.4 and Onesimus it is like before his conuersion Fiftly to obay them in things vnlawfull as when Sauls men refused to obay and serue their Maisters tyranny Doeg the Edomite was very forward to imbrue his hands in the bloud of most innocent and holy Priests 1. Sam. 22. Quest 117. I pray you adde something of the duties and sins of the Fathers in Common wealth and in the Church that is of such as gouerne in the Magistracie Ans First Exod. 18.21 it is required in the Magistrate that hee bee a man of wisedome that is that hee haue knowledge to rule and to to performe the duties which belong to his place and calling for as in other arts hee is not straight way a good Artificer which is a good man so much more in this waightie calling Secondly they must bee prudent men or men of experience for like as in other Arts men must not trust their generall knowledge and wisedome which haue not had tryall and experience of their profession so much more in this calling it is needefull that a man well experienced in those matters that are incident to this calling Thirdly they must be men of courage for his knowledge and experience cannot profit him when hee is to performe and execute the duties of his calling if eyther hee feare the rebukes of Superiours or the hatred and reports of his inferiours Fourthly he must bee a man seruing God this will serue to tēper all his gifts courage if it passe the bounds of knowledge and experience proues a rash boldnesse and wanting Gods feare wee see it often end in oppression Fiftly the Lord requireth that they deale truly first cōcerning themselues they must see that in word and deed they be found such examples vnto others as loue truth and sincirity Next they must carefully search all matters they are to deale in concerning their calling that they may giue righteous iudgement as the case requireth This they must do and haue no respect of persons Sixtly they must hate all filthy gaine and desire of riches and rewards for rewards blinde the eyes of the prudent and stop the eares of the righteous Deut. 1.13 Seauenthly and lastly a good Magistrate must bee a man well knowne and reputed and reported among gods people for wisedome for experience for courage for the feare of God Duties of spirituall Fathers and their Children for vpright dealing for the hatred of couetousnesse If they bee not knowne to bee such they can not haue that credit and reuerence among the people which is due to their place and calling And this the Apostle requireth in Gods Ministers that they haue also a good report euen of them that are without Sinnes here condemned are in election of Magistrates to respect riches and fauour of men and to neglect the former vertues and speciall marks of Christian Magistrates Examination of the Conscience Superiours First let all Superiours of all places and callings well examine themselues in and by this Law how they loue and tender their inferiours as Parents doe their Children how they go in and out before them in all pietie sobrietie and iustice if any such neglect these duties his conscience pleads guiltie and hee is subiect to the malediction of this Law Inferiours Secondly let all inferiours examine themselues with what care and conscience they haue respected the generall duties of this Law as to honour the aged the Magistrate the Minister and to performe vnto them all the generall duties beefore prescribed if they plead want of knowledge or of conscience they are guiltie and bound vp to the curse of this Law The naturall Mother Thirdly let the naturall Mother here inquire with what tendernesse and loue she hath respected the life of her child in her wombe whether shee hath nurced it with her owne brests hauing strength and meanes giuen her of God herevnto if thou hast neglected this dutie thy conscience cries guiltie and this Law condemnes thee The naturall Father Fourthly let the naturall Father here inquire with what care and conscience hee prouides for his familie in a lawfull calling with what wisedome and iudgement he rules his wife with what pietie and religion hee doth instruct his family whether hee suffer his children to grow vp in idlenesse and wantonnesse whether hee hath not more regarded their bodies then their soules whether they bee trayned in an honest course and calling if thou dost not respect these duties thy conscience cries guiltie and this Law condemnes thee Fiftly The naturall Children let the naturall children here inquire with what cheerefull reuerence and feare and obedience they haue honoured their Parents how they haue respected and couered their infirmities and prouided for their wants if thou bee of this number and hast neglected these duties thy conscience cryes guilty and this Law condemnes thee Sixtly inquire whether thou hast at any time by cursing mocking reuiling or smiting dishonored thy parēts or whether hast thou desired their death for any cause whatsoeuer or hast contēned their lawfull charge or hast married without their consent if these or any of these sins bee found in thee thy conscience cryes guilty and this Law condemnes thee Seauenthly Masters gouernours of Families inquire with what care and conscience thou hast taught and catechised thy Seruants what example of pietie good life thou hast giuen them how thou hast recompensed their labours with what mercifulnesse and tendernesse thou hast respected their wants with what moderation in correction and admonition thou hast ruled them if thou hast neglected these duties thy conscience cryes guiltie and this Law condemnes thee Eightly let Seruants inquire with what submission of mind Seruants
