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A57735 Emmanuel, or, The love of Christ explicated and applied in his incarnation being made under the law and his satisfaction in XXX sermons / preached by John Row ... ; and published by Samuel Lee. Rowe, John, 1626-1677. 1680 (1680) Wing R2063; ESTC R8468 324,819 522

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my God why hast thou forsaken me He was deprived of the sense and comfort of his Fathers love Secondly Christ suffered natural death his humane soul was truly separated from his body Now Christ having satisfied that Law In the day that thou eatest thou shalt dye the death by suffering the penalty of that Law hath fully delivered his people from the curse Gal. 3.13 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us A Learned man observes Because according to the sentence of the Divine Judgment in that day Adam fell and sinned humane nature ought to have been punished with eternal perdition therefore the Son of God offered himself to assume humane nature and afterwards did assume it that so man might not dye the death And the same Learned man hath another expression to the same purpose Because humane nature was depraved and lost so that it became the body of sin and death therefore the Son of God in lieu thereof was pleased in the humane nature assumed to condemn sin and abolish death and in his own person restore humane nature to righteousness life and happiness Christ having dyed for sin once dyeth no more death hath no more dominion over him Rom. 6.9 10. Our nature as it is in Christ it is above death and the fear of death O let us think of these things these things are the most solid grounds of comfort Our nature in Christ is above death and the fear of death it is possessed of life and immortality and brought to perfect happiness Hence is that expression 2 Tim. 1.10 Christ who hath abolished death and hath brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel Christ hath already brought life and immortality into our nature Christ doth already stand possessed of immortality in his own person And this is the singular comfort of Believers that they may see a part of their own nature set above sorrow misery and death and brought to the greatest happiness they can wish or long for and that they may be assured they shall be possessed of the same happiness in their measure which Christ their Head is possessed of This Christ assures them of Joh. 17.22 The glory which thou hast given me I have given them Christ had glory with the Father from Eternity as he was his natural and coessential Son this he speaks of vers 5. Glorifie me with thy self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was Now besides this there is a glory which is given to him the glory which thou gavest me I have given them Christ had a glory given to him as man and Mediator Now the glory which was given to Christ as man and Head of the Church is given to the Elect so that all the Elect do participate and share in it in their measure The glory which thou hast given me I have given them Calvin observes upon that Text The Samplar or pattern of perfect happiness is so exprest and set forth in Christ that nothing is confined to Christ only but Christ was therefore inriched that he might inrich Believers the glory which thou hast given me I have given them Christ and his Members share in glory in common only reserving the difference between Head and Members Christ hath the glory of the Head Believers have glory as Members Christs glorification is the surest pledge of our glorification for how is it possible that he who is our Head and is now in glory with the Father should leave us to those miseries we are now obnoxious to whenas we are so nearly related to him we being members of his body of his flesh and of his bones Eph. 5.30 and he that is joyned to the Lord is one Spirit The Church being so nearly related to Christ and Christ being in glory how is it possible Christ should leave them under those miseries they are now subject unto 17. The greatness of Christs love in his Incarnation appears in this In that by means of the Incarnation all the Elect shall have a standing Monument before their eyes wherein they may see and behold the infiniteness and transcendency of the love of God to all Eternity And the reason of this Proposition is this Because the Hypostatical or personal Union shall not be dissolved in Heaven the humane nature shall remain and abide united to the Divinity to all Eternity As in Heaven we shall be admitted to the sight of God we shall see the Unity in Trinity and the Trinity in Unity we shall see the Unity of the Essence and the three persons Father Son and Spirit subsisting in this one Essence of God so in Heaven we shall see the great Mystery of the personal Union the Mystery of the two Natures in the person of Christ more than now we can And this will be one part of the happiness of Heaven that we shall see our nature united to the Divinity in the person of the Son of God and by this means we shall come to understand the greatness of the love of God by seeing how near our nature is taken unto God in the person of our Head The Hypostatical or personal Union is the foundation of the mystical Union viz. of our union and communion with God God hath taken a part of our nature into personal union with himself and by means of this we have union and communion with him Now in Heaven we shall have a clear sight what that glory is which Christ our Head is advanced unto by the personal union And this I take to be carried in that great Text Joh. 17.24 Father I will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my glory which thou hast given me The happiness of Heaven will be to gaze upon the glory of Christ as a Learned Divine expresseth it That they may behold my glory as if so be this would be Heaven enough for the Elect to see the glory their Head is possessed of And what glory is this That they may behold my glory certainly the glory of his Divinity Christ had glory with the Father before the foundation of the world Joh. 17.5 He was in the form of God saith the Apostle now all the Elect shall see and behold his glory that is they shall see the glory of his Divinity and how so They shall see and behold the glory of his Divinity shining forth through his humanity The humane nature is united to the Divinity in the person of the Son now the Elect in Heaven shall see that person who hath assumed their nature to be true God and to have all the glory of the Divinity in him As the second person in Trinity is true God and hath all the glory of the Divinity in him so the Elect in Heaven shall see the humane nature united to the Divinity in the person of the Son Therefore is it added in the close of the verse For
Christ our Saviour that is through the Merits of Jesus Christ our Saviour It is God that sheds the Holy Ghost into our hearts but it is through the Merits of Jesus Christ our Saviour It is through the Merits of Christs death that this Spirit is purchased for us Well! but what doth the Holy Ghost do when he is sent into our hearts as the purchase of Christs death He regenerates and renews us So the former verse tells us According to his mercy he saved us by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost The Spirit of God takes away the heart of stone and gives us a heart of flesh The Spirit of God working grace in the heart takes away the enmity and opposition that naturally lies in our heart against God and inclines our hearts to love God and to fear him 4. The fourth Particular we would lay down for the clearing of the Point is this That our Saviour here in the Text is speaking of the greatest love amongst men Greater love than this hath no man that a man lay down his life for his friends The greatest love amongst men will go no higher than this for one man to lay down his life for another Now saith our Saviour you cannot complain that my love is defective towards you in that I am ready to do as much for you as ever any man did for his friend The highest love that you can instance in is when one man doth lay down his life for another now I am ready to lay down my life for you therefore it is that our Saviour saith here Greater love than this hath no man that a man lay down his life for his friends 5. Another Particular for the clearing of it is this The Disciples to whom Christ was here speaking Greater love than this hath no man that he lay down his life for his friends were already made friends but yet they and all others who were made friends before his incarnation were made friends to God by virtue of that Sacrifice which now he was about to offer up For Christ was a Lamb slain from the foundation of the world and the virtue of his death and sufferings was extended to all the Saints that were made so in all Ages therefore although they to whom Christ was now speaking were already made friends yet it was through the virtue of his death and sufferings that now he was to undergo that they were made so All men by nature are enemies alike and that now any were made friends was by virtue of the death of Christ that he was to suffer and undergo for them For it was the Decrce of God that Christ should dye and suffer before he did dye and suffer and it was in the virtue of his sufferings that all the Elect that lived before his Incarnation and those that lived in the time when he was here in the flesh were reconciled unto God 6. The sixth Particular is this Christ had in the former verse been exhorting his Disciples to love one another according to the Pattern himself had given to them This is my commandment that ye love one another as I have loved you Now in this verse he shews wherein he did manifest his love to them he was ready to manifest his love to them by Laying down his life for them therefore if they intended to love one another in conformity to his Pattern they must be ready to shew the highest offices of love one to another He would have them love one another even as he hath loved them His love to them made him willing to lay down his life for them and therefore if they would love in conformity to him they should be ready to perform the highest offices of love one towards another Hereby perceive we the love of God because he laid down his life for us and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren 1 Joh. 3.16 7. Our Saviour was about to owne them as his friends and to acquaint them that he intended to deal with them as with friends Now it was not accommodate to his present design and scope in this place to say he would lay down his life for his enemies for immediately after he tells them that he owns them for his friends in the 14. verse Ye are my friends if you do whatsoever I command you Henceforth I have not called you servants but I have called you friends And he tells them he deals with them as with friends The servant knoweth not what his Lord doth but I have called you friends for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known to you Joh. 15.15 Christ tells them that he looked upon them as friends and that he intended to deal with them as friends therefore it was not accommodate with our Saviours present scope and design in this place to use the expression of enemies though we were all enemies when Christ dyed for us but he chuseth to express it thus Greater love than this hath no man that a man lay down his life for his friends Upon these accounts I conceive it is in this place that Christ saith he laid down his life for his friends whereof elsewhere it is said we were enemies when Christ dyed for us Thus have I dispatched the third Particular to shew you how it is said Christ laid down his life for his friends It remains now that I should enter upon the fourth Head and that is to speak something concerning the Doctrine of Christs Satisfaction but because I chuse to reserve that intire to be spoken to by it self I shall make some Application of what hath been mentioned and indeed the Use that ariseth from hence is of great moment The first Use therefore shall be this Vse 1 Doth Christ lay down his life for his friends Let us be exhorted from hence to be sensible of the condition that we are in by nature we are not born friends but we are made so by the Death of Christ We are so far from being born friends as that we are born enemies unto God now we ought to be sensible of the natural enmity that is in us against God But here it may be said Wherein doth this enemity consist How doth it appear that we are enemies unto God I answer It appears in these three Particulars 1. It appears in this That our wills are most opposite to the Will of God That natural enmity that is in us against God appears in this Qui alterius voluntati adversatur saith a Learned man He that resists and sets himself to cross the will of another and doth this always so that his will can by no means consent or agree to anothers will he is said to be a mans enemy Now such is the will of every natural man the will of every natural man doth perpetually rise in opposition against Gods Will. Rom. 8.7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God for it
