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A68942 The seconde tome or volume of the Paraphrase of Erasmus vpon the Newe Testament conteynyng the epistles of S. Paul, and other the Apostles : wherunto is added a paraphrase vpon the reuelacion of S. John.; Paraphrases in Novum Testamentum. Vol. 2. English. 1549 Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536.; Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568.; Old, John, fl. 1545-1555.; Allen, Edmund, 1519?-1559. 1549 (1549) STC 2854.7; ESTC S107068 904,930 765

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of one body should among your selfes be of one mynde The texte And see that ye be thankeful Let the worde of Christ dwel in you plenteously with al wisedome Teache and exhorte your owne selues in Psalmes and Hymnes and spiritual songes syngyng with grace in your heartes to the lorde Be not vnthankeful and forgetful of Goddes great goodnes toward you With him should we not now haue been at peace had he not freely forgeuen vs all our sinnes and doeth one brother forgettyng this make battel againe his brother for a lytle displeasure Striue not among your selfe for preeminence in worldly wysedome Let the worde of Christ whiche teacheth thinges belongyng to perfite godlynes dwel and continue in you plētifully that in him ye sauer growe wise so that not only your selfe knowe what is to Christ acceptable but be also able one to teache an other if any be out of the way and to geue an other warnyng if he in his dutie be slacke in y● meane season at all tyme mery and ioyful in hope of the bl●sse to come geuyng praise to God in Psalmes in Hymnes and in spiritual songes praisyng God not with our mouth onely but also more speacially with our heart For suche are the songes with whō God is delited lest any thinke it a great praise to God onely with his mouth to make a noyse The texte And whatsoeuer ye do in worde or dede do all in the name of the lord Iesu geuyng thankes to God the father by him Fynally whatsoeuer ye do either in worde or dede do it so that it make to the glory of our lorde Iesus so that all your life and conuersacion sauer expresse and resemble him Whyles ye are this wyse doyng if any thing befal you whether it be prosperouse or other wyse be not ther with either proude or dismayed but for all geue thankes to God the father through his sonne by whom he turneth all suche chaunces to oure weale and auauntage The texte Ye wyues submitte your selues to your owne husbandes as it is comly in the lorde Ye husbandes loue your wyues and be not bitter vnto them Ye children obey your fathers and mothers in all thinges for that is well pleasyng vnto the lorde Ye wyues submitte your selues obediently vnto your husbandes so besemeth it suche as haue taken vpō them Christes name for whom it is mete in all goodnes to go beyond other Ye husbandes againe loue your wyues whom ye must remembre in suche condicion to be subiecte vnto you that yet to them ye should not be sharpe and bitter Ye children be in all thinges obedient to your fathers and mothers though they commaunde you paineful busines so that the same be not vngodly For it is Christes wyll and pleasure that ye should so do The texte Ye fathers prouoke not your children to a●get lest they be of a desperate mynde Ye seruauntes be obedient vnto them that are your bodily maisters in all thinges not with iye seruice as men pleasers but in singlenes of heart fearyng God And whatsoeuer ye do do it heartely as though ye did it to the lorde and not vnto men knowyng that of the lorde ye shal receiue the rewarde of inheritaūce for ye serue the lord Christ Againe ye fathers abuse not your authoritie vpon your children nor prouoke them so with cruelnes that they dispayre Ye seruauntes in all pointes obeye y our maisters whom by the lawe of man ye are bounde to serue not onely because they see and loke vpon you and for feare as the comen sorte of heathen seruauntes are wonte to do thinkyng that they haue done theyr dueties if they offende not theyr master veyng but a mā but also with a simple and an vnfamed heart doyng your duetie not only for feare of man but also for feare of God who seeth with what mynde ye do whatsoeuer ye do Nor consider in your seruice what your master beyng but a man deserueth but what seruice soeuer ye do vnto him what kynde of one soeuer he be coumpte it as done to Christ and not to men assuryng your selfe that of him ye shall receiue the rewarde of heauenly inheritaunce though your vnkynde maister geue you nothyng for your labor nor accoumpte you among his children For whiles ye for Christes sake do seruice to vnmete maisters ye serue Christ The texte But he that doeth synne shal receiue for his sinne Neither is there any respecte of persons with God For as the maister yf he against his seruaūt any thing offende though he among men be not punyshed he shall not yet before god escape punishment so the seruaunt that well doth his duetie albeit he haue no rewarde of men whiche with themselues thynke that they to theyr seruauntes