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A22474 The badges of Christianity. Or, A treatise of the sacraments fully declared out of the word of God Wherein the truth it selfe is proued, the doctrine of the reformed churches maintained, and the errors of the churches of Rome are euidently conuinced: by pervsing wherof the discreet reader may easily perceiue, the weak and vnstable grounds of the Roman religion, and the iust causes of our lawfull separation. Diuided into three bookes: 1. Of the sacraments in generall. 2. Of Baptisme. 3. Of the Lords Supper. Hereunto is annexed a corollarie or necessary aduertisement, shewing the intention of this present worke, opening the differences among vs about the question of the supper, discouering the idolatry and diuisions of the popish clergy, ... By William Attersoll, minister of the Word of God. Attersoll, William, d. 1640.; Attersoll, William, d. 1640. Principles of Christian religion. aut 1606 (1606) STC 889; ESTC S115827 366,439 472

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toucheth the bodie and bloode of Christ signified by them Euen as if a man shoulde rent disgrace deface spit vppon tread and trample vnder his feet and villanouslie abuse the image seale and letters patents of a Prince he should be adiudged guilty of a grieuous crime against the person of the Prince himselfe not which hee receiueth but despiteth so such as come vnthankefully and vnworthily to this supper are guilty of his body not which they haue eaten but which they haue refused and reiected being offered vnto them and therefore are guilty of their owne death inasmuch as God with the signes offereth his owne sonne Wherefore seeing the presence of God moueth seeing our owne profit perswadeth seeing our owne practise furthereth seeing the defiling of the Sacrament and the danger of vnworthy receiving teacheth and lastly seeing our owne iudgement in humane affaires when the daunger is not so great nor the losse so certaine cryeth out for this necessary preparation it standeth vs vpon before we enter into this holy worke whereunto of our selues wee are more vnfit and vnto warde and which in it owne nature is most profitable to set our selus before the Lord who shal examine and iudge the quicke and the dead to search into our owne wayes and to keepe a sessions in our own soules to looke into our secret and hidden corruptions how wee haue gone forward or backward in golinesse to try whether we haue a knowledge feeling and disliking of our sinnes and whether we haue any feare of Gods iudgments or faith in his promises or hope in his mercie to iudge our selues that we may not be iudged of the Lord to labour to find out our speciall sinnes striuing against them by earnest praier to God and condemning them for euer in our selues If we would thus iudge our selues wee should not be condemned with the world Let vs be grieued for our naturall blindnes Let vs acknoledge confusion of faces to be due vnto vs. Let vs deepely imprint in our owne harts the horror of our sins past and present The more wee perceiue and discerne our own vnworthinesse the greater shal be our fitnes to come to this Sacrament and the lesse we espy our owne imperfections the more we incuire the danger of Gods iudgements So then to touch vs with true 〈◊〉 and to break our stony hearts in pieces with remembrance of our daily offences let vs often meditate on the death and passion of Christ who was forsaken scorned buffeted and crucified for vs he was led as a lambe to the slaughter and shunned not the shame of the Crosse then the powers of heauen 〈◊〉 wer moued Iudea was darkned the earth quaked the stones claue in sunder the the graues opened the Sunne was in the ful-moone eclipsed the vaile of the temple was rent the dead were raysed the theese repented the centurion glorified God and the whole order of nature was changed All these thinges 〈◊〉 set before vs the he inousnesse of our sins and the greatnesse of gods wrath which could not be appeased but by crucifieng of the body and by shedding of the blood of Christ which is represented to vs as in a glasse in this Supper Thus wee haue shewed by testimonies and effectuall reasons that as in the passe-ouer they were commanded to chuse them a lambe on the tenth day but to kill him on the fourteenth so that they had 4. daies liberty betweene the separating and the killing of him for preparation and sanctification of themselues in like manner in the supper which is the same to vs that the passe-ouer was to the 〈◊〉 the spirit of God chargeth this duty vpon vs that we prepare our harts reuerently thereunto Now as we haue seene the necessity of this examination let vs consider what vses are to be made thereof Is it required of all communicants that come to the Lords table 〈◊〉 to examine themselues Then from hence it follo weth that all men are bound to know the word of God and to be skilfull in the scripture that thereby they 〈◊〉 be able to try their owne hearts and examine themselues by that rule But if the rule be vnknowne the tryall spoken off cannot be made the examination commaunded cannot be practised Especially there is required of vs the knowledge in the doctrine of the law not onely to be able to rchearse the words but to know the end and mcaning of them the speciall branches of them what are the duties commaunded what are the sinnes condemned for by the law commeth the knowledge of sinne and the Apostle had not knowne sinne but by the law for hee had not knowne last except the law had sayd thou shait not lust As then he that will try Golde from copper must haue his touch stone so he that will rightly examine his obedience must familiarly be acquainted with the Canon of the scriptures This our Sauiour teacheth Ioh. 5. Search the scriptures for in them ye thinke to haue eternalllife and they are they which testisie of me 〈◊〉 then we search them they will giue vs light to search our 〈◊〉 And the Apostle