exposeth us to Divine wrathhence is it said That by nature we are children of wrath Eph. 2.3 And the sentence of the Law is Indignation and wrath tribulation and anguish upon every soul of man that doth evil Rom. 2.8 9. Wrath is due to us as we are sinners now Christ by the work of his Satisfaction turns away this wrath from us He it is that trod the wine-press of divine wrath Isa 63.3 And Christ bearing the wrath of God for us delivers us from that wrath Hence it is said We are saved from wrath through him Rom. 5.9 And that We are delivered from wrath to come by him 1 Thess 1. ult Jesus that delivereth us from the wrath to come 2. The second effect of Christs Satisfaction is the procuring of pardon of sin for us Thus in those known words of the Institution of the Lords Supper our Saviour tells us This is the new Testament in my blood that was shed for the remission of sins The blood of Christ was shed on purpose to procure the pardon of sin and it doth procure pardon of sin for us Eph. 1.7 In whom we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of sins One great fruit of Christs Satisfaction and our Redemption by Christ is that by means of that Satisfaction and Redemption of his we should have forgiveness of sins therefore in the Text mentioned before it is said Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins Rom. 3.25 The meaning I take to be this That God having received satisfaction through the death and sufferings of Christ thereupon he gives forth pardon and remission of sins to us 3. The third effect of Christs Satisfaction is eternal life Christ by his Satisfaction procures eternal life for us hence is it that we read of the promise of an eternal inheritance through the death of Christ Heb. 9.15 Christs sufferings are not only satisfactory but they are also meritorious Christs sufferings did not only turn away the evil of punishment from us but they procured the good of eternal life for us Hence it is said That grace reigns through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord Rom. 5. ult The obedience of Christ active and passive is operative to bring us to eternal life 1. Vse 1 See what infinite reason there is that we should seek after a part and interest in Christs Satisfaction For 1. Without an interest in Christs Satisfaction we are liable to answer to Divine Justice in our own persons Divine Justice will be satisfied one way or other for God himself hath pronounced it That he will by no means clear the guilty Exod. 34.7 God is just and the justifier of them that believe in Jesus Rom. 3.26 Therefore if we do not get an interest in Christ that he may fatisfie for us we are liable to be cast into prison by the hand of Divine Justice and we shall not come forth thence till we have paid the uttermost farthing 2. Without an interest in Christs Satisfaction Divine wrath still hangs over us It is Christ only that by his Satisfaction pacifies and turns away Gods wrath therefore unless we have a part in Christs Satisfaction infinite and unsupportable wrath hangs over our heads every moment and will assuredly fall upon us and we know not how soon it may do so He that believes not on the Son hath not life but the wrath of God abides upon him Joh. 3. ult 3. Without an interest in Christs Satisfaction we cannot have the pardon of sin for it is by the Satisfaction of Christ as we have heard that pardon of sin is procured We are liable to answer to Gods Justice for all our sins and all our sins will certainly come in against us to condemn us unless we have a part in Christs Satisfaction 4. Without an interest in Christs Satisfaction we can make out no title to eternal life Heaven is called the purchased inheritance Vntil the redemption of the purchased possession Eph. 1.14 Heaven is the purchase of the death and sufferings of Christ therefore unless we have an interest in the virtue of Christs sufferings we can have no title to the heavenly inheritance Here it may be said But what shall we do that we may have a part in Christs Satisfaction 1. Let us labour to see our infinite need of Christ and his Satisfaction we never see the worth of Christs Satisfaction till first we see our selves to be condemned persons O let us be more deeply sensible what the Law and Divine Justice have against us As we are sinners we are condemned persons in Law The wages of sin is death The soul that sins shall dye This is the sentence of the Law O let us labour to be deeply sensible of this and then we shall see the need of Christs Satisfaction 2. If we would have an interest in Christs Satisfaction let us labour to know Christ and him crucified Paul saith That he determined to know nothing but Jesus Christ and him crucified 1 Cor. 2.2 You will say Why is the knowledge of a crucified Christ so necessary to Salvation The reason is because the death and sufferings of Christ is the only means of atonement and to bring us unto reconciliation with God Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood Rom. 3.25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation There is no pacifying of an angry God but by the Blood of Jesus Christ and it is Faith in his Blood that gives us an interest in the atonement Him hath God set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood We must therefore close with a crucified Christ by faith cast an aspect of faith upon the Son of God in our nature offering himself up to God as a Sacrifice for our sins It is faith in this Sacrifice of Christ that must procure reconciliation for us Joh. 3.14 15. As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness even so must the Son of man be lifted up that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have eternal life Christ is lifted up as the brazen Serpent was lifted up It was their looking on the brazen Serpent that brought healing to them that were stung by the fiery Serpents and it is our looking upon a crucified Christ by an eye of faith casting an aspect of faith upon Christ as crucified and the virtue of his sufferings that must bring Salvation to us who are sinners and who deserve to perish as we are such The end of the third Sermon SERMON IV. Joh. 15.13 Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends I Now proceed to the second thing which is to lay down several distinct and particular Propositions for the clearing of this great Doctrine the Doctrine of Christs Satisfaction And here the Propositions that I shall lay down
of the Ancients I think it is Ambrose's observation Therefore saith he it was said to Adam In dying thou shalt dye or as it is rendred Thou shalt dye the death and not simply Thou shalt dye because the death here spoken of concerns both soul and body Now then as Adam and we in him became subject to a double death one of the body the other of the soul So our Saviour being pleased to be our Surety subjected himself to a double death for our sakes to a natural death and to a supernatural death 1. To a natural death the separation of his humane soul from his body 2. To a supernatural and spiritual death the separation of his soul for a time from the comfort of Gods presence Hence is it that we read that our Saviour did not only suffer death in the Singular number but he underwent deaths in the Plural number as if it were intimated that there was a double death that he suffered Isa 53.9 He made his grave with the wicked and with the rich in his death in the Hebrew it is in his deaths in the Plural number and this was not without some special Mystery in it as some Learned men conceive yea there is a judicious Divine that saith expresly he is perswaded that both kind of deaths natural and supernatural are intimated by that expression when it is said He made his grave with the rich in his deaths Our Saviour underwent therefore a double death a natural death and a supernatural death That our Saviour suffered the first death a natural death a separation of his humane soul from his body that we do all know and believe Now that he tasted of the second death or supernatural death the separation of his soul from God taken in a right sense that I must speak unto To understand this we must know that the soul may be said to be separated from God two ways 1. By a voluntary aversion from God by sin this was not in our Saviour and could not be in him his will did always firmly and inseparably adhere to God even in the midst of his greatest sufferings It is true this is part of the punishment of sin in us namely that our wills are turned aside from God Adam voluntarily deserting of God this is now part of the punishment that is come upon him that he is now left to himself and thereupon there is an aversion of his will from God and this is that which we call spiritual Death when the will declines and turns from God the chief Good But this kind of death could not be in our Saviour and the reason is because he that was to bear the punishment of all other mens sins must necessarily be supposed to be without all sin himself Christ could not have been a Surety for our sins born the punishment of them if he had not been without all sin himself This aversion of the soul from God as it is the punishment of sin so it is in it self a sin Now Christ so bears the punishment of our sins as that he himself is still without all sin in a way of inhesion Christ hath the guilt of our sins laid upon him by way of imputation but he hath no sin in him by way of inhesion 2. The soul may be said to be separated from God in a way of deprivation namely when the soul is deprived of the comfort of Gods love and presence Now this our Saviour did undergo he was deprived of the comfort of his Fathers love and presence for a time as we shall shew more hereafter Psal 88.14 Lord why castest thou off my soul why hidest thou thy face from me This is spoken in the letter in the person of Heman but Learned men conceive that Christs sufferings are here represented to us under these expressions Lord why hidest thou thy face from me Gods face was hid from Christ for a time that so it might not be hid from us for ever And this was the spiritual death that our Saviour underwent not a death in sin which we are all subject to not any aversion of his will from God but desertion of God in point of comfort to be deserted and forsaken of God as our Saviour was is in some sense the spiritual death of the soul It is a good speech of one of the Ancients That is not death so properly that separates the soul from the body but that is most properly death which separates the soul from God God is life life it self he therefore that is separated from God must needs be dead as the body lives from the soul so the soul ut beatè vivat that it may live happily must live from God Hence are those expressions of Austin The life of the body is the soul but the life of the soul is God the body dyes when the soul recedes from it and the soul dyes when God recedes from it Therefore when our Saviour was so far forsaken and deserted of God for our sakes as to have no sensible taste of his love and favour for a time in this sense he underwent spiritual and supernatural death for us 6. The sixth Particular which follows upon this is That our Saviour tasting of supernatural death for us he did in so doing undergo the very pains of Hell for us Hence are those expressions Psal 116.3 The sorrows of death compassed me the pains of hell got hold of me I found trouble and sorrow So likewise My soul is heavy to the death Mat. 26.38 It is a great expression which we have 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Act. 2.24 Having loosed the pains of death or the sorrows of death The Greek word properly signifies the sorrows of a travailing woman and what were these sorrows Those which he had in the Garden when he was in his Agony and when he sweat drops of blood and those which he had upon the Cross when he cryed out My God my God why hast thou forsaken me These are called the sorrows or pains of death but indeed they were the sorrows or pains of Hell and therefore the vulgar Latin renders it the pains of hell because in these sorrows our Saviour did not only taste of the sorrows of natural death but he also tasted of the sorrows of supernatural death that is of the pains of Hell Hence is it as Learned men have observed That the sufferings of Christ and those great sorrows that he underwent are set forth in such a variety and multitude of expressions in the Scripture that sometimes they are set forth by the grave by darkness sometimes by the land of oblivion sometimes they are called wounding killing sometimes they are set forth by his being forsaken forsaken of his friends of his kindred yea of God himself sometimes they are called debts afflictions tempests solitude prison cuting off abjection treading under foot all which and many more which the Scripture is full of sets forth those most perfect
saith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 undequaque tristis est anima mea My soul is exceeding sorrowful My soul is sorrowful on every side so the word properly signifies my soul is environed or compassed about with sorrow sorrow and grief possess me all over Yet that is not all but he adds farther My soul is exceeding sorrowful even unto death So great was his grief and sorrow before he came to the Cross and the sufferings that he underwent there that the greatness of his grief and sorrow had almost brought him to death before-hand yea we may well suppose that had not our Saviour had the power of the Divinity to support him the strength of his sorrows in the Garden before he came to the Cross might have taken away his natural life He saith his soul was heavy to the very death We see how many are killed with grief when grief and sorrow rises to a great height many have had their natural spirits suppressed and dyed away under it Now our Saviours sorrows did far exceed the sorrows of all other men yea if all mens sorrows were put together our Saviours sorrows exceeded them all and the reason is because he sustained the person of all the Elect and he bare the punishment not only of a few sins but of all the sins of all his people at once Therefore if he had not had the power of the Divinity to have supported him the greatness of his sorrows might have sunk him and brought him down to death but having other things to suffer upon the Cross besides those things he suffered in the Garden he was not sorrowful unto death absolutely that is not sorrowful so as to dye in and by those sorrows but yet he was sorrowful next to death setting aside death it self his sorrow and grief in the Garden was so great as it could not have been greater even in death it self My soul is sorrowful unto death Thus I have shewed how our Saviour suffered a great deal of anxiety and perplexity in his mind in respect of fear in respect of grief but this is only in general But to come a little nearer the matter and the thing it self 2. Our Saviour conflicted with the sense of Gods wrath in his soul I have shewed how he suffered the greatest anxiety perplexity and grief in his mind Now I shall shew how the great sorrows our Saviour underwent did arise from the conflict he had with Gods wrath in his soul Mat. 26. Father if it be possible let this cup pass from me What cup was this Truly the cup of Divine wrath The cup of God is the wrath of God Calix Dei ira Dei est ira Dei justa est vindicta quae imponitur à justo Judice the wrath of God is the just revenge which is inflicted by a just Judge for our sins and this is the cup our Saviour drank of our Saviour that he might bear the punishment that was due to us for our sins tasted of the wrath of God conflicted with the sense of Gods wrath The better to take in this we must consider that the sense of Divine wrath is part of the punishment that is due to us for our sins yea it is a principal part of the punishment and a great part of the pains and torments of Hell consists in it It is a speech of Luther The greatest temptation of all others is that temptation by which God is set in