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A51082 The true non-conformist in answere to the modest and free conference betwixt a conformist and a non-conformist about the present distempers of Scotland / by a lover of truth ... McWard, Robert, 1633?-1687. 1671 (1671) Wing M235; ESTC R16015 320,651 524

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above all things plead the necessity and alone sufficiency of the Righteousness of Jesus Christ for our Justification But to restore your words to their own channell you say that since all must be condemned if God enter into judgement therefore God gave his Son unto the death for us that thereby we might obtain Salvation And though by this passage it be clearly enough imported that it is before God and by the sentence of his Law that all men stand condemned and that therefore he hath given his Son whose Death and Bloud is the Propitiation and in whom he is well pleased to be a ransome for liberation and acceptation to all that believe on him whereby Justification by faith in Jesus Christ without the deeds of the Law is in substance granted yet for ushering in your good works to share with faith in Justification by a strange connexion you subjoin And all judgement is committed by the Father to the Son and Iesus Christ hath proposed life through his death to as many as receive his Gospell and live according to it But I must take notice 1. That by laying down the commission of judgement given to the Son as a ground to his proposing of the Gospel offer you manifestly repugne to our Lords own words and testimony expressly distinguishing the character of his first coming which was in the form of a servant to minister not to be ministered unto and by performing the Fathers commandment to save the World and not to judge it from that of his second coming which shall be with power and great glory to the Salvation of all that look for him and to judge and to execute judgement upon all that are ungodly 2. By making our Lords commission to judge antecedent to his ministration of the Gospel you invert Truth and plain Scripture-evidence whereby it is clear that our Lord was first sent into the World to preach the Gospel and lay down his life for sinners that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting life And then because of his compleat and perfect obedience is exalted to be the Head of all things unto the Church and hath Authority also to execute judgement committed to him because he is the Son of Man But. 3. By this your doctrine you in effect subvert the grace of the Gospel in as much as in the place of the Gospel-covenant offering pardon and peace to poor lost sinners through Christ Jesus and with and in him all grace and glory you introduce our Lord as having by his death indeed merited the privilege of a new offer of life unto sinners but making and renewing the same in no better termes then these of the Law-covenant for as the Law sayeth that the man that doth these things shall live by them so you tell us that the termes of the Gospel-tender are to receive the same and live according to it Now if the Law doth offer life to such as receive and live according to it and our Lords proposal stand in the like termes admit the proposers not to be the same yet the proposals are certainly coincident and therefore although the eternal transaction betwixt the Father and the Son may be of Grace yet it is undeniable that in your opinion the tenders of the Law and Gospel as to us-ward do rune in the same tenor and the condescendence of both prerequiring our works is equally to be reckoned of debt These being the consequences of that Gospel-method by you here contrived and its designe no less evident to make works with saith the condition and procuring cause of our Iustification at least in the sight of Christ as the Judge appointed I add 1. That your attributing of Iustification to Christ as judge ordained over all in the last judgement is contrary to the Scripture that telleth us that it is one God that justifieth it is Christ that died marke the distinction made and no doubt reason it self informing us that it is the Law and Law-giver and not the Judge which define dutie determine paines and condemne the transgressors poenae enim persecution non Iudicis voluntati mandatur sed legis authoritati reservatur It doth also confirm that it appertaines unto God only as the Law-giver to remit the punishment incurred and accept and justify sinners upon an aequipollent satisfaction 2. The Authority to execute judgement being given to our Lord as the Mediator and because he is the Son of Man in which respect he is not the principal Author and efficient but only the meritorious cause of our Iustification not the very act but only the solemn declaration thereof can be ascrived to him in this capacity unless you can conceive that our Lord is not only both the Ransome and the accepter thereof but that by becoming the Propitiation he also becometh the partie to be appeased which are palpably inconsistent 3. The plain Scripture-truth in this point is that our Lord having compleatly obeyed the will of God and being made perfect through suffering is therefore highly exalted above every name and hath all power and judgement committed to him whereby as he doth here in time enrich with all Grace guid support and preserve all that beleeve in him and also over-rule restrain and punish all his and their Adversaries so shal he in the last day appear first to receive and welcome all his redeemed ones formerly justified by his Righteousnesse and sanctified by his Grace unto his Fathers joy And then with them to judge the reprobate and take vengeance on all that know not God and obey not the Gospel by which it is evident that Justification proceeding from God for Christs sake and necessarily preceeding both our Sanctification here and Glorification in the last day cannot be referred unto that judgement which is only declarative and executive according to these words Come ye blessed of my Father nor explicate according to its scheme And therefore although our Lord do therein for our encouragement in well doing and the commendation of the riches of his bountie make mention of our good works and shall certainly in that day also crown his own free grace in us with a reward yet thence to inferre that our Justification before God and in order to his holy justice having for its alone cause the Righteousnes of Jesus Christ and imported in the compellation ye blessed of my Father is founded on our weak love and scant charity which even the Righteous in that day seeme ashamed to owne is both a groundless error and high presumption But I proceed to your next words viz. That Christ Iesus hath proposed life through his death to as many as receive his Gospel and live according to it That this is a manifest perversion of the free Grace of God whereby our Lord Jesus doth freely hold out himself unto us not only for to be our Righteousnesse for Justification but also our Sanctification through his Spirit unto the glory of God and therefore
