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A05983 The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the Church of England.; Book of common prayer Church of England. 1603 (1603) STC 16326; ESTC S101416 290,715 467

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of this Realme safely maintained and last of all all estates and people thereof in true obedience and charitie vnited and knit together Grant this O God for thy onely Sonnes sake Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen The third Collect. PReuent vs O Lorde in all our doing with thy most Gracious favour and further vs with thy continuall helpe that in all our woorkes begunne continued and ended in thee wee may glorifie thy holy Name and finally by thy mercy obtaine Euerlasting life through Iesus Christ our Lord. Then shall follow the Benediction as thus THe grace of our Lord Iesus Christ 2. Cor. 13 and the loue of God and the fellowship of the holy Ghost be with vs all euermore Amen The order where Morning and Euening Prayer shall be vsed and said THE morning and Euening Prayer shal be vsed in the accustomed place of the Church Chappell or Chancell except it shall be otherwise determined by the Ordinary of the place And the chancels shall remaine as they haue done in times past And here is to be noted that the Minister at the time of the Communion and at all other times in his ministration shall vse such ornaments in the Church as were in vse by authoritie of Parliament in the second yeere of the raigne of King Edward the sixt according to the Acte of Parliament set in the beginning of this Booke An order for Morning prayer daily throughout the yeere At the beginning both of Morning prayer and like wise of Euening prayer the Minister shall reade with a lowd voyce some one of these sentences of the Scriptures that follow And then he shall say that which is written after the said sentences AT what time soeuer a sinner doeth repent him of his sinne from the bottome of this heart I will put all his wickednesse out of my remembrance saith the Lord. Eze. xviij I doe knowe mine owne wickednesse and my sinne is alway against me Psal Lj. Turne thy face away from our sinnes O Lord and blot out all our offences Psal Lj. A sorrowfull spirit is a sacrifice to God despise not O Lord humble and contrite hearts Psal Lj. Rent your hearts and not your garments and turne to the Lord your God because hee is gentle and mercifull he is pacient and of much mercy and such a one that is sory for your afflictions Ioel ij To thee O Lord God belongeth mercy and forgiuenesse Dan●x for we haue gone away from thee and haue not hearkned to thy voyce whereby wee might walke in thy Lawes which thou hast appointed for vs. Correct vs O Lord and yet in thy iudgement not in thy fury lest we should be consumed and brought to nothing 〈◊〉 x. Amend your liues for the kingdome of God is at hand Ma●h iij. I will go to my father and say to him Father I huve sinned against heaven and against thee I am no more worthy to be called thy sonne Luke xv Enter not into Iudgement with thy seruants O Lord for no flesh is righteous in thy sight Psal exliij If wee say that we haue no sinne wee deceiue our selues and there is no trueth in vs. i. Iohn j. DEarely beloued brethren the scripture mooueth vs in sundry places to acknowledge and confesse our manifolde sinnes and wickednes and that wee should not dissemble nor cloke them before the face of Almighty God our heauenly Father but confesse them with an humble lowly penitent and obedient heart to the ende that wee may obtaine forgiuenesse of the same vy his infinite goodnesse and mercy And although we ought at all times humbly to acknowledge our sinnes before God yet ought wee most chiefly so to doe when wee assemble and meete together to render thankes for the great benefits that we haue received at his hands to set foorth his most worthy prayse to heare his most holy word and to aske those things which be requisite and necessary aswell for the body as the soule Wherefore I pray and beseech you as many as be here present to accompany me with a pure heart and humble voyce vnto the Throne of the heauenly grace saying after me A generall confession to be said of the whole Congregation after the Minister kneeling ALmighty and most mercifull Father wee have erred and strayed from thy wayes like lost sheepe wee haue followed too much the deuices and desires of our owne hearts we have offended against thy holy Lawes we have left vndone those things which wee ought to have done and we haue done those things which wee ought not to haue done and there is no health in vs but thou O Lord haue mercy upon vs miserable offenders spare thou them O God which confesse their faults restore thou them that be penitent according to thy promises vnto mankinde in Christ Iesu our Lord and graunt O most mercifull Father for his sake that we may hereafter liue a godly righteous and sober life to the glory of thy holy Name Amen The absolution or remission of sinnes to be pronounced by the Minister alone ALmighty God the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ which desireth not the death of a sinner but rather that hee may turne from his wickednesse and liue and hath giuen power and commandement to his Ministers to declare and pronounce to his people being penitent the absolution and remission of their sinnes hee pardoneth and absolueth all them which truely repent and vnfainedly beleeue his holy Gospel Wherefore we beseech him to graunt vs true repentance and his holy spirit that those things may please him which wee doe at this present and that the rest of our life hereafter may be pure and holy so that at the last wee may come to his eternallioy through Iesus Christ our Lord. The people shall answere Amen Then shall the Minister begin the Lords prayer with a lowd voyce OUr Father which art in heaven halowed ve thy Name Thy kingdom come Thy wil be done in earth as it is in heauen Give vs this day our daily bread And forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse vs. And leade vs not into temptation But deliver vs from evil Amen Then likewise he shall say O Lord open thou our lips Answere And our mouth shall shew foorth thy prayse Priest O God make speed to save vs. Answere O Lord make haste to helpe vs. Priest Glory be to the Father and to the Sonne c. As it was in the beginning is now c. Prayse ye the Lord. Then shall be said or sung this Psalme following O Come let vs sing unto the Lord let vs heartily reioyce in the strength of our salution Veni●e exul 〈◊〉 Let vs come before his presence with thankesgiuing and shew our selves glad in him with Psalmes For the Lord is a great God and a great King avoue all gods In his hand are all the corners of the earth and the strength of the hilles is
beloued forasmuch as all men bee conceiued borne in sinne and that our Sauiour Christ faith None can enter into the kingdome of God except hee bee regenerate and borne anew of water and of thr holy Ghost I beseech you to call vpon God the Father through our Lord Iesus Christ that of his vounteous mercie hee will graunt to these children that thing which by nature they cannot haue that they may bee baptized with water and the holy Ghost and reciued into Christes holy Church and be made liuely members of the same Then shall the Priest say Let vs pray ALmightie and euerlasting God which of thy great mercy diddest faue Noe and his family in the Arke from perishing by water and also diddest safly leade the children of Israel thy people through the red sea figuring thereby thy holy baptisme by the baptisme of thy welbeloued sonne Iesus Crist diddest sanctifie the flood Iordan all other waters to the mysticall washing away of fsainne we beseech thee for thine infinite mercies that thou wilt mercifully looke vpon these children sanctifie them and wash them with the holy Ghost that they being deliuered from thy wrath may be receiued into the Arke of Christs Church and being stedfast in faith ioyfull through hope and rooted in charitie may so passe the waues of this troublesome world that finally they may come to the land of eueriasting life there to raigne with thee world without ende through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ALmightie and immortall God the aid of all that need the helper of all that slee to thee for succour the life of them that beleeue and the resurrectiō of the dead we call Vpon thee for these insants that thay comming to thy holy Baptisme may receiue remission of their sinnes by spirituall regeneration Receiue them O Lord as thou hast promised by thy melbeloued sonne saying Aske and you shall haue seeke and you shall finde knocke and it shall be opened vnto you So giue now vnto vs that aske let vs that seeke finde open the gate vnto vs that knocke that these infantes may enioy the euerlasting benediction of thy heauenly washing and may come to the eternall kingdome which thou hast promised by Christ our Lord. Amen Then shall the Priest say Heare the words of the Gospel written by S. Marke in the tenth Chapter AT a certaine time they brought children to Christ that he should touch them and his disciples rebuked those that bought them But when Iesus saw it hee was displeased and said vnto them Suffer little children to come vnto mee and forbid them not for to such belongeth the kingdome of God Verely I say vnto you whosoeuer doth not receiue the kingdome of God as a little childe hee shall not enter therein And when hee had taken them vp in his armes hee put his hands vpon them and blessed them After the Gospel is read the Minister shall make this briefe exhortation vpon the words of the Gospel FRiends you heare in this Gospel the words of our Sauiour Christ that hee commanded the children to be brought vnto him how hee blamed those that woulde haue kept them from him how he exhorteth all men to follow their innocencie You perceiue howe by his outward gestuce and deede he declare his good will toward them for he imbraced them in his armes he laid his handes vpon them and blessed them Doubt ye not therefore but earnestly beleeue that he will like wise fauourably receiue these Present infants that he will imbrace them with the armes of his mercy that he will giue vnto them the blessing of eternall life and make them partakers of his euerlasting kingdome Wherefore we being thus perswaded of the good will of our heauenly Father toward these infants declared by his sonne Iesus Christ and nothing doubting but that he fauourably alloweth this charitable worke of ours in bringing the children to his holy baptisme let vs faithfully and deuoutly giue thankes vnto him and say ALmightie and euerlasting God heauenly Father wee giue thee humble thankes that thou hast vouchsafed to call vs to the knowledge of thy grace and faith in thee Encrease this knowledge and confirme this faith in vs euermore Giue thy holy spirit to these infants that they may bee borne againe and be made heires of euerlasting saluation through our Lord Iesus Christ who liueth and reigneth with thee and the holy spirit now and for euer Amen Then the Priest shall speake vnto the Godfathers and Godmothers on this wise WElbeloued friends ye haue brought these children here to be baptized ye haue prayed that our Lord Iesus Christ would vouchsafe to receiue them to lay his handes vpon them to blesse them to release them of their sinnes to giue them the kingdome of heauen and euerlasting life Ye haue hear also that our Lord Iesus Christ hath promised in his Gospel to grant all these things that ye haue prayed for which promise he for his part will most sarely keepe and performe Wherefore after this promise made by Christ these infants must also faithfully for their part promise by you that be their sureties that they will forsake the deuill and all his workes and constantly be leeue Gods holy word and obediently keepe his commandements Then shall the Priest demaund of the Godfathers and Godmothers these questions following Doest thou forsake the deuill and all his works the vaine pompe and glory of the world with al eouetous desires of the same the carnall desires of the flesh so that thou wilt not folow nor be led by them Answere I forsake them all Minister Doest thou beleeue in God the Father almightie maker of heauen and earth And in Iesus Christ his onely begotten Sonne our Lord And that hee was conceiued by the holy Ghost borne of the virgin Mary that he susstreb vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead buried that he went downe into hell and also did rise againe the third day that he afrended into heauen and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father almightie and from thence shall come againe at the end of the world to iudge the quicke and the dead And doest thou beleeue in the holy Ghost the holy Catholique Church the communion of Saintes the remission of sinnes the resurrection of the flesh and euerlasting life after death Answere All this I stedfastly beleeue Minister wilt thou be baptized in this faith Answere That is my desire Then shall the Priest say O Mercifull God graunt that the old Adam in these children may be so buried that the new man may be raised vp in them Amen Graunt that all carnall affections may dye in them and that all things belonging to the spirit may liue and grow in them Amen Grant that they may haue power and strength to haue victorie and to triumph against the deuil the world and the flesh Amen Grant that whosoeuer is here dedicated to thee by our office and ministerie may also bee indued with heauenly vertues
