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A78514 The seventh-day Sabbath· Or a brief tract on the IV. Commandment. Wherein is discovered the cause of all our controversies about the Sabbath-day, and the meanes of reconciling them. More particularly is shewed 1. That the seventh day from the creation, which was the day of Gods rest, was not the seventh day which God in this law commanded his people to keep holy; neither was it such a kinde of day as was the Jewes Sabbath-day. 2. That the seventh day in this law commanded to be kept holy, is the seventh day of the week, viz. the day following the six dayes of labour with all people. 3. That Sunday is with Christians as truly the Sabbath-day, as was Saterday with the Jewes. / By Thomas Chafie parson of Nutshelling. Chafie, Thomas. 1652 (1652) Wing C1791; Thomason E670_3; ESTC R207035 89,318 121

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afterward was held and maintained by the ancient Fathers that the earth was not round but plain as a Championfield They thought there could be no dwellers under the earth which go foot to foot against us and that if there should be any Antipodes imagined yet them not to be Adams Posterity whom they held to have all dwelt upon the earth and to have been all drowned except eight persons when Noahs flood covered all the face of the earth So strong did this opinion prevail with the said Fathers as that whoever held the contrary was counted near as bad as an Heretick Witnesse Vigilius whom some call Virgilius who was complained of by Boniface unto Zachary then Pope and was degraded for holding that there were Antipodes and that they had a Sun and Moon to shine unto them as well as to us This story may be seen in Aventine a Aven Annal. Bar. l. 3. and in Baronius who sought to cover the fact with fig-leaves Now that the adversaries to the Morality of this law held all those tenents before-said and that they all sprang from this errour of the earth 's supposed plain superficies I will next shew For the clearing whereof I need not cite many of them one may serve for all being approved by them all Neither will I tell here all that he writes hereabout but that which chiefly concernes the point in hand Mr. Ironside a Reverend Divine and of singular gifts and parts but over-swayed by the stream of late times doth in his book called the Seven Questions of the Sabbath dedicated to the late Arch-bishop of Canterbury William Laud tell us First that it is necessary not only for the learned but also for the weak and inferiour sort of people to know to a minute when the Lords day or Sabbath doth begin and when it doth end and that for two special reasons The one is for the Peace and quiet of their consciences which else would be wounded and disquieted The other is for that unlesse the very day and the whole day be kept to a Minute all the duties done on that day are lost His words are these It is necessary to inquire of the dimensions of this day of what duration and continuance of time it must be a Irens 7. Quest pag. 2. Amongst those things which disquiet and perplex the Consciences of the weak concerning the Lords day this is not the least where it is to begin and how long it lasteth For God requiring of us perfect and intire obedience without diminution or defalcation unlesse every minute of time which the Lord requireth of us as his tribute and homage be duly tendred to him our whole labour bestowed upon the parts and pieces of the day is not regarded b Page 126. It is also that which concerns the most sort of our inferiour People to be satisfied in lest the Commandment requiring one thing their employments another they many times wound their consciences and rob themselves of that Peace which otherwise they might enjoy c Page 127. 2ly that God might have his due tribute and the weak if they will may keep their consciences quiet in observing the true and full time of the Sabbath he setteth down the precise day of the Sabbath as he conceiveth and the exact time to a minute when the Sabbath-day is to begin As for the day he tells us that the Sabbath-day must be precisely the day of Gods rest Thus Assoon as God had ended his work he ordained and appointed that the seventh day the day of his own rest else he will not conceive that it can be the seventh day should be that on which the Church should rest d Page 21. Vnlesse we rest that very seventh day in which God rested we no more resemble his rest then a man that hath a ladder resembles Jacob that had a vision of a ladder c Page 90. As for the exact time when the Sabbath is to begin and end he tells us that the very minute in which the Sun is in the Horizon at his rising is the true beginning of the day and he proveth that it must so be for that when the fourth day at the Creation began the Sun was then in the Horizon at his rising so that any of the inferiour sort of people he before spake of may by looking in his Almanack tell to a minute if Mr. Ironsides rule faile him not at any time throughout all the year and in any place through out the world when the 4th day of the Creation and the very day of Gods rest and so consequently when the Sabbath beginneth These are his words If the natural day be measured by the Revolution of the Sunne as all confesse sure it is that until the Sun begin his course the day cannot begin At what time now did the Sun set forth upon the fourth day at the Creation Common reason will say when he first appeared in the Horizon The rising therefore of the Sun in the Horizon must needs be the first Period of the natural day a I rons 7. Qu pag c 123. 