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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A73031 Certain godly and learned sermons, preached by that worthy seruant of Christ M. Ed. Philips in S. Sauiors in Southwarke: vpon the whole foure first chapters of Matthew, Luc. 11. vers. 24. 25. 26. Rom. 8. the whole, 1. Thess. 5. 19. Tit. 2. 11. 12. Iames 2. from the 20. to the 26. and 1. Ioh. 3. 9. 10. And were taken by the pen of H. Yeluerton of Grayes Inne Gentleman Philips, Edward.; Yelverton, Henry, Sir, 1566-1629. 1607 (1607) STC 19854; ESTC S114640 484,245 625

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meant by spirit for the first what is meant by flesh Christ tels vs Iohn 3.5 in his answer to Nicodemus saying That except a man be borne againe of water and of the spirit he cannot see heauen meaning thereby that before a man be regenerate he is nothing but flesh soule and body and all for that is borne of flesh is flesh and a cleane thing cannot be drawen out of corruption so Paul 1. Cor. 15.50 saith that flesh and blood cannot inherit heauen not meaning thereby that flesh wherein we are inclosed for the very substance of it shall see God but the old man the corruption of nature which is our mother wit and wil howbeit what this flesh is is more amply set downe Gen. 6.5 where it is said in the originall that all the very mould of the deuising thoughts of a mans heart are not inclined to euill but simply euill and not euill but onely euill and not onely euill but euill in all things and not onely euill in all things but euill in all things euery day and Saint Paul Rom. 3.10 maketh a full description of a fleshly man shewing what euery one is by nature There is none righteous no not one the reason is because there is none that seeketh God and for not seeking him they are all become apostats and by this their apostasie are become vnprofitable and being thus of no value their throate is an open sepulchre and being thus enlarged like hell they vse them either to deceit in that poison is vnder their lips or else their mouth is full of cursing and bitternesse which are two contrarie sinnes their feete are swift to shed bloud and destruction and calamitie are in all their waies and the way of peace they haue not knowen and last of all they haue not the feare of God before their eies which is the true cause of that cursed brood and chaine of sinnes that hang together Now for the second what is meant by Spirit and that is a diuine heauenly inuisible and supernaturall working of the holy Ghost in the hearts of Gods children in begetting them anew into the glorious image of Christ by changing into another quality and condition all the powers of their soules and affections of the heart which is done by faith in the outward man and by peace of conscience in the inner man by reason whereof the elect are saied euen in this prison of theirs to bee spirituall From hence obserue first that the world is diuided but into two kinds of people fleshly and spirituall for there is no meane betweene them howsoeuer the enemies of God are distracted into seuerall and sundry factions some denying the power of godlinesse through porfanenesse some diuiding the power of it through opinion of merit some thinking there is no God at all and some imagining he sits idle in heauen without hauing any sterne to guide and direct the frame of the earth yet doe they all erre alike in their hearts and being all out of the way they shall finde the same reward of their worldly wisdome and their end to bee damnation now these two sorts and conditions of men are easily discerned for by their fruits you shall know them the one sauoring the flesh pots of Aegyt the other the sweetnesse of the land of Canaan the one being taken vp and possessed by the pleasures of the flesh the other striuing and laboring in the workes of the spirit the one hauing sinne as it were alwaies vnder his nose sauoring nothing else the other hauing the spirit euer in his eie to diuert his feet from the snares and pleasures of concupiscence for by this word after which is in the text is signified in the original tongue to be guided and conducted and led by the flesh which sheweth our great infidelity in not beleeuing what the holy Ghost sets downe giuing it heere in precise commandement that we should not be directed by the flesh and binding this commandement in the breach of it with a peremptory curse of damnation for being guided by it and yet as if God could not make his word good or that we could wrastle our selues from his wrath our taste our smell and all our senses are busied onely in the workes of the flesh as if we would cast away our selues willingly whereas euen in naturall reason wee should abhor it for who would be conducted by such a one as cuts the throats of al he guideth or who is he that trauelling toward the desert will picke out such a guide as should lead him to be deuoured of wild beasts or who that hath his iourney by sea will make choice of such a Pilot as hath cast away as many as he conducted or who would entertaine a knowen theefe and a waster to be the steward of his house or who would take such a husband to be the guid of her youth as spends and wasts himselfe in licentiousnesse or what Prince will admit him to bee his cheefe counsellor that is a knowen traitor to his person or such a one to be captaine ouer souldiers as is a knowen and proclaimed rebell There is none so simple nor so profane but will dislike and detest the choice of any such guides and leaders and yet he that taketh his flesh to be his captaine his arme his guide a knowen and vnreconciliable enemy to the soule shall by the conduct of his owne corruption not onely lose his body but his soule also for if the blind lead the blind both shall fall into the pit of perdition Therefore let the world loue her owne and the flesh pamper it selfe let Cain build him a citie Gen. 4.17 to hide him from the presence of the Lord let Esau follow his hunting Gen. 26.30 to satisfie his pleasure in the death of venison let Nimrod Gen. 11.4 build him a tower to get him a name vpon the earth let the rich man Luk. 12.17 heape vp his fruits till his barnes will hold no more let Diues Luk. 16 19.20 be costly in his apparrell and delicate in his fare euery day yet obserue thou but their ends and thou wilt not ioyne hands with them for Cain was branded of the Lord as a castaway Nimrod confounded for his pride Esau reiected for his profanenes the rich man snatched suddainly from his substance and Diues throwne downe to hell where he lies panting and criing for a drop of water and cannot haue it Againe in that it is said they sauour the things of the flesh obserue that all that is in a naturall and carnall man and commeth from him is but flesh that is sinne yea and the most excellent parts that are in him that is his wisdome deserueth death and is but as a worme in the shell to consume him for he wanting the spirit which is the life of the soule as the foule is the life of the body his soule his body his minde his will and his vnderstanding are but members as Paul
to her wallowing in the ruire Some will say True it is the spirit may bee quenched in 〈◊〉 hypocrite but neuer in the elect as 1. Iohn 3.9 Hee that is borne of God sinneth not And whom God loued once hee loueth alwaies This is true but then looke that thou stand vpon good and sound euidence when Sathan troubles thee for thou knowest how the burning lampes went out how the seed in the blade came to nothing and it is certaine that a man illuminate may sinne against the holy Ghost and therefore see that thou hast good title and groundest vpon good interest when thou shalt bee vexed with temptations For Rom. 8.13 if wee liue after the flesh wee shall die and as many as are led by the spirit of God they are the sonnes of God and who hath this spirit looke 1. Iohn 3.14 We are translated from death to life because we loue the brethren for hee that hath a soule must needes breath and he that hath the spirit must needs fulfill the fruits of the spirit Secondly albeit the elect haue receiued an euerlasting spirit whereof the Lord can neuer repent and which can neuer vtterly be quenched yet let vs feare and tremble for in the elect it may so bee obscured and ouerwhelmed that some of the graces of Gods spirit nay most of the graces yea the chiefest of the most nay all almost of Gods graces may in them be quenched as Dauid praieth Psal 51. Lord create in me a new spirit and yet he had it in him for in the same place he saith Lord take not thy spirit from me So as this exhortation not to quench the ●●●rit hath a double fruit in the hypocrite to make him vnexcusable in the elect to make them more circumspect and carefull in their conuersation for we must not be secure in as much as albeit the spirit of God in those that be his cannot bee absolutely quenched and wholly put out yet there may bee a great abatement of the spirit as not to be recouered without great touch and terror of conscience For first while a man feeles the presence of this spirit there is giuen him such ioy and with that a singular peace in the inward man and such securitie of his saluation that he feeles the loue of God spiritually to do him as much good as his meat and vpon this assurance he doth as it were behold the heauens open for the Lord to embrace him liuing or dying and he knoweth himselfe to be sealed vp in the blood of Christ vnto eternall life Now if this spirit be gone absenteth it selfe in spirituall operation together with this is our former ioy abated and the foundation of our hope begins to be shaken and being weake of our selues we are surprised with many feares and suspecting our selues to bee cast from the feare of God and our sinnes arising and flying vp like smoake in our eies we almost are brought to the case of Cain Gen. 4.12 to thinke that whosoeuer meeteth vs will slay vs. Secondly as vpon the enioying presence of the Lords spirit there springs an vnspeakable ioy and comfort in our hearts and we find that the Lords loue breedeth in vs an heauenly assurance of eternall peace and filleth our hearts with a mutuall and reciprocall loue of God our loue streaming and flowing from the well head of the Lords loue then it followeth that the lesse we feele the Lords loue toward vs the lesse we loue him againe and then we droope and languish in our selues our praiers be faint our meditations cold and when we should watch we with the Disciples fall asleepe and we feeling not the life of the spirit Mat. 26.43 we are greatly abated in our loue of holy and Christian exercises and we then only keepe a generall course in our profession and performe euery good thing as it were tedious vnto vs like Eutychus Act. 20.9.10 who came to heere Pauls sermon but was ouercome with sleepe Thirdly when the spirit is abated by the diminishing of the Lords loue towards vs and the withdrawing of our loue from him then because we haue grieued the spirit the Lord suffereth vs to fall into fearefull and presumptuous sinne as hee did suffer Dauid to fall into the sinne of whoredome with Bathsheba aggrauated with the murder of Vriah wherein hee lay frozen by Satans subtilty nine monthes at the least before he confessed it to God for it appeareth 2. Sam. 11.27 that the child was borne before Nathan the Prophet came to him and howsoeuer no doubt he could no more escape the pricke of conscience then he could stay the panting of his heart yet before that time not a word to God of any serious humiliation for his adultery So as neuer any of Gods children sinned more grieuously then he Mat. 26.70 except Peter who was not so much kindled at the fire of the high Priest as he was cold in his soule for first he lied in that he said hee knew not Christ secondly burst foorth into swearing and thirdly gaue himselfe to the diuell if it were he that was with Christ which the Lord most iustly suffered to befall him as a great chastisement since he neglected the louing forewarning of his master and though hee was neuer so much elect yet would the spirit neuer comfort him till he had with drawne himselfe to bewaile his sinne bitte●● All which is liuely expressed Cant. 3.1 In my bed by night saith the church I sought him that my soule loued I sought h●●●●●t I found him not I went and rose and walked about the citie and by the stree●s and by open places I sought him but found him not thereby to declare that when the Lord once withdraweth his face from vs how hardly we shall win his fauour againe Fourthly when the Lord hath suffered vs to fall thus farre as we shall euen seeme to be swallowed vp of hell already though in the end he will restore thee yet first he will suffer thee to beare the shame of thy sinne in this life Gen. 9.23 1. Sam. 15.14 as Noah for his drunkennesse to be a scorne to his owne children and Dauid for his adultery to bee thrust out of his kingdome by his owne sonne which was such a griefe to him as all the ioy of his sonnes life did not so much comfort him as the sorrow of his death did wound him he mourning for Absolon 2. Sam. 19.33 as if he had doubted of his saluation But happy is hee that hath the thornes in his sides in this life and that is afflicted heere for though the Lord will neeuer take his louing kindnes from thee yet he will scourge thee not for any satisfaction of his iustice for Christ hath paied all but onely for a chastisement Lastly besides all this when the spirit is gone and abated it shall be such a terror to thy conscience such smart and vexation to thy whole minde as thou wert better bee almost
in a holy conuersation Heere will be obiected since workes are so precisely vrged what say wee to the faith of the theefe vpon the crosse what workes did he and by this example many betray their soules in presuming of the like grace Wee answer that this was a particular priuiledge giuen to that theefe euen as a pardon may bee giuen to a man vpon the gallowes and if any embolden himselfe heereupon perhaps the rope will be his hire and it is not good to put it vpon the Psalme of Miserere and the necke-verse for sometime he proueth no Clarke And for this theefe the Lord neuer did it but to one that none might presume and yet hee did it to one and did saue one in the exigent of his life that none might despaire Secondly this was a worke reserued for the manifestation of the power of the Sonne of God that he should beleeue in his fellow sufferer and desire him to saue him that when the Pharisees denied him to be the Sonne of God yet a poore wretch and a theefe should confesse it Thirdly we must not regard the shortnesse of his confession but consider the time and circumstance when and before whom this confession was made euen then when no man durst defend the innocencie of the Sonne of God when the Pharisees left him when all his Disciples were scattered and when Marie his mother that stood a farre off and knew him to be the Sonne of God and yet spake nothing in his defence whereby she finned against the first table She was his mother and saw him put to death vniustly and yet would not testifie of his innocencie whereby she bore false witnesse against him so sinned against the ninth commaundement being her sonne she did not comfort him vpon the crosse and so sinned against the fift commaundement yet when all these either doubted of his diuinity or despaired the poore theefe did confesse him to be that Christ the Sonne of God who ●●d Paradise to dispose Lastly know that he was such a wretch that he neuer knew God before and therefore was it no maruell though he committed felonie but as soone as the Lord knockt at his heart first he confesseth Christ to be God and to die an innocent Luk. 23.41 We suffer righteously but this man hath done nothing amisse wherein he wrought a worke of the first table secondly he reprooued his fellow who raned on Christ wherein he wrought a worke of the second table So as this example of the theefe is no warrant to deferre or trifle off our repentance till the last houre for hee wrought as soone as hee was called If therefore the Lord hath offered vnto vs the riches of his mercie let vs in the acceptable time embrace it and not abuse his long suffering by growing more leane and ill-fauoured by these many yeeres wee haue had of religious peace and plentie but let vs returne vnto him while he is in the way before darknesse too fast ouer-grow our soules and before death snatch vs away into the graue For the similitude which is vers 26. obserue onely that it agreeth not in all points for the soule is the cause of the life of the body but so are not good works the cause of faith but only an effect and fruit of it for faith giueth life to good works and faith worketh by loue in the person instified for we must as hath bene said first be good before we can do good and we are made good spiritually by our regeneration in Christ and we being ingrafted into him then we do good so as the meaning only of the Apostle is by this similitude to shew that when a dead man being dead can speake which is impossible then faith which hath no workes and so is but a dead faith shall iustifie and saue vs. 1. IOHN chap. 3. vers 9.10 verse 9 Whosoeuer is borne of God sinneth not for his seed remaineth in him neither can he sinne because he is borne of God verse 10 In this are the children of God knowen and the children of the diuell who so doth not righteousnesse is not of God neither he that loueth not his brother THE Apostle in the beginning of this chapter first setteth downe that God the Father by his euerlasting loue in his Sonne hath bestowed vpon the faithfull this priuiledge to be called the sonnes of God in the sonne of God Christ Iesus Secondly that this dignity to bee the sonne of God and so to be called is not to be discerned by the men of the world because they haue not knowen the Sonne hauing not his spirit for spirituall things cannot be discerned by them that haue nothing but fleshly policy Thirdly as this cannot be discerned of the world so it is impossible our selues should sufficiently conceiue of it while we remaine in the tabernacle of this life because there is another glory we expect vers 2. Fourthly he setteth downe an effect inseparable from this adoption As many as are the sonnes of God and haue this hope of future glory they striue to reformation of life not to be equally pure but to bee like pure to the Lord Iesus This hee prooueth first from the institution of the law God neuer ordained the law neither after our creation nor after our redemption but to bee kept and the reason is thus The breach of the law is a disparagement swinge and sinne it perfect strength Thirdly the godly e●e said not to sinne be 〈◊〉 he laboureth to walke in all the commandements of the Lord. Now he that walketh in the right way may somtime fall but if hee doe he● striueth to regaine it by greater carefulnesse and speedier passage● but the wicked goe cleane out of the way as if heauen stood at hell gate Lastly because in the godly there is a combat for there is two men in them in the inward man they would faine please God and by the outward as Saint Paul saith they are made captiue to sinne Rom. 7.23 but in a meere naturall man there is nothing but flesh and so no combat for where all is one there is no diuision and if there be any strife in him it is betweene his conscience and himselfe in iudgement conuincing him that it is sinne and not betweene his conscience and his affection misliking it as it is sinne for this is easily seene by his often relapse into the same sinne Now for the reason hee doth not sinne because the holy Ghost which is the seed of our second birth remaineth in him neither can he sin and this is proued by two places of scripture first Rom. 8.1 where the Apostle proueth these two graces inseparable iustification from sinne and sanctification from sinne thus There is no condemnation to him that liueth a spirituall man this is proued vers 5. by contraries They that liue after the flesh sauour the things of the flesh but he that is borne of God cannot doe so for then