direct opposition to a man and appears contrary to him Quâ Deus contrarius homini ponitur This temptation saith he is an unsupportable temptation and is properly Hell it self and no man can tell how great this temptation is but he that hath felt it Now when a man is under the sense of Gods wrath he apprehends God to be contrary to him and to be set in direct opposition against him and as was said this is part of the punishment that is due to us for sin Observe what is spoken to this purpose Rom. 2.8 9. But to hem that are contentious and obey not the truth but obey unrighteousness indignation and wrath tribulation and anguish upon every soul of man that doth evil The Apostle is here speaking what is the punishment that shall come upon men for sin now he describes it by this Indignation and wrath tribulation and anguish Now by these expressions indignation and wrath tribulation and anguish I conceive the Apostle doth not only intend the effects of Divine wrath all the miseries that shall be laid upon the damned as the effects of Divine wrath but he also intends the impression of Divine wrath upon the conscience of the sinner and therefore he expresseth it by so many words that intimate so much indignation and wrath tribulation and anguish these words plainly intimate the horror and anguish that shall be upon the spirit of the damned and whence doth this tribulation and anguish arise certainly from the fense of Gods wrath When our first Parents had sinned God appeared to them as an angry God in an angry manner to Adam he saith Hast thou eaten of the tree whereof I said thou shalt not eat and to the Woman he said What is this that thou hast done Both these are expressions of anger When therefore man had sinned God appears to him as an angry God Now our Saviour being to take upon him the guilt of our sins he was to conflict with the sense of Gods wrath and therefore he had great and deep apprehensions fastned upon his soul concerning the displeasure that was due from God to us by reason of sin Christ when he came to suffer for our sins saw the Justice of God armed with revenge against us for our sins he saw the Justice of God ready to take hold on him as our Surety who had taken upon him the guilt of our sins There is a Learned man who is no friend to the Soul sufferings of Christ but makes it his business to oppose them that yet in discussing that argument is at last brought to this confession Christ saith he in his sufferings had a present sight of the Divine Majesty sitting as it were in Judgment and armed with the infinite power of Divine Justice to avenge the sins of men This is the confession of an Adversary that opposes the Soul-sufferings of Christ Now they which do assert the Soul-sufferings of Christ do only add thus much more That Christ did not only see Gods wrath that was due to us for our sins but he tasted of it and felt it and conflicted with the sense of it for to what purpose should he see it and not feel it Or how could Christs seeing the weight of Divine wrath that was due to us and not bearing it have expiated and taken away the guilt of our sins The sense of Divine wrath was that which was due to us as the punishment of sin for the Law saith Cursed is he that continueth not in all
is it said Every one That so Christ himself saith he might not be excluded Christ who was blessed in his own Righteousness was yet accursed for our sins The curse prevailed so far as to take away Christs life to separate his soul from his body It is true the curse could not prevail so far as to separate either from his person to separate his soul or his body from his person the Person of the Son of God the second Person in Trinity remained united to the soul and body of Christ even when his body and soul were separated each from other and it is our greatest happiness that it was so viz. that the curse could not reach the Person of Christ if I may so express it that is reach his Person so as to dissolve the Union of the two Natures for if the curse could have reached the Person of Christ in the sense I am now speaking of that is if the curse could have extended it self to the Person of Christ so as to dissolve the Union of the two Natures this would have made the death of Christ ineffectual if death could have dissolved the personal Vnion Christs death would have been no more than the death of a meer man of a just man and so his death could not have been meritorious and have satisfied for the sins of the world But though the curse could not take hold of Christs Person so as to dissolve the union between his Person and our nature yet the curse took hold of our nature united to Christs Person The curse did prevail so far as to separate his humane soul from his body To understand this a little more clearly let us consider the Divine nature in Christ was above the Law and above the curse the curse could not reach his Divine nature it could not possibly hurt that but now Christ having assumed our nature and voluntarily made himself subject to the Law and to the curse in our nature the Law hath to do with our nature in Christ We being under sin and under the curse the curse had dominion over us therefore the Apostle tells us That sin reigned unto death Rom. 5.21 Now Christ being our Surety and the Law finding our nature in Christ and that Christ had transferred the guilt of our sins upon himself the Law armed with the curse deals with Christ as a sinner and it proceeds so far as to make the utmost breach upon our nature that it can it rends his holy soul from his pure body And thus for a time the curse seems to triumph over our nature as it stood in Christ Hence is that of the Apostle Rom. 6.9 Christ being dead dyeth no more death hath no more dominion over him This plainly intimates that death and the curse had dominion over Christ for a time and the curse proceeded so far as to the extinction of his natural life his soul was separated from his body though the union between the two natures was not dissolved I come to the third and last Particular and that is this How it was possible for this to be Christ was most blessed in himself how then was it possible for him thus to be made a curse The curse implies anger wrath displeasure in him that pronounceth and inflicts it as hath been shewn how then was it possible for Christ to suffer the wrath of God that was always beloved of God To this several things are to be answered 1. Consider Christ in himself and so he was always beloved of God Mat. 3.17 This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased Isa 42.1 Behold mine Elect in whom my soul delighteth And Christ as he was man had more titles than one to his Fathers love 1. Christ had a title to his Fathers love as his Humanity is taken into so near a relation to the natural Son of God The humane nature in Christ is made one in person with the natural Son of God so that there is not another subsistence of the second Person in Trinity and the humane nature but there is one subsistence to the second Person in Trinity and to the humane nature therefore the humane nature being taken in as it were to have its subsistence in the person of the natural Son of God being taken into the unity of the same person must needs be beloved of the Father upon that account above all creatures 2. Christ is beloved of the Father as he is a just and an innocent person and he must needs be beloved of the Father upon that account Isa 46.8 The Lord loveth the righteous Christ being a just and a righteous p●●son the Father could not but love him as considered in himself 3. The Father loved Christ upon the account of his obedience Joh. 10.17 Therefore doth my Father love me because I lay down my life for my sheep and in the next verse This commandment have I received of my Father Christ obeying his Father in laying down his life for his sheep is one title he hath to his Fathers love therefore consider Christ in himself so he was always beloved of the Father 2. Christ suffered the wrath of God as he was our Surety and as he stood in our stead 1 Pet. 4.1 Christ hath suffered for us 1 Pet. 3.18 Christ hath once suffered for sin the just for the unjust This is a clear Text Christ was a just person in himself and as he was a just person so he was always beloved of God and could not but be beloved of him But now as he that was a just person in himself gave himself to suffer for the unjust so it was that he bare the wrath of God The wrath of God was due to the unjust Tribulation and anguish indignation and wrath upon every soul of man that doth evil Rom 2. Therefore if the just will suffer for the unjust in their room and stead he must then suffer what they must have suffered It is a true speech of Austin Mors Christi fuit conditionis non criminis Aug. The death which Christ underwent was not in respect of any crime or offence that he himself had committed but it was in respect of the condition that he brought himself into that is Christ suffered the wrath of God not for any crime or offence of his own but in the condition of a Mediator because of our sins Hence is it said That he was delivered up for our offences Rom. 6. ult So in that of the Prophet Isa 53.5 He was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him Christ took upon him the discharge and payment of our debt therefore though he was always beloved of God in himself yet as personating and representing us who were sinners so it was that he sustained the wrath of God All we like sheep have gone astray saith the Prophet and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all Isa 53.6 We
the desert of our own sins is in the sufferings of Christ Whatever Christ suffered was nothing but the desert of our sins it was that which we deserved should have been laid upon us Therefore when we come to make use of the sufferings of Christ his soul-sufferings or his bodily sufferings when we consider his soul-sufferings viz. his dereliction or his being forsaken of God the sense of Gods wrath that he underwent in his soul when we consider the pain grief torment and death that he suffered in his body we ought to consider with our selves that these were the very things we deserved we were the persons that deserved to be forsaken of God to have the face of God hid from us we were they that deserved to feel the wrath of God to be made the butt of Gods wrath and displeasure we deserved that pain anguish and death it self and all as part of the Curse for Christ suffered all these things for us and was made a Curse for us So that in the sufferings of Christ as in a glass or mirroir we may see what we deserved there was nothing Christ suffered but we deserved it and our hearts ought to be deeply soakt in these considerations as ever we desire to take in the benefit of Christs satisfaction He that doth not see himself worthy to be cast off nay I may say he that doth not see himself worthy to be cut off by the wrath of an angry God for his sins will never prize the satisfaction of Christ as he ought to do Christ in the work of his satisfaction trod the wine-press of Divine wrath therefore it becomes us to be sensible deeply sensible of our desert and worthiness of his wrath as ever we desire to have benefit by Christs satisfaction Our Saviour in the sixth of John doth at several times promise to us eternal life upon eating his flesh and drinking his blood vers 54. He that eats my flesh and drinks my blood shall have eternal life Now it is a good observation of one If thou wouldst eat the flesh of Christ and drink his blood so as to have eternal life by him do thou first taste death be sensible of what thou deservest by reason of sin be sensible of the spiritual death thou art subject to namely separation from God obnoxiousness to his wrath which is the death of the soul when once thou art sensible of spiritual death what it is to be separated from God what it is to lye under his wrath then thou wilt come with spiritual hunger and thirst to the sufferings of Christ to obtain life from him The second Direction is If we would make use of the Sufferings and Satisfaction of Christ so as to draw home the benefit of it to our selves let us direct the eye of our faith unto our natures suffering in Christ It was our nature that sinned and it is in our nature that satisfaction must be made and this is the great relief unto faith to see satisfaction made in the nature of man as sin was committed in the nature of man Consider what the Apostle saith 1 Cor. 15.21 Since by man came death by man also came the resurrection from the dead The Apostle plainly intimates that this is the singular happiness and comfort of Believers that as happiness was lost at first in and by our nature so happiness is now recovered and restored in and by our nature It was the nature of man that sinned in the first Adam and it is the nature of man that hath obeyed and satisfied in Christ the second Adam It was the nature of man that was deprived of happiness and lost communion with God and was subject to death in the first Adam and it was the nature of man that was restored to happiness that was admitted unto communion with God that was raised from the dead in Christ the second Adam Therefore is it that in Rom. 5.19 we read of two men Adam and Christ As by one mans disobedience many were made sinners By one mans disobedience here is Adam the first man Now read the fifteenth verse of the same Chapter If through the offence of one many be dead much more the grace of God and the gift by grace which is by one man Jesus Christ hath abounded unto many Here we have another man the second man from Heaven as he is called 1 Cor. 15.47 also The man Christ Jesus 1 Tim. 2.5 Now the scope of the Apostle is to shew that as disobedience was acted in the nature of man by Adam the first man so obedience was performed in the nature of man by Christ who was the second man from Heaven This is a great quiet and relief to faith to find that in our nature that is adequate and commensurate to the Law Christ having satisfied the Law in our nature for us it is in Gods account as if we had satisfied it Consider that expression Rom. 8.4 That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us Some Learned men interpret that phrase in us that is in our nature Christ having fulfilled the Law for us in a part of our nature it is in Gods account as if so be we had fulfilled it This is more fully explained to us by the Author to the Hebrews Heb 2.11 c. For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren Christ is here spoken of as the Head of all the Elect. Now he is the person that sanctifieth He that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified Christ is the person sanctifying all the Elect are sanctified in him Now to sanctifie another is to make him holy and to present him holy unto God Christ doth thus sanctifie the Elect he makes them holy and presents them holy to God first in his own person and that he may do this that he may be in a capacity to do it he must participate of one and the same common nature with them whom he doth so sanctifie therefore is it that the Apostle says He that sanctifieth and they that are sanctified are of one the meaning is they are of one and the same common nature the person sanctifying and the persons sanctified are of one and the same common nature the head is true man and the members are true men This the Apostle doth farther amplifie at vers 14. For as much then as the children were made partakers of flesh and blood he also himself took part of the same Christ being the Head of the Elect and it being his office to redeem them he must come into their nature and do and suffer that in their nature which they ought to have done and suffered they were made subject to death therefore Christ tasted death for them as we have it vers 9. Christ taking upon him the same nature with his brethren did punctually fulfil for them in their nature whatever was expected from