requireth the Colossians to haue the word of God dwell plentifully in them in al wisedome Wherefore he that said examine your selues ment we should also know the scriptures and especially the law of God which must be the glasse of our liues to behold our offences and the very ground-worke of this examination Againe we are charged to try out our waies and examine our selues Then we learne from hence to acknowledge a difference between baptisme and the lords supper For baptisme is due to the whole church and euery member thereof whether old or young to all infants who are the children of faithful parents that haue giuen their names to Christ and are entred into the profession of the Gospell And howsoeuer confession of faith fruits of repentance are required of the elder sorte as wee haue shewed yet touching infants it is susficiēt if they be born in the church of such as are members of the church But the Supper of the Lord belongeth only to such as are able to examine themselues to try their owne harts and to remember his death which things cannot agree with children As we see in the passe-ouer not all the children of the faithfull were admitted thereunto but onely such as could enquire and require a reason thereof and did desire to be instructed of their parents and such as had learned to make the law a frontlet before their eies and a signe vpon their hands that so the doctrine of God might not depait out of their mouths Besides if we consider the outward workes in both the Sacraments aright we shall plainely see the truth of this diuersity For in Baptisme the action of the minister is to wash the body with water which requireth not discretion in him that is to be baptized fo rasmuch as we
to praise him fo giuing his onely begotten Sonne to bee our redeemer and humbly to pray vnto him that our vnworthynesse hinder not the effectuall working of his Sacrametnes but that through his goodnesse and mercy they may haue their full force in our heartes for the pardoning of our sinnes for the increase of his graces for the confirming of our faith for the quickning of our obedience and for the preseruing of body and soule to eternall life Thus wee blesse God when we praise him and giue him the honour due vnto his name We blesse the meates we eate the drinkes we drinke the thinges wee receiue as Paule saith The cup of blessing which wee blesse when prayer is made to God that they may be healthfull to vs and we thankefull for them Lastly if in the Sacrament there bee a consecration and separation of the outward elementes to so holy an end it warneth vs to be carefull to vse and receiue oftentimes this Sacrament of the Lordes Supper For heere are not bare signes bare tokens bare figures without fiuite and without grace they are consecrated signes and hallowed elements effectually sealing vppe remission of sinnes And what is more plaine then that which the Apostle teacheth 1 Cor. 11. As often as ye shall eate of this bread and drinke of this cup ye shew the Lordes death till he come Thus the Lord Iesus speaketh Doe this as oft as ye shall drinks it in remembrance of me And haue we not many worthy and effectuall considerations to moue such as professe the same doctrine to resorte oftentimes to the same Table of the Lorde It is the commaundement of Christ so that we ought to make some conscience of this duty as of other commaundementes prescribed vnto vs. It is a commaundement of God Thou shalt not steale Few but to make some conscience thereof because it is Gods commaundement So is this heere often to come to the Lordes Table yet what little account is made heereof all the yeare long euery one seeth and the faithfull soule agreeueth The high God possessor of heauen and earth hath required and commaunded it yet who regardeth The Lorde hath spoken and yet who obeyeth If a father should command a duty of his son or a maister of his seruant he could not patiently endure to be disobeyed and shal we not thinke that God will require his lawes at our hands Againe to his commaundement he hath annexed a promise which maketh our sin and vnthankfulnes the greater if we shew not our selues ready in yeelding to this duty Besides seeing this sacra is a speciall prop to stay vp our faith and geth with it Christ and all his merits and heauenly treasurs we are vtter enemies to our owne selues to our own souls and to our owne saluation if we neglect ●o great mercy offe●e● vnto vs. Wherefore it is not left free vnto vs and committed to our discretion to receiue or not receiue this were no lawfull liberty but vnlawfull lycentiousnesse Heere in the faithfull find very great comfort and an effectuall meanes to strengthen their faith Euen as the sicke man that feeleth his sickenes and knoweth his own weaknes shoulde haue a speciall care to looke to his stomacke that therby he may receiue norishment gather strength so we are all spiritually diseased assaulted of Satan tempted of the flesh ouercome after●imes of sin and must seeke strength of saith from this heauenly nourishment God of his compassion hath set vp his Sacrament as a signe vpon an high hill whence it may be seene farre and neere on euery side to raise vp such as are fallen to strengthen such as stand to comfort such as are weak and to call vnto him such as run away from him whereby hee gathereth them vnder his winges It is as the brazen Sepent that comming vnto it with a faith to be healed we might liue and not perish It is a banner displayed that euery Ch●●stian souldi●r should resort vnto it as vnto his owne comfortable Supper to be had in often vse and continuall remembrance to put vs in mind of his continuall mercy laid vp for vs in the blood of Christ and to ratifie and seale vp the same farre more liuely then the ba●e word onely When the words of Christs institution are spoken This is my body which is broken for you this is my blood which was shed for you When these words I say are reade vnto vs our of the scriptures they