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A09376 A cloud of faithfull witnesses, leading to the heauenly Canaan, or, A commentarie vpon the 11 chapter to the Hebrewes preached in Cambridge by that godly, and iudicious divine, M. William Perkins ; long expected and desired, and therefore published at the request of his executours, by Will. Crashawe and Tho. Pierson, preachers of Gods Word, who heard him preach it, and wrote it from his mouth. Perkins, William, 1558-1602. 1607 (1607) STC 19677.5; ESTC S2273 415,205 614

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he proues it out of the old Testament so also did the Apostles and Christ himselfe all their doctrine Let this teach all men to giue due reuerence to the holy Scriptures let teachers alledge them let hearers receiue them farre aboue all humane testimonies seeing the holy Ghost himself vouchsafeth to confirme his owne words by the authority thereof Secondly hauing laide this ground the holy Ghost frames his argument to proue that Henoch was taken away by faith and it consisteth of many degrees of euidence For before he was taken away he was reported of that he had pleased God But without faith it is impossible to please God The degrees of the argument are these 1. God himselfe tooke Henoch away 2. Before he was taken away he pleased God 3. But without faith no man can please God Therefore Henoch by faith was taken away The first degree That Henoch was taken away and was not found any more in this world hath beene sufficiently spoken of already The second degree is that afore hee was taken away hee pleased God which is not barely affirmed but it is further added that hee was reported of or he receiued testimonie that he pleased God Now this report or testimonie is taken out of the storie of Genesis where it is affirmed of Enoch that hee walked with God which walking with God is an assured testimonie that hee pleased God for as the Prophet Amos saith Can two walke together vnlesse they be agreed therefore in as much as Henoch walked with God it is proofe sufficient that hee pleased God and because hee pleased God therefore God tooke him away So that here are two distinct points in this second degree First that Henoch pleased God Secondly that there is a report or a testimonie giuen of him that hee did please God In the first let vs obserue three speciall points of instruction First in that Henoch before hee was taken away pleased God let vs learne that whosoeuer lookes to haue his soule translated into heauen at his death and both body soule at the resurrection must before hand in this life learne to please God they must seeke to please God not when the time of the translation is come but before as here it is saide Henoch did If any man demaund How shall I please God My answere is this Adam pleased GOD by keeping the Lawe but now that is past that power is lost wee must nowe please God by direction from the Gospell namely by faith in Christ and true repentance together with a holy life which must necessarilie accompanie true faith and repentance thus God is pleased And this must we not deferre till our death but doe it in our liues nor can we looke to be inheritours of the kingdome of glory as now Henoch is vnlesse before hand wee be in the kingdome of grace by pleasing God as Henoch did It is lamentable to see men not care for saluation til death and then they begin to please God but alas God will not be so pleased They begin to learne how to please God when they haue so long displeased him as there is then feare they can neuer please him but that man liueth and dieth with comfort of whom it may be said as here of Henoch before hee was taken away hee pleased God Againe whereas hee came not in heauen till hee pleased God this discouers the madnesse of sinfull men who will looke for heauen and yet will leaue no sinne but flatter themselues therein But let all impenitent men here take knowledge that they come not in heauen till they please God let them therefore cease pleasing themselues and their corruptions by liuing in sinne and learne to please God by a holy life And further In this point marke how nothing brought Henoch to heauen but his pleasing of God Hee was rich for hee was one of the greatest on the earth hee was royallie descended for hee was the seauenth from Adam in the blessed line hee was learned for hee had the sixe first Patriarkes to teach him sixe such Tutors as neuer man had and it is likely hee had a comely strong and actiue body But see all these brought him not to heauen no he pleased God and was therefore taken away Let this teach vs not to rest in wealth beauty strength honour humane learning nor all these put together without the feare of God for some of them may please thy selfe and some may please other men but God must bee pleased afore thou come in heauen if thou wert as good as Henoch Therefore vnto all thy outward blessings adde this To please God by faith and repentance Then as thy pleasing of men may make thee happy in this world so thy pleasing of God shall translate thee from earth to heauen Thus wee see Henoch before hee was translated pleased God Secondly as hee pleased God and else could not haue beene translated so it is added hee was so reported of or there was such a testimonie of him That proofe or testimonie is here concealed but it is recorded in the storie of Genesis where it is said Henoch walked with God which as we heard before was an assured testimonie that God was well pleased with him But what is this hee walked with God how can a man ●e saide to walke with God The meaning is That Henoch liued a godly righteous and innocent life in this world ●or to liue in holinesse and righteousnesse is to walke with God And further his heart was possessed of two perswasions or resolutions which were the inducements drawing him to this holy life First that hee was alwayes in Gods presence and that God is alwayes readie to dispose of all thinges to his good Againe that God did see trie and discerne all his wordes and deedes yea his cogitations and thoughts and the whole course of his life These were the holy resolutions of Henoch and these made him lead a holy life This lesson is worth learning and this example worthy to be followed of vs all our dutie is with Henoch to walke with God in this life if wee purpose to liue with God in heauen and wee walke with God by leading holy and vnblameable liues in holinesse towards God and righteousnesse towards man But if wee thinke this hard to doe wee must labour to be resolued on these grounds First that God and his prouidence is euer present with vs to dispose of vs alwaies to his glory and of all other things to our good Secondly that as wee are in Gods presence so God seeth vs and all our thoughts words and workes b●rgaines and dealings and will iudge them all When these two perswasions possesse our hearts it cannot be but wee shall liue godly and feare to offend God for as a childe is dutifull and obedient in his Fathers presence so when a man is perswaded he is in Gods presence it cannot but make him dutifull When a man is perswaded that God seeth him
these our bodies be they neuer so miserably tormented here shall one day rise to life and glory by Iesus Christ. All the true Martyrs of Christ knewe and were resolued of this and this it was that made them so confident in their sufferings And if wee can attaine vnto it we shall finde great vse hereof both in life and death For our lyues this will moue vs to embrace true religion from our hearts and in all things to indeauour to keep a good conscience This Paul testifieth Act. 24.15 16 for hauing made profession of his hope in the resurrection both of iust and vniust he saith And herein I endeauour my selfe to haue alwaies a cleere conscience both towards God and towards men And for death this perswasion also is of great vse for it will notably stay the heart against the naturall feare of death It is a wonder to see how terrible the thoughts of death are to many a one Now this feare ariseth hence that they are not in heart resolued of their resurrection to life and glory at the last day for if they were they would endeuour themselues with patience and with comfort to vndergoe the pangs thereof though neuer so terrible Secondly hence we must learne so to leade this temporall life that when we are dead our bodies may rise againe to life eternall These Martyrs are a notable precedent herein vnto vs for they are so resolute to holde that course of life which hath the hope of glory that they will rather lose temporall life then leaue that course And indeede this duty is so necessary that vnlesse we order wel this temporall life we can neuer haue hope to rise to glory Quest. How should we leade this temporall life that we may rise to glory after death Answer This S. Iohn teacheth vs Reuel 20 6 Blessed and holy is he that hath his part in the first resurrection for on such the second death hath no power Wee must therefore labour earnestly to haue our part heerein This first resurrection is spirituall wrought in the soule by the holy Ghost causing him that is by nature dead in sinne to rise to newnesse of life whereof whosoeuer is truly partaker shall vndoubtedly rise to glory For they that are quickned in Christ frō the death of sin are made to sit together in heauenly places in Christ Iesus Eph. 2.5.6 Naturall death may seuer soule body for a time but it can neuer hinder the fruition of eternall life Wherefore as we desire this life which is eternall when we are dead so let vs frame our naturall liues to die vnto sinne while we are aliue Verse 36. And others haue beene tried by mockings and scourgings yea moreouer by bonds and prisonment The second kinde of suffering wherewith the seruants of God were then tried is mocking Touching the which we may obserue diuers points First whence it came No doubt it came from vngodly persons that were enemies to Gods Church true religion for here it is made a part of the triall of Gods Church by the enemies thereof Heere then beholde the state of mockers and scoffers at the seruants of God they are heere accounted wicked wretches and enemies to God and to his truth So Saint Iude speaking of certaine false Prophets which were crept into the Church calls them vngodly men Iude 4 which hee prooues afterward by their black mouth in euill speaking verse 8.10 And Ismaell is accounted a persecuter by the holy Ghost for mocking Isaac Galatians chapter 4. verse 29. And Dauid reckoning vp the degrees of sinners makes the chaire of the scornfull the third and highest Psalme 1.1 All these places shew the haynousnesse of this sinne and therefore if any of vs young or olde high or lowe haue beene ouertaken with it heeretofore let vs now repent and leaue it for it is odious in Gods sight Thou that art a scoffer mayst flatter thy selfe and thinke all is well let the matter prooue how it can words are but winde But knowe thy case is fearefull for as yet thou wantest the feare of God and art an enemie to Christ and his religion and one day thou shalt be iudged not onely for thy wicked deedes but for all thy cruell speakings Iude verse 15. Secondly whereas these seruants of God were tried by mockings it shewes that Gods Church in this world is subiect to this affliction It is not a thing newly begunne in this age of ours but hath beene alwayes in Gods Church from the beginning Genesis chapter 21. verse 9 Ismaell mocked Isaac and Isay brings in Christ complaining thus Isay chapter 8. verse 18 Beholde I and my children whom the Lord hath giuen me are as signes and wonders in Israell And Ieremie saith I am in derision daily euery one mocketh me Ieremie chapter 20. verse 7 Yea our Sauiour Christ vpon the Crosse when hee was working the blessed worke of mans redemption was euen then mocked by the spitefull Iewes Mat. 27.41 And Paul was mocked of the Athenians for preaching Christ and the resurrection Acts 17.18 Now if this haue been the estate of Christ our head of his most worthy Prophets and Apostles to be mocked scorned then must no child of God at this day think to escape for if they haue done this to the green tree what wil they doe to the dry Wherefore if we belong to Christ we must prepare for it and arme our selues with patience to vndergoe this triall The Disciple is not aboue his master nor the seruant aboue his Lord. If they haue called the Master of the house Beelzebub how much more them of the house Mat. 10.24 25 Thirdly whereas these seruants of God were tried by mockings and did endure the same by faith here we learn how to behaue our selues when we are subiect to mocking and derision especially for religions sake We must not returne mock for mock and taunt for taunt but with meeknesse of heart learne to beare the same When Christ was vpon the Crosse the Iewes most shamefully mocked him yet euen then did Christ pray for them And the same was Dauids behauiour as we may reade notably Psal. 38. verse 12 13 14 When his enemies spake euill of him what did hee Did hee raile on them againe No Hee was as a deafe man and heard not and as a dumbe man which openeth not his mouth euen as a man that heareth not and in whose mouth are no reproofes This was a rare thing in Dauid that he could thus bridle his affections in the case of reproach but read the 15. verse and wee shall see the cause Hee trusted in the Lord his God also hee considered the hand of God in their reproaches as 2. Samuel chapter 16. ver 10 and these things made him silent This example we must looke vpon and learne hereby with patience to possesse our soules vnder reproach The third kinde of suffering is Scourging They were not onely mocked for religion but also whipped and
