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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16785 An apologie and true declaration of the institution and endeuours of the tvvo English colleges, the one in Rome, the other novv resident in Rhemes against certaine sinister informations giuen vp against the same. Allen, William, 1532-1594. 1581 (1581) STC 369; ESTC S122355 72,955 248

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Maiestas or the Commonvvealths disturbāce is but to seeke meanes to haue the bloud of innocēt men that neuer committed treasons nor trespasses against any Prince or Common-vvealth it is to make our liues and deaths odious and the true causes therof vnknovven to the vvorld baptizing that by the name of treason and sedition vvhich is mere matter of religion soul and conscience Vvhat hath Masse Matins Confession Absolution beades Agnusdeies and other consecrated tokens of our communion vvith al the Churches of Christ through al ages vvhat affinitie haue they in nature vvith treason Stād they not in al Nations round about you vvith the high duety and loyaltie that belongeth to Princes is there any definition or description of that trespasse vvhich can of reason include the premisses or proue them treasons And though the lavves may make things treason vvhich before vvere not yet in making them so consideration is alvvaies had of the qualitie and cōdition of the faultes and offenses For as to make the saying of Diuine seruice after the rites of the Catholike Church to be Simonie vsurie felony or aduoutrie vvere ridiculous and impossible so it is impossible to make these matters of mere religion in true and proper fense the offense of treason or disloyaltie to the Prince or Commonvvealth Neither doth euery commaundemēt of the Soueraine though in things lavvful not fulfilled make the offense treasonable much lesse either vvhen it concerneth matters merely repugnāt to Gods vvord and our dueties to the Diuine Maiestie as it did in Daniels and the Three childrens case or in causes not truely subiect to any temporal King or his lavves For if such a Prince should make the like lavv that Darius did That no man should pray to any God other then him self for certaine daies al the lavves in the vvorld can not make the refusant a traitour nor bound to obey more then Daniel vvas then not onely because lavves euidently vniust and against God may not be obeied but for that the prayer to the true God and seruing him is not repugnant to any duety that the subiect ovveth to his Soueraine by Gods lavv or nature and therfore can not be made treason in true and proper speach The Churches holy Sacrifice Seruice and Sacraments and consecration or blessing of creatures by the vvord of God and prayer haue no qualitie or condition of treason or crime against the maiestie of the Prince or the repose of the people But if in making such factes treason the meaning be nothing els but to make them punishable by death and othervvise as treasons by the statutes of the Realme are and ought to be then haue vve the pitifullest iniurie in the vvorld that beīg no traitours in deede yet vve must suffer the ignominie and paines of treason and so much the greater that it is done by pretense of lavves and publike authoritie then if it vvere done as it hath been in Holland Zeland and some part of France by barbarous crueltie of Heretikes the Prince and Commonvvealth not agreing therevnto For it is a greuous sinne and dishonorable vvhen a vvhole State agreeth vpon any iniquitie And vve think verily God vvould haue taken vengeance vpon our poore Countrie if her Ma. tie of great clemencie had not staied the execution of so vniust and intolerable disorders though diuers mo then her Highnes knovveth of haue fealt the extreme smart therof in most cruel sort God turne his iust ire from vs for the same But seeing a staffe is easily found to beat a dogge and vvith lions eares be often hornes and such cases of religion and cōscience must needes be so extremely punished Vvhy do they reduce our offense rather to Treason then to Heresie If our doctrine be vvicked our actions superstitious our vvorship of God sacrilegious idololatrical or anyvvise vntrue or vnlavvful vvhy are vve not condemned of such crimes rather then of treason or vnduetifulnes to our Prince for if they be faultes they are directly against Gods honour and but indirectly and consequently against the Prince But for the better enterance into Caluinisme and entertaining the same the old lavves peraduenture for punishing Heretikes vvere repelled or because they can not so easily determine vvhether vve be Heretikes or our Aduersaries vvho haue been dubbed vvith that name so long by the lavves