it imports to me an excess wherewith we ought not to comply To join with the merit of Jesus Christ that of their own good works nay of their own superstitious inventions and to his Mediation that of Saints seem to me to impinge upon the very foundation which you acknowledge What shal we then say of the avowed gross Idolatries and Superstitions ridiculous penitences and perverted morality whereby both the truth and spirituality of Gods Worship and Service with the inward and genuine Grace of Obedience and Sanctification are subverted Really Sir these appear to me to be a superstructure of such naughty stuffe as neither the sincerity of Grace with which I judge them incompatible nor even the flames of their own purgatory will ever purge away But you proceed That though you will not say that all things controverted betwixt the Reformed Churches and them are matters of Salvation yet in their greater errors such as the Popes Supremacie the Churches infallibility the corporal presence c. you condemne them and perhaps on clearer grounds then we do 'T is answered 1. That the things controverted with the Papists are not all of them such as do directly and necessarily in beleefe or practice appertain to Salvation is not by us denied but where in this your latitude you do in effect intimate such a dissent from the Reformed Churches as if many things betwixt us and the Papists were needlessly by us drawn in question it is such an undervaluing of the will and way of the Lord whereupon even in our smallest differences we hope we are founded that I could not pass it without an observation 2. Whether you do indeed condemn the Papists in many of the points by you enumerate let be on better grounds is to me very dubious You say you are against the Popes Supremacie but how is it then that you have transferred it upon his Majesty and that with a more ample extent then ever was conceded to nay or arrogat by any Pope That the King may enact such Acts and Orders concerning the administration of the external Government of the Church and the Persons therein imployed and concerning all Ecclesiastick Meetings and matters therein to be proposed as he shall think fit is more then any Pope ever assumed Pray Sir is the difference betwixt the persons of the Pope and Prince the hinge of the controversie Or is this one of the clearer grounds you talk of consider it at your leisure In the next place you tell us that you condemn the Churches infallibility and yet p. 31. of this same Book your affirme that even in matters as punctually set down in Scripture as either of these Sacraments the Church may judge that God did not therein intend any perpetual obligation and by her practice oblige us to a cessation and consequently alter Scripture-determinations Beside you know what power you attribute to the Church to impose significant ceremonies and other observances which although you tell us for an evasion do not take away the liberty of inward opinion yet you affirme that they do bind in Conscience to a conformable practice Verily if a Church so impowered be not infallible the concessions are too large but the truth is Scripture defectible the Church fallible and nothing fixed appear to be most aggreeable to the lightnes of your brains and the Conveniencie of your new latitude 3. You affirme that you are against the corporal presence and also the worshiping of Images and yet you are for Adoration to before or in order to the Eliments For call it as you will you plead for it as due veneration in the action whereof they are the necessary objects how these do consist I see not For my part I cannot but judge the Papists though more gross yet more consequent But we have enough of this subject and these few instances premised may indeed well justify the excessive love which you profess to the unity of the Catholick Church wherein you include the Roman and your esteem for such meaning by Cassander and others of his way who have studied to bring things to a temper do palpably hold out your byass to their haltings But if the unity and temper that you aime at be of this temper since it hath not truth for its foundation the Lord deliver his Churches from it In the next place your N. C. and you fall a quarrelling about Iustification and after you have first taxed then smoothed and again in a manner rejected the Papists their Iustification by works and their Merit you proceed to Iustification by faith only and when you have given us your explanation of it you make a prettie bo●st as it forsooth by your right apprehension of things you had in a few words told that which with much nicety swels amongst us to Volumes Sir I so greatly defire to find you walking in the truth and am so little in love with contention especially in a matter of this importance that I am resolved rather fanely to pass then rigidly to strain even your more ambiguous expressions but since you would make the World beleeve that with you and you only is to be found both Truth and Light and that on the other hand we do perplexe this point with Nic●ties and subtilties it will not be amiss that in this matter I examine you more particularly which that I may performe with the greater candor and perspiciuty I shall first exhibit your words in their full context and thereafter review them in parts You say then That Iustification and Condemnation are two opposite legall termes relating to the judgement shal be given out at the last day For though we are said to be condemned already this is only that we are now in the state of such as shal be solemnly justified or condemned Now at the great day we must give an account of our actions and we must be judged accordingly but since all must be condemned if God enter in judgement with them therefore God gave his Son to the death for us that thereby we might obtain Salvation And all judment is by the Father committed to the Son and Iesus Christ hath proposed life through his death to as many as receive his Gospell and live according to it And as that which gives us a title to the favour of God is the blood of Christ so that which gives us an interest in his death is faith with a life conforme to the rules of the Gospel and the root of this new life is a faith which worketh by love purifyeth the heart and overcometh the world and therefore Iustification is ascribed to it in Scripture and this you say is the right apprehension of things both ascribing all to Christ and declaring clearly the necessity of a holy life 'T is answered The matter of Justification being in effect the very substance of the Gospel and its right uptaking of the greatest moment in order to our Salvation for as much as you by
an affected simplicity and simulat smoothness do palpably laboure to involve and pervert it I shal first represent in your words and in its own colours the error which you would impose and then discusse these reasons and insinuations whereby you endeavour rather cunningly to cover and convey it then plainly to maintain it The scope then and aime of your discourse is that the proposall of life in the Gospel through the death of Christ is to as many as receive it and live according to it that that which giveth us an interest in the death of Christ is ●aith with a li●e con●orme to the ral●s of the Gospel and that because of the fruits of faith love purity of heart and victorie over the world therefore Iustification is ascribed unto it in Scripture The meaning of which expressions in plain language is that it is by good works joined with faith nay by good works principally and faith referred to them as the root thereof and not by faith only as the instrument whereby the perfect Righteousness of Jesus Christ is laid hold upon and becometh ours in Gods sight that we are justified Now that this your opinion is false and is to be rejected appeareth by these many and plain Scriptures By the deeds of the Law there shal no flesh be justifyed in his sight Rom. 3. 20. The man is blessed to whom God imputeth righteousnesse without works Rom. 4. 6. By grace we are saved not of works lest any man should boast Eph. 2. 8. 9. Not by works of righteousnesse which we have done but according to his Mercy he saved us Tit. 3. 