me to haue me vse my liberty in this place but I discerne thy subtilty and to doe this thou requirest should be no glory to my Father nor any confirmation of doctrine heereafter therefore I will not cast pearles before Sathan The words containe two parts first the suggestion or temptation secondly the beating backe of the temptation In the first consider first the occasion sathan tooke to tempt him namely his hunger secondly the matter wherewith he was tempted For the first he tempts him in a matter of food being hungry Where learne that Sathan espieth all aduantages where and when he may finde vs best and he vseth our present infirmities or conditions of life as the fittest coales to set vs on fire withall For the rich man is neuer assaulted with the temptation to steale because he hath enough nor beggers to purchase because they want nor priuate men to peruert iustice because they sit not in place but there bee some temptations on the right hand and some on the left some are tempted by sickenesse to impatience by health to forget God by youth to embrace liberty and by age to loue riches by fulnesse to lift vp their heele against God some by penury to distrust him as if hee had cast off all care of them some are moued to reuenge by being disgraced and some to worke mischiefe by being flattered therefore we must correct such imperfections whereunto by nature wee are most inclined and not to giue the least aduantage vnto Sathan lest vpon our vnwatchfulnesse we be surprized for euery one shall finde that in something hee is not left vntempted and since temptations come on both sides wee must arme our selues with weapons on each side For the second which is the matter of the temptation we obserue a double drift in Sathan first to driue Christ to doubt that he is not Gods child because of his present exigent and want secondly vpon this to driue him to vse a preposterous miracle against Gods glory and whereby hee should haue graunted the diuell that he could not haue liued without bread and by this meanes to haue lost the glory of the triumph For the first of these leauing the particular of Christ the head let vs see whether the members bee not afflicted with the same temptations Psal The greatest man the Prophet Dauid was mightily shaken with this when he saw Gods children liue so miserablie and the wicked so prosperously The Prophet Ieremy ch 12.1 desireth to reason with the Lord about this matter and bursteth forth with wonder Why doeth the way of the wicked so prosper why are all they in wealth that rebelliously transgresse They are planted and they grow where as the godly leade a life fraught and full of sorrow And this was the argument of all Iobs friends that being so strangely afflicted he must needs be Gods enemy Iob. 8.20 Indeed if the Lords loue should be measured by outward blessings the vngodly had farre greater cause to boast for they weare pride about their neckes as a chaine and are couered with extortions as with a garment their faces shine saith Ieremy and their plants are safely rooted yea not onely their persons but their children are like flockes of sheepe in the pleasant field and like oliue branches at a furnished table they see their houses established before their faces and are comforted with the sight of their childrens children Nay all things fareth well with them their Cow calueth and casteth not their hear●● come in and out with daily plenty so as with them euery thing prospereth by a proportionable kinde of happinesse And as they are happie in their liues so they haue a great priuiledge in the time of death for they die like lambes and passe away farre men comfortably to the eye then Gods children for they die not languishingly or as the prisoners of death but they goe to the graue sodainly yet their wickednesse is such and their hearts so full of poison as Iob describing their cogitations saith they regard not chap. 21.15 the Almighty but say what is the Lord that they should serue him And Dauid Psal 7.5 she●●● that their mouthes speake blasphemy against the heauens and their tongues walke freely through the earth not fearing m●● Whereas on the other side 1. Pet. 4.17 the iudgement of God beginner a● his owne house and they drinke the dregs of the cup of sorrow they are but wormes scarce worthy to creepe in respect of the magnificence of the wicked they eate the bread of care and quench their thirst with the water of affliction they are for their bodies poore for their credit despised and for their consciences they haue many combats the terrors of death doe oft so fight against them as they are shaken in the foundation of their faith so as they doubt besides these miseries they sustaine heere they shall be adiudged to death in the life to come yea they are hated of those by their name that neuer saw them by their face And besides this amid these waues of their miseries they are tempted yet by Sathan as that they are but grashoppers abiected of the world ouerwhelmed with sinne which woundeth their soule to death and yet they take themselues to bee heires of heauen and fellow-heires with Christ These seas of miseries should neuer ouerflow thee which sting thy conscience nor these disgraces outward should neuer ouerthrow thee which touch thy body if thou wert Gods child for then should his eye watch ouer thee to ease thee Such is the portion allotted to Gods Saints so as Dauid was caried so farre in perturbation of spirit that had hee not entred into the sanctuarie of the Lord he had vtterly condemned the generation of the godly Howbeit when we are assaulted on this sort let vs not bee dismayed but let vs know that herein is wrought our conformity with the Lord Iesus let vs learne the same defence that he vsed not to seeke to wind out our selues by our owne power or policy but to rely wholly vpon the Lord for the hath many secret waies to rescue vs if it please him to shew the power of his prouidence and by this trouble and depth of sorrowes we are plunged into we may the rather assure our selues that there shall be a generall restauration of all things because they are now so out of frame whereas if the wicked should heere bee punished and the godly prosper we might more call in doubt the comming of the Lord to glory But now seeing things in such a lamentable confusion euen this nay perswade vs with Saint Paul that there shall come a daie of vengeance for them that liue wickedly 2. Thess 1.7.8 and for them that are now distressed a day of comfort for if euery thing should be caried with an euen hand we might well doubt of an immortalitie For the second drift of Satan which was to vrge Christ vpon this his distresse to worke
eat the bread of affliction If Hanani tell Asah 2. Chronic. 16.9 thou hast done foolishly not to rest vpon the Lord to prison with him If Zachariah 2. Chron. 24.20 tell Ioash he shall not prosper if he forsake the Lord and that he doth ill to put downe religion he shall be slaine euen in the court of the Lords house Ieremy must to the dungeon Esay to the saw Iohn Baptist to the axe if they bee so quicke sighted and so hot spirited as they cannot winke at sinne And Reuel 11.3 of two Preachers out of whose mouthes shall proceed fire though in the eies of the Lord they be as Oliues dropping down most comfortable mice yet at last the Beast shall get them and ouercome them they being stronger in the spirit but he in the flesh and he shall kill them and they shall not be buried and the people shall send gifts one to another saying the Prophets are gone now making merry as that they might sinne without controlement and giuing applause to that beastly tyranny was shewed on them Let vs further consider the indignity offered to this man borne a Prophet whose father was stricken dumbe by a miracle the Bridegroomes friend yet was hee not condemned by publike sentence not at the desire of the people but by the request of a harlots daughter executed in a priuate place Could the Sun shine vpon such a King as could breake foorth into this impietys And how could the Lord spare his wrath and not powre it forth that such a famous seruant of his should bee taken away by such an infamous death But howsoeuer wee may after a sort co●● fesie that our bodies are in the Princes power yet this may comfort vs that not the life no nor the haue of a Minister shall perish without the pleasure and permission of God To day to morow and the third day Christ shall preach let the Fox do bis worst Luk. 13.32 when his time is come their malice shall put him to death also Thirdly note Gods prouidence that both Iohn and Christ may not be clapped vp together but God euer will haue some left to carry his message When the three children Dan. 5. were in the fire Daniel was at liberty in the Court and when Dauiel was in the Lions denne the three children were in credit in the Court When Iohn is fallen Christ riseth When Herod Act. 1● had imbrued his hands in bloud putting Iames to death hee thought to haue done the like to Peter but the Lord sent his Angell to vnshackle him for they must not both goe to the pot together And when the Temple of God by the inuasion of Antichrist is become a slaughter-house of the Saints yet the Lord R●● 11.3 had a number left namely two witnesses at the least one to comfort another for the propagation and publishing of the truth so as we may be assured though the Lions of the field roare and rauin neuer so much it is not possible all the true preachers of the Gospel shal be abolished but as their bloud is pretious in his eies Psal 116.15 so out of their ashes will he raise vp others that shall hold the cup of his indignation euen to the mouthes of Princes Further obserue how the Lord esteemeth the tyranny and cruelty of men in this kind toward his Ministers for Luk. 3.20 it is said that of the euils which Herod had done hee added this aboue all to imprison Iohn so hainous a thing is the persecution of the Gospell in the sight of God and much more of them that are his Embassadors and therefore this is noted 2. Chron. 16 12. to be the captaine sinne of Asah that hee put Hanani in prison so beautifull be they in the opinion of the Almighty for he priseth the death of these Saints at a high rate as may bee seene first in their often redemption from death as Paul escaped Act. 23. when the people had sworne to stay him and Peter was loosed from his chaines when the gouernours had conspired against him Secondly it may bee discerned in the precious reward of it Blessed be they that die in the Lord. and Stephen Act. 7.60 is said but to sleep when he had been stoned of the Iewes his spirit being receiued of the Lord Iesus And thirdly it is manifested in the seuere reuenge of their death the Lord first hauing they stay in the sea still so if we do but nibble at the Gospell we shall continue in the sea of the world still and so shall neuer bee blessed Secondly obserue in the speech of Christ he doth not say I doe make you but I will make you fishers of men that is I will traine you vp to bee competently fit for that worke I call you for Where they are conuinced that place men in the Church before they bee sufficient for hee must haue no hand laid on him till he be qualified saith Paul 1. Tim. 5.22 and hee must be able to bring foorth of his store new and old saith the Gospel Mat. 13.52 and hee must not bee placed in hope hee will proue sufficient for while the grasse groweth the horse starueth and while hee is furnishing himselfe the people perish Saul 1. Sam. 9.16 being but a shepheard was suddenly by Gods spirit qualified for the ciuill gouernment For the Lord neuer commanded any but he enabled him first neither hath he lesse prouided for them that should haue the administration and custody of soules Moses Exod. 4.11 had a tongue made him before he went Esa 6.6 Esay had a coale from the altar before be spake Christ had his grace increased Luk. 2.52 when he began to preach for it is said he grew in wisedome and was corroborated in spirit and when he elected his Apostles he praied to his Father a whole night that he would direct his choice and Iohn 20.22 when he had breathed on them the holy Ghost yet hee charged them to stay at Ierusalem till they had receiued more grace and then Act. 2.3 the holy Ghost came down vpon them in clouen tongues to speake to all nations and fiery that they might be zealous Luk. 24.45 and then they were fit In the old Testament the Priests were first anointed that God might testifie by that oile their inuisible grace and in the new Testament hands were laid on them to signifie that that hand which had called them to this great office would alwaies bee ready to protect them Who would chuse a Captaine that neuer saw the enemy in the face or send him of an embassage that knew not how to deliuer his message And yet is the Lords embassage committed to them that haue no language whereas the shepheards of Gods sheepe must bee watchfull to defend their charge from wolues carefull to bring them home that stray and skilfull to heale them that are wounded Make no yong plant 1. Tim. 3.6 a Minister saith Paul and though Paul himselfe
Apostle saith heere he was freed from the law of sinne for Christs body was not onely crucified for our sinnes our sinnes being the very cause of his crucifying but hee was also crucified to sinne that is to crucifie and kill sinne in vs which are his members so that except we finde the spirit of God daily working and striking at the roote of sinne to weaken it and at the branch of sinne to cut it off at the first blossome we cannot conclude he was crucified for sinne because he is not crucified to sinne in vs so as we must measure the life of Christ in himselfe no further to pertaine to vs then we finde the power of sinne abated in vs. And therefore if we walke after the Prince that ruleth in the aire and that worketh in the children of disobedience and haue our conuersation in the lusts of the flesh then hath not the life of Christ freed vs from the law of sinne and then are we in the state of condemnation if God be not rich in mercy to vs heereafter For howsoeuer the Lord is contented so farre to dispence with the rigour of his iustice as to suffer ●●e Sunne to shine both vpon the iust and vniust yet doth the So●●e of righteousnesse neuer arise vpon any that is holden with ●●e cords of his owne sinne making as Salomon saith Prouerbes●● 12.13 a signe with his eies signifying with his feet and instructing with his fingers to haue those leude things which lu●ke in his heart countenanced and performed both by himselfe and others by his entisement Let vs therefore labour to haue our spirits raised vp from the dead in the body of Christ or through the life of Christ till when we are not freed from the law of death for so long as we remaine naturall men we are dead both in the punishment of sinne and also in the pollution of sinne of the latter we 〈◊〉 in this life as 2. Cor. 5.15 If one be dead for all then were we all dead The other is reserued for the life to come and is called Reue. 20.14 the second death when carnall and fleshly minded men shall be cast into the lake of fire We must know then that vntil the spirit hath raised vs from the dead we are but dead men though we seeme to liue and so long as we are thus dead we are separated from the grace of God that is the grace of God is dead in vs and we are liuing vnto all sinne and so not freed neither from the law of sin nor of death Our spirits then are said to be raised from the dead two waies First when it reuiueth and renueth that which is dead in vs And secondly when it slaieth and mortifieth that which is quicke in vs that which is dead in vs is the grace and fauour of God that which is quicke in vs is sinne as concupiscence lust sensuality and such like so that till this spring-time come that the grace of God be seene to flower and bud forth in vs our estate is no better then that of the damned soules for as they at the last day shall be separated for euer from the presence of God so as long as we remaine carnall and vnsanctified men we are at this day separated from the fauour of God and as the damned in their separation doe liue in torments for euer being dead in the punishment of sinne so are we carnall men inwardly tormented in conscience for being dead in the pollution of sinne that is we commit those sinnes for which the damned are tormented and in some respects the damned are better then carnall men for they can sinne no more though the●●gnash their teeth and s●et at the iustice of God whereas the wicked and vniust doe still commit sin adding sin to sinne whereby heaping the more dishonour vpon God they drawe the heauier condemnation vpon themselues Further where the Apostle saith He was freed from the law of sinne we must not vnderstand it as if there was any law or commandement to sinne but as Rom. 7.11 that sinne tooke an occasion by the commandement to deceiue vs and to slay vs there being accompulsary and an vnchangeable necessity in vs to sinne as long as we are holden of the flesh that will we nill we we cannot but sinne we being by sin deceiued fiue waies First by concupiscence and lust as was Euah Secondly through infidelity Thirdly by blindnesse of iudgment Fourthly by particular ignorance And lastly by the malice of the heart and if the hart come once to be little worth as Salomon ●●●●●eth Pro. 10.20 and as it is in all carnall men then is the ●●●●●antiall law of God which otherwise in it selfe is holy iust and righteous to such men but a law of sinne that is sinning the more because the law forbiddeth it and a killing letter as 2. Cor. 3.6 First in respect naturall men are but flesh sold vnder sinne Secondly in respect hee reading it readeth his owne damnation and a seducing letter inticing them therefore to sin because they are restrained from sinne yea to them as Rom. 3.20 it is the power of sinne and as Rom. 4.15 it is the law of wrath and as 2. Cor. 3.15 it is as a vaile laid ouer their hearts to blinde them and as 1. Tim. 1.9 it is said not to be giuen to the righteous but to the disobedient and as Peter calleth it Act. 15.10 a yoake which neither they nor their forefathers were able to beare meaning thereby what it is to the carnall man and what it was then made by the Scribes and Pharisees who preferred the law before Christ which being but a schoole-master to bring vs to him was by them made a master aboue him to teach him 〈◊〉 it is no maruell though to such as would liue by the law without the life which is in Christ that it proue to them a law of sinne and of death for by the law shall neuer any bee iustified but through faith in the life of Christ must we attaine saluation ROM chap. 8. vers ● verse 3 For that that was impossible to the law in as much a● it was weake because of the flesh God sending his owne sonne in the similitude of sinfull flesh and for sinne condemned sinne in the flesh HEere the Apostle proceedeth to make the matter formerly deliuered more plaine and easie wherin obserue two materiall points First that he taketh away all the power of the law to saue Secondly that this power is giuen onely to Christ who tooke vpon him not the similitude of flesh but of sinfull flesh to condemne sinne in the flesh by whose grace we are only saued without the workes of the law For the first obserue two things first that it is impossible for any to be saued by fulfilling the Law because none can exactly and perfectly doe it secondly from whence this disabilitie proceedeth not from any defects in the law but from our corrupt nature
the time we may faile of his promotion there being but one particular flower of that kind in the whole garden of God besides he had no such meanes of faith offered him till he was vpon the gallowes wheras we haue had and doe still enioy great store both for our present vse and for to lay vp against a dearth heereafter againe by this our deferring and shufling off the time of saluation we sinne three waies against God against the saints of God and against our owne soules against God because we dally with him and abuse his patience putting that day far off which may come at the least to thee in an instant if the Lord withdrawe thy breath but a while from thee against the Saints of God because thou depriuest them of that company comfort and profit thou mightest haue each of other for heerein standeth the communion of Saints in a fellow-feeling one of anothers miseries comforting them in their griefes strengthening them in their infirmities supplying them in their wantes and encouraging them in the faith and power of grace which they haue receiued lastly against themselues in thus hazarding their soules for it is not enough to say Lord haue mercy on thee when thou art on thy death bed when rather sense of thy paine then feeling of thy sinne doth driue thee to that extremity but thou must seeke for mercy before thou art thrust into those straites else may thy conscience then flie in thy face and the remembrance of thy former negligence stop thy mouth as a iust reuenge for thy sinne of delay which was before committed Againe heere all lithernesse and lazinesse is remoued from them that are ready to finde excuse for not walking so cheerefully boldly and constantly in the right way as they should for assure thy selfe there is no crosse can fall vpon thee of that force as to crosse the working of Gods spirit in thee if thou thy selfe be not a meanes to quench it for if thou wilt hide thy talent it is true it can turne thee to no aduantage and if thou doest not stirre vp the graces in thee and varnish them as it were with a continuall vse of them no maruell though they decay and thou too for the kingdome of heauen is taken onely by the violent that striue and sweat and labour euen as he that is famished doth for meat so that if thou entertaine the spirit with diligence in praier in hearing in meditation and such like holy duties it will awake thee from thy sleep and remoue all impediments that may either turne backe thine eies from beholding thine anointed Christ Iesus or with draw thy heart from buying that hidden treasure that is sealed vp for thee in the booke of the promises of God Lastly obserue the maner of the Apostles speech beginning with the negatiue We must not walke after the flesh as a matter of greatest weight before hee commeth to the affirmatiue to walke after the spirit for where there is the absence of good there must needs be euil but where there is the absence of euill it followeth not that there is good therefore we must not onely not doe euill but we must doe good as Dauid saith Cease from euill and doe good so as the flesh must first be shaken off before we can shape our actions or affections after the spirit and to this purpose Esay saith cap. 1.16.17 Cease to doe euill learne to doe well and Paul Rom. 13.12 Cast away the workes of darkenesse and put on the armour of light and Ephe. 4.22.23 Cast off the old man which is corrupt and be renued in the spirit of your minde and as Tit. 2.12 we must not onely deny vngodlinesse but we must liue religiously and 1. Pet. 4.1 There must be in vs a signe not onely of Christs suffering but also of his resurrection to liue not after the lusts of men but after the will of God and as Rom. 7.4 Wee must not onely bee diuorced from our first husband the flesh but we must be married to our second husband which is the spirit so as for thesound cure of our corruption the rotten flesh must first be pared away that the right plaister may bee applied and when thou art healed thou must sinne no more lest a worse thing come vnto thee but as hauing the sore running on thee the Lord dispensed with thy vntowardnesse for that time so now hauing the wound stopt and thine eies opened by a second laying of Christs hands vpon thee thou must performe such actions of life onely as are deriued from the spirit of God working in thee The vsurer therefore must not onely leaue his vsury but he must lend freely the oppressor must not onely cease from grinding the faces of the poore but hee must releeue them liberally the proud man must not onely forget to wrinkle his face by looking austerely but with meekenesse and humility he must embrace his brethren the profane man must not onely forsake his iesting and scoffing at religion but hee must set himselfe in the same ranke to be railed at for the name of Christ knowing that by this meanes as 1. Pet. 4.14 The spirit on his part is glorified And this may serue to stop their mouthes that thinke him an honest man that doth no harme whereas the not doing hurt is but as a tingling and pricking in the flesh after a great benumnednesse but it must be the action of good that must shew the life of Christ to bee in thee else maiest thou as well thinke it a causelesse curse vpon the figge-tree that hauing but leaues wherewith she did no harme was yet dried vp because she bare no fruit ROM chap. 8. vers 5.6 verse 5 For they that are after the flesh sauour the things of the flesh but they that are after the spirit the things of the spirit verse 6 For the wisedome of the flesh is death but the wisdome of the spirit is life and peace HEnce the Apostle proceedeth to proue who those bee who are ingrafted into Christ and who are not but continue in the wrath of God and this hee doth by following the opposition first made between the flesh and the spirit shewing in these verses what the seuerall natures and dispositions of them both are And secondly what are their seuerall ends they that are after the flesh thinke nothing sauoury but what comes from the flesh but their fruit and end is death that is damnation but they that are guided by the spirit taste nothing but what is spirituall and the fruit and end of them tendeth to a double comfort for their soules first bringing peace of conscience which is a continual feast in this life secondly eternal felicity in the life to come so as in summe his meaning is to shew that as many as are not in Christ shall be damned and as many as build vpon Christ shall be saued Then we must first know what is meant by flesh and what is
