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A22481 A commentarie vpon the epistle of Saint Paule to Philemon VVherein, the Apostle handling a meane and low subiect, intreating for a fraudulent and fugitiue seruant, mounteth aloft vnto God, and deliuereth sundry high misteries of true religion, and the practise of duties Ĺ“conomicall. Politicall. Ecclesiasticall. As of persecution for righteousnesse sake. ... And of the force and fruit of the ministery. Mouing all the ministers of the Gospell, to a diligent labouring in the spirituall haruest ... Written by William Attersoll, minister of the word of God, at Isfield in Suffex. Attersoll, William, d. 1640. 1612 (1612) STC 890; ESTC S106848 821,054 582

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of God wee send our selues we are not sent of him We are our owne Messengers to doe our owne Message not the Embassadours of the eternall God But when hee hath put his worde in our mouths wee must goe to those that he hath sent vs d Ier. 1 7 8. and whatsoeuer hee commaundeth vs that wee must speake So when God had stretched out his hand and touched the mouth of the Prophet Ieremy hee sayde Bee not affraide of their faces for I am with thee to deliuer thee sayth the Lord. Thus hee speaketh to Ezekiell e Exek 3 8 9. I haue made thy Face strong against their Faces and thy Fore-head harde against their Fore-heades I haue made thy Fore-head as the Adamant and harder then the Flint Feare them not therefore neither bee affrayde at their lookes for they are a Rebellious house Secondly it teacheth them not to loose their Authoritie and so to shame their Calling and their Mayster that hath put them in that Calling bringing them-selues and their Ministry vnder the subiection and slauerie of others The Apostle by all meanes seeketh to magnifye his Ministery and to beautifie his Calling Hence he saith f 1 Cor. 9 1. Am not I an Apostle am not I free This reprooueth those that serue the lustes and pleasure of others and dare doe nothing to displease such as are in high place Thus Aaron in the absence of Moses offended who was at the commaundement of the people g Exo. 32 1 4. when they saide vnto him Make vs Gods to go before vs he receiued their golden earings and fashioned it with the grauing toole and made of it a Molten Calfe The like we see in Vriah the Priest h 2 Kings 16 2 10. when Ahaz who did not vprightly in the sight of the Lorde but walked in the way of the Kings of Israell saw the Altar that was at Damascus he sent vnto him the paterne of the Altar and the fashion of it and all the Workemanship thereof and hee made an Altar in all points like to that which the King had sent from Damascus This departing from the Commaundement of God to please the humour or honour of mightie men must be farre from vs. We haue a plaine way set before vs wee ought to walke in it wee must not decline eyther to the right hand or to the left hand We must not make marchandise of the word of God but deale faithfully with God and his people The Prophet Micah complaineth of such Prophets in his time as flattered the people in their sinnes i Mich. 2 11. And Prophesied vnto them of Wine and of strong drink and in such Prophets the people delighted The Lord chargeth Ieremy k Ier. 1 17. to trusse vp his loynes to arise and to speake to the Children of Israell all that he commaunded him not to bee affraide of their faces least he destroy him before them Let vs beware of such smooth tongues that flatter with their lippes and bring vs in danger of destruction Salomon teacheth vs l Prou. 29 5. That a man which flattereth his Neighhour spreadeth a Net for his steppes declaring thereby that as a Birde which is taken in the Net is in daunger of death so they which beleeue flatterers fall into great perilles of Soule of Bodie of Goods of good name of life Thirdly it teacheth the Ministers to take heede they abuse not their Authority and turne it into tiranny but employ it vnto edification not to the destruction of the Church or any member thereof This the Apostle plainly teacheth concerning himselfe m 2 Cor. 10 8 Though I should boast somwhat more of our authority which the Lord hath giuen vs for edification and not for your destruction I should haue no shame And in another place n 2 Cor. 1 24 Wee haue not Dominion ouer your faith but we are helpers of your ioy for by Faith ye stand We must remember and consider that we are vnder Christ we are his Substitutes and Lieutenants He is the cheefe Shepheard of the Sheepe We must not beare our selues o 1 Pet. 5 3. as Lords ouer his heritage but as ensamples to the flocke Christ himselfe testifieth that he was among them as one that p Luke 22 27 Math. 20 28. serued For the sonne of man came not to bee serued but to serue and to giue his life for the ransome of many Let vs haue the same mind in vs that was in christ Iesus let vs behaue our selues as Stewards not as Lords as Officers not as Princes as Ministers not as Vsurpers as Stewards not as Maisters of the house Vse 3. Lastly it serueth for instruction of the people that they despise not the Ministry of the word but alway readie to heare it with reuerence For wheresoeuer there is authority in the speaker there should bee feare and reuerence in the hearer They are Embassadors sent not from Man but from God they speake not in their owne names but in the name of God they publish not their owne Dreames or deuises but the Doctrine of God and therefore ought reuerently and obediently to be regarded Thus the Prophet teacheth vs to reason q Mal. 2 7. The people must heare the Lawe at his Mouth for hee is the Messenger of the Lerd of Hoastes True it is they are men that bring it but they are Messengers sent of GOD they are subiect to the same passions that wee are but God hath put his word in their hearts and in their mouthes and therefore both they and it must bee receyued with all reuerence and entertayned with the inwarde obedience of the soule Hence it is that our Sauiour Christ sayth r Luke 10 16 Hee that heareth you heareth me and he that heareth you heareth him that sent mee The Prophet teacheth that their feete are beautifull that bring gladde tydings of peace and bring glad tydinges of good things They are saide to be worthy of double honor and to teach the way of saluation If a man had lost a precious Iewell and Rich Pearle which was all the riches and substance of his house and beeing in this case should meete with a man that can tell him who robbed him of it where it is and how hee may come to haue it againe how would hee respect him and reward him A godly Minister is such a one vnto thee Å¿ Perk. of the Ministr who when Adam had lost himselfe and all his posteritie and that peerlesse Iewell of righteousnesse the whole wealth of our soules can truely tell vs who did steale it away from vs and how it is to bee recouered againe The Deuill is the Theefe Christ doth restore it Faith applyeth Christ the Word of God worketh Faith the Minister preacheth the word whereby we beleeue How well doost thou account of that Physitian and how highly doest thou esteeme of him who when thy health is lost and sicknesse falne vpon thee
shall neuer be destitute but feele the fruit thereof to their endlesse comfort The Prophet saith i Psal 91 14. to this purpose Psal 91. Because he hath loued me therefore will I deliuer him I will exalt him because hee hath knowne my Name Lay now all these things together and consider that seeing we haue free accesse to the Throne of grace seeing wee haue Christ the greatest blessing of all giuen vnto vs seeing all Creatures are reconciled vnto vs and lastly we being loued do loue God againe and poure out streames issuing from his Fountaine and all this proceedeth from his grace wee conclude that such as are in Gods fauour haue his blessings following them Vse 1. Now let vs handle the vses First seeing the fauour of God is the Fountaine of all goodnesse and graces in vs we learne that no fauour is like to the fauour of God The grace and loue of Princes bringeth many priuiledges and preferments with it but can they assure vs of euery good thing Or doe they remaine and continue with vs for euer Nay they are most vnstable and vncertaine their honour is turned into dishonour and all their glory is changed into shame and confusion Haman was the happiest man in the kingdome in his owne eyes and in the eyes of many others one day hee was next vnto the King k Ester 5 12. and 7 9. the next day he was most wretched one day in fauor the next day out of fauour one day honored the next day hanged Nay thus it fareth falleth out oftentimes with the godly as wee see in Dauid who was greater in Sauls Court then he Who was more praised and preferred Was made the Sonne in Law of the King and the Captaine of the Hoast yet by and by hee was disgraced degraded and depraued by flatterers and false informers cast out of the fauour of the King and put in danger of his life It is not so with God it is not so with his fauour shewed toward the godly whom hee loueth once l Iohn 13 1. hee loueth euer he dooth not change he cannot lye he will not repent He is vnchangeable there is no shaddow of change with him his gifts are without repentance There is great comfort in such fauour seeke therefore for his fauour aboue the fauour of Princes and make much of it when we haue found it Great is the loue of Parents toward their Children but the loue of God surmounteth them all and that loue which can be in them Vse 2. Secondlie seeing such as are gratious with God are laden with many blessings we may see heereby the blessed estate of all that liue vnder the grace of God all thinges doe serue them that serue the Lorde and haue tasted how gratious the Lord our God is He is counted happy in the World that hath the fauour of Princes The Queen of Sheba pronounced m 1 Kin 10 8. the people and seruants of Salomon happy which did stand euer before him to hear his wisedom When Elisha demaunded of the Shunamite n 2 Kin 4 13. what hee should doe for her or whether there were any thing to be spoken for her to the King or to the Captaine of the hoast she answered I dwell among mine owne people She liued in peace and quietnesse she had no cause to make any complaint against any her Neighbours she was not driuen to make any suit to King or Captaine shee troubled not others and others troubled not her and this she accounted an happy life But the happy estate and blessed condition of the faithfull is a thousand times greater they are at peace with heauen and earth with Men Angels with themselues and with all others with life and death nothing shall be able to hurt them True it is they haue no promise to bee free from tentations and troubles Famine may come Persecution Pestilence nakednesse pouertie perill and tribulation may come and death shall come but we haue a gratious and sure promise that they shall not hurt vs or destroy vs or hinder our saluation they are all Enemies without Armour as Souldiers without a Sword as Serpents without a sting and as Aspes without venome This is it which the Prophet handleth at o Psal 91 1 3 5 6 7 10. large Psal 91. Who so dwelleth in the secret of the most High shall abide in the shaddow of the Almightie surely he will deliuer thee from the Snare of the Hunter and from the noysome Pestilence thou shalt not bee afraide of the feare of the night nor of the Arrow that flyeth by day nor of the Pestilence that walketh in the darknesse nor of the Plague that destroyeth at noone-day A thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy right hand but it shall not come neere thee there shall none come vnto thee neyther shall any Plague come neere thy Tabernacle He meaneth not in these wordes that the godly shall bee free from troubles sicknesses al calamities but that God doth so care for them and watch ouer them that nothing shall be able to hurt and harme them but he will giue them a sanctified vse of the Crosse and make all thinges turne to their good and further their saluation This is it which the Apostle Paul offereth to our considerations p 1 Cor. 3 21 22 23. Let no man reioyce in men for all things are yours whether it be Paule or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death whether they bee thinges present or thinges to come euen all are yours and ye Christes and Christ Gods Great is the dignity and excellency of the godly that all things are made to serue to their vse and are appointed in the ordinance of God to serue for their profite according to that which he hath in another place q Rom. 8 28 We know that all thinges worke together for the best vnto them that loue God euen to them that are called of his purpose Where we see he teacheth that not onely thinges present are ours but thinges to come not onely life is ours but also death which is a gaine and aduantage to the godly and an entrance or doore that leadeth to euerlasting life What greater glory can befall vs or what greater happinesse can we desire then to haue all things ours Life is ours death is ours the world is ours the Crosse is ours the Crown is ours heauens is ours the Angels are ours Christ is ours God is ours all is ours and what is there that is not ours What a great honour is this Or who is it that can doubt of these thinges Or whom should not these priuiledges mooue The World is a place of our resting Life the time of our bettering Death is a change of our misery and an entrance into glorie things present are the beginning of our comfort things to come are the consummation of our comfort the Crosse is our
