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A53192 The doctrine of the Fourth Commandement, deformed by popery, reformed & restored to its primitive purity wherein is clearely proved by Scripture, arguments, and reasons, that the seventh day of the week, and not the first, viz. the day called Saturday (and not the day called Sunday) is the true Christian Sabbath ... / objections answered, and the truth cleared, by Gods unworthy servant, J.O. Ockford, James. 1650 (1650) Wing O128AA; ESTC R41358 35,090 80

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THE DOCTRINE OF THE FOURTH Commandement Deformed by Popery Reformed Restored to its Primitive purity Wherein is clearely proved by Scripture Arguments and Reasons that the Seventh day of the week and not the first viz. the day called Saturday and not the day called Sunday is the true Christian Sabbath the time Instituted and commanded by God himself for the day or time of his publique worship in the time of the Gospel as it was in the time of the Law Objections answered and the truth cleared by Gods unworthy Servant J. O. The seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God In it thou shalt do no work c. Exod. 20.10 Blessed is the man that doth this and the Son of man which layeth hold on it and keepeth the Sabbath from polluting of it Isa 56.2 Be doers of the word not hearers only deceiving your own selvs Jam. 1.22 For not the hearers of the law are justified before God but the doers of the Law shall be justified Rom. 2.13 London Printed by G. Dawson and are to be sold by Iohn Hides in Blew Anchre Alley neer Pauls Alley 1650. The Author to his Booke GOE little Book perform thy work thou mayest be blamed but not shamed thou wilt meet with Enimies feare not for there are more with us then with them 2 Kings 6.16 I would not intrude thee into the world in an obscure or doubtfull Cause because of many inconveniences that might insue But thou carriest with thee the absolute truth of God conteined in his written law Exod. 20.8 9 10 11. In which regard thou art assisted and defended with the whole armour of righteousnesse the undoubted truth of God revealed by Moses and the Prophets and by Jesus Christ and his Apostles against all assaults of thy Enemies If any reprove me because of thee I desire it may be in love without racking my words or perverting my meaning but answer as the matter lyeth granting or denying the particular assertions herein contained that the Impartiall reader may profit thereby and not with scoffes or reproachfull terms If any so doe let it be a signe to all men that he maintaineth a bad Cause with an ill Conscience and that the truth standeth with me and not with him Goe goe and cause all men to know that the Law of God is perfect Exod. 20. and that there is no unnecessary thing required by any Expression therein contained In which regard make known I say that we and all men are as absolutely bound in love to the literall Expression of the fourth Commandement as we are to the literall Expression of either the 1 2 or 3. Commandements of that law or to any other of the Six To the end that God may be duly honoured and our obedience to his holy law enlarged As also to the end that our non-conformity to the law of God in working when we are to rest and our resting when we are for to work may not be an obstruction to the Jewes conversion which is the thing I desire may be performed by thee Farewell Be prosperous so be it The blessing of Iehovah go with thee Amen For the Lord is well pleased for his righteousnesse sake that he may magnifie the Law and exalt it Isay 42.21 To the discreet and sincere Reader be Salvation in the way of Righteousnesse Amen OVT of a true Devotion to God and sincere affection to thee I have presented to thy consideration a Duty which my Conscience telleth me thou oughtest to perform to the Lord thy God for the furtherance of his honour and thy salvation Namely the duty of Observation and Sanctification of the Lords seventh day-Sabbath the day called Saturday commanded by the Lord himself Exod. 20.8 Which duty we and our Fathers have neglected neer 1300. Yeers Yea and rejected it as a ceremoniall Element or beggerly Rudiment And therefore we may well complaine with the Prophet Jeremy 3.25 We lye down in confusion for our shame covereth us for we have sinned against the Lord our God we and our Fathers from our youth unto this day and have not obeyed the voyce of the Lord our God The truth of this doth clearly appeare in this ensuing Subject Therefore I desire thee to read it with an honest and good Heart without partiallity and consider what is said in it before thou blamest it or censurest me least thou speak good of evill and evill of good and bring woe upon thy selfe Isay 5.20 For certain it is no man knoweth so much but he may know more and no man so perfect but that he may erre Therefore ponder the path of thy feet and let all thy wayes be ordered aright turne not to the right hand nor to the left but remove thy foot from evill Prov. 4.26 27. Thy soules well-wishing friend JAMES OCKFORD The Doctrine of the Fourth COMMANDEMENT Deformed by Popery Reformed and Restored to its Primitive PURITIE CHAP I. The Decalogue is Morall and perpetuall nothing is to be added thereto nor diminished from it THe Law whereof I Treat of which the Fourth Commandement is a part was given of God on Mount Sinai Exod. 19. 