the naturall powers of this life decrease by age and by infirmities but so it must not bee in our spirituall life for in this we must neuer neither stand still nor goe backward nor grow downward but still be stedfast in faith and walking on in loue like men alwaies running a race till wee haue attained the prize which prize is glorie Againe consider for this spirituall life that as the body whi●● it hath the soule is but a naturall bodie spending like oile in the lampe and cannot but in the end die yet after this life shall be called a spirituall bodie not in substance but because in the resurrection it shall be quickned by the spirituall power of the holy Ghost so a man that hath but a soule if hee haue not the soule of the soule that is the spirit of God to quicken it he is but a naturall man and must needs be damned Againe as a bodie raised vp and quickned by another power can neuer die so the soule being a spirituall soule and hauing once receiued the earnest of the spirit and the power of sanctification from the holy Ghost can neuer die And in this respect we are exalted to a greater priuiledge than Adam had in his creation and it fareth better with vs than it did with him for it was a●btrarie with him and rested in his will to die or not to die whereas we hauing once drunke of the water of life and once tasted of this spirituall life we may neuer thirst and as S. Iohn saith 1. Iohn 3.6 we cannot sinne Ioh. 6.54 that is not to sinne but that we purge our selues vpon reproose and recouer our selues when we fall Further obserue hence that there is a double death and a double life first there is a death in the present corruption of sinne whereby in this life we deserue damnation Now that there is a death in this life is prooued 1. Tim. 5.6 the widdow that liueth in pleasure is dead while she liueth and Ephes 5.14 Awake thou that sleepest and stand vp from the dead and Reuel 3.1 it is said of the Church of Sardis Thou hast a name that thou linest but thou art dead Secondly there is a death in the perpetuall condemnation for sinne which is first inflicted vpon the soule at the separation from the body and at the last day shal be laid both vpon the soule and body in a fearefull and full measure Answerable to this is life the first kind whereof is the grace of God vouchsafed vs in this our pilgrimage the second is the glory of God giuen vs in the life to come Now the life of the spirit hath three degrees first at the regeneration when we are renewed in our affections and do feele a change of mind within vs secondlie at the separation of the soule from the body when being as in were released out of the setters of this life she takes her flight to heauen for then doth the soule liue more excellently than it did before being freed from the bufferings of Sathan and the allurements of the flesh Thirdly at the generall resurrection when the world with the Iustes thereof shall passe away like a cloud and be wrapped vp like a clout for then both soule and body shall enioy the presence yea more than that shall liue the life of God for euer Euen so death in the reprobate hath three degrees first in the contagion of sinne secondly in the separation at the doore of death as it were when the soule alone goeth to the diuell thirdly at the resurrection when the body is reunited to the soule to receiue the fulnesse of their endlesse torment Againe the reprobate in this life and in the life to come haue a double misery coupled to their double death for first in this life they want the grace and fauour of God and bee euen like Cain Genes 4.14 afraid lest euery man should kill them Secondly they haue resident in them the diuell who being the God of this world hath and doth carrie them away daily in the power of darknesse Then in the life to come Iohn 16.11 they haue first a priuation or losse of the presence of God secondly a suffering and enduring of all torments 2. Thes 1.8.9 where there cries shall neuer bee pitied nor their paines euer bee eased Proportionable to these haue the children of God double comforts which may bee gathered from the contrarie of the former For first they haue the countenance of the Lord alwaies smiling on them and the strength of the Lord alwais supporting them in this life Secondly which is more they haue the true spirit of comfort dwelling in them and the Father the Sonne and the holie Ghost doth continually feast with them while they liue heere And when we fall a sleepe for nothing else is death to the Saints as we may see in Stephen 2. Cor. 3.17.18 Act. 7.60 then doe we first stand alwaies in the sight of God and behold him face to face neither doth his glory then any whit amaze vs as it did when the veile was before our eies but it doth reioice vs and we glory in it Secondly we are filled with ioies vnspeakable and haue the full accesse and fruition of all that the heart can desire or seeke for Now the way to know that this life of God is in vs must be by the amendment of our liues and by the leauing of our sinnes for regeneration beginneth at repentance and repentance at leauing of sinne in which point euerie man must examine himselfe wisely for if thou hast not brideled thy tongue from bitter and blasphemous speech if thou hast not taught thy hands to worke truely without deceit and hast not brought thy heart to pray feruently without hypocrisie then hast thou no part in this regeneration and by consequent no fellowship in the life of God For righteousnesse sake That is as much as if the Apostle had said reformation of life and religion is the badge and euidence of the spirituall life we leade heere The cause of this is the righteousnesse of Christ which resteth in these two things first in satisfying the iustice of his Father for our sinnes as the Prophet Esay speaketh Esay 53.5 Hee was wounded for our transgressions and by his stripes are we healed secondly in fulfilling the law which he performed foure waies first by teaching it precisely secondly by obeying it exactly thirdly by suffering for our breach thereof meritoriously fourthly by sanctifying vs to doe it effectually But this kinde of righteousnesse is onely resident and inherent in the person of Christ howbeit the righteousnesse heere spoken of by the Apostle is a signe onely and a token that we are sanctified by the flesh of Christ and that Christ hath purchased saluation for vs and that we sighing vnder the burden of sinne Rom. 7.25 walking in a reformed life and waiting for the glorie that shall bee seene we shal be as
whereto they tend the contrarie courses are a bad or a good life the contrarie ends a bad or a blessed end expressed in these two words they shall liue they shall die What it is to walke after the flesh appeareth Ephes 2.3 to be to follow the course of the world in fulfilling the lusts of the flesh as to be as scoffing as Ishmael as prophane as Esau Gen. 25.34 Exod. 4.21 2. Tim. 4.10 as hard hearted as Ph●●ach and as couetous as Demas that shooke off Paul to embrace the world And what it is to mortifie the deeds of the flesh is set downe Galath 5.24 to crucifie the affections and lusts thereof not vtterly to abolish the very life of sin and to strike it dead at the roote for that is the patterne of perfection we follow after the gole we run at and the victorie we striue for but he that ceaseth from performing and gratifiing his flesh in the desires thereof though there remaines some tang of corruption that man may truely be said to mortifie his flesh And therefore vnderstand a difference betweene sinne in the reprobate and in the elect by a naturall proportion as there is great difference between him that hath a strong body impotent in no part but liuely to performe all the actions of this life and him that liueth but hath receiued his deaths wound or is sicke of a pi●●●●●onsumption so in the wicked sinne liueth a ful life and hath his full swinge to seeke after all maner of euill and increaseth daily without any declination at all rising early and resting late to fulfill the pleasures of the flesh but in the godly sinne liueth droupingly and languishingly alwaies holding downe the head for howsoeuer the elect doe fall by infirmitie yet the principall purpose of their heart is to follow Christ euen in his afflictions and so it is in them onely a benummed sinne For the contrary ends which are set downe in two words they shall die they shall liue it is not to bee vnderstood of any naturall separation which is common to all in death but of an vtter separation after death from Gods presence to be tormented in hell and so of life for to liue in this place is meant to bee saued and to enter into the rest of God Whereupon obserue that speaking properly the wicked neuer liue nor the godlie neuer die that is die the death of deaths as Christ speaketh Iohn 8.51 They shall neuer see death for when our breath shall leaue our bodies and wee fall asleepe we shall behold the Lords armes stretched forth to embrace vs and the heauens open to receiue vs so as this kind of death is but an enlargement after a long imprisonment and a landing at our owne country after our tedious trauell and troublesome pilgrimage in the sea of this world which life in the godly is begun heere by our enioying of Christ enlarged in death when our soules shall liue a more blessed life and perfected at the last day when wee shall haue absolute ioy without diminution in eternity Euen so is the death of the wicked begun heere in their impenitency in sinne increased when they are in part tormented after this life and then made a liuing death when at the last they are throwen from God for euer If ye liue after the flesh c. In these words the Apostle is precise for workes and why because it cannot be otherwise but that we walking as ordinary men and after the custome of the world must needs be damned First take for a ground that which is vers 8. of this chapter They that are in the flesh cannot please God which he proueth by matching of contraries for they that are in the flesh sauor the things of the ●●●as they that be in the spirit sauour the things of the spirit and that sauour of the flesh is death He yeeldeth a reason why because the wisedome of the flesh is enmity to God not an enemy to God for then there might be a reconciliation but the Apostle speaketh in the abstract quality enmity as a vitious man may become vertuous and wee of enemies are made friends with God but vice can neuer becom vertue nor enmity amity The like speech is vsed of God himselfe in his curse of the Serpent Genes 3.15 I will set enmity betweene thee and the woman that is such hatred and debate as shall neuer be appeased Now why this flesh is enmity with God he giueth a reason because it is not subiect to the law of God as the spirit is neither can be as the spirit cannot but be for wee must walke in all the commandements of the Lord without exception though not with perfection euen as it is said 1. Iohn 3.6 They that are of God cannot sinne that is deliberately continue in any sinne Now who they bee that are in the flesh we must learne by the contrarie that is they that are not in the spirit as vers 9. of this chapter Ye are not in the flesh but in the spirit and who is not in the spirit he that is not led by the spirit of Christ And who is he He that walketh not according to that spirit that is if he liue in the spirit a life inuisible hee must shew it by the effect of visible motions and he that walketh according to the conuersation of the flesh doth it not And this appeareth Gal. 5.24 All that are Christs haue crucified the affections of the flesh and who are said to doe this 1. Pet. 4.1.2 they that suffer in the flesh and who so suffereth in the flesh ceaseth from sinne so as to come backe againe the same way we went if thou hast not ceased from sinne thou hast not suffered in the flesh if thou hast not suffered in the flesh thou hast not crucified the flesh if thou hast not crucified the flesh thou hast walked in the flesh if thou hast walked in the flesh thou hast not beene led by the spirit if thou hast not been led by the spirit thou hast not the spirit if thou hast not the spirit thou art in the flesh that is drenched and drowned in the flesh for it is one thing to haue flesh in thee and another thing for thee to be in the flesh for all haue flesh in them that i● infirmities but to be in the flesh is to be in Simon Magus case in the gaule of bitternesse Act. 8.23 and in the bond of iniquitie and in Eylmas case Act. 13.10 full of subtilty and mischiefe the child of the diuell and an enemy of all righteousnesse and if thou art in the flesh thou art alreadie in condemnation Now I little doubt but euery wicked man desireth to be saued but they indeuour it not no otherwise then Balaam did Nu. 23.10 who could wish to die the death of the righteous but neuer indeauoured to liue their life Further to proue the precise necessitie of mortification looke 1. Iohn 3.7 Let no
to enter into the sanctuary of heauenly places that as Exod. 39.7 Aron had pretious stones in which the names of the children of Israel were written six in euery stone and twelne in his breast in euery one of them a tribe that hee might remember them to God in his praiers so Christ bearing in his breast our selues as precious stones is thereby put in minde to remember vs to his Father though our fathers hauing the veile before them were forbidden to enter into the holiest yet wee through the veile of the flesh of Christ Heb. 10.20 are permitted to come boldly to the face of the most high and holy God The second benefit is that all our praiers be sanctified and doe ascend to the seat of God through his petitions that is through his appearing before his Father they shal be heard of his Father Hereupon Paul faith Rom. 5.2 By him we haue accesse to the throne of grace to offer vp the sweet sacrifices of our selues by Christ who hath made the way for vs let vs therefore approch vnto him with confidence and this is that spoken of in the Reu. 8.3 the Saints poure forth their incense that is their praiers which is giuen to Christ hauing a golden censor that he should put a new incense vpon them vpon the golden altar which is himselfe that they might haue a gracious sauor and a sweet smell in the nostrils of his Father The third benefit of this his intercession is that which we shall neuer fully feele nor perceiue till his last praier be granted he made Ioh. 17.21 that we might be one in God and himselfe that is when we shall haue a full contemplation of the maiestie of God Lastly obserue that Christ shall make this intercession for the Saints till all his enemies be ouercome and all his children arraied in stately and royall garments and then shall his praiers cease for why should he pray any longer when his praier is granted but by this we may see that saluation of soules is no such easie matter as the world imagineth since it requireth this continuall exercise of the Sonne of God to make request for vs and if Christ in loue and compassion doe it for vs much more ought we to doe it for our selues ROM chap. 8. vers 35 36 37. verse 35 Who shall separate vs from the loue of Christ shall tribulation or anguish or persecution or famine or nakednesse or perill or sword verse 36 As it is written for thy sake are we killed all the day long we are counted as sheepe for the slaughter verse 37 Neuerthelesse in all these things we are more then conquerers through him that loued vs. THE Apostle vpon the heauenly and Christian security set downe in the premises inferreth and brings in a most constant and comfortable resolution vpon a stout magnanimity and spirituall courage by him conceiued that is that it is impossible any thing should make vs fall from the fauour of God which is in Christ The reason is this in those things wherein wee are more then conquerers wee cannot be remoued from Gods fauour but in these seuen things heere reckned vp tribulation c. all which are as needles in the flesh and wherein hee comprehendeth all other these being the worst wee are more then conquerers therefore neither anguish famine c. can separate vs from the loue of God As if he should say howeuer it be that men call not in question Gods loue while they liue in peace and enioy the pleasures of this life yet let vs see how far aduersitie may throw and deiect a man from this comfortable security that since Christ sits at the right hand of his father and there shal sit till all his children be fully glorified let vs take the greatest extremities that can light vpon the flesh Tribulations that is any kind of outward trouble or anguish that is such inward perplexity or distresse in soule that we are at our wits end like Lot Gen. 19.8 that must either giue forth his daughters or the Angels to the filthy Sodomites or persecution by famine that is able to breake a brazen wall it breeds such rage in the bones or nakednesse that is that wee bee so impouerished or beggered for the truths sake as we haue nothing to couer nor wherein to hide vs or the sword which is most ghastly for the quicke dispatch it will make all which ioyned together may be reckoned vp for the continuall portion of the church of God both before Christ and after 1. Pet. 4.17 for we need not suppose or imagine that this may come since it is so written Psal 44.22 that men doe nothing but offer vp the godly euery day and the wicked make no more account of them but euen as sheepe to the slaughter And since the comming of Christ the triall must be the greater as Saint Peter speaketh because the spirit is greater so as now iudgement must begin at the house of God But what is the issue and end of al this we are in these extreame calamities more then conquerers so far are we from fainting or falling and the Lord in the middest of these shall either send vs miraculous deliuerance as hee did to Daniel Da. 6.22 when he stopped the mouth of the lion that he could not hurt him or else hee will so qualifie the miseries that shall beare vpon vs with such extraordinary comfort that we would not exchange our aduersitie to ensnare our consciences with conditions in seruing of God and if the worst come that we be giuen vp to death the heauens shall bee open to receiue vs and the Angels shall be readie to carrie vs into the bosome of God Luk. 16.22 and our enemies shall stand astonished to see the courage of our christian soule so willingly embracing death in which is life and out of our bloud shall rise an hundred professors more for the bloud of Martyrs is the seed of the church when we our selues shall triumphantly ascend to the seate of the Almightie For the parts of the text they be these first the Apostle setteth downe a demaund by way of challenge and therefore implieth a person in these words Who shall c. as if he should saie I giue the challenge to the stoutest champion what euer he be whether he be the diuell that liueth in hell or his eldest sonne or all his sons that be on earth otherwise if the person that should accept this challenge were not vnderstood he should more properly haue said What shall separate vs c. Secondly he interposeth and bringeth in a testimonie out of the 44. Psalme to shew that he doth not put it by supposition that these troubles may come or may not come but that of all other the church of God is not likely but sure to sustaine them in the ineuitable necessity of Gods decree as if we that be heires of the couenant were created for nothing else Thirdly