spirit Secondly mark and obserue well wherein thou art short of the obedience of this Law in any of the branches before specified or hast fallen into the contrary sinnes forbidden let the meditation of Gods loue in Christ and the sight of thy sinnes here set before thee draw from thee dayly some vnfained teares of repentance Luke 7.47 for by walking vprightly in the obedience of this Law thou maist shew the power of Christ dwelling in thee Psa 119.1 1. Pet. 2.9 Thirdly that it may truly appeare that thou art in Christ and Iesus Christ in thee 2. Cor. 13.5 pray feruently in the spirit Quest 69. Let vs heare first what you can say generally of the scope summe sense and parts of the second Law Ans First for the scope it is this that with all care and conscience we worship God in that forme hee hath prescribed in his word and not after mans inuention The first law was concerning the duties which doe directly concerne the nature and person of God and touching the substance of his worship this Law is concerning the forme and manner of his seruice and here the question is answered which hath most disquieted the Chruch in all ages who shall prescribe the forme of Gods worship shall Angels shall men shall the Church shall Councels shall the learned and the wise or shall euery man serue God according to the imaginations of his owne heart The answere is that when we haue made choise of Iehoua for our God and reiected all false Gods according to his first Law least our mindes should inuent him any seruice hee hath here prescribed lawes himselfe for his owne most diuine and spirituall seruice Secondly the summe therfore of this Law in few words it is this worship the Lord thy God according to his reuealed will written in his word and neuer presume to offer him any will-worship of humane inuention Thirdly for the sense the words are these Thou shalt not make to thy selfe any grauen Image The Lords meaning is not to forbid all making of Images for God did allow and commaund many to be made by Bezaleel and Aholiab Ex. 31.1.2 and 35.30 1. King 8. Blind worshippers sought often to represent the true God by an Idoll as Hosh 2.16 and Exod. 32.5 and Salomons Temple was richly adorned with Cherubins and Images of gold and siluer The Lord then heere first forbids a man to make any image to represent him as is very manifest Deut. 4.15 where he chargeth them not to represent him by any thing adding this reason verse 12. you heard the voice of words but saw no similitude saue a voice teaching vs that hee can better instruct vs by his word then by any pictures Nor the likenesse of any thing in heauen aboue God forbiddeth here to make any image of any false God which can bee imagined seene or knowne to bee in heauen in earth or in the waters Deut. 4. in the heauens as Starres ver 19. Angels Saints in the ayre as fethered foules ver 17. secondly the likenesse of any thing on earth as man and beasts ver 18. thirdly of things vnder the earth in the waters Dagon was formed like a fish 1. Sa. 5.1.2 as of any fishes ver 18. Thou shalt neither bow thy selfe vnto them nor serue them here wee bee forbidden all manner of seruice vnto an Idoll and vnto the true God before an Idoll By bowing is meant all manner of bodily worship capping kneeling kissing dauncing before the Idoll Exod. 32. or by any such signe to fauour or like them serue them or worship them The generall here seemes to bee put after the speciall that no manner of seruice bee done to Idols or to God in Idols or images for that Idolaters can worship Idols and God in Idols being farre absent from them by vowes by guifts c. as well appeares in the Popish superstition Arguments 1 2 3 For I the Lord thy God as beefore in the preface am a mightie God that is hee is able with a strong hand to plague thee for all false worship as hee did all Israell 2. Kin. 17.20 and 32.41 They feared God and serued their Images therefore the Lord by a strong hand cast off all the seede of Israell Mal. 1.16.8 14. if thou serue a man thou must doe as he appoynteth if a mightie man it is dangerous to doe otherwise 4 No cause in vs he should loue vs much lesse be ielous ouer vs. And a Iealous God God hath bound himselfe as by a speciall couenant in a holy mariage with his people Esay 54.5 Ephe. 5.26.27 when therefore men estrange their loue and seruice to any thing else then hee cryes out by his spirit that hee is prouoked to iealousie by spirituall whoredome Hosh 1.2 Chap. looke how deepely it smiteth the heart of the louing husband that his wife spouse follow a stranger so in like manner is it betweene vs and the Almightie when wee impart his worship to any other or serue him not as hee commandeth But iealousie saith Salomon Pro. 6.34 is the rage of man so kindling his ire that he will not spare in the day of vengeance Therefore auoid all spirituall whordome for the Lord when hee is prouoked to iealousie is a consuming fire Heb. 12. hee vseth often this complaint They haue moued me to ielousie with that which is not God they haue prouoked mee to anger with their vanities 5. Deu. 29.20 Ezech. 8.2 Visiting the iniquitie God is said to visit his people when he comes against them with the sword of a 1. Sam. 15.23 Mat. 23.24 Exod. 17.14 Deut. 25.17 Two effects of ielousie iustice These two reasons following are two fruits and effects of ielousie The first is an exceeding long anger the second is an exceeding loue and mercie for ielousie abounds in these two affections There is a notable example of this ielousie An example of Gods ielousie Exod 33 10 11. to be diligently marked Exod. 32. for the golden calfe for Moses with all his holy teares and prayers could not quench the flame of it verse yea notwithstanding that Calfe was burnt in the fire ground to pouder and strowed vpon water and the idolaters drunke of it ver 20. notwithstanding three thousand men were slaine by the Leuites at that time ver 28. notwithstanding that Moses proceedeth in most feruent prayer as it were standing in the gappe betweene Gods wrath and his people and crying that if God would not bee appeased that hee would rase him out of the booke of life ver 32. yet the Lord as not respecting all the promisses and hardly appeased for the time answereth In the day of my visitation I will visit their sinne vpon them ver 32. So wee see the Lord prouoked to ielousie is a consuming fire Of Fathers vpon their Children wee bee taught how this iustice is executed Ezech. 18.3 for the Iewes then complained of vniustice that they should bee