20. Cap. And written with his owne Finger in Tables of Stone Exod. 31.18 Deut. 5.22 The Effect of which Heavenly Law was engraven in nature at mans Creation which Divine Goodnesse remaineth in the nature of man and teacheth him to doe in some measure that which God by the Law of the Letter requireth of him Rom. 2.14 15. Although the custome of sinning and the deceitfulnesse of mans heart hath blotted stained and darkned in him that which we ought to discerne know and doe But such is the Mercy and Goodnesse of God unto us that he hath not left us without a plaine Demonstration of His holy Will by His holy Law the Decalogue which Holy Law bindeth us to all Duties tending to life and Godliness * As this Law bound the Jews to all duties commanded in the time of the Law Deut. 6.5 Even so it bindeth us and all men to all duties commanded by the Gospel The reason is because he that obeyeth not the Gospel loveth not the Lord his God with all his heart and with all his soule and with all his mind as the Law by the mouth of Jesus Christ in the Gospel requireth of us Mat. 22.37 Which Decalogue or Morall Law remaineth absolutely unchangeable as it appeareth by the words of the Prophet Psalm 111. vers 7 8 9. where he alluding to the Law written in Tables of Stone speaking of God saith The Worke of His Hands are Veritie and Judgment All his Commandements are sure they stand fast for ever and ever c. A note of perpetuall unchangeablenesse And in this regard they are said to be Faithfull Psal 119. ver 86. Yea Righteous and very Faithfull vers 138. This Law is Gods Covenant Exod. 19.5 Deut. 4.13 which God hath given to man to be observed for ever Deu. 4.9.10 2 Kings 17.37
Deut. 29 29. without adding to it or diminishing ought from it Deut 4.2 Chap. 12.23 Eccles 3.14 Prov. 30.6 Gal. 3.15 This Law or Covenant consisteth of Ten Precepts Sentences or Words Exod. 20 Deut. 10.4 Heb. 12.19 Which Precepts Sentences or Words are unseparably joyned together Comparatively as a Chaine of ten links Or as a compleat name consisting of ten Syllables or Letters So that if one Link be broken the whole Chaine is broken If one Syllable or Letter be removed or changed the whole name is altered changed or broken Even so it standeth with the Law of Gods Ten Commandements for when one Precept hath been transgressed or broken yea of the Sabbath by name God hath reproved the offenders for breaking of His Commandements Exod. 16.28 That one Act of Transgression is the breach of Gods Law or Covenant See I pray Deut. 17.2 3. 1 Cor. 15.56 1 John 3.4 This truth St. James knew well and would have us to know it also and therefore he saith Chap. 2. vers 10. Whosoever keepeth the whole Law and faileth in one point is guilty of all And his Reason is Because he that said Thou shalt not commit Adultery said also Thou shalt not kill Now saith he If thou commit not Adultery yet if thou Kill thou art become a Transgressour of the Law vers 11. Our Saviour treating of this Law in Mat. 5.19 saith Whosoever therefore shall breake one of these least Commandements and shall teach men so shall be called least in the Kingdome of Heaven Note I pray these words of our Saviour are grounded upon a Two-fold Reason The one is because in vers 17. He had made known to his Disciples That he came not to destroy the Law or Propets but to fulfill them The second Reason is because in vers 18. He had ratified every jot and tittle of the Law till all things be fulfilled to wit to the end of the World Thus was Gods Law ratified for Instruction of obedience to Beleevers in the time of the Gospel according to the Prophesie of old Isa 8.16 Our Saviour to possess our minds of the truth of this in Luke 16.17 He saith It is easier for Heaven and Earth to passe away than one tittle of the Law to faile As if he should have said deceive not your selves nor let any deceive you and cause you to thinke my comming in the flesh doth make any part of my Fathers Law void for I assure you Heaven may sooner or easier cease to be Heaven or the Earth may sooner or easier cease to be Earth than any jot or tittle of my Fathers Law cease to be of Force in not requiring obedience to my Father according to the expressions therein contained This doth clearely demonstrate that Jesus Christ hath not abrogated the Decalogue nor any part thereof but ratified it to be a rule of Righteousness for performance of duties both towards God and man while we live on Earth Therefore what God hath joyned together let no man separate nor neglect any obedience to any expression therein contained For certainly Jesus Christ hath not abrogated this Law nor any part thereof as touching obedience but only as touching the curse Gal. 3.13 Chap. 4. vers 4. And hence it is that true Believers are not held under the terror and condemnation thereof 2 Cor. because Jesus Christ hath performed for them that which God by the strictness of the Law requireth of them Rom. 8.3 4. Ephes 2.16 1 Cor. 1.30 And in this sence Jesus Christ is said to be the end of the Law for Righteousnesse to