are nothyng bound when they haue done theyr dueties yet shal they not loose theyr rewarde at gods hand who putteth no differēce betwixte persōs but betwixt myndes nor cōsidereth a mannes condicion but how wel he doth ▪ The .iiii. Chapiter The texte Maisters do vnto your seruauntes that whiche is iuste and equall knowyng that ye also haue a maister in heauen AGayne ye that are maisters abuse not the authoritie gyuen you by mennes lawes not for any perfeccion of nature to exercise tyranny vpō your seruauntes but gyue them that is iust and lawfull departyng with them sufficiently in suche thynges as are for naturall vses necessarye make not for your pleasure to muche of some intollerablye oppressing other assuring your selues that ye are rather with them felowes in seruice thā maisters for asmuche as ye haue with them one commen maister in heauen at whose hāde ye shal fīde like fauer as your selues haue shewed to your seruātes The texte Cōtinue in prayer watche in the same with thākes giuing praying also for vs that god maye open vnto vs the doore of vtteraunce that we maye speake the misterie of Christe wherfore I am also in these bōdes that I maye vtter it as it becommeth me to speke And because I would ye should be more worthie mēbres of Christes body continue in prayer not as dull heauy people by reason of any surfettyng but as sober wakefull in the same also geuyng god thankes so that ye not only desyer of god thinges to saluaciō profitable but also gyue him thankes for his dayly giftes to the intēt that whē he seeth you both thākfull mindefull he maye be towarde you more beneficiall In the meane tyme ye shal also deiyre god for vs that it maye please his goodnes in suche sorte to take awaye al impedimentes that his gospel maye freely be preached that he through faith openyng mennes heartes the misterie maye enter into al mennes mindes which beyng hitherto hidden the father would now haue knowen vnto all as touchyng Christe through whom without helpe of the law he offereth vnto al people saluacion for preaching wherof I lye in these bondes so that nothing lette me among al men to publish sprede abrode
vs all our sinnes and doeth one brother forgettyng this make battel againe his brother for a lytle displeasure Striue not among your selfe for preeminence in worldly wysedome Let the worde of Christ whiche teacheth thinges belongyng to perfite godlynes dwel and continue in you plētifully that in him ye sauer growe wise so that not only your selfe knowe what is to Christ acceptable but be also able one to teache an other if any be out of the way and to geue an other warnyng if he in his dutie be slacke in y● meane season at all tyme mery and ioyful in hope of the blisse to come geuyng praise to God in Psalmes in Hymnes and in spiritual songes praisyng God not with our mouth onely but also more speacially with our heart For suche are the songes with whō God is delited lest any thinke it a great praise to God onely with his mouth to make a noyse The texte And whatsoeuer ye do in worde or dede do all in the name of the lord Iesu geuyng thankes to God the father by him Fynally whatsoeuer ye do either in worde or dede do it so that it make to the glory of our lorde Iesus so that all your life and conuersacion sauer expresse and resemble him Whyles ye are this wyse doyng if any thing befal you whether it be prospetouse or other wyse be not therwith either proude or dismayed but for all geue thankes to God the father through his sonne by whom he turneth all suche chaunces to oure weale and auauntage The texte Ye wyues submitte your selues to your owne husbandes as it is comly in the lorde Ye husbandes loue your wyues and be not bitter vnto them Ye children obey your fathers and mothers in all thinges for that is well pleasyng vnto the lorde Ye wyues submitte your selues obediently vnto your husbandes so besemeth it suche as haue taken vpō them Christes name for whom it is mete in all goodnes to go beyond other Ye husbandes againe loue your wyues whom ye must remembre in suche condicion to be subiecte vnto you that yet to them ye should not be sharpe and bitter Ye children be in all thinges obedient to your fathers and mothers though they commaunde you paineful busines so that the same be not vngodly For it is Christes wyll and pleasure that ye should so do The texte Ye fathers prouoke not your children to anger lest they be of a desperate mynde Ye seruauntes be obedient vnto them that are your bodily maisters in all thinges not with lye seruice as men pleasers but in singlenes of heart fearyng God And whatsoeuer ye do do it heartely as though ye did it to the lorde and not vnto men knowyng that of the lorde ye shal receiue the rewarde of inheritaūce for ye serue the lord Christ Againe ye fathers abuse not your authoritie vpon your children nor prouoke them so with cruelnes that they dispayre Ye seruauntes in all pointes obeye your maisters whom by the lawe o● man ye are bounde to serue not onely because they see and loke vpon you and for feare as the comen ●orte of