both spiritual and temporal of al Christian countries vvhich also yeld vs the Protestāts making no great claime therevnto both the name of Catholike vvhich vvith S. Augustine vveighed so much and al the properties and prescriptions of truth therevnto belonging therfore they thought it a neerer vvay to make vs traitours then Heretikes and to punish vs for pretensed fedition and conspiracie then for errour in doctrine or heresie Vvherein though they haue giuen authoritie to the Court of Parliament to determine together vvith their Conuocation of the Clergie vvhat is an errour or an heresie yet it is not like they vvil agree of any such thing shortly This also being a common thing in times of errour and disorder to make the fault committed or said to be cōmitted against the Prince greater and more punishable then the offense done directly against God against the Common vvealth thē against the Church against the body thē against the soul more a do about Caesars tribute then Gods due as both in al other things and in the very title of Supremacie is plaine Vvhere the superiority Tēporal hath the first place and preeminēce and the Spiritual is but accessorie vvholy vpholden and directed by the other as vvel for the right of the thing as for the exercise of iurisdiction agreable therevnto And in that case it must needes so be the crovvne being not a spiritual dignitie but a temporal the person of a Prince not spiritual but temporal the Realme not a spiritual Commōvvealth but a temporal the Parliament not a spiritual Court but a temporal the statutes not spiritual lavves but temporal Or if not al these vvholy and soly temporal yet al these more tēporal then spiritual vvhich our Aduersaries them selues can not vvith any reason deny So that in such Countries and lavves vve can expect no other but that al our spiritual endeuours misliked of the State must needes against Gods lavves and mans be violently dravven to treasons and trespasses temporal vvhich be they lavvful or vnlavvful be euidently mere spiritual first to be condemned by their Clergie of errour or heresie and then to be punished by the temporal lavves if they had any standing in force against such offenses Therefore in al these cases pretended treasonable vve for our selues and our brethren by S. Paules example vvho being charged before the ciuil Magistrate of conspiracie and il demeanour tovvardes his Countrie protested that he vvas iudged concerning the Resurrection a question in religion and not for sedition or concourse in tumultes do crie to God and al Christian people vvhich behold our afflictions and sufferings that it is for
and to the vvhole state if so iust a request so humbly asked in his name should be cōtemned it vvould please their goodnes to vvithdravv their heauy hand from the poore Catholikes and rather procure them licence of her Ma. tie to serue God after the manner of al their Christian forefathers then to afflict thē in body and mind so pitifully that so both the Seminaries might cease and their Honours might haue Gods Priests and all Catholikes pray for them rather as their patrons then as their persecutors Trusting that they and al the vvise of the Realme be persuaded that the Kingdom of God first sought is the vvay to the peace felicity and security of al vvordly vveale vvhich not onely their ovvne pietie and prudence may teach them but also the example of the Hebrues vvho for feare of endamaging their temporal state for sooke their promised Lord and Sauiour Of vvhom therfore S. Augustine vvriteth this sentence vvorthy to be emprinted in the hartes of al such as haue the rule and charge of kingdoms Temporalia perdere timuerunt vitam aeternam non cogitauerunt sic vtrunque amiserunt ❧ An admonition and comfort to the afflicted Catholikes CHAP. VII NOVV hauing sincerely set forth to the vvorld our intentions vve may turne our talke for conclusion of this Defense to you our fathers frendes and brethren in Christ being either in the fornace of Gods probation or in the burden and broile of that hote haruest of our Lord or by sure treading threshing and vvinovving laid vp for vvel tried vvheat in the barne-floore of Christes Church to you vve say Be humble vvise meeke peaceable patient and constant in all your cogitations vvordes ansvvers doings and sufferings that Christ Iesus vvhom you serue may blesse and prosper your endeuours moue her Ma. ties hart to haue compassion open her graue Counselers eies to see your innocencie alter the enimies and il informers malice and malediction vnto loue and good affection tovvardes you stirre vp the mindes of al men invvardly and in conscience to consider the cause of your afflictions and giue them such sense reason and