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A17705 The sermons of M. Iohn Caluin, vpon the Epistle of S. Paule too the Ephesians. Translated out of French into English by Arthur Golding; Sermons de Jean Calvin sur l'Épistre S. Paul apostre aux Éphésiens. English Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606. 1577 (1577) STC 4448; ESTC S122384 680,244 732

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hold plea as much as they list but if they enter intoo themselues and aske their owne consciences yee shall see them condemned and confounded without any nay When a man hath babled what he can so as he thinkes he hath wonne the gole by saying that he hath no free will of his owne nor abilitie too resist God there needeth no more but thys one woorde what thinkest thou too bee the thing that prouoketh thee too euill Ho it is the diuell Thou sayest well But yit marke a little whether that dooth so fully excuze thee as that thou perceyuest not ryght well that thou wart stirred vp and driuen too it by thine owne selfmouing knowest thou not that the welspring and roote of the mischiefe is in thy selfe When thou art so rebellious ageinst God that thy thoughtes are full of vntruth and vnbeleefe and that so much the more bycause thy lustes are out of square and imbattelled ageinst God and his rightuousnesse euen too make warre with him when thou seest all this must thou yit hold plea further with him So then let vs not seeke any starting holes seyng wee carie a sufficient iudge with vs euen within vs namely seyng that euery of our owne consciences rebuketh vs That is the thing that S. Paule amed at in this streyne And thereby wee also are war●ed not too presume aught at all on our selues but too brydle all our senses and imaginations and all the vnderstanding and reason which wee weene our selues too haue For vntill wee haue so renounced our selues it is certeine that we shall neuer bee meete too apply our selues too the seruing of God. And S. Paule sayeth expresly that those whom God hath quickened are by that meanes made felowes with our Lord Iesus Chryst for it is euen he in whom they haue theyr lyfe Trew it is that we● ought too seeke it in Gods being howbeeit forasmuch as that is too hygh for vs so as wee cannot come at it no nor any thing nere it therfore our Lord Iesus is called the way And he offereth himself and tary●th not till wee seeke him as though he weere farre from vs but reacheth out his armes too allure vs too him insomuch that in his Gospel he sayeth if any man bee a●hirst let him come vnto mee and drink And this is fulfilled in his person as hath bin said erewhiles So then let this speeche bee marked where S. Paule sayeth that those which were dead afore were quickened agein by Iesus Christ. And heere wee see yit better the thing that I touched shortly this morning which is that S. Paule speaketh not of a visible death wherof men may iudge by outward syght but of the corruption that is in our souls for he fyndeth fault with vs all How then may wee atteyne too the heauenly lyfe How shall we bee rayzed quickened agein to possesse the heri●age that is promised vs Wee see on the contrarie part how wee bee subiect too as many miseries as can bee This therfore must needs bee ment of the newnesse of lyfe which he speaketh of in other places Now it is certein that this lyfe is not yit perfeet in vs there is but a little enterance of it which serueth too leade vs further and too bring vs too the end which shal bee when wee bee come too the full glorie that he speaketh of heere And wee see also how S. Paule setting himself foorth for an example alledgeth that he had giuen ouer all things for our Lord Iesus Christes sake yea and euen the fond opinion which he had of his owne ryghtuousnesse insomuch that although men esteemed him as a little Angell yit notwithstanding he knewe that it behoued him too bee saued by Gods free grace in Iesus Christ. And in sted of all his honour and riches he had suffred so many reproches so many tortures so many beatings and so many imprisonings that a man would haue said he had bin lyfted vp aboue the world and yit notwithstanding he addeth not that I am yit come too my marke but I streyne my self foreward and forget the tyme that is past For if I stay vppon the things I haue done alredy saying I haue ouercome so many incounters I haue delt thus valeantly I haue not ceassed too preach the Gospell euery where I haue wrought in such wyse that the frute of my doct●ine is come to the whole world I haue passed the sea I haue bin among barbarus nations where God and his Gospel were neuer erst heard of I haue had a number of lets and haue ouercome them all I haue incountered with thus manie enemyes and haue got the vpper hand of them all If S. Paule say I had had all these considerations with him he had become cold for it is an easye matter with vs too shrink away when wee once think with our selues 〈◊〉 I haue doone ynough for my part now let others marche on in their aray And so euery of vs woold take his leaue when he had some thing or other I ●ot not what But S. Paule sayth that he forgets the tyme past too the intent too cut of occasion of slothfullnesse which myght come in his head and sayeth that he streyneth him self foreward and holdeth his armes opē too atteyne vnto it And how long tyme did S. Paule streyne himselfe foreward Euen too the end Then let vs mark well that our glorie shall neuer bee perfect that is too say wee shall neuer throughly inioy the glorie that wee wayt for vntill the end And therefore it behoueth vs alwayes too take warning of our owne wretchednesse too moorne for it before God and too confesse that wee be beholden too his only goodnesse for all things Now then howsoeuer wee fare wee see that we be reformed vnto newnesse of lyfe by Gods spirit and that although wee dwell among vnbeleeuers bee subiect too manie miseries yea and haue sin dwelling in vs yit there is none of vs but he feeleth that the handsells which God hath giuen vs of his holie spirit are not vayne nor vnprofitable If any man alledge that before such tyme as Iesus Christ woork in vs wee haue alredye some lyfe as is seene answer was made shortly this morning that forasmuch as all that euer men haue by nature is not able too bring them vntoo God but maketh them too rest vppon this world none of it ought too bee made account of when the heauenly lyfe commeth in question Then let men calp their hands at vs on all syds yit are wee but dead men when God layeth the brydle looce in our necks and suffereth vs too walk after our owne fancie and lyking Man may well haue some reason but what can it doo so long as it is in the owne nature It will fyght ageinst God and ageinst all truthe Yit notwithstanding man say they hath a will howbeeit that the same will bee wicked Trew it is as I haue sayd alredye that it hathe no strength
vppon that stryng But let vs learne too humble our selues with a good will and as I sayd afore let vs consider that Saynt Paule blameth mens nature shewing that all of vs from the greatest too the least are plundged euen too the bottom of hel vntyll God plucke vs backe agein And therwithall let vs consider all the enormities that are doone through the whole world and conclude that we our selues should doo as much if God shewed vs not his mercie and let the same stirre vs vp too brydle our selues least wee ouershoote our selues at some tyme and seeing it hath pleased God too drawe vs vntoo him let vs not turne backe agein too meddle with the leawdnesse of the vnbeleeuers And no wonder though they stumble tumble and reele too fro for they haue no lyght to direct them by But our Lord shyneth vppon vs● by his woord and giueth vs eyes by his holy spirt and therfore let vs eschew too bee lyke them as S. Paule exhorteth vs heere Heereuntoo he addeth the toppe of al mischeef which is that men go astray after their owne kynd continew in going outward from woorse too woorse and foade themselues with flatterie wherby they cast their consciences into such a sleepe as they feele no more anye remorse or griefe and that is the hygh way too make them vtterly past recouerie Now first of all let vs learne heere too preuent such vengeance of God which ought too make vs quake And when wee heare that such as abyde styll in their owne nature and ouershoote themselues so farre as too bee without scruple of conscience and too become as brute beastes voyde of discretion too be moued eyther with lyfe or death or with any maner of feeling of their owne soule health let vs a Gods name walke in feare and awe and bewayle our sinnes euerye houre early and late that wee bee not hardened after that fashion For wee see how they that growe beastly after that sort doo gather such a hard hartednes as a man cannot bow them after they haue once gotten such a boldnesse in giuing themselues vntoo euyll Thus as touching the first poynt let vs bee ryght well assured that God reuengeth himselfe after a terrible manner ageinst all such as foade themselues in their vyces and take inordinate leaue too doo what they list so that in the end they become brutish euen as Asses and Dogges And now for the second poynt if God vse such rigor towards those which were neuer yit trayned too the Gospell what will he doo to vs when he shall haue shewed vs the way of saluation a long tyme and yit wee continew still lyke those that neuer tasted of good instruction Do wee not thinke that the punishment shal bee more horrible and dreadfull vppon vs Lyke as when S. Paule declareth in the first too the Romanes that God gaue men ouer intoo disordinate and shamefull lustes so as they were vtterly past all shame he speaketh expresly of the heathen and vnbeleeuers who had none other knowledge of God than by the skyes and the earth and the creatures they had none other helpe than that great booke wherby too glorify God and yit forasmuch as they did it not therefore are they condemned after that maner But now can wee haue no such excuce as those sillie soules had wee cannot say wee be not able too discerne what is good bycause we were blynded by Adams sinne and there is nothing but vanitie in vs for God hath giuen vs his woorde which is iustly called a lampe too guyde vs by wee haue the Gospell where our Lord Iesus Christ declareth that he is our guyde and yit for all this if we will needes prouoke God wilfully by disaulling the doctrine of saluation whereas wee should followe it of which sort there are many euen at this day who seeke too wallowe in all leaudnesse and disorder and despyze God openly what shall become of vs Wherefore let vs learne too walke in the feare of God and let vs marke well that Saint Paule hath not without cause set downe here the toppe of all mischief of purpose to shewe vs therby what wages God will pay too all such as yeeld not to him in dewe tyme and place but rather take libertie of all naughtinesse as though they were scaped out of his handes Let vs then be afrayde too ouershoote our selues so farre and then although we haue wandered farre afore God can skill well ynough too drawe vs to him Let vs bee afrayde least God should execute the sayd vengeance vppon vs as wel as vppon them according too this saying of Salomon that when the wicked man is come too extremitie he despyzeth all that is too say he regardeth nother lyfe nor death but flingeth foorth lyke a brute beast Therefore let vs quake at such threatenings for feare least God execute them vppon vs when wee cannot abyde too bee rebuked for our vyces And contrariwyze let vs practyze the doctrine of Salomon where he sayeth happie is the man whose hart pricketh him quickeneth him vp nyght and day Let vs learne then too bee our owne sollicitors and too touche our selues for our vyces and when wee enter intoo them let vs bee abashed at them and cast downe and condemne our selues vntill God haue releeued vs with his mercy After that maner must wee put this doctrine of S. Paules in vre too the end that when God hath once knit vs too him by the meanes of our Lord Iesus Christ and giuen vs lyfe wee may take good heede that that lyfe bee not defaced and quenched in vs through our owne leaudnesse and vnthankfulnesse Agein that beyng mynded too continew in this doctrine may learne first of all too humble our selues for it is certeyne that humilitie will cause vs too resort vntoo God and secondly that our humilitie bee matched with warenesse so as wee bee not rechlesse too flatter our selues but that through the same warenesse wee streyne our selues too the vttermost too fyght ageynst all our vyces and lustes tarying our Lordes leyzure vntyll he rid vs quyte and cleane of them in the meane whyle let vs alwayes win somwhat of our selues bee it neuer so lyttle so as it may continually appeare that our Lord Iesus Christ woorketh in vs and maketh his grace too preuayle by causing vs too goe foreward in goodnesse that wee may say I bee so dispozed as wee may growe more and more vntyll God haue taken vs ou● of this world Now let vs fall downe before the Maiestie of our good God with acknowledgment of our sinnes praying him too touche vs so too the quicke as it may drawe vs vntoo trewe repentance too continew in it all the tyme of our lyfe that beyng vtterly beaten downe and made nothing in our selues wee maye learne too seeke all our welfare in him and he theruppon leade vs familiarly by the the hand of our Lord Iesus Christ so as wee may go
withdrawe our selues from all the defilements of the world Heere yee see that the Lawe which God hath giuen vs too rule our lyfe by must continew still for that is not abolished but only that which consisted in traditions and in the figures that serued but for the tyme and were too haue an end by Iesus Christ. Now seing it behoueth vs too giue ouer the shadowes that were vsed and had their full scope in the tyme of Moyses and the Prophetes it is much more reason that the Christian Church should not now adayes bee burdened with mens inuentions According wherunto S. Paule ●elleth vs that we must content our selues with Gods Lawe which serueth too shewe vs how wee may be vnblamable that is too wit by walking in ryghtuousenesse Iustice faythfulnesse and mercy and specially by calling vppon God purely and after a spirituall manner Marke that for one poynt Agein he sayth that the shadowes of the Law should in these dayes not only be superfluous but also as a curtaine to keepe vs still in darknesse and too let vs from seeing our Lord Iesus Christ as wee ought too doo in the mirror of his Gospell Therfore let vs conclude that the ryghtuousenesse which God requyreth at our handes is another maner of one than that which the papistes haue imagined for all the thinges which they terme Gods seruice are but starke gewgawes Yea and wheretoo serue they all but onely too deface the peculiar operation of our Lord Iesus Christ For the poore ignorant soules are hilde fast too them and stand poring altoogither vppon them When I speake of ignorant soules I meane the ablest sort of them euen thos● that thinke themselues too ●ee of greatest capacitie for they are all intangled lyke wre●chd beastes And therefore let vs learne too holde vs too the singlenesse of the Gospell and too looke vppon our Lord Iesus Christ there lyke as he also 〈◊〉 familiarly vntoo vs too the intent wee myght bee aduaunced by him and boldly call God our father and flee too him for refuge not doubting but that he wil bee neere vs whensoeuer wee cal vppon him in truth Now let vs cast our selues downe before the Maiestie of our good God with acknowledgement of our faults praying him that his making of vs too feele them more and more may cause vs too forsake them by true repentaunce and too walke continually aright and too giue our selues too holy conuersation And that forasmuch as wee bee so weake that there will alwayes ●ee manie vices in vs it may please him too hold vs vp till he haue taken vs out of he world and throughly fashioned vs lyke too his owne image according too the ground worke which he hath begun in vs And so let vs all say Almighty God heauenly father c. The .xiiii. Sermon which is the sixth vppon the second Chapter 16 Iesus Christ hath reconcyled vs both in one body too the end too knit both the one and the other vntoo God by his crosse killing the enmitie therby 17 And being come be preached peace too you that were farre of and too them that were nere hand 18 For by him both twayne of vs haue accesse too the father in one spirit 19 Therfore yee be no more straungers and forreyners but fellowe citizens with the Saints and household folke of God. WEe haue seene this morning how S. Paul hath told vntoo such as were erst without hope of saluation that they were so much the more bound vntoo God for his calling of them too bee of the number of his children seeyng it was not a common and ordinarie thing nor a thing that was looked for On the other syde he did also beate downe all pryde too the intent that the Iewes myght not thinke in themselues that the priuiledge of adoption was of their owne purchacing nor vaunt themselues though God had preferred them before all the rest of the world And now goyng foreward still with the same matter he sayeth that wee vvere reconcyled as vvel the one syde as the other by the death of Iesus Christ and that in so dooyng he hath knit vs toogither intoo one body putting all enmitie too death by his crosse This serueth too expresse better the thing that wee haue seene already He had sayd that wee must come vntoo God by the meanes of our Lord Iesus Christ for without him wee bee all a farre of as well Iewes as Gentyles bycause wee bee all sinners and God in an enemye too vs till his wrath bee appeazed towardes vs Now S. Paule sheweth that that is done by his bearing of our sinnes vppon his crosse For it is by his obedience that all our iniquities are put awaye and it is by his sacrifyzce that our sinnes are washt away To bee short were it not for the death and passion of our Lord I●sus Christ wee should stand bound still in the hand wryting that is spoken of in the second too the Colossians For if wee should come too reckening who durst open his mouth too excuze himself before God or looke too scape the damnation that all of vs haue deserued For if wee should go about too alledge but one poynt there would bee a thousand too stop our mouthes so as wee should bee driuen too stand still all confounded till wee came too the remedie that is too wit that Iesus Christ hath by his death made so full satisfaction for all our dettes that wee bee quitted and released That then is the thing which S. Paule handleth as now too the end wee myght knowe what maner of accesse it is that he speaketh of For too preace intoo Gods presence in cace as wee bee of our selues were too great a boldnesse But when it is told vs that God wil not lay our sinnes and misdeeds to our charge bycause Iesus Christ hath put them all away by his death then is it no rashnesse at all for vs too go vntoo God with our heades bolt vpryght but we haue a good foundation and a boldnesse that God lyketh well of Therfore as oft as wee haue occasion too pray or too fyght ageinst anie temptations let vs learne too knowe that wee haue neede too bee incoraged too patience and too bee asserteyned of the euerlasting lyfe and too repayre all wholly for refuge too the death and passion of the sonne of God knowing that vntill such tyme as wee bee dipped in his blud and washed by the woorking of his holie spirit wee shall euermore bee lothely and God will iustly shake vs of and bee alwayes a iudge too vs in sted of being our father And it is not ynough too knowe that Iesus Christ hath made amendes for vs yea and that all things requysyte too our saluation were fully accomplished and performed by his death and passion but wee must also therwithall receyue the benefyte thereof in such maner as it is ministred vntoo vs For what shall it auayle the Iewes Turkes and other lyke that Gods sonne
is sorie or greeued And why Wee bee not Gods children as he speaketh of it in the Epistle too the Romanes except his holy Ghoste dwell in vs For are wee woorthie by nature too bee mustered in such aray as too bee fellowes with the Angells wee I say which are but rottennesse and moreouer cursed in Adam and chyldren of wrath Howbeeit God by his holy spirit calleth vs too this inestimable honour and dignitie of beeing his children so as wee may call vpon him as our father and haue familiar resort vntoo him That therfore is doone by the holy Ghoste and for the same cause is he called the spirit of adoption For the inheritance of heauen belongeth not too vs but in respect that wee bee Gods children Wee bee not so of our selues and by nature as I told you and therfore it followeth that it commeth of Gods freebestowed goodnesse Now hee sealeth vp all this in our harts by his holy Ghoste and that is the cause why it is sayd that wee haue a mortall bodie The thing that is ment heerby is not only our feete hands skin bone and flesh but that there is a lump of corruption in vs by reason of the dwelling of sin in vs which bringeth nothing but death For haue wee liued any tyme wee go away intoo dust and cindre and there is not that man which seeth not himself alredye beeseeged with a hundred deaths considering the diseases and infirmities wheruntoo wee bee subiect Agein age makes vs to stoope so as we perceyue a long whyle aforehand how we be summoned too come too our graue Seeing then that wee perceyue such a number of deathes all at once toogither in our bodies and a much greate dungeon in our soules how should wee hope that God would take vs vp intoo his kingdome But Saint Paule sayth that the spirit is lyfe If there bee but one grayne or one spark of the spirit of our Lord Iesus Christ in vs let vs assure our selues that wee shal be parttakers of his glorie for it is sayd that he is raysed agein from the dead and hath gotten the vpper hand of it by his holy spirit After that maner are wee quickened with him wayting till wee bee deliuered from all the corruptible nature that compasseth vs about And now S. Paule sayeth that wee bee sealed by the holy Ghost as is sayd of it in the first chapter heertoofore and in other places besyde as in the second to the Corinthians And this similitude is very fit For although Gods promises ought to be of sufficient authority to haue ful credit with vs of thēselues yit notwithstanding such is our misbeeleef that wee cannot giue credit too them nor rest vppon them till they bee confirmed and warranted vntoo vs so as wee may say behold it is euen God himself that speaketh But what for that On the one syde we be forepossessed with distrust on the other syde we be alwayes doubtfull and misgiuing and cannot rest vpon the things that are told vs in Gods name By reason wherof his promises are alwayes vnauaylable vntill he print thē in our harts which thing he dooeth by his holie Ghost For as a peece of euidence is made authentical by setting too of the seale so God warranteth his promises of our saluation in our harts by signing and sealing of them there with his holy spirit That then is the cause why it is so often sayd that Gods spirit sealeth vp the inheritance of our saluation in our harts And for the same cause also is he named the earnest penny in another place For when a bargain is made although there bee no present payment seene yit if an earnest penny bee giuen the bargayne is concluded and the chapman cannot say afterward tush I repent mee of my bargayne and I will●forsake it nother can the other say I fynde my selfe deceyued and ouerseene and therfore I will rather keepe my wares styll but eche of them is bound the one too make the money and the other too deliuer his wares Euen so is it sayd that Gods spirit is the earnest penny of the lyfe of our soules And why For as I sayd God byndeth himself vntoo vs in respect of our infirmitie whertoo wee bee too much inclyned In deede it is not for that he oweth vs any thing but wee haue so much the more cause too magnifye his goodnesse in that he is so free harted as to bynd himselfe willingly vntoo vs wheras he oweth vs not any thing and vou●safeth too assure vs of it bycause he seeth vs so feeble and weake Lyke as when hee sweareth it is not for that he on his owne part needeth too adde any thing too his single woord for he himselfe is the truth and the thing that commeth of him must not bee doubted of It myght seeme therefore that the othe which he maketh is superfluous and that he dooth but abuse his owne name No but he dooeth it bycause he seeth vs weake and that wee haue neede too bee hild vp many wayes and specially bycause he seeth vs giuen too misbeliefe and therefore that he must bee fayne too remedie it So then whensoeuer God sweareth therin he stoopeth vntoo vs for pitie of our wretchednesse and the sealing and ratifying of his promyses in vs by his holy spirit is euen bycause it is impossible that wee of our selues should beleeue him and wee could not bee sure of the thinges that he promiseth vs to call vppon him and too ouercome all the temptations of the world vnlesse he vsed that meane And therefore wee haue so much the more neede too beare this text in mynd where S. Paule sayth that the holy Ghost sealeth in our hartes And hereupon wee may gather a good lesson to humble vs withal namely that wee shall neuer yeeld God the chiefe honour that he requyreth at our handes except he himself drawe vs too it and giue vs grace too discharge it whithall The thing that he requyreth aboue all other is that his woord haue all authoritie ouer vs and that wee yeeld it such reuerence as he may no sooner speake but wee shall by and by answer Amen that is too say as there may bee a ryght or full accord betwixt them That is the obedience of fayth which is the cheef sacrifyze that God requyreth But contrariwyse on our part there is nothing but replying ageinst Gods woord wee bee full of lustes and although wee seeme not too make vtter resistance ageinst him and too play the mad bedlems as many doo yit are wee giuen to a number of wicked imaginations as we see insomuch that some are as it were frantike specially when a man speakes too them of God for then will they haue their mouth open too spew out their blasphemies and too enter into disputation and debate shewing themselues vtterly vnwilling too receyue any good doctrine And othersome fall not intoo such furie and outrage but yit they let
not only in the dark but also stark blynd The remedie therfore which the sonne of God bringeth vs by teaching vs the doctrine of the Gospell is that hee giueth vs our syght agein For our eyes are pikt out by the sin of our first father A●am who would ●eeds see too cleere ▪ Uaynglor iousnesse did so cary him away that he would needs discerne betweene good and euill more than was lawfull for him But in sted of hauing greater lyght he became brutish and wee with him insomuch that all of vs continew blynd Now therfore wee had neede too haue our eyes restored vs agein and too haue Gods spirit too serue vs in sted of eyes Mark that for one poynt Agein in this world there is nothing but dull darknesse yea and that so thicke as wee wote not how too step one pace without stumbling or without straying out of our way Therfore it standeth vs on hande too bee guyded and that our Lord Iesus Christ shewe vs the way This is it that Saint Paule declareth too vs heere and how our Lord Iesus inlyghteneth vs namely not only that wee bee dimsyghted and that he helpeth vs and supplyeth the want that is in vs but also that wee bee stark blynd yea and dead and finally euen in the pit of hell lyke as when a Coarse is layd in the graue men may well bring Candels and Torches too it but it seeth neuer the more for all that So then our Lord Iesus imparteth his lyght vntoo vs not too make vs see more cleerly than wee did afore but to giue vs our whole ●ysyght new agein bycause we bee stark blynd Now then seeing that Iesus Christ speaketh after this maner and contineweth day by day in wakening vs and in making vs too see cleerer and cleeres ought wee not too followe his example and too hold backe our neyghbours as much as wee can when wee see them straying too their destruction This is the pith of the things 〈…〉 shewed vs heere Now seeing that our Lord Iesus setteth 〈◊〉 forth for an example and patterne needs must we be too barbarous and sauage if we be not touched with it And how The sonne of God hath not only voutsafed too doo his office in inlyghtening vs and too shewe vs the way of saluation and to waken vs from the deadly sleepe wherwith wee were ouerwhelmed but also when he hath inlyghtened vs he will haue vs too serue as Lampes for others too followe that wee may shewe them the way so as he will haue vs after a sort too execute the one half of his office Seeing then that the sonne of God hath doone vs such honour if wee for all this doo thrust this lyght vuder foote and nother doo good too our selues nor too other men with it is it not too heynous a treacherie Agein if wee imagin our selues too bee discharged of our dewtie when euery of vs dooth for his owne part refreynes 〈◊〉 dooyng euill and in the meane tyme let others go too destruction 〈◊〉 as wee haue nother care nor willingnesse to remedie the matter when wee see the Diuell hale them after him too euerlasting death must we not needes perceyue therin that wee doo God great wrong and iniurie in holding his lyght choked after that fashion and in betraying our neyghbours by suppressing so the benefyte which should serue too the euerlasting saluation of their soules Yee see then that wee shall bee alwayes blame woorthie both before God and man vnlesse wee followe the thing that is shewed vs heere by our Lord Iesus Christ and beare this doctrine alwayes in our hartes too put it in vre namely that they which call themselues Christians and will bee so taken must therwithall bee as trumpetters too waken such as are asleepe and as guydes too direct such as go astray and too bring them intoo the ryght way which were wandered out afore After that manner say I must wee all deale and continew in so dooyng vntyll wee bee come too the happie meeting when our Lord Iesus Christ shall call vs all too him too put vs in possession of the heritance which he hath purchaced for vs. Now let vs fall downe before the Maiestie of our good God with acknowledgment of our faultes praying him too make vs perceyue them more and more and in any wise not too suffer vs too fall asleepe lyke wretched infidels but that forasmuch as it is his will that our lyfe should bee as one continuall day wherein he gyueth vs not the Sunne too inlyghten vs onely for a tyme so as nyght shoulde afterward come vppon vs but guydeth and gouerneth vs himselfe 〈◊〉 nyght and day wee may take such profit thereby as he suffer vs not too returne too darknesse agein after he hath so inlyghtened vs but keepe vs styll waking too go through in the holy calling wherto he hath called vs and too follow the way which he sheweth vs so as wee may call others too vs too runne all toogither vntoo him as he calleth vs vntill wee bee fully come thither That it may please him too graunt this grace not onely too vs but also to all people and Nations of the earth c. The .xxxvii. Sermon which is the fifth vppon the fifth Chapter 15. Take heede therefore that yee vvalke circumspectly not as fooles but as vvyle 16. Recouering the tyme for the dayes are euill 17. VVherfore bee not vnvvyse but vnderstanding what is the vvill of the Lord. 18. And bee not drunken vvith vvyne vvherin is loocenesse THe care that wee haue of our tempor all profit will suffyze too condemne vs before God of the negligence that is seene in vs when wee come too the well ordering of our lyfe For wee thinke too escape by this excuce that wee thought not of it But is it a tollerable fault that when God calleth vs too him and setteth the heauenly lyfe 〈◊〉 vs specially telling vs how deerly it was purchaced and requireth nothing but that wee should yeeld him his ryght that is too say that we should glorify him in trew obedience all this should bee nothing with vs Must it not needes bee that wee bee too too grosse headed too stande buzzing about a strawe as yee would say and about a sort of thinges that vanish away and in the meane whyle too despyze the kingdome of heauen after such a sort as too make no account of Gods seruice and too esteeme the saluation of ●ur soules as a thing of nothing Yis And therfore S. Paule exhorteth vs now too bee more waker than we haue bin woont and first he sayeth that in this ●ace we must stand vppon our ga●d and not imagin that God must acquit vs for out blo●kishnesse sake when wee bee intangled in this worlde and by that meanes thinke not vppon the kingdome of heauen Take heede sayth he that yee vvalke circumspectly It is trew that although we looke neuer so neerly too our selues yit shall wee not misse too bee
dispatch of the rest for vnder that woord it is shewed vs first that our Lord Iesus Christ was after a sort myndlesse of himselfe and regarded not his owne person when he went about our saluation Trew it is that he was giuen vs of God who as it is sayd in the third of Saint Iohn dyd loue the world so well that he spared not his onely sonne but gaue him too the death for our sakes Yit notwithstanding our Lord Iesus Christ also did gyue himself No man taketh my lyfe from mee sayth he but I lay it downe For it was requisite that the sacrifyzce which he offered for the remission of our sinnes should bee willing Yee see then that Iesus Christ gaue himselfe too the death and if wee de●aund the cause surely it was first too fulfill the will and euerlasting dete●●ination of God his father Neuerthelesse lyke as God the father inte●ded the saluation of mankynd so Iesus Christ shewed how deere wee were too him and how precious our soules are in his syght sith he voutsafed too giue himselfe after that fashyon Now then on the one syde the husbandes must consider well heere what they owe too their wyues that is too wit that they should bee as ●eere too them as their owne lyues at the least And though they doo so yit shall they not come too the perfection of our Lord Iesus Christ but followe him a great way behynde And the wyues also on their syde must beare well in mynd that forasmuch as it is Gods ●ill that 〈◊〉 wedlocke there should bee as it were a figure of the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ they bee too farre 〈◊〉 if they submit not themselues where God calleth them too it And by the way let vs knowe also that Saint Paule ment too magnify Gods goodnesse towardes vs and the loue that Iesus Christ beareth vs in saying that h● gaue himself for vs And therefore let vs acknowledge that it came of the free mercie of God his father and also that our Lord Iesus Christ respected nothing but our miseries when he shewed himselfe so pitifull too succour vs If wee mynd these things on the one syde wee shal bee moued too our dewtie without geynsaying and on the othersyde inflamed too glorify our God and acknowledge both with our mouthes and also by our whole lyfe how much wee bee beholden too him seeyng he hath powred out the treasures of his mercy vppon vs in so much that he hath not onely discharged vs of the condemnation wherin we were and drawen vs out of death but also hath voutsafed too giue vs his welbeeloued sonne for a pledge of his loue and Iesus Christ hath taken vppon him the office too bee the borrowe and raunsome for vs too the end too set vs cleere before God that the diuel also myght not haue any more ageinst vs notwithstanding that he bee our aduersary we bee subiect vnto him tyll we be set free from that bondage by meanes of the sayd Redeemer Now let vs fall downe before the Maiestie of our good God with acknowledgment of our faultes praying him to make vs so to knowe them as wee may aske him forgiuenesse of them and reforme our selues more and more by amending them and so profit in the doctrine of saluation as our lyfe may alwayes bee fashyoned after his law according to the meazure of the grace which wee haue receyued of him And so let vs all say Almyghtye God heauenlye father c. The .xl. Sermon which is the eyght vppon the fifth Chapter 25. Yee husbandes loue your vvyues as Christ loued the Church and gaue himselfe for it 26. Too sanctify it clenzing it in the vvashing of vvater through the vvoord 27. Too make it too himselfe a glorious Church vvithout spot or vvrincle or any thing el●e but that it myght bee holy and vnblamable WEe haue seene this morning how large matter of glorifying the infinite goodnesse of our God wee haue if wee consider by what meanes he hathe drawen vs from death and taken vs for his children notwithstanding that wee were cursed afore in Adam And now Saint Paule setteth foorth how wee bee made parttakers of the grace that is purchaced for vs by our Lord Iesus Christ namely by being wafshed and clenzed from our spottes too the end too bee dedicated too his seruice in all holynesse Also he addeth the wasshing of water bycause Baptim is a visible figure and record vntoo vs according too our rudenesse and infirmitie too make vs the better too perceyue the grace of our God which passeth all vnderstanding of man Now first of al there is the woord Sanctify which importeth that we should bee separated from the world too bee knit vntoo the sonne of god And this doctrine is such as wee can neuer knowe it ynough For as I haue sayd afore wee must alwayes compare the state wherein God fyndeth vs with the state wheretoo he calleth vs For from our moothers womb wee 〈◊〉 nothing but vtter wretchednesse wee bee cursed and detestabl●●●fore god Therefore he draweth vs out of the dungeon of death from thence dooth he gather vs vp too himselfe And by the woord Sanctifie S. Paule meaneth the chaunge which ought as it were too rauish and too astonish vs as oft as wee consider what wee were and what wee should bee styll if God pitied vs not But let vs come too the meane that I spake of He sayeth that our Lord Iesus Christ hath washed vs. No dout but this is too bee referred too his death and passion For how could wee appeere before God as it were with our countenances vpryght but that our sinnes are done away by the sacrifyze that was offered too set vs at one with god Then vntill wee bee wasshed and scoured cleane by the blud of our Lord Iesus Christ wee bee fowler before God than any leapar wee bee full of all maner of filth and infection and too bee short all that wee can bring shall but prouoke Gods wrath and the vertewes that men esteeme greatest shal bee but lothsomnesse Therfore wee must imbrace the sacrifyce wherby our Lord Iesus Christ hath reconcyled vs too God his father and his blud must flowe downe vppon our soules too clenze vs from our filthinesse and spots Neuerthelesse it is not without cause that Saint Paule sets vs downe baptim heere not that wee bee made cleane by that nother was it his meaning too turne vs asyde from the death and passion of our Lord Iesus Christ. But forasmuch as wee bee dust and grosse and vnderstand not the spirituall benefyts so well as were requisyte therfore Saint Paule conforming him self too our rudenesse and infirmitie hath shewed vs here our wasshing by a visible signe That wee may the better profit our selues by this maner of speeche let vs consider too what end baptim was ordeyned and whertoo it serueth When our Lord Iesus Christ commaunded vs too bee baptyzed in his name ment he too
hauing borne out the brunt of all wyndes and weathers continueth vnblowen downe through the violence of tempests haue shaken off all the leaues broken off some braunches sliuered dyuers bowghes riuen the bark yea and inforced the top of it too stoope now and then too the ground euen so that fayth or beleefe is too bee counted stedfast and well settled which continueth vnuanquished too the end though in the meane time it haue bin neuer so sore shaken and battered with the assaultes of temptations aduersities and crosses both of body and mynd They therfore which haue atteyned to this grounded growth in Iesus Christ may safely and comfortably deale with the doctrine of Election and Predestination without guyde such may haue neede of exhortation admonition warning and incoragement by reason of the naturall fraytlie which alwayes followeth and oftentimes ouertaketh euē the strongest but not of instruction otherwise than by the woord it selfe for as sayeth S. Iohn the inward anoynting that is to wit the inlightening of the holy Ghost teacheth them all things But as for the other sort which are yit but as new borne infantes in Christ whether it bee in respect of ●yme or in respect of knowledge or in respect of both forasmuch as this doctrine is of such nature as it cannot bee learned by any preceptes or perswasions of wisdome vntill the kn●wledge and loue of God in Iesus Christ be first well felt and throughly digested by fayth in the bowels of mens hartes they haue neede too bee both cherished and trayned foorth by degrees and as it were by parcelmeale too the right conceyuing and vnderstanding of so great a mysterie For although Gods free Election and Predestination according too the purpose of his owne good will euen before all time bee in very deede the first cause and onely originall welspring of our saluation or endlesse welfare and of all the things that further or accompanie the same yit is it not the first poynt in doctrine wherby too bring men to saluation nor the first Loadestarre that men must looke at as soone as they bee entered intoo the way of saluation Which thing appeereth sufficiently by the continuall order of teaching vsed throughout the whole holy scripture where both the Prophets and Apostles and Christ himselfe doo alwayes begin the ministration of saluation at the preaching of repentance and so proceeding too fayth and free forgiuenesse of sinnes too newnesse of lyfe and the right vse of Sacramentes too the rizing agein of the dead and the euerlasting iudgment doo finally deliuer foorth the doctrine of Election and Predestination as a sheeld ageinst all assaultes to make me● perseuer and hold out to the end in the way of saluation through all aduersities tormentes and temptations as shall appeare more plainly hereafter This doctrine then is as yee would say the roofe of Christianirie which beyng orderly substancially and workemanly reered vppon the rest of the building is as a couering and safegard too the whole defending it frō all iniuries anoyances of wynd weather and giuing it continuance with perpetuitie so that whatsoeuer is added afterward may well make too the adorning and beautifying of it but not to the safetie and strength of it ▪ And therefore if it bee set vppon a false or ouerfeeble foundation or while the building is yit greene and vnperfected b●fore the stones bee well clozed settled and dry the weyght of it beareth downe the whole house to the ground to the great losse and but if the more grace of God bee too the vtter and vnrecouerable vndoyng both of the buylder and of the building What then will some man say Is it not too bee taught Is it not to bee learned Yis verily and that with all earnestnesse and indeuer of mynd howbeeit not at al aduenture not in haste not rashly not presumptuously but with singular circumspection reuerence warenesse and humilitie as al the godly haue vsed to doo least whyle wee take vppon vs too swim without a bladder before wee haue learned too beare our bodyes vppon the water wee bee caryed away with the violence of the streame or sink for fayntnesse ere wee can recouer too land agein or least which worse is whyle wee bee ouercurious in medling with the secretes of Gods Maiestie wee bee ouerwhelmed of his glory How then may wee wade safely in it too our benefite Euen by seeking of our selues in Iesus Christ. Let vs see if wee can fynd our selues there For the scripture assureth vs that there is no saluation but onely in Christ Iesus nor no damnation to them that are in him Now therefore like as too knowe the originall cause of our death and damnation wee must not raundge beyond the fall of our first father Adam bycause that by him sinne entered into the world and by sinne death so to fynd our recouerie and saluation wee must not seeke elswhere than in Iesus Christ bycause he is ordeyned to bee the onely propitiation and attonement for our sinnes and there is not any other name that is to say any other person or meane giuen vs wherby to bee saued than the onely name of Iesus For he is the way the the truth and the lyfe He is the lyght of the world He is the resurrection and the lyfe God is in him reconcyling the world vnto himselfe In him dwelleth the whole fulnesse of the Godhead bodily God hath made him our Wisedome Rightuousnesse Holinesse and Redemption And he through his once offering vp of himselfe vppon the Crosse hath perfected them for euer which are to bee sanctifyed and is become the author of euerlasting saluation too as many as obey him Inasmuch then as Iesus Christ is both God and man and hath all power both in heauen and earth and all knees must bow before him whosoeuer seeketh saluation out of Iesus Christ dooth but wander away after his owne deceytfull imaginations neuer to fynd the thing that he seeketh bycause that as sayeth Saint Iohn he that hath not the sonne hath not the father and he that hath not the father is a straunger too the couenauntes and promises of saluation without hope and without God in the world and so consequently in stead of the substance he ketcheth but a shadowe or a dreame or rather nothing at all Nay rather he ketcheth euerlasting damnation according to this saying He that beleeueth not in the sonne shall not see light but the wrath of God abydeth vppon him And agein this is damnation that is to say the cause of damnation that wheras light is come into the world which lyght is Christ men haue loued darknesse better than lyght that is to say they haue loued the blynd imaginations and inuentions of their owne ignorant mynds better than the lightsome truth of Christes Gospell Wherefore putting away all flatterie and soothing of our selues and taking to vs
too prouoke Gods wrath dayly by our wicked dooynges as folke that doo in deede fyght ageinst him God then must bee fayne too looke vppon vs in the person of his onely sonne or else he must needes hate vs and abhorre vs. Too bee short our sinnes doo set God and vs so farre at oddes that wee cannot so soone come towardes him but by and by wee feele his maiestie vtterly ageinst vs and as it were armed too put vs too vtter confuzion But now remayneth too see how God receyueth vs intoo his fauour by meanes of our Lord Iesus Christ. That is the thing which Saint Paule meaneth in adding that in him vvee haue redemption through his blud that is too vvit forgiuenesse of our sinnes according too the riches of Gods grace Heere wee bee first of all doone too vnderstand that the enmitie which God beareth vs is not in respect of our nature but in respect of our corruption I say it is not in respect of nature for as in respect that God hath creased vs it is certeine that he cannot hate vs But inasmuch as mankynd is vtterly marred and gyuen ouer too all naughtiness● God must needes bee as a mortall enemie too vs and as an aduersarie ageinst vs till the rememberance of our sinnes bee buryed out of his sight For wee bee subiect too euerlasting death till wee bee restored agein by reason whereof God being the fountaine of all iustice and right●ousnesse dooth vtte●ly hate and abhorre the euill that he seeth in vs Therefore vntill such tyme as our sinnes bee blotted out it is vnpossible for vs too hope that God should eyther fauour or loue vs But let vs marke heere how S. Paule vseth twoo woordes too expresse how wee bee reconcyled too God First he setteth downe the Raunsom or Redemption which is all 〈◊〉 and afterward the forgiuenesse of sinnes Howe commeth it ●●en too passe that Gods wrath is pacifyed that wee bee made at one ●ith him yea and that he accepteth and au●weth vs for his children ●t is by the pardoning of our ●umes sayeth S. Paule And further●ore bycause redemption is requisite thereuntoo he matcheth that ●ith it also Trew it is that as in respect of vs God wypeth away our ●●mes of his owne free goodnesse and sheweth himse●fe altoogither ●●untifull of himselfe without respect of any recompence for it at our ●●ndes And in good soothe what man were able too make amendes 〈◊〉 the least fault he hath committed Then if euery of vs should im●loy his whole lyfe in making satisfaction for any one fault alone and 〈◊〉 that meanes seeke too winne fauour at Gods hande it is certeine ●●at the same dooth farre surmount all our abilities And therfore God ●ust bee fayne too receyue vs too mercy without looking for any re●ompence or amendes at our handes But yit for all this the attone●ent which is freely bestowed as in respect of vs did cost the sonne of God very deere For he found none other payment than the sheading ●f his owne blud insomuch that he made himselfe our borrowe both in ody and soule and answered for vs before Gods iudgement too get 〈◊〉 our discharge Our Lord Iesus Christ say I imployed himselfe holly both body and soule For it had not bin ynough for him to haue ●●ffered so cruell and slaunderous a death in the syght of men but it ●houed him also too abyde such horrible anguishe in himselfe as i● God had bin become a iudge too him for he came too that poynt that 〈◊〉 susteyned the person of all sinners too make full amendes for them 〈◊〉 And so yee see why S. Paule hath matched those twoo woordes ●ogither in this streyne Therefore wee haue too marke first of all that wee can obteyne no 〈◊〉 at Gods hand nor be receyued of him till our sinnes bee ●●yped 〈◊〉 and the rememberance of them cleane put away The reason ●hereof is as I sayd afore that God must needes hate sinne wher●●euer he seeze it So then as long as he considereth vs as sinners he ●ust needes abhorre vs for there is not any thing in our selues nor in 〈◊〉 owne nature but al maner of naughtinesse confuzion Then are 〈◊〉 enemies and aduersaryes vntoo him till wee come too the reme●ie that S. Paule sheweth vs heere which is too haue our sinnes forgiuen Heereby wee see that no man can bee loued of God for any ●oorthinesse that is in himselfe For wherein lyeth the loue that God beareth vs I haue tolde you already that he must bee fayne too cast his eye vpon out Lord Iesus Christ not too looke a whit at vs But yit therewithall it is declared further that God dooth neuer lyke well of vs till he haue released vs o●r dettes and adopted vs too bee his children notwithstanding that wee bee woorthy of death before him Thus yee see that the assurance of our saluation as is sayd in the song of zacharie is that God bee mercifull too vs and forgiue vs our sinnes whereby wee were become his enemies Howbeit let vs also beare in mynd that the cleere release of our sinnes through Gods free goodnesse is not doone without the raunsome that was payd by our Lord Iesus Christ not in golde nor siluer as sayeth S. Peter in his first Epistle but in such wyse that he which was the vnspotted Lambe was fayne too serue that turne his owne selfe Wherefore whensoeuer wee intend too seeke Gods fauour and mercy let vs fasten all our wittes vpon the death passion of our Lord Iesus Christ that we may there fynd wherwith too appease Gods wrath And furthermore seyng that our sinnes are done away by such payment and satisfaction let vs vnderstand that wee cannot bring aught of our owne for the which wee should bee reconcyled vntoo god Wherin wee see how the diuell hath by his s●yghtes cut of all hope of saluation from the world by bearing men in hand that they must euery man raunsome himself and make his owne attonement with god And that is the very thing which men ●all good woorkes merites and vertewes in Papistrie For too what ende tend all the inuentions which they haue forged Why martir they themselues after so many fashions so as men neuer make an end day nor night but are euer still making of new wyndlasses and courses The marke that all these things ame at is too pacifie god And so all the good woorkes which are so counted in Papistrie are nothing else but meanes whereby too make amendes for sinne Howbeit that is but a defacing of the raunsome whereof S. Paule speaketh heere For there is as yee would say an inseparable bond betweene these twoo things namely that God putteth our sinnes out of his rememberance and drowneth them in the bottom of the sea and moreouer receiueth the payment that was offered him in the person of his only sonne Therefore wee cannot atteyne the one without the other Wherforeif wee intend too haue Gods fauour
let vs consider that wee bee his enemyes till he haue pardoned all our sinnes of his owne free goodnesse and yit notwithstanding that our Lord Iesus Christ must bee fayne too step in betweene him and vs For the sacrifyze of his death serueth too purchase vs an euerlasting attonement so as wee must alwayes flee thither for refuge Trew it is that the whole lyfe but of Lord Iesus Christ is become our raunsome ▪ for the obedience which he yeelded too God his father in this world was too make amends for Adams offence and for all the iniquities wherthrough wee bee ronne in arrerages Howbeit S. Paule speaketh heere purposely of his blud bycause it behoueth vs too resort too his death and passion as too the sacrifyze which is of power too blot out all our sinnes And for that cause hath God represented in figures vnder the lawe that men could not bee reconcyled vntoo him but only by that meane Now it is trew that Iesus Christ did not only shed his blud namely at his death but also feele the feare and terrour which ought too haue lyghted vpon vs But S. Paule dooth heere vnder one parrell comprehend the whole after the ordinarie maner of the holy scripture Too bee short let vs repose all our right●●usnesse in Gods shewing of himselfe mercifull towardes vs of his owne free goodnesse and let vs not presume too face him with any vertew of our owne thereby too bynd him vntoo vs but let it suffize vs that he receyueth vs intoo his fauour freely without any desert of ours onely bycause the rememberance of our sinnes is buryed out of his sight And agein let vs vnderstand that the same canno bee doone but by the death and passion of our Lord Iesus Christ and that that is the thing wheruppon wee must wholly rest Heeruppon S. Paule addeth that all is done according too the richesse of Gods grace No● without cause dooth he heere magnifye Gods mercie which he vttereth in receyuing vs too fauour For wee see on the one syde how men doo wilfully ouershoote themselues through their foolish ouerweening For most men haue alwayes imagined that they myght make their attonement with God by their owne satisfactions and I wote not what shiftes besydes Seeing then that men are so farre ouerseene in their owne imaginations S. Paule too exclude all such dealing sayth that wee must bee rauished in loue with the richenesse of Gods goodnesse He could haue sayd simply that God dooth all according too his grace but he setteh downe heere his greate treasures too the intent that men should not bee so fond as too bring as it were but a farthing for the discharge of ten hundred thousand crownes And truly when the Papists prattle of their satisfactions they say not that they bee able too doo it throughly in all poyntes but they are of opinion that with the death and passion of our Lord Iesus Christ they also are able too bring somewhat of their owne and too doo so much by patches and peeces that God shal bee satisfied and contented Thus yee see what a diuelish opinion reigneth in papistrie for they will needes found masses they will needs bable many prayers they will needs gad on pilgrimage they will needs keepe this feast and that feast they will needs performe I wot not what deuotiōs they wil needs weare sack cloth next their skin and all too help foorth the death and passion of our Lord Iesus Christ as who should say it were not sufficiēt ynough of it self But S. Paule telleth vs that Gods goodnesse as it is shewed vs in Iesus Christ is so greate a treasure that all other things must needs giue ouer and be thrust vnder fo●te And seing that God vseth so greate bountifulnesse as wee ought too bee wholy rauished at it is it not too outrageouse a presumptuousnesse when wee will needs bring our owne pelting trash as though our going on pilgrimage our dooing of some other deuotions were of any valew or estimation Is it not al one as though the blud of Iesus Christ were not a sufficient pryce I say a sufficient pryce and raunsome for our saluation Yee see then on the one syde how S. Paule ment heere too cut of all occasions of the fond imaginations that men conceyue in surmizing themselues able too pacifye Gods wrath by their owne satisfactions and paymentes and on the other syde how he purpozed too succour our feeblenesse For although wee bee giuen too beleeue wonderous well of our owne vertuosusnesse and too beare ourselues in hand that God is greatly beholden vntoo vs yit notwithstanding when it commeth too the calling vppon God in good earnest and too the putting of our trust in him then if Satan egge vs too despayre and that wee bee tossed with trubbles and temptations we be so dismayed that all the promises of the holy scripture and all that is said vntoo vs of the death and passion of our Lord Iesus Christ cannot make vs too haue any hope S. Paule therfore too remedie this vyce of vnbeleefe which is too deepely rooted in vs doth heere set before vs the greate treasures of Gods goodnesse too the end that all the distruste which wee can conceyue may bee as it were swallowed vp seing that God voutsafeth too vse so greate bounteousnes towards vs. And heeruppon he addeth that he hath made the same grace too abound towards vs in all wisdom and vnderstanding By these ●ords he doth vs too wit by what meanes wee come by the thing that he had specifyed afore Behold all our happinesse and all our souerein velfare consisteth in being at one with God so as he may take vs for h●s children and it may bee lawfull for vs too call vppon him as our father with full libertie But how shall wee obteyne that thing from which we be so farre wyde It is sayde that although wee bee naught w●orth ne naught can doo yit wee shall finde all thinges in Iesus Christ which are wanting in our selues and that his death passion will bee a sufficient sacrifyze too put away the rememberance of all our misdeedes Howbeit dooth it followe therefore that all men are parttakers of this benefite which is purchaced for vs by our Lord Iesus Christ No for the vnbeleeuers haue nother part nor portion in it Then is it a speciall priuiledge for those whom God gathereth too himselfe Also S. Paule sheweth that eyther wee must haue fayth or else Christ shall not boote vs at all Although then that Christ bee generally the redeemer of the whole world yit dooth his death and passion aduauntage none but such as receiue the thing that S. Paule sheweth heere And so wee see that when wee once know the benefites that are brought vs by Christ and which he offereth vs dayly by his Gospell we muste also bee knyt vntoo hym by faith For the Turkes Iewes and Papistes and all other lyke are cut of and estranged from Christ
you shall fynd them to be as wyld beastes and enemyes of their owne saluation you shall fynd them stark mad ageinst God and ageinst all ryght Too be short yee shall see so great enormities as shall abash men make them too say Alas is it possible that it should bee thus And so yee see what yee bee Say not fy on thee naughtipacke Yee may well fynd fault with such a one but ye must therwithal adde by by for a sauce to season it how greate hath Gods mercie bin towards me Then let vs neuer condemne the sin that wee see euerywhere in other men without cōsidering therwithal that if God had not brydled vs we had falne as deepely as wee see others too haue falne and therfore let it stirre vs vp immediatly too pray God that he leade vs not into temptation and let vs acknowledge Gods infinite goodnesse in that it pleaseth him too reyne vs in such wyse that wee fall not intoo the horrible falles which wee see about vs For when wee looke vpon the wickeddest in the world yea and euen vpon such as wee bee driuen too abhorre as monsters wee must as I said afore conclude thus with our selues Alas as much should befal vs if God remedied it not And so yee see how wee ought to put that lesson in vre And S. Paul speaketh expresly of the rebellious children too shewe that there wil bee no obedience in vs except God put it intoo vs and reforme vs and both chaunge the naughtinesse whereuntoo wee were giuen afore and continue and increace the goodnesse that he hath begunne for else Sa●an hath so taken possession of vs as he must needes drawe vs lyke brute beastes Trew it is that S. Paule addeth anon after that this serued not only for the heathen howbeit that Gods grace was most apparant in them but that euen the excellentest men were comprehended therin and which more is that the Iewes who thought themselues too haue a singuler priuilege of exemption from the common cursednesse of men were also forlorne and damned till they were redeemed by our Lord Iesus Christ. Wherin wee see yit better the thing that wee touched not long since that is too wit that heere is no mention made of any one sort of men alone but that the holy Ghost thūdereth vpō al men to the end that al of vs shold be beaten down frō the least to the the most But this cannot be discoursed as now Therfore we must for conclusion take that which S. Paule treateth which is that God hath quickened vs Wherby he dooth vs too wit that we bring not lyfe with vs from our mothers womb but that by reason of sin we bee in death when wee come intoo this world which is worse than if wee were not at all yea and that there is no geynsaying too it bycause wee shall not find any thing in our selues but corruption and wickednesse and bycause that the more a man stirres it the more it stinketh and wee shall bee the more loth too see the great and deepe dungeon of all iniquitie which is in vs Therfore it standeth vs on hand too bee quickened and too haue lyfe giuen vs not of nature bu● of the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ bycause wee bee renewed by him yea and too knowe that God hath taken vs out of a wretched and cursed state and theruppon too forget all vayn glorie And Let vs not think that euer wee shall yeeld vntoo God the prayse that hee deserueth till wee abhorre all our owne wretchednesse bee come too the poynt to know that the deuill reigneth ouer vs till God pluck vs out of his pawes and set vs free from his cursed tyranny For is there any thing more irksome than too say that wee bee subiect to the diuell and that he reygneth not only ouer our bodyes as somme worldly tyran myght doo but also ouer our soules and ouer all our thoughts For he is a spirit and there is not that thing in vs which is not corrupted by him filled with his poyson Sith we know this let vs consider also that God hauing found vs in that plyght hath notwithstanding not disdeined vs 〈◊〉 let●ed for all that too succor vs according also as S. Paule vseth the s●me reason when he sayeth that wee were Gods deadly enemyes at such tyme as Iesus Christ redeemed vs And so let vs conclude that God respecteth nothing but our miseries when he calleth vs too him Hee looketh not whether wee seeke him or no for how were that possible wee drawe cleane arsward He looketh not whether wee bee able too doo him any seruis or no for wee bee rank rebells ageinst him He looketh not whether there be any good towardnesse in vs for al our thoughtes lustes are deadly enemyes fyghting ageinst his ryghtuousnesse Wherat looketh he then What moueth him too succour vs Euen the infinite number of miseries that he fyndeth in vs and the horrible confuzion wherein wee bee those are the thinges which inclyne God too shewe vs mercie So then let all mouthes bee stopped and let vs not presume too bring any thing in this behalfe as th●ugh wee had bound God vntoo vs or that he found aught in vs wherefore he should shewe vs fauour for he must take all things of his owne and doo all of his owne infinite goodnesse bycause he seeth vs miserable damned and vtterly forlorne and let that stirre vs vp too doo good and too prouide remedie not onely for our diseases but also for our death For if wee were but corrupted with sinne and vyce the maladie were alreadie vncurable But besides that there is a death yea and a spirituall death which cannot bee recouered by all the meanes and remedies of the world God must bee fayne too put too his hand yea and that so myghtily as it may bee knowen that he ●aueth vs by myracle And nowe let vs cast our selues downe before the maiestie of our good God with acknowledgment of our sinnes praying him to make vs so too feele them as we may forsake them and bee rid of them dayly more and more and that in the meane season he of his goodnesse will beare with vs and not e●amine vs ouer streytly but by little and little aba●e and correct the naughtinesse that reigneth too much in vs and not suffer vs too bee s●aues vntoo Satan but set vs free by our Lord Iesus Christ of whom wee holde all our spirituall freedome And so let vs all say Almyghtie God heauenly father c. The tenth Sermon which is the second vppon the second Chapter 3. VVee also vvalked vvith the disobedient dooyng the pleasures of the fleshe and of the thoughtes and vvere by nature the children of vvrath as others are 4. But God vvho is rich in mercy through his great loue vvherby he loued vs 5. Euen at the tyme vvhen vvee vvere dead by sinne quickened vs toogither vvith Christ by vvhose grace
in it Yit notwithstanding forasmuche as man is wicked and froward and hath the cursed roote of rebellion in himself so as he cannot but doo euill he offendeth God willingly And seing it is so let vs boldly conclude that wee bee in death till wee bee made partners of the lyfe of our Lord Iesus Christ and that he deale vntoo euery of vs the spirit which he hath receyued in such measure as he listeth according as it is sayd that Gods spirit rested vppon him and was giuen vntoo him in all plentie and that as nowe he must deale it too euery one of hys faythfull ones Therefore according as our Lord Iesus Christ maketh vs too taste of his holy spirit and according as he strengtheneth thereby so are wee quickened in him and with him Now heeruppon he addeth that he hath made vs too sit in the heauenly places vvith our Lord Iesus Christ. This serueth too magnifye the grace that we haue hithertoo spoken of yit so much the more If he had sayd in one woord that wee were q●ickened it had bin ynough and it ought well too haue inflamed our hartes to sing Gods prayses and too occupye our selues therin and too apply al our indeuers theruntoo But heere is a greater vehemencie bycause of our coldnesse and lazinesse For S. Paule hath shewed on the one syde that wee were dead and hild in bondag vnder the tyrannye of Satan Alas these are terrible things And now he setteth downe on the other syde that God hath not only loued vs but also glorifyed vs in himself and that wee bee lifted vp from the bottom of hell aloft vntoo the kingdome of heauen where he hath lodged vs and giuen vs seates among his Angells Seing then that wee heare this needes must wee bee to much doted our witts too much brutish if we make not in good earnest too glorifye the inestimable goodnesse of our God and too conclude that wee bee so beholden and bound vntoo him that although wee should doo nothing else all our lyfe long but preache the grace that wee haue felt by experience at his hand yit it were nothing at all And so yee see why S. Paule hath purposely set downe that wee be lifted vp too heauen wi●h Iesus Christ. And heeruppon wee haue a very profitable exhortation too gather which is that although we bee heere in the myre and do but craule lyke poore frogges yit ought we to beare this state paciently for somuch as on the other syde God hath lyfted vs vp so hygh euen vs that were nothing yea and cursed creatures too And therfore whensoeuer wee be fayne too suffer hunger thirst in this world or be mocked by vnbeleeuers or put to the abiding of manie outrages let vs resort too that which is sayd heere namely that yit neuer●helesse wee be set alredy in heauen with Iesus Christ howbeeit not in such wyse that it is apparant vntoo our eyes For in this behalfe wee must giue place too hope and vntoo that which is sayd in another text namely that our lyfe is hid and that we must hold our selues quiet till it appeere at the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ. Thus then you see in effect how it beehoueth vs too vnderstand the things that are spoken heere of the diuers state of Gods children after they bee called too the fayth of the Gospell But by the way we must not imagin an earthly paradyse in this world where we shall haue nother trubble nor greef wee must make our reckening that wee shall neuer liue heere at our ●ase but wee must make roome for fayth as I sayd afore And besydes this wheras the holye Ghoste auoucheth by the mouth of S. Paule that wee shal bee lifted vp on hygh i● standeth vs on hand too cast downe our heades and too suffer our selues too bee oppressed by our enemyes and too bee ouermaystered by them with all pryde we I say must suffer these things and yit in the meane whyle bee fully perswaded and throughly resolued of this doctrine that wee for all that shal not fayle too inherit the kingdome of heauen for it is vnpossible that the head should bee separated from the m●mbers and our Lord Iesus Christ is not gone thither for his owne sake alone Wee must alwayes repayre too that principle Our confessing that Iesus Christ is rizen from the dead and gone vp intoo heauen is not alonly too glorifye him in his owne person Trew it is that first of all it must come to passe that all knees must bow before him and that all creatures both in heauen and earth yea and euen in hell must doo him homage But yit notwithstanding the vnion wherof wee haue treated heertoofore is fulfilled in this that Iesus Christ hauing gathered vs intoo his bodie hath begunne that thing in himself which he intendeth too performe in vs namely when conuenient tyme commeth So then Iesus Christ is gone vp intoo heauen too open vs the gate in these dayes which was shet ageinst vs by Adams sin and that is the verye maner of our sitting with him alredye And therwithall S. Paule sheweth in one woord what he intended In deede this saying shal bee declared more at lenth in his dew place where S. Paule himself will treat of it more at large in the next Sermon Yit notwithstanding wee may see wherat he amed too the end wee may haue a sure and ryght marke too shoote at which is that wee bee saued by grace and that noman is able too clayme any thing of his owne Neuerthelesse it is not ynough for vs too haue confessed in one woord that our saluation commeth of Gods free fauour and too haue felt it also within our selues but wee must also therwithall bee taken in loue with the infinite greatnesse of the same grace by considering what wee bee how all euill commeth of our selues and that there is no saying nay bycause our faultes doo too much conuic● vs in somuch that if God should execute a hundred tymes more rigour ageinst vs than he dooth wee could not contend with him nor dispute with him but that wee should alwayes haue this record of our owne consciences that wee bee iustly woorthie of death and that the same is dew vntoo vs by our desert Then seeing it is so let vs hold fast this doctrine for wee shall haue profited greatly for our whole lyfe if wee once know that there is not only some one naughtie touche but an infinit number of euils in vs Therefore let vs lerne too mislyke of our selues and too hate and abhorre our selues and afterward when wee bee come too the grace that is shewed vs in our Lord Iesus Christ let vs vnderstand that without that the diuell should needes haue full and whole possession of vs and reigne ouer vs as he had doone afore Also let vs beware that wee profit our selues by such grace so as it may serue too put away all our cursednesse And
lykeeh of afterward he must reforme vs and so guide and gouerne vs by his holy spirit as there may bee one accord betweene our life and his lawe Then vntill such time as God prepare good woorks after that fashion that is too say till he giue vs them by shewng vs his will and also make vs to do them by his power wee must needes bee vtterly vnprofitable Now sith it is so let vs learne too humble our selues before God both for that is past and also for that that is too come For that which is past let vs acknowledge that God hath plucked vs out of the gulf of hell and that whereas wee were by nature damned he hath voutsafed too haue vs too bee his children and therfore let vs not bee so ouerweening as too thinke that wee haue this or that but let him be gloryfied as he deserueth and let vs assure our selues that he hath pulled vs backe from death to the intent that the beginning welspring roote and onely cause of our saluation should proceede of his onely free bestowed goodnesse Thus ye see in effect that it is a poynt of trew humilitie to giue all the glory of our saluation vntoo god And for that which is too come it behoueth too knowe that wee could not stirre one of our little fingers too doo any good except wee were gouerned by God and receyued the good works them selues at the hand of him and of his holy spirit So then as oft as wee feele our owne weakenesse let vs flee too him for refuge and when wee haue doone any good let it not puffe vs vp with any pryde but let vs alwayes thinke our selues so much the more straytely bound vntoo God yea euen by dubble He that is yit very weake must confesse him selfe exceedingly bound vntoo Gods mercy for bearing with him but he that goeth afore others and is as a mirrour of all holinesse must confesse himselfe much more bounde vntoo him For why He hath nothing of his owne he holdeth all things of God and of his onely free goodnesse Wherefore let vs all our life long walke in such sort as wee may still from yeere too yeere from mooneth to mooneth from day to day from houre to houre and frō minute too minute continually acknowledge our selues bound vnto God for the goodnesse which he hath giuen vs of his owne mere mercy and let vs thinke our selues beholden too him for all things And let vs marke by the way for a conclusion that S. Paules intent here is not to decypher al the causes of our saluation one by one but too abate mens lustinesse that they might not make any bragges or any countenance 〈◊〉 God is in their debt Therefore it is ynough for S. Paule to haue stopped all mens mouthes in such wyze as they may not take vppon them too haue aught of their owne For contrariwize whensoeuer God giueth vs good works although they bee the fruites of his mere goodnesse yit can they not purchace vs any thing at his hand for wee must alwayes ground and settle our selues vppon the forgiuenesse of our sinnes There lyeth all our rightuousnesse Too bee short there are twoo things requisite in yeelding God the prayse that is dew for our saluation first that wee acknowledge our selues too haue all things of him and secondly that wee acknowledge that all the good workes and all the good will which he hath giuen vs already serue not too purchace vs fauour at his hand nor for vs too trust vppon but too shewe vs that he had neede too vpholde vs and too burye and forget all our sinnes and that by that meanes wee bee iustifyed before him bycause he acquitteth vs notwithstanding that wee deserue too bee condemned a hundred tymes So then too be shor● when it is tolde vs that there is nother freewill nor any thing else in man it is too the ende wee should learne too gyue all glory vnto God and not haue any cause too vaunt our selues any more And that afterwarde vppon the knowing thereof wee should vnderstand that wee should bee in continuall trubble and perplexitie were it not that wee bee sure that wee shall alwayes obteine grace and mercy by comming too God with teares and lamenting And how so Bycause he voutsafeth too acquit vs and although he could thunder downe vppon 〈◊〉 and drowne vs yit he buryeth our sinnes by meanes of ●ur Lord Iesus Christ and receyueth vs alwayes too mercy Thus then yee see how men ought in all poyntes and in all caces too bee confounded in themselues and too bee ashamed of their owne leawdnesse that they may glorifie God and therwithall ackowledge that they should alwayes bee in doubt and anguish but that God dooth euermore pitie them and the death and passion of our Lord Iesus Christ is the sacrifize wherby wee be reconcyled too him That therfore is the trew way too vphold and auow God too bee the Sauiour of the world that also is the way for vs to father all things vpon the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ as he deserueth namely by rayzing and putting quyte away all the glorying which we pretend to haue in our selues and theruppon too confesse not only that all the goodnesse which is in vs is of Gods putting intoo vs but also that he must bee fayne too beare with our infirmities bycause wee ceasse not too prouoke his wrath till he make that satisfaction auaylable which was made by the death and passion of our Lord Iesus Christ. But now let vs cast our selues downe before the maiestie of our good God with acknowledgment of our sinnes praying him to make vs too feele them more and more till wee bee so pulled downe as there may bee no more showe of sin in vs and that in the meane whyle wee may neuerthelesse seeke the ayde and helpe of our Lord Iesus Christ. And that forasmuch as he hath partly inlyghtened vs alredy by his holy spirit it may please him too increace his grace in vs more and more till he haue communicated it wholy vntoo vs and in the meane tyme so vphold vs and gouerne vs by his holy spirit as our whole indeuer may bee nothing else but too frame our lyfe after his holy lawe and he not passe vppon the great number of our sinnes which we commit neuer ceassing too stray away too our owne vndooing but hold vs backe by his secret power vntill he take vs away out of this world and ioyne vs with our Lord Iesus Christ who is the fountayne of all perfection that wee also may bee perfect in him And so let vs say Almyghtie God heauenly father c. The twelfth Sermon which is the fourth vppon the second Chapter 11. VVherfore remember that you vvhich vvere sometime Gentiles in the fleshe beyng called vncircumcision in respect of that vvhich is called circumcision made by hand in the flesh 12. VVere at that time vvithout Christ straungers too the common vveale of
too drawe vs from all the vnclennesse and filthinesse of the world Lykewyse in the first too the Thessalonians S. Paule sayeth that wee bee not called too vnclennesse but that wee ought too bee pure and too dedicate our selues too our God in purenesse so as wee may shewe in deede that wee intende too honour him with all that euer he hath giuen vs The thing then which wee haue to gather vppon those words of S. Paule is that wee must not runne astray lyke wyld and mad beasts nor yit kicke ageinst him but quietly beare the yoke of our God and approch vnto him with true obedience and moreouer 〈◊〉 our owne wandering lusts too the end wee may walk lyke holie people lyke people that are dedicated too God finally as his heritage Thus yee see how this text is too bee prac●●sed of vs at this day Now he addeth purposely that Iesus Christ hath doone it in the flesh meaning in our nature too the end that wee myght bee sure that in his personne wee bee a●owed too bee Gods children For lyke as in Adam wee bee all lost so by our Lord Iesus Christ the second Adam wee bee restored too the hope of saluation And in deede after the self-same maner dooth the Apostle shewe vs that wee may boldly trust that God will alwayes bee o●r father for his fake For he hath not taken on him the nature of the Angells sayeth he but the seede of Abraham And although Mathew in the Genealogie of Iesus Christ beging at the person of Abraham as at the welspring roote yit doth S. Luke leade vs further and telleth vs that Iesus Christ appeared not alonly for the Iewes Truely S. Mathew dooth it vppon very good reason namely too shewe that Iesus Christ came specially too performe the promises that had bin made of old tyme But S. Luke sheweth the same thing that S. Paule declareth heere namely that when wee haue gone vp as farre as to ●ur first father Adam wee shall fynd that our Lord Iesus Christ was yit stil before him Trew it is that he was conceyued by the secret and woonderfull power of the holye Ghoste in the womb of his mother but yit for all that he ceassed not too bee the trew linage of Abraham and of Dauid and also of Adam and there is no doubt but that wee bee ioyned too God by 〈◊〉 meane seing he is our trew brother and wee neede not to seeke farre bycause wee bee bone of his bone and flesh of his fleshe as wee shall see hereafter in the fift Chapter Thus yee see in effect what S. Paule ment by adding this saying that the fulfilling or performing of all these things was doone in the flesh of Iesus christ For if wee should consider nothing else in Iesus Christ but his heauen●ly glorie and diuine maiestie what would come of it Wee would bee abasshed and wee myght say he were too farre of for vs too come vntoo him But now seeing he hathe of the same flesh that wee haue and is become very man lyke vntoo vs in all things sauing only sin so as he vndert●●ke our passions or sufferings and our wants and wretche●nesse 〈◊〉 haue pitie of vs as the Apostle sayth wee may assure our selues th●● when wee offer our selues vntoo God wee shal bee ioyned vntoo him in the person of his only sonne For lyke as he is verye God so on the other syde he is a kin too vs bycause hee came downe hither refuzed not too bee in this state of bondage too the intent that wee myght bee glorified by his meanes for lyke as he not only abaced him self 〈◊〉 also emptyed himself vtterly so will he also lift vs vp intoo his heauenly glorie And for that cause also is he called our brother This only one saying ought too breake off all distrust when wee bee in dout and perplexitie whether God will accept vs or no. For seeing wee haue this record that Iesus Christ is our brother what would wee haue more So then wee may wel conceyue out of what filth and defylements yea and out of what a gulf God hath drawen vs seing he hathe assured vs of his fatherly loue wheruppon our saluation is grounded yea and that in the person of Iesus christ For wee see how the wretched papists wote not too which Saint too vow themselues yea and too barre themselues of all excuce so as there may neede none other processe too condēmne them they make a common proueth of it For euen in that one saying that they wote not too which Saint too bow themselues they shewe themselues too bee faythlesse and destitute of all aduyce and stay of themselues and too bee as stray beastes For they haue such a multitude of theyr Sainctes that they haue made whole warreines of them It is trew that all of them haue the Uirgin Mary for their aduocate they catch holde of Saint Michaell or of Saint Peter for their patrone or of some other Saint after as their superstitious mynd leades them heere and there Howbeeit all that they doo is with vnquietnesse of mynd and they shall neuer fynde rest bycause they haue no woord of God too stay vppon And when they fynde themselues hampered in any perplexitie they bee lyke wretched forlorne caytifes that are vtterly at their wittes end bycause they see well ynough that they fynde no ease at all when they haue ●ossed and turmoyled neuer so much But now seeyng that wee bee sure of the hope which wee ought too haue bycause 〈◊〉 Lord Iesus Christ is our yeare and is 〈…〉 vs too vnite vs too God his father let vs vnder stande that the same is an inestimable benefyte for the which wee ought not too bee afrayd too suffer ten hundred thousand deathes if neede were And S. Paule saith consequently that the Law consisted in ordinaunces and Decrees too shewe that God abolished not the lawe of good and holy conuersation when he mynded too call the Gentyles ●oo saluation but that he 〈◊〉 away only the ceremonies that serued peculiarly for the present tyme and were not giuen but only too the linage of Abraham Yee see then what was abolished And therefore let vs leaue the figures of the Lawe as Circumcizion Sacrifizing feastfull dayes as they were kept then the difference of meates Lyghtes Perfumes and all that is set downe in wryting by Moyses for all those thinges must bee vanished away at the comming of Christ and yit for all that let vs hold still the Lawe that God hath giuen vs which is inuiolable that is too wit let vs woorship him purely let vs call vpō him let vs put our trust in him let vs do him homage for all the benefites that he hath bestowed vppon vs and let vs hallowe his name Agein let vs aduyze our selues too walke in purenesse of lyfe and with such conscience towardes our neyghbours as we may doo no man wrong or harme and finally let vs
going forward with the matter that hath bin declared hertofore addeth also that as vvell they that vvere farre of as they that vvere neere hand had heard the sayd message that the same is set afore vs also at this day to the end we myght bee confirmed in it more and more And as I haue sayd alredy by those that were neere he meaneth the Iewes who had had some familiaritie with God theretoofore bycause he had acquaynted himselfe with them by giuing them his Lawe telling them that he receyued theyr linage too be the protector thereof Howbeeit that was not too knit them throughly vntoo him till he had pardoned their sinnes which was doone by the meanes of Iesus christ For the Lawe could yeeld them nothing but terrour and anguish of mynd curse them throughout and sink them downe too the bottom of hell as S. Paule sayeth in the third too the Romans and specially in the third Chapter of the second Epistle too the Corinthians Therfore it was requisite that the Gospell should bee added thereuntoo Now it is certein that Dauid the other holy Prophetes and lykewyse all the kings and the faythfull that liued vnder the old Testament had not the Gospel so manifestly as we haue but yit in very substance God declared vnto thē that he of his owne free goodnesse receyued them too mercie for the redeemers sake in whom they trusted If the Lawe bee separated from the Gospell it not only profiteth them not at all which rest vppon it but also serueth too beate them downe and too thunder vpon them and too shewe them how dreadfull Gods maiestie is It is in the Gospell then that wee haue peace and therefore it stoode the Iewes in hand too bee made partakers of that doctrine And as for vs that come of the Gentyles wee ought as I sayd this morning too acknowledge so much the better the dubble recognisance wherin wee stand bound vnto God for that he hath voutsafed too make vs fellowes with his peculiar people vs I say that were as things borne out of tyme and too put vs in the companie of those whom he had chozen and adopted afore in such wyse as the recordes of the Prophets are now fulfilled wherin it is sayd yee Gentyles and Nations glorifye yee God with his owne people wherby the holie Ghost foreshewed that there should be such a melodie that all men should sing Gods prayses euen as well the Gentyles as the Iewes when they were once knit toogither and gathered from out of the scattering wherin all of vs are as is sayd alredie and as wee haue seene afore Wee see then wherat S. Paule amed in saying that the Gospell was preached too all men as well them that were farre of as them that were neere And that is it which he treateth of in the tenth too the Romans For there he sheweth that wee should euer bee scanning and neuer resolued of our fayth if wee knew not that the preaching of the Gospel proceeded of Gods authoritie of his vnchaungeable ordinance It is not for men sayeth he too put foorth them●elues except God send them And God hath begunne too teache the worlde at all tymes heeretofore though not by preaching or wryting yit by the onely sight of the world it sel●e No maruell therefore sayeth he though God haue voutsafed at this time too extend his grace too all Nations by making them too knowe that he would bee their father Now then lyke as on the one side it stoode the Iewes on hand too knowe howe great neede they had too bee reconcyled too God by Iesus Christ and not too bee deceyued by trusting too theyr birthryght or too their Circumcision or too any of all these shadowes of the Law but that it behoued them too flee too the onely meanes that I haue treated of namely that God receyued them too mercy for the eternall sacrifyzes sake which Iesus Christ offered so let vs on our syde learne too magnify Gods goodnesse seeyng he hath voutsafed too cast vs too bee of his houshold and Church notwithstanding that wee were cut of and banished from it before And therefore let vs looke too our selues that wee let not this benefite vanish away ne be depryued of it through our owne vnthankfulnesse For what excuce will there bee for vs if when God calleth vs too heauen in the person of his onely sonne so as Iesus Christ telleth vs that it is he himselfe which commeth too seeke vs as oft as it is tolde vs that God will be mercifull to vs for his sake wee runne not apace vntoo him both hot in zeale and earnest in carefulnesse too shewe howe wee knowe that all our welfare ioye happinesse and glory consist in beyng ioyned too our God which cannot bee but through his free goodnesse Agein when wee refuze too receyue this peace let vs bee afrayde that Iesus Christ will chaunge his voyce for it is certeine that the Gospell dooth alwayes behyght dan●nation too such as frame not themselues too Gods will. And it is not for nought that the scripture speaketh of binding as wel as of loozing● for our Lord Iesus Christ ment too shewe vs that it is the very nature and dewtie of the Gospell too plucke vs out of the bondage and prison wherin wee bee hild vntill he hath set vs free and so is it his owne office also as he himselfe sayeth in the eyght of S. Iohn where he declareth the same thing howbeeit he addeth that there are bondes also prepared for those that take him not for their redeemer ne suffer themselues too bee set free by him And that is it which he meaneth in S. Iohn when he sayeth whose sinnes soeuer yee release they bee released vntoo them and whose soeuer yee withhold they be withhild Then dooth he shewe that when wee preache the Gospell wee must first of all declare the message of Reconciliation which thing is spoken of in the first too the Corinthians in the place by mee before alledged Thus yee see that the thing which wee haue too doo continually is too shewe that God hath bin so kynd vntoo vs as too bee at one with vs in the person of his sonne yea and too receyue vs too bee himselfe that we myght washed and scoured from all our filthinesse and bee accepted for ryghtuous before him Lo how wretched soules are vnbound lo how poore captiues are let out of prison Lo how they that erst were plundged in darkenesse of death are brought out ageyn too the lyght of lyfe But on the other syde wee haue also commission too withhold sinnes by threatening the despyzers of Gods woorde with Gods horrible wrath and by telling them that when they haue shaken their eares and thinke themselues too be scaped the doctrine that they haue heard must bee as ropes and fetters too bynd them withall According wheruntoo S. Paule sayeth expresly in another place that wee
haue vengeance ready for all such as ●et themselues ageinst our doctrine Yea though they bee the hyghest in the world yit if they set vp their bristles ageinst God and de●pyze him they shall not scape the damnation that is threatened them at leastwyse when the faythfull haue once performed their obedience And in deede when an enemie summoneth a people there is trembling for feare least they shall fynde no mercy if reasonable conditions should bee refuzed and what then shal be doone when God commeth not onely too will vs too yeeld our selues vntoo him but also too offer himselfe too vs and will haue vs too possesse him and all his goods in the person of Iesus Christ What shall become of vs if wee refuze such grace when he vseth such kyndnesse towardes vs Must not horrible damnation lyght vppon so villanous pryde and scornfulnesse when men voutsafe not too receyue him euen him which not only procureth their saluation but also created them and by whom they bee mainteyned Then let vs learne too marke well this doctrine wherein peace is spoken of too the ende wee prouoke not God any more ne turne our bread intoo bane and our meate intoo mortall poyson but that wee may bee quickened truely by the grace which God offereth vs dayly And for that cause Saint Paule concludeth that they which are so touched with Gods spirit to obey the Gospell simply and substancially are no more straungers but rather fellovvcit●zens vvith the Sayncts and Gods houshold folk And this tendeth still too the end that I haue noted afore that is too wit that Gods name should bee glorified as it deserueth and that wee should not step lyghtly too him as wee bee woont too doo For wee thinke too discharge our selues with one woord by saying that Iesus Christ is our redeemer But let vs alwayes call to remembrance what wee haue bin and in what taking we were til Iesus Christ drew vs out of the dungeons of death For the worde straungers importeth that which wee haue seene heertoofore namely that before the Gospell was preached the Gentyles were without hope of saluation cut of from Gods fauour without promises without God in the world insomuch that although they liued heere although they were fed and susteyned by the good thinges that God gaue them although they inioyed the lyght of the sunne yit neuerthelesse they were without god And at the same poynt are all vnbeleeuers So then S. Paules rehercing what our redemption was when Iesus Christ came too find vs reached vs his hand to guide vs too God his father is too the end that wee should learne to● yeeld hym the whole prayse of our saluation Heeruppon he sayeth that wee bee citizens of heauen companions with the Angelles of Paradise and fellowes with the holy kings and Prophets When there is any talke of the Prophetes and Apostles or of any of the Saynctes and Martyrs wee haue them in admiration and good reason wee should so but in the meane whyle wee regard not wherfore the holy Ghoste setteth them before vs The Papistes make Idolles of them and too theyr seeming they haue honored S. Paule and S. Peter well when they haue decked them with Gods fethers But contrarywyse it is sayd h●ere that when God setteth foorth the grace that he gaue vntoo them it is too the ende that wee shoulde bethinke vs of the benefite that he bestoweth vppon vs in that he mustereth vs in their band According wherunto the Apostle in the .xii. to the Hebrewes sayth that they might to be vnto vs as a great thicke cloud of witnesses that we myght followe their example the more cherefully and walke on in the way that they shewe vs Agein when God hath made vs too perceyue the inestimable good which he doth vs in matching vs with the Prophetes Apostles Martyrs and all the faythfull let vs go yit further and consider that he hath made vs fellowcitizens with the Angelles of heauen A man would take great labour for a citizenship Freedenizonship or Burgesship of this world and yit notwithstanding they be but incoms of this lyfe And what is this lyfe of ours A flyghtfull shadow which fleeteth away out of hand Behold God calleth vs not only to soiorne in his Church as straungers but also too assure vs that he admitteth and accepteth vs for his children so as wee may with trew trust and as it were with one mouth boldly call vppon him as our father and keepe one tune and melodie with all the Saints That therfore is the thing which we haue to remember vpon this streyne which order the Apostle vseth also in the end of the Epistle too the Hebrewes saying that we be no more vnder the law which could do nothing but fray vs bycause there was nothing too bee heard there but thunderings and lyghteninges which were terrible signes of Gods anger But wee sayeth he are come too mount Syon where wee heare the sweete voyce of God our father who matcheth vs with his holy spirites with his Angelles and with the soules of his faythfull ones so as wee bee now of their crew and may speake vntoo God as it were all with one mouth bycause wee haue one common head This is in effect the thing that wee must beare in mynd And although wee inioy it not as yit yit notwithstanding wee bee sure that by the meanes of fayth wee may walke through this present lyfe as straungers too the world and that God will not fayle too auow vs for his children and heyres and that although wee bee yit wrapped heere in many vyces and imperfections yit notwithstanding all the Saincts of Paradyse doo acknowledge vs for their brethren and imbrace vs for our Lorde Iesus Christes sake Now let vs cast our selues downe before the Maiestie of our good God with acknowledgment of our faults praying him too make vs so to feele them as we may mislike them more more on the other side set our whole mind too the considering of the infinite grace which he extendeth toowards vs in calling vs vntoo him too the intent we may not be so spitefull nor yit so witlesse and blind as not to hearken when he speaketh but rather that wee may obediently through fayth yeelde vntoo the doctrine which he setteth foorth vntoo vs wherein lyeth all our welfare and saluation and that the same may plucke vs backe from all the leaud lusts of the world and from all the froward affections that thrust vs aside turne vs away from him so as we may grow more and more in his feare and loue too be fashioned lyke his image vntill we bee come too his heauenly glory wheruntoo he calleth vs That it may please him too graunt this grace not only too vs but also too all people c. The .xv. Sermon which is the seuenth vppon the second Chapter 19 Then are you no more straungers and forreyners but fellowe citizens with the Saints and the
is any speache of our calling that is too say of the mercie that God hath shewed vs in forgetting what wee were and in fashioning vs anew after his owne image insomuch that wheras we were lost and forlorne yea and vtterly drowned in the bottome of hell by Adam he hath set vs vp ageyn and taken vs vp too the kingdome of heauen and is not contented too shewe vs his bounteousenesse in this world only but also intendeth too make vs partakers of his endlesse glory and too giue vs the crowne of lyfe in his kingdome it is a thing for vs too lerne too woonder at too the end wee may receyue so great so hygh so excellent and so worthie benefites with such reuerence as they deserue And Saint Paule not onely heere but also in other places calleth the Angels Principalities too shewe vs that wee cannot deuyze any thing so hygh and noble which is not inferiour too Iesus Christ as is declared more fully in the first too the Colossians For in asmuch as many men did euen at that tyme magnifye the Angels too deface the maiestie of our Lord Iesus Christ S. Paule sheweth that although the Angels bee as it were Gods powers or vertewes and his armes wherwith he executeth his woorkes and although they bee dominions and powers yit notwithstanding Iesus Christ ceasseth not too haue all preheminence and authoritie ouer them but lyke as the sunne darkeneth the lyght of the Starres so must all the dignitie of the Angels bee layd downe that it hinder not Iesus Christ too bee looked at of all men and to bee the onely Loadestar and too bee knowen that it is only he in whom lyeth the fulnesse of all good things and so is he in deede as is sayd in the same text And it is a poynt well woorthie too bee marked still For wee see how it is ynough now adayes among the Papistes too alledge the vertewes of the Apostles or of the Uirgin Marie or of the Sayntes too make ydols of them And it seemeth too them on the contrarie part also that if men doo not woorship them and pray vntoo them and yeeld them the seruis which belongeth alonly vntoo God they bee vtterly vndoone For thus doo they alledge How now Why should not the Uirg●● Marie bee our aduocate seing shee liued so holy a lyfe that shee was as a mirrour of all perfection and so hyghly in Gods fauour Ue●ily as who should say that the excellencie which God hath put intoo his creatures should serue too bereeue Iesus Christ in such wyse that he should bee put backe therfore So then let vs vnderstand that whatsoeuer can bee sayd or preached of the vertewes and woorthinesse of the Uirgin Marie of the Apostles and of all othe men yea and of the Angells of heauen serueth not too diminish the maiestie of our Lord Iesus Christ nor too turne vs away from him nor too cause his offices too bee delt away too this man and too that man Wheretoo then Too doo vs too wit that vertewes are so distributed to al Gods children as there is none other fountayne of all goodnesse but Iesus Christ who is the only party too whom wee must resort and that the creatures are neuer the more impayred though Iesus Christ ouer-peere them as their head That then is in effect the thing which wee haue too marke vppon Saint Paules woordes where he taunteeh such as would needs exalt the Angels without end or ceassing For he sayth very wel I graunt they be powers vertues principalities but yit is our Lord Iesus Christ still their head and they bee so grounded vppon him that they fare the better by our saluation Now then what an vngraciousnesse were it if wee should leaue Iesus Christ and go seeke too the Angels seeing that euen they doo woonder at the riches which God hath vttered in knitting vs intoo the bodie of his sonne and consequently in calling vs too him too bee his owne children by that meanes Thus yee see how the woondering of the Angells at our saluation ought too frame vs the better too our Lord Iesus Christ make vs to sticke fast vnto him without swar●ing from him any manner of way And for that cause is it added in the end that by him vvee haue boldnesse and enteraunce in hope through the beleefe vvhich is in him Heere S. Paule ment shortly to blame the vnthankfulnesse of such as are not contented with the hauing of Iesus Christ but thinke that he should haue some helpes added too him Therefore he sayeth what desire wee more than too bee knit vntoo God Is not our full happinesse there Now it is so that by beeleeuing in Iesus Christ we hau● confidence that wee may ●reace vntoo God the accesse is giuen 〈◊〉 And whereas trust or confidence is not ynough wee haue also bol●●nesse too come vntoo him with our heads vpright not as pre●uming any whit of our selues nor yit too come thither rechlesly but we must alwayes practize this saying of the Psalme that although we rest vppon Gods goodnesse yit must we euermore worship him with feare Notwithstanding we may alwayes come boldly vntoo Gods throne assuring our selues that his Maiestie shall no more bee terrible to vs seeing he sheweth himself a father toowards vs in the person of his onely sonne Wee see then how S. Paules meaning is too hold vs fast too Iesus christ And therein wee see also what our frowardnes is For it is certeyn that the care and zeale which S. Paule had too make vs cleaue fast too the sonne of God came of the wisdome of the holy Ghost who knew our frailtie and vnstedfastnesse Had we as yee would say but one drop of settled wit it were ynough too doo vs too vnderstand that by the Gospell we may possesse Gods sonne who giueth himself vntoo vs and that hauing him we haue all that euer we can wish It were ynough too haue spoken this in one word as S. Paule hath shewed already but wee see how he dubbleth and confirmeth his saying as though it were a hard thing too bee beleeued And of a truth it is verye hard bycause wee bee too much giuen too distrust and vnbeleefe Agein too beleeue for one day is not all that wee haue too doo it is required that wee should hold on still which is a verye rare thing too bee found in this world bycause wee bee alwayes ●isking By meanes whereof men doo as it were wylfully bereue themselues of the thing that was giuen them Furthe●more forasmuch as all the world is at the poynt and wee cannot bee wonne or perswaded but with great peyne too come too our Lord Iesus Christ and too rest vppon him let vs vse the remedie that Saint Paule setteth vs downe heere And first of all wee must marke well that Iesus Christ is the doore too open heauen vntoo vs for wee knowe that at his death the v●yle of the Temple
too make vs take our turne and course wee may bee fenced a long whyle aforehand and not bee possessed with such imagination as some bee which beare themselues on hand that they shal neuer feele any greefe or trubble but that wee may alwayes be redy armed to fyght Herewithal S. Paule sheweth that it is not ynough for vs to be only taught for we should not ceasse for all that to be alwayes fretting and to be as men more than half out of their wittes vntill God made his doctrine too take such place as wee were touched too the quicke with it Now then hauing exhorted the Ephesians he sayeth I bowe my knees before the father of our Lord Iesus Christ. If exhorting too the end that euery man myght be of courage had bin ynough S. Paul would not haue added that which he speaketh heere of prayer But to the intent too shewe what the Ephesians had too doo he falleth intoo the way before them too giue them an example And therfore let vs marke that when wee shall haue had our eares beaten with Gods woord to shewe vs our dewtie and thertoo not only bin instructed but also exhorted and spurred forward yit will there alwayes bee some sloth coldnesse and rechlesnesse in vs so as the doctrine shal stand vs in smal stead vntill God touch vs with his holy spirit And this serueth too beate downe al pryde in vs For a number thinke themselues able too woork woonders who feele themselues beguyled when they come too the pinch Wee see what happened too Peter He promised yea euen vnfeynedly that he would not shrinke from his Mayster though he should dye for it Yee see how Peter made a stout brag Surely he made it not but of a zeale which a man would say is good and holy and he ment too haue had the same intent so settled as too haue shewed it at the neede and yit notwithstanding the stout wordes of a sillye wenche made him too deny Christ and he was redy too haue denyed him a hundred tymes insomuch that he fell to cursing banning Seeing wee haue such a looking glasse let vs acknowledge our owne weaknesse in Peters person and as S. Paule sheweth vs heere let vs resort too him that hath all power in him For it is not ynough for vs too knowe our disease vnlesse wee seeke the remedie of it First of all then let vs rid our selues of al foolish opinions wherwith the world is imbrewed as that a man may bee able too ouercome all temptations by his owne free will and rather let vs learne too abace our selues vtterly knowing that when as God is so gracious to vs as too teache vs by his woord the same is not too inable vs too doo it but onely too hold vs the more giltie and conuicted therof too the end wee should not make a sheeld of ignorance Let that bee one poynt Yit notwithstanding let vs not stay there but for asmuch as we be weake of our selues and Godhath all strength in him let vs repayre vntoo him For it is certein that he calleth and allureth vs vntoo him And therfore let vs not thinke that wee shal be disapoynted when we cast our selues downe so as half dead or rather as starke dead at his feete not doubting but that he will lift vs vp agein And so Saint Paule speaking of his praying too God heere was not alonly too protest that he discharged his dewtie but too the intent that the same should serue for an example too all the faythfull that vppon the knowing of their wantes they myght resort only vntoo God knowing that he holdeth vs vp continually by strong hand and that after he hath once giuen vs fayth he addeth also such inuincible constancie that wee stand out too the end This is it in effect which wee haue too beare in mynd And therfore let vs take warning not too trust too our owne wit nor too presume anie whit vppon our own power and strength when wee come too heare Gods woord but too desyre our God that lyke as he hath voutsafed too haue his woord preached vntoo vs by the mouth of a man so he will also speake vntoo vs inwardly and in secret by his holy Ghost that by that meanes the doctrine which wee haue heard may take roote and bring forth profit and fruite And moreouer sith wee see by experience that God requyreth more of vs than our power and abilitie can auoord let vs desyre him too supply our wantes according too the example that I haue set downe alredye which is that it is cleane contrarie too our fleshly reason that wee should go too death if neede bee and forsake the world and our owne lyfe This is not too bee found in man if he followe still his owne reason and will. God therfore must bee fayne too woorke in this cace and too remedie our infirmitie But although that too suffer for the Gospell and too go too death as it were with blyndfolded eyes and not too bee turned away nor striken downe for anye thing bee verye hard things and such as passe all abilitie of man yit will God stand by vs in such sort as wee shall ouercome all distresses if wee arme our selues with the weapons that he giueth vs that is too say if vpon the knowing of his will wee being vnable too walke as he commaundeth vs doo pray him too giue vs legges and too strengthen vs in such wyse as wee may ouercome all This doone a man cannot say that this doctrine is vnprofitable For why is it that our Lord giueth vs those things by his holy spirit which we haue not by nature Euen too make the doctrine auaylable so as it may not disappoynt vs They then which doo slaunderously say that if wee cannot followe God of our owne freewill it were better too forbeare preaching bycause it is but lost labour they say I wote not what order God keepeth too assure vs too himself And experience sheweth well ynough that the preaching of the word is but an instrumēt wherby God worketh in secret If wee bee fully resolued of that then shall wee verye well perceyue that God agreeth very wel with himself in that he will haue the Gospell preached too vs and yit telleth vs that it should stand vs in no stead except it pleazed him too woorke in our hartes by his holie spirit Now in saying that the Gospell is an instrument it is all one as if a man should say that a plowman with his Plowgh 〈…〉 and all other things were an instrument and yit not therfore the cause why the earth bringeth 〈◊〉 fruites And why For God keepes that too himself and in that respect doo wee aske him our dayly bread For wee must vnderst●●d that as a father hath care of his children and as yee would say puts the meate intoo their mouthes so will God haue vs too receyue our sustenance at his handes And for that cause
too vnderstand that the Churche should bee preserued for● euer and that there should alwayes remayne some seede of it in the world so as the record of sauation should neuer bee frutelesse but there should bee some people still too bee gathered toogither which should bee a looking glasse wherin too behold the inestimable mercie which our God sheweth vs in our Lord Iesus Christ. So then wee see Saynt Pauls meaning wherby wee ought too bee assured that although Satan practyze all that is possible too wype away the remembering of God and too make hauocke in the Church as the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ may bee as good as defaced yit will God ouercome all by his power so as the Church shall continew still and the death and passion of our Lord Iesus Christ shall bee auaylable notwithstanding the crueltie of Tyrantes and the practyzes of houshold enemyes and of such as would ouerthrowe the whole buylding And that also is the cause why Saynt Paule setteth vs downe the name of Iesus Christ. It is trew that wee cannot yeeld God thankes but by that meane for it is certeyne that wee should not bee meete too receyue one drop of good but by the meane of our Lord Iesus Christ bycause wee bee enemyes too God by nature Insomuch that although he bee freeharted euen too the vnbeleeuers yit shall the same turne too their greater condemnation so that they bee dubble accursed in beeing partakers of Gods blissynges for too hym that is vncleane all thyngs are vncleane as sayth Saint Paule in an other place And therefore wee can neuer giue God thankes but in the name of Iesus Christ by whom wee rereyue all good things Howbeit Saint Paules meanyng was too doo vs too vnderstand in this Text that Gods once shewing of hym selfe too bee a father too all men in the person of his onely sonne by ordeinyng hym too make the attonement was too last for euer and too continue world without end insomuch that wee must assure our selues as I sayd afore that God will mainteyne his truth in this world and by that meanes haue alwayes some flocke gathered vnto him among whom his name shal bee called vppon But let vs come now too the second part He sheweth that it is not ynough for vs too haue knowne Gods goodnesse by experience for the tyme past vnlesse we be strengthened in such hope by it as we doubt not but that God will shewe himself mercifull toowards vs euer after And that is the cause why he sayeth Too him that is able too doo al things exceeding abundantly aboue our asking or thinking Now wee see heere how S. Paule warneth vs that if God haue vsed great mercifulnesse towards vs heeretoofore wee must not doubt of his continuing of the same bycause he is not lyke mortal men which be fickle mynded nother must wee bee afrayd that his fountayne will drye when he shal haue bestowed great benefits vppon vs already Why so for he hath such store of them that the more wee take to our contentation the greater abundaunce hath he still Wee see then the meane too dispoze our selues too acknowledge the good that God hath done vs at leastwyse too honour him for them is too bee alwayes fully resolued and perswaded that wee shall euer fynd him a father bycause he hath promised so too bee And wheras he speaketh of Gods power or myght wee must not imagin it too bee an ydle power as the worldlings doo They will graunt well ynough that God is almyghtie but yit in the meane whyle they trust neuer the more in him Too their seeming he takes his rest in heauen or else he dispozeth not things in this world but at starts when he bethinks himself of them But contrariwyse when God speaks vntoo vs of his power it is too the end wee should make it our sheeld ageinst al the distresses hinderances and lets which the diuell casteth before our eyes too make vs distrust Gods promises Lyke as when it is sayd that Abraham beleued that God is almightie it was not generally and confuzedly but with an applying of Gods infinite power too the thing that had bin promised him which was that in his seede all the nations of the earth should bee blissed Abraham looking vppon himself sawe he was a man as fast decaying as myght bee He drooped and as yee would say dragged his wings after him too bee short he was hard at deathes doore His wyfe had bin barrein all hir lyfe long she was past the age of teeming anie more insomuch that the thing which was told him by Gods own mouth seemed vtterly vnpossible And why is it that Abraham dooth neuerthelesse beleeue assuredly that God will keepe promis with him It is bycause he had an eye too his infinite power which is able too ouercome all lets and hinderances Wee see then how Abraham applyed Gods power too his owne behoof assuring himself that Gods truthe and his power are things inseparable After that maner also dooth S. Paule say that he whom he hath put in trust with his gage is myghtie For he sawe himself too bee a poore and frayle creature he sawe how hee was hunted at all hands he sawe that he was shaken of and despyzed he sawe how the doctrine that he bare abrode was hated and abhorred he sawe how his lyfe hung as by a threede and he had such a number of trubbles as were able too ouerwhelm him yea and finally too confound him and dispatch him quyte And how ouercame he all this abode inuincible yea euen tryumphed ouer them being in prison seing himself at deathes doore How could he haue such victory ageinst so manie temptations and incounters It was by knowing that God was the keper of his soule whervpon he conceyued his infinite power which is able too performe all that he appoynteth Yee see then that Saint Paule imagined not a power in the aire but knew that God wrought so in him as he should neuer fall but vppon his feete as men say And why For he had promis of it Wherfore let vs learne to put this lesson as well in vre as it is common in the scripture The repeting therof so oft is not for nought For wee see the frowardnesse that is in our selues insomuch that although God haue promised too keepe vs yit if neuer so little a blast of wynd come vppon vs wee bee dismayed by and by And howso Surely if wee yeelded God the honour that hee deserueth and acknowledge him too bee almightie in deede we should boldly defye all that seemeth too bee ageinst vs And why For if God bee on our syde who shal bee ageinst vs sayeth Saint Paule And wee see also how Dauid defyeth both all his enemyes and also death saying though I should walk in the shadowe of death within the graue yit should I be safe bycause God is my shepherd and hathe his sheephooke too
all the disposition of our nature are inclyned vnto euill doo both draw vs back and driue vs farre of from the obedience which wee ought too yeeld vntoo our maker I say too correct all this throughly and too come vntoo God we must learne to lift vp onr senses too the infinite grace that God hath shewed vs in making vs parttakers of the spirituall goods of our Lord Iesus Christ by voutsafing too hane vs too bee members of his bodie and too adopt vs too bee his children and heires Furthermore let vs consider the end whereat he amed too the intent God complayne not of vs as he doth of the Israelites by his Prophet Esay bycause of the vnthankfulnesse which they had shewed towardes him He sayeth that he had taken them as his Uyneyard or as a costly heritage And he telleth them that for all his manuring of them they had brought him foorth nothing but wyld Grapes and bitter frute Let vs beware say I that God haue not iust cause too blame vs now adayes as well as he did them For if the people of Israell receyued excellent giftes much more are wee bound vntoo God now adayes since the comming of our Lord Iesus christ For loke what he gaue too the Fathers of olde tyme in figures and shadowes that haue wee at these dayes in truth and substance wee bee in the ful tyme wherin it was Gods will too powre out al his benefites vppon vs too the full Sith it is so wee shal bee the lesse excusable if wee bee vnthankefull and acknowledge not the good that God hath doone vs That is the thyng which wee haue too beare in mynde And moreouer let vs consider that as sayeth Saint Peter our Lord hath drawen vs out and reskewed vs from the tyrannye of death and called vs too his kingdome of lyght too the intent that wee should blaze abrode his vertewes and bestowe our whole lyfe in magnifying him too the vttermost according too this present text where it is sayd that wee must walke according too the vocation that God hath called vs vntoo Now this importeth a gathering and drawing of vs out by our selues as though God ment too make a new world of vs And in verye deede the thing whertoo the death and passion of our Lord Iesus Christ tendeth is that we should bee sholed out from the vnclenenesse of the world Seeing then that wee bee as it were sorted out by our selues and God hath dedicated vs too himself intending too haue vs for his inheritance let vs learne not too disappoynt him of his purpose And if wee bee the children of lyght as he sayth in another place let vs walke no more in darknesse as the vnbeleeuers doo but let vs make the grace effectuall which wee haue receyued That is it in effect which we haue to remember concerning the woord Uocation or Calling Too bee short we shal bee much more blame-woorthie than the sis●ie ignorant and blynd soules if we indeuer not too hold our selues as it were locked vp vnder Gods hand and vnder his guyding Truth it is that at this day there is no corner of the world but it is so corrupted as is horrible too see insomuch that euen they that haue had no tast at all of the Gospell but haue bin nuzzeled and imbrewed continually with superstition shal not fayle to be iustly condemned at Gods hand And as for vs it is certeyne that wee shall haue a much harder account too make for that God inlyghtneth vs with his woord and wheras other folkes stray and wander in destruction he sheweth vs the way of saluation calling and alluring vs daylye vntoo him Seeing then that wee haue such a priuiledge wee ought too bethinke our selues well that wee quench not the lyght by thrusting it vnderfoote and so put away the speciall grace that was graunted vs and which God voutsafed too direct vntoo vs too the end wee should bee the more prouoked too serue him But by the way wee must marke well how S. Paule sayeth that this must bee doone with all submission and lowelinesse with pacience and meeknesse Hereby he ment too expresse that it is not ynough for euery man too imploye himself too the dooing of his dewtie but that we must also reach out our hands eche one too his neyghbour and brother so as God may bee serued with one common consent among vs Let vs marke well therfore forasmuch as the residue cannot bee dispatched at this tyme that S. Paul speakes not heere too euery man seuerally but that he comprehendeth al the whole bodie and companie of the Churche As if he should say my frends it is not ynough for euery of vs too withdrawe himself and too abstein from all euill and too shewe himself well mynded and zealous too liue in the feare of God and in all vprightnesse but wee must also haue a mutuall care one of another and bee fully resolued that it is no seruing of God if we indeuer not by all the meanes wee can that others may doo the lyke And so wee see heere how it is the rule of all the faithful first that euery man looke too himself and though all the world bee mad in doing euill yit notwithstanding that he which is taught in Gods schoole doo hold himself in awe and vnder subiection and consider whertoo he is called and therwithall that if there bee many of vs and God haue shed out his grace so as he hath gotten himself a Churche wee must to the vttermost of our power seeke to ioyne with them whom God calleth as well as vs so that he which goeth formest reache his hand too him that is next him and say let vs goe altogither and one of vs incorage another that he which goes faintly and hath infirmities in him bee taryed for by those that go swifter and bee borne vp also if neede be● so as wee may all bee drawen vntoo god And this must not onely bee doone in euery towne and village but also wee must looke yit further of and consider that they whom we knowe not are neuerthelater of the body of our Lord Iesus Christ and therfore wee must serue them for looking glasses and examples and confirme them so much the more too leade a godly conuersation by shewing them the way that they may followe vs And let vs also profite our selues so as if wee see any other men more vertuous zealous and constant than wee bee euery of vs may bee ashamed of it and saye thus too our selues How now Is it meete that thou shouldest lag behynd when other folkes marche on so fast afore and runne so cheerefully toowards God Yee see then that the thing in effect which wee haue too beare away heere is that inasmuch as God hath not called vs eft one man alone and eft another as though he ment too sette vs a sunder but directeth his voyce too all and will haue it serue for a holy