which wee will not bee seene to performe our selues for wee bee commaunded the contrary that wee compel and command so many as we can to the obseruation of the Saboth which if wee doe not their sinnes no doubt run euery Saboth vpon our score here be guiltie of spirituall murther all such maisters as retaine seruants like horses and mules in a barbarous kinde of seruitude on the Saboth from the publike meanes of their saluation Let all such remember the speciall charge of God directly sent vnto them in this Law Eph. 6.5.9 Col. 3 21. Tit. 2.9 1. Pet. 2.18 and remember that they haue a great Lord in heauen whose wrath is as a consuming fire Punishments for the breach of the Saboth are these Punishments for breach of Saboth Floods in faires with vs. Scaffols falling to the destruction and hurt of many in stage-plaies Some punished to teach the rest But not al to shew there is a day of iudgement First by the Law of God in old time as wee may reade Num. 15.32 death of body Secondly by old Councels excommunication that those which denie their presence to the Church in earth by wilfull negligence may bee euer cut off from the assemblie of the righteous Thirdly wee haue had in the time of fayers on the Saboth day diuers great flouds to the losse of goods and life in many places and this sinne wee retaine of the Italians which make their sunday a day of market Fourthly many times at beare bayting the falling of scaffolds wherby men women and children haue lost some their liues some their limbes and the women with childe haue not beene spared as is yet fresh in the memorie of wise men within the space of twentie yeeres and certainely these were punished to be examples of admonition to the rest although all dyed not let none therefore gather that either they perished by chance of rotten posts or such like or that God did punish them that were slaine and hurt at their pleasures for some other cause but rather thinke that they which dyed perished for that sinne and that the residue are but reserued to a day of iudgement The tryall and examination of the conscience First consider well and examine thine owne heart as beeing set before the throne of the iustice of God whether thou hast at all times reuerently and honourably thought of the Saboth and of the publike ministrie of the word and Sacraments 2. Cor. 5. which God in wisedome hath appointed to be the holy meanes of thy saluation if thou canst not find this humble submission and reuerence of these diuine exercises in thine heart thy conscience pleads guiltie and this Law condemnes thee Secondly whether thou hast prepared thy selfe to meet to the Lord on the Saboth for the diuine maiestie and presence of God the father the Son and the holy Ghost doth fill the sanctuarie and doth reioyce in the holy assemblies of his Saints I say examaine thy selfe of thy preparation by reading meditation prayer conference if thou hast neglected this dutie thy Conscience cries guiltie and this Law condemnes thee Thirdly whether hauing vsed a Godly preparation before thou didst also religiously attend obserue the word of god both read and preached with such reuerence and meekenes as if thou hardest Christ himselfe read and preach vnto thee if thou hast not respected this dutie thy conscience cries guiltie and this law condemnes thee Fourthly Cares whether thy Soule hath not wandred about the cares of this life during the holy exercises on the Saboth that albeit thou wast present in body yet thy minde was so distracted that thy soule was absent and receiued no blessing by any of the holy exercises of the Saboth if thy conscience crie guiltie this Law condemnes thee Fiftlie whether thou hast bestowed this day wholy in diuine exercises as thou art commanded namely in hearing reading meditation conference for the better vnderstanding of things heard and receiued by the publike ministrie if thou hast neglected this dutie thy conscience cries guiltie and this Law condemnes thee Sixtly and because this Law giues speciall charge concerning the familie our sonnes and daughters men seruants and maide seruant inquire whether on the Saboth thou hast not respected these both to bring them also to the holy assemblies and by priuate conference to cause them to vnderstand the things they haue heard so instructing them in the knowledge of the truth that they may learne also the true sanctification of the Saboth if thou hast neglected this dutie thy conscience cries guiltie and this Law condemnes thee Seauenthly inquire whether after the exercises of the Saboth thou hast remembred the poore and the sicke to releaue the one and to comfort the other if thou hast neglected these duties thy conscience cries guiltie and this law condemnes thee The Minister of Christ Eightly inquire if thou bee the minister of Christ with what care and conscience with what feare and faith thou hast sanctified the Lords Saboth in the preaching of Gods word and administration of the sacraments for he is accursed that doth the Lords work negligently wherefore if thou hast beene negligent in thy dutie thy