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A67927 Actes and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happenyng in the Church. [vol. 2, part 2] with an vniuersall history of the same, wherein is set forth at large the whole race and course of the Church, from the primitiue age to these latter tymes of ours, with the bloudy times, horrible troubles, and great persecutions agaynst the true martyrs of Christ, sought and wrought as well by heathen emperours, as nowe lately practised by Romish prelates, especially in this realme of England and Scotland. Newly reuised and recognised, partly also augmented, and now the fourth time agayne published and recommended to the studious reader, by the author (through the helpe of Christ our Lord) Iohn Foxe, which desireth thee good reader to helpe him with thy prayer.; Actes and monuments Foxe, John, 1516-1587. 1583 (1583) STC 11225; ESTC S122167 1,744,028 490

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of late yeares past Let vs bee hartye and of good courage therefore and throughlye comforte our selues in the Lorde Bee in no wise afrayd of your aduersaries for that which is to them an occasion of perdition is to you a sure token of saluatiō and that of GOD. For vnto you it is geuen that not onely ye shoulde beleeue on hym but also suffer for hys sake And when ye are rayled vppon for the name of Christe remember that by the voyce of Peter yea and of Christe our Sauiour also ye are counted with the Prophetes with the Apostles and with the holy Martyrs of Christ happy and blessed therefore for the glory and spirit of God resteth vpon you On their part our Sauiour Christe is euill spoken of but on your part he is gloryfied For what can they els do vnto you by persecuting you and working al crueltie villanie agaynst you but make your crownes more glorious yea beautifie multiply the same heape vpon them selues the horrible plagues and heauy wrath of God and therfore good brethrē though they rage neuer so fiercely against vs yet let vs not wish euill vnto thē againe knowing that whiles for Christes cause they vexe and persecute vs they are lyke mad men most outragious and cruell agaynst them selues heaping hot burning coles vpon their owne heades but rather let vs wish well vnto thē knowing that we are thereunto called in Christe Iesu that we should be heyres of the blessing Let vs pray therefore vnto God that he would driue out of their harts this darkenes of errours make the light of his truth to shine vnto thē that they acknowledging their blindnes may with al humble repentance be conuerted vnto the Lord together with vs confesse hym to be the onely true God which is the father of light his onely sonne Iesus Christ worshipping him in spirit and veritie Amen The spirit of our Lord Iesus Christ comfort your hartes in the loue of God and pacience of Christ. Amen Your brother in the Lord whose name this bearer shall signifie vnto you ready alwayes by the grace of God to liue and die with you ¶ To the breathren which constantly cleaue vnto Christ in suffering affliction with him and for his sake GRace and peace from God the father and frō our Lord Iesus Christ be multiplied vnto you Amen Although brethren we haue of late heard nothing from you neither haue at this present any newes to send you yet we thought good somthing to write vnto you wherby ye might vnderstand that we haue good remembraunce of you continually as we doubt not but ye haue of vs also When this messenger comming vnto vs from you of late had brought vs good tidinges of your great constancie fortitude and patience in the Lord we were filled with much ioy gladnes geuing thankes to God the father through our Lord Iesus Christe which hath caused his face so to shine vpon you and with the light of spirituall vnderstanding hath so lightened your hartes that now being in captiuitie bandes for Christes cause ye haue not ceased as much as in you lyeth by wordes but much more by deede and by your example to stablysh and confirme that thing which when ye were at libertie in the world ye laboured to publish and set abrode by the word and doctrine that is to say holding fast the worde of life ye shine as lightes in the worlde in the middest of a wicked and crooked nation and that with so much the greater glory of our Lord Iesus Christe and profite of your brethren by how muche Satan more cruelly now rageth and busily laboureth to darken the light of the Gospel And as for the darkenes that Satan nowe bringeth vpon the Church of England who needeth to doubt therof Of late tyme our Sauiour Christe his Apostles Prophetes and Teachers spake in the Temple to the people of England in the Englishe tongue so that they might be vnderstanded playnly and without any hardnesse of the godly and such as sought for heauenly knowledge in matters whiche of necessitie of saluation perteyned to the obteyning of eternall life but now those thinges which once were written of them for the edifiyng of the congregation are read in a strange tongue without interpretatiō manifestly agaynst saint Paules commaundement so that there is no man able to vnderstand them which hath not learned that strange and vnknowen tongue Of late dayes those heauenly mysteries whereby Christe hath ingrafted vs into his body and hath vnited vs one to another whereby also being regenerate borne anew vnto God he hath nourished encreased and strengthened vs whereby moreouer eyther he hath taught and set foorth an order amongest them which are whole or els to the sicke in soule or body hath geuen as it were wholesome medicines and remedies those I say were al plainlye set foorth to the people in their owne language so that what great and exceeding good things euery man had receiued of God what duetie euery one owed to an other by Gods ordinaunce what euery one had professed in his vocation and was bound to obserue where remedy was to be had for the wicked and feeble he to whom God had geuen a desire and willing hart to vnderstand those thinges might soone perceiue and vnderstand But now all these thinges are taught set forth in such sort that the people redeemed with Christes bloud and for whose sakes they were by Christe himselfe ordeined can haue no maner of vnderstanding thereof at all Of late for as much as we knowe not how to pray as we ought our Lorde Iesus Christe in his Prayer wherof he would haue no man ignoraūt and also the holy Ghost in the Psalmes Hymnes and spirituall songes which are set foorth in the Bible did teache and instructe all the people of Englande in the Englyshe tongue that they might aske such thinges as are according to the will of the Father and might ioyne their hartes and lyppes in prayer together but nowe all these thynges are commaunded to be hid and shutte vp from them in a straunge tongue whereby it must needes followe that the people neyther can tell how to pray nor what to pray for and how can they ioyne their hartes and voyce together whē they vnderstande no more what the voyce signifieth than a bruite beast Finally I heare say that the Catechisme whiche was lately set foorth in the Englyshe tongue is now in euery Pulpite condemned O deuilishe malice and most spitefully iniurious to the saluation of mankinde purchased by Iesus Christe In deede Satan coulde not long suffer that so great light should be spread abrode in the world he sawe well enough that nothing was able to ouerthrow his kingdome so much as if childrē being godly instructed in Religion should learne to knowe Christe whilest they are yet young whereby not onely chyldren but the elder sort also