well done and according vnto due order concerning the baptizing of this childe which being borne in original sinne and in the wrath of God is now by the lauer of regeneration in baptisme receiued into the number of the children of God and heires of euerlasting life For our Lord Iesus Christ doeth not deny his grace and merey vnto such Infants but most louingly doeth call them vnto him as the holy Gospel doeth witnesse to our comfort on this wise AT a certaine time they brought children vnto Christ that he should touch them and his disciples rebuked those that brought them But when Iesus saw it Marke 10.13 he was displeased said vnto them Suffer little children to come vnto me and forbid them not for to such belongeth the kingdome of God Verely I say vnto you whosoeuer doeth not receiue the kingdome of God as a little childe hee shall not enter therein And when hee had taken them vp in his armes he put his hands vpon them and blessed them After the Gospel is read the Minister shall make this exhortation vpon the wordes of the Gospel FRiends you heare in this Gospel the words of our Sauiour Christ that the commanded the children to be brought vnto him how hee blamed those that would haue kept them from him how hee exhorted all men to follow their innocencie Yee perceiue how by his outward gesture and deede he declared his good will towarde them For hee embraced them in his armes he laide his hands vpon them and blessed them Doubt yee not therefore but earnestly beleeue that hee hath like wise fauourably receiued this present infant that hee hath imbraced him with the armes of his mercie that hee hath giuen vnto him the blessing of eternall life and made him partaker of his euerlasting kingdome Wherefore we being thus perswaded of the good will of our heauenly Father declared by his sonne Iesus Christ towards this infant let vs faithfully and deuoutly giue thanks vnto him say the prayer which the Lord himselfe thaught and in declaration of our faith let vs recite the Articles conteined in our Creede Here the Minister with the Godfathers and Godmothers shall say ¶ Our Father which art in heauen c. Then shall the Priest demaund the name of the childe which being by the Godfathers and Godmothers pronounced the Minister shall say Doest thou in the name of this child forsake the Deuil and all his workes the baine pompe and glory of the world with all the couetous desires of the same the carnall desires of the 〈◊〉 and not to follow and be led by them Answere I forsake them all Minister Doest thou in the name of this childe professe this faith to beleeue in God the Father Almightie maker of heauen and earth And in Iesus Christ his onely begotten sonne our Lord And that he was conceiued by the holy Ghost borne of the Virgin Marie that he suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried that he went downe into hel and also did rise againe the third day that hee ascended into heauen and fitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty and from thence he shal come againe at the end of the world to iudge the quicke and the dead And doe you in his name beleeue in the holy Ghost the holy Catholike Church the Communion of Saints the remission of sinnes reserrection and euerlasting life after death Answere All this I stedfastly beleeue Let vs pray ALmightie and euerlasting God heauently father wee giue thee humble thankes for that thou hast vouchsafed to call vs to the knowledge of thy grace and faith in thee Increase this knowledge confirme this faith in vs euermore giue thy holy spirite to this infant that hee being borne againe and being made heire ot euerlasting saluation through our Lord Iesus Christ may continue thy seruant attaine thy promise through the same our Lord Iesus Christ thy sonne who liueth and reigneth with thee in the vnitie of the same holy spirit euerlastingly Amen Then shall the Minister make this exhortation to the Godfathers and Godmothers FOrasmuch as this childe hath promised by you to forsake the deuill and all his workes to beleeue in God and to serue him you must remember that it is your part and duetie to see that this infant be taught so soone as he shall bee able to learne what a solemne vowe promise and profession he hath made by you And that he may know these things the better ye shall call vpon him to heare Sermons and chiefly you shall prouide that hee may learne the Creede the Lords Prayer and the ten commandements in the English tongue and all other things which a Christian man ought to know and beleeue to his soules health and that this childe may bee vertuously brought vp to lead a godly and a Christian life remembring alway that Baptisme doeth represent dnto vs our profession which is to follow the example of our Saniour Christ and bee made like vnto him that as hee died and rose againe for vs so should wee which are baptized die from sinne and rise againe vnto righteousnesse continually mortifying all our euill and corrupt affections and dayly proceeding in all vertue and godlinesse of liuing And so foorth as in Publique Baptisme But if they which bring the Infants to the Church doe make such vncertaine answeres to the Priests questions as that it cannot appeare that the childe was baptized with water In the Name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the Holy Ghost which are Essential parts of Baptisme then let the Priest baptize it in forme aboue written concerning Publique Baptisme sauing that at the dipping of the childe in the Font hec shall vse this forme of wordes IF thou be not already baptized N. I baptized thee in the Name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost Amen ❧ The Order of Confirmation or laying on of hands vpon children baptized and able to render an account of their faith according to the Catechisme following TO the end that Confirmation may be ministred to the more edifying of such as shall receiue it according to Saint Pauls doctrine who teacheth that all things should be done in the Church to the edificatiō of the same it is thought good that none hereafter shall be Confirmed but such as can say in their mother tongue the Articles of the faith the Lords Prayer and the tenne Commandements and can also answere to such questions of this short Catechisme as the Bishop or such as he shall appoint shall by his discretion appose him in And this order is most conuenient to be obserued for diuers considerations First bccause that when children come to the yeeres of discretion and haue learned what their Godfathers and Godmothers promised for them in Baptisme they may then themselues with their owne mouth and with their owne consent openly before the Church ratifie and confirme the same and also promise
together to eate tarie one for another If any man hunger let him eate at home that ye come not together vnto condemnation Other things will I set in order when I come The Gospel THe whole multitude of them arose Luk. 23.1 and led him vnto Pilate And they began to accuse him saying We found this fellow peruerting the people and forbidding to pay tribute to Cesar saying that hee is Christ a King And Pilate apposed him saying Art thou the King of the Iewes Hee answered him and sayd Thou sayest it Then said Pilate to the hie Priests and to the people I finde no fault in this man And they were the more fierce saying He mooueth the people teaching thorowout all Iurie and began at Galilee euen to this place When Pilate heard mention of Galilee hee asked whether the man were of Galilee And assoone as he knew that hee belonged vnto Herods Iurisdiction he sent him to Herode which was also at Hierusalem at that time And when Herode sawe Iesus hee was exceeding glad for hee was desirous to see him of a long season because hee had heard many things of him and he trusted to haue seene some miracles done by him Then he questioned with him many words but he answered him nothing The high Priests and Scribes stood foorth and accused him straitly And Herode with his men of warre despised him And when hee had mocked him hee arayed him in white clothing and sent him againe to Pilate And the same day Pilate and Herode were made friendes together for before they were at variance And Pilate called together the high Priests and the Rulers and the people and sayde vnto them Yee haue brought this man vnto me as one that peruerteth the people and beholde I examine him before you and finde no fault in this man of those things whereof yee accuse him no nor yet Herode For I sent you vnto him and loe nothing worthie of death is done vnto him I will therefore chasten him and let him loose For of necessitie hee must haue let one loose to them at that feast And all the people cried at once saying Away with him and deliuer vs Barabbas which for a certain insurrection made in the city and for a murder was cast into prison Pilate spake againe vnto them willing to let Iesus loose But they cried saying Crucifie him crucifie him Hee sayde vnto them the third time What euill hath hee done I finde no cause of death in him I will therefore chasten him and let him goe And they cried with loud voyces requiring that he might be crucified And the voyces of them and of the high Priestes preuailed And Pilate gaue sentence that it should bee as they required and hee let loose vnto them him that for insurrection and murder was cast into prison whom they had desired And hee deliuered to them Iesus to doe with him what they would And as they led him away they caught one Simon of Cyrene comming out of the fielde and on him layed they the Crosse that hee might beare it after Iesus And there followed him a great companie of people and of women which bewailed and lamented him But Iesus turned backe vnto them and sayde Yee daughters of Hierusalem weepe not for me but weepe for your selues and for your children For behold the dayes will come in the which they shall say Happie are the barren and the wombes that neuer bare and the pappes which neuer gaue sucke Then shall they begin to say to the mountaines Fall on vs and to the hils Couer vs. For if they doe this in a greene tree what shal be done in the drie And there were two euil doers led with him to bee slaine And after that they were come to the place which is called Caluarie there they crucified him and the euill doers one on the right hand and the other on the left Then said Iesus Father forgiue them for they wot not what they doe And they parted his rayment and cast lots and the people stoode and beheld And the Rulers mocked him with them saying He saued other men let him saue himselfe if he be verie Christ the chosen of God The souldiers also mocked him and came and offered him vineger and said If thou bee the King of the Iewes saue thy selfe And a superscription was written ouer him with letters of Greeke and Latine and Hebrewe This is the King of the Iewes And one of the euill doers which were hanged rayled on him saying If thou bee Christ saue thy selfe and vs. But the other answered and rebuked him saying Fearest not thou GOD seeing thou art in the same damnation Wee are righteously punished for wee receiue according to our deedes but this man hath done nothing amisse And hee said vnto Iesus Lord remember mee when thou commest into thy kingdome And Iesus sayde vnto him Verily I say vnto thee to day shalt thou be with mee in Paradise And it was about the sixt houre and there was a darkenesse ouer all the earth vntill the ninth houre and the Sunne was darkened and the vaile of the Temple did rent euen through the middes And when Iesus had cryed with a lowde voyce hee said Father into thy hands I commend my spirit And when he thus had said hee gaue vp the ghost When the Centurion sawe what had happened hee glorified God saying Verily this was a righteous man And all the people that came together to that sight and sawe the things which had happened smote their breasts and returned And all his acquaintance and the women that follwed him from Galilee stood a farre off beholding these things And behold there was a man named Ioseph a counsailor and he was a good man and a iust the same had not consented to the counsaile and deed of them which was of Arimathea a citie of the Iewes which same also waited for the kingdome of God he went vnto Pilate and begged the body of Iesus and tooke it downe and wrapped it in a linnen cloth and laide it in a Sepulchre that was hewen in stone wherein neuer man before had beene laid And that day was the preparing of the Sabboth and the Sabboth drew on The women that followed after which had come with him from Galilee beheld the sepulchre and how his body was laid And they returned and prepared sweete odours and oyntments but rested on the Sabboth day according to the commandement On good Friday The Collect. ALmightie God we beseech thee graciously to behold this thy family for the which our Lord Iesus Christ was contented to be betrayed and giuen vp into the hands of wicked men to suffer death vpon the crosse who liueth and reigneth c. ALmightie and euerlasting God by whose spirite the whole bodie of the Church is gouerned and sanctified Receiue our supplications and praiers which we offer before thee for all estates of men in thy holy congregation that euerie member of the same in his