delight hath the Nurse then to see her child liue in health grow vp in strength and stature and prosper in the world So there is no comfort like to this comfort no ioy like to this ioy no delight like to this delight to behold the haruest of the Lord the sheepe of Christ the Children of God to flourish and to encrease more and more to grow from faith to faith from grace to grace b Ephe. 4. 13. vntill they all meet together vnto a perfect man and vnto the measure of the age of the fulnes of Christ Hence it is that after the Apostle had testified his ioy and thankes to God for the faith and loue of the Colossians he addeth c Col. 19. 10. for this cause we also since the day we heard of it cease not to pray for you and to desire that ye might be fulfilled with knowledge of his will in all wisedome and spirituall vnderstanding that ye might walke worthy of the Lord and please him in all thinges being fruitfull in all good workes and increasing in the knowledge of God and let vs by this example comfort our selues in such as increase in good thinges and pray for such as are comming forward We liue in a decaying and declining time wherein many haue forgotten their first loue we see the cold season and Winter of all Godlines wherein men are frozen in the dregs of Sinne. Wee may behold with our eyes if we be not starke blinde a generall wasting languishing and consumption of the heate and heart of Religion If then in this common pining of the vital parts we may discerne any reuiuing and refreshing to appeare or any flourishing of Godlines which seemed dead at the root to spring vp let it be a comfort vnto vs and teach vs to giue God the glory who maketh light to come out of darkenesse and life to arise out of death This serueth to reproue those that neuer desire the profiring of their people nor regard what their estate and how their standing is in heauenly thinges they neuer consider whether they goe forward or backward whether they grow vpward or downe-ward to Heauen or to Hell to God or to the Deuill to Saluation or to damnation These are they that feed themselues to the full but regard not to feed the flocke ouer which the holy Ghost hath made them ouerseers These are they that liue of the Alter but care not to minister at the Alter they will be sure to reape carnall things but they haue no conscience to sow spirituall thinges They liue of the Gospell but they will not preach the Gospell The Apostle testifying his longing and thirsting after the saluation of the Church said I seeke not yours but you But these men if they would speake the truth from their hearts might say we seeke not you but yours we care not what become of you so that we may find the sweetnes of that which is yours How farre are these from the zealous affection of the same Apostle who became all thinges to all men if by any meanes he might saue some he teacheth that a necessity lay vpon him to preach the Gospell and denounceth a woe vpon himselfe if he preach not the Gospell Let vs all in our places follow his example and pray vnto God to giue the grace of conuersion to turne the hearts of men to the sauing knowledge of the Gospell and where he hath granted this mercy let vs pray him to encrease it more and more and to continue it vnto the day of Iesus Christ Vse 2. Secondly as the growing in good thinges is matter of ioy so on the other side it is caused of great sorrow and griefe of heart when the professors of the saith and hearers of the word and such as seemed louers of the truth do not profit but reuolt do not goe forward but goe backward do not grow better and better but become worse and worse It must not seeme strange that great sorrow ariseth vnto the seruants of God when men do not profit in good thinges We see what worldly sorrow is found in worldly men that causeth death the least occasion of losse the least feeling of trouble the least crossing of their humors can draw from them abundance of teares But such as are led by the spirit of God are spiritually minded d 2. Cor. 7. 10. they haue godly sorrow that causeth repentance vnto saluation not to be repented of This was in the Prophet Dauid when he saw a decay in Godlines and a growing in wickednesse e Psal 119. 136. mine eyes gush out with Riuers of water because they keepe not thy law This was in the Prophet Ieremy f Ier. 9. 1. and 4. 19. O that mine head were full of water and mine eyes a fountaine of teares that I might weep day and night for the slaine of the Daughter of my people This was in Christ our Sauiour when he came neere to Ierusalem he beheld the Citty and wept for it g Luke 19. 41. 42. O if thou hadst euen knowne at the least in this day those thinges which belong vnto thy peace but now are hid from thine eyes This was in the Apostle Paule when he saw the reuolting and back-sliding of the Galathians h Gal. 4. 19. and 5. 7. O my little Children of whom I trauaile in Birth againe vntill Christ be formed in you I am in feare of you least I haue bestowed on you labour in vaine ye did runne well who did let you that ye did not obey the truth This is a speciall note to discerne and distinguish true Pastors from hirelings and faithfull shepheards from Wolues for the true Ministers of Christ are inwardly touched and grieuously pained to behold the present sinnes of the people and the future iudgments of God hanging ouer their heads This is a great griefe of heart and goeth neere them to see so little growth of Godlines so little fruit of their labours so great encrease of all vngodlines This reproueth those that make a mocke of sinne and can laugh as heartilie at the committing of iniquitie as at the best ieast and the greatest sport If we begin once to laugh at sinne we will not make any conscience to commit it When once we do not sticke to ieast at it we will quickly come to it in good earnest When we can make a play of it there is but a short step to put it in practise The very Heathen i Plutar. in Solone Valer. Maxim lib. 2. Cap. 6. saw thus much that had but halfe an eye that if they suffered euill to be committed merrily and in sport they should finde it practised in their earnest contracts common affaires And many of the heathen by other Heathen are commended k Tacit. in his description of Germany among whom vices were neuer laughed at But how many are there among vs that would be counted and are indeed called Christians
For if they ought to be vnto euery one of vs as the Mother brethren yea as the flesh members of Christ they ought not to be neglected or contemned but to be cherished Heereby g 1 Iohn 3 14. we shall know that we are translated from death to life if we loue the bretheren On the other side we ought to mourne and lament for such as remaine in ignorance of God lie vnder the dominion of sinne and continue in the prophanenesse and abominations of their youth It is noted by the Prophet h Psal 1●9 136 Luk ●9 41. Phil 3 18. that his eyes gushed out with riuers of waters because they kept not the law of God Christ Iesus mourned for the hardnesse of heart that appeared in his hearnrs he wept for Ierusalem when he came neere vnto it Righteous Lot was vexed day by day when he beheld the vncleane conuersation of the sinfull Sodomites The Apostle told the Phillippians of vaine walkers and that with teares that they are the enemies of the Crosse of Christ We see by common and daily experience when any of our friendes and familiars are dead or lye at the point of death a naturall affection toward them causeth vs to weepe and lament for them and draweth oftentimes from vs abundance of teares how much more ought it to go neere vs and make vs sob and sigh from the very depth and bottom of our hearts to see our bretheren lie dead in sinne and as it were rotting in the Graue of their corruptions or else to walke in the paths of death that bring with it certaine destruction and eternall damnation If a man should come into a field where he should behold thousands slaine with the sword wallowing in their bloud and others hauing receiued their deaths wound to languish in paine and to striue and struggle for life who would not account it a lamentable shew and most pitifull sight But thus is it with vs and this is the condition of many thousands that glory that they abide in health and yet are most dangerously sicke and diseased that thinke they are aliue and yet behold they are a company of dead carcasses that boast they are farre from the Gates of death and yet alasse they lie gaping and gasping for breath which is ready to be gone If there be in vs any life of Gods spirit or any loue of Godlinesse it cannot but greeue our soules to behold the desolations that are in the earth i Reuel 3 2. 1 Tim 5 6. Mat 8 22. and the languishing of many ready to die nay which are already dead in sinne and stinke in the nostrils of God and man For as a man hauing escaped shipwracke and gotten into an Hauen and Harbour reioyseth in his owne safety and comforteth himselfe in his deliuerance but when he behouldeth the misery of his brother suffering shipwracke and cast away by the violence of the stormes and Tempestes that beat vpon his barke which drowne both it and him in the Seas he cannot but greatly be greeued and exceedingly perplexed So ought it to be with vs howsoeuer the escaping from the filthinesse of the world and the vniting of vs with Christ our head doth breed in vs matter of great ioy and may worthily cause vs to reioyce yet when we see the bondage of our bretheren vnder k 1 Pet 2 19. sinne and the ruines into which they are come it cannot but worke in vs great anguish of spirit If we perceiue them to wander out of the way and to go astray from the simplicity of the Gospell and from the fold of Christ and fellowship of the faithfull it is our part to turne them backe and to gather them home For how l Math 18 12. thinke yee If a man haue an hundred sheepe and one of them be gone astray doth he not leaue ninety and nine and goe into the Mountains and seeke that which is gone astray and if so be that he finde it verily I say vnto you he reioyseth more of that sheep then of the ninety and nine which went not astray so is it not the will of your father which is in Heauen that one of these little ones should perish This loue toward the lowest that are conuerted to the faith and coupled to Christ reproueth two sorts of men First such as are ashamed of the poore Saintes who being without the comfort of friendes but not without contempt of the world are not regarded or esteemed He that despiseth his poore brother redeemed with the bloud of Christ would also despise and despight Christ himselfe if he walked vpon the earth He that honoureth not a faithfull man of low degree doth dishonour the faith it selfe and reprocheth the Gospell that he professeth yea he despiseth the Church and shameth such as are members of it This the Apostle Iames teacheth m Iam 2 2. If there come into your company a man with a Gold Ring and in goodly apparell and there come in also apoore man in vile raiment and ye haue a respect to him that weareth the gay clothing and say vnto him Sit thou heere in a goodly place and say vnto the poore Stand thou there or sit heere vnder my Footstoole Are ye not partiall in your selues and become Iudges of euill thoughts The needy seruants of God and poore afflicted Saintes are ashamed and blamed of the world they are scorned and scoffed at by the vngodly shall we then that are of the same Religion profession and communion ioyne hand in hand with them and contemne the faithfull that deserue to be honoured thereby adding more sorrow to their affliction and doubling the misery that is vpon them For it must needes lie heauy vpon them and euen oppresse them with anguish to finde this measure at our handes of whom they looked for comfort and counsell This appeareth in the saying of the Prophet n Psal 55 12. Surely mine enemy did not defame me for I could haue borne it neither did mine aduersary exalt himselfe against me for I would haue hid me from him but it was thou O man euen my companion my guide and my familiar It is made a note and marke whereby we may try our selues whether we belong to the Church of God and shall be receiued into the Kingdome of glory o Psal 15 4. that a vile person is contemned in their eyes but they honour them that feare the Lord. But the practise of many men is directly contrary who as they are of this world they magnifie and make much of the vngodly but tread and trample vnder their feet the Children of God as if they were a thing of no value The Apostle blameth the Corinthians and noteth it as a blot and blemish in them p 1 Cor 11 22 that they put the poore to shame separating themselues from them and refusing to partake the supper of the Lord with them Secondly it reproueth such as contemne those