conscience cries guiltie and this Law condemnes thee Ninthly whether thou hast admitted any knowne wicked sinners to the blessed Communion without any admonition that they may bee reclaimed to grace and to vnfained repentance that they prophane not the holy misteries of Christ and whether thou hast not sorrowed deepely in heart if any such haue past if thou hast neglected these duties thy conscience cries guilie and this Law condemnes thee Tenthly whether thou hast sought and endeauored to plant in the hearts and mindes of all in thy charge with all thy might the cheefe grounds of holy religion which wee call the Catechisme which euery man is bound to learne and know perfectly if thou hast neglected this dutie thy conscience cries guiltie and this Law condemnes thee Eleauenthly whether any playes or fighters bee suffered in Church or Church-yard or in any other place appointed for gods holy worship such as by authoritie may restraine these enormities do not their cōsciences cry guiltie Twelftly If thou hast any way impaired or infringed the right of Churches the maintenance of Gods publike ministrie orintermedled with the benefices Mal. 3.8 Rom. 2.22 tithes and anuities of Churches due to the ministers of Christ which attend the charge of soules thou hast committed sacriledge and thy conscience cries guiltie and this Law condemnes thee 13. lastly whether thou hast spēt the Saboth or any part of the Saboth in the workes of thine ordinarie calling or in lawfull recreations games or in feasting dicing dauncing or in any such exercises lawfull or vnlawfull if thy conscience crie guiltie this Law condemns thee and thou art in the hand of God to receiue sentence euery day houre and minute The fift Law Honour thy Father and thy Mother Verse 12. Tremel
that * That they may prolong thy daies thy daies may be prolonged vpon a That Land the Land which the Lord thy God shall giue thee Question 107. NOw wee bee come to the second Table tell me what is the princiall scope and summe of these Lawes following Answere First like as the first Table principally respecteth the seruice and worship of God so the second Table specially concerneth the preseruation of the Church and people of God and the good of the common wealth Secondly the summe of both our Lord Christ hath giuen vs. Mat. Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God Rom. 13 8.9.10 with all thine heart with all thy soule and with all thy minde this is the first and the great commandement That is the breefe summe of the first Table And the second is like vnto this thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe This is the summe also of the second Table And these two Tables are not without cause said to be like the one the other first for that they proceed both from one Lord secondly for that both respect Gods worship and glorie the first immediately the second mediately Amor Dei amorem proximi generat thirdly for that the obedience of the one the other is inseparable the second respecting the first as the effect doth the cause fourthly for that the transgression and disobedience of both haue like punishments temporall and eternall Quest 108. Let mee heare what drift and parts and sense is of the fift Law Ans First the end of this Law is that with all reuerence and regard we preserue the dignitie and honor of our neighbour that is of all such as God hath set ouer vs as superiours and a religious care and gouernment of inferiours beeing well assured that where the duties of superiours and inferiours are neglected there can neither religion nor vertue nor any good thing prosper Secondly this Commandement hath two parts the one the Law it selfe where consider first who be to be honoured father mother that is all superiours secondly how and in what measure superiours must bee reuerenced Honour thirdly Sense who must honour children that is all inferiours the other confirmation that they may prolong thy dayes c. Honour by this word are vnderstood all duties of loue a Deut. 21.18 subiection b Leu. 20.9 reuerence feare and c Mat. 15.4 1. Tim. 5.17 thankfullnesse with all religious respect and regard for the preseruation of the dignitie and estimation of all such as are set ouer vs. Father and Mother By these words wee vnderstand first our naturall d Eph. 6.1 parents which haue beene the instruments of Gods prouidence to bring vs forth into the stage and theater of this life This gouernment and dignitie of parents is first to be respected first because we be bound hereunto by most bands of loue nature secondly because the gouernement of Parents is most auncient and the rule of all other gouernmēts thirdly because god would haue all superiors to beare the affection of Parents towards all their inferiours Secondly the Church is a speciall mother for vs on earth whose honour wee must tenderly respect for hee that despiseth her God reiecteth him and must account him as a Publican Mat. 18.17 Es 49.23 Gen 20.2 2. Kin. 5.13 Gen. 45.8 and wee vnderstand here Kings and Queens the nurcing fathers the nurcing mothers of gods Church and people Thirdly all Gouernours and such as beare rule for the good of the Church Fourthly all Gods true ministers and faithful teachers of Gods holy word 2. King 2.12 13. cha 14. 1. Cor. 4.15 Iob. 29.16 Fiftly all Gardinars to whom the wardship of children after the death of their parents is committed Sixtly the maisters and teachers of all arts liberall and mechanicall of all faculties needefull for the common wealth Seauenthly and lastly all the aged which as fathers can help vs with councell and experience Mother Shee may not bee neglected but all duties of honour done vnto her notwithstanding her weaknesse sex and all her infirmities beecause naturall corruption doth soone break forth into contempt and rebellion against the mother therefore the Lord hath made speciall mention of the mother in this Law Prou. 1.8 Eccle. 