every one that beleeveth Rom. 10.4 And in this sence Believers are said not to be under the Law but under Grace Rom. 6.14 As also to be delivered from the Law Chap. 7.6 And in this sence it is said The Righteousnesse of God without the Law is manifested Rom. 3.21.22 This grace wrought by Jesus Christ for Beleevers is not for their obedience either to Law or Gospel nor without their obedience in some measure to both but by their Faith in Christ Thus all those which by Faith receive the Holy Spirit are not under the Law Gal. 5.18 to wit to condemne them Rom. 8.1 2. Yet are they not without the Law as appertaineth to God but in the Law through Christ 1 Cor. 9.21 So that although Believers are quit freed or delivered from the Curses or Terrour of the Law by Jesus Christ yet hath he not discharged or freed them from their obedience to it For this read Mat. Rom. 3.31 Chap. 13.9 1 Cor. 7.19 Ephes Iames Therefore if thou wilt enter into life keep the Commandements Mat. 19.17 And they are Ten Exod. 20. Deut. 10.4 It being so I doe not see how it is possible that the Decalogue or any Precept Sentence or Word of it was abrogated by Jesus Christ As was Circumcision the Passeover and Priesthood of Aaron Sacrifices Offerings and burnt Offerings Monthly and Yearly Festivals which were shadowes of good things to come Heb. 10.1 And served as a Schoolemaster to lead men to Christ Gal. 3.24 In whom it had its end Colos Heb. Ephes 2.14.15 But the Decalogue nor any part thereof figured not out Jesus Christ either in Person or Office But being morall and perpetuall it bindeth all men in all ages to the duties therein expressed or contained both in body and Spirit Gentiles as well as Jewes Believers and Unbelievers Exod. 20. Deut. 5 Mat. 1 Cor. 7.19 Rom. 13.9 For God is not the God of the Jewes only but of the Gentiles also Rom. 3.29 Now seeing God requireth obedience of all men unto it it followeth Jesus Christ by his fulfilling of it hath not delivered or discharged us from our obedience to it I doubt not but most men devoted to Godlinesse will assent with me as touching the duties of the second Table of the Divine Law that it is Morall and bindeth every man to the particular duties therein expressed But few men there are as yet that doth assent with me that the Precepts of the first Table have such authority over us in binding us to every particular Expression therein contained For Papists doe deny the second Commandement against worshipping of Images to be Morall and appertaine not to Christians as Mr. Brabourne saith on the Sabbath Page 519 out of Polanus Syntag. page 353. Others there are which deny the affirmative part of the third Commandement in that they refuse to take an oath in any right cause through a mis-apprehension of our Saviours words in Mat. 5.34 35 36. and the words of St. James Chap. 5.12 Yea Papists and all differing opinions among men professing Christ by what name soever they are called do deny the Morality of the Fourth Commandement or at least part thereof in practice though not in words the errour of which opinion I shall refute by Scripture Arguments and Reasons But first I will reason against them in that manner as
in regard circumcised men were forbid so to doe Deut. 4.2 chap. 12 32. It being so I affirme that whosoever doth teach or affirme that Jesus Christ did diminish from the holy law the decalogue doe charge our Saviour with sinne although they deserue it not But to defend his Innocency therein I doe affirme our Saviour Christ did not before his death nor at his death nor by his resurrection diminish any precept of that Law nor any part thereof Therefore it followes that we are as firmly and as unchangeably bound to the observation of the seventh day-Sabbath as we are to any duty commanded in that Law A second Scripture oft urged by them is Iohn 5. where mention is made of our Saviours curing the Impotent man and bidding him take up his Bed and walke verse 18. It being the Sabbath day a thing fordidden by the Law as they say therefore they infer it manifested that the Sabbath was or should be changed Answer Surely it is a very weake and slender ground to bear so weighty a matter yea so weake it is that they know not well what to infer something they would have to prove their purpose if they knew what but surely there is nothing of any force to be gathered from thence to prove that either the Sabbath was or should be abrogated and therefore I passe over this Objection as not worth the answering 3. Anti-sabatharians to prove the change of the Sabbath and to manifest the first day of the week to be of a divine institution They say The Apostles assembled on the first day of the weeke the day of our Saviours Resurrection and our Saviour honoured them with his presence Mark 16.19 Ergo the Sabbath was changed c. Answer The inference is not to be proved by Scripture the premises proveth not the thing intended and therefore I say not any of this doth prove the change of the Sabbath nor that the first day of the week is of a divine institution not in the least Neither did their assembling prove that it was for the celebration of that day in remembrance of any Grace that was brought to the Church or World by the resurrection of our Saviour from the dead as some doe surmise and that for two Reasons The first is because Saint John saith chap. 20.19 That they assembled together for feare of the Iewes had it been for any other end doubtlesse he would have made it known unto us 2 Because when they assembled they knew not that he was risen from the dead no neither did they believe the testimony of the Disciples which Reported it to them after they were assembled Mar. 16 11. for which cause our Saviour reprehended them v. 14. 