confirme our faith but much more when the Sacrament is seene with our eyes that we behold the bred broken and looke vpon the wine poured out but most of all when we tast and handle when we eate and drinke the outwarde signes We see when one maketh a bare promise to another with wordes onely betweene themselues he beginneth to doubt to whome the promise is made of the performance thereof if he adde an oath for confirmation the promise is more assuredly ratified but if he giue his hande writing and seale it to the party the matter is made out of doubt Thus we doe reason and helpe our faith We haue the promises of God wee haue the oath of God we haue the wordes and writinges of God we haue the seales and Sacramentes of God these are not reserued in the Lords keeping but are put into our owne handes to see them to keepe them to vse them for our comfort and assurance I speake after the manner of men if wee haue a free promise from an honest man penned fairely in writing ratified vnder his owne hand and seale and all giuen vnto vs to locke and lay vp we doubt not of the possession Now let vs consider the Lords doing and see what hee hath done for vs who is not as man that he shoulde lie nor as the sonne of man that he should deceiue God sent his sonne into the world to take our nature vpon him to be like vs euen in his infirmities hee named himselfe Iesus that is a Sauiour because he shoulde saue his people from their sinnes after his death he sent his Apostles to preach the glad tidings of remission of sinnes and euerlasting saluation he ordained his last supper immediately before his death to testifie and assure them vnto vs not onely by sounding them in our eares but by beholding tasting smelling feeling and feeding to seale them in our hearts and also daily to be repeated and ministred vnto vs. Seeing then we haue both his promises and oath his worde and writings his seales and Sacramentes in our keeping what would we haue more He would not make halfe so much adoin assuring his promises if he loued vs not he would not set such authentike seals to his deede and obligations vnlesse he ment good earnest His bare worde and naked promise is verie good paiment but he respecteth our weakenes whose mercifull kindnesse must not be neglected through our vnthankefulnes
hath giuen vnto vs that we should be called the sonnes of god he loued us gratiously and free'y he loued vs when we were enemics nvto him and spared not his owne sonne but gaue him to death for vs all doe not these thinges deserue loue againe are we not bound to shew duty for these mercies and loue to our brethren for this loue of our God and yet many regard neither these blessings of god neither to walke in vprightnes of hart before him Chap. 15. Of the third vse of a Sacrament THus much of the second vse the third vse of the Sacraments is to be badges and markes of our Christian profession that therby one of vs should acknowledge an other to be of one houshold and of one family of one society and as it were birds of one feather For heereby we doe manifest whose we are whom weserue to what house we belong and to what people and church we are thereby gathered into one religion and distinguished from other sects we are gathered into one church and knit together in one as Eph. 2. Remember that ye being in times past Gentiles in the flesh and called vncircumcision of them which are caled circumcision in the flesh made with hands ye were at that time without Christ without God without hope but now in Christ Iesus ye which once were farre off are made neare by the blood of Christ. The Iewes by circumcision were distinguished from other people and the name of vncircumcifed was reprochfull they were accounted vncleane vnholy persons for the vncircum cised males wer to be cut off from the number of the people of god So by baptisme we are seperated from all other religions and are consecrated only to christian religion and such as continue vnbapti sed with contempt of that sacrament we take them not for our brethren nor for the people of god nor for members of his church because they refuse to take the sacrament of baptisme as the badge and cognizance by which they shoulde be known such as are Athiests Infidels Sarazens Turkes Persians Moores Iewes and other nations that want this mark to be discerned to belong to the family of christ Christ Iesus sending out his Apostles bad them teach and baptize the Gentiles to whom he directed them therefore where the word and Sacraments are there is a church and congregation of the people of god And he that beleeueth and is baptized shall be saued And hereunto commeth that saying When the Apostles had exhorted the people to amend their liues and to saue themselues from that froward generation Then they that gladly receiued the word were baptized and they continued in the Apostles doctrin and fellowship and breaking of bread and prayers and the same day there was added to the Church three thou sand soules Thus we see that by the sacraments as by certaine bandes and chains God knitteth and bindeth his people to himselfe and keepeth them in his couenant least they shold fall away to infidelity And the people are warned that by these outward signes they differ from the barbarous and vnbeleeuing gentiles and consequently should indeuour and prouide that they likewise differ from them in those thinges that are signified by those signes This osfereth to our considerations very good vses First heereby we are put in mind of our dignity and excellencie Such is our priuiledge and prerogatiue that we do bear the badges of christ our Lord. How do men in this world desire to weare the cloath and shroud themselues vnder the badges of great persons of countenance to protect them how much greater preferment is it to be the seruants of Christ to be gathered vnder his wings and to be his disciples whose seruice is perfect freedome and protection from all euils and whose badges are