heathen seruauntes are wonte to do thinkyng that they haue done theyr dueties if they offende not theyr master beyng but a mā but also with a simple and an vnfained heart doyng your duetie not only for feare of man but also for feare of God who seeth with what mynde ye do whatsoeuer ye do Nor consider in your seruice what your master beyng but a man deserueth but what seruice soeuer ye do vnto him what kynde of one soeuer he be coumpte it as done to Christ and not to men assuryng your selfe that of him ye shall receiue the rewarde of heauenly inheritaunce though your vnkynde maister geue you nothyng for your labor nor accoumpte you among his children For whiles ye for Christes sake do seruice to vnmete maisters ye serue Christ The texte But he that doeth synne shal receiue for his sinne Neither is there any respecte of persons with God For as the maister yf he against his seruaūt any thing offende though he among men be not punyshed he shall not yet before god escape punishment so the seruaunt that well doth his duetie albeit he haue no rewarde of men whiche with themselues thynke that they to theyr seruauntes are nothyng bound when they haue done theyr dueties yet shal they not loose theyr rewarde at gods hand who putteth no differēce betwixte persōs but betwixt myndes nor cōsidereth a mannes condicion but how wel he doth ▪ The .iiii. Chapiter The texte Maisters do vnto your seruauntes that whiche is iuste and equall knowyng that ye also haue a maister in heauen AGayne ye that are maisters abuse not the authoritie gyuen you by mennes lawes not for any perfeccion of nature to exercise tyranny vpō your seruauntes but gyue them that is iust and lawfull departyng with them sufficiently in suche thynges as are for naturall vses necessarye make not for your pleasure to muche of some intollerablye oppressing other assuring your selues that ye are rather with them felowes in seruice thā maisters for asmuche as ye haue with them one commen maister in heauen at whose hāde ye shal fīde like fauer as your selues haue shewed to your seruātes The texte Cōtinue in prayer watche in the same with thākes giuing praying also for vs that god maye open vnto vs the doore of vtteraunce that we maye speake the misterie of Christe wherfore I am also in these bōdes that I maye vtter it as it becommeth me to speke And because I would ye should be more worthie mēbres of Christes body continue in prayer not as dull heauy people by reason of any surfettyng but as sober wakefull in the same also geuyng god thankes so y● ye not only desyer of god thinges to saluaciō profitable but also gyue him thankes for his dayly giftes to the intēt that whē he seeth you both thākfull mindefull he maye be towarde you more beneficiall In the meane tyme ye shal also desyre god for vs that it maye please his goodnes in suche sorte to take awaye al impedimentes that his gospel maye freely be preached y● he through faith openyng mennes heartes the misterie maye enter into al mennes mindes which beyng hitherto hidden y● father would now haueknowen vnto all as touchyng Christe through whom without helpe of the law he offereth vnto al people saluacion for preaching wherof I lye in these bondes so that nothing lette me among al men to publish sprede abrode y● gospel of Christ which am desirouse so to do freely wtout feare euē as he cōmaūded me The texte Walke wysely towarde them that are without and lose no oportunitie Vse your selues soberly discretly with suche as are to Christes religiō straungers so that in your maners nothing appeare y● maye either moue them to persecute you or withdrawe theyr myndes fauer from the gospel For synce it can not be auoyded but that ye must nedes
worke faith in thyne herte for else shalt thou remaine euermore faithlesse fayne thou ymagin thou enforce thou wrastle with thy selfe and do what thou wilt or canst Righteousnes is euen suche fayth and is called Goddes righteousnes or righteousnes that is of valoure before God For it is Goddes gyfte and it altereth a man and chaungeth him to a newe spirituall nature and maketh him fre and liberall to paye euery manne his duetie For thorow faith is a manne purged of his sinnes and obteineth luste vnto the lawe of God wherby he geueth God his honour and paieth him that he oweth him and vnto men he doeth seruice willingly wherwith soeuer he can and payeth euery man his dutie Such righteousnes can nature fre will and our owne strength neuer bring to passe For as no mā can geue him selfe fayth so can he not take away vnbelefe howe then can he take awaye any thyng at all Wherfore all is false ypocrisy syn what soeuer is done without faith or in vnbelefe as it is euident in the xiii● Chap. vnto y● Romains though it appere neuer so glorious or beautifull outwardes Flesh spirite mayst thou not here vnderstand as though flesh were only that which pertaineth vnto vnchastitie the spirite that whiche inwardly pertaineth to the hearte but Paul calleth flesh here as Christ doth Iohn .iii. Al that is borne of flesh the is to were the whole man with