the sayde moste wholesom preceptes geuen vs of oure maister Christe and of hys Apostles and nowe in thys troublesome time wherein the Gospell is persecuted shewe our selues fearefull souldiours as it is manifestly declared in the Reuelation of S. Iohn where it is wrytten That the fearefull shall haue theyr parte wyth the vnbeleeuing and abhominable in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone which is the seconde death Agayne it is wrytten in the same Booke for our warnyng Because thou art betwixt both and neither colde nor hote I wil spew thee out of my mouth Now therefore good christians these true testimonies of Gods liuely woord deepely considered and weighed let vs chiefly stand in awe of his most terrible iudgementes and be not as they that presumptuously tempt hym Lette him alwayes be our feare and dread He nowe chasteneth he nowe nourtereth vs for oure profite deliting in vs euen as a louing Father in his beloued childe to make vs perfecte and to haue vs to be partakers of his holynesse Hee nowe iudgeth vs not vtterly taking away hys euerlasting loue and mercy from vs as he doth from the malignant wicked that we should not be condemned with the wicked world but if we now refuse his moste louyng chastising and folow the worlde we must nedes haue our portion with the worlde Wide is the gate and broade is the way whych leadeth to destruction and many there be whych goe in thereat But straite is the gate and narowe is the waye that leadeth vnto life and fewe there bee that finde it O howe muche better is it to goe thys narrowe waye with the people of God then to enioy the pleasures of sinne for a time In consideration whereof let vs wythout any more slackinge and further delaies in thys greate warninge by Gods louing visitation submit our selues betime vnder hys mighty hand that he may exalte vs when the tyme is come And thus I wholely commit you to him and to the woorde of hys grace which is able to build further beseeching you most heartily to pray for me that I may be strong through the power of his might and stande perfect in all things being alwaies prepared and ready looking for the mercy of our Lorde vnto eternall rest and I will pray for you as I am most bounde So I trust he will graciously heare vs for hys promise sake made vnto all Faithfull in hys dearely beloued sonne Christe oure alone Sauioure whose grace be wyth your spirite most deare Christians for euer So be it By your Christian brother Iohn Hullier a prisoner of the Lorde Iohn Hullyer being of long time prisonner and nowe openly iudged to die for the testimony of the Lord Iesus wisheth hartely to the whole cōgregation of God the strength of his holy spirit to their euerlasting health both of body and soule I Nowe most deare Christians hauing the sweete comfort of Gods sauing health and being confirmed with hys free spirit be he only praised therefore am constrayned in my conscience thinkyng it my verye duetie to admonishe you as ye tender the saluation of your soules by al maner of meanes to separate youre selues from the companie of the Popes hirelings considering what is sayd in the Reuelation of S. Iohn by the Aungell of God touching all men The woordes be these If any man worship the Beast and his Image and receiue his marke in his forehead or in his hand the same shall drinke the wine of the wrathe of God whiche is powred into the cuppe of his wrathe and hee shall be punished with fire and brimstone before the holye Angels and before the Lambe and the smoke of their torment ascendeth vp euermore Marke well heere good Christians who is this beast and worshippers that shal be partakers of that vnspeakeable torment This beast is none other but the carnal fleshly kingdome of Antichrist the Pope with his rabble of false Prophets and Ministers as it is most manifest which to maintaine theyr high titles worldly promotions and dignities do with much cruelty daily more and more setforth and establish theyr owne traditions decrees decretalles contrary to Gods holy ordinaunces statutes lawes and commaundements and wholy repugnante to his sincere and pure religion and true woorshipping Nowe what doe they els but worshyp this Beast and his Image who after they had once already escaped from the filthinesse of the world through the knowledge of the Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christ are yet agayne tangled therin and ouercome vsing dissimulation vnfaithfully for feare of theyr displeasure doing one thing outwardly and thinking inwardly an other so hauing them in reuerence vnder a cloke and colour to whō they ought not so much as to say God speede and adioyning themselues to the malignant congregation whych they oughte to abhorre as a den of theeues and murtherers and as the Brothel house of moste blasphemous fornicators whose voyces beynge contrary to Christes voyce if they were of his flocke they would not knowe but would flee from them as he hymselfe being the good shepeheard of our soules doth full wel in his holy gospel testify Againe what do they els I pray you but receiue the Beastes marke in theyr forheads and in theyr handes whych doe beare a faire face and countenaunce outwardly in supporting them as other do being ashamed onely to confesse Christe and hys holy Gospell But thys fainednesse and dissimulation Christe and hys Gospel will in no wise allowe Of whome it is sayd Who soeuer shall be ashamed of mee and of my woordes in thys adulterous and sinfull generation of him also shall the sonne of man be ashamed when he shal come in the glory of his father with his holy Angels Therefore sayeth almighty God by hys Prophet Malachie Curssed be the dissemblers Yee were once lyghtened and tasted of the heauenlye gifte and were become partakers of the holy Ghost and tasted of the word of God and of the power of the worlde to come And oure Sauiour Christ sayth No man that putteth hys hande to the ploughe and looketh backe is apte for the kingdome of GOD. Therefor S. Iohn the Apostle vseth this for a manyfest token that the backsliding from the true preachers of Gods woord declareth euidently that they be not of the number of them For sayeth he They went out from vs but they were not of vs for if they had bene of vs no doubt they woulde haue continued wyth vs. Surely so long as we vse dissimulation and to play on both hādes we are not in the light For what soeuer is manifest the same is light as the elect vessell of God S. Paule witnesseth Wherfore good Christians for Gods most dear loue deceiue not your selues through your own wisedom and through the wisedome of the worlde which is foolishnesse before God but certifye and stay your owne conscience with the sure truth and faithfull woord of
my father contínueth here to the intent to heare some godly and ioyfull tidynges both for soule and body whiche I trust it shal be to your singular comfort and consolation and to the great reioysing of all other of my frendes Therefore I desire you gentle mother to admonish my brother vnto a godly life with dilligent attendance and to pray for me considering his bound duety that God may by your faythfull prayer ayd and strengthen me in this my prosperous iourney and course whiche I run trusting to obtayne a crowne of euerlasting life whiche doth euer endure No more vnto you at this time but God preserue you vnto euerlasting life So be it ¶ The Oration in effecte of Sir Nicholas Bacon Knight Lord Keeper of the great Seale of England spoken in the Starre Chamber the 29. of December in the 10. yeare of the reigne of our Souereigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God of England Fraunce and Ireland Queene Defender of the fayth c. And in the yeare of our Lord God .1567 Then being present Mathew Archbishop of Caunterbury William Marques of Northhampton Fraunces Earle of Bedford Lord Clinton Admirall of England William Howard Lord Chamberleyne Byshop of London Lord Gray of Wilton Sir Edward Rogers Knight Controler Sir Ambrose Caue Knight Chanc. of the duchy Sir William Cicill Knight principall Secretary Sir Fraunces Knolles Knight Vicechamberleyne Sir Walter Mildemay Knight Chauncelor of the Eschequer Lord Cattelene chiefe Iustice of the kings bench Lord Dyer chiefe Iustice of the common place Sir William Cordale Knight M. of the Rolles Iustice Weston Iustice Welch Iustice Southcotes Iustice Carowes IT is geuen to the Queenes Maiestye to vnderstand that certayne of her Subiectes by theyr euill dispositions do sow and spread abroad diuers sedicions to the derogation and dishonor first of almighty God in the state of Religion stablished by the lawes of this Realme and also to the dishonor of her highnesse in disprouing her lawfull right of supremacy amongest her subiectes And this that they doe is not done as in secrecy or by stealth but openly auouched in all companyes disputed on And thus by theyr bold attemptes seme not to obey or regard the authority of lawes nor the quiet of her subiectes As for example by bringing in and spreading abroad diuers leud libels and sedicious bookes from beyonde the seas and in suche boldnes that they do commend those writers in their sedicious bookes conteining manifest matter agaynste the estate established Which boldnesse of men so Vniuersally and euery where seene and heard