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A50253 The figures or types of the Old Testament by which Christ and the heavenly things of the Gospel were preached and shadowed to the people of God of old : explained and improved in sundry sermons / by Mr. Samuel Mather ... Mather, Samuel, 1626-1671.; Mather, Nathanael, 1631-1697. 1683 (1683) Wing M1279; ESTC R7563 489,095 683

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the Spirit that is by his Deity raising him up again from death to life he must both dye and live again for us As to the Cedar Hyssop and Scarlet they were used in the Purification by the Red Heifer of which we spoke before and shall now add thereunto only thus much further That of these three it is conceived that there was a sprinkling Brush made namely the Brush of Hyssop the Handle of Cedar Wood and the binding of a thred of Scarlet dy The Apostle calls it Scarlet Wooll in Heb. 9.19 And as there seems to be a general respect had to the properties of these Plants as was formerly shewed so some do observe a particular sutableness between the Leprous Contagion and these means of Purification thus That as the Leprosie did corrupt and putrifie the body opposite to this was the Cedar-Wood which is commended for firmness and soundness against putrefaction And as the Leprosie was of a foul colour contrary to this was the fresh and fair colour of Scarlet And as the Leprosie had a very ill and unsavoury scent the sweetness of Hyssop was a Remedy against that So our Annotators on Lev. 14.6 Thus for the Materials of this purifying Sacrifice Now the purifying Ceremonies and Actions were of three sorts and all full of mystery some relating to the slain Bird some to the living Bird and some to the Leper himself Let me briefly open them unto you 1. The Ceremonies of the slain Bird were chiefly these three 1. It must be killed vers 5. You know the mystery of this in all the Sacrifices it was a prefiguration of the death of Jesus Christ the true Sacrifice Almost all things in the Law were purged by blood and without shedding of blood there is no remission Heb. 9.22 2. It must be killed over running Water or living Water That is Spring Water called Living because of the continual motion resembling life thereby that is it must be taken out of a Spring or a River not out of a Pond or Rain Water What this means our Saviour himself interprets Joh. 4.10 14. where he speaks of spiritual Living Water And the blood thus falling into and being mingled with the Water points us clearly to him who came to cleanse us and save us by water and blood 1 Joh. 5.6 For as water and blood here meet so there were Streams of both issuing out of his Side when he was slain for us Joh. 19. But this water and blood is the blood of Justification and the water of Sanctification both plentifully flowing from Christ our Purification There is an ever flowing Fountain of these Waters of life in and from the Lord Jesus Christ for the cleansing of sinful and leprous Souls 3. This must be in an earthen Vessel The like Numb 5.17 The sense of this part of the Allegory may be easily gathered from the former That Soul-cleansing blood and water issued out of his blessed body therefore his body was this earthen Vessel which was frail and brittle and accordingly broken by death at last and mean and contemptible amongst men as earthen Vessels use to be The Ministers of the Gospel also are compared to earthen Vessels 2 Cor. 4.7 God useth contemptible Instruments many times for the effecting of great things These are the Ceremonies relating to the slain Bird it must be killed and it must be killed over Living Water and this is in an earthen Vessel Now 2. The Ceremonies belonging to the living Bird they are also three 1. The living Bird must be dipt in the blood of the slain Bird vers 6. A most evident and excellent representation of the union of the divine and humane nature of Jesus Christ and the influence of that union into the concernments of our peace Had not the Deity supported and influenced the humane nature in its sufferings they could not have been available with God for us Upon the account of this divine union and dipping of the living Bird in the blood of the slain the Apostle calls the sufferings of the humane nature the blood of God Act. 20.28 2. The Cedar Scarlet and Hyssop must be dipped also with it vers 6. That is all the concernments of our Salvation they do all receive a tincture an influence from the blood of Christ Whether we refer the mystery of these Plants to the Graces and Excellencies that are in him as our Saviour or to the Graces we receive from him all must be considered with relation to his blood Take it in the latter all the Graces Virtues Excellencies we receive from him must be dipped in his blood to cleanse them and make them and us accepted of God 3. The living Bird must be let loose into the open field vers 7. This clearly represents not only Jesus Christ his escaping and deliverance from death to life after he had suffered and humbled himself unto death he did escape and live again and lives for ever But also the open publication and preaching hereof as it were in the open Firmament in the view of all men so that Phrase imports Rev. 14.6 flying in the midst of Heaven preaching the everlasting Gospel This respects also the setting of the Leper free from his restraint that was upon him before by reason of his uncleanness as appears by the Connexion He shall pronounce him clean and let the Bird loose into the open field These are the Ceremonial Actions relating to the living Bird. 3. The Ceremonial Actions in reference to the Leper himself these also are three 1. The Priest shall sprinkle upon him seven times and pronounce him clean Vers 7. This sprinkling of that typical blood and water upon him is nothing else but the application of the blood of Jesus Christ There must be a particular application of it to the Soul it must be sprinkled upon the Leper and then he is pronounced clean All the other Ceremonies would not make him clean without this though the Bird were killed and other Ordinances observed yet it must be also sprinkled The death and blood of Christ is not enough to the cleansing of our Souls unless the blood be sprinkled the death of Christ applied to us There must be a work of Application as well as of Redemption All the precious blood that Christ hath shed will not save a sinner unless this blood be effectually applied and sprinkled on the Soul Application is a great and necessary part of our Recovery and Salvation as well as the blood of Christ it self And it must be applied seven times both frequently and perfectly over and over again once is not enough suppose thou hast believed and laid hold upon Christ already and applied him by Faith to thy self in particular the blood must be sprinkled seven times over thou must apply Christ and lay hold upon Christ again And lastly the number seven is a number of perfection so it holds forth perfect cleansing as well as frequent application of the blood of Christ for
Now to unfold the Mystery of the Incense The Incense that was offered upon this Golden Altar was a Type of Prayer the Prayers both of Christ and of his Saints Both the Prayers which Christ offers up for the Saints and which the Saints offer up for themselves in his Name and Mediation See Rev. 5.8 Psal 141.2 Let my Prayer be set forth before thee as Incense You may see the fulness of the analogy more at large in seven particulars 1. It was made up of many choise Ingredients Exod. 30.34 so is the Spirit of Prayer as it were a compound of many excellent Graces There must be Faith Humility Fervency c. and indeed all the Graces of Gods Spirit are drawn forth and exercised in Prayer 2. They are strictly forbidden to make another Persume of their own heads like unto it Exod. 30.37 38. so we are not to make use of any other Intercessors or Mediators but Christ only And in like manner for men to make Prayers in the way of stinted Liturgies though there be many of the same Ingredients in the Mass-book that is good expressions for the matter of them and words and notions that are found in the Scripture yet this being not the Incense that is instituted it is not it cannot be accepted 3. These Ingredients whereof the Incense was made were to be beaten very small into fine Powder Exod. 30.36 This teacheth us that Contrition of heart that ought to be in Prayer how the Soul is to be contrite and broken as it were all to pieces by humbling meditations of its own unworthiness when it appears before the Lord in Prayer These are the Prayers that God regards Psal 51.17 The Sacrifices of God are a broken Spirit a broken and a contrite heart O God thou wilt not despise Isai 57.15 I dwell in the high and holy place with him also that is of a contrite and humble Spirit to revive the Spirit of the humble and to revive the heart of the contrite ones If a man come with his heart whole and not broken this is to offer the Incense unbeaten unpounded 4. The Incense was to be set on fire and so the smoke went up before the Throne Exod. 30.7 8. This speaks that holy Fervency in Prayer There should be ardent affections inflamed by the Fire of the Holy Ghost Jam. 5 16. the effectual fervent Prayer of a righteous man availeth much We should not come with a dead cold heart before the Lord in Prayer 5. This burning of Incense was a Service performed every day morning and evening Exod. 30.7.8 This teacheth us that Prayer should be a daily work morning and evening David tells us of his praying in the morning Psal 5.3 My Voice shalt thou hear in the morning O Lord in the morning will I direct my Prayer unto thee and will look up And also in the evening Psal 141.2 The lifting up of my hands as the evening Sacrifice Yea both he and Daniel used to pray thrice a day Psal 55.17 Dan. 6.10 Anna departed not from the Temple but served God with Fastings and Prayers night and day Luk. 2.37 and we are commanded to pray continually 1 Thess 5.17 Praying always with all Prayer Ephes 6.18 that is every day in the seasons of Prayer And Paul mentions his praying day and night 1 Thess 3.10 2 Tim. 1.3 which may well be understood of evening and morning See also 1 Tim. 5.5 and Act. 26.7 6. The time of burning the Incense was when they dressed and lighted the Lamps of the Sanctuary Exod. 30.7 8. This teacheth us the conjunction of the Word and Prayer in the Church Deut. 33.10 Acts 6.4 But we will give our selves continually to Prayer and to the Ministry of the Word 7. The Smoke of the Incense ascended with a sweet and fragrant smell into the Holy of holies before the Mercy seat as Rev. 8.4 and the Smoke of the Incense which came with the Prayers of the Saints ascended up before God out of the Angels hand It went up out of the Angels hand This speaks that our Prayers come up before the Lord into his holy place even into Heaven before the Throne of Grace with acceptance through the Merits and Mediation of Jesus Christ Acts 4.10 thy Prayers are come up for a memorial before God Hence that expression 1 Kings 8. hear thou in Heaven thy dwelling place For the Holy of holies was a Type of Heaven and the Mercy-seat is that Throne of Grace where the Lord is said to dwell between the Cherubims Psal 80.1 It speaks also that God returns gracious answers to them as it is Zech. 1.13 the Lord answered the Angel that talked with me with good and comfortable words Sometimes there is a gracious terribleness in them I mean a