instrumentes of his sauing graces If this be the glory of the faithfull let vs seeke to maintain our dignity and freedom according as Iohn teacheth Beholde what loue the father hath giuen to vs that we shoulde be called the sonnes of god for this cause the world knoweth you not because it knoweth not him And againe in his gospell As manie as receiued Christ to them he gaue prerogatiue to be sonnes of God euen to them that beleeue in his name which are borne not of blood nor of the flesh nor of the wil of man but of god Whereas on the other side the estate and condition of vngodly men is base vile miserable and contemptible they liue to themselues and to sinne they die to iudgement and condemnation What can be more fearfull what can be more wretched Secondly if we weare the cloath and badge of Christ then we must be bold in the faith and holde out our profession notwithstanding dangers and fear of death For we serue one that is able to beare vs out We see how men belonging to those that are of high place are many times imboldned ther by in lewd practises How much more ought we that haue learned christ to be incoraged in the faith and not to shrink back for fear of offence This was the commendation of the church of Pergamus I know thy works and where thou dwellest euen where Satans throne is and thou keepest my name and hast not denied my faith euen in those daies when Antipas my faithful martir was slaine among you where Satan dwelleth So Christ our sauiour taught his disciples Whosoeuer shal confesse me before men him 〈◊〉 I confesse also before my father which is in heauen But who soeuer shal deny me before men him wil I also denie before my father which is in heauen Wherefore this condemneth those that say I will keepe my conscience to my selfe none shall know my religion but God and my selfe I will not be to forward for feare of after reckonings nor any way countenance such as be forward These men while they suppose to keep their religion to themselues do indeed proclaime openly that they are of no religion For if they did truly beleeue in their harts they would likewise confesse with their tongues according to the saying of the Apostle If thou shalt confesse with thy mouth the lord Iesus shalt beleeue in thine hart that god him raised from the dead thou shalt be saued for with the hart man beleeueth vnto righteousnes and with the mouth man confesseth vnto saluation And the Apostle Iames teacheth vs to trye faith by workes as gold by the touchstone Chap 2. Shew me thy faith by thy works and I wil snew thee my faith by my works So then let vs not be ashamed of the Gospell of Christ Which is the power of God to saluation to euerie one that beleeueth and not shrink for troble as deceitfull cloath in the wetting least our maister be ashamed of vs before his father and the holy Angels Th'rdly if the Sacraments be as badges to shew foorth our profession then it
of washing away sins were found in the element of water Baptisme therfore is not the washing away of sins onely the bloud of Christ clenseth vs from al sin 1. Iohn 1 7. Againe this declareth the perpetuall vse of it in the church seeing it hath this effect to assure remission and forgiuenes of sins vnto this let vs bring our children of this let vs make them partakers from this let vs by no means keepe them and in this let vs continually renew our couenant with God Chap 2. That the parts of Baptisme are partly outward and partly inward Hitherto wee haue shewed how baptisme is taken and what it is In baptism we are to consider 2 things his parts and his vses For as in the former book when we spake of the Sacraments in generall hauing shewed what a Sacrament is we discended to his parts and vses wherein the perfect knowledge thereof consisteth so wee wiil obserue the same in handling the doctrine of the sacraments in particular The parts of baptisme are first to be opened the vses are to be reserued to their proper place The parts are 2. the outward and the inward parts This appeareth 1 Pet 3 Where of the baptisme that now is answereth that figure which is not a putting away of the filth of the flesh but a confident demanding which a good conscience maketh to God and saueth vs by the resurrection of Iesus Christ. Where the A postle teacheth that sinne cannot be washed awaye by that outwarde water but by Christs inward working which the outward baptisme doth shaddow In like manner Mar. 1. Truth it is I haue baptized you ' with Water but hee will baptize you with the Holy-ghost where the baptise sheweth that hee baptized outwardly but the force of it proceedeth from Christ who baptizeth inwardly So Act 2 Peter saide vnto them Amend your liues and be baptized euerie one of you in the name of Iesus Christ for the remission of sinnes and ye shall receiue the gift of the Holy-ghost Where the A postle declareth that in such as repent and beleeue the vertue of the Holy-ghost is ioyned with outwarde baptisme The outwarde partes therefore are one thinge and the inwarde partes are another that which is seene is one thing and that which is vnderstood is another thing This diuision of the partes of Baptisme affoordeth diuers good vses and putteth vs in minde of sundrye holy duties And first of all are there outwarde and inwarde partes of baptisme then we learne hereby that the outwarde partes are no vaine ceremonies no fruitlesse rites no vnprofitable actions that may be neglected or contemned but auaileable signes and effectuall seales of the sprinkling of Christs blood for the forgiuenes of all our sinnes Againe seeing there is such an vnion of the partes betweene themselues we must not contemue or dispise or deferre baptisme Wherefore the faithfull all delaies reasons and pretences set aparte haue speedily prepared themselues to do that which God commaundeth Wee haue a worthy example in Abraham when god required him to circumcise himselfe his sonne and all the males of his house and thereby to vncouer all their