cannot be thought to be done but by the comfort and ayd or at the least way winckt at by thē whō the Queenes highnes hath placed in authority to repres these insolencyes And the Queenes highnes can not more iustlye charge any for this disorder then such who be in commissiōs chosen to represse these disorders If it be aunswered me that they cannot see such opē boldnes factious disorders I must say that they haue no eyes to see if they heare not of suche contemptuous talke and speeche I may say that they haue no eares I would haue those men iudge what will come of these vnbridled speeches in the end if reformatiōs be not had therof What cōmeth of factions seditions we haue bene taught of late yeares what the fruites be which I beseech God long to defend vs from If such disorders be hot redressed by law then must force violence reforme Which when they take place may fortune fall assoone on thē that seeme to haue least consideration in this matter If force and violence preuayle then ye know that law is put to silence and cannot be executed which should onely maynteine good order If it be replyed agaynst me that to the suppressing of these open talkes there is no law which by speciall letter can charge any man offender I must say that whatsoeuer the letter of the law be the meaning of the law was and is cleane contrary to the liberty of these doinges If it be sayd that no man can be charged by the law except it can be proued agaynst him that his speeche and deedes be done maliciously what ye call malice I can not tel But if the bringing in of these sedicious bookes make mēs mindes to be at variance one with one another destruction of mindes maketh sedicions seditions bring in tumults tumults worke insurrections and rebellion Insurrections make depopulations and desolations and bringeth in vtter ruine destruction of mens bodies goodes landes And if any sow the roote wherof these men come yet can be sayd that he hath no mallice or that he doth not maliciously labour to destroye both publicke priuate wealth I can not tell what act may be thought to be done maliciously And further if it be sayd to me that the man which should be charged with offēce must be proued to haue done his acte aduisedly To that I answere If any bring in those hookes distribute them to others commend defend them yet can not be charged to haue done aduisedly I haue no skill of their aduisednesse If it be sayde that the law intreateth of such actes as be directly derogatory and of none other what is direct ouerthwarting the Law when the contrary thereof is playnely treated holden and defended and the truth by argumentes condemned It maye be sayd agayne that the worlde doth not now like extremitye in lawes penal and calleth them bloudy lawes As for extreme and bloudy lawes I haue neuer liked of them But where the execution of such lawes touching halfe a dosen offenders and the not execution may bring in daunger halfe a hundred I thinke this law nor the execution therof may iustly be called extreme and bloudy In such like comparison I may vtter my meaning as to make a difference betwene whipping hanging In deed though whipping may be thought extreme yet if by whipping a man may escape hanging in this respect not whipping bringeth in this bloudinesse and extremity and not the execution of the law And better it were a man to bee twise whipped then once hanged The paynes do differre but wise men will soone consider the diuersity The truth is to suffer disobedient subiectes to take boldnes agaynst the lawes of God their prince to wincke at the obstinate minds of such as be vnbridled in theyr affections to mainteine a forraigne power of the Byshop of Rome directly agaynst the Princes prerogatiue stablished by lawes is not this to hatch dissentiō to chearish sedition To extoll the writinges of such who by all their wittes deuise to supplant the princes lawfull authority If these doinges be not meanes to the disturbance vtter ruine of the Realme I know not what is good gouernance If these be not the sparkes of Rebellion What be they Thus much hauing spoken to your wisedomes I doubt not of your assenting with me the rather also because I vtter them vnto
be many that fitte farre of I maruelled at this that I was biddē speak out and began to misdeme and gaue an eare to the chimney and syr there I heard a penne walking in the chimney behinde the cloth They had appoynted one there to write all mine answeres for they made sure that I should not starte from them there was no startinge from them God was my good Lord and gaue me aunswere I could neuer elles haue scaped it The question to him there and then obiected was this whether he thoughte in his conscience that he hath bene suspected of heresye This was a captious question There was no holding of peace would serue for that was to graunt himselfe faulty To answere it was euery way full of daunger But GOD which alwaye geueth in neede what to aunswere helped him or elles as he confesseth himselfe he had neuer escaped theyr bloudy handes Albeit what was his answere he doth not there expresse And thus hitherto you haue heard declared the manifolde troubles of this godly preacher in the time not onely of his being in the Uniuersitye but especially at his benefice as partly by his owne wordes aboue mentioned and partly by his owne letters hereafter folowing may better appeare In these so harde and daungerous straites and suche snares of the bishops hard it had bene for him and unpossible to haue escaped and continued so long had not the almighty helping hand of the highest as he styrred him vp so haue preserued him through the fauoure and power of his Prince who with muche fauour embraced him and with his mere power sometime rescued and deliuered him out of the crooked clawes of his enemies Moreouer at length also through the procurement partly of Doctour Buttes partly of good Cromwell whose story ye had before he aduaunced him to the degree and dignity of a Bishop making him the bishop of Worcester which so cōtinued a fewe yeares instructing his Dioces according to the duty of a diligent and vigilant Pastor with wholesome doctrine and example of perfecte conuersation duly agreeing to the same It were a long matter to stand particularly vpon such things as might here be brought to the commendation of his paynes as study readines and continuall carefulnes in teaching preaching exhorting visiting correcting and reforming either as his ability could serue or els the time woulde beare But the dayes then were so daungerous and variable that he could not in all thinges do that he would yet what he might doe that he perfourmed to the vttermost of his strength so that althoughe hee could not vtterly extinguish al the sparkling relicks of old superstition yet he so wrought that though they could not be taken away yet they should be vsed with as little hurt with as much profite as might be As for exāple in this thing as in diuers other it did appeare that whē it coulde not be auoyded but holy water holy bread must nedes be receiued yet he so prepared and instructed them of hys Dioces with such informations and lessons that in receiuing therof superstition shoulde be excluded and some remembrance taken thereby teaching and charging the Ministers of his Dioces in deliuering the holy bread and holy water to say these wordes folowing ¶ Wordes spoken to the people in geuing them holy water Remember your promise in Baptisme Christ his mercy and bloudshedding By whose most holy sprinkeling Of all your sinnes you haue free pardoning ¶ What to say in geuing holy bread Of Christes body this is a token Which on the crosse for our sinnes was broken Wherefore of your sinnes you must be forsakers If of Christes death ye will be partakers By this it may be considered what the diligent care of this Bishop was in doyng the duety of a faythfull Pastor among his flocke And moreouer it is to be thoughte that he would haue brought more thinges elles to passe if the time then had aunswered to his desire for he was not ignorant how the institution of holy water and holy bread not onely had no ground in scripture but also how full of prophane exorcismes and coniurations they were contrary to the rule and learning of the Gospell Thus this good man behaued hymselfe in his Dioces but as before both in the Uniuersity and at his benefice he was tost and turmoyled by wicked and euill disposed persons so in hys Bishopricke also he