glorious Person Heb. 1.3 who having by himself purged our sins sate down on the right hand of the Majesty on high Rev. 1.5 He who is Alpha and Omega who is before Abraham was the first and the last who is was and is to come hath loved us and washed us from our sins in his own Blood and hath made us Kings and Priests unto God even his Father to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever I shall not proceed by Arguments to evince this great Scripture-truth which hath been so oppugned both by ancient and modern Hereticks and so nobly vindicated by Primitive Councils and Fathers and by nervous and learned Pens of latter days Polyaenus in his Roman Stratagems is but a wrigling slow-worm to this old Serpent in his direful Arts who like a Revelation-Scorpion carries death both in head and tail to bite with the teeth of fiery lyes and with his persecuting tail to slash the third part of the Stars out of the Heaven of the Church This Hydra hath not only hissed but mortally stung many a Soul in the Polonian Hungarian Transylvanian and Belgick Churches and I could hearily wish had never swum after Pelagius through the British Seas with whole folio's tyed about its neck to lay its poisonous eggs in our Seminaries The Lord speedily crush them in pieces that they may never hatch into fiery flying Serpents to provoke the Lord to vengeance What Country in Europe hath sweltred under more tearing scourges bitter State-confusions and convulsions and dreadful shakings than Poland where it had first principal vent and patronage And how far the Belgian Lion hath had his nails pared and his teeth knockt out by that hammer of Gods wrath in Europe since the publication of those blasphemous Treatises I wish both they and we did seriously lay to heart Blessed be God for the many Champions sent out of Israels Camp against Goliah of Gath in the Reformed Churches abroad and at home It may prove some mitigation of Divine displeasure and a prolonging of our tranquillity and I heartily pray that godly Magistrates would stir up their strength against it and put to their seal and sanction I am glad to find th●● holy man bending his searches into this subject I hope to the preservative convinction of many and the establishment of others in that grand point of Christs Satisfaction The Lord of the everlasting Covenant I pray to sprinkle both this Book and all the People with the precious Blood of the Cross Heb. 9.12 By which he is entred into the holy place having obtained eternal redemption for us Vers 26. Who as he did appear to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself so unto them that look for him he will appear the second time without sin unto salvation Lev. 16.4 Like as the High-Priest of old being cloathed only in linen went into the holy of Holies with the expiation-blood in a golden Bason but came out in all his gorgeous attire to bless the people Vers 23. so did the glorious High-Priest of our profession enter into the Heavens not in so conspicuous a manner being seen but of few when he ascended from Mount Olivet but when he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified by the presentment of his Blood and Intercession to the Father will come again in all his Royalty and receive us to the mansions purchased and prepared for them Zech. 6.13 and will sit down as King and Priest upon his Throne for ever But not to prevent your progress from the threshold into the lovely Building of this Treatise composed by a Person of great worth and approbation in the Churches of Christ pray give me leave in the Porch to point at some material things respecting this holy Author I confess I am not so furnisht with sufficient and copious matter as to digest a full description of his life but what I had from his gracious Son Mr. Thomas Row I shall succinctly contract and add somewhat of my own Observation and then recommend you to God and the Word of his Grace Let me cast all under these four Heads his Personage Qualifications Studies and Sayings His stature inclined to tallness his visage affable and somewhat smiling his gestures grave and decent his behaviour meek and courteous and what is very observable and much to be imitated 1 Thess 4.11 he medled with his own business not interposing much less imposing on other Churches being averse to ostentation and publick appearance of a quiet spirit and replenisht with the desires of Heaven as 't is observed by Naturalists that the dew never falls in a stormy or cloudy night As to his Studies letting pass the usual Cursus in the Arts and Sciences which he followed in the injoyment of the Methods of both Vniversities his skill in the copious and elegant Greek with its curious Criticisms deserves a remarkable accent Among the various Sects of ancient Philosophers he was most addicted to Plato and the shades of the Academick walks From the Grecian Schools he stept into the Roman Cloisters to hear what they had to say before the Reformation sprang The Civilians having found the Justinian Laws as I remember at Pisa and considered the Theodosian Codex began to digest them into some Method The Divines took example and collected a Body of Sentences Among whose numerous Gladiators he most fancied the fencings of Aquinas Bradwardin Suarez and Alvarez being pleased with their reason but not their subtilties their substantial Arguments but not their Quiddities finding some little Pearls in great Dunghils was wont to say They had great heads but little hearts And indeed when the original Fountains of Scripture were stopt up by the Philistins and little but rage and fury filled most places with the blood of the slain Professors of the Truth who could expect but the Owl which once should often fly in the Lateran Wherefore from the Papal Schools he went beyond Sea and stood under the Fathers Pulpits and delighted in hearing the African Wits Athanasius Cyril and Austin Athanasius he highly honoured for his notable Writings against the Arians and his strenuous Vindication of the Deity of Christ and the Doctrine of the three Persons by the holy Scriptures and was wont to say That he wrote so like an Apostle that he was even ravished with him Cyril he also greatly esteemed for his Ephesine conflicts on the same account Austin of the Latin Communion he passed from Alexandria to Hippo on purpose to see and discourse with him because of his shining holiness and especially his irresistible Defence of irresistible Grace And indeed I may add there 's no hearty Enemy of free Grace but such as want it and those that feel its power in the heart are its greatest Lovers His Book of the Trinity though he judged somewhat obscure yet not without some light He had a value also for Basil and the two Grecian Gregories and indeed in
corroborated and strengthened the humane nature in suffering so that as the Apostle saith it was Christ that was offered There was a concourse of both natures in his Satisfaction If he were not man he could not have suffered and if he were not God he could not have satisfied Christ is a Priest in our nature and as the High-Priest under the Law bare all the names of the children of Israel upon his Breast-plate so Christ bears all the names of the Elect upon him Christ sustains the persons of all the Elect Because the children were made partakers of flesh and blood he also took part of the same Christ assuming the nature of man sustains the persons of all the Elect and in their room and in their stead in a part of their nature presents himself to God and taking their guilt upon him is willing to bear the punishment due to them therefore he suffers and dyes in their nature and remains under the power of death for a time 2. Christ by his Incarnation is fitted for the work of his Intercession As it was the work of the Priest to offer Sacrifice and make atonement so to intercede and pray for the people Now Christ by taking our nature is fit for this work also Christ as to his Divine nature is equal with the Father and so is the object of prayer together with the Father but Christ according to his humane nature is inferiour to the Father and so fit to intercede And therefore it is a common saying among Divines Christ intercedes and prays as he is man and Mediator 3. Christ by assuming our nature performs the Office of a King to the Church Christ hath a natural Kingdom and he hath a dispensatory Kingdom As he is God so he hath a natural Kingdom over all creatures Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and thy dominion is an everlasting dominion As he is God-man so he hath a Kingdom by way of donation and dispensation Yet have I set my King upon my holy hill of Sion Psal 2.6 The Father judgeth no man but hath committed all judgment to the Son Joh. 5.22 that is to the Son incarnate Christ as Head and King of the Church dispenseth all grace to the Church rules and governs the Church in and by the humane nature assumed Eph. 1.21 22 23. Thus have we shewn how that Christ by the work of his Incarnation lays the foundation for the work of Mediatorship in general and for the executing of those three great Offices of Prophet Priest and King in particular 16. The love of Christ in his Incarnation is seen in this In that by means of Christs Incarnation our nature which was alienated from God deprived of communion with him lay under the curse was subject to all sorts of miseries and unto death it self is now restored to communion with God again delivered from the curse set above all misery and death cloathed with immortality and possessed of perfect happiness 1. The Son of God by his Incarnation hath restored our nature unto communion with God Adam by his Fall was turned out of Paradise banished from the presence of God lost his communion with God Now the Son of God taking a part of our nature into unity of person with himself hath brought our nature near to God again our nature in Christ is admitted to the sight of God and communion with him Christi humana natura semper usque à primordio incarnationis vidit Deum Divines observe That the humane nature in Christ had the sight of God from the beginning of his Conception and Incarnation and the reason of this assertion is this Christ was full of grace he had the Spirit of God given to him not by measure Aquinas observes That Christ from the beginning of his Incarnation had more grace given to him than the Saints in Heaven Now the Saints in Heaven are admitted to a clear sight and vision of God therefore if Christ had more grace given to him from the beginning than the Saints in Heaven we must suppose Christ had a clear sight and vision of God besides the great demonstration of Christs love in his sufferings was that he was content to be deprived of the sight and comfort of his Fathers love therefore he crys out My God my God why hast thou forsaken me This argues Christ had been used and accustomed to the sight of his Fathers face and countenance otherwise why did he cry out Why hast thou forsaken me But for our sakes he was content to have his Fathers face hid from him for a time that it might not be hid from us for ever Now then Christ in his humane nature being admitted to the sight of God all the Elect in their measure shall have a share in this priviledge Scientia visionis competit Christo ut capiti electis ut membris The knowledge of vision is first given to Christ as the Head to the Elect as Members and although all the Elect be not as yet admitted to the vision of God yet it is certain they shall be as Christ now is When he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is 1 Joh. 3.3 and in the mean time our life is hid with Christ in God Col. 3.3 hid as in the fountain root Tanquam in fonte radice principio and principle of that life Christ in his humane nature being admitted unto the sight of God and communion with him is an argument all the Elect also shall be brought to the same happiness 2. The Son of God by his Incarnation hath delivered our nature from the Curse set it above misery sorrow and death and cloathed it with immortality The sentence pronounced concerning man was That in case he sinned he should dye the death Gen. 2.17 Christ by taking our nature and dying in it hath born the substance of that curse The curse comprehended two things in it First natural death the separation of the soul from the body Secondly spiritual death the separation of the soul from God Here lay the sting of the curse Thou shalt dye the death or In dying thou shalt dye thou shalt not dye once only but dye twice as it were thy soul shall not only be separated from thy body but both body and soul shall be separated from me Now Christ under-went both parts of the curse if rightly understood First Christ in a right sense endured that part of the curse which consisted in a separation from God for although the personal Vnion was never dissolved neither was Christs humane soul ever separated in love or affection from his Father his soul clave in love and affection to his Father in the midst of all his sufferings Christ did not undergo separation from God in either of those respects yet his humane soul was separated for a time from the light and comfort of his Fathers love as was hinted before when he cryed out My God