order which God made and all creatures but for vs would haue kept till this day but the cōmon practice is contrary as I wil proue in particulars God made mans body pure and holy therfore it had no need to be couerd but with sin came shame thence came it that God gaue vs apparell to couer that shame that sin had brought vpon vs so oft therfore as a man puts on his apparell he should be humbled ashamed by it and think thus with himselfe This was not so at the first Adams body was glorious whence came this ignominie shame which we must couer with apparel it came from my sin therfore so often as a man puts it on so oft should he be quite ashamed of himselfe which hath brought this shame vpō himselfe so as now he must needs haue a cloake to couer his shame But do mē make this end of their apparel nay rather they make it a banner to display their pride and vanity and so farre are many from being ashamed of it as that they are contrariwise proud of it But this is as abhominable cursed and senselesse a pride as if the prisoner should be proud of his bolts fetters which are signes of his misdemeanour for what is thy apparel make the best of it it is but a beautiful cloake of thy filthy shame then as bolts fetters are burdenous and shamefull though they be of gold so is the cloake of thy shame thy apparel thogh it be silk siluer or gold for we shold not be ashamed only of ordinary aparel or base but euē of the most gorgeous knowing that once wee had a glory of our owne farre aboue all the glory of apparell and the Ignominie that sin hath brought vpon vs is greater then this glorie of apparell can take away Here I deny not the vse of gorgeous apparell to those to whom it belongs But I say to rich men who by their abilitie to men in authoritie who by their place and calling may weare costly apparell yea and to Princes who may lawfully weare silke siluer gold and the most excellent ornaments of pretious stones or whatsoeuer to all thē I say God hath granted you the vse of these but withall be not proud of them for you once had a glory greater then these but lost it by sin sin brought a shame which those cannot hide For though thy apparel hide it frō the world yet can it not frō God only faith can couer it frō God therfore glory in nothing but thy faith be ashamed of thy apparell yea of thy robes costly ornamēts And know further that wheras thy body by sin is becom so vile a meaner couer baser apparel were fit for it And therfore know that wheras God hath giuen thee vse of costly apparell and pretious ornaments he giues them not to honour thy body but the place thou art in and to adorne that part of his owne Image which he hath set in thee by thy calling And know lastly that if thou hadst kept that order wherein God at thy creation as this text saith ordained thee thy natural glory would more haue adorned thee and the place thou bearest then all this accidentall and artificiall glory can and therfore glory not so much for the one as be ashamed for the losse of the other and let thy apparell teach thee this lesson Thirdly many men take much delight in some kinde of meate some in variety of meates and some so loue their belly as they care not how many creatures or kindes of creatures do dye for their belly sake this is to be considered For I take it a great fault for men either to be too lauish and carelesse how many creatures they cause to die or though they eate but one kinde to doe it without all vse or further consideration For marke whence comes this that man cannot now liue or not so well but his life must be the death of other creatures his nourishment and preseruation the destruction of other creatures At the beginning before sinne was this was not so no creature did either serue to cloathe or feed Adam but this came with sin sin brought this vanitie vpon creatures to die for the feeding and cloathing of man and had we stood without sin no creature should haue lost his life to be our meate I take it therefore the duty of a man to make great vse of his meate in this regard And first for the meate that he loues best let him be humbled for his sinne knowing that if hee had not sinned hee should haue had much more sweetnesse in other meate which notwithstanding should not haue cost any creature his life And secondly for variety be not too lauish nor too riotous consider euery dish is the death of a creature of Gods creation consider againe whence comes this that creatures must die to feed thee not from the creation creatures were not made to that end Innocencie would haue preserued all creatures to more excellent ends Sinne it was and thy sinne that destroyes so many creatures for the belly of man it is a vanitie come vpon creatures for mans sinne that they must die for mans meate The death therefore of euery creature should be a corsiue to a mans heart when hee seeth it it should touch him to the quicke and make him say This creature dieth not for it selfe but for mee not for it owne fault but for mine Miserable sinner that I am if I had right I should rather die then it God made it once for a better end but my sinne hath brought it to this corruption If this consideration tooke place men would not eate their ordinary fare with so little vse nor at extraordinarie occasions be so carelesse how much they spend and how many creatures they cause to die But you will say God hath giuen vs libertie in meates differences of meats are taken away in Christ and God hath giuen vs vse of his creatures not onely for necessitie but more liberall vse euen for greater delight and comfort I answer I grant all this and more too to a man that hath faith I grant feasts and bankets are lawfull for some men on some occasions I take not away any mans liberty in meates God hath granted it and man ought not to take it away I onely wish that when we eate wee also would make this vse of it and that we would not too riotously abuse that liberty that God hath giuen vs for diuersity of meates faith giues vs leaue and liberty to eate yet faith denies not a man to make a holy vse of his eating for his owne humiliation but rather commaunds it Fourthly wee see in the world that creatures not onely dye for mans feeding but one creature feedes on another and one destroyeth another to eate him The Hawke preyeth on diuerse kindes of birdes the Foxe feedeth on tame birds the Wolfe on the Lambe greater fishes
with all his heart and soule and might and for that hee is preferred afore all Kings afore or after him not that Iosias could fulfill the lawe perfectly as it required but it is meant of the endeuour of his heart and life by which he straue with all his might to serue God as well as he could his exsample is ours We professe religion wee must looke that our hearts affect it we professe a turning from sinne we must take heed it be not formall and from the lips but from the heart So when we practice any duty of religion whether we pray or heare the word or receiue the Sacrament this is the sacrifice that we can offer we must not doe them coldly and carelesly but with zealous affection and resolution from the heart Otherwise if we serue God for fashion sake and our hearts are on the world and our owne lusts wee offer the sacrifice of cursed Cain and we with our formall religion shall goe to him But let vs offer the sacrifice of Abell that is though it be neuer so little yet let it be the best wee can and all we can and God will accept vs as he did Abell And thus the Parent should giue God his best childe the young man his best yeares euery man his best part which is his heart And thus we follow the steps of holy Abell who offred to God the best sacrifice he had This was the fruite of his faith euen so that Parent that young man that professor that hath true faith will do so likewise Hitherto of the first effect of Abels faith It followeth By the which he obtained witnesse that he was righteous This is the second effect of Abels faith wherby it is commended 1. For the meaning By faith hee meanes sauing faith which makes a man iust before God and no other For whereas he had said afore that by faith our Elders had obtained a good report He proues that general by this exsample of Abell therefore that sauing faith which was meant there is also meant here These wordes set downe two benefits which Abell had by his sauing faith First he was iust by it Secondly God testified that he was so For the first Abels faith made him iust and righteous not because his faith was an excellent quality of that vertue in it selfe as to make him iust but because it was an instrument whereby he apprehended and applied to himselfe the righteousnesse of the Messias to come whereby hee might stand iust before God This was his righteousnesse which he had by faith for hee trusted not to any holinesse of his owne though it is out of question hee knew he was the sonne of that man who once was perfectly righteous but the trust and confidence of his heart was in the righteousnesse of that blessed seed which God had promised should breake the serpents head This Promise he knowing beleeued it applied it to himselfe and this faith made him righteous Here we learne a worthy lesson of Christianity namely that the true and the vndoubted way to heauen is a holy and liuely faith in Iesus Christ for this faith makes a man righteous that righteousnesse opens him the gate of heauen To this end saith the Apostle Being iustified by faith we haue peace with God but by whō through our Lord Iesus Christ. For the vse of this doctrine we must renue our former exhortation which indeed cannot be too often presled to the conscience There is none of vs so vile none so profane but we desire saluation If we do then we must tread the beaten way to it For we are not borne heires of it neither can we come thither by chaunce but there is a way that must be taken that way is but one all other are misleading by-waies Again that way must be taken in this life else it is too late Now this way is to be a iust righteous man With this neuer man failed and without this neuer man attained to saluation for No vncleane thing can come into the kingdome of heauen Neuer was man iustified there which was not iust before and that must be here begun which in heauen is to be perfected In this life therefore wee must seeke to be iust Now our owne good workes will not serue to make vs iust for they are all vnable to indure the trial of Gods iustice And if we stand to them and they proue not able to satisfie Gods iustice then in stead of sauing vs they will condemne vs. Therefore with Abell let vs go out of our selues deny our selues and cleaue onely to Christs righteousnes in life death this is the way that neuer will deceiue vs. But some wil say We walke in this way I answer He that walketh in a way may be traced by his steps so then shew your steps of holinesse of deuotiō of charity c. these must shew your faith leaue these steps behinde you and then your faith is good Thus did holy Abell beleeue thou it acknowledge it and follow thou after him and renounce all by paths which the Papists or thy own braine imagineth Let this one doctrine sinke into thy heart in steade of many and let not the diuell strake it out For if thou walke in this way my soule for thine it will bring thee to heauen if not at the last day this doctrine will condemne thee because it shewed thee this way and thou wouldest not walke in it Secondly obserue He saith Abell was approued and accepted of God How proues hee that Because his workes pleased God as who say his workes cannot please God vnlesse his person do therfore in that his works do thence he concludeth that his person did it is the reason of the holy Ghost and therefore infallible In the framing of this reason the holy Ghost teacheth vs a great point of our religion namely that first a mans person must please God afore his actions can And after the person then the actions This is plaine in these words for it is said he first obtained witnesse that hee was righteous himselfe and then God testified of his gifts So likewise more plainely Genesis 4. 4 God had respect first to Abell and then to his offring So that the truth is manifest No worke pleaseth God afore the worker do This being so hath excellent vses First it ouerthroweth a maine pillar of Romish religion Iustification by workes For how can a man be iustified by his workes when hee himselfe must be iust afore the works can be Vnlesse hee be iust his workes be wicked if they be wicked afore his person be iust how can they then iustifie him And if the person bee once iust what needes it then to be again iustified by works Good works make not a man good but a good man makes a worke good shall that work that a man made good return againe make the man good 1. That is absurd in reason And 2.