5. God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself not imputing their trespasses unto them 2. Cor. 5. 19. God hath saved us with an holy calling not according to our works but according to his own purpose and grace which was given us in Christ Iesus before the world began 2 Tim. 1. 9. He hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him 2. Cor. 5. 21. Iesus Christ is made of God unto us Wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption 1. Corin. 1. 30. He is the LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESSE Ier. 23. 6. We are justified freely by Gods Grace through the redemption that is in Christ Iesus Whom God hath set forth to be a propisiation through faith in his blood Rom. 3. 24 25. By the righteousnesse of Christ the free gift came upon all men to the justification of life and by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous Rom. 5 18. 19. We are justifyed by the faith of Iesus Christ and not by the works of the law Gal. 2. 16. He that worketh not but believeth on him that justifyeth the ungodly his faith is counted unto him for righteousnesse Rom. 4. 5. And lastly A man is justifyed by faith it without the works of the law Ro. 5. 28. This 〈◊〉 hope is plain Scripture language without any subtil●y How can you then joine our works of the Law with the righteousnesse of faith even the righteousness of Jesus Christ which faith doth apprehend appropriat for our Justification in Gods sight contrary to these most manifest testimonies Certainly if men would but seriously examine and consider what Gods word doth so plainly and rationally hold forth anent this purpose how quickly would that pure and perfect light dispel darknesse clear doubtings and give us both a right understanding and sound and easie expression therein God did creat and appoint man to bear and be conformable to his image for the manifestation of his own glory and thereby to partake and enjoy his favour for our felicity for that end he gave his holy and righteous Law on the one hand being both the way to and bearing the promise of life unto the obedient and on the other pronouncing wrath and death against such as should be disobedient The sanction and pain of this divine Law being by 〈◊〉 incurred and all mankind standing thereby condemned and bound over to wrath in Gods sight the Grace of God that bringeth Salvation appeareth holding forth Jesus Christ manifested in our flesh and therein fulfilling all righteousnesse suffering in both Bodie and Soul dying shedding his bloud and making his Soul an offering for a propitiation and ransome for satisfiing Divine justice and reconciling us unto God rising again for our Justification and being made perfect through suffering became the Author of eternal salvation to all them that obey him that is believe and receive this Gospel-covenant whereof he himself was also the Minister holding him forth for Wisdom Righte ousnes Sanctification and absolute Redemption-to all that come unto and imbrace him And therefore as at first Christ came into the world by doing the will of God and making his Soul an offering for sin to bring in everlasting Righteousnes even the Righteousnesse of God through faith in his Name so because he was obedient unto death even the death of the Cross God hath therefore highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name and vesting him with all power in Heaven and in Earth hath made him the Head of all things unto his Church and committed unto him all Judgement that he may one day render both vengeance unto the Disobedient and Unbelievers and receive unto himself and the Fathers Glory his own who through faith in his Name are justifyed in Gods sight and by his grace purifyed and preserved unto his heavenly Kingdom This being then the plain Gospel-revelation to lost and condemned sinners what els doth it require then that in the knowledge and sense of this our sinful wretched and miserable estate flowing from Jesus Christ our Wisdom we by faith lay hold on him and his Righteousnesse for our ransome from wrath and alone acceptation in God's sight and also for obtaining of Sanctification consisting in the purging away of all filthiness of the flesh and Spirit which the penitent Convert as he feareth its guilt and wrath doth in like manner detest and abhorre and the perfecting holiness in the fear of God And lastly for compleat Redemption from and victorie over Sathan the World the body of this death it self in the triumph of the Resurrection and the plenarie possession of Eternal life By all which it is evident that whatever be these other graces and blessings which we partake in and through our Lord Jesus yet it is through and by faith alone as an instrument and in respect of its peculiar aptitude for that end apprehending or laying hold on Christ Jesus the only Propitiation and his Righteousnes the alone Satisfaction that we are justifyed in Gods sight And really Sir when in this sincere and clear light I have proposed this matter I wonder what vanity or ignorance could seduce you to the doctrine which you here deliver To grant as you do Justification to be a judicial act whereby no doubt we are to understand that
208. l. 32. For r. To. p. 215. l. 17. r. fealty ibid. l. 34. r. and any p. 217. l. 3. r. That p. 220. l. 2. r. our p. 228. ●l 9. r. 1590. ibid. l. 10. r. doubted p. 242. l. 8. r. on p. 252. l. 9. r. one p. 253. l. 7. r fervent p. 269. l. 29. r. pattern p. 284. l. 17. r. ridiculous p. 341. l. 16. r. mostly p. 387. l. 6. r. mitigated p. 391. l. 31. r. ashamed p. 572. l. 14. r. this p. 496. l. 8. r. maintained p. 502. l. 17. r. convinced ibid. l. 18. r. qualifies Reader what others thou may find through a letter wanting or redundant or one for another or through a comma colon or the like misplaced or wanting thou mayest correct as thou readest The first DIALOGUE Answered SIR If I premise that your modest and free conference doth obviously appear to me to be rather a phantastick rancountre of a mocking Conformist and a Mock-Non-conformist it is not from any design to preoccupy by so severe a character but only to releeve both you and my self of the fruitless observation and tedious prosecution of the many impertinencies incident to such a practice and therefore as you are not to expect my particular noticing of the high pretensions weak replyes faint cedings ridiculous evasions plain concessions and flattering insinuations whereunto you prompt your Puppet-non-conformist either for your own advantage or diversion so in the tracing of these things that seeme to be more serious and important in your Dialogues I promise you all the candor and calmness whereof I am capable Yea though your double dealing in this cause which not content to impugne as a Conformist you go about also as a Non-conformist to betray might well warrant a more sharpe and large animadversion both upon your end and method yet being only desirous of truths vindication and in the occurrence of so many temptations justly jealous of my own infirmitie I do here francklie cease from and lay aside all wrath and bitterness that I sin not and shall as sincerely distinctly as I can review and answere your reasonings as they ly Before you fall to your direct accusations you suggest 1. That the Non-conformists do boast of their way as the Glory 2. That their Ministers tell them only of Christs death which is not to preach him 3. That they study more to convince them of the need of Christs Righteousness then of having an● of their own 4. That Non-conformists think they may quite the Communion of the Church if in