life soule body witte wil reason whatsoeuer he is or doth within without because that these al and all that is in man study after the worlde and the fleshe Call fleshe therfore whatsoeuer as longe as we are without the spirite of God we thinke or speake of God of fayth of good workes and of spirituall matters Call fleshe also all workes whiche are done withoute grace and without the workynge of the spirite howsoeuer good holy and spirituall they seme to bee as thou mayest proue by the .v. Chap. vnto the Galathians wher Paul numbreth worshipping of ydols witchecrafte enuy and hate amonge the dedes of the fleshe and by the .viii. vnto the Romaynes where he sayeth that the lawe by the reason of the fleshe is weake Whiche is not vnderstande of vnchastitie onely but of all sinnes and moste specially of vnbelefe whiche is a vice moste spirituall and ground of all sinnes And as thou callest him which is not renewed with the spirite and borne againe in Christ flesh and all his dedes euen the very mocions of his heart and minde his learning doctrine contemplacion of hie thinges his preachinge teaching and study in the scripture bildinge of churches foundinge of abbeys geuyng of almes masse mattence whatsoeuer he doth though it seme spirituall after the lawes of God So contrary wyse call him spirituall which is renewed in Christ and al his dedes which springe of faith seme they neuer so grosse as the washynge of the disciples fete done by Christ and Peters fishing after the resurreccion yea and all the dedes of matrimony are pure spirituall yf they proceade of fayth and whatsoeuer is done with ī the lawes of God though it be wrought by the body as the very wiping of shoes such lyke how soeuer grosse they appeare outward Without suche vnderstandyng of these wordes canste thou neuer vnderstande this epistell of Paul nether any other place in the holy scripture Take hede therfore for whosoeuer vnderstandeth these wordes otherwise the same vnderstandeth not Paul whatsoeuer he bee Nowe will we prepare oure selues vnto the epistle For as muche as it becometh the preacher of Christes glad tydynges fyrst thorowe openinge of the lawe to rebuke all thinges and to proue all thinges synne that procede not of the spirite and of fayth in Christ and to proue all men sinners and children of wrath by inheritaunce and how that to synne is theyr nature and that by nature they cannot otherwise do then to synne and therwith to abate the pryde of man and to brynge hym vnto the knowledge of him selfe and of his miserye and wretchednes that he might desyre helpe Euen so doeth saynct Paul and beginneth in the fyrst Chapter to rebuke vnbelefe and grosse synnes whiche all men se as ydolatrye and as the grosse synnes of the hethen were and as the synnes nowe are of all them whiche liue in ignorance without fayth and without the fauoure of God and sayeth The wrathe of God of heauen appereth thorow the Gospell vpon all men for their vngodlynes and vnholye liuynge For though it be knowen and dayly vnderstande by the creatures that there is but one God yet is nature of her selfe without the spirite grace so corrupt so poisoned that men nether can thanke him nether worshippe him nether geue him his due honour but blinde them selues fall without ceasing into worse case euen vntyll they come vnto worshyppyng of ymages and workyng of shamefull synnes which are abominable and agaynst nature and moreouer suffre the same vnrebuked in other hauing delectacion and pleasure therin In the .ii. Chapter he proceadeth further and rebuketh all those holye people also whiche without luste and loue to the lawe lyue well outwardly in the face of the worlde and condemne other gladly as the nature of al ypocrites is to thinke them selues pure in respecte of open sinners and yet hate the lawe inwardly and are full of couetousnes and enuye and of all vnclennes Mat .xxiij. These are they whiche despise the goodnes of God and according to the hardenes of theyr heartes heape together for them selues the wrathe of God Furthermore saynct Paul as a true expounder of the lawe suffreth no man to be without sinne but declareth that al they are vnder synne whiche of fre wil and of nature will liue well and suffreth them not ●o be better then the open synners yea he calleth them harde herted and suche as cannot repente In the .iii. Chapter he mingleth both together both the Iewes and the gentiles and sayth that the one is as the other both sinners no difference betwene them saue in this onelye that the Iewes had the worde of God committed vnto them And though many of them beleued not theron yet is goddes trueth and promise thereby nether hurte nor minished and he taketh in hys waye and allegeth the sayinge of the L. Psal that God myght abyde true in hys woordes and ouercome when he is iudged After that he returneth to hys purpose agayne and proueth by the scripture that all men without difference or excepcion are synners and that by the workes of the lawe no man is iustified but that the lawe was geuen to vtter and to declare synne onely Then he beginneth and sheweth the righte waye vnto rightewesnes by what meanes men must be made righteous and safe and sayeth They are all synners and without prayse before God and muste without their own deseruinges be made righteous thorow faith in Christ whiche hathe deserued suche ryghteousnes for vs and is become vnto