sinnes from the world for this is one of the strongest and commonest encouragements that men take to liue in a sinne If they thinke it likely to be concealed But here they see how false a ground that is For if they can conceale it from men yet can they not from God and if God know it then can he reueale it to the world when it pleaseth him Againe whereas Abels bloud cried when he was dead It teacheth vs that God had a care of Abell both liuing and dead for it were nothing to say his bloud cried if God heard not that cry But it s apparant he heard it for he reuenged it and punished Cain when Abell was dead and could not reuenge it himselfe And this care God hath not ouer Abell alone but ouer all his children and as the Psalmist saith Pretious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints that which is vile and of no regard in the world is pretious with God Tyrants make hauocke of the Church and kill them vp by heapes but God records vp euery one and will not faile to reuenge it when they are dead For if God haue bottles for the teares of his seruants surely much more hath he bottles for their bloud The vse whereof is to teach vs in all extremities of danger or distresse to learne patience yea though we be sure to die yet as Christ saith To possesse our soules with patience For we haue one wil heare the cause and reuenge our quarrell when we are gone So that if wee be patient wee loose nothing but if wee be impatient wee get nothing Let vs therefore hold our tongues for the wrong done to vs crieth loude enough to God for reuenge who will heare it as assuredly as he did Abels And thus wee see how Abell spake then euen after he was dead The second point is Hee speakes also yet and that three wayes First his faith yet speaketh because it admonisheth all men euery where who either heare or reade this story to become such as Abell was namely true worshippers of the true God for in Abels example it prouokes all men to be like him because it assureth them of the same regard and reward with God that Abell had and so Abels faith is a neuer dying Preacher to all Ages of the Church Here wee learne that the holy Examples of Gods children are reall teaching and loude preaching to other men For there is a double teaching namely in word or deede It belongs to the Minister to teach in word and to all men to teach by their deedes and good examples And if the Minister teach not thus also it is the worse both for him and his hearers It sufficeth not for him to teach by vocall Sermons that is by good doctrine but withall by reall Sermons that is by good life His faith his zeale his patience his mercy and all other his vertues must speake and cry call to other men to be like vnto him which if he practice carefully in his life as Abell did then shall his vertues speake for him to all posterities when he is dead Againe Abell though dead may be said to speake because howsoeuer his body be dead yet in soule and spirit hee liueth with God in heauen And thus the word speaketh may be vnderstoode because it is here opposed to death by which he being dead yet speaketh that is being dead in body yet liueth in soule which life with God was obtained vnto by his true and sauing faith Thirdly hee may be said to speake yet as all other Gods Martyrs are said to crie in the Reuelation from vnder the altar How long Lord holy and true doest thou not auenge our bloud on them that dwell on the earth As this is true of all Martyrs so specially of Abell the first Martyr of all which words are not spoken neither by him nor them vocally with vttrance of voice but it is so said to signifie what feruent desire the seruants of God haue in heauen of the full manifestation of Gods glory in their bodies and of an vtter abolishment of sinne in the whole world Which their desire they doubtlesse vtter to God in a more excellent manner then in this world wee can vtter any thing with our voice and thus Abell speakes yet and shall speake till the worlds end Hitherto of the first Example the Example of Abell The second is of Henoch in these words By faith Henoch was translated that he should not see death neither was he found for God tooke him away for before he was translated he was reported of that hee had pleased God c. THe second example of faith is taken also out of the old world before the floud and it is of Henoch the seauenth from Adam to whom strange and miraculous things befell by reason of his faith Let the meaning of the words be first examined By Faith That is by his confidence in the Messias or his sauing faith he was taken away Taken away That is from earth to heauen not by an ordinary worke but miraculously as is euident by the next words That he should not see death That is that he should not feele death nor any dissolution of soule and body and therefore his taking away was miraculous For to be taken away by death is an ordinarie worke but to be taken away and yet not die that is miraculous and extraordinary and such was Henochs So then the substance of these words is thus much Henoch hauing this grace from God to beleeue stedfastly in the Messias to come was likewise honoured with this high prerogatiue To be taken into heauen without tasting of death further was taken away to the end that he might not die Thus we haue the meaning Now concerning this translation of Henochs there are two opinions Some thinke hee was translated in soule onely and not in body and they say he died in the translation so as his soule onely was taken vp into heauen and his body slept in the earth Though this appeares false at the first sight yet let vs see their reasons and what they can say for themselues Their first reason is this No mortall body vnglorified can enter into heauen but there is no mention of his glorification therefore his body could not come in heauen Answer It is certaine it was glorified ere it came in heauen If they reply it is not mentioned I answere it followeth not that therefore it was not for euery circumstance of euery action is not mentioned For many circumstances of actions must necessarily be supposed such a one was this Againe the glorification of his body is here plainly enough implied where it is said he was translated that he should not see death Now if his body sawe not death it was made immortall which is a speciall part of glorification Their second reason Christ was the first that euer entred into heauen both in
his life and when he dieth he shal be able to worship praise God On the other side take notice of it he that liues in couetousnes in profanenesse in fornication and wantonnes for the most part so dies Come to a couetous man at his death and talke with him and you shall finde nothing in him ordinarily but rauing talking about his bargaines his billes and indentures other worldly things And so wee may say of other lewd liuers looke what minde they had while they were liuing that shall you find most in their mouthes while they are dying which shewes plainely that as men liue so they die But some will say that oftentimes the godly man raues and speakes lewdly and it may be profanely before his death Ans. It is true indeed the best man is not freed from any kind of bodily sicknesse but is subiect to them as well as the wicked as to burning feuers and such like by the violence and rage of which diseases they are often driuen to raue to speake fondly and sometimes lewdly yea it may be profanely But what is that to the purpose for thogh a godly man for the time of his fit cannot expresse the grace of his heart but rather the corruption of his nature yet whē he hath recouered himselfe he is sory for the same is then ready willing to praise God with all his heart So that if wee would die well as Iacob did praising God then let vs lead our liues as he did namely by faith and the direction of his word and promises Then come death when it will and how it will wee may indeede be sore assaulted by sickenesse and temptation but yet we shall neuer be ouercome for God is faithfull that hath promised an issue to his children in temptatiō 1. Corinth 10.13 Lastly whereas Iacob worshipped God at his death Here we learne that sound zeale will neuer decay Many men haue zeale indeede but it comes onely from the strength and soundnesse of their bodily constitution and looke as strength decaies so doth that kind of zeale But sound zeale will not decay and weaken with the body but as Dauid saith of the righteous Psal. 92.13 15. will flourish like a palme tree and growe like a Cedar in Libanon it shall still bring forth fruit in a mans age and flourish This wee see was true in Iacob for though he were old and feeble with sicknesse yet he sheweth forth sound zeale in his heart at the houre of his death Euen so will it be with vs that professe religion if zeale be sound in our hearts it will shew it selfe and the older wee are the more fruits of grace wee shall bring forth and then shew forth more true zeale than in yonger yeares For though bodily strength decay yet sound zeale will neuer decay but when strength faileth then will zeale flourish if it bee sound like to the palme tree which will bud and sprout though the roots of it bee cut off Wherefore if wee would shew forth zeale in our age we must get soundnesse of it in our youth for that will put forth it selfe in the time of death And thus much of Iacobs example Iosephs Faith VERSE 22. By faith Ioseph when he died made mention of the departing of the children of Israel and gaue commandement of his bones WEe haue heard in the former verses the seuerall examples of the faith of the three Patriarchs Abraham Isaac and Iacob Now in this verse the holy Ghost setteth downe the example of Iosephs faith The words in this verse are plaine and easie neede no exposition They are a plaine and briefe summe of the ende of the 50. Chapter of Genesis Let vs therefore come to the points of doctrine and instructions which are to bee learned and gathered forth of the words First note in generall the great resemblance of this example with the former of Ioseph a godly sonne with Iacob a godly father for both of them shew forth their faith when they die For it is said of both By faith when hee died So that in ground and circumstance of time they both agree Herein we may obserue first that the good examples of Superiours vvhether they be ciuill or Ecclesiasticall are of great force to bring other men on and to make them forward in the duties of religion their zeale as Paul saith to the Corinthians in the case of almes prouoketh many Iacob the father beeing a worthy Prophet and Patriarch giuing an holy and blessed example vnto Ioseph and his children doth shew forth at his death most notable behauiour wherein hee worthily expresseth the trueth of his faith Now his example works with Ioseph and he in his death behaues himselfe in the same manner that his godly father did before him and therfore superiours must look to all their sayings and doings carefully that they may bee worthy examples to their inferiours to drawe them on in religion and in the feare of God Secondly hence inferiors also must learne to follow the godly holy and religious examples of their gouernours and superious whether they be ciuill or Ecclesiasticall as we may see in this place Ioseph doth imitate the godly example of his father Iacob Hereof Saint Paul giueth straite charge vnto the Philippians saying Brethren be followers of me and looke on them which walke so as ye haue vs for an example Phil. 3.17 And in the next Chapter exhorting them to honest conuersation hee biddes them doe those things which they had heard receiued and seene in him But are these duties practiced among vs bee the elder sort teachers of good things to the yonger doe the yonger follow their elders in wel-doing nay verily but such are our times too many among vs both those that giue and those which follow good examples are as signes wonders as the Prophet speaketh they are made a reproach a by-word among men and are foully disgraced by odious tearmes Isay 8.18 But this indeede is a practice of Ismael that mocked Isaac Genesis 21. ver 9. And we againe must vndoubtedly know that vnlesse it be reformed that hand of God which hath beene stretched out against vs in manie fearefull iudgements will not be pulled backe but stretched out still till it bring vs to destruction for God will not suffer his ordinances to be contemned and his holy ones to be abused hee looketh for better fruites at our hands and therefore wee must learne of these godly Patriarches both to giue and to followe good examples In the example of Ioseph more particularly wee are to obserue two points 1. Iosephs faith 2. The actions of his faith whereby it is commended For the first it is saide that by faith Ioseph when hee died c. Ioseph for ought wee finde in Scripture had not such meanes to come by faith as his Auncestors had before him For the three Patriarches Abraham Isaac and Iacob had otherwhiles the appearance of GOD vnto