I thanke thee that I am not as other men are extortioners vniust adulterers or as this Publicane I fast twise in the weeke I giue tithe of all that I possesse And the Publicane standing afarre off woulde not lift vp his eyes to heauen but smote his breast saying God be mercifull to me a sinner I tell you this man departed home to his house iustified more then the other For euery man that exalteth himselfe shall be brought lowe and he that humbleth himselfe shall be exalted The xij Sunday after Trinitie The Collect. ALmightie and euerlasting God which art alwayes more ready to heare then we to pray and art wont to giue more then either we desire or deserue powre downe vpon vs the abundance of thy mercie forgiuing vs those things whereof our conscience is afraid and giuing vnto vs that that our prayer dare not presume to aske through Iesus Christ our Lord. The Epistle SVch trust haue wee through Christ to God-ward 2. Cor. 3.4 not that we are sufficient of our selues to thinke any thing as of our selues but if wee bee able vnto any thing the same commeth of God which hath made vs able to minister the new Testament not of the letter but of the spirit For the letter killeth but the spirit giueth life If the ministration of death through the letters figured in stones was glorious so that the children of Israel could not beholde the face of Moses for the glorie of his con̄tenance which glory is done a way why shall not the ministration of the spirit bee much more glorious For if the ministration of condemnation be glorious much more doeth the ministration of righteousnes exceed in glory The Gospel IEsus departed from the coastes of Tyre and Sidon Mar. 7.31 and came vnto the Sea of Galilee through the mids of the coastes of the ten cities And they brought vnto him one that was deafe and had an impediment in his speech and they prayed him to put his hande vpon him And when he had taken him aside from the people hee put his fingers into his eares and did spit and touched his tongue and looked vp to heauen and sighed and said vnto him Ephata that is to say Bee opened And straightway his eares were opened and the string of his tongue was loosed and he spake plaine And he commanded them that they should tell no man But the more hee forbade them so much the more a great deale they published saying He hath done all things well he hath made both the dease to heare and the dumbe to speake The xiij Sunday after Trinitie The Collect. ALmighty and merciful God of whose onely gift it commeth that thy faithfull people doe vnto thee true and laudable seruice Grant we beseech thee that we may so runne to thy heauenly promises that wee faile not finally to attaine the same through Iesus Christ our Lord. The Epistle TO Abraham and his seed were the promises made He faith not Gal. 3.16 In his seedes as many but in thy seede as of one which is Christ This I say that the law which began afterward beyond foure hundred thirty yeeres doeth not disanull the Testament that was confirmed afore of God vnto Christward to make the promise of none effect For if the inheritance come of the lawe it commeth not now of promise But God gaue it to Abraham by promise Wherefore then serueth the law The lawe was added because of transgression till the seed came to whom the promise was made and it was ordained by Angels in the hand of a Mediatour A mediatour is not a mediatour of one but God is one Is the Law then against the promise of God God forbid For if there had been a Law giuen which could haue giuen life then no doubt righteousnes should haue come by the law But the Scripture concludeth all things vnder sinne that the promise by the faith of Iesus Christ should bee giuen to them that beleeue The Gospel HAppie are the eyes which see the things that yee see For I tell you that many Prophets and Kings haue desired to see those things which yee see Luke 10.23 and haue not seene them and to heare those things which yee heare haue not heard them And behold a certaine lawyer stood vp and tempted him saying Master what shall I do to inherite eternall life Hee sayd vnto him What is written in the lawe How readest thou And he answered and said Loue the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soule and with all thy strength with all thy minde and thy neighbour as thy selfe And he said vnto him Thou hast answered right this doe and thou shall liue But he willing to iustifie himselfe sayd vnto Iesus And who is my neighbour Iesus answered and sayd A certaine man descended from Hierusalem to Iericho and fell among theeues which robbed him of his raiment wounded him and departed leauing him halfe dead And it chanced that there came down a certaine Priest that same way and when he saw him he passed by And likewise a Leuite when hee went nigh to the place came and looked on him and passed by But a certaine Samaritane as he iourneyed came vnto him and when he saw him he had compassion on him and went to him and bound vp his wounds and powred in oyle and wine and set him on his owne beast and brought him to a common Inne made prouision for him And on the morrow when hee departed hee tooke out two pence and gaue them to the hoste and said vnto him Take cure of him and whatsoeuer thou spendest more when I come againe I will recompense thee Which now of these three thinkest thou was neighbour vnto him that fell among the theeues And he said vnto him He that shewed mercie on him Then said Iesus to him Goe and doe thou likewise The xiiij Sunday after Trinitie The Collect. ALmighty and euerlasting God giue vnto vs the increase of faith hope and charitie and that wee may obtaine that which thou doest promise make vs to loue that which thou doest cōmand through Iesus Christ our Lord. The Epistle I Say Gal. 5.16 walke in the spirit and fulfill not the lust of the flesh For the flesh lusteth contrarie to the spirit and the spirit contrary to the flesh These are contrary one to the other so that ye cannot doe whatsoeuer ye would But and if ye be led of the spirit then are yee not vnder the law The deeds of the flesh are manifest which are these Adultery fornication vncleannesse wantonnesse worshipping of images witchcraft hatred variance zeale wrath strife seditions sects enuying murder drunkennesse gluttonie and such like of the which I tel you before as I haue told you in times past that they which commit such things shall not be inheritors of the kingdome of God Contrarily the fruit of the spirit is loue ioy peace long suffering gentlenesse goodnesse faithfulnesse
Curates shall diligently from time to time but specially in the plague time exhort their Parishioners to the oft receiuing in the Church of the holy Communion of the body and blood of our Sauiour Christ which if they doe they shal haue no cause in their sudden visitation to be vnquiet for lack of the same But if the sicke person be not able to come to the Church yet is desirous to receiue the Communion in his house then he must giue knowledge ouer night or else early in the morning to the Curate signifying also how many bee appointed to communicate with him And hauing a conuenient place in the sicke mans house where the Curate may reuerently minster and a good number to receiue the Communion with the sicke person with all things necessarie for the same hee shall there minister the holy Communion The Collect. ALmightie euerliuing God maker of mankinde which doest corect those whome thou doest loue and chastisest euery one whome thou doest receiue wee beseech thee to haue mercie vpon this thy seruant visited with thine hand and to graunt that hee may take his sickenesse patiently and recouer his bodily health if it bee thy gracious will and whensoeuer his soule shall depart from the body it may bee without spot presented vnto thee through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen The Epistle MY sonne Heb. 12. despise not the correction of the Lord neither faint when thou art rebuked of him for whom the Lord loueth him hee correcteth Yea and he scourgeth euery sonne whom he receiueth The Gospel VErely verely I say vnto you Hee that heareth my word Iohn 5. and beleeueth on him that sent mee hath euerlasting life and shall not come vnto damnation but hee passeth from death vnto life ¶ At the time of the distribution of the holy Sacrament the Priest shall first receiue the Communion himselfe and after minister vnto them that be appointed to communicate with the sicke ¶ But if a man either by reason of extremitie of sickenesse or for want of warning in due time to the Curate or for lacke of companie to receiue with him or by any other iust impediment doe not receiue the Sacrament of Christes body and blood then the Curate shall instruct him that if hce doe truely repent him of his sinnes and stedfastly beleeue that Iesus Christ hath suffered death vpon the Crosse for him and shed his blood for his redemption earnestly remembring the benefites he hath thereby and giuing him heartie thankes therefore he doth eate and drinke the body and blood of our Sauiour Chrift profitably to his soules health although he doe not receiue the Sacrament with his mouth ¶ When the sicke person is visited and receiueth the holy Communion all at one time then the Priest for more expedition shal cut off the forme of the visitation at the Psalme In thee O Lord haue I put my trust and goe straight to the Communion ¶ In the time of Plague Sweat or such other like contagious times of sicknesses or diseases when none of the Parish or neighbours can be gotten to communicate with the sicke in their houses for feare of the infection vpon speciall request of the diseased the Minister may alonely communicate with him ❧ The order for the buriall of the dead The Priest meeting the corps at the Church stile shall say or else the Priest and Clarkes shall sing and so goe either into the Church or towards the graue I Am the resurrection and the life faith the Lord. He that belieueth in me Iohn 11. yea though he were dead yet shall he liue And whosoeuer liueth and beleeueth in me shall not die for euer I know that my redeemer liueth and that I shall rise out of the earth in the last day and shall bee couered againe with my skinne Iob. 19. and shall see God in my flesh yea and I my selfe shall behold him not with other but with these same eyes WEe brought nothing into this world 1. Tim. 6. Iob. 1. neither may we carie any thing out of this world The Lord giueth and the Lord taketh away Even as it pleaseth the Lord so commeth things to passe Blessed be the Name of the Lord. When they come to the graue while the corps is made ready to bee layed into the earth the Priest shall say or the Priest and Clarkes shall sing MAn that is borne of a woman hath but a short time to liue Iob. 14. and is ful of meserie He commeth by and is cut downe like a flowre hee fleeth as it were a shadow and neuer continueth in one stay In the midst of life we be in death of whom may we seek for succour but of thee O Lord which for our sinnes iustly art displeased Yet O Lord God most holy O Lord most mightie O holy most mercifull Sauiour deliuer vs not into the bitter paines of eternall deatth Thou knowest Lord the secrets of our hearts shut not vp thy mercifull eyes to our prayers but spare vs Lord most holy O God most mightie O holy and mercifull Sauiour thou most worthie iudge eternall suffer vs not at our last houre for any paines of death to fall from thee Then while the earth shall be cast vpon the body by some standing by the Priest shall say FOrasmuch as it hath pleased almightie God of his great mercie to take vnto himselfe the soule of our deare brother here departed we therefore commit his body to the ground earth to earth ashes to ashes dust to dust in sure and certaine hope of resurrection to eternall life through our Lord Iesus Christ who shall change our vile body that it may bee like vnto his glorious body according to the mightie working whereby he is able to subdue all things to himselfe Then shall be said or sung I heard a voyce from heauen saying vnto mee write From hencefoorth blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Even so saith the spirit that they rest from their labours Then shall follow this Lesson taken out of the xv Chapter to the Corinthians the first Epistle CHrist is risen from the dead and become the first fruites of them that sleepe For by a man came death and by a man came the resurrection of the dead For as by Adam all die euen so by Christ shall all bee made aliue but euery man in his owne order The first is Christ then they that are Christes at his comming Then commeth the ende when hee hath deliuered vp the kingdome to God the Father when he hath put downe all rule and all authoritie and power For he must reigne till he haue put al his enemies vnder his feete The last enemie that shall be destroyed is death For hee hath put all things vnder his feete But when hee saith All things are put vnder him it is manifest that he is excepted that hath put all things vnder him When all things are subdued vnto him then shall the Sonne
