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A08850 A myrrour or cleare glasse for all estates, to looke in, conteining briefly in it the true knovvledge and loue of god, and the charitie of a faithfull christian tovvardes his neyghbour. Palfreyman, Thomas, d. 1589? 1560 (1560) STC 19137; ESTC S101415 93,769 240

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springeth wyth beautie the comfortable free lyuely fruites of compassion christen charity and frendly liberality and vnto whom aboue all others most wourthilie doo appertayne such thinges as hereafter foloweth accordinge to their right reuerend estate and dignitie In whome goddes people reioiceth vnto whom they owe due honor harty prayse and dayly praier amongest whome also I meane nothinge lesse then arragantely to kendle herein offence against thē or against any godlye man of anye degree but charitablie with humblenes do touche in fewe wourdes this familiar abuse which is whereof it cōmeth that among the riche and wealthy mē of this world we se for their pleasures wythoute numbre their fatte fed dogges of euery kind their pampered horses their fair mules gay glisterīg Genettes And to the contrary is many starned forlorn creatures christē soules miserablie passing by thē lyenge in the stretes before thē or standing at their gates to try them with pituouse cries in their necessitie through sorenes hūgre and nakednes and rather receiue succour of the dogges then of them selues if in their kyndes their toungues licking wyll ease asswage these griefes so pitiles are they and colde of charitye to the comforte or mankynde in his necessitie And to aunswer truelye the question what other cause is there then that they are more affected vnto them their hartes are bente towardes them they glory in thē haue their felicity and pleasure in them as they are in deede in their kynde and creation for their good gyftes of nature wourthie to bee beloued and estemed to be prepared for and nourisshed but how much more shoulde manne that noble and most excellent creature aboue all other his creatures be looked vnto be beloued prepared for and nourished if we thinke it conuenient to make preparation for the nourishement of beastes that are seruiseable to vs earthely mortall creatures how muche more one man for an other after thensample of Christ that hath entred the bondes of christen amitie and are sworne seruantes to the celestiall and euerlyuyng god What lefull let is there to the contrarye Beastes in their kinde ought to be beloued but that we maye and oughte by natures good consente to loue euerye creature of God in their kynde and be carefull for them specially for those by whom we fele not only to haue great pastime and pleasure but suche also as bryngeth vs muche profite and welfare whether it bee by laborious tillyng the earth by payneful trauailing in iourneis by greuous caryeng of burdeyns by couragious re●i●tynge enemyes VVe maye not be so affected to fantasies that vve leaue the people of god vnprouided for or such as also serueth to feede our bealies All whiche are louelye necessarye and wourthye due preparation with thanks geuyng to god yet we maye not so loue theim and haue theym in price nor seeke so with excesse to fufyll our affectes that we forget or neglecte our high charge and duetie towardes our poore neighbours and christen brothern whervnto we are bounde by goddes will and the lawe of nature And whome god aboue all other hys creatures so dearely loueth and whome he hath so beautifullye adourned wyth reason with wytte wysedome and vnderstanding by whose vertue also and deuine state of life Psalm 9. the glory of god doth shine In whome through Chryst he is well pleased he sheweth his ioyfull countenance vpon vs he plucketh hys wrath from vs he blesseth vs and hathe also mercy vppon vs. And although we in our health wealth vain felicitie thorough the hardenes of oure hartes bee vnmindeful of them regarde them not nor passe anye thinge of them in theyr greate extreme agony and misery beatinge alwayes oure heades to the supportation of our owne state to the encreace of our owne felicitie and vayne pleasure and to stablishe our posterity in the estimation glory of the worlde as though oure doynges therein were sure and founded vpō an immouable rock yet god that is omnipotent rightuouse and mercifull who iustly waieth the true ordre and meanynge of all oure carnall ententes will accordinglye preuent vs and with the vehement storme of his furye beate downe ouer throw and destroy our sandy and stubble foundatiō And at the day or houre when he shall make inquis●tion for the bloude of hys saynctes and call to