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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06932 A new postil conteinyng most godly and learned sermons vpon all the Sonday Gospelles, that be redde in the church thorowout the yeare ... Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1566 (1566) STC 1736; ESTC S101291 689,601 1,060

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confort In the whiche this doctryne is set foorth That if we desyer the way that leade vs to God it may not be obtayned by the lawe whiche commandeth Thou shalt loue thy Lord thy GOD with all thy heart and thy neighbour as thy selfe For we do neuer so nor can not do if we wold But this is oure only safegard to the whiche we make oure refuge euen CHRIST Iesus the sonne of God and oure Lorde He hath satisfied the will of God and made hym self subiecte as a synner to the lawe for if it had not bene for that he should neuer haue bene circumcised as other chyldern be vpon the eight day This was done for all mennes synnes that all men may haue trust in hym For it was no nede for hym selfe Wherfore this pertayneth vnto vs and we doo well put oure truste in hym that we may be saued for his righteousnes and holynes And that I may briefly in one word note this matter we must only sticke to the righteousnes and iustification of Christ before God This is a moste certayne and aproued way and it hath moste suer ayde and succoure against synne and death The whiche thing God graunt vs through oure Lord Iesus CHRIST Amen The second Sermon of the name Iesu out of the Gospell of Luke ij ANd when the viii daye was come that the chylde shoulde be circumcysed his name was called Iesus which was named of the Angell before he was conceaued in the wombe THE EXPOSITION WE haue spoken of one part of this Gospel that is of circumcision In the whiche CHRIST wold signifie vnto vs that he became subiecte to the law for oure sake that we might be free frō the curse of the law Now foloweth the other parte as concerning the name IESV Wherof the Euangelist maketh diligent rehersall as thoughe it were a great cause why this name ought not to be vnknowen of men and specially bycause it is of no mans inuention but brought from heauen and shewed by the Angell before the child was conceaued in the wombe Which thing is a token that the name is suche as is alowed of God If we expound this name in English it is as much to say as a Sauiour But why this name was geuen to Christ Gabriel the Angell declareth wheras he speaketh to Ioseph And thou shalt cal his name Iesus for he shall saue his people from their synnes This name is moste worthie to be remembred and moste worthie to be regarded for oure owne behofe for that the chylde Iesu is called a sauiour which can saue vs from the greatest euill that is from syn and from no smalle myseries and calamities that befall vnto vs in this lyfe And where as corne feldes are destroyed by enemies and the graynes corrupted by tempestes and mennes bodyes vexed with diuers diseases and infirmities against all this hath God prouided help by other things as by the Princes and Kynges he defendeth frō robberies by the parents he prouideth for the liuelode of them that be in a familie by physitions he healeth diseases But as these things are not the greatest so are not these men the cheif sauiours in comparison and respecte of this sauiour that saueth from synne Wherfore he that regardeth this chylde earnestly hath a very Iesus and sauiour from all myseries Let him not require that saluation of him that belongeth to this present life which God hath cōmitted to other as I said before but that that is against death synne For when syn is takē away death also muste nedes be taken away Wherfore first consyder this thing wel with thy self whether thou maist hope for greater saluation from this sauiour or from them that are the mightiest in the worlde If thou hast no feling of the euerlasting lyfe to come thou shalt haue no nede of this Iesus God hath appointed the safegard of thy bodyly helth to officers parents physitions c. But if thou beleue that there is an other lyfe after this thou shalt haue nede of this sauiour For there is no helpe in other to euerlasting lyfe Whiche thing neuerthelesse is not so straightly to be taken For if the powers and parents cease from succourring and helping so that there is no ayde or goodnes in them we must looke for the easement of these presente euyls from Christ also Howbeit this is not his chyef and propre office Wherfore the doctryne of the Gospell is not referred especially to this corporall lyfe But this is his propre office and there will he declare this his name where as deliuerāce from syn death from the kyngdom of the dyuell is in hand To this also is he necessarie For if it were not for synne and death there should be no nede of this Sauiour The belly goddes haue no profite by this sauiour for of what things he is the sauiour those things do not they regarde And herof it appeareth how great the contempte of these Epicures is whiche thynk that there is neither God nor lyfe euerlasting But he that beleueth this that there is a God muste nedes collecte gather that al things are not ended by this lyfe but that ther remayneth an other lyfe that is euerlasting For this we proue by experience that God regardeth not muche this present lyfe sith the wicked hath such libertie and prospereth so wel He promiseth vs an other lyfe and that he may seme to haue great respecte to this lyfe this chylde Iesus is set foorth to be a sauiour for vs. And when he geueth vs this saluation no other thynge is greatly to be required of hym although other things in this lyfe go not as we wold and although we perceaue no great signes of Gods helpe in oure matters For his saluation is euerlasting saluation Let this be sufficient for vs be the difficulties and encombrances of this lyfe neuer so great We see that the Pope Cardinals Bishops and all that persecute the word do lyue in great securitie and that they are vnshamfastly bent agaynst the word and all Christians God seeth this and suffereth it and maketh as though he saw it not in so muche that he may seme to haue shewed more care for the Gentiles than for his people But if thou be a Christian let not this moue thee For euen for this very cause that God hath promised vs sure saluation to euerlasting lyfe he suffereth vs in this lyfe to wander as men destitute and without the helpe of God that we may know this by fayth that the chylde Iesus is such a Sauiour whiche neuerthelesse saueth vs although in all things besyde there can be no help gotten that is when syn shall either accuse vs or hath now alredy condemned vs to eternall death Excepte this tyme it appeareth that we haue no nede of this sauiour neither do we much regard him For he that is in helth hath plentie of goodes hath no nede of Christ for
trēble they as these do 〈◊〉 fele no consolation nor conforte in the worde for he that feleth death and is not armed with the worde of god against death the terrours of the same he is madde wode frantike fareth as though he were in desperation yea and possessed with the deuil Cōsider therfore O dearely beloued what a great treasure precious Iewel ye get when ye diligently gladly heare the word of God The firste is this ye know the ye are of god haue ouercome the deuil and al his infernal armie that neither sinne nor damnation hath any power ouer you Moreouer what soeuer shoulde be obiected againste you to the hyndraunce of your saluation it can not preuaile againste you but ye shall easely ouercome it But contrariwise the worlde with the leaste trouble that cōmeth waxeth madde is impaciēt falleth vnto vtter desperation The Christians vndoubtedly in this worlde haue many troubles For the worlde the deuil hate thē most extremely Therfore are they at al times in daunger of life of goods of fame of al that euer they haue Now how shal they fynde meanes to suffer these thinges paciently verely by none otherwaye then by holdinge faste the worde and cleauinge harde to the same saying let it go as it wil go I am not of the world but of god for if I were of y● world that worlde wolde deale otherwise with me But I had rather a thousand times that worlde should hate persecute me then loue me so fal out of the fauour good will of god Where the minde is thus affected setled all the troubles aduersities of that worlde passe awaye as a cloude or as a byrde that is swyfte of wynge They shewe them selues a litle while vnto vs but straight way they are gone Let this be your greate singuler consolation that euen in this life ye fele the power of y● worde but specially then whē death cōmeth which now thorow the faith that ye haue in the worde is euē as a swete pleasaunt slepe And as he y● walketh ī darkenes perceaueth not the theaues is y● soner oppressed ouerthrowen yea that befor he be ware euē so goeth it with the faithful the deuil is the theife mur therer hath sworne our bodely death so that we cā not escape it notwithstāding when we are enarmed with the worde holde faste that we shal scasely fele death or any payne therof For the worde setteth men in a ioyeful and quiet state maketh their cōsciences chereful mery and gladde so that they despaire not when aduersitie cōme neither make they any busines whē they loose their promotiōs lyuinges but kepe pacience in all kinde of aduersitie yea when death cōme they embrace it ioyefully receaue it without any feare at al onely this is their conforte that for Christes sake they haue a merciful father in heauen For this they learne in the word without the word they can learne nothing If there were non other cause that we should desyre the knowledge of gods word but only to learne how we ought to take these dayly cōbrances aduersities that chaunce vnto vs it might worthely seme a cause sufficient But this is nothing in comparison of the last miserie that cōmeth by death For as cōcerning that it is euident that then there is no helpe in any phisition or in any other thinge Christe alone our Lord is he which helpeth vs which also ought to be more estemed of vs then al the things in the worlde But how goeth it with vs whē he offereth vs this helpe remedie yea and bringeth it home to our owne dores we despise it and set naught by it This therfore chaunceth vnto vs worthely afterwarde that we be not of God and so by litle and litle dayly fall more and more into more greuous sinnes and become worse worse as it is sufficiently before sayd When suche are at the point to dye they can fynde neyther helpe nor councel And what remayneth there for all suche then lamentation feare tremblyng horroure yollyng out roring yea desperation and damnation Therfore this is the principal point of doctrine contayned in the Gospell of this present sonday that we diligentlye embrace the worde gladly heare it and faithfully beleue it If ye do this then shall ye ouercome synne deuyll death hel c. And althoughe death shall take you out of this lyfe yet shal ye fele no payne of hym but it shal be vnto you as a moste swete and pleasaunt slepe For the worde of God is suche a conforte and present helpe that it bringeth vnto vs a quiet lyfe a mery cōscience euerlastyng saluation As for the vngodly and suche as despyse the worde of God there can no more mischief be wyshed vnto them then they suffer all redy For seing they heare not the worde of God they are not of God As an vnruly childe whiche despyseth the commandement of God careth not for his parentes What can be spoken more vnto his reproche then that he is the sonne of the deuill and not of God This is not lightly to be regarded or to be set naught by For it were better to be the bonde slaue of the Turke or of any other most barbarous and cruell tyraunt then to to be the captiue and bondslaue of the deuyll which is an accuser a calumniatour a picker of quarels a murderer and seketh all means possible to cast vs into vtter destruction Take hede of this mischiefe and dilygently consider with your selfs in what gret reuerēce and estimation ye ought to haue the woorde of God For there is none other reskue help or remedy against euerlasting death deuyl sinne hell c. then to hold fast the word of Christ that is to say to beleue his promise and thorow faith in his worde to haue a sure hope of euerlastyng saluation For when Christ saith He that wyll kepe my woorde shall neuer see deathe He meaneth not the lawe that God gaue to the Iewes by Moyses Whiche lawe although it bee a trewe holy and profitable doctrine yet seyng we because of our vicious and corrupt nature can not obey that doctrine it is become vnto vs the ministerie of deathe and alwaies reproueth accuseth and condemneth our sinne before God Therfore haue we nede of an other word that we may be delyuered from synne and be iustified before God And that nowe is the woorde of Christe where he sayth He that beleueth in me shall neuer se deathe This worde muste be apprehended and layde hande on with a strong faithe so that we may by no means doubt but that it is true which Christ promyseth For he that refuseth the worde and taketh counsell of his owne deuise he shal fynd death and not life Therfore in the agony of death not according to that we fancie but according to
from the curse of the law from desperation from death from hell from the wrathe of God and from euerlastyng damnation and are translated and remoued vnto the heauenly countrey that glorious kyngdome of the moste glorious God Last of all we opened vnto you how we ought by faith to take and chalenge vnto vs those moste singuler and inestimable benefites so forme and frame our conuersation and lyfe after the example of Christ that it may outwardly appere that we be the thankfull disciples of Christ and the faithful and louing children of the heauenly Father And for as muche as we can not doo this of our owne strengthe and power let vs moste humbly pray vnto God that he for Christ Iesus sake may geue vs his strength and spirite that we may liue before him in pure faith vnfained loue in the great day of the Lord appere fautlesse among the dere and welbeloued children of God and so heare out of his mouthe which suffered and dyed for vs this moste swete and comfortable saying Come ye blessed of my father possesse the kyngdome whych was prepared for you from the begynnyng of the worlde To this lord CHRIST our alone Sauiour and most perfect redemer with God the father the holy ghost our moste swete conforter be all honor glorie praise for euer Amen The Gospell on Easter day Iohn xx THe fyrst day of the Sabbothes came Mary Magdalen early when it was yet darke vnto the Sepulchre and saw the stone taken away from the graue Then shee ran and came to Simon Peter and to the other disciple whom Iesus loued and sayth vnto them They haue taken away the Lorde out of the graue and we can not tell where they haue layde hym Peter therfore went forth and that other disciple and came vnto the Sepulchre They ran bothe together and that other disciple dyd outrunne Peter and came firste to the Sepulchre And when he had stowped downe he sawe the lynnen clothes lyinge yet went he not in Then came Simon Peter folowynge hym and wente into the Sepulchre and sawe the lynnen clothes lye and the napkyn that was about his head not lying with the lynnen clothes but wrapped together in a place by it selfe Then went in also that other disciple whiche came fyrst to the Sepulchre and he sawe and beleued For as yet they knewe not the Scripture that he shoulde ryse agayne from death Then the Disciples went away againe to theyr owne home THE EXPOSITION IN as muche as thys daye accordyng to the auncient and commendable custome of Christs church we celebrate the laudable feast and worthy memorie of the moste noble and victorious resurrection of oure Sauioure Iesus Christ it is mete and conuenient that we speake and entreate of the same at this present For the true sanctifying and halowing of feastfull days consisteth in the true worshippyng of God which is none other thing praiers thankes geuing ones done then to exercise the worde bothe in preachyng and readyng We therfore at this tyme wyll make our conference according to the tyme of the glorious resurrection of our moste louyng Lorde and swete Sauiour Christe Iesu. And in this our conference we will firste of all consyder what maner of Resurrection the risyng agayn of Christ frome death vnto lyfe was After that we will declare what vtilitie and profyte what fruicte and goodnesse the moste victorious and triumphant