thy borders and filleth thee with the flowre of wheate He sendeth foorth his commandement vpon earth and his word runneth very swiftly He gineth snow like wooll and seattereth the hoare frost like ashes He tasteth foorth his yee like morsels who is able to abide his ashes He sendeth out his worde and melteth them he bloweth with his winde and the waters flowe He sheweth his word vnto Iarob his statutes and ordinaures vnto Israel He hath not dealt so with any nation neither haue the heathue knowledge of his lawes Laudate Dominum Psal 148. O Praise the Lord of heauen praise him in the height Prayse him all yee Angels of his praise him all his hoste Prayse him all ye heauens and ye waters that be aboue the heauens Let them prayse the name of the Lord for he speake the word and they were he commaunded and they were cerated He hath made them fast for euer and euer he hath giueb shem a lawe which shall not be broken Praise the Lord vpon earth ye Dragons and all deepes Fire and halie snow and vapours winde and storme fulfilling his word Beastes and all cattell wormes and feathered foules Kings of the earth and all people princes and all iudges of the world Young men and maidnes olde man and children prayse the name of the Lord for his Mane onely is axcellent and his prayse abour heauen and earth He shall exalt the home of his people all his Saints shall prayse him cuen the childern of Israel euen the people that serueth him Cantate Domino Psal 149. O Sing vnto the Lord a new song let the Congregation of Saints prayse him Let Israel reioyce in him that made him and let the children of Sion be ioyfull in their king Let them praise his name in the dance let them singpraises vnto him with Tabret and harpe For the Lord hath pleasure in his people and helpeth the meeke hearted Let the Saints be ioyfull with glory let them reioyce in their beds Let the praises of God be in their mouth and at two edged sword in their hands To be auenged of the heathen and to rebuke the people To bind their kings in chaines their nobles with linkes of yron That they may be auenged of them as it is written such honour haue all his Saints Laudate Dominum Psal 150. O Prayse God in his holinesse praise him in the firmament of his power Prayse him in his noble actes prayse him according to his excellent greatnesse Praise him in the fouud of the Trumpet prayse him vpon the Lute and Harpe Praise him in the Cymbals and daunces praise him vpon the stirings and pipe Praise him vpon the well tuned Cymbals praise him vpon the loub Cymbals Let euery thing that hath breath praise the Lord. FINIS Certaine godly prayers to be vsed for sundry purposes A generall consession of sinnes to be sayd euery Morning O Almightie God our heanenly Father I confesse and acknowledge that I am a miserable and a wretched sinner and haue manifolde wayes most grieuously transgressed thy most godly conunaundements through wicked thoughts vngodly lustes sinfull wordes and deeds commited all my whole life In sinne am I borne and conceiued and there is no goodnesse in me in as much as if thou shouldest enter into thy narrow iudgement with mee iudging mee according vnto the same I were neuer able to susser and abide it but must needes pertsh and be damncd for eucr So little helpe comfort or succour is there either in me or in any other creature Onely this is my comfort O heauenly Father that thon diddest not spare thy onely deare beloued sonne bnt diddest gine him vp vnto the most bitter and most vile slanderous death of the crosse for me that he might so pay the ransom for my sinnes satisfie thy indgment still and pacifie thy wrath reconcile me againe vnto thee and pnrchase me thy grace fanour cuerlasting life where fore throngh the merit of his most bitter death and passion and through his innocent bloodshedding I beseech thee O heauenly Father that thou wilt vouchsase to be gracious merciful vnto me to fergiue and pardon me all my sinnes to lighten my heart whit thy holy Spirit to renue confirme and strengthen me with a right perfect faith and to inflame me in loue toward thee and my neighbour that I may hencefoorty with a willing and glad heart walke as it becommeth me in thy most godly commaunements and so glorifie and prayse thee euerlastingly And also that I may with a free conscience quiet heart in all maner of temptations afflictions or necessities eucn in the very pangs of death cry boldly merily vnto thee say I beleeue in God the father almighty maker of heauen earth and in lesus Christ c. But O Lord God heauenly Father to comfort my selfe in affliction and temptation with these articles of the Christian faith it is not in my power for faith is thy gift and forasmuch as thou wilt be prayed vnto and called vyon for it I come vnto thee to pray and beseech thee both for that and for all other my necessities euen as thy deare beloued Sonne our Sauiour Ie-sus Christ himselfe hath taught vs And from the very bottome of my heart I crie and say Our Father which art in heauen halowed be thy Name c. ¶ A prayer to be sayd in the Morning O Merciful Lord God heauenly Father I ren dermost high laudes praise and thankes vnto thee that thou hast preserued mee both this might and all the time and dayes of my life hitherto vnder thy protection and hast suffe red me to liue vnto this present houre And I beseech thee heartily that thon wilt vouchsafe to receiue mce this day and the residue of my whole life from hence foorth into thy tuition ruling and gouerning mee with thy holy Spirite that all maner of darkenesse of misbeliefe infidelitie and of carnall lustes and affections may bee betterly chased and driuen out of my heart and that I may be iustified and saued both body and soule through a right and perfect faith and so walke in the light of thy most godly trueth to thy glory and prayse and to the profite and furtherance of my neighbour through Iesus Christ our Lord and Saui-our Amen ¶ Another prayer for the morning O Almightie and most gracious God wee heartily thank thee for the sweete sleepe and comfortable rest which thou hast giuen vs this night and for asmuch as thou hast commanded by thy holy word that no man should be idle but all occupied in godly and vertuous exercises euery man according to his calling we most humbly beseech thee that thine eyes may attende vpon vs dayly defend vs cherish comfort and gouerne vs and all our counsails studies labours in such wise that we may spend and bestow this day according to thy most holy will without the hurting of our neighbors and that we may
deligently and warily eschew and auoid all things that should displease thee set thee alwayes before our eyes liue in thy feare working that which may be found accepteble before thy diuine Maie stie through Christ our Lord Amen A prayer for the Euening O Most mighty Lord our father and God e uerlasting full of pitie and compassion we acknowledge and confesse that we be not worthy to lift by our eies to heauen much lesse to present our selues before thy Maiesty with confidence that thou wilt heare our prayers grant our requests if we consider our owne deseruing For our conseiences doe accuse vs and our sinnes witnesse against vs and wee know that thou art an vpright iudge which doest not iustifie the sinners and wicked men but punishest the faults of such as transgresse thy commaunde ments Yet most mercifull Father sith it hath pleased thee to command vs to call on thee in all our troubles aduersities promising euen then to helpe vs When wee feele our selues as it were swallowed vp of death and desperation wee vttterly renounce all worthy confidence and flee to thy soue-raigne bounty as our onely stay and refuge besceehinng thee not to call to remembrance our manisold sinnes and wicked-nesse where by wee continually prouoke thy wrath and in dignation against vs neither our negligence and vnkindnesse which haue neither worthily csreemed nor in our liues sufficiently expressed the sweete comfort of thy Gospell reuealed vnto vs but rather to accept the obedience and death of thy Sonne Iesus Christ who by offering vp his body in Sacrifice once for all hath made sufficient recompense for all our sinnes Haue mercie therefore vpon vs O Lorde and forgiue vs our offences Teach vs by thy holy Spirit that wee may rightly weigh them and earnestly repent for the same and so much the rather O Lorde because that the reprobate and such as thou hast forsaken cannot praise thee nor call vpon thy Name but the repenting heart the sorowfull minde the conscience oppressed hungering and thirsting for thy grace shall euer set foorth thy praise and glory And albeit wee bee but wormes and dust yet thou art our Creator and we be the worke of thy hands yea thou art our Father and wee thy childreen thou art our sheepheard and wee thy flokec thou art our redeemer and we thy people whom thou hast bought thou art our God and wee thine inheritance Correct vs not there fore in thine anger O Lord neither according to our deserts punnish vs but mercifully thastise vs with a fatherly affection that all the world may knowe that at what time soeuera sinner doeth repent him of his sinne from the bottome of his heart thou wilt put away his wickednesse out of thy remembrance as thou hast promised by thine holy prophet Finally forasmuch as it hath pleased thee to make the night for man to rest in as thou hast ordained him the day to trauell Grant O deare Father that we may so take out vodily rest that our soules may continuaily watch for the time that our Lord Iesus Christ shall appeare for our deliuerance out of this mortall life and in the meane season that wee not ouercome by any fantasies dreames or other temptations may fully set our mindes vpon thee loue thee feare thee and rest in thee Furthermore that our sleepe be note excessiue or ouer much after the insatiable desires of our flesh but onely sufficient to content our weake nature that wee may bee the better disposed to liue in all godly conuersatiou to the glory of shine holy Name and profite of our brethren Amen A most necessary prayer O Lord Iesus Christ which art true Sunne of the worlde euermore arising and neuer going downe which by thy most wholesome appearing and sight doest bring foorth preserue nourish and refresh all things aswell that are in heauen as also that are on earth we beseech thee mercifully and fauourably to shine into our hearts that the night and darkenesse of sinnes and the mists of errours on cuery side driuen away thou brightly shining within out hearts we may all out life space go with out any stumbling or offence and may decently and seemely walke as in the day time being pure and cleane from the workes of darkenesse abounding in all good workes which God hath prepared for vs to walke in which with the Father and with the holy Ghost liuest and reignest for euer and euer Amen ❧ The prayer of Manasseh King of the Iewes O Lord Almighty God of our fathers Abra ham Isar●nd Iacob and of their righte ouseed 〈◊〉 made heauen and earth with all 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which hast bound the sea by the word of thy commandement which ha●● 〈◊〉 vp the deepe and sealed it by thy terribl● glorious name whome all doe feare tremble before thy power for the Maiesty of thy glory cannot bee borne thine angry threatning toward sinners is importable but thy mercifull promise is vnmeasurable and bnscatcable For thou art the most high Lord of great com passion long suffering and most mercifull and repentest for mans miscrics Thou O Lord according to thy great good nesse hast promised repentance and forgiuenesse to them that sinne against thee and for thine infinite m●rcies hast appointed repentance vnto sinners that they may bee saued Thou therefore O Lord that art the God of the iust hast not appointed repentance to the iust as to Abraham and Isaac and Iacob which haue not sinned against thee but thou hast appointed repcntance vnto nice that am a sinner for I haue sinned aboue the number of the sand of the sea By transgressions O Lorde are multiplied my transgressions are exceeding many and I am not worthy to behold and see the height of the heauens for the multitude of mine vnrighte ousnes I am bowed downe with many yron bands that I cannot lift vp mine head neither haue I any telese For I haue prouoked thy wrath and done euill before thee I did not thy will neither kept I thy commandements I haue set vp abominations and haue multiplied offences Now therefore I bow the knee of mine heart beseeching thee of grace I haue sinned O Lord I haue sinned and I acknowledge my transgressions but I humbly beseech thee forgiue mee O Lord forgiue mee and destroy mee not with my transgressions Be not angry with me for euer by reseruing euill for mee neither condemne mee into the lower partes of the earth For thou art the God euen the God of them that repent and in me thou wilt shewe all thy goodnesse for thou wilt saue me that am vnworthy according to thy great mercie theresre I will prayse thee for euer all they dayes of my life For all the power of the heauens prayse thee and thine is the glory for euer and euer Amen ❧ A prayer conteining the duetie of euery true Christian O Most mighty God merciful and louing Father I wretched sinner come vnto thee in the name of