4 Our Saviour appearing to his disciples after eight days Joh. 20.26 is oft vrged to prove the change of the Sabbath and that the first day of the weeke to be of a Divine Institution but this helpeth to prove their purpose as the former in regard it was not upon the next first day as many do think But it was upon some one day after the first day of the week had it been on the first day of the week that our Saviour appeared to his Disciples it had been on the eighth day But St. John expresly saith it was after eight dayes therefore not on the first day which was the eighth day It being so this serveth not in any wise to prove the abrogating of the seventh day-Sabbath nor that the first day of the weeke is of a Divine Institution for performance of publique Worship 5. Another Scripture urged to prove the first day of the week to be a set time for performance of publick worship is Act. 20.7 where it is said when the disciples came together to break bread upon the first day of the week Paul preached unto them c. This doth not prove the first day of the week to be of a Divine institution nor that their breaking of bread was the communion of the Misteries of the Lord in the Sacrament seeing it was an usuall thing for the Disciples to assemble together to break bread daily Acts 2.46 Chap. 5.42 6. Neither did the Apostles Ordination for Collection at Corinth and Galatia on the first day of the week 1 Cor. 16.1 prove that the Churches then were to assemble on the first day of the week to performe publique worship Surely there is no such word to be found in the Text or elsewhere but that which the Apostle did appoint in Corinth and at Galatia was that every one on the first day of the week should lay a part by himself as God had prospered him c. Or this it may be read for our more proper understanding of the Apostles meaning upon one of the week daies let every one of you lay apart by himselfe c. Note not at Church there is no such word but at home And so doth Mr. Tindall and Tremelius Translate it It being so what doth this serve to prove that all Christian Churches then and ever since were to assemble for performance of publique worship on the first day of the week or that those words of the Apostles did either institute or constitute it to be a Sabbath Surely nothing at all See Dr. Prideaux on the Sabbath pag. 28. And also Dr. Hylyns History upon the Sabbath Part. 2. Ch. 1. Sect. 10. Neither did the Apostles or Evangelists ever call the first day of the week by name of a Sabbath in relation to a day of Rest nor when ever they spake of the first day of the week they never cald it by the name of the Lords day or Sunday Had these Titles appertained to it doubtlesse they would not have been slack to have bestowed them on it 7. To prove the Sabbath abrogated Anti-Sabbatharians doe oft urge the Apostles words Col. 2.16.17 Let no man condemne you in meat or in drink or in respect of a Holy day or of the New Moon or of the Sabbath dayes c. Answ The Apostle speaketh not in this place of the seventh day-Sabbath Exod. 20.8 which our Saviour ratified Mat. 5. It being a part of the Morall Law yea and also commanded obedience to God by it inclusively Mat. 22.37 38. But of the Ceremoniall Sabbaths forementioned which were shadows of good things to come as Meats Drinks and New Moons were which being abolished by Christ became beggerly Rudiments Gal. 4.9 and frustrateth the work of Grace in the observers thereof v. 11. Chap. 5.4 Evident it is these things there mentioned by the Apostle were not written in Tables of stone therefore serveth not to prove the duty of the seventh day-Sabbath abrogated Yea I say certain it is there is no appearance in the New Testament that the seventh day-Sabbath was abrogated by Christ or should be after his death Or that ever the first day of the weeke was instituted or commanded by him or his Apostles to be observed for performance of publique worship Neither