3ly he tels us that the Jews Sabbath-day was the day of Gods rest and the same with that which God blessed sanctified making no difference between all these three His words are these That particular Sabbath-day given unto the Jews even the day of Gods rest is not a Sabbath but the Sabbath even that which God sanctifyed The Sabbath must be the same with the seventh or else there is no tolerable sense or congruity in that law b Page 70. Whereas he saith the same with the 7th he meaneth by the 7th the 7th day from the Creation even the very day of Gods rest which he proved to begin at the rising of the Sun like as the 4th day did Now whereas some may and that not without just cause doubt how the day of Gods rest which began at Sun-rising as he saith and the Jews Sabbath which ever began at the setting of the Sun whersoever they dwelt could be one and the same day Sith that they as well in respect of their beginnings as also in respect of their endings are heavenly wide the one from the other even as farre as the Sun-rising is distant from Sun-setting between both which there must be half a dayes difference And so the day of Gods rest must begin either at Sun-rising before the Jews Sabbath-day began or at the Sun-rising after If at the Sun-rising before that is on the Friday morning then the Turks Sabbath so Doctor Heylin calleth it may more truly be called the day of Gods rest a Heyl. part 1. pag. 48. then that of the Jews But if at the Sun-rising after then our Christian Sabbath-day ever began on the day of Gods rest the which the Jews Sabbath never did For the wiping off this and all such doubts Mr. Ironside tells us both at what time and also by what means the day
made Cakes of it d Num. 11.8 And in that week which was set for the measuring out to them their first Saterday-Sabbath which was their seventh day from their first beginning of gathering Quailes and manna Moses on the sixt day that is on the day before their new Sabbath appointed said unto them This is that which the Lord hath said To morrow is the rest of the holy Sabbath unto the Lord bake that which you will bake to day and seethe that you will seethe and that which remaineth over lay up for you to be kept until the morning f Exod. 16.23 24. On this sixth day they gathered double to what they did before whereof Moses told them that the one part they should bake or seeth at their pleasure but the remainder that is the other part they were not willed either to bake or to seethe on that day but to lay it up for the next day the which they did and although it was neither baked nor sodden yet it stank not neither did wormes appear therein Now if the Israelites might not pound the said manna laid up for their food nor bake nor boile the same and so eat it hot as on other dayes the Sabbath-day which should be a delight unto them would breed them sorrow and be burthensome unto them and doubtlesse then we should read of their complaints hereof We read how they complained for want of change and wept when they remembred the flesh Cucumbers Melons Leeks Onions and Garlick which they had in Egypt But now said they our soul is dryed away there is nothing beside this Manna c g Num. 11.6 How would they have complained if on the Sabbath-dayes they should have been driven to have eaten the manna not pound nor baked nor sod Their silence herein argueth them not to have been driven to such a strait but that they did either bake or boile their Manna and so eat it hot as they did on the other dayes the which could not be done without their making a fire Or otherwise if by this precept the Jews were not to make any fire at all on their Sabbath-day neither for the furtherance of their services and duties towards God nor for the preservation of the health and life of man then I say that that precept was particularly given to the Jews and peculiarly concerned that Nation and no other Common-wealth whatsoever And that this Commandment bound them not thereto no more then it bindeth us or any other people whatsoever This law bound and doth binde all men to make the seventh day with them a day of rest not only from works of slavery commonly called servile works from which the Jews were bound on their feast of the Passeover b Lev. 23.7 Nun. 28.18 and on certaine other of their feast-dayes c Lev. 23.8 21.25 35 36. Num. 28.25.26 But also from all the works of mens trade occupation or function whatsoever Yea our thoughts and mindes are not to be upon them on the Lords day as the one are called our works