Resurrection of Christe hathe broughte vnto vs as we haue to fore shewed of his Passion and deathe As touchynge the fyrste lette vs not thynke that the resurrection of Christ was a common resurrection frome deathe as was the Resurrection of Lazarus but besydes thys that Christe rose agayne in the fleshe and corporallye he also spiritually became the Lorde of deathe and ouercame it and broughte with hym euerlastynge lyfe so that all that beleue are risen agayne with hym and haue ouercome deathe And by this his resurrection he hath not onely obteined a temporall life but also a spirituall lyfe For as he before by the temporall deathe of the Crosse dyd slea and vtterly abolyshe the spirituall deathe of synne and hell So he lykewise by his resurrection hath not only recouered and broughte agayne the temporall lyfe and quietnesse but also euerlastynge lyfe and perpetuall ioye Wherof wee may learne that Christe is rysen agayne twoo manner of wayes Fyrste after the fleshe by the whyche Resurrection he made hys deade body quicke his despised body glorious His weake and feeble body mightie and stronge his naturall body supernaturall and spirituall Of this resurrection we reade in many places of the scripture Among all Paule hath these wordes in the chronicle of the Apostles Actes where he speaketh on this maner And we shewe vnto you that the promise whiche was made vnto the fathers God hath fulfilled to their children euen vnto vs in that he raised vp Iesus as it is written in the first Psalme Thou art my sonne this day haue I begotten the. And in his firste epistle to the Corinthiās he saith that Christ after his resurrection was sene of more then of fiue hūdred brethren And moreouer that he shewed himself before to the .xii. and to many other brethren as we maye see playnly written in the Euangelistes Secondly there was in Christ also an inward spirituall resurrection in that he escaped from the horror of death hell syn and the wrath of God and came vnto euerlasting ioy life health peace gladnes Of this he glorieth and speaketh by the mouth of that prince like Prophet sayinge Thou haste made the wayes of lyfe knowen to me Thou shalt fill me ful of gladnes with thy countenance Againe Thou hast turned my heuines into ioye thou hast put of my sackclothe and girded me with gladnes All these ar gratulations reioycinges and thankes geuynges that God the heauenly Father hath deliuered his sonne Christ from the horror of hell and death and not him only but also with him and through him all faithfull christians Whereof we shall speake more largely hereafter How the resurrection of Christ was don according to the historie how he rose again on Easter day betymes in the morning before the sonne was vp howe the women found the sepulchre emptie Again howe they were conforted of the Aungell and admonished of his resurrection This with diuers other things appertaining vnto the resurrection of Christ ar diligently written of the foure Euangelistes and ye your selues haue hertofore both heard red them Therfore at this time we will speake nothinge of that matter but we will rather declare set forth vnto you the profites and fruites which Christ hath gotten for vs by his glorious and royal resurrection and opē vnto you how we ought to enter into a newe lyfe with Christ. But before we come vnto this matter let vs speake somwhat of the innocencie and Godhead of Christe by the whiche he
to our frendes but to all men yea to theim that hate vs to them that offende vs and semeth vnworthie of our good will and benefite This great displeasure and anger of ours whiche wee declare by bitter and hatefull woordes is to ouer come as when we saie what shall I medle with suche a knaue I am sore hurte of hym His slaunderyng tongue is not vnknowen to me What Should I helpe him No truely And he were full of Magottes I could not finde in my heart to doe him good And this is the lessō that our nature teacheth vs as touching lende mercie whiche onely hath respecte to our companions and riotfelowes but as for other it abhorreth vs vtterly to shewe any mercie But Christ seketh a remedie for this fault when he requireth vs to doe good to our enemies and to theim that hurte vs Suche mercie saieth he is mete for a christian as your father of heauen hath For without this ye can not be his sonnes nor my brethren whiche haue redemed you with my blood from synne and deathe Doubtlesse ye haue offended your heauēly father manifolde waies you haue broken his commaundementes in all poinctes And God hath a iust cause by your sinne to saie should I giue my sōne for suche vnthriftes yea rather let thē die as thei haue deserued For thei for sweare them selues thei slaunder thei are giuen to coueteousnes and to adulterie thei leaue no kinde of wickednes vndoen let them goe for me and for their leudnesse leudely perishe as thei deserue This maie GOD saieth Christe laye against you but he doeth not yea rather for all the iniuries ye doe vnto hym he hath mercie vpon you and doeth you good giuing you not onely bodie and life foode and familie wife and children and for all them liuelode but also his owne sonne and life euerlastyng Suche mercie also must we vse For what if one haue hurt and offēded thee what is that in respect that thou hast offended GOD so often and so greuously Wherefore if Gods mercie be so greate that he giueth his sonne for his enemies to deliuer thē from death and synne by hym and also giueth all thynges beside as life bodie soule substaunce yea and that when he hath rather an occasion to take vengeaunce to punishe and to plague Put this before thee for an exāple that thou maiest saie thus Although this man hath hurte me greuously and maie seme worthie of a misfortune at my hande yet will I not reuenge For els my mercie should not be christian like but like the Gentiles If he hath doen me wrōg perchaunce I haue otherwise deserued it Now when he hath nede of my helpe I will not requit euill for euill For I se that he hath nede of helpe and that it is in my power to helpe hym For thus dealeth my heauenly father with me c. It is euidently seen how full of wickednes and wrong the husbande menne and the people of the countrie be If thei could sell the vilest thyng thei haue for the moste highest price thei would not feare to doe it The tounes men and citezens also hath very corrupt maners thei scrape together substāce by right or by wrong thei care not how Thei liue riotuously thei deceiue and defraude as many as euer thei can This might well moue other to stomacke their doyng and to deny theim helpe when thei are in aduersitie But a christian hath a precept cōtrary to it whiche is that he should not remember any displeasure doen vnto hym What is this to me saith he if thei be wicked leude shall I giue vp therefore my purpose of well doyng Yea I will doe rather after the maner of a good tree from the whiche if a man plucke beate or shake doune fruicte it bringeth out the more the next yere with out paine So will I doe If I haue doen good for thee and thou shewest thy self vnkinde and dooest me a shrewde turne for it yet will I not hereby be compelled to forsake well dooyng If thou art a thornie bushe and canst doe nothing but pricke yet I will not become like vnto thee in life but I will rather shewe my self a fruitfull vine to bring forth swete grapes For so doeth my heauenly father He geueth to wicked people and vnthriftes housholde stuffe liuelode clothyng goodes bodie and soule peace seasonable weather and all thynges necessarie He giueth vs the light of the Sonne whereas we rather haue deserued Brimstome and fire from heauen but yet we haue it not For he will not bee made a churle for our vnkindnes sake but he saith If you are disposed to bee naught yet will not I forsake my naturall goodnesse I will giue bothe Sonne and water from heauen to the good euil And this is the example that Christ appointeth vs to followe that we also likewise maie be mercifull and not prouoked to malice by other mennes malice after the maner of the worlde that reuengeth and pursueth his right This maie not christian menne doe Yea rather thei ought to praie for their foes that GOD will make of them profitable and fruictfull plantes whiche are now wilde thornie and baren bushes And this is be you mercifull as your father of heauen is mercifull whiche is also moste bountefull euen to his very enemies But we must put in a caueat in this place and beware that wee take not this doctrine of mercie so although all kynde of reuengyng were disanulled hereby For there are diuers persones in one christian man A christian and the disciple of Christ doeth not reuenge But after this there be diuers descriptions of offices as of fathers in a familie of Iudges in a shire of Magistrates in a citie of Erles in an Erledome of Kynges in a Kyngdome All these offices can not bee without reuengyng And thei that are in theim should offende if thei should not punishe suche thynges as are dooen against the common wealthe For by the commaūdement of God in this must those thynges be performed whiche are ordained of GOD for the preseruation of the commonaltie that the offenders bee punished and breakers of order restrained For if any manne would exercise ouerth warte mercie it would euidently appere to what poincte it would come when foolishe mercie shewed to a fewe shall be tourned to the vtter vndoing of many First are thei betrayed to whom this vntrue mercie is shewed then ensueth the breakyng of discipline rule without the whiche the worlde can not consiste in safegard Wherefore GOD requireth this of all gouernours and ouerseers of order that accordyng to their office thei vse straight punishement and if thei cease to doe so let theim knowe thei shall giue accompt thereof to the high magistrate whiche is God hymself Wherefore this commaundement of Christ consisteth in a certaine respecte to an other order that is that the sonnes of GOD that is to saie Christiās
of suche force and might that it putteth awaye death and restoreth lyfe But for asmuche as we knowe that Christ can so soon rydde vs from death and restore vs to lyfe let vs se also how redie he is and willing to do it For there is none amongest them all that desire this of him only is he moued with the miserie of the widow and goeth vnto her without askynge and restoreth her son vnto her alyue again Wherfore let vs thinke that this example belongeth vnto vs that we should not feare death For this was done for our sake As though he shold say It is not vnknowen vnto me that you feare death but put awaye all feare For what power can it haue on you at all It maye make you feare but prouide you such sauegard against it that ye may not only iudge according to your sense which is the verie cause of your feare but haue ye respect vnto me also what I can do what I will do euen that I can as easely raise you from death as you are wont to rayse a mā that is a slepe wil do it gladly desirously so that there can lacke neither power neither will therto Wherfore it foloweth therof that they that are buried in their graues do slepe more lightly then we in our bodies For it is possible that thou be in such a deade slepe that although thou be called ten times yet thou cāst not heare But the dead awake at one word of Christ as ye see by the example of this yonge man of Lazarus Wherfore death before god is not called death before vs it is both death is so called but before god it is so quiet light a slepe that nothing can be lighter And this wold Christ haue to be wel beaten into vs that we shold not feare when the pestilence or death it selfe taketh vs but that we shold with a bold minde answere thus against it What is thy greatest might then Tou layst before me very greuous matters thou puttest me in great feare how thou wil execute punishmēt on me like a tormēter But I wil cōsider what god on the contrarie part can do wil do whē y● hast slaine me For he feareth thee not neyther do he care for thy outragiouse furie but iesteth more rather vpon the saying O death I wil be thy death o hel I wil be thy destructiō If thou killest my Christians I will kil thee again restore them to life This is the cōfort that Christe setteth forth in this gospell that although Christiā men dye yet they be not dead but slepe a slepe yea that such a light slepe that Christ can awake thē with his litle fingar but this is but a litle praise for death that whē it doth here the worste yet it can do no more by all his rage but cast a mā into a slepe so that Christ may raise him vp with one worde As it is written The hower cōmeth when they that are dead in their graues shall heare the voice of the sonne of man and shall come forth they that haue done wel to the resurrection of lyfe but they that haue done euill to the resurrection of Iudgement This hope haue Christians but the Turkes the Iewes haue it not neyther the Papistes This they knowe that they must die and that there remaineth iudgement and hell But what do they They haue no truste in Christ But they seeke helpe of their diriges Masses trentalles pardons fastes such other thinges And they take Christe for no other but for a Iudge whiche hath onely the office to iudge and condemne This is the greatest wickednes that is that they Imagin that Christe is crueller then death Wherfore when they heare of the day of Iudgement they are afraid they tremble quake in their heartes So do not Christian men They know that Christe in that day shall iudge them that beleue not whiche will not receaue the worde or beleue it And therfore they boldly say I am baptised and do beleue in Iesu Christe my Lord that he dyed for my synnes and that by his resurrection he hath gotten me righteousnes and euerlasting lyfe Why shold I feare therfore he is not mine enemie but my frend and patrone with the father Wherfore although the laste day draweth nigh or death chanceth vnto me by anye other meanes al this shall not put me beside my state My Lord Iesus Christ holdeth himselfe stil for a time at the iniuries that death doth vnto me But when death thinketh that I am wholly opprest then am I only holden with slepe and that with such lyght slepe that Christe can scarselye speake a worde but I heare and rise vnto euerlastyng life Let this seme a necessarie lesson for vs that we may feare neither at death nor at the laste daye For Christ cōmeth not to iudge and condemne vs. He commeth as he came in this place to the widow and to her dead sonne to rayse vs from death that we may heare see speake again and do other thynges After this sorte will he come to all vs that beleue and saue vs. But they that beleue not them will he iudge Wherfore we must accustome our selues to looke for this our Sauiour to beleue in hym that by a litle a litle we may be more and more certified of this oure hope and saluation that we may feare neither death neither the laste day But he that feareth foloweth the fleshe and the olde man and not Christe his worde For the matter is playne that Christ shall come and rayse vs from death Where Christians bodies reaste in their sepulchres slepe vntil Christ come knocke at the sepulchre and saith Arise arise Then shall we rise as out of a most quiet and swete slepe we shall lyue and reioyce with Christ our Lord for euer And thus ought Christians to haue other thoughtes thā the Turkes or Iewes haue whiche are vtterly confounded with feare Yea and the Papistes mōkes all are dismayd in their heartes And this chaunceth vnto them worthily For why come they not to learne this lesson and beleue that CHRIST is the helper of them that beleue the iudge of them that beleue not If thou art a Christian and hast hope in Christ he will not take away his helpe succour and saluation from thee when deliuerance defence shal be requisite for thee against death and the deuill But if thou trustest for helpe any where els and despisest his helpe as the Pope both teacheth doth so in dede looke for no other of Christ but a very Iudge for because thou art the seruant of the deuil the minister of death and takest that on thee that is the worke of the deuill and of hell They hate Christ and care not for his kyngdome Wherfore he can be no other to them then a iudge But for the good
