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duty_n bind_v law_n nature_n 1,568 5 5.4669 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19877 The iust Italian Lately presented in the priuate house at Blacke Friers, by his Maiesties Seruants. D'Avenant, William, Sir, 1606-1668. 1630 (1630) STC 6303; ESTC S109307 35,461 76

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referd them both vnto your power You may appoint them liue or die and I 'm Oblig'd by vow to see perform'd what you Command Alteza O dire sinister accident Meruolle Your Iewels and your wealth I haue pack'd vp To ease our flight when we haue finish'd This vsurpation of the Lawes Let them Inioy their eyes that they may know their Iudge The Mutes vnmuffle 'em Scoperta Hah Sciolto Sciolto Scoperta O my Girle Meruolle Keepe them diuided from each others reach Sciolto I thought thy beauties had beene darke and cold And th'adst ere this begun an easie sleepe Within thy silent Graue Scoperta And I suppos'd thee fled A Harbenger to Heauen with purpose to Bespeake my Billet neere to thine Sciolto Since this sad night did blind the drowsie world They thus haue manacled my strength They 'ue watch'd My hardy violence so tame that now Each featherd Forrester roosts in my Beard Scoperta We cannot Sir be mortall long therefore Receiue a hope our sufferance will cease Meruolle Sciolto now requite the leysure I Haue giuen thy penitence by rendring straight Vnto the world how farre thou didst corrupt These Ladies with thy guilt For know I still Perswaded Altamont thy lust inioi'd No more then what concern'd wishes or hope And I was vsher'd to 'th beliefe of this By knowledge of those secret spies which he Imploy'd to watch your personall remooues About the House whose labours euer miss'd Of finding that successe he prophecy'd Sciolto I doe confesse m' imagination once Did sinne against them both but if it ere Extended vnto act let me lose Heauen Meruolle If Altamont were now aliue he would Permit this vtterance cleere his fayth Madam You heare that he Scoperta vindicates By oath though his owne crime doth carry an Import more euident and blacke but yet When you behold his feature and his youth Your mercy may conceiue t' were pity that He should so soone depart from time and flesh Alteza Sir you haue skill to know my womanhood Is weake as ignorance or sleepe Why should You seat me heere thus to dispose of Law That ne're knew any iustice but reuenge Meruolle Your sentence I am bound to execute Alteza Haue I not heard you say my Husband did Ordaine them both for death T' would ill become The duty of my knowledge t' alter his Decree Meruolle Keepe your intent I will vsurpe The office of your tongue Mutes strangle them Sciolto If in thy functions gentle Nature claime An interest let vs imbrace and vse Solemnity before we doe forsake Each others view Meruolle I grant what you Request make your performance short whilst I Reueale m' opinions Lady to your eare Sciolto and Scoperta kneele to each other Sciolto O Scoperta this is the last of all Our busie dreames what we possesse is but Imaginary now Thy shadow I Embrace not thee for like to it thou 'lt flie From my enioyment and no more be seene Scoperta So much of various fate so soone expres'd Two louers yet nere knew since simpathy First dwelt on Earth Sciolto Ere long we must be cold Cold cold my Loue and wrapp'd in stubborne sheets Of lead hows'd in a deepe a gloomy vault Where no society will mix with vs But what shall quicken from our tainted limmes Scoperta Whilst still ther 's noise and busines in the world Whilst still the warres grow loud and battels ioyne Whilst Kings their Queenes salute in Iuory beds Sciolto But O! how many Ages may succeed In Heauens darke Kalender ere we agen Materiall be and meet in our warme flesh Sco. And whether that our soules when they 're prefer'd To taste eternity will euer thinke Vpon the bargaines of our humane loue Is vnto me a desolate suspence Sciolto Phylosophie doth seeme to laugh vpon Our hopes and wise Diuinity belies Our knowledge with our Fayth iealous Nature Hath lock'd her secrets in a Cabinet Which Time nere saw and he that in it prys Vnto Religion forfeites his bold Eies Scoperta Our Reason frights our Sences to distrust My Lipps doe beage from thine a Legacie Sciolto O sad acompt How is my bounty now Exhaust This is the last I ere shall giue Meruolle Blind them agen and stay their deaths awhile Madam your knowledge is allready taught Scoperta's innocence Sciolto's deed Stands nere your punishment but distant far From remedy Marke his goodly feature With what magnificence he 's built Besides This Morne his Vnkle too the wealthiest of Our Senators is dead and has bine pleasd T' intitle him his Heire Alteza Should I not chide Meruolle Thinke how you lou'd him once He will to saue His life discard Scoperta's interest And marry you a hapinesse compleate For both Alteza Hah Sciolto Slaues Stretch now your Cordage out Pull till my Eies doe starte like Bulletts from my Skull Murdering where they flie Alteza Hold hold Did my dead Lord bid you performe what I decree Meruolle He did and I asured it with my Vowes Alteza Heare then without resistance of my breath Sciolto is