from them God hath giuen them breath and life to doe good to his Church and hee hath lifted vp their heads aboue others in wealth and authority to serue him but they are going out of the World before they know wherefore they came into the World And when they must leaue the World and depart out of it wherein they haue beene but Tennants at will they remember with anguish and terrour of conscience that they haue done nothing lesse then that for which they were sent into it but haue imployed their goods their strength their wit their wisedome their life their dignity and all to oppresse and vex the Church yea to root it if it were possible out of the earth It were good they could in time remember their fore-Fathers Pharaoh Senacharib Ahab Iezabell Iudas Herod and such like Persecutours and Enemies that breathed out threatnings against the Church and as they resemble them in their life let them take heede they follow them not in their death and after their death But let vs that practise better things know that God doubtlesse will remember them in kindnesse that remember the afflicted Saints and cast such off with shame and dishonour that doe despise and despight them We haue a worthy example heereof in Ebed-melech recorded by the Prophet Ieremy i Ier. 38 8 9. 39 16 17 18. who because he intreated for the Prophet and suffered him not to lie in the Dungeon and to dye for hunger through the false suggestions of his malicious enemies God shewed mercy vnto him and deliuered him from the plague that fell vpon the Citty This serueth as an k How the mister is to comfort himselfe in seruing the Church instruction both to the Minister and people If the Minister haue laboured in the duties of his calling and in the seruice of the Church and in the execution of his Ministry and in the feeding of the flock committed vnto him he hath wherein to comfort himselfe he may be assured of his loue vnto Christ and consequently of Christes loue toward him Wee must remember what Christ saide to Peter Louest l Iohn 21 16 17. thou me Feed my Sheepe feed my Lambs So the Apostle mentioning his great paines and troubles and daungers to preach the Gospell that hee seemed as a man eyther distract of his wits or puffed vp with ambition and vaine-glory he assigneth this as the true cause m 2 Cor. 5 13 14. The loue of Christ constraineth vs. If then we consider what loue the Lord hath shewed toward vs or behold how deare his Church is vnto him and with how great a price hee hath redeemed it wee cannot but in the Meditation thereof be thrust forward if we loue him or regard him to performe the duties of our Ministration although they be mightie painefull in seeding in weeding in plauting in strengthning and in comforting according as daily occasion shall be offered vnto vs. But if wee be entred into this calling and do nothing therein but please men and serue our selues and our owne lusts being entred what comfort can wee finde or what reward do we looke for at his hands that hath chosen vs to bee Shepheards and Watchmen Wee must not be like vnto the Prophets mentioned in the Prophet Micah n Mich. 3 11. The Priests of Sion teach for hire the prophets thereof prophesie for Money If then wee haue greater respect to the fleece then to the Sheepe or to the wages then to the worke we serue our selues and not the Lord Christ and he will accept no such seruice at our hands For wee serue our owne bellies but not the Church we fil our purses wee feede not the people Woe o Ezek. 34 1. be vnto such Shepheards should not the Shepheard feede the flocke What will our gaine and glory profite vs at the last day when they must leaue vs and we must leaue them We shall receiue more sound comfort and peace when we shal depart this world and remember what account we are to giue of our paines taken in our calling in our labours vndertaken in the Ministery then in the heaping vp of many liuinges and the getting of much riches If we haue gained but one soule to God he shall stand vp for vs when all the mucke of this earth shall fall downe He shall be our ioy and our crowne when all other delights shall giue vs the farewell Neyther doth this Doctrine and duty serue onely for the comfort of the Minister p How the people are to comfort them selus in seruing the Church but for the comfort of the people that haue endeuoured in their callings to serue the Church and laboured vnfaignedly to seeke the wel-fare thereof They that haue had a sweete feeling of the loue of God are carefull to loue him againe and they that loue him in singlenesse of heart will be enforced and constrained to loue his children and to doe all the seruice they can vnto them They will thinke no dutie too much they will thinke all they haue done all they can do to the Church to bee too little Hence it is that Christ Iesus commending the Church of Tyatira for such good works as were found therein q Reuel 2 19 beginneth with Loue and Seruice First he mentioneth their Loue then he addeth their Seruice to shew that as our Loue must appeare by our fruits of Seruice so all our Seruice must proceede from Loue to those whome wee serue If a man imploy himselfe neuer so dilligently and take neuer so great paines and trauaile with all his power for the peace and good of the church yet if it proceed not from a sincere loue toward them but either from a loue of gaine or a desire of glory or a fame of praise he shall receiue no rewarde at the hands of God This seruice as at all times we must bee ready to make it appeare so especially wee must shewe it in the necessities of the Church When it lyeth vnder the heat of persecution or feeleth the Arrow of famine or beareth the affliction of pouerty and groaneth vnder the waight of these burdens we must remember that we owe our seruice to them as a dutie and that we are the seruants of the Church This shall bee our crowne and comfort in the last day Vse 3. Thirdly seeing God requireth of all true Christians of what condition soeuer they be according to the meanes affoorded vnto them to vse their guifts their power their possessions and whatsoeuer benefits they haue receiued to vse them I say to the comfort and seruice of Gods Saintes it kindleth the affections of Gods people to blesse and praise God for them to speake well of them to pray vnto God for them and to obtain greater blessings for them then they haue bestowed Thus they that doo good to the Church do good to themselues they that giue much vnto them do receiue more and such as haue beene
the little light of Grace and spark of Faith that was in them did so shine and breake out into such a flame that they were not ashamed to professe themselues to be his Disciples when the rest forsooke him they begged his body of Pilate they wrapped it in linnen cloaths with Myrrhe and Alloes and sweet Odours and bestowed the honour of buriall vpon him Thus it falleth out oftentimes that they which are first are last and the last are first We know not what stormes and Tempestes hang ouer our owne heades and what perillous times may come vppon vs we know not what weaknesse wee shall shew in them howe great the Rebellion of the Flesh will be and what comfort wee shall want our selues The Prophet pronounceth him l Psal 41 1. Blessed that iudgeth Wisely of the poore and promiseth that the Lord shall deliuer him in the time of trouble If wee haue any feeling of this happinesse or haue anie Faith in our hearts touching this promise let vs make it manifest by seeking the good of our weake Bretheren It is an hiddeous and horrible cruelty and out-rage by our want of mercy and of feeling their infirmities to hinder the saluation of any one for whom Christ died Hence it is that the Apostle saith Rom. 15 2 3. Let euerie man please his Neighbour in that which is good to edification for Christ also would not please himselfe but as it is Written The rebukes of them that rebuked thee fell on me It cost a great price to Redeeme a soule and to bring it from Death to Life from Hell to Heauen and therefore we must vse all meanes wherewith the Lorde shall enable vs to comfort such as are Comfortlesse by the Comfort where-with wee our selues are comforted of God There is no Man but desireth to finde Peace and Comfort in him-selfe What is this life of ours without it If a man should liue many thousand yeares vpon the face of the earth and haue experience of nothing but sorrow anguish misery and vexation of Spirit so that hee could feele no quietnesse no rest no consolation no tranquility in these daies of his Pilgrimage would he not desire to be out of such a life and preferre death before it Do we then wish for peace And would we finde comfort The greatest comfort in the World that can come vnto vs and refresh and cheere vppe our Soules is to winne and saue Soules Blessed are we if we haue beene Instruments to gaine but one Soule vnto God It is the greatest gaine it is the best Traffique it is the sweetest Marchandize It shall be said vnto vs in the last day Thou good and faithfull Seruant well done thou hast beene faithfull ouer little I will make thee Ruler ouer much enter into thy Maisters ioy Let vs set this before our eyes and consider before hand the price of the reward when the time of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. Vse 3. Lastly seeing God hath such a care of them that are weake that he would not haue them cut off but cared for of all men this ought to serue as a notable encouragement vnto them to labor to grow in Grace and to encrease more and more that they may proceede from strength to strength and so come to a perfect man in Christ Iesus True it is there are degrees of Faith all haue not one measure of Grace and yet the least measure if it be but as a graine of Mustard-seede is of power to saue our Soules If there be wrought in vs by the sanctifying Spirit of God the beginnings and seeds of Faith to wit an humbling of our selues vnder the burthen of our sinnes an acknowledgement and feeling that we stand in neede of Christ an hungring and longing desire to be made partaker of Christ and all his merrits and a flying to the Throne of Grace from the sentence of the Law troubling the conscience trembling vnder the same if these preparations as it it were ploughings vp of the furrowes of our hearts be found in vs God will not cast vs away but make this weake measure of Grace to be effectuall to saluation This is a sweete comfort to all saint hearts that are euery foot like to sinke downe and as it were to giue vp the Ghost This ought to be a forcible meanes to work thankfulnesse in them when in the examination of their hearts they shall finde the least measure of Grace setled in them and know their mercifull Father willing to acknowledge it to accept it and to reward it Not that we should flatter our selues in our wantes or content our selues in our weakenesse to stand alwaies at one stay but heereby to be brought forward in well-doing and to runne the race with all cheerefulnesse that is set before vs. This a notable signe of a true and sincere hart when we feele our strength to come euery day vnto vs and an accesse to be added to our former course For if we desire to be better and better and deale as men that runne in a race who stand not still in the mid-way but presse with might and maine to the marke this is an infallible note of a sincere heart This is it which the Apostle testifieth Phil. 3 14 15. Bretheren I count not my selfe that I haue attained to it but one thing I doe I forget that which is behinde and endeuour my selfe vnto that which is before And follow hard toward the marke for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Iesus It is the goodnesse of God to accept the small measure of Faith that we bring vnto him This graunteth not liberty vnto vs to doe nothing to stirre neither hand nor foote or to content our selues that we go not backward For we must all know and vnderstand that the beginnings of grace are deceitfull and counterfeit vnlesse there be a growth and encrease The kingdome of Heauen is like to q Math. 13 31 33. a graine of Mustard seed which at the first is so small and little that it is scarse discerned but after that it is cast into the ground of a prepared and purified heart it rooteth deeply it groweth speedily it spreadeth exceedingly It is like vnto Leauen which a woman taketh and hideth in three peckes of Meale till all be Leauened The Maister deliuering his Talents vnto his seruants that he had called saith vnto them Occupy vntill I come he doth not bid them hide them in the earth Luke 19 13. Hereunto commeth the exhortation that Paule giueth vnto Timothy who had greatly profited in godlinesse and was brought vp in the vnderstanding of the holy Scriptures from a childe Chapter 1. r 2 Tim. 2 6. I put thee in remembrance that thou stirre vp the gift of God which is thee by the putting on of mine handes The word is a borrowed speach from the fire which must bee euermore kindled and kept with a new supply from going out