to all the flocke amonge whom the holy Ghost hath made you Ouerseers to rule the congregation of God whiche he hath purchased with hys bloode For I am sure of this that after my departyng shall greuous wolues enter in among you not sparyng the flocke Moreouer of your owne selues shall men aryse speakynge peruerse thynges to drawe disciples after them Therfore awake and remember that by the space of three yeares I ceased not to warne euery one of you night and daye wyth teares S. Peter speakyng of hym selfe writeth on this maner I wyll not bee negligente to put you alwayes in remembrance of suche thynges though ye knowe them your selues and be stablyshed in the present truthe Not withstandyng I thynke it mete as longe as I am in this tabernacle to stere you vp by puttyng you in remembrance c. Thus ye see what diligence is required of you in feedynge the Lordes housholde wyth the holy worde of God This office aboue all other maye by no means be neglected For herein as I maye so speake consisteth either the saluation or damnation bothe of you and of the Lordes householde as God saythe by the Prophete O thou sonne of man I haue made thee a watcheman vnto the house of Israell that where as thou hearest any thyng out of my mouth thou mayst warn them on my behalfe If I saye vnto the wycked Thou wicked thou shalt surely dye and thou geuest hym not warning that he may beware of his vngodly way the wicked shal die in his owne sinne but his blood I will require of thy hande Neuertheles if thou warne the wicked of his way to turn frō it where as he yet will not be turned from it then shal he die because of his sinne but thou hast deliuered thy soule But if the wicked turne frō his sinnes do the thing that is laufull right then shall he surely liue not dye Yea the sinnes that he hath done shall neuer be thought vpon For in somuche as he doth now the thyng that is laufull and ryght he shall lyue If ye be tongue tyed or playe Placebo ▪ so that ye reproue not the wycked by the worde of God of theyr wickednes but suffer them to go forthe in theyr wickednes as though they were good righteous and fautlesse so bryng ye damnation bothe vpon your selues and vpon them But yf ye sharpely rebuke the wicked of theyr wyckednesse so that by this meanes they turne from theyr lewdnes and woorke that whyche is good and pleasant before the eyes of Gods maiestie so do ye that which shall bring saluation to you bothe as the Apostle sayth Take hede to thy selfe and vnto learnyng and continue therin For yf thou shalt so do thou shalt saue thy self them that heare thee Hereto agreeth the saying of S. Iames Brethren yf any of you doo erre from the truth an other conuert hym let the same know that he whiche conuerteth the synner from goyng astray out of his way shall saue a soule from deathe and shall hyde the multitude of synnes As the Lord hath committed to you the meate wherwith his housholde shoulde be fedde so is it your duetie not to withdrawe it from them but liberally to geue it vnto them as good faithfull and wyse seruantes and stewardes The distribution of the heauenly sede sayeth a certayne man is enioyned vs. Wo therfore be vnto vs if we doo not sprinkle it abrode Wo be vnto vs yf wee holde oure peace as the Apostle sayeth Wo is vnto me yf I preache not the Gospelle The verye titles and names whiche are appropriated vnto you by the holy Ghost in the sacred scriptures ought to moue you to doo youre duetie in this behalfe and by no meanes to be negligent herein Ye are called priestes elders shepheardes feders ouerseers apostles prophetes salt lyght workmen preachers labourers seruantes byshops planters waterers fathers angelles embassadours Gods labourers buylders ministers of Christ stewardes of the secretes of God schoolemasters sowers of spirituall thynges Gospell preachers ministers of the newe testament seruantes of the faithfull preachers of the attonement Christes messangers Christes seruantes Catechistes doctors or teachers Euangelistes Christes witnesses souldiours of Iesus Christ husbandmen laboures distributers of the worde of truth informers of them that resyst the truthe watchers for the health of mens soules c. If your trauayles doyngs lyfe and conuersation agree with these titles and names so are ye faithfull and wise seruantes and great is your reward in heauen But contrarywyse if ye vainly and withoute cause vsurpe these names so that ye are not the same in dede that ye are called in name and worde what other thing are ye then painted sepulchres white daubed walles whose portion is in that lake that burneth with fyre and brymstone Moreouer the salarie stipende and wages that ye receaue of your parishoners appointed for the true pastors of the Lordes flock and for the faithful ministers of Gods word ought to bee no dulle spurre vnto you to pricke you forwarde to feede the Lordes housholde The lyuynges whiche many of you enioye are neyther small nor slender but ryche and wealthy great and many They are not geuen you vnto thys ende that ye shoulde lyue of them lyke voluptuous Epicures and ydell bellygods but for thys purpose that ye beynge voyde of worldly care hauyng al necessary thynges prouided for you should the more frankely and freely geue your myndes to the study of the holy Scriptures and to the preachyng of the same to the ministration of the sacramentes to prayer to thankes geuyng and to suche other spirituall exercyses Our sauiour Christ sayeth The workeman is woorthy of his meate Hee saieth not The loyteryng lurden is worthye of his meate If any man be in the mynisterie and will liue of that he muste labour fyrst and afterwarde eate If he labour not so ought he not to eate accordyng to this rule of S. Paule He that laboureth not ought not to eate And his laboure is not to hunte and hauke to kepe great horses to fede many dogges and a sorte of ydell lasye lubbers to lye lurkyng in the court in Byshoppes and noble mens houses in the vniuersities c. but as I sayd to geue meate to the Lordes housholde to preache the Gospell to mynister the sacramentes to pray vnto God for the people to thank God for his benefites to watch day and nyght aboute the health of the Lordes flocke c. The Apostle sayeth that hee whyche soweth spirituall thynges ought to reape temporall thynges If ye therfore wyll reape temporall thynges ye muste fyrst of all sowe spirituall thynges If ye doo not sow so oughte ye not to mowe If ye doo mowe where ye dyd not sowe so are ye not pastors but raptors no shepheardes but hyrelynges noo flockelouers but flockelubbers yea very playne theues as CHRIST saieth A thefe commeth not but
of the worlde He shal be a kyng saieth the Prophet but yet with pouertie miserie without al princely reputation if the matter be consydered after the custom of the world of princes This Prophete also speaketh of an other power of this kyng For he calleth hym righteous and a sauiour and not riche fortunate or a glorious kyng before the worlde but righteous and a sauior whiche bryngeth with hym iustice and saluation and destroyeth synne and death the enemie of synne and death whiche shall delyuer all from synne and death that beleue in hym and take hym for theyr kyng and are not offēded with the borowed asse They that do this haue geuen vnto them remission of synne and remedye agaynst deathe to the attainement of euerlastyng lyfe And althoughe their body dye and be buried yet is it not to be called death but rather a slepe And this it is that Zacharie wyll teache vs of Christ when he geueth him these two names that is of a righteous and Sauior whiche may be the deathe of deathe and destroy the power of the deuyll and by this meanes deliuer vs that beleue in hym from sinne and death and transpose vs into the kingdom of angels wher is life and saluation He left for the kynges of the worlde their glorie richesse towers palaces Let them lyue in glorie neuer so muche buyld they neuer so gorgeously be theyr apparell neuer so costely yet haue they not this power whiche this poore kyng had For there is no emperor kyng or pope so mighty with all hys power that can delyuer vs from the least synne that is and that can heale a small disease with all the richesse that he hath And what shall I say than that they haue muche lesse any power agaynst euerlastyng deathe and hell But this poore kyng onely helpeth therin and that not only against one synne but against al sinne and not only agaynst my synnes but agaynst the synnes of the whole worlde He came not onely to take awaye diseases but also death and not onely death but also the deathe of all the world Tell this sayth the prophet to the daughter of Syon that she be not offended for his lowe behauiour but that she shut vp her eies and open her eares and let her not consyder howe poore this kyng is in syght but what the word doth teache of this kyng The pouertie is open forasmuche as he commeth on an asse without ridyng apparell But in that he forgeueth synne deliuereth from death geueth saluation and euerlastyng life to them that are sanctified that is not sene wherfore the word therof is only to be herd and to be beleued So saith Zacharie Tel the daughter of Sion that she may knowe and not be moued nor offended that he commeth so pore vnto his people and dyeth so shamefull a deathe For all these thynges be doone for thy sake that thou by thys Sauior mightest be saued against the deuyl death his purpose is to sanctifie thee and to delyuer the frō synne All endeuours are in vayne when we regarde not the sence of the eares but loke to haue it allowed by the eies For this kyng differeth very muche from other kyngs What so euer they do they do it in great magnificence and pompe But in Christe it is not so which fyrst in Baptisme gaue vs this strength wher by we ar deliuered from sinne from death Here the eies se nothing but cōmon water ▪ which is included in the word and pronunciation therof Here the eies see nothing then the breath of a man but this we must be ware that we folowe not the iudgement of the eyes The eies ar to be shut vp and the eares to be opened and the worde to be heard Whiche teacheth that our Lord Iesu Christ shed his bloode for the remission of synnes and euerlastyng lyfe These gyftes are founde for a suretie in the holye Baptisme in the Supper of the Lorde in the preachynge of the Gospell This is true But because of the simplicitie therof they ar not thought to haue so great efficacie by the lauer of water supper of the Lorde But beware thy eies bring the not to this straite It semeth an absurde thyng in the eies of the people that he that came on a vile asse and after was crucified shoulde be thought to haue power agaynst synne death and hell No mans sight was so clere as to see that But the prophet saith it Therfore in this matter there is no nede of eies but of Faithe and eares Wherfore sayth the Euangelist Tell the daughter of Syon And the Prophete sayth Reioyce Syon be glad daunce and leape for ioye O Ierusalem beholde thy kyng commeth What maner of kyng A righteous kyng and a sauior which shall sanctifie thee and saue thee For he wyl communicate his righteousnes and saluation with thee that thou myghtest be free from synne and he wyl dye for thee that thou by his death mayst be delyuered frome eternall death Wherfore let not the great pouertie that is in hym offend thee thy lyfe and saluation lyeth hydde in hym Geue thankes for the benefyte and vse it to thy comforte For all these thynges are doone for thy saluation Wherfore this is our kyng Iesus Christ this is his kingdome and office He handleth no taxes and tributes he careth for no towers nor for worldly magnificence But when we are now come to the marke of deathe so that we can lyue here no longer Then is it the office of this kyng that we by his passion and death may walke into Paradise and say on this maner I am sanctified through my kyng Iesus Christe whiche for that cause came after a vile forme and would be crucified that he myghte sanctifie me and that in me he might slea synne and death He that beleueth this on this wise as he heareth and is preached in the Gospell shal be sure of saluation For therfore was Baptisme ordeined of Christe that by it he might put his iustice on the and that his holynes and innocencie may become thyne by right For al we are miserable synners But in Baptisme Christ doth comfort vs and saith Geue me thy synnes and take thou my rightousnes and holynes Let thy death be taken from thee and my lyfe put on thee Wherfore this doctrine ought gladly to be receiued and the godlynes therof then also it ought to be declared in our lyfe that God myght not seme to haue geuen this lyght in vayne vnto the earthe But it chanceth contrarywise and the world is made oftentimes the worse for this doctrine And here is the very diuel reigning with al his kingdom in the vnkynd worldly man for all this greate grace of God The matter is playne that there is nowe more auarice couetousnes crueltie impudent lechery aduoutrie and wickednes then was before vnder the popedome What is the cause Uerily no other thing then
that mē do not gladly receiue this doctrin as it behoueth them to do but all set naught by it They care more for golde and riches then this incomparable treasure which Christ the sonne of GOD brought downe to vs from heauen Wherfore this punishement is deserued wherwith God plagueth these vnkynde persons If thou sayth he thinkest thy self vnworthy to geue me thākes for that I delyuer thee from great euyls frome syn from death be it so truly And I wil make that thou shalt greuously trauaile vnder sinne and death seyng thou louest it so wel And wher as before thou were in the danger but of one diuel nowe shalt thou be vexed of seuen worse Wherfore I adhorie you to here this doctrine with a godly feare and to be thākfull for it and to pray God with all your harts that he may confirme you in this fayth that ye may kepe suche doctrine Wherby it shall come to passe that we be made daily more sobre more obedient more gentle more chast and better For this is the nature of this doctrine to make men more ful of modestie and softnes of obedience and chastitie But they that cast it from them becom seuen tymes worse then they were when they were without this doctrine as examples doo testifie euery where Wherfore take ye hede truly the tyme will come it will come without doubt when God shall reuenge this vnkyndnes and then shall it be sene what the world hath deserued by this vnkyndnes Wherfore marke wel the hystorie of this gospel For seyng that the Iewes woulde not here the voyce of the prophete this is sayd vnto vs that our kyng commeth meke and poore that we shoulde not be offended neither haue respect to the pōpe riches of the worlde But let vs consyder that this our kinge is righteous and a Sauiour whiche deliuereth vs from sinne and from deathe And when this is taught receaue it gladly and louingely and geue God thankes least after that ye be fayne to receiue the deuyll with howling wailing and gnashing of teeth To the whiche thyng we are adhorted also by the example of the Apostles and of other which were in the trayn of this kyng For seyng that Christ is a kyng he must nedes haue a kyngedome and people and this people muste shewe their due seruice to their kynge What seruice this is the hystorie declareth For here be found some that knowlege that the Lord Iesu the kyng is come and be not ashamed to be amongest the waiting men of this asse and poore kynge Amongest these are the Apostles first which knowledge the Lord Iesu Christ to be the true Messias that shall iustifie and become a sauiour agaynst synne and death Wherfore they bring vnto Christe an asse that is they councell the Iewes to go to Christ whiche hytherto haue lyued vnder the lawe haue borne the burden therof lyke asses Then with the asse they bryng a colt also vnto Christ that is the Gentiles that be not yet tamed neither wer vnder any lawe For Christ is the Sauior of all men Wherfore al true Euangelists and teachers ought to bring men vnto Christ And this is one seruice that is due to this kyng that he be knowen receyued and glorified of all men for the rightuous Sauiour The second seruice is that we sing Osanna to Christ on the Asse that is that after we haue receaued this Sauiour and knowledge hym for our kyng that men wyshe well to him and to his kyngdom and that they do all thynges that belonge to the aduancyng of thys kyngdome although it offend the Phariseis and chief priestes neuer so muche For Osanna signifieth Saue O lord blesse Lord the sonne of Dauid As we say in the Lordes prayer Thy kyngdome come For the diuell and his membres will not cease to go about to abolyshe or at the leaste corrupte this kyngdome Here haue we nede of prayer that it may please God to infringe and represse this enterprise of the diuell The third is that we do not only pray but also put of our clothes