myrrhe and aloes mingled together about an hundreth pound weight Then tooke they the bodie of Iesus and wound it in linnen clothes with the odours as the maner of the Iewes is to burie And in the place where he was crucified there was agarden and in the garden a newe sepulchre wherein was neuer man laid There laid they Iesus therefore because of the preparing of the Sabboth of the Iewes for the sepulchre was nigh at hand Easter Euen The Epistle IT is better if the will of God be so that yee suffer for wel doing 1. Pet. 3 27. then for euil doing forasmuch as Christ hath once suffered for sins the iust for the vniust to bring vs to God and was killed as perteining to the flesh but was quickned in the spirit In which spirit he also went and preached to the spirites that were in prison which sometime had bene disobedient when the long suffering of God was once looked for in the daies of Noe while the Arke was a preparing wherein a fewe that is to say eight soules were saued by the water like as Baptisme also now saueth vs not the putting away of the filth of the flesh but in that a good conscience conseuteth to God by the resurrection of Iesus Christ which is on the right hand of God and is gone into heauen angels powers and might subdued vnto him The Gospel WHEN the euen was come Matt. 27.57 there came a riche man of Arimathea named Ioseph which also was Iesus disciple Hee went vnto Pilate and begged the body of Iesus Then Pilate commaunded the bodie to bee deliuered And when Ioseph had taken the bodie he wrapped it in a clean linnen cloth and layed it in his newe tombe which hee had hewen out euen in the rocke and rolled a great stone to the doore of the sepulchre and departed And there was Marie Magdalene and the other Marie sitting ouer against the sepulchre The next day that followeth the day of preparing the high Priestes and Pharisees came together vnto Pilate saying Sir wee remember that this deceiuer sayd while hee was yet aliue After three dayes I will rise againe Commaund therefore that the sepulchre be made sure vntill the third day least his Disciples come and steale him away and say vnto the people He is risen from the dead and the last errour shal be worse then the first Pilate sayd vnto them Yee haue a watch goe your way make it as sure as yee can So they went and made the sepulchre sure with the watchmen and sealed the stone Easter day At Morning prayer in stead of the Psalme O come let vs c. these Anthemes shall be sung or sayd CHrist rising againe from the dead now dieth not Death from henceforth hath no power vpon him For in that he dyed he dyed but once to put away sinne but in that he liueth he liueth vnto God And so likewise count your selues dead vnto sinne but liuing vnto God in Christ Iesus our Lord. CHrist is risen againe the first fruites of them that sleepe For seeing that by man came death by man also commeth the resurrection of the dead For as by Adam all men doe die so by Christ all men shal be restored to life The Collect. ALmightie God Which through thy only begotten sonne Iesus Christ hast ouercome death and opened vnto vs the gate of euerlasting life we humbly beseech thee that as by thy special grace preuenting vs thou doest put in our mindes good desires so by thy continual helpe we may bring the same to good effect through Iesus Christ our Lord who liueth c. The Epistle IF yee be risen againe with Christ Col. 3. ●● seeke those things which are aboue where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God Set your affection on heauenly things not on earthly things For yee are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God Whensoeuer Christ which is our life shall shew himselfe then shall ye also appeare with him in glory Mortifie therefore your earthly members fornication vncleannesse vnnaturall lust euil concupiscence and couetousnesse which is worshipping of idoles for which things sake the wrath of GOD vseth to come on the children of vnbeliefe among whom ye walked sometime when ye liued in them The Gospel THE first day of the Sabboths came Marie Magdalene earely when it was yet darke vnto the sepulchre Ioh. 20.1 and saw the stone taken away from the graue Then she ran came to Simon Peter to the other disciple whom Iesus loued sayeth vnto them They haue taken away the Lord out of the graue we cannot tell where they haue laied him Peter therefore went foorth and that other disciple and came vnto the sepulchre They ran both together and that other disciple did outrunne Peter and came first to the sepulchre And when he had stonped downe he saw the linnen clothes lying yet went he not in Then came Simon Peter following him and went into the sepulchre and sawe the linnen clothes lie and the napkin that was about his head not lying with the linnen clothes but wrapped together in a place by it selfe Then went in also that other disciple which came first to the sepulchre he saw and beleeued for as yet they knew not the Scripture that he should rise againe from death Then the disciples went away againe to their owne home Munday in Easter weeke The Collect. ALmightie God which through the only begotten sonne Iesus Christ hast ouercome death and opened vnto vs the gate of euerlasting life We humbly beseech thee that as by thy special grace preuēting vs thou doest put in our mindes good desires so by thy continual helpe we may bring the same to good effect through Iesus Christ our Lord who liueth and reigneth c. The Epistle PEter opened his mouth Actes 10.34 and sayd Of a trueth I perceiue that there is no respect of persons with God but in all people hee that feareth him and worketh righteousnesse is accepted with him Yee know the preaching that God sent vnto the children of Israel preaching peace by Iesus Christ which is Lord ouer al things Which preaching was published throghout all Iurie began in Galilee after the baptisme which Iohn preached how God anointed Iesus of Nazareth with the holy Ghost and with power which Iesus went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the deuil for God was with him And wee are witnesses of al things which hee did in the land of the Iewes and at Hierusalem whom they flew and hanged on tree Him God raysed vp the third day and shewed him openly not to al the people but to vs witnesses chosen before of God for the same intent which did eate and drinke with him after he rose from death And he commanded vs to preach vnto the people and to testifie that it is he which was ordeined of God to be the iudge of the quick and the
shall ye beleeue if I tell you of heauenly things And no man ascendeth vp to heauen but he that came downe from heauen euen the Sonne of man which is in heauen And as Moses lift vp the serpent in the wildernes euen so must the Sonne of man be lift vp that whosoeuer beleeueth in him perish not but haue euerlasting life The first Sunday after Trinitie The Collect. GOd the strength of al them that trust in thee mercifully accept our prayers And because the weaknesse of our mortall nature can doe no good thing without thee grant vs the helpe of thy grace that in keeping of thy Commandements we may please thee both in will and deed through Iesus Christ our Lord. The Epistle DEarely beloued 1. Iohn 4.7 let vs loue one another for loue commeth of God and euery one that loueth is borne of God and knoweth God He that loueth not knoweth not God For God is loue In this appeareth the loue of God to vs-ward because that God sent his onely begotten Sonne into the world that wee might liue through him Herein is loue not that we loued God but that hee loued vs sent his Sonne to be the agreement for our sinnes Dearely beloued if God so loued vs we ought also one to loue another No man hath seene God at any time If wee loue one another God dwelleth in vs and his loue is perfect in vs. Hereby knowe wee that wee dwell in him and he in vs because hee hath giuen vs of his Spirit And wee haue seene and doe testifie that the Father sent the Sonne to be the Sauiour of the world Whosoeuer confesseth that Iesus is the Sonne of God in him dwelleth God and he in God And we hane knowen beleeued the loue that God hath to vs. God is loue and hee that dwelleth in loue dwelleth in God and God in him Herein is the loue perfect in vs that we should trust in the day of iudgement For as he is euen so are wee in this world There is no feare in loue but perfect loue casteth on t feare for feare hath painefulnesse He that feareth is not perfect in loue We loue him for he loued vs first If any man say I loue God and yet hate his brother he is a liar For how can he that loueth not his brother whom he hath seene loue God whom he hath not seene And this commandement haue we of him that hee which loueth God sshould loue his brother also The Gospel THere was a certaine rich man Luke 16.19 which was clothed in purple and fine white and fared deliciously euery day And there was a certaine begger named Lazarus which lay at his gate ful of sores desiring to bee refreshed with the crummes which fel from the rich mans boorde and no man gaue vnto him The dogs came also and licked his sores And it fortuned that the begger died and was caried by the Angels into Abrahams bosome The rich man also died and was buried And being in hell in torments hee lift vp his eyes and sawe Abraham afarre off and Lazarus in his bosome and hee cried and sayd Father Abraham haue mercie on mee and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and coole my tongue for I am tormented in this flame But Abraham sayd Sonne remember that thou in thy life time receiuedst thy plaesure and contrariwise Lazarus receiued paine but now he is comforted thou art punished Beyond all this betweene vs and you there is a great space set so that they which would goe from hence to you cannot neither may come from thence to vs. Then he sayd I pray thee therefore father send him to my fathers house for I haue fiue brethren for to warne them lest they come also into this place of torment Abraham said vnto him They haue Moses and the Prophets let them heare them And he sayd Nay father Abraham but if one come vnto them from the dead they will repent He said vnto him If they heare not Moses and the Prophets neither will thy beleeue though one arise from death againe The ij Sunday after Trinitie The Collect. LOrd make vs to haue a perpetual feare and loue of thy holy name for thou neuer failest to helpe and gouerne them whom thou doest bring vp in thy stedfast loue Grant this c. The Epistle MArueile not my brethren 1. Iohn 3.13 though the worlde hate you Wee know that wee are translated from death vnto life because we loue the brethren He that loueth not his brother abideth in death Whosoeuer hateth his brother is a manslayer And ye know that no manslayer hath eternall life abiding in him Hereby perceiue we loue because he gaue his life for vs and wee ought to giue our liues for the brethren But who so hath this worlds good and seeth his brother haue need and shutteth vy his compassion from his how dwelleth the loue of God in him My babes let vs not loue in word neither in tongue but in deed and in veritie hereby we know that we are of the veritie and can quiet our hearts before him For if our heart condemne vs God is greater then our heart and knoweth all things Dearely beloued if our heart condemne vs not then haue wee trust to Godward and whatsoeuer wee aske we receiue of him because we keepe his commaundements and doe those things which are pleasant in his sight And this is his commaundement that we beleeue on the name of his Sonne Iesus Christ and loue one another as he gaue commandement And hee that keepeth his commaundements dwelleth in him and hee in him and hereby wee know that he abideth in vs euen by the spirit which he hath giuen vs. The Gospel A Certain man ordained a great supper Luke 14.16 and bade many and sent his seruant at supper time to say to them that were bidden Come for all things are nowe ready And they all at once began to make excuse The first sayd vnto him I haue bought a farme and I must needes goe and see it I pray thee haue mee excused And another sayd I haue bought fiue yoke of oxen and I goe to proue them I pray thee haue me excused And another said I haue married a wife and therefore I cannot come And the seruant returned and brought his master word againe thereof Then was the good man of the house displeased and said to his seruant Goe out quickly into the streetes and quarters of the Citie and bring in hither the poore and feeble and the halt and blind And the seruant said Lord it is done as thou hast commaunded and yet there is roume And the Lord said vnto his seruant Go out into the high wayes and hedges and compel them to come in that my house may be filled For I say vnto you that none of these men which were bidden shal taste of my supper The iij. Sunday after Trinitie The Collect. LOrd we
sonnes of Zebedee which were partners with Simon And Iesus sayd vnto Simon Feare not from henceforth thou shalt catch men And they brought the ships to land and forsooke all and followed him The sixt sunday after trinitie The Collect. GOd which hast prepared to them that loue thee such good things as passe mans vnderstanding powre into our hearts such loue toward thee that wee louing thee in all things may obtaine thy promises which exceed all that the we can desire through Iesus Christ our Lord. The Epistle KNow ye not Rom. 6.3 that al we which are baptized in Iesus Christ are baptized to die with him We are buried then with him by baptisme for to die that likewise as Christ was raised from death by the glorie of the Father euen so we also should walke in a new life For if we be grafted in death like vnto him euen so shal we be partakers of the holy resurrection knowing this that our old man is crucified with him also that the body of sinne might vtterly be destroyed that henceforth we should not be seruants vnto sinne For he that is dead is iustified frō sinne Wherefore if we be dead with Christ we beleeue that we shall also liue with him Knowing that Christ being raised frō death dieth no more death hath no more power ouer him For as touching that hee died he died concerning sinne once and as touching that he liueth he liueth vnto God Likewise consider ye also that ye are dead as touching sinne but are aliue vnto God through Christ our Lord. The Gospel IEesus sayd vnto his Disciples Mat. 5.20 Except your righteousnes exceed the righteousnes of the Scribes and Pharises ye cannot enter into the kingdom of heauen Ye haue heard that it was sayd vnto them of olde time Thou shall not kill whosoeuer killeth shall be in danger of iudgement But I say vnto you that whosoeuer is angry with his brother vnaduisedly shall be in danger of iudgement And whosoeuer saieth vnto his brother Racha shall be in danger of a Counsaile But whosoeuer saith Thou foole shal be in danger of hell fire Therefore if thou offerest thy gift at the alter and there remembrest that thy brother hath ought against thee leaue there thine offering before the alter and goe the way first and be