mixture of Mercy and Terror in the Lords answers and returns of Prayer Psal 65. ver 5. by terrible things in righteousness wilt thou answer us O God of our Salvation Thus Rev. 8.5 when the Angel cast down the Censer upon the earth there were voices and thunderings and lightenings and an earthquake The Lord uttering his voice as it were from the Holy of holies in dreadful dispensations of Providence in the seven Trumpets it is from the Prayers of Saints that those dreadful Trumpets were sounded But one of the strangest instances of the Lords answering Prayer by strange and seemingly contrary Providences is that of the Turks Rev. 9. It is agreed by all Interpreters that the sixth Trumpet is the Turk But did ever any Christian pray for the coming of the Turk into Christendom No but yet they came and the Voice from the four Horns of this Golden Altar of Incense usher'd them in Rev. 9.13 The meaning is this the strange Power of God did answer the Prayers of his people this way it is the Prayers of Gods people that turns the wheel of Providence as it were and brings about all the great and mighty revolutions in the course thereof Vse 1. Of Comfort in five or six particulars This Doctrine of Christs Intercession which is the mystery of this Golden Censer and Altar of Incense is full of Comfort to poor praying Souls thou hast an High Priest which offereth up thy Prayers and they are made acceptable through his Intercession This affords Comfort let thy condition be what it will 1. If thou find thy self unskilful in making application of that part of Christs Priestly Office which consisteth in his Death yet thou maist look up to him to speak a good word for thy Soul this work is doing still though the former be done 2. In case of new sins committed after Grace received here is this Comfort that as Satan puts in new Accusations against thy Soul so Christ puts in new Answers 1 Joh. 2.1 2. if any man sin we have an Advocate c. 3. Many an one is much troubled with fears of future backslidings but Christ prays that thy Faith fail not he prays not only that we should come
former Employment and Place to do this Work Exod. 3.10 Come now therefore and I will send thee unto Pharaoh that thou maist bring forth my people the Children of Israel out of Egypt But by Jesus Christ he redeemeth us out of the spiritual Bondage of Sin and Satan which is worse than Egyptian Bondage and he was sent by his Father and was content to come down from Heaven and to leave his Glory to do this great Work wherein Christ hath the preheminence For Moses was a Mediator only of temporal and typical Redemption but Christ is the Mediator of spiritual and eternal Redemption By Moses his Mediation also the Law was delivered upon Mount Sinai Gal. 3.19 it was ordained in the hand of a Mediator or a middle person that stood and transacted between God and the people Act. 7.38 who received the lively Oracles to give unto us But by Jesus Christ the Gospel is published In this respect he is the Mediator of a better Testament Moses gave the moral judicial and ceremonial Laws But Christ reveals the Gospel and Gospel-Worship Moses appoints the Passover Sacrifices builds the Tabernacle made with hands But Christ gives the Lords Supper a most lively Representation of himself and his own Death the true Sacrifice And he is himself also the true Temple and Tabernacle which the Lord hath pitched and not Man so that Christ hath the preheminence in all things inasmuch as Gospel-worship excels Legal worship and Truth and Substance excels Figures and Shadows Lastly Moses did mediate between God and the people as an Intercessor by his Prayers and Supplications and did prevail for them for the Destruction of Amalek Exod. 17. And again when they murmured upon the evil Report of the Spies Numb 14.12 13 20 and when they made the molten Calf Exod. 32.10 11 14. then with much wrestling he prevailed with the Lord for them Psal 106.23 Moses stood in the breach So doth Christ intercede and pleads for us with the Father when we provoke him by our Sins 1 Joh. 2.1 2. yea he lives for ever to intercede Heb. 7.25 2. Moses his Sufferings and Conflicts in the Discharge of his Trust and Exercise of his Office had in them a Shadow of the like to be undergone by Christ Moses fasted forty days and forty nights in the Mount So did Christ in the Wilderness He suffered many Contradictions both from his Enemies and from his Friends professed Enemies Jannes and Jambres and the Magicians of Egypt 2 Tim. 3.8 His Friends the people to whom he was sent rejected him Exod. 2.14 often murmured at him forty years he bore their manners Acts 13.18 yea his neerest friends sometimes Aaron and Miriam So Christ he was rejected of the Builders Psal 118.22 came to his own and his own received him not Joh. 1.11 His own Disciples sometimes thought his Doctrines hard sayings as when he spake against Divorces they thought a man had better never be married than submit to such a yoke and all along how weak and wayward were they But the Scribes and Pharisees like Jannes and Jambres openly resisted and opposed his Doctrine and Miracles 3. The Lords owning and bearing witness to him by Miracles Signs and Wonders Deut. 34.10 11 12. So to Jesus Christ Acts 2.22 a man approved of God among you by Miracles Wonders and Signs some note in all about five and forty of them recorded by the four Evangelists and wrought in the three years and an half of his publik Ministry viz. three in his first year nineteen in his second year and thirteen in his third year and ten in his last half year before Judas betrayed him besides those at his Death and after his Resurrection Only there were these two differences between Moses his Miracles and Christs 1. That Moses his Miracles were wrought in Christs Name but Christs Miracles were wrought in his own Name 2. That Moses his Miracles had more of Terror and Majesty Christs more of Love and Sweetness Christ seldom wrought any Mirales for the hurt of his Enemies in a way of righteous Wrath and Judgment but ordinarily only for the help both of Friends and Enemies as for instance the healing of Malchus his Ear. I remember but two Miracles wrought by Jesus Christ in a way of Wrath and Punishment against his Enemies the suffering the Devil to enter into the Gadarenes Swine and causing his Enemies to fall backward when they came to apprehend him All the rest were Miracles of Mercy and Kindness But by the Hand of Moses there were no less than ten miraculous Plagues upon Egypt There were Thunderings and Lightnings at Mount Sinai The Earth opened her mouth upon Corah Dathan and Abiram and swallowed them up quick with other such dreadful and terrible things in righteousness The reason of this difference was because Moses was the Minister of the Law which is a voice of Words and Terror and Fear and genders unto Bondage but Jesus Christ is the Minister and Author of the Gospel which is Grace and Peace Therefore these two different kinds of Dispensations were attested with two different kinds of Miracles But as to the general the working of Miracles by Moses and so being owned by the Lord and born witness to by him herein there was a resemblance and prefiguration of what was done by Jesus Christ 4. And lastly Moses was a Type of Christ in the end and close of his Life viz. in his Death Resurrection and Ascention into Heaven He dyed willingly he went up to Mount Nebo which was a part of Mount Abarim and there surrendred up his Soul So Christ No man taketh it from me but I lay it down of my self no man taketh it from me see Joh. 10.18 I have power to lay it down and I have power to take it again He went to Mount Golgotha and there gave up his Soul to his Father Moses after his Death and Burial rose again buried he was Deut. 34.6 and that he rose again and ascended into Heaven may be gathered from Matth. 17. For he did appear and talk with Christ at his Transfiguration together with Elias So you know Jesus Christ rose again from the dead and ascended into Heaven Thus Moses was a Type of Christ all along In his Birth in his personal Qualifications in the whole course of his Life his Office his Sufferings his Miracles and finally in his Death Resurrection and Ascension into Heaven But yet though there was such a full analogy and so great a resemblance between them yet there was a disparity Christ having the preheminence above Moses Heb. 3.5 6. Moses was faithful as a Servant in his Lords House but Christ as a Son in his own House Thus much as to Moses Now for Joshuah his Successor That he was a Type appears because Christ was called by that name in the Hebrew And Joshuah is called Jesus in the Greek in the New Testament Acts 7.45 Heb. 4.8 that is a Saviour though he be but
doth he make Judg. 15.14 15. So Christ by the Foolishness of Preaching through the Power of his Spirit subdues and overcomes the Souls of men unto himself and slays the Enmity 4. A fourth Analogy between Christ and Sampson is in his Sufferings and the Victoriousness thereof against his Enemies especially his Death I say Sampson was made like unto the Son of God in regard of his Sufferings from his Enemies Some have summed them up briefly thus That they were both sold for Mony under pretence of Love apprehended by their Enemies led away bound brought forth at a great Feast blinded Christ was blindfolded scorned fastned to a Post offered themselves willingly to death died amongst wicked men and thereby destroyed the Power of the Churches Enemies And as there were many circumstances in his Death which did evidently prefigure what befel the Antitype so let me desire you to take notice of these three 1. That it was voluntary so Christ no man taketh it from me Joh. 10.18 I lay it down of my self 2. That it was by his Enemies not a natural Death but violent so was Christs 3. That he was victorious in his Death he did suffer and conquer yea he conquered in and by his Sufferings he slew more at his Death than in his Life Judg. 16.30 So Christ by his Death gave the most deadly blow to Satans Kingdom Col. 2. In his Death he spoiled Principalities and Powers This prophesied of by Jacob Gen. 49.16 17 18. Sampson was a Serpent by the way to the Philistines in the Foxes and in the Jaw-bone of an Ass and the Pillars of the House are compared by some to the Heels of the Horse whereupon three thousand Philistines rode and fell backwards And I have waited for thy Salvation saith Jacob that is for Christ whom in the Spirit of Prophesie he saw afar off And as Sampson when he was in Azzah when the Philistines thought they had him sure enough he rose at midnight Judg. 16.3 So when the Enemies thought they had Christ sure enough he arose in his might carried away the Gates and Bars of Death and broke the Bonds of it Rom. 1.4 Acts 2.24 2. David that he was a Type appears by this that Christ is called by his Name Hos 3.5 Ezek. 34.23 24. My Servant David shall reign over them for evermore Sampson began David went on with the Work See the Analogy between David and Christ in these four particulars 1. He was eminently sitted for the Work to rule to feed Gods people Israel though he was the meanest of his Family So Christ came when the Family was brought low into obscurity David was eminent for Holiness a man after Gods own heart So Christ holy harmless and undefiled separate from Sinners A person of such worth that the Story of his Life is more fully and largely recorded in holy Writ than any other person in all the Old Testament So Christ is the person treated of throughout the whole Scripture David beloved of God So Christ Matth. 