condemn'd by Law as knowne The fatall Instrument that did depriue My Lord of precious life so he must die T' were fit my care affected mercie in Scoperta's dome she 's Sister to my Lord But her sweete innocence doth make her safe She must remaine among the liuing still And in her rome I doe condemne my selfe For my sterne pride was the originall cause Of this blacke Tragedy Kind 〈…〉 Esteeme your Vowes see my edict 〈◊〉 And giue me priuiledge first to 〈◊〉 its wrath She descends Meruolle This carries wonder in 't Scoperta I 'le not resigne these bonds of Death vnlesse Sciolto share in the compassion too Alteza Giue me your pardon gentle Mayd I haue Depriu'd you of a Brother that deseru'd More Pyramids then all th' Egiptian Kings Instead of him receaue my pray'rs my wealth When o're his Herse you raise a Monument And fix my Marble-Figure neere to his Create me weeping I shall goe with so Much sorow to my Graue that being dead My Ashes will haue power to penetrate The Stones Release this pious Lady and Performe your execution vpon me One o' th' Mutes pulls of his Vizard discouers himselfe to be Altamont Altamont Away you dreadfull Ministers of death The Lawrell Sprigge the Mirtle nicely wreath'd In Coronets my Loue deserues for she Is growne too good for Earth Alteza My Altamont She sinkes Meruolle vnmussles and vnbindes Sciolto and Scoperta who straight embrace each other Sciolto This deceipt brings wonder great as our ioy They that diuide vs now must vse the strength Of swelling floods and helpe of Thunder too Altamont Put all thy beauties on agen and smile At the returne of our long absent loue My wound is clos'd and will haue instant cure Alteza The Earth groan'd at my fall so heauie are My sinnes so much they did increase my weight Altamont Rise gently like a flame from incense sprung Meruolle to appease my iealousie Ordain'd me this disguises that I might heare How in your sentence you behau'd your loue To me Hadst thou continu'd false I had Increas'd the anger of thy fate but now Thou art indeer'd vnto my heart agen Alteza Sir I haue hope my future loyaltie Will manifest your mercie well bestow'd Altamont Scoperta thou 'lt excuse the cariage of My doubts I look'd on thee with th' eies of loue And loue is still too strict in her suruay Scoperta My memorie would sinne should it record Ought that might nourish my dislike of you You made me taste of sorrow not of wrath Sciolto T is I that haue most needfull vse of your Kind charitie forget my errors past And to oblige my future gratitude Giue Hymen leaue to know your sister for My wife My Vnkles death hath lent me power Still to maintaine her in such qualitie As shall become my deere respects to you The greatnesse of her virtue and her blood Altamont Take her and be as tender of her health As Heauen hath o're thy wounds which in their cure Expresse much miracle My ioi 's so swell My breast that I doe finde there 's danger in Delight How bless'd Meruolle are thy Arts Meruolle Some Angels care assisted the successe Enter Charintha Besognia Charintha Not Altamont's returne to life nor yet Sciolto's and Scoperta's glad repriue Nor all the ioyes in reconcilement of Your loues express'd can my cold sences please Florello is vnkinde Besognia The little God Hath lately prick'd her with his baudy shaft Altamont Tell me Charintha is thy loue sincere Such as i' th simple youth of Nature is Exchang'd by louers with a harmelesse plight Charintha It is sincere as holy Hermits vowes And true as their confession at their deaths Meruolle Appeare Florello and receiue thy doome Enter Florello Altamont It was Meruolle's care thus to assure Thy Mistresse reall loue and constancie Ere thou shouldst giue too much of thine away But now receiue her from Alteza's hand Alteza Charintha thy election is so safe Thou neuer wilt repent the iudgement of Thy sight He cannot be so neere alli'd Vnto the blood of Altamont but he Must needs participate in virtue too Charintha We will embrace each other vntill Age Depriue our courteous sinewes of extent Florello The gentle Turtle shall direct vs how T' augment our loues the Eagle to renew Our youth and we will striue to imitate The crooked Vine in our increase Altamont Ioy ioy The firmament is now vnmask'd and each Of vs hath found his starre Florello My Lou'd Sister I haue orehear'd the story of your griefs And from this noble Signior I must begge A faith indeer'd the name of Brother too Sciolto You shall be precious to my eies as day Enter Rossa Molard fantastickly cloth'd in Dandolo's habit Molard The great Dandolo and his Giant whelpes Are mounted on a Mule Rossa Naked they ride As scoutes of Tartary they 're victual'd with A single egge Altamont What are these walking Drummes Florel. Th' are such your knowledge shall affect they must Inioy what I atchieue Dull men o'war The Trophie of my victorie behold She 's mine bow and doe homage to her lippe Alt. Still thou dost mourn Alteza like a Doue Soft musick Hearke hearke how the Roman-Organ seemes T' inuoke the Thracian Lire the Cymbals of Iudea call Castilian-Cornets foorth And German-Viols wake the Tuscan Lute The sacred noise attend that whilst wee heare Our soules may dance into each others eare Exeunt omnes FINIS