remembraunce the complayntes of the poore and how wyckedlye we haue in this life abused theym he will bee aduenged of them for the euerlastinge loue that he hathe towardes theym he will haue mercy vpon them he will be perpetuallye myndfull of them he wil regarde and visite theym and not forsake them in such tyme of trial psalm 14. psal 106. psal 138. psal 140. but geueth them the comfort and strength of his spirite pacientlye a shorte tyme to beare the crosse of Christ and the extremitie of their great payne and pouertie through the vnkyndnes of vnnaturall and pitiles people and that their ioyes eternallye shal be afterwardes with him in heauē For he is alwayes the comforte preseruation strength and defence of all suche as pacientlye beare the hande of GOD abyde hys wyl and walke alwaies innocentlye beefore hym He is attendannte vpon theim he guideth theim he keepeth them in the right pathe and preserueth the waie of his sainctes vnto whom he gyueth thunderstandyng of rightuousnes Psal 9.14 Prouer. 2 iudgement and equitie yea and euery good pathe and deliuereth the poore when he crieth the nedy and hym that hath no helper for he shall be fauourable and frendly to the simple and nedy and shall preserue also the soules of the poore Of whome in their great agony and bytternes of paine he torneth forth other whiles with out numbre before our eies and in suche misery to th ende we shuld beholde in theim as in a glasse the face of Iesus Christe his greate pouertie and moste greuous afflictions and tourmentes Vnto whome as vnto Christ hymselfe in their hungre thieste and nakednes we ought chari●ably to minister breade drynke and cloathe as also in their sycknes to confort theim Math. 25. and in their bands and imprisonment to visite theim They are the price and redemption of Christe they beare before oure eyes the Image of Christe and also in whome we partely doo se the great anguysh dolour of Christe And what so euer we be hold in theim we beholde in Chryste and what so euer we geue vnto them we geue vnto Christe Math. 25. And what so euer wee wythdrawe from them we withdraw from Christ for those are they whō Christe spake of to be lefte alwayes amongest vs his beloued poore membres representinge his most deare personne and vpon whome we shoulde for hys sake and in the remembrance of him haue compassion vpon them vse frendly familiaritie amongest them and dispose our godlye charitie to the vpholdynge of their lyues and the asswagynge of their most wofull payne and miserye
and folowed Iob. 1. Gala. 6. as the lyuely cleare sparkes of goddes grace to the lyghtnynge of our darkenes to the brydlyng repressing and treading vnder foote oure rancoure our priuye enemitie malyce pryde couetousnes and vncleannesse oure obstinacie and stiffeneckednes our hartes hardenes oure rebellion oure cankred natures and stoughtnes Christ hath taught vs and lefte behynde hym quicke sparkes of his heauenly doctrine amongest vs and as it were lyuelye and euerlasting vaynes of hys moste pure and godlye mynde He hath opened his mynde vnto vs and amongest vs by hys holye worde to pourgeand cleanse our stubburne hartes of all contagion and filthe yf we woulde happily apply with diligence oure affections there vnto enforce our selues by carefull trauell to knowe these sparkes of lyfe to feele and putte in practyse the operacion of theym leauynge the deade synders or smokinge shrubbes of cursednesse wherby it shall then be manyfest vnto vs thorow the light of goddes grace The grace of god is redy at all tymes to enter into vs if vve thorough obstinat ma●ice ●epe it not backe it is the good gift of god and descendeth frome about euē frome the father of light vvhi●he shall soone 〈◊〉 coined 〈◊〉 vs 〈◊〉 increased in vs yf we make cure 〈◊〉 and fe●●ēt praiet to god for it yea he wyl 〈◊〉 stablishe it in vs for euer shinyng in vs that in the profession of a very christian constancy in loue and godly charitie is also an high and principall vertue whereby we forsake the state of wyckednesse embracynge a godly lyfe and ar loosened from darknes and from the thraldome and bytter bondage of our slye ennemye the prince of this worlde and be frankely sette at libertie in the kyngdeome of Christe th ende of whose course in the shorte race of thys lyfe was to leaue amongest vs thys moste preciouse and heauenly gyfte without the felowship wherof no vertue in anye wyse from the hart of man may appeare to be vprighte cleare and perfect For he that lacketh this singular and blessed gifte of god it is not possyble for hym to do any thyng well to the plealure of god neyther is he wourthie amonge the godly to be had in estimation and