was not all cleare and voyde of some that sought his trouble As among many other euill willers one especially there was and that no small person which accused him then to the king for his sermons The story because he sheweth himselfe in a Sermon of his before K. Edward I thought therfore to vse his owne wordes which be these In the kinges dayes that dead is a great many of vs were called together before him to say our mindes in tertayne matters In the end one kneeleth downe and accuseth me of sedition and that I had preached sedititious doctrine A heauy salutatiō and a hard poynt of such a mans doing as if I should name ye would not thinke it The king turned to me and sayd What say you to that syr Then I kneled downe and turned me first to my accuser and required him Sir what forme of preaching would you appoynt me in preaching before a king woulde you haue mee preache nothing as concerning a Kinge in the kinges Sermon haue you any commission to appoint me what I shal preach besides this I asked him diuers other questions and he would make me none aunswere to any of them all he had nothing to say Then I turned me to the king and submitted my selfe to his grace and sayd I neuer thought my selfe worthye nor I neuer sued to be a Preacher before your grace but I was called to it and would be willing if you mislike me to geue place to my betters for I graunt there be a greate many more worthye of the roome then I am And if it be your graces pleasure so to allowe them for Preachers I coulde be content to beare theyr bookes after them But if your grace alow me for a Preacher I woulde desire your grace to geue me leaue to discharge my conscience geue me leaue to frame my doctrine according to my audience I had bene a very dolte to haue preached so at the borders of your realme as I preach before your grace And I thanke almighty GOD which hath alwayes bene my remedy that my sayinges were well accepted of the king for like a gracious Lord he turned into an other communication It is euen as the Scripture sayth Cor Regis in manu Domini i. The Lord directed the kinges hart Certayne of my frendes came to me with teares in theyr eyes and told me they looked I shoulde haue bene in the Tower the same night Besides this diuers other conflictes and combats this godly Bishop susteined in
varietie of deuises in dwelling manye sondrye orders and fashions in moouing of the body These things were first ordained to admonishe them to their duetie to GOD to laboure for the necessitie of the poore and to spare from their owne bellies to the poore and therefore was their fare ordained and prepared And because they abused these thynges and sette them in an hygher place then they ought to doe not taking monition thereby the better to serue God but esteeming perfection to consist in them they were dissolued theyr houses and garmentes were taken away But one thing king Henrie woulde not take away that was the vowe of chastitie The vowe of obedience hee conuerted to hym selfe the vowe of chastitie he willeth still to remaine with them We had many Images whereto Pilgrimages were done and many tombes that menne vsed to visite by reason whereof they fell in a fansie of Idolatry and superstition aboue the things that they might haue bene taken for and because they hadde not the vse that they were ordained for they were left When men put the Images in a higher place then they serued for thē were they taken cleane away as geue a childe a gaye booke to learne vppon and then if he gase vppon the gorgeousnesse of hys booke and learne not his lesson according to the intent that that boke was geuen for the booke is taken away from him agayne So the Images when menne deuised and fell to haue them in hygher place and estimation then they were first sette vp in the Churche for then they mighte be taken awaye and I was neuer of other minde nor neuer had other opinion of them Diuers things there be in the Churche which be in the libertie of the ruler to order as he seeth cause and he that is ruler may either let them stande or els may cause them to be taken away There be two manner of reformations We haue had of both sortes There be things in the Church the which if they be abused may not be taken away As for baptisme if it be abused there may not an other thyng be putte in the place of it but the thing must be refourmed and broughte to the righte vse againe Also preaching if it be abused may not be taken awaye but must be refourmed and broughte to the righte vse but there be other thynges vsed in the Churche in which the rulers haue libertye either to refourme them or to take them awaye And because it was an easier way to take them away then to bryng them to the right vse that they were ordained for they were all cleane taken awaye and so they might be Yea Sir will yee saye but yee haue maintained and defended them and haue preached against such persones as despised them It is truthe I haue preached againste the despisers of them and haue sayd that Images might be suffered and vsed in the Churche as laye mennes bookes yet I neuer otherwise defended them but to be vsed for suche purpose as they were first sette vppe in the Church for but now that menne be waxed wanton they are cleane taken away wherein our religion is no more touched then when bookes were taken awaye for abusing of them There was an order taken for bookes not to be vsed wherein some might haue sayde the bookes are good and I know how to vse them I maye therefore vse them well ynough I will therefore vse them thoughe they be forbidden but if thou haue anye charitie thou oughtest to be contented rather to haue them cleane taken away then to declare thy selfe to haue an other opinion then thou oughtest to haue As touching ceremonies I esteeme them all as Paule esteemeth them things indifferent where he sayth Regnum Dei non esca potus So of Ceremonies Neuerthelesse wee haue time place and number as a certaine number of Psalmes to be sayde at times whiche maye be vsed without superstition but these thinges must serue vs and not wee serue them Yet if an order be sette in them by suche as haue power we must follow it and we must obey the Rulers that appoynt such time place and number to be kept Yee maye not saye if the time will serue mee then I will come an houre after No Syr yee must keepe thys time and thys houre because it is so appoynted by the rulers not for the thinges but for the order that is sette I haue bene euer of thys opinion Wee had palmes and candels taken awaye which things may indifferentlye haue either of the two reformations aboue sayde When they were in place they shoulde haue putte menne in remembraunce of their duetie and deuotion towardes God but because they were abused they were and might be taken away But the religion of Christe is not in these exercises and therfore in takyng away of them the Religion of Christe is nothynge touched nor hindered But men must in suche thynges be conformable not for the ceremonie but for obedience sake Saint Paule sayth that we shoulde rebuke euerye brother that walketh inordinately I haue tolde you myne opinion and my conscience telleth mee that I haue spoken playnely that ye may knowe what I am and that ye maye not bee deceyued in mee nor be sclaundered in me nor make no further search to knowe my hart I like well the communion because it prouoketh men more and more to deuotion I like well the proclamation because it stoppeth the mouthes of all such as vnreuerently speake or raile agaynst the Sacrament I lyke well the rest of the Kynges Maiesties proceedinges concerning the Sacrament I haue now told you what I lyke But shall I speake nothing of that I mislyke ye will then say I speake not playnely I will therefore shew my conscience playnely I mislyke that Preachers whiche preache by the Kynges lycence and those Readers whiche by the Kynges permission and suffraunce doe reade open lectures doe openlye and blasphemously talke agaynst the Masse and agaynst the Sacrament And to whom may I lyken suche Readers and Preachers I may lyken them vnto Postes for the Prouerbe sayth that Postes do beare trueth in their letters and lyes in their mouthes and so doe they and to speake so agaynst the Sacramente it is the most marueylous matter that euer I sawe or heard of I woulde wysh therfore that there were a stay and an order in this behalfe that there myght be but one order or rule for as the Poet sayth I may vse the verse of a Poet well ynough for so doth Paul of the great Poet 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And let no man of his owne head begin mattars nor goe before the king They call it going before the Kyng and such make them selues Kynges Well what mislyketh me els It mislyketh mee that Priestes and men that vowed chastity shoulde openly marry and auow it openly whiche is a thyng that since the beginnyng of the Churche hath not