shalt thou return Gen. 3.19 was the Curse pronounced upon man for sin Terra es in terram reverteris Earth thou art and unto earth shalt thou return By this expression Divines both ancient and modern understand a state of mortality that should come upon man by reason of sin Earth thou art and to earth shalt thou return that is thou shalt become mortal Terra es ostendit hominem in deterius commutatum Aug. Austin observes that expression Thou art earth it shews that the whole man was changed for the worse Man that had been immortal had it not been for sin is now become mortal by means of sin there is nothing that men fear more than death The Apostle tells us That men through fear of death are all their life-time subject to bondage Heb. 2. When man by sin was brought into a mortal state he was always in fear and expectation of death A man that is condemned doth not dye presently but he is in a dying condition and he is always in expectation of death and a man that is infected with the plague doth not it may be dye presently but he carries his deaths wound about him so man having sinned he had the matter of death in him he had that in him which would certainly and infallibly bring him unto death man having sinned brought himself into a mortal state therefore the Lord Jesus Christ our Surety that he might deliver us from this part of the Curse put himself into a state of mortality makes himself liable to death Hence is that of the Apostle Phil. 2. He took upon him the form of a servant and became obedient to the death even the death of the cross that is he took our nature and made himself mortal in it Had the Divinity in Christ exerted it self in its full power and strength it could have prevented suffering and death in Christ but it being a part of the Curse that we s●●uld be subject to suffering and death the Divinity did so far suspend it self that Christ might become passible and mortal therefore Christ who was immortal in himself made himself mortal for our sakes In Rom. 8.2 we read of the Law of sin and of death The Law of sin is as Austin observes that whosoever sins shall dye Lex peccati ut quicunque peccârit moriatur August the soul that sins shall dye The Law of death is Dust thou art and to dust thou shalt return Therefore man being subjected to a state of mortality by the Curse Christ underwent this Curse for us Heb. 2.14 That through death he might destroy him that had the power of death that is the devil That through death he might destroy him c. The end why the Son of God assumed our nature was that he might suffer and dye in it he so assumed our nature as that being in our nature he might become passible and mortal in it Ought not Christ to have suffered these things Luk. 24. He that would be our Surety and pay our debt must suffer and dye for us and therefore that Christ might fully discharge our debt he was pleased to put himself into a state of suffering and death Learn from hence Vse 1 in the first place the infinite love of Christ that Christ who was free would become our Surety and bring himself under bonds for us and make himself liable to the Law and to the penalty of it for our sakes yea not only so that Christ who was most free would take upon him the payment of our debt but that he who in some respect was the Creditor and had the debt owing to him should yet in another respect and in a wonderful way of dispensation become the Surety and pay the debt for us Consider Christ as God sin was an offence against him as well as against the other Persons of the Trinity and Christ might have demanded and exacted punishment from men but yet Christ in a wonderful way of dispensation by assuming our nature and bearing the punishment due to us in it would become our Surety and pay the debt that was owing to himself Have we not reason here with the Apostle to cry out O the depth O the heights and depths and lengths and breadths of the love of Christ that when Christ might have demanded satisfaction from us he was pleased to take our nature and make satisfaction for us This shews us the great happiness and the singular priviledge of Believers Vse 2 who have an interest in Christ The priviledge of Believers lies in this That Christ who is their Surety hath undertaken to satisfie and discharge their debt for them Now if the debt of punishment which we owe to Divine Justice be already satisfied if the punishment which we owe to Gods Justice be already undergone Divine Justice can demand no more this consideration may be of unspeakable use and comfort to us when we come to be under agonies and terrors of conscience Those that truly belong to God may sometimes have such thoughts as these are What if I should be put to lye under the wrath of God What if the torments of the Damned should be inflicted upon me Holy Souls themselves have had some sips and tastes of Divine wrath Now that which may be of unspeakable comfort in such a case is this If thou be a true Believer if thou hast closed with Christ by faith thou hast already suffered punishment in Christ thy Head thou hast after a sort satisfied Divine Justice and born the torments of Hell in Christ thy Head Paul said I am crucified with Christ Gal. 2.20 I am crucified together with Christ concrucified When Christ was crucified 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 we were crucified together with him Christ suffering the punishment in our nature which was due to us it is in Gods account as if we had suffered Hence it is said He was made sin for us 2 Cor. 5.21 and we are made the righteousness of God in him Now thou that art a true sincere Believer who lovest Christ and prizest him above all the world if thou hast already suffered the wrath of God and the torments of Hell in Christ thy Head it is to be hoped thou shalt not be put to suffer it in thy own person Who shall condemn saith the Apostle it is Christ that hath dyed Rom. 8.33 If Christ hath dyed thou shalt not dye and if Christ hath been condemned thou shalt not be condemned This shews the unspeakable misery of such who have no interest in Christ Vse 3 and no part in his Satisfaction Their misery appears in this That they are liable to bear the punishment of their own sins As this is the singular priviledge of Believers that they are exempted from punishment because Christ their Head and Surety hath born it for them so this is the unspeakable misery of all Unbelievers of all such as lye out of Christ that they are liable to bear
the punishment of their own sins because they have no interest in that person that should take off this punishment from them The misery of all Unbelievers and such as lye out of Christ appears from these two considerations 1. Because the Sentence of the Law stands in full force against them that Law that says The soul that sins shall dye The wages of sin is death That Law is still in force against them and if they have not a Surety to bear this penalty of the Law for them they are liable to it themselves The Law exacts death from the sinner therefore thou must either dye in thy own person or in a Surety for the sentence of the Law cannot be reverst that saith The soul that sins shall dye 2. Divine Justice calls for punishment The Nature of God as he is a holy and just God inclines and obligeth him to punish sinners therefore if Divine Justice do not find out some other way to be satisfied in it will satisfie it self upon the Sinner himself In how sad a case is every person that is found out of Christ he is already condemned by the Law and is in danger of being arrested and seized upon by Divine Justice every moment O how doth it concern us all to secure our interest in Christ to get a part in his Satisfaction for as much as unless we can obtain an interest in Christ as our Surety to satisfie the Law and Divine Justice for us we are liable to bear the punishment which our sins deserve and to make satisfaction in our own persons The end of the fifth Sermon SERMON VI. Joh. 15.13 Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends I Now proceed to that which remains The second Particular therefore is this That Christ did not only make himself passible and mortal for us but Christ did actually undergo suffering and death for us This I shall open in several Particulars 1. Our Lord Jesus Christ that he might bear the punishment of our sins underwent all manner of sufferings in his body for us he suffered hunger thirst weariness pain grief and the like Isa 53.4 He hath born our grief and carried our sorrows and vers 7. He was oppressed and he was afflicted Whatever pressures and loads of afflictions we may feel Christ felt the same yea he hath felt them in a far greater measure than we do It was part of the Curse pronounced upon ●lam after his Fall Cursed is the ground for thy sake in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee Gen. 3.17 18. By these expressions Learned men observe That all the miseries and calamities of this life are set forth this was part of the Curse that man should be subject to all the miseries of this life the miseries that we all feel and experiment such as hunger weariness pain and the like Now that being part of the Curse that we should be subject to all these miseries Christ underwent the miseries that we are subject unto 2. Christ was exposed unto and suffered shame ignominy contempt and reproach for our sakes Hence was it that he was arraigned and condemned as a Malefactor by an earthly Judge hence it came to pass that he was buffeted reviled spit upon crowned with thorns mocked derided crucified between two thieves all which circumstances were matter of great reproach and contempt and all this our Saviour bare as the punishment of our sins and we cannot have a just and due contemplation of the sufferings of Christ what they are in themselves nor make the right use of them as to our selves unless we apprehend that whatever Christ suffered he suffered it as the punishment for our sins We read in the History of the Gospel what shame and contempt was poured on our Saviour in his being buffeted spit upon derided mocked and crowned with thorns but I fear there are too few that consider that he bare these things as the just punishment of our sins We read this as a History and that is all but if we look upon this with a spiritual eye we ought to consider that our Saviour bare all this as the just punishment of our sins for shame and contempt is one part of the punishment due to sin Hence is it that when the punishment of the wicked is described at the last Day it is described by this Some shall rise to shame and everlasting contempt Dan. 12.2 so that shame and everlasting contempt is part of the punishment that is due to sin Now then our Saviour bearing the whole punishment of our sins hath born that shame and contempt that we deserve Hence are those expressions Isa 50.6 That he gave his back to the smiters and his cheeks to them that plucked off the hair he hid not his face from shame and spitting 3. Christ suffered in his Soul as well as in his body for us yea our Saviours sufferings in his Soul were his greatest sufferings Though the sufferings of his body were great yet the sufferings of his Soul were by far the greatest sufferings Joh. 12.27 Now is my soul troubled Mat. 26.28 My soul is exceeding sorrowful The Papists and some others will not admit these sufferings of our Saviour in his Soul they make the main of Christs sufferings to be in his body But the Scripture is clear in this That Christ suffered in his Soul as well as in his body and it was most necessary that Christ who was our Surety should suffer in his Soul as well as in his body and the reason is because Adam did primarily and principally sin in his soul sin first began in the soul and therefore it was meet that Christ should primarily and principally suffer in his Soul that punishment that was due to us for our sins It is the observation of a Learned man Christ saith he is to be considered under the notion of a Surety or Vndertaker for us Thence saith he it follows that his body was constituted and appointed as a Surety for our body his Soul was constituted a Surety for our souls so that Christ was to suffer that punishment in his Soul that we were to suffer in our souls and Christ was to undergo that punishment in his body that we were to suffer in our bodies and if we should suppose that our Saviour had not suffered that in his Soul which we should have suffered but only hath suffered such grief as belongs to the sensitive part then it would follow that the Soul or Spirit that is in us is not yet redeemed for what Christ hath not born for us doth remain still for us to suffer and to be undergone If therefore Christ suffered nothing in his Soul of what the Law of God and Divine Justice would inflict upon our spirits and souls as the punishment of sin it remains still to be undergone by us But much