3.3.4 and 7.27 calling vs to a speciall reuerend regard of her often in his word Prou. 23.22 Obey thy father that hath begotten thee and despise not thy mother when she is old Now if we aske a reason wherefore all inferiours are thus bound of God to yeeld this honour to their superiours the cause is manifest The Lord himselfe doth inuest them with his honour they sit all ouer vs as Gods vicegerents and in euery one of them wee must euer consider that Gods blessed image is set before our eyes first in the naturall parents wee behold Gods tender affection towards vs secondly in the Princes and Rulers we finde a certaine image of the maiestie and glory of God thirdly in aged men ye haue the picture of Gods eternitie Fourthly in a wise man the image of Gods wisedome shineth before our eyes That they may prolong thy dayes Parents are said to prolong life because they be the instruments of Gods prouidence hereunto They may truely bee sayde vnder God to prolonge the life of their children first by their good education and instruction specially in Gods holy worship and seruice when they bee young secondly by their wise gouernement when they come to riper yeares thirdly by giuing them some lawfull calling and honest meanes for their maintenance when they come to age Fourthly by their continuall blessing of them and of all meanes for their good by recommending them continually vnto God in prayer Thy dayes on the Land which the Lord thy God giueth thee This is that speciall promise noted by the Apostle Iust I.C. lib. 2. cap. 8. ser 37. Eph. 6.1.2 and expounded thus That it may goe well with thee and that thou maist liue long on earth godly children haue the promises both of this life and of that which is to come 1. Tim. 4.8 and contrarilie the fearefull threatning of God is often verified of rebellious children Prou. 30.17 The eye that mocketh his father and despiseth the instructions of his mother let the Rauens of the valley pick it out and the young Eagles eat him Quest 108. This Commandement is affirmatiue rehearse the general duties or signes of honour and reuerence which all men are bound to yeeld to all superiours or common to all superiours Gen. 50.18 Ans They are these following First to rise vp and to stand before them when they sit Le. 19.32 Thou shalt rise vp before the hore head and honour the person of the old man and dread thy God I am the Lord. Secondly to rise vp to meete them when they draw neer This wee see in Abraham to the Angels whom hee receiued and reuerenced as most holy Fathers Gen. 18.2
heart and thou shalt rehearse them continually vnto thy children and shalt talke of them when thou tarriest in thine house and as thou walkest by the way and when thou lyest downe and when thou risest vp To this charge agree the words of the Apostle Eph. 6.4 Fathers prouoke not your children to wrath but bring them vp in instruction and information of the Lord. Examples are Bathshebath Prou. 31. and Ennice and Lois 2. Tim. A fourth dutie of parents is to correct and chastice their Children with wisedome and moderation euer considering they punish their owne corruption in them which they first gaue and calling vpon God in spirit feruently for a blessing vpon their chastetisements To warne vs of this dutie let vs often set before vs these Scriptures Pro. 3 12.13.24 Heb. 12 Pro. 22.15 Foolishnesse is bound vp in the hart of a child but the rod of correctiō shall driue it away from him therefore inure children to do things rather to please God then for flattering or for guifts Prou. 13.24 He that spareth his rod hateth his sonne but he that loueth him chasteneth him betime And that parents may haue a noble example herein for imitation it is said that the Lord correcteth him whom he loueth euen as the father doth the child in whom he delighteth Prou. 3.12 A fift dutie of parents is the good education of their children as in Gods faith and feare principally so in good arts carefully that they may beecome profitable members in Church and common wealth for this is the Lords charge Pro. 22.6 Teach a child in the trade of his way and when he is old he shall not depart from it at the least let them learne to read and write A sixt dutie of parents to children is that hauing brought vp their children in such sobrietie and chastitie as beecommeth the Saints of God when they come to yeares to make choice for them and to aduise them to keepe their vessells alwayes in holinesse and honour both in the single state and in the married life and at this time specially to allow for their maintenance more or lesse according to that portion which God hath giuen them This godly care for the mariage and maintenance of children wee see in Abraham Gen. 24.1.2 and in Isaac and Rebecca Gen. 27.46 and Cha. 26.35 and in Naomi Ruth A seauenth dutie is such children as the Lord shall giue thee to consecrate them to the Lord with a holy desire they be his and doe him seruice as Hamah did Samuel and it may bee Ennice did Timothie God specially requireth the first borne An eight dutie is with all conuenient speede to prouide they may be baptized in the publike congregation in the presence of speciall and faithfull witnesses Esay 8.2 Sinnes of Parents forbidden in this Law are these First to bee improuident and not to respect the welfare of children in this life Secondly to cark and care for their bodies and to suffer their soules to rot in sinne * Crates in Plutarch saith We may well cry against foolish parents from the tops of hilles with great cares doe they prouide for their children but respect not for honestie vertue what they shall bee Heathen men could see this as a common sinne in Parents and condemne it Thirdly to bring them vp in loosenesse pride idlenesse and wantonnesse and wantonnesse ends in wickednesse as Eli did Sophin and Phiceha and as Dauid did Absalon and Adonijah their wanntonnesse did end in wickednesse to the no small griefe of his heart a 1. Sam. 1. 