the Apostle reasoned against those Corinthians which denied the resurrection of the dead 1 Cor. 13.14 15 16 17 18. CHAP. II. Manifesteth 12 Absurdities which doe follow upon the Doctrine or Assertion that the Fourth Commandement or any part thereof is abrogated which are not suitable with Godlinesse or with the holinesse truth or integrity of the Decalogue THe First Absurditie which doth follow on the Doctrine that the Fourth Commandement is abrogated or part thereof is to affirme consequently that there are but 9 Commandements in the morall Law which expresly speaketh to us in requiring duties of us contrary to Exod 20. Deut. 4.13 Secondly It is to affirme that Gods Law of the ten Commandements are not perpetually morall the fourth standeth as a Cifer Thirdly All the duties commanded in the decalogue appertaineth not to us Fourthly God never intended that we should walke in the obedience thereof Fiftly Jesus Christ nor his Apostles never taught us so to doe nor never ratified any such thing for us to observe contrary to Mat. 5.18 Rom. 3.31 Sixtly It is no rule of righteous walking for us Seventhly It is not for us the way to walke in to obtain Justification by Jesus Christ Eightly It hath not a correspondency with the Gospel Ninthly It taught the Jewes to worke six dayes successively from the Creation and to rest the seventh after Gods example which thing we ought not to doe contrary to Exod. 20.11 Tenthly He that followeth the literall expression of the decalogue or morrall law erreth Eleventhly For any to say we are not to observe the seventh day Sabbath because the duty thereof is abrogated It is to affirme that Gods law is changed contrary to Psal 111.7 8. Twelfly Those which affirme the seventh day-Sabbath was to be kept before our Saviours Death and Resurrection and is not to be observed since by Christians doe thereby avouch that Gods Testimonies his Law his Covenant is Yea and Nay contrary to the nature of Gods Law and many texts of Scripture See Psal 119.138 142 152. Psal 89.2 Luke 16.17 2 Cor. 1.20 If these and the like assertions may not be admitted for truth but rejected for errour by all men professing Christianity and the feare of God then all men professing Christianity and the feare of God are for ever to confesse that the fourth Commandement and every jot and title thereof is morall and remaineth in force and bindeth all men as unchangeably to the observation of the seventh day-Sabbaths since our Saviours Ascension as ever it did any men before his Ascension In which regard I professe in the feare or God I doe not see but that it is as great a sinne to doe contrary to the literall expression of the fourth Commandement as it is to doe contrary to the literall expression of either the first second or third Commandements of the divine Law except necessity hinder it for sure it is Whosoever keepeth the whole Law and faileth in one point is guilty of all James 2.10 If this will not be assented unto I desire to know of him that will oppose me whether our Saviour in Mat. 5.18 did ratifie the Decalogue or Law of ten Commandements to remain till all things be fulfilled yea or nay If nay what Law was it that he ratified If yea then he ratified the fourth Commandement to remaine for Instructions to Godlinesse in the literall expressions thereof as unchangeable as to any other expressions of that law If any will deny it let him shew how our Saviour did ratifie the whole Law yea every jot and title of it and did not ratifie the fourth Commandement which is a tenth part of that law which consisteth of more then 80. words And if our Saviour ratified the fourth Commandement I desire to know why it ought not to be as conscionably observed as any of the other nine Commandements but if any say it was repealed again by Christ let him shew how he could doe it and not diminish any thing from the morall Law As also when he did it and what are his words of repealing it and then also prove it was no part of the Law which the Apostles established Rom. 3.31 As also that we may omit the duty of the seventh day Sabbath and not fall under the transgression of the Law spoken of by Saint James Chap. 2. v. 10. CHAP. III. Containeth 10. Reasons demonstrating that the fourth Commandement is morall and not ceremoniall Secondly Objections answered THe first Reason is why the duty of the seventh dayes rest is morall and not ceremoniall is because it differeth in its nature from a Ceremoniall precept A Ceremoniall precept or precepts was given of God and used of men to set forth some good thing to be wrought or brought by Jesus Christ after mans fall and the promise of the Messias Heb. 9. chap. 10. But the seventh day-Sabbath was made by Christ the Word of God John 1.2 3. before there was any need or use of any Ceremonie Gen 1.2 3. Ergo the fourth Commandement is morall Secondly That the seventh dayes rest is morall doth appeare from the Ground or Reason wherefore God gave to man the holy Sabbath expressed by Moses Ezod 31.17 chap. 20.11 The grounds or reasons being morall and perpetuall whereon the duty was founded it argueth the perpetuity of the day it selfe Thirdly That the duty of observing the seventh dayes rest is morall doth appeare from a further use of the day for Gods publique worship to be performed on it Levit. 23.3 Psal 92. Acts 13.14 15 42. Chap. 15.21 Luke 4.16 31. Mark 6.2 Acts 16.13 The usefulnesse of pious duties requireth a usefull and perpetuall day and no day so fit as that day which God instituted blessed and sanctified for that end Ergo the seventh dayes rest is morall Fourthly That the duty of the seventh dayes rest is morall doth appeare by that the wilfull transgressours of it were to be put to death by the hand of the Magistrate as those were which wilfully transgressed any of the other three Precepts of the first Table Exod. 31.15 Numb 15.32 35 36. But the transgressours of Ceremoniall precepts God himselfe punished them Numb 16.32 35. 2 Sam. 6.6 7. Ergo the fourth Commandement is morall Fiftly The fourth Commandement was given with the other nine Precepts with Power Majesty and Terror Exod. 19. There was never a Ceremoniall precept given after that manner Ergo the fourth Commandement is morall Sixtly The fourth Commandement was written in a table of stone put into the Arke Deut. 10.5 But there was no Ceremoniall precept written in a table of stone nor put into the Arke 1 King 8.9 Ergo the duty of the seventh days rest is Morall and not Ceremoniall The truth of this is also affirmed by Dr. Bayly in the practice of Piety Pag. 159. and by Mr. Bisco in his glorious Mistery page 60. Seventhly God himselfe kept the seventh day Sabbath Gen. 2.1 Exod. 20.11 Can it be shewn that ever God