more sweet and comfortable is that speech of Ambrose My mind or spirit is crucified in Christ Mens mea in Christo crucifixa est Ambr. the meaning of which I take to be That the punishment which was due to my mind or spirit is laid upon Christ and I having suffered that in my mind or spirit in Christ my Head which I deserved to suffer I hope hereby to be set free from that punishment Christ I say suffered in his Soul hence is it said that Christ was smitten of God Isa 53.4 We did esteem him stricken smitten of God and it pleased the Lord to bruise him and to put him to grief vers 10. Christ was stricken of God immediately stricken in his Soul Psal 69.26 They persecute him whom thou hast smitten Mat. 26.31 I will smite the shepherd If Christ was smitten of God how should that be but immediately in his Soul Hence is that of one of the Ancients God saith he was justly angry with us for our sins and Christ interposing himself as the middle person took off the stroke and bare the punishment that hung over us Neither may it seem strange to us that our Saviour should suffer in his Soul for as much as he was pleased to take upon him the guilt of all our sins It is a memorable passage of a late modern Divine The guilt Dickson Therapeut Sacr. saith he of all our sins wickednesses and most hainous offences which from the beginning of the world to the end of it have been committed by any of the Elect all these were imputed to one Christ altogether and all at once and although Christ by taking the guilt of all these sins upon him did not pollute or defile that holy Soul of his yet nevertheless he did burthen his Soul with them by obliging himself to suffer the punishment that was due to the sins of the Elect as if so be those very sins had in some sort been his own sins Now saith he whenas we see the most profligate and impure sinners lyars thieves adulterers and the like when we see these they cannot patiently hear themselves to be called lyars or thieves or adulterers though guilty of such enormous crimes although it is manifest that they are guilty of them neither can they bear the shame and disgrace of their own guilt that yet doth manifestly lye upon them with how great a grief and passion of mind with how great a darkening of that sanctity and glory that was in our Saviour must we suppose that Christ did take upon his shoulders this most noisom dunghil of all our sins than which nothing could be more abhorring from the purity and sanctity of nature 4. Christ suffered death it self for us hence is it said That he tasted death for everyman Heb. 2.9 Nothing less than death could satisfie the Law the sentence of the Law was That the soul that sins shall dye therefore he that will be our surety and bear the punishment due to us must undergo death it self for us Some of the Papists tell us That such was the dignity of Christs person that the least drop of his Blood the least tear the least sigh of his heart would have been sufficient to redeem us But our Divines do well answer To what purpose then were all the rest of Christs sufferings his temptations his grief his reproaches and all that which he underwent both in his life and death If one drop of Christs blood had been sufficient to redeem us then all the rest that Christ suffered must needs be supposed to be superfluous and unnecessary But we must know that notwithstanding the dignity of Christs person the Law requires death In the day that thou eatest thou shalt dye the death therefore Divine Justice demanded the same punishment to be undergone which was threatned by the Law therefore death being threatned by the Law nothing less than death would satisfie Divine Justice The Apostle tells us in the Epistle to the Hebrews That under the Law without shedding of blood there was no remission the sacrifice must be killed and slain before there could be remission of sins Christ therefore being the true Sacrifice for our sins he was to be slain and put to death before remission of sins could be obtained for us It is true there were many advantages that did accrue by the dignity of Christs person some of which are such as these which Divines mention 1. That the death of one should be sufficient for the Redemption of so many If Christs person had not been of that dignity and worth it could not have been supposed that the death and suffering of one person would have sufficed for the Redemption of so many It is well observed by one of the Ancients If Christ had not been God how could he alone have been sufficient to have been a price for our Redemption Therefore there is that advantage which ariseth from the dignity of Christs person that the excellency of his person is such he being an infinite person that he is able to make satisfaction for all 2. The dignity of Christs person made the death of Christ to be meritorious for what may we not suppose that so great a Person who was of equal Majesty and Glory with the Father should not merit at the hand of his Father 3. The dignity of Christs person was available as to this That some circumstances of punishment which were not fit for him to undergo Christ undergoing that which was equivalent might be omitted as one circumstance which Divines mention is this namely That the torments of Hell which were to be suffered and undergone by us in the next life were suffered and undergone by Christ in this life These advantages did accrue from the dignity of Christs person yet notwithstanding this dignity of Christs person he that was to be our Surety was to undergo the substance of that punishment that we were to undergo Now death being the punishment that was to be suffered by the transgressors of the Law as being threatned by the Law Christ being our Surety was to undergo and suffer death for us 5. Christ did not only undergo natural death but he also tasted of supernatural death and so by consequence suffered the pains and torments of Hell for us Christ suffered the whole curse of the Law as to the substance of it Hence is that of the Apostle Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the Law being made a curse for us Gal. 3.13 Now the Curse of the Law was In the day that thou eatest thou shalt dye the death or as it may be rendred In dying thou shalt dye that is thou shalt dye doubly thou shalt dye a twofold death thou shalt dye naturally and thou shalt dye spiritually thou shalt dye a natural death in having thy soul separated from thy body and thou shalt dye a spiritual death in having thy soul separated from me Therefore it is well observed by one
consummate and compleat sorrows and pains which our Saviour did suffer and undergo for our sake In Psal 22. which is certainly a Prophecy of Christ and a description of his sufferings we have these sufferings notably set forth in vers 1. My God my God why hast thou forsaken me and vers 14. I am poured out like water all my bones are out of joynt my heart is like wax it is melted in the midst of my bowels my strength is dryed up like a potsherd and my tongue cleaveth to my jaws and thou hast brought me into the dust of death He that thinks this is spoken of some ordinary sufferings which are common to other men must needs have a very slender consideration of these things certainly they are more than common ordinary sorrows that drew such expressions from our Saviour in whose person here the Psalmist speaks our Saviour then tasted of supernatural death he did undergo the pains of Hell for us Now that I may unfold a little more particularly and distinctly how it was that Christ suffered the pains and torments of Hell for us I must do it in some particular Propositions and I would speak of this a little for these two ends 1. That we might more fully understand what it was that we deserved by our sins 2. That we might admire the love of Christ so much the more that he should suffer such pains and torments for us that we might be delivered from them 1. Our Saviour suffered the greatest and most inexpressible dolors anxieties and perplexities in his mind for us and yet without sin no sorrows were ever like to his sorrows Hence is that expression Mark 14.33 He began to be sore amazed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and to be very heavy or He began to be afraid and grievously troubled The first word properly signifies to be struck with fear or to be astonished with fear our Saviour was as a person astonished this is the proper import of the word This amazement as we express it was such a passion as was stirred up in our Saviour by which from the sudden commotion of all the faculties of his Soul he was as a person astonished all over in a fear astonished at the greatness of the things he had to suffer neither d●d this astonishment speak any imperfection of Holiness in the humane nature of our Saviour but only demonstrated the greatness of his sufferings for it is possible that the mind by some sudden and vehement commotion from some terrible object may be so occupied and taken up that there may not be the free exercise of the thoughts for the present and yet this without sin this was the case of our Saviour he was like a person astonished at the greatness of the sufferings that he was to undergo and that he saw coming upon him all the faculties of his Soul were moved and stirred in him at the torrent of Divine wrath that he saw ready to break in upon him 2. The second word used by the Evangelist is He began to be amazed and very heavy This word is well rendred by our Translators very heavy for I find that Phavorinus renders the Substantive 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Phavorinus sadness of soul He began to be amazed and very sad Now concerning this fear and this grief that our Saviour underwent I shall speak more particularly hereafter but before we proceed to that I shall make some use of what hath been already opened Learn from hence in the first place Vse 1 how great an evil sin is nothing shews more clearly what an evil sin is than those great sorrows and sufferings of our Saviour that God should cast so innocent a person as Christ was in himself meerly because he was our Surety and took upon him the guilt of our sins into such great sorrows and inexpressible dolors both in soul and body this shews what an infinite evil sin is and how much God hates it and what it is that we deserve by it We may slight sin and think it a light and trivial thing but O let us stand by the Cross of Christ a while and see what it was that the Son of God and God suffered in our nature consider what grief what anguish what trouble and perplexity of soul he underwent and then we shall see that God doth not look upon sin as such a slight and trivial thing whatever we may do Would God have exposed his own innocent Son who was so near to him who was so tenderly beloved by him who always pleased him and who never offended him to so much ignominy to so much contempt and shame to so much pain grief and sorrow had he not hated sin infinitely had not his soul been infinitely set against it O when we find our hearts begin to play and dally with sin it is good for us to soak our hearts in the meditation of Christs sufferings to take a turn at the Cross of Christ and behold the Son of God incarnate made a spectacle to men and Angels and bearing the wrath of God to expiate the guilt of our sins Learn from hence what remains still to be suffered by Vnbelievers those dolors those sorrows Vse 2 those torments of soul and body that death which Christ hath not suffered for them remains still to be suffered by them in their own persons for the sentence of the Law must take place therefore unless thou have suffered in a surety thou art liable to suffer in thy own person the sentence of the Law is In dying thou shalt dye dye nuturally and dye spiritually taste of natural and supernatural death therefore unless thou have suffered this in a surety thou art liable to suffer this in thy own person Now all Unbelievers who are guilty either of positive or negative unbelief have no part in Christ or his sufferings 1. They who are guilty of positive unbelief such as reject Christ and will have nothing to do with him as they said We will not have this man to reign over us these have nothing to do with Christ and his sufferings 2. Such as are guilty of negative unbelief such who do not believe on Christ who do not close with him who do not embrace him by a lively faith all such have no part in Christ and in his sufferings therefore it necessarily follows that that which Christ hath not suffered for them remains still to be suffered by them in their own persons Joh. 3. ult He that believeth not on the Son shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth on him O how should this make every soul of us to tremble lest we should be found out of Christ Canst thou bear the terrour of the first death when the sting of it is not taken away Or canst thou bear the fear of supernatural death to have thy soul separated from God for ever If thou hast not a part in Christ and in his death thou art liable to both
obedience had not been perfect and compleat it had not been such an obedience as the Law requires and accepts for the Law accepts of nothing but perfect obedience and that consummate to the end of a mans life Cursed is he that continueth not in all things that are written in the book of the Law to do them There must not be the doing of some things only which the Law requires but there must be the doing of all things and that to the end of a mans life if a man gives that obedience which the Law will accept and therefore we must suppose that there was not the least interruption in any one act of obedience in our Saviour no he was obedient unto the death as the Apostle expresses it Phil. 2.8 He was obedient unto the death even the death of the cross his obedience ran throughout his whole life and it extended it self to the very end and last period of his life He was obedient unto the death 3. It was not desertion in point of support Christ was not so deserted in his sufferings as not to be supported under them Hence is that of one of the Ancients Derilictus fuit non per miseriam ●ed per misericordiam nec amissione auxilii sed definitione moriendi Leo. Christ was forsaken not in respect of misery as to himself but out of mercy towards us Christ was forsaken not by the loss of Divine help but in his being left to dye unto which he was determined by the forcknowledge of God Christ had supportation in his sufferings otherwise he had sunk under them It is true our Saviour was not so sensible of that support which he had many of the Saints are supported under great tryals sore afflictions and temptations that they meet with and yet they are not always so sensible of that support that is given to them So was it with our Saviour he had support and yet he was not so sensible of his support and therefore is it that he complains Psal 22.1 My God my God why hast thou forsaken me and mark what follows Why art thou so far from helping me He was holpen of God but yet he had little sense of help the sense of support was much taken from him Why art thou so far from helping me and from the words of my roaring I cry in the day time and thou hearest not Though our Saviour had indeed support yet he complains as one that had no sense and feeling of it there may be support under great tryals and afflictions and yet there may be little feeling of that support and therefore is it that some of the Saints have complained of being overwhelmed Consider the title of Psal 102. A prayer of the afflicted when he is overwhelmed the Saints may be overwhelmed Then is a person said to be overwhelmed when he is under great sorrows and sufferings and hath little or no sense of comfort and support given in to him Thus hath it been with the Saints and thus was it with the Head of the Saints the Lord Jesus he had support but yet he had little sense of support the support he had for it was the Divinity that strengthened and corroborated him to bear all his sufferings therefore is it said That by the eternal Spirit he offered himself without spot to God Heb. 9.14 It was by the power of the Deity that he was corroborated to suffer what he did suffer and yet he complains of the want of the sense of support in the place formerly mentioned Thus we have seen what this dereliction was not It was not a dissolution of