2. Chapters for the one at his death hee sorrowed and wept bitterly of the other it is said And his father would not displease him from his child-hood 1. King 1.6 wherefore here wee must euer remember that Prouerb If thou smitest hee shall not dye Fourthly ouer seuerely without iudgement to prouoke them to anger by vniust or vnmeasurable chasticements in words or stripes Eph. 6.4 Quest 113 What be the duties of children to Parents commanded in this Law Ans This precept speaketh vnto children as it were face to face as being most prone to the breach of this Law for children bee more ready to forget Parents and their duties then Parents to forget children and therefore the Lord to meete with this corruption giueth the first charge vnto children to performe all duties of honour to their Parents The first dutie of Children to Parents and the root of all the rest is a cheerefull reuerence which is a speciall grace well tempered with loue and feare An example for this dutie wee haue in Ioseph who when hee met his aged father Iacob Gen. 46.29 presented himselfe vnto him with reuerence and to testifie his affection and loue he fell vpon his neck and wept vpon his neck a good while The second dutie implyed in the word Honour as the Apostle interpreteth Eph. 6.1 is obedience Children obay your Parents in the Lord. Examples of true obedience commanded iustly in Scripture are these Isaac to Abraham Gen. 22. the sonnes of Ionadab the sonne of Rechab Ier. 35.14 And of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ of whom it is written that hee followed his mother Marie and his supposed father Ioseph and was subiect vnto them Luke 2.51 The third dutie to helpe their infirmities and to prouide for their Parents when they are old Of this dutie the Apostle speaketh 1. Tim. 5.4 in these words But if any widow haue children or nephewes let them first learne to shew godlinesse toward their owne house and to recompence their kindred for this is an honest thing and acceptable before God The practice of this dutie wee finde in good Ioseph most carefully supplying his old fathers wants prouiding for his brethren Ge. 45.9 and among Birds for the Storke when she is old keepes her nest continually and the young prouide for her hence is it the Apostle cals children without naturall affections 2. Tim. 3.3 A heathen woman had a daughter that nourished her with her brest in prison when all persons were forbidden to releaue her Valerius Mar. lib. 5. Cap. 4. Plin. lib. 13. cap. 23. The fourth dutie here commanded is to beare with and to couer the infirmities of parents so much as in vs lyeth and so farre as Gods honour and Law will permit vs. The practise of this wee see in Sem and Iapheth who couered their naked father when cursed Cham discouered him Ge. 9.23 and Ionathan bare patiently the threats of his bitter and bloudy father Saul 1. Sam. 19.3.4 Quest 114. Now rehearse breefly the contrary sinnes here condemned Ans First cursing of Parents is a most detestable sinne and here condemned The Lord pronounceth him accursed that curseth his Parents Deut. 27.16 and by the Law of God among the Iewes he was to die for it Leu. 20.9 Exo. 21.17 Secondly to smite father or mother is a most greeuous sinne and heere condemned This sinner was by Gods law
adiudged to dye for his offence for the words are these Ex. 21.15 He that smiteth his Father or mother shall dye the death Thirdly to mocke or despise the father or mother is a great sinne and transgression of this Law against the which the Lord pronounceth that fearefull threatning Prou. 30.17 The eye that mocketh his father and despiseth the instruction of his mother let the rauens of the valley pick it out and the young Eagles eat it Cham is set for an example of Gods wrath for this sinne to all posteritie Gen. 9. Fourthly secretly to wish their death to enioy their goods and lands houses and possessions and that they may be cheef Lords after them This was Esaus sinne for he desired in his heart Isaacks death that hee might rule ouer all and bee reuenged on his brother Iacob Gen 27.41 Thus doe Vipers to seeke their owne life and libertie they rend and breake their dams belly and so the old dyes when the young first come to light Intractable refractarie The fift sinne in Children against this Law is to disobey the gouernement and charge of their Parents which sinne the Lord often greatly condemneth in his word accounting it a speciall marke of Paganisme Rom. 1.30 and one of the fearefull sinnes of the last times 2. Tim. 3.2 This sinner must dye also by Gods Law after that hee is conuicted and found by Law to be refractarie and stubberne against his Parents Deut. 21.18 Sixtly and lastly to marrie without Parents knowledge and consent is a great dishonour to Parents and a greeuous sinne condemned in this Law Of this sinne prophane Esau is set forth an example for all ages for whose sinne his mother mourneth in these words Gen. 27.46 I am weary of my life for the daughters of Heth if Iacob take a wife of the daughters of Heth like these of the daughters of the land what auaileth it me to liue Quest 115. Thus farre of naturall Parents and their Children now of Parents by office and place And here first let me heare of the second band of duties in priuate families betweene Masters and Seruants Ans The Apostle interpreting this Law Eph. 6.6.9 commendes vnto vs