and sprede them to our Lord Christ in the way that the pompe of his comming may be more syghtfull and not so beggarly And this is then done when accordyng to our abilitie we helpe the ministery of the worde that there may be plentie of teachers good men which both by teachyng and lyuyng maye be gouerners of the congregation And also that they that nowe are ministers may so be handled that they may see to their duetie and geue them selfe to studye and not to fall away from their ministration for lack of lyuyng or to be busied with other thyngs that they can not haue leasure to doo theyr duetie To be short what soeuer thyngs or riches is bestowed to this vse that the ministrations in the cōgregation may be wel ordred and maie haue true pastors It is to be vnderstanded by the clothes which ar spread for Christ that his commyng may be somewhat more kynglike Thus must this seruice be doone to this kyng neither care thou for the Priestes and Phariseys whiche are moued for this sclender pompe and do al that they can to let it But Christ doth not suffer this For where as he is kynge he canne not be without a people and he hath nede also to be serued like a kinge And happy are they that serue this king For he is such a king that he will serue vs againe not with riches and store for that were to base a thyng for this king but with righteousnes agaynst synne with saluation against death and dampnation Wherefore it is expedient that we should be redy and glad to doo this king seruice Neither let vs be offended with the example of the Pope and bishops and suche other which bring not the asse to Christ as the Apostles did to put him theron but that thei may ride vpon the asse themselues and may kepe men vnder the danger of their doctrine as they list but thei make Christ go on foote neither can they suffer him to come through his Gospell and to turne mens eies vnto hym These false doctours haue their disciples also whyche flatter with theim and strawe boughes of Palmes and Oliues in their waye but they cast stones at Christ. For they persecute hym and his gospell and all that professe it These in that daye shall knowe with the Iewes that they haue despised the righteous kyng and Sauiour and therfore shall suffer the wrathe of God for euer Wheras contrary they that haue receaued hym and confessed hym and hath become parteners with him in all that they haue shall obteine by hym iustice and euerlasting lyfe The whiche thyng as our truste and wishe is might chance vnto vs through our Lorde Iesu Christe and Sauiour Amen The seconde Sonday of Aduent ¶ The Gospell of S. Luke xxi THere shal be signes in the Sonne and in the
oxe stable was his refuge What should I desier any better state seing my kinsman ye rather my brother kinge of heauen is founde so poore in all things before oure eyes Why should I refuse hardnes seing the kinge of glorie refuseth not to take on him all things for my sake Who am I a sinner not worthie to lie amonge sharpe cutting flagges and yet I lie softer than my prince which suffered to lye in hay and abhorred not the maunger And yet after this the case is so vnworthie that we stockes and blockes are so nice and delicate that we can suffer no payne and yet we se before oure eyes the example of Christe what paynes he toke for oure sake But it is not vnknowen what reward we shall haue for oure foolishnes And yet if we had any wit we wold beware Now therfore lett vs briefly reherse bothe these doctrines and lessons The firste is that we regarde our owne honoure in that that Christe is made mā This honour and renoume is so great that if a man were an angell in state he myght worthely and well wish him self a man that he might be counted amongest them which glorie and boste my fleshe and blud is placed aboue the angells so blessed is the creature of man The second is that this might be an example to vs of charitie and pacience which we might folowe and walke in the steppes of oure brother and kinsman Christe helping seruing other men gladly although it be to oure labour and payn The which thing God the Father with the holy Ghost thorough oure Lord Iesu CHRISTE graunt vs. Amen The second sermon vpon the saying of the Angel as concerning that Christ was borne WE haue rehersed vnto you the history of the feast in the which is made mentiō also of the saying of the Angel to the whiche ther were also assembled many thousand of Angels whiche did shewe and synge altogether to these two or three shepheardes This is the sermon of one Angell Feare ye not for behold I declare vnto you great ioy that shall be to all the people because ye haue a sauiour borne for you this day which is CHRIST the Lord in the Citie of Dauid ALthough this sermon of the Angell is repeted euery yeare yet may it now be conueniently renewed agayne in mynde For we shall neuer come to the perfecte knowledge of this thyng as long as we lyue here And this sermon of the Angell was very necessarie For if CHRIST hadde neuer so much bene borne yet should it haue profited vs nothing if it had bene vnknowen For to what purpose is that treasure that lyeth hyd if thou knowest not wher it is Thou shalt take no pleasure nor profite therby as the Prouerbe saith There is no pleasure in the vnknowen treasure A hyd treasure is no treasure For all men passeth ouer it as they do durt caring not for it So is it also with this moste ioyfull byrth if the Angels had not brought tydings therof and had not opened this treasure to men no man could haue taken the fruition therof The cause why is common A man setteth not his affection on that he knoweth not Neither doth this thyng delight or displease but it is as though it were not and neuer shal be Wherfore it is one of the especiallest things in this Gospell that the Angel by his sermō doth speake openly of this byrth and sheweth vs this treasure that we passe not ouer it and that we be not ignorant of the presence therof but come and take part of the confort therof Wherfore he saith I declare vnto you great ioy THESE words are weightie For the shepheards were greatly astonyed at this meruailous light and celestial shyninge as at an vnwonted thyng because there was sodeinly both in heauen and earth suche great light as though all the earth had bene on fyer To this hath the Angell respect and applieth his words therto saying Feare ye not as if he shold say ther is no cause to feare But your feare sheweth that ye knowe not what is in doing For if ye did ye wold put away feare and reioyce at your owne felicitie And I am come to bring you tydings of great ioy of a great work and miracle whiche thyng if ye wold well consyder ye wold much reioyce This is therfore the entent of this Angels tydings to make men to regard it earnestly and not to let it passe without effecte Wherfore he speaketh of no common ioye but of a great ioye and of a thing moste necessary For the diuell by synne hath brought vs to naught and disturbed all that belongeth vnto vs so that we do not only sustayne originall synne and therby eternall deth but also that al that we haue are in his danger that almoste we maye at euery moment looke for his dartes in body lyfe and goodes For all these things are in a thousande perils and casualtyes Yea the Gospell testifieth that the dyuell possesseth men and dryueth them to madnes so that it may be worthely said that such a man is the fylthy puddle and syncke of the dyuell Suche corruption is engendred in vs by synne that we haue no sure helpe in any thing in the worlde I will not speake of the greatest misery of all that they muste abyde the wrothe of GOD and eternall damnation What is if this be not the moste horrible and violent kyngdome of the diuell And when we consider well and compare both together this myserie in the kyngdome of the dyuell can not be compared with this glorie and reward with this great ioy wherof the Angell preacheth hēre that there is a sauiour borne for vs. Wherfore the Angell entendeth chiefely to remoue this myserie out of oure sight and to geue vs this chyld to behold and see ▪ And let him know that he hath done the office of a good preacher if he brynge vs to the true beholding of this sauiour and to the knowledge of oure owne flesh and bloud And doughtles if this were prynted in vs all the plague wherwith the dyuell vexeth vs should seme light be it neuer so paynfull and pernicious But now let vs come to the moste requisite and necessary knowledge of this diuine worke of God For the dyuell with all his poyson can be ouercome by no other meanes then by this godly power of the which the Angel speaketh to vs in this place when he saith A sauior is borne for you Whē mās minde attaineth to this knowledge thē is the synner oute of perill For than is the matter more depely consydered after this sorte I haue bene defiled of the dyuel and wholy opprest and ouerthrowen headlong into Gods wrathe and eternall damnation but my myschance is not so great but that I haue greater helpe geuen me from GOD agaynst it That is that God possesseth not mankynd after that sorte as the diuell doth but he him self is made
this sort may be taken for a Lord with a right to challenge reclayme for our saluatiō because he disturbeth the false vsurped power of the diuell to recouer his owne from him and commeth before his enemies face and indighteth him openly of robbery in that that this cursed spirit hath takē so much vpon him that he hath caste vs misers headlong in to synne and death and in that he hath vsed crafte and gile in entycinge away his couenant seruantes which belonged nothing vnto him for that that he is the true Lord and not the dyuell which vsurpeth power ouer them by violence And for as much as the Angell geueth hym such a great title and calleth hym Lord it is a sure token that this child the sonne of Mary is verily by nature eternall GOD. If it wer otherwyse he wold neuer haue called him Lord. Our Sauiour him self and not an Angell as the Angell sayth with expresse words for yow is borne a sauiour And he is not only oure Lord but Lord also of the angels which as touching this Lord be all of one familie with vs. They are counted vnder one Lord with vs that we men that were the thralls and slaues of the dyuell might be aduaunced by this child to so great renoume that we be receaued with the holy Angells as it were into one citie which are now ioynte felowes with vs so that we may well boste that in this childe we are come to the moste familiar felowshippe of the Angells and may be as bold homely with them as we wold be with oure houshold felowes The Angels might well behaue them selues stately with vs because they passe vs in worthines firste for their nature and substance and also because they are without synne but they are not disdainfull of oure felowshippe neither despise vs for oure misery But it greueth them to see vs vexed with death synne calamytie And this is the cause that they are so gladde of oure saluation that cometh to vs by this chylde They are as glad to see oure saluation as their owne therfore they reioyce that we this day haue gotten that child which is their Lord bryngeth vs to the same degree so that now we are become their felowes and the members of his body They despise vs not they say not Away with these synners that are stinkinge rotton dead carcases in their graues with adulterers wicked doers They are not proude but glad with all their hart that suche synners are come into their felowshippe They geue thāks to God that we are deliuered from synne that we come to dwell with them in one house vnder one Lord. And for this grace they glorifie God although they haue no profyt therby Howe much rather were it oure deutie to geue God thanks to loue one an other as the sonne of God loued vs whiche is made oure flesh and moste nighly ioyned vnto vs He that regardeth not this and loueth not his neighboure can not be saued This is the fyrst sermon that was made after the byrth of Christ as touchīg this childe which endureth after that for euer to the ende of the worlde Wherfore euery man ought diligētly to haue his mynd theron For hereby is this mistery opened how the angels are become oure frends and brought vs ioyful tydings commanding vs to put asyde al feare for as much as this child is borne for vs which is oure sauiour This is an hygh true most excellent confort in the which the mercy of GOD may be perceaued and felte very sensibly and conueniētly that God for oure sake hath humbled him self so lowe that he gaue vs his sonne after a moste boūteouse sorte by a maydē He layeth him in her lappe and sendeth vs word and tydings that he is oure sauiour Let vs seke helpe of him in oure nede let vs trust surely to hym for succoure that all wrothe betwene God and vs may after this depart for euer that we may vse all kynd of humanitie gentlenes one to an other And now iudge here thy self whether God is to be blamed of vnrighteousnes sith that suche thyngs are declared vnto men and they regard it not but despise their owne saluation euen as the mad Papistes do that thynke that this sauiour is not sufficiēt setting vp other besydes to whome they may truste But the sermon of the Angell is not obscure as touchyng this only chyld to be oure sauiour that he as the very grounde of oure saluation may confort vs and replenishe oure hartes with ioy And this man only is he that tourneth bothe the Angell and also Gods eyes on hym self He putteth not only this treasure in the mothers bosome but also he geueth hym vnto vs as oure owne and all that belongeth vnto hym both in heauen and in earth He that heareth this and is not moued therwith is worthye to be caste into hell with lyghtninge Wherfore let vs geue God thanks for his grace pray instantly vnto hym that he will printe this sermon of the Angell in oure hartes that we may conceaue true hope of this sauiour and that by hym we may ouercome death and the dyuel The which to obtayne oure Lord and sauiour Iesus CHRIST graunt vs. Amen The thyrde sermon of the songe of the Angels HItherto haue we spokē as touching the feast And first of the history how the sonne of God being made man was borne into this wretched worlde miserably of the virgyn Mary We ought neuer to forgett this leaste we be founde vnkynde to God for so great a benefit that he hath bestowed on vs by this byrth of his sonne After the hystory we entreated of the godly sermō of the Angels wherby this natiuitie is declared vnto shepheards with a great brightnes which shyned round about the shepheards Whiche thing was vnwonte that God letting passe the great potentates of Ierusalem sendeth this his magnificent legacy of so many thousand Angels to the miserable shepheards watching in the nighte And the Angels geueth hym suche honour as Christ geueth to vs al. They submit them selues to this lowely seruice neither do they disdaine at oure vilenes in shewing vnto vs moste miserable beggers this plaine sermō which is yet extant shal be of a surety in the congregatiō vnto the worldes ende Who may not marueill at these moste hūble modeste spirits in whome is no pride or statelynes at al Whose exāples it might become them to folowe that wold be counted moste holy mightie princes not to be puffed vp for their vertue wisdō power such other things For if these giftes had bē geuē to y● mainte●āce of our pride then mighte the Angels had iust cause to disdayne these poore beggerly shepheards But this is not the maner of angels The shepheards cā not be so abiect vyle ꝑsons neither the Angels so fortunat noble mighty but that they are greatly delighted in