those that are wydowes not in tytle but very widowes in dede that is to saye those that beyng lefte comfortles without husbande and children lyue after suche sorte as they maye for their desertes worthylye be refresshed of the congregacions helpe the relyefe wherof ought to be bestowed not to mayntene delycatenes but to refreshe myserable necessities But in case any be so lefte wtout an husbande that she hathe children or childrens children there is no cause why she shoulde as thoughe she were succourles runne to be founde of the congregacion Inasmuche as she hathe them at home to fynde her a lyuinge as well as she had an husbande and suche as she oweth duetie vnto Let her not therefore dedycate her selfe to serue the congregacion before that she haue shewed a speciall token of godlynesse towardes her owne famylye For it muste nedes be out of ordre that the duetie of godlynes in the pretense of the congregacion shoulde refuse to doe the bounden duetie of nature For nature commaundeth vs to requite mutual good turues to our parentes being now destitute and decayed for age seyng we had oure begynnynge of lyfe of them And in case deathe haue taken them awaye from vs it shal be conuenient for vs to transpose that duetie vpon our children and childrens children and them it is our duetie to enforme after suche forte as they maye learne also with their duetie againe to releue suche as dyd them good This thing not onely the sense of nature doeth allowe but also it is so great and acceptable before the sight of god that those wydowes are double synners that are not onely rebelles vnto God but also are deafe whan they shoulde heare the commune iudgement of nature with the whiche euen those that haue no knowledge of God are moued But a man wyll saye who is a true wydowe thā● yf this wydowe be not Doubtles she that beyng destitutely lefte without comforte of husbande ▪ of children of childrens children of all the worldes solac● both● reposed all her whole hope in god and now loketh no more to be maryed ▪ ●e hunteth after any voluptuous pleasures but hathe dedycated her selfe wholy to god after the example of the wydowe Anna geuyng her selfe to prayers night and daye She it is that is worthye to be comforted and refreshed of the congregacion whiche hathe nowe nothinge a doe with the worlde For a wydowe that so absteyneth from beyng maried againe that she maye more frelye ●a●●pre her selfe in deliciousnes liueth not in dede For she lyueth so to voluptuousnes that she is deade vnto Christe vnto whome none lyueth onles he lyueth a godlye lyfe Se thou commaunde them thetforc that ●f they loue wydowheade they doe so behaue them selues in it so as they geue none occasion vnto any man to suspecte euyl as thoughe they be lothe to marye againe not for loue of chastitie but to lyne more at lybertye beyng free from the subiectiō of a husbande and to take their ease at their owne pleasure But vpon what purpose euery wydowe choseth to contynue in her wydowhead or after what sorte she ledeth her life at home leaue that to the iudgemente of her owne conscience To be briefe yf any woman in pretence of wydowhead runne to the congregacion in suche wyse that she geueth ouer the care of her children or childrens children or suche as otherwyse belong vnto her famylie her I thynke all together not onely vnworthye the bysshoppes fauour but also I iudge her rather to be accompted among those that denyed y● faythe of the gospell and be worse than y● Ethnikes by so muche as it is more haynous to forsake the profession that a man hathe taken vpō him than not to haue professed it Hathe not she denyed the faythe that abuseth the pretense of the faithe to doe the thinges that are repugnaunt to the doctrine of the gospell Truelye in her dedes she openlye denyeth it And in this behalfe she is doubtles to be accompted among y● heathen women that they where as they be straungiers from Christ doe by the onely gouernaūce of nature beare the charge of their families And this maner of wydowe that was bounden accordynge to the charitie of the gospel to be good to euery bodie to the vttermost of her power withdraweth her bounden duetie euen from them of her owne householde and is not allured by the godlynes of the gospell to doe y● thing that the prophane vngodly women doe throughe the affection of nature What soeuer sedes of vertue nature hath engraffed the gospelles doctrine taketh them not awaye but setteth them forewarde and maketh them perfite The texte ¶ Let no wyddowe be chosen vnder threscore yer● olde and suche a one as was y● wyfe of one man and well reported of in good workes yf she haue brought vp children yf she haue lodged stranngers yf she haue wasshed the sainctes fete yf she