kept a Ceremoniall Precept O no! Ergo it is an Everlasting Duty Eighthly The fourth Commandement wherein the Seventh day-Sabbath is commanded is a tenth part of the Morall Law the Law being Morall the dutie of the seventh dayes rest must needs be Morall also Ninthly Our Saviour Christ would not that his Disciples should breake the Sabbath at the destruction of Jerusalem Mat. 24.20 which was 38 years after his Passion Can it be shewen that ever his will was that his Disciples should keepe a ceremoniall Precept so long after his Passion If any can let them doe it or else let them confesse the duty of the seventh dayes rest is Morall Tenthly and lastly If the duty of the seventh day Sabbath is abrogated then it is not meet nor fit that it should stand in Parish Churches or publique Assemblies with the other nine Commandements of the Morall Law for as it standeth with or amongst those Morall Precepts it reacheth and commandeth obedience to the duties of the seventh dayes-Sabbath the day called Saturday which men say is abrogated as expresly and as absolutely as the First Second or Third Commandements of that Law doe teach the expresse duties commanded in them or any other of the 6 Commandements doth teach that which is expressed in them But indeed and in truth the dutie of the seventh dayes-Sabbath commanded in the fourth Commandement is Morall and Perpetuall as any of the other 9 Commandements and therefore doth as absolutely binde us and all men to the due obedience thereof as any of the other nine do to the duties expressed in them Therefore it is meet and fit it should stand with the other nine Commandements to teach men their duty to the seventh dayes-Sabbath to wit the day called Saturday for that indeed is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God whereon he hath forbid thee to do any servile work as hath been shewn which duty all men are enjoyned unto untill the end of the World for till then the Sabbath shall continue Exod. 31.17 Isa 66.23 24. Ergo its Morall and Perpetuall If the Fourth Commandement be an abrogated Ceremony and therefore we are not to walk in the obedience thereof then we are as really discharged from working 6 dayes as we are from resting the seventh And if it be sin to observe the seventh day-Sabbath because the 4th Commandement is abrogated which commanded it then it is sinne also to worke 6 dayes because the fourth Commandement is abrogated which commanded it The reason is because when any Ceremoniall Precept or Precepts were abrogated every part or branch thereof was abrogated also Gen. 17.11 12. Exod 12.3 4. c. Againe if it be errour to say mens working six dayes is abrogated then it is errour to say mens resting the seventh day is abrogated or done away Evident it is by that which is already said the Decalogue being Morall the fourth Commandement being part of the Decalogue is Morall also It being so let him that will oppose me prove that it is our duty to doe servile work on the seventh day called Saturday if he can But if he cannot shew me any Precept for it then let him shew me what dispensation there is vouchsafed to men to doe common worke on the Lords seventh day-Sabbath and who it was which first granted the dispensation This doe and faile not or else cease from a weekly prophanation of the Lords seventh day Sabbaths Verily for my part I believe the Morall Law maketh knowne unto us the minde or will of God concerning our duty both towards Himself and our Neighbour And therefore I say with the Apostle I had not known lust if the Law had not said Thou shall not covet Rom. 7.7 In like manner I say I had not knowne I should not have other Gods before God had not the Law so said Exod. 20.3 Neither had I knowne I should not make to my self any Graven Image c. Nor that I should not bow downe nor worship them had not the Law forbid it Exod. 20.5 Neither had I known that it is my duty to keep holy the seventh day-Sabbath to wit the day called Saturday whereon no work is to be done had not God by his Law commanded the one and forbid the other Exod 20.8 9 10 11. O know and believe the Precepts of the Morall Law speaketh as well to thee as to me Hast thou endeavoured to walke in the obedience of the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. Commandements of Gods Law and hast thou wholy neglected thy duty to the fourth Commandement in not keeping holy the seventh day-Sabbath and hast thou done servile work thereon which thing God hath foabidden thee If yea surely thou art a