their opinion no● in the truth in every point 5. That in former times they repressed some sins specially of the flesh but scarcely in a Gospel way and as for other sins were very gentle to them Nay were themselves guiltie of them Sir were I not very loath to irritate you in the entrie I would tell you that to commence your conference with such groundless odious and incoherent hints which you dare not positively affirme is more agreeable to a design of prejudice then to the charitie you so amply professe But to particulars to the first that the Non-conformists do boast of their way as the Glory 1. We bless our God our Glory who hath made all the manifestations and means of his Grace Glorious these are the overflowings of the excellent Glory by the streames whereof all our gloryings and praises ought to be carried back to concentred in and swallowed up of the Ocean-fountain whence they proceed 2. The Scripture is plain that Jesus Christ the Prince of Glorie in the revelation of his Glorious Gospel hath made the ministration thereof so farre to exceed in Glory that even he himself accounteth the Messengers thereof his Glory Whether these things be not sufficient to justifie both the Non-conformists boasting and regrete needeth not my assertion Sure I am if a pure Ministrie not modelled by the policy and pride of man but singly squared to our Lords institution if able Ministers of the New Testament declaring all the Counsel of God and imparting the fulness of the blessing of the Gospel And lastly if the growing and Multiplying of the word of God and his peoples desire after and rejoicing in it have any lustre of this Glory the present sad catastrophe whereby all these have been so wickedly and wofully changed to their contraries may more justly move every concerned serious soul to a lamentation for the departed glory then these occasions that first produced that complaint If you judge these to be swelling words of vanitie remember that as I do speak the true Non-conformist so it is your part by this your conference more solidly to redargue him The second thing you suggest is that the Non-conforming Ministers tell us only of Christs death which is not to preach Christ. Sir this allegeance short as it is presents it self with a disgust that I can scarce express Not that I think the Non-conformists are thereby in the least noted Nay on the contrarie I am confident that in whatsoever sense you are able to render the accusation pertinent the Non-conformists are most free to deny it and that with the universall evidence of all their unprejudicate hearers and the unanimous testimony of all their confessions and writings extant And whether this be more to their advantage or your dishonour I hope you will consider But that which in my heart I detest is to hear the glorious subject of the precious death of Christ so both slighted and narrowed within its Scriptural acceptation by such a Cold restrictive If the Apostle Paul desired to know nothing but Christ and him crucified and Gloryed only in his Cross If the death of Christ doth necessarily suppose and did certainly confirme his preceeding Testament nay if in the Gospel it be often mentioned as the substance and root of all had you no fitter words for your intended accusation of N. C. then that they tell us only of Christs death I know your meaning viz. That to tell people onely of an interest in Christ while they are strangers to his Laws and Gospel is to deceive them is as sound as it is untruly charged upon the Non-conformists Neither would I have taxed an innocent lapse in the phrase observed but it s too visible tendencie to the discredite of the doctrine of Justification by the bloud of Christ and to the new rationall Method of more exalting our righteousness to an equality with his merit then pressing it in Conformity to his life and love is the cause of my aversion The Non-conformists therefore do indeed tell us of the death of our Lord Jesus not with your ill appropriat and restringent only but do preach to us alwayes and principally this doctrine of his Cross as that whereby both the great mean of our reconciliation ● and the strongest motive best pattern and most certain assurance of our dying unto sin and living unto God wherein our Sanctification consists are held forth 3.
that happens to be promoted and that the order or institution it self destitute of divine warrant and promise and clearly occasioned by evil contention and introduced into the house of God by humane invention could not at first have any thing in it recommendable and hath since produced most corrupt ●ruits Neither the existence of Many excellent and great men in this degree nor the laudable yea extraordinary advantages that the Church hath received from them in the concret can now justify and maintain the Order it self in the abstract If this arguing were good able and well qualifyed men vested with such a power or placed in such a condition have proven and may prove notable instruments of Good therefore it is reasonable and expedient that such a constant order should be erected we might not only have Bishops but most of the Monastick Orders of the Roman Church We finde Peter with the singular benefite of the Church exercing a power of Life and Death and that given him from above and not assumed could therefore an order of Church-men pretending to the like Authority be rationally thence maintained in the Church No wayes Accidental advantages do not commend unwarranted institutions much less can they justle out our Lords express constitution But it is he the perfect orderer of his own house who hath positively defined and blessed its Officers and their power and not left the matter Arbitrarie to the probable contrivances of apparent benefite farre less to the dissembling pretenses of mens Lusts and corrupt Interest 8. It is to be noted that although the great measure of Grace given to the Primitive Church and the hard and frequent persecutions wherewith it was exercised did for a time hinder that strange depravation and incredible ●ruption of wickedness whereunto the setting up of the Ancient Prostasia the rudiment of your Prelacie did from its first beginnings secretly and covertly bend Yet this is most evident that so soon as the Church of God obtained the countenance and was favoured by the more fond in many things such as excessive Do●ations and Grants of privileges then prudently pious benevolence of Secular Princes this Prelatick order which in its depression had been indeed honoured with many shining lights and Glorious Martyres attaining then to its ascendent did not only debauch the Lords Ministers for the most part unto idleness avarice and luxurie but continually climb up according to its proper Genius of Ambition until the Devils design in its rise and progress was fully discovered and consummate in the revelation of the Son of perdition 9. This being the rise progress and product of Prelacie in the first Churches as may be clearly gathered from the writtings of these times how it was introduced in other Churches thereafter gathered and brought in may be found in their Histories Only this is certain that as in almost no Church it can be shewed to have been coëvous with Christianity and in all the western Churches where it obtained place was ever a sprig of Romes Hierarchie propagate by her ambition and deceit and the like practices So the Church of Scotland in special was in the beginning and for some centuries thereafter instructed and guided by Monks without Bishops until palladius from Rome did set up Prelacie among us as many Authors witness Nay we