vs and the Gulfe of his wrath ready to swallow vs we shall cry out for one drop of Grace for one drop of Faith for one drop of comfort to refresh our pining Soules and to deliuer vs from the shaddow of death Now is the time to desire and seeke after grace if we let slip the present occasion offered vnto vs we shall afterward cry out for it and complaine of the want of it and yet shall neuer attaine vnto it Thus was it with the rich Man when he entreated Abraham to haue mercy on him and to send Lazarus that he might dip the tip of his Finger in Water to coole his tongue beeing tormented in that Flame Abraham answered Sonne remember that thou in thy life time receiuedst thy pleasures and likewise Lazarus paines now therefore hee is comforted and thou art tormented Thus was it with the foolish Virgins who slumbred and slept and regarded not to procure and prouide Oyle h Mat. 25 10 11. for their Lampes for when the Bridegroome was come and had shut the Gate they cryed in vaine Lord Lord open vnto vs who receiued their answere Verily I say vnto you I know you not Thus it shall be with those in the last day which shall say i Math. 7 22. Lord Lord haue we not in thy Name prophesied And by thy Name cast out Deuils And by thy Name done many great workes For then hee will professe vnto them he neuer knew them depart from me ye workers of iniquity So shall it be with those that haue neglected the time and passed ouer the opportunity k Luke 14 25 26. who begin to say Lord open vnto vs we haue eaten and drunke in thy presence and thou hast taught in our Streets to whom he shall say I know you not whence ye are Let vs all be wise and beware by their examples that we do not delay the time from day to day Let vs craue this guift of God that we may haue it in time of neede and in the houre of tentation If now while we haue time we shall desire and labour to obtaine grace wee shall not neede heereafter to stand in feare of Death or to cry out through horror and despaire O that I had one drop of Faith O that I had one drop of Grace Vse 2. Secondly seeing grace is in the first place aboue and before all other blessings to be desired and required at the handes of God let vs learne the high-way and enter into the beaten path that leadeth to this Grace and when wee haue learned it let vs walke in it in a constant and setled course Now the steppes l Three steps leading vs to finde Gods grace that wee must make to trace it and finde it out are these The first degree or steppe is to dislike our selues and to bee in disgrace with our selues Euery man naturally is in loue with himselfe and his owne shadow But wee must cast off this selfe-loue that cleaueth so fast and hangeth on and learne to know our selues and to hate our selues No man can magnifie Gods mercy sufficiently vntill hee attaine to the knowledge of his owne misery Daniell a man gratious and dearely beloued of GOD acknowledged this in his prayer and as it were ascendeth into the presence of God by this steppe m Dan. 9 7 8. O Lord righteousnesse belongeth vnto thee and vnto vs open shame as appeareth this day to our Kings to our Princes to our Fathers and vnto euery Man of Iudah because we haue sinned against thee This was the course that the Prodigall Sonne tooke and the way that he entred g Luke 15 21 Father I haue sinned against Heauen and before thee and am no more worthy to bee called thy Sonne Thus did the poore Publican insinuate himselfe into the grace of God and departed iustifyed in his sight he smote his breast saying h Luke 18 13 Lord be mercifull to me a Sinner To be proud and puffed vp with our owne righteousnesse and to trust in our owne wisedome is the fore-runner of a fall The second step to obtaine grace is after we haue felt this want and misery in our selues wee must not rest there but earnestly desire and inwardly hunger and thirst after the loue and fauour of God in Christ aboue all earthly thinges First we must feele our selues empty before our Soules can haue this hunger Our Sauiour describing true blessednesse to his Disciples and shewing wherein it consisteth contrary to the iudgement of the World hee saith i Math. 5 3 6. Blessed are the poore in Spirit that is that know themselues poore that feele themselues poore and voide of righteousnesse and then he addeth Blessed are they which hunger and thirst after righteousnesse for they shall be filled We must k Iohn 6 27. and 4 14. hunger after the meat that neuer perisheth wee must thirst after that Well of Water which springeth vp vnto euerlasting life If wee neuer hunger after grace we shall neuer haue grace The whole desire l Math. 9 12. not the Phisition but they that are sicke They m Iohn 9 41. which thinke they see are made blind and their sinne remaineth Lastly it is required of vs to lay hould by the hand of a true Faith vpon the grace and mercy of God in Christ Iesus offered vnto all of vs in the promises of the Gospell generally and learne to apply them to our selues particularly Christ calleth those n Mat. 11 28. that are weary and heauy laden promising to ease end refresh them In the last and great day of the Feast Iesus stood and cryed saying o Iohn 7 37. If any man thirst let him come vnto me and drinke He teacheth p Mark 16 16 That he that shall beleeue and be Baptized shall be saued These are generall promises these require particular application Wee cannot receiue them into our hearts and make them our owne except we lay houlde of them by a speciall Faith This liuely Faith bringeth Christ home to vs and openeth the doores of our Soules to entertaine him If then we feele our owne miserie if we hunger after mercie and if wee apply the promises of the Gospell to vs particularly we shall be assured to finde the grace of God and tast plentifully and abundantly of his loue So many as truely desire grace must looke to attaine it by these meanes and climb vp to the top of it by these steps and degrees as by certaine staires Vse 3. Thirdlie seeing grace is first of all to bee craued it directeth vs to obserue and keepe a good order in seeking and crauing thinges at the hands of God We are taught first to seeke his grace and fauour as the roote and Fountaine and then peace welfare and other blessings He that will receiue fruit from the tree must come to the roote and body before he can come to the braunches so if we would haue peace health
glory in the names of Christians we would be accounted Christs we take vpon vs the Title of Saints and yet we are not carefull to bring foorth the fruits of Christians and to lead a sanctified life All Trees in the beginning when the world was created were made fruitfull nothing was barren nothing fruitlesse If we be the Garden of God we must be rrees of righteousnesse k Psal 92 13. and beare much fruite euen in our old age Many that are barren in bearing good fruit are too fruitful in bringing forth the vnsauoury fruits of the flesh which the Apostle nameth Gal. 5. who may iustly feare the curse that God l Luke 13 7. laid vpon the Figtree and euery day look to be hewne downe and cast into the fire It is not enough for vs to bee fruitful but we must labour to be more fruitfull It is not enough to bee holy but we must be more holy It is not enough to be Saints but we must encrease in sanctification This the Prophet sheweth in the Psalme m Psal 92 12. The righteous shall flourish like a Palme tree and shall grow like a Cedar in Lebanon Such as be planted in the house of the Lord shall florish in the Courts of our God they shall stil bring forth fruit in their age they shall be fat and flourishing Where we see that Gods Children are neuer void of the fruits of faith but haue them in them to their endlesse comfort Other Trees oftentimes fall to degenerate and grow out of kinde and if they do holde out yet age maketh them decay and dye albeit you digge and dung and water them neuer so much it cannot keepe them from wasting and withering it is not so with the faithfull which are planted in his Church as it were in his Garden euen in their old age they bring forth abundance and store of fruit albeit they bee neuer sold yet they shall neuer be barren but yeeld a plentiful increase being continually watered by the working of the spirit To this purpose Christ speaketh in the Gospell m Iohn 15. 1 2 I am the true Vine and my Father is t●e Husbandman euery branch that beareth no fruite in me hee taketh away and euery one that beareth fruit he purgeth it that it may bring forth more fruite And in the Reuelation of Iohn he saith n Reuel 22 11 He that is vniust let him be vniust still and hee that is filthy let him be filthy still he that is righteous let him be righteous still and he that is holy let him be holy still On the other side there is no comfort to prophane persons that are irreligious that are meere naturall men that find no change in them that are not bettered by the meanes afforded vnto them from God that keepe the spots of the Leopard and the skin of the Blackamoore continually vpon them These walk in the flesh and sauor nothing but of the flesh and therefore of the flesh shall reape corruption This is that which the Author to the Hebrewes speaketh o Heb. 6 7 8. The earth which drinketh in the raine that commeth oft vpon it and bringeth forth hearbes meet for them by whom it is dressed receiueth blessing of God but that which beareth Thornes and Briars is reprooued and is neere vnto cursing whose end is to be burned Where hee compareth those that continue in faith and bring forth the fruits of faith to good ground that answereth the labour of the husbandman but such as forsake the faith and a good conscience he resembleth to euill ground these bring foorth nothing but the vnfruitfull works of darknesse as it were so many thornes Thistles and therefore are neer to cursing consuming So the Prophet Esay notably expresseth this p Esay 65 20. There shall be no more there a child of years nor an olde man that hath not filled his daies for he that shall be an hundred yeare old shall die as a young man but the sinner being an hundred yeares old shall be accursed The faithfull in Christs kingdom shal flourish through his gifts be blessed of God but such as are vnfruitfull are accursed albeit they seeme for a time fresh and flourishing yet they are no better in the sight of God then dead carkasses and stinking carrions So that we see there can be no comfort without sanctification Vse 4. Lastly as all they that are in Christ are Saints so it is our dutie to vse the fellowship and to delight in the Communion of Saints abhorring renouncing separating and with-drawing our selues from all vngodly and vnlawfull societies of men in the world The q Psal 16 3. 119 63. delight of the Prophet was in the Saints He professeth himselfe to be a companion of al them that feare the Lord and keep his precepts The coniunction communion of the faithful is threefold in piety in amity in glory In piety because the harts of the faithful are ioyned together in faith in the feare of God In amity because they loue togither as children of the same father knowing that heerby we shal be known to be the disciples of Christ if we loue one another In glory because they are heirs of the same kingdom where are many mansion places prepared for thē If we desire to be partakers with the children of God in eternall happines in the heauens as al men wil seeme desirous of blessednes we must be vnited to them in a godly life in Christian loue we are willing to hear of felicity but we care not for the practise of piety or for walking in charity Balaam that was hyred with the wages of iniquity to curse the people of God whē he saw the goodly order among them cried out r Num. 23 10 Let my soule die the death of the righteous and let my last end be like his He desired to communicate with the godly in eternal life but he would not ioyn with them in a reformed life But it is necessarily required of vs to be linked to them in loue to be of one heart and to be ioyned with them in godlynesse to be of one faith if euer we look to enioy with them the same inheritance of immortality Such therefore as will neyther be friends and familiars with them but hate and abhor them worse then a Dog or a Serpent nor be Worshippers of God with them reforming their liues repenting from Dead-works but follow the lusts of the flesh with greedines and draw iniquity as with cartropes must know that they shut out themselus from the kingdom of heauen shal not ascend with them into the mountain of God Now as the faithful delight in those that are faithful and the godly in such as are godly so they account it a great griefe to be among the vngodlie where they shall see much iniquity and heare God dishonored feel themselues many waies indangered This made