honest regarde howe hyghelye soeuer of his lyke or amonge the vaynglorious of thys worlde he seeme to be extolled lifted vp and magnified because that he whiche loueth not his brother with singlenes of hart according to the bond of charitie which is the perfectiō of a christen mā but respecteth persons is not of god nor to be cōpted among the rightuous therfore the lesse apte to attayne the preseruation blessyng of god which he hath promised to al those that loue hym be obedient to his cōmādemētꝭ But alas with what great sorow may we lament in these our vnhappy and moste wretched daies If we consider the sharpenes of goddes late visitation amongest vs Goddes visitation for oure vnthankfulnesse sake diuersely to bee layde vppon vs by withholdynge specially the lyghte of his countenaunce vpō vs that w●drawīg of his grace frō vs to the darknyng of our vnderstāding to the plucking back of his loue godly charitie in vs to the makyng of vs hard herted pitiles to that kendlyng amōgest vs dishonorable warre discētion to the supportation also wherof hath risen throughout this cōmon welthe greate meruailous charges importable greuous exactions to thincrease of pouertie great wo and myserye scarcitie and ramine the cursed motion in deede of the dyuell and the fruites of hys malignaunte and wicked membres wherby the christen regions are thus afflicted an opē and most manifest shewe of goddes wrathfull indignation agaynst vs namelye vpon this our christen church of Englād whervpon the brightnes of his glorye for the shewe of his mercy in rightuousnes hath heretofore most bright lye shyned and now of late dayes thorough his iust wrath for our vnthank fulnes sake hath wythdrawne it and by wicked and wilfulle warres the swourds of hys vengeaunce not only to sustayne the losse of suche peeces VVarres beyōd that seas wherof England somtime with honour greatly reioyced but rather amongest vs here wythin the realme greate and intollerable miserye and the destruccion of the people by color Famine famine O how greuously thorough out these whole dominiōs were yet are that poore creatures of god tender mēbres of Iesus Christ most greuouslye therw t afflicted And cōm●nly also how the harts of those were yet be hardened agaīst thē which ī their vocatiō and habilitye being here but stewardes of goddes treasures were bound and ought in consciēce Of pitilesse welthy mē to haue sought their preseruation and naturall comfort soeyng we are not onely borne to our selues wastfully to support our vayne affectes but also accordyng to our duetie state habilitie for others succour helpe and necessite And how they were constrained for want of naturall feedyng and accordynge to the vse of mankynde to be conuerted into the state of brute beastes and to eate for the vpholdyng of their wretched moste wofull lyues acornes grayns and draffe the fylthy swynes refection And howe naturall and deare parentes throughe wretched pouertie weryly wandryng the wastful pathes of lyfe Against nature were inforced agaynst nature to leaue sleapyng in fieldes and vnder hedges or losynge in corners of cities and townes their yonge babes tender infantes the beloued fruit of their bodies tournyng them at aduenture frome theyr owne armes of compassion into the moste vnkynde and pitilesse worlde bycause they coulde not abyde to heare their contynuall mournyng noise their great lamentation theyr pituous cōplayntes most heuy countinaunces alwaies fixed for help vpon theim their moost wretched and vnable parentes whose wofull hartes abhorted to see in suche wyse the destruccion of their owne fleshe and the violente crueltie of death by colde and famyne ready to take their liues from them Either how sorowfull a thynge was this to heare and more pitifull to see by the reporte of credible honeste mē that in Hertford shire beside saint Albons as they passed by the high way side they sawe there lyeng and sitting together a poore woman A pitifull syght with her six or seuen younge children And as they approched nere vnto them to comfort theim with their godlye charitie they see the mother of them lye dead amongest them consumed by famyne to the bones and a younge suckynge infant also dead in her armes another of her children dyeng by her side and the rest pituously making lamentation about her And as I haue here made relacion by credible reporte but onelye of one companye and a fewe personnes that haue sustained through mannes most wretched vnkyndnes this greate wo and miserye so coulde I name of dyuers both men women and children either in villages without the citie or within in backe lanes desolate corners or vppon carraynely stinkynge donghilles