if he muste redeme the matter by pryce he hath mony enough to do that And this is it with all the other corporall gyftes wit wisdome power For in them is their store of helpe and saluation as farre as God hath appoynted them to be to oure saluation The mother bryngeth foorth chyldern The physition helpeth the sycke The lawyer by the exacte lawe defendeth against the wrongfull doers But when this lyfe is at an ende neither can the cōscience hyde her synnes before Gods iudgement then is there place made for this sauiour Iesu. For then is there no store of helpe in any thing besyde All things do fayle no power is so great or wil so redy that cā defēd against the euill of the conscience and of death In this case if thou demand from whence thou moste looke for helpe haue respecte only to this chylde For that cause is he named Iesus that he might be present and saue all that knowledge him looke for saluation of hym But in this resteth the whole matter that thou suffer no other name to be geuen to this chylde And then that thou graunt not that this name that belōgeth to this chylde should be transposed to other as to Frances Dominike to the Carthusians Masses Uigiles Pardōs almes fastings and such lyke For all this is abhominable And a good cause whi there cā no other sauiour be inuented against synne Wherfore he that wold haue an other sauiour whether it be the rule of the Carthusians or any other thing he goeth cleane without saluation Therfore he that could name this child by his true name and could inculcat Christ into hymself were blessed For in this name are al things wherfore store of saluation is there to be looked for and no wher els But now the dyuels endeuour lyeth all in this that this chyld might haue an other name made that men should perceaue hym to be a iudge and chose them other sauiours and helpers against Gods wrothe But the matter is certaine and can neuer be other wyse or made frustrat Iesus hath not his name that he should healpe the with corporall benefites As touching this matter the disposition and order is certainly ordeyned Gene. 2. where God saith Beare rule ouer the fishes of the sea the byrdes of the ayer and the beastes of the earth But he is called Iesus bycause he is a sauiour then sheweth saluatiō when al things do fayle and are voyd of helpe whan we muste now depart into an other lyfe Wherfore this name casteth of all things whatsoeuer without Christ is caste before vs for the remission of synnes For when the Mounke thinketh my rule is able to make God mercifull It is nothing els to say in dede than My rule is with the name Iesus And whereas the Pope and all teachers of that secte holdeth that only faith iustifieth not but workes also be necessarie to saluation It is no other thing than Good workes are with the name Iesus But it is abhominable sacrilege that my worke should be with the name Iesus This name belongeth only to this chyld The Pope the Byshops and Mounks c. doth not so Neither do we also at all when we geue place in oure conscience to feare for oure synnes sake than to confort for Christs sake neither when we thinke this If I had lyued on this wyse if I had done this or the worke I should haue an easier case before God The holy Ghost can not abyde this but indeuoreth with all might that this chyld may haue his name remayning whole and that no other may be receaued into the felowship therof That when we haue nede of saluation against syn and eternall death we put no trust in oure workes or in the merites of al the saintes but that we stycke vnto this child only by faith which hath this name and is called Iesus Neither can it be taken from hym without sacrilege But they that go about to take it from hym as the Pope Turke and Mounkes do presume they shal perceaue in dede that they haue committed such sacrilege that shall neuer be remitted Cōtrarily if there be but two or three of vs that trust in this name of the chyld all the might and power of hell is not able to caste vs from saluation I will not speake how the world should somwhat feare for hindering of this saluation For the Angell brought this name from heauen and named the child IESVS before he was conceaued in his mothers wombe Wherfore when they that persecute this name and sette vp other sauiours shall go against Gabriel the Angell or shal reproue him of a lye he him self shall appeale to God and say Lord thou hast geuen me this commaundement that I should geue this chylde this name And then shall it be knowen what the persecuters do preuayle against this name they haue remayning for them self neither God neither Iesus And they shall dye and perishe for euer in their synnes This shall be the ende of this matter with their moste greuouse destruction Wherfore let vs neuer forget this name but let vs surely beare this away that this chyld is the only Sauiour agaynst death syn and the dyuell If the world shall hate vs therfore surely it can not doo it with good lucke and prosperitie If it will not knowledge this chylde for a Sauiour we can not constrayne it But let it consyder from whence it shall receaue saluation when death shall fall on his head whether there be any defence agaynst it in mennes workes in faste prayer almes masses inuocation of sayntes c. Let this be the stablishement of all oure matters to know for a suertye this name to be geuen from God to this chylde that it should be called Iesus or a Sauiour For we shall know and fele this oure Sauiour without coaction that is we shall haue a suer truste in hym when the dreadfull senses of synne and death shall be caste agaynst vs that there is prepared in hym for vs moste sure saluation We knowe that this hope and fayth is greatly alowed of God that it receaueth great renoume Where as contraryly he suffereth the great indignation of God whiche doth either seeke other sauiours or els will not know this sauiour at all Now therfore compare the name of the chyld and the thyng that was done when the name was geuen The chylde Iesus receaueth circumcision as other chyldern doo where as neuerthelesse he hath no nede of it as a synner hath because he is without synne and nede not to be purifyed for as muche as he is pure all redye But this is done bycause his name is IESVS that he may be a Sauiour agaynst synne and an euill conscience agaynst death and all euill that commeth of synne For he is circumcised that he might be vnder the lawe and let none of al things vndone that were enioyned of God at any tyme to men
here the word yet ar no more moued therby then blocks as we se the plaine experiēce herof by the examples of the couetous byers and sellers of husbandmen and townes men and especially of our aduersaries the Papistes which regarde the doctrine of the gospell no more than the wolfe dothe the lambe Thinke here verilye that the diuell dwelleth in their hearts and swaloweth vp al the word of God that cōmeth therein that they may not beleue be saued For if the diuel wer not present or if this forgetfulnes came of nature as we se that one man hath a better remēbrāce memory then an other yet the ferue●t desyre losse of it would constrayn hym to thynk this How miesrable am I that I can not remember muche O Lord bee mercyfulle to me and fashion thou my mynde that I may regard and marke these thynges whiche are set foorth vnto me in thy Gospel With such as on this wise thirst after the worde and embrace it with their full wyl the deuil can not preuaile For this hartie desyre and the deuyll can not abyde together But these forsayde persones that are described of Christe care not a iote when Gods word is sente vnto them No they thynke it not so muche worthe as is a lytle gaynes or lucre Lette no man thynke otherwise but that these men are in the deuils power And verily the greatest part of men ar of this sort they here the word and regard it not because the deuill plucketh it out of their heartes The other two sorts ar not so wicked but ar weake they despise not to be instructed they begyn well and are delighted therwith Wherfore Christ doth not here say that they are so farre in the diuels daunger as the fyrst are although neuerthelesse there appeareth not in them the true fruites of godlynes that should therof consequently succede And first ar they of both that in tyme of persecution temptation forsake the worde Which after the maner of corrupt fruicte as long as they are not shaken with the wynde abyde in their place with the other but as soone as a tempest ryseth shaketh the tree they fall of one after an other So they also accordyng to Christes wordes for a tyme beleue but when they see the crosse commyng they can not abyde that terrour and they seke how to be out of danger as the multitude dothe So that here can not folow the fruite of euerlasting life nor any other good fruict that springeth of the worde and faith The thyrd be they that for loue of worldly riches pleasures regard not the worde For he that is geuen to worldly cares seketh sercheth scrapeth togither bestoweth all labour that he can to get hym store of riches This man ouerladeth his heart as Christ saith in Luke and so it cometh to passe that the fruicte of godlynesse is choked vp euen as the corn is with thornes Substance must be gotten by labour and euery man acording to his vocation is boūd therin to shew industrie and diligence as God hath cōmanded But when al the mynd care is bent al thy heart wholly addict geuē to such kynd of study care that almost thou studiest nothyng els this is that mischief of thornes that presseth down Gods word that it cannot grow vp to bring forth fruit For it is not studied as it shold be but other things are alwais set more by then it And these are the thre sortes in whom Gods word taketh no place neither can it bryng forth in them the feare of euerlastyng lyfe which thing is not to be coūted any small losse Wherfore Christ exhorteth all that heare saith Se that ye geue good eare For to him that hath shal be geuen and to hym that hath not shall that also be taken from hym that he thinketh that he hath By these wordes it appereth that he speaketh of no light matters For it is no litle daunger thus to neglect and contemne the word As when a mā doth this deuise with hymselfe I wyl without cessyng vse my customable trade in bargainyng in occupying in gaynyng in winnyng in takyng my pleasure in folowing my heartes lust and in dissemblyng what I thynk of gods truthe and worde I shall haue tyme sufficient to heare it and to lyue accordingly therunto hereafter when I shal haue more leisure to take the fruition of my goodes But take diligent hede that thou be not preuented in making thyne accompt Thou knowest not how long thou hast to liue neither whether thou shalt euer again haue such oportunitie occasiō to heare it neither what chāce god shal sēd the. And al this deuise is to thyne owne peril danger only Al thy craft shal turne to no mans hurt but to thyne owne Wherfore heare Christ when he warneth thee He that hath eares to heare let hym hear By the which saying he meaneth that we shold not in this busines prolong lynger and delaye the tyme as it is the maner of vs all Begynne nowe sayth he whyle thou hearest to study for this that death may not come out of season Wherfore let vs so order our selues that we maye be in the fowerth sort although it be small Let vs by prayer and diligence so prouide that our mynde be not sinistrall and vntoward Let vs regarde the worde of God and kepe it and bryng forth good fruicts And of this sorte is the company of sainctes I meane not of the Pope holy sainctes which are disguysed shorne whyche are Massmongers and fryday fasters whose holynes is in their wedes strange vestures c. But they that heare the word of God wher as contrary wise the Pope his holy ones as it euidently appereth are very extreme persecuters of Gods worde They that heare the word bringeth foorthe fruicte yea a hundred fold that is much and plentifully or as Mathew speketh in parcels som a hundred fold som sixtie fold som thirtie fold For as the ministrations offices ar sundry so are the fruits vnlike The ministration of the precher in the church is better in the cōmon congregation thā is the craftesman in rulyng his owne house And yet bothe are Christians made free from synne and death and ordeined heires of euerlasting life through Christ. Let vs be of this number which truly is small But we haue nede of a toward and pure heart as Christ saith that is suche a heart that is not negligent and forgetfull but careth earnestly for Gods woorde For that thynge is fyrst of all necessary that the deuyl may haue no waye in leste he come and steale awaye the word Secondarily it is necessary to haue a strong and a couragious heart and not a feareful dastardly that wyll be moued with terror and dreade or care for mens hatred or fauor For except we loue God aboue all thynges and dread hym the woorde can not longe endure with
aduanced by God yet be they soone broughte downe agayne Wherefore when the Angels Cain Ismaell Esau Elias and the Iewes waxed proude and applyed theyr preeminence and priuiledge geuen vnto them to knowledge Gods goodnes thereby fyrste to their own priuate pleasure and commoditie and then to the oppressyng of other they were reprobate cast out of Gods fauor notwithstādyng their fyrst birth-right and outlawed out of Gods kyngdom into the kyngdome of the deuyll And this practise of God is described in the Psalme 103. Who is lyke vnto the Lorde oure God that hath his dwellyng on high and yet humbleth hymselfe to behold thynges in heauen earth He raiseth the symple out of the durst and lifteth the poore out of the myre And the virgin Mary in her songe He hath put down the myghty from their seat and hath exalted the humble and meke This is Gods maner He wholly resysteth the proude neyther doth hee enryche and beautifie menne with his gyftes that they therby shoulde become extorcioners and oppressours And lest he should seme to be ouercome of the proude he aduanceth nowe and then ▪ most basest persons to high honor and contrarywise throweth down kyngs from their thrones and bryngeth them hedlong to extreme calamitie whereout they can neuer escape Wherfore among the Iewes the fyrst borne hadde great priuileges in the priesthode and kyngdome was due to them by gods ordināce But when they proudly abused this honor God dyd not alwais ratifie this lawe Ruben also was the firste begotten but he is so cursed of his father Iacob that he obteined by his birthright neither kyngdome nor priesthode Abraham also as men thynke was the youngest amonge his brethrē But GOD bestowed on hym that was due to his brother And this may ye learne by many examples that the first borne dyd for the most part degenerate And there was no other cause of this then pride whiche thought this I am the first begotten wherfore my priuiledge is chiefe in this house I am Gods holy one and his peculiar good Wherefore lette no manne be proude yf he excelle in any gyfte of God more then other If thou be endewed wyth the gyfte of learnyng vse that gyfte to Goddes glorye and to the profyte of thy neyghbour Boast not thy selfe so muche thereof as though thou receauedst it ●●t They that passe other in holynesse beautie rychesse or any other gyfte Lette hym beware of thys as muche as hee woulde of death that he chalenge not those thyngs as his own and so cast hym selfe out of Gods kyngdome by commyttynge sacrilege For GOD in the fyrst moste excellent and auncient Patriarkes hath declared howe greately he was offended with pryde and statelynesse where as they all for the most part degendred Iohn the Baptist continued accordyng to his fyrste birthright and almost none els But all other for the most part were of suche intollerable arrogance that they obteyned not this chiefe commoditie of thys renoume vntyll at laste the Iewes by theyr fall and ruyne gaue vp their ryghte to vs Gentiles For nowe the byrthryghte of the churche before God consisteth not in ciuill and corporal matters as the Pope boasteth countyng himselfe chiefe Bishoppe wheras he is scarsly a dreame But the priuiledge of the Churche is in baptisme in the worde of GOD. For although our bodelye and corporall birth maketh greate diuersitie in vs yet by baptisme we are all equall For we are all borne out of the churche whiche is an vndefiled virgin in spirit For it hath the pure worde of God his Sacramēts And the church is pregnant and great with child and alwaies bringeth forth Christians which are the first frutes proper goods of God And one man no more than an other God will haue vs acknowlege our honour and renoum in this that we through baptisme are borne the sonnes of God and his proper goodes He did not so by all nations he shewed not the iudgements of his mercie and grace to them whether they be Turkes or sarasens For they regard not these priuileges of the first begotten Neither will they hear or see these thinges that make vs first borne before God And for as muche as we obtaine this honour from God and his grace all Christians a like we ought not by our fault so to behaue our selues that the thinges that are geuen to our cōfort against the wicked shold through pride be our destructiō It is the greatest renoum of Christs churche For she as a mother by baptisme the worde and faith bringeth forth Christians the mēbers of the church Wherfore in all those things if christiā men will haue respect to their birth condicion they shal haue no occasiō to be proude For whatsoeuer they be it cōmeth of the grace of God by baptisme faith the worde which are equallie belongyng to all Christian men makyng no man more Christian then an other before God through his mercie All before God are priests and kynges And of this renoum can neither Turke nor Sarasyn boast Yet is not this renoum graunted to our ambition to corrupte seduce as the Pope doth that vsurpeth the supremacie ouer all christendome without the commandement of God by the instinkte of the deuil only For this is a continual and vnchangeable rule among the Christiās as it is taught in the parable of the hired laborers that no man in dignitie and worthines prefer hymselfe before other For there is but one baptisme of all And wher as there must nedes be teachers and pastours yet these be but ministrations and offices that haue no power to make the children of God For baptisme and the worde and fayth in the worde causeth vs to be the children of God and the first borne Wherfore it is well set foorth in the churche for a doctrine that the example of the firste borne in the olde Testament and their pride shoulde teache vs that GOD can not suffer pride And he that wolde be safe from this daunger must nedes humble and submitte hymselfe But this tale were as well tolde to a deafe man as to the worlde For it abuseth the most folishe and vaine thynges that be to pride And for as muche as the worlde will in no wise folowe better councell GOD ceaseth not to withstand the stubborne and proude They are by daylye examples caste downe euen as Lucifer and his angels were out of heauen And this is one part of this gospell as muche as belongeth to the historie and the presentynge in the churche After this doth the Euangeliste reherse what chaunced when they presented Iesus as theyr firste begotten sonne in the Temple and redemed hym wyth a gyfte We wyll take that in hande at an other time to entreate of And nowe let vs pray vnto GOD that he will preserue vs by his grace againste all pride and kepe vs in obedience and lowlines to his most godly wyll Amen