subuert the truth their knowledge to ouerthrow the faith their riches to vndoo the poor their credit to crosse iustice their authority to disdain their strength to oppresse the weake their power to contemne others and euery gift to the dishonor of the giuer as the Serpent did his wilinesse to deceiue These are al like mad men armed It were better that a mad man had no armour and weapon then that he should vse or rather abuse them to the death and destruction of others so it were better these men wanted these guiftes then that they should prophane them to the dishonour of God to the hurt of others and to the bringing of a fearfull iudgement vpon their owne soules It were better to do nothing then to do euill as we say it is better to be ydle then to be ill occupied It were better to let the sword rest in the scabbard then to drawe it out to wound the innocent to let our riches corrupt and our garments be moth-eaten and our treasure be cankred then we weare them with pride wast them in drunkennesse whoredome and all wickednesse We must one day giue an account vnto God both what we haue receiued and howe wee haue bestowed that which we haue receiued If the Marchant that hath had his Factor in a strange Country wasting his goods committed to him on harlots and in riotous liuing will call him to an account how hee hath spent his time and mispent his goods shall wee not thinke that the eternall God will summon vs before the barre of his iudgement seate to giue in a reckoning an exact account what we haue done with such guifts as he hath lent vs and how we haue bestowed them The third reproofe Thirdly they are here also reproued which bar and lock vp such guifts of such as might be profitable to the Church and Common-wealth which suffer them not to imploy their guifts that desire to imploy them which doo little good themselues and yet hinder those that would do good The Dogge that lyeth in the manger will not eate the Hay himselfe nor suffer the Oxe that laboureth to eate of it So we haue lamentable experience of such men or rather Beasts as open not their own mouths but haue learned to shut the mouthes of others that would preach the gospell These are like to Amazia that proud Priest of Bethel that falsely informed the King against the true Prophet of God Amos and charged him to hold his peace a Amos 7. 10 12. hee sent to Ieroboam king of Israel saying Amos hath conspired against thee in the midst of the house of Israel the Land is not able to beare his words And hee saide to Amos O thou the Seer flee thou away into the Land of Iudah and there eate thy Bread and prophesy there but prophesie no more at Bethel for it is the Kinges Chappell and it is the Kings Court These are like to the cruell Priests and Prophets that suffered not b Ier. 26 8. 38 6. Ieremiah to publish the word of the Lord but stopped his mouth and clapt him vp in prison and if their rage had not bin repressed and their malice restrained they woulde not haue rested till they had put him to death and brought him to destruction He was as a silly Lambe in the iawes and clawes of blood-sucking Wolues and led vnto the slaughter hee sought not anie reuenge against them but onely said c Ier. 26 14. 15 As for me bohold I am in your hands do with me as ye thinke good and right but know ye for certaine that if ye put mee to death ye shall surely bring innocent blood vpon your selues and vpon this Citty and vpon the Inhabitants thereof for of a truth the Lord hath sent me vnto you to speak all these words in your eares These are like to the d Acts 4 17. and 5 28. chiefe Priest and Pharisies who threatned and charged the Apostles that they should thenceforth speake or teach no man in Christs name but they answeared We ought rather to obey God then men And againe Whether it be right in the sight of God to obey you rather then God iudge ye These are like to that ambitious Diotrephes mentioned by the Apostle Iohn in his third Epistle e 3 Iohn 9 10 who as hee loued to haue the preheminence among them so hee pratled against the true seruants of God with malicious words and not therewith content neither hee himselfe receiueth the Brethren but forbiddeth them that woulde receiue them and thrusteth them out of the Church It is an horrible sinne to take away the preaching of Gods word from men For whatsoeuer men pretend to excuse their sinne and what Figge leaues soeuer they patch together to couer their shame they are guilty of the destruction and damnation of so many soules as by them might haue bin instructed Iudas was guilty of an hainous sinne for betraying and deliuering the body of one innocent to a temporall death but these shall be arraigned of high treason against Iesus Christ who betray many thousand soules into the hands of Satan and throw them into the iawes of death euen of eternall death Such are the bloody Papists which deny the vse of the scriptures to the people and debarre them of the meanes of getting knowledge And such are all carnall Gospellers which thinke the preaching of the Gospel to be a needlesse and superfluous thing and account the people to haue sufficient so that they haue a praying Ministry alone and the seruice read distinctly among them Let vs therefore take heede that we doo not stoppe the course of the Gospell or put out the light that would shine into our hearts but rather further with all our power the trueth that God hath set vp among vs and spread abroad his sauing health that so glory may be gained to his name The fourth reproofe Lastly it reprooueth the neglect of employing the gifts of God bestowed vpon them that is in the people Whether God haue giuen vs spiritual graces or temporall blessings we must take heede how we vse them We are readie to heare and willing to learne the faults of the Ministers yea we can speak of them our selues and talke of them all day long wee can tell that some vse not their guifts to the good of the Church others abuse them to the hurt of the Church but neuer consider how themselues employ their owne guifts or what account they shall giue to God that hath bestowed them The benefite of them is not in hauing of them but in the vsing of them not in the enioying but in the employing not in the possessing but in the practising Not to vse them is all one as if we had them not For as the couetous man wanteth as well the things that he hath as those which he hath not so doo these sluggards receiue the grace of God in vaine which haue the vse
like to the Priestes c Num. 7 9. 2 Sam. 6 3. who beeing commaunded to beare the Arke vppon their owne Shoulders did set it vpon a Cart and draw it with Oxen. So ought the Ministers to feede their Flockes themselues and not put them to bee fed of others Some d Damasus epist 4. compare such foolish and idle Pastours that put ouer their charges to others vnto Harlots which so soone as they haue brought forth their Children by and by commit them to be kept and nourished of others that they may sooner giue themselues to their lusts againe Others resemble them to a e Espenc lib. 3. digress ad 1. Timoth. man that doth marry a Wife and being himselfe vnapt for generation or vnwilling to giue due beneuolence is content she become fruitfull and made the Mother of many Children by another Father so is he accounted and presumed to be as vaine a man who being espoused and married to a Church as a man to his Wife doth vse the help of others in getting spirituall Children vnto God Christ Iesus is the Shepheard f 1 Pet. 5 4. the cheefe and great Shepheard of the Sheepe all other Pastours are but his Seruants and Substitutes and therefore themselues being his Deputies they cannot make a Deputy no more then one Seruant discharge himselfe by another So then we must know that they can no more be saide to preach the Word that preach by others then to be resident that are resident by others or to bee godly that lead a godly life by others and thus they may be saued by others and themselues goe to Hell But as euery man is bound to liue godly himselfe so is euery Pastour bound to preach in his owne person This appeareth vnder the comparisons and similitudes of Builders Captaines Ambassadours Stewards and Shepheards which wee spake of before When a man hath made choyce of a skilfull and cunning Builder to build his house the Worke-man hath not done his duty if he put it out to bee finished by another When a Prince hath made choyce of a Generall to lead his Army against the Enemy he may not send another in his roome and himselfe sit idle at home but his alleageance bindeth him to goe in his owne person The like we might say of the rest Thus we haue seene at large that the loue betweene the Pastour and people ouerthroweth the ordinary absence without iust and conscionable causes the one from the other so that if the Minister would assure his owne heart that he loueth the sheepe which he hath taken vpon him to teach he must shew it by feeding them with the wholesome and heauenly pastures of the word of God Secondly it reprooueth such as outwardly are in sheepes cloathing but inwardly are rauening Wolues vnto the Flocke not carefull Pastours not louing Parents but such as haue no prouision no store no food no Bread of Life to breake vnto them but seeke to starue and famish them through want of Milke and meat to put in their mouthes If they be resident and remaine with them and yet doe not instruct them and preach vnto them it is all one as if they were absent from them If there be meat and drinke in the house and none set vpon the Table or giuen to the Children they may dye and perish for hunger These idle Drones are no better then Murtherers and Man-slayers nay Soule-slayers which is the greatest and most bloody Murther For as the Steward that should feede the bodies of such as are in the Family and pineth them to death is a Murtherer and the Nurse that vndertaketh the nourishing of the Childe and yet eyther through daintinesse or idlenesse or wilfulnesse will not draw out the breast but suffereth the Child to languish and perish is a Murtherer of the Childe so such as are Stewards of Gods house and Nurses of Gods people yet feede not their Soules but starue them to death are Bloud-suckers and Murtherers in the highest degree They are worse then the Canibals that liue vpon bloud for these liue vpon the soules of men and carry them head-long to Hell The Lord complaineth in the Prophet g Hos 4 6. That the people perish through want of knowledge Such as are blindely led doe fall into the Ditch with their blind Leaders The bloud of such as perish in their ignorance through want of teaching h Ezek. 3 18. shall be required at the Watch-mans hand The Prophet Dauid hauing the Water of the well of Bethlehem that he longed and lusted to tast brought vnto him i 2 Sam. 23 17 yet would not drinke thereof when he had it but poured it for an offering vnto the Lord because it was the bloud of the men that went in ieopardy of their liues O that these men would consider of their sinne and had a feeling of their iniquity that they eate and drinke the bloud of Men and maintaine themselues by the destruction of their soules Suppose he lead an vnblameable life giue good example to others keepe hospitality fill their bellies make peace among his Neighbours be able priuately to exhort and comfort them and to performe other common workes of Charity yet he hath not discharged the duty of a Minister vnlesse he preach vnto them diligently and faithfully and diuide the word of truth aright Vse 3. Lastly seeing the Minister and people ought to be as Father and Sonne this sheweth the duty of the people that are vnder their Ministery that they regard their Ministers as their Parents honouring them yeelding them due recompence esteeming them as Fellow-workers with God to beget them to Christ to turne them to Saluation to nourish them vp and continue them in the estate of Christ Nay we should account of them if it be possible more then of naturall Parents Of our Parents wee haue receiued onely to be Of our Ministers we haue receiued to be well Of our Parents we haue taken our first birth of our Ministers we haue obtained our second birth Of our Parents we haue beene brought into the World by Generation of our Ministers we haue bin brought into the Church by Regeneration Our first begetting was to death our second or new birth is to Life and Saluation By the first birth wee are Heires of Wrath by the second we are made the Sonnes of God So then if it be better for vs to be borne againe of Water and the Holy Ghost k Iohn 1 13. which cannot proceede from the will of the flesh nor from the will of Man but of God we ought to esteeme of those that are Instruments of our Regeneration as dearelie and tenderly as if they were our Parents and to say with the Apostle l Rom. 10 15 How beautifull are the Feete of them which bring glad tydings of pcace and bring glad tydings of good thinges Hence it is that he speaketh to the Thessalonians m 1 Thes 5 12 We
wisedome in the end be turned into folly our presumption into despaire our dallying with the word into destruction Thirdly wee are put in mind by this meanes of our regeneration to acknowledge the happy estate and condition of that Nation of that people of that parish to whome God hath vouchsafed the preaching of his word because it is a sure pledg proof of his loue toward them and a manifest argument and testimony that he hath a Church there to be gathered a people to be conuerted and many soules to be saued For euen as God withholdeth the meanes of saluation from those that he doth not determine to saue i 1 King 17 1. As he stayeth the heauens from raining vpon the earth when he will bring a famine so when he will shew mercy he wil send the meanes plentifully It was a great mercy to the Iewes when Christ called his Disciples k Math. 10 6. and bad them Go and preach to the lost sheepe of the house of Israel that the kingdom of heauen was at hand It was a great blessing intended to the Macedonians when a vision appeared to Paul in the night l Acts 19 6 10 and 18 10 11. There stood a man of Macedonia and prayed him saying Come into Macedonia and help vs whereby Paul was assured that the Lord had called him to preach the Gospell vnto them It was a great fauour bestowed vppon the Corinthians when the Lorde saide to Paul Feare not but speake and hold not thy peace for I am with thee and no man shall lay hands on thee to hurt thee for I haue much people in this City so he continued there a yeare and sixe months and taught the word of God among them Where the Lord telleth his seruant that he had people there whome he meant to saue and therefore he sent them his word to saue them yea he had much people there to saue and therefore the Apostle must bestow much time and diligence among them to bring them to saluation When God would preserue Moses out of the waters that might haue drowned him hee sent m Exod. 2 5. Pharaohs daughter to the Riuer to take vppe the Childe and to prouide for it who brought him vp at her owne cost So when God will saue a people from their sinnes and make them partakers of his Kingdome hee offereth vnto them the meanes he sendeth his word he giueth guiftes vnto his Ministers hee toucheth their hearts with a Conscience of their duties and causeth them to preach vnto them that so they might be conuerted and saued If God haue thus blessed vs and bestowed this mercy vpon vs which he hath denied to many places and persons n Amos 4 7. causing it to raine vpon one Cittie and not vpon another Cittie so that one peece was rained vppon and the peece vvhereupon it rained not vvithered Let vs therefore acknowledge this goodnesse and walke worthy of this benefit least the Gospell bee remoued from vs and giuen vnto another Nation that will bring forth the fruites of it When the Gospell was offered vnto the Iewes o Acts 18 6. and they resisted blasphemed the Apostle shooke his raiment and saide vnto them Your blood be vpon your owne head I am cleane from henceforth will I go vnto the Gentiles It had beene better for vs we had neuer had the word preached among vs then to haue it offred and we not regard it It shall bee easier for the Turkes and Sarazens in the day of judgement then for vs for if they shall be condemned that neuer had the truth of God among them and knewe not what the preaching of it meaneth much more iustly shall we perish that haue had the Gospell taught in our streets and brought vnto our doores and Christ Iesus described in our sight and among vs crucified Let vs therefore take heede that the Gospell be not the sauour of death to death vnto vs and that Christ be not a rocke of offence to stumble at least if we fall on him he grind vs to peeces and to powder Vse 2 Secondly seeing the word preached is the meanes whereby we are regenerated it teacheth the Minister to be careful to exercise his duty with faithfulnesse and seruiceablenesse to Christ and his Church Heereby he shal deliuer his owne soule gaine glory to God and turne many vnto righteousnesse This made the Apostle say p 1 Tim. 4 15 16. 1 Cor. 4 1. 2 Cor. 4 5 6. We preach not our selues but Christ Iesus the Lord and our selues your seruants for Iesus sake The Lord Iesus himselfe went about all Citties and Townes preaching the Gospell and healing the sicke The Apostle Paule saith of himselfe q 1 Cor. 6 19. A necessity is laide vpon me and woe vnto mee if I preach not the Gospell And thus he exhorteth the Elders of Ephesus Take heede vnto your selues and to all the flocke whereof the Holy-Ghost hath made you Ouer-seers to feede the Church of God which hee hath purchased with his owne blood Acts 20 28. It is his dutie to be well studied in the word of God to exercise himselfe carefully in the reading thereof that he may be able to declare the same vnto the people He must be as a plentifull Store-house of all necessary prouision that they may resort to him and seeke the Lawe at his mouth For how shall he be able to teach another that which hee himselfe hath not learned Or how shall he deliuer that which himselfe neuer receyued Neither is it enough for him to seeke knowledge himselfe and to keepe continually in his study till he become as r Greenh part 4. Sermon 4. one saith as a Tun that wil not sound being full when one knocketh vpon it but he must come foorth and preach the word of God and deliuer wholsome doctrine and declare by feeding the flocke of Christ that hee loueth his Maister and the Maister of the Sheepe whose seruant he professeth himselfe to be This is it which the Apostle Peter teacheth Å¿ 1 Pet. 5 2 3 4 Feede the flocke of God which dependeth vpon you caring for it not by constraint but willingly not for filthy lucre but of a ready minde not as though ye were Lords ouer Gods heritage but that ye may be ensamples to the flocke and when that cheefe Shepheard shall appeare ye shall receiue an incorruptible crowne of glory If we do not thus labour but loyter in the Lords Vineyard we cannot assure our selues to be the Ministers of the Lord but robbers and spoylers nay murtherers and man-slayers who do not onely eate the sins of the people and fill our bellies with the sweat of other mens browes but make a prey of their soules and expose them to bee destroyed and deuoured of their enemies When the great day of the Lord shall come and the great Shepheard of the Sheepe shall appeare and a great account of our Stewardshippe
earth and licke vp the dust of thy feet That is they shall reuerence and serue Christ and his Church and they shall account it no dishonour vnto them to do any good to the Saints All these Testimonies serue as so many proofes to witnesse this truth that wee must account this our condition that we are all as Seruants to doe seruice to our Brethren and to imploy our selues and best endeuours to do them good according to their wants Reason 1. The reasons follow which will cause this Doctrine to sinke deeper into vs and make the truth appeare without all gaine-saying First whatsoeuer gifts are bestowed vppon vs to this end they are bestowed to profit with all to helpe one another and to edifie that body whereof we are members We are all Fellow-members of one body and therefore are bound to releeue and refresh our Brethren Euery member serueth one another are for the whole Nature it selfe in other things teacheth vs this duty The Sunne as the eye of the World shineth not for it selfe it yeildeth not heat for it selfe but for others The clouds which are as the bottels of heauen do not drop down raine for themselues but for others The earth which is as the Mother of these inferiour things bringeth forth Hearbs and Grasse and Fruit and Corne for the vse of man and not for it owne benefit This comparison drawne from the members of the body seruing one another and euery one caring for the whole is often vrged by the Apostle He teacheth that p Rom. 12 4 5. and 1 Cor. 12 20 25 26. As wee haue many Members in one Bodie and all Members haue not one office so we beeing many are one Bodie in Christ and euerie one one anothers Members And in another place There are many Members yet but one Bodie the Members should haue a care one of another least there should be any diuision in the Bodie Therefore if one Member suffer all suffer with it if one Member be had in honour all the Members reioyce with it If then one of the Members of our naturall body be ready to doe seruice to the other to the whole it should be our care to do the like that are of the Mysticall body of Christ Iesus from whom as from the head we receiue all influence of spirituall grace necessary to saluation Reason 2. Secondly it is our duty to follow the example of our Lord and Maister Christ Iesus he came to serue not to be serued to Minister not to be ministred vnto to redeeme not to rule This our Sauiour preached to his Disciples when they began to thinke of Lordship and to disdaine one another q Mar. 10 43 44. Whosoeuer will be great among you shall be your Seruant and whosoeuer will bee cheefe of you shall be the Seruant of all for euen the Son of man came not to bee serued but to serue and to giue his life for the ransome of many Where hee sheweth that the way to true honour is to serue so that the greater seruice we doe to the Brethren the greater honour we shall receiue at the handes of God The greater our seruice is the greater shall be our reward when euery one shall receiue according vnto his work This we see farther strengthned vnto vs in the example of Christ who humbled himselfe to wash his disciples feete and to wipe them with a Towell being washed and saide vnto them r Iohn 13 4 12 13 14 15. Know ye what I haue done vnto you Ye call me Maister and Lord and ye say well for so am I if I then your Lord and Maister haue washed your feet ye ought also to wash one anothers feete for I haue giuen you an example that ye should do euen as I haue done to you the Seruant is not greater then his Maister nor the Ambassadour greater then he that sent him We are taught to set Christ the most absolute example before our eyes to learne humblenesse of minde and the duty of seruice one to another we must consider him in his glory and in his humilitie First in his glory as our King as our head as our Lord and as our Maister then in his humility as abased and humbled in our Flesh vnto death euen to the death of the Crosse When we haue done this then we are thus to reason with our selues hath Christ in his great glory cast downe himselfe for my sake and ought not I if I were the highest vpon earth stoope downe to my equals Ought not I that am his Subiect his body his Disciple his Seruant to serue the necessities of my Fellow-seruants Thus the Apostle commending Loue to the Saints and meeknes of minde leadeth vs to Christ Å¿ Phil. 2 4 5 6 Looke not euery man on his owne thinges but euery Man also on the thinges of other Men let the same minde be in you that was euen in Christ Iesus who being in the forme of GOD thought it no robberie to be equall with GOD he made himselfe of no reputation he tooke on him the forme of a Seruant hee humbled himselfe and became obedient vnto the death If then we looke vnto Christ Iesus the Authour and Finisher of our Saluation we haue him as a perfect example without blemish and as a pure Glasse without staine to looke vpon who in the greatest glorie hath shewed the greatest abasement in the greatest honor he hath set before vs the greatest humility Reason 3. Thirdly true Religion consisteth in ministring to the Saints in helping and succouring of the poore in imploying himselfe to the good of others as a Candle that spendeth wasteth it selfe to giue light to them that are in the house It consisteth not in bare knowledge but in practise not in an idle Faith but in the fruits of loue This the Prophet Esay sheweth and sets down t Esay 58 10. If thou poure out thy Soule to the hungry and refresh the troubled soule then shal thy light spring out in the darkenesse and thy darkenesse shall be as the noone day And the Lord shall guide thee continually he shall satisfie thy Soule in drought he shall make fat thy bones so that thou shalt be like a watered Garden and like a Spring of Water whose Waters faile not Meaning that they which releeue the poore and comfort such as are comfortlesse their light shall neuer bee put out but shine for euer God will be their comfort in the day of trouble and he will recompence aboundently their good workes Seeing then the giufts u 1 Cor. 12 7. that we haue are giuen to euery man to profit his Fellow-members withall seeing we are to tread in the steps of our blessed Sauiour Iesus Christ and seeing the truth of Religion standeth in the fruits of loue we may conclude necessarily the former Doctrine that we ought to account it no disgrace vnto vs to abase our selues to do seruice and to Minister