that haue died in the Lord from the beginning of the world Is not this more then an 100. fold Is not the peace of God which we in this world haue through faithfull imitation of Christ which the world can not take from vs x. M. fold more then those thinges that moste highly be esteemed in the worlde without the peace of God Al the peace of the world is no peace but mere anguish and a gnawing fury of hel As of late God hath set example before our eyes to teach vs how horrible an euill it is to forsake the peace of Christes truth which breedeth a worm in conscience that neuer shall rest O that we would way this with indifferent ballances Then shoulde we not be dismaied of this troublous time neyther sorrow after a worldly manner for the losse which we are now lyke to sustaine as the weake faithlesse persones do which loue theyr goods more then God and the things visible aboue those which be inuisible but rather would heartely reioyce and be thankful that it pleaseth God to call vs to be souldiours in his cause against the woorkes of hypocrisie and to make vs like vnto oure Sauiour Christ in suffering whereby we maye assure our selues of his eternall glory For blessed are they sayth Christ that suffer persecution for righteousnesse sake And as S. Paule witnesseth to Timothe If we die with Christ we shall liue with Christ and if we deny him he will deny vs. O that wee woulde enter into the veile of Gods promises Then should we wyth S. Paule to the Phillippians reiect all and count all things but for drosse so that we may gaine Christ. God which is the lightener of all darkenesse and putter awaye of all blindnesse annoynte oure eyes with the true eyesalue that wee might beholde his glory and our eternall felicitie which is hidden with Christ and prepared for vs that doe abide in his Testament for blessed is that seruaunte that whome the maister when he commeth as Christ sayde doth finde faithfull Let vs therefore watch and pray one for an other that we yelde not in any poynt of our Religion to the Antichristian Synagogue and that we be not ouerthrowen of these temptations Stande therefore and be no cowardes in the cause of your saluation for his spirite that is in vs is stronger then he which in the worlde doth nowe rage against vs. Let vs not put out the spirit of God from vs by whose might we shall ouercome our ennemies and then death shall be as greate a gaine to vs as it was to the blessed Apostle S. Paule Why then doe ye mourne why do ye weepe why be ye so carefull as though God had forsaken you hee is neuer more present with vs then when we be in trouble if we doe not forsake hym We are in his handes and no bodye can doe vs anye iniurie or wrong without his good will and pleasure He hath commaunded hys aungels to kepe vs that we stomble not at a stone without his diuine prouidence The Deuill can not hurt anye of vs and muche lesse any of his ministers without the good will of our eternall father Therefore let vs be of good comfort and continuallye geue thankes vnto God for our estate what so euer it be for if we murmure against the same wee murmure against God who sendeth the same Which if we doe we kicke but against the pricke and prouoke more the wrath of God against vs which by pacient suffering otherwise would sooner be turned into our fauor through faithfull prayer I beseeche you with S. Paule to geue your bodies pure and holy sacrifices vnto God He hath geuen vs bodies to bestowe vnto his glory and not after our owne concupiscence If manye yeares God hathe suffered vs to vse oure bodies which bee his temples after the lust of the flesh in vaine delightes not according to his glory is it not our duetie in the latter end of our life the more willingly to yeelde vnto Gods glory our bodies with all that wee haue in demonstration of true repentaunce of that we haue euill spent before Cannot the ensample of the blessed man Iob horribly afflicted cause vs to say The Lord hathe geuen it the Lorde hath taken it blessed be the name of the Lord Euen as it hath pleased the Lord so is it come to passe If we cast oure whole care likewise vpon God he will turne our misery into felity as well as he did to Iob. God tempteth vs now as he did our father Abraham commaunding him to slaye his sonne Isaac in sacrifice to him which Isaac by interpretation doth signifie mirth and ioy Who by his obedience preserued Isaac vnto long lyfe and offered in his stead a Ramme that was tied by the hornes in the brambles Semblably we all are commanded to sacrifice vnto God our Isaac which is our ioy and consolation the which if we be ready to do as Abraham was our ioy shall not pearish but liue and be encreased although our ramme be sacrificed for our Isaac which doth signifie that the pride and cōcupiscence of our flesh entangled thoroughe sinne with the cares of this stinginge world must be mortified for the preseruation and perfecte augmētation of our mirth ioy which is sealed vp for vs in Christ. And to withstande these present temptations wherewithall we are nowe encombred ye can not haue a better remedy then to set before our eyes howe our Sauiour Christ ouercame them in the desert and to follow his ensample that if the deuill hymselfe or any other by him willeth you to make stones bread that is to take suche a worldly wise way that yee may haue your faire houses landes and goodes to liue on still yee must say that man liueth not onely by bread but by euery woorde that procedeth out of the mouth of God Againe if the deuill counsailleth you to cast youre selues downe to the earth as to reuoke your sincere beliefe and Godly conuersation and to be conformable to the learned men of the world pretending that God will be wel enough content therewith yee must aunsweare that it is wrytten that a man shall not tempt his Lord God Further if the deuill offer you large promises of honoure dignitie and possessions so that yee will worshippe Idols in hys Synagogue ye must say goe behinde me Sathan for it is otherwise wrytten that a man must worship his Lorde God and serue him onely Finally if your mother brother sister wife childe kinsman or frend do seeke of you to do otherwaies then the word of God hath taught you ye must say with Christ that they are your mothers brothers sisters wiues children and kinsmen whiche doe the wil of God the father To the which wil the Lord for his mercy conforme vs all vnfainedly to the end Amen Your louing and faithful brother in Christ in captiuitie Iohn Philpot. An. 1555· To his friend and faithfull
and he will keepe you from all euill Call vpon his holy name he will strengthen you and assiste you in all your wayes and if it please him to lay his crosse vpon you for his Gospelles sake refuse it not neither shake it off by vnlawefull meanes leaste you should as God forbidde finde a more grieuous crosse and torment of conscience if you shoulde dissemble and denye the knowen verity then is any persecution or death of body Oh howe happye are they that suffer persecution for righteousnesse sake their rewarde is great in heauen The momentanie afflictions of this life are not worthy of the glory that shal be shewed vpon vs. Oh remember the Godly weman of the old testament and new which liued in Gods seruice and feare and therefore are now in blisse and commended for euer as namely Iudith Hester Abigael the mother of the 7. sonnes Mary Elizabeth Susanna Lidia and Phebe and others Set theyr examples before your eyes and feare nothing for Sathan is conquered by our Sauiour Christe sinne is put to flight and the gate of immortality and eternall life is set wide open God graunt we may enter therein through the doore Iesus Christ Amen Thomas Whittell ¶ The Story of Mayster Bartlet Greene Gentlemanne and Lawyer Martyr AFter the Martyrdome of Thomas Whittell nexte followeth in order to speake of Bartlet Greene who the nexte day after the foresayde Whittell was likewise condemned Thys Greene was of a good house and hauinge such Parentes as both fauoured learning and