shames hee doth not inquire why God required this at his hands hee doth not complaine or consult with flesh and blood ouer all doubts faith got the victory and subdued reason vnder her and caused him with diligence readines and expedition to submit himselfe to fulfill the Lords will and performe it the same day that he commaunded it Of this duty likewise we see Paule was admonished by Ananias immediately after his conuersion Act. 22. saying Why tariest thou Arise and be baptized and wash away thy sinnes in calling on the name of the Lord. Whereby he sheweth that this tarying and delay in the matters of God maketh vs culpable in his sight True it is it is not the want of Baptisme simply that is demnable as is shewed afterward but the contempt of the Sacraments is dangerous and without repentance damnable as it appeareth The Pharisies and expounders of the law despised the counsell of God against themselues and were not baptized of him We know all neglect and contempt in heauenly duties is euill and bringeth with it a certain curse as the prophet saith Cursed is he that doth the worke of the Lord negligently We see in humaine and wordly thinges wise-men will not deferre the sealing of their writings and calling of witnesses when they haue giuen a promise to other or made a bargaine with other knowing that vnnecessary delay may breede vnrecouerable danger as wee see by the example of Ieremy when he had bought a field of his vncles sonne presently he weighed him the siluer enrolled it in a booke of remembrance hee signed it he tooke witnesses and left it written in roles or records hauing an instrument or euidence fairely drawne and sealed with the common seale if any thing should be called in question in time to come 〈◊〉 he like we see in Abraham long before when he had bought a possession of the Hittites for the buriall of his dead he weighed out and paied 〈◊〉 money among Marchants so the field and the caue that was 〈◊〉 withal the trees and appurteuances that were therin was made sure to him for a possession As these men when they had made the purchase would not delay the taking of assurance and security the like delaying and vnnecessary putting off the time from Sabboath to Saboath from meeting to meeting ought to be fhunned of vs otherwise thogh we should be free from contempt we cannot excuse ourselues of the neglect of au high and holy duty to God and our children Indeede we are not pricisely tyed to a certaine day in Baptisme as the Iewes were to the 8. day in their circumcision but that which the 8. day was to them a conuenient and orderly time is to vs. Now what time can be more conuenient more comely more fitte then the Sabboath day following when the Church is assembled That so it may be administred rightly reuerently religiously and conueniently in the publike meetings of the faithfull Againe the needelesse and carelesse deferring of this worke hath a grieuous threatning annexed of assured punishment and iudgement as it is set down The vncircumcised male in whose flesh the foreskin is not circumcised euen that person snalbe cut off from his people because he hath broken my couenant Whereby we see that whosoeuer shal neglect circumcision not fuffer himself be circumcised or shal approue the negligence committed by his parents shall bee none of the peop'e of God but shall be shut out from the society and barred from the fellowship of the faithful both in this world and in the world to come vnlesse hee repent of this sin And that the neglect of Gods ordinance draweth his wrath appeareth in the example of Moyses The Lord met him and would haue killed him because his son was not
inhritances how carefull and circumspect men are to passe them where they ought to be passed and in such courts and vnder such officers as are authorised for such purpose that there may be no error committed in the conueiance For whatsoeuer is done and passed before him that hath not his patent to warrant his practise is held to be void and frustrate by maisters of that profession In like manner it standeth vs all vppon when a matter of an higher nature and of greater importance is in hand then the sealing and assuring of temporall possessions to looke carefully to the diligent performance of this speciall duty that the signing of our infants and sealing them in the couenant be made by the hands of such officers as are appointed by God for that purpose and by no other Thirdly this condemneth the abuse and prophanation of the Sactament of baptisme in the church of Rome where women midwiues and priuate persons without any commaundement of God nay contrary to his word take vpon them this part of the ministers office to baptize children which they haue receiued from the 〈◊〉 Marcion who gaue women power to baptize which Epiphanius teacheth the holy mother of Christ was not permitted to do Such then as vsurp this calling and approue thereof neuer knew the force of our adoption in Christ nor the strength of the couenant nor that the elect are saued by the good pleasure and will of God Therfore there is not that absolute necessity of baptisme to saluation which many suppose that for this supposed necessity the ordinance of God should be broken and prophaned And a man may maruell why at such times they did not rather commit the mater to priuate men to baptize then to woman whose sexe is surther remoued from execution of this office not onely because they be vncalled and priuate men but euen because they' are women and thereby are wholly vncapable though otherwise qualified of any publike charge or function in the church they are commaunded to sit stil and to be quiet Besides if in time of this extreamety and necessity which is imagened it be permitted them to minister baptisme why should it not be suffered in like necessity and danger of death that they minister the Lords Supper and preach the Gospell in case they be able and men vnable or vnwilling the dignity of the one