may finde it on Record that even in the 816. year a Synod in England did prohibite the Scots any function in their Church because they gave no honour to Metropolitans and other Bishops By these observations having in some sort delineate the mysterious and crooked windings of this excrescing Power in its first motions and setting forth and very clearly and naturally traced its progressions and thence deduced that most prodigious production of the Antichristian Papacie as any considerate man may thereby easily perceive not only how it might but how de facto it hath crept into the whole Church without an Apostolicall introduction notwithstanding of all your contrarie insinuations so I am confident that what ever other advantages these primitive times had above our latter dayes yet our discovery made after so full a revelation compared to the obscure appearances of this wickedness in the first ages of the Church cannot be thereby rationally disproved and your scurrile disparaging of the latter times of reformation as the fagg end o● sexteen hundred years doth with little less success plead for the Pope and Antichrist then for your An●ichristian Prelacie As for the rest of your discourse wherein you tell your N. C. that though the ancient Bishops were better men then either Bishops or Presbyters alive Yet in Presbyteries Specially in the matter of Ordination they were sine quibus non and what ever be the present abuse of the Episcopall power Yet it is a rational and most necessary thing that the more approven and gifted be peculiarly incharged with the inspection of the Clergie an order of men ne●ding much to be regulate and seing all humane things and Presbytery also are liable to be abused the common maxime remains to be applied remove the abuse of Bishops but retain their use In answere hereto I need not inlarge he who knows Church History best will easily grant that as for the first Centurie and an half we have no vestige upon record of your Prelatick power So when 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 had place their concurrence in Presbyteries was only for order as being the Mod●rators a consideration of the same exigence and effect whether they be fixed or unfixed and not from any peculiar power proper to them as a superior order A thing so certainly disowned by the primitive Church that even after the Bishops thought themselves well stated in their Prelacie and were beginning to contend among themselves for the Papacie Hierom doth plainly deny them any such prerogative above Presbyters and was not therefore contradicted by any How much more then doth this condemn that sole power both of Ordination and Jurisdiction whereunto your Bishops do pretend As for your alledged reason and necessity of promoting the better gifted over the unruly Cl●rgie whatever application it may have to that naughty Company of your insufficient and profane Curats or Conformity to the Court yea the worlds prejudice against our Lord Jesus his Ministers and all his followers Yet these two things are most evident 1. That as that lowely and ministerial Government appointed by Christ in his own house admitting no superiority or inequality of power among Ministers is not subjected to and alterable at the arbitriment of humane reason so the advantage of Gifts whereupon you would found it doth so little favour your conclusion that the direct contrarie is recommended by our Lord as its best evidence and fruit he that will be chief among you let him be your Servant and that not only as to the grace of humility but in plain opposition to that superior Authority exercised in Secular Rule whereof the imitation in this place is expresty
doth not require our holinesse as an antecedent condition seing it is indeed his own subsequent Gi●t the obvious evidence of so clear a truth may sufficiently confirme and the following argume●ts do unanswerably evince 1. Our Lords own words the surest Rule for understanding the proposal controverted do contain a free tender and not the termes by you represented Hear what he saith to Nicodemus Whosoever beleeveth in the Son of man shall no perish but have eternal life For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever beleeveth on him should not perish but have everlasting life Iohn 3. 15 16. Iohn addeth he that beleeveth on the Son hath everlasting life chap. 3. v. 36. And again our Lord sayeth this is the work of God that you beleive on him whom he hath sent And this is his will that every one which seeth the Son and beleeveth may have everlasting life Verily verily I say unto you he that beleeveth on me hath everlasting life Iohn 6. 29 40 47. Surely these are Gospel proposalls yea the very summe and substance of its offer whereof your condition of a conformable life maketh no part I might add Paul's words to the Jailour believe on the Lord Iesus Christ and thou shall be saved but it is so much the strain of the whole New Testament that it were unnecessary to enlarge 2. If when we were Enemies and not for works of Righteousnesse which we have done we were reconciled unto God by the death of his Son then the proposal of life and Justification is made through faith in his Name without the condition of these good works which you join with it but so it is that the antecedent is plain Scripture therefore that the consequent is identick with it as Justification and Reconciliation are cannot be denied 3. That which is the end of our Election Calling and Redemption by Jesus Christ is his undertaking for us in that respect and is the fruit of our faith and of our acceptation therethrough yea and is the product of the Fathers care over us as accepted in the Beloved cannot be said to be required of us as a condition antecedent to our justification no more then the same thing can be thought to be really both antecedent and subsequent But so it is that we are chosen and called to be holy and created in Christ Iesus unto good works through faith it is and that not of our selves it is the Gi●t o● God that we become partakers of Christ for Reconciliation and of all his graces for Sanctification and lastly we are in him Gods husbandrie that we may bring forth the fruits of righteousnesse Therefore c. 4. Your requiring of good works together with faith previous to our acceptance by Jesus Christ is an uncertain and desperat thing in as much as it is evident that unless we be first accepted of him and united to him it is not possible for us to do any thing without me you can do nothing are our Lords own words Say not that this Argument equally militats against previous faith if we did hold faith as it is our act to be required as a proper potestative foregoing condition of our acceptance the objection might be of some moment but since we do affirme faith to be only the instrumental act to which the word of power exciting the Soul doth thereby lay hold on and close with Jesus Christ it is thence manifest that immediatly without any other prerequisite he becometh our propitiation peace and all 5. To these may be added that this your Doctrine joining good works to faith for attaining to our Lords acceptation subverteth the peace taketh away the joy of Beleevers checketh Paul's exultation in his so much professed assurance of the love of God in Christ Jesus and lastly as to sinners in extremity called immediatly before the twelfth hour removeth all ground of hope but I am already too full in a matter so clear and so largely handled by many more able Pens I might here subjoin that as your joining of good works as a condition with faith in the proposal of the Gospel is a manifest perverting