as shal bee declared in the end and hath bin partly declared alredie The husband is in deede the head but the woman is the bodie And wheras the head hath preheminence and souereintie ouer the bodie it dooth not therefore follow that he should hold scorne of it or bee glad too haue it shamed or reproched for dooth not the honour of the head extend too the whole body But now forasmuch as husbands are not sufficiently moued with the reason that is taken of our Lord Iesus Christ Saint Paule bringeth them backe too their originall And for asmuch as the heathen folk and vnbeleeuers were acquaynted with mariage and had giuen indgment of it therfore wee neede no holy scripture sayeth he too teache vs in this behalf for the ignorant soules which had but natural vnderstanding and walked as their moother wit directed them knew that the wyfe is a peece of the husband and that there goeth an inseparable bond betwixt them and that the one ought not too forsake the other vnlesse they will teare themselues in peeces Seeing that the blynd wretches perceyued this what a shame is it for such as are inlyghtened by Gods woord and haue bin taught familiarly as household folk euen as a father hath his eye vppon his children too bee ignoraut of it Seeing say I that God speaketh so familiarly too vs and as it weere month too mouth so as he sheweth vs his will and telleth vs our deutie must it not needs bee that we are woorse than the I●fidels and much more greeuously too bee condemned than they if wee continew hard har●●d or stop our eares least wee myght receyue the aduyce that he giueth vs Then let vs marke well that seeing Saint Paule hath set vs foorth our Lord Iesus Christ for an example and told vs that he is so giuen vs it is good reason considering how wee bee linked vntoo him that wee should shewe our selues willing too follow him and fashyon our selues lyke vnto him by pitying such as are in distresse by bearing paciently with the vyces and infirmities of our neyghbours and by releeuing such as haue neede of vs if wee may conueniently and haue wherwithall Let vs think well vppon that Agein forasmuch as heere is mention made of man and wyfe let them that are maryed consider what damnation is prepared for them if they bee not moued and touched too the quicke by the things that are told them heere namely that on the one syde the heathen folk shall ryze vp to giue witnesse ageinst them at the latter day and that on the other syde the order of nature teacheth them what they haue to doo so that if they liue not in concord and freendship as is shewed them here they doo as it were wilfully withstand God yea and vtterly forget themselues and become woorse than brute beastes And furthermore let them knowe also that forasmuch as mariage is a figure of the holy vnion that is betweene the some of God and al the faythfull the same ought also too hold them in the greater reuerence and although there happen many contentions yit ought they too subdew them and too let them lye as dead and too consider that sith our Lord Iesus sitteth ouer them it is too shewe that wedlocke was blissed in such wyse by God his father at the first that he himselfe also hath ratifyed the same blissing by his death and passion yea and reconcyled vs too God in such wyse as the husband may perceyue as it were in a lyuely picture that he is all one with his wyfe howbeeit in such wyse vnder the obedience of God as both twayne of them ought too serue him with one accord euen vntyll they bee so farre foorth as they bee come too hym too cleaue too him throughly in all perfection Now although such warnings ought too bee of great force among vs yit are very fewe touched with them according●y And the world sees it For let a man looke intoo all housholdes one after another and where shall he fynd such freendship as may resemble Iesus Christ and his Church Nowhere But the man and his wyfe are rather euer iarring and disagreeing And if there happen too bee some fond 〈◊〉 yit is there no feare of God and the least occasion in the world wyll bee ynough too set them at oddes so as they shall forget all that is conteyned heere Or too say the truth they neuer once thinke of it The loue that is betwixt them is led and prouoked by their lustes and not grounded vpon any knowledge that they haue of the discharging of their dewtie that the husband considereth how he ought too beare with his wyfe how he ought too guyde hir in the feare of God and how he ought too loue hir as a helper allotted vntoo him for his ease that he myght walke as hee ought too doo Nor that the wyfe humbleth hir selfe too hir husband or bendeth hir wittes too please him bycause shee perceyueth that shee is expressely giuen vntoo him too bee a furtherance and not a hinderance vntoo him There is no talke nor inckling of al this but if all bee well considered I say the common and most ordinarie state is that in euery house a man shall fynde diuelishnesse cursyng banning blasphemie swearing spytefulnesse and harming And although some w●man bee a feend towardes hir neyghbours as well as shee is towardes hir husband yit if hir husband had any wealth or goods by hir he must take hir part without discretion and maynteyne hir quarrell be it good or bad I say a man may see that this peruersenesse reygneth welneere euerywhere Agein euery man complaynes of his wyfe saying I cannot liue with hir it is a mad beast there is nothing in hir but pryde and peeuishnesse and there is nothing in hir but froward stubbornnesse I cannot speake a woord too hir but shee payes mee agein with foure for it Now surely such as men make their wyues such haue they of them For were there no more but this that I spake of namely that men doo as it were in spyte of God maynteyne their wyues wrongfull quarelles ought not God too yeeld them their deserued hyre and too make it rebound backe vppon their owne pates Whatsoeuer I say if a man marke well e●ery mans ordinarie trade of lyfe he shall fynde that there may bee a sorte of fond loues and a forte of excessiue affections but as for well ordered frendship such as dependeth vppon God and is grounded on his woord hardly shal he among a hundred houses fynd one where the husband and the wyfe are so well qualifyed Yit notwithstanding wee bee vnexcuzable if wee profit not in this doctrine So then euery of vs must fyght ageinst his vnruly affections if a man haue not such a wyfe as he could wish let him vnderstād that God intendeth to try his pacience by that meanes and let him consider wel that he behaueth himselfe woorse towardes our Lord
from our father Adam as it were by inheritance The maner therfore that wee bee of Iesus Christes flesh and bone of his bone is that wee bee graffed intoo his body accordingly as Saint Paul also vseth the same similitude of graffyng Lyke as a sine that is set intoo a stocke taketh his sustenance from the same so must wee by being graffed intoo our Lord Iesus Christ. Trew it is that we doo not yit bring foorth good fruite of our selues for his purpose heere is but too shewe that as a braunche withereth which is broken of from the roote and so let alone but receyueth sap and nurrishment frō the roote if it bee graffed intoo another euen so is it with vs that is too wit that if wee continew such as wee bee by kynde then are wee in death bycause wee bee separated from our Lord Iesus Christ but if wee bee incorporated intoo him and it please him too communicate himselfe vnto vs then doo we feele in very deede that bread doth not more nurrishe vs whē wee eate it nor wyne strengthen vs better when we drink it than wee verily receyue lyfe and strength by the body and blud of our Lord Iesus Christ. Now then that this is a hygh misterie euery man is able to iudge of himselfe When wee haue debated neuer so much and scanned the matter in our hartes is there any of vs that can comprehend how wee bee knit too our Lord Iesus Christ and how wee bee made all one with him so as wee can assure and warrant our selues that wee shall by that meane bee parttakers of Gods glorie and that euen at this day wee liue in our Lord Iesus Christ According too this saying of his bee of good cheere for as I liue so shall you also Can this say I enter intoo so small a roome as our sensuall reason is No surely And that is the cause why a number of men cannot admit this poynt that wee bee the flesh of Iesus Christ and bone of his bones but content themselues with their owne imaginations which is an abacing of Gods grace which Saint Paule was not able too expresse but rather shewed vs that it ought too rauish our wittes too woonder at it Many then may happen too haue a rouing and as it were a heathenish imagination that we bee knit vnto our Lord Iesus Christ that is too say that wee bee saued by his grace But the Scripture goeth further and though there were no more but this saying That it is a great misterie yit let vs beware of limiting it after our owne fancie for it were al one as if wee would make Saint Paule a lyer All such as despyze this spirituall coniunction which wee haue with our Lord Iesus Christ would shewe that there is no such secret nor wonderfull power of God nor aught else as wee heare spoken of heere And the holy Ghost vseth such speeche too humble vs and afterward ●oo exalt vs agein Therefore wee must on the one syde confesse that all the wisedome and wit which wee haue dooth fayle vs in that behalfe and afterward ryze vp agein for that we heare our Lord Iesus Christ call vs too him and tell vs that wee bee so knit vntoo him that he hath not any thing of his owne which he maketh not common too vs and wherof he will not haue vs too bee parttakers Therfore if wee haue any contrarye motions in our selues and it come intoo our heades too say how is it possible that our Lord Iesus Christ who is in heauen should nurrish vs with his owne substance so as his body should bee our meate and his blud our drinke I say if wee fall intoo such fancies we must repulse them all with that which is sayd here namely that it is a great Secret and wee must rebuke our owne folly and rashnesse in intending too measure the thing that is infinite Our Lord sheweth vs that when he hath knit vs too his only sonne he hath doone so high and profound a woorke as surmounteth all our capacitie Seeing it is so let vs alwayes conclude that although wee fynde it a straunge matter yit must wee rest vppon the thing which is spoken by God himselfe specially when he sayth that he will woorke after so hygh a fashyon that wee shal bee vtterly rauished at it Wherefore let vs learne generally vppon this text that all the benefytes which wee receyue by the meanes of our Lord Iesus Christ thereby too atteine too the heauenly lyfe are and doo proceede of the fayd fountaine of Gods incomprehensible wisedome so as it is not for vs too bee so foolish and presump●uous as too say I will knowe what it is and agein I will see what pleaseth mee Let vs restreyne our selues from such presumption for it will make vs vnwoorthy of the misterie of fayth bycause it is a saying that importeth a great secret The end say I whereat wee must begin if we mynd too fare the better by Iesus Christ and too bee parttakers of all his grace is too vnderstand that Gods woorking in our saluation is a great misterie or secret according too the text that I alledged heertoofore out of the Epistle too Timothie It is a great misterie sayth Saint Paule that God was manifested in the flesh For what a great distance is there betweene God and man Wee be but wormes and rottennesse and Gods maiestie is so hygh as no man can say what it is nor conceyue the hundredth part of it in thought but wee must be fayne too bee rauished too woonder at it Seeyng then that God hath so linked himselfe vntoo vs that he is the trew Emanuell as he is named in Esay and that the things which seeme to be so farre asunder are knit togither in the person of our Lord Iesus Christ Let vs conclude theruppon that there is nothing but mysteries and secretes in all the grace which wee receyue of our God and specially in our incorporating or graffing intoo our Lord Iesus Christ who hauing taken our nature vppon him and clothed himselfe with our fleshe will haue vs too bee graffed into him as into our roote too bee quickened by his spirit and too bee parttakers of his lyfe so as he hath nothing peculiar too himself alone but will haue all to be common vnto vs Will wee then receyue our Lord Iesus Christ with all the benefytes which he bringeth vs and will wee by his meanes ouercome all the temptations that can crosse vs Wee must tast throughly of the thinges that the holy Scripture telleth vs and setteth afore vs and giue such reuerend credit vnto thē by acknowledging that God woorketh in vs by our Lord Iesus Christ as the same may content vs and make vs too forsake all our owne naturall vnderstanding Now let vs fall downe before the Maiestie of our good God with acknowledgment of our sinnes praying him too voutsafe too pardon vs in such wyse as wee may
our Lord Iesus Christ and our lampes bee burning in our hands that wee may see the way by the lyght that is giuen vs in our Lord Iesus Christ who not without cause is named the lyght of the world Agein let vs withdrawe our selues from this spirituall drunkennes which turneth the vnbeleeuers away from the kingdome of heauen and holdeth them downe heere beneath vntill they bee come vntoo finall destruction Therfore let vs mark wel that wee cannot profit well by the Gospell vntill wee bee put in redinesse that is too say vntill as neede is we be weeded out from all these things here belowe and our Lord haue so dispozed vs too him self as our only trauell may bee too come alwayes forewarder and neerer vntoo him vntill wee bee gone out of this world and bee also quyte rid and set looce from all the bonds of Satan and from all the meanes that he hath too hinder vs If wee knowe this once wee shall haue profited well for one day But Saint Paule addeth one other tytle too the Gospell which serueth too make vs the more in loue with it saying that it is the Gospell of peace And therby he giueth vs corage to fyght as if he should say my freends it is trew that your enemies are myghtie and will giue you hard skirmishes insomuch that yee should not bee able too withstand them but yee should bee ouerthrowen a hundred thousand tymes in an houre if God ayded you not Neuerthelesse if yee refuze not the succour that God giueth you but rather make it effectuall by inforcing your selues to withstand all euill yee shall haue peace in the middes of warre And why For the Gospell bringeth alwayes that benefyte with it Now it is much when wee can fyght without being afrayd For wee see in what taking they bee from tyme to time which are out of quiet there is nother counsell nor aduyce in them they bee quyte out of hart and too bee short the trubble dooth alwayes dismay them But yit is it trew that we must haue a care with vs as hath bin sayd afore For if wee bee rechelesse we shal bee ouerraught by and by Howbeeit this Care is no let or impediment but that we may enter intoo the battell freely with a stedie and well settled mynd forasmuch as God is on our syde and will vtter his myghtie power in our defence This is the thing that ought too make vs quiet so as no such feare attache vs as may make vs too turne head or disfurnish vs of aduyce but that the more wee bee pinched the more we may flee vntoo God praying him too succour vs and too prouyde for all our needs which he knoweth much better than wee our selues doo Now then wee see what Saint Paules meaning is when he wil haue vs too bee shod with the Gospell It is not too holde vs in this world but rather that wee should bee in a redinesse too trauell freely towards the kingdome of heauen and moreouer haue a quiet mynd too serue God trusting assuredly that notwithstāding all the trubbles which we haue too indure yit wee shal not perish For he assureth vs not only too succour vs in some one assault but too continew with vs vntoo the end euen till he haue deliuered vs from al the greefs and trubbles which wee susteyne at this day There is further that vvee must aboue all things take the Sheeld or Buckler of fayth and the spirituall Svvoord vvhich is Gods vvoord As touching this Sheeld he setteth downe that by meanes thereof wee may beate backe the burning or fyrie dartes which the enemye whoorleth at vs It should seeme that Saint Paule vseth here a needlesse speech in putting Gods woord and fayth asunder and that he should not set downe twoo things which are but one For fayth is nothing of it selfe furtherfoorth than it is grounded vpon Gods woord and Gods woord also aduauntageth vs not except wee receyue it by fayth But his distinguishing of these twoo things which notwithstanding go ioyntly toogither was for the easyer declaring of them And he setteth fayth for the buckler too the end sayeth he that wee should therewith ward all the dartes of our enemye Yit agein he sheweth vs that of our owne power wee bee not able too warde the blowes that Satan can giue vs but that they would be deadly For he thinkes it not ynough too say simply too ward the blowes or assaultes but he sayth the dartes Now men see that one shall sooner ●ee hit vnwares with dartes than with speares or swoordes lyke as now adayes a man shall sooner bee hit with a Hargabusse or with a dubble Canon than with a swoord that is swindged before ones face and which he may more easly shun Saint Paule therefore setteth downe the diuelles dartes lyke as he had erst set downe his wyles Now then let vs marke that Satan not onely vseth force but also myght wound vs too death by suttle meanes if wee were not fenced by fayth For as is sayd elsewhere it behoueth vs too knowe his whyles and without wee doo so wee can neuer withstand him He is the father of lying and besydes that hath such store of wyles as none can haue more too beguyle vs and too intrappe vs Therefore let vs receyue these warnings that wee may bee the more waking too apply the promises too our behoof which are giuen vs in Gods woord And he setteth downe Fyrie Dartes too shewe that his woundes should be deadly As I sayd afore if God did not set his power afore vs and defend vs and preserue vs therby Now wee see what the force of fayth is Now looke how much is attributed too fayth so much is taken away from men For fayth borroweth all things of Gods mere grace and liberalitie Therfore let vs marke that in this text Saint Paule ment too humble vs and too shewe vs that God must bee fayne too prouyde vs of all things belonging and requysyte too our victorye And therefore whosoeuer make themselues sheeldes of any of all the other bulwarkes that can be deuyzed too repulse Satan withall they shall haue but a spyders web as they say and Satan will but sport him at their presumption insomuch that when they weene they haue all the mountaynes of the world too fortifye them it shall profit them nothing at all at their neede Wherfore let vs learne too make fayth our bucklar that is too say when wee mynd too enter intoo the battell and too hold out in it let vs consider that God is our father bycause he hath elected and chozen vs for his children of his owne infinite goodnesse Seeing he hath assured vs that he will alwayes be on our syde and that he is greater than all the world and that he hath put vs in good and safe keeping by ordeyning our Lord Iesus Christ too bee our Shepherd let vs gather all those promises toogither and make a sheeld of
of our lyfe as wee may couet aboue all thinges that God should be glorified in our persons whether it bee by life or by death as S. Paule sheweth vs by his owne example in the Epistle to the Phillippians And so ye see what we haue to remember in the first place And he sayeth expresly that Vtterance myght bee giuen him in opening of his mouth As if he should say that God myght giue him such corage and constancie as he myght not speake fayntly but freely preach the Gospell and not conceale any thing that myght serue too let foorth the grace of our Iord Iesus Christ and the infinite benefytes that hee hath brought vs That is the thing which Saint Paule ment by the opening of his mouth Now experience sheweth that he did not without cause desyre of God that his mouth myght bee opened as a gate or doore for he vseth the same terme in the fore-alledged place of the fourth too the Colossians For such as shun death that is too wit the most parte of them that professe the preaching of the Gospell will not sticke too say somewhat too the matter but yit they doo oftentymes so disgyze the ryght or else speake it so fearfully as the hearers wot not what they meane by it their woords shal bee so intangled Too bee short whereas they should shewe with loud and shirle voyce what our Lord Iesus Christ is what Gods seruice is what the trew religion is what fayth and repentance is they touch them as it were at glaunce but as for too rip vp matters and too serch them too the bottom they cannot away with that And why For they see perill hanging ouer their heades if they should vse such freenesse Howbeeit Gods trew seruantes must practize that which Saint Paule sayeth too Timothie namely that they haue not a slauish and cowardly hart but march foorth freely in their vocation too ouerpasse all the furiousnesse of the world and to haue a brazen forehead as it is sayd in Ieremie And although they see many hard battelles and that they cannot please the world in dooing their dewtie but that they shall haue the enmitie of many men for exalting the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ as they ought too doo yit let them not ceasse too go foreward and too ouercome all lettes Howbeeit forasmuch as wee bee fearfull and feeble God must bee fayne too woorke in vs and too giue vs boldnesse too speake as wee ought too doo Then is it not ynough for vs too bee warned of our dewtie but wee must also adde this poynt of resorting vntoo God with acknowledgment of our wantes and defaultes And furthermore let vs all take notice in generall that the preaching of the Gospell is too hygh and weyghtie a charge vnlesse wee bee gouerned by Gods spirit according also as Saint Paule cryeth out in the second too the Corinthians Who is sufficent for it When he speaketh of the preaching whereby men should bee reconcyled vntoo God and certifyed of their saluation whereby the kingdome of heauen is opened whereby wee haue witnesse of the forgiuenesse of our sinnes and whereby the blud of our Lord Iesus Christ is giuen foorth too wash vs from all our steynes who is of abilitie meete for it sayeth Saint Paule except God make vs able by woorking in vs For wee cannot so much as thinke too doo good Yea wee bee so farre of from hauing power too doo any thing in deede that wee cannot so much as thinke one good thought vnlesse God giue vs it Now then let such as are called too the office of teaching Gods Church vnderstand their owne weakenesse and put themselues wholly intoo Gods hand too bee made able too discharge themselues knowing that they shall neuer bring it too passe no nor the hundreth part of it vnlesse it bee giuen them from aboue And therefore let all men pray for those that are so ordeyned too bee teachers and ministers of the woord for it is a singular gift of God when wee haue such Shepherdes of our soules as are able too guyde vs well Wherfore bee it knowen both too great and small that too maynteyne the Church in hir perfect state and soundnesse God must bee fayne too giue power and strength too such as should teache and men must pray for them for in so doing euery man procureth his owne welfare and saluation And if we be negligent therin it is a token that wee make no reckening nother of our spiritual life nor of the common welfare of the Church And heerin wee see what wee ought too deeme of such as pretend too preache Gods woord in these dayes and in the meane whyle are so fearefull that they dare not open their mouth vntill they haue well bethought them whether the things that they intend too speake may offend or delyght the eares of him and of hir What a sort see wee in the Popedome which rowe betweene two streames and would fayne haue it knowen that they bee such as would fayne haue leaue too preache purely But yit for all that they doo so beepeynt the doctrine which they vtter as they play the craftie merchantes and there is nothing but falshood in them according also as Saint Paule vseth the same similitude in speaking of such as abused Gods woord too purchace the fauour of the world and too maynteyne it Now the saying of such men is that they must stryke sayle hold with the hare and hunt with the hound eschew occasiō of stumbling blocks and that it is not for a man too stryue ageinst the streame As who should say they bee much wyzer than God ●ho speaking by Saint Paule telleth vs that Iesus Cerist must bee preached throughly and men must not go about too bury him any more for seeing he is rizen vntoo glorie he will haue the voyce of his Gospell ring loud and shirle without any dissimulation as I sayd afore Moreouer euen where there is no persecutiō of sword nor fyre the world sees that they which name themselues ministers of the Gospell would fayne currye fauell in such wyse as there should bee no shift but our Lord Iesus Christ must stoope and wrythe his truthe too and fro at mennes pleasures Now adayes when the preachers perceyue that it is no pleasant thing for them too put men vnder the yoke of our Lord Iesus Christ what say they Shall wee offend greate men and such as are in authoritie ouer vs Should wee not rather win them by gentlenesse Yis but they bee wyld beasts dossing with their hornes ageinst our Lord Iesus Christ and cannot abyde that there should bee any disciplyne in the Church and yit for all that men must preache still too their lyking What a trayterousnesse and villanie were that Yit notwithstanding a man neede not go farre too fynd such preachers of the Gospell that is too say of leaud choppers and chaungers which turne all topsiteruie knowing not what their dewtie