reconciled to thy brother and then come and offer thy gift Agree with thine aduersarie quickely whiles thou art in the way with him least at any time the aduersarie deliuer thee to the iudge and the iudge deliuer thee to the minister and then thou bee cast into prison Verily I say vnto thee thou shalt not come out thence till thou hast payed the vttermost farthing The vij Sunday after trinitie The Collect. LOrd of all power might which art the authour and giuer of all good things graffe in our hearts the loue of thy Name increase in vs true religion nourish vs with all goodnes of thy great mercy keepe vs in the same through Iesus Christ our Lord. The Epistle I Speake grosly Rom. 6.19 because of the infirmitie of your flesh As ye haue giuen your members seruants to vncleannes and to iniquitie from one iniquitie to another euen so now giue ouer your members seruants vnto righteousnesse that ye may be sanctified For when ye were seruants of sinne ye were voyd of righteousnesse What fruite had ye then in those things whereof yee are now ashamed For the end of those things is death But nowe are yee deliuered from sinne made the seruants of God and haue your fruit to be sanctified and the end euerlasting life For the reward of sinne is death but eternall life is the gift of God through Iesus Christ our Lord. The Gospel IN those dayes Mar. 8.1 when there was a very great companie had nothing to eate Iesus called his disciples vnto him and sayd vnto them I haue compassion on the people because they haue bene now with me three dayes and haue nothing to eate and if I sende them away fasting to their owne houses they shall faint by the way for diuers of them came from farre And his disciples answered him Where should a man haue bread here in the wildernesse to satisfie these And hee asked them Howe many loaues haue ye They sayd Seuen And he commanded the people to sit downe on the ground And hee tooke the seuen loaues and when he had giuen thankes he brake gaue to his Disciples to set before them and they did set them before the people And they had a few smal fishes and when he had blessed he commanded them also to be set before them And they did eate and were suffised And they tooke vy of the broken meat that was left seuen baskets full And they that did eate were about foure thousand And he sent them away The viij Sunday after trinitie The Collect. GOd whose prouidence is neuer deceiued we humbly beseech thee that thou wilt put away from vs all hurtfull things and giue those things which be profitable for vs through Iesus Christ our Lord. The Epistle BRethren Rom. 8.12 we are debters not to the flesh to liue after the flesh For if ye liue after the flesh yee shall die But if yee through the spirit doe mortifie the deedes of the body yee shall liue For as many as are led by the spirit of God they are the sonnes of God For ye haue not receiued the spirit of bondage to feare any more but ye haue receiued the spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba Father The same spirit certifieth our spirit that we are the sonnes of God If we be sonnes then are we also heires the hetres I meane of God and heires annexed with Christ if so be that we suffer with him that we may also be glorified together with him The Gospel BEware of false prophets Mat. 7.15 which come to you in sheepes clothing but inwardly they are rauening Wolues yee shall know them by their fruites Doe men gather grapes of thornes Or figs of thistles Euen so euery good tree bringeth forth good fruites but a corrupt tree bringeth foorth euill fruits A good tree cannot bring forth bad fruits neither can a bad tree bring foorth good fruits Euery tree that bringeth not foorth good fruite is hewen downe and cast into the fire Wherfore by their fruits ye shall know them Not euery one that faieth vnto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdome of heauen but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven he shall enter into the kingdome of heauen The ix Sunday after Trinitie The Collect. GRaunt to vs Lorde we beseech thee the spirite to thinke and doe alwayes such things as bee rightfull that we which cannot be without thee may by thee be able to liue according to thy wil through Iesus Christ our Lord. The Epistle BRethren 1. Cor. 10.1 I would not that ye should be ignorant how that our fathers
hand of all that hate vs. That hee would deale mercifully with our fathers and remember his holy Couenaunt that he would performe the oath which hee sware to our father Abraham for to giue vs. That we being deliuered out of the hands of our enemies might serue him without freare all the dayes of our life in such holinesse and righteousnesse as are acceptable for him And thou childe shall bee called the Prophet of the highest for thou shalt goe before the face of the Lord to prepare his wayes To giue knowledge of saluation vnto his people for the remission of sinnes through the tender mercie of our God whereby the day spring from an high hath visited vs. To giue light to them that sit in darknesse and in the shadowe of death and to guide our feete into the way of peace And the childe grew and waxed strong in spirit and was in wildernesse till the day came when he should shew himselfe vnto the Israelites Saint Peters day The Collect. ALmightie God which by thy sonne Iesus Christ hast giuen to thy Apostle S. Peter many excellent gifts and comandedst him earnestly to feede thy flocke make we beseech thee all Bishops and Pastours diligently to preach thy holy word and the people obediently to follow the same that they may receiue the crowne of euerlasting glorie through Iesus Christ our Lord. The Epistle AT the same time Acts 12.1 Herod the king stretched forth his hands to vexe certaine of the congregation and he killed Iames the brother of Iohn with the sword And because hee sawe it pleased the Iewes he proceeded further and tooke Peter also Then were the dayes of sweete bread And when hee had caught him he put him in prison also and deliuered him to foure quaternions of souldiers to bee kept intending after Easter to bring him foorth to the people And Peter was kept in prison but prayer was made without ceasing of the congregation vnto God for him And when Herod would haue brought him out vnto the people the same night slept Peter tweene two souldiers bound with two chaines and the keepers before the doore kept the prison And behold the Angel of the Lord was there present and a light shined in the habitation and he smote Peter on the side and stirred him vp saying Arise vp quickly And his chaines fell from his hands And the Angle said vnto him Gird thy selfe and binde on thy sandales And so hee did And hee faith vnto him East thy garment about thee and follow me And hee came out and followed him and wist not that it was trueth which was done by the Angel but though thee had seene a vision When they were past the first and secoud watch they came vnto the yron gate that leadeth vnto the citie which opened to them by the owne accord and they went out and passed through one streete and foorthwith the Angle departed from him And when Peter was come to himselfe hee said Now I know of a suretie that the Lord hath sent his Angel and hath deliuered me out of the hand of Herod and from all the waiting of the people of the Iewes The Gospel WHen Iesus came into the coastes of the Citie Mat. 16.13 which is called Cesarea Philippi he asked his disciples saying whom do men say that I the sonne of man am They sayde Some say that thou art Iohn Baptist some Elias some Ieremias or one of the Prophets Hee saith vnto them But whom say yee that I am Simon Peter answered and said Thou art Christ the sonne of the liuing God And Iesus answered and said vnto him Happie art thou Simon the sonne of Iohas for flesh and blood hath not opened that vnto thee but my father which is in heauen And I say vnto thee that thou art Peter and vpon this rocke will I build my congregation and the gates of hell shall not preuaile against it And I will giue vnto thee the keyes of the kingdome of heanen And whatsoeuer thou bindest in earth shall be bound in heauen and whatsoeuer thou loosest in earth shall bee loosed in heauen S. Iames the Apostle The Collect. GRant O mercifull God that as thine holy Apostle Iames leauing his father and all that he had without delay was obedient vnto the calling of thy Sonne Iesus Christ and followed him So we forsking all wordly and carnal affections may be euermore ready to follow thy commandements through Iesus Christ our Lord. The Epistle IN those dayes came Prophets from the Citie of Hierusalem Acts. 11.27 vnto Antioch And there stood vp one of them named Agabus and signified by the Spirite that there should bee great dearth throughout all the world which came to passe in the Emperour Claudius dayes Then the disciples euery man according to his habilitie purposed to send succour vnto the brethren which dwelt in Iewrie which thing they also did and sent it to the elders by the hands of Barnabas and Saul At the same time Herod the king stretched forth his hands to vexe certaine of the congregation And hee killed Iames the brother of Iohn with the sword and because hee saw it pleased the Iewes he proceeded further and tooke Peter also The Gospel THen came to him the mother of Zebedees children Mat. 20.20 with her sonnes worshipping him and desiring a certaine thing of him And hee said vnto her what wilt thou Shee said vnto him Grant that these my two sonnes may sit the one on the right hand and the other on the lest in they kingdome But Iesus answered and sayd yee wote not what yee aske Are yee able to drinke of the cup that I shall drinke of and to bee baptized with the baptisme that I am baptized with They saide vnto him wee are Hee said vnto them yee shall drinke in deede of my cup and be baptized with the baptisme that I am baptized with but to sit on my right hand and on my left is not mine to giue but it shall chaunce vnto them that it is prepared for of my father And when the ten heard this they disdained at the two brethren But Iesus called them vnto him and sayde yee knowe that the princes of the nations haue dominion ouer them and they that are great men exercise authoritie vpon them It shall not be so among you But whosoeuer will bee great among you let him bee your minister and whosoeuer will be chiefe among you let him be your seruant Euen as the sonne of man came not to bee ministred vnto but to minister and to giue his life a redemption for many S. Bartholomew Apostle The Collect. O Almightie and euerlasting God which hast giuen grace to thine Apostle Bartholomewe truely to beleeue and to preach the word graunt wee beseech thee vnto thy Church both to loue that hee beleeued and to preach that hee taught through Christ our Lord. The Epistle BY the handes of the Apostles were many signes and wonders shewed among the people
and they were all together with one accorde in Salomons porche And of other durst no man ioyne himselfe to them neuerthelesse the people magnified them The number of them that beleeued in the Lord Act. 5.12 both of men and women grewe more and more in so much that they brought the sicke into the streetes and laide them on beddes and couches that at the least way the shadow of Peter when he came by might shadow some of them There came also a multitude out of the cities round about vnto Hierusalem bringing sicke folkes and them which were vexed with vncleane spirits and they were healed euery one The Gospel AND there was a strife among them Luk. 22.24 which of them should seeme to bee the greatest And hee said vnto them The kings of nations reigne ouer them and they that haue authoritie vpon them are called gracious Lords but yee shall not so be But he that is greatest among you shal be as the yonger and he that is chiefe shal be as he that doeth minister For whether is greater hee that sitteth at meate or hee that serueth Is not hee that sitteth at meate But I am among you as one that ministreth Yee are they which haue bidden with me in my temptations And I appoint vnto you a kingdome as my father hath appointed vnto me that ye may eat and drinke at my table in my kingdome and sit on seates iudging the twelue tribes of Israel Saint Matthew Apostle The Collect. ALmightie God which by thy blessed sonne didst call Matthew from the receite of custome to bee an Apostle and Euangelist Graunt vs grace to forsake all couetous desires and inordinate loue of riches and to follow thy said sonne Iesus Christ who liueth and reigneth c. The Epistle SEeing that wee haue such an office 2. Cor. 4.1 euen as God hath had mercie on vs we goe not out of kinde but haue cast from vs the clokes of vnhonestie and walke not in craftinesse neither handle we the word of God deceitfully but open the trueth and report our selues to euery mans conscience in the sight of God If our Gospel be yet hid it is hid among them that are lost in whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which beleeue not lest the light of the Gospel of the glorie of Christ which is the image of God should shine vnto them For we preach not our selues but Christ Iesus to bee the Lord and our selues your seruants for Iesus sake For it is God that commandeth the light to shine out of darkenesse which hath shined in our hearts for to giue the light of the knowledge of the glorie of God in the face of Iesus Christ The Gospel ANd as Iesus passed forth from thence Ma●● 9 hee saw a man named Matthew sitting at the receit of custome and he said vnto him Follow me And hee arose and followed him And it came to passe as Iesus sate at meate in his house beholde many