the Vnion of the two Natures not a desertion in point of grace not desertion in point of support What then was it I answer It was desertion in point of comfort dereliction in point of manifestation To understand this we must know That in the death of Christs body when his body dyed the soul was separated from the body but how not personally Non 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but in respect of place only the humane soul of Christ and his body were separated one from the other but yet neither the soul nor the body were separated from his person Divines have an apt similitude to illustrate this A man that hath his sword in his scabbard holds it in his hand for a time then draws his sword out of his scabbard the sword and the sheath are separated one from the other but neither is separated from the man the man holds both in his hands In like manner in the death of Christ Christs humane soul was separated from his body but neither was separated from the Divinity the Divinity held both so that in the death of Christs body the soul was separated from the body not personally but in respect of place So in this of his dereliction which was as it were the supernatural death of his soul the Deity was separated from Christs soul but how not personally the personal Vnion remained still how then was it separated only in respect of operation there was not that operation of the Divinity in the humane soul of our Saviour in a way of comfort in a way of manifestation as before the separation was in point of comfort and manifestation Quaedam ibi derelictio suit ubi nulla suit in tanta necessitate virtutis exhibitio nulla majestatis ostensio Bern. not otherwise This is elegantly expressed by one of the Ancients after this manner Christ saith he was after a sort forsaken when there was no visible tendring of help to him in so great necessity when there was no beaming forth of the Majesty of God upon him but the face of God and his favour was turned away from him because of the wrath of God that was due to us because of our sins This then was that dereliction that our Saviour underwent the beams of the Divinity contained themselves as it were from shining forth upon the humane soul of our Saviour the Divinity that was wont to shine upon his humane soul before withdrew its rays The Ancients and some other modern Learned men have many elegant expressions to set forth this dereliction of our Saviour Some of the Ancients call the sufferings of Christ the Sleep as it were of the Divinity had the Divinity or Godhead exerted it self in Christ as it might have done it could easily have prevented all suffering and death therefore the Divinity suspending its operations is said by the Ancients to sleep and rest as it were that so the humane nature might be capable of suffering Passio Christi fuit dulcis Divinitatis somnus Aug. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Compressissa se Deitatem Subduxit se ad tempus Divinitas Sequestratâ delectatione Divinitatis aeternae Hence is that expression of Austin The Passion of our Saviour was as it were a sweet sleep of the Divinity Other of the Ancients have this expression That the Divinity did rest that is
it to his cross Col. 2.14 and he is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world Joh. 1.29 that is he hath perfectly taken away sin as to the guilt and condemnation of it Now this could not have been if Christ had not suffered all that was to be suffered he could not have made an end of sin he could not have taken away the condemning power of it if all the punishment that was to be inflicted upon the sinner had not been inflicted upon him but now Christ by offering himself a Sacrifice for our sins hath born the whole punishment so that nothing more remains to be suffered that Divine Justice can demand This is implied in his being made a curse namely that the wrath of God was spent upon Christ to the utmost and that Divine Justice could desire no more than what was laid upon him The last Particular to clear this how Christ was made a curse is this The curse took hold on Christ so far as that Christ was exterminated and cut off by it The utmost punishment that can be inflicted upon a Malefactor amongst men is death the extermination of him from mankind cutting him off from the land of the living separating him from the society of mankind Now the curse proceeded upon Christ so far as that Christ was cut off by it Hence are those expressions of the Prophet He was cut off from the land of the living for the transgression of my people was he smitten or stricken Isa 53.8 So likewise we have the same expression in the Book of Daniel Dan. 9.26 After sixty two weeks shall Messias be cut off but not for himself Christ the true Messias was to be cut off but not for himself that is not for any sin of his own but he was cut off for us because he bare the guilt of our sins To understand this we must know that nothing satisfies the Law but the death of the sinner We know what the sentence was that God pronounced upon our first Parents In the day that thou eatest thou shalt dye the death and this is the general sentence of the Law The soul that sins shall dye and The wages of sin is death Death is part of the curse yea death is as it were the consummation of the curse Death as it is the inlet unto eternal death so it is the consummation of the curse The curse aims at the extermination and utter destruction of the sinner A man that is taken away by a corporal death he is for ever destroyed as to men though his soul survive yet he is taken from amongst men he hath no communion with mankind Death is the destruction of a person as to any fellowship and communion that he is to have with mankind any longer in this world and therefore death is the utmost consummation of punishment amongst men Thus the curse cuts off Christ and Christ dyes as bearing the curse yea the curse is consummated in the death of Christ Christ was accursed even as Adam was It is a good expression of one of the Ancients Christ descended as low as Adam did and so dissolved the curse 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Christ by descending where Adam had brought himself by his Fall dissolves the curse that Adam had brought upon himself and his posterity the curse that was upon Adam brought him to death Dust thou art and to dust thou shalt return The curse lying upon Adam subjected him to a state of mortality and brought him under the power of death Christ therefore being made a curse for us the curse subjects him to death and takes away his life Hence is that expression Heb. 2.9 That Christ tasted death for every man Death is the completion of the curse because the death of the body is the inlet to eternal death to those who are still under the power of the curse It is true Christ did not taste the pains of eternal death after his natural life was ended but Christ tasted the pains of supernatural death before the taking away of his natural life as I have shewed heretofore and here we may observe this difference in Christs sufferings and the damned's sufferings The damned suffer the pains of Hell after this life Christ suffered the pains of Hell here in this life corporal death is but the beginning of the damned's punishment but Christ at his death finished his sufferings So that in the order of suffering there is some difference between what Christ suffered and what the damned suffer The damned suffer the pains of Hell after this life Christ suffered them in this life yet Christ underwent death as a part of the curse and death as it is a part of the curse and a fruit of Gods wrath is a terrible thing yea most terrible and yet Christ that he might make satisfaction for us conflicted with this King of Terrors Christ as he was man had a natural fear of death as we have yet without sin and the reason is because Christ taking on him our nature took also upon him the infirmities of our nature Now there may be a natural fear of death without sin nature abhorring that which is contrary to it self and this was in our Saviour Christ being our Surety and seeing death coming upon him as part of the curse and as a part of the punishment due to us for our sins this made him to fear death Hence is that expression Heb. 5.7 He offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears to him that was able to save him from death and was heard in what he feared Christ feared death as he was man especially he feared it as he saw it a part of the curse that was due to us and yet though he feared it the thing that he feared came upon him It is true the Apostle saith He was heard in what he feared How was he heard Was Christ heard so as to his fear of death as to be delivered from death No certainly if Christ had not dyed we must have dyed in our sins If Christ had not dyed we must have undergone death as a part of the curse How then is it said He was heard in what he feared He was heard so as that he was supported when he dyed and he was heard in being raised from the dead the third day so that he was heard in what he feared in his supportation under his sufferings and in his Resurrection but dye he must death was part of the curse yea the completion of the curse therefore Christ our Surety cannot escape death Christus sponsor noster communi maledictione nobis debitâ feriendus erat Christ says one being our Surety was to be struck with that common curse that was due to us death was due to us the great thing threatned upon sin therefore Christ being our Surety must of necessity undergo it Hence is that of Austin Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree Why
performed This is of marvellous sweet consideration to consider that the guilt and punishment of our sins is taken off from us and transferred upon Christ our Surety Not but that we are Sinners still considered in our selves and that we are obnoxious unto punishment as we are Sinners considered as in our selves but here lyes the sweetness to consider that such is the free grace of God towards us that he hath transferred the guilt and punishment of our sins upon Christ our Surety and exacts that from Christ who stands in the place of our Surety that he might have exacted from us who were the principal debtors Thus we read of the scape Goat that the iniquities of the Children of Israel were put upon him Lev. 16.21 Aaron was to lay his hand upon the head of the scape Goat and to confess over him the sins and iniquities of the Children of Israel and he was to put them upon the head of the Goat So the expression is in the Text Putting their sins upon him The scape Goat was certainly a Type of Christ Christus peccata nostra in se transtulit Calvin and herein was intimated as Calvin well observes That Christ did transfer our sins upon himself The twelfth Proposition is That Christ as our Surety did freely and voluntarily offer himself to suffer what we should have suffered As God did charge our sins upon Christ and laid the guilt and punishment of them upon him so Christ our Head and Surety did freely and voluntarily offer himself to suffer what we should have suffered as the Father did charge upon Christ the payment of our debts so Christ did freely and voluntarily take upon him the payment of them Isa 53.6 He was afflicted and he was oppressed the vulgar Latine renders it Oblatus est quia ipse voluit Christ was offered because he himself would Had he not been willing he might have chosen whether he would have been offered but he freely offers himself No man taketh away his life but he lays down his life for his sheep he lays it down of himself Joh. 10.15 This is a marvellous sweet consideration Look as the sin and disobedience of the first Adam was voluntary so the obedience of Christ our Surety was voluntary Adam did voluntarily break and transgress the Law of God and Christ our Surety did voluntarily obey the Law Adam sinning deserved punishment for that sin and Christ did voluntarily undergo that punishment Hence is it that Adams disobedience and Christs obedience are compared together Rom. 5.19 As by one mans disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of one many shall be made righteous Adam was not more voluntary in his sin and disobedience than Christ our Surety was voluntary in his obedience Much of the dignity and excellency of Christs Satisfaction is to be seen in this That as sin was voluntarily committed in our nature so obedience was performed voluntarily in our nature and suffering was voluntarily undergone in it by him who was our Surety Look as sin was voluntarily committed in the nature of man by the first Adam so we have the same nature of man in the person of the second Adam voluntarily obeying and voluntarily suffering whatever Divine Justice would require from us and when we come to transact things between God and our souls in the matters of our salvation we shall find these things of infinite concernment more than now we may be aware of This also is farther to be considered That as Christ freely and voluntarily offered himself to suffer for us so he did offer himself to suffer for us with this intention to make satisfaction for our sins Mat. 20.28 The Son of man came not to be ministred unto but to minister and to give his life a ransom for many Christ speaks here of the end of his coming it was the end of his Incarnation to give his life a ransom for many and this was his intention in his death to make satisfaction for our sins I lay down my life for my sheep that is I do it intentionally for the good of my sheep For their sakes I sanctifie my self Joh. 17.19 The thirteenth Proposition is God having charged upon Christ the guilt and punishment of our sins and Christ having freely and voluntarily offered himself to suffer what we should have suffered and having actually suffered what we should have suffered Divine Justice can now demand no more Here lyes the very essence of satisfaction The School men describe satisfaction to be a voluntary rendring of that which is equivalent of somewhat which was otherwise not due Redditio voluntaria aequivalentis aliàs indebiti for some wrong or injury that hath been done Also they tell us that satisfaction speaks some compensation that is commensurate or correspondent to some precedent injury and that this must be voluntary for if it be not voluntary it is not so properly satisfaction as satispassion Take a damned soul in Hell from whom punishment is exacted for the sins that he hath committed such an one bears punishment but he doth not satisfie properly because he doth not suffer voluntarily and therefore the torments of the damned never expiate and take away sin although they still detain and keep the person under the power and hand of Divine Justice But now where there is a voluntary submission unto punishment and this punishment is equivalent to the offence committed and as much as Justice can require this is properly satisfaction and this makes the Satisfaction of our Saviour most perfect and compleat where the person that tenders the satisfaction tenders as much as the person wronged and injured can require by way of compensation and when the person that hath received wrong and injury receives as much by way of reparation as is suitable to the wrong and injury that is done to him and as much as he desires here is satisfaction Now Christ hath made a full compensation to Divine Justice the utmost punishment that the Law could inflict upon us as we are sinners Christ hath voluntarily undergone he hath suffered that grief those pains that death of the body which we deserved he hath undergone those dolors those perplexities in his mind that dereliction that curse in his soul that was due to us therefore the whole punishment which the Law denounced being executed upon Christ our Surety Divine Justice can demand no more When the penalty that the Law demands and is pronounced against such a crime is undergone the Law is satisfied it can demand no more If a man commit a crime worthy of death all that which the Law requires is death if death be undergone if the person be cut off from the land of the living the Law is satisfied and can demand no more Now the Law hath had its full force and stroke upon Christ Isa 53. He was cut off from the land of the living Now the curse of the Law being poured out upon Christ