were also willing to bring vp this theyr childe in the same Who after some enteraunce in other inferiour Schooles was by them sent vnto the Uniuersity of Oxforde where thorow exercise and diligent study he so profited that within short time he atteined aswell to the knowledge of sundery prophane Sciences and also now in his last yeares vnto the godly vnderstanding of Diuinitye Whereunto through ignorance in which he was trayned vp from his youth he was at the first an vtter enemy vntill such tyme as God of his mercy had opened his eyes by his often repayring vnto the commō Lectures of Peter Martyr reader of the Diuinity Lecture in the same Uniuersity so that therby as by Gods instrument he saw the true lighte of Christes Gospell Whereof when he had once tasted it became vnto hym as the fountayne of liuely water that our Sauiour Christ spake of vnto the woman of Samaria so as he neuer thirsted any more but had a well springing vnto euerlastyng life In so much as when he was called by his frendes frō the vniuersity and was placed in the Temple at London there to attayne to the knowledge of the common Lawes of the Realme he yet continued still in his former study earnest profession of the Gospell wherein also he did not a litle profite Howbeit suche is the fraylety of our corrupte nature without the speciall assistaunce of Gods holy spirit through the continuall accompanying and felowshyp of such worldly I will not say to much youthfull young gentlemen as are commonly in that and the like houses he became by litle and litle a compartner of theyr fond follies and youthfull vanities aswell in his apparell as also in banquettinges and other superfluous excesses whiche he afterward being agayne called by Gods mercifull correction did sore lament and bewayle as appeareth by his one testimonye notified and lefte in a booke of a certayne frend of his a litle before his death written with his owne hand in maner as foloweth ¶ This did Mayster Bartlet Greene write in Mayster Bartram Calthrops Booke TWo thinges haue very muche troubled me whilest I was in the Temple Pride and Glottonye whiche vnder the coulour of glorye and good felowshippe drewe me almoste from GOD. Agaynst both there is one remedye by prayer earnest and without ceasing And for as much as vayne glory is so subtle an Aduersarye that almoste it woundeth deadly ere euer a manne can perceiue himselfe to be smitten therefore we ought so muche the rather by continuall prayer to labour for humblenesse of minde Truely Glottony beginneth vnder a charitable pretence of mutuall loue and society and hath in it most vncharitablenesse When we seeke to refresh our bodies that they may be the more apte to serue GOD and performe our duetyes towardes our Neyghbours then stealeth it in as a priuye theefe and murthereth both body and soule that nowe it is not apte to to pray or serue GOD nor apte to studye or labour for our neighbours Let vs therefore watch and be sober For our aduersary the Deuill walketh about like a roaring Lyon seeking whom he may deuour And remember what Salomon sayth Melior est patiens viro forti qui dominatur animo expugnatore vrbium 1. A pacient man is better then a strong warrior and he that conquereth his owne stomacke is better then hee that conquereth Townes and Cityes Bartlet Greene. Animorum in fide vnio per charitatem acta firma est amicitia Vale mi Bartrame mei memineris vt semper simillimi efficiamur Vale. Apud nouam Portam 20. Ianuarij 1556. Set sober loue agaynst hasty wrath Bartlet Greene. Thus we see the fatherly kindenesse of our moste gracious and mercifull God who neuer suffereth his electe children so to fall that they lye still in security of sinne but oftentymes quickeneth them vp by some such meanes as perhaps they thinke least of as he did here this his strayed sheepe And now therfore to returne to our history for the better maynteinaunce of himselfe in these his studyes and other his affayres he had a large exhibition of his grandfather Mayster Doctour Bartlet who during the tyme of Greenes inprisonment made vnto him large offers of great liuinges if he would recant and forsake the truth and Gospell of Christ come home agayne to the Church and Sinagogue of Rome But these his perswasions the Lord be therefore praysed tooke small effect in this faythfull hart as the sequell did declare He was a man beloued of all men except of the Papistes who loue none that loue the truth and so he well deserued for he was of a meeke humble discreete and most gentle behauiour to all Iniurious he was to none beneficiall to many especiallye to those that were of the householde of fayth as appeared amongest other by his frendly dealing with maister Christopher Goodman beeing at that present a poore exile beyond the Seas With whom this Bartlet Greene aswell for his toward learning as also for his sober and Godly behauiour had often society in Oxforde in the dayes of good king Edwarde which now notwithstanding hys frendes misery and banishment he did not lightly forget and that turned as it chaunced not without the prouidence of almightye GOD to the greate griefe of both the one of heart for the losse of his Frende and the other of body in suffering the cruell
but neuer without his white miniuer hoode such doctrine as was shamefull to heare saying Masse and carying about the pixe in high processions Furthermore leadyng the boy S. Nicholas with his miniuer hood about the streetes for apples and belly cheere And who so would not receiue him he made them heretikes and such also as would not geue his fagot to the bonfire for Queene Maries child And thus continued he at Ipswich the most part of Queene Maries dayes molestyng there good men some for not goyng to the Churche some for not beyng confessed some for not receiuyng c. till at length toward the end of Queene Mary he came to London and in this Queens time began to shewe himselfe againe a perfect protestant And thus much of Argentine Ex testimon Petri Moonaei ¶ The trouble of Peter Moone and his Wife and of other Godly Protestantes at Byshop Hoptons visitation in Ipswich IN the yeare of our Lord God 1556. The sceane or visitation being kept before Whitsontide in the Towne of Ipswich in Suffolcke by Doctour Hopton being then Byshop of Norwich and Myles Dunninges being then his Cauncellour diuers and sondry godly Protestantes through the accusation of euill men where sore troubled presented before him among whom were accused one Peter Moone a Taylor and Anne his wife for theyr disobedience to the law in not shewing theyr readinesse to come to the Church and to be partaker of such Romish obseruances as at that time were vsed And first the sayd Peter Moone was commaunded to come before the Bishop where he was examined of three sondry Articles to wit 1. Whether the pope were supreme head 2. Whether King Philip and Queene Mary were right inheritors to the crowne 3. And whether in the Sacrament of the aulter was the very body of Christ substācially and really there present Unto the which the sayde Peter being timerous and weake fearing more the face of man then the heauy wrath of God affirmed and in maner graunted vnto the demaūdes Whereupon the Bishop being in good hope that although he had not come to the Church nor receiued theyr Sacrament of the Aultar nor bene ready to doe his duetye as the law had commaunded yet there shewing his mind sayd that he liked well the man for such as haue bene sayd he earnest in euill thinges will also be earnest in that that is good and godly if once they be wonne Thus as this Spirituall father was commending his carnall child and rather preferring him to hell fire thē vnto the sincere word and commaundementes of GOD it chaunced amongest many others in the chamber was one of the portmen of the same towne named Smart an earnest member of theyr Romish law doing of a very conscience that he did who after the death of Queene Mary lyued not many yeares but rendred his life in godly repentaunce protesting that if God should suffer him to liue he woulde neuer be the man he had bene before what lawes so euer should come agayne so that before the time of hys sicknes he frequenting earnestly the Sermons in the same Towne by diuers godly learned woulde weepe as it had bene a childe being notwithstanding of courage as stout a manne as any was in Ipswich Such is the maruellous mercy of God in calling to his kingdome whom when he pleaseth This portman aforesayd