the duties of Maisters and Seruants in the next place in these words Seruants be obedient vnto them that are your Masters according to the flesh with feare and trembling in singlenesse of your hearts as vnto Christ not with seruice to the eye as men pleasers but as the seruants of Christ doing the will of God from the heart with good will seruing the Lord and not men and know ye that whatsoeuer good thing any man doth the same shall he receiue of the Lord whether he be bond or free and ye Masters doe the same things vnto them putting away threaning and know that euen your master also is in heauen neither is there respect of person with him Duties of Maisters and of Gouernours of Families be these following First they are bound by this morall Law of God to instruct their Seruants as they must their Children in the true knowledge of God for without instruction how shall they serue them as the Apostle commandeth as seruing the Lord Christ Againe the same Apostle Tit. 2.9.10 commandeth Seruants to adorne the doctrine of God our Sauiour in all things without instruction they can neuer possibly grace it but disgrace and dishonour both God and his word in all things they take in hand The practise of this dutie wee see in Abraham who being commanded to instruct his Children and his Houshold Gen. 18.19 it is recorded of him that he did carefully instruct and Catechize three hundred persons in his familie Gen. 14.14 In like manner this was Iosuas care not onely for his Sonnes and Daughters but also for his Seruants as himselfe testifieth Chap. 24.15 where hee vseth a holy protestation not onely for himselfe and his Children but also for his whole familie that they shall serue the Lord and this can neuer bee without instruction The like conscience and care wee finde in Cornelius the captaine Act. 10.7 for hee is said to haue Seruants fearing God Lidia being conuerted is Gods instrument to bring vnto Christ all her household Act. 16.15 Secondly Maisters must giue Seruants and Children no euill example but endeuour to goe before them as holy presidents and examples of faith and godlines of all puritie and sobrietie of life to guide them in all loue and meekenesse wisedome and iudgement for so haue all the hol●●●thers euer done Abrahams three hundred Seruants would neuer haue beene so ready so tractable so religious but that they saw in their maister a patterne of all pietie and religion Cornelius Seruants being souldiers would not haue been so forward but that they saw their maister was a man in word deed truly fearing God Thirdly the third dutie of Maisters to Seruants is to giue them the recompence and reward of their labour this the Apostle chargeth Col. 4.1 Ye Masters doe to your Seruants that which is iust and equall knowing that ye also haue a Master in heauen 1. Tim. 5.18 The laborer is worthie of his wages Leu. 19.13 The workemans hire shall not abide with thee vntill the morning And here wee may say that if humanitie requires that they bee liberally rewarded much more pietie requires a louing an a large bountifulnesse vnto good Seruants of this speakes the Sonne of Syrach in these words Ecclus. 7.20.24 If thy Seruant worketh truely intreat him not euill nor the Hireling that bestoweth himselfe wholy for thee Let thy soule loue a good Seruant and defraud him not of libertie neither leaue him a poore man So louing a Maister was Abraham vnto his eldest Seruant Eleazar Gen. 15.2.3 the Steward of his house that hee purposed in his heart if God gaue no childe to make him his Heire and Lord of all his substance Fourthly the fourth and last care of Masters and Gouerners of families is to exercise houshold or domesticall discipline for the good gouernment of their families according to the rules of pietie Of this dutie the Lord warneth vs. Pro. 29.19 A Seruant will not be chastised with words though he vnderstand yet he will not answere ver 21. He that bringeth vp his Seruants daintely from his youth shall at the last be robbed of his Children Such Seruants were Zimri to Ela king of Israell who slew his Maister and his Children 1. Kin. 16.11 and Ieroboam to Salomon who got from his Son Reheboam more then halfe his kingdome 1. Kin. 11.28 and such a couetous hireling was Zibah to good Mephibosheth 2. Sam. 16. ver 3. Wee haue many good notes for the good gouerment of the family Psal 101. first the Masters of families must often meditate and endeuour to temper well together mercie and iudgement Secondly they must walke wisely and vprightly giuing a good example of life to all committed to their charge Thirdly they must lay aside all anger and wrath Fourthly
with what feare and trembling with what simplicitie and faithfulnesse of hart they obey and serue their Maisters with what meeknesse of spirit they receiue their admonitions and corrections how they hate eye seruice answering againe fraud theft and to obay their Maisters in things vnlawfull if in any of these thy conscience cries guiltie this Law condemnes thee Ninthly let Magistrates examine well themselues Magistrates how they enter their callings without gifts to discharge them wisdome iudgement courage and the rest before specified what Lawes and Decrees they haue enacted for Religion and Iustice how they haue respected equitie and truth in iudgement how they redresse enormities and sinnes according to their authoritie and place if in any of these thy conscience pleads guiltie this Law condemnes thee Tenthly Subiects must examine themselues how they haue obayed the Magistrates with what conscience they haue construed and obeyed the Lawes and Statutes of the Land whether they haue prayed for their Gouernours and haue patiently borne the wicked set ouer them of God for their chastisement euery