leyzure let vs learne too fence our selues so afore hand with corage and constancie as wee may bee his Ambassadours whensoeuer it shall please him both in prizon and in the middes of the threatenings of enemies and in all the rages of death that can bee put ageinst vs That is the thing which wee haue too marke vppon this streyne And so let vs not bee dismayed as a number of vnconstant persons are who when they heare that a great sort are imprizoned in such a place and such a one was burnt in another place are by and by out of hart and the Gospell is no more accounted with them They that forge too themselues such stumbling blockes shewe well that they neuer had any liuely roote in fayth But contrariwyse when wee see that our Lord Iesus Christ dooth so serue himselfe by those whom he calleth too tryall by putting them intoo the handes of Tyrantes and of the enemies of his truth and yit giueth them inuincible constancie it is a goodly strengthning of our fayth and wee haue cause too bee the more inflamed For vnlesse God wrought in them it is certeyne that there should no such strenght bee seene in any man liuing Therefore wee must pray God too arme vs at our neede and therwithal to shewe vs that the doctrine of his Gospell which is of sufficient authoritie of it selfe must bee further authorized by a manner of prouision But yit must the blud of the Martirs and of such as God hath sanctified to his glory serue too that purpose bycause they bee as it were his Proctors before men Now heereuppon Paule addeth that he hath sent Tychicus too Ephesus too the intent that the Ephesians myght knowe in what state he was This also is sayd too the common edifying of the Church For whereas Saint Paule speaketh of his state and dooings he meaneth not the things that concerne his bodie or his health nor any thing else that belongeth too this present lyfe but he referreth it specially too the confession of the fayth and his free maynteyning of the Gospell Wee know that if a man bee in prison specially a man of renowme folke will bee in some care of him saying Alas will God giue him constancie And agein ▪ the diuell sleepeth not at that tyme There shall neuer any man of credit which hath edifyed Gods Church bee cast in prison or impeached but there shall some thing or other bee sowed abrode too disgrace him and too bring him as it were intoo a slaunder and all is too deface the things that God hath doone by his meane and too ouerthrowe that which he hath builded That is one of Satans policies And therefore Saint Paule knowing that men myght sowe abrode many lyes and say ho see yee I warrant yee he should not bee so long borne with at Rome specially hauing the Emperour and all the Court ageinst him except he did yeeld it may well bee sayd that his cace is not cleere And others Tush men make no account of him they see he is but a doting foole And others some one thing and some another euery man after his owne fancie Saint Paule I say perceyuing that many poore we akelings myght be hindered by him and cast intoo perpleritie and that othersome myght bee kept backe from comming too the Gospell will haue his state knowen and the diuell with all his slaunders put too the foyle and the mouthes of all backebyters stopped and lykewyse of all Colcaryers which seeke nothing but too set trubble in the Church Also for feare least they that had begun too profit in the Gospell myght bee hindered and the same an occasion too shet the gate ageinst such as were not yit come in Saint Paule intending too preuent all those respectes sayeth that he hath sent Tychicus And wee see yit better in this text what care he had alwayes too make the Churches continewe in goodnesse For he could haue alledged that he was letted ynough for himselfe and that he was ouermatched with enemyes he could haue made thē beleeue that he had had no leyzure too thinke of other folkes and that for his owne part it was ynough for him too doo his dewtie at Rome without sending here and there ouer the sea too confirme the Churches for there were a great sort of others besydes him Agein forasmuch as God had shet him vp it had bin ynough as a man would haue iudged in common opinion that he swarued not a syde euen too the death But he contenteth not him self with his only being of a faythfull witnesse and martir of our Lord Iesus Christ but he thinketh therwithall that it became him too preuent all stumbling blocks which the diuell stirred vp one way or other too defame the Gospell withall and he imployeth himself therto as wee see heere by example Now then let vs learne to serue God in such wyze euen too the laste gaspe of our lyfe as wee may haue a care of our neyghbours also and procure their welare as much as wee can accordingly as God hath bound vs thertoo And to the intent that Tychicus should be receyued he calleth him brother and faythfull minister in Christ and that is too giue him credit that men myght receyue his record And in very deede wee must iudeuer too the vttermost of our power that such as can serue the Church may bee aduaunced and men knowe what they bee and that they may haue as it were their mark so as they may haue authoritie as is requisite That is the example which Saint Paule sheweth vs For it was not for any vaynglorie or fauor of men that he commended Tychicus after that maner but his desyre was that men should know Christs faythfull minister too their owne benefyte so as he myght haue accesse too them and not be reiected as one woorth nothing but that his woord myght be receyned as it deserued Theruppon too end and knit vp his Epistle withall Saint Paule prayeth that the brethren myght haue peace loue and Fayth from God and from our Lord Iesus Christ. Now this woord Peace is commonly taken in Saint Paule for all welfare and prosperitie In deede it signifyeth properly concord but the Apostles being accustomed too the Hebrew tung haue vsed the word that importeth both And when Saint Paule sayeth Grace and peace bee giuen vntoo you by the first he wisheth Gods fauour and mercie and by the other that he should prosper vs in all goodnesse and good things Therfore in this text he sheweth that all the prosperitie of the godly commeth of Gods mere goodnesse and not from elswhere Therunto he addeth also fayth and charitie Wherin wee see that God reserueth too him self the office not only of sending vs these outward goods which wee want but also and specially of giuing vs the spiritual gifts wherof wee bee vtterly voyd and destitute Howbeit it is hard too make men beleeue it bicause they be alwayes drunkē with this pryde of
turne away our fayth from his bludshed Ment he that baptim should take the roome of his death and passion to performe the office of our saluatiō No surely For Baptim is but on Incum and an appendant too the death and passion of our Lord Iesus Christ and if it did not direct vs thither certeynely it were but a tryfling Ceremony As much is too bee fayd of the Lords Supper When wee c●me too 〈◊〉 the bread and wyne which are the pledges of the body and blu● of our Lord Iesus Christ although that in that supper wee bee truly fed with the meate and drink wherof mention is 〈◊〉 in the sixth of Saint Iohn that is to wit that our Lord Iesus Chri●● maketh vs partakers of the truthe of his owne substance too the end that his lyfe should bee common vntoo vs yit notwithstanding if the supper should bee separated from the death and passion of our Lord Iesus Christ it were a thing of nothing And in deede wee see also what the promis conteyneth This is my bodie sayeth he which is giuen for you Trew it is that is sheweth well what our ordinarie foode is but therwithall he sendeth vs also too his death and passion For had he not made satisfaction for our sinnes and shed his blud to wash away our spots what should it boote vs now too haue baptim and his supper ministred and giuen vntoo vs Wee see then that too vse baptim well and according too the institution of the sonne of God we must not set our m●nds vppon the corruptible and transitorie element For what is the water If it stand but one day it will corru●pt and how then can it clenze our soules for euer and get vs a purenesse that shall continew after death though wee our selues doo turne too rottennesse If this power cannot bee in the water wee must of necessitie repayre too the death and passion of our Lord Iesus Christ. And in dede the water also is a figure of his blud and of his holy spirit Then let vs mark that our Lord Iesus did then wash vs when he shed his blud wherby he clenzed vs That is the meane wherby wee may resort vntoo God with full trust that wee shal bee recey●ed as ryghtuous and perfect bycause he layeth not our sinnes too our charge Mark that for one poynt Now as Saint Peter sayeth in his first Epistle wee be was●hed with the blud of our Lord Iesus Christ by the holy Ghost Wee see then that wee haue the substance and truthe of our saluation in the person of the sonne of god And moreouer wee haue too note also that he communicateth him self vntoo vs and therby putteth vs in possession and fruition of all his goods through the power of the holy Ghost And how happeneth it then that Saint Paule hath made no mention heere of the blud that clenzeth vs and of the woorking of the holy Ghost It seemeth that hee hath forgotten the cheef thing and buzieth him self about a thing that is very small I haue told you alredye that he ment not too abridge any thing that belonged too the sonne of God that wee should not seeke the whole fulnes of our saluation in him alone and settle our fayth alonly vppon him nother ment he too dispossesse the holy Ghost of his office but he had respect of our infirmitie And that is the cause why he set downe the signe wherby the thing that of it self is too hygh and too farre hidden from our vnderstanding is set before our eyes That is the pi●h of the thing which we haue too beare in mynd Now of this declaration wee may receyue a very profitable lesson in generall that is too wit that the trew and lawfull vse of Sacraments is too leade vs directly too our Lord Iesus Christ and that otherwyse wee make them but as Idols And therfore in poperie Baptim is but as a Charme bycause they think there is no saluation but by the water I let passe the things that they haue pu● to it of their owne deuyzing For they haue corrupted and mard the very institution of Iesus Christ by mingling baptim with the superstitions that are knowen of But let vs put the cace they vsed nothing else but the pure water yit is it diuelish opinion that Baptim is able of it self to saue vs For by that meanes our Lord Iesus Christ is as good as thrust away so as they make none account of him For they stand poring vppon the visible signe and are as yee would say vtterly doted vppon it In lyke cace are they with all the rest of their Ceremonies So much the more therefore dooth it stand vs on hand too beare this lesson in mynd That too apply the Sacraments too a ryght vse and too such vse as God alloweth and ordeyneth they must guyde vs too our Lord Iesus Christ Lyke as in Baptim wee see but the water but therby we must be lifted vp hygher to the blud of the sonne of God assuring our selues that it is not the water that maketh vs cleane but that it is only a warrant of the washing that was gotten for vs when our Lord Iesus Christ was crucifyed for vs In the Supper wee haue bread and wyne Now to hold our selues to that which is set before out eyes were a withdrawing of our selues from Iesus Christ. Our fayth therfore must bee lifted vp and conueyed too him in whom all the partes of our saluation are inclozed Forasmuch then as wee haue the whole perfection and fulnesse of all good things in the onely Sonne of God it is thither that wee must looke vp and labour too atteyne when the Sacramentes are set afore vs for that is the very office of them or else wee pe●uert all and it is as yee would saye an vnhallowing of the thing that God hath halowed too our benefyte if our Lord Iesus Christ bee separated from the visible signes Wee haue also too note that wee communicate not with Iesus Christ but by the grace of the holy Ghost Yit notwithstanding let vs not hold scorne of the helpes that our Lord hath ordeyned for vs bycause he knewe them too bee requisite for our infirmities sake Why be we not taught simply that if wee runne too our Lord Iesus Christ in him wee shall fynde our washing and clenzing It seemeth that that ought too suffyze vs and that the water of Baptim is but a vayle too keepe vs from comming vntoo Iesus Christ. Yea but let vs see a little what our owne ●udenesse is If wee had the myndes of Angels wee should no more neede this outward Baptim than the Angels do But forasmuch as wee bee earthly and it is hard for vs too atteyne vntoo God and the secretes of his heauenly kingdome it is for our behoofe too bee helped after that fashion And it is a wonderfull gracious goodnesse of God that he stoopeth so too our infirmitie and supplyeth it with mee●e and conuenient
prayers should not bee woorthie too bee receyued but rather bee foule filthie and stinking if our Lord Iesus Christ hallowed them not by his holinesse and perfection Knowing this let vs neuer presume too open our mouth too call vppon our God but in the name of our mediatour assuring our selues that it is his office too bearewoord for vs and too make vs to bee heard so as wee may fynd God fauorable and foreward too help vs That then is the meane for vs too pray vntoo God boldly and with open mouth as is sayd in the texts which I alledged euen now both out of eyghth to the Ramans and out of Saint Iames and also as wee haue seene in the third chapter of this Epistle Wee must call vppon God through the beleef which wee haue in Iesus Christ assuring our selues that he not only came downe intoo the world too shead his blud once for the remission of our sinnes but also is incessantly before God too pray for vs so as wee bee fully resolued that although wee bee but wretched earthwoormes yit God accepteth vs and auoweth vs for his children by his meanes will alwayes be mercifull in receyuing our prayers and supplications bycause wee offer them not too him in our owne name nor by our selues for in good sooth that were a foolish presumptiō of our owne imagination but bycause he hath commaunded it and shewed vs the way which we should hold vs too Now let vs fall downe before the Maiestie of our good God with acknowledgment of our faultes praying him too pardon them notwithstanding that wee deserue too bee quyte cut of from the hope of saluation And forasmuch as it hath pleased him too call vs too him and too promis vs that wee shal bee receyued too mercie if wee come too him with fayth and humilitie let vs pray him too prepare our hartes in such wyse as wee may make such requestes too him as he alloweth and that therewithall he so beare with our infirmities as wee may not fayle to obteine fauour though there be many imperfections in our prayers And so let vs al say Almyghtye God heauenly father c. The .xlviii. Sermon which is the sixth and last vppon the sixth Chapter 19 Praying also for mee that in opening my mouth vtterance may bee giuen mee with boldnesse too vtter the secret of the Gospel 20 For the which I am an Ambassadour in cheynes too the end I say that I may speake freely as it becommeth mee too speake 21 But that yee may also knowe of my state and what I do Tychicus our deere brother and faythful minister in the Lord shall shewe you all things 22 Whom I haue sent vntoo you for the same purpose that you myght knowe my state and he comfort your hartes 23 Peace be to the brethren and charitie with fayth from God and from our Lord Iesus Christ. 24 Grace bee with all them which loue our Lord Iesus Christ in purenesse Amen WEe sawe this morning how wee ought too bee carefull in praying one for anther and the frute that commeth thereof namely that euery man which is a member of the Sonne of God must assure him selfe that the whole Church laboreth for him and that generally both Iesus Christ and all his must bee refuzed if God pitie vs not But heerewithal wee haue to marke also that Saint Paule in commending himselfe too the prayers of the Church is not so myndfull of his bodye as of the thing that is much excellenter that is too wit of the due executing of the charge and office committed vntoo him If a man bee sicke or in necessitye in this world or trubbled by his enemyes wee bee woont too crye out for helpe and succour and wee would haue euery man too occupye himselfe for vs And why For inasmuch as wee bee fleshly as soone as wee feele any disease in our bodye wee bee sorye at the harte but in the meane whyle wee forget the cheef poynt that is too wit the things that concerne the euerlasting saluation of our soules Agein when it comes too the seruing of God euery man thinkes he is sufficient ynough of himselfe too doo it without helpe of his neyghbours But Saint Paule sheweth heere that he thinkes not himselfe sufficient too execute the charge that is committed too him of preaching the Gospell without help from aboue and therefore he requyreth the prayers of the Church And afterward he sheweth therwithall that he maketh more account therof than of his lyfe notwithstanding that he were hild as then in prizon yea and euen cheyned Ye see here that Saint Paule is hild in streyt ward as a sory offender and looketh dayly for nothing but death and yit for all that he careth not so much for his lyfe as for the aduauncement and preferment of Gods woorde insomuch that he had leuer dye than too bee slothfull in dooing the thing that was inioyned him That is the effect of the thing which wee haue too remember vppon this text Trew it is that in the Epistle too the Thessalonians he noteth also the reason why he desyred too bee deliuered from the wicked and faythlesse which ceassed not too lay snares for him And why It was lawfull for him too set store by his lyfe but yit for all that he did not set the Cart before the horse as they say for wee see by this text and also by that which is written too the Colossians that he had alwayes more regard too discharge his dewtie toowardes God specially in respect of the Church by preaching the Gospell faythfully than too ease himselfe or too eschew the daunger wherein he sawe he was Then first of all if our Lord call vs too any charge whatsoeuer it bee let vs learne too vnderstand our owne infirmitie that wee may bee succored of him as wee neede and not presume any whit vppon our owne strength or cunning but consider that God must bee fayne too hold vs vp by strong hand and that wee haue neede too resort vntoo him yea and too desyre after the example of Saint Paule to bee cōmended to the prayers of al the members of our Lord Iesus Christ as in deede it is good reason that wee should pray mutually also for them That is for the first poynt Secondly although it be lawfull for vs to desire men to pray for vs when wee bee sicke or when we bee pinched with any other affliction yit notwithstanding lyke as wee must afore all thinges pray for the comming of Gods kingdome and seeke the aduauncing of his glorie and make but an income of all other things else So in this cace wee must learne not too bee so wedded too the world and too this transitorie lyfe as too cry out for helpe when wee bee pinched with any aduersitie or neede and in the meane whyle forget the thing that ought too bee preferred before them Wherefore let vs learne too bee chare in such wyse