religion that they may acknovvledge your vndeserued calamities For your life and behauiour agreable to your faith and calling and formed in all pietie discretion and modestie after the demeanour of all old Martyrs and according to the paterne of those glorious Confessors our true fathers Pastors and Maisters that haue by their sacred persons sanctified your prisons by tvvo and tvventie yeres durance shal defend your Christian intents and ours more then all the vvordes that vve can make In the meane time both you and vve vvith all our louing brethren the Catholikes must rest vpon God and the equitie of the cause so vvell knovven and approued to the vvisest in the vvorld and our ovvne vvell enformed conscience For as the cause and not the paine or persecution vvherof only Heretikes do vaunt them selues iustifieth vs so Christ and our conscience testifie that vve are not acquainted vvith any conspiracies against our Prince and Countrie nor do suffer for rebellion or treason attempted against man but for that vve vvill not conspire vvith Coré and his complices against Moyses and Aaron Peter and Paul vvhich the holy Scriptures call rebellion against God and for that vve crie vpon our deerest Countriemen that the reuolt from the Catholike Church is a greater fault by manifold then defection from any earthly king or Cōmonvvealth fyre once sent from heauen and the earth opening and svvalovving such offenders aliue dovvne to Hel for our vvarning and for Gods reuenge of so greuous a crime For this in truth and none other matter do you and vve suffer It is for the honour peace and vnitie of the Church it is for the sauing of our ovvne soules and the soules of our beloued parents and frendes it is for the defense of Christes Priesthod and souerainty in earth it is for his eternal Sacrifice and Sacraments it is for the custodie of that doctrine and truth vvhich vvas laid vp as depositum in the hands of S. Timothee and other Bishops and Priests to be preserued from al corruption and alteration coming by heresie and noueltie it is for the good garding of the holy Scriptures and the natiue sense therof set dovvne by Gods Church and al the holy Doctors from heretical adulteration and deprauation it is for our inheritance left vs by S. Gregorie and S. Augustine our first Apostles vvhich vve may not betray for a thousand deaths finally it is for al our Christian fathers faith honour and memorie to vs most deere and blessed The defense of any one article of the Catholike faith of any one point of Christian doctrine any title of our Lordes lavv any one Sacrament the sauing of any one soul being the price of better bloud then ours is cause iust and great ynough vvillingly and patiently to sustaine al mortal paines but for so many partes of our beleefe impugned for so many holies profaned for millions of soules hazarded for the saluation of our Prince othervvise so gratious our Countrie our parents and our posteritie not to suffer vvere against al duety of nature charitie and religion Such is then your cause deere Sirs as neuer Martyrs nor Confessors since Christes time had any more vvorthy more cleere or more glorious Vvhich to forsake for any feare of man or flatterie of this vvorld should be our eternal ignominie both here in this life and before God and his Angels in the next The manner of your suffering cōfession and Martyrdom for blessed be God some of our brethren haue gladly and honorably persisted euen to death and many mo are ready by his grace for the same resembleth also the old proceding in that kind vvhich hath not been commōly vsed since Kings vvere Christened For as the persecution of Priests and Bishops vvherof S. Hilarie complaineth against Cōstantius the Arian Emperour is oftentimes so couertly and craftily conueied that being in deede great and perilous yet it can not appeare to the due commendation of the sufferers or good example of the seers so both of old and of late almost in euery Countrie as by the Arians and Circuncellions in Afrike and Italie and by the Caluinistes in France Holland and Zeland Priests and Catholikes haue been persecuted more often and more cruelly tormented and massakred then vvith vs thankes be to God but yet neither so much to the merite of the sufferers before God nor to the edification and aduancement of the peoples faith and hope in him as vvith vs vvhere the matter passeth vvith deliberatiō and in forme of lavv and order Vvhen Christian Catholike men are barbarously assailed and sodenly slaine no question made of their faith or holy order no promis giuen of life or promotion if they list to deny their profession no deliberation nor time to consult nor former terrours shevved no tedious nor lingering paines of