3. this is my beloved Son 2. He had many Enemies both open and secret Saul Doeg and Achitophel treacherous Dealers Types of Judas who dealt treacherously with him and for open professed Enemies the Philistines and the Ammonites and the Syrians engaged by the Ammonites see 2 Samuel 10.6 and 2 Samuel 8. So had Jesus Christ the Scribes and Pharisees the Jews the Romans Men and Devils for his Enemies 3. His Kingdom had but small and weak beginnings first a Shepherd then an Officer in Sauls Army then an Exile with a matter of six hundred men afterward King over Judah and Benjamin at Hebron lastly King over all Israel at Jerusalem So the Kingdom of Christ grows from small beginnings it is therefore compared to a grain of Mustard Seed It is at first like a River breaking forth at the Foot of a Mountain in a little Stream that you may stride over it but in its progress it enlargeth and grows to a deep and broad River and at last ends in the Ocean as all Rivers do so doth the Kingdom of Grace in the Ocean of eternal Glory 4. Glorious Successes and Victories and Deliverances all his Enemies fell before him He slew the Bear the Lyon Goliah 1 Sam. 17.37 conquered all his Enemies round about see 2 Sam. 8.12 14. Moreover Saul and his bloody House were rooted out before him He never fell into his Enemies hands though in this there is some dissimilitude For Christ was content to yield up himself into their hands to let them try their Strength and do their worst upon him therefore he gave up himself to Death But he rose again from under the power of Death and prevailed against them all and after his Resurrection Death hath no more dominion over him All his Enemies shall fall and perish sooner or later but he shall reign for ever and ever 3. Solomon I shall but mention a threefold Analogy between Christ and him 1. In his personal Wisdom 1 Kings 4.29 30. So Christ Col. 2.3 in him are hid all the treasures of Wisdom and Knowledg 2. In the glorious Peace and Prosperity of his Kingdom The Kingdom was peaceably setled in his hand 1 Chron. 22.9 1 King 4.24 25. And so he fell to the work of building the Temple as Christ doth the Church but of that hereafter when we come to the real Types So Christ Isai 9.6 he is the Prince of Peace the great Peace-maker Ephes 2. 3. In his Marriage with Pharaohs Daughter Some observe that the Daughter of Pharaoh never seduced him neither is there any mention made of the Egyptian Idols 1 Kings 11.5 7. In his other Outlandish Marriages he did sin but this is mentioned as by way of special exception 1 King 11.1 He took others besides Pharaohs Daughter For she was a Proselyte and so it was no sin to marry her And the Love between her and Solomon is made a Type of the Love between Christ and the Church Christ hath took us Gentiles to be a Spouse unto him Psal 45. Vse 1. Resolution of that great Case of Conscience whether you do belong to Christ or no. Is his Kingdom set up in thee art thou conflicting art thou conquering Vse 2. Comfort against the low and weak beginnings of Christs Kingdom Sampson did but begin to deliver Israel but David carried the work through But in Solomons time there was glorious Peace You see here as in a Glass the method and progress of Christs Kingdom It begins in War it is carried on in Victory it ends in Peace Vse 3. Here is Comfort and Support as to all the Conflicts and Enemies that God is pleased to exercise his people with whether particular Saints or whole Churches 1. They had so Christ had so secret as well as open Enemies secret Underminers as well as open Opposers 2. These Conflicts will end in peace and quiet establishment Psal 37.37 Mark the perfect man and behold the upright man for the end
and Demas for a time 2. Elisha called in the New Testament Elizeus Luk. 4. He was a Type of Christ in three respects 1. In that Elisha in respect of Elijah was as it were a Continuation of the same person For he rose up compleatly in the same Spirit The Prophets discerned it 2 Kings 2.15 the Spirit of Elijah did rest upon Elisha So when Christ departed and ascended up to Heaven he left the Comforter in his stead Joh. 16. and he left the Apostles and Ministers to carry on his Work and poured forth his Spirit upon them for that end Or we may accommodate this with respect to John the Baptist thus As Elisha succeeded Elijah so did Christ come after John the Baptist and so Elisha was in this respect a Type of Christ himself 2. In regard of the remarkable Vengeance and Destruction that came upon his wicked Enemies The Children that mocked him were devoured by two She-Bears 2 Kings 2.23 24. Gehazi his treacherous Servant smitten with Leprosie 2 Kings 5.27 So Despisers of Jesus Christ and the Gospel shall be punished with most remarkable and dreadful Destruction Hear ye Despisers and wonder and perish Acts 13.41 For I work a Work in your days a Work which you shall in no wise believe though a man declare it unto you incredible Plagues shall the Despisers and Rejecters of Christ and of the Gospel be punished with And Judas the Traytor his Servant you know what dreadful Destruction came upon him Acts 1.18 his Bowels gushed out through the horror of his Conscience and the Fury of the Almighty rending his very Body in pieces as well as his Soul from his Body 3. In regard of his Miracles He and his Predecessor Elijah were the greatest workers of Miracles except Moses that ever we read of in Scripture or that ever the Lord raised up in his Church For Moses was to be the Founder as it were of that Church-Estate and Worship that was in those days and Elijah and Elisha were the Preservers and Restorers of it in a most degenerate and corrupted Age. The Miracles of Elisha were very great and many they are recorded in the second Book of Kings in the 2 3 4 5 6 and 7th Chapters and one more in chap. 13. They were about one and twenty in all There be three recorded in the second chapter viz. his dividing Jordan with Elijahs Mantle his healing the Waters of Jericho the devouring two and forty scoffing Children of those idolatrous Parents the people at Bethel by two She-Bears In the third Chapter there is another viz. the overflowing of the Wilderness of Edom with Water crp. 3.20 see ver 8. to the Destruction of the Moabites In the fourth Chapter there be five more which are the Analysis and Contents of that Chapter viz. 1. His multiplying the Widows Oyl while she had any empty vessels to fill 2. His giving a Son to that great and good Woman the Shunamite 3. His raising her Son when dead unto life again and this is the second person that ever was raised from the dead 4. His healing the deadly Pottage which had poysoned the Students in the Colledge at Gilgal 5. His feeding of an hundred men with twenty Loaves In the fifth Chapter there be two more the curing of Naamans Leprosie and the smiting of Gehazi with that Disease In the sixth Chapter there be six more 1. His causing Iron to swim 2. His disclosing the secret Counsels of the King of Syria by the Spirit of Prophesie 3. An Army of Angels coming down from Heaven for his defence at Dothan 4. The opening of his Servants Eyes to see them 5. The smiting of the Syrians with Blindness And 6. The opening their Eyes again In the seventh Chapter are three more the hideous which noise was heard and caused such a pannick terror in the Camp of the Syrians that their whole Army fled and the incredible Plenty in Samaria with the Death of that unbelieving Nobleman who had questioned whether God could do it And then lastly cap. 13.21 a dead man is restored to life by touching his Bones And this is the third person that was raised from the dead All these Miracles in general were Presignifications of what the Messiah was to do in that kind and some of them were more particularly fulfilled and answered by the Antitype As that of feeding an hundred men with twenty Loaves You know Christ did that and more feeding five thousand with five Loaves and two Fishes Matth. 14.21 And at another time four thousand with seven Loaves and a few little Fishes Matth. 15.38 His raising the dead to life whereof we have three instances in the Old Testament the Widow of Sarepta her Son the Shunamites Son and the Man buried in Elisha's Grave These were Types and Pledges of what Christ should do in raising the dead As in raising Lazarus Jairus his Daughter the Widows Son of Naim and his own blessed Body out of the Grave and many Saints that arose with him And those which the Apostles raised by his Name And finally the raising all his Elect unto eternal Life and all the Sons of men unto Judgment at the great Day There might also be a spiritual application and accommodation of them as to the quickning of mens Souls the healing of the Diseases of the Soul feeding them with the Bread of Life pouring into empty Vessels empty Souls the Oyl of Gladness the Joys and Graces of his Spirit 3. Jonah him I connect with Elijah and Elisha to make the Type more compleat and full Some have conjectured that Jonah was the Widows Son of Zarephath whom Elijah raised from the dead 1 Kings 17.22 23. but this is but a conjecture without proof it is probable enough he might live about their time or perhaps somewhat after That he was a Type of Christ the Scripture is express Matth. 12.39 No Sign shall be given them but the Sign of the Prophet Jonah You may see how the Type fits the Antitype in four respects 1. In his Death he offered himself willingly unto Death to asswage the Storm Jon. 1. and so he is cast into the Sea and devoured by the Whale So did Christ to appease the Tempest of Gods Wrath. And as upon Jonahs being cast into the Sea the Sea ceased from its raging cap. 1.15 and the Seamen were saved from drowning So upon Christs Death Gods Wrath is pacified and Believers saved from the Wrath to come Jonah had sore conflicts and inward agonies of Spirit when he was under that shadow of death in the Whales Belly cap. 2. So had Christ when he cried My God my God why hast thou forsaken me there were unutterable anguishes in his Soul those 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 unknown unconceivable sufferings in his Soul 2. He was a Type of Christ in his Burial For look as Jonah was buried in the Belly of the Whale three days and three nights So was Christ in the Belly of the Earth the