it not yet properlye he toucheth the thynge that was meant by the name so that he consenteth in all points with the Angell whiche brought this diuine name from heauen causynge hym to be named Iesus because he shoulde saue his people from their synnes Simeon calleth him the saluatiō of the Lord that is whome the Lorde himselfe ordained to be a sauiour And as touching this name I haue spoken before of the childe Iesu that wheras God hath ordayned the maiestrate the parēts and such other necessary offices to be our sauiours in corporall and temporall affaires as the phisitions in sycknes lawyers in expoundynge what is euery mans right So yf this chylde had not cōme with an other kynd of saluation Simeon could neuer haue had suche great confidence in his matters as to expound that his death was but a licence to depart or a salfe conducte to go in peace he could neuer haue regarded synne and death so lyghtlye Wherfore sith Simeon confesseth that he shall depart in peace out of this life bycause he hath sene the saluation of God he defineth plainly that he is a sauiour againste sinne and death For how colde he els haue suche sure confidence of peace in a sauiour that was a man This description is not lightlye to be regarded For it cōprehendeth a great wayghtie matter in fewe wordes It is but one child whom Simeon so nameth Wherfore it is herby euidently proued that whatsoeuer is beside this childe seme it neuer so commendable through the name or outwarde shewe therof yet can it haue no power to bring to saluation or to put awaye death and synne But whosoeuer suffereth it to be applied vnto hym for saluation worketh his owne damnation Wher Simeon by this worde mindeth to abolishe and derogat all rites and ceremonies and all the obseruations of the lawe that no man shold put any hope of saluation in them and that whosoeuer trusteth in the lawe in his workes shall neuer obtayne to be saued For wheras he by a notable praise calleth this child the saluation of God it is easye to gather therby that all ayde and remedie againste death remaineth onely in hym Wherof then commeth this hope in the Iewes that put suche trust in the law and his workes What meaneth the Pope and his adherents so highly to extoll Masses Pilgrimages pardons as though saluation came by them syth this is the name of this child only neyther may it be geuen and communicat to any thyng or creature besydes The only wordes of Simeon may be taken for an argument against these wicked persuasions and opinions For mine eyes saith he hath sene thy saluation I say euen that thou almightie father hast ordayned hym to be a saluation to synners For the worlde must nedes finde out saluations againste sinne The Iewe thinketh it saluation if he obserue the law The monke and religious man thinketh it saluation if he bynde himselfe to a certaine kynd of life by a vowe and some chose certaine of the sainctes to be their patrones and defenders against synne and hell All thinke that purchasyng of saluation cōsisteth in their maner of lyuing But who can number the workes that procede of mēs traditions and Idolatrous seruice in the popedome wherin consisted their chiefe hope of saluation Yf they had well considered this verse of Simeon they shoulde haue perceaued that this ought to haue ben auoyded as a most haynous sacrilege and robbing God of his dewe honour and they wold not haue ordained any other sauiours thā was determined by the saying of Simeon They wolde haue suffered hym onlye to haue this glory whom God had appointed so to be in whome no man that trusteth can be disapointed For to this ende came this child and for this purpose was he sent of God euen to bring saluation vnto vs. Wherfore in this saluation whiche God hath prepared there is suche store of sauing helth that the conscience may therby haue perfect quiet and neuer more dreade the crueltie of death or violence of synne or the ragyng tyrannie of the deuill for as muche as he hath the sauing health of God prepared redie that is the almightie and euerlasting saluation whiche lacketh no kynde of succoure and helpe to saue vs againste synne and death and geue vs abondance of lyfe and rightuousnes Let vs only with this Simeō embrace this child that is stycke vnto hym with a true faith that we maye conceyue a sure comfort by hym For when this is surely printed in our heart that this child is that prepared saluation ordained to helpe vs againste synne and death then doth ensue therof suche peace of cōscience that syn and death skeareth vs but in vaine For our sauiour is redye to helpe vs against it And to entreat more at large of the saluation that commeth by this child let vs take the record of Iohn the Baptist discribynge hym thus Behold the lambe of god that taketh awaye the synnes of the worlde In these wordes is described the sacrifice vpon the crosse for syn and the conqueringe of death by his resurrection to iustifie vs and to make vs rightuous Wherfore to the obtainment of this saluation he by his death and resurrection geueth vs helpe against sin and death And albeit that a Christian man must not omitte to do good workes yet is not saluation obtained therby neither remission of syn but this is only obedience due vnto god which god requireth And he that will not performe it is not deliuered from his sinnes for his disobedience For this is the only true way to obtayne that euen that he that seeketh howe to be deliuered from syn and death sholde whollie flee to this saluation that is prepared for vs of god that it might take our synnes vpon hym and make satisfaction for them so deliuer vs. He that doth this may say with Simeon Whatsoeuer feare or dreade by death and other perils is set before vs this is my sure comfort againste them all that thou Lorde lettest thy seruaunt departe in peace He that trusteth to anye other thynge shall in steade of peace fynde anguishe and extreme miserie in suche a tyme. For he shall not haue this sauynge health but in death and damnation shall he perishe Neither muste we make anye suche difference betwene vs and Simeon as thoughe he myght more boldlye truste in this saluation because he had power to take the childe in his armes and to beholde hym and we not so because we haue no suche power For as touchynge the effecte of the matter the bodely presence is not auaylable or hath no great importance Many other Iewes doubtlesse dyd at that very time beholde CHRIST and yet obtayned no saluation therbie Only this was effectuouse in Simeon and furthered hym to saluation for that he thorowe the inspiration of the holy Ghoste embraced this childe whiche nothynge differed from other children by reason and
sence as that onlye sauiour whiche was promised to the fathers Abraham and Dauid And in this are all Christian men equal to Simeon For the very same Christe is offered to them by the worde of the Gospell for their saluation whom Simeon coulde no other wayes knowe to be the saluation then by the worde And wheras he behelde hym wyth his eyes it was the gyfte of GOD proper to hym and not to vs and yet he obtayned not saluation therby but that was geuen vnto hym to be saued for that he beleued the worde as touchynge this child Which is as able to saue thee as Simeon And for this cause Simeon rehearseth in the verse folowynge all them to whome this saluation belongeth least it shoulde seme to pertayne vnto fewe sayinge Whiche thou haste prepared before the face of all people This child is a saluatiō against death syn this maketh Simeō to departe in peace But he is moued by the consideration of this sauinge health to open vnto al other by geuyng so euident commendation of it for what purpose God hath prepared this saluatiō This saluation saith he is not only ordained for my sake But many belong vnto the felowshipe and fruition of this sauing health For God hath prepared this saluation before the face of all people so that this child is not my sauiour only neither his mothers but the sauiour and saluation of all men Simeon sayinge is large and great He pronounceth him to be the sauiour of all nations as well as of the Iewes notwithstandyng that there was a great difference betwene them by reason of Moses lawe and the diuine ceremonies But when he cōsidereth this child he can make no difference For both haue like nede of saluation to be deliuered therby from death sinne For the obseruynge of all the lawe nothing preuayleth in deliueringe from synne and death By this sauiour only is all saluation prepared This sauiour is not suche a one that came for some for some not God hath prepared sayth he this saluation not before the face of certayne but before the face of all people The whiche sentence is all one with the promesse made vnto Abraham where as he promiseth blessynge to all kyndredes in his sede Neither can the Iewes be excluded frō all tribes neither from all people But they that are blessed were not blessed before but liued in gods curse Wherfore the meaning of this is no otherwise to be taken but that if this be the saluation of all people than is there none at all that can be saued whiche lacketh this saluation And this is one thinge that Simeon maketh all men equall pronouncyng that as well the Iewes as the Gentiles are suche as shold be damned for their synnes excepte they obteyned saluation by this sauyng healthe The second thynge is well to consider the pythe of these wordes and to conceaue a delectation and comfort by them The cause and spryng of all our misery is this our conscience can not denye hyde and cloke synne And synne muste nedes abyde Gods wrothe which is the most peinfullest styng of death to fear the iudgement of God For we can not denie but that sinners must abyde punyshment Now through this perceuerance and felyng of this dreade there is no hope of pardon and grace If these thoughtes be well considered they be so heynous that they count God to be a cruell and an vnmercyfull iudge that will remyt no part of the rigour of the lawe but execute it with extremitie Thus can we conceaue no other opinion of God and thus are we ouerladen with the heuynes of the burthen and opprest with the rodde of the taske-maister and beaten with the shoulder wande accordyng to the saying of the Prophete But Simeon doubtles hauyng respecte to the sayenge and description of this Prophete as touchynge this chylde describeth God after an other maner than any mans conscience is wont to conceaue or thynke of hym For if it were the wyl of GOD to punysh sinners with extremitie without grace and fauour then were it a vayne thynge to truste in mercye shewed in this Sauiour Nowe are the woordes of Simeon playne that God hathe prepared saluation before the face of all people Wherein all men may bee saued Wherefore hereby maye it bee euidentlye perceaued what is the will of God accordyng to Paule 1. Tim. 2. euen that God would haue all men to be saued not onely with bodily saluation but with euerlastyng saluation prepared agaynst synne and death For to this ende is that saluation ordeyned which God hath prepared for all people Who therefore woulde dreade this God Who woulde tremble at his iudgemente seynge that he declareth so openly that it is his wyll we shoulde be saued and seyng that he hath prouided all thynges necessary for our saluation And wher as many peryshe and be damned not obteynynge thys saluation God is not the fault therof but the stubbornes of man whiche despiseth Gods wyll and careth not for this saluation of God whiche is ordeyned of God to saue all men If there were a remedy prouided for the succoure and reliefe of all beggers and nedye folke and yet some woulde not vse that benefyte and remedy prouided for them the faulte were not in them that prouided for the sustētation but in thē that should haue receaued it In like maner goeth it with men in the world The saying of Simeon is true God hath prepared this saluation before the face of al people yf the Iewes iudge them selues vnworthy to receaue it yf the Pope and the Turke despise it and thou canste not fynde in thy heart to accept it if now it cometh to passe that thou and all these be damned ye can blame none but youre selues which refused the saluation and grace of God If this saluation seemeth not agreable to thy reason thou mayst searche with thy self where it may then be had But thou shalt not fynde in all the saluations in the worlde succour agaynst synne and deathe yf thou let passe this saluation Wherefore if thou carest earnestly for thy saluation imbrace this chyld Know for a suretie that God is mercyfull vnto thee and pardoneth thyne offences for this chyldes sake and so shalte thou well perceaue that thou art saued For he is the only saluation agaynst synne and deathe But if this way of saluation pleaseth thee not accuse thyne own stubbornesse whiche causeth thee that thou canste not escape Gods wrathe and damnation For GOD is not in the faute God hath prepared saluation Which is a sure token that he would haue mercy on synners and delyuer vs from our destruction And he hath not prepared it onely but also proffered it to all people that all myght remembre that all theyr saluation consysteth therein Not onely Marie Paule Simeon Peter but all people ought to trust in hym Who soeuer hath nede of helpe agaynst synne