perceiuing the Bishop thus as it were at an end with the sayd Moone and so he lyke to be discharged sayd vnto the Bishop my Lord in deed I haue a good hope in the man and that he will be conformable but my Lord he hath a perrillous woman to his wife For I will tell you my Lorde she neuer came to Churche yet since the Queenes reigne except it were at Euensong or when shee was Churched And not then vntill Masse were done Wherfore your good Lordship might do a good deed to cause her to come before you and to see if ye coulde do any good And therefore I beseech your good Lordshyp to commaund him to pray her to come before your Lordshippe At the which words Moone was somewhat styrred in that he sayde commaunde him to pray her to come before your Lordship And he sayd vnto him vnder my Lordes correction I speake I am as able to cōmaund her to come before my Lorde as ye are to commaund the worst boy in your house Yea my Lord sayd the other I cry your Lordship mercy I haue informed your Lordship with an vntroth if this be so But if he be so able as he saith he might haue commaunded her to haue come to Church in all thys time if it had pleased him Well sayde the Bishop looke ye come before me agayne at afternoone and bring your wife with you I will talke with her As my Lordes dinner at that time was seruing vppe Moone departed and taryed not to take parte thereof hauing such an hard breakefast geuen him before to digest At afternoone Moone delayed and wayted his time bethinking whē he might most conueniently come especially whē his accuser his wiues shoulde not haue bene there And accordinge to the commaundement came with his wife which was not so secretly but his accuser had knowledge thereof and came with all expedition in such poste speede that in a maner he was windlesse entring into the bishops chamber The Bishoppe hearing that Moone and his wife were come called for them and sayd to Moone is this your wife Moone Yea my Lord sayd he O good Lord sayd the Byshop how a man may be deceiued in a woman I promise you a man would take her for as honest a woman by all outward appearaunce as can be Why my Lorde sayde Moones wife I trust there is none that can charge me with any dishonesty as cōcerning my body I defy all the worlde in that respect Nay quoth the Bishop I meane not as concerning the dishonesty of thy bodye but thou hadst bene better to haue geuen the vse of thy body vnto xx sundry men thē to doe as thou hast done For thou hast done as much as in thee lyeth to plucke the King and the Queenes maiesties out of theyr royal seates through thy disobedience in shewing thy selfe an open enemy vnto Gods lawes theyr proceedinges Then began the Bishop to examine the said Moone agayne with the aforesayd Articles and his wife also And hearing her husband relēt did also affirme the same whiche turned vnto either of them no small trouble of minde afterwarde but yet neither were they like thus to escape but that in the meane time Dunning the Bishops Chaūcellour came vp in great haste and brought newes to the Bishop that there were such a number of hereticks come of which some came from Boxford some from Lanham about from the Cloth Country that it would make a man out of his wittes to heare them and there are amōg them both heretickes and Anabaptistes sayd
realme of England then the king For as I said before it was ordeined for the conseruation of the libertie of the whole realme and to exclude the vsurped authoritie of the B. of Rome And therfore no K. or Queene alone could renounce such title but it ought if they wold haue it taken away be taken away orderly and formally by acte of Parliament sufficiently called and summoned For the naturall and right way to loose vndoe things is to dissolue them by that meanes they were ordeined And so it most manifestly appeareth that all their doings from the beginning to the end were and be of none effect force nor authoritie but all that they haue done hath ben meere tyrannie O most maruelous prouidence of almighty god that alwayes and in all thinges doth that is best for the welth of his people O most mighty power that so sodenly ouerthroweth the counsails of the wicked and bringeth their deuises to naught O infinite mercy that so gently dealeth with his people that hee saueth them whome hee might most iustly destroy O most ioyfull most mery and neuer to be forgotten Hopwednesday in which it hath pleased thee O God to deliuer thy church this realm and thy people from so horrible tyrannie No tongue can expresse no penne can endite no eloquence can worthely set out much lesse exornate these thy meruailous doings No no hart is able to render vnto thy goodnes sufficiēt thanks for the benefites we haue receyued Who could euer haue hoped this most ioyfull tyme Yea who dyd not looke rather for thy most sharpe visitation and vtter destruction of this Realme as of Sodome Gomorra and Hierusalem But we see and feele good Lord that thy mercy is greter then all mens sinnes and farre aboue all thy workes And albeit there is no Christian and natural Englishmā woman or child eyther present or that shall succeede vs which is not or shall bee pertaker of this most exceedyng mercy and wonderfull benefite of almighty God therefore is bound continually to prayse and thanke hym yet there is not one creature that is more bound so to do then you noble Queene Elizabeth For in this horrible tiranny and most cruell persecution your grace hath bene more hunted for then any other Diuers tymes they haue taken you sometyme haue had you in strong hold secluded from all liberty sometime at libertie but not without most cruell Gaolers custody and many tymes they determined that without iustice ye should be murthered priuily They thought if your grace had bene suppressed they shoulde haue fully preuailed If ye had bene destroyed their doyngs for euer should be stablished If ye had bene taken out of the way there were none left that would or coulde vndoe that they ordeined But he that sitteth on high and laugheth at their madnesse would not suffer that the malicious purposes most cruell deuised iniustice should haue successe He tooke vpon hym the protection of you He only hath bene your Ieoseba that preserued you from this wicked Athalia He onely was the Ioiada that destroyed this cruell Athalia Hee onely hath made you Queene of this Realme in steade of this mischieuous Marana No earthly creature can claime any piece of thanke therefore no mans force no mans counsail no mans ayd hath bene the cause thereof Wherfore the greater his benefites hath bene toward you the more are you bounde to seeke hys glory and to set forth his honour Ye see his power what he is able to do he can alone saue and hee can destroy hee can pull downe and he can set vp If ye feare hym seeke to do his will then will he fauour you and preserue you to the end from all enemies as he did king Dauid If ye now fall from him or iuggle with hym looke for no more fauour then Saule had shewed to hym But I haue a good hope that both his iustice and benefites bee so printed in your hart that ye will neuer forget them but seeke by all meanes to haue the one and to feare to fall into the other I trust also your wisedome will not onely consider the causes of this late most sharpe visitation but also to your vttermost power endeuour to out roote them And forasmuch as besides this infinit mercy poured on your grace it hath pleased his deuine prouidence to constitute your highnesse to be our Debora to be the gouernesse and heade of the bodye of this Realme to haue the charge and cure thereof it is requisite aboue all things as well for his glory and honour as for your discharge quietnesse and safety to labour that the same body now at the first be cleansed made whole and then kept in good order For as if the body of man be corrupted and diseased he is not able to manage his thinges at home much lesse to doe any thing abroad so if the body of a Realme be corrupt out of order it shal neither be able to do any thing abroad if necessitie should require nor yet prosper in it selfe But this may not be done with piecing patching coblyng botching as was vsed in tyme past whilest your most noble father and brother raigned For as if a man cut of one hed of the serpent Hidra and destroy not the whole body many will growe in stead of that one and as in a corrupt body that hath many diseases if the Phisition should labour to heale one part and not