reward Now euery true beleeuer that endeuours to doe the will of God is in Christ and so Christes righteousnesse with the merit thereof is his so farre forth as serues to make his person acceptable to God Whereupon hee hath a promise of reward made vnto him vpon his obedience yet not for his worke but for the worke of Christes obedience in whom he is And so must these words here be vnderstood 1. The consideration of this reward of life eternall giuen through Christ to those that suffer for his sake may make vs ioyfull and patient in all our afflictions for righteousnesse sake A naturall man will endure much for a good recompence in the end Now Christ saith Great is your reward And therefore let vs reioice in suffering for Christ holding fast our confidence which hath so great recompence of reward Heb. 10.35 Secondly is life euerlasting a recompence that is a giuing of a reward Then heere is condemned the desperate practice of many a one who spend their whole life in a greedie pursuite after the profites and pleasures of the worlde as it were running themselues out of breath in the way to hell without all regarde of their soules till death come thinking that if at the last gaspe they can crie God mercie and commend their soules to GOD all is well But all such persons for the most part deceiue their owne soules not considering that life euerlasting is giuen as a reward Now wee knowe that no reward is giuen to any man till the worke be done which hee is set about he must come worke in the Vineyard some part of the day that would haue his pennie at night as for those that neither stirre hand nor foote to doe the worke what reward can they looke for And yet this is the state of carnall liuers they addict themselues wholly to earthly things But if wee looke for any reward at the day of death wee must labour in the workes of godlinesse all the dayes of our life for therefore were wee redeemed Luke 1.74.75 In the whole booke of God wee finde but one man that liued wickedly and repented at his end that is the thiefe vpon the Crosse. Which shewes that it is a most rare thing for a man to haue the reward of life euerlasting after this life that labours not in the workes of godlinesse in this life Thirdly the consideration of this reward must stirre vp all Gods children vnto all diligence in the duties of godlinesse that with cheerefulnesse through the whole course of their liues When wee shall die wee will looke earnestly for this reward and therefore while we liue we must diligently doe the workes that God commaundeth and then when death comes we may assure our selues that God will giue vs this reward not because wee did deserue it by our works but because he hath promised it in Christ vpon our endeuour in obedience and true repentance And thus much for the reason of Moses choise VERSE 27. By faith he forsooke Egypt and feared not the fiercenesse of the King For he was couragious as hee that saw him that is inuisible IN this verse the spirit of God proceedeth to another example of Moses faith and heereto also in the verse following hee addeth a third Now hee is thus large in the commendation of his faith for this end to perswade the Hebrewes to whom this Epistle is sent that they were not to looke for any Iustification by the workes of the Law and his reason is because if any man could be iustified by the workes of the Law it must be Moses who gaue the Law to the people from the Lord and did excell in obedience to both Tables and therefore is a renowmed Prophet vnto all posterity in speciall fauour with God Numb 12.7.8 But Moses could not be iustified by the works of the Law for here the holy Ghost proues that Moses was iustified saued by faith The thing that cōmends Moses and makes him stand before God is not his works but his faith and therefore the conclusion is that as Moses was not iustified by his works but by faith no more must they stand vpon their works to be iustified therby but labour for such faith as Moses had Now this faith of Moses is a true sauing faith founded on these two promises of God 1. On this great maine promise made to Abraham I will be thy God and the God of thy seed 2. On another particular promise rising from the general made vnto him when he was called to fetch the Israelites out of bondage which was this I will be with thee and guide thee And in this place Moses is said to haue faith not onely because he beleeued that God would be his God as hee was the God of all Abrahams seed but because he beleeued particularly that God would be his God defend and be with him in the deliuerance of the Israelites out of Egypt To come particularly to this fact By faith Moses forsooke Egypt Moses departed from Egypt twise First when hee had slaine the Egyptian and fled from Pharaoh vnto Midian and there kept Iethroes sheepe Secondly fourty yeares after when hee led the people of Israell out of Egypt into the Land of Canaan and heere some make it a question whether of these departures is meant in this place Answere It is most like that this place is to be vnderstoode of his second departure rather than of the first And the reason is taken out of Exodus Chapter the second verses 14 15. Where wee finde that the first time he fled for feare for so soone as he heard that his slaughter of the Egyptian was knowen to Pharaoh he fled in such feare as that hee durst not returne againe of 40. yeares Now these words are not to be vnderstoode of such a flight for here it is said Hee departed not fearing the Kings wrath or fiercenesse Here some will say This is no commendation for malefactors and rebels doe flie their Country Answer They flie indeede yet not in faith but in feare Moses fled in faith and hereby his faith is commended that hee fled not fearing the King But malefactors flie for feare of due punishment Moses departed with courage and boldnesse and therfore fled not as a malefactor for he feared not the King as appeareth plainely in the History for though Pharaoh had said vnto him Exod. 10.28 Get thee gone see thou see my face no more for when thou commest in my sight thou shalt die yet Moses went once more namely the tenth time and tolde him of the tenth plague and saide That Pharaohs seruants should come downe vnto him and fall downe and pray him to get him out with the people and their cattell And when the Israelites murmured against him at the red sea when Pharaoh was at their heeles and they had no way to flie Moses encourageth the people saying Feare not stand still and behold the
the world so the same word of God which beleeued and obayed by godly men is their saluation disobayed and refused by vngodly men shall be their condemnation And thus much for the two ends why Noah prepared the Arke consequently of the second effect of Noahs faith It followeth And was made heire of the righteousnesse which i● by faith Here is the third and last effect whereby the excellencie of Noahs faith is commended It made him an heire and that not of the world for so he was besides but of that that the world could not yeeld of righteousnesse and that of the best of all euen of that righteosnesse which is by faith These words haue relation to that testimonie which God gaue of Noah in Genesis 6.9 Noah was a iust and vpright man and walked with God Now that which is spoken there more generally is here particularly opened and vnfolded he was iust or righteous how hee was righteous by the righteousnesse of faith so that these words are a commentarie vnto the other But because that that is here affirmed of Noah is a most glorious thing his faith made him an heire that is made him that was heire of all the earth a better heire therefore these words are to be well waighed For their full opening three points are to be considered 1. What is the righteousnesse here spoken of 2. Why it is called the righteousnesse of faith or by faith 3. How Noah was made Heire of it by his faith For the first That righteousnesse by which Noah and all holy men are to stand righteous before God is not a righteousnesse of any nature but such a one as is appointed of God for that purpose That wee may knowe it the more distinctly wee must examine the seuerall kindes thereof Righteousnesse is of two sorts Created Vncreated Vncreated is that which is in God and hath no beginning nor ending no meanes nor measure Of this speaketh the Prophet Psalm 119.137 Righteous art thou O Lord. This cannot make any man righteous for two reasons First for the Godhead and it are all one It is in God essentially A man is one thing and his righteousnesse is another But God and his righteousnesse are all one And therefore it is as impossible for any man to haue this righteousnes as it is to be God Secondly it is infinite and mans soule a finite creature and therefore not capable of any thing that is infinite and consequently not of the vnmeasurable righteousnes which is in the godhead Therefore this we must leaue vnto God as proper to the Deitie Created righteousnesse is that which God frameth in the reasonable creature Men and Angels Of Angels we are not to speake though theirs and man 's differd not much in nature at their creations Created righteousnesse of man is of 2. sorts Legall or Euangelicall Legall righteousnesse is that which the Morall law prescribeth Euangelicall that which the Gospell hath reuealed Of legall righteousnesse I finde there are three sorts spoken of 1. One that is a perfect righteousnesse 2. One that is a ciuill righteousnesse 3. One that is an inward righteousnesse Perfect righteousnesse Legall is the perfect fulfilling of the law in a mans owne selfe And by this shall no man liuing be iustified before God for no man since the fall of Adam is able perfectly to fulfill the Law If any can then shall he be righteous by it but none did nor euer can therefore no man shall stand righteous by perfect legall righteousnesse in himselfe Some will obiect But a regenerate man may for he is restored by grace therefore though by Adams fall a man is disabled yet by regeneration hee is inabled to fulfill the law perfectly I answere It were so if they were perfectly sanctified in their regeneration but they are sanctified but in part and it is not perfect vntill death Obiect 1. Thess. 