Sacrament being no lesse then the other and the excellency of the word being as great as of them both If then women may iustly be condemned when they shal presume to sit down in the chaire of Moses or to minister the Supper of the Lord they cannot be iustified if they vsurp to minister baptisme For shall we make a shamefull and double diuorcement of those things that God hath coupled betweene the word and sacraments and likewise betweene the one Sacrament and the other This is to great contumely and contempt offered to baptisme to allow it in those that may neither publikely preach nor lawfully minister the Lords Supper seeing their warrant to practise the one is no greater then to do the other Wherefore let all priuate persous and midwiues consider with the mselues the fearefull examples recorded in the Scipture of such as haue rashly presumed to prophane the holy offices of the church and how God hath often visited this great sin with grieuous iudgments sometimes with fire from heauen sometimes the earth opening her mouth sometimes with suddaine death and sometimes with the most filthy disease of the Leprosie whereby as by his voice from heauen he thundered downe vpon mens disobedience and so ratifieth this law of the necessity of a vocation 〈◊〉 calling for euer Corah Dathan and Abiram taking vpon them the priest-hood without a calling fire from heauen came downe consuming Corah and his company the earth also opened and couered Dathan and Abiram that they were swallowed vp aliue none of them died the common visitation of other men but God wroght a strange worke vpon them and altered the course of nature which ought to be a parpetuall instruction and direction vnto vs to teach vs not to peruert or euert that order which God hath established to continue in his church Hitherto belongeth that which is writen of Vzzah who was smitten with suddaine and vnexpected death only for that beyond the bounds of his calling he put forth his hand to hold vp the Arke which did shake and was ready to fal which was lawfull for the Leuites onely to meddle withal although his intent and purpose wer neuer so good so that if the vnlawful intruders vpon baptisme pretend cases of necessity heere seemed as great a necessity yea his mind and meaning was as good as theirs yet it displeased god because it was done without his word and warrant So Azariah was striken with Leprosie that he was a Leaper to the day of his death for that not being content with his kingly office he would take vpon him the priests office to burn incense vnto the Lord. These worthy examples of gods most feuere iudgements executed vpon the breakers of this ordinance ought to strike such a fear into our harts that we suffer not the sacred functions and offices of the church to be prophaned and to teach vs that euery one meddle only with the approued duties of his own calling And although God do not now thus execute iudgement from heauen and work strange things in the earth in extraordinary manner when his ordinances are broken yet the sin is not therby lessened nor the punishmēt mitagated nor the hand of God shortned but stretched out still though iudgement according to desert be deferred my rather the greater wrath is reserued for his aduersaries to the great day of account when al flesh shal appear before the throne of his glorious presence For if the prophaners of the sign 〈◊〉 sacraments of the old testament did not escape but were thus sharpely and seuerely punished our sacraments established by the lord Iesus are not of lesse value 〈◊〉 worthines so that the contempt of thē shal be visited with sorer iudgments And if god did strike with his reuenging hand priuatemen when they sinned in a abusing the sacramentes and spared not kings in the pride of their hearts how should women standing a degree 〈◊〉 off and barred from the office by a stronger bolt enter into the house at a window and not be accounted as theeues and robbers So that we conclude that the necessity of a calling is as great as the necessity of baptisme And thus much of the first outward part of baptisme namely the minister Chap. 4. Of the second outward part of baptisme THe second outward part of baptisme is the word of institution which is as the forme of the Sacrament as Eph. 2 26. Christ loued the church and gaue himselfe for it that he might sanctifie it and clense it by the washing of water through the word
and receiued circumcision as the Apostles said to the Iailer humb'ed vnder the mighty hand of GOD and desiring to be instructed in the way of saluation Beleeue in the Lord IESVS CHRIST and thou shalt bee saued and thy whole houshold So the 〈◊〉 testifieth the like of Zacheus when hee had once receiued CHRIST into his house nay which is more into his heart then Iesus said vnto him This day is saluation come vnto this bouse for-asmuch as he is also become the sonne of Abraham Thus when the Sunne of rightcousnesse shineth vpon the head and maister of the family the beames thereof by a gratious influence beginne to comforr and concerue all the rest in the house like the precious oyntment vpon the head of Aaron that ranne downe vpon the beard and descended vpon the borders of his garmentes or like the dew that falleth from heauen vpon Hermon and the Mountaines of Sion which goeth downe into the vallies and maketh all the plaine countrey fertill The knowledge of this point offereth diuerse profitable vses to our consideration and consolation First it is the duty of all those that are within the couenant to giue their bodies to be washed and to receiue that washing in the face and presence of the Congregation Let such as are of yeares desire and craue this Sacrament let them claime this priuiledge let them demaund to be baptized according to the example of the Eunuch Act. 8 so soone as he was instructed in the faith of Christ by the preaching of Phillip as he came to a certaine water he saide of his owne accord See heere is water what doth