d Exod. 23.12 so the other are called our thoughts This Law bindeth all that they should not only make the seventh day to be a day of rest and cessation from all the works of our callings but also that we sanctifie that rest Remember saith God that thou sanctifie the Sabbath-day that is in English the day of cessation or rest for that it is the Sabbath of the Lord. We may well call it the Lords day or the Lords Sabbath for that it is a day holy to the Lord we are not only to cease from the works of our professions and callings on that day but are then to performe also and do duties and works of holinesse unto the Lord. On the seventh day is a cessation to rest a Convocation of holinesse d Lev. 23.3 Or as it is in our translation The seventh day is the Sabbath of rest and holy convocation And in Exodus In the seventh day is the rest of cessation holinesse to the Lord f Exod. 31.15 And a little after that In the seventh day shall be to you holinesse a rest of cessation unto the Lord g Exod. 35.22 All which do shew that on the Sabbath-day which is the day following our six dayes of labour we should not only rest from all our functions and works of our professions for getting of worldly wealth and maintenance but we are to keep this rest cessation or sabbath holy to the glory and honour of the most great God our Creatour and Redeemer Quest If any ask here whether it be lawful for an Apothecary to let blood in case of great need or for a Physician to minister Physick to his sick Patient on the Sabbath-day Answ Doubtlesse it is lawful and not only so but either of them may go or ride for that purpose it being of the duties before spoken of for the preservation of the life and health of mankinde which are not forbidden by this Law provided neither of them do the same for his fee reward and gaine for then he maketh it a work of his Profession for gaining of worldly wealth and maintenance which may be done on other dayes but not on the Sabbath without making himself a transgressor And now I conclude this point with the expresse words of the Homily for the time of Prayer Thus it may plainly appear that Gods Will and Commandment was to have a solemn time and standing day in the week wherein the People should come together and have in remembrance his wonderful benefits and to render him thanks for them as appertaineth to loving kinde and obedient People And with that a little before And therefore by this Commandment we ought to have a time as one day in the week wherein we ought to rest yea from our lawful and needful works for like as it appeareth by the Commandment that no man in six dayes ought to be slothful or idle but diligently to labour in that state wherein God hath set him Even so God hath given expresse charge to all men that upon the Sabbath-day which is now our Sunday they should cease from all weekly and work-day labour to the intent that like as God himself wrought six dayes and rested the seventh and blessed and sanctified it and consecrated it to quietnesse and rest from labour even so Gods obedient People should use the Sunday holily As concerning the particular duties to be done on the Sabbath-day there being so many learned and godly men who have written so fully of them and are or may be in most mens hands or closets I forbear to speak of them here for brevities sake referring the Reader to their plenty and now in the next place will speak of the second part of this Commandment CHAP. XVII The great care and provision had by the Lord for mans keeping and sanctifying the Sabbath-day THe former part of this fourth Commandment which is
a day of rest from these works and so were said to profane it that is in respect of these labours they made it common with other dayes all dayes being alike lawful or common for doing works of Piety Secondly works of Government of the Creatures subjected unto man were ordained of the Lord before man was made Let us make man saith God in our image after our likenesse and let them have dominion over c b Gen. 1.26 28 and when God had made man he commanded them to have dominion over the fish of the sea over the fowle over cattel and over every living thing upon the earth This law and ordinance was not repealed or nulled by any succeding law Man is to exercise this his Rule and Government committed unto him on any day If fire should threaten to destroy house or houses corne or such like on the Sabbath-day man is as well bound to use his power in suppressing the same on the Sabbath-day as on any other If water indanger drowning of cattel or if cattel strive together whereby some are like to perish and man do not succour and seek to preserve what was in danger because it was on the Sabbath-day he sheweth himself to be a bad Governour of the creature or if he should suffer sheep or other cattel to perish for want of foddering folding or housing them as need requireth he is not worthy to have the Government of cattel The like Isay concerning works needful for the preservation of mans life When Adam was in the state of innocency before ever the