transgressor of Gods Law Be instructed therefore and repent of Sabbath-breaking and for time to come keep holy the Sabbath day the day called Saturday and doe no work thereon thou nor thy sonne nor thy daughter thy man-servant nor thy maid-servant thy cattell not the stranger that is n within thy Gates c. for it is the Will of God that they should rest as well as thou Deut. 5.14 For Whatsoever the Law saith it saith to them that are under it Rom. 3.19 Thou art under it and not above it therefore thou oughtst not to transgresse it for the Law hath domiion over a man as long as he liveth Rom. 7.1 Therefore if thou wilt not be condemned by it conform unto it For whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the Law 1 John 3.4 Yea surely the sting of death is sinne and the strength of sinne is the Law 1 Cor. 15.56 Therefore deceive not thy selfe nor let any deceive thee or cause thee to beleeve that it was sinne to doe any thing contrary to the Morall Law before our Saviours Death and Resurrection and that it is not so now but that Christian men may doe something which God by His Divine Law doth forbid and not sin Certainly Jesus Christ nor his Apostles hath not left Christians any such dispensation Errour therefore it is for any to affirme that they may doe servile worke on the Lords seventh day-Sabbath where necessity is not contrary to his Holy Law and not sinne Therefore know and beleeve that as the Morall Law was Holy Righteous Just and Good before our Saviour came in the Flesh and taught men their duty toward God and man in an unerring way Even so the Morall Law is Holy Righteous Just and Good ever since our Saviour came in the Flesh and teacheth us our duties toward God and man in a right and unerring way and so it shall for ever Therefore if thou wilt enter into life keepe the Commandements Matth. 19.17 And they are ten Deut. 10.4 As I would not be mistaken in any thing I desire I may not be mistaken in this viz. for any to thinke I meane men may obtaine Righteousnesse to justification by the works of the Law Oh no that I doe not that is impossible Gal. 2.16 Chap. 3.10.11
shall be abominable Prov. 28.9 A Conclusion to the Work TO resist the duty of the seventh day-Sabbath which God requireth by the fourth Commandement Be not of those which say the Law of Gods ten Commandements is not given to the Gentiles Nor of those which say Jesus Christ hath abrogated the whole Law Nor of those which confesse the morality of the 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10. and denyeth the morality of the fourth Nor of those which say every day is a Sabbath and keep no Sabbath at all Neither say thou what a stir is heare about the observation of a seventh day as if peace here and glory hereafter did consist in a corporall abstaining from labour on the seventh day and so put off a duty which highly concerneth Gods honour and thy owne salvation Therefore know the duty which thou owest to God is not onely an abstaining from corporall labour on the seventh day But also an abstaining from all actions contrary to the law of God as also a holy consecrating it to his service by worshipping him on it in spirit and truth as God by the Gospel requireth of thee Therefore be not hasty to reject the duty of the seventh day-Sabbath which God by his holy Law requireth of thee Neither study to raise up objections against it least thou be found a fighter against God and also become like unto the Scribes and Pharises spoken of Mat. 23.13 which shut up the Kingdome of Heaven before men refuse to go in themselves nor suffer them that would enter to come in But be of those which have respect to all Gods Commandements and of those which have walked in all the Commandements and Ordinances of God without reproof Luke 1.6 see Mat. 5.48 Love Gods Law as the Prophet did Psal 119.77 97. and delight in it as the Apostle did Rom. 7.22 and obtaine blessednesse Psal 1.1 2. Revel 22.14 to justification Rom. 3.13 through faith chap. 3.33 Hebr. 11.6 Finally There are many men which thinke they know much of God in the Gospel and that they observing what Jesus Christ requireth of them by it they performe what duties soever God requireth of them by the Law and indeed so they did if they did rightly understand the duties which Jesus Christ by the Law requireth of them but in that they doe not verily they come shott of the duty of observation of the seventh dayes-Sabbatb commanded in the first Table of Gods Law The duties of which Table our Saviour in Mat. 22.37 compriseth into one Commandement and in requiring obedience to God by it he doth as strictly command obedience to the seventh day-Sabbath the duty commanded in the fourth Commandement as he doth require performances to the duties commanded either in the 1 2 or 3. commandements of that Law see also Mat. 5.18 19. Chap 19.17 1 Cor. 7.19 James 2.10 Therefore let no man think that by his love to Jesus Christ in the Gospel he doth fulfill the Law in that way spoken of Rom. 13.10 Gal. 5.14 If he refuse to perform that duty to God which Iesus Christ in the Gospel requireth of him by the Law in some measure For doubtless our obedience to the Commandements of God is the fruit of true love Iohn 14.15.21 compared with