of the free grace of God upon which these good works having a subsequent dependence cannot by any reall antecedent influence possibly move it so your turning faith by this conjunction to be a motive of the same nature and to be also respected in the quality of a condition is a palpable depravation of its use and comfort It s true our Divines taking the word condition in a large sense as it signifieth any thing prerequired do ordinarily say that faith and faith only is the condition on our part of the Gospel-covenant but that it is not therein a condition as a condition doth properly and legally import viz. that which though by convention only yet hath a meriting or moving influence upon the other parties performance and such as works previously required either in the Covenant of works or in that of Grace as you would have it certainly hath and can have no other I firmly maintain I further grant that the requiring of faith as a proper condition doth no less exact the existence of the thing then if it were repute to be necessary as an instrument yet that it clearly changeth the office of faith in the new Covenant unto that of the condition of works under the old and that by respecting it as a condition on our part it doth diminish that immediat regard we ought to have to and comfort which we derive from Jesus Christ and his Righteousnesse tendered unto us to be laid hold upon as the alone motive and satisfaction acceptable to God for our Justification cannot be denied But I go on with your discourse you add And as that which giveth us a title to the favour of God is the bloud of Christ so that which giveth us an interest in his death is faith with a life conforme to the rules of the Gospel But passing your conjunction and this your third and which I am certain would require more study to discover therein a connexion then you did adhibite in the using let me ask if the bloud of Christ giveth us a title to the favour of God is it not then the sufficient and sole price and purchase of our Iustification in his sight And must not faith its alone proper application render us accepted to the Beloved What then can your So further import Viz. so that which giveth an interest in the death of Christ is faith with a life conforme to the Gospel Can you or any man els● conceive that a man by faith alone in the propitiation the bloud of Christ should be reconciled unto God and yet not attain to an interest in Christs death without a holy life superadded and concurring in the same causality Nay these things are plainly inconsistent 2. The fairest sense that your words can bear is that as we are restored to a
capacity of favour with God by the bloud of Christ so it is faith with a life conforme to the Gospel that gives us an actual interest in his Death and thereby unto the peace of God but seing the result of this in plain language is no other then that our Lord having by his own bloud ransomed fallen and forfeited mankind hath in liew of the first Covenant made with man and by him transgressed proposed to us a second adding to the condition of a holy life required by the f●●st that of beleeving That this is altogether dissonant both to the declared love of God and the grace revealed by Jesus Christ in his Gospel any Christian may discern Your next words are And a fourth And the root of this new life is a faith which worketh by love purifieth the heart and overcometh the world and there fore Iustification is ascribed unto it in Scripture But pray Sir how is it that faith becometh such a fruitful root Is it not by laying hold on Christs Righteousnesse by which pardon being obtained and we reconciled unto God we have right unto and so do attain in due time the benefite of all the promises of Grace which in Christ Jesus are yea and Amen or that the same faith which layeth hold on him as our Righteousnesse in Gods sight doth also unite us to him for Sanctification and ingraffing us as it were in him through the communication of his grace purifieth the heart and overcometh the World Or lastly is it not that by faith we are brought to the bloud of Sprinkling which is both the bloud of atonement that sprinkleth from an evill Conscience and also the Laver which cleanseth from all sin and wherewith we are sanctifyed This being then the Scripture account and it being most apparent that Christ through faith becometh first our Righteousnesse for remission of sin and Justification in Gods sight and then our Sanctification unto Good works your own acknowledgement that faith is the root of this new life of holiness may evince that a holy life subsequent to faith and our acceptation therethrough cannot be therewith joined as a condition for our Justification But that which followeth in your discourse and therefore i. e. because of the above enumerat frui●s which it produceth Iustification is ascribed unto faith in the Scripture is the grossest error of all because 1. It directly repugnes to Scripture clearly intimating that it is unto faith as the instrument only whereby the Righteousnesse of Jesus Christ is unto us applyed that Justification is in Scripture ascrived If we be justifyed by the faith of Jesus Christ and if by the Righteousnesse of Jesus Christ the free gift cometh upon all to the Justification of life if he be the propitiation through faith in his bloud and our righteousnesse which is of God by faith are you not affrayed to say that Justification requiring a satisfactorie righteousnesse is ascrived to faith because of its poor and imperfect fruits in us and thereby to ●light and vilipend the perfect Righteousnesse of Christ the immediat object whereon it layeth hold and our only acceptation in Gods sight 2. Because this your error derogates from Divine justice We have already heard you call Justification a legal or judicial act and consequently an act wherein free grace doth not more favour the lost sinner then justice doth regard a valuable ransome and surety If Iustification then be ascribed in Scripture to faith this must certainly be understood either as faith is in it self or is relative to a compleat and adequat satisfaction Now to think that faith in it self or as it is an act or habite which is the Gift of God or its fruits which beside that they are also the gift of God and our dutie as from us are mixed with much weakness and imperfection or lastly that any thing else then the Righteousnesse of Jesus Christ apprehended by faith can be commensurable to holy Iustice is more then redargued by the simple proposal 3. This your ascribing Iustification unto faith in regard of a holy life which it produceth doth no less detract from the praise of the glory of the grace of God wherein he hath made us accepted in the Beloved Is it the praise and commendation of this wonderful love and grace that he spared not but gave his only begotten Son to be a ransome for sinners and that it is in the Beloved that we are accepted and justifyed and should not you be ashamed to say that it is unto faith as the root of a holy life and not as it doth respect and take hold on him who was made to be sin for us and knew no sin that we might be made the Righteousnesse of God in him that Iustification is in Scripture ascrived 4. This your error as it is contrary to the Scripture and derogatorie to the Righteousnesse of Christ the Holinesse of Divine justice and the Glory of free Grace so it is the manifest product of and cannot but be a most dangerous temptation to that inward and spiritual pride in the heart of man of all sin the most subtilly insinuating deeply rooted and pernicious A price or something meriting or moving