let me to be baptized And to the same purpose Act. 22 Ananias stirreth vp Paule to this duty saying Why 〈◊〉 thou Arise and be baptised and wash away thy sinnes Secondly this condemneth the blinde ignorant and superstitious practise of baptizing belles practised in the church of Rome whereof now they begin to be ashamed and seeking fig-leaues to couer their shame they say they were not baptized but onely hallowed and consecrated to holy vses as Bellarmine betaketh himselfe to this shift as to a place of refuge Lib. 4 de pon Rom. cap. 12. Where the Cardinall confesseth that the people call their solemne blessing and sprinkling with holy-water the baptisme of belles And indeede what can it else be called and accounted They giue names vnto them as to their children they haue God-fathers appointed vnto them as children haue when they are baptized and confirmed they haue new garments put vpon them as the persons baptized among them like wise haue it is also permitted onely to the By shops suffragan who exacteth great summes of money for the baptizing of belles they ascribe to them a spiritual power against stormes and tempests against thunder and lightning against windes and euill spirits Lastly they sprinkle them with holy-water blesse them crosse them and so horribly corrupt this Sacrament of baptisme Yea Durand a principall schooleman not in the schooles of the prophets but of the papists a fit teacher of such schollers setteth out solemnly the praises of belles making them publike preachers and driuers away of deuils But the deuils are not feared and fraied away by fight of crosses by sprinkling of water by sound of belles and babies This kinde goeth not out but by fasting and prayer as our sauiour teacheth And the Apostle willeth euery Christian to take vnto him the whole armour of God that he may be able to resist in the euill day Stand therefore hauing your loynes grided about with verity and hauing on the brest plate of righteousnesse the shield of faith the sword of the spirit the preparation of the Gospell of peace and the grace of prayer in the spirit Heere is the vniuersall armour of God heere is the compleat furnishing of a Christian Souldier heer is perfect direction giuen to vnderstand and to withstand the assaultes of the deuill but among these wee haue neither the signe of the crosse nor the hallowing of belles nor the sound of such preachers and therefore they are no part nor parcel of spitituall armour to surnish vs to goe into the fielde against the enemies of our saluation For euill spirits which fightagainst the soule are not driuen away by hallowing of belles If then there were euer prophanation of Baptisme this may iustly bee iudged to bee one of the most vile and miserable corruptions thereof to bee detested of all true hearted Christians that grone vnder the burden of them Thirdly we may see the great loue of God to all beleeuers seeing he vouchsafeth not onely to bee their God but the God of their seede after them as God himselfe promiseth to Abraham Gen. 17. I will make my couenant betweene me and thee and thy seede after thee in their generations I will be their God walke before mee and be thou vpright And ought we not to walke in the vprightnesse of our heart before this mercifull and all sufficient God Who thus aboundesh in kindenesse toward vs and the fruite of our body Let vs returne vnto him loue for his loue who loued vs first Lastly this teacheth that infants are to be baptized and haue as great right and interest in this Sacrament as they which be in yeares able to make confession of their faith Of which we will intreate in the chapter following where we will proue this truth by testimonies of the scriptures and maintaine it against the Anabaptistes and other heretiks that condemne the same Chap. 7. That Infants are to be baptized ALthough it cannot appeare vnto vs that infantes and new borne babes brought to be baptized haue actuall faith but rather is like they want the habit of faith which haue not the vse of vnderstanding vnlesse God extraordinarily work it which lieth not in vs to iudge of yet wee baptize them and admit them to this sacrament which we doe vpon very good grounds and susficient reasons First therefore we wil proue by euident demonstration out of the scriptures the doctrin of childrēs baptisme to be conformable to the Iewes circumcisiō agreeable to the practise the Apostles allowable by the wordes of Christ answerable to the custome of the primitiue church reasonable in it selfe profitable to the infants auaileable by the ordinance of God and very comfortable to all christian parents Secondly we will maintaine this assertion against the obiections and arguments of the Anabaptists and other aduersaries that haue crossed and contradicted this truth Lastly we will shew what euident and necessary vses may be gathred from hence for the strength of faith and the increase of our obedience Touching the first that the baptising of infants is waranted by the word of God I will make it appeare by sundry reasons We see in the old testament that all males by expresse commaundement were willed to be circumcised the eight day If God made infants partakers of