Publicanes also and sinners that came sate downe with Iesus and his disciples And when the Pharises saw it they said vnto his disciples why eateth your master with Publicaues and sinners But when Iesus heard that he said vnto them They that bee strong neede not the Physicion but they that are sicke Goe yee rather and learne what that meaneth I will haue mercie and not sacrifice For I am not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance Saint Michael and all Angels The Collect. EVerlasting God which hast ordeined and constituted the feruices of all Angels and men in a wonderfull order Mercifully graunt that they which alway doe thee secuice in heaven may by thy appointment succour and defend vs in earth through Iesus Christ our Lord. The Epistle THere was a great battell in heaven Michael and his Angels fought with the Dragon Apo. 12.7 and the Dragon fought with his Angels and preuailed not neither was theri place found any more in heauen And the great Dragon that olde Serpent called the deuill and Satanas was cast out which deeciueth all the world And he was cast into the earth and his angels were cast out alst with him And I heard a lowde voyce saying In heauen is now made s aluation and strength and the kingdome of our God and the power of his Christ For the accuser of our brethren is cast downe which accused them before God day and night And they ouercame him by the blood of the Lambe and by the word of their testimonie and they loued not their liues vnto the death Therfore reioyce yee heavens and yee that dwell in them Woe vnto the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea for the deuill is come downe vnto you which hath great wrath because he knoweth that he hath but a short time The Gospel AT the same time came the disciples vnto Iesus Mat. 18.1 saying who is the greatest in the kindome of heauen Iesus called a child vnto him and set him in the middest of them and said Verely I say vnto you except ye turne and become as children yee shall not enter into the kingdome of heauen Whoseuer this childe that same is the greatest in the kingdome of heauen And whoseuer receiueth such a childe in my name receiueth me But who so doeth offend one of these little ones which beleeue in mee it were better for him that amilstone were hanged about his necke and that hee were drowned in the depth of the sea Woe vnto the World because of offences Necessarie it is that offences come but wo vnto the man by whom the offence commeth Wherefore if thy hand or thy foote hinder thee cut thm off and cast them from thee it is better for thee to enter into life halte or maymed rather then thou shouldest hauing two hands or two feete be cast into euerlasting fire And if thing eye offend thee plucke it out and cast it from thee It is better for thee to enter into life with one eye rather then Having two eyes to be cast into hell fire Take heede that ye despise not one of these little ones For I say vnto you that in heauen their Angels doe alwayes behold the face of my Father which is in heauen Saint Luke the Euangelist The Collect. AL mighty God which calledst Luke the Physitton whose praise is in the Gospel to be a Physition of the soule it may plese thee by the wholesome medicines of his doctrine to heale all the diseases of our soules through thy sonne Iesus Christ Lord. The Epistle WAtch thou in al things 2. Tim. 4.5 suffer afflictions doe the worke throughly of an Evangelist fulfil thine office vnto to the vttermost Besober For I am now ready to be offred and the time of my departing is at hand I haue fought a good fight I haue fulfilled my couse I haue kept the faith From henceforth there is laid vp for mee a crowne of rightousnesse which the Lord
counsell then let him come to me or some other discreete and learned Minister of Gods word and open his griefe that hee may receiue such ghostly counsaile advice and comfort as his conscience may bee relieued and that by the ministerie of Gods word he may receiue comfort and the benefite of absolution to the quieting of his conscience and auoyding of all scruple and doubtfulnesse Then shall the Priest say this exhortation DEarly beloued in the Lord yee that minde to come to the holy Communion of the body and blood of our Sauiour Chris must conder what S. Paul writeth to the Corinthians how he exhorteth all persons diligently to trie and examine themselues before they presume to eate of that bread and drinke of that cup. For as the benefit is great if with a true penitent heart liuely faith we receiue that holy Sacrament for them we spiritually eate the flesh of Christ drinke his blood then we dwel in Christ and Christ in vs we be one with Christ and Christ with vs So is the danger great if wee receiue the same unworthily For then we bee guiltie of the body blood of Christ our Sauiour wee eate and drinke our owne damnation not considering the Lords body wee kindle Gods wrath against vs we prouoke him to plague vs with diuers disease and sundrie kinds of death Therefore it any of you bee a blasphemer of God an hinderer or slaunderer of his word an adulterer or bee in malice or enuie or in any other grieuous crime be walie our sinnes and come not to this holy table least after the taking of that holy Sacrament the deuill enter into you as hee entred into Iudas and fill you full of all iniquities and bring you to destruction both of body and soule Iudge therefore your selues brethren that yee be not iudged of the Lord. Repent you truely for your sinnes past haue a liuely and stedfast faith in Christ our Saviour Amend your liues and be in perfect charitie with all men so shall yee be meete partakers of those holy mysteries And aboue al things ye must giue most humble and heartie thanks to God the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost for there demption of the world by the death and passion of our Sauiour Christ both God and man who did humble himself euen to the death vpon the crosse for vs miserable sinners which laye in darknesse and shadow of death hee might make vs the children of God and exalt vs to euerlasting life And to the ende that wee shoulde alway remember the exceeding great loue of our master and onely Sauiour Iesus Christ thus dying for vs and the innumerable benefits which by his precious blood shedding he hath obtained to vs hee hath instituted and ordeined holy mysteries as pledges of his loue and continuall remembrance of his death to our great and endlesse comfort To him therefore with the Father and the holy Ghost let vs giue as we are most bounden cominuall thankes submitting our selues whloly to his holy will and pleasure studying to serue him in true holinesse and righte ou●nesse all the dayes of our life Amen Then shall the Priest say to them that come to receiue the holy Communion YOu that do truely and earnestly repent you of your sinnes and bee in loue and charitie with your neighbours and intend to leade a new life folloing the commandements of God and walking from hencefoorth in his holy wayes Draw neere and take this holy Sacrament to your comfort make your humble confession to almightie God before this congregation heere gathered together in his holy Name meekely kneeling vpon your knees Then shal this generall confession be made in the name of all those that are minded to receiue the holy Communion either by one of them or els by one of the Ministers or by the Prist himselfe all kneeling humbly vpon their knees ALmightie God Father of our Lord Iesus Christ maker of all things Iudge of all men we knowledge and bewaile our manifold sinnes and wickednesse which we from time to time most grieuously have committed by thought word and deede against thy diuine Maiestie prouoking mostiustly thy wrath and indignation against vs. Wee doe earnestly repent and be heartily sorie for these our misdoings the remembrance of them is grieuous vnto vs haue mercy vpon vs most mercifull Father for thy sonne our Lord Iesus Christ sake forgiue vs all that is past and graunt that we may euer here after serue please thee in newnesse of life to the honour and glory of thy name through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Then shal the Priest the Bishop being present stand vp and tur●ning himselfe to the people say thus ALmightie God our heauenly Father who of his great mercy hath promised forgiuenesse of sinnes to all them which with heartie repentance and true faith turne vnto him Haue mercie vpon you pardon and deliuer you from all your sinnes confirme and strengthen you in all goodnes and bring you to euerlasting life through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Then shall the Priest also say ¶ Heare what comfortable wordes our Saniour Christ faith vnto all that truely turne to him Come vnto me all that trauell and be heauie laden and I will refresh you So God loued the world that hee gaue his onely begotten Sonne to the ende that all that beleeue in him should not perish but haue life euerlasting ¶ Heare also what S. Paul sayeth This is a true saying and worthy of all men to bee receiued that Iesus Christ came into the world to saue sinners ¶ Heare also what S. Iohn sayeth If any man sinne we haue an aduocate with the Father Iesus Christ the Righteous and he is the propitiation for our sinnes After which the Pries shall proceede saying Lift vp your hearts Answere We lift them vp vnto the Lord. Priest Let vs giue thanks vnto our Lord God Answere It is meete and right so to doe Priest It is very meete right and our bounden duetie that wee should at all times and in all places giue thankes vnto thee O Lord holy Father almightie euerlasting God Here shall follow the proper preface according to the time if there be any specially appointed or els immediatly shall follow Therefore with Angels and Archangels c. Proper prefaces Vpon Christmas day and seuen dayes after BEcause thou diddest giue Iesus Christ thine onely Sonne to be borne as this day for vs who by the operation of the holy Ghost was made very man of the substance of the virgine Mary his mother and that without spot of sinne to make vs cleane from all sinne Therefoe with Angels and Archangels c. Vpon Easter day and seuen dayes after BVt chiefly are we bound to praise thee for the glorious resurrection of thy sonne Iesus Christ our Lord for he is the very Paschall Lambe which was offered for vs and hath taken away the sinne of the worlde who by his death hath destroyed death and
God to call mee Question My good childe knowe thhis that thou art not able to doe these things of thy selfe nor to walke in the comandements of God and to serue him without his speciall grace which thou must learne at all times to call for by diligent prayer Let me heare threfore if thou canst the Lords prayer Answere OUr Father which art in heauen hallowed be thy Name Thy kingdome come Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen Giue vs this day our dayly bread And forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs. And leade vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euill Amen Question What desirest thou of God in this prayer Answere I desire my Lord God our heauenly Father who is the giuer of all goodnesse to send his grace vnto mee and to all people that wee may worship him serue him and obey him as we ought to doe And I pray vnto God that he will send vs all things that be needfull both for our soules and bodies and that hee will bee mercifull vnto vs and forgiue vs our sinnes and that it will please him to saue and defend vs in all dangers ghostly and bodily and that hee will keepe vs from all sunne and wickednesse and from our ghostly enemie and from euerlasting death And this I trust hee will doe of his mercy and goodnesse through our Lord Iesus Christ And therefore I say Amen So be it Question HOw many Sacraments hath Christ ordained in his Church Answere Two onely as generally necessary to saluation that is to say Baptisme and the Supper of the Lord. Question What meanest thou by this word Sacrament Answere I meane an outward and visible signe of an inward and spirituall grace giuen vnto vs ordained by Christ himselfe as a meanes whereby wee receiue the same and a pledge to assure vs thereof Question How many parts be there in a Sacrament Answere Two the outward visible signe and the inward spirituall grace Question What is the outward visible signe or forme in Baptisme Ansvvere Water wherein the person baptized is dipped or sprinkled with it In the Name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost Question What is the inward and spirituall grace Ansvvere A death vnto sinne and a new-birth vnto righteousnesse for being by nature borne in sinne and the children of wrath we are hereby made the children of grace Question What is required of persons to be baptized Ansvvere Repentance whereby they forsake sinne and faith wherby they stedfastly beleeue the promises of God made to them in that Sacrament Question Why theu are Infants baptized when by reason of their tender age they cannot performe them Ansvvere Yes they doe performe them by their Sureties who promise and vowe them both in their names which when they come to age themselues are bound to performe Question Why was the Sacrament of the Lords Suuppet ordained Ansvvere For the continuall remembrance of the Sacrifice of the death of Christ and the benefits which we receiue thereby Question What is the outward part or signe of the Lords Supper Answere Bread and Wine which the Lorde hath commaunded to be receiued Question What is the inward part or thing signified Answere The Body and Blood of Christ which are verely and indeed taken receiued of the faithfull the