at least of our own is that which the natural man liketh well nay knoweth not how to renounce was it not a subtile and strange effect of this pride and corrupt selfe Shall I give my first-born for my transgression the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul When as the thing required by the Lord was to do justly love mercy and walk humbly with God And whence did the Iews their stumbling at the Gospel proceed Was it not that they went about to establish their own righteousnesse and therefore they did not submit themselves unto the Righteousnesse of God Say not that this accusation against you is unwarranted I know you tell us That your explanation ascribes all to Christ through whom it is that our sinnes are pardoned our services accepted and grace and glory conveyed to us But it is evident that these are but vain words in as much as though you here tell us that our services are accepted through Christ yet almost immediatly before we heard you say that it is faith and a life conforme to the Gospel by way of antecedent condition which gives us an interest in his bloud Now that our services cannot be prerequired by way of condition to his acceptance of us and also only accepted as performed by us in him● is of it self manifest 2. Though you should more clearly and consistently ascribe all unto Jesus Christ yet by turning his grace into a condition the subtilty and folly of your pride doth but the more bewray it self For as simply to obtrude our own good works which in the acknowledgement of the most exact and confident legalist are both commanded and given us of God is a proud presumption so the more you attribute either the strength or the acceptance of performances
unto the grace of God in Christ Jesus while in the mean time you do still arrogate them as a condition on the creatures part you the more declare the folly but in nothing diminish the sinfulnesse of your vanity These things need not to be illustrat questionless who ever doth consider his lost condition by reason of sin and wrath and hearkeneth unto that fundamental Gospel-precept deny thy self imprimis all self-righteousnesse and beleeve will find the power thereof so deeply descending into his Soul that all the desire trust and hope thereof will be fixed on Jesus Christ alone and to be found in him not having his own righteousnesse which unto his sincere reflection will be so far from appearing a condition that it will disappeare as dung but that Righteousnesse which is through the faith of Christ the Righteousnesse which is of God by faith But who can sufficiently declare and regret the madnes and ingratitude of this pride of man Jesus Christ is made of God unto us Righteousnesse and yet we will thereto join our own for Justification in Gods sight He is also made unto us Sanctification that in Him we may bring forth the fruits of holinesse unto the glory of God and the very same fruits will we impropriat to be the condition and as it were the price of our acceptance even with himself who is our only acceptation and our all Sir be not deceived as they who in the sight of sin and fear of wrath f●ee unto Christ alone for a refuge do finde his Righteousness not more sufficient then freely offered to every one that willeth for Justification in Gods sight so your Doctrine requiring both faith and a holy life as the previous conditions to give an interest in Christs Death and ascriving Justification to faith because forsooth of the pitiful fruits of our righteousnesse and not that perfect Righteousnesse of Jesus Christ which it doth apprehend is wholly dissonant unto the method of the Gospel and cannot possibly attain its end What shall be then said of your ensuing words Now judge but a little what it is to have a right apprehension of things since I have in a few plain words told you that which with much nicety swels among you to Volumes Really Sir if I may use the liberty of answering by you permitted I would say what a sad thing is it to have a wrong and conceited apprehension of things since you have in a few involved words in such a manner obscured and confounded a plain point of truth that notwithstanding of express Scripture-light yet it hath necessarily required a great many words clearly to unsold it There remaineth now to be considered the main reason whereby as you shut up so you would seem to enforce the opinion which we have heard and that is the necessity of a holy life which you say Your way of Iustification doth clearly declare as being that whereupon we shall be solemnly judged justified and absolved at the last day and afterward you add That it may correct the error of many carnall Christians who love well to hear of Salvation by the death of Christ provided they be bound to do nothing themselves that they may be saved 'T is answered 1. That there are many seeming Christians who have a name that they live and are dead who have and do delight in a form of knowledge but want the power of whose delusion the error which you mention may be a part is an old and true regret And yet the explication by you delivered being so many wayes unsound and peccant as we have heard cannot possibly be an antidote 2. As these carnal Christians pretending to lay hold on Jesus Christ for Righteousnesse and yet wholly neglecting the study of holiness are of all men the most sadly deceived and most wretched deceivers so your manner of Justification derogating from the holy Iustice of God and the perfect Righteousnesse of Jesus Christ flattering the natural mans pride to which of all vices we are most prone and seducing souls from the free Grace of the Gospel cannot be less dangerous and pernicious But 3. This your reason for departing from Justification by faith only as encouraging to licentiousness is so directly the objection which the Apostle Paul taketh notice of and fully answereth after his having declared the truth of Justification as by us professed that we are thereby exceedingly fortified The passage is thus the Apostle having shewed that it is by the Righteousnesse of Jesus Christ that the free Gift cometh upon all men to Iustification of life and that it is by the obedience of one that many are made righteous and summing up the whole matter that it is grace that reigneth through Righteousnesse unto eternal life by Iesus Christ our Lord he subjoineth What shall we say then shall we continow in sin that grace may abound Seing it is not by our works but of free grace through faith in the Righteousness of Jesus Christ that we are justified from sin shall we therefore in as much as sin commendeth grace and our good works availl not continow in sin that grace may abound The plain insinuation of what you object Now hear the Apostles answere both for us and himself 1. He saveth justification by faith only cannot encourage to sin because such as do thereby truely lay hold on Jesus Christ partake of his death and are made conformable thereto How shall they then that are dead to sin live any longer therein Sin may indeed remain but that they who through faith in his Death are planted in the likenesse thereof and become as crucified with him should live any longer in sin is not possible To the same purpose it is that the Apostle Iohn saith whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin and he cannot sin because he is born of God And yet if any false pretender should therefore say either that he cannot transgress or that his transgressions are no sins and so license himself unto wickedness he but deceiveth himself and the truth is not in him 2. Paul saith that Justification through faith importeth a more certain assurance of good works then any thing by you urged The necessity of good works which ye plead for is only that of a condition strict indeed as to its obligation but very uncertain if not desperat as to its cause and reall existence being previously required unto our acceptance by and being in Christ as I have already shewed whereas the Apostle tells us plainly that according to the truth of Justification by him and by us asserted the necessity of good works is causally certain depending upon such infallible causes that whereever true Faith is the study of holiness must necessarily ensue and where this is not the pretense of Faith and Justification thereby is but vain and groundlesse For seing by Faith the only requisite on our part for Justification we are not only dead indeed with Jesus Christ unto sin but planted