the whole it will in short tyme breake out a fresh so vnlesse the body of a Realme or common wealth be cleane purged from corruption all the perticular lawes and statutes that can be deuised shall not profite it We need no forraine examples to prooue it looke vpon this Realme it selfe it will plainely declare it And as it is not enough to cleanse the bodye from his corruption but there must be also preseruatiues ministred to keep it from putrefaction for naturally of it selfe it is disposed to putrifie so after the body of a realme is purged vnles there be godly ordinances for the preseruation thereof ordeined and duely ministred it will returne to the olde state For this body which is the people is vniuersally naturally disposed to euill and without compulsion will hardly do that is his duety This must your grace do if ye mynd the aduancement of Gods glory your owne quietnesse and safetie and the wealth of this your politike body And they be not hard to bring to passe where goodwill will vouchsafe to take to her a little payne The Realm will soone be purged if vice and selfloue be vtterly condemned It will be in good state preserued if these three things Gods word truely taught and preached Youth well brought vp in godly and honest exercises and Iustice rightly ministred may bee perfectly constituted And without this foundation let men imagine what it pleaseth them the spiritual house of God shal neuer be well framed or builded nor
deuide a sonder the soule from the body 2141 Iudgementes of the papistes concerning heretickes of three sorts 1278.1286 Iustices of peace exhorted 1302. Iudgementes of the fathers vppon these wordes hoc est corpus meum 1394. Iua or Iue king of the West Saxons 125. Iuleddo a vertuous widow martyr her story and martyrdome 1622. Iustices become iuglers 1755. Iudgement of God Ciuill iudgment vnlike 1805. Iudge a persecutour plagued by Gods iudgement 2107.2109 Iulius a senator conuerted to christ 52. baptised with al his houshold and martyred being beaten to death with cudgels 52. Iudges corrupted a fearfull and terrible example thereof 196. Iulius Pope hys abhominable Sodometrie and filthines of lyfe hys blasphemy for a pecocke .1560 hys death funerall and collects ibid. Iulian Cardinall the popes warriour in Boheme hys bloudy crueltie .656 hys Oration at the councel of Basill to the Bohemians 657.675 Iudiciall law of Moses whether now in force or not 488 Iurisdiction vsurped of the Pope receyued into England but of late yeares 514 Iulian cardinall of S. Angell hys Epistle to Eugenius Bishop of Rome 697 Iulius 2. Pope his periury cast the keyes of S. Peter into Tyber is deposed 735 Iudge Hales his trouble .1410 committed to the Tower .1467 hys tragicall story .1532 would haue killed hymselfe .1533 at the last drowned hymselfe ibid. Iubilie first began at Rome 342 Iurisdiction of the Romish church examined 4 Iurisdiction of the Pope resisted in France 4 Iustices of Assises deuided into 6. circuites 227 Iue kyng made himselfe a monke hys lawes to his subiects 127 Iulian Liuyng her trouble for the Gospell deliuered by Gods prouidence 2063.2064 Iustification by fayth and not by the law 44.1116.977.980 Iurisdiction of the Pope 1 Iulitta her story her exhortation to the people her constant martyrdome 95 Iudas lips 508 Iudas whether he receiued the body of Christ or not 1950 Iudas called Thaddeus put to death 32 Iustus with hys brother Onam Martyrs 41 Iustinus a godly Martyr .44 hys worthy praises constant martyrdome 45 K A. KAlender of the Pope conteineth a double abhomination in it 582 Katherine the virgin her story farced with false lying miracles .95 her prophesies of reformatiō of the churche 419 Katherine Dowager Queene diuorced from king Hēry .8.1054 1055. her death 1082 Katherine Parre maried to Kyng Henry .8 her trouble for the gospel .1218.1219 1242. her extreme sickenes .1243 her miraculous deliuery out of all her troubles 1244 Katherine Haward maried to king Henry .8.1210 her death ibid. Katherine Duchesse of Suffolke her tragicall story and lamentable extremity susteyned for the gospell 2078.2079.2080.2081 Katherine Knight alias Katherine Timley Martyr her story examination condemnation Martyrdome for the truth of Christs Gospell 2053.2054 Katherine Hut Martyr her story and constant martyrdome 1910 Katherine Allen Martyr her story and Martyrdome 1979 Katherine Cawches her trouble Martyrdome 1943.1944 K E. Keyes mistaken in the Popes Canons 492 Keyes of Christes Kingdome 491 492 Keyes of the Churche what they are 1106. and to whom they are geuen 1039.675 Kenulphus king of the West Saxons slayne 129 Kerbie Martyr his story 1231 Kenelmus king of Mercia slayne 114 Kenilworth de●●●e 335 Kenilworth besieged ibid. Kent persecuted 642.1276 K I. Kinges of Britayne from Lucius to the Saxons 108. Kinges of England proued by ancient records to be supreme head and gouernors next vnder God ouer the Churche of Englande and other theyr dominions 340. Kinges of Englande chiefe gouernours as well in causes ecclesiasticall as temporall 8. Kinges the vicares of Christ vpon earth 166. Kinges three doe homage to Kyng Edgar 155. Kynges of Eng. commonly troubled wyth archbishops 350. Kinges of Persia called Sapores 97. Kinges of England before the Conquest were gouernours as well in causes Ecclesiasticall as temporall 779. Kings making themselues monks 127.134 Kynges called Christes vicares by the Popes themselues 7. Kinges may and ought to depose wicked Popes in case they deserue it 546. Kinges may take away temporalties from the clergy in case they abuse the same 457. Kinges made slaues vnder the pope 241. Kinges duety to punish the clergy 418. Kinges of the Saxons from Egbert to Wil. Conquerour 135. Kings 7. rulyng in England 109 Kinges making themselues religious persones whether they doe well or not 115 Kings in tymes past had authoritie in spirituall causes 147 Kings of the Saxons rulyng in england described in a table 110 King of England carefull for the chusing of the Archb. of Cant. 236 King of England hys penance for the death of Becket 227. King Arthur of England 113 King of Fraunce his voyage to the holy land .292 hys acts there atchieued .293.294 his ouerthrow by the Infidels .295 hys ransom 276.296 King of Scotland doth homage to the king of England 340 King of Portingale deposed 200 King Alfrede his lyfe and commēdation 143 King Edward the elder 146 King Edward called the Martyr prooued a bastard 157 K. Edmund his story raign 150. King Iohn his raigne .247 diuorced from his wyfe his letters to the Pope .250.251 is accused of the Pope .253 is poysoned by a monke 256 King Iohn offring hys crowne to Pandulphus Legate 787 King Edward 6. hys instruction geuen to Sir Anthony Seintleger knight of his priuy chāber beyng of a corrupt iudgement of the Eucharist 2139.2140 King Henry 3. reconciled to his nobles and banisheth forreiners from the Court 280 King Iue his voyage to Rome where he became a Monke 127 King Oswold hys story charitie pitie deuotion and death 122 King Offa and Kenredus make themselues monks 129 King Phillip arriueth at South-hampton 1471 King Richard and the Kyng of France concluded to conquer the holy land 235 King Richard his voyage to the holy land with his actes by the way 243. ●44 King Richard 1. his three daughters .249 hys death ibid. Kinigilsus kyng of Westsaxons cōuerted to Christ. 122 King what he is his institutiō 677 Kingdome of Christ feared of the Romaine Emperors 48 Kingdome of the world compared with the kyngdom of the Pope 19 Kingdom of Christ in this world 30 Kingdom of Northumberland ceaseth 131 Kingdom of Mercia ceaseth 132 Kissing of the Popes feet by Emperors 129 King and Debnam hanged for takyng down the Rood of Douercourt 1031 King Martyr his story and death for the Gospell 1976 Kyng Martyr buried in the fields 1689.1702 K N. Kneelyng to the sacrament forbid in Councels 1390 Kneuet Lady her trouble and deliuerance 2072 Knightes of the Rhodes their first originall 200 Knights of s. Iohns order in England began 367 Knight his story 1542 L A. LAcedemonians their wonderfull constācy 681 Lacye gentlewoman her trouble and deliuery 2073 Lactea via where and what it is 1296 Lady Elizabeth her miraculous preseruation in Queene Maries dayes 2091.2092.2093.2094.2095.2096.2098 Lady honor persecuter strikē mad 2101 Lady Eleanor Cobham her defence against Alanus Copus 702 Lady Iane for her zeale to the truth brought in hatred with the Lady