worlde was cast into such necessitie feare that his father sent an Angel vnto him for to conforte him as Luke in the aforesaid place doth also testifye That stryffe of death is fearefull beyond all measure and taketh awaye all strength of nature as we see in condemned persons whiche are sodenlye taken to be put vnto death What a meruelous torment anger appeareth there in them til nature hath made her selfe captiue to death so that the payne and death it selfe may iustly seme to be nothyng in comparison of that great agonie trouble and feare How excedyng greate vnmeasurable it was in Christe his bloudy sweate that came from him doth manifestly declare whiche thing was neuer done nor hearde of any other This calamitie and fearefulnes was afterwarde wonderfully encreased when he hanging vpon the crosse was forsaken of all his disciples frendes again mocked scorne and spitefully rayled on of his enemyes in somuche that he being in suche an agonie cried out vnto his heauenly father sayinge O my god O my God why hast thou forsakē me wherof we may rede more at large in the xxij Psalme of Dauid In the whiche psalme the Prophete hath exactly painted set forth the bytter complaintes and the afflicted conscience of Christe miserable and forsaken where also thou shalt fynde in what angore and affliction he was for our synnes And here let vs lerne as we sayde before the highe hatred greate displeasure and extreme wrathe that God beareth against synne in so muche that because of that he woulde not spare his only begotten and dearely beloued son nor yet forgeue him seinge he toke vpon him the cause of other mens sins as we may see in the Prophete Esaye And S. Paule sayeth He spared not his onely begotten sonne This signified Christ also when he spake to the women on this wise If they do this in a moyste tree what shall be done in a seare drie tree As though he should say Learne of me whiche beare other mens syns and in my selfe am innocent righteous and holy what punishmentes ye haue deserued and what shall chaunce vnto you which by nature are synners and wycked can do nothing that good is Therfore Christ warneth the women to wepe vpon thē selues which with their sinnes had deserued that payne and punishment that he nowe must suffer In consideration wherof s. Peter sayth If the righteous shall scaslye be saued where shall the sinner the vngodly appeare for God hath here plainly and euidētly set forth before our eyes in Christ his anger wrath displeasure against sinne seinge that he suffred the highe goodnes innocencie wisedome iustice euen his onely begotten sonne to to cōme because thereof into extreme pouertie paine contempt ignominie as though he were the greatest enemie that god hath suche one as is not worthy to liue on the groūd yea god did so shew him self toward him as thoughe he had geuen him ouer for euer euer wold neuer after be reconciled vnto him as Christe miserablye complaineth in the xxij psalme And al this came to passe for other mens sinnes whiche Christe tooke vpon him O how horribly shal god auenge sins in them that naturally are prone and bent vnto sinne and cane none otherwise then sinne and do wickedly seing he declared this so seuerely in his sonne in whō notwithstanding he had a singuler delight and great pleasure O howe greuously shall he punishe them whiche confesse not their sinnes yea whiche wil be counted holye and righteous and wyl by no meanes receaue Christe to be their sufficient Sauiour and perfecte redemer to purge and put away their sinnes but will rather cleaue to their owne righteousnes to their owne workes and to the merites an intercessiōs of other Therfore let all true and faithfull Christians diligently cōsider this matter and with all study and labour beware of sinne and of the wrath of god seing it coste the sonne of God the price of his lyfe seinge also that for the aduoydinge of the same he was enforced to suffer most greuous payne greate bytter sorowe and at the laste the moste ignominious and shamefull death of the crosse that by this meanes he mighte apeace the wrath of GOD kyndled againste man for synne delyuer man from synne reconcile man to his heauenly father and make him enheritour of euerlasting glorie Fourthly let vs consider the fruites and profites of the passion and death of Christ. For this is our ioye and comforte verely as they be greate so are they infinite and innumerable if they were diligently and at large wayghed pondered and considered for Christe is that true wheat corne wherof he himselfe speaketh in the Gospell of Iohn sayinge verely verely I saye vnto you except the wheate corne fall into the groūde die it abideth alone But if it dye it bring forth much fruite Of these many fruites we will declare some yea and those the cheife and principall For those being knowen and perfectly beleued no man shall lyghtly wauer in his conscience nor yet despaire thorowe pusillanimitie and wekenes of minde but he shal be conforted and lyfted vp with a sure hope of the merites of Christes passion and alwayes stand firme and constante in all assaultes of the enemie The first fruite of Christes passion is that Christe God man by his death hath redemed and deliuered vs from the curse of the lawe For seinge the hearte of man by nature is euil and there is no man that doth good but all sorte of vs before the iudgement of God are synners and lyars the curse of the lawe by this meanes cōmeth vpon vs and condempneth vs as despisers and transgressours of the lawe and saith Cursed be euery one that abideth not in all thynges that are written in the boke of the lawe that he maye do them From this curse and iudgement of the lawe hath Christe deliuered vs which hath taken vpon him our cause and satiified the lawe that so many as put their confidence faith and truste in him he shoulde make free from suche curse sentence and iudgement of the lawe and so by his death hath redemed and deliuered vs from the lawe so that it can no more condemne vs as sainct Paule testifieth in his Epistle to the Galathians sayinge Christe hath deliuered vs from the curse of the lawe whyle he became accursed for our sake Nowe howe Christe became accursed Paule declareth more at large and sayth It is written Cursed is euery one that hangeth on the tree This sentence of the lawe was generall ouer all that were crucified and put to death on the crosse Among whom Christe also came and outwardly suffered the ignominie and curse of the lawe and was reputed taken and iudged as a malefactour and wycked person But Christe by suffrynge vnworthely the outwarde curse condēnatiō of the law ouercame did
thing They wold more sooner beleue that the poison might sooner be expelled by medicines What doth it profite saith reason to saue the life if a man beleue in Christ The commandementes of the lawe must be fulfilled also and synne must be auoyded and than ther is hope of saluation Therfore few men perceaue this that all the meanes to come to saluatiō doth depende hereof that we beleue in Christ. But som be made Monkes they fast they pray c. And euery man seeketh saluation and lyfe by an other meanes then by the syght and faith in Christ But in this place marke this perfect sentence The corruption an contagion the which is ingendred in thee by the deuill is greater then that thou mayst be deliuered from euerlastynge death by thy owne power and might Neiher mayst thou be deliuered from this greate euill by any other meanes then by this syght that thou beholde Christ lyfted vp on the crosse how that he died for thee and offred his owne lyfe for thee and by his death satisfied for thy sinnes and so reconciled thee to God If thou beleuest this and be baptised then no doubt art thou newe borne by the holy ghost to the kyngdome of god For I ●●yd before that this new byrth is of this sorte that there is nothynge open beside the sounde that is to saye we must sticke sure to the worde and beleue that most constantly And this is the plaine doctrine of this gospell that first we are al sinners damned to eternal death Thē that by this we are deliuered from eternal death whē we behold the man Iesus Christ on the crosse that he made satisfaction for vs and vanquished death ▪ and brought vs at one with god and made vs partakers of euerlastinge lyfe This is the doctrine that forgeth new men and new heartes so that we may say in sin death Although I am deadly stōg of the old serpēt and can not deme it yet this thing maketh me haue sure hope of saluation that in the man Christe Iesu there is so great vertue that if I loke vpon him being crucified I get therby sure deliuerance from sin death and the deuill Wherfore there is nothing that can feare me be the bytting of the deuil neuer so great defileth he all thinges neuer somuche with matter and blacke poyson Christe on his Crosse doth confort me with his righteousnes For his blacke wan woundes are there set for my health And looke wher this confort is in the hearte againste this continuall poyson forthwith will ther ensue an other maner of lyfe that euen as we obtaine saluation be Christ So lykewyse we are redie to seke the sauing of other men by geuing helpe succour councel confort defence c. And although a Christian man be hurte of other yet he goeth not about to reuēge but more rather he hath pitie For he seeth the cause that all those things come by the bytinge and poyson of the deuill in all whiche thinges we could not but perishe if it were not for the remedie prouided by Christ. Wherfore he leaueth nothynge vndone but seketh alwayes possible to bringe men to this felowship and companie of saluatiō that they may be deliuered from this poison as he was deliuered So that this doctrine is the spring and fountaine wherout floweth al vertues confort ioy tranquillitie The almightie god and our most mercifull father preserue vs thorough Iesus Christ his sonne in this doctrine and graunt vs therin daylye to encrease that this syghte may neuer fall out of our syght and that by true fayth in Christ we maye be deliuered from eternall death Amen Here endeth the fyrste part of the Postille ¶ The seconde parte of this Appostell beginnyng at the firste Sondaie after Trinitie Sondaie vpon the Gospell of Luke xvj THere was a certain riche man whiche was clothed in purple and fine white and fared deliciously euery daie And there was a certain begger named Lazarus whiche laie at his gate full of sores desiryng to bee refreshed with the crummes whiche fell from the riche mannes borde and no man gaue vnto him The dogges came also and licked his sores And it fortuned that the begger died and was caried by the Aungelles into Abrahams bosome The riche man also died and was buried And beyng in hell in tormentes he lift vp his eyes and sawe abrahā a farre of and Lazarus in his bosome and he cried and said Father Abraham haue mercy on me and sende Lazarus that he maie dippe the tippe of his finger in water and coole my tongue for I am tormented in this flame But Abraham saied Sonne remember that thou in thy life tyme receiuedst thy pleasure and contrariwise Lazarus receiued paine But now he is comforted and thou art punished Beyonde all this betwene vs and you there is a greate space set so that thei whiche would go from hense to you can not neither maie come from thense to vs. Then he saied I praie thee therefore father sende hym to my fathers house for I haue fiue brethren for to warne them least thei come also into this place of tormente Abraham saied vnto hym Thei haue Moises and the Prophetes let them heare them And he saied Naie father Abraham but if one come vnto theim from the deade thei will repente He saied vnto hym If thei heare not Moises and the Prophetes neither will thei beleue though one arose from death againe THE EXPOSITION THere is in this historie a singuler example the like wherof is not founde in al the scripture as touchyng the iudgement that after this life shall come Neither is it necessarie for vs to dispute whether it bee an historie or a parable For seyng that Christ do●th name the persones and describeth the life of thē bothe and also what is bothe their endes that the riche is tormented in fier and Lazarus is comforted it semeth requisite to beleue that it chaunced so in deede Yea and this we maie be bolde also to saie after the councell of Christ with a sure faithe that it shall likewise befall and chaunce to all suche as are like in condiciōs to this riche man and to this Lazarus As Christ declareth wheras he putteth forthe this example to terrifie and to feare the couetous Phariseis There are put forthe here generally twoo examples for the whole worlde The one of hym that is riche in this worlde and after that poore without ende The other of him that is poore in this world and after that blessed and salfe for euer that euery manne might folowe that state that he thynketh beste For pouertie and other discommodities ioyned with godlines are not to bee refused so that thou maiest thereby come to saluacion As contrarie wise prosperitie putteth not a man in suche safetie as though he neede not feare vngodlinesse but rather for riches and wealthes sake should a man suspecte the more the perill of Idolatrie and of vngodlinesse
there is nothyng doen of compulsion in all his seruice allowed After this sorte he dooeth compell he causeth the woorde to be preached vnto vs he that beleueth and is Baptized shall be saued he that beleueth not shall be condemned Wherby he setteth before vs bothe heauen and helle death and life wrathe and mercie For first of all he declareth vnto vs our synne and our greate corruption of nature that we maie feare when we heare that we are borne the children of wrathe in the kyngdome of the deuill And this is in deede compulsion and constrainyng when there is greate feare for the wrathe of GOD and thereby we are driuen to call for helpe And when that is so brought to passe by the preaching of the Gospel that the heartes dread then muste we proceade in doctrine that yet the synners fall not to desperation for their synne although thei haue neuer so iuste cause to despaire But let them rather folowe this councell of GOD that bicause thei are Baptised let them heare the Gospell that preacheth of Iesu Christ that he died for vs and made satisfaction for our synnes on the crosse by his death If thou beleue this thou nedest not feare the wrathe of GOD and death euerlastyng And so thou as a true geaste hast a roume in this magnificent and glorious supper and art therby fedde made fatte and in good likyng And so to compell is to make a manne afraied for synne and not to compell as the Pope dooeth with curssyng by booke bell and candell He doeth not cause any true feare in the conscience For he teacheth not truly what is synne But he magnifieth his owne trifles and cursseth hym that will not kepe his Ceremonies and mennes traditions But the Gospell openeth synne and the wrathe of GOD from heauen that all we none excepted doe liue in synne and are vngodlie This thyng doeth GOD commaunde to be shewed vnto vs by the Gospell whē he saith to the Apostles Go and preache repentance But repentaunce can not be preached but by the openyng of the wrathe of GOD against all men because thei are full of vnbelief contempt of GOD and other synnes This wrathe ought to terrifie them and to make their cōscience quake for feare that thei maie compell theim selues and saie O Lorde what muste I dooe to auoyde this miserie Then shall it be saied to hym sit doune in the supper and eate For there are many tables full of meate and yet voyde of geastes Thou art christened therfore beleue in Iesu Christ that he hath satisfied for thee Thou hast none other remedie against this destruction then to be Baptized and to beleue For then shall wrathe be ended and greate plentie of grace mercie and remission of sinne sent doune from heauen vnto thee to thy greate ioye and sing●ler comfort Wherefore to compell is nothyng els then to preache repentaunce and remission of synne To shewe the wrathe of GOD vpon synners and mercie vpon theim that beleue The wrathe and repentaunce causeth a great thrist and desire of grace And this is the true waie to this supper And now there is one churche made bothe of the Iewes and Gentiles and all are generally called poore nedie lame and weake For after the feare of the conscience thei gladly embrace the Gospell and desire mercie But thei that refuse to doe this be thei neuer so prudent and wise haue this sentence giuen against theim Thei shall not taste of my Supper ▪ that is the wrathe of GOD shall remaine vpon them and thei shall be damned for their vnbelief For GOD as I saied before hath no respect how riche how wise how holie thei be Wherefore bee thei neuer so carelesse be thei neuer so sure of them selues yet shall thei proue by experience that this sentence is not vainly spoken where Christe here concludeth Thei shall not taste of my supper But we that receiue it and feare for our synnes and doe not despise the grace of GOD whiche is offered vnto vs in the Gospell for Christes sake we shall obtaine for wrathe grace for synne eternall rightuousnes and for eternall death eternall life This sore Iudgement is now a daies as it appereth moste euident emong the Iewes and Turkes whiche haue no saueryng of the Gospell yea rather thei so muche abhorre it that thei can not finde in their heartes so muche as to see it or heare it It chaunceth also likewise with the Papisticall high priestes and bishops whiche are so little filled with this Supper that thei scarslie taste it or smell it But we whiche by the peculiar grace of GOD are set in the middle of the light of this Gospell are filled and well fedde and are become lustie and strong and are glad to be at this supper The Lorde graunte vs to continewe therein vnto the ende Amen Amen Christes intent therefore in this parable is to exhorte vs that we haue the Gospell in high estimacion and that we ioyne not our selues to theim whiche haue high stomackes by reason of their prudence wisedome power and holinesse For this sentence is giuen as touchyng their castyng awaie and damnaciō of theim that thei shall not tast this supper As thei were caste awaie in the people of the Iewes and onely the vnpure dragges wer reserued so shall it chaunce to vs also if we set more by Farmes Oxen and wiues that is by our spirituall and ciuill dignities and temporall possessions then we doe by the Gospell He speaketh a greuous and a verie terrible thyng with plaine and simple wordes Thei shall not taste of my Supper As though he should saie my supper is not to be despised for it is of an higher price then their farmes be despise thei it now neuer so muche although thei set more by their Farmes Oxen and wiues then thei doe by it There shall come a time when thei muste depart from all thynges from Farme from Oxe and frō wiues so that thei would faine then taste of my Supper But then shall it be saied vnto theim I knowe ye not Now I lacke no geastes Let your Farmes Oxen and wiues comforte you These shall giue you a better Supper for as muche as ye despised my supper and cared not for it There was greate prouision and coste made in this supper but althynges semed vile vnto you If there be more good fare and delicates in yours goe to it a Gods name spare not I will not lette you onely this I saie vnto you ye shall haue no part of my Supper These thynges shall bee dreadfull in that daie when GOD shall with plaine wordes call his supper life euerlastyng and their Farmes and Oxen eternall fire and shall not chaunge his sentence any thing but that thei shall neuer taste of this supper that is thei shal be voyde of all hope of saluation Wherefore these woordes are not lightly to be estemed whiche declare the euerlastyng