that believes on me as crucified he that looks upon me as lifted up on the Cross to make satisfaction for the sins of men he it is that shall not perish but have eternal life Therefore it is that Paul said He determined to know nothing but Jesus Christ and him crucified 1 Cor. 2.3 Paul knew that the foundation of our happiness lay in Christs crucifixion and sufferings and in the satisfaction that was made to God by them therefore this was the fundamental Doctrine that he insisted upon and in another place where he tells what the substance of the Gospel is he says That God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself not imputing to them their trespasses but imputing to them the righteousness of his Son 2 Cor. 5.19 20 c. So that the substance of the Gospel consists in this That God offers reconciliation unto men by the death sufferings and satisfaction of his Son If therefore the death of Christ and his satisfaction be the only foundation of our peace with God and the alone means of our reconciliation with him it concerns us to make much of Christs satisfaction and to apply our selves by faith unto it 2. Christs sufferings and satisfaction are the food and nourishment of our souls Christs sufferings and satisfaction are the means to continue us in the love and favour of God as well as to bring us into the love and favour of God at first This is notably set forth by our Saviour in that mysterious Sermon of his in the sixth of John which many of his Hearers were not able to bear because it was so spiritual In that Sermon our Saviour calls himself the bread of life and he tells us The bread which he will give is his flesh which he will give for the life of the world vers 51. This Text doth plainly point out to us the work of Christs Satisfaction Christ gives his flesh for the life of the world that is to say he gives himself to suffer that in a part of our flesh which he assumed which we ought to have suffered and in this respect it is that he saith He gives his flesh for the life of the world this is a plain intimation of his satisfaction Now what is it that our Saviour saith of this work of his satisfaction vers 55. My flesh is meat indeed and my blood is drink indeed It is as much as if he had said My sufferings and my satisfaction are the true food and nourishment of souls Here it is that souls must repair for spiritual food and nourishment When-ever guilt lies upon the conscience when the load and burden of sin oppresseth the soul there is no remedy but by flying to the flesh of Christ who was crucified and to his blood which was shed to make atonement for sin My flesh is meat indeed Look as natural life is maintained by the constant use of our food and taking of it in omit the use of food but for a few days and the body is starved natural life ceaseth so the life of our souls is maintained by a daily living upon Christ crucified by living upon his sufferings and satisfaction and the reason is plainly this The life of the soul consists in the favour of God In thy favour there is life saith the Psalmist and thy loving-kindness is better than life Without the favour of God there is no life there can be no life to the soul for God to frown upon the soul to manifest himself as an enemy this is the death of the soul Now it is a constant recourse to the sufferings and satisfaction of Christ that is the only means to keep us in the favour of God for it is sin that separates between God and us Now the sufferings and satisfaction of Christ are the means to take away the guilt of sin The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin 1 Joh. 1.7 Therefore as we would have the life of our souls maintained which consists in the favour of God and in the sense of his love we must have a constant recourse to the Satisfaction of Christ for we cannot expect one smile from God out of Christ This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased Sin doth in its own nature tend to alienate the heart of God from us Now it is the respect that God hath to the Satisfaction of his Son Christ having born that displeasure that punishment which we deserved that is the only means to turn away Gods displeasure from us Therefore is it said We have an Advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the righteous and he is the propitiation for our sins 2 Joh. 1.1 It is as much as if the Apostle had said Sin doth in its own nature incline God to anger and displeasure towards us but God respects the satisfaction of his Son he respects what Christ hath done and suffered and so he turns away his anger and becomes propitious kind and savourable upon the account of what Christ hath done and suffered for us therefore it becomes us to keep the satisfaction of Christ much in our eye because this is the means of preserving us in the favour of God as well as of bringing us into it at first Hence are we said to be preserved in Christ Jesus Jude 1. The merit of Christs obedience and sufferings is a means to preserve us in the love of God We might soon fall from the love of God did not Christ preserve us and continue us in his love by the merit of his satisfaction Hence also are we said to be saved by his life Rom. 5.10 If when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son much more being reconciled we shall be saved by his life Saved by his life that is continued in the love and favour of God brought to the perfection of salvation The Apostle supposeth that we are brought into the love and favour of God when he tells us We were reconciled when we were enemies therefore this expression of being saved implies our being kept and continued in the favour of God and our being brought to the consummation and perfection of salvation We are saved by his life that is Christs living to make Intercession for us and pleading by his Intercession the virtue and merit of his sufferings this is the means to keep us in the favour of God till we be brought to salvation therefore we ought to have a constant recourse to the death sufferings and satisfaction of Christ because it is the means of continuing us in the love and favour of God all along as it was to bring us into the favour of God at first Hence is that expression in Jude 21. Keep your selves in the love of God looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life It is that grace and mercy which is given to us in Christ through his merit and satisfaction that carries us along
great thing for God to become man but it was a greater thing for that person who was God to put himself into the nature of man to dye for man Joh. 6.51 I am the living bread which came down from heaven and the bread which I will give is my flesh which I will give for the life of the world Christ is said to come down from Heaven by his Incarnation when the Son of God took our nature into unity of person with himself this was his coming down from Heaven Now that the Word as he is called Joh. 1.1 In the beginning was the Word that the Word the second Person in Trinity should not only assume flesh but give that flesh for the life of the world this was the highest demonstration of love Hence is that expression of the Apostle 1 Joh. 3.16 Hereby preceive we the love of God that he lay down his life for us As if he should say This is the most illustrious and glorious manifestation of the love of God to us that that Person who was God laid down his life for us He that was God by nature took up the humanity in a voluntary way of condescension and having voluntarily taken up our nature voluntarily laid down the life of his humanity for us It was not possible for him to lay down the life of his Divinity but that Person who was God took up the humane nature and in that nature laid down the life of his humanity for us This is that which sets forth the greatness of Christs love that he should lay down his life for us What more contrary or unsuitable to the Nature of God than sin suffering and death and yet Christ who was God as well as man God and man in one person although he had no sin of his own no sin inherent in him yet was he content to be accounted a sinner He was numbered among the transgressors as the Prophet speaks Isa 53. yea He was made sin for us that we might be made the righteousness of God in him 2 Cor. 5.21 Christ also who was above suffering and death exposed himself to suffering and death for us He tasted death for every man Heb. 2.9 Thus was the Son of God pleased out of the greatness of his love to us to put himself as it were out of Heaven into Hell and to descend from the height and top of happiness to the lowest degree of misery and abasement He humbled himself saith the Apostle and became obedient to the death even the death of the cross This Doctrine of the Cross is the greatest stumbling-block and offence to carnal reason to hear of a crucified God to hear that he that was to be the Saviour of the world should suffer and dye this is that which carnal reason cannot away with 1 Cor. 1.23 We preach Christ crucified to the Jews a stumbling-block and to the Greeks foolishness A crucified Saviour was the great stumbling-block to the world and yet that which was accounted foolishness by the men of the world was the Wisdom of God to save the world by it This I say was the lowest degree of Christs humiliation or exinanition that the Lord of glory should expose himself to suffering and death for our sakes this is commonly expressed in that Article of our Faith That Christ descended into Hell When we say that Christ descended into Hell we are not to understand any local descension as if Christ did descend into the place of the Damned thus indeed Bellarmine and some others have understood that Article of a local descension but by Christs descending into Hell we are to understand the lowest degree of his humiliation his descending into a state of mortality and death first being content to put himself into a passible and mortal state who himself had been impassible and immortal and then actually undergoing suffering and death for us Eph. 4.9 That he ascended what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth What are those lower parts of the earth into which Christ descended Compare it with Acts 2.27 Thou shalt not leave my soul in hell that is thou shalt not leave it in the grave So that Christs descending into the lowest parts of the earth is his descending into the grave Christ indeed suffered the pains of Hell but we do not read he descended into Hell locally and Christ suffered the pains of Hell in this life as I had occasion to shew heretofore But his soul did not locally descend into Hell no his soul was taken into Paradise This day saith Christ to the repenting Thief shalt thou be with me in Paradise Thou shalt be with me that is as a Learned man understands it thy humane soul shall be with my humane soul in Paradise Christ as to the presence of his Divinity is every where therefore when he speaks of his being in Paradise this is most properly to be understood of his humane soul that his humane soul was to be in Paradise Christs descending into Hell therefore notes his descending into the state of the dead which was the completion of all his sufferings and the lowest state of his humiliation 2. The love of Christ in his sufferings and in the work of his Satisfaction appears in this That we were the offending persons and Christ a person most innocent It was we that had done the wrong and injury unto God and yet Christ who had not committed the least offence was content to suffer for us Isa 53.6 All we like sheep have gone astray and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all So in vers 9 10. He had done no violence neither was any deceit in his mouth yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him Hence also is that of the Apostle Peter 1 Pet. 3.18 Christ suffered for sin the just for the unjust Christ who was a just and an innocent person gave himself to suffer for us who were the unjust and nocent persons yea which is much more admirable Christ who was one of the persons offended unto whom the wrong and injury was done he comes to suffer and bear the punishment for them that had committed the offence The injured person is content to bear the punishment for them who had done him the wrong and injury Sin is an offence against all the Persons of the Trinity for as all the Persons of the Trinity have but one Essence one Majesty one and the same Will so sin strikes at all the Persons and is an offence against all because it is one and the same common Divinity that is offended in all and yet the Son of God who is one of the Persons of the Trinity and had received wrong and injury from men by reason of their sins was pleased to take upon him the nature of man and to bear the punishment which man had deserved for his offence against himself as well as against the other Persons Hence is it said