vnworthinesse in receiuing the Supper Chap. 16. Of the knowledge of God the first part of examination AS we haue waighed the necessity of preparing and examining our selues so let vs consider the manner how it is to be performed Such as will in an holy manner prepare themselues to celebrate the Lords Supper to the glory of God and comfort of their owne soules must diligently acquaint themselues with these 4. pointes with knowledge faith repentance and reconciliation to those whom they haue offended It is required of all persons that come to this Sacrament to know the grounds of religion and vnderstande the doctrine of the sacramentes Secondly to beleeue in christ and to looke for saluation in him alone inasmuch as there is no other name vnder heauen by which we must be saued So then we must come with faith which is the hand to apprehend christ Thirdly to abhorre and detest our sins to hate them with an vnfained hatred as our deadly and most dangerous enemies and to haue godly sorrow for them which may cause repentance not to be repented off Lastly to loue our bretheren truely and sincerly yea euen our enemies If we find not these things in our selues we must carefully vse al holy meanes appointed for this purpose to begin them in vs otherwise our estate will proue to be fearefull and dangerous We must with al sincerity conscience and zcale vse prayer the word read and preached conference meditation and such like helpes as may further them in vs. If we do find them in vs though feeble and in great want and weakenesse we are not to abstaine from the sacrment but to come thereunto to seeke strength of faith encrease of obedience Wherfore our sauiour calleth such vnto him come to me all ye that are weary and sore laden and I will ease you take my yoke on you and ye shall find rest vpon your soules for my yoake is easie and my burden is light And Chap 12. A brused reede shall he not breake and smoking flaxe shall he not quench till he bring forth iudgment vnto victory Touching the first we are to obserue that such as wil come aright to the lords Supper must haue the knowledge of Gods word which is the foundation and ground-work of faith We must know what to beleeue and must learne the doctrine of saluation out of the Scripture Our Sauiour Christ in that heauenly prayer which he made a little before his passion vseth these words to his father This is eternall life to know thee to be the onely very God and whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ. We must know how miserable all men are of themselues that we are seperated from God the children of wrath by nature as wel as others and the very firebrands of hel They that want this knoledge cannot iudge aright of the partes and vses of this Sacrament nor desire this heavenly meate which nourisheth to eternall life So then knowledge must necessarily go before faith for it is the nature of faith to beleeue that which it knoweth and therefore where there is small knowledge there is a little faith and where there is no knowledg ther can be no faith according to the doctrine of the Apostle Roman 10. Faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the word of God The knowledge required of vs when we approach to this Sacrament standeth in these two pointes first in the knowledge of God Secondly in the knowledge of our selues In these two braunches standeth the first part of examinarion And these two pointes are so neerely ioyned and knit together that no man can throroughly know God vnlesse he know himselfe and no man can haue the perfect knowledge of himselfe except he know God in whom he liueth moueth and hath his being Vnder these two heads many particular points are containd necessary to be known of those that offer themselues to bee partakers of this sacrament First that there is onely one God that hath made himselfe knowne in three persons the Father the sonne and the Holy-ghost Secondly that God made man and all other creatures good and gouerneth all thinges well Thirdly man did fall through the entisement of the Deuill and his own wilful disobedience in breaking the commandements of God Fourthly there are ten commaundements diuided into two tables where of the foure first commaundements concern our duties to God the sixe last our dutyes toward our neighbour Fiftly we cannot keepe these commandements nor any one of them but we breake them daily in motion in thought in worde and in deede the breache where of deserueth the cursse of God that is all miseries in this life death in the ende of this life and Hell fire after this life Sixtly there is no meanes or remedy in ourselues or in any creature but onely in Iesus Christ the eternal son of god who is god man God that he might ouercom death and man that he might die for our sins He hath pacified gods wrath fulfild the righteousnes of that law sanctified our nature adopted vs to be the children of god and maketh our duties though weake acceptable to his father Seuenthly all haue not deliuerance by him but onely such as beleue in Christ whose obedience and righteousnes is made ours by a liuely faith whereby we are perswaded that through him our sinnes are forgiuen and wee made the children of God Eightly faith is a gifte of God applying Christ and al his merits particularly to our selues and teaching that he is a Sauiour vnto vs. Ninthly beeing saued by christ thrugh faith we may not liue as we list this vnspeakeable mercy teacheth vs to deny all vngodlinesse and all worldly and sinfulllusts to to liue soberly righteously and godly in this present euill world and to walk in newnes of life because no vnrighteous person shal enter into the kingdome of heauen Tenthly this faith which bringeth forth a reformed life is wrought in our heartes by the Holy-ghoaste through the preaching of the word being truely expounded and profitably applyed with doctrin confutation exhortation correction reformation and consolation and it is encreased besides by reading praying and receiuing of the sacraments Eleuenthly touching prayer we haue a perfect platforme left vs by Christ in the Gospell which containeth sixe petitions the three firste concerning the glorie of God and the three last concerning the necessities of our owne bodies and soules 12. the sacraments are another help to strengthen and increase faith which are outward signes and seales ordained of God to assure vs that Christ all his sauing graces are giuen vnto vs. These are two in number Baptisme the Sacrament of our regeneration and new birth assureth vs by the washing of water that our sins are for giuen by the blood of Christ and wee borne a new to god The Lords supper assureth vs that by bread and wine giuen and receiued according to gods ordinance