5.23 We are sanctified throughout spirit soule and body If all those what then remaines vnsanctified therefore our sanctification is perfect I answere It is perfect in parts but not in measure nor degree As a childe is a perfect man in all the parts of a man but not in the quantitie of anie part So a childe of God is perfectly sanctified in all parts but not in the measure of any part vntill flesh and mortality and corruption haue an end Secondly some may obiect The virgine Mary sinned not I answere so teacheth indeede the Church of Rome that she neuer sinned that her life was free from sinne ●ctuall and her conception from sinne originall But so taught neither the Scripture nor Gods Church but contrariwise it is more then manifest shee was a sinner For first she confesseth her soule reioiced in God her Sauiour but if she were no sinner she stoode in neede of no Sauiour Againe she died but if she had not sinned she should in Iustice not haue died For death entred by sinne and where no sinne is there death is not due Thus no man can be righteous by the perfect righteousnesse of the law in himselfe Secondly there is a ciuill righteousnesse and that is when a man in his outward actions is conformable to the law especially to the Commaundements of the second Table For example hee is free from the outward actions of murther adultery or theeuery and such like or he can refraine his anger and ouercome his passions that they shall not break out into open violence to the view of the world and for the first Table he comes to the Church professeth religion All this is a ciuill righteousnesse and by this can no man be iustified nor made righteous For first it is not a perfect but a most imperfect righteousnesse and therefore cannot iustifie It is so imperfect that it is as good as none at all in Gods sight for it is but an outward and constrained and dissembled obedience and wants the inward and true obedience of the heart and soule Secondly it cannot make a man righteous for wicked men haue it which are vnrighteous and cannot be saued Haman hated Mordecay in his heart yea his heart boyled in malice against him yet the Story saith That neuerthelesse he refrained himselfe till he came home Ester 5.10 And therefore Christ saith that except our righteousnesse exceede the righteousnesse of the Scribes and Pharisies we cannot enter into the kingdome of heauen Math. 5.20 Now what was theirs but an outward ciuill righteousnesse whereby they kept the law onely in outward actions as appeareth in that Christ afterward in the same Chapter expounding the law doth reduce it to the inward which is to his full and proper sense So then yet wee haue not found that righteousnesse which may make a man righteous Thirdly there is a righteousnesse called the inward righteousnesse of a Christian man which is this A man hauing repented and his sinnes being forgiuen hee is by the holy Ghost sanctified inwardly in his soule and all the parts powers of
words and promises God spake plainly and deceaued not Abraham and after at the time performed it So must we deale plainely and simply in our words and bargaines and thinke that to deceiue and ouer-reach by craftie words and double meanings and equiuocall phrases are not beseeming Christianity And we must make conscience of a lie else we are like the diuell and not God Also a Christian man must take heede what how and to whom he promiseth but hauing promised he must performe though it be losse or harme to himselfe if it be not wrong to God or to the Church or State Wrong to himselfe must not hinder him from performance Christian mens words must not be vaine they should be as good as bonds though I know it is lawfull and very conuenient in regard of mortality to take such kind of assurances Lastly Abraham had the promise his seed should bee so Gen. 15.8 And here we see it is so but he himself saw it not so that Abraham had the promise and we the performance So Adam had the promise of the Messias but wee see it performed The Patriarkes and Prophets the promise of the calling of the Gentiles but we see it performed See heere the glory of the Church vnder the New Testament aboue the olde This must teach vs to be so much better then they as God is better to vs then hee was to them and to excell them in faith and all other vertues of holinesse or else their faith and their holy obedience shall turne to our greater condemnation which haue had so farre greater cause to beleeue and obey God and so farre better means than they Which if it be so then alas what will become of them who come behinde them nay haue no care to followe them in their faith nor holinesse nor any duties of holy obedience Thus much for the Example of this holy womans faith and of the commendation thereof Now before he come to any more particular examples of faith the holy Ghost giues a generall commendation of the faith of all those ioyntly which are spoken of already VERSE 13. All these died in faith and receiued not the promises but saw them afarre off and beleeued them and receiued them thankefully and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrimes on the earth HItherto the Holy Ghost hath particularly commended the faith of diuers holy beleeuers Now from this verse to the 17. hee doth generally commend the faith of Abraham Sarah Isaac and Iaacob together yet not so much their faith as the durance and constancy of their faith Particularly the points are two 1. Is laid downe their constancy and continuance All these died in faith 2. That constancy is set fourth by foure effects 1. They receiued not the promises but saw them afarre off 2. They beleeued them 3. Receiued them thankefully 4. Professed themselues strangers and pilgrimes on the earth The first point touching these beleeuers is that as they begun so they held on as they liued so they died in faith All these died in faith The trueth of the matter in the words may be referred to all afore going sauing Enoch who died not yet he continued also constant in his faith and in that faith was taken vp but as for Abel and Noah they died in faith Yet I take it that principally and directly the holy Ghost intended no more than these foure I named and my reason is because the particular effects in this verse and the points whereby this their constācy is amplified in the three verses followwing adoe all agree especially with these foure and not so properly with Abel or Noah so that I take he meaneth by all these all these men that liued in the second world since the flood All these died in faith that is in assurance that the promises made vnto them should bee performed in Gods good time These promises were principally these two 1. Saluation by the Messias 2. The possession of the Land of Canaan In this faith they died that is they held it through all as●aults and temptations to the contrary euen to the last gaspe and died therein In this their practice is commended vnto vs a most worthy lesson of Christianitie namely that wee must so liue that we may die in faith Many say they liue in faith and it is well if they doe so but the maine point is to die in faith There is none so ill but howsoeuer he liues yet hee would die well If hee would die well hee must die in faith For miserable is the death that is without faith And herein faith and hope differ from other graces of God Loue ioy zeale holinesse and all other graces are imperfect here and are perfected in heauen but faith and hope are perfected at our deaths they are not in the other world for there is nothing then to be beleeued nor hoped for seeing we then doe inioy all things but as they are begunne in our life at our regeneration so they be made perfect when wee die and they shine most gloriously in the last and greatest combate of all which is at the houre of death So that the death of a Christian which is the gate to glory is to die in faith Besides as life leaues vs death finds vs and as death leaues vs the last iudgement finds vs and as it leaues vs so wee continue for euer and euer without recouerie or alteration Now to die in faith is to die in an assured estate of glory and happinesse which is that that euery man desireth therfore as we all desire it so let vs die in faith and we shal attaine vnto it Saint Paul tels vs 1. Corinth 15.55 Death is a terrible serpent for he hath a poisoned sting Now when we die we are to encounter with this hideous and fearefull serpent He is fearefull euery way but especially for his sting that sting is our sinne and this sting is not taken away nor the force of it quenched but by true faith which quencheth all the fierie darts of the diuell Ephes. 6. If therefore wee would bee able to encounter with this great enemie in the conquering of whom who stands our happinesse and by whom to be conquered is our eternall miserie wee must then so arme our selues with faith that wee may die in faith for hee that dieth in faith that faith of his kils his sinnes and conquers death but he that dieth without faith death and sin seize on him and his sinnes liue for euer and his miserie by them Now if we would die in faith we must liue in faith else it is not to be expected For so these holy Patriarchs liued long in this faith wherein they died For their holy liues shewed plainely that they liued in that faith which the Apostle saith doth purifie our hearts Act. 15.9 Now if wee would liue in true faith the meanes to attaine it set downe by Gods word are these First wee must labour to get knowledge of
whom God knoweth it good for they are deliuered in generall iudgements and preserued for his glory and vse of the Church But how did the Angel destroy the first born in Egypt both of man and beasts Answ. By taking from them their tēporal liues by destroying or killing their bodies That is the sense and plaine meaning of the holy Ghost to this signification answereth the word in the originall Now some doe abuse this place such like for the ouerthrowing of the anciēt cēsure of the church in excōmunicatiō for say they the practice of S. Paul 1. Cor. 5 is the principall ground of excommunication where Paul bids that the incestuous man be giuen to Satan for the destructiō of the flesh Now they that denie excommunication would haue that place to bee interpreted by this because the same word is there vsed and therfore say they Pauls words must bee vnderstood of destroying the incestuous mans body and taking away his temporall life This interpretation doth quite ouerthrowe excommunication for if nothing else be there vnderstood but onely the tormenting of the body then excommunication is not thence prooued But the truth is that that censure which the Apostle vrgeth there cannot bee vnderstood of the punishment of the body which I prooue thus In that place S. Paul opposeth the flesh and the spirit Now vsually when he maketh this opposition Flesh signifieth the Corruption of the whole man the Spirit signifieth the grace of God in the man so that his plaine meaning is this Let him be deliuered to Satan for the destruction of the flesh that is for the destruction of his naturall corruption and of the body of sinne Further where it is said the first borne wee must vnderstand it of the first borne among the Egyptians both of man and beast And whereas he saith should touch them he meaneth the Israelites who were not touched in this destruction Hence we learne two points further 1 The first borne of Egypt are destroyed both of man and beasts This is markeable for the Egyptians in former times destroyed the Israelites children and especially their first borne for they slew all the males lest they should increase in their land and now it comes to passe that their children euen the principall of them their first borne are slaine for the Israelites sake and when they are preserued Where wee may obserue a most righteous and yet an vsuall kinde of iudgement with God Hee doth often punish the wicked in their kind with their owne sinnes This is true euen in the best so farre forth as they are sinnefull The same iniurie which Dauid did to Vriah was done vnto him by his owne sonne euen by his sonne Absolon 2. Sam. 10. v. 10 11. and 16.22 And this our Sauiour Christ teacheth vs saying Math. 7.1 Iudge not that ye bee not iudged We find this true likewise by experience they that giue themselues to back-biting rayling slaundering by the iust iudgement of God haue for the most part the same done vnto themselues by others so that men are often punished in their owne sinnes For God hath his store-house full of iudgements and hee can punish men what way hee will But hee oft obserueth this order to punish men by their owne sinnes and to catch the wicked in their owne deuises This must bee a motiue to make vs to looke vnto our selues and to haue care against all sinnes of the second table for looke wherein thou takest thy pleasure to Gods dishonour therein shalt thou feele and see Gods iudgement vpon thee to thy correction and confusion Psal. 109.17 As hee loued cursing so shall it come vnto him and as he loued not blessing so shall it be farre from him This Adonibezek felt and confessed when his thumbes were cut off Iudg. 1.6 7 As I haue done so God hath rewarded me Lastly in that the destroyer killeth the first borne of Egypt marke a strange kinde of Gods iudgements King Pharaoh and his people sinne because they wil not let the Israelites goe but the punishment of their sinne is laid vpon their children and cattell The like wee reade of 2. Sam. 12.14 when Dauid had committed those grieuous sinnes of adulterie and murther a part of his punishment was the death of his child When he numbred the people the plague light on them 2. Sam. 24. Now we must not too curiously prie into the reason of this course of Gods iudgements for he is not bound to giue account of his actions yet in reason we may see the equitie thereof For we must consider of kingdomes and societies and of townes and families as of bodies euery societie is a body and the particular persons therein are members of that body Now looke as it is in the naturall body so it is in the body ciuill or politicke Oftentimes in the naturall body when the stomach is sicke the head aketh the braine is wounded and the heart aketh the foote is hurt and the head aketh and the offence of the tongue may be punished with stripes vpon the backe Euen so it is in ciuill societies the Prince sinneth and the people are punished or the p●ople sinne and the Prince is punished This is no iniustice with God for sith Prince and people make but one body and so Parents and children God may iustly lay vpon any member the temporall punishment of sinne committed by another And thus much of this example and of the faith of Moses alone The Israelites Faith VERSE 29. By faith they passed through the red sea as by drie land which when the Egyptians had assayed to doe they were drowned HItherto wee haue heard the faith of Moses alone highly commended in two examples Now followeth a commendation of his faith with others so that heere is a new example of faith to wit of the Israelites together with Moses For Moses is heere to be considered not onely as one of them but as a principall agent in this work of faith And here their faith is commended vnto vs by a wonderful strange action which they did through the power and goodnesse of God namely by their passing through the red sea not by passing ouer it for that might haue beene by Art but through it which is aboue nature and Art meerly miraculous This fact of theirs is largely set down Exod. 14. And that it might appeare to be euery way wonderful as it is indeede the Author of this Epistle commends it by two circumstances which notably set forth vnto vs the strangenesse hereof First by their manner how they passed through namely as by dry Land Secondly by the time whē namely then when the Egyptians following thē were drowned Here first we will speake of the fact it selfe and then of the circumstances The fact is set downe in the first words By faith they passed through the red sea The words are plaine of themselues and offer vnto vs sundry points worthy our obseruation And first
is the right time for a man to shew his faith when there is in himselfe no cause of beleeuing Obiect But when a man is in this case he cannot beleeue Answ. Indeede to beleeue then is a wonderfull hard thing and a miracle of miracles But yet this is the propertie of true faith so to doe and if there bee but one dramme of true faith in the heart that despaires howsoeuer it may for a time lie hidde as dead yet at the length it will make him to hope and waite for mercy and life at the hands of Almightie GOD. And therefore if it shall please GOD at any time to lay a torment vpon our consciences so as wee shall striue with the wrath of GOD thinking that hee hath cast vs away yet for all that then we must beleeue GODs promises and set before vs his mercies and therewith refresh vs. And if this faith were not the childe of GOD many sundry times were in a most miserable case the Lord therefore hath most mercifully prouided to helpe him by the grace of faith When a man is past all hope of life he must then beleeue and hope for life as the Israelites did in the red sea for preseruation And vndoubtedly this is a comfortable signe of grace if a man in the horrour of conscience can shewe forth the least sparke of true faith Fourthly note the effect and issue of this faith They passed through the red sea We say vsually that water fire be vnmercifull creatures and therefore the naturall man feares them both but the Israelites faith makes them not to feare the water but it makes them bold euen to passe thorough the sea The like we may see for fire in the 3. children Dan. 3.16.23 who were not affraid of the hot burning ouen but were as bold in it as out of it Rauenous wilde beasts are terrible vnto men but faith makes a man not to feare them and therefore Daniel feares not the Lyons though hee were throwen into their denne to bee deuoured Dan. 6.22 Great is the fruite and force of faith it takes from a man the feare of those creatures which by nature are most terrible And here wee see a cause why the holy Martyrs of God died most cheerefully A man would thinke it strange that one should goe into the fire reioycing as many of them did but the reason is Because they had faith in their hearts which taketh away the feare of the most fearefull creatures But if it bee so may some say that the Israelites by faith went through the redde sea not fearing the water why may not we that beleeue now doe the same for wee haue the same faith that they had Answ. Wee haue indeede the same faith and yet wee cannot passe through waters as they did For their faith rested on two promises first on this made to Abraham I will bee thy God and the God of thy seed Secōdly on a particular promise made to Moses For when he cōmanded him to goe through the red sea withall he made a promise to keepe and preserue them and this they beleeued and so went through Now howsoeuer we haue iustifying faith hauing the same generall promise yet we haue not the like particular promise That if wee passe through the red sea God will be with vs and saue vs. And therefore if any man shall aduenture to doe so let him looke for nothing but death for it is not an action of faith but of presumption And therefore Peter sunke when hee would needs walke vnto Christ vpon the sea hauing no such hold vpon Gods speciall promise as here they had and the Egyptians following presumptuously were drowned Wherfore let vs here be warned not to attempt to doe extraordinary workes without Gods special warrant for a particular faith requires a particular promise besides the generall promise of God in Christ. Further let vs here obserue a wonderfull worke of Gods mercy and power When these seruants of God were brought into extremitie of danger so as they were in a desperate case for their temporall life yet then the Lord findes a way of deliuerance And indeede if a man consider aright of it hee must needes acknowledge that these Israelites were in a pittifull case for they had the red sea before them and mountains on each side and themselues hindred from flight by their bag and baggage and with their children and the huge hoste of Pharaoh behinde them so as to mans reason there was nothing but present death to bee looked for yet the Lord in mercy to saue them makes a way where there was no way and opens them a gappe to life when naturall reason could lay before them nothing but violent death Which shewes the wonderfull mercy of God to his owne people and seruants And the like thing we may read of in Dauid when he abode in the wildernes●e of Maon for there Saul followed him and he and his men compassed Dauid and his men round about 1. Sam. 23.26 27. Now what hope of deliuerance was there for Dauid Ans. Surely this only Dauid was the seruant of God the Lord preserued him that hee might rule his people after Sauls death and therfore he escapeth though wonderfully for a messenger comes to Saul and bids him haste for the Philistims inuaded the Land and so Saul returned from pursuing Dauid and went against the Philistims Hence we learne this generall rule that in the extremitie of all danger God hath meanes to preserue and saue his owne children and people Which must teach vs to commend our case to GOD and to rest on him in all dangers for when our case is desperate in our sight then are we fittest for Gods helpe Let vs therefore in such cases learne to practice our faith and then especially to cast our selues vpon GOD. This Iehosaphat did most notably for beeing assaulted with the huge armies of the Moabites Ammonites c. he praied vnto the Lord most feruently saying 2. Chron. 20.12 Lord there is no strength in vs wee knowe not what to doe but our eies are towards thee and thus doing was preserued for God will in no extremitie forsake them that trust in him The red sea In many places of the olde testament it is called the sea of rushes Psal. 106.7 9. Or the sea of sedges Ier. 49.21 It is a corner of the Arabian sea that parteth Egypt and Arabia Those which haue seene it in trauell say it hath no other colour than all other seas haue Why then is it called the red sea Answ. To omit many supposed causes hereof ther be two especially for which it is so called 1 Because of the red sand for both the bottome of the sea and the shoare are full of redder sande than ordinarily is else-where 2 Some thinke it is called the redde sea by reason of the sedges and bul-rushes which growe much at the sea side and bee of a redde colour which by reflection may
and lip-faith and to be endued with true sauing faith whereby we may profitably heare the word and receiue the sacraments and so enioy Gods most excellent promises in Christ. Men may lie and be deceiued but God is truth it selfe and cannot lie and therefore as he hath made his promise of life to beleeuers and to no other so will hee surely accomplish the same to them and to no other Wherefore if we loue our soules and desire life let vs get into our hearts the grace of faith And thus much of the third effect of their faith The fourth and fift effects which I will handle together are these Stopped the mouths of Lions Quenched the violence of the fire For the fourth Whereas some of these persons are said to haue stopped the mouthes of Lions it is to be vnderstood of Daniel as appeareth in the 6. Chapter of that booke For Daniel through the malice of others that incensed the Kings wrath against him was cast into the denne of hunger-bit Lions But Daniel euen then beleeued in the Lord and put all his trust in God and for this cause the Lord by his angel stopped the mouthes of the Lions and as it were sealed vp their pawes that they could not hurt him The fift effect in quenching the violence of the fire must bee vnderstood of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego the companions of Daniel which three as we may read Dan. 3. refused to worship the golden image which Nabuchadnezzar had set vp For which cause they were cast into an hot burning Ouen but they put their trust in God and claue fast vnto him in obedience euen to the hazzard of their lyues Whereupon the Lord by his omnipotent power did most miraculously preserue them by staying the rage of the fire contrary to the nature thereof that it had no power ouer their bodies nay it did not burne the haire of their heads nor cause their garments to smell And therefore they are said to haue quenched the violence of it because it had no power ouer them thogh it burned most fiercely but was to them as though it had been quite put out and quenched Now ioyn these two effects together they affoord vs good instructions First here wee learne how to behaue our selues in time of danger and at the point of death Euen as these foure men did so must we from the bottome of our hearts forsake our selues and put all our trust in Christ. This did Daniel when he was in the Lions den and this did the 3. Children in the hot fiery furnace And this hath beene alwaies the auncient practice of Gods children in all ages At the very point of death and in the extremitie of all danger they rested themselues wholly vpon the mercifull promises of the true God The time wil come vpon vs all wherein wee shall be called to the practice of this duty for we must all passe the doore of death once lie in the pangs thereof Now what shall we doe when we lie halfe dead gasping panting for breath able to speake to no man nor to heare any speaking to vs when all comfort of the world failes vs Surely we must then at that very instant labour to leaue our selues and this world and yeeld vp our selues by faith into the hands of GOD and cleaue fast vnto Christs Passion from the bottome of our hearts and he will surely deliuer vs from the danger stopping the mouth of Satan that roaring Lion quenching the fire of hell that it shall not touch vs. But some will say if this be all we must doe then all is well for this I can soone doe when time serues and therefore I will take no care till then Answer Beware of spirituall guile for it will be found a most hard matter for a man to rely and cast himselfe wholly vpon Christ in the houre and pang of death For then aboue all times is the diuell busie against vs then will the conscience stir if euer and the body being tormented the soule must needes be wonderfull heauie This we may see by the state of our Sauiour Christ in his agony and passion and therefore wee must not reckon so lightly of this duty Question But if it be so hard a thing how could Daniell and the three children doe it Answer They were prepared for it for they rested vpon God in the time of peace and so were enabled to rely vpon him in time of perill Euen so if we would beleeue in God when wee die then shew forth our faith we must while we liue put our trust in him and shew it by obedience for rare it is to finde a man that liues in vnbeliefe to shew forth faith at his end And therefore while wee haue health strength and peace wee must labour to beleeue and then shall wee finde the comfort of it in time of perill and of death Secondly from these two effects of faith wee obserue further that Gods diuine prouidence doth firmely rule and gouerne the whole world Ordinarily God gouernes the world by secundarie causes setting one creature ouer another and ordaining one to doe this thing and another that and accordingly they worke but we must not thinke that God is bound to any of these meanes but is most free to vse them or not to vse them Ordinarily he executeth this or that punishment by this or that creature and so by meanes conuayes his blessings but yet he can work without them as here we see For he preserues his creatures against the ordinary meanes as Daniel from the Lions whose nature is to deuoure and against the nature of fire he saued the three children in the fire So that God worketh by meanes but yet freely because he can work at his pleasure either without or against meanes and his powerfull hand sauing against meanes shewes his ruling and disposing prouidence ouer all things Thirdly by these effects of their faith wee learne that Gods goodnesse and mercy towardes beleeuers is farre greater and more vnspeakeable than euer he promised or they could exspect This point is carefully to be considered of vs all for it is of singular extraordinary vse especially in time of perill and trouble and yet we see it is the plaine truth of God and therefore Paul giues thanks and praise vnto God who is able to do for vs exceeding aboundantly aboue all that wee aske or thinke Daniel put his trust in the Lord when he was in the Lions den and what doth he obtaine for his labour the Lord neuer promised to stop the Lions mouthes neither did Daniell euer presume vpon that deliuerance and yet the Lord saued him And so the three childrē though they made no account of their liues because God had not promised to keep them frō burning yet they com out in safety For God in mercy so quenched the heat of the fire vnto thē that thogh it burnt to death those that cast them in yet
body and soule and for proofe thereof they bring S. Paul where he saith Christ is the first fruits of them that sleepe Answer True indeede of them that sleepe that is of all that die for Christ entred into heauen both in body soule first of all them but Henoch neuer died as the Text here auoucheth therefore that place hinders not but Henoch might be in heauen in his body before Christs humane flesh ascended thither Thirdly they argue out of Saint Iohn No man hath ascended into heauen but he that descended the sonne of man which is in heauen But say they this sonne of man is not Henoch but Christ therefore none but Christ ascended bodily into heauen Answer That place is not meant of corporall ascending but of vnderstanding mysticall and heauenly things no man ascendeth to the full knowledge of heauenly Misteries but Christ alone who descended from heauen from the bosome of his Father And thus we see this opinion hath no strength of Argument to rest vpon but wee may safely hold notwithstanding any thing that can be said against it that Henoch was translated both in body and soule And if any man yet doubt how he could be takē vp in body before he was glorified Wee are to know though he died not yet his body was changed as those men shall be which shall be found aliue at the last day The second opinion is that Henoch was taken vp in soule and body into Paradise some say the heauenly but the most the earthly Paradise and there liues in his mortall and corruptible body and must afore the last day come againe in his body with Elias and fight against Antichrist and when by their doctrine they haue ouercome him hee shall by violence kill them and so they shall die Martyrs And this is the generall receiued opinion of the most Papists But it is a meere conceit and a dreame and there is no ground for it but good argument against it For first as for the Earthly Paradise it was defaced by the flood nor doe we read that euer man was in it but Adam And some of their owne fables tell vs that Seth went to the gates of Paradise when his father Adam was sicke to get some Physicke out of Paradise for his father but hee could not get in Nor doe we finde any mention of it afterwards So that it is likely in all reason that it was defaced by the vniuersall flood And if they meane he was translated into the Heauenly Paradise I answer thither can no vncleane thing come but a mortall body is vncleane and themselues say hee was taken away in his mortall body and in it shal come againe and die Therefore Henoch hauing a mortall and vnglorified bodie cannot be in the highest heauens into which nothing can enter which is not glorified and made immortall If they alleadge Ecclesiasticus 44.16 Enoch pleased God and was translated into Paradise c. I answer we neede not call in question the authoritie of the booke nor answer that it is not in the Canon of faith For the text is corrupted wilfully by some that shewed thēselues in the Latine too bold with the text both there and elsewhere for in the Greeke originall there is no such matter as Paradise but the words are these Enoch pleased God and was translated for an example of repentance to the generations And thus we see this opinion is euery way erroneous and hath no shadow of reason in it nor for it Seeing therefore both these opinions are to bee refused let vs in few words set downe the true and Orthodoxall iudgement of the Church out of the Scriptures in the olde and new testament And it is this That this holy man by Gods special fauour to him was assumed into heauen both body and soule his soule beeing perfectly sanctified and his body glorified in the instant of his translation and there he remaineth in glory expecting the generall resurrection and the full glorification of all Gods elect Out of this translation of Henoch we may learne First that there is a life euerlasting prepared of God for his children wherein they shall liue for euer both in soule body for hereof hath God giuen vs most euident testimonies both here in Enoch and afterward in Elias Elias a Iew Enoch none Enoch in the first world Elias in the second Enoch before the flood Elias after Enoch vncircumcised Elias circumcised Enoch married Elias vnmarried and both were assumed into heauen in soule and body and are there to this day and tarry for vs till the ende of the world assuring vs that our soules liue for euer that our bodies thogh they die shall rise againe to life Here therefore wee haue a notable ground for that last but not the least article of our faith where we professe to belieue life euerlasting Secondly in this example we learne that God is not tied to the order of Nature The order which God established set downe concerning all men after Adams fall is this Dust thou art and to dust shalt thou returne By vertue of this decree all men are to die as sure as they once liue and when that time appointed by God is come all the world cannot saue one man but accordingly die he must But here notwithstanding we see God that tied man to this order is not tied himselfe Enoch and Elias are exempted they die not their bodies neuer turned to dust such is the power of God ouer the order of Nature in all naturall actions Thirdly whereas the Papists holde that all the Fathers who died before Christ were in Limbus a place out of heauen and came not in heauen till Christ fetcht them thence and carried them with him at his ascension Here wee learne it is most false forged For here we see Henoch and afterwards Elias were in heauen both in body and soule many hundred yeares before Christs Incarnation whereby as also by many other euidences that might be brought it is apparant that Limbus Patrum is nothing but a deuise of that hereticall Church of Rome Hitherto hath the holy Ghost auouched the translation of Henoch Now hee proueth substantially that he was taken away Neither was hee found for God had taken him away And for his proofe he first laieth downe his ground then he thereupon frameth his argument consisting of diuers degrees of demonstration The ground is the plaine and euident testimonie of the old Testament in Genesis where the words are these Henoch was not found or not seene for God tooke him away Against this ground being the very wordes of the olde Testament no man can take exception And heere in a word let vs all marke the high and soueraigne authoritie of Gods word which euen the holy Ghost himselfe vouchsafeth to alledge for the confirmation of his owne words It had beene sufficient that the holy Ghost here affirmed Enoch to be taken away but we see
cōpany At Abrahams request had there bin but 10. righteous men in Sodome all had beene spared for their sakes Gen. 18.32 When Ioseph dwelt in Egypt all Putiphars house and all in it though hee were a heathen man were blessed for Iosephs sake Gen. 39.5 When Lot was deliuered out of Sodomes destruction the Angels asked him Hast thou any sonnes in law that they might haue beene saued for his sake Gen. 19.12 When Paul and 276. soules with him suffred shipwracke and were all in present danger of drowning God saued Paul and for his sake all the rest God gaue him the liues of all that were with him in the ship Acts 27.24 And so here Noahs children and their wiues are spared for Noahs sake Let this encourage all men to serue God in truth and vprightnesse seeing thereby they shall not make themselues alone bles●ed but bring downe Gods blessing euen on their houses children and posterities yea the very places where and the people with whom they dwell shall fare the better for them And thus we see the causes reasons why not Noah alone but euen his houshold were also saued In the fourth place let vs obserue how the holy Ghost saith that Noah built the Arke not for the sauing of himselfe but of his houshold and it is so said for two causes First to shew that Noah though he were the head gouernour yet was one of the houshold for in the word houshold himselfe is comprehended Maisters and Fathers though they be gouernours yet must thinke themselues members of the houshold so will they haue more care thereof when they esteeme themselues members of the body and parts of the whole Secondly to teach vs what care Noah had for his family euen so great as hee prepared the Arke to saue them withall Here is an example of a worthy Maister of a houshold and yet all this was but for a temporall deliuerance Now if hee was so carefull for their bodily safety how much more was he to saue them from hell and damnation which he knew to be an eternall destruction of both soule and body Therefore doubtlesse as he was a diligent Preacher of righteousnesse to that sinfull world so principal●y a diligent Preacher and Prayer and Catechiser of his owne family that so he might make them Gods seruants and deliuer them from the eternall fire of hell Noahs example is to be a patterne to all Parents and Fathers of families to teach them care not onely for the bodies bodily welfare of their families but especially for their soules and spirituall welfare And if they be bound by all bonds of nature and religion to prouide for the bodies of their children let reason iudge how much more straightly they are tied to looke to their soules But S. Paul saith He that prouideth not temporall things necessary for his family is worse then an Infidel 1. Timo 5.8 Then what is he who prouideth nothing for their soules Surely his case is extremely fearefull Therfore when thou hast prouided meat apparell a calling and mariage house liuing for thy child think not thou hast done and so maist turne them off The world may take them thus But God will not take them so at thy hands No the greater duty remaines behind thou must prouide for their soules that they may know God feare his name Thou must with Abraham Gen. 18.19 Teach thy family that they may walke in the wayes of God I know Abraham saith God that he will do it And surely God will know all such as do so By doing thus men shal make their houses Churches of God as here Noahs was it would be far better with our Church State if men did so Ministers in the Church Iustices in the Country should haue much lesse to do if Maisters of families would do their duties But to goe further let vs see more particularly what this houshold was that was thus saued by the Arke First it was a family of foure men foure women not men or women alone but both and consisting of as many women as men Thus God would haue one sexe to loue another and one to think themselues beholden to the other the beginning of the first world was by one man one woman Of the second by foure men and foure women but alwai●● equall And here also God would teach men not to contemne the other though the weaker sexe for God saued as many of them from the vniuersall floud as he did men Secondly how many were they in all but eight persons Of the whole world no more were saued A miserable spectacle See what sinne can doe It can bring many Millions to eight persons in a short time See what it is to offend God Let vs not then glory in our multitudes but glory in this that we know and serue God for otherwise if our sinnes cry out to him against vs he can easily make vs fewe enow Thirdly what were these eight persons not one seruant amongst them all there were none but Noah and his wife his three sonnes and their wiues It is meruailous that here were none of Noahs seruants Some thinke he had none and that the simplicity of those dayes required no attendance but that each one was seruant to him selfe And they seem to gather it out of Gen 7.1 where God biddeth Noah Enter thou all thine house into the Arke And when they entred they are recounted in the seauenth verse to be none but himselfe his wife and his children therefore say they in Noahs house there were no seruants But why might not Noah haue seruants as well as Abraham and Lot had doubtlesse he had But behold a wonderfull matter Noahs owne seruants would not beleeue his preaching but chose rather to liue loosely with the world perish with it then to liue godly with their Maister and be saued with him This was and wil be true in all Ages that in a wicked age or in a wicked towne a Maister shal not be able to gouerne his owne seruants but the streame of common wickednesse and ill examples of other men doth draw them from the obedience of their Maisters They can readily alledge for themselues we wil not be vsed more hardly then other mens are we will not be tied to our houres bound to so many exercises we will do as others do Thus would Noahs seruants do and perished with the world So hard a thing is it for a good man to haue good seruants in such times or places where wickednes raigneth And thus wee haue seene in some sort How the Arke saued Noah and his houshold and what this houshold of his was Now besides this end and vse of the Arke we are further to know that whereas this sauing of them was but a corporall deliuerance from a temporall death this Arke hath also a spirituall vse which we may not omit for as many of Noahs family as were true beleeuers
it was a meanes to saue them another way euen to saue their soules for it taught them many things First it was an assurance of Gods loue vnto their soules for if hee was so carefull to saue their bodies from the floud they thereby assured themselues hee would be as good vnto their soules which they knew to be farre more pretious and excellent Secondly it shewed them how to be saued For as they saw no safety nothing but present death out of the Arke So it taught them that out of Gods Church and out of Gods fauour no saluation could be expected and so it taught them to labour to be in Gods fauour and members of his true Church Thirdly they saw they were saued from the floud by faith and obedience For first Noah beleeued Gods word that the floud should come then he obayed Gods commaundement and made the Arke as hee was commaunded And thus he and his by beleeuing obaying were saued through the Arke and without these the Arke could not haue saued them This taught them more particularly how to be saued namely by beleeuing God and obaying God and else no saluation For when they saw their bodies could not be saued without them It assured them much lesse could their soules be saued without faith and obedience Lastly this deliuerance by the Arke was a pawn vnto them from God assuring them of saluation if they beleeued in the Messias For seeing God so fully performed his promise vnto them for their bodily deliuerance vpon their beleeuing they therby might assure themselues he would performe his promise of saluation vnto them vpon their faith and true obedience Moreouer it strengthned their faith For when euer after any promise of God was made vnto them or any word of God came vnto them they then remembred Gods mercy and faithfulnesse vnto them in their deliuerance by the Arke and therefore beleeued Vnto these and many other spirituall vses did the Arke serue vnto Noah and to his houshold as many of them as were beleeuers But what is this to vs Indeede the Arke serued them for a temporall deliuerance it saued their liues therefore they also had reason to make spirituall vse of it But it saued not vs it serued vs to no vse corporall therefore how can wee make any spirituall vse of it I answere though wee had no corporall vse of the Arke yet there ariseth an excellent spirituall vse out of the consideration of it The Arke of Noah and our baptisme are figures correspondent one to the other that that Noahs Arke was to them Baptisme is to vs. Thus teacheth S. Peter To the Arke of Noah the figure which now saueth vs euen Baptisme agreeth The same that S. Paul here ascribeth to the Arke S. Peter ascribeth to Baptisme The Arke saued them Baptisme saueth vs. Now the resembla●ce betwixt these two figures hath two branches First as it was necessary for them that should be saued in the floud to be in the Arke and out of the Arke no possibility to escape So is it for them that will haue their soules saued to be in Christ and of his Church they must be mysticall members of Christ and visible members of his Church and out of Christ and his Church no possibility of saluation That this is true for Christ S. Peter proueth apparantly Acts 4.12 Among men there is no name giuen vnder heauen whereby to be saued but the name of Iesus Christ neither is there saluation in any other And that this is true for the Church he prooueth Acts 2.47 The Lord added to the Church daily such as should be saued See how such as are to be saued must ioyne themselues to the Church when they see where it is and all this is signified taught in Baptisme For the outward vse of Baptisme makes vs members of the visible Church the inward powerfull vse of Baptisme makes vs members of Christ himselfe The vse and consideration hereof should make vs all more carefull to be true members of Christ of his Church by making not onely a bare profession of religion but by seeking to be incorporate into Christ by faith and true repentance for this must saue vs when nothing els can As they that were out of the Arke no gold nor siluer could buy out their safetie no lands nor liuings no houses nor buildings no hilles nor mountaines nothing in the world nor the whole world it selfe could saue them but being out of the Arke they perished So if a man be out of Christ out of his Church no gold nor siluer no honour nor glory no wit nor policy no estimation nor authoritie no friend● nor fauour no wisdome nor learning no hilles of happines nor mountaines of gold can saue his soule but hee must perish in the flood of Gods eternall wrath For as it prooued folly in them that trusted to their high houses or catcht hold on the hils if they were out of the Arke so will it prooue much greater folly to them that shall trust to any meanes of saluation if they be out of Christ. And contrariwise as they that were in the Arke were sure to bee saued doe the waters windes and weathers stormes and tempests all they could so that still the more the waters rose the Arke rose also and was euer higher than they and the higher it was carried by the violence of the waters the safer it was from the danger of hils and rockes and so in the midst of danger they were out of danger and were saued in the midst of the water So he that is once truely in Christ is sure of saluation nothing can hinder it flouds of calamities may assault him and humble him but they hurt not his saluation hee is in the Arke he is in Christ nay the gates of hell shall not ouerthrowe him but through all the waues of the diuels malice through all tempests of temptations the blessed Arke of Christes loue and merits shall carrie him vp and at last conuay him to saluation this is the blessed assurance of all them that are truely baptized into Christ. But as for such as out of their prophanenesse either care not to be in Christ or contemne Baptisme let thē assure thēselues they be out of the Arke they perish certainly This is the 1. part of the resemblance The second is this Noahs body going into the Arke hee seemed therein a dead man going into a graue or a tombe to be buried for he was buried in the Arke the Arke in the waters he depriued of the fresh air● gladsome light yet by Gods appointment it was the means to saue Noah which in all reason seemed to be his graue if Noah will be saued he must goe into this graue So they that will escape hell and damnation by Christ the true Arke of holinesse must be buried and mortified in their flesh and fleshly lusts and there is no way to come