that put their truste in him he wil procure them peace and saluation for euer and euer After this lesson doctrine which is called the doctrine of faith must we learne also of Christ the doctrine of pitie merci compassion And this ye heare often times in the yeare as touchyng charitie that we shold remember that one of vs is bound to helpe an other But pitie is a thing somwhat greater as when we are greued with other mens miseries and calamities no lesse then with our owne as when I haue a neighbour that is nedie or sycke I ought not only to be redie to helpe but I must be sorie for his miserie and that at my very heart as though it were min owne euil As this is put forth to vs in Christ. He is in this place as a foreiner and stranger But when he seeth the miserie of this widdow he is asmuch greued as though it were his owne sonne he geueth confort and helpe This is the exāple of charitie which ought to folow after faith it doth alwais folow faith if it be true faith So that we ought not to behaue our self after the exāple of certein mercilesse people which hath stonie and yron heartes laugh at their neighbours miseries and are greued at their prosperitie The affectiōs of Christian men ought to be otherwise which ought to be greued at other mens misfortune glad at their prosperitie as Paule saith that we may be greued with thē that are greued reioyce with them that are ioyfull This is the propertie of enuious persons to be glad of other mens hurt to be greued at euery mās wealth sauing their own But there are two sortes of pitie A spiritual a corporall In these corporal bodilie euils we muste succour helpe al that we can for their defēce whā we see this that the poore haue nede of helpe can not helpe thē selues It is a spiritual euil whē the soule is in peril as whā I see a yōg mā voyde of al holines caryng nothing for religiō holy doctrine but is ignorāt of the principles of religiō liueth wtout any discipline or order fearce stubborne obstinat Here it is the office of pitie not to speake faier gentle wordes vnto him but to chide him sharply rebuke him yea rather to beate him or stricke him For ther is greater peril whē the soule is diseased with such euils thā whā the bodie is sicke of any disease Wherfore we must let nothīg passe as touchīg this pitie that these euilles may with wordes stripes wandes such other remedies be restrained But thou saiest that this is a cruel pitie to vexe the bodie with stripes Yea but necessitie causeth this to be the beste pitie that is in this case For the Physitions must nedes shewe crueltie vpon some part of the bodie that the hole bodie maye be saued and so is it also as concernynge this pitie For suche chastisements are done to see to thee that thou mayst be deliuered from the tyranny of the deuill from his kingdome He that is almost drowned in a floude taketh it for no wronge if he be plucked out by the heare although it be done to his great grief and payne Wherfore if thou doest not refuse in the bodilie euiles to suffer a litle payne for the auoydynge of greate perill why shouldeste thou in a more dangerous perill of soule and euerlastynge lyfe take greuously suche chastisement as is requisite and necessarie So is it truely the worke of pitie when stubburne children and obstinate seruantes are sharply by stripes put in remembrance of their deutie This is a spiritual medicin against the disease of the soule which is the rebellyng againste the parentes and maisters Wherfore this is the worke of mercie when mannes miserie is considered and helpe is geuen This pitie ought parents cheifly to regard in a familie and maiestrates in a communaltie and to beware diligentlie that neither that sufferers impaciens neither their own negligence make them geue vp this pitie as it commeth to passe oftentimes For he that would be pitifull and wil dissemble or winke at syn he should commit two kindes of crueltie towarde his neyghbour should fall into gods high displeasure Wherfore thou must not seeke after the prayse of gentlenes and pitifulnes by dissembling and winkyng at sin when euerlasting perill dependeth therof neither must thou loke for that time when he wil come to himself and amende by his owne accorde Thou must cut of the snares of the deuill by sharpe discipline but as touchinge this sorte of pitie I wil intreate more largely in an other place But now is the example of Christ put forth to vs how he pitied the miserie of this woman and therby taught vs true pitie That we shoulde remember that this precepte is set forth to vs to thinke surely that this is oure duetie to helpe yea with the lssoe of oure goodes when our neighbour is in bodily necessitie so truly to shewe the office of pitie Whiche thynge afterwarde hath so great renoum that it is cōmended not as though it were done to our neyghbour only but also to God hymselfe whiche promiseth also to requit it by a reward Or if the contagion or disease be spiritual that is to say syn as if our children and familie be stubburne negligent wanton in doinge and saying here must be shewed pitie that is cruel in sight and yet for all that dothe all thynges for the best But that that is past tamyng amendement geue it vp as a thyng past cure into the hands of the ministers and officers For the matter can not scape vnpunyshed And it is to be counted a parte of pitie to punyshe in suche case with extremitie of death For they that are paste grace can bee restrayned by no other meanes They woulde be the destruction as well of other as theyr selues yf thys office of pitie were not exercised vppon them by the sworde Wherfore punyshementes are very workes of pitie seme they neuer so cruell and bytter to a mans syght For if it were not for this punyshment and sharp correction there could be no cōminaltie nor ciuile felowshyp mainteyned Wherfore let euery man in his vocation shewe pitie not only with affection but also with discretion and let him not helpe in bodyly euyls onely but muche rather in spirituall euyls And these are the two doctrines out of this gospel wherof the one belongeth vnto faith that we shoulde be without feare in the myddest of all euyll and specially when the feares and terrors of deth come to sight And let vs thynke that the almightie healpe of all our saluation is sette in Christ. Wherefore we can not despaire of hym without our hurte The helpe of man and of vs is but vayn For they can not represse deth Death is valyant agaynst them But we muste haue
that thou perceauest not how it should come to passe But when Dauid which was of no high blud heard the word of God by Samuell the prophete as touchyng the kyngdome of Israell the ende and successe therof could not be voyde or frustrate whatsoeuer Saules frendes dyd to the contrarie So is it here also This Ruler where as he requireth a signe and present ayde of Christe somwhat importunately is by Christ wholly dryuen to the worde And although that Christ woulde nowe also shewe a signe and healpe the Ruler out of hande yet he wold haue hym endewed with Faith before he fele healpe And when the woorde appoynteth hym so to doo Go thy wayes thy sonne lyueth There doothe the Ruler beleeue as concernynge the lyfe of hys sonne by the worde And as Faithe foloweth the woorde so doth lyfe folowe Fayth thorough the woorde As we also haue the worde and promyse where as God doth generally confort all the worlde and saieth He that beleueth in me shall neuer see deathe Likewise sayeth Iohn Baptist of hym Beholde the Lambe of God that taketh away the synnes of the world These are vniuersall and generall sermons whiche pertayne to all men For he saythe not when he or this man shall beleue But he speaketh generally He that beleue the in me shall neuer see death Likewise Iohn saieth not that Christ the Lambe sent from God shal take away the synnes of this man or that man but the synnes of all the worlde Wherfore if thou bee a synner and art in the worlde thynke that it appertaynethe vnto thee and doubt not but that thy matter is in hāde and that it is done for thy sake This is the foundation wherin our Faith as muche as belongeth to Remission of synnes and euerlastyng lyfe ought to leane And shall no more deceaue vs that doo sticke thervnto then the ruler was deceaued by his Faith For we must not thinke that it was an easier matter for so great a ruler than it is for vs when Christe puttethe foorthe vnto hym suche a certayne woorde where as hee sayeth Go thy way thy sonne lyueth But it is an harder matter for vs because there is noo suche certayne woorde putte foorthe vnto vs but generallye to vs all For CHRISTE hym selfe althoughe he putte foorthe a generall worde yet as hee speaketh it here priuatly to the Ruler sayinge Go thy way thy sonne lyueth So doth he speake this to euery man by himselfe Sonne thy synnes be forgeuen thee thyne is that life euerlastyng For to what other man dothe he speake thys but to euery one of vs that are baptised Dothe not baptisme belonge to euery man If other wil be partakers of baptisme they muste take it for them selues But what dothe God saye to thee and to all that are baptised Is not the promise that who soeuer beleeueth and is baptised shall bee saued Lykewise thou arte baptised to dye with Christe because he dyed for thee and by his deathe redemed thee frome synne and deathe Howe can God speake with thee more certainly or ioyn thy persone more certainly wyth his woorde thenne it is doone in Baptisme wher as it is bestowed in thee alone and is thy propre Baptisme So whenne thou wouldest bee absolued frome thy synnes and comest to the Mynister or to any other Christian wyth the hope to heare the woorde of GOD and to obteyne conforte thys woorde that thou hearest there openly to all that Christe dyed for the synnes of all is pronounced to thee alone that this deathe is auaylable for thy synnes For the woordes of Absolution bee these Brother myne all we are synners and therfore all shoulde abyde and susteyne damnation But the sonne of God is becom man for our sake and dyed also and rose agayne from the deade for our Iustification Despaire not therfore Christ hath satisfied for thee thou must pay nothyng onely sticke vnto his passion and trust in the same Thus is it also concernynge the Supper of the Lord. There is the body and blood of Christ geuen to thee alone and there is it pronounced to thee alone that his bodye was geuen for thee and his blood shed for the that thou maiest not doubt but trust to such a sacrifice of Christ as though it wer proper vnto thee alone For it is put in thy mouth geuen peculiarly to thee that thou maist eate and drinke for thy self There dothe God medle with none beside he speketh with none but with the that cōmest vnto his supper there doest eate and drink as he cōmanded thee And here consider thinke with thy self what maner of christiās they be which let passe such oportunity neuer come to this most ioyfull supper of the Lorde Wherfore if thou desire not this that God shold cōfort thee alone and speke with thee pronounce vnto thee remissiō of thy sinnes life euerlasting thou art worthy to talke and company with the deuill Wherefore this is not lacking as though God spake not with vs but the fault is in this that we folow not the example of the ruler that we receue not neither beleue it to be true whatsoeuer Christ speketh vnto vs priuately The Ruler also had occasion not to beleue yf he wold haue folowed his reason and hadde no respect to the worde For howe coulde hee beleue that thys lyttell worde woulde haue ben so effectuous so farre of and brought suche a greate thyng to passe He might haue sayde It is not vnknowen to me in what case I haue lefte my sonne Seynge there is no hope of lyfe agaynst so great perill so small a woorde can be of no efficacitie He must nedes come more nere and do greter thynges if he will bryng to passe so great a thing But the Ruler omitteth all these thynges and onely embraceth the woorde and geueth so greate credence therto as thoughe hee sawe the healthe of his sonne presently before his face For except he had ben of this mynde hee woulde not haue departed as contente with this word But he was content as Iohn saith very well The man beleued the woorde that Iesus spake vnto him and went his waie And here doest thou knowe what Faith is proprely if thou seekest the definition thereof euen no other thynge than to beleue that that Christe promyseth Gette thee therfore acquaynted with it and first lerne whenne God promyseth to thee in Baptisme Christe in the Gospell and in his Supper Embrace that promyse with all thy heart and lette nothyng hynder thee therin although thou shalt haue many lettes We fele synne and deathe whyche offer them selues alwayes to our syght and sence And if thou let passe the word in thys case synne and deathe wyll oppresse thee and caste thee headlong into destruction But what doth a Christian he confesseth his synne neyther is he vncertayne of deathe But yet hee despaireth not therefore But hee taketh holde of the worde as muche
to Cesar that are due to Cesar it is as much as though he should saye If thou be a subiect or one of eyther the hygher or lower degree be content with thy state and trouble not the politique order with thy importunitie and lewde behauioure Hee that hathe an householde lette hym faythfully looke to hys housholde Lette the subiectes obey the rulers as officers appoynted of GOD for the punyshement of wicked doers but for the prayse and safegarde of theym that doo well Lette the chyldren be obedient to their parentes Christe reproueth not neyther doothe he condemne any of these ordinaunces or degrees of persons For they are necessarie vnto a politike kyngedome whyche God canne not want All thys tendeth to thys ende that a Christian manne should not exempt hym selfe frome the politique kyngedome as the Monkes dyd whyche thought thus that if they should lyue after the common sorte of men they shold hardely be saued But Christ teacheth the contrary because that no manne shoulde thynke that he wyth hys doctrine and Gospelle taketh awaye any Ciuile ordinaunce and politique regiment Therefore abyde in thy state Continue in thy vocation and callynge Geue to Cesar that is due to Cesar And geue to god that whiche belongeth to God that is to say Beleue in Iesus Christe heare his Gospell and embrace the same Lyue in the feare of God Be obedient to his cōmandementes Be charitable louyng mercyful gentyll ▪ paciente c If thou geue thys to God he requireth no more As concernyng thynges belongynge to thy body to thy householde to thy state or condition of lyfe lette all these thynges bee subiecte to Cesar A Christian may serue God and