CERTAIN GODLY AND LEARNED Sermons Preached by that worthy seruant of Christ M. Ed. Philips in S. Sauiors in Southwarke Vpon the whole foure first Chapters of Matthew Luc. 11. vers 24.25.26 Rom. 8. the whole 1. Thess 5.19 Tit. 2.11.12 Iames 2. from the 20. to the 26. and 1. Ioh. 3.9.10 And were taken by the pen of H. YELVERTON of Grayes Inne Gentleman So runne that ye may obtaine heare that ye may learne practise that ye may liue for euer LO●●ON Printed by 〈…〉 widow and are to be sold at her sho● 〈…〉 Church yard at the signe of the 〈◊〉 TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFVLL SIR CHRISTOPHER YELVERTON Knight one of the Iudges of the Kings Bench and the Ladie his wife H. Y. wisheth to your present prosperities the addition of many daies in the fruitfull feare of the Lord Iesus c. RIght Worshipfull it is inspired to man by grace to fetch the compasse of this life within the reach of a spanne Psal 39 and it is suggested to him by nature to spin out his web in many daies though it bee with manie dangers Howbeit if the wings of pride did not transport vs to the height of worldlinesse and the weight of opinion did not beguile vs in the taste of happinesse we might discerne in varietie of delights but superfluitie of desires Eccl. 2 in increase of riches but excesse of sorrowes in length of yeeres but strength of cares and in the choisest footing that we take but a changeable fleeting of our estate For if our affections might alwaies feed on Manna we would loath it Num. 1 if our inheritance did stretch to the plaines of Iordan wee would enlarge it and if our preheminence 〈…〉 to heauen yet would we raise vp our heads higher These were the itching humors of Euah lineally descended to vs who thought not Paradise spacious enough for her habitation nor the dainties of Eden sweet enough for her taste nor that presence of God good enough for her companie But where the superscription of Holinesse to the Lord is engrauen on the head and the perswasion of godlinesse to be gaine is engrafted in the heart there the lust of the world and the dust of the world shal be shuffled together as paires and pearles of equall account and continuance For let the glorie of a Christian be neuer so eminent it is not greater then Salomons nor yet Salomons so great as the Lillies let the arme of the wicked be neuer so mightie it is not stronger then Pharaohs and yet Pharaohs inferior to the course of waters let the power of his command be neuer so absolute it is not larger then Nabuchadnezzars yet stifned in pride he was streightned for 7. years within the walks of wild asses yea let the apparell he puts on be neuer so royall the place where he sits neuer so iudiciall the phrase of his speech neuer so plausible and the praise of his voice neuer so popular yet can he not be lifted vp aboue Herod nor Herod by these defended from the wormes Whether then we peruse the steps of the Saints or the state of vnrepentant sinners wee see their liues equally bound vp with the cords of corruption though vnequally matched in the ioy at their separation the one falling away like a flower transplanted to a better soile the other rushing vpon the rocke of Gods wrath either shamefully deiected with the terror of iudgement while they liue or else fearefully entangled with the sense of torme●● when they die It is not therefore amisse since an enterlude is as it were appointed to be plaied on this earth wee abound couetousnesse creepeth in so closely as it grudgeth the comfort of society if we be scanted impatiency breaketh out so fiercely as it despiseth the law of propertie if we be prouoked wrath roareth out so bitterlie for reuenge as it is no manhood to sheath vp iniuries if we bee pleased flatterie followeth on so shamefully for reward as it is no masterie to obtaine victories if we be weake we blame the worke of nature that we were not made of a firmer mettall if we be strong Iob 6.12 we blaze the art of nature as if wee were steele that could not turne the edge if we be sicke 2. Chr. 16.12 we plant our faith in the Physitian to cure vs yet being sound wee shake off temperance that might preserue vs Iob 32.4 when our leaues bee greene and our wits fresh because wee want the reuerence of the aged we crie that hoary haires might quickly couer vs and being arriued at age the doore of death wee wish that slipper youth might againe beguile vs euer peruerting the times and preuenting the meanes that God hath prefixed and wearying and wasting our selues soonest in possessing that we would enioy longest For though it be the pleasure of the Almightie that wee should cherish this lampe of life yet ought wee not to consume the oyle in prizing our delights at too high a rate Iames 4.3 nor in spending on our lusts in too large a measure And though like warie shipmen wee prouide for this crazie barke which is the bodie Mat. 6.25 yet must wee not permit immoderate care like a mercilesse canker to eate through our bones But the way to ballance our selues euen and not to stray beyond our tether is to captiuate our thoughts thus farre as to recken the world but as a cradle wherein we are rocked till we aspire to some age and growth in Christ our desires but as dreames wherewith we are deluded till we attaine to some taste of Gods loue in Christ this life but as a race wherein we are wearied and perplexed till wee can recouer some sight of Christ and this body but as a prison wherein our soules lie shakled vnder the hope of being blessed in the death of Christ To which affection and perfection wee shall then ascend when being taught by his word which is truth and led by his spirit which is life we can shake off selfe-will that runneth on so fast to destruction and sway downe selfe-loue that swelleth vp so high to presumption and can walke in humilitie as in the sight of God contenting our selues with the portion assigned vs as his gift and with the affliction sent vs as his triall crucifying the flesh as an enemy to the quickning of the soule and trampling on this earth as an insnarer of our feete in vanitie weighing sickenesse but as the fore-runner of sleepe and welcoming death but as the sickle of the Lords haruest beholding the graue as the faithfull treasury of our bodies and looking vp to heauen as the vndoubted Paradise of our soules Now there being but two impediments to this perswasion and tranquillitie of spirit 〈◊〉 9.35 either the corruption that resteth within vs or the sorrowes brought vpon vs while we breath heere the first cleauing and clasping so close about our loynes sinne being like a leprosie that hath couered
the skinne as wee seeme to stand but on one foote from slipping into hell the other striking so deepe into the ioyes of this life that feeling as it were a quotidian ague of discomforts hanging vpon vs we can hardly weane our thoughts from listening to the knell of iudgement founding in our eares it is fit we prouide for our inward peace there being no outward balme able to asswage a raging conscience nor no externall Physicke of force to relieue a distressed soule We may not therefore iudge our selues safest when wee are freest from the buffetings of Satan for bearing in our bodies a diuided kingdom between the flesh the spirit represented vnto vs in the wrestling of Rebeccahs twins within her wombe Gen. 25.22 if we haue peace with God we shall haue warre with the dragon hauing forsaken Egypt in the way to Canaan Reu. 12.9 Exod. 14.9.10 we shal haue Pharaoh his captaines flie like grashoppers to feed vpon vs yea the liberty we haue in Christ the corruption of our hearts will labour to inuert to voluptuousnes the sweetnes we taste in his word Gal. 5.13 the vanity of our minds will endeuor to ouercast with drowsines Act. 20.9 the faith which we ground on his promises Gen. 3.4 the subtilty of the serpent will seeke to vndermine by doubtfulnes the conscience we make to offend the lusts of our flesh will contend for to couer with hypocrisy the detestatiō we haue of sin the concupiscence of our eies wil striue to out-reach with profanenesse the interest we haue to heauen the pride of our liues will perswade vs to exchange for trifles Gen. 25.30 With which temptations we may not be dismaied for where the siege is layd there is watchfulnesse to withstand but where no feare of the enemy is there the weapon rusteth and feeling a continuance of this contention between the law of the flesh and the spirit of life wee may bee assured that the seed of grace giuen vs from aboue which first drew vs into fight with our vncleannesse is well growen and that imputing the first thought of our peace to the loue of God Iohn 3.16 the full accomplishment of it to the death of Christ and the alone messenger and perswader of it to the holy Ghost and knitting the whole power of the worke the mercy in our preseruation the glory in our victorie to the arme and action of the almighty we shall haue our corruptions as it were closed in our hands and the pride of our resistance so abated in our liues as sinne shall but droupingly be seene in vs and mortality that cannot bee priuiledged with perfection shall yet be beautified with sanctification in such measure as we shall walke heere but as dispatcht from heauen on our Lords message to giue the sonnes of men a paterne of good life to forewarne them of their woes 〈◊〉 7. 〈◊〉 28.20 by bounding our desires within Iacobs compas the presence of the Lord to guide vs that we doe not stray his prouidence to feed vs that we do not starue and his bounty to cloth vs that we do not perish On the otherside so tender are our thoughts and so iealous our meditations of the loue of God Io● 6.4 as we are stricken with a trembling distrust to haue lost the starre of our direction and comfort in Christ when wee see our selues exposed to the shame of the world and the winds still to beate on our rudders where the wicked saile away proudly in a set calme our houses to be inclosed with snares when theirs are peaceable without feare and our liues to be bound vp in sorow Iob 21.24 when their brests as Iob speaketh are full of milke and their bones of marrow And when the apprehension of this feare hath taken such hold of our flesh as we thinke our selues smitten in displeasure and the tree of our hope to bee torne downe in wrath wee then wrastle with sinne as if the steps of our strength were restrained and looke vpon death as the Iailer that commits vs to the graue as a dungeon Hobeit euen in this doth the Lord reach forth a most approued cordiall to remoue the faintnesse of our hearts for hauing accesse into his sanctuary through the vnion communion we haue with Christ the vncleanues of our birth being wiped away in the sanctification of his nature our transgression remoued in his innocency our rebellion discharged in his obedience and the vtmost farthing paid in his sufferings and hauing the image of God we lost in Adam not renewed onely but a fairer and deeper stamp thereof engrauen and set vpon vs it being not now in our power to listen any more to the counsel of the flesh Christ bearing our names before him as his brest-plate and our bodies with him as members whereof he is head and hauing this written in the tables of our heart by the finger of no forgerer but of that comforter was sent from heauen and testified by ourselues in the pietie of our religion and purity of conuersation setting saluation before vs as a binding benefite euen to the losse of our souls to venture for the Lords glory Rom. 8.33 we may in a Christian resolution giue challenge at the gates of hell that nothing can be charged vpon vs as a debt and therefore nothing can light vpon vs as a punishment Wherefore if the Lord doe cast his cloudy countenance vpon vs it is that we should watch against the weaknesse of the flesh Mat. 16.41 which is then readiest to sleepe when temptation is nearest and yet if the streame of temptation cary vs into some sin from thence we slip into some shame in his compassion he cureth vs and yet in kindnesse doth correct vs. If he mingle our bread with care and lodge vs in the bed of darknes discomfort it is to weane vs from the flesh pots of Egypt and to aduance vs in the way to Canaan yet being driuen to any strait or exigent in this wildernes rather then we shall want it shall raine Manna Exod. 26.4 27.6 rather then we shall thirst the rocke shal yeeld vs water yea though the wicked be like the bramble who in confidence of their shadow dare chalenge to be kings ouer the trees of the forrest and our selues like sheepe Iudg. 9.15 who in simplicity grazing vpon the mountaines are either fleeced of the shearer when we are growne in wooll or snatched vp by the butcher when we are growen in flesh yet when death hath made vs both euen with the earth the graue shal be to vs a fold till our shepheard come and to them a shambles till the destroier of their soules shall haue receiued an endles commission to torment them What cause then haue we to shut our gates against the gasps of death or like trembling leaues to entertaine the gale or blast of sicknes which doth
name as a thing that Ioseph could not be vnmindefull of And this indeed is the duty and ought not to be the labour of euery trembling Christian to lodge as it were with the booke of God in their bosome and with the Noble-men of Beraea Act. 17.11 to receiue the word with readinesse and to search the Scriptures daily which is the garden of the Lord where runneth the riuer of wisedome to resolue all doubts and where is to be had the oile that softeneth all our afflictions Now in the testimony it selfe heere alleaged consider two things first the person that should beare a virgine secondly the person that should be brought foorth Emmanuell consubstantiall with vs in nature for both these the Prophet beginneth with a word of wonder Behold as of a miracle neuer performed but once If it be asked how it was possible a virgine should conceiue we must beleeue it was so and rest in this nothing to bee impossible with God Mat. 19.26 For as it was possible at the first to make a woman out of a man without the helpe of a woman as wee may see in the first creation Gen. 2.22 so was it possible for him in this new creation to make a man out of a woman without the helpe of a man Which was done to this end because if there should haue beene any corruption of the seed of man in Christ he could not haue sanctified others Concerning the person that should be brought forth it is Emmanuel the same that Iesus and they both imply one thing for he that is Emmanuel is God with vs as Iesus is God sauing vs. Now he is God with vs many waies and albeit in the Arke vnder the law the Lord was alway speaking through the Cherubins insomuch as the very enemies of God the Philistims 1. Sam. 4.7 could say when the Arke came that the God of Israel came and therefore cried woe vnto vs yet is he farre neerer with vs namely in such a spirituall manner as the Prophet speakes heere a God not onely present and fauourable to vs but connaturall to vs and vpon which did depend all the graces of God formerly giuen to his Church Therefore if Moses did say in admiration of the Lords goodnesse Deuter. 4.7 Looke if euer the like came to passe that God from heauen should speake vnto his people and shew his glory so to appeare on earth much more may we breake foorth into the like astonishment to whom God is come so neere as to be of the same nature with vs and to speake vnto vs not in the publication of the killing law but in the manifestation of the quickening Gospell whereby we may receiue comfort in the deepest dangers that gathering our selues vnder his wings and seeking rest and refreshing at his hands he will first giue vs a generall charter of grace for the pardon of out sins And because pardon of our sinne will not saue vs from hell but our iudgement shall be iust vnlesse we yeeld full obedience to the law hee will secondly impute and lay all his obedience and righteousnesse vpon vs so as in him we shall fulfill it And yet because we are still sinners as carying about vs the orignall vncleanenesse we brought with vs Ephes 5.30 the third rest he will giue vs is so to sanctifie vs as we shall be bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh not that we are absolutely sanctified in this life but that that which this our Christ brings vs is al-sufficient to saluation And being sure of this we need not to be dismaide for the waters of trouble are but a bath to cleanse and purge vs from those corruptions we gather by walking in this dirty world Further let vs consider heere why it was necessary that he that should be Iesus should also be Emmanuel first it was necessary he should be the Emmanuel that is the strong God for when wee were all enwrapped in sinne and shut vp vnder death then was there neede of remedy And what shall that be Mercy No God is iust and we hauing smitten his Maiesty by our sinne must bee smitten againe by his punishment Shall it then be iustice No for we haue need of mercy Heere so to be mercifull as not to disanull his iustice and so to be iust as not to forget his mercy and to make a way both to appease his wrath that his iustice might be satisfied and yet so to appease it as his mercie might be magnified in forgiuing there must needes come a mediation and if all the world should be offered to God for satisfaction it is nothing for it is his owne the worke of his owne hands If Angels should step in before the Lord it were nothing for they are engaged to him for their creation and being but temporally good they cannot satisfie for an infinite sinne howbeit he that must satisfie must bee infinit to suffer infinite punishment for an infinite sinne committed against an infinite Maiesty therefore he must be God he must be also Emmanuel with vs for how can there bee satisfaction for our apostasie but by humility nor procurement of life but by death Now when God comes to obey hee must needes bee humbled and when he comes to deserue hee must needes serue which God alone cannot doe and when he comes to die he must needes be mortall which God cannot be Therefore hee was man to be himselfe bond God to free others man to become weake and God to vanquish man to become mortall and God to triumph ouer death The situation also of the Ladder spoken of Gen. 28.12 is an euident demonstration of the two natures of this Emmanuel for the word must bee vnderstood of the second person in the Trinity By the foot to satisfie his Fathers wrath as being of our nature that he might stand close to Iacobs loines and to his Church militant and by the top to expresse his diuinity which toucheth the seate and reacheth to the bosome of God that he might in time bring thither his Church triumphant Now euery ladder is a Medium or meane whereby weascend to some place that otherwise we could not reach vnto which this Emmanuel is to vs for wee being euill debters and God a seuere creditor Colos 2.14 Christ is the meane to cancell this debt and to set it on his owne score and we being ignoant clyents and God a skilfull Iudge not able to vnderstand our tale Christ must be our aduocate 1. Ioh. 2.1 to pleade our cause for vs. And as betweene God and vs so betweene the diuell and vs he is a mediator for he casteth fierie darts against vs which we onely driue backe by the shield of faith in Christ Ephes 6.11 Further in the word Emmanuel obserue three things first the truth and verity of the subsistance of both these natures in Christ secondly the reall distinction of them thirdly the personall vnion of them And these three points wisely and
Secondly from hence note the riches of the Lords mercy who to shew the power and vertue that was in this Sauiour begins to draw them and to open their hearts who had run furthest from him and giuen themselues most ouer to the diuell for such were these Wise-men who consulted with Sathan and practised the most detestable art of coniuring and witchcraft which by the iudiciall law of God was death yet at the doores of these men doth his spirit knocke From whence euery man may draw this particular comfort to himselfe that whatsoeuer his former conuersation hath beene though most irreligious towards God and vnrighteous to men yet there may a power bee giuen him from aboue to trauell toward that heauenly Ierusalem the Citie of God where he shall not now see Christ in his basenesse as these Wise-men did but in his absolute and perfect glory For if wee haue but faith to beleeue Gods promises and shall so far proceed in the worke of repentance as being called to the light to walke in the light and not to thinke much of our paines though we go farre to worship Christ but can walke on cheerefully after the example of these Wise-men we shall be sure with them to haue our ioyes more increased at our iourneys end than they were a first Now where they shew they were directed by a starre first vnderstand that the Natiuity of Christ depended not vpon the starre but the starre vpon his Natiuity Secondly we must not thinke that the Wise-men had this power to diuine by the starre that Christ was borne for first the starre was not naturall for it kept not a set course but as we may see in the text it did appeare and not appeare neither could this diuine light speake that such a Messias was borne though it might portend the birth of some great Monarch but this light was purposely created by God in heauen for vers 2. it is called Christ his starre and there was a secret impulsion by Gods spirit in the harts of these men on earth otherwise they would not haue tolde so dangerous a matter to Herod a king so cruell and an enemy to the king of Persia whence they came and though perhaps their Art might tell them somewhat and that they had the prophesie of Balaam the coniurer Num. 24.17 There shall come a starre of Iacob and a scepter shall rise of Israel and though they had the prophesie of Daniel chap. 9.24 of the 70. weekes in which this great king should come yet by all this they gathered it not but by Gods owne opening it vnto them Out of which we learne that when we haue any thing reueled to vs from God or that wee haue a commandement to doe a thing that we cast off all doubts and shake off all feare euen of the greatest tyrants for let Herod be neuer so much perplexed at the name of the true and new-borne King of the Iewes yet must the Wise-men aske the question and not depart from his Court till they be resolued And let Pharaoh be neuer so cruell and Exod. 10.28 threaten Moses if he doe but see him to kill him yet must he runne on in his duty and pronounce the death of the first borne euen the first born that sitteth on the throne of Pharaoh But the more speciall doctrine from hence is that God in wisdome doth so strangely qualifie the basenesse of Christ his birth that howsoeuer hee might seeme to the eies of men a vile abiect as Esay prophesied chap. 53.3 void of outward dignity yet God beautified him alwaies in his greatest vilenesse with some certaine marke of his Diuinity that it might be discerned that he that was in that flesh was more then a man as euen at this time that hee hauing but an oxe stall on earth for his cloth of estate should haue a starre in heauen to set foorth his glorie and that when there was no more thinking of Christ than of the man in the Moone among Herods Courtiers then he prouides that some Magicall practisers should humble themselues before him when the high Priests did despise him Thus did the Lord Luk. 2.8 reueale him first to shepheards the basest of ten thousand but to testifie his maiesty at the same time an host of Angels and a multitude of heauenly souldiers sang glory to him So was he Mat. 4.1.11 led into the wildernesse among wild beasts but the Angels waited on him as his pensioners and ministred to him in his wants So Mat. 17.25.27 he must pay tribute a token of subiection and yet the kings sonne ought to pay none but as this shewed him to be a man and a subiect so he told Peter his thought saying I will pay it but go to the sea and take it out of the fishes mouth so as to shew his diuinity he commanded the sea to pay it Againe he was maintained eleemozinarily hauing no garment but what was giuen him and the good women kept him by their contributions yet to magnifie himselfe againe he oftentimes fed many thousands with a little So Mark. 11.12.13 he comes hungry to the fig-tree wherein appeareth his basenesse but in the same action springeth foorth his maiesty as when he said Neuer fruit grow on thee heereafter and it was presently dried vp So God had appointed he should die and before his death to be whipped Mat. 26.67 to shew his humility but see how he exalted himselfe againe Mark 11.15 he whipped out the exchangers out of the temple and none durst so much as looke or make resistance against him Againe he must be hanged betweene two theeues but Luk. 23.42 he so qualifieth the basenesse and shame of his crosse as he worketh faith in the heart of one of them to call on him as a Sauiour and him he saueth And though at last he died to declare his manhood yet that hee was more then a man was expressed by the breaking of the veile of the Temple and by the strange eclipse of the Moone which was in plenilunio when it was full Moone For the second generall circumstance which is the effect of their inquiry what feare it wrought For the word Feare it signifieth such a troubling of the water as that mud ariseth shewing that this kind of feare seized on Herod and his Court howbeit their feare arose vpon seuerall respects Herod feared because he was somewhat acquainted with the prophesies which foretold that one should come to deliuer his people out of seruitude and he knew that all would worship the Sunne rising rather then the Sunne setting And that he was strangely affraid is noted by this that hee called vnto him the Wise-men and would haue learned of them somewhat whereas if he had beene prouident hee would haue sent some of his Courtiers on the iourney with them in colour of doing them courtesie that so they might haue gone to the very place to haue seene the child and by them the King might haue beene
the poore but his conscience cannot be assured of his pardon before he hath satisfied the poore for that he had got amisse secondly hee must bring foorth another fruit of repentance not onely to restore but to giue liberally and to be compassionate toward the afflicted Saints not by this to satisfie the Lord but to assure his owne soule that the Lord is satisfied in the death of Christ And it is not said Come yee blessed because yee haue not persecuted the truth Matt. 15.34 nor scorned the professors thereof for not the 〈◊〉 they haue not done but the good they haue done as releeuing the poore visiting the sicke and such like shall come to iudgement And for the damned it is not said to them Go and depart for ye haue put to death by all vniust waies vexed and abused my children for these are so grosse as their owne soules crie out against them but the forme of the sentence is Ye haue despised me and would not be of my liuery but disdamed to be found in the company of professors for cursed be Meroz Iudg. 5.23 that helped not in the day of battell not that euer she sought against the Lords cause or once drew weapon against Christ but because she came not foorth armed to assist the Lords cause So this must be the fruit of Peters repentance not onely not to deny his master any more but Math. 26.35 to stand to him to the death neither is it enough for persecutors of the Gospel to leaue off to persecute but they must with Paul learne to be persecuted for the Gospell and so for parents to take heed to their children not to be garish in their youth lest by this their hearts may be adiudged to be proud in their age Now if that tree be neare vnto burning that brings not foorth good fruit what shall wee say of those trees that from the root of a filthy and fleshly heart bring forth vnsauory and stinking fruit If Diues be damned Luk. 16.22 that gaue not bread and refreshing to Lazarus what shall become of them that take away bread and doe grind the faces of the poore If he were bound hand and foot Mat. 18.33 that prosecuted his right so extremely against his fellow seruant whither shall they be cast that labour the vniust vexation of men pretending title to that coat they neuer bought If Obadiah shall hardly answer it 1. Kin. 18.4 before God that hid the Prophets by fifty in a caue and fed them with bread and water because he durst not professe his religious heart openly being in the time of Iezabel a Queene and a queane how shall they bee able to excuse themselues which in the time of this gracious and good harted Prince libel against them by false suggestions and labour the vtter vndoing of them themselues professing nothing for feare of succession And if they that did but build and plant and mary and giue in mariage all which in themselues were lawfull were swept and caried away Gen. 7. with the vniuersall floud whither shall the tempest of the Lords fury cary them that blaspheme against his name snarle against his messengers and like swine doe wallow in their owne filthinesse all which are simply abhominable in themselues If the Pharisees that were carefull to heare Iohn with some good minde were so sharpely reproued as to be termed vipers what title may be giuen to them that refuse altogether to come If they that heare not the voice of Christ bee not his sheepe Iohn 10.3 Mat. 7.6 what be they that turne against him to rend him Or that come to the Temple to no other end then to intrap him If of three sorts of seeds and hearers whereof the one takes the feed the second receiues it with some good heart Mark 4.4 the third cherisheth it so well as it growe to a blade and yet all of them be damned where shall they rest that neuer vouchsafed with any religious eares to heare the message of saluation brought them If many bee shut out that preached the Gospell and many that striue to enter in shall not what place shall bee prepared for them that thinke themselues too fine to binde vp the wounds of the broken hearted and that haue euery step since their first birth directly sailed toward hell disanowing all meanes whereby they might bee reduced to the right way If the fig-tree was accursed because it had no fruit though Marke 11.13 it was full of leaues what curse shall light vpon those trees that are ful of poisoned and corrupt fruit Note also Saint Iohn saith euery tree not excepting any but what euer he be Iew or Gentile from the Prince to the basest of the people they must be fruitfull for being all equally corrupted we ought all equally to be cleansed and the Princes soule needes as much washing as the subiects Againe obserue a consequence of great comfort that euery tree that brings foorth good fruit must needs be saued and this is a wonderfull consolation to all Gods children for all that are in Christ Rom. 8.1 are out of condemnation and he hath Christ that hath his spirit he hath his spirit that striueth against his corruptions he doth this that crucifieth his flesh and he crucifieth his flesh that ceaseth from sinne and he doeth this that amendeth his life and repenteth Lastly learne hence that the tree and the fruit must goe together for though faith alone doth iustifie yet faith that is alone doth neuer iustifie but is dead without workes like that charity Iames 2.16 which onely bids a man warme him but doth not giue him wherewithall to refresh him The eye alone of all the parts of the body doth see but the eye that is alone separate from the body doth not see so the feet alone doe cary the body but if they be cut off and seuered from the body they doe not stirre True it is no tree shall escape the cutting vnlesse it be good but none shall therfore escape it because it is good for none shall be saued without mortification but none for their mortification shall be saued therefore let vs beware lest wee disioyne that in our liues which is alwaies conioyned in doctrine the faith of Paul and the workes of Iames. MATH chap. 3. vers 11. verse 11 Indeed I baptize you with water to amendment of life but he that commeth after me is mightier then I whose shooes I am not worthy to beare he will baptize you with the holy Ghost and with fire NOW because among the multitude as more plainely appeareth Luke 3.15 they strongly held and esteemed Iohn to bee Christ and the Messias that should come hee knowing this by reuelation or otherwise by the speech of some particular person among them labou●eth to resolue them and to plucke vp this opinion by the ●●ooes making protestation that there was great disparagement and inequality between him and Christ his baptisme and Christs his person
the Tower of Babell should haue beene erected to them and as easie it is to pull God out of his throne as to disgrace vs further then he permits for our saluation is as sure as his owne seate and as stedfast as if our selues had beene in heauen and seene it written with Gods owne singer Yea we shall stand like mount Sion Psal 125.1 and not a feather of a bird much more not the haire of our head nor the hem of our garment shall bee touched or fall without his appointment Wherefore Sathan sinneth against the holy Ghost in labouring to seduce the faithfull whom he knoweth he cannot stirre and when he knoweth wee cannot fall finally since the Angels haue charge ouer vs and cannot but be faithful keepers of that is committed to them And heerein may we embrace the riches of the Lords mercy who when his owne prouidence might be sufficient to secure vs of our safety yet to releeue our infirmity and to support our weaknesse hath giuen vs the gard of heauen to wait vpon vs as if one that were to passe the seas should not onely haue the letters of the Prince for his safe conduct but should be guarded with his royall Nany to assure vs that doing that we doe by the warrant of his word we shall neither be persecuted nor molested but so far as he may haue glory by it and we reape comfort For the third wherein he doth falsifie the text alleaged and this he doth two waies first by wronging the words secondly by wresting the sense for the Psalm 91.11 is He hath giuen his Angels charge to keepe thee in thy waies so as the promise is made with a limitation that hee keepe him in his waies Now from the pinnacle of the temple to fall downe is not the way but hee leaueth out the demonstration of the truth thy waies that is those waies that bee prescribed as from the Temple to come downe by the staires by this meanes dealing fraudulently leauing out the principall Secondly consider the wresting of the sense for where this was spoken that Christ should depend vpon his Fathers prouidence walking in his waies hee laboureth to secure him generally of the same prouidence though he were out of the way heereby to ouerthrow him Now as hee dealt with the head so hee doth with the members for pretending Gods protection hee laboureth to bring men to destruction For predestination hee will tell a man Esau was hated and Iacob beloued before they had done either good or euill Mal. 1.3 that it is not in the willer nor in the runner neither in the affection Phil. 2.13 nor in the action which hee doth onely to make vs rest in the prouidence of Gods predestination without hauing regard to our conuersation whereas heereby we ought the more to bee induced to get as many testimonies as wee can to prooue that this election pertaineth to vs and not to waite till grace should distill by diuine influence or to make the decree of God a meanes of our security to liue as we list as that being elected we cannot perish and being appointed to be damned we cannot auoid it So for Iustification hee will suggest Wee are saued by the bloud of Christ onely and when wee haue done all we are vnprofitable seruants the more we sinne the more grace aboundeth Rom. 6.1 and God hath most glory in pardoning most offences Whereas being elected we worke well not to recompence the goodnesse of God but to shew our thankfulnesse And there is no promise where the commandement is not kept for this is to be performed on our part else God is discharged on his part for being out of our waies the diuell may take vs as vagabonds the protection of the Lord not extending to vs in this course And thus doth Sathan almost labour to peruert all the Scripture that he may finde vs straying out of our Fathers house as to suggest that the Sabbath is made for man therefore hee will labour to make vs worke on this day Mark 2.27 But let vs not giue eare to him for this leadeth out of the way So when it is said He that laboureth not for his house 2. Tim. 5.8 is worse then an infidell if hee abuse any of vs by this to couet after riches away with it for it is said in another place Couetousnesse is the root of all euill and the desire of riches is simply vnlawfull 1. Tim. 6.9 for by this he falleth into many snares It is written againe Thou shalt not tempt c. This is the second generall part namely the repulse of the temptation wherein consider two parts first that Christ answereth againe by Scripture secondly in what sense the place is alleaged For the first we may obserue and see it is no disgrace nor disparagement to the Scripture to proceed from Sathan nor any occasion to make vs leaue our hold for Christ answereth againe and striketh with the same weapon wherewith he was stricken shewing vs that it is lawfull to vse a text well against them that doe abuse a text and if Christs example be our president then wee may alleage Scripture against depraued Scripture For the Bee may gather hony on the same stalke that the spider doth poison And though a swashbuckler kill a man with his weapon yet a souldier may lawfully knit a sword to his side and though there be many piracies committed on the sea yet may the merchants trafficke or though some surfet by gluttony yet may others vse their temperate diet And if the diuell change himselfe into an Angell of light shall therefore the Angels lose their light Or shall Paul therfore deny himselfe to be a preacher of saluation because the Pythonite Act. 16.17 spake it Or because Caiphas by the spirit of the diuell Ioh. 11.50 said one should die for the sinnes of the people must we not therfore beleeue it And though Numb 22. an inchanter wished that his soule might die the death of the righteous yet is it a praier fit to be vsed of all Christians though hee sold his soule for gold For saith hee Numb 24.17 a starre shall come out of Iuda a true speech of a false spirit And heere the diuels owne mouth protesteth that Gods prouidence reacheth ouer his children which we may beleeue with comfort though it proceed from his lying lippes For the second which is the sense of the words heerein Christ doth plainely shew that hee abused the place before alleaged because he inforced the promise contrary to the commandement mandement making it absolute where it was but conditionall that the Lord would protect him if he kept him in his waies and for him to expect the promise if he went astray were meerely to tempt God so as the diuell by concealing that part did poison and adulterate the Scripture Now wee must obserue that God is tempted by man two waies first when we doubt of his power vsing
For if we rather desire the flesh pots of Egypt then the Manna in the wildernesse and being drawen a little from the custome of sinne by the impulsion of the spirit wee make more haste to returne backe to our vomit then to follow hard toward the marke for the price of the high calling of God in Christ then is not Christ in vs nor wee in him and being out of him there is nothing but condemnation Phil. 3.14 and we are alreadie in the iawes of the Lion Out of the first obserue that saluation is not appointed for all men for all pertaine not vnto Christ as himselfe saith Luk. 12.32 mine is a little flocke and Iohn 10.26 those that beleeue not are not of Christs sheepe but those that be his heare his voice putting a difference betweene beleeuers and those that are in truth no better than Infidels which is more liuely expressed by the reward verse 28. I giue them that is my sheepe eternall life and they perish not What becommeth then of the other They are as Iude 6. reserued vnder darknesse vnto the iudgement of the great day and the cup of vengeance and condemnation cannot passe by them because the wrath of God was neuer satisfied for them so much also is signified by Christ Mat. 7.13.14 There be two waies in the world fitting with the two fold condition of men the one strait and narrow the other wide and broad those that in this life loue not to be pinched and crouded but to haue their walkes easie and their roomes large their feete leadeth them to destruction and of this kinde saith hee there be many Let vs not therefore vainely nozzle our selues in this opinion that heauen shal hold vs all for Christ as Iohn 10.9 is that straite dore by which wee must enter and though goates may heere feede with sheepe and tares may grow vp with corne yet when we come to the fold and to the harnest our shepheard knoweth who are his and giues them onely entrance and our Lord who is the husbandman gathereth only the graine and scattereth the chaffe as before the wind for condemnation is the inheritance of all such as haue not Christ for their head and he is head to none that haue not their life from him and none liue in him but they that are ruled by him and hee ruleth none but by the scepter of his word within the reach whereof few desire to be drawen but all almost doe seeke how to slip the collar as if the patient should onely dislike that medicine which would rid him of his disease yet such are most in the world that hate to see Christ in the glasse of his word wherein he is most perfectly to be beholden and therefore no marnell though condemnation as a cloud doe couer so many Secondly let vs obserue and as it were with teares of thankfulnesse acknowledge and reuerence the speciall and spirituall loue of God Mal. 1.5 that hath so magnified himselfe vpon the borders of vs Christians that when wrath had ouerspread the earth and the curse of God for disobedience had runne through the end of the world and that we were besmeared and misshapen with sinne as vgly as the Ethiopian and condemnation as due to vs as to them that alreadie hang in hell yet hath the Lord preserued vs not from a bodily death as Exod. 1.17 the midwines did the yong Israelites but from the spirituall fire of hell which should haue tormented our soules and this meerely through Christ that lo●eth vs for though the first and originall cause of our saluation hee the loue of God yet this is conueied to vs through his sonne the Lord being as tender to vs as a father is to his childe onely through the obedience of that child and Sonne of his the Lord Iesus and therefore most fitly hath the Apostle deliuered heere this bridge of condemnation to bee broken downe that wee haue now no passage to hell through the forme and vertue of our liuing and being in Christ for there being but two impediments to our saluation first the destroying of Satans power in vs through sinne secondly the appeasing of Gods anger towards vs for sinne Christ hath remoued both these First in breaking the Serpents head Gen. 3.15 and himselfe possessing the hold which Satan kept namely the Temples of our bodies And secondly in treading the wine-presse of the wrath of God Reue. 14.19 that what possibly could in iustice be exacted of vs that himselfe paied in his owne body and person suffering for the time the paines and pangs of hell therefore there can no condemnation remaine for vs our debt being already paied to the vtmost farthing which ought to stirre vp our hearts to the praise and thankfulnesse of so good a God that passing by thousands that lay polluted in their blood no worse then wee hash thus gratiously visited and receiued vs to mercy For the second which is the meanes whereby we are fenced and freed from this condemnation namely through Christ we are to note two things First how we are said to be in Christ and Christ in vs Secondly what profit we receaue by this coniunction For the first it is such a mystery as mans imperfect wisdome and shallow reach cannot sound the bottome nor come to the depth of it but shall heereafter better be knowen by our fruition of it then now it can be by the description of it howbeit so far as this secret of God is opened vnto vs in the booke of God so farre may we seeke and no further Now this vnion betweene Christ and vs is expressed in the Scripture two waies first plainlie secondly by way of comparison the first is set foorth by Christ himselfe the master of all truth First as a thing to be felt and discerned euen in this life as Ioh. 14.20 At that day saith he shall ye know that I am in my father and you in me and I in you that is though yee shall lose the comfort of my presence bodily yet I will leaue you such a spirituall pledge of our coniunction namely my spirit as you shall know and perceiue I am onely absent from you in the flesh but am still with you to aide and succour you secondly it is plainely set foorth as a thing to bee perfectly inioyed in the life to come as Ioh. 17.23 where Christ maketh it part of his praier for all beleeuers That as thou O father art in me and I in thee so they may be also one in vs I in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one which places proue the vndoubted truth of this point that Christ and we are ioyned together for otherwise it had not stood with Gods iustice to haue punished Christ in our flesh nor to haue accepted our obedience in Christs person if wee had not beene in him and he in vs for it was not possible for the flesh of man so wilfully sinnig
the euerlasting curse of God for so are we all by nature in which nature of ours he representing vs became vile before his father in respect of vs. But now for the punishment of sinne vpon him that was not imaginarie but true and sensible both in soule and body so extreame as in anguish of spirit he was driuen to crie My God my God why hast thou forsaken me yea the death he endured was in it owne kind accursed as it is written Deut. 21.23 Cursed is euery one that hangeth on the tree yea looke what miseries what wants what dangers he did vndergoe and taste of from his birth to his ascension into heauen the same he suffered and slept in onely for vs which cleareth the iustice of God that a righteous man should smart for vs sinners because we are in him and he in vs which I vrge the more that we may see the great price the sonne of God paied for our redemption to stirre vs vp to a better and deeper consideration of it he being the only shepheard that euer gaue his life for his sheepe the only lambe which being vnspotted in himselfe did euer take vpon him the scabbes and vlcers of the whole flocke the onely man full of sorrowes and experience of infirmities whom the world iudged as plagued smitten of God and humbled yet was it onely for our iniquities that the chastisement of our peace might be vpon him Therfore as Esay 53.11 let him see the trauell of his soule that is the fruit of his labour and the efficacy of his death in the saluation of vs his people For the other profit it is also double as first we are made partakers of his graces secondly of the glorie for his graces And this standeth also with the iustice of God that he being in vs and we in him God must needs with him giue vs all things also Now the graces we taste of by this coniunction are twofold first by imputation which is his satisfaction for our sinnes we being starke bankerupts able to pay nothing and the benefit of his obedience we being rebellious bastards able to fulfill nothing secondly in our selues but drawen and deriued from Christ the fountaine as the change of our affections reforming of our iudgements renuing of our minds mortification a sanctified life and these graces did farre more abound in Christ then euer they did in Adam in his integrity for he was flesh made ●●t after the image of God wheras this flesh Christ had the God head dwelling in him bodily as Col. 1.18 had in all things the preheminence that we might tast of the fulnes of his graces as far as is fit And for the second much is the glory for his graces namly eternall life of this hee hath also made vs partakers ye as if he had no other errand to heauen he saith Io. 14.32 I go to prepare a place for you in my fathers house Therfore let vs not say in our hearts that is let vs not doubt but assure our selues that as Christ is ascended so shall we and it is no presumption to beleeue that the Lord for his Sonnes sake will saue thee for he hath first giuen thee his word and promise He that beleeueth and repenteth shall be saued so as if thou canst apply repentance to thy selfe thou maiest challenge him on his word and secondly thou hast his oath hee sware to Abraham that his seed through his faith should be blessed and this hath Christ sworne againe A men Amen he that beleeueth is already translated from death to life shewing the certainty of it by the maner of speech as if it were already done and if thou wilt relie vpon neither of the former he hath thirdly left thee a pawne that is his spirit to guide and conduct thee in the right way that though thy selfe connot be in heauen as yet yet thy affections may be in the bosome of Christ and that thy faith in his resurrection may assure thee of thy incorruption and thy comfort in his sitting at the right hand of God may rebound backe vpon thy owne soule in being an vndoubted testimony of thy exaltation and aduancement heereafter for where Christ is there by reason of this coniunction betweene thee and him thou must needs be also Hence ariseth a most comfortable instruction for an afflicted conscience for Sathan will lay a whole scrowle of particular sins before thee charge thee that there be many omitted wherein thou hast offended that corruption is so worne into thy bones and lieth so low at the heart as it cannot be taken forth but must needs rankle to damnation and that thy sinnes are in their number so many and in their weight so heauy as there can be no case nor satisfaction for them Thou must confesse thou art indeed in thy selfe a worme vnworthy to creepe vpon the earth but in Christ as bold and strong as a lion yea if thou canst appropriate the sufferings of Christ to thy selfe in particular as the Gosp●● propounds them generally thou maiest answer that by the ●●rity of his birth the obedience of his life and the bitternesse of his death he hath clensed thee from thy sinne wherein thou wert conceiued made vp the breach of thy rebellion and ransomed thee from the cruelty of that second death whereinto thou wert plunged by thine actuall pollution this thou knowest because thou art one with him and he with thee True indeed sathan will confesse that Christ took our flesh vpon him as himself said in the Gospell that he was come before his time to torment him but yet he will suggest that Christ being but one his satisfaction can be but for one and he will tell thee in this truely that the sinnes of all men are infinite and the wrath of God for them is infinite for which the satisfaction of Christ must bee as infinite which saith he cannot be To which answer that as by the first Adam all men are made sinners so by the second Adam which is Christ all that beleeue are made righteous and as Adam can damne all that shall be damned for all in him did eate of the forbidden fruit so Christ can saue all that shall be saued for all in him are brought againe into the Paradise of God Reu. 2.7 In Rom. 5.14 and 1. Cor. 15.22 Adam is said to be a figure of Christ wherein they agree in this that as Adam gaue as much as he had to his posterity so doth Christ proportionably giue that he hath to those that be his Adam gaue sinne and death Christ giueth life and grace And they disagree in three respects first we receaue sin from Adam by nature but we receaue not the graces of Christ and life eternall by nature but by imputation and by grace only and not by imitation for we cannot imitate Christ in euery thing secondly by Adam came only originall sinne not actuall but Christ hath satisfied for both
obedience therefore now he may take his swinge in sin as Pro. 7.18 the harlot entised the yong man to take his fill of loue But we must know Christ hath not satisfied for vs to liue as we list nor redeemed vs from darknesse to light that we should runne to darknesse againe for a pardon is not giuen to a traitour that he should offend againe neither doth that pardon serue for offences to be committed after but so oft as he offendeth so oft shall he be punished or else he must haue so many pardons so Christ hath satisfied once and that hath taken away the guilt of al that went before but if we 〈◊〉 sume vpon this to sinne againe either we must looke for 〈◊〉 satisfactions which cannot be for there is but one sealed 〈◊〉 blood or else we must suffer so many punishments as w●●●●mit sinnes Secondly it will be said since there can be 〈◊〉 satisfaction for sinne therefore we haue now liberty giuen 〈◊〉 sinne It is true indeed that the wrath of God could not ●●●ppeased for sinne nor satisfied without the bloud of the So●●● of God and this was by him performed that being reconciled to his father we might no more fall at enmity for sin alone makes the separation betweene God and vs but that we might liue according to his will in newnesse of life howbeit there is a satisfaction God requireth at our hands but that is onely obedience in our affections holinesse in our actions humility in our hearts and thankefulnesse in our persons that we may bee as pretions stones in the brest plate of Christ to be represented to his father And therefore let vs abhorre such presumptuous and rechlesse impiety as either to liue as we list or to thinke wee haue time enough to repent before we die for who can tell when the cocke will crow or when death as a thiefe will steale vpon vs nay let vs remember it is said Reuel 22.11 He that is filthy let him be filthy still and in our age wee shall possesse the iniquities of our youth and therefore our life being but a span long the day is short enough by repentance to make our accompts with God euen and easie Thirdly obserue hence that we cannot serue God and riches Christ and Beliall the flesh and the spirit for their walkes and courses are opposite and contrary one to the other as may appeare by the Apostles putting of it negatiuely that we must not walke at all after the flesh Mal. 1.6 for if God be a father he will haue all the honour if a master all the feare neither will he suffer himselfe to be diuided or his worship to bee performed by halfes for this is as Eliah calleth it 1. King 18.21 the halting between two opinions but as before our conuersion the affections of sins doe force vs to bring foorth fruit vnto death so being called the strength of grace must thrust vs forward to bring forth fruits to God and not to our selues and therefore it is said Gal. 6.8 He that soweth to the flesh shall of the flesh reape corruption but he that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reape life euerlasting so as though thou doest that which is lawfull yet if thou doest it more vnto men then vnto God thou sowest to the flesh and shalt receiue damnation but if thou seekest in thy whole life to please God more then men yea to please him though thou displeasest men then shalt thou of the spirit reape saluation for the end why God hath created and saued vs is to glorifie him in this life and were it not he respected and receiued glory by thy life what need he suffer thee to stay heere on earth but haue taken thee presently from the wombe to heauen but he suffereth thee to liue partly that by thy fruitfulnesse to God the corruption that is hid within thee may in part be abolished partly to distinguish between thee and the reprobate at the last daie when thou shalt be blessed and that worthily euen in the iudgement and acknowledgment of the damned for the fruites thou hast brought forth to God So as it standeth vs vpon to haue the eies of our thoughts the bent of actions wholy vpon God to hazerd yea to prefer his glory before the glory and comfort of our owne saluation for if we be not rich in God and good works then are we still dead in sinne then is not Sathan at all cast our of vs then are we so far from needing but to wash our feet Iohn 13.9 as we are wholly polluted hands head and all Howbeit because euerie one will say he brings foorth fruit to God and walketh in the spirit being inwardly greiued for his sinnes and resorting vnto publike praier and preaching which are indeed good steppes to trace a Christian by yet we must know this is not sufficient for the inward sorrow is inuisible and the comming to praier and to the word is deceiuable and communicable euen to hypocrites therefore we must bring forth visible fruit to be seene of men in performing towards them the duties of the second table by loue patience compassion and such like else is it as a light ●id vnder a bushell if it be not sensibly felt of men for their comfort and seene of men for their example that they which are without may be wonne and the rest which are of the same fold with vs may be stirred vp to glorifie God in heauen for the fruitfulnesse of his Saints on earth To which duties we may be the better encouraged because the whole fruit both in the practise of them and in the reward of them shall redound to our selues producing ioy and peace of conscience in this life and the crowne of glory in the life to come Rom. 6.22 Fourthly for thine owne comfort learne to make a difference betweene walking after the flesh and walking through the flesh the one being a following and pursuing of thy sinfull desires with greedinesse and with delight through that rage of corruption which rests within thee the other being a performing of thy duties to God and a walking with him though with weakenesse and infirmity by reason of that remnant of flesh which will be in thee til death so as though the good thou dost be not done so cheerfully so exactly so perfectly as it ought but is mingled with many imperfections that euen in thy own iudgement thou thinkest thine actions euill be not discouraged for albeit thou hast in truth cause to pray to haue not only thy euill actions but euen thy best actions to be forgiuen because they are a little tempered with the flesh yet know that this is the case of all the children of God which are effectually sanctified to haue naturally concupiscence in them which causeth these three things first either it maketh vs alwaies think euill thoughts secondly or else it hindereth vs from good thoughts thirdly or else it maketh
mans heart are sinfull and not sinfull but onely sinfull and not onely and altogether sinfull but sinfull euery day and continually in which place Moses speaketh of the naturall man therefore the former being the thoughts of nature are in themselues sinfull damnable The second degree are those when a man by a certain pronenesse and readinesse to sinne hath some corrupt thought in his heart but it is presently suppressed and this is more sinfull then the other The third degree is when the heart hath hatched some sinnefull thought and suffereth it to rest with him for a time pausing vpon it and pleading with himselfe on both fides whether he should cal his heart to consent and yet at length by the speciall worke of God it perisheth and these are more sinfull then the other But the fourth degree are woorst of all when a man not onely casteth forth a wicked though● but dandleth it in his brest and not solliciteth the heart alone but vpon aduice presseth importuneth the soule to ioine hand in hand that they may with greater strength breake foorth in●● the members and this is the high way to bring vs to actuall ●●nne Now notwithstanding all this some of the Scho●●e-men hold these thoughts to be no sinne except the heart ste●●s to consent defining sinne to be a voluntary thing done wit● consent of the ●eart and with a resolute purpose to bring it in●● action against the law and commandement of God alledging for proofe of their opinion Iames 1.15 where it is said But euery man is tempted when he is drawne away by his owne concupiscence and is entised then when lust hath conceaued it bringeth foorth sin and sinne when it is finished bringeth foorth death But that these thoughts are sinne of themselues without the addition of the heart is proued by the definition of sinne in the scripture for it is said 1. Iohn 3.4 that the transgression of the law is sinne then the law commanding continuall purity and thou hauing a thought whereby God is not honoured dost therein transgresse the law and therfore in that thou sinnest And for the place cited out of Saint Iames the Apostle there speaketh not of the sinne in the heart betweene God and man but of the actuall sinne betweene man and man because one man knoweth not the heart of another as God doth who searcheth the reines Howb●●t to answer them with their owne place the Apostle verse 14. speaketh of the originall sinne from whence this actuall sinne which is the monster doth proceed he speaking there first of the concupiscence of the heart for from hence which is foetus peccati the first birth of sinne proceedeth fomes peccati the nourishing of all sinne and out of which lust doth conceiue and when it is conceiued it must needes bring forth sin and then sinne when it is finished draweth on death not meaning heereby that no sinne deserueth death but actuall sinne for all sinnes besides deserue the same as Rom. 6.23 The wages of sinne is death So then to cleere the former place let vs goe by degrees backward What bringeth forth death Sinne when it is finished What is the cause of sinne which is finished The lust that conceaueth And what is the cause that lust conceiueth The concupiscence of the heart So as all proceedeth from originall sinne and the rest that branch from this roote are sinnes of sinne for as a woman enter●ining a thought of her desire to strange flesh sinneth so long●s it receaueth entertainement euen so is it with the thoughts of men swarue they neuer so little from the seruice of God Since ●hen the law ouerwhelmeth vs with the full rigour of Gods wrath by the excellency and purity of it which bindeth vs his creatures ●o be like our maker exacting heerein of vs no more then to be answerable for that we first receiued not seeking aduantage heerein by increase but yeelding him onely the same talent of hol●●esse honor and obedience wherewith all we were trusted in ou● creation and we haue exceeded the impiety of that vnfaithfull seruant condemned in the Gospell not only not hiding i● where we might haue it again as he did but corrupting and wasting it that the Lord cannot now know vs to be his come we haue so defaced his stampe and superscription which he set vpon vs sending forth in few houres so many legions of vnclean cogitations and polluted actions what harbour thinke we can we finde vnder this couert of the Lords law to rescue vs from damnation Nay if we appeale to it for succour in this strictnesse precisenesse and puritie of it it will be the first to arrest and draw vs before the seat of iustice and so much the sooner and the sharper by reason of the second points which hinder vs from this perfection in obedience which is the extreame impurity of our nature for such is the frailty of flesh and blood and we are so farre from being able to performe the law as it is rather a prouocation vnto vs to greater sinne doing it the more eagerly because the law forbiddeth it euen as the prescript of the Physitian is to the impatient patient who more greedily desireth that would breed him most danger which appeareth 1. Cor. 15.56 The law is the strength of sinne and Rom. 7.8 Sin did turne the law to an occasion to sinne To perswade this by naturall reason of contraries actiue and passiue we see the fire enuironed by the cold aire in the winter so that the operation of the fire cannot passe out by the resistance of the cold heereupon there is made a reflexion of the heat which is beaten backe by the cold that it will not suffer it to come forth whereby the heat is doubled by the opposition of the contrary as experience teacheth vs the fire scaulding more in winter then in somer euen so is it betweene the law and the heart of man which is a fire of lust and the law of God beating it backe into the breast which would faine come forth in action it goeth into the heart againe and is there more forcibly inflamed then before whereupon there growes such an enmity as what Gods loues man hates and what is highest in estimation with him is basest in opinion with vs and our nature taketh occasion to bee more sinnefull by the restraint of the Commaundement and as in diseases men seeke what most hurteth them as in a plurisie wine in a phrensie to watch in a lethargie to sleepe so falleth it out with vs that what is most wholsome to cure our corruption we refuse and the oyle that will soonest set it on fire we embrace which experience can teach vs better than the voyce of an Angell euery mans conscience being priuy to their seuerall and speciall infirmities And to illustrate this by the example of the diamond and best Saints of God Iob. 39.37 maketh protestation O Lord I am vile once yea twice haue I
life for direction and of the commandements of God for instruction yea do taste in som measure of the sweetnesse of grace for our inlightning yet if we suffer our soule to be the fountaine of all vncleanenesse and doe make the members of our body as so many pipes or conduites to conuey that vncleanenesse into our liues the most part of our thoughts of our words and deeds of our affections and desires tending more to the dishonoring of God the satisfying of our delights in the flesh then to the furthering of our saluation making riches our hope the wedge of gold our confidence and trusting in the strength of our malice as Dauid saith Psal 52.7 Then are wee in the damnable state of flesh these being iniquities to bee condemned and as Iob saith chap. 31.28 A plaine denying of God which must of necessitie displease him in the highest degree Further obserue hence that none but sanctified men can please God and that all the workes of carnall men and reprobates with what face soeuer they be done are hatefull to him the reason is because none of them consent to the law of God in any other sort then to make them inexcusable for the vnderstanding whereof wee must know that there is a two sold writing of the law in the hearts of men the one by the singer of God the other by the spirit of God and that which is written by the spirit is onely in Gods children the other is in all men and in all nations being the law of nature which is the light of reason and by this they doe know and see their sinnes and so farre they consent to the law but not in this to loath their sin or to be grieued at it hauing a striuing with the sinne but not against the sinne against the sense and feeling of it that they may more eagerly follow it for hauing this law written in his conscience which accuseth him for sinne he laboreth to race it out that he may sinne without controulement for pride selfe-loue cruelty hatred and such like are passions alwaies working inwardly vpon their members that is vpon their wils vnderstandings affections which sometime lie hid like a toade vnder a stone this proceeding from the goodnesse of God for the loue he beareth to his Church 〈◊〉 if the Lions of the field should euer roare what should bec●●●e of the poore lambes And if they should hatch all the sinnes they haue conceaued they would liue worse then wild beasts wee should haue no peace nor face of a Church among vs and therefore what the Lord cureth in his elect he restraineth onely in the wicked by ●n inferior working of his grace that they burst not forth into outragious sinnes he being likewise hindred from the height of his impiety partly for feare of punishment and partly for feare of shame and discredit the world euer liking it well that men should liue ciuilly lest a ruine of the whole might ensue And yet herein we may see the exceeding bountie of God that euen for liuing morally and aiming but at earthly praise and commendation without any respect of the loue of God these being fruits not of the woorst sort he rewardeth them in this life with his outward blessings for their ciuil obedience and outward cariage in the life to come though not with heauen yet with mitigation of their punishment in hell Iehu we know was but a carnall man for he departed not from the sins of Ierobeam that made Israel to sin 2. Kin. 10.30.31 yet because he did diligently execute that was right in Gods eies he rewarded him in this life with the promise of posteritie to the fourth generation to sit vpon the throne notwithstanding all that the wicked do tend to death because they performe onely the letter not the sense of the commandement in their best works Now in that the wicked are recompenced in this life it is in two respects first to encourage vs to performe the like duties outwardly which they doe secondly to comfort vs in this that if the Lord carrieth his eie of bountie toward them that are without and strangers from his fold much more will he reward vs which are his elect and sheepe of his owne pasture And yet in that their best fruites bring death vpon their soules and cannot please God it is to meet with the bold presumption of them that think they shall be saued what profession soeuer they be of and that they be greatly in Gods fauour if their actions be a little varnished ouer with hypocrisie which is as much as if they should thinke to goe to heauen backward which will deceaue them for if a theefe going to the gallowes should thinke himselfe in as good case as a true man would we not iudge it madnesse since the one escapeth and the other is hanged yet fareth it thus with worldlings and profane men who sleeping in the middest of the sea thinke to escape drowning and liuing in the lusts of the flesh imagine to escape damning which cannot be no more then they that sleepe in the toppe maste without any hold can thinke to escape falling Now in that the Apostle saith Yee are not in the flesh we must vnderstand he speaketh generally to all the Iewes who at this time were the house and garden of God for then none were admitted into the church but onely such as were outwardly reformed and seemed to be regenerate by their submitting themselues to the publicke ordinance of God in the word and prater and as for outragious and shamelesse sinners as adulterers blasphemers prophaners of the Sabbath and such like they were not to bee receiued without repentance that as they signified their disobedience by their sinne so should they testifie their sorrow by their confession and then they ceased to be such for as it is treason in the Chancellor to passe any thing from the Prince without the Prince his seale so they accounted it in those times treason against God to set the seale of Baptisme on that childe that had neither of the parents a beleeuer where we may learne that we must esteeme hypocrites as regenerate and to be in the spirit of Christ because they are outwardly reformed in their liues and in profession doe resemble the children of God but if they be open and notorious offendors in any grosse sinne committed with a high hand then ought they to be excluded for a time till shame and separation from their brethren may worke their humilitie to amendement but if they continue obstinate not to be reclaimed then are they to be cut off as putrified and rotten members that may infect others otherwise dissembling hypocrites must bee wrapped vp in the praiers of the Church and the tares must be suffered to grow vp with the wheate and the goate may giue as much milke as the sheepe and for the goodnesse of it it must be left to the secrets of God till