haue ministred vnto them which were in aduersytie yf she haue bene cōtinually geuē vnto al maner of good workes The yonger wydowes refuse For whan they haue beg●n to wexe wanton against Christ they wyl mary ▪ hauyng dāpnacion because they haue cast away their first faithe And also they learne to goe from house to house ydle yet not ydle onely but also triflyuge besybodyes speakynge thinges whiche are not comly I wyll therfore that the yonger wemen mary to beare children to gyde the house and geue none occasion to the aduersarye to speake euyll For many of them are alreadye turned backe and are gone after Satan And yf any man or woman that beleueth haue wyddowes let them ministre vnto thē and let not the congregacion be charged that there maye be sufficient for them that are wyddowes in dede This is a thinge that vtterly besemeth the gentylnes of the Christian relygion to chearyshe and louynglye to susteyne those women that are comfortlesly lefte destitute howbeit I would not that should be done rashely and without aduysement lest there en●●●e a double incommoditie aswell in that the congregacion is durthened aboue their habilitie ▪ and the entreteynement bestowed vpon them that are not worthye To be bryefe in chosyng of wydowes two thinges are chiefely to be respected the age and the former spent lyfe lest whan they be ones entreteyned into the fyndynge of the congregacion they returne afterwarde againe vnto mariage with a great deale of shame And as for the age it is an easye mattier to decerne it Let none therefore be chosen to be a wydo●● vnder three score yeares olde Forasmuche as that age ought not in the cle●gye to be suspecte of incontinene●● and sheweth good hope that they wyll not laste to be maried againe Neuertheles that age is not all together throughlye to be trusted onles it be approued by former conuersacion of lyfe before So that is to be marked whether she haue bene co●ent with one husbande For some euen in their olde age are not all together boyde of incontinencie
he hath not onely not punished vs according to our desertes but also whan we were dead by reason of our sinnes he hath called vs agayne to lyfe together with Christ This I say was not of our deseruing but came of free gyft And he hath not only called vs agayne to lyfe with hys sonne but also he hath caryed vs vp frō these thinges that are benethe vnto the thinges that are in heauē there hath placed vs through Christ Iesꝰ by whō we haue indifferētly together whatsoeuer he our head hath do possesse now in hope all that we shal shortly after possesse in very dede Thus it was his wil that at the resurreccion whan his promisses shal euidently appeare he may declare his most aboūdant liberalitie which it pleased hi of his free goodnes to powre vpō vs not for our own good dedes sakes but for the merites of Iesꝰ Christ For the thing is often to be rehearsed that ought to be fixed moste depely in your hartes It cūmeth of fre grace I say that you haue obteined saluacion from the destrucciō wherin ye were tangled lest ye should folow the error of some of the Iewes which thinke to be saued for obseruing the prescriptes of Moses law You are endebted for your saluacion to fayth wherby ye beleued the gospell yet you may not brag of faith as though it come of your selfe Christ loued you first hauing drawen you to himselfe he hath geuen you power that you should loue hym agayne And he it is that hath freely powred into you the gift of fayth by the whiche you should set darkenes apart and see the lyghte of the Ghospels veritie It is wholy therfore to be ascribed vnto his fre gift so that no man hath thereof to boast as though it were of his owne In that we are created we are endebted to God Agayne in that we are regenerate by faythe and baptisme and as it were made a newe after an other maner we are diuorced from the felowshyp of our parent the sinfull Adam and engraffed in Christ the prince of innocēcie to the intent that by the helpe and exaumple of him we should from hensforth apply the offices of true godlinesse that renouncing the olde man we shoulde represent the new man in new dedes and become so ferre vnlike to oureselues in condicions that a man might iustly say it were not we For God by the doctrine of the ghospell hath opened vnto vs the rewarde of Immortalitie to the intent we should preace hard vnto it through innocencie of lyfe and well doing For the euangelical faith is not an idle mattier but hath an inseparable companion charitie whiche causeth moe dueties to be done of the willyng than the prescriptes of the lawe are hable to enforce of the constrayned The texte Wherfore remembre that ye being in tyme passed Gentiles in the flesh were called vncircumcisyon from that whiche is called circumcisyon in the flesh whiche circumcisyon is made by handes Reme●ber I saye that at that tyme ye were without Christ beyng aliantes from the commen welth of Israell and straungers from the testamentes of the promes and had no hope and were without God in this world But now by the meanes of Christ Iesu ye which somtime were farre of are made nye by the bloude of Christ For he is our peace whiche hath made of both one and hath broken downe the wal that was a stoppe betwene vs and hath also put away throw his fleshe the cause of hatred euen the lawe of commaundementes contayned in y● lawe written for to make of twayne one newe man in him selfe so making peace and to reconcyle both vnto God in one body thorow the crosse and slewe hatred therby and came and preached peace to you whiche were a farre of and to them that were nye For thorow hym we both haue an entraunce in one sprite vnto the father The yoke of Moses law is not layed vpon you For one onely law of Christian Charitie is sufficient to accomplishe all dueties The Iewes are not endebted to theyr lawe for theyr saluacion but yet you are so much more bounden to the goodnesse of god as you were more far of than they from the true wurshipping of god from true religiō Therfore y● ye may the more vnderstāde how muche you are bounden to the bountie of God for being nowe as ye are your duetie is to remember what ye haue bene afore tyme. For you were sumtyme Heathens after the corporall distinccion of kynred whome the nacyon of the Iewes bragging of their carnal circumcision that is done with handes name contumeliously vncircumcised and repute them for prophane persons and abhominable supposing this felicitie that was promised lōg agoe by the oracles of the prophetes to belong peculiarely to themselues and not vnderstandyng that they be reputed as vncleane persones before God whose inward myndes are vncircumcised But you at that time were vncircumcised both in body and soule being so muche more abiect in miserable condicion than the Iewes in that ye had no hope of Christes benefite to youwarde that is to saye because you were vtterly astraunged aswell from the tytle and felowshyp of the nacion of Iewes vnto whome he semed to be peculiarly promised as also exileled from the couenauntes of God wherin he promised in saying to Abraham the father of that nacion In thy seede shall all nacyons bee blessed And to bee briefe there remayned no apparente hope of your saluacion in afmuche as being wurshippers of deuils ye had no knowledge in thys worlde of the true God where as the Iewes called him theyr God and he agayn called them hys people Neuerthelesse as soone as the trueth of the Ghospell shewed furth his lyght Christe turned the course of thynges vpsyde downe and brough●e so to passe that you whiche seemed nothyng to perteyne vnto God were no we knyt moste nere vnto him not by the circumcision of the foreskinne but by the bloud of Iesu Christ with the price wherof ye were not only deliuered from the sinnes of your olde conuersacion but also reconcyled vnto God the father In tymes paste you were at discorde with the Iewes yea you were at discorde with God but Christ the Autour of peace and concorde stroke away al the difference of circumcised and not circumcised he toke away the ceremonies of Moses law as it had bene a wall that deuyded the concord betwene the Iewes and the Gentiles so that two sortes of people beeyng afore most ferre different one from the other should agree and growe together in one vtterly expelling theyr olde grieues For before Christes cummyng the gentiles did wonderfully adhorre the Iewes obseruaunces as supersticious thinges and the Iewes contrariewise were in such conceipt with themselues by reason of their ceremonies that they held al such accursed as were without them Christ therfore by his woonderful deuise abolished and brought out of vse
it good to doe that by my moste faythfull companion that I coulde not doe by my selfe and to put him in stede of my selfe Therfore we taried still alone at Athenes and from thence sente Tymothe our brother a tryed minister of God and an helpefelowe of our office which we haue to doe in the gospell of Christ because we had leauer wante the comforte of that so deare a singular and so necessarie a companion for the tyme than to geue occasion that you should thinke we had vtterly geuen ouer lokyng to your state of thinges And verily we haue sente hym not for any cause of our owne but chiefly for your sakes that he myght establishe and comforte your consciences and to shewe you that for all these paynfull affliccions wherewith I am tossed hereawaye and therawaye myne harte is nothing discouraged but the glorye of the gospell is a great deale better auaunced leste any of you shoulde be dismayed by reason of myne affliccions whiche you heare tell of For you must not thinke it any neweltie though these thinges happen to the preachers of the gospell in asmuche as you knewe a good while a goe that I was chosen of god to this same ende that through suffring of affliccions of my body I myght auaunce the name of Christ and so in this behalfe to be like my Lord and maister For euen than whan we were present with you we tolde you the same before that we should suffre affliccion for the gospelles sake And as I tolde you before it should be so you see it now happened like as also you haue knowen it happen before As for me there was nothing hapened vnto me vnloked for nor any thig that I tolde not you of afore so as you haue the lesse cause to be discouraged Wherfore considering that for the great care I take for you euen whan all thing is at the surest I coulde not be quiet but long after you still I sent Tymothe as I sayed afore for this purpose that by hym as well in a maner as I were present there my selfe I might knowe the stedfastnesse of your fayth and might trye yf he that kepeth continuall watche to subuerte them that be good had tempted any of the weaker sorte of you and so in them my labour had been loste The texte But nowe lately when Timothe came from you vnto vs and declared to vs your fayth and loue and how that ye haue good remembraunce of vs alwaye desi●yng to see vs as we also desyre to see you Therfore brethren we receiued consolacid by you in al our aduersitie and necessitie through your fayth For nowe are we alyue yf ye stande sted fast in the Lord. For what thankes can we recompence to God againe for you ouer al that ioy that we ioy for your sakes before our God praying nyght and daye exceadyngly that we might see you presently and might fulfyll the thynges which are lackyng vnto your fayth God hymselfe our father and our Lord Iesus Christ shall gyde oure iourney vnto you the Lord also shall increace you and make you flowe ouer in loue one towarde another and towarde all men euen as we do toward you that he may make your heartes stable and vnblameable in holynes before God oure father at the commyng of our Lord Iesus Chryst with al sayn●tes But whan Tymothe of late returned from you to vs againe and brought vs mery tydinges shewing that you persiste aswell constauntly in your fayth without shrinking as also that your vnfeyned charitie is the same that it was and that our beeyng a sondre hathe not brought vs out of remembraunce with you but that you haue vs in mynde alwayes cōtinually and that you are euer desirous to see vs as we are to see you there is no necessitie nor any sorowe that I am pressed withall but I ●an heare it paciently sence I knewe that you abode constantely in your fayth whiche whan I was afrayed of I was nothing afrayed of my selfe For I thinke that I am altogether safe if your fayth continue safe Nowe we liue and thinke our selfes deliuered from al maner of daūgter in case you through the helpe of Christ Iesu persiste constantly in y● you haue begun It yrketh not me to suffre these euils so that the frutes be answerable in you for whose sakes I abyde them Whiche thyng for asmuche as I perceyue to be in dede so as the gospel groweth in acquayntaunce among the Gentiles dayly more and more what thankes worthy so great a benefite are we able to rēdre vnto God by whose goodnes so excellent ioy wherwith we reioyce withal our hartes for your foreward proceding chaunceth vnto vs euen among these sorowes our God bearyng recorde of the same vnto whose goodnesse you are bounde for that you continue stedfaste of whome oure duetie is in our prayers daye and nighte to desyre this thing in more ample wise that by his mercy we may at one tyme or other see you agayne For with personall presence some thing is doen that nother letters nor messenger how trustie so euer he be can be hable to accomplishe For this cause sake therfore I am desirous to see you to the entent if any gospellyke discipline be wanting I might supplie it and amende it Furthermore my prayer is that where I cānot so doe by meanes of wicked persones God himselfe our father and his sonne Iesus Christe our Lorde would vouchesafe to take awaye those lettes open me a free passage vnto you and also in the meane season so to encreace you with his gyftes that I may see you to my great comforte Which thyng shal be in case he make you aboundaunte and plenteouse in mutuall charitie among your selues and not among your selues only but also towardes all men like as we also haue a certayne excellencie of loue towardes all you beyng ready euen to suffre death for your saluacion and that he would so confirme your consciences that your vprightenesse cannot be blamed on any behalfe not only with menne but muche rather with God the father whom nothing escapeth in the cumming of our Lorde Iesus Christe at which time it shall openly appeare in the sight of all Sainctes not only what euery one hath doen but also with what conscience euery one hath done it ¶ The .iiii. Chapter The texte Furthermore we beseche you brethren and exhorte you by the Lord Iesus ▪ that ye increace more and more euen as ye haue receyued of vs how ye ought to walke and to please God For ye knowe what commaundementes we gaue you by our Lord Iesus Christ For this is the will of God euen your holynes that ye should abstaine from fornicacyon and that euery one of you should know how to kepe his vessel in holynes honour not in the luste of concupiscence as doe the hethen which know not God that no man opresse and defraude his brother ●●● bargayning because that the Lord is the auenger