subiect not respecting these duties his conscience pleads guiltie The sixt Law Question 118. THe sixt Law is this Thou shalt not murther what is the meaning of this Law what duties bee here commanded and what sinnes are forbiden Ans First these two Lawes following fitly follow one an other first for that the one is often the cause of the other Adultry and Intemperancie breed many quarrels and murthers secondly for that Adultrie or defiling of a mans wife is next in degree to the sinne of Murther thirdly for that a heart full of compassion and loue and a chast heart goe euer together Againe the Lord is large in the fiue former commandements but short heare first because the light of nature is not so darkned in vs concerning these as in the former therefore hee vseth most words where most need is secondly for that wee are more hardly drawne to the obedidience of the first Table thirdly for that the obseruation of the first Table puts a new life into vs for the obseruation of the second The Heathen were very blinde concerning God neither did they know the depth of these Lawes of the second Table Our Lord and Sauiour Christ is the best expositor and preacher of this Law who himselfe expoundeth it in these words Mat. 5.21.22 Ye haue heard that it was said vnto them of old time Thou shalt not kill but whosoeuer killeth shall be culpable of iudgement But I say vnto you whosoeuer is angry with his brother vnaduisedly shall be culpable of iudgement And whosoeuer saith vnto his brother Raca shall be worthy to be punished by the counsell And whosoeuer shall say foole shall be worthy to be punished with hell fire In this exposition of our Sauiour Christ wee may learne many things but first generally let vs obserue these two things First how hee doth taxe and reprehend the pharisaicall glosse and interpretation of this Law Their interpretation was onely of the externall act of murther saying whosoeuer killeth shall be culpable of iudgement and this exposition of externall murther they vrge by authoritie of the auncients saying that thus the learned Fathers vnderstoode this Law saying you haue heard that is by Scribes and Pharises sitting in Moses seate by Auncients that is old Rabbies and Teachers culpable of iudgement saying whosoeuer killeth wittingly or vnwittingly willingly or vnwillingly he shall bee apprehended and adiudged in iudgement whereby is meant the inferiour courts of iustice which were kept in all parts of Iewrie and here they did qualifie and corrupt iustice and lessen punishments often contrary to Law Wee see by these few examples how corrupt the iudgement was of the Iewish Rabbines as Mat. 15. and how Christ cals them back to the Law and Prophets Thus by degrees the Fathers since Christ fell from the Gospell at last came the Schoole men and set vp Antichrist Secondly hee giueth vs his owne true interpretation of the Law where hee teacheth vs clearely that there are three kinds of murther worthy of three kindes of iudgements or punishments First the murther of the heart which is anger vnaduised for all anger is not condemned There is a Godly anger in christian zeale the whetstone of fortitude this murther to say no more is worthy your iudgement that is your correction and punishment yee doe inflict in inferiour courts Secondly the murther of the fierce countenance with addicion of some foolish word in contempt with an euill gesture and behauiour of countenance mouth tongue head hand or such like Now for this contempt of thy brother saith Christ to say no more of this kinde of murther it is worthy to bee punished by a * This Court was for the greater offences here he meaneth the synedrion in Ierusalem a court of seauentie two iudges counsell that is in an open consistorie euen in your highest courts Thirdly the next kinde of murther which the Pharises and world count light and small is the murther of the tongue whosoeuer saith Christ shall reprochfully call his brother a foole this man I tell you deserues euen the torments of hell Wee see then by the words of the best interpreter what the scope of this Law is namely the preseruation of the life and person of man for this Law striketh at the root of cruelty a sinne deepely setled in the corrupt heart of man The meaning of this Law in few words is this Thou shalt not any way greeue offend or hurt thy neighbour in his person part or whole soule or body Neither shalt thou omit any dutie of mercy or labour of loue for the good comfort health peace and welfare and continuall preseruation and saluation of thy neighbour during life And that this interpretation must be of inward sinnes as well as of outward contrary to the Pharises the Disciple testifieth with his Master saying 1. Iohn 3. He that hateth his brother is a murtherer And God being a spirit his Law must needs be spirituall for the restraining not onely of the hand but also of the heart Wherefore it is euident that in this Law the Lord would cut downe all the causes occasions and secret roots of cruelty which grow in our corrupt nature The Lord would haue our fallow ground plowed and the secret thorns of hatred and mallice digged vp for that these imbred euills are deepely rooted in vs. Quest 119. Set downe a short summe of the speciall sins forbidden and vertues commaunded in this Law Ans The generall sinnes here condemned are these for this respecteth all creatures first want of humanitie or any cruell vsage of any of the creatures for this cause the godly is said to haue respect to the life of his beast Prou. 12.10 secondly want of a prouident fore-sight to preuent dangers which may be hurtfull to man or beast The speciall sinnes here condemned are these either crueltie against our selues first soule murther as to neglect