the Priest was not to go to him to fetch it but the man himself is to bring it vers 3. of his own voluntary will so Christ dyed willingly and offered up himself a Sacrifice and a whole Burnt-Offering unto God for us Ephes 5.2 Joh. 10.18 I lay down my life of my self so should we in all our Services be a willing people we should come before the Lord with willing minds when we present our Corbans our Gifts Services and Oblations to him God loves a cheerful Giver 2 Cor. 9.7 2. This leads us by the hand and points every way to Jesus Christ as the cause of our acceptance with the Lord in that they were to bring it to the door of the Tabernacle of the Congregation to be offered upon the Altar which stood there For Christ is both the Door and the Tabernacle and the Altar and the Priest He is the door of the Sheep Joh. 10.7 And he is the true Tabernacle and the Sanctuary which the Lord hath pitched and not man Heb. 8.2 A greater and more perfect Tabernacle not made with hands Heb. 9.11 And he is the Altar Heb. 13.10 which sanctifies the Gift and makes it accepted Mat. 23.19 And Christ is the Priest also that presents and offers up our Sacrifices to the Lord He is often called a Priest and our great High Priest This therefore teacheth us That all our access unto and acceptation with the Lord is only in and through Jesus Christ it is through him alone that our Services and Sacrifices are accepted there is no acceptance out of Christ For he that neglected this was to be cut off Lev. 17.8 9. 3. They are to bring it hither before the face of the Lord or the presence of the Lord this refers to the holiest of all where God dwelt and where his presence did appear So the meaning is that we are to see God in all our Services and to eye the presence of God and that he is to be seen there and there only even in and by the Lord Jesus Christ Luk. 1.75 that we might serve him before him 2 Cor. 4.6 the Light of the Knowledg of the Glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ 4. The Tabernacle was a Type of the Church which is often called the Tabernacle and Temple and House of God We are to worship God in his Church in the Assemblies of his people Heb. 10.25 and 12.22 23. So much for the first ceremonial Action about the Burnt-Offering 2. The Sinner that brought the Sacrifice was to lay his hand upon the head of it vers 4. this was not required in the Sacrifice of Fowls but only of Beasts see the like Exod. 29.10 There is some controversy here whether he was to lay on his right hand or his left hand or both but seeing it is in the singular Number and seeing it is expresly commanded that the Priest should lay on both his hands Lev. 16.21 that is both for his own sins and the peoples therefore it is thought by some not improbably that when any of the people offered he laid on but one hand But whether the right or the left We may suppose that whatsoever was not limited by God was left at liberty This Ceremony relates to the confession of sin and the translation of the guilt of it upon the Sacrifice the Offerer in this Ceremony disburthening himself of sin and putting over his own Guilt upon the Sacrifice so it is explained Lev. 16.21 He shall lay on his hands and confess over him the Iniquities of the Children of Israel So Christ hath born our sins and carried our sorrows Isa 53.4 5. And we are to confess our sins over him by Faith in Christ and through the blood of his Sacrifice it shall be forgiven us 1 Joh. 1.7 9. 3. The Sacrifice must be killed and slain and that upon the north side of the Altar vers 5. and vers 11. It is questioned here who did this whether he that brought the Offering or the Priest But doubtless it was the Priest for it is said of him that kills the Offering that he shall stay it vers 5 6. but that was the Priests work And to the killing of the Sacrifice of Beasts answers the wringing off the head of sacrificed Fowls But this is expresly affirmed to be the Priests work vers 15. Only this we find that the Levites were added to the Priests to assist them and help them in the whole work of their Ministry Numb 8.19 and we find it often recorded that they did so 2 Chron. 29.34 Therefore in vers 22. of that Chap. where the Killers and the Priests are distinguished it is not to be understood concerning the people as if they had killed the Offerings but rather the Levites see likewise 1 Chron. 23.28 31. and 2 Chron. 35.10 11. So much for the literal explication of this Ceremony now for the mystery and meaning of it What might be noted from hence concerning actions and administrations properly and peculiarly ministerial we shall observe when we come to that place to the legal Priesthood and Ministry But it is plain and obvious that it holds forth the death of Christ the Messiah was slain and cut off Dan. 9.26 His Soul was made an Offering for sin Isa 53.10 As to that Circumstance of killing it on the north side of the Altar vers 11. the same Rule is given concerning the Sin-Offering Lev. 6.25 and the Trespass Offering Lev. 7.1 2. There be various applications of this Some think there is no further mystery in it but that the Tabernacle door and the Altar were so situate and placed that on the north side there was more space for such Acts as required most room as the killing and dressing of the Sacrifices did so our own Annotators But others conceive this Law was not without something of mystery in it some note how their greatest Troubles and Sufferings were from the North Jeremiah sees a Seething Pot and the face thereof was towards the North. Jer. 1.13 and then vers 14. Out of the North an Evil shall break forth upon all the Inhabitants of the Land Therefore some conceive that to restrain the Evils and Judgments of God the Offerings were slain on the north side of the Altar also that the situation of the Temple was on the north side of the City Psal 48.2 Mount Sion on the sides of the North. Moreover here is no regard had to the Sun and to the East but thither the Ashes were carried forth as vers 16. Whereas the Heathen were accustomed to Sacrifice and to direct their Worship towards the East and towards the Sun which they made an Idol of In opposition to which Idolatry as some conceive the Lord appointed his people to sacrifice towards the North. And lastly the Gospel hath prevailed more in the northern Hemisphere of the World which also is more inhabited than in the Southern Ezekiel in his Vision of the holy City doth first describe the
their high strains of superstitious Devotion Mark 7.4 8. But out of Gods Institution here we may spell this lesson of spiritual Instruction namely the strange defilement and deep contagion and pollution that is in sin that there is so much ado for the cleansing of it and what care there should be to purge and cleanse our selves from it Heb. 10.19 22 2 Cor. 7.1 And to make it out a little more particularly If you would find out the meaning of a Type it is a good Rule to observe the Scripture use of the same word in the way of a Metaphor and allusion Now we find both wicked men and good men compared to earthen Vessels It is a Metaphor concerning wicked men and the breaking is the destroying them Jer. 19.11 Psal 2.9 Jer. 48.38 God will break wicked men and unclean persons with utter destruction as Vessels wherein is no pleasure But good men also are called earthen Vessels and so the Type must be accommodated a little otherwise 2 Cor. 4.7 We have this Treasure in earthen Vessels And so the cleansing these Vessels by washing with water points to the spiritual cleansing by the Spirit of Christ Ezek. 36.25 and by his blood Heb. 9.13 14. And breaking signifies the utter abolishing of all sin and uncleanness by death We are not fully cleansed till the Vessel be broken but then there is no more defilement in the Vessel And God will make it up again in the Resurrection as pure and holy as if it had never been defiled with sin at all Thus we have gone through the special Laws of the Sin-Offering in these five Heads for they do either concern the end or the matter or the blood of it or the burning or lastly the eating of it I shall conclude all that hath been said upon the Sin-Offering with some general Instructions from the whole 1. We may here learn and be instructed that even sins of Infirmity they do contract a guilt upon the Soul yea such a guilt as needs Atonement and Expiation in the blood of Jesus Christ There are no venial sins the least sin is death You must bring your Sin Offering if you expect to be forgiven Do not slight sins of Infirmity for then they become more than meer Infirmities 2. Here is relief unto Faith against those usual complaints of dayly Infirmities which many gracious Souls do so much complain of and mourn under Alas I can do nothing well if I pray my thoughts wander when I hear the Word I understand little and remember less I am easily overtaken and carried aside dayly I sin in all I do But you see here is a Sin Offering provided There is not a just man upon earth that doth good and sinneth not Eccles 7.20 In many things we offend all James 3.2 Therefore the Lord ordained this Sin-Offering which as it served for a legal Expiation and purging of their sins under that Dispensation so it did prefigure to them the blood of Jesus Christ which cleanseth us from all our sins 3. Here is great encouragement to engage in the service and work of God notwithstanding our own Infirmities and disabilities yet do not withdraw when called though conscious to thy self of much unworthiness and unfitness for the Lord hath provided a Sin-Offering for us he will accept our sincere though weak endeavours and pardon our failings 4. See and take notice what continual Obligations of love are upon us to Jesus Christ we have such continual need of him Behold and wonder at his love in that he was content to be made a Sin Offering for us and so procures our pardon for such continual sins and failings He that knew no sin was made sin for us that is he was made a Sin Offering for us 2 Cor. 5.21 Hence we have pardon and not only pardon but power also against sin Rom. 8.3 and for sin condemned sin in the flesh And for sin that is God sent Christ for a Sin Offering as you have the same word so rendred Heb 10.6 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Sacrifices for sin thou hadst no pleasure Object But my sins are worse then meer Infirmities of Saints they are sins of a grosser nature Ans There is relief for such in the Trespass Offering if they do not sin presumptuously and obstinately For God will wound the hairy Scalp of him that goeth on in his Trespasses Psal 68.21 But if you repent of it and bring your Trespass-Offering to the Lord there is hope in Israel even concerning such kinds of sin also of which the Lord assisting we shall speak the next time THE GOSPEL OF THE TRESPASS-OFFERING Lev. Cap. 5. and Cap. 6. to vers 7. August 27 and September 6. 1668 The Trespass-Offering Asham THis is the fifth sort of legal Sacrifices The difference between this and the Sin-Offering as to the special end of them being in this That the Sin-Offering seems to carry some limitation to sins of weakness and ignorance but this extends further even to sins against knowledg This points at Christ as the Sin Offering and all the rest did therefore Christ is called Asham Isai 53. The method which the Holy Ghost is pleased to use upon the Trespass Offering is this He proposeth 1. the Case and 2. the Remedy and in this method he goes over a four-fold Case and a Cure and Remedy for them The sacred Rites and Ceremonies here required differ little from other Offerings before handled and therefore we may be the briefer The first Case is three-fold I mean there be three Cases put together 1. Concealment of mans knowledg when called to testify upon Oath Vers 1. If a Soul sin and hear the voice of Swearing and is a Witness whether he hath seen or known of it if he do not utter it then c. A Soul that is a person the Soul the more noble part being synecdochically put for the whole man The temptation seems to ly here if the persons for Rank and Quality in the world be great so that a Witness is afraid to speak and utter his knowledg Hear a voice of Swearing that is either of the Judge adjuring or calling him forth to speak upon Oath Or of sinners Swearing Cursing Blaspheming You have an Instance of the former in the High Priest Mat. 26.63 I adjure thee by the living God that thou tell us whether thou be Christ the Son of the living God Unto which Adjuration or voice of Swearing our Lord Jesus Christ made answer and did declare the truth though before he held his peace For it was Casus Confessionis a case wherein confession of the Truth was called for Of the latter we have an Instance in Lev. 24.10 11. They that heard the man blaspheme made complaint to Authority A man may contract upon himself the guilt of other mens sins by concealing them if he be called to reveal them This presupposeth a Magistrate that is not given to swearing and cursing and damning himself for if