Lords Supper Question What are the benefits whereof we are partakers therby Answere The strengthening and refreshing of our soules by the body and blood of Christ as our bodies are by the bread wine Question What is required of them which come to the Lordes Supper Answere To examine themselues whether they repent them truely of their former sinnes stedfastly purposing to leade a newe life haue a liuely faith in Gods mercy through Christ with a thankefull remembrance of his death and be in charity with all men So soone as the children can say in their mother tongue the Articles of the faith the Lords prayer the tenne Commandements and also can answere to such questions of this short Catechisme as the Bishop or such as hee shall appoint shall by his discretion appose them in then shall they bee brought to the Bishop by one that shall be his Godfather or Godmother that euery childe may haue a witnesse of his confirmation And the Bishiop shall confirme them on this wise ❧ Confirmation or laying on of hands OUr helpe is in the Name of the Lord. Answere Which hath made Heauen and Earth Minister Blessed be the Name of the Lorde Answere Henceforth world without ende Minister Lorde heare our prayers Answere And let our crie come vnto thee Let vs pray ALmightie and euerliuing GOD who hast bouchsafed to regenerate these thy seruants by water and the holy Ghost and hast giuen vnto them forgiuenesse of all their sinnes strengthen them wee beseech thee O Lord with the holy Ghost the Comforter and daily encrease in them thy manifolde giftes of grace the spirit of wisedome and vnderstanding the spirit of counsaile and ghostly strenghth the spirit of knowledge and true godlinesse and fulfill them O Lord with the spirit of thy holy feare Amen Then the Bishop shall lay his hand vpon euery childe seuerally saying Defend O Lord this childe with thy heauenly grace that hee may continue thine for euer and daily increase in thy holy spirit more and more vntill hee come vnto thy euerlasting kingdome Amen Then shall the Bishop say Let vs pray ALmightie and euerliuing GOD which makest vs both to will and to do those things that be good and acceptable vnto thy Maiestie wee make our humble supplications vnto thee for these children vpon whome after the example of the holy Apostles wee haue layde our handes to certifie them by this signe of thy fauour and gracious goodnesse toward them let thy fatherly hand we beseech thee euer be ouer them let thy holy Spirite euer bee with them and so leade them in the knowledge and obedience of thy worde that in the end they may obtaine the euerlasting life through our Lord Iesus Christ who with thee and the holy Ghost liueth and reigneth one God world without end Amen Then the Bishop shall blesse the children saying thus The blessing of God Almightie the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost bee vpon you and remaine with you for cuer Amen The Curate of euery Parish or some other at his appointment shall diligently vpon Sundayes and Holy dayes halfe an houre before Euensong openly in the Church instruct and examine so many children of his Parish sent vnto him as the time will serue and as he shall thinke conuenient in some part of this Catechisme And all Fathers Mothers Masters and Dames shall cause their children seruants and prentices which haue not learned their Catechisme to come to the Church at the time appointed and obediently to heare and be ordered by the Curate vntill such time as they haue learned all that is here appointed for them to
one of you so loue his owne wife euen as himselfe Like wise same Saint Paul writing to the Colossians Colos 3. speaketh thus to all men that be married Ye men loue your wiues and be not bitter vnto them Heare also what S. Peter the Apostle of Christ 1. Pet. 3. which was himselfe a maried man sayed vnto all men that are maried Yee husbands dwell with your wiues according to knowledge giuing honor vnto the wife as vnto the weaker vessel and as heires together of the grace of life so that your prayers be not hindred Hitherto yee haue heard the duetie of the hunsband toword the wife Now likewife ye wiues heare and learne your dueties towards your husbands euen as it is plainely set foorth in holy Scripture Saint Paul Ephes 5. in the forenamed Epistle to the Ephesians teacheth you thus Ye women submit your selues vnto your owne husbands as vnto the Lord. For the husband is the wiues head euen as Christ is the head of the Church and hee is also the Sauiour of the whole body Therefore as the Church or Congregation is subiect vnto Christ So likewise let the wiues also be in subietion vnto their owne hubands in all things And againe hee sayth Let the wife reuerence her husband And in his Epistle to the Colossians S. Paul giueth you this short lesson Ye wiues submit your selues vnto your owne husbands as it is conuenient in the Lord. Saint Peter also doth instruct you very godly thus saying Let wiues be subiect to their owne husbandes so that if any obey not the worde they may bee wonne without the worde by the conuersation of the wiues while they beholde your chaste conuersation coupled with feare Whole apparell let it not bee outward with broyded haire and trimming about with golde either in putting on of gorgeous apparell but let the hid man which is in the heart bee without all corruption so that the spirite be milde and quiet which is a precious thing in the sight of God For after this maner in the olde time did the holy women which trusted in God apparell themselues being subiect to their owne husbandes as Sara obeyed Abraham calling him Lord whose daughters yee are made doing well and not being dismayed with any feare The new married persons the same day of their marriage must receiue the holy Communion The order for the visitation of the sicke The Priest entring into the sicke persons house shall say ¶ Peace be in this house and to all that dwell in it When he commeth into the sicke mans presence he shall say kneeling downe REmember not Lorde our iniquities nor the iniquities of our forefathers Spare vs good Lord spare thy people whome thou hast redeemed with thy most precious blood and bee not angry with vs for euer Lord haue mercie vpon vs. Christ haue mercie vpon vs. Lord haue mercie vpon vs. ¶ Our Father which art in heauen c. And leade vs not into temptation Answere But deliuer vs from euill Ameu Minister O Lord saue thy seruant Answere Which putteth his trust in thee Minister Send him helpe from thy holy place Answere And euermore mightily defend him Minister Let the enemie haue none aduantage of him Answere Nor the wicked approch to hurt him Minister Be vnto him O Lord a strong towre Answere From the face of his enemie Minister O Lord heare our prayers Answere And let our crie come vnto thee Minister O Lord looke downe from heauen beholde visite and relieue this thy seruant Looke vpon him with the eyes of thy mercy giue him comfort and sure confidence in thee defend him from the danger of the enemie and keepe him in perpetuall peace and safetie through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen HEare vs Almightie and most mercifull God and Sauiour extende thy accustomed goodnesse to this thy seruant which is grieued with sickenesse visite him O Lorde as thou diddest visite Peters wiues mother and the Captaines seruant So visite and restore to this sicke pecson his former health if it bee thy will or els giue him grace so to take thy visitation that after this paineful life ended he may dwell with thee in life euerlasting Then shall the Minister exhort the sicke person after this forme or other like DEarely beloued know this that Almightie God is the Lord of life and death and ouer all things to them perteyning as youth strength health age weakenesse sickenes Wherefore whatsoeuer your sikenesse is know you certainely that it is Gods visitation And for what cause so euer this sicknesse is sent vnto you whether it be to try your patience for the example of other and that your faith may bee found in the day of the Lord laudable glorious honourable to the increase of glory and endlesse felicitie or els it be sent vnto you to correct and amend in you whatsoeuer doeth offend the eyes of your heauenly Father know you certainly that if you truely repent you of your sinnes and beare your sicknesse patiently trusting in Gods mercy for his deare Sonne Iesus Christes sake and render vnto him humble thankes for his fatherly visitation submitting your selfe wholly vnto his will it shall turne to your profite and helpe you foward in the right way thatleadeth vnto life euerlasting If the person visited be very sicke then the Curate may ende his ex hortation in this place Take therefore in good woorth the chastisement of the Lorde For whom the Lorde loueth hee chastiseth yea as Saint Paul saith he scourgeth euery sonne which hee receiueth If ye endure thastisement he offreth himself vnto you as vnto his owne children What sonne is he that the father chastiseth not If ye be not vnder correction where of all true children children are partakers then are yee bastards not children Therfore seeing that when our carnall fathers do correct vs we reuerently obey them shall we not now much rather be obedient to our spirituall Father so liue And they for a few dayes doe chastise vs after their owne pleasure but he doeth chastise vs for our profite to the intent hee may make vs partakers of his holines These words good brother are Gods wordes and written in holy Scripture for our comfort and instruction that wee should patiently and with thankesgiuing beare our heauenly Fathers correction whensoeuer by any maner of aduersitie it shall please his gracious goodnesse to visite vs. And there should be no greater comfort to Christian persons then to bee made like vnto Christ by suffering patiently aduersities troubles sickenesses For he himselfe went not vp to ioy but first hee suffered paine he entred not into his glory before he was crucified So truely our way to eternall ioy is to suffer here with Christ and our doore to enter into eternall life is gladly to die with Christ that we may rise againe from death and dwel with him in euerlasting life Now therefore taking your sickenesse which is thus profitable for you patiently I
thy dearely beloued Sonne Iesus Christ my only Sauiour and redeemer and I most humbly beseech thee for his sake to be mercifull vnto mee and to cast all my sinnes out of thy sight and remembrance through the merits of his bloody death and passion Powre vpon me O Lord thy holy spirit of wisedome and grace gouerne and leade me by thy holy word that it may be a lanterne vnto my feete and a light vnto my steps Shew thy mercie vpon me and so lighten the naturall blindnes and darkenesse of my heart through thy grace that I may dayly bee renewed by the same spirit and grace By the which O Lord purge the grossenes of my hearing vnderstanding that I may profitably reade heare and vnder stand thy word and heauenly will beleeue and practise the same in my life and conuersation and euermore hold fast that blessed hope of euerlasting life Mortifie and kill all vite in mee that my life may expresse my faith in thee mercifully heare the humble suite of thy seruant and grant me thy peace all my dayes Graciously pardon mine infirmities and defend mee in all dangers of body goods and name but most chiefly my soule against all assaults temptations accusations subtill baites and sleights of that old enemie of mankind Satan that roaring Lion euer seeking whom he may deuoure And here O Lord I prostrate with most humble mind craue of thy diuing Maiestie to bee mercifull vnto the vniuersall Church of thy Sonne Christ and specially according to my bounden duety beseech thee for this sake to blesse saue and defend the principall memeber thereof thy seruant our most deare and Souercigne Lord King Iames encrease in his royal heart true faith godly ●eale and loue of the same And grant him victorie ouer all his enemies a long prosperous and honourable life vpon earth a blessed ende and life euerlasting Moreouer O Lorde graunt vnto his Maiesties most honourable Counsellours and euery other member of this thy Church of England that thy and we in our seuerall callings may truely and godly serue thee Plant in our hearts true feare and honour of thy Name obedience to our Prince and loue to our neighbours Increase in vs true faith and religion Replenish our mindes with all goodnesse and of thy great mercie keepe vs in the same till the end of our lines Giue vnto vs a godly zeale in prayer true humilitie in prosperitie perfect patience in aduersitie and continuallioy in the holy Ghost And lastly I commend vnto thy fatherly protection all that thou hast giuen me as wife children and seruants Aide me O Lord that I may gouerne norish bring them vp in thy feare and seruice And forsmuch as in this world I must alwayes be at warre and strife not with one sort of enemies but with an infinitie number not onely with flesh and blood but with the deuill which is the prince of darknesse and with wicked men executors of his most damnable will Grant me therefore thy grace that being armed with thy defence I may stand in this battel with an inuincible constaucie against all corruption which I am compassed with on euery sde vntil such time as I hauing ended the combate which during this life I must sustaine in the ende I may attaine to thy heauenly rest which is prepared for mee and all thine elect through Christ our Lord and only Sauiour AMEN ⸪ ¶ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie Anno 1603. ¶ Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis