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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A71190 Astrea. Part 3. a romance / written in French by Messire Honoré D'Urfe ; and translated by a person of quality.; Astrée. English Urfé, Honoré d', 1567-1625.; Davies, John, 1625-1693. 1658 (1658) Wing U132_pt3; ESTC R226429 741,335 465

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has taken abundance of cure and pain to procure you a happiness which you have rejected and which you will never enjoy For the gods are most just and will punish your cruelty by some strange chastisements The gods replied Astrea do know my soul and all my thoughts It they do find any crime there I do not refuse any chastisement they will impose upon me But I am most confident they will compassionate my innocency and will not find any cause to condemn me None of all this discourse said Phillis is satisfaction to my mind I would gladly know where Celadon is and therefore good Leonide tell me Do you know then answered Leonide that Celadon is alive I do know replied Phillis some part of this dayes passage and how cruelly this peevish peice condemned him the second time unto dispair Since so said the Nimph I will acquaint you with what has hapned unto him since that you may judge whether Astrea have any cause to complain against me upon this Leonide sate down upon the grass and Diana Astrea and Phillis sitting about her the Nimph began thus Did I not se the day almost done and that I have not time enough to say much I would satisfie you all in every doubt that can arise in your minds concerning the life which Celadon hath led since he was taken out of the water But refferring the relation of that History untill we have more time I will tell you that as soon as ever Astrea parted from us I ran after Celadon and quickly overtaking him because he did not think I followed and taking hold of his arme as if I had some fears he was in a condition to do himself some harm Shepherd said I unto him Astrea commands you to live and to love her he was a little surprized at this for as I told you he did not dream I was so near him since he saw me go after Astrea but turning himself towards me and gazing upon me with a strange amazment Astrea answered he does not desire that I should live for she has commanded me to die and she does me wrong in commanding me to love her for maugre her sharpest rigour my soul cannot chuse but adore her more religiously then ever I must confesse I wondered to see him so calmly composed for I expected to find him all fury but yet still fearing the worst Celadon said I I tell you nothing but what Astrea her self will say if you will take so much pains as to see her again who I cried he and started back alas Leonide it is not in my power you heard the sentence which she pronounced against me it is my full intent to execute it nor do I make the least dor at it I am at all times ready to observe all her ordinances and the delight I shall take in living is not so great as that which I shall take in obeying her but replied I what do you think will become of me can you imagine that I will leave you in this transport assure your self Celadon I will not but will hinder you as much as possibly I can from doing any harm unto your self Sage Nymph answered he though you do not intend to leave me yet the night will force you unto it and will be more prevalent with you then all my entreaties nor will I take much pains to sollicite you the horrour of darknesse and solitude of these woods will not agree with the soft and tender mind of a woman and therefore you ought to value your own safty and rest above mine and not to be more careful in preventing my death then in preserving your own life all this will not do said I unto him for I am resolved upon it and will not part from you as long as you are in so bad a humour If the horrour of this solitude do beget any fears in my soul I hope the gods will enable me to overcome them In this you are much mistaken answered he presently for the best office that you can do unto me is to let me do as the justice of Astrea hath commanded believe it Leonide that Shepherdesse never was nor never shall be disobeyed by me give me leave therefore to do as she did bid me and give her no cause to hate you for hindering me Whilst he was using all these perswasive arguments unto me I called into my memory the words which you spoke unto him in the heat of your anger and conceiving I had found out a good invention to comfort him Celadon said I unto him I will not hinder you from rendring unto your Shepherdesse all that obedience which you do ow unto her but withal I would not have you go beyond it nor to afflict your self in imagining such things as never were I pray let us see what it was which she commanded and if we consider well upon it we shall find no great cause of complaint nor said he will I so much as murmure against it it is sufficient I know she would have me out of the world and death being the only way I must I ought and I will take it I do not think said I unto him she ever had any such thought for if she had she would have otherwise expressed her self I do believe indeed her intention was to shew you how much she was ashamed at her being so deceived and at her affording you some perhaps over particular privacies but when any matter of pennance came into question believe it Celadon she never intended any unto you To whom then said he to Alexis answered I ah Leonide replied he presently you are much mistaken I did so clearly read in the face of Astrea her desires and intention to ruine me that if she did name Alexis in lieu of Celadon it was only because that name was more frequent in her mouth then mine but however it was I am sure it was unto me she spoke it was me that she condemned by the fury of her looks and it was from me she broke away with more hatred then if I had been some Tiger or some Satyr With such expressions as these he still went further from me and I seeing the night coming on and knowing that as good a face as I set upon it yet I was not able to undergo the horrours of the night but good Celadon said I unto him what is it that you resolve upon to conform my self answered he unto that which Astrea hath commanded me Then said I you must not attempt any thing against your self for though she did command you to die yet she did not command you to kill your self Upon this he began to consider a little and when I saw he did not answer me I cannot conceive said I that this command of hers ought to trouble you no more then that command which Nature gave when you came into the world for Nature as soon as you began to live did command you to die and certainly since
puissant Divinities let my death satisfie you for all her injuries and as great as her crimes are which she hath committed against Love for my sake cease your resentments of them and let that cause which moved her to desire my death be a motive unto you to prolong her happiness and life Alexis had no sooner ended her prayer but Silvander began O ye pittilesse Destinies cryed he out who by irrevocable Laws have ordained I should spend my miserable dayes in all the afflictions which any soul is capable to resent now I beseech you see your own doom executed As you have spoke all truth concerning the miseries that menaced my life be you as true also in what you have spoken concerning my death In saying so he opened his brest and joyfully prepared himself to receive those wounds which would let out his soul with his blood he saw the Lions approaching towards them with eyes that sparkled fire and lifting up their paws they shewed their crooked claws whose points were as sharp as any needles In the mean while Adamas and the rest were come within fourscore or a hundred paces of Astrea and Diana The two Shepherdesses waked at the same time and were so affrighted to see the two Unicorns so near them that they never looked towards the place where Licidas was with Thamires Celidea Doris Adrastes and the rest nor towards the place where Galathea and Rosanira were with Adamas and Belinde All they could do in that amazement or rather that affright was to offer themselves unto those Animals as thinking they came thither only to devour them but seeing them upon a sudden to run towards the Fountain they thought that it was there only where they were to die and that the Unicorns did only shew them the way Astrea and Diana therefore ran after them and were no sooner come to the place where Alexis and Silvander were expecting their deaths but they saw those two Shepherds upon their knees within ten paces of them and the Lions with enraged fury ready to tear them in pieces This encounter did extreamly surprize them but having no time to consider what to do they followed the first suggestion of their passion and stepping betwixt them it is we that are to die said they and not those Shepherds who are not culpable of any crime Alexis and Silvander ravished at this spectacle and fearing lest those Shepherdesses should receive some harm they fell upon the Lions and began to fight with them more for the interest of their Mistresses then their own preservation but being without any arms they were quickly thrown down and the two Unicorns as taking their parts came at the very same instant and falling upon the Lions there began a most sharp combat betwixt them Adamas Belinde and the rest who saw Astrea and Diana go away did follow them but they came not time enough for the combate was almost ended the heavens which before were clear and serene was now all cloudy and the Sun was so obscured as if the world were to perish in horrid darkness The fields which with variety of flowers used to render us most fragrant odour now lost that sweetnesse and stunk of sulphure No light was to be seen but that of lightning with such horrid claps of thunder which speaking the anger of the gods it is easie to be be believed that they intend●d to destroy the world and reduce it unto the confusion of its first Chaos This made the most courageous to be sensible of fear Adamas himself in this disorder who by his profession had learned to resign himself unto the will of the supream powers did wonder and was amazed when the earth trembled under him Often did he offer to speak but the horrible claps of thunder put him out of all hopes to be heard and when he would have looked upon those who were in his company he found the use of his sight as much hindred as his speech Sometimes he wished they were all in his house for a shelter against those storms that menaced them but when he considered that such blustering storms were able to throw down the strongest buildings he condemned his first wish and found it unjust because the most secret places were open to the knowledge of the gods and there was no place that could shelter a mortal from the anger of the Dieties Galathea and Rosanira wished a thousand times that their journey were to begin again but as great as their fears were their loves had made so deep an impression in their memories that in lieu of having recourse unto the mercy of heaven they never ceased invoking Rosilion and Lindamor as their Divinities Belinde thinking Diana was dead was ready to wish for her own giving her self therefore over unto grief she laid her self all along upon the ground leaning her head upon her two arms which lay acrosse not daring to lift up her eyes to heaven because she thought it her most mortal enemy ah Diana said she to her self how dear does thy indiscretion cost us Thy fault has louly offended the gods since they take so great revenge Immortal Dieties continued she whose justice does exceed your pity if punishment be inseparable from the crime which this woman has committed why did you not inflict only upon me Was not a Victime able to appease you had not I blood enough to wash away the crime O most cruel you have despised that blood which I would most willingly have shed for the safety of this sinner and to shew how odious the disobedience of children is unto you you have punished her with so much severity as renders your anger remarkable unto all posterity Upon this thought Belinde fell into a flood of tears and Adamas who was already upon his knees to pacifie the anger of the gods by his prayers casting his eye accidentally towards the place where she was a flash of lightning made so much light at the very same time as he could plainly see in what condition she was seeing her ●hen lie all along upon the ground and thinking her killed by some clap of thunder such a sorrow seized upon him as he became almost senslesse He went unto her as near as possibly he could and as if he would make her hear maugre the thunder alas sage Belinde cried be out as loud as he could what infortunate accident was it that separated us and why should it be mortal unto you and not unto me Belinde did hear the voice of the Druide but she could not distinguish his words and Galathea who was not far off hearing confusedly the words Belinde and mortal she thought her and all but dead people Rosanira who held her by the arm believed the same and their opinions passing unto Dorinde it went from one to another till it came to Hylas who knowing no reason why he should bear the punishment of anothers fault he wi●hed himself heartily in Carmagues although it were upon the condition
Druide and Belinde of their strict inquisition after Diana and Astrea they began to conclude that they were both fled together upon some dangerous design Adamas was much troubled for the Shepherdesses but for all that he could not forget the interest he had in Celadon Enquiring therefore whether any could tell where he was Phillis answered very plainly that she thought he was dead since Licidas swore he had not lest any place in all the plain unsearched The Druide then seeming to be very angry at her answer but said he let us at the least save Licidas and prevent any new disaster that may happen unto him Father said Phillis I left him lying upon the ground a good way from hence yet very near the river Lignon and to go unto him one need but go streight up by the river side perhaps said Adamas you left him asleep if so it is possible to find him and bring him back I believe one may replied Phillis but then it must be by command from some whom he dares not disobey Paris said the Druide may perhaps perswade with him Upon this commanding Paris to go thither this new Shepherd went and found Licidas a little before the Sun was set Almost at the same time he awaked and knowing Paris he started up upon a sudden not taking any notice that the Letter which Astrea pinned at his sleev did fall to the ground Paris perceiving that Licidas did not see it he stooped to take it up and having it in his hand here Licidas said he unto him this is doubtlesse some expression of your Love I cannot tell what it is answered Licidas but it can be no expression of my affection unlesse Phillis gave unto it you Nay replied Paris but on the contrary it may be I that must give it unto Phillis and will be willingly the Carryer of it since you have writ it Who I answered Licidas I swear I have not seen either ink or paper this two dayes However said Paris you did let it fall perhaps said Licidas it was your self for I am certain that I had no papers about me That will be quickly cleared answered Paris for I believe you will acknowledge your own hand In saying so he presented the Letter unto Licidas and the Shepherd casting his eyes upon it alas said he this Character is as much contrary unto mine as the cruelty of her who writ it is contrary unto my contentment Paris not understanding what he meant Licidas continued This Letter said he came from Astrea ● but I cannot imagine which way it should come into my hands perhaps said Paris you have had it long No answered Licidas I never saw it till now and believe she writ it very lately for the ink is fresh Then he began to read what was within the paper and found these words ASTREAS LETTER unto LICIDAS YOur anger against me dear Licidas I find to be most just and the more because not having heard any of those reasons which might plead my justification it is impossible but your judgement should be byassed by the interest of your brother I do excuse your resentment as I do blame his disguisment And to leave you no longer without some satisfaction for the crime whereof you accuse me I am going to die since the juglings of Celadon are a cause that I cannot live any longer in the world with honour I do verily believe that in the heat of my transport I have used a little too much rigour but how I impose a petty pennance upon him when I conceived his sin beyond all parallel or pardon yet since you will needs say that I have done amiss I will say so too and confesse that my fault deserves no less a punishment then death I tell you therefore once more Licidas that I am going to die and that your anger against me is to blame if you do not take my death for a sufficient revenge If for the rest of my soul a pardon may be obtained from you grant it good Shepherd my tears do beg it and the love which Celadon once bore unto me do forbid you to deny it Adieu Licidas I have but a moment to live and let Phillis take it in testimony of my remembrance Adieu At the reading of these last words Licidas could not chuse but melt into tears and pulling out his handkerchief to wipe his eyes Alas alas said he how great reason she has to confesse her self culpable for all the misfortunes which have fallen upon us had their beginnings from a trivial jealousie which once she conceived and conceived it upon the weakest grounds in the world I do wonder said Paris that she mentions not a syllable of Diana since it is thought they are both together I cannot tell answered Licidas what may be the cause of it but doubtlesse they are both together for if Diana had not been with Astrea then Astrea would have mentioned her in the end of her letter as well as Phillis whom you see she remembers however it be said Paris I conceive we cannot take a better course then to go speedily and acquaint Adamas to see what he will conceive upon this last accident Heere is Astreas letter replied Lycidas you may communicate it unto him and if you please I will waite heere for your commands Lycidas said this because he had no great mind to go unto the house of the Druide but Paris did so well perswade with him that at last he prevailed and carried him along It was now night when they came at the house of Adamas so as Bellinde being out of any hopes to hear any news of Diana she grieved extreamly and all the consolations the Druide could invent to flatter her sorrows did nothing but make her more sensible of them In this condition she was when they told her that Paris and Lycidas were returned so as she ran unto them as unto her last refuge but hearing nothing from them which gave her any hopes she relapsed into her first sad apprehensions Adamas he looked upon the letter which Lycidas received and finding no mention of Diana in it he let Bellinde know that in this incertainty of things she had no reason to dispair That it was credible Diana was not so senslesse as to expose her self unto death since it looks with such a grim and horrid face and since Diana being but a woman there was no likly hood her timerous disposition durst ever attempt to graple with it what resolutions soever she had Perhaps indeed Astrea might infuse some desires unto her off attempting it but when it came too 't neither of them both had so much courage as to execute it Adamas used severall other arguments which Bellinde did not take as absolutely good nor could she absolutely condemn them and the Druide having waited upon her unto her Chamber he went unto his own where calling for all the Shepherds and Shepherdesses he desired them to be all up betimes the
stood still lamenting and complaining whilst as ill luck was two great dogges wherewith one of the neighbours used to bait bulls at Publique shews did come into the streets and being greedy of blood they presently began to licke that which the slave had innocently mingled with the poyson They had not lapped with their tongues above three times but they tumbled with their feet upwards and died imediately at which the owner of them was so extreamly angry that needs would he kill my slave the very same instant and to know the cause of so suddain and strange an end he seised upon him and carryed him to his house where the poor slave having given him an accompt of the business wherin I imployed him he gave him the paper also assuring himself that it would serve for his justification The man did quickly find out my design and conceiving it most fit to acquaint the King he went presently to advertise him of it I understood since that Genserick was ready to fall down at the sight of my letter but at last recollecting himself and turning all his fury against me he commanded twelve or fifteen of his guard to go imediatly to my house and seise upon me and to put me in that prison where traytors used to be locked up which command was presently obayed And I being prepared to die staying only for the return of my slave they found my dores open and a glass upon the table full of the same poison which I thought Eudoxe had received I will not tell you in what a condition I was when I saw this obstacle unto my resolution it will suffice you know that imagining the Princesse to be dead I did exceedingly rejoice at all those tortures which I conceived were preparing for me Thrasimond was returned from hunting a little before and being extreamly impatient to see his Mistresse that he might know what effect his letter produced he went unto the Palace where Eudoxe was and telling her all the storye which you have heard he made the Princesse think that her resolution was not unknown unto him no more then the wicked design of Genserick Eudoxe then seeing all was discovered and fearing least the King should that night execute what he threatned she thought good to make use or Thrasimonds love hoping that the honest and legitimate passion of the son would give a stop unto the burning and unlawfull lust of the Father And indeed she armed her eyes with all the persawsive charmes she could to move pitty she took her hand-handkercheif and listing it to her eyes two or three times she began to speak unto him in this manner Since Sir you know what intentions Genserick has upon me it is impossible but you should approve of the design which I have to prevent by my death that shamefull staine wherewith he would sully my honour and reputation Though nature had not made me the Daughter unto Theodosius and though fortune had not twice submitted the Emperedom of the East unto me yet it is enough that I do know what a wife and a woman does owe unto virtue never to consent unto the loss of a thing the price whereof is beyond all value And certainly what tiranny soever Genserick is resolved to use unto me his passion shall still find resistance That which his violence will not let me execute upon my own person my rage shall attempt upon his and perhaps he shall to his woe find what dispair can do in the incensed spirit of an honest woman if he be weary of her life which he has undertaken to protect and if it anger him to hear himself accused for violating faith let him with all my heart take away this life with I live with sorrow and if he will let me die gloriously and with honour he shall see how little I will startle at death By this generous Thrasimond you may perceive that if there be no remedy to stop the fury of Genserick there is no hopes of my life or of my two Daughters whom heaven has only left me for witnesses or rather Companions in my misfortunes If as our last refuge the love which you profess unto young Eudoxe be grounded upon honour certainly you will be her Protector and will be ashamed to marry her after her Mother has lost that only thing which will be a glory unto her in the match shall it be ever recorded to future ages in history that Genserick would glut his brutish lust upon Eudoxe the captive and that Thrasimond the glory of his time stood still and would never offer to be an obstacle unto such a blacke design Oh good Sir do not suffer such a blur to dim the story of your life And if the young Eudoxe have any power with you or if you have any pitty upon miserable persons let me execute what Olicarsis had prepared for me And good Sir let not that mans innocence bear the blame of that crime which I only committed it was I who forced him to prepare that poison and his feares only that I would attempt upon the person of the King made him consent unto it Now Sir if for any particular interest you may have in my life you do intend to hinder my death turn if it be possible the mind of Genserick I conjure you I do conjure you unto it even by Eudoxe if you love her by these teares which I drop at the memorie of my miseryes by your self and by these armes which I fixe about your knees which I will never let go untill you promise what I implore from you In saying so she fell down at the feet of Thrasimond and clasped about the leggs of that Prince with so much strength as he was not able to rise so soon as he would at this he was so milted into pity and Eudoxes desires to preserve her honour did please him so well that his love encreased and made him think that no greater advantage could be unto his fortune then to marry the Daughter of so virtuous a Mother Besides this the glory to see at his feet a Princess whom so many millions of people had obeyed did so pleasingly flatter him that from thence forward he resolved to use his very utmost endeavours for her delivery out of those paines which her feares had infused into her and therefore unloosing Eudoxes armes as well as he could he presently kneeled down upon the ground and helping her up Madam said he unto her hope well in the goodness of heaven and in my love Genserick shall joyn my death unto yours or if his pity preserve me his passion shall never hurt you Upon this he left her to go unto the King but he found him not in the Castle for that Barbarian having no thoughts in his mind but the ruine of Eudoxe and fearing that by the accident which hapned the death of that Princesse would be some obstacle unto his desires he resolved to prevent it and therefore when
sight of this Shepherd she followed him from tree to tree until he found what he sought for and it was not long first for he found the little Rivolet unto which he paying his tribute of a few teares he presently after went straight to his cave As soon as he came their he entred in and as soon as Laonice lost the sight of him she doubled her pace and without any feares of being seen she got as near the mouth of it as she could and there lending a most listning ear to hear what the designes of Tircis might be she heard him say Dear habitation which may cover me from the injuries of heaven as thou dost from the importunities of Laonice Pardon me for having lost my way in the confusion of my thoughts I absented my self from thee a whole night Into what a lamentable dump did these words strike Laonice she was even ready to run out of her wits and now seeing all her sweet hopes blasted she was even ready to die Yet hearing Tircis say something else she wished for life only to hear him and therefore heard him proceed thus But dear cave if thou wilt make me the most happy man that ever was I beseech thee let me live no longer to kill another would be Barbarisme but to kill Tircis charity If because thou knowest not the dismall successes of my disasterous life thou beest ignorant of the cause I have to wish for death Know dear Cell That I did love Cleon That her death did seperate me from her and that my death is the only was to reunite us upon this he was silent and because he continued so long Laonice thought that his teares had drownded his speech or that perhaps he was kissing the rock in which he was shut Needing therefore to hear no more she retired her self the most sadly afflicted woman in the world only she received a little poor consolation when she considered that since he intended to inhabite no where else but there she might often have the pleasure of seeing and hearing him So leaving him in his Cell she returned to her own out of which she durst not stir all the day Tircis did not so for after he had sighed a while in his little Grotto he went out but durst not go far least he should lose himself as he did the day before he sate him down under a shady tree and there he pulled out of his pocket all the favours and Letters which formerly he had received from Cleon and reading then one after another all the passages of his love came so fresh into his memory as at that instant he fancied her to be yet alive but this pleasing imagination lasting no longer then the time he imployed in reading them he had no sooner ended but his sorrowes began again Thus having kissed them and lapped all those dear Letters in a bag which he called his treasury he rose up and walked up and down till night invited him unto his Cave Laonice did not spend the day so for she durst not stir out of hers least if Tircis should it would make him quit his habitation for ever which he had chosen for the tranquility of his last dayes yet not being able to leave thinking upon him she never lest contriving out some way or other which might in some measure allay that irreconcilable hatred which was in the soul of this shepherd towards her Amongst all her thoughts which most touched her to the quick the Oracle which she had received held the prime place so as continually thinking upon it But if the gods said she have promised a kind remedy unto my passion is it not most just I should hope well in their goodness and if I may hope why may I not think upon such meanes as may obtain it a ghost did thy tell me must be the remedy unto my affliction but what ghost can this be It cannot be the ghost of Tircis For if Tircis were only a ghost my misery in lieu of being less would be extream I value his life at such a rate of love as if any fatal accident should ravish it away I should conspire against my own It cannot therefore be Cleons for the dead do either know the actions of this life or else they do not know them if they do know them then it is impossible but the soul of that fair one must rejoyce to see Tircis continue his love and fidelity unto her So as it is in vain to expect any assistance from her since it concernes her interest rather to prejudice then to help me If the dead do not know what we of this life do why should I look for any help from a place where oblivion raignes with so much Empire No no Laonice thy miseryes must be eternall and thou mayest think that if the gods had any mind to put a period unto them they would have inspired thee with some invention more easy But said she is it not a beginning of happiness that Tircis is brought so near me Has not the world other deserts Forrests it self has other woods vvhere this shepherd might have found his solitude if some kind Demon had not brought him hither to case thee Upon this thought she opened the table book where we had written down the Oracle that concerned her and having read it over severall times The gods said she do assure that if Laonice be firm in her affection the heavens will send a remedy unto her passion Does this remedy depend upon the affection of Laonice or upon Laonice her self or upon the ghost or are not Laonice and the ghost one and the same thing Upon this she stopt and falling into a most profound study as if she had some deep design in her head come what will on● said she upon a suddain I will venture an undoeing it is credible the gods would never have put it into my mind unless they did intend it should take effect She spent all the rest of the day upon this thought and as soon as night came she went out of her Cell unto that of Tircis All the way she went she was ravelled with a thousand irresolutions and her feares not to bring her enterprise to pass made find her almost an impossibility in those things that were most easie Sometimes she conceited that to get the love of Tircis by fallacies was the way not to keep it long otherwhiles she perswaded her self that he would know her voice or that when the Moon shined it would discover that secret which she would not trust unto any thing but darkness But when she remembred that in love all subtilties even the fits are allowed and began to think he could hardly know her voice also that the Moon might perhaps not shine into his Cell she took a little courage and kept to her first resolution Her greatest fear was to meet him out of his cave for no other place but it could be favorable unto her design And
smooth language and what by gifts that the wench was wholly his and the matter was carried so close and cunningly betwixt them that none in the Court perceived it The King on the other side having discovered himself unto this man and much confiding in him he was so reserved that had I not acquainted Clotilda with his design she had never taken any notice of it Every hour in the day she enquired of me whether any new accident had faln out and was still giving me instructions how to behave my self at last I told her that I was in hopes the Kings mind was changed since he was so long silent ah Sweetheart said she unto me that fire which is covered in the embers may flash out before you be aware never think your self out of danger till you see Gondebaut love another and then I will believe it knowing very well that new thoughts are apt to smother the old ones But till then stand upon your guard and assure your self that when the enemy seems to sleep then is he preparing himself for a most dangerous assault The Forrest of Ereiwe which some call the Forrest of Mars is distant from ●●e Town about a mile and a half Clotilda did much delight in hunting when the sweather was fair and the Suns heat would permit My Companions and I re●embled Harpalice that generous Thracian Lady when she galloped over the plains after after the lively Hart or when with her Javelin she assaulted the furious Bore our habits were as gay as hers all glittering in Gold Silver and several coloured Silks our rich Scarfs waved in defiance of the wind Diamonds did vye glistering with the Sun and Pearles looked like so many chains of Stars about our necks our Feathers and every thing set us out to the best advantage the custome was that we might go as best pleased us either together or several provided it was not out of the sight of our Governesse and if any Cavalier had any disposition to talk with us he freely might as long as he pleased That day Merindor was next me and though he received no answers from me yet he still continued his ordinary importunities Gondebaut whose eye was alwayes upon me as soon as we were passed over the bride of Rosne and were entred into the plain he seemed as if he did not observe me but called Ardilan unto him and commanded that as soon as I was lighted to go up the Scaffold where we were to view the combate between the Cavaliers and some wild Bores which were taken in Toyles then he should find fault with the shooe of my horse as if it were loose and in taking up his foot to thrust a nail into his hoof and make him lame you must also know that after several combates before the Ladies they use to let some Bores loose and hunt them with dogs After many Cavaliers had shewed much courage in the death of many Bores the King commanded all the company to take horse and follow the chase upon this the Ladies and the Cavaliers all mounted and followed the Huntsmen Merindor as his custome was would needs help me up and afterwards my Companion I seeing Clotilda far before me began to gallop after but after twenty or forty paces my horse fell so lame that he could hardly set his foot upon the ground and therefore we could not overtake Clotilda who followed the chase with full speed The King who stayed purposly behind with a small company did quickly overtake us and seeming to be ignorant of my horses lameness did ask me how it came to passe and whether it was by leaping over some ditch I told him that I know not by what accident it was but was sure that if he continued thus lame I should not be able to follow the chase The King looked about if there was any horse in the Company upon which I might mount but finding none good enough he commanded Merindor to ride after Clotilda and acquaint our Governesse that I could not overtake the Company and that she should take order for another horse or else to come and keep me Company it not being fit I should be left alone Oh good God how desirous some seem to mend things when they themselves would have them more in disorder Merindor he set spurs to his horse and rid away and my Companion out of respect kept at a distance behind where some Cavaliers of the Kings held her in talk But the King to lose no time began thus Come fair one said he what answer will you give unto my Letter Will you doom me to live or dye As soon as ever I saw the King I expected an assault and saw no way to avoid it so as I began presently to consider with my self what answer I should give him I did very well remember Clotildas instruction and was fully determined to follow them but the grand Feast not being yet past and I fearing to make any blander of the matter which was principally forbidden me I resolved to defer my answer until another time so as with a smiling look I said thus unto him The answer Sir which you require of me I cannot give at this time but I most humbly beseech you to give me the respite of fiveteen dayes and then you shall know the reason of my delay I shall answered he and will wait your pleasure as long as you will but let me tell you that I think this delay to be to no purpose bu● fairest since you will have it so I am resolved to submit yet upon a promise now that y●u will give me an answer then Sir answered I I do most faithfully it Then my fairest said he unto me and smiled let me tell you that to get this opportunity of speech with you it was I who caused your horse thus lame and by this you may see that my invention is not so barren but I can find out opportunities when I please Give me leave to tell you Sir answered I that it was but a cruel invention to lame a poor horse which did you no harm Consider fair one replied he present●y that I do love you with such a perfect affection that I would do any thing whatsoever to obtain your favour You put your self Sir to abundance of trouble answered I for a thing that is not valuable but Sir since it was you that lamed my horse I beseech you pitty him so far as to cure him again I spoke this purposely to interrupt him as he was offering to speak It seems you think replied he that I have the same power which you have who can when you please cure the wound which you make Oh Sir said I and interrupted him I beseech you let us talk of that another time and for the present talk of my poor horse who is not able to carry me This compassion replied he might be better imployed another way but since you command it so I will not
Rosilions great exploits in arms and of the amity betwixt him and Policander the King of the Boyers and Amburies and moreover knowing that Rosanira his daughter was with the Queen of the Picts it was not likely that such great Kings her neighbours would suffer her to be besieged in a place without sending relief And having thus communicated these things unto the Nymph and Prince Godomar they were both of opinion that it was necessary to oblige this Queen by all manner of kindnesses to interest her self in their affairs And because Adamas had already obtained of the Queen that Amasis and Galathea might come and see her as soon as she had a little refreshed her self the Nymph went unto her carrying with her only Galathea and Adamas And that none might take any notice of it she went through a gallery which passed between both their lodgings Argira hearing of her coming went into the gallery to meet her having none with her but three aged Ladies and old Cavalier The first salutations being done Argira taking the Nymph by the hand and sitting down Galathea desired leave to go and kiss the hands of the Princess Rosanira which the Queen most willingly consented unto when she was gone with one of those old Ladies and the doors being shut the Queen commands the old Cavalier to relate as briefly as he could the cause of her voyage and not to conceal or disguise from the Nymph or any thing which concerned that business and so the Cavalier in obedience to her commands began thus The History of ROSANIRA CELIODANTE and ROSILION PAtience and impetuosity are two means by which men may bring great things to pass for the one works by force and violence throwing down every thing that opposes his design and the other by temporizing and smoothing the enemy does get the victory so as it seems one may arive at one and the same end by two contrary wayes He that is master of both these qualities together may be thought more then man but because humane infirmity is very rarely capeable of both I think that all things rightly ballanced Patience and Moderation is most comendable and profitable as being most grounded upon reason And that he who takes violent impetuosity for his guide is sooner brought to ruine and inevitable precipices Wise and great Nymph the discourse I am to make unto you will testifie that if the Queen had alwayes set this maxime before her eyes she would not have fallen into so many inconveniency and displeasures as she hath but when one goes into passion for advice it is not to be wondred if the advice be often against reason and draw after it a long train of misfortunes and distasters of which I will make you as brief a Relation as possibly I can Be pleased to know Madam that Policander King of the Boyers and Ambries being a Prince very young and seeing that his Provinces under the sage government of the King his father did enjoy a secure peace he was desirous to travel and by his courage to get glory and renown so as he stole away secretly and with one servant only went into the next warre he heard of This young Prince passed under the notion and title of the errant Cavalier not only throughout all Gaul but also amongst the Grudiens Menapiens Battaves Ubiens Latobriges Henides Tullingeans Marcomanes and briefly through all high and low Germany and afterward passing into great Brittain he stayed long in the Court of that great King where and every where else under the name of the unknown Cavalier he got so much glory as hardly any in all Europe was better known then he that passed for unknown At last desiring to return into his own Kingdome he imbarqued loadned with abundance of glory and being upon the Armorick coast his destiny carried him into the Court of the King of Picts who hearing the fame of his valour did receive him with so much curtesie as invited him to stay longer there then he designed During the time of his sojourn there he saw the Princess Argira and as all things that are written down in the book of Fate are inevitable so as he loved her she could not chuse but entertain his affection This last designe made him forget his first of returning into his own kingdome but stayed some moneths in this Court where he changed the name of Cavalier errant unto that of Lover The truth is great Nymph his valour and the glory of so many combats atchieved with so much courage and happy success the discretion honour and respect wherewith he courted this young Princess did oblige her to entertain that affection which he expressed unto her but yet she would not let her good will unto him appear until she knew that he was Prince of the Boyers and Ambaries but he having secretly made it known unto her and she not being so young but she could see that her father could not make choise of a husband for her more great nor more worthy to command over the Picts upon his promise never to marry any other but her she took him for her husband and suffered him to come unto her secretly I see great Nymph that the Queen does blush to hear me relate these things but the belief which she might justly have that a Prince so great and so full of honour and affection would not betray those assurances which he had given unto her does sufficiently justifie her action and render her blameless They continued thus together some moneths unperceiued by any unless her Nurse whom she acquainted with it as her that was to facilitate their meetings and her son whose name was Verances whom Policander trusted and most employed in this business At last Fortune would not let them any longer live in rest together but gave Policander a cause of returning into his own Kingdom by the death of the King his Father This separation was extreamly sad unto them both especially unto the Princess who did not only resent his absence but did almost foresee that he would forget her yet considering that besides the loss of his father there was a necessity of his return she consented unto it and the more willingly because he promised to send his Ambassadours immediately to demand her of the King and so their desired contentment would this way be compleated Thus he left her after a thousand promises and oaths which no sooner out of sight but were all forgot for never since did she hear any thing of him more then what common reports did bring unto her By this common Fame she understood that all his Kingdoms were in a flame and divided into two factions the one of the Queen his mother who was all for him and the other of a puissant Prince in some sort his Cosen called Bourbon Archimbout who relying upon his friends and confederates pretended unto the Soveraigne Authority and to restore it unto his Family which he said the great Grandfather of
Segusians contenting himself that I should only acknowledge him to be Lord Paramont as Duke and Earl of the Burgundians The death of Clidemant and Lindamore answered Climanthes very faintly falls out very happily for our design but let me tell me that in my opinion so is not the coming of the Burgundian King for Ambition is a monstrous glutton and is never satisfied Now objects will move new appetites There is not in all Gaul a more pleasant Province then this Galathea is very fair Gondebaut is of an amorous complexion moreover he has two sons who are not married These Interviews are dangerous for my part I like of his sending aid but not of his coming Do you think that when he is once in Marcelles and tryumphant that he will then care for you The Prize is yours already Sir since Clidemant and Lindamore are dead why then should you let another share with you The enterprize may be done without him who can resist you Therefore Sir if you will be ruled by me let him not come unless you have a mind to make your self greater enemies then those you have lost This was the opinion of the crafty Climanthes with whom the four Confidents concurred when they were call to Councely and thought it expedient by all means to hide their mistrust and to find out some handsome excuse for it As that it was not honourable for so great a King to venture his person for such a trifle no nor safe for his crown it being to be feared that in his absense his sons might raise commotions in the State After this course was resolved upon and the Cavalier had declared war in the name of the King his master it was then time to scour up their Arms and make all preparations without delay Climanthes advised that they should give him leave to go and speak with the Nymph Galathea for said he if fair means will bring your desires to pass why should you ruine a Country by war which is to be your own I conceive it expedient indeed to have all things in readiness and if any way take not effect then within two days after to force those feeble walls which I think will be easily done upon the first assault for I cannot believe they are able to man them besides the party in the Town that is for us does promise to open us a Port when we will Polemas was very much against the going of Climanthes unto Galathea thinking it to be too dangerous for him for said he assure your self that Adamas hath seen the Letter which King Gondebaut sent unto me and which was lost when Clorantes was killed and you see that they are more strict in their guard of their Town then they are wont to be therefore I am in fear they know somthing of our designe and if they do you run extream danger of ill treatment which would be a most extream grief to my soul But Climanthes who thought himself so subtle that none could over-reach him No no Sir answered he never trouble your self for me but assure your self I shall be cunning enough for them all These Nymphs cannot catch me I warrant you and had you seen and heard them as I did you would let that be the least of your fears As for the Letters I believe they may be intercepted but though they be they will not hurt us If they do not know of the death of Clidemant and Lindamore I will acquaint them for it will sooner bring them to our designe seeing themselves deprived of such support And if they did know of it why did they not do me some mischief all this while since Clorantes was slain Upon these reasons and some others they resolved to let him go and if he failed to fall upon the Town two days after In order thereunto Polemas commanded his four confidents to have all things in readiness as well Foot Forces as Horse especially the Artillery which was most necessary for an assault of a Town and with which they would begin Also intelligence was given unto Meronthes who was within the Town that when they began to compass the Town about with their Army he should open unto them the Port that was towards Mount Brison which with his friends he might easily do because all the Townsmen would be so taken up in resisting the Assault as they would be all upon the walls They were all ready to separate and take several orders for all things necessary when Climanthes stayed them What will you say said he unto them if I make you all masters of what you desire without a blow I will say answered Polemas that you are Climanthes that is the wisest and best contriver of things of any man alive Then said the Impostor assure your selves that within these three days I will make you possessors of what you wish To day said he and counted the days upon his fingers King Gondebauts Cavalier it talking unto Amasis to morrow I will go and act my part and the day after Galathea is infallibly yours And thus it will be brought to pass I have already told you how extreamly she desires to speak with me to the end as she says she may the better conform her self unto the Will of that God which shall speak by my mouth I know that whatsoever I shall say will be most exactly observed for I will threaten her with so many horrible punishments in case of disobedience that I dare lay my life she dares do no other and my intention is to tell her that at such a time she shall not fail to be at Termes where the four ways meet which is not above a mile from the Garden door and that he whom the Gods have ordained she should marry shall be the first that shall pass by her in the habit of a Hunter doubtless she will come without any company but Leonide and Silvia and then if you seem as if you rode that way to hunt what will hinder you from taking that Fair Prize When Galathea is in your hands may you not marry her the next day Is not your designe then accomplished and the war ended in three days I must confess said Polemas that if you can do as you say the work is done for she being my wife as I am fully resolved to marry her that very hour then who can dispute with me for the Seignory of this State And I promise you if ever that happiness come to pass I will quickly abolish that foolish Law which excludes males from the Soveraign Power But on the other side Leonide and Silvia were so pitifully affrighted that they thought the Ghost of Ligdamon hunted them continually Adamas hearing of it went unto them to put them out of those simple fears but for all that they were still so affrighted that as oft as Ligdamon was named they trembled This were a strange encounter said the Druide if Leonide and Silvia should turn mad the same day that
enough unto them and all those that were instrumental in it But she was afraid left Rosilions malady being only a wounded imagination he should return into it again And therefore said she I thought good to tell him that it was caused by Inchantment and that Prince Godomar dis-enchanted him for he did no more remember any thing that was past since his distraction then a childe in the cradle I thought it therefore expedient as well upon this consideration as for the preservation of his Reputation not to let him be known here but to carry him away secretly as he came Adamas then upon the Nymphs command represented unto her the contentment which Prince Godomar and she received at that satisfaction which she found in her journey That it was very prudently considered of her to carry away the Prince Rosilion But before her departure it was necessary for the observation of that solemn Vow which she had publiquely made that she knew the danger wherein that State was which she had sworn to preserve and defend Upon this he acquainted her with the enterprise of Polemas with his correspondencies with his Neighbour Princes especially with the Burgundian King with the assistance that King had promised unto him with his pretended offence against Prince Godomar and Dorinde with the death of Prince Clidemant with the absence of Lindamore and his Forces Briefly the Druide omitted nothing that was necessary to be imparted unto her so as Madam concluded he if you do not assist the Nymph as you have voluntarily obliged your self by solemn vow I know not what will become of her The Queen then who gave a very attentive ear unto all this turning towards the Nymph I am very glad Madam said she unto her to know all that this great Druide hath related unto me that I may testifie unto the Gods and you how I can keep my promise It seems to be the will of heaven my son should receive this favour from this place purposely to interest him and me also in your affairs I assure you that if you will give me but a moneths time I will bring so many fighting armed men into the field as though the King of the Burgundians be a great Prince yet he shall not be able to hurt you Whilst the Nymph was returning thanks and the Queen confirming her promise of present aid one came and acquainted the Queen Argira that a Boyen Cavalier was come unto her from King Policander As soon as the Queen saw him what News said she unto him do you bring me from the King Not good answered he but Madam he does passionately desire to see you Upon this he presented King Policanders Letter unto her The Queen took it with a troubled hand and with extream inquietude broke open the Seal she read it and then with tears in her eyes shewed it unto the Nymph who read these words King POLICANDERS Letter unto the Queen ARGIRA DEath is a thing so natural and common that it never troubles me but to die before I see you does extreamly perplex my soul because I would gladly discharge my self of that Debt and Duty which I owe unto you Come therefore Madam with as much haste as possibly you can if you desire my Soul should depart contentedly in giving you satisfaction This Bearer will acquaint you with the condition wherein he left me Oh Heavens cryed out the Queen great joys are commonly followed with great sorrows Then addressing her self to the Cavalier she enquired of the Kings sickness what the Physitians thought of him She understood that they thought him in great danger of his life and that she must make haste if she came time enough to see him alive The Princess whose courage was equal to her quality mustering together all her vertues and generosity after the effusion of some tears she resolved upon a course worthy of her self and addressing her self unto the Nymph Madam said she unto her you see I am constrained to depart for the good of my children and happiness of all the remainder of my life But I promise to arm in your defence not only the Boyens Ambarres and Lemovices but all the Picts the Santons and the Bituriges Nay more either my Allies and Confederates shall fail me or the Armorique Cities and other Kings my Confederates shall do the same If King Policander be not able to come in person my two children shall who dare not refuse when they see me come my self In assurance of what I say I will leave Rosanira with you who I beseech you may keep Galathea company till I return This pawn shall remain with you not only to put me in mind of my promise but to invite Celiodantes as her Brother and Rosilion as her Lover to come and relieve her Upon this retiring her self she took order for her departure acquainted Rosilion with Policanders sickness and how necessary it was to make all possible haste that therefore she was constrained to leave Rosanira in the hands of the Nymph with almost all her women and that they would very shortly return unto her again but for the present there was a necessity of leaving her for a time upon some reasons which she would impart unto him by the way Rosanira would gladly have followed the Queen Argira but she was the better contented to stay with the Nymph by reason of the great League of Amity already contracted betwixt her and Galathea All things being ready the Queen Argira departed with Rosilion and carried with her only five and twenty Souldiers leaving the rest with the Princess Rosanira with a charge to obey the Nymph and the Prince Godomar in whatsoever they should command She was no sooner out of sight of Marcelles but the Guards upon the top of the Tower espied some Horsemen whom they thought to be armed because the Sun shining upon their Armes did make a great glistering The Prince Godomar was presently acquainted and Adamas also who gave orders unto the Guards at the Port to have their Horse in readiness A while after they discovered them to be six Troops of Horse who accompanied some persons that were unarmed When they came near the Town they stayed and those who were unarmed who were to the number of twenty advanced and told the Guard at the Gate that there was Alerantes an Envoy whom the Burgundian King had sent unto the Nymph Amasis As soon as she was acquainted with it by the counsel of the Prince Adamas Alcidon and Damon she sent those Horse which the Queen Argira left to receive him and being brought into her presence she would not hear him until Prince Godomar was present also and because Alerantes was unwilling to speak before him Then said she unto him I dare not hear you without his permission because I have transferred all the Soveraign power into his hands Since Madam you will have it so said he I must according to the commands of my Soveraign Lord tell you
great Bodies of Horse which came to meet him so as those whom Amasis sent were forced to retreat a little hastily which caused no small noise in the Town Adamas then seeing that all was discovered and that no longer delay was to be used Madam said he unto the Nymph these tears which you shed for Leonide and Silvia does indeed argue your natural sweetness but at this time the necessity of your affairs requires you should shew the courage of a man and have recourse unto remedies of prudence and not offices of pity I conceive it expedient to assemble the Magistrates of the Town and that you acquaint them not only with the loss of Prince Clidemant but also with the Treason of Polemas and Climanthes also at the same time to shew them by what mean you intend to subdue this Rebel For the best way to content the people is to put them into great hopes and to hide all dangers from them Godomar concurring with his opinion the most notable of them were called and curiosity brought thither abundance of the common sort Then the Nymph commanded the grand Druide to let them understand the occasion for which she convened them together which he did in such eloquent terms that when he mentioned the death of Prince Clidemant there was not one in all this great company that did not testifie his sorrows by his tears and sighs But when he proceeded and mentioned the enterprise of Polemas and Climanthes not only upon the state but upon the person of Galathea as he made it apparent by his Letter and the taking of Leonide and Silvia thinking the one of them to be Galathea Then all the people began to cry out with one voice Murder the Traytor and long live our great Nymph Amasis But when to verifie the truth of all this he caused the body of this Impostor to be brought out and related his tricks his designs and his death First the children next them the common sort of people and at last almost all fell upon this Corps and drawing it by the legs almost quite out of the Castle and threw it in a ditch But as if this were not revenge enough the people went again unto him and hurried him by the heels out of the Town doing all the ignominy imaginable unto it The chief of them in the mean time and the most notable did not remove until they heard all that Adamas had to say unto them from the Nymph And when Adamas had done Clindor who for his Age Quality and Prudence all the Assembly made choice of to give the answer he spoke in this manner THe loss Madam which you have had does not concern only one Person or one Family but it is general and not only all this Country has a share in it but also all the Gauls nay all Europe may bewail the loss of so great a Prince You see how our Tears and our Groans do accompany your grief and how we give you this outward testimony of the inward resentment of our Souls I must confess all this is but a feeble remedy against so great a disaster yet it may be some comfort unto you to see how sadly all your faithful Subjects do take unto themselves a share in all your griefs and misfortunes But Madam we must all needs confess that this second News which you have told us does pierce us to the very heart with more stinging resentments then the first For the death of a Prince whom none of us did ever think mortal unless in his Reputation and Honour is not so hard to be endured as is the stain of Perfidie and Treason upon this Country which before was never seen nor so much as imagined Oh Heavens Madam that such Monsters should be found in Forrests amongst us and in our days I wonder our Earth unaccustomed to such an ignominious burthen does not swallow them up alive We know not what to say nor think unless that Heaven being offended at us for our sins will punish us more grievously then all ages past This stain upon us does swell us with so much grief as we cannot lift up our eyes to weep nor open our mouths to lament and sigh for so great a shame Yet since the good ought not to be charged with the crimes of the wicked we will lift up our eyes unto you Madam and speak in behalf of this Town and we dare say of all the Country if we had time to confer with them Madam as becomes your faithful Subjects we do offer unto you all that is within these Walls our Estates our Children our Blood our Lives Protesting before Hesus Belinus Tharamis our great Tautates that as long as we live and as long as you live we will not have any Soveraign over us but Amasis And we will as soon fail in our Duties to the Gods as in our Fealty to you not sparing either Estates Children or Lives And in testification of this let every one lift up his hand and his heart and cry Long live the Nymph Amasis Upon this the hands of all the Assembly were seen above their heads and such a shout that it was heard further then all over the Town As the Nymph was returning them hearty thanks for the demonstrations of their good wills Adamas was advertised that the souldiers which had been levied in the province were very near the gates which caused the Nymph to abreviate her speech that she might view this welcome and necessary succour Be pleased to know said the man that brought the news That they are at least fifteen hundred the best armed and in the best order that was seen a long time for they imagined that they came upon the Ceremony of the Misleto so as they had trimmed up themselves to the best advantage Thus all the Assembly parted with such extream forwardness to serve the Nymph that she was exceedingly encouraged In the mean time Adamas causing the gates to be opened these souldiers entred in such an excellent posture that all those who saw them thought them to be men of very good service all their caps were crowned with oak leaves for so was the custome of all those that were called to the Ceremony as they were They were no sooner drawn up into a body but they were appointed Captains Lieutenants and other military officers unto whom they were to be obedient presently after they were distributed into quarters as well for the defence of the walls as to guard the streets and passes in the Town Then taking a view of all the horse counting those which the Queen Argira left and those which Prince Godomar brought the number was two hundred and fifty which also were divided into five troops fifty in each all the foot were put under charge of Damon who not being perfectly recovered of his wounds could hardly wear arms or get on horseback yet he went into the Town and visited the walls and works On the other side Alcedon
opened the rest of the Letters and they being only Letters of credence I acquainted him with every thing according to your commands and particularly with your joyes to see Dorinde in such a place where you might serve her for his sake which you assured him you would do and hold her as dear in your esteem as Galathea her self afterwards I related unto him all that I had in commission from the Prince his brother and how deeply he resented every thing that concerned him to be brief I omitted nothing which I had in command unto which he answered with such abundance of thanks as I plainly saw how much he thought himself obliged unto you in the behalf of Dorinde But when I acquainted him with the design of Polemas and of King Gondebaut to make him Lord of that state and with the Letters which he had written and sent by Clorantes which imported the death of Clidemant and invited Polemas to take up arms offering unto him all favour and assistance I do solemnly protest and swear said he that laying aside all respects of a son to a Father I will never as long as I live suffer such an injury to be done unto the Princess I have hitherto carried my self with all humility and sweetness but if he do arm I will unvail my self and declare in behalf of the Nymph with all my friends and confederates for besides the particular interest which I have the general title of a Cavaleir does oblige me to this just defence Upon this he acquainted me with the correspondencies which he held with the Dukes and Earls of high low Burgundy for so he called all those Provinces which are on both sides the Ararri he told me what great forces he could have from the Hudeois and Allobrogians and assured me that he should draw after him the better half of the Souldiery that were in his Fathers Kingdome and that those who did not follow him would not take arms against him Afterwards I acquainted him with the Letters which for an umbrage of my voyage were sent from you unto the King also I acquainted him how I had it in charge from you to express your joys at the coming of Prince Godomar into your Court where you would endeavour to do him all manner of service both for his own merit● and in respect of the King seeming not to know of any mis-understandings that were betwixt them which at the first he laughed at and told me the excuse was good but that Gondebaut would not take it so and therefore I advise you to conceal the Letter said he and only demand audience which I am sure he will not permit but on the contrary will commit you to custody to the end you may not have a sight of me and therefore have a little patience and I will presently give you an answer which he presently did and charged me to tell you that his obligations unto you were so great that he would never rest until he had acquitted himself and in the mean time commanded me to assure you that as soon as Polemas took the field he would do the same with his friends under a pretence of Assisting the Prince his brother That if the King came himself in person to aid Polemas he would then openly take Arms also and come in person being resolved either to die or to defend you against all the puissance of the earth As for Dorinde said he pray tell her that I am much more hers then my own and that ere long she shall receive all desireable assurances of it Then Madam being parted from the Prince I retired to my Lodging the next morning so fortunately that none saw me either in going or returning from him But the next morning as soon as I let Gondebaut know that I was come unto him from you he fell into such a passion that he commanded me upon pain of death to get out of Lions within an hour and presently set a Guard of Souldiers upon me as Prince Sigismond foresaw I answered him who brought this message from him that I claimed the priviledge of the Law of Nations to be safe from all harm and having done my chief business with Prince Sigismond I took horse and made all the speed I could to this Town the news being all over the Province that Polemas was coming to besiege it with thirty thousand men Upon this Leontidas held his peace and presented the Letters from Prince Sigismond unto the Nymph unto Prince Godomar and unto Dorinde And because the last of these did not desire to have any witnesses at the reading of her Letter she retired into Daphnides chamber In the mean time upon the intelligence of Leontidas it was thought necessary to send unto Lindamore to let him know that he was to take heed of King Gondebau● and assure himself in Prince Sigismond that in his return he should come by the Picts and the Boyens and bring with him all those Forces which the Queen Argira and the Prince Rosilion would give him Then considering who was the fittest messenger for this voyage Galathea remembring the discourse which Leonide told her she had with Fleurial she proposed him as the fittest to be trusted who could pass away without suspition and who knew the way Every one approving of him he was presently dispatched and having received his Instructions departed the same night being charged to have a most special care to hide his Letters so that if he were taken by Polemas yet that they should not be found In the mean time Dorinde got into a corner of Daphnides chamber with a Wax candle in her hand and abundance of joy in heart at the News which Leontidas told her there she broke open the Letter which Prince Sigismond had sent unto her and found these expressions Prince SIGISMONDS Letter unto DORINDE I Must needs confess my Fairest that Dorinde has suffered abundance of sorrows but I do deny that they have been greater or more sensible then mine own I need no excuse either towards Gods or men for failing in that affection which I have promised unto you For the Gods do know how pure it is and without the least stain And men do see that it is the tyrannie of a Father which to my sorrow hindered me from keeping you company Perhaps your doubts of me might make you accuse my Love as imperfect But Heaven will not let me harbour any such thought For I am confident the grandeur of my affection will oblige you to love me for ever Dorinde read over this Letter several times and every time she observed some new expression of Prince Sigismonds affection which swelled her with so much joy that she thought she could never read it oft enough and doubtless she would have been longer if she had not been diverted by Galathea who came to visit Daphnide and tell her what news Leontidas had brought concerning the Rebellion of Polemas which now was openly spoken of
her thou child of the most wicked father that ever lived what do you think I caused you to be brought hither for I cannot tell Sir answered she and looked sweetly upon him But O the unresistable power of beauty This Polemas who flamed with fury and breathed nothing but death and blood against this woman he was no sooner touched with the Luster of her eye but as snow melts before the Sun so his fury and his rage did vanish at her beauty yet making some resistance against the first glance O most miserable daughter of a Father far unworthy of such a child To morrow said he thy body shall be a covering to my whole Army for I will have thee fastned to the points of several Pikes and opposed against the blows of those wicked Rebels in the Town and in this condition shalt thou go with a torch in thy hand and set fire to the gates of that Town Sir answered Astrea if ever I did you any wrong let the gods forsake me and if I be innocent let them defend me as she uttered these words tears flowed from her eyes which moved compassion not only in Polemas but all that saw her Yet seigning the contrary if these tears said he could mollifie the heart of Adamas and make him open the gates of the Town they might do you some good but otherwise assure your self they will do no good at all Astrea now saw that they took her for Alexis and though she looked for a most certain death yet would she die rather then discover her self hoping by this means to save the life of Alexis who otherwise would doubtless be taken and brought into her room Her desire therefore to die for her moved her to say thus I with Sir my father had no occasion to wish you ill but to think that the consideration of my life or death will move him to do any thing against his duty is infinitly to deceive your self for what will it advantage him whether I live or die you know Sir that we who are as it were cast out into the world are commonly but hindrances to our parents We shall see said Polemas how he will take it for let him assure himself henceforward that he has nere a daughter The loss wherewith you menace him replied Astrea will not much trouble him nor me Upon this Polemas commanded he she should be safely guarded until Silvia came and afterwards to be bound together because the next morning they should run both the same fortune This command was no sooner given but they brought a Shepherdess who desired to speak with her As soon as Astrea saw her she knew her to be Alexis in her clothes Oh how it grieved her to the soul● for knowing that all the ill they intended unto her was only because they thought her to be the daughter of Adamas she feared that if Alexis was known all the harm would fall upon her and to give her a hint of it Oh fair Shepherdess said she unto her what fate brought you hither where they seek only for me as being the daughter of Adamas It is fate indeed answered Alexis that brought me hither and the best that ever was Astrea since it brought me hither to undeceive those that took you for me Ah Astrea cryed out Astrea Why should you offer to Sacrifice your self innocently for another Alexis giving her no answer but turning towards Polemas who heard them yet knew not their meanings Sir said she unto him you see how I am all wet and dirty but it is by reason of the haste I made to prevent your errour What errour said Polemas do you mean Your errour replyed she in taking this Shepherdess for me who am the Daughter of Adamas How said Polemas are you the daughter of that wicked man Sir answered she if you call Adamas wicked I am the daughter of him you call so Sir answered Astrea believe her not some distemper in her Brain makes her speaks thus she is Astrea the daughter of Alces and Hyppolita and I am the daughter of the great Druide Adamas as indeed you may see by my habit And because those who were tying the hands of Astrea did stay upon this dispute she held her hands unto them Nay nay said she tye only mine for I assure you I am the Druide Alexis But Alexis on the contrary opposed her Sir said she thrusting away the hands of Astrea and holding her own let not her clothes deceive you for we changed them this morning as we many times were accustomed to do Consider that she is too young to have been so long at Carnates as I have been If you please to ask her any particular questions concerning the Druides daughters and of their Statutes I dare say her answers will let you see she attributes to her self more then is her due Polemas and all the company were even ravished with admiration at this contest which of them should be the party exposed to death After he had a while looked upon them both and considered how vehemently they maintained their cause Alas poor silly wenches said he unto them Why should you thus dispute about the matter Do you think any great recompence will be given unto her that is the daughter of Adamas No no you are much mistaken for all she must expect is a most certain death and to morrow she shall be tyed to the points of our Pikes with a Link in her hand and shall set fire upon the Gate of the Town where she can look for no less then death either from their hands or from ours unless paternal affection move the heart of her wicked father to open the Gates and let us enter Sir said Alexis I knew as much before and my compassion upon this innocent Shepherdess moved me to make all the haste I could left she should suffer those pains that are due unto me And why said Polemas do you think them due unto you Because they say answered she that the child is to bear the iniquity of the Father and since so It is not reasonable that I who am Alexis should not suffer for Adamas who is my Father but Astrea who is only an innocent Shepherdess Sir said Astrea and interrupted these arguments which Astrea urges moves me to tell you again that she is out of her wits and that I am the same whom my habit speaks me and I would not have that harmless Shepherdess expose her self to death for me It is I that ought to pay for my Father and not you Astrea whom it nothing concerns Alexis then interrupting Ah fairest Shepherdess said she unto her What a most strange errour are you possessed withal Why should you without any reason soon desire to end your days Preserve your self for the happiness of him that must enjoy you he still the glory of Forrests and an honour unto the Banks of Lignon Let me pay what I owe unto Nature as the daughter of Adamas and
it about every where that the cause of this taking up arms was only to set the Nymphs at liberty and get her out of the hands of Adamas who under a pretence of piety and fidelty had seized upon their persons and intended to sell them and the whole state unto that unknown Queen whereupon Listander thought it expedient to print a Manifesto and divulge it not only throughout the Army but also to send unto all the neighbouring Princes in justification of their taking arms The drawing up of this Manifesto was referred unto Ligonias who had wit and words at will to guild over a rotten cause and as Polemas was acquainting them with the resolution of Ligdamon to kill him by reason of Silvia one came to tell them that Ligdamon was brought a prisoner O good gods cryed he out how favourable is heaven unto me and causing those to enter who brought the supposed Ligdamon unto him they presented Lidias whom every one took for Ligdamon come Ligdamon said Polemas unto him does it become the profession of a Cavalier thus to revenge his quarrels I have no quarrels to revenge answered Lidias especially in this countrey where I never was before Were you said Pol●●as and smiled never in this countrey before Never answered Lidias to my knowledge I do not wonder said Polemas that one who can ly so familiarly should have so poor a courage and therefore said he to the Officers take this impudent fellow out of my presence and guard him safe that to morrow he may accompany Silvia whither I shall send them so without any further hearing he caused him to be taken out of the chamber A while after came Silvia whom he would not see but commanded she should be safely guarded till the morning and to affright them the more he sent them both word that they must prepare themselves for death and because many in the Army might think this cruelty barbarous he ordered his confidents to give it out that he put Aexis to death in revenge upon Adamas who was the cause of all the warre and detained the Nymphs whom he would set at liberty that Silvia should suffer in revenge of Climanthes who she with Leonide had betrayed into the hands of Adamas And as for Ligdamon he would punish him for attempting against his life This was presently divulged all over the army so as the Spies of Adamas gave him intimation of it the same night whereat he was grieved extreamly for though Alexis was not his daughter yet remembring the Oracle in obedience unto which he had been so indulgent unto the Shepherd besides the merits of Celadon and Astrea he could no chuse but sadly resent their losse especially considering what the Oracle speaking of Celadon said that he obtaining his Mistress his own age should find abundance of happiness But the sorrows of Adamas were not comparable to those of Leonide who hearing that Alexis and Astrea were in the hands of Polemas and that he would expose them to the shot of the Town in the morning she resented it so bitterly that she could not chuse but give great testimonies of it for she knowing that Alexis was Celadon who she loved but too well it grieved her very soul to think he should be so miserably murdered and it was well for he she might pretend kindred unto Alexis for otherwise her sorrows would have been known to proceed from affection but this excuse did not satisfie Adamas who knew what relations were betwixt them and therefore she was driven to another before she could give him satisfaction so as when Adamas wondered at her excessive mourning father answered she if I do not shew excessive sorrow for Alexis I shall be esteemed of a very ill nature and it is to be feared our enterprise will be discovered so as Adamas was in some sort satisfied with this reason But Leonide not being able to suffer the losse of that so dearly beloved Shepherd she went unto Galathea and with a torrent of tears acquainted her with the taking of Alexis and Astrea and with the cruel sentence of Polemas against them and Silvia Great was the grief which this news brought unto all the Town but it had a more bitter influence upon the spirit of Ligdamon then any other for the sorrows of Adamas was to see himself frustrated of the future happiness which he expected from the Oracle Leonide resented the losse of Celadon out of a love without hope of reciprocal correspondency Galatheas grief for Silvia was because she had been ever familiar with her To be brief the general complaints of all the Court proceeded only from pity but the torments of Ligdamon proceeded from love so as like a madman he went up and down from one to another enquiring news and hearing it with strange impatiency he fell upon the most extream resolutions that are imaginable he would go out in the night unto Polemas his Tent and drink his blood and because they would not open the gates unto him he would needs leap over the walls he begg'd of Amasis and importun'd Prince Godomar to let him out for he would deliver them from that rebellious enemy he told them that if they retained him by force he would kill himself and since he was resolved upon death it was better for him to receive it from the hands of his enemies then his own That happily the gods would prosper his designe and so direct his hand as he should deliver them all from the Tyrant But Godomar by the advice of Adamas would not permit him yet promised that if the Rebel continued his resolution till the morning they would not only open the gates to him but rather then Alexis and Silvia should suffer they would all go out and die with him This promise of the Prince being ratified by Damon and Alcidon did a little appease him yet not so as to suffer his eye to close all the night and hereupon Alcidon told him that happily reports might prove false for some part of it they knew to be so as that Ligdamon should be in the hands of Polemas O Sir answered Ligdamon bad news proves commonly too true and assure your self they have mistaken me and took Lidias whom I resemble for I was told that he followed her who came with me into this countrey The repors of this mistake came quickly to the eare of Melander who being very impatient to know the truth came presently to Ligdamon of whom she enquired all circumstances and what he would do What should I say or what should I do answered Ligdamon but that I will die for Silvia and I replied she presently for Lidias Upon this parting from him she wept away all the night As these things did extreamly trouble those that were within the Town so there were some in the Army of Polemas who took as little rest and amongst the rest Alexis and Astrea This Shepherd hearing what a hard sentence Polemas had passed it pierced him
to the very soul that his Shepherdesse was to be thus used for his sake and when she was rudely treated by the Officers of Justice is it possible said Alexis that in Forrests such savage spirits and inhumane courages should be found as are not moved at the beauty of Astrea Does this countrey where sweetnesse and civility so long raigned now produce and nourish Monsters more wild and keen then Africa Certainly you have no eyes nor heart for if you were not blind you could not chuse but honour and reverence the most excellent work of the great gods but all his words were uselesse and he was no sooner in prison with her but he fell down upon his knees Oh Astrea said he I conjure you by the love you have unto me to have pity upon your self and since 't is only I whom they aim at be not guilty of your own death Could you exempt me by it haply I should excuse the excess of your affection in bearing me company but since your death will do me no good alas why will you add unto my grief by seeing you die You know that I do love you with all my soul and what wrong did I ever do you that you should make me the Author of your death You know that homicide is abominable unto the Gods and why will you incense them by committing it upon your self Be not more guilty of your death then those who bring you unto it Celadon would have continued longer but Astrea interrupted him All these arguments and perswasions might avail if you were not to die said she but the Gods in depriving me of my most dear Alexis do know that they deprive me of my life also for I neither will nor can live without her and in putting you to death they do the same to me Tell not me that I am guilty of my own death if I die with you for the threds of our lives are so interwoven and knit together that the Scissars which cut the one does also cut the other And as for being an addition of sorrow unto you by this action Oh Mistris Is it possible you should think I can live without you Will you wrong me so much as think I love you so little A common Souldier will run through that fire which burns him unto whom he hath promised fidelity nay he will be scorned if he do not and may not as much be allowed Astrea when Alexis dies Let not I beseech you any such thought harbour in your soul but if you will have me die contentedly say unto me Astrea I would have both our hearts pierced with the same spear that our souls as they pass out of our bodies may unite for ever as our affections already have conjoyned our wills with a love inseparable I use Mistris these expressions of affection and love which perhaps becomes not the inequality of our conditions and ranks but you have allowed this familiarity formerly and well may now since death is to remove all terms of inequality and level us all alike Celadon did listen long without interruption for first he thought it indiscretion to do otherwise and secondly he was so pleased to hear and receive such expressions of affection from her he loved as he was even enchanted with her words At last my dear servant said he unto her those who love well as I know you do Alexis will always value the contentment of the party loved above their own I doubt not but it is some comfort unto you to end your days with Alexis but do not you consider what a grief of soul it will be unto me to see you die Ah dearest Mistris said Astrea if those who love well ought to have this consideration why not you the same of me And why do not you consider what a most intollerable despair it would be unto me to survive you No no Mistris let us not resist the will of the Gods if it be their will that one of us should live most certainly they will preserve the life of the other and if I die I believe you will not live 'T is true answered Celadon And it is more true replyed Astrea that I cannot survive Alexis one minute Thus Alexis and Astrea sighed away all the night in giving new assurances of the affection which they bore unto each other and though it was upon a sad occasion yet Love did draw even out of their most bitter tears most incomparable consolations Alexis at last seeing his Shepherdess would not be diverted from the resolution which she had taken did often think it now time to declare who he was and to undeceive her in the opinion which she had of his being the daughter of Adamas but yet some consideration restrained him Somtimes he would say unto himself why should I any longer conceal my self since now we are both at the very brink of death But then again said he and reprehended himself why should I make any discovery of it since that will also be a very death For the knowledge of it will either please or displease her If it please her will not her death be more displeasing unto her And if it displease her why should I add more grief unto her when we are both going to die Thus was he long disputing with himself at last he thought it the fittest time to declare himself as he was falling at her feet thinking that if the transgressing her commands did offend her he would wash away the crime with his blood In the mean time day began to dawn and the whole Army began to move and march towards the Town circling it about as the day before and causing abundance of hurdles and faggots and engines to march before them it seemed they intended to fill up the ditch as they did before but because they of the Town began to salute them with many clouds of Arrows and throw such heaps of stones upon them they kept at a distance further off Then a body of horse and another of foot did open and make a lane for Astrea Alexis Silvia and Lidias whom they took for Ligdamon to passe through accompanied with a hundred Pikes and as many Halberdeirs conducted by a Captain that was no Segusian and so chosen by Polemas because he feared those of that countrey would be too favourable unto those innocent persons which had relations to the principal of the countrey They had tied them all four together by the arms and lest they should make any resistance or difficulty at their going before they had each of them a Pike fasted hehind them to the end that he who held it might thrust it into their bodies if they would not go They had each of them tyed to their hands of a flaming link and so were driven forward towards the gate of the Town O most barbarous and prophane wretches said Alexis unto them that tyed them together is there no spark of humanity in your hearts Dare you lay
went by chance she met Adamas who for all the great affairs that he had in hand came to take such order that Celadon should not be known thinking that if Galathea came to see him she would enter into some ill opinion of him The haste wherein he was would not permit him any long discourse but only told her he would have the Druide carried presently unto his Lodging and let none speak with her and afterwards all fitting orders should be taken As soon as ever Silvia saw Leonide she embraced her with abundance of joy and Leonide was glad to see her out of the hands of Polemas But Leonide having an earnest desire to talk with the Druide my dear companion said she unto Silvia Galathea has a most longing desire to speak with you go therefore unto her whilst I wait upon this woman unto my Uncles lodging for I perceive she is so affrighted that I would not have Galathea see her in this condition Upon this taking Astrea by the hand she carried her almost by force unto the Lodging of Adamas for she had no mind to be from the Wall until she knew what was become of Alexis But Leonide made her believe that she was already in the Town being come in at the Sally port out of which the Relief went In the mean time Adamas being told that all those who went out wete returned in he ran unto the Port to receive Celadon and he came just in the nick of time for that Shepherd was no sooner entred into the Town but his loss of blood made him fall into a swoon with Semires who was in a worse condition then he Adamas commanded he should be presently carried unto his Lodging and taking no notice of carrying Semires with Celadon because he knew him not Sir said Semires unto him with much pain it was I that saved Astrea and Celadon I beseech you let me be carried where he is that I may die neer them Adamas hearing him name Celadon and fearing left he should discover who Alexis was he presently commanded they should be both carried together unto his Lodgings It was well that at the same time a hot Alarm was given on all sides for upon it Damon and all the rest ran as fast as they could to make defence never minding what Semires said The Alarm was no false one for Polemas being almost out of his wits at the loss of his prisoners he gave the signe to make a general Assault as he did the day precedent and which was so hotly pursued that nothing would make them retreat but night which then he did with the lost of many men for which much he cared not so he could but at last find revenge But the darkness of the night causing him to sound a retreat every one retired to his Quarter finding now that the Town was not so easily entred as Polemas rashly imagined never considering that the weakness of the Walls were strongly fortified by the valour and courage of so many brave men as were within So as Alerantes the next morning departed to give King Gondebaut an account of all that was done and of the condition wherein Polemas was who remembring the wise advice which Climanthes gave him he besought Alerantes to inform the King that this Town was not worthy the presence of so great a Prince but to beseech him he would only send him some Forces which he promised and to secure the person of Prince Sigismond considering that though he was his son yet he was deeply in love And for his part he would besiege the Town round about of which he doubted not but to give him a good accompt within a few days And lastly to assure him of his affection and fidelity as one whom he would always acknowledge as his Lord and Master Oh this tyrannical and horrid ambition With what violence does it hurry mortal spirits to sacrifice their thoughts their rest and their lives to satisfie its unjust and insatiable passion Celadon in the mean time and Semires were carried unto the house of Ad●mas Semires so wounded that every one thought he would die before they got him thither And the faint Shepherd with loss of blood though he was returned to himself out of his swoon yet they had no more hopes of his life then of the other Yet both of them did most passionately desire to be carried unto the place where Astrea was but the Chyrurgions would not upon any terms allow of it for said they the sight of them will make their wounds much worse and besides they stand in need of rest which they cannot take if any company be with them So they were carried into several chambers and because they were still con-continually asking where Astrea was some made answer that she was with the Nymphs Amasis and Galathea and that she would come presently Alas answered Semires I fear it will be too late for I feel the pains of death coming upon me and if there be any one amongst you that has any spark of pitty in them let them go and haste her away that my soul before it depart out of my body may unload it self of an intollerable burthen And he said truly for he was in that weak condition as he was hardly able to utter those words His Brother who held him by the hand and knew why he was so desirous to see her he turned towards the Chyrurgion who had searched his wounds Learned Sir said he unto him why should you deny my brother this satisfaction since you see his death is inevitable Semires hearing his brother say so Oh Gods cryed he unless you will make me die desperate let me receive this favour from you and because he was so extreamly importunate also since there was no hopes of his life it was resolved to send for her and Leonide who had not left her came with her and truly it was full time to come for when they entred into the chamber he was hardly able to move yet striving with himself and making a signe unto his brother to draw all the company from the bed lest they should hear what he had to say Fair Astrea said he unto her You see here before you that Semires who in loving you too much hath given you so much reason to hate him but to wash away my crime I have given you my blood and my life and beg a pardon Had I any thing more dear unto me or precious I would also give it to repair that fault which Love hath made me commit I know the Gods have pardoned me since they have favoured me so far as to die for you I thank them with all my heart for it and only beg of them so much time before I die as to hear you answer which if be such as I desire it will accompany me unto my eternal rest and if it be otherwise it will damn me to a hell of torment and despair Semires uttered these words with
judgement of her companion upon it she perceived her to look pale and doubted that it did trouble her so as giving her the opportunity of telling him her mind concerning his so hasty departure she withdrew two or three paces And then Diana thinking that none could hear her Silvander said she unto him what do you intend to do But fairest Mistresse said he and interrupted her why do you not call me your servant Then servant said Diana pray tell me what your design is You that have so often condemned rashnesse in another can you be so guilty of it your self Consider Silvander the danger whereunto you expose your self since you neither know what enemies to have for to fight against nor their number for though they appeared not above thirty or fourty yet perhaps there are thrice that number engaged in the same designe and for ought you know may be the principal of all the neighbouring Provinces Methinks servant you should more seriously weigh these things and something satisfie the desire that I have you should not attempt things impertinently Silvander hearkened unto Diana with abundance of contentment yet being a little too impatient fairest Mistresse said he though my ruine were inevitable and though I were sure my designe would find no favourable successe yet would it be much glory to spend my blood and my life in endeavouring to restore that contentment unto you which is so unfortunately ravished away And therefore without thinking whether it be pertinent or no I ought to fall upon it for I know that though the execution prove not prosperous yet the designe at least is honourable since it aims at restoring unto you your companion without whom I know you cannot enjoy any contentment in the world Shepherd said Diana then you force me to make a strange confession I must needs say I do love Astrea and were I out of hopes ever to see her again I should grieve extreamly but withall consider Silvander that I do not hate you and perhaps if you and she were weighed together in the scales of my affection you would out ballance her In saying so Diana blush'd and the Shepherd even ravished to hear this declaration from the mouth of his Mistresse he was ready to cast himself at her feet yet being restrained by those who observed their actions he only said thus unto her My fairest Mistresse you have made me the most happy man upon earth and I would prostrate my self in all humility at your feet if there were not so many witnesses but I protest and vow fair Diana that I will behave my self with the same reverence and respect towards you as is due anto a Deity my discretion and obedience shall make good my words and shall be sutable unto that harmonious language which you have spoke in my advantage If so replyed Diana I would have you now give a testimony of it and obey me when I command you not to depart so rashly but first to consider and consult with those that are most interessed in the quarrel if Phocion should raise forces in behalf of Astrea I should allow his just resentment But that Sylvander whom it nothing concerns should be the first that will deliver her I cannot easily consent The Shepherd thought Dianas judgement to be good and that there was no reason for him to follow Astrea before he had communicated it unto Phocion who was her Uncle It was then resolved upon to go unto his house and by the way they met with all those Shepherds and Shepherdesses who accompanied Dorinde to Marcelles and returned not in three or four days After the first salutations they were told of the accident that had hapned unto Astrea and how Alexis followed her at which they were all extreamly grieved For such was the beauty and goodness of Astrea that never any saw her but loved her beyond measure But Licidas who was one amongst them addressed himself unto Phillis I verily believe said he unto her in a low voice that the Gods have punished Astrea for the wrong which she did unto Celadon For I beseech you consider it well Was ever such an accident as this heard of in this Country before now It is to be presumed that it is a revenge absolutely determined by Fate for Diana or you might as well have been carried away as Astrea and yet the judgement has only fallen upon her as most culpable Certainly answered Phillis the Gods did pardon my companion for the death of Celadon when for the Rest of his soul she erected an empty Tomb for him and most assuredly there is some other hidden mysterie in the action of these Thieves With such discourse as this they came unto the house of Phocion whom they found in a melancholy study walking before his house and his wonder was not a little when he saw so great a company coming towards him At first he received them as kindly as possibly he could composing his countenance so as he did not shew the sadness of his soul But when he had saluted Diana and Phillis and did not see Astrea the first thing he asked was where she was None durst give him any answer But Sylvander considering that he must know of the accident and that it was as good to acquaint him betimes with it as to defer it any longer he took him aside and desiring Thamires to assist him in the office he related unto him in few words the disaster that had hapned unto Astrea Phocion who loved her as his own soul received this news like an arrest of death but Thamires and Sylvander gave him such cordials that at length he recollected himself and like a man of a sound and perfect judgment did think it better to employ the time in remedy then in complaints And all setting themselves to consult what course was best a way was no sooner propounded but they saw a Shepherd running towards them as fast as he could and when he was come within ken his countenance seemed as if he had some message of great concernment which caused them all to keep silence and look upon him At last Licidas went to meet him and returning told Phocion that this Shepherd was come to speak with him The aged Pastor took him aside and asked the man his business and what it was which brought him thither in that haste Unto which the Shepherd answered in these terms Father for so every one called him by reason of his age I have been at the house of Adamas our grand Druide but not finding him at home I thought you the fittest person in all our parts to be acquainted with what I have seen and the rather because it being necessary to look unto the preservation of our Towns Houses and Families there is none better able to do it then you I must acquaint you therefore that as I was looking to my Flock near Mount Verdune I saw all the Plain of Marcelles covered with armed men who shot whole
colour he so changed his complexion and countenance that none living could know him in that disguise As soon as ever he was over the ditch he began to walk as if both his legs were broken and the night being already far spent and the affairs of Polemas were in great disorder as well by reason of his repulse as the taking of Pelidontes it was long before any of the Army took any notice of him At last he was met by ten or twelve Souldiers very well mounted whom Polemas had sent out to scout lest he should be surprised by a Salley As soon as ever they saw him they set him behind one on horseback and intended to carry him unto Polemas As soon as the crafty Philiander saw himself in this condition By th' Faith of my body said he I thank you with all my heart for but for your kindness to me I could not have gotten thither in two days as he said so he leaned first on one side and then on another as if he had never been on horseback before he was so very troublesome unto him that carried him that after he had bid him hold fast a hundred times and seeing that he could not he let him slide off the horse to the ground on which he fell all along as if he had been dead What should we do with this silly fellow said he that let him fall who takes that for a curtesie which were enough to affright any other to death that is not as innocent as himself No matter answered one of his companions since we have taken him we must carry him and though he be never so innocent we should be to blame and perhaps suspected of treason if we do not carry him to Polemas Upon this three of the company alighted and lifted up Phliiander behind a fourth then taking two gyrths they tied the legs under the belly of the Horse with one and tied his arms about him behind whom he rid with the other He was no sonner brought before Polemas but seeing many velvet chairs in the chamber he claps him down upon one and counterfeiting himself full of pain and weariness This great ill favoured beast said he in a doleful tone has jogged all my bones in pieces but they have made me amends in bringing me amongst so many fine soft chairs by my say would all our oxen could go as fast said he and dried his eyes upon his sleeve and looked upon Polemas with an innocent simple look for if they could our lond would be sooner tilled and save us mickle labour Polemas as little cause as he had to laugh yet could not forbear when he saw how innocently the man did sit him down in the chair and being moved to pity him commanded that none should do him any harm but desiring to make himself a little merry with him he called for a candle and went neerer unto him then looking a while upon him he asked from whence he came From whence do I come said Philiander why I came from Marcelles where I have been put to more pain in two days then ever I was in all my life for they tied a sword to my side and made me hold a long piece of iron in my hand that was fuller of nails then my shooes Well well said Polemas what news in Marcelles I know not answered he but as long as I was there it stood in the same place it was wont to do I mean said Polemas what are they doing there and how squares go For ought I saw said Philiander they do there as they do here every one goes upon their legs But said Polemas and laughed heartily how did you get out I 'll tell you all I know answered the Pesant they put me into a little round house that stands amongst many stones that are on the walls and are made like windows and he that put me there bade me look about me on every side and if I saw any coming that I should make a signe to him when he was gone and left me there with that great piece of iron in my hand I fell fast asleep Now I know not what they did after nor how I got out of the place where they put me but as soon as ever I waked I found my self under the walls with my legs and my arms and all my body bruised to pieces pox on 't I feel it yet Philiander did act all these things so to the life somtimes rowling up the brims of an old hat that he wore somtimes putting his fingers into a hole that was in it and still keeping his chair as if he had taken eternal possession of it that Polemas seeing and observing all this he broke out into such extremity of laughter that he made all about him do the like And knowing what belonged unto war he very well understood all that Philiander said he easily knew that the round house whereof he spoke was a Tower and that the windows were Battlements and that he being placed there as a Sentinel they threw him over the walls when they found him asleep That which most helped Polemas to deceive himself was his knowledge that there was abundance of Pesants went at first into Marcelles many of which being very silly and ignorant in such matters might be well capable of such mistakes This made him more apt to pity the sillinesse of this simple fellow so as causing a piece of money to be given unto him he fell upon serious thoughts and commanded they should let him go Philiander was very glad to see his counterfeiting thrive so well made two or three leggs according to the countrey mode and went unto the next Town where he furnished himself with all things requisite for his journey All this while Fleurial was making all the hast he could for he travelled both night and day without any sleep by fortune when he was beyond Moulins he met many Souldiers upon the way and enquiring of one whether they went he understood they came from the Army of Childerick where they had born Arms under the commands of Lindamor and that now they were returning into the countrey of the Sebustans the place of their birth As soon as ever Fleurial heard the name of Lindamor he was joyed at heart and hoped for good successe in his journey and enquiring further where that Cavalier was he was answered that he would be at Moulins within two dayes This answer was good news to Fleurial and made him turn back to Moulins where Lindamor came according to appointment As soon as ever he saw Fleurial he asked him the cause of his voyage and Fleurial presenting unto him the Letters from Amasis and Galathea Sir said he I believe these papers will give you a better accompt then I can Lindamor took them and retiring apart he opened that from Amasis and found it thus written The Letter of AMASIS unto LINDAMOR YOu have not received any Letters from me since the death of Clidemant
I could I could not for my heart get you out of it Stella who expected to hear somthing that would offend her now hearing that he complained only against her Image and that he accused her of a thing unto which her very thought was not so much as accessory she broke out into such a fit of laughter as made all the rest laugh for company at which the Shepherd being netled well well said he laugh on Stella as this first harm you have done me but I swear by my self for that is now the only person whom I love that I will never give you any cause to laugh at any harm you shall ever do to me again Hylas spoke this in a very serious manner and Stella still laughed more and more testifying by her actions that she repented of nothing of what she had either said or done I promise you Shepherd said she that I shall neither laugh nor cry at either your good or bad fortune and it shall be the least of my cares whether you be dead or alive Hylas did not hear these last words because he was walked to the other end of the room in a melancholy study and sitting down near the bed of Alexis he heard Alexis say unto him Hylas what do you think upon I am thinking answered he upon whom I should bestow that heart which I have taken from Stella and that which most troubles me is that truly I do not know a woman that better deserves it then she Then said Celidea You cannot do better then to bestow it upon her again and I assure my self she is not of such a marble composition but she will melt and receive it Your advice replyed the Shepherd is good and the better because it suits with my inclination as soon as he had said so he went and cast himself at the feet of Stella and taking her hand by force he kissed it and said If our Laws and conditions fair Shepherdess were tyrannical it were injustice to observe them and I believe I should sin against you the first minute I began to put them into use but since they aim at nothing but liberty and since they are of your own establishment I hope I shall not be condemned if I put them into practise Now Mistris the same Law that allows me to take away my heart when I will does allow you to receive it again when you please I do now present it unto you again and swear by the Moon by the winds and by all the waves of the Sea that I will never again revoke it Upon this Hylas kissed her hand again and Stella after a seeming denial was at last constrained to remit him into grace being condemned unto it by all the company All this while Celadon durst not speak left if should be inconvenient unto him but he took much delight in this passage between Hylas and Stella Diana only and Sylvander seemed sad and indeed both their souls were so full that they had much ado to hide it It was happy for them that all the windows of Celadons chamber were shut so as it being very dark and being near each other Silvander not to let such an opportunity of discourse with his Mistris to slip he began thus How does the fairest Diana You look me-thinks as if your mind were afflicted with some new sorrows My sorrows answered she are not more grievous then ordinary nor worth the talking of but I shall be glad to know from whence proceeds those sorrows which I see in your countenance more then were accustomed My countenance then replyed Sylvander is more eloquent then I am since it can better speak my sorrows then my self and since you command me tell you the cause he pleased Mistresse to know that my sorrows are the legitimate children of your discontentments I shall much complain against the badness of my humour said the Shepherdess since it is the cause of yours and I said the Shepherd shall much commend my humour for being conformable unto yours And from hence fairest Mistress you may draw an argument which testifies my affection and the power which you have upon me since it is impossible I should be any otherwise then as you would have me Did your Fortune depend upon me said Diana and were I the disposer of Scepters and Crowns I do esteem your merit at that night that I would make you the Monarch of all the world The glory of being your Slave answered Silvander is deares unto me then an Empire but my dearest Shepherdess shall I not know the cause of your sorrows You will know it but too soon answered she both for your contentment and my own Let not the harm which can happen unto me said Silvander hinder you from telling me what it is for considering my condition I am to fear the worst an unknown vagabond without support of Parents or any hopes to accomplish my desires unless● in death which is the end of all things I am a man the least of all men in Fortunes favour and I can justly say that the gods can take nothing from me but the favour of Diana Though they do not take my favour from you replied the Shepherdesse yet they will rob you of all hopes in receiving any fruits of that favour for at which word she stope and fetched a deep sigh at which Silvander was much troubled I Mistresse said he I beseech you go on the end of your discourse cannot be more sad unto me then the beginning which of it self is enough to make me die For Paris replied she will no sooner be returned but he must marry Diana in saying so she took a handkerchief out of her pocket and turning aside left the Shepherd should see her she began to drive up those tears which she could not restrain Silvander who had no less cause for tears then she yet he constrained himself for seeing such a fit opportunity of talk he thought the time better imployed that way then in tears he told then that the misfortune which the Oracle did threaten unto him was not absolutely without a remedy if love or the consideration of his services did oblige her to have pity upon him Diana then speaking lower lest they should be heard Shepherd said she unto him I must needs confesse that I ow all manner of affection unto that good will which you have expressed unto me and let me tell you freely that my affection unto you shall go as far as ever honour will permit me but consider how far that is and you will find that if my mother be resolved to give me unto Paris it is impossible for me to disobey her Certainly said Silvander she will never force you unto it the virtue of Belinde is repugnant unto such Tyranny But said Diana if she do express her desires only of having it so is not her will a perfect command unto me What desires soever she expresseth replied the Shepherd your consent is
the Shepherd could hinder him therefore he did not speak unto him but causing Astrea to sit down in the place where she was and sitting down by her he held this discourse I do believe Astrea that you know I love you and has observed in all my actions a more particular good will unto you then unto many other persons whom I am obliged to esteem and therefore I am very confident that you will take the councel that I shall give you in good part and not doubting but I shall have as great a care of your welfare as my own you will apply what I shall say unto you to your best advantage Now Astrea you must know that this Druide whom you see before you and passes under the notion of your Mistresse yet her greatest glory is to obey you and what features soever you find in her face she is the same then he was going to pronounce Celadon when he saw Diana and Phillis enter who coming from the house of Clindor upon a visit unto Astrea did imagine she would be in the chamber of Alexis since they did not find her in the place where she was was wont to lie As soon as Adamas spied them he took Astrea by the hand and pressing it a little Sweet heart said he unto her in a low voice that which I did intend to communicate unto you must not have so many witnesses and therefore I will defer it until another time In the mean time entertain your companions whilst I advertise Alexis in all things which she must do to carry you with her unto Carnutes whither you have so great a desire to follow her Astrea upon this went to meet the two fair Shepherdesse who were come already very near her and as soon as they had saluted Adamas and the supposed Druide they went and sate down in one of the corners of the Chamber where Astrea with a face of extraordinary contentment spoke to them in these terms The common Proverb my companions is very true which sayes that a good Fortune as well as a bad one never comes alone by it self Within these two dayes I was overwhelmed with a multitude of miseries and now since the deliverance of Amasis and our selves every minute affosds me a fresh subject of delight You need not tell us any more of your contentment answered Diana for we find it in your face and I swear unto you said Astrea it is lesse in my face then my heart but Sister said Phillis I beseech you tell us from whence proceeds this great joy From some hopes answered she that Alexis will carry me away with her O Sister said Diana you are extreamly cruel in threatning us with a separation and I cannot chuse but wonder you should take delight in a thing which perhaps will kill us with grief I do indeed believe said Astrea that you a little lament my departure but I hope your sorrows will not be so great but that Silvander and Licidas will chear you up again in a few dayes To tell you ingeniously my mind said Phillis were I to chuse whether I might live alwayes with Licidas or with you I should certainly prefer the company of my Shepherd before yours and let it be spoken only amongst our selves I believe Diana has more wit then not to be of my opinion but if it were possible for me to enjoy both your companies I could desire no greater happinesse You mean answered Astrea that your contentment would be compleat as mine would be if heaven would be so kind as to let me also enjoy the company of Celadon and you But since the gods by the death of that Shepherd has denied me this felicity it is but requisite you share with me in my misfortune and suffer in the losse of a Sister as I do in the losse of a Lover I shall be more sensible of the losse of you said Diana then the losse of all men living and though I do highly honour Silvander yet I will not except him O stay said Astrea and laid her hand upon her mouth you ought to love that Shepherd above all and though you should render your affection equal unto his yet you would not do more then is due unto his merit Let us talk no more on 't said Phillis for Sister I hope you will not leave us and there needs no more to send me out of the world then to deprive us of your company With such sweet discourse as this Astrea prepared the spirits of all these fair ones not to take her separation from them over sadly Adamas also in the mean while prepared Celadon not any longer to oppose his desire of making himself known unto his Shepherdesse and because this poor Lover observed how they had been interrupted certainly Father said he unto him there is a kind of fatality opposite unto your design far had not Diana and Phillis entred I know not what would have become of this disguise which we have used Certainly said the Druide the gods do sometimes teach us what their will is by trivial things as well as by great ones and I will with you believe that it is not their pleasure Astrea should here have the honour of knowing her Shepherd And therefore I will shortly take my leave of Amasis since now she has no need of my service and I will carry all the Shepherds and Shepherdesses to my house where we will with more leasure advise upon the best expedients how to make you happy in the enjoyment of Astrea Celadon stood a while without any reply and Adamas asking the reason of his silence Father answered he with a great sigh if we have any secret foresight of things that are to happen unto us I do presage very sad accidents that are to befall me by the knowledge which this Shepherdesse shall have of me you have entertained that fear so long replied the Druide that now it is become a belief and your wit is too ingenious in afflicting your self You do now take it as a thing infallible but know that my opinion is quite contrary unto yours and I dare promise you all imaginable contentment in that course whether the event prove good or bad said Celadon I am however infinitely obliged unto your indulgent care of me and I wish my own welfare as much for your contentment as for my own Dispose therefore of me as you please Sir and if ever I disobey the least of your commands let me be branded with the ignominy of the most ungrateful Shepherd that ever lived Adamas infinitly satisfied with Celadons answer Son said he unto him since you are resolved to trust your self unto my care and submit unto my will if you do not enjoy your Mistresse the fault shall be only mine In saying so he kissed his cheek and rising up he bad adieu unto all the fair ones and afterwards went unto Amasis He was no sooner out of the chamber but Astrea being extreamly impatient to
perswade him that he could not lose his life more gloriously then in helping to disenchant the fountain of loves veritie so he fixed upon this resolution The only obstacle in her disign was she knew not where to find a female lover so faithfull as to attempt the same for said she to her self Astrea doubtlesse does love her life too well and since she who is to die must be one that has lived in a most inviolable fidelitie what know I but that ungratful Shepherdesse is stained with the crime of some new change Diana me thinks also should not be accepted off for she has burned in two severall flames through thee love of two Shepherds who served her and Phillis who has to her very hearts desire gusted all the delight of a pure and holy amitie she will not forsake Lycidas upon any termes in the world yet Celadon said he it is not for the to prye too narrowly into the secrets of the gods Content thy self with this that thou must die never stay therefore untill dispair have driven some femal lover to be the Companion of thy fate it is sufficient for thee to shew the way and to make it known unto posteritie that never any love was more pure and holy then thine Then did he lift up his eyes to heaven and observing that darknesse did begin to vanish by reason of the moones new light he sate down upon the ground untill it was a little lighter but being very weary with walking he was no sooner upon the green grasse but being overcome with sleep he slept till morning Aurora surprised him at his waking and as if she would shed some teares for the disgrace of this Shepherd she had wet his checks with the humiditie of her dew When he waked and knew not whether he should be sad or glad for passing away the night without any farther progresse in his design This rest I have taken said he has made me waite with lesse impatience for that glorious light which is to be a witnesse of my love and courage It is for criminalls to fsie the light but to such whose actions are honorable the day cannot be too clear Upon this Alexis arose with a design to go away but hearing some noise she stayed and spied Silvander who having broken some branches which hindred his passage did passe through the wood with much hast The face of this Shepherd having all the signes of dispair in it did much trouble Alexis because she was a reall lover of his virtue so as desiring to know the cause and thinking he would not conceale himself she began to follow him and resolved not to leave him untill she had some long discourse with him Silvander in the mean time who had nothing in his thoughts but a desire of death at every step he went he felt some new consolation in his soul because he drew so much nearer the place which he had chosen to put an end unto his dayes so as not thinking any followed him nor ever looking back he came out of the wood and got up to the toop of the highest rock of all those which Joyn unto Moutverdan having still Alexis at his back who wondering Silvander should take so much paines to go unto that place which perhaps never any Shepherd before him had so much curiositie as to visit there Silvander stayed great gods said he whose pleasure hath been to submit my soul ever since I was born unto all sorts of sorrows Heer I am ready to obay that fate which hath followed all the actions of my life Happy I am at this last moment that I have not by any sin rendred my soul neither guilty nor accessarie unto the miseryes which are falne upon me Now Diana have I found that welcome remedy against all my miseryes which I have longed to be delivered from Pardon me Diana if I have in any manner failed in any respects which I owed unto you and how great soever any of my faults are I do conjure you to beleive that I never failed in my love And you Bellinde who by a most intollerable tiranny has forced Diana to receive the imbraces of Paris if ere my death do come to be know unto you never bestow any sighes or teares upon me for it is sufficient these rockes will weep and Zepherus will sigh for my sad disaster In saying so he steped to the very brink if the praecipice and Celadon who feared extreamly least he should cast him self down he steped forward to prevent him and laying hold upon him fie fie Silvander said Alexis to him heaven would not have you cast your self away Silvander upon this turning himself about and looking upon her with the very face of death ah too pittifull Alexis said he what Demon sent you hither to hinder me from that contentment which the gods did promise unto me The most kind one answered Alexis of all those that have any care of your life Nay said Silvander it was rather the greatest enemy unto my tranquilitie who ever it was replied Alexis and would not let go her hold you shall not die at this time and if you have any respect unto the ranke which my birth conferred upon me grant unto me one request which I shall make unto you which is to lend an ear unto some things which I must comunicate unto you Silvander seeing himself obliged to obey the commands of Celadon whom he thought to be a woman and a Druide he retired himself a little from the edge of the praecipice and both of them being a little removed from it they sat down upon another rock which was convenient for that purpose and there Celadon began to talk unto him in these termes You will wonder Silvander at the discourse which I shall make unto you and the more because you are blinded with the same mistake which Astrea Diana Phillis Lycidas and all the Shepherds and Shepherdesses are concerning me For you must know Silvander that this habit wherin I am is nothing sutable to my sexe and though it be the habit of a Druide yet it is upon the body of a Shepherd and to be short Silvander upon the body of Celadon at the sound of Celadon Silvander stood amused And Alexis contiuning and to the end said she that you may render unto those that survive me a testimonie of my discretion and of my love I do conjure you to harken with patience unto the relation of my fortune and afterwards to grant me a request which I have unto you and for which only I followed you not knowing you had any such ill intentions against your self as you seem to have Silvander not being able to recover himself out of his astonishment he did not answere one word but looking him stedfastly in the face he did let him know by his silence that he would willingly hear him And therefore Celadon related unto him all that ever hapned unto him since he threw himself into Lignon and
having told him in what manner Leonide made him known unto his Shepherdesse Now said he this cruel and ungratfull woman in lieu of ever considering the testimonies which she had received of my love and obedience she commanded me to die and that so peremptorily as it is impossible but I must needs obey her Now that which I desire from you sage Silvander is that you would be pleased to take so much paines as to go tell Lycidas from me that I desire him as he loves me not to trouble himself at my death nor to take any revenge upon Astrea for the crimes which her rigour hath committed against him and against me In the mean time I will go and content that in humain woman and expose my self unto the rage of those Lyons and unicornes which guard the enchanted fountain that I may in some sort oblige posteritie and give Silvander himself the delight of knowing how truely and sincerly he is beloved by his Shepherdesse Diana Upon this Alexis was silent and Silvander who during her discourse had time to recollect his spirits and to confirm himself in a beleif that it was really Celadon who spoke unto him he took him about the neck and embracing him Oh heavens Celadon said he is it possible I should before I die be so happy as to see you again In saying so teares dropped from his eyes and afterwards continuing no no Celadon said he it is by no meanes just that the anger or rather the ill humour of Astrea should cause the ruine of the most amiable Shepherd in all Forrests Live live Celadon live for Astrea and let me alone to accomplish the design which you intended Let me die for my fidelity is pure enough and the same advantage which you willed me by your death you may receive from mine Nay nay Silvander replied Alexis live you for Astrea Alas alas replied the Shepherd why should I do so since Diana lives only unto Paris Unto Paris said Alexis in a great amazement yes unto Paris said Silvander and that is the cause of my transport let me therefore dear Celadon go and mingle my blood with the water of this Fountain that is now the only object of all my desires and so great is my impatiency of it that it alone is able to be my death Sage Silvander replied Alexis faintly had this design been just in you doubtless the gods would have inspired you with the thoughts of it as they did me and therefore I conceive you have no right to contend with me about it nor dispute it any longer since no other but my self can doubtlesse obtain it However said Silvander I beseech you let me joyn my Fortune unto yours and let us both find the same Fate Alexis would have disswaded him but Silvander beseeched her with so many forcible and importunate arguments that at the last she consented and received him as a companion in this enterprize Astrea had no sooner heard Licidus say that the Grotto wherein they were was the very same which formerly harboured Celadon but she was all amazement and from that time thought that very rock it self did tell her of that Shepherds love all the objects which presented themselves unto her senses did treat her in the same manner for when she heard the hollow murmure of the river Lignon or the noise which Zepherus made at the entrance of her Cavern she still thought them composed of nothing but those amorous sighs wherewith Celadon accompanied the rigour of his voluntary banishment Diana did very well observe this astonishment but not being able to imagine that it did proceed from any other cause then her fears that Phillis would surprize her she did not speak unto her but only waited with a little impatience to see what would become of the design which Phillis had to look into the Grotto But when that Shepherdesse was gone our and found the place more full of horrour then likely to keep alive the flames of a Lover and when she had bid adieu unto Licidas and went in quest of those whom she left behind her Diana seeing her companion continue still in the same assright she was she could nor chuse but ask the cause To whom Astrea answered Did not you hear Sister how Licidas said that this Grotto wherein we are is the very same place where Celadon lived and complained against my inconstancy when his Father by a subtil insinuation did make him believe that Corebes was to marry me I heard him say so replied Diana but I did not think that was able to trouble you so much as I see you are Truly said Astrea it does not much trouble me but I must confesse when I think upon the accidents which befel me at that time and comparing the present condition of my life with that I then lived I cannot chuse but grieve to see how fare will never cease tormenting me but is still putting obstacles unto such felicities as I promised unto my self There are very few answered Diana who have not the same accusation against Fortune you complain I complain and I think so does all the world for it is a most impossible thing to receive any joy which is not mixed with a thousand subjects of sorrow I do believe it answered Astrea but still I dare affirm that of all those who ever had any cause of complaint none ever had so much as I. For if I do but look back upon the successes of my life I cannot find one which was not accompanied with some sad event or other Sister replied Diana we had never lesse reason to complain then now now I say when our miseries are so near their remedy and when we are upon the very point of easing our selves from all those displeasures which we have endured Love has been the cause almost of all and it must be love which must deliver us to the end the same hand which gave the wound may also give the plaister Indeed Sister said Astrea we are arrived at the Eve of our tranquility but yet as near as that moment is which will end all our miseries the memory of those miseries does torment my mind In saying so she looked a little more seriously then before upon every thing that was in the Grotto and finding something upon her right hand which was engraved upon the rock she went nearer unto it and found her own name which Celadon had engraved almost all over the Cavern and on one side she saw written these ensuing lines Judge fair Astrea unto what point my Destinies have brought me I know very well that death is a remedy against all miseries and yet I will not have recourse unto it not that I find it hard to die but out of fear that being dead I shall not love you any longer These words made her apprehend that he had at that time a mind to make away himself but that some good genius had diverted him by putting this consideration
afterwards was wise unto Theodosius and grand Mother of this for being asked why he gave all his estate by will unto his two Sonnes and nothing at all unto his Daughter It is portion enough answered he if I leave her but that which fortune doth promise her Meaning that he observed so much virtue beauty and merit in her as was beyond all portions he could give her But to return unto my discourse Genserick had no sooner left Eudoxe alone but by fortune I came in and finding her all in tears I wondered at so sudden a change but when I knew the cause I must confess I found she had most just cause for it Now did I begin to see clearly what the drift of Genserick was which was before unknown unto me but now I found all his compassion of this Princess was meerly passion which made him wish for her recovery she told me every syllable he said unto her and when she told me what term of time she had taken was only to acquaint me with her misfortune and to pray me that I would apply the best remedy I could Madam answered I tomorrow I will take the honour to talk with you more particularly and do promise you to think upon it all the night Mean time be of good comfort and be assured that if my life and blood will deliver you from these fears that afflict you you shall not be long before you be delivered Upon this I went out of her chamber and retired home where according to my promise I spent all the night in thinking which way I should best serve this sage Princess but after I had stretched my brains and turned every stone I could not hit upon one expedient the execution whereof seemed possible unto me for if I thought of getting her out of captivity by flight I saw that we had not time enough to gain the guards nor to furnish our selves with all things necessary for our enlargement To divert the King from this amorous fury I saw but little likelyhood for very well knowing his vicious Nature I know that nothing but death would quench his lust To kill him besides the enormity of the crime and the inevitable danger that would fall upon my self I did foresee this perhaps was not the way to deliver Eudoxe since he would leave two sons who doubtless would succeed him in his humour as well as his Empire Thus not being able to invent any thing that would do her good as soon as night was past and her chamber door open in the morning I went to give her an accompt of my thoughts and this Princess finding what difficulties I met withal but Olicarsis said she there is one remedy which you have not thought upon and which is a very easie one I asking then what it was you know replied she what Cleopatria did before she would fall into the hand of Cesar now since I find a great conformity between her misfortunes and mine it is but fit I should imitate her in her violent end she would not survive the loss of her dearest Anthony and why should I live after the loss of my dearest Vrsaces who was so infinitly dear unto my soul Upon this Eudoxe held her peace shewing by her countenance that this resolution was pleasing unto her and that she wanted not courage to execute it And therefore I told her that indeed this remedy was the most sure of all but yet I did not think it fit she should have recourse unto it until the utmost extremity I told her that I would first talk with Genserick and try whether I could divert him from his vicious design and after that I would not be against that expedient which she had propounded unto me but on the contrary would help her the best I could and if need were I would serve her as a guide through that dismal passage and advise her rather to die then lose her reputation I presently found that my discourse did please her humour for taking my hand go dear Olicarsis said she unto me the most generous person alive go and if you can bend the soul of yonder Tyrant do Remember what you have promised unto me and be assured that I will die a Princess Upon this compassion moved me to drop some tears and having left her I went unto Genserick I was no sooner out of the chamber door but a young man whose face I knew asked to speak with Eudoxe from Thrasimond and as soon as he was brought into the chamber he kneeled down upon the ground and having told her that he came from his Master to desire leave that he might deliver a message unto the young Eudoxe her daughter the Princess did presently consent unto it and to give him the fairer oportunity she retired into her closset leaving none with her but Placidia The young man whom Thrasimond had trusted with his life did presently take a Letter out of his pocket Madam said he unto her here is a pledge of those promises which my Master made yesterday unto you by which you will find in what state his soul is since you did wound it At this the young Princess smiled and not daring to take the Letter Thrasimond said she must excuse me if I do not receive it but upon condition to open it in the presence of my Lady and Mother If you think not that fit you may carry it back and tell him that I do give him most humble thanks for honouring me so far at to remember me Madam replied the young man Thrasimond is so much your most humbly devoted servant as he will not desire any thing but what you shall think fit but I beseech you let me not return till I know whether you will ordain him death or life In saying so he offered her the Letter and the young Eudoxe taking it she went with Placidia into her Mothers closset where opening it they read these words THRASIMONDS Letter unto the young EUDOXE Fairest EUDOXE I Am most insinitly in love with you and if my passion be not as pure and Legitimate as ever was any then may your rigour make me the most miserable amongst men I do know very well that my affection is a testimony of my rashnesse but it is also a testimony of my resentment and your merit If you think the one worthy of punishment I hope the other is as worthy of recompence Thus in this uncertainty whether you should punish or recompence refer it unto the decision of time which is the best Judge of all things Punish me if I lie and if I love you love me again I vow dearest Eudoxe I do pity your Fortune since I became a slave as you are The knowledge which Eudoxe had of Thrasimonds love did put her into great hopes imagining that she could make him do great matters and therefore she her self came with the two young Princesses to give an answer unto this welcome messenger and to tell him that
his joyes whispered that Cavelier in the ear The misfortune said he unto him is nothing so great as is beleived upon this taking him by the arme he carried backe into the boate wherin none was but Vrsaces who was striving betwixt life and death and causing all the men to stand at a distance and candles to be taken away when he thought none could hear but Olimbres he began this discourse Dear freind said he unto him I must make two very particular confessions unto you by the one I must confesse my own rashnesse and by the other my Fathers shame upon this he related unto him how he was in love with the young Eudoxe and how she received him afterwards he related the violence which Genserick used towards Eudoxe the Mother He told him of my imprisonment by reason of the poison which I had prepared for her at last he told him of all the attempts which the King had made upon the Chamber of that Princesse and how she set it on fire after this Now dear Olimbres continued he you must know that Eudoxe had no sooner kindled the fire not any horrors of death but sorrowes to be a cause of her two Daughters death did so far enter into her soul as she could not chuse but retire her self into another Chamber where the two Princesses lay Then shutting the door and remembring the affection which I had professed she began to think that perhaps if she could escape this danger Genserick would leave pursuing her or that I would find out some way to stop him This consideration made her consent not to die yet so as opening the window towards the garden by fortune she espied at her feet two sheets which she tyed togeather and by them she first let down Eudoxe next Placidia and lastly her self Olimbres having no patience How said he and interrupted is not Eudoxe dead she is not answered Thrasimond she ran unto a little house in the corner of the garden belonging to the Gardiner whom she awaked for as you know those kind of men go to bed betimes she made him open the door and as soon as she was entred freind said she unto him the palace is all on fire Upon this the Gardiner who by reason of the darkness did not know Eudoxe he went out and was not long before he saw the flames flash out of the Chamber from whence the Princesses came then coming in again in a great amase good gods said he what will become of the fair prisoners They are in a place answered Eudoxe where their lives do depend upon thee and if thou wilt preserve them I will make thee happy for ever Upon this she caused him to light up a candle and the poor fellow in a mighty confusion asking her what she would have him to do all that I would have thee do said Eudoxe is to hide us least some should come and surprise us then would I have thee ran in all hast and acquaint Thrasimond where we are but above all be sure that no living soul know it but only he The Gardiner then finding no safer place to put them in then a little cave which was near his house their he hid them and came to tell me what Eudoxe commanded He had as much a do to get unto me as I had to get out of the croud for you must know Olimbres that the town is in such a confusion so as one could hardly know another in the disorder But at last I followed him to his little house upon which abundance of sparks began already to fall which making me fear it would at length be burned I could not not give any testimones of my joy unto the Princesses but carrying them as secretly as I could unto the house of one of my domestiques not far from thence I gave some money to the Gardiner and charged him upon paine of his life to be silent Leaving them then in safty there I returned unto the Castle to see the King but I could not for the horror of this accident had so terified him that he would not be seen by any Thus was I the first that knew of your return where at I much rejoyce and assure you dear Olimbres that I will continue in the same desires which I have and ever had to love and serve you This was the discourse of Thrasimond which was abundance of joy unto Olimbres and I should have said it had bin the highest degree if the joyes of Vrsaces had been comparable unto his That disguised Cavelier heard all that the Prince said for he being behind in the boate they took no notice of him And his joyes to hear that his Mistresse was alive did so transport him into the other extream as formerly he was in his miseryes and greif Yet heaven which would preserve him for the felicity of Eudoxe would not suffer him to die upon this excesse of delight but following Olimbres whom Thrasimond would needs have to lodge in the Castle they were no sooner alone but they began to embrace each other and spent almost all the night in relating their adventures The next morning Genserick heard of the return and of his shippes and of Olimbres but the memory of this late dismall accident would not suffer him to be sensible of those joyes which at another time he had resented Yet he welcomed Olimbres as well as he could and desiring to hide from posterity the true cause of Eudoxes death he began to invent all the excuses he could devise to palliate that crime which he had committed Olimbres seemed to beleive all the King said and fetching a hundred dissembled sighes for the losse of these three Princesses he observed that the memory of this sad tragedy had infused some repentance into the King and indeed he greived so extreamly at it as one might read repentant sorrow in his eyes and to leave some testimony of that esteem which he had of Eudoxe though a captive he caused her corps to be searched amongst the reliques of the combustion They found the bodies of the three Eunuches which the flame had smothered but so consumed as none of them retaining any form they were taken for the corpses of the Princesse and her two daughters Genserick he prepared a most statly monument to be erected for them and commanding them to be put into coffins of silver he also gave orders they should be very carefully guarden In the mean Thrasimond who feared that Eudoxe was not safe enough in the Town he caused her to be carried unto a very fair house which he had in the Countrey not far from Carthage As soon as conveniently he could he carryed Olimbres thither also under a pretence of diverting him but as soon as Eudoxe saw him she was so surprised as she fell into a swond yet at last recovering and desiring to speak with him in private she carried him into another chamber leaving Thrasimond with the young Eudoxe and Placidia
prevalent as the love and impatiency of Belinde it was resolved upon that she would make one of the company They set forward then altogether and the Druide asking Phillis how and in what manner Astrea and Diana were found you must know Father answered she that this morning we all parted every one taking a several way as we did yesterday Licidas he took towards the Fountain I told him also which way I would go and in case any of us heard any news of them we agreed to meet all at noon at the same place where we met yesterday which was by the side of the river Lignon I came unto the rendezvous before him for to tell you truly I began to despair in my quest After I had been there a while I saw him coming a great pace towards me but as sad as he was in the morning when we parted As soon as he was come unto me Ah Phillis said he very sadly if you would see Astrea and Diana they are not far from hence I saw them close by one another fast asleep Then I interrupting him have you seen them said I in a great amazement for god sake good Lycidas conduct me to them and make no more delay Indeed answered he I did see them and will let you see them also but if you love me do not oblige me to speak unto them or go near them for if I do it will prove as fatal unto me as death it self You think said I unto him that Astrea is angry with you but you may very well be satisfied since she has asked you pardon Alas alas replied the Shepherd words are never able to repair that injury which I received from her in the person of my brother whilst we were thus talking we came nearer and as soon as he shewed me the place where my companions were or at the least where he left them Do you see yonder old Altar said he unto me which time hath demolished They do lie at the feet of those stairs upon which it is erected I did see the place to which he pointed with his finger but being unwilling he should leave me I still went on and seemed as if I did not see it At last when I began to perceive Astrea and Diana me thinks said I unto him that I do see something but it is so confusedly as if you do not go along with me I shall hardly hit the way unto them Alas Phillis answered he why will you be any cause of so much sorrows unto me upon this looking up and seeing we were nearer then he thought unless you be blind said he you cannot miss the place where they are as he said so I observed that he looked upon them very attentively but said he I see something there which was not there when I left them perhaps said I it is Alexis This hope made us go something nearer but when we were within fourty or fifty paces Licidas made a sudden stop Mistress said he for gods sake go no further for I see two fierce beasts with them and if I be not mistaken they are the U●nicorns which use to guard the Fountain of verity in Love I must needs confess Father that a secret chill fear glided through all my veins and I was glad that at the very same instant Hylas and Adrastes appeared in sight for under pretence of going to advertise them of this Novelty I got further off from their fury but yet taking a little courage I returned with them and finding my self more strong in their company I looked more confidently upon my companions I saw them in the same condition as Licidas told me to wit lying at the stairs foot of that Altar Moreover I observed they embraced each other and the two Unicorns leaned their heads upon them I could have wished with all my heart that these two cruel creatures had stood in as much fear of me as I did of them that we might have had more free access unto my companions but they would not stir from those fair Shepherdesses and there was not a Shepherd that durst stir a step nearer them Seeing then that my stay there would not at all advantage them I thought best to come and acquaint you and in comming I met Celidea Thamires St●lla Do●is and severall others whom I told where they might be witnesses of this adventure Alas alas said Adamas this is a most sad adventure for Astrea who feares the world has an ill opinion of her virtue by reason of Celadons disguisement will have this way to be a tryall of her purity because it is the property of those beasts never to come near any have been once poluted Thus all the Company talked as they went whilst at the same time Alexis and Silvander were in their way to execute that enterprise which they resolved upon the day before They awaked not so soon as they desired for they feared that if the Sun were up they should meet some who would be obstacles unto their design yet being fully resolved to go on through all difficulties and thinking upon nothing but this last munite which would free them from all the Tyrannies of fortune they went so fast that they came in a very short time unto the Altar where Astrea and Diana lay asleep Alexis was the first that espied them and being suprised at this encounter she made a sudden stop Silvander who observed her astonishment and asking her the cause Alas dear freind answered Alexis would not you be a most supprised person if as Astrea does present her self before me Diana should once more honour you with a veiw of her fair face Indeed I should said Silvander but that were a happiness which is so far beyond my hopes as I think it impossible to be Yet replied Alexis if you turn but your eye towards yonder altar which is a little raised up above the levell of the plain and which is not far distant from us you shall see with Astrea a shepherdess to whom you wish no ill Silvander then looking that way and seeing Diana his colour went and came into his face two or three times and in this amazement being hardly able to speak Oh heavens cryed he out oh Diana Upon this making more hast towards them they came so near those shepherdesses that they could discern every feature in their faces and Alexis who fell down at the feet of Astrea cruell fair one said he in a low voice and with a deep sigh heaven is unjust to grant unto you so much rest after you have by your hatred cause myne to cease And you Diana said Silvander unto her do you come unto this alter to thank the gods for giving you the possession of Paris or do you come to complain against them for ravishing you from the inviolable love of Silvander after this both being silent a while But fair Astrea replied Alexis who maugre all your rigours is most dear unto me cannot I
read in those fair eyes the cause your comming hither Oh sleep be not thou as cruell unto me as thou art sweet unto this in humain fair one Oh thou god of rest and comfort let her look once upon me before I die But continued she and reprehended her self I have no reason to invoke thee since the cruelty of Astrea shews me that Divinities themselves are sometimes insensible Fairest Diana said Silvander and gently kissed her fair hands receive these few teares which I now drop upon the Lillies of your hand as the last testimony of your shepherds love Receive oh ye fairest lips this sad and deplorable adieu and if it be possible my passion can inspire any thing into your soul let not my name die in your memory In saying so be adventured to kisse her and yet she did not waken for she had been so long without sleep and was so very weary as she slept most soundly Alexis on her side she stole the same favour from the ruby lips of Astrea and afterwards looking upon Silvander but shepherd said he unto him unto whom are we debtors for these favours but to their insensibility Let us retreat Silvander and not mixe such sweets with so many bitters which we use to tast let us leave these beauties whom we have so religiously adored unto their rest and not stay till they shall awake and condemn this last action of our lives of too much presumption Let us go Silvander whither our destinies do call us come on answered Silvander let us go and die But said he before he went and kissed the hand of Diana adieu the fairest that ever lived upon the bankes of Lignon adieu Diana adieu the object of my love and the cause of my torments Upon this he rose up and heard Alexis say and thou the fairest and most inhumane that ever was dear Astrea if it happen that the fury of the Lyons and Unicornes do leave so much reliques of me as may let you know my deplorable and generous end know also that my love made choise of this kind of death and your rigour was the cause of it I do not desire from heaven any revenge upon your cruelty but I beseech the gods to make my innocency and fidelity to known unto you as you may never doubt but that as I have been the most faithfull of all lovers so you have been the most cruell of all Mistresses in saying so she rose up and taking Silvander by the hand they went both togeather towards the fountain This encounter passed whilst Lycidas went to advertise Phillis of the place where he had found the shepherdesses and before they returned Alexis and Silvander were got so near the inchanted fountain that the two Unicornes which first espied them left the Lyons to guard it and came straight towards them Alexis who looked for nothing but death stood still and Silvander who looked for no less did open his armes to receive that mortall wound which would take him away from the number of men but the Unicornes which came most furious towards them passed by and did them no harm This accident which was far beyond their hopes did extreamly astonish them but desiring to know what would be the issue they turned about and looked after them They saw them go gently towards Diana and Astrea and after they had gazed a while upon the ground they layed themselves down upon the ground and leaned their heades upon those shepherdesses at first they feared that these Animals would have done them some injury and therefore they advanced to releive them yet as soon as they saw them laid down they stopt and admired to see so much sweetness from them as in nature they might well expect most cruelty They were in these considerations when they saw Lycidas and Phillis comming so as fearing to be perceived they laid them down upon the groud and hiding themselves behind a little bush observed a while their actions and astonishment at last when they saw Phillis leave Lycidas a while after espied Hylas and Adrastes and all the rest unto whom that shepherdess had told the newes of finding Astrea and Diana Alexis then seeing a great number of persons assembling themselves togeather he turned towards Silvander shepherd said he unto him pray go you unto that good company you had much better be with them then with me whose Company is so contageous as does infect all that are with me with a desire of d●ing Your Company answered Silvander does not produce the same effects in me since on the contrary I may say it has hindred me or at least deferred my death For certainly had not you diverted me yesterday from my resolution I should ere this have paid that tribute which I owe unto nature But as for you Celadon continued he why should you so willfully fly from the looks of your fair shepherdess though Astrea was angry with you yet it was only out of a passionate fit which she could not resist and since it was so violent as could not last long Follow my advice go and appease the spirit of that fair shepherdess who doubtless is in extream impatience to know what is become of you you will thereby oblige all the shepherds and shepherdesses in this Countrey for I am sure there is not one who is not much interested in you eyther by blood or affection But I poor silly wretch I wonder who would care whether I do live or die First Diana she will find a subject of incomparable satisfaction by my death because thereby she will be rid of him whose presence will eternally accuse her and make her appear culpable of perfidy as for the rest of shepherds and shepherdesses alas why should any of them be sensible of my miseryes since my death must needs be as indifferent unto them as my life For not being known unto any no my own self not knowing what I am why should any make me the object of his amity a vagabond and a miserable wretch who has resented the very worst of fortunes malice Your merit replied Alexis hath supplied all those defects which you alleadge and has given you as much esteem from all of any quality in this Countrey then if you had been descended from the most illustrious families in all Forrests No no assure your self Silvander your death would be infinitly lamented by all and every one will lament your loss as losing the glory of the Province in losing you who are the most perfectly accomplished shepherd in it so as your will in exposing your self unto the fury of the Lyons is not just because you do not only offend the gods by distroying their most perfect work but also men by ravishing from them the rarest example of virtue they ever had Follow my advice Silvander let me die alone reserve the remainder of your dayes for actions that will be glorious unto you and restore him back unto Diana for who I know her soul has
him from thinking upon any thing else a long time after In this Combate of thoughts he passed away almost all the day and stirred not from his cave but only to drink at the little rivolet which relieved him in that necessity But Laonice seeing the day almost gone before she heard any news of Tircis she began to fear that her devise was discovered yet she waited still at the entrance into the wood where the trees gave a more delectable shade then in any other place and such was her impatience that at every blast which moved the trees she looked about imagining it to be Tircis At last having thus spent the day in such inquietudes as are usual unto one that loves perfectly she resolved to counterfeit a Ghost the second time with an oath never to become her self again in case her plot took no better success then it had before Then said she to her self will I intent this Barbarian eternally I will never let him take a minutes rest I will kindle a flame at the fire of my love which a thousand times worse then that of the Furies shall scorch him without intermission and without conforming him In this design she prepared her self to go into the place where Tircis was about the same time of night she did before but fearing the Shepherd should be awake in hopes to see Cleon the second time she thought it better to go thither a little before day So she passed away most part of the night under those trees and when she thought it time she went to execute what she had proposed As soon as she came to the caves mouth she listned with her ear as she did before and when she was assured that Tircis was asleep she entered in with as little noise as possibly she could make the first thing she did was to cal him by his name knowing very well that naturally every one has a greater disposition to hearken unto his own name then to any other word and indeed the Shepherd upon the instant of naming him did give some testimonies that he was not fast asleep and therefore Laonice said unto him Tircis thy disobedience hath offended the gods and Cleon and the rigour of Laonice unto thee shall be the punishment of thy crime unlesse thou wouldest have her spirit become inexorable unto thee prepare thy self to repair that fault this day which thou didst commit yesterday and once again consider that it is Cleon which commands it and thou must never expect any favour from her if thou dost not obey me Upon this she went out again and hearkning at the door she heard Tircis fetch a deep sigh and afterwards raising his voice Alas my dearest Cleon said he why dost thou so soon fly out of the presence of him who once was half thy life or why dost thou now impose that upon me which thou didst abhor Good gods Is it possible there should be any alteration Can you be guilty of that common fault in men Then he held his peace and Laonice who thought she had now said enough she was now ready to return but upon a sudden she heard him say Well Cleon said he I will follow thy councel and obey thy commands and since the gods have inspired thee with some pity upon Laonice it is not just I should be lesse sensible of her miseries then thou art In saying so he began again to sigh and the Shepherdess being all joy to hear it she would not stay to hear any more but going some two or three hundred paces off she resolved to give him all opportunities to render reall obedience unto the faigned command which she had imposed upon him In the mean time Tircis could not sleep any more but thinking upon the qualities of Laonices body and mind and now having no more aversion to make him abominate all she did he began to think that the time he should passe away with her would be something more pleasing unto him then that which he should spend in the solitude which he had chosen In order hereunto he got up as soon as day dawned and not being able to imagine where he should meet with this Shepherdess but why should I trouble my self about it said he upon a sudden the same gods who commanded me to love her will doubtlesse give me the opportunity to see her Upon this he went out and not knowing which way to wend his course he followed the first path his foot fell into Laonice who was within ken was not long before she saw him appear and going into his path she sat down and when he was within hearing the began to sing At this voice Tircis stood amazed and admiring the providence of the gods in the conduct of this affection he stole from tree to tree till he came just unto the place where she was as she had ended her song He presently fell down upon his knees and the Shepherdess seeming to be extreamly afraid she got up and would have fled away But Tircis catching hold of her Fair Laonice said he as Cleon was formerly the cause of that little esteem which I did set upon your beauty so she is now the cause of that love which I come to offer unto you and doubly happy shall I be if I can but find a favourable reception Laonice seeming still to wonder at all this cruel man answered she are you not yet weary with tormenting me how came you hither to persecute me in a place which I had chosen as a remedy against your cruelty If you be the same Tircis who has so often and so cruelly tortured me what moves you to come now and flatter me with fair promises of happinesse which you have so often put me out of all hopes ere to obtain And if you be but only his Ghost then tell me what makes thee forsake the soul of that Cleon whose ashes you have so long Idoliz'd I am really the same Tircis replied the Shepherd who not being able to cease loving that fair one would rather have died then changed but since I have the command of Cleon for it no other upon earth but only Laonice is to have the glory of possessing me In saying so he offered to take her hand and the Shepherdess stepping back as not daring to touch him Stay Tircis said she unto him I am yet in a doubt whether what I see be real or only an illusion either let me recollect my spirits or you will affright me to death Ah Laonice replied Tircis could we as easily believe miracles as the gods can do them you would soon cease your wonder Indeed said Laonice and interrupted him to see Tircis upon his knees before Laonice and to hear him talk of any love to her are two no small miracles and yet said Tircis it is not more certain that I live then it is that I love you I do equally make a doubt of both answered Laonice and that which troubles me is to
the curtain a little and let him see that shepherd whom Thamiris and Hylas were comforting as well as they could For not knowing the true cause which induced him to look for a death they thought that his sorrowes to live so ignorant of himself did make him desire to die and therefore they used all the best arguments they could to perswade with him They told him that his misfortune of being ignorant of himself ought not to trouble him since the door of heaven was open unto all well qualified men alike That his merits had gotten him the effectionate hearts of so many shepherds as would at all times supply his necessities and make him live as well as themselves In fine they gave him the best language and comfort they could but not touching the right string nor hitting right upon his maladie their musick did but jarre in his ears did not work upon his humour nor could they get any answers from him but such as made them think that his sorrowes being so extreame they did proceed from some cause unknown to them They left him therefore in this condition For the Druid at the instance of Celadon who desired no other witnesses but Lycidas did draw them out of the room As soon as they were gone Silvander went into Celadons bed who having received him Shepherd said he unto him I have no reason to wish you well Why said Celadon Because answered Silvander you did divert mee from my designe of precipitating my selfe for had it not been better for you to have been a witnesse of my death then of the continuation of my miseries But see now unto what a sad condition I am reduced since I can no longer avoid the presence of Paris and Diana the envie unto one and the change of the other will be double death unto mee I cannot repent of what I did said Celadon for it is my glory to have contributed any thing unto the preservation of such a shepherd as you are but I am very sorry that you have made your self a companion of my Fortune since you are the only cause of my not dying in this adventure and the Gods would not have let mee live but onely to punish mee for suffering you to hazzard your life in such an occasion wherein no other Lover but my self ought to have perished That is a secret said Silvander known onely to Tautates But Celadon to let these deep miseries alone pray tell mee if you know any thing of Diana I had not so much leasure answered Celadon as to enquire but I heard that Astrea was still alive yet Lycidas perhaps can satisfie you Upon this hee called him and Lycidas sitting down at the beds feet related what Phillis told unto the Druid which joyed Silvander a little but upon a sudden fetching a deep sigh Alas alas replied hee Paris is doubtlesse now with her swimming in carresses of Love No answered Lycidas Paris is very busie in giving the entertainments of the house and though the accident which hapned unto Diana did not a little trouble him yet hee was constrained to that civility by the command of Adamas who would needs have him entertaine Galathea Rosanira Daphnide Medonthe and other Nymphes which came from Marcelles Celadon upon this asked his brother how long it was since they came to whom Lycidas answered that they came in the morning and were all trimmed in the habit of sheperdesses purposely to passe away the time more pleasantly At this Silvander began to sigh but Lycidas even ravished with joy to see his brother hee could not chuse but laugh Celadon asked him the cause of his laughing I laugh answered Lycidas to see Silvander jealous and to see how that passion does produce the same effects in him which it did in mee when hee made it his sport to vexe mee in that angry mood and certainly to heare him talk would make one believe that Diana has had two or three children by Paris when God knowes that not so much as a promise of marriage has passed between them Silvander who thought that Lycidas only mocked hee changed neither face nor humour but on the contrary seemed more troubled then before Alas shepherd said hee unto him have you no more compassion ten to rub upon my sorest wound What great offence have I committed against you that can deserve so cruel a revenge I protest replied Lycidas I have no thoughts of any revenge upon you But if you could as easily hinder Paris from marrying Diana as it is certain they are not yet married you would quickly put an end to all your miseries Silvander then seeming to be extreamly glad of the newes The Gods said hee are my Friends For had I dyed I had disobeyed Diana who did absolutely forbid mee dying untill I hear her marriage was consummated But said Lycidas what made you believe shee was married I had no other assurance of it answered Silvander but the report of a boy which looks to my Flock and told mee of it with so much innocent simplicity as I could not suspect the truth of it The same encounter is hapned unto you said Celadon that happens unto many others when reports do passe through many mouthes for every one addes a little and the last will sweare they saw that which neither is nor ever was Most true answered Silvander for this young boy swore unto mee that hee who serves Lycidas did assure him that hee saw all the Ceremonies danced after the musick of the Ho-boyes which sounded all over the Plaines But since this Fatal Ceremonie is not yet past Good Gods said hee and looked up to heaven for pities sake prevent it or else let my death preceed it Silvander had no sooner uttered these few words but hee looked upon Celadon Shepherd said hee unto him why should wee thus slugg away the time in bed there is nothing that hinders us from rising True said Celadon Though Adamas will not let us stirre from hence yet wee may walk up and down the Room Upon this Silvander took his cloaths and whilst Celadon was seeking for his hee had almost drest himselfe But neither Celadon nor Lycidas could finde his cloaths for the Druid who as hee went out had carried away the cloaths of Alexis hee had forgot to put Celadons in lieu of them so as being forced to keep his bed Silvander and Lycidas sate down by him And falling into discourse concerning the Inchantment Lycidas related unto them all that hee had seen In the mean time Adamas went to see Astrea and that shepherdesse no sooner saw him near her bed but looking upon him with such an eye as plainly testified the astonishment wherein shee was Father said shee unto him how comes it to passe you should now see mee in this bed and nor rather in my coffin and by what misfortune am I severed from Alexis To this answered the Druid I cannot answer for I know nothing of the accidents But if
extreamly love Thrasimond and the young Prince with whom I stayed as a Governour so as the interest of this affection was enough to make me forget the greatest injuries I ever received from their Father Genserick then embarqued himself flattering himself with hopes that his voyage would be no lesse prosperous then the conquest of all the world But O how fond and deceitful are all humane intentions One single day saw all this glory and all this war like Array vanish to nothing for Leon who feared that Anthemius was not strong enough to resist so formidable an Army did haste away relief under the conduct of one Basiliscus who being by the favour of the gods and the winds joyned with him did defeat Genserick and gave him so sharp a chase as he was constrained to retire into Carthage with as much shame and infamy as his ambition did before promise him glory and honour In a very short time this Basiliscus made himself master of Sicily and regained all that the conquests of Genserick had ravished from the Romane power but not contenting himself with those Trophes which he had already gotten whilst Anthemius was returned to Rome he designed to subjugate Africa and not to leave Genserick so much ground as to make himself a grave This resolution did put Genserick into a greater confusion then I am able to expresse He saw all his Armies defeated Basiliscus triumphant Sicily lost the Vandals ruined and all Africa affrighted so as not knowing which way to resist his enemy one day he did me the honour to communicate himself unto me I freely told him that if he did not think himself able to defend himself by force he had no other way but to have recourse unto Pollicy and that the most favourable expedient would be to stop the mouth of his enemy by corrupting him with gifts and promises and that though he spent herein all the riches that he had gotten by the plunder of Rome yet would have this advantage by it that he gave nothing but was their own and had thereby preserved his life and estate This proposition did sound well in his ears and thinking that perhaps I had wit enough to bring this about he imployed me to go unto Basiliscus and gave me a full power to manage this negotiation as seemed good unto me Upon this I went and found Basiliscus advanced very far but not to insist upon every circumstance and course I took to overcome him let it suffice I tell you that after I had told him there was no prudence in exasperating an enemy so far as to make him desperate That the greatest glory he could hope for was to get by his valour all that which Italy had lost That Genserick did offer to restore it unto him even all the riches that he had brought from Rome This Man who doubtlesse was of a greedy and covetous Nature was wrought upon by the promises which I had made unto him to keep this negotiation so secret that never any could come to the knowledge of it Thus did I in some sort give peace unto Africa and rest unto Genserick who had no sooner performed the conditions of this secret treaty but Basiliscus suspected as I believe for it is impossible such actions should long lie hid was commanded by Leon to return unto Constantinople This Emperour would never suffer neither Vrsaces nor Olimbres to be absent from him for trusting in their courages and affections also suspecting the Factions of Ardabures and Aspar he was very glad to keep them by him as two Pillars to support him in cases of necessity but at this time when the malice of these two Factions had broken out anew and Vrsaces and Olimbres after several skirmishes little prevailing he was constrained to send for Basiliscus who had under him the only forces which could secure him in the possession of the Empire Basiliscus then was no sooner sent for but Vrsaces addressing himself unto Olimbres and telling him how great a shame unto them it was that they could not do any service unto Leon and that it was better for them to perish in a brave attempt then to stay and let another have the glory of giving peace unto the East to whom Olimbres whose spirit aspired unto great actions answering that he was ready to avoid that stain upon their honours they assembled together one day all the Forces they could raise and charged Ardabures and Aspar so furiously that after a long and sharp Combate wherein the loss of blood was the least mark of their courages they took them both Prisoners and brought them to the mercy of Leon who to stop all fears of any further Rebellion did publickly put them to death This was the state of things whilst Anthemius found how far the perfidie and ingratitude of a man could go for Rithimer a Goth by Nation whom Severian had made a Citizen of Rome and Lieutenant of his Army and unto whom Anthemius married his daughter he rose up against him and forgetting all the benefits which he had received from his father in Law he strove at the Empire and endeavoured to usurp the Crown and Authority Anthemius more grieved at his ill Nature then at his pretentions did generously oppose himself against his enterprises and had no sooner advertised Leon of Rithimers ingratitude but the Emperor dispatched Olimbres to him to deliver him from the oppressions of this kinsman-enemy But the doom of the destinies being inevitable some accident or other impeded the voyage of Olimbres so as he came no farther then Ravenna when Rithimer having violated the peace which he contracted with Anthemius only to have the more facility to betray him did rebell a new defeated Belemer who came with relief unto Anthemius Entred into Room plundered the houses Pillaged the statly Palaces burned the Temples and miserbaly put him to the sword who had done him so many benefits This violence had like to have killed Olimbres with greif and the more because he conceaved that he might have stopped his comming unto Rome But this horrid cruelty did incense the gods much more who being unwilling to suffer such abominable iniquity and base treachery to passe unpunished they would never suffer such an impious wretch to raign but let him die the most violent death that ever did man Olimbres presently after was declared Emperor and called unto Rome as the only hope of that desolate estate which news quickly carried unto Carthage and was so welcome unto Genserick and Thrasimond because of the affection which they ever bare unto him that they resolved to give some perticular testimony of their joy For my part I must confesse my joyes were far above my expressions or any imagination and in my excesse of gladnesse I thought a thousand times of that which an Astrologer foretold him which was that he should not die untill he was made Emperor and had commanded the Empire of the west not bring able to comprehend how
of their company that night was very sorry sorry that Amasis had debatred him of that happiness yet not daring to complain because obedience vnto the Nymph was but his duty he consented unto their departure and waiting upon them part of the way he beseeched them to honour him with their return the next day Galathea promised to ask permission and afterwards seeming very sorry that she had not time enough to talk with Astrea she went away fully resolved to emply her endeavours to see her again As soon as they came unto Amasis they gave her an exact accompt of all that they had seen and after they had told how much the Inchantment had affrighted them they told her thot the god of love was to pronounce some Oracles and commanded that they should come and consult with him This Novelty made the Nymph very desirous to be present so as without Galatheas mention of her promise she commanded to make all things ready that she might go unto the house of Adamas very early in the morning Merindor was come from Mount Brison with the Nymph and because he said he was sent from Sigismond Dorinde received him as kindly as she could though she retained still a fresh memory of his behaviour towards her But at this time forgetting all his levity she bad him welcome and after Supper imagining that he durst not not talk of any thing but of the Princess bu●●ness she gave him such opportunity of speech with her as he had time enough to acquit himself of all that he had in commission Adamas on the other side to whom the joys of Celadon was an incomparable contentment he returned unto the company he left in the Garden but there hapned to be a change since he went For Doris being acquainted with the death of Palemon she fell into such extreamities of griefs and complaints as would have moved a stone to compassion Adrastes seemed to be no less greeved then she and when he considered that he was the principal cause of that Shepherds death he could not imagine any thing that was able to comfort him The Druid thinking he could not do a more charitable office then to comfort them in their sorrows he took Doris in one hand and Adrastes in the other and betwixt that place and the house he gave them such cordial Language as he much allayed the sadness of their souls and put them into hope that as the gods had sent this sad affliction upon them so certainly out of their goodness they would send them comforts In the mean while the sighs of Doris did blow that fire more vehement which love had long since kindled in the heart of Adrastes And the tears which that Shepherd shed at the sad resentments of Doris were so pleasing unto that afflicted Shepherdess as they served for a kinde of comforts and ease unto the pain which she endured When Adamas found that his perswasions had a good opperation with them he left them and went to see Bellinde who was already returned unto the Chamber of Astrea and Diana And because he feared that if all this company went to visit them it would be but troublesome to them he thought it expedient that none should see them till the next morning Therefore he commanded Paris to wait upon Celadon Silvander and the rest into their Chambers and advised them to be all in readiness the next morning to go and hear the Oracles which the God of Love was to pronounce Paris was obedient unto this command and though he had great desire to see Diana yet he durst not ask permission imagining that since Celadon could not see Astrea Adamas would not grant unto him more priviledge then unto the other Bellinde found Diana in a very joyful condition for the return of Phillis and the report which he made of Silvanders health had almost restored her fresh complexion into her cheecks so as after she had rejoyced a while with the Druide she retired full of joy that Diana promised her to rise the next morning Adamas also after a while of discourse with them he went unto his Chamber and desired Phillis and Leonide to lye in the Chamber of Astrea and Diana that in case they should need any help Leonide might serve them Thus every one desposed themselves to rest that night and the last that retired themselves was Adrastes and Doris for that shepherd fe ring least Doris should suspect his greif and think some craft disguised under that veile he addressed himself unto her and looking upon her with an eye that spoke the sorrows of his soul Sister said he unto her If my griefs for the death of Polemon be not the greatest and the most real that ever I resented may I eternally perish I know my self guilty of his death and that but for me he had still been happy in your love and company Now in some sort to satisfie the ghost of that dear husband which Adrastes has ravished from you It is most just I should punish my self and that I separate my self from that person who only can give me any consolation or delight which person is your self Dear Brother answered Doris with tears in her eyes Adrastes indeed is partly the cause of Palemons death but for all that I think it extream in justice to punish him for it because he did engage himself voluntarily unto that fatal voyage and do what I could I could not divert him from it Alas alas how oft have I feared this misfortune which hath befaln him It seems as if some secret Genius did tell me of the accident for truly never did any day nor night pass but either my thoughts or my dreams did menace it You know it Adrastes you you have seen it in my face since you returned and for all the good hopes that you gave me I had still some secret fears which told me that I should never see him again Ah my dear Palemon continued she how fatal a passage were all my sorrows at thy departure of those afflictions which were afterwards to fall upon me Dear Palemon at this word her speech failed for her tears and sighs took it away And Adrastes whose grief was no less violent beginning to speak Fair Doris said he unto her me thinks I find too deep resentment in your grief you ought to punish the Author of your disaster and shew me how farre the revenge of a wronged woman can go It was I that have robd you of Palemon let mee feel the fury of your anger If you have not resolution enough to command me unto death yet command me unto an eternal banishment for that will be no lesse then a death unto mee But I shall obey though I shall never finde any delight in the conversation of men since I am deprived of him whom I loved best and whose affection was dearer unto mee then my life Alas answered Doris with a deep sigh though I should be so severe as to
survive him one minute for whose sake she only desired to live Yet least her too much transport should be an obstacle unto her designe she conceal'd her sorrows with so great a constraint that Silvander himself was deceived by it This poor Shepherd after he had seen the doom which the God of Love had pronounced against him he mildly cast his eyes upon her and his grief not to possess her whom he loved be●t was a cause that he could not chuse but accompany his looks with some sighs Diana took them with an incomparable constancy and not so much as changing colour she shewed him more marks of amazement in her face then love of which the Shepherd was no less sensible then of that sentence which condemned him to dye Yet still retaining in his memory those testimonies of affection which she had shewed unto him he found presently after that it was no defect of love in her since commonly the deerest sorrows send forth fewest tears Adamas in this extreamity knew not what to do sometimes he looked upon Silvander and sometimes turned towards the Fountain as if he hoped the God would revoke this doom I yet still seemed so astonished as if he had thought it pronounced against himself and not Silvander Hylas was now put by the byas of his merry humour and though he did not meet with any greater opposer of himself by way of Argument yet did he grieve for him and made it appear that he was a lover of virtue and did esteem it wheresoever he did meet with it Lycidas Thamiros Adrastes and the rest did not know what countenances to put on and Celadon himself did forget all his causes of joy Thus in this universal astonishment and common silence no noise was to be heard but sighs which plainly spoke the sorrows of all the people But Silvander pressing through the company went to the Fountain where kneeling down and shewing a countenance of courragious resolution Oh God of Love said he in in a loud voice which dost envy my fedelity I do give thee thanks for the care thou hast taken in making me to dye so gloriously I know very well that as death is to tryumph over me so Paris is to tryumph over Diana but since my mean birth cannot dispute with him for the victory I cannot think that any command could come from a more puissant God Here I am Great God ready to obey thee And since the doom is irrevocable in ordaining me to live till to morrow may the Sun turn his hours into munites and hasten his return for my sake After this he rose up and whilst all the company observed his behaviour and whilst Paris himself was greeved to the soul that he could not be happy but by the ruine of that Shepherd he went unto Adamas and seeing him in great astonishment Father said he unto him cheer up we now know the will of the Gods and that this Fountain must be drenched with my blood if the Inchantment end Come come why stay we here any longer Son answered Adamas with a deep sigh The Gods do shew no less rigor un-unto me in letting me live then in hindring you In saying so he turned about and all the company doing the like they all began to set forward towards the house In their return every one went in confusion Astrea thinking upon nothing but the misfortune of her friend she left Celadon to the discretion of Galathea Phillis was so sadly concerned that Lycidas himself desired her to go and give what assistance she could unto Diana in that extreamity so being about that Shepherdess and a little separated from the company because they would not be heard Phillis was the first that spoke and after she had looked up to Heaven I profess said she I cannot enough admire at so many accidents by which the Gods do disturb the tranquility of our lives we do never gust any pleasure one single day but as soon as ever we have any cause of joy some strange disaster or other does blast it Sister answered Diana very sadly the Gods have now done their worst and since they have thus assaulted the innocency of Silvander it is probable they will not spare one of us The truth is ●aid Astrea and interrupted This Shepherd moves me to abundance of compassion I have narrowly observed the whole course of his life and when I do particularly consider the success of it I cannot chuse but admire his constancy and think his destinies too severe The fairest things replied Diana with tears in her eyes are often soonest blasted and therefore I do not so much wonder at Silvanders fate although I do most sadly resent it For though as they say the Gods cannot erre yet I cannot chuse but think them sometimes jealous and do envy us mortals when we have any thing amongst us that is execllent else what reason could they have to take from us this poor Shepherd had he ever neglected their service had he ever been negligent in looking to his flocks had hee been guilty of Paricide or had lived in a most precise observation of all Laws both divine and humane I could not have told what to have said But Lignon I believe never saw a more wise Shepherd then he You know how excellently he has often discoursed in matters of Divinity how respective he has been unto all his Flocks were always the best liking in all the plain and how could he commit Paricide since he never knew his Parents No no my companions they could never detect him of any crime unless making me in love with him but thy should they punish him for that since I never complained against him Sister replied Phillis If the Gods do punish him for winning your Love it is only because that affection is contrary unto what you owe unto Paris for you see it is their positive wills you should marry him and were I in your condition I would consent unto it provided they would let Silvander live Sister answered Astrea the Gods ure not to be capitulated withall and I believe there is some deep mystery in this which we understand not and that Silvander having lived most of his age out of Forrests there may be some other reason which causeth his death not but that I do extreamly lament him and would with the loss of my blood redeem him but since the misfortune is irrevocable I conceive the best way is to obey without murmur whatsoever the Gods ordain and concerning either him or us How sister said Diana and was a little troubled would you advise me to give my self unto Paris and betray my fidelity unto Silvander I would advise you said Astrea to give unto Silvander as much as you can which is your resentment of his misfortune and unto Paris what you ow unto him which is obedience unto the commands of the gods and Bellinde Neither the gods nor Belinde answered Diana and was very angry can force my