as Ministry Who is able to give any necessary reason for these things One Reason indeed might be to lead them from the shadow to the substance that they might not dwell and rest in the outward Type and Ceremony but look further to what was figured by them For if the atonement had lain in the Type there must have been other proportions set down between sin and sin but the will of the Lawgiver is enough and this we must acquiesce in where no other reason doth appear You have formerly heard how the Lord saith upon the Meat-Offering I will have no Leaven nor Honey but in the Peace-Offering he saith I will have Leaven In all the Fire-Offerings he saith I will not have Honey but in the First Fruits he will have Honey His Will is our Rule his Will as revealed in his Word Vse 2. See the sovereign virtue of the blood of Christ for he is our Trespass-Offering as well as our Sin Offering Therefore Isai 53.10 it s said When thou shalt make his Soul an Offering for sin The word is the same with this Asham naphsho his Soul a Trespass-Offering Here are sins against knowledg mentioned thieving lying perjury sins which do amount to a very stupendious guilt Vse 3. Hence thirdly here is encouragement to the greatest sinners to have recourse to him and to his blood and to make use of him for atonement There is atonement in the blood of Christ our Trespass-Offering even for Thieves Oppressors Lyars and perjured persons Let me speak particularly to these sins mentioned in the Text and that in this method 1. To shew the greatness of these sins And then 2. That yet there is atonement for them in the blood of Jesus Christ 1. Theft and unjust dealing That this is a very grievous sin appears by this because it is so contrary to the very light of nature and to that golden Rule of equity to do as you would be done to and is destructive to humane Society That it is against light appears because they labour to hide it and are ashamed of it if it come to be known Jer. 2.26 As a Thief is ashamed when he is found And this further shews the greatness of it That God insists upon restitution and satisfaction to the party injured Consider this all you that are Tradesmen and have much dealing in the world and you that are Apprentices and Servants If you steal and pilfer from your Masters though it be but a Groat or Six-pence if you do not restore it God will never pardon you But what if a man be not able and have not wherewith to restore That is a sad case but in such a case God may accept the will for the deed But suppose the persons may be dead and gone The answer that Casuists give in such a case is that then you must restore it to God by giving it to the poor or to some good use restore you must one way or other For without restitution there is no remission and the Reason is clear Because the detaining of unjust gotten Goods is a continuation of the sin the taking possession of them was theft the keeping that unjust possession is a continuation of that theft Zach. 5.4 The curse of God shall enter into the house of the Thief and remain in it and consume it with the timber and stones of it The curse of God will be upon thee in all thy comforts in all thy concernments But yet there is atonement We have two Instances in the Scripture of Thieves that were converted and saved Zacheus Luk. 19.8 9 10. but he made restitution vers 8. And the Thief on the Cross 2. Violence here is a sin against the sixth Commandment added to a sin against the eighth for Violence belongs to the sixth Commandment Thou shalt not murther they are beginnings of blood they have a tendency to it and blood is a sin that crys There are many threatnings against this sin Psal 104.11 Evil shall hunt the violent man to overthrow him This is against light for no man would be so used himself Yet there is atonement for this you have Instance in violence of the worst sort proceeding even unto blood and that in a way of persecution for Righteousness sake in Manasseh and Paul who had been men of much violence and yet were converted and saved Manasseh 2 King 21. with 2 Chron. 33.12 13. And Paul 1 Tim. 1.13 14. It is like the Thief on the Cross was such a one an High-way man a violent thief or else by their Law they could not have put him to death but yet the Lord shewed mercy to his Soul 3. Lying a grievous sin and against a double light and knowledg both knowledg of the Rule and of the Fact which riseth up in the mind against a Lyar when he speaks a lye It is usually one of the first actual sins that breaks forth in Children Psal 58.3 The wicked are estranged from the womb they go astray as soon as they be born speaking lyes And there be dreadful threatnings against it see Rev. 21.8 you that are Parents may do well to teach your Children that Scripture Yet there is atonement for this sin also David sometimes told lyes to save his life but yet he was deeply humbled for it his Soul cleaved to the dust about it and melted for heaviness Psal 119.25 28 29. 4. Perjury and false swearing a most horrible sin for a man to invoke the God of Truth to joyn with him in a lye and to co-attest and bear witness with him to a lye and this sin seldom escapes unpunished even in this life God usually sets some visible mark and token of his vengeance and wrath upon them even in this life Jer. 34.15 18. Ezek. 17.15 18 19. Yet we have an Instance and but one that I remember in all the Bible of a man that found mercy for this sin and that is Peter who denyed Christ with swearing and cursing but he went out and wept bitterly and when his broken bones were set again as in nature they grow stronger there than in another place so Peter grew very bold in preaching and confessing Christ whom before he had so fearfully denyed Obj. 1. But there be divers sins which are not here specified Ans Yet they are included and understood by a parity of reason and there might be some reasons given why it might not be convenient to mention some sins particularly which yet were included and for which there was atonement As if a man be overtaken in drink or lust or passion rash anger c. these and all other pardonable sins are included either in the Trespass Offering by a parity of reason with the Instances mentioned in the Text or else under the Sin-Offering or the Burnt-Offering Obj. 2. But some sins were not intended to be included in any of the Sacrifices of the Law but they had no atonement no Sacrifice provided for them as Murther and Whoredom
these parts for the whole this teacheth us the same that was noted before out of the same Ceremony concerning the blood And whereas he must put the Oyl upon the blood that is upon the same place where he had put the blood before as it is explained more fully vers 28. This teacheth us that our Sanctification flows from our Justification the blood must be applied first and then the Oyl upon it the Spirit of Christ is the purchase of the death of Christ and therefore the Spirit of Sanctification is the fruit of the blood of Justification Look not to have thy Soul cleansed from the power of sin by Sanctification unless it be cleansed from the guilt of sin by the blood of Christ applied for Justification We are first justified and reconciled by his blood and then sanctified and anointed by his Spirit He forgiveth all thine Iniquities and healeth all thy Diseases Psal 103. Justification is in order before Sanctification first the blood and then the Oyl upon the blood These are the Laws and Ordinances for the purifying of the Leper But now a Case of Conscience may arise what if the Leper be not able to get all these Sacrifices and Requisites for his cleansing what shall be done in such a Case The Answer is That the Lord hath made a gracious provision for the necessities of his people therefore lesser Sacrifices are provided and appointed in such a Case from vers 21 to vers 33. where this Case is fully spoken to viz. in stead of three Lambs he requires here but one Lamb and two Turtle Doves or else two young Pigeons whichsoever he could best get And in stead of three Omers of fine flower for a Meat Offering he requires in this Case but one Omer that is about a Pottle of our measure and a Log of Oyl that is about half a Pint. This is the same that was before and these lesser Sacrifices are as effectual for the cleansing of a poor Leper as the greater Sacrifices were for richer persons God accepting a man according to that he hath and not according to that he hath not 2 Cor. 8.12 The Rites and Ceremonies of these are the same with the former so I shall pass from this observing only the gracious Condescension of God to the several capacities and necessities of his people The latter part of the Chapter is concerning the cleansing of a leprous house from vers 33 to the end Some say it was a peculiar thing in that Land a strange infection that seized the Land in some Cases the whole Land being a typical Land as we have heard I shall only note two or three general Observations from it and from the whole Chapter and so conclude Obs 1. The marvellous infectious and defiling nature of sin in that it infects and defiles other things the very house and the Garments To the unclean all things are unclean as to the pure all things are pure Tit. 1.15 It poysons and corrupts all the concernments and enjoyments of a sinner The Apostle speaks how the whole Creation groaneth and travelleth in pain together until now Rom. 8.22 For the Creature was made subject to vanity c. The Stones out of the Walls and the Timber out of the houses are troubled with a wicked man and cry out against him as Habakkuk hath it Chap. 2.11 That 's the first Observation Learn the wonderful defilement and infectious nature of sin that it corrupts all the concernments that a sinner is concerned in Obs 2. Whereas the leprous house if it were incurably infected must be pulled down and all the Materials of it cast away vers 40 45. This teacheth us that all the Monuments and remainders of leprous and corrupted things must be destroyed Idolatry and Superstition is a Leprosie that hath overspread the whole Christian World during Popery And as the Prophet saith concerning Babylon Jer. 51.26 They shall not take of Babylon a stone for a Corner nor a stone for Foundations but thou shalt be desolate for ever saith the Lord. It holds true of mystical Babylon that leprous Church whose Idolatry and Superstition is a spiritual Leprosie which did overspread the whole Church of God in the time of Popery therefore away with all the Monuments and Remainders of it Dwalphintramis applies this not impertinently to the Popes Mass-Book The Popes Mass Book was a leprous house the stones and timber whereof should have been cast aside as polluted and an abomination therefore it was an unhappy and a fatal error in the first Reformation to take Materials out of that to reform with to take the stones and timber of that leprous house to use in the Worship of God which must be therefore framed to comport with those leprous polluted things It hath been the occasion of a new Conflict to the people of God in this