Ch. 10.30 For thus saith the Apostle This is the love of God that we keep his Commandements 1 Ioh. 5.3 which thing Iesus Christ did Joh. 15.10 Yea and we are to imitate him therein 1 Joh. 2.6 Chap. 4.17 And he that so doth in him dwelleth the love of God perfect indeed 1 John 2.5 But he that saith he knoweth God and kepeth not his Commandements is a lyar 1 Joh. 1.10 What union and communion there is betweene the Law and the Gospel see page 20. And he that walketh in that union dwelleth in God and God in him and such a one brings forth the fruit of the Spirit Gal. 5.22 And where the Spirit of the Lord is there is libertie 2 Cor. 3.17 And against such there is no Law to condemn him Rom. 8.1 For indeed it was not made to that end 1 Tim. 1.9 But yet they are not delivered from the obedience of it but injoyned to it Mat 19.17 Rom. 13.9 Eph. James 2.10 11 12. But indeed the Law is made for the lawlesse and disobedient for the ungodly and for sinners for unholy and prophane c. 1 Tim. 1.9 as namely for Anti-nomians and Anti-Sabbatharians and all Libertines which will be above Ordinances wh●●● make their boast they have nothing to doe with the Law nor the Law with them I say as the Scriptures teach for such men the Law was made and it hath dominion over them although they will not beleeve it yet surely they will know it if they repent not of setting themselves against it and refuse to conforme to the obedience of it as Jesus Christ in the Gospell requireth of them Mat. 22.37 for their avoiding of wrath and obtaining of mercy through faith I am sorry for their delusions and shall not cease to pray for their conversion That their sinnes may be blotted out when the time of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. That they may be made partakers of that purchased felicity by the merit of Jesus Christ through faith which hath life without death peace without trouble and joy without sorrow which unspeakable blessednesse I desire may be confirmed on all those which love Jesus Christ in sincerity Amen This also know I am no Jew nor inclined to any Jewish opinions I seek not righteousnesse by the Law but by faith in the Son of God according to the Gospel * Those opinions are Jewish which lead men to seeke Justification by the works of the Law or by observing abrogated precepts or Jewish customes or traditions of their inventions none of these I owne as being of God or from God But as for the fourth Commandement by which God requireth obedience to the seventh day-Sabbath being one of the ten morall precepes is of God and from God and to observe it is no more Jewish than to observe the duties commanded by God in the 1 2 or 3. commandements of that Law Yet I know I cannot obtaine righteousness by the Gospel if I walke contrary to the express duties which God by his Law requireth of me the reason is because there is no way to blessedness contrary to the way of righteousness Rom. 9.31.32 Mat. 19.17 which is the Law of Gods Ten Commandements But if thou knowest a way to obtaine salvation without it or contrary to it declare it But if this thou canst not doe then conforme to all duties commanded by it and neglect it not and have not any dis-respect to any truth in this Subject declared by me because of any personall failing which thou maist perceive in me But this know it is in me the manifestation of the words of truth made known by the Apostle 1 Cor. 1.17 That God hath chosen the foolish things of this world to confound the wise c. and the things that are not to bring to naught the things that are for the foolishnesse of God is wiser than men and the weaknesse of God is stronger than men vers 25. That no flesh may glory in his presence vers 29. All Praise to God The Authors cited in this TREATISE Iustin Martyr Athanasius Eusebius Socrates Scholast Augustine Calvin Tremelius Tindall Bucer Brentius Chimnetius Muskulus Beza Bullenger Mr. Perkins Centuries The Confession of the Church of Helvetia The Confession of Auspurgh Vrsinus Mr. Frith Dr. Whitgift Mr. Gracehop Mr. Ainsworth Dod Clever Dr. Bayly Dr. Prideaux Mr. Revert Mr. Brabourne Dr. Willet Dr. White Dr. Hyling Mr. Bisco The Rhemist Annotation A Table to find the principall points contained in this Treatise Viz. IN pages 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. is manifested that 〈◊〉 Decalogue is morall and bindeth Gentiles 〈◊〉 well as Jewes to the duties therein expressed In pages 8 9 10. are 12 absurdities which 〈◊〉 follow on the Assertion that the fourth commandment or part thereof is abrogated From the 12 page to the 35. is manifes●ed that the observation of the 7th day-Sabbat● is morall and we are injoyned to the duty of it In pages 36 37 38 39. is manifested that 〈◊〉 Church changed the 7th day-Sabbath to the fir●● day of the week and why they did it In pages 40 41 42 is manifested the time whe●● the Church changed it or neere about From page 43. to 52. is manifested that our S●●viour Christ did not abrogate the 7th day-Sa●bath As also that the first day of the week is 〈◊〉 of a divine institution Pages 59 60 61. manifesteth that the Ti●●● of the Lords day appertaineth not to the first d●● of the week Pages 63 64. manifesteth that every day is 〈◊〉 a Sabbath FINIS