soeuer our places how simple soeuer our persons how base soeuer our conditions are we haue as good a title and as great an interest in the death and passion of Christ as they that shine in the world that are clad in Purple and fare deliciously euery day And as these haue redemption by him so God affordeth to them the meanes of saluation as wel as the mightiest Monarkes vpon the earth The poore man hath the word of God offered to him reade vnto him and preached vnto him as well as the rich he hath the Sacraments of God prouided for him as well as for them that are of high place he may pray vnto God as freely as comfortably as chearefully as the great men of the earth and he hath a gracious promise to be heard and respected as well as they Though thou farest hardly and meanly at home k Prou. 9 2. Math. 22 1. yet God hath prepared thee a feast and biddeth thee to his Table richly furnished and plentifully stored with all prouision Though thou do not iet vp and down in Silks and Veluets and hast no gorgeous attire to put on yet God hath l Rom. 13 14 prouided thee a better garment he giueth thee his owne sonne to put on and clotheth thee with his righteousnesse which shall couer all thy shame that thy nakednesse shall neuer appeare in his sight So then seeing God accepteth no mans person seeing Christ vouchsafeth to call vs Bretheren and lastly seeing the faithfull haue redemption by his bloode it followeth necessarilie that our Christian Religion and Faith in Christ doe make all persons after a sort equall as Bretheren and Sisters of one and the same Father and Family and Ioynt-heyres of one and the same Kingdome that is immortall and neuer fadeth Vse 1 The Vses of this Doctrine are many putting vs in minde of sundrie good duties First seeing that in Christ who is the elder brother of the house we are al made Brethren and Sisters together hauing one Father which is God one Mother which is the Church one inheritance which is heauen it is our duty being neerely ioyned by so strong bands and in so fast and firme a society to loue one another to seeke the good one of another and to cut off all occasions of discord and diuision that may arise among vs. For shal such as are members of one body be diuided one against another Or shal such as are the deare Children of the same Father nourish hatred and hart-burning among themselues Or shall such as are parts of the same family foster mallice in their hearts and follow contentions and emulations to the ruine one of another My Brethren we see these things are but these things ought not so to be How shall God be our common Father if wee liue not together as louing Brethren Or how shall he call vs his children if we behaue our selues as strangers or enemies one to another This Brotherly loue is the roote of all good duties to be performed where it is wanting there is nothing but strife and sedition and all manner of euill workes This is the old commandement m Leuit. 19 18 That we loue our Neighbors as our selues This is the new commandement giuen vnto vs n Iohn 13 34 That we loue one another Seeing therefore there is one body and one spirit one Faith and one Father one Church and one Baptisme let vs support one another by loue and endeuour to keep the vnity of the spirit in the bond of peace This is it which the Apostle prooueth when he hath shewed o Colos 3 11 12 13. That there is neither Grecian nor Iew neither circumcision nor vncircumcision Barbarian Scythian bond free but Christ is all and in all things he addeth As the elect of God holy and beloued put on the bowelles of mercies kindnesse humblenesse of mind meeknes long-suffering forbearing one another and forgiuing one another if any man haue a quarrell vnto another euen as Christ forgaue euen so do ye and aboue all these thinges put on loue which is the bond of perfectnesse When a Controuersie contention arose in the houses of Abraham and Lot among their seruantes though there were a great difference and disparity between them yet Abraham saide p Gen. 13 8. Exodus 2 13. Acts 7 26. Let there bee no strife I pray thee between thee me neither between thy Heardmen my Herdmen for we are Brethren This is that whereof the Prophet putteth vs in mind and offereth to our consideration q Psal 133 1 3 Behold how good and comely a thing it is Brethren to dwell euen together there the Lorde hath appointed the blessing of life for euer To this purpose the Apostle saith r Ro. 12 10 11 Be affectioned to loue one another with Brotherly loue in giuing honour go one before anothee not sloathfull to doe seruice feruent in spirit seruing the Lord. It cannot bee denied but many occasions of iarres and ianglings arise among men and the more they are giuen to the world the more they are wrapped and intangled in them the lesse desire and delight they haue to be loosed from them Hee that is giuen to contention shall alwayes feede himselfe vpon it and neuer want matter to keepe him in it But would we know what is the cause of so much hatred malice that remaineth among vs Heereupon it ariseth euen from hence that we forget that we are Brethren and do all looke for one and the same inheritance Vse 2 Secondly seeing the Gospell of Christ teacheth vs to account our selues as brethren albeit it take not away the degrees of persons the differences of Callings it serueth as a good instruction to all Superiors to vse all mildnesse and moderation patience and meekenesse towards those that are their Inferiours and placed vnder them and to teach them not to contemne and abhorre them not to despise and disdaine them For howsoeuer there be one way a great inequality betweene them in matters of this world and in the things of this life inasmuch as God set superiors aboue vs in an higher place and requireth subiection reuerence and obedience of those that are beneath yet in another respect they are matches and equals hauing a like portion in Christ and a like interrest in the meanes of saluation Wee see in many things of this life the Lord maketh no difference betweene high low betweene Prince and people True it is their foode is daintier but are their bodies stronger Their attyre is costlier and their apparrell finer but are they kept the warmer They may haue greater helpe of the Physitians but can they deliuer them from death They may haue a more costly Coffin a a more sumptuous Tombe and a greater train following them to the graue but can these things helpe the soule No no the Prophet is plaine and experience shoulde make vs able to see it and wise to
haue practised nor the example of the Church at Hierusalem hath warranted To this Pestilent and poysoned Sect of detestable Heretiques we may ioyne as Cozin-Germans those mischieuous and miserable Male-contents that hold in word the lawfulnesse of priuate possession but follow in practise the vnlawfulnesse of more then an Anabaptisticall communion These are they that bring discontent to see others enioy more then themselues endeuour by vnlawfull and vngodlie actions to bring in an equality of all thinges pulling downe Hedges filling vp of Ditches burning of Houses remoouing of Markes breaking downe Fences digging downe Enclosures dispaling and disparking the boundes of Landes and laying all things common as they did in the Insurrection of f In the raigne of Richard the second Wat Tyler Iacke Straw and many others which we haue seene or heard done in our daies yea many idle and disordered people hoped and looked for a commotion in the latter daies of our late Soueraigne For as Esau hating his Brother and thirsting after the murther of him thought in his mind g Gen. 27 41. The dayes of mourning for my Father will come shortlie then will I slay my Brother Iacob so these ryotus routs of Rebels intending to fish in troubled waters and minding to make a prey of the richer sort said among themselues The daies of mourning for Queen Elizabeth will come shortly then we shall haue enough then we shall make the Chur●…es pay for all then we will want nothing that is to be had Let vs take heed of such vngratious person as begin a conspiracy and lay the foundation of an Insurrection Though they call vs to come with them and would haue vs to ioyne in league with them let vs beware we cast not in our lot among them nor walke in the way with them for their feete run to euill and their broad paths are the beaten paths of death Vse 2. Secondlie seeing euery man hath a state in his own goods it teacheth vs this duty that we ought to be content with that portion which we haue be it more or lesse be it small or great be it a simple or a worthy portion and to be by all meanes thankfull for it considering with our selues that the difference of places Lands Possessions with the properties thereof be of God and are to be acknowledged as his guift True it is men do sometimes encrease their wealth by vnlawfull meanes by robbing and wronging of others to their owne condemnation but then they want comfort and peace in the possessing of them they cannot say they eate their owne Bread they cannot esteeme God to be their helper Let vs hate such wicked shifts and renounce from our hearts all deceitfull dealing Let vs seeke for a blessing vpon our labour at his handes that is the disposer of all thinges in Heauen and Earth Let vs learne h 1 Tim. 6 6 7 8. That godlinesse is great gaine if a Man bee content with that he hath for we brought nothing into the World and it is certaine that we can carry nothing out therefore when wee haue food and rayment let vs therewith be content This is it which the Apostle teacheth Heb. 13. i Heb. 13 5 6. Let your conuersation be without couetousnesse and be content with those thinges that yee haue for hee hath saide I will not fayle thee neither forsake thee so that wee may boldly say The Lord is mine helper neyther will I feare what man can doe vnto me Wee shall neuer deale faithfully with the goods of other men nor for Conscience sake abstaine from wrong and Iniustice vntill we rest contented in our hearts with things present and depend by Faith vpon Gods prouidence knowing that hee hath by his gracious promise bounde and charged himselfe with vs and for vs in all thinges necessarie as well for our bodies as for our soules He is a mighty God and a mercifull Father that neuer fayleth nor forsaketh his Children that trust in him that call vnto him that depend vpon him If this Faith be in vs it will swallow vp many cares and consume many feares which distract and distemper vnbeleeuers in this life Let not our heart thercfore be addicted to Couetousnesse nor let vs suffer our selues to be carried away from God by the greedy and gaping desire of Riches nor seeke to augment them abound in them by vnlawful means nor possesse them with vexation of mind or with affiance in them But let vs rest in our seuerall Callings and conditions of life with contentation and a quiet Conscience not swelling in heart or disquieting our selues in vaine with longing after an higher state and standing then the Lord hath allotted and allowed vnto vs. If once our affections ouer-flowe the bankes of our present conditions so that we cannot vse with thankfulnesse that which we haue receiued we can neuer be perswaded to bee contented but wee will not stick now and then to borrow of the Law of equity shifting prouiding for our selues what wayes wee can without difference and breaking out into vnhonest and vnorderly courses without conscience Let vs therefore k Rules to be remembred to worke in vs contentation for our better instruction in this point lay vp in our hearts these few Rules followes to worke in vs contentation First that all of vs enioy more then we deserue and can iustly challenge at the hands of God If we would haue a crum of bread wee must craue it of him and say l Math. 6 11. Giue vs this day our daily bread Secondly that we oftentimes doe want outward thinges because we esteeme no more of inward graces and spirituall blessings We haue no promise of God to bestow vpon vs earthly gifts any farther then we aske by praier and seeke by faith heauenly things according to the saying of Christ m Math. 6 33. First seeke the Kingdome of God and his righteousnesse and all these thinges shall be ministred vnto you It is therefore Gods great iudgement vpon such gracelesse and thanklesse men as contemne these thinges that belong to a better life that oftentimes they are brought to feele the want of the transitory things of this life Thirdlie that it is a great subtiltie and pollicy of Sathan to inueigle and intangle our mindes with the desire of such benefits as we want thereby to cause vs to murmure and to mooue vs to distrust for them and to disgrace the present benefits which we enioy and so to prouoke vs to be vnthankefull The people of Israell abounded plentifully in many great blessinges in the Wildernesse and tasted liberally of Gods goodnesse yet n Exod. 14 11 and 15 23. 16 2. 17 2. when they suffered the least want of Water or Bread and had not their lusts satisfied at their owne desire they did breake out into impatiency of spirit and forgate the mighty works that he had done for them Their present want made them to