recouered the vse of all the creatures wee lost in Adams fall so as wee haue interest in them all how euer the Lord in wisedome hath seuered and distinguished them in a property yea we haue such interest in them as the world should not stand not the Sunne shine but for the elects sake And all the wicked in the last day shall answer for euery crumme of bread that they haue eaten for they doe but vsurpe vpon the Lords creatures in as much as being excluded from the tree of life they are thereby excluded from all things that should maintaine life and though now the Lord permit them to abound in these earthly treasures yet they shall haue double torment for their single ioy for they are neuer in their owne house but when they are in hell as it was said of Iudas Mat. 27. 5. Act. 1.25 when he hanged himselfe that he went to his owne place The second priuiledge wee haue is this that being heires with Christ these is nothing but shall be made by God to further our saluation euen as Saint Paul being rauished as it were with the constant hope of this inheritance in the conclusion of this chapter giuing the challenge in this spirituall conflict to see if there be any thing can bee able to separate him from the loue of God for we are Lords of all the creatures sauing of Angels and our fellow heire Christ Iesus is head of Angels and they ●●e but ministers for our good As for the wicked they shall be as well able to saue themselues without God as to hurt vs hauing God and the worst they can do is but to send vs to God And as for Sathan his darts hee casteth at vs they are turned aside in the armour of Christ and the floods he casteth foorth to deuoure vs shall neuer come neare vs Reu. 12.15 2. Cor. 12.8 and his buffettings are preseruatiues against presumption as Paul witnesseth of himselfe If wee suffer with him This is a transition or passing ouer of the Apostle to perswade vs to affliction for wee would haue the head crowned with thornes and the members clad with veluer but it may not be so for there must bee a conformity and resemblance with the head and the members Now this is the second reason the Apostle vseth to make vs sure of this heauenly ●●keritance namely that wee must first be afflicted The cause why this is brought in is this Paul vers 1. had giuen the greatest comfort to a Christian that could be when he said There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Iesus Now there are two things that make the very elect to demurre and stay vpon this whether there be any condemnation to them or no first the apprehension of their many sinfull infirmities as if they should say Is it possible the life of God should be in mee that I should be shapen after Gods image that Christ should bee my sanctification and yet that I should be subiect to so many grieuous infirmities To this the Apostle answereth True it is there bee in them many things graciously qualified by the prefence of the Lords spirit yet during this our seafare and pilgrimage in this life there must bee a combat and a strife betweene the deceit of sinne and the strength of grace howbeit by patience and perseuerance we shall ouercome not some part of the world but euen the whole world and our owne concupiscence 1. Ioh. 5.4 which is stronger then death not but that there shall be left some fragments and reliques of corruption in vs for Paul heere doth not say There is no matter of condemnation left within vs but that vncleannesse is so washed away in Christ and we are so sanctified by his spirit as there remaineth for vs no condemnation God being satisfied in his Sonne Sath an being vanquished and the powers of our sinful flesh being tamed and subdued The se●● 〈◊〉 thing that maketh vs to doubt whether condemnation 〈◊〉 not due to vs is the apprehension of our many afflictions wherewith we are tossed and encumbred in this life as when wee shall consider that we are made blessed by Christs curse and healed by his stripes then we breake foorth into this And is it possible that I am one of these and yet am so miserably intreated in this life Hath Christ ●●●●e through the sorrowes and agonies of this life Hath he booke in sunder the bands of death and all to make me way to that glorie wherein he now sitteth and shall l●et be so burdened and so sore oppressed with anguish of spirit and griese of bodie This cogitation and thought worketh and ingendreth a feare in the weake soule lest God should be angry and much displeased with them because he feedeth them with the water of sorrow and bread of affliction and maketh them as the spirit speaketh passe through fire and water that is through many miseries diuers in kind and extreme in measure But thus the holy Ghost to proue the first verse of this chapter true sheweth this to be the high and beaten way to heauen and that there is no way but that which Christ hath gone before vs for somewhat for godlinesse we must be persecured Ioh. 5.17 Heb. 12.6 and being chastised of the Lord it is certaine we are no bastards So as the bearing of this crosse must and ought to be another seale to assure vs of the inheritance which we shall haue and not to be dismaied though it goe hard with vs in this life for we must thinke it no disgrace nor disparagement to be of the honour of the same order our elder brother Christ was of that is appointed and set foorth daily for the slaughter laid open to the viperous tongs of many glorious and proud Pharisees but as Christ had his crosse as it were his ladder to lift him and carry him vp aboue the heauens as the Greeke translation is so must we looke by the same rounds to ascend to the same place Out of this therfore ariseth to all the godly double comfort first that we shall be no otherwise vsed of the Lord then Christ his naturall sonne was vpon whom the very sea of his fierce wrath did fall secondly that as we haue Christ a fellow and companion in our sufferings so Christ hath vs companions and partakers of his glorie If we suffer with him Heere are two things to be considered first the precise necessity and as it were a fatall kind of destiny whereunto God hath made all those subiect that shall be saued namely that they must taste of the cup of affliction and drink of the dregs therof expresly set downe in these words We are heires if we suffer The second is the double fruite and benefit we reape by this affliction first that Christ hath tasted more deepely of tribulation then we shall secondly that in recompe●●ce of our sufferings we shall heereafter bee partners with him in ●●●●state
proportion betweene the head and the members for wee shall bee carried vp into the highest heauens and wee shall stand before the throne viewing the glorious face of God and hauing the fruition of his blessed presence The greatnesse of this glorie howbe●● it needeth rather meditation then explication yet something shall bee spoken of it that the vaile may bee taken from our eies that wee may sound and faddome in some sort the bottome of Christ his ●ole in his glorie which of our selues we cannot doe no more then the Iewes could into the ministery of Moses This place fitteth with that 2. Cor. 4.17 Our light affliction which is but for a moment bringeth vnto vs an euerlasting excellent weight of glory Where consider two things first that betweene these afflictions and that glory there is no comparison in the greatnesse it shall be a weight excellently excellent as the word signifieth whereas afflictions are but for a an houre Secondly the glory shall be more durable in respect of eternity whereas the other are but in this life onely For the first consider it in two degrees first the particular ioy euery child and man of God shall haue in his death and dissolution secondly the exceeding glory he shall be filled with when all things shall be perfect and God shall be all in all The first of these hath two parts first it containeth an absolute immunity and freedome from all infirmities of body and soule according as it is said All teares shall be wiped away for the body shall be free from labour care and such like and the soule shall be free from the suggestions of Sathan by couetousnesse and other corruptions wherewith the best and choisest of Gods seruants in this life are wonderfully assaulted Secondly the bodie sleeping in the earth the soule shall be absolutly sanctified from sinne and liue in the fauour of God so as there shall be added vnto vs a present entrance into the Lords ioy which none can comprehend but they that feele it Luk. 23.43 This in the Scripture is called the entrance into the Paradise of the Lord and Paul 2. Cor. 5.8 desireth to remoue out of the body that in his soule he might be with the Lord Iesus who resteth in such a place as hath in it whatsoeuer may moue either admiration or may giue contentation and is described Reuel 21.4 to be destitute of sorrow crying and paine and to haue the foundation of the wals thereof garnished with all manner of precious stones and to be lightned onely with the glory of God needing neither Sunne nor Moone It is also called Abrahams bosome Luk. 16.22 Ioh. 14.2 Reuel 19.9 the presence with the Lambe the gathering of vs into the companie of innumerable Angels and the mansion house of our Father The second degree of this glory is at the restitution of all things which the Apostle heere speaking of verf. 21. calleth the glorious liberty of the sonnes of God This standeth in two parts first in the resurrection of our bodies when they shall be made incorruptible and glorions and shall neede no naturall prouision nor maintenance for they shall shine as the Sunne and the Sunne shall then be seauentimes brighter then it is The second is that God shall be all in all that is the whole God-head shall immediatly raigne and the humanity of Christ shall more manifestly be subiected which is to the greater glory of it that his god head shall be so great for then there shall be no more office of Christ Iesus to procure any more good to his children but the benefit of the former shall continue for euer for then his enemies shall be all put downe and then the Sonne she ll resigne vp his kingdome to his Father that is all enemies being vanquished and that one enemy Death being abolished he shall raigne no more not that God raigneth not now for he raigneth in the person of his Sonne as Mediator but then his office shall end and he shall raigne onely as God For these are but the daies that the Lord Iesus doth woo vs and maketh loue to vs Reu. 19.7 but then shall the marriage be solemnized and for the better setting foorth of this with all magnificence and greatest state all creatures shal be restored that they may serue and attend at the celebrating of this feast Now for the second part that is the comparison of the glorie and afflictions in respect of continuance we see that no affliction lasteth but for the present but this glory is eternall Gods loue toward vs eternall before the world to predestinate vs eternall after the world to glorifie vs that as the first had no beginning so the last shall haue no end So as wee may consider of two eternities though to speake properly there is but one the first before the creation thesecond after the worlds dissolution Now betweene these two there is a certaine time for the world and a thousand yeeres in respect of eternity is but as one day nay as Moses saith Psal 90.4 A thousand yeeres are but as yesterday that is past 2. Pet. 3.8 So as counting the world fiue thousand yeeres it is but as the length of fiue daies past and of these fiue thousand yeeres what are fourescore which is a great age for any man to liue to and a farre greater time then euer any man was afflicted in It is not much more then a moment no way an hower and therefore these afflictions are no way comparable to the eternity of that glory wee shall haue heereafter not so much as a drop of water to the whole Sea or one graine to all the sand And yet we speake now as if a man should neuer but be afflicted euen from his cradle to his death liuing the full age of a man which neuer befell any In Esay 54.8 is shewed what seuenty yeeres be and by the accompt of the spirit of God himselfe they be but as the least minute for the Lord there saith For a moment in mine anger I hid my face from thee but with euerlasting mercy haue I had compassion on thee and this moment was seuenty yeeres for so long were the Iewes in captiuity I●● 25.12 So as affliction by this reckoning during the whole yeeres and life of man is but a moment and a great part of this moment is past before we can be said to suffer affliction for it is but a confused kind of paine that children sustaine and againe there was neuer any affliction so great but there was some either intermission or remission either the tormenter was wearied or the whip was wasted or they that were tormented died Now if the glory after our induring of these afflictions should last but so many millions of yeeres as there be starres in the heauens there might yet be some more and easier and equall comparison betweene them because at the last this glory should haue an end but it farre
brethren and the malice of the Iewes in the apprehension and death of Christ were wicked and euill in themselues though God turned their ends contrarie to that they were intended For the last point If he giue him he will with him giue all things obserue that no man can partake of the benefites of Christ but first hee must partake of Christ himselfe and therefore they that holde wee doe in the Sacrament of the Supper onelie partake of the benefits of Christ his death and not of Christ himselfe doe grossely offend for wee doe eate spiritually the verie bodie and doe drinke the very bloud of Christ and by this wee are made partakers of his soule and by consequent of his humanity and by this of his diuinity for they are neuer separated and by this of Christ God and man and by consequent of all his benefits for these benefites be like an c. in the end of a sentence that implieth a necessary addition of many things not expressed and yet must needs be vnderstood as depending vpon the former So that if we haue Christ he commeth not naked nor alone but he bringeth all he hath with him his puritie his obedience his sacrifice his power and whatsoeuer else may make a Christian man perfect Secondly obserue hence that no man can partake of Christ but with him he must likewise partake of all his benefites answerable to that speech of the Euangelist Mat. 6.33 When we haue the kingdome of God other things shall be added for saluation neuer commeth alone And therefore damnable is that opinion that a man may eat Christ really and indeed and yet not partake of his benefits because he doth not eat him effectually for this should argue there is no life in the flesh of Christ contrary to that Ioh. 6.54 He that eateth of the flesh of the sonne of man must needes haue life Thirdly obserue hence that all is gift and no merit and a gift purposed of God to be bestowed before euer we deserued any thing for though we in dutie must labour in the course of mortification yet in vaine doe we wash our selues thinking to be accepted for our cleanlinesse for it is God that giueth the beginning in his Ioue and the increase in his spirit and the end and perfection in his Sonne And therefore he that leaneth to himselfe shall surely fall for if flesh be thy arme and thine owne works the ladder whereby thou thinkest to clime to heauen when thou art passed the ground then shall the rounds breake and thy fall shall be to thy confusion for in the gift of Christ alone we are beloued Vers 33. Who shall laie any thing to the charge of Gods chosen It is God that iustifieth verse 34 Who shall condemne It is Christ which is d●●d yea or rather which is risen againe who is also at the right hand of God and maketh request also for vs. The Apostle hath before proued that if any thing should make vs tremble and stand in feare of damnation it should bee one of these two first either the sinfull imperfection of our nature or secondly the ineuitable necessity of affliction Now that we being in Christ the remainder and relikes of that corruption which we shall onely shake off in death cannot make vs subject to the curse of God he hath proued from the first to the seuenteenth verse going before Secondly that the rod of affliction resting on our backs is no argument of the wrathful face of God but onely the chastisement of a Father he proued from the 17. to the end of the 32. vers Hauing proued these two points he now maketh a most comfortable conclusion demanding a question by way of a challenge and doth most confidently himselfe answer it Who can lay any thing to our charge If Sathan shall accuse the brethren Zach. 3.2 whom the Lord notwithstanding will reproue yet who dare condemne and giue sentence against vs since Christ for our sakes is dead secondly is risen thirdly sitteth at the right hand of the Father fourthly and maketh intercession for vs. First for his death how this saueth vs from damnation it is two waies first in respect of the grieuousnesse of his death secondly in respect of the worthinesse of his person that did sustaine and indure it The grieuousnesse of it resteth in these two first that visibly he was nailed to the crosse and there was a separation of soule and body secondly that inuisibly the markes of the wrath of God were vpon his soule he suffering for a time so may torments of hell as euer all the damned shall doe The worthinesse of his person appeareth in this that he was the Son of God by eternall generation who for his obedience and humbling of himselfe in the shape of a seruant to so cursed a death might worthily haue merited the saluation of a thousand worlds So that as death came in by sinne which stingeth a man to damnation and whereby the diuell raigned ouer all so by the death of the sonne of God was death ouercome sinne abolished and the diuell vanquished and as by sinne came in death so by death went out sinne Hereupon we beholding Christ crucified by a liuely faith 1. Cor. 15.21 wee shall be freed from the impoysoned bitings of the old serpent euen as the Israelites were healed of their wounds and stings Ioh. 3.14 Num. 21.9 by looking on the brasen serpent in the wildernesse For the second which is Christ his resurrection we haue this comfort that no sinne is vnsatisfied or vnexpiated since he is deliuered from the power of darknesse and of death vnder which he was kept and still should haue beene kept vntill all our debts had beene paied to the vtmost farthing Heeeupon we beleeue that Christ caried all our sinnes with him into the graue but what became of them afterward we know not nor need not to inquire for he rose without them And this was represented in the scape-goat Leuit. 16.21 who hauing all the sinnes of the people laid vpon him was sent into an vninhabitable place where he was neuer heard of againe set downe to be in the wildernesse by the hand of a man appointed For the third consider two things first what is meant by his sitting at the right hand of his Father secondly what benefites we reape by his sitting there For the first vnderstand it is a translated or borrowed speech for can we thinke that God hath a hand whose power is diffused through all creatures and being an infinite spirit hath no definite place And as heere Christ is said to be sitting so else where he is said to be standing as Act. 7.56 Stephen saw the Sonne of man standing at the right hand of God In which there is also a borrowed speech for we must not thinke he either fitteth or standeth at a certaine place but the phrase is fetched from the custome of great Princes who vse to set them on