seventh day was even on the day of his Creation the Lord ordained him food Behold I have given you said God every herbe bearing seed some whereof were Physical which is upon the face of all the earth and every tree in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed to you it shall be for meat d Gen. 1.29 It was Gods Will and Ordinance then that man being made a living soul should use the means for the preservation of his life And this his ordinance was never repealed by any succeeding law All these three kinde of works may be done on the Sabbath-day as well as on other dayes alwayes provided that there be no irregularity in performing them We must have regard to necessity requiring present help when this giveth way the duties more excellent are more especially to be regarded And as these works may be done on the Lords day so may the necessary helps thereunto be then done also A man may on the Sabbath-day travel on foot to the meeting place and assembly of Gods people and if he cannot well go on foot he may ride Also as men may feed folde or house their Cattel on the Lords day so may they use the necessary helps thereto which could not be done the day before And so also may they not only eat drink sleep and take Physick according as need requireth but also may use needfull helps thereunto as heating their meat and such like for all stomacks cannot feed on cold meat But let all take heed lest under a pretence of necessity he robs God of his due honour and his conscience of true peace Object But here some will object that this Commandment tyed the Jews from kindling any fire on their Sabbath-day If then we are bound to keep this law as strictly as the Jews were we ought not to kindle fire at all upon the Sabbath-day for any occasion whatsoever though for saving ones life Answer To which I answer that this precept in Exodus the five and thirtieth Chapter b Exod. 35.3 and third Verse forbade the Jews not from making any fire at all whether it be a help towards the duties of piety or mens health and safety But from making fire whereby it should be a help towards their trades occupations or functions which are expresly forbidden to be done in this commandment on the Sabbath-day And that this is the meaning may appear for that First this precept hath an eye and refiecteth on the words immediately going before in the former verse in which is a rehearsal of the summe of this fourth commandment In these words according to the Hebrew text d Arias Monte. Six dayes shall function occupation or trade be done and in the seventh day there shall be to you holinesse a rest of cessation to the Lord every one doing his function in that day shall die Then immediately followeth There shall no fire be kindled in all your habitations in the day of cessation The works about mens personal callings and functions for getting wealth being forbidden in the former verse in this is forbidden the means tending thereto as the kindling of fire And haply kindling fire is here mentioned rather then any other means for that they being all Brickmakers in Egypt before they kindled fire throughout their habitations for the burning their tale of Bricks But when workes are lawful and needful to be done on the Sabbath-day such as are works of piety and works of preserving the life of man the necessary helps thereunto as making fire is lawful also Secondly the continued and never blamed practice of the Jews of making fire on the Sabbath-day for these duties proveth the same They were never at any time blamed for making fire on the Sabbath for these duties as farre as we can read in sacred Scripture The man that was put to death for gathering wood whether to fagot it or to adde it to his Pile or heap is not expressed on the Sabbath-day b Num. 15.32 doth make nothing hereto And that they did make fire on the Sabbath-dayes for these duties is undeniable How else should the meat-offrings baken in ovens and in pannes and in frying-pannes be made which they were to bring to the Priests as obligations d Levit. 2.4 5 7. How else could the Shewbread be baked which were constantly provided and set on the pure Table of the Lord every Sabbath day f Levit. 24.5 6 c. And how else should the Paschal lambe be roasted when the feast of the Passeover fell on the Sabbath-day Every family was then to eat rostmeat throughout their habitations and the remaines to be burnt in the fire that nothing be left untill the morning g Exod. 12.10 Sure these things could not be done without making fire In like manner did they make fire on the Sabbath for preservation of their life and health For doubtlesse the Israelites baked and sod their Manna on their Sabbath-dayes as they did on the other dayes of the week Cold Manna and unpound would not agree with many mens stomakes on the Sabbath who on every of the other dayes did eat it hot either baked or sodden On every of the other six dayes they gathered every man according to his eating an Omer for every man b Exod. 16.16 18. And then ground it or beat it in a mortar and baked it in pannes and