how he should appease the God of Love so as he might excuse that Shepherd but finding no way he rose up resolved to obey and returned to his house They were not gone far before Thamires who was near unto Hylas I do not think said he but if you would speak according to your conscience you would confesse Hylas that the death of Silvander does not so much trouble you as you make a shew of why do you think so asked Hylas because answered Thamires it is natural to wish ill unto those that vex us and well unto such as please us now it is Silvander only that hath convinced you of errour and has let the world see the falsness of your opinions so as I believe you will be very glad that this thorn is taken out of your foot Ah Thamires said Hylas and sighed how far are you from my thoughts since as two contraries do give a greater luster unto each other I am confident that my wit opposing hier it would have been in a greater consideration and esteem amongst the Shepherds and Shepherdesses but I fear heaven does punish him for maintaining such evil Maximes And if by the tranquility of our lives it be lawful to judge of the love of the gods unto us observe I beseech you which of us two has most reason to think our selves in the right First he came no sooner into the world but he was punished for the offences which he was to commit for the gods unto whom future and present are all one were pleased to make him feel the weight of their punishments betimes and since he has been the very tennis ball of Fortune jolted to and fro like a vagabond whom Nature would not so much as own if ever he had any inclination unto any Shepherdesse there was a thousand obstacles to oppose his contentment and why all this but only as a recompence of that fine constancy which he hath preached with such zeal and devotion Whereas on the contrary at my very birth good Fortune smiled upon me health and wealth vowed never to forsake me nor have I ever been troubled with so much as a fit of the headach as soon as ever I had any mind to a young and fair Shepherdess she met me half way Thus have I lived alwayes in abundance of contentment and swimmed in all delights and why all this but because I never preached any such severe Laws as might tyrannize over our spirits but on the contrary that one may love indifferently all that one finds fair and never by tyed to dote long upon one and the same But Thamires continued he though Silvander has deserved the misfortunes which follow him yet do I infinitly lament him and though his humour was alwayes contrary unto mine yet I do wish his Destinies were as kind unto him as mine are to me In this you shew answered Thamires that you are not in all things an enemy unto reason I conceive it therefore our parts to lament his loss and in him the loss of all the Shepherds that are to survive him for I am afraid that if they be left to the mercy of your extravagant opinions you will corrupt and debauch them and get an Empire of their minds That had been long since said Hylas had all things been governed by reason With such discourse as this they all came unto the house of Adamas into which they were no sooner entred but Celadon who shared with Silvander in his sorrows he beseeched Galatheas leave to go back and meet that Shepherd whom he thought was still with the Druide which the Nymph consenting unto he went and Licidas seeing him go he followed him They were no sooner out of the house but they met him all alone Celadon who did most cordially love him did a long while embrace him but was not able to speak for sighing which Silvander perceiving Celadon said he unto him for god sake let not my misfortunes be any trouble to those contentments which the gods would have you enjoy in the possession of your Mistresse Take your full taste of joyes without a mixture of any sorrows and if it be my death which only troubles you if you love me think it a cause rather of joy then sorrow since the gods themselves would have it so and since I cannot go out of the world with more glory then in obeying those Dooms which they have pronounced However answered Celadon I cannot chuse but sadly resent this separation as the only thing that was able to molest my joyes upon this Silvander would have answered but the Druide came and interrupting them did carry them to his house Diana on the other side who had Astrea and Phillis with her was not able to resist her sorrows which every moment grew more and more violent so as to avoid all other discourse but that of her companions she would go to bed under pretence of taking some rest which she wanted and certainly there needed not much artifice to perswade Belinde that she stood in need of that refreshment for besides now knowing what interest she had in the misfortune of Silvander the very face of that Shepherdess had the features of one that was not likely to live above two or three hours She consented therefore that Diana should retyre her self unto her chamber and though she was in her soul sorry for the obstacles that hindred the contentment of her Daughter and the merits of Silvander yet did she a little comfort her self when she fancied that after the death of this Shepherd Diana could not then have any excuse but to marry Paris Amasis also had not been in the house above half an hour but she remembred Dorinde and knowing that she was not at the Fountain she sent to seek her in the Gallery in the Garden and every place where it was likely she should be but hearing no news of her she sent to enquire of the Porter who said that a little after all the company was gone she and Merindor were together in a Coach and went towards Bonlieu At first she thought that since she left her indisposed she might be gone to divert her self by walking but afterwards remembring that since the return of Merindor Dorinde had been in a very ill humour she began to doubt something And being amidst her variety of thoughts upon a sudden she heard the noise of some horses Upon this she went to the window and knowing her Coach she ran to the stairs to meet Dorinde but finding only Merindor she was much amazed and to encrease her wonder she saw him look like a dead man pale as ashes his eyes red and countenance so dejected as he was hardly able to go As soon as she had asked where Dorinde was and the Cavalier made a low Conge Madam said he unto her in a tone that testified the disorder of his soul here is it which will inform you In saying so he presented a Letter unto her which
expectation of Astreas return and in the mean time Silvander came to the place where death was to triumph over him There was not one in all the company which did not change colour when they saw the pile of wood he only looked upon it without the least dismay As soon as the Druide was got upon it and the Eubages and their vessels and and knife and all in readinesse he himself got up also and kneeling down after he had cast his eyes upon the cloud which covered the Fountain of Verity King of souls said he with most admirable constancy Puissant Deity who never had in heaven any thing so fair as the eyes of Diana O great God of Love since I must die to satisfie for the sin which my presumption hath committed in adoring her Receive sweet Tyrant this testimony of my obedience and what punishment soever my Crime had merited yet let thy wrath be appeased by my death Upon this he rose up and after he had put off his dublet he made a sign to the Druide that he was ready to die his great resolution did astonish all the spectatours and even the least sensible did shed tears at the misfortune of this Shepherd but above all Astrea and Celadon appeared the most sadly afflicted for as the one lamented the Fate of Silvander so the other grieved no lesse for the misfortune of Diana Adamas for his part he doubted whether he had life enough to our-live this Sacrifice yet considering that it was the will of the gods he began to put his hand to the work The scaffold which he had caused to be erected was about some two yards in height and that it might hold the more wood it was six yards in length and as much in bredth As soon as all things were in readinesse the Druide took two great Tapers which he lighed at the fire which one of the Bubages carried in a silver chafingdish and giving them unto two other Hubages he commanded them to go nine times about the scaffold After this but with a trembling hand he took the knife and addressing himself to the Shepherd he asked him whether he had constancy enough to die without his eyes being blinded and Silvander protesting with abundance of alacrity that the minute of his death was the sweet oft minute of all his life he opened his brest to receive the blow but Adamas being in some sort offended at his forwardnesse Silvander said he unto him in a low voice the haste which you make to die is indeed an argument of your courage but it may also be an argument of your dispair The gods do not like precipitate actions and therefore I conjure you to wait with a little more patience for the blow which you are to receive We do use in our Sacrifices to sprinkle the scaffold with some drops of blood which we take from the Victime which is to be sacrificed and therefore not to go against this order I will sprinkle the wood with yours upon which you are to die Silvander made no answer unto the words of Adamas but after he had shewed him that he was ready to obey whatsoever he commanded the Druide took hold upon his arm a little above the hand and the Shepherd himself turned up the slieve of his shirt left is should be any hindrance unto his design an Eubage presently brought a basin to receive the blood and Adamas lifted up his hand to make the wound But he no sooner cast his eye upon the place which he was to cut but a strange astonishment seized upon him At first he could not so much as stir or take his eyes off the arm of Silvander afterwards perceiving himself to weaken upon a sudden he let fall the knife and taking the Shepherd about the neck O Silvander cryed he out O Paris my son Paris In saying so his strength quite failed him and Silvander himself having not so much as to hold him up they fell both together upon the scaffold At the sight of this accident those that stood at a little distance gave a great cry imagining that Silvander had received his Fatal blow yet seeing Adamas to fall first they thought that the Sacrificer was himself become the Victime At that instant the two Tapers did miraculously extinguish of themselves to the amazement of the Bubages and Paris ravished at this spectacle and that he should be named went presently up the scaffold He was no sooner there but the Druide assumed his spirits and strength and falling down upon his knees Most pitiful and compassionate gods cryed he out who never suffers us to speak any untruth I give you most hearty thanks for the great favour you have done me Pardon me if in despairing of your goodness I did murmure against the greatnesse of your infinite benignity I must confesse that I have sinned as a mortal man but I will make a vow to serve you as my Soveraign Tautates and promise to offer upon your Altars continual Victimes After this he rose up and seeing the whole Assembly was no lesse astonished then he he took Paris in one hand and holding Silvander in the other he raised his voice to as loud a strain as he could and began to speak in this manner I must make here a Publick confession of a private action and in the sight of all Forrest declare that which until now was never known unto any but the gods and my self I do protest that this is Paris said he and shewed Silvander this who has born that said he and shewed Paris is not my son but only by adoption and as affection or rather piety moved me to give him that name and title But because such a change is not ordinary I am inspired to give you my reasons to the end all men may learn never to despair in the goodness and favours of heaven Know then that when the valour of Aetius added glory to the Grandure of the Romane Empire and when the Prudence of this great Captain had gotten to himself the government of Gaul this countrey which had enjoyed a secure peace for many ages before did now find that it was not without enemies and it being impossible but my Interest must needs be involved in a misfortune which was then common unto all these Provinces I quickly found how barbarous the insolency of those are who look after profit more then glory in their triumphs for they delight in nothing but destruction and in plundering all that presents it self unto their infatiable fury Their rage did not only reach so far as to ravish all that was precious in my house but also they ravished away my son who was the only stay of all my hopes I did what I could to hinder them I told them he could not do them any service since he was but five years of age I beseeched them to have some pity upon his innocency and my affliction I used all the expressions that either sweetness or
yet if you will take my advice let mee tell you that I do think the Inchantment to be quite dissolved and do conceive it fit that since the Female Lover which was to die was Alexis and the Hee Lover Silvander for death being only a deprivation of being they are both dead since neither Alexis nor Silvander are in being but the one become Celadon and the other Paris my Son some order be observed in it For it is to be feared that if every one should follow his own fancy some confusion would arise amongst this great multitude I do conceive it fit therefore that wee should observe some order in which every one in their turnes may finde his particular Contentment And because wee see that the God of Love is no lesse pleased to have his power admired in the homely Cottages of our Shepherds as well as in great Palaces Nay to break the force of an inchantment hee casts his eye only upon them as taking most delight in their innocency mee thinks it fit that they by whose meanes this Inchantment is dissolved should have the first Essay Alcidon thought this to be but reason and the Druid having asked the advice of the Great Nymph shee gave him leave to do as hee pleased Adamas then went unto Celadon and got his consent to be the first that should look into the Fountain at the first Astrea did oppose it imagining that it was in some sort to doubt of her affection But the Druid telling her it did much conduce unto her Glory that Posterity should know this Inchantment ended only for the tranquillity of this Shepherd shee was obedient to whatsoever hee pleased So Adamas took Celadon by the hand and leading him unto the side of the Fountain both kneeled down And the Druid having made a prayer unto the God of Love Celadon stooped down and hee had no sooner cast his eye upon the water but hee saw his Mistresse as fair as imagination was able to represent her This sight did ravish him the more because hee saw himself alone with her and because it was a full assurance of her inviolable Fidelity Presently after Astrea was conducted thither by Amasis who kneeling down as Adamas did before shee made a signe unto the Shepherdesse to stoop down which Astrea obeying the Image of Celadon immediately appeared accompanied with all the Graces that Nature could infuse into his face After this shee yielded place unto Diana and Phillis who never forsook her in this mystery of Love since their affections had linked them together So these three fair Shepherdesses one after another did look into the liquid Chrystal which was then unto them the Fountain of oblivion For at that very instant they lost the memory of all the miseries they had endured And the sight of Celadon Paris and Lycidas whose images they saw was a perfect remedy against all their past paines Next after this Rosilion at the desire of Amasis approached this miraculous water and though hee had stronger arguments of Rosaniras Love then ever to doubt of it yet hee looked in because hee would be an eye-witnesse of this miracle So as hee saw himself next his Mistresse and not being able to conceive that Rosanira should be so near him hee turned about to see whether shee stood behinde him but not seeing her there hee looked into the water again and remained in that contemplation until Rosanira came and took him off that she might see the same which he had done Dorinde was the next that advanced in a trembling pace to clear her suspitions of Sigismonds fidelity and as soon as ever she looked into the Fountain she was fully satisfied concerning the love of that Prince so as she accused her self of incredulity and made a vow never to doubt again of his affection Alcidon in the mean while beseeched Daphnide not to deny him that remedy which the Oracle had promised unto them To which she consenting they went one after another to consult with the water which presenting them with what they desired they were infinitly well satisfied with their good Fortune Damon because he would not be singular he went as the rest did and beseeched Madonthe to do the like but because they were already but one and the same this sight did hardly add any contentment unto them They had no sooner left the Fountain free but every one did cast their eyes upon Lindamor whom his respects unto Amasis did keep from this mysterious water and because the great Nymph knew his mind she made a sign unto him to go thither whom he immediatly obeyed but after he had received from this sight all the satisfaction he could ever hope for he perceived his joyes to lessen when his fears of a denial did forbid him to ask what the Fountain had promised unto him yet remembring the discourse which Godomar and he had together as they went to Lions he took a little heart and therefore as soon as Amasis desired to know what success he had he told her clearly that the water made him believe he had some share in Galatheas favour Brave Lindamor answered Amasis you do deserve her better then any man in the world and I would have you to enjoy her Then causing Galathea to come near and presenting her unto the Cavalier here Lindamor said she I do give her unto you and if this recompence do not equal your services yet take it in good part and consider that I do give you all that I can Upon this the Cavalier kneeled down and even ravished with joy did kiss her hand by way of thanks Delphires Thomantes Dorisea Filiutes and the rest who had all left their habitations to come unto this Sacrifice of Silvander they had all the priviledge of this water and found such Dooms as ended all their differences far better then the sentence which Diana had pronounced a little before for in despite of the pretentions and pursuit of his Rival Thomantes continued possessour of Delphire Ligdamon Silvia and after them many Shepherds and Shepherdesses went to see their Destinies in this water and amongst the rest Dori● was inspired to look in Doubtless the only thing that moved her unto it was her hopes to see the Ghost of Palemon but the god of Love who is an enemy unto the dead was revenged of her and presented Adrastes unto her in lieu of Palemon and this Shepherdess was so surprized at it that though she did not much love him yet not to disobey the ordinances of this god she received him into the place which Palemon had ravished from him Thus after every one had looked into the water Hylas was the singular person that approached not which moved Amasis to ask the reason to whom the Shepherd returned this answer I know Madam you are not to be told and since this Fountain bears the name of the truth of Love I will not oblige her to commit a fault for my sake That replied Amasis
do not deprive me of that honour I shall have by such a death Sir continued she and turned to Polemas you may be sure that only one of us can be the daughter of Adamas and I swear unto you by all that is sacred that this Shepherdesse whom you see before you is not Alexis the daughter of Adamas but is Astrea Send her back therefore without any harm and expose me to as many deaths as you shall please Can you imagine that I who expect nothing but a death to morrow should perjure my self to day Astrea who saw that Polemas was inclinable to the perswasions of Alexis O Sir said she I wonder you should be led into such an errour by the perswasions of this woman You must know that ever since she lost her father and her mother and since she her self fell into the river Lignon her judgement and intellectuals have been much distempered so as sometimes she will fancy her self to be a Druide as now she does sometimes a Shepherd nay sometimes a Cavalier and rage against all such as will not believe her Pity her good Sir I beseech you and send her home to her uncle Phocion who doubtlesse is looking for her and in fears lest she should throw her self into some Pool or the river Lignon as before she did This dispute had lasted longer if Polemas fearing lest this difference should turn to confusion had not interrupted them Well well said he unto them it is enough I will agree you then addressing himself unto Alexis Are you Alexis said he unto her the daughter of Adamas the most pernicious villain upon earth Every one answered she takes me to be the daughter of Adamas the Grand Druide and under the notion of that Adamas I do acknowledge my self to be his daughter Then turning to Astrea and you said she are you the daughter of this Adamas Certainly I am answered she look upon the clothes which I were Since said he you are both the daughters of that villain you shall both be treated accordingly Upon this he commanded them to be both tied together and guarded safely till the morning still keeping an eye upon Astrea as he went out of the room and saying It was a thousand pities so fair a woman should have such a devil to her father but ambition which is a monster that will admit of no companion as soon as she was out of his sight made him quite forget all her merits Polemas his intention was to expose Silvia to the blows of the Town and Alexis also as well to try whether the Nymph and Adamas would yield it to save them alive as to shew the world how deeply he resented the death of his friends in the person of Climanthes of which Silvia and Leonide were principally accused This was the reason that when he departed from Surieu to storm Marcelles he left her under safe custody in the Castle Silvia being of a timorous nature did nothing but dream all night of mortal accidents and thought her self to be in the midst of Pikes and Arrows Which so affrighted her that she started out of bed all tears and fears As soon as it was day and finding no rest in her bed she got up sooner then her custome and sometimes walking up and down the chamber and sometimes looking out of the window she passed away some hours with as much inquietude as she did in the night time The sequel of the History of LIDIAS BEing thus leaning and looking out of the window towards the high way she thought that she saw Ligdamon very carelesly coming that way When he was something near she coughed purposely to make him look up but he looking upon her he turned another way very indifferently She thought that he did so fear of being known but seeing him come and go several times and at every time she making the same signs unto him she wondred extreamly he should never take any notice of her especially being in place where if he would he might have spoke unto her or at the least have made some signs But that which almost made her mad was when she saw another stranger coming and running unto him embraced him with many expressions of joy she thought that then Ligdamon looked up to the window to see whether she was there which she perceiving she retired a little and looked one of a corner to see what they did Then she saw the first carrasses were nothing to the second and this woman used all possible gestures to expresse her joyes in meeting with him whom she took for Ligdamon This sight stung Silvia to the soul and made her fling away from the window in spite and go into the furthest part of the room where standing long still and speaking not a word at last she cryed out O who would ever be so mad as to build upon the fidelity of men or trust their dissembling oathes Is any man alive honest since Ligdamon is not Ligdamon who as Egides told me would have poisoned himself rather then be any others but mine Ligdamon who slighted all the favours of Amerina Ligdamon who within these three dayes was ready to die for the love of me and who vowed himself mine for ever O what a most sad fate it is to be a woman If she love she is sure to be deceived if she love not she is even tired with the importunities of men she cannot exempt her self unlesse she give her self to be devoured by those fierce and false Animals The very truth was the affection of Ligdamon had made a deep impression upon the haughty soul of Silvia and now seeing her self mistaken in her opinion her proud spirit could not endure it without a bitter resentment But yet she was much mistaken for he whom she took to be Ligdamon was Lidias who following Melander and Melander the false Lidius were come into Forrests and she who expressed so many joyes and carresses was Amerina who thinking him to be the same she came withal from Rothomagues was surprized with abundance of joy to meet him in that place Had Silvia looked out at the window perhaps she might have heard some words which would have undeceived her for presently after the first salutations and expressions of joy she began to upbraid him Well well said she unto him is this your s●ay for me as you promised Ah Lidias who will needs be Ligdamon if my happy fortune had not brought me hither where could I have hoped ever to have met with you In saying so she renewed her carresses which Lidias received as from a person that he did but half love being now so obliged unto Melander that his affection was more unto her then the other and if he did now return carresses it was only out of memory of former passages then any present affection But when he heard her call him Lidias that would needs be Ligdamon and tax him with promises of staying for her he was the most astonished