no doubt if you had been Prelatick in those dayes you would have made it a far more plausible medium for the same conclusion And now our constancy to the truth once received and most solemnly ingaged unto and our abhorrence of the falshood and perjury of such who casting off all fear of God and regard to their own reputation either as Christians or men have subverted the righteous and pure constitution of this Church usurped its name and authority and are turned to be persecutors of such who cannot comply with all this wickedness is made by you not only a charge of separation but exaggerat as a preparative to the Quakers their folly O with how much more reason and undeniable evidence might the perjurious lightness and versatile falshood of your Prelats and their adherents who have been carried about by every wind of tentation be accused as the cause not only of the Quakers their giddiness by you objected But of all that contempt and regardless indifferency whereinto at present we see Religion thereby precipitat Your next quarrell is that we cherish in our followers a dejection of mind too much as if Religion which gives a man a right to the purest joyes should become a life of doubting and this you say introduceth a spirit of melancholy making way to pretended enthusiasme Whether or not this your challenge doth not in effect coincide with the cavils of the profane world and directly encourage that spirit which continually decrieth Religion as a ●our melancholy and inconversable conceit let every serious soul judge It is enough for our vindication that we do not teach any other dejection then that of humble repentance mortification and self-denial this is indeed a hard work compared in Scripture to the most bitter and grievous mournings nay unto death it self and seeing the superstructure of grace and glory thereupon founded is exceeding weighty and high it is certainly very necessary that these foundations be firmly laid and ever the deeper the better But as it is by the power of the spirit of Jesus and in the sense of his wonderful both depressing and exalting love that these things are best performed so an excess of humbling if not despairing abasement in this matter is no just fear and more unjustly made our reproach As for Religion no question it gives a man a right to the purest joyes and is also even in this life attended with a most ravishing foretaste and a most glorious and satisfying hope but if in this our bodily estate the same pure excellency of the thing and searching discoveries which it makes do by reason of the enmity of Satan and detestable and yet inevitable importunities and warrings of the World and the Flesh render us necessarily obnoxious to many doubtings fears and oppositions against which we are oblidged and by the word commanded to pray watch wrestle and fight continually do you therefore because we thus warn justly accuse us as if we made Religion a life of doubting let be to countenance these melancholy affectations and pretended enthusiasmes Sir if you were as serious in the practice as you appear affected in the speculations of Religion your experience of the many devices of Satan the deceitfulness of your own heart the uncessant oppositions of the Flesh and Spirit together with the oppressing and grievous sense of a body of death and sin which doth so easily beset would certainly convince you not only that security and not doubting is the common bane of professors but that our brightest shinings of joy in time are after the saddest shours of mourning that the most relishing wine of our consolation is made of the water of Repentance that it is from the seed of teares that the harvest of our joy groweth nay that our blessedness here is in a manner wrapped up in mourning and that it is hereafter only that we are to look for the times of refreshing when we shall be fully comforted But the Lord grant your more reall and solid dejections and deliver you from the vanity of an airy imagination which both in it self doth bend to and is frequently in righteousness plagued by these enthusiasmes wherewith you do reproach us And thus all men may see how unjustly we are by you blamed for the progress that Quakerism maketh amongst us and how directly not only that but most of the irreligion and profanity of these dayes is chargeable upon your way To this vindication I could further subjoin a very significant testimony viz. How that King Iames in his first and more innocent years did make his boast of the constitution of Presbyterian government as the most effectual bulwark against error and heresie but the certainty of this truth needeth no such support For your insinuation of piety and love here subjoined we have so often found the most keen arrowes of your calumny dipped in this oyntment that I think you oblidged to my civility when I pass it as one of your poor sweetening transitions In the next place you license your N. C. To characterize you freely to the effect that seeing you are resolved to let him prove nothing even what is truth in his charge may be construed prejudice but seeing it hath been my endeavour so to draw and design in vive collours that naming would appeare superfluous I need not prosecute such a representation As for the answere you return of your brave temper against reproach Apostolick firmness against all reports your pure anger without sin and more then humane goodness even to die for your hating traducers it were folly in me to question the truth where sincerity alone would be an incredible happiness but seeing these elogies are the smoak you cap●at I grudge you not You go on and truly I beleeve with no less candor to class us in some sober and modest and others sour heady uncharitable and unsociable and for the first yow honour them great civility honour them the more for their first founder Calvin great wit and then lest this be taken for a jeer you tell us that the first being ever Presoytery had was in Calvin's brain and this you assure a great evidence indeed and verily whether your civility wit or evidence be the greater it were hard to determine only as it must be an extraordinary complement to which a scoffing jest doth make an accession and an extraordinary jest to which falshood gives the point and an extraordinary falshood which both the Scriptures the practice of the first and purest times of the Church and the more judicious and ingenuous of your own partie do redargue so questionless in all the three you are eminently singular Now for the second Class of us which you make to consist of narrow headed hot brain'd crosse grain'd Fanaticks you must be licensed to use them severely and with all my heart use such as you please only use the whole party and their cause truly and then I am confident this member of your