a candle then had Obadiah hid an hundred of the Lords Prophets in a caue 1. King 18.4 that neuer bowed their knees to Baal Iob. 5.22 For the Lord doth but laugh at the policies of the wicked and he in his time will discouer their shame to their faces and lift vp the heads of his seruants aboue all the tyrants of the world Now for the meanes whereby wee obtaine this victory obserue that it is by a spirituall power of the holy Ghost enabling vs to so great a worke for such is our ambition to be great men as if Demas find no preferment by the Gospell 2. Tim. 4.10 he will nothing esteeme of Pauls company Such is our desire to be rich as if we gaine by our seruants that worke with the Diuell we had rather they should be possessed still then we would lose our gaine which we may see Act. 16.19 where Paul and Silas were haled before the Magistrates onely for casting out the spirit of diuination in the maide that got her masters great aduantage by diuining Yea such and so vehement are our naturall and earthly affections and so great our greedinesse to enioy the pleasures of our life that the mariage of a wife or the triall of a yoke of oxen shall keepe vs from Christ Mat. 22.5 Luk. 14.19.20 So that it must be a greater power then the faculty or abilitie of a man for if naturally we are not able to abide the snuffe of a candle much lesse to burne in the fire Why then so many examples as we see patiently induring death for the testimony of the truth of God so many testimonies haue wee of the Lords power to enable weake vessels to hold such scalding liquer For many through presumption of their owne strength haue apostated and Peter was well neare it notwithstanding his bragge that he would not leaue his master to the death if Christ his eie had not pierced his soule to repentance for his former denials Luk. 22.61 Dauid 1. Sam. 17.45.46 confesseth that it was not in his strength to contend with Goliah neither did he come to him with sword or with speare but in the name of the God of Israel who would close him into his hands And this in truth must be our paterne and our praise in these temptations and afflictions to flie out of our selues and to run to the wings of the Lord Iesus whose grace onely is sufficient for vs and whose power is made perfect in our weakenesse for where the flesh carieth a confidence in it selfe there is no roome for the spirit for the spirit helpeth onely those that be infirme and Christ is onely a Physition for a sicke sinner Mark 2.17 Now as wee are conquerors through him that loueth vs so let vs labour that Christ may thinke his loue well bestowed his bloud well spent and his victory for vs well gained by our loue of him againe that it may be as hot as the flame that whole flouds of waters may not quench it and so strong as neither terrors in persecution nor pleasures in life nor the anguish of death may make vs forsake our ankor Christ Iesus but that wee may hold our confidence in a hope sure and stedfast which shall at the last giue vs entrance into the veile whither Christ our forerunner is for vs entred in Heb. 6.29 ROM chap. 8. vers 38 39. verse 38 For I am perswaded that neither death nor life nor Augels nor Principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come verse 39 Nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. HEere the Apostle setteth downe a conclusion full of all consolation proceeding from a diuine and heauenly resolution and christian magnan unity extended and offered by the Apostle in the person of all the faithfull wherein he doth couragiously challenge and exultantly triumph ouerall creatures being assured that nothing that euer was created could finally separate him from that loue wherewith the Lord had loued him in Christ This conclusion standeth on two parts first in the enumeration or reckoning vp of some particulars which if any thing could seuer vs from the Lord it were likely to bee some of these he named Secondly because the Apostle could not insist in the induction or bringing in of particulars he vseth a generall comprehension of all things that nothing might bee excepted in these words nor any other creature the things reckoned vp are nine which be either one contrary to another or else diuers from other For death that cannot separate vs from God for though it be most terrible to the flesh to see his prefixed end yet this is so farre vnable to seuer vs as nothing hath greater power to ioyne vs to God through the death of him that ouercame death which appeareth likewise by this that euen the wicked though they loue not to liue the life of the righteous because it is tedious through afflictions yet they can wish with Balaam Num. 23. vers 10. that their last end may be like theirs who alwaies resigne vp their soules in rest vnto the Lord. And though some wicked may make a peaceable end whereby Satan hardeneth others to thinke they are beloued of the Lord because they depart like the light of a candle and some of the elect die troublesomely whereby Satan maketh his instruments to condemne the generation of the godly yet in their inward man they doe not onely patiently expect but deepely sigh for the day of their dissolution that being vncloathed of this corruption they may be crowned with the Lords glorie for they that haue receiued the earnest of the spirit the pledge of their inheritance and the first fruits of the Lords loue and vnto whom he hath sealed and assured pardon of their sinne they do know they haue cause to expect the reuelation and shew of their happinesse being heere tossed with sundrie waues of perplexed miseries and being sure there to arriue from a tempestuous voyage to a most blessed hauen And it is ioyfull to a Christian to bee deliuered from this careful life wherein euery day is the messenger of fresh sorrowes and wherein hee findeth his corruption so burdensome so as though Paul was taken vp into the third heauen 2. Cor. 12.4 yet hee cried Who shall deliuer me from this body of sinne For heere wee know our selues to be scarce worth the ground we go on we are so worne with care and so ground with affliction but then we shall enter into the presence of God and dwell with him perpetually To be short many haue beene so rauished with this ioy which wee see but as in a mist as they haue not onely giuen vp themselues to naturall death but euen suffered violent death embracing it as chearefully as the souldier that comes after his valour shewed to be made a knight or as the King that goeth to his
if any fall with Dauid he may and shall rise againe with Dauid if hee pertaine to God but then hee must earnestly and soundly repent as Dauid did and to come to a true and serious confession of thy sinne indeed it shall be the hardest worke and cost thee dearer then euer any thing did Againe who would be so foolish to make of a particular and rare example a generall ground as to fall with Dauid for company to rise with him for company and because thou feest one sore wounded with a dagger to be cured to desire to be stricken with the same dagger to be healed with that man for company Nay if any hath falne from that grace he hath once receiued let him pray that he may rise againe but let him know that being falne if he had all the hearts in the world and could shed fountaines of teares he should finde them all too little and insufficient to lament soundly so as the Lord would come againe to comfort him Lastly heere may bee doubted since the spirit must not be quenched and that as hath bene taught before it must be maintained or else it will decay whether it be in vs to nourish this spirit as well as to quench it To this wee answer with Paul Philipp 2.12.13 Make an end of your saluation with feare and trembling for it is God that worketh in you both the will and the deed euen of his good pleasure so as we must feare but we must also worke And this spirit cannot be idle in vs so as wee must not stand gaping looking that the Lord should fill vs with his graces but wee must worke because the Lord worketh vpon vs. So then the Lord doth all meerely of his grace But heere is humilitie and diligence commended to vs and therefore doeth the Lord by his Ministers exhort vs to good workes to make vs more circumspect and chearefull in doing them for the holy Ghost worketh not absolutely and simply in vs but vouchsafeth meanes it selfe being the chiefe efficient to prepare the mind to receiue that grace to which wee are exhorted euen as wee all liue by Gods prouidence yet not without bread And as the safetie of a childs riding standeth in the fast holding of the father yet the words of the father to bid him hold fast maketh the childe more warie euen so exhortation maketh vs more warie in auoiding sinne for we are not dead stones but liuing instruments and therefore as we performe liuely actions of the bodie so must we haue spirituall operations of the minde the fruite and benefit whereof is discerned by the power and strength of the holy Ghost who worketh both in vs and by vs. Now for the second point which is the meanes how the commandement of not quenching the spirit may be best obeyed It is by making much of the Word and the Preachers thereof for by prophesie is meant such as haue the word of exhortation in their mouthes and of whom it is said Esa 59.21 The spirit that I put into their mouthes shall neuer depart from thee nor thy seede Whereby wee learne that as the spirit is giuen by the word preached so is it also maintained by the word preached and as there is no light without the Sunne no fructifying of the earth without the windowes of heauen be open nor no lampe burning without oile so is there no faith begun and continued without we be established in the word of grace Now if we finde sometimes no heart in the word but that it is irksome to the eare and vnpleasant to the sound let vs not therefore refuse the meanes and exclude our selues from hearing for oftentimes a stomacke is gotten by eating and though the spirit be quenched in vs in this grace yet let vs come where this grace is offered and though we heare not sometimes with such a rellish as we would and ought to doe yet let vs pray that our hearing may doe vs some good and that by hearing our stomacke may come againe And if we heare often and forget it yet let vs do that in this kinde of sicknesse which we doe in the distemper of our naturall bodies eat the oftner if wee eat much and cannot retaine it to digest it so if we cannot remember what we heare let vs heare the oftner because our memories are so weake so as if there be any preaching not neglecting our callings let vs partake of that foode and the Lord may in mercie so much blesse our diligence as we may by one Sermon learne so much as may comfort vs in the houre of death Lastly as in generall diseases of the bodie as in an ague all parts are weake but principally the stomacke yet it receiueth a medicine and the disease it selfe prouoketh vs to that so if Satan haue weakened thy stomacke so much as thou hast no list to heare the word let this dulnesse be so farre from discouraging thee as that it make thee lust and desire the more after it For as Paul said to the Centurion Act. 27.31 Except these abide in the ship yee cannot be safe when they of themselues would needs haue gone foorth and yet Paul had the absolute promise before that himselfe and his whole companie should be safe but this was conditionall if they obeyed the meanes that is if they abode in the ship Euen so they that despise the meanes of hearing refuse the mercie of reforming their liues and of mollifying their hearts whether they refuse of rashnesse as heare or heare not it is all one or of distrust as though I heare it will do me no good for assuredly except we heare as often as wee can we cannot maintaine this spirit and going out of this ship that is departing from the word preached it is not possible to be saued TITVS chap. 2. vers 11 12. verse 11 For that grace of God which bringeth saluation vnto all men hath appeared verse 12 And teacheth vs that wee should denie vngodlinesse and worldly lusts and that we should liue soberly and righteously and godly in this present world THE Apostle in the 9. and 10. verses going before did exhort seruants that were professors to shew themselues obedient to their masters according to the flesh in all things without offence to God and chargeth them that though they be in a base low degree yet they should labour to adorne the doctrine of Christ Now in the 11. verse he addeth a forcible reason to his former exhortation because that grace that is the doctrine of the Gospell which c. hath appeared to all men that is to all conditions of men that it might instruct them to lay aside prophannesse concupiscence of the eies all things that sauour of the world and to liue iustly toward men and religiously toward God waiting for the glorie to be reuealed The words diuide themselues into two parts the first commendeth the excellencie of the teacher which doth instruct vs namely the
prescribed and with that alacrity and resolution that we ought euen as Abraham did heere to the sacrificing of his sonne Secondly in this example obserue that if Abraham could for beare to command his naturall loue of a father to a child at the Lords commandement how much more shall wee bee vnexcusable that cannot command our selues from vncleannesse of the flesh and such like sinnes but will keepe our sinnes as tenderly and as long as wee keepe our liues and yet will bee counted the children of Abraham But wee must answer our selues as Christ did the Pharisees Ioh. 8.44 and as Saint Iohn did answer those to whom he wrot 1. Iohn 3.7 that we doe but flatter our selues with the name when wee are in truth the children of the diuell for hee that doth righteousnesse is righteous and if Abraham resigned vp the lawfulnesse of the tender affection of a father at the Lords commandement much more must wee resigne vp our affections and discourses in vnlawfull matters Further obserue that it is not enough for vs to deny our vnlawfull pleasures and appetites but wee must euen forbeare things lawfull if the Lord command it If hee call vs foorth to triall for the Gospels sake Mat. 4.20 we must with Peter and Andrew leaue our nets that is our calling and forsake our wiues that is our comforts Mark 9.47 and our selues euen to pull out our right eyes if they be any impediments to vs in the progression of faith and a good conscience and if there be any repugnancy that we cannot enioy our wiues and glorifie God we must not regard them in respect of God for if we doe the Lords mouth hath spoken it we shall neuer be saued Let vs therefore take heed how wee build for if our foundation be of stubble the day of affliction will soone consume it and wee shall be as blowne bladders emptied with the least pricke of any triall and as brasse that yeeldeth an hideous sound vnder the hammer but if we ground vpon that golden foundation of faith then in our afflictions shall we be as gold which is more agreeable in the sound and more pliable in the stroke and we lying betweene the anuill of death and the hammer of the Lords hand shall shew our selues in patience to possesse our soules euen like Abraham who without grudging did execute the Lords ambassage though most repugnant to nature and to the promise made Againe obserue as this matter of triall in Abraham turned in the end to a comfortable issue euen so shall it fare with vs in our afflictions and temptations and if we wil sacrifice vp our honor our affections our Isaac that is our laughter the ramme only shall die for it that is our cares our troubles our afflictions and our vexations shall be wiped away This is agreeable to that Mat. 10. Yee shall for my names sake forsake what you honour most and loue best and then followeth If any man doe this I will giue him in this life an hundred fold more that is more ioy more resolution and peace of conscience and more comfort in this base and low estate then he should haue had in an hundred fathers or an hundred wiues not regarding the quantitie but the blessing of God in the comfortable enioying of them This offereth singular consolation to those that suffer for the crosse of Christ that the thrones of this life shall onely be sacrificed and our soules and consciences shall rest secure filled with greater ioy in the end and issue of our troubles then euer wee were before And as the world saith that he is rich that is contented euen so we say that he is safe that resteth in the Lords hands And if we stretch foorth all our powers to embrace Christ then is he gone as a harbinger to prouide a place for vs in heauen Ioh. 14.3 and he that saueth our soules wee may well trust him with our bodies Further obserue that he offered vp his sonne and yet he did it not wherein we learne that the purpose of a mans heart being fully resolued to do a thing it is in the Lords eies as if he did it though he doe it not for therefore is Isaac said to be offred vp because he was so in the purpose of Abrahams heart which the Lord accepted as an execution of the thing it selfe And this holdeth both in vertues and in vices for if a man be called before the iudgement seate as an heretike in any time whatsoeuer and being called thus to triall offereth to seale his opinion with his blood and matters going further doth not relent what is this man in the light of God if his religion bee true but a Martyr though his life be after pardoned Not that euery resolution is taken of God as if it were performed for Peter was caried with a vehement precipitation and presumptuous conceit of his owne strength when he said Master though all men forsake thee yet will not I Iohn 13.37 but I will lay downe my life for thy sake and yet afterward vpon a small occasion he denied him But if a man stand in the day of his examination and triall and shrinke not but is ready to sacrifice his life for the defence of God his truth as Abraham was ready to haue sacrificed his sonne then because in the triall he did not relent but euen in this time did purpose it it shall be taken of God euen as this worke of Abraham done though not done and his life lost though he escaped with his life In like manner falleth it out in sinnes for if thy heart be full of a dultery and yet because shee that should bee thy harlot dallied too long with thee or else occasion did not fit thee wherby thou art kept from the act it selfe yet art thou a whoremonger in the sight of God Mat. 5.28 The like may be said of other sinnes for though Saul threw not a stone at Stephen but onely kept the clothes of them that did it yet is he Act. 8.1 inrolled in the booke of God as one that consented to his death Vers 22. Seest thou not that the faith wrought with his works and through the works was the faith made perfect 23. And the Seripture was fulfilled which saith Abraham beleened God and it was imputed vnto him for righteousnesse and hee was called the friend of God 24. Ye see then how that of workes a man is iustified and not of faith onely This is the third part namely the amplifying of this example in the 22. and 23. verses together with the conclusion in the 24. verse Heereupon the Papists take occasion to say that not faith alone but faith together with workes worketh our iustification Whereunto we answer that there be some things wherein faith worketh alone and some things wherein it worketh together with workes Faith worketh alone with God it hath wings and flies to heauen it dealeth onely betweene God and Christ
his innocencie wherein he was created and therefore now since the Lord recouered vs being lost he hath more care of vs then to trust vs with the cariage of our owne righteousnesse and therfore hath committed it to him whose loue faileth vs not and of whose abundance euery of vs are filled Now this the Iesuites doe greatly scorne and call it a new no righteousnesse if we be not iust in our owne persons and they say that God cannot be iust if he make a man iust through the righteousnesse of another and not in himselfe Take heed say they of the glosse of the Caluinists who hold that our righteousnesse is a thing onely inherent in Christ which is a fantastical imputatiue new no righteousnesse whereby we conceiue that to be in vs which cannot bee found in vs and they say the Iesuites count it more to Gods honor to take him to be iust that is not so then for God to make him iust through his grace that was wicked Further the Iesuites say that God at first iustifieth meerely by grace but after so qualifieth a man as after his conuersion he hath righteousnesse inherent in him and so not imputed and this is mans righteousnesse because it is in man but Gods righteousnesse because it commeth from God To this we answer and agree that God iustifieth the wicked but it is blasphemie to say that hee iustifieth the wicked continuing wicked and we hold that wee are made iust through the obedienceof Christ communicated to vs and as Christ for vs was made sinne who of himselfe had no sin so we in Christ are made righteous being of our selues vniust And wheras they say that God after a mans conuersion doth qualifie him with some habituall matter whereby he is in himselfe iust before God we say that he iustifieth no man but after his calling when he giueth him the spirit of regeneration whereby he is chaunged in his affections and reformed in his life which is as water where bloud hath gone before by bloud to cleare him from the guiltinesse and by water to cleanse him from the filthinesse of his sinne so as we say he is not wicked after his calling 1. Ioh. 5.6 but God then maketh him partaker of the first fruites of the spirit witnesse his conuersation and by this effect he is declared to be iustified in the bloud of Christ Yea but say the Iesuites your opinion cannot be sound since righteousnesse giueth a denomination that such a man is righteous before God and it is such a qualitie as a man cannot be said to be iust in the iustice of another no more then to liue by another mans health Now this is true of formall qualities but not of iudiciall imputation for as a payment made by another dischargeth the obligation and maketh the principall partie no debter so the iustice of God being satisfied in the death of Christ wee are freed from that penaltie we had incurred and acquitted of that debt we did owe which we should haue paied had not Christ done it Hereupon the righteousnesse of Christ is called a garment which we haue not by birth but as a thing that commeth from without so as the righteousnesse of Christ confisting in the couering of our nakednesse as a garment prooueth that that whereby we are imputed righteous is not a thing abiding in vs but a thing laied vpon vs in the loue of Christ Yea but say the Iesuites what iustice is this in God to accompt a man righteous in anothers righteousnesse or to account him a sinner that had no sinne True it is it is another mans righteousnes if we speake of the inherencie but yet our righteousnesse and not his onely as he is our person our Christ and our Sauiour Ioh. 17.23 and it is ours since wee haue him whose it is and this maintaineth Gods iustice to punish Christ in our person and to iustifie vs in his in respect that he is in vs and we in him and so doth he neither punish the innocent nor iustifie the wicked And for this cause it is said that we are flesh of his flesh Ephes 5.30 and bone of his bone which must not be vnderstood of any incarnation grosse naturall coalition and mixture of his flesh and ours for then the reprobate should haue this righteousnesse aswell as the elect But as it is said in mariage man and wife are but one flesh not meaning thereby any coniunction of natures but still they remaine seuerall but onely because by couenant and promise they are to separate their bodies one for another so is it to be vnderstood not that we with Christ are conioyned in substance but yet more nearely conioyned then any naturall or artificiall vnion and more truely but yet spiritually then the husband is to the wife the members to the body the branch to the tree or the meat to the body that it nourisheth which must alwaies bee taken mystically And in this respect when wee know that Christ is truely ours that God giueth life and this life is in the Sonne and this Sonne is in vs it followeth that wee are not saued by his righteousnesse but by our owne his person being made one person with vs not really in substance but spiritually and yet not subiect to fantasie onely for wee are indeed in Christ and not partakers of his spirit onely but of his flesh also according to that of Christ Iohn 6.50 Vnlesse ye eat my flesh and drinke my bloud yee haue no life in you not that wee eat the verie flesh of Christ with our mouth but leauing the grossenesse of substance we do truly feed on him by faith spiritually and we are made not onely partakers of his benefites but of Christ himselfe as it is said He that hath the Sonne hath life not the benefits of his life but life it selfe so as we are ingrafted not into Christ his death but into Christ himselfe and Christ dwelleth in vs as himselfe speaketh Iohn 6.56 And wee are made not one soule with Christ in desire nor called spirituall because we are ioyned to him in spirit for wee are ioyned to him in bodie allso yet is it called spirituall because it is wrought by the power of the holy Ghost by faith in this life and in the life to come by the very aspect and beholding of God and the irradiation of the blessed Trinity And although we are not able to conceiue and vnderstand this it is no maruell for it is a great mystery a mystery of all mysteries surpassing the excellency of an Angels conceipt only adore it and beleeue it and labour not to compasse it by the weaknesse of thine vnderstanding which shall neuer be truly vnderstood till we see God face to face Heere may be demanded how Abraham could bee one flesh with Christ seeing that he died long before Christ was borne Notwithstanding this be so yet Abraham and all the rest of the Fathers through their