hath beene his Maister This will be the behauiour of all such as haue felt the burthen of their sinnes and beene humbled vnder the heauy stroke of Gods hand and felt the vnsearchable depth of the sore festering and fretting within them They are the onely men that know what necessary vse there is of the Ministers to search their wounds to raise vp with comfort to binde vppe the broken-hearted and strengthen them that are weake and ready to fall As for those that neuer knew what the Nature of sinne is nor felt the intollerable burthen of it but thinke themselues sound and not sicke heart-whole and not diseased Liuing men by Nature and not dead in sinnes and trespasses they take themselues to bee in good case according to the saying of Christ our Sauiour h Math. 9 12. The whole neede not the Phisitian but they that are sicke Thus then we see how we may proue our selues whether we be in the Faith or not euen by the good estimation that we haue of such as are the bringers of it Secondly we may gather from hence that the greatest part of the world lyeth deepely and dangerously in condemnation because such hath been the vnthankefulnesse thereof toward the Ministers and Messengers of Saluation that bring glad tydings of peace vnto vs that it neuer respected them or gaue them any reuerence We see this by the examples of the Prophets of the Apostles and of Christ himselfe So long as men resolue to entertaine their sinnes so long they will neuer bee willing to entertaine the Preachers of the Gospell whose Office is to beat downe the Kingdome of sinne and Sathan and to set vp the Kingdome of Christ Iesus in the harts of Men. When Herod was determined to keepe his Brothers Wife i Math. 14 4 5 he could not abide to heare Iohn preach vnto him but committed him to prison It is an euident signe of a corrupt conscience and of a prophane hart to account vilely of those whom God hath highly aduanced The Ministers of the Gospell were neuer so much hated scorned and abhorred they are made a common reproach and by-word for euery base Fellow they are set forth as vppon a Stage or Scaffold to be derided of euery Man k 1. Cor. 4 13. They are made as the filth of the world and the off-scowring of all things vnto this time If this be the estate of the Ministers wee may giue a true iudgement in what estate the cause of Religion standeth among vs and what harbour it findeth with the men of this age Such as esteeme of the Ministers as the filth and off-scowring of the earth doe also account the knowledge of the word as the Dregges and drauery of all other thinges Such as respect not those that are the meanes of faith will also reiect faith it selfe The Ministers of the word and true Religion grow vp as two Plants together so long as the one is countenanced and vpholden so long the other will flourish and spread abroad and prosper But if the Ministers that are as the Lordes Gardiners or the dressers of his Vine be euilly intreated maliciously slandered despightfully handled and scornefullie reproached Religion it selfe beginneth to faint and to languish and cannot long goe free Let vs know therefore by this signe the sicknesse of this age and the dangerous declining of all good things There cannot be a more certaine token of the ruine of the Church then when we see the maine posts and cheefe pillers thereof set at naught It is an easie matter to giue iudgement what will be the issue of this disease it is no hard thing to feele the pulses of this Generation and to tell them that the very pangs of death are vpon them so long as the spirituall Phisitions of their Soules are base in their eyes that desire nothing more then to recouer them out of that desperate consumption into which they are fallen There is no man hath his vitall Spirits so farre spent and the naturall heat so much wasted but is willing to heare of a Physition that is able and willing to set him on foote againe and to restore his strength vnto him that hee had before But we are become so senselesse or shamelesse and so dead in our sinnes that we haue no desire of health nor seeke after any spirituall Surgeons or Phisitions to looke vnto vs in time of sicknes There is no disease without cure if men of knowledge be enquired after who haue the tongue of the learned to minister a word in due season Vse 2. Secondly as this Doctrine serueth to teach so it is profitable to reprooue diuers sorts of men but I will onely touch these three The first reproofe First it maketh against fuch as make a bad and base account of the Ministers of God and think they owe no dutie to their Pastours but reckon them as their Vassals and Seruants suppose that they are bound to please them and follow their humours and account their Teachers beholden vnto them for vouchsafing to heare them as crediting their Ministery by their presence It must not therefore seeme a strange thing vnto vs when we see the Ambassadours of God contemned when we heare them reuiled and all manner of euill done to their persons We know our calling to be of GOD acceptable in his sight and precious with all faithfull men Wee are the sweete l 2 Cor. 2 15. sauour of God as well in them that perrish as in them that are saued we know that m 1 Cor. 1 24. howsoeuer the preaching of the Word be a stumbling blocke to the Iewes and foolishnesse to the Graecians and both a stumbling blocke and foolishnesse to the filthy Libertines and carnall Gospellers yet to them that are effectuallie called it is the power of God and the wisedome of God We know what Christ hath pronounced of our Ministery so long as we deliuer the truth of God Luke 10 16. n Luke 10 16 He that heareth you heareth me and hee that despiseth you despiseth me and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me If a Man abuse an Ambassadour of a Prince and set him at naught it is reputed and reuenged as a disgrace and dishonour done to the Prince himselfe so if we shall abase and disgrace the Ministers of the Gospell which are the Messengers of God we shall neuer escape without punishment but bring vpon our selues swift damnation Is not he a godlesse and vngracious Childe that mocketh and despiseth his Father after the example of curssed Cham o Gen. 9 22. who tasted of Gods wrath for this contempt The Lord pronounceth a fearefull threatning against this fearefull sinne The eye p Prou. 30 17. that mocketh his Father and despiseth the instruction of his Mother let the Rauens of the valley picke it out and the young Eagles eate it In like manner he is an vngodly and vnregenerate hearer that controlleth and
mee and hath embraced this present world and is departed vnto Thessalonica Lastly he reckoneth vp Luke to wit the Euangelist who came to Rome as a Companion with Paule as we read Acts 28 14. and is named in the Epistle to the Colossians Å¿ Colos 4 14. Luke the beloued Physitian greeteth you Hee was a Physitian by profession and after his conuersion he accompanied Paul in his greatest dangers Of these men heere described wee might speake much and handle their liues at large t Centu. 1. lib. 2. cap. 10. castig addit in lib. 2. centu 1. but this is doone by others and this may suffice for the Interpretation of these verses We heard in the beginning of this Epistle that Paule ioyned Timothy to him as a ioynt Writer thereof and directeth it to others besides to Philemon that they might bee meanes and Mediatours vnto him so in the winding vp of the Epistle hee hath mustered together many others by all which he setteth vppon Philemon as it were with an Army of Intercessers and Aduocates to soften and ouercome his greeued and offended minde and to encline him to mercie and compassion The time when this Epistle written Moreouer this salutation giueth vs some direction of the time when this Epistle was written Touching the which time there is some difference among the learned Some are of opinion that this Epistle was written after the second that hee wrote to Timothy and this reason is rendered because in that Epistle it appeareth that Timothy and Marke were not with him and hee willeth them to make speede to come vnto him z 2 Tim. 4 9 11. Onely Luke is with mee Take Marke and bring him with thee for hee is profitable vnto me to Minister But in this Epistle it is euident that these men were come vnto him Seeing therefore there hee sendeth for them and heere they are found to be with him it should seeme that this Epistle is Written after the other This is the Reason vrged a Illyr in argum huius Epistol by many which seemeth to be of great force to perswade But if we diligently marke it and throughly consider of it we shall finde it to be too weake to beare the waight of this conclusion For this present Epistle as also that to the Colossians was written when hee was first taken the second to Timothy when he was taken the second time For Paul hauing appealed to Caesar from the partial dealing of the High-Priests and the cruell persecution of his owne nation was brought to Rome in the beginning of Neroes raigne about the thirde or fourth yeare thereof Now it is euident and knowne to all that Nero in the fiue first yeares was one of the most milde and mercifull Princes and as in his last yeares hee exceeded all men in Tyranny and Crueltie so in his first b Sueto in Neron hee passed all his predecessors in Mercie and Gentlenesse In the beginning of his Empyre Paule pleaded his cause before him and was deliuered out of prison and let go whether he would But the rage of the enemies of the Gospell being endlesse hee was taken againe about the end of Neroes raigne who waxed madde against Christian Religion at which time hee wrote the latter Epistle to Timothy wherein he fore-telleth the approaching of his death and the time of his dissolution c 2 Tim. 4 6. I am now ready to be offered and the time of my departing is at hand Thus much touching the time when this Epistle was written Generall Obseruations pointed out in these verses Now let vs point out some generall Obseruations out of these Verses that might be enlarged and farther stood vpon if time would serue First we see the Apostle setteth down a salutation proceeding from others which teacheth that salutations are an ordinary meanes ordained of God to nourish and cherrish mutuall loue and that vnion and coniunction which the members of Christs body haue one with another who are onely in body in regard of bodily presence seuered one from another in this present life whereas in heart they are ioyned together and shall bee heereafter both in soule and body Secondly albeit the Apostle were a prisoner for the faithes sake yet God doth not leaue him alone hee hath A Fellow-prisoner ioyned with him and many Fellow-helpers added vnto him And albeit hee delighteth not himselfe in the imprisonment of another but could rather wish him deliuered as appeareth by his words to Agrippa who saide he was almost perswaded to become a Christian d Acts 26 28 29. I woulde to God that not onely thou but also all that heare mee to day were both almost and altogether such as I am except these bondes yet notwithstanding the Company of the Godly is gracious and comfortable both in prosperitie and in aduersity both in prison and out of prison Thus it is set downe by Luke Acts 16 25. when Paul was whipped and imprisoned and his feet made fast in the stockes he had Silas ioyned with him and they two spent the night in praying and praising God togither teaching admonishing themselues in Psalmes and Hymnes and spirituall songs singing with a grace in their hearts to the Lord so that the prisoners hearde them Thus we see the endlesse Mercie of God towards his afflicted and distressed Seruants hee rayseth them vp some comfort and some Comforters verifying the promise made to his Church If I depart I will send the Comforter vnto you Hee knoweth our infirmities hee seeth how readie we are to yeeld and slide back therefore as he strengthneth vs by others so he maketh vs meanes to strengthen others Thirdly hee calleth Epaphras a prisoner of Christ as hee also had called himselfe before in the beginning of this Epistle The reason is because he had preached Christ Heereby we learne that persecutions oftentimes follow the sincere preaching of the Gospell not that it is the propertie of the Gospell but the cause is the malice of such as will not embrace and receiue the Gospell and therefore they hate and persecute those that beleeue in Christ and giue entertainment to the Gospell This is it our Sauiour teacheth Mat. 10 34 35. Thinke not that I am come to send peace into the earth I came not to send peace but the sworde for I am come to set a Man at variance against his Father and the Daughter against the Mother c. and a mans enemies shall be they of his owne houshold To this purpose he speaketh in another place g Luke 12 49. I am come to put fire on the earth and what is my desire if it be already kindled The Gospell is the proper cause of peace among the godly so it is the occasion of great troble among the wicked They are therefore much deceiued that make the Gospell the cause of all diuision and hurly-burlies that are in the Worlde When any troubles arise the preaching