Age and of manifold sufferings to the servants of Christ because they contended that these leprous polluted things should be cast aside This might have been prevented if there had been a thorough Reformation at first and the stones and timber of those leprous houses the Popes Mass-Book Ritual Pontifical and Breviary had been at our first Reformation cast forth as pollutted and abominable Obs 3. How difficult and yet withal how necessary a work the purifying and cleansing of the Leprosie is The Leprosie was a Type of sin and sinful Corruption especially that original and universal pollution and defilement of our natures the Purification of the Leprosie therefore is nothing else but the work of Mortification or purging out of sinful Corruption This is a difficult work see how many Ingredients must concur to it in the Type there must be two Birds with Cedar Scarlet and Hyssop and a great many Ceremonies about these Materials There must be Spring Water and an earthen Vessel and killing dipping sprinkling washing shaving c. And when all this is done there is but half the work done for there must be also three Lambs for a Burnt-Offering a Trespass Offering a Sin Offering And three Omers of fine Flower with Oyl for a Meat Offering and a Log of Oyl and a multitude of sacred Rites and Ceremonies about these materials O how much ado there is to get a Leprous person purified and made clean And all these things instruct and shew you all along the method of the Lords proceeding in purifying the hearts of sinners There must be a great deal of pains taken with thy own heart in the use of all the means and Ordinances that God hath appointed And though there be all this pains and difficulty in the work yet it must be done there is a necessity of it This Disease is very troublesom and loathsom and it may be mortal at last if a Cure be not provided in time Therefore the Leper must use means and take pains And so should sinful Leprous souls Obs 4. That as there is a Leprosie of the heart as we are defiled and unclean by
out of their mouths that is the Word of God denouncing the Wrath of God fiery indignation devours the adversaries Heb. 10.27 4. We read of fiery tryals and afflictions Luke 12.49 I am come to send fire on the earth 1 Pet. 4.12 Think it not strange concerning the fiery tryal the fiery tryal of Persecution by open enemies publickly opposing the fiery tryal of Contention by false brethren secretly undermining 6. The Fire of the Altar came from Heaven Lev. 9.24 2 Chronic 7.1 strange Fire is forbidden Lev. 10.1 1. Humane inventions which he had not commanded them Lev. 10.1 2. Carnal Wrath and Passion this is not the Fire of the Altar but strange Fire James 3.17 Wisdome from above is first pure then peaceable c. the wrath of man accomplishes not the Righteousness of God James 1.20 7. The use of the Altar in reference to the Sacrifice was to support and sanctifie it the Altar did two things both which Faith is to eye and look unto both as done in Christ and to be done in us 1. To support the Sacrifice and bear it up so Christ was born up by the power of his Deity 2. To make it acceptable so Christs Sufferings are so infinitely precious and acceptable with the Lord through the glory and excellency of his Person there is nothing else will bear up a Soul under sense of Guilt but this to consider who it was that died and suffered for us It was the Son of God And the reason of many fears and tremblings of unbelief is because the Soul looks at the Sacrifice without the Altar looks at the Death of Christ but considers not the Altar the Deity that sanctifies the Gift As to us we need both support and acceptance eye both these in Christ eye Christ for them to your own Souls 1. Support when the heart is ready to sink and to be overwhelmed with the difficulties that do occur thou art weak but here is strength 2. Acceptance Isai 56.7 their Burnt-offerings and their Sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine Altar thou art unworthy but leave thy Gift upon the Altar and it shall be accepted whatsoever toucheth the Altar shall be holy Vse 1. See the unlawfulness yea the abominableness of material Altars and Altar-worship under the New Testament For the Altar was a Type of Jesus Christ in his Deity and Priesthood therefore Altars are ceased For is not Jesus Christ the Son of God or hath God another Son to dye for us or do we look for another Gospel that we must build Altars to typifie the mysteries thereof Because it lies directly in my way and it is one of the worst and grossest of the Superstitions and Corruptions of Worship in our times I may not well pass it by consider but two things here 1. The Lords Table is not an Altar ought not to be so called or so accounted 2. The many other evils that are involved in this and go along with it 1. The Communion Table is not an Altar and ought not to be so called nor so accounted Take three arguments for the proof of this Reas 1. Because the Scripture calls it a Table but not an Altar and we must speak of God and of his Ordinances as God himself doth in his word So the Apostle 1 Cor. 10.21 ye cannot be partaker of the Lords Table and of the Table of Devils so Christ Luk 22.21 the hand of him that betrayeth me is with me on the Table Reas 2. An Altar implies a Sacrifice and sacrificing Priests for Priests Altar and Sacrifice are relatives and have a mutual and inseparable connexion and dependance upon one another But the Lords Supper is not a Sacrifice nor the Ministers of the Gospel Priests therefore the Lords Table is not an Altar The use of an Altar is to offer Sacrifice upon but when we come to the Lords Supper do we come to Sacrifice Christ again and to crucifie the Son of God afresh No but we come to celebrate the memory of his Death who dyed once for all Heb. 10.10 Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many Heb 9.28 and 7.27 To talk of a commemorative Sacrifice is meer non-sense and a contradiction for as the Picture of a man is no man so the commemoration of a Sacrifice is in truth no Sacrifice If it were a Sacrifice offered upon the Table as an Altar they should make four Horns upon the four corners of the Table and they should make a Grate for the Fire and they should put Fire to their Altars to burn the Sacrifice even the Bread and Wine Reas 3. If the Communion Table were an Altar then it should be greater and better then the Sacramental Bread and Wine then the Lords Supper it self and a means to consecrate them for the Altar sanctifies all the Gifts and Sacrifices that are offered upon it and is greater then the Gift Matth. 23.18 19. Hence it is said the Altar shall be holiness of Holinesses or most holy Exod. 40.10 But the Table is not greater then the Lords Supper Therefore the Table is not an Altar It is true some of the Antients have called it an Altar but unscripturally and improperly as they did also use other extravagant and wanton Metaphors calling it Solium Christi the Throne of Christ whereas Christ is not represented on the Table in his Majesty as upon a Throne but in his lowest humility and deepest abasement as broken crucified c. These expressions of the Fathers 1. They were unscriptural the Scripture doth not use such language nor speak of the Communion Table in such a strain 2. They have done much hurt in the Church unawares to those good men and have been inlets and occasions of much Superstition 3. When they used this phrase of speech the Sacrifice of the Mass and Priests and much other Idolatrous Popish trash was not known nor heard of in the world neither were there any to be scandalized with those phrases and to use them to such ill ends and purposes as the Papists and other superstitious persons have improved them therefore such language is worse now then it was then 4. Others of the Fathers have testified against Altars even in the primitive times O igen contra Gelsum l. 4. as Origen who lived about two hundred years after Christ Objicit nobis Celsus quod non habemus Imagines aut Aras aut Templa He that is Celsus chargeth the Christian Religion with this that we have neither Images nor Altars nor Temples Arnob. l. 6. apud Quench-cole p. 71 72. In answer to this Origen doth not deny the Charge but confesseth the matter of fact to be true and defends it from the very fundamental grounds of Religion and so doth Arnobius and others 2. Consider the many other evils that follow and flow from this and go along with it from this blind conceit that the Lords Table is an Altar hence follows 1. Calling it an high Altar and making steps to
of the Pagans and to disguise them with a new Name that those Festivities which had been kept before in the Devils name might now be kept in Christs own name to his greater dishonour Besides there is little probability that the true time of Christs Birth is stumbled upon and many learned men confess there is a mistake as to the time and that it must needs be at the Feast of Tabernacles and not in December Moreover God usually gives men up to more sin then then at other time which is a further evidence of his Displeasedness with the Observation of it It was Latimers complaint of old in the days of King Henry the eighth That Christ was more dishonoured in the Twelve Days then in all the whole Twelve Months besides Ye observe days and months and years I am afraid of you that I have laboured in vain says the Apostle in Gal. 4.10 11. it is a sign the preaching of the Gospel hath been very much in vain among the people when they retain the Observation of such times the Apostle speaks of the days and times that men have invented not of days that God hath instituted to be observed It is said of Jeroboam 1 King 12.33 that he offered upon the Altar which he had made in Bethel the fifteenth day of the eighth month the month which he had devised of his own heart which he had lyed or feigned quem mentitus est The Lye of it appears in this that they pretend to do it to the honour of Christ when indeed they do it to his dishonour and therefore it is as a brand set upon him on this account which he lyed in his own heart so it is but lying for men to keep days of their own invention and the Lye appears in that they pretend to do it for the honour of God and of Jesus Christ whereas they unspeakably dishonour him thereby It is the framing of a Lye in mens own hearts when they keep such days Obj. But should we not celebrate the memorial of our Redemption by Jesus Christ why should we forget the memory of these things should we not remember how Jesus Christ suffered and hath sent his Spirit amongst us and came to tabernacle in our Flesh Answ Yes but the Lord commands us to celebrate the memory of it once a week and for us to put him off with once a year is to put him off with less then he requires to give him a day in a year when he requires a day in a week for the memorial and celebration of this thing Moreover there is a way whereby people may keep the Passover and Pentecost and the Feast of Tabernacles that is we should keep them under the Gospel every day As some say every day should be a Christian Sabbath But that is not true for a Sabbath is a day set apart from our Callings but six days shalt thou labour saith the Commandment But we should make every day our Easterday every day our Pentecost c. Obj. But why should not Christians be as holy as the Jews and therefore keep these Feasts as well as they how should we keep them every day Answ We are to keep them in a spiritual and Gospel way but not legally and literally for the Letter killeth but the Spirit is Life The Apostle exhorts let us keep the Feast 1 Cor. 5.8 Now if you would keep the Feasts of Fassover Pentecost and Tabernacles aright it consists chiefly in three things 1. To be much in the exercise of Faith in the acting of a true and pure and lively Faith upon the Death and Sufferings of Jesus Christ as the true Lamb of God I say in acting Faith or drawing nigh with a true heart in full assurance of Faith and this is the true Passover and the true keeping of that Feast Heb. 10.22 Let us keep the Feast 1 Cor. 5.8 without the leaven of Hypocrisie of seeming Faith and seeming Holiness with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth That is the right keeping of the Passover when men live not upon their own Righteousness trust not in their own Duties but being sensible of their sinful undone wretched estate act Faith and exercise their thoughts upon the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ this is the right keeping of it indeed 2. Be ye filled with the Spirit get a great and large measure of Gods Spirit this is the true Feast of Pentecost Ephes 5.18 Be not drunk with Wine wherein is excess as the Holiday-keepers use to be through the Justice of God because they observe their own inventions but be ye filled with the Spirit Do not sit down with common Gifts and common Graces and common Workings but get and labour after the saving work of the Spirit and be not content nor sit down satisfied with some little beginnings of a special saving work with saving Grace in truth and in sincerity in little measures and degrees but labour after a great degree and measure of the Spirit of Grace after strength and growth of Grace as well as truth of Grace be ye filled with the Spirit c. 3. Behold and see the Glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ This is the true Celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles Get a real sight of God so as to behold his Glory as he is manifested in the flesh and as God dwells in our Nature Joh. 1.14 the Word was made Flesh and dwelt amongst us came and pitched his Tabernacle among us and we beheld his Glory We cannot see God in himself he dwells in Light and Glory inaccessible as we cannot look upon the Sun in its own Brightness but we may see it in a pail of Water so we may see the infinite Majesty and Glory of God in the Flesh of Christ The Tabernacle of Jesus Christ is a thing to be beheld by Men and Angels to see more into the Glory of God 〈◊〉 get acquaintance with the mystery of the Father and of Jesus Christ as the Apostle speaks Col. 2.2 3. that ye may be knit together in love and comforted and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding to the acknowledgment of the mystery of God and of the Father and of Christ in whom are hid all the treasures of Wisdom and Knowledg But beware lest any man spoil you through Philosophy and vain deceit after the Tradition of men after the rudiments of the World and not after Christ ver 8. for in him ver 9. dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily Labour therefore to see God in Jesus Christ we are not able to behold that infinite Majesty but only through the veil of the Flesh of Jesus Christ as shining in his humane nature And this is the mystery of the Feast of Tabernacles and the right and Gospel way of celebrating of it Consider what I have said and the Lord give you understanding in all things THE GOSPEL of the FEAST of TRUMPETS Jan. 21.
up unto God with strong crying and tears Matth. 26.37 he began to be sorrowful and very heavy and ver 38. then saith he unto them my Soul is exceeding sorrowful even unto death and ver 39. he fell on his face and prayed saying Oh my Father if it be possible let this Cup pass from me Luk. 22.44 And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly and his Sweat was as it were great drops of Blood falling down to the ground Hebr. 5.7 It speaks also the Contrition and brokenness of heart that is in the Prayers of the Saints 3. He took a censer full of burning coals of fire from off the altar to kindle the Incense It is the fire of the Altar the Spirit of God that inflames the Affections in Prayer that sets the heart on fire and makes the Incense flame sets Grace on work and as the Spices whereof the Incense was made are the Graces of Gods Spirit and the beating of them small is the Contrition of the heart so the Incense must be set on fire with sacred fire the Spirit of God inflaming the heart with earnest desires and ardent affections after God 4. The Cloud of Incense must cover the Mercy-seat that the Cloud of Incense that is the Smoke thereof may cover the Mercy-seat that he die not ver 13. There is much Instruction in this If we think to behold the Mercy-seat without the Cloud of Incense we die It is the death of many a Soul that in the day of Atonement when they are afflicting their Souls for sin they think that God is merciful and they cry to God for Mercy But they do not behold the Mercy of God in the Son of his Love they do not look up to the Mercy-seat as covered and clouded with the Incense of the Merits and Mediation of Jesus Christ and therefore they die and perish even in the day of Atonement when they come before the Mercy-seat 3. The Blood must be sprinkled upon the Mercy-seat Eastward that is upon the forepart of it ver 14. It teacheth us that as the High Priest went into the holy place not without Blood so Christ with his own Blood Heb. 9.7 11 12. hath entred into Heaven for us to make way for us to come thither also by the merit and virtue of his own Blood and Satisfaction Heaven therefore is called the purchased possession Ephes 1.14 because purchased by the Blood of Christ We have boldness to enter into the holiest by the Blood of Jesus Hebr. 10.19 20. 4. The Blood must be sprinkled upon the Mercy-seat seven times A mystical number often used in the legal Services and hath been formerly explained It is a number of perfection God having created the World in six days and resting upon the seventh It therefore notes a full and perfect cleansing and applying of the Blood of Christ for that end And it presupposeth a copious and liberal effusion but it implies directly a plenteous and effectual application of the Blood of Christ Get the Blood of Christ effectually applied unto thy Soul or else thou canst never look God in the face with any comfort or acceptance take this Blood of Christ apply it by Faith see how it atones God It is true the Blood of Christ doth not make God merciful but it makes way for the exercise of his Mercy it doth not cause the attribute of Mercy to be in God but it makes way for the putting of it forth Now then let us put both these together The Mercy-seat must be both clouded with Incense and sprinkled with Blood or else there is no approaching for Sinners into the presence of God none but through the Prayers and Intercessions and through the Blood and Satisfaction of Jesus Christ Non solum periculosum sed horribile est de Deo extra Christum cogitare It is not only dangerous saith Luther but it is an horrible thing to think of God out of Christ Do not think to make use of Gods Attributes in an immediate way but by the Intercession of a Mediator there is no Mercy in God for Sinners out of Christ Thus much of the Priests Offerings for himself 2. The second sort of Offerings upon this great day of Atonement were for the People and these are two Goats for a Sin-offering and a Ram for a Burnt-offering ver 5. The Rites and Ceremonies of these two Goats are full of the Gospel It is pity that choise portions of Scripture which have so much in them are commonly so little understood by us Let us in the help of Christ inquire a little into the mystery of these things Of the Burnt-offering there is something said but it is not much the common rules of the Burnt-offering being here to be observed But the Sin-offering of the two Goats there be many very significant Rites and Ceremonies about them This Sin-offering is first generally and then severally and more particularly spoken to and the several actions about them more particularly opened 1. In general ver 7 8 9 10. The first thing that they had to do which was peculiar to it was that these two Goats they were to cast lots upon them Now a Lot is a referring of a thing by an appeal to the determination of Providence Prov. 16.33 the Lot is cast into the lap but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord. There is a special hand of Providence in a Lot so it is said of Christ Acts 2.23 Him being delivered by the determinate Counsel and foreknowledge of God ye having taken and by wicked hands have crucified and slain The Lot in this business was to determine which of the Goats should be slain and which was to escape But why were there two Goats one to die and the other to escape The reason was plainly this Because that one alone was not sufficient to represent the Mystery intended and aimed at For Christ was both God and Man he both died and rose again but the same Sacrifice could not both die and live again without a miracle Therefore these two Goats were appointed to represent more compleatly the whole mystery of our Redemption in all the concernments of it to shadow forth Jesus Christ in both his Natures and in both the states he passed through both in his Divinity and in his Humanity both in his Humiliation and Exaltation As in like manner there were two Birds appointed in the Purification of the Leper See of the cleansing of the Leper Lev. 14. pag. 398. So here two Goats a flain Goat and a scape Goat the one to shadow forth Christ as dying and slain for our offences the other as rising again for our Justification The slain Goat represented Christ as he was put to death in the Flesh that is in his Humane nature the scape Goat represented him as quickened by the Spirit that is by his Deity raising him up again from death to life This in general Now 2. In particular the sacred Rites and
retained by Antichrist that which seems to come neerest to it is the Canonical Coat as they call it The Jewish Writers say of this Robe that it had no Sleeves but was divided into two skirts from the end of the neck unto beneath after the manner of all Robes and was not joyned together but about all the neck only Ainsworth on Exod. 28.32 It had a strong binding or a welt about the neck in Hebrew called a Lip that it might not be rent Exod. 28.32 But that which is most remarkable in it is the Golden Bells and Pomegranates that were upon the skirt thereof at the bottom of it Exod. 28. ver 33 34 35 that the sound of the Bells may be heard Let me speak a little in the help of Christ to the mystery of these sacred Bells and then to the Pomegranates 1. The Bells of the holy Robe There be two things that seem to be clearly intimated and held forth thereby 1. The Voice of Christ in his Prayers and Mediation for us which is heard of God Hebr. 5.7 and 7.25 when he goes into the holy place the sound of these Golden Bells is heard of God 2. The Voice of Christ in the Gospel which is heard of his Church the sound thereof rings in his Church yea throughout the world Rom. 10.18 their sound went forth into all the world And we may apply it in a secondary way to the Ministers of Christ those Antitypical Priests They should be furnished with Golden Bells the voice of Prayer and the voice of Preaching as the Priests of old if the noise of these Bells was not heard they dye Exod. 28.35 so it is spiritual death and destruction to the Soul there is no hope of the Salvation of that Minister under the Gospel that cannot that doth not pray and preach 1 Cor. 9.16 Necessity is laid upon me wo is unto me if I preach not the Gospel either preach or dye 2. The Pomegranates of the Robe that is curious works upon the border of it resembling that fruit and being an emblem thereof The Pomegranate is a fruit sweet and pleasant to the taste and fragrant and delightful to the smell Therefore it seems to shadow forth the sweet refreshing fruits and effects of the voice of Christ both in his Mediation with the Lord and the Preaching of his Gospel in the Church His Mediation is not only shrill in the ears of the Lord but also fragrant in his Nostrils Ephes 5.2 And the Gospel of Christ hath not only a sweet sound but a savory smell and cordial refreshing virtue to refresh the heart 2 Cor. 2.15 18. The Gospel produceth such fruits as are sweet and savory therefore the Church is compared to an Orchard of Pomegranates Cant. 4.13 she delights Christ with them Cant. 8.2 they are delightful to Christ himself It should be thus with all the Ministers of Christ and in all the Churches of Christ there should be not only the sound of the Golden Bells but the pleasant fruits of an holy life and conversation else what good will the sound do if there be no fruits appearing the Bells without the Pomegranates And whereas there was an hole for the head to be put in like the hole of an Habergeon An Habergeon is a Coat of Male a piece of defensive Armour made of Iron Wyres woven and twisted together that it be not rent Christ is said to put on that Garment Isai 59.17 for he put on Righteousness as a Brest-plate or as an Habergeon Some accommodate it thus That in the Coat of Christ there should be no Rent Joh. 19.23 24. but an unity of Doctrine and good works and fruits of Righteousness amongst his people Though I confess this Metaphor of rending the seamless Coat of Christ hath been weakly used and applyed by those that having nothing but the Coat amongst them as the Souldiers for their own ends would not rend that but make no scruple to rend and crucifie his blessed Body no more then Papists do to martyr and burn his Members for which Luther in a just and holy scorn calls them Tunicastres But as to this typical Garment such an allusion may be made 4. The Ephod of which the expression here is And he put the Ephod upon him Exod. 28.6 It was made of five materials of Gold blue purple scarlet and fine twined Linned The Gold was first beaten into Plates and then cut into Wyres and then wrought and woven into and among the other materials Exod. 39.3 and they did beat the Gold into thin Plates and cut it into Wyres to work it in the blue and in the purple c. The word Ephod is from the verb Aphad superinduxit cinxit to clothe or fitly to encompass with a Garment from whence comes the Greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to fit The Septuagint renders it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the vulgar Latine superhumerale a Garment upon the shoulders Some render it Pallium from whence came the word Pall a Garment taken as it seemeth from this which the Pope was wont to send to an Archbishop for his Consecration or Installment into his Office as being the High Priest over all the Priests in such a Province or Kingdom This Ephod was say our Annotators on Exod. 28.4 a short Coat without Sleeves put upon his other Garments ●o keep them close together It reached from the Shoulders to the Loins There were two sorts of Ephods used among the Jews a common and a sacred Ephod 1. There was a common Ephod which was not peculiar to the High Priest only but to other Priests also yea to others also that were not Priests so 1. Sam. 22.18 Doeg fell upon the Priests and slew that day eighty five persons that did wear a Linnen Ephod Yea it was not peculiar to Priests only but common to others also who were not Priests so we read of Samuel that when he was a Child he wore a Linnen Ephod 1 Sam. 2.18 though he was no Priest by Birth but only a Levite And David 2. Sam. 6.14 was girded with a Linnen Ephod But 2. There was a sacred Ephod which was peculiar to the High Priest only The differences between this and the common Ephod were such as these 1. That was made of Linnen but this of sundry other materials Gold blue purple and scarlet and fine twined Linnen 2. This sacred Ephod had a peculiar Ornament belonging to it viz. the two Onyx stones upon the shoulder pieces of it of which by and by 3. None might imitate this or make one like unto it though of other matter and for ordinary use they made Garments of that name and shape commonly called Ephods It was the sin and the fall of Gideons House that he made one like this not an Ephod for ordinary wear but a sacred ministring Garment Judg. 8.27 33. As to the spiritual mystery of this Garment this holy Ephod of the High Priest it appears chiefly in this There were two
break Bread every Lords day And in the primitive times the Sacrament was the concluding Ordinance But Man did not eat of the Tree of Life for then he had been confirmed and lived for ever Gen. 3.22 therefore it is not likely that he stood in his integrity to the end of the Sabbath And as to the time of the day wherein he sinned it seems to have been about eating time at dinner about noon eating what they should not being the thing wherein they sinned And after his Fall it is said that God came and spake to them in the cool of the day Gen. 3. ver 8. This seems to have been about that time of the day which the Scripture calls the ninth hour which is after our reckoning about three a clock in the afternoon So long they were in darkness and under guilt of their Sin before the Promulgation of the Gospel to them Wherein some have observed a congruity in that Jesus Christ was under those his infinite Sufferings upon the Cross the same space of time from the sixth hour to the ninth Matth. 27.45 46. And it being thus Man in his first sin and fall did break all the Commandments at once as he brake all the rest so he sinned upon the Sabbath day This seems by all the circumstances of the Story to have been the time of his Fall But to think that he fell on Tuesday the tenth day from the Creation there is nothing in the History to evince it Others think this Fast on the day of the seventh month was appointed in remembrance of the great Sin the Idolatry of the Golden Calf Exod. 32. But we may rest in that the Text mentioneth as the occasion of this Ordinance viz. the Sin and Death of Nadab and Abihu And there is a threefold Instruction we are here to learn Obs 1. Here we are taught first That there must be holy fear and reverence in approaching to God in his Ordinances an holy fear and dread of sinning in the manner of his Worship and that it is a dangerous thing to worship God otherwise then he hath appointed Men should take heed of it that they die not as Nadab and Abihu did for this sin they incur the danger of Death both Death temporal and eternal Though God doth not usually smite men with visible Judgments but when they are first in any transgression yet there is a spiritual fire and wrath upon their spirits for it which is worse then outward Judgments Obs 2. The Lord takes hold of the saddest occasions to bring in Dispensations of the greatest good and mercy to his people Light out of Darkness Heaven out of Hell good out of evil to those that he hath set his Love upon Obs 3. When some are slain and die in and for their sins the Lord provides for the Salvation of others that they die not Now to come to the thing it self Moses is to charge Aaron that he come not into the Holy of holies at all times nor in any manner but at Gods appointed times and in such manner as he requireth This manner is here described at large It consists chiefly in three things 1. His washing himself 2. His holy Garments And 3. His propitiatory Offerings 1. That the Priest must wash before he put on his Garments and before he present his Offering is an intimation of his Purity and Cleanness Hence that expression of the Apostle Heb. 10.22 Having our hearts sprinkled from an evil Conscience and our Bodies washed with pure water This is the first thing he is to do So Christ Matth. 3.16 was baptized before he entred upon his Ministry and he was perfectly holy and pure not having the least defilement of sin upon him though he had taken on him our Nature and all the other Infirmities of it Vid. On the Priests Consecration Exod. 29. 2. As to his Attire here be two sorts of holy Garments mentioned in the Services of this day the holy Garments ver 4. and other holy and most costly Garments ver 23.24 Some call the former his White Garments and the other his Golden Garments 1. This Priestly Attire was an emblem of spiritual clothing Psal 132.9 Let thy Priests be clothed with Righteousness and let thy Saints shout for joy and ver 16. I will also clothe her Priests with Salvation Job 29.14 I put on Righteousness and it clothed me my Judgment was as a Robe and a Diadem This then speaks the Grace and Holiness that was in Jesus Christ and ought to be in Ministers such Garments Ministers should be clothed with 2. Those two sorts of Attire the White and the Golden Garments signified the different estate and condition of Jesus Christ when he performed the great work of our Redemption and made atonement for us he did it in much meanness and abasement Isai 52.14 his Visage was marred he was without external Pomp and worldly Glory in the form of a Servant made himself of no Reputation Phil. 2.7 though with Holiness and Purity and Innocency He had white Garments on though they were but plain But as there is a clothing of Grace so there is a clothing of Glory 2 Cor. 5.2 4. And after his Resurrection when he had been in Heaven and returned again and arose and appeared from the dead he did change his Raiment He wore the garments of Holiness here but when he entred into the holy place even into Heaven he did put on garments of Glory These were the holy Garments on this day of Expiation Now the third thing is the Offerings of Atonement and they were of two sorts for the Priest and for the People 1. For the Priest himself and for his own House ver 3 6. This teacheth us the insufficiency and imperfection of the legal Priesthood Heb. 5.1 2.3 we need a better High Priest and we have one Heb. 7.26 27 28. The Priest was first to make atonement for himself and for his own sins that so he might be fit as a figure of Christ the true High Priest to make atonement for the people They that lie under unpardoned guilt themselves are not fit to be Mediators and Intercessors for others The Priest had three things to do in reference to his own Sacrifice 1. He was to kill it and so to make atonement with it v. 11. This was a Type of the Death of Christ the true Sacrifice 2. He was to offer Incense in the Holy of holies v. 12. This is a Type of the Prayers and Intercessions of Jesus Christ in the virtue of his Satisfaction Here are four particulars observable 1. As the High Priest did this before he sprinkled the Blood in the Holiest of all so Christ prepared his own way into Heaven by his Prayers and Intercessions Joh. 17. 2. The Incense was beaten small to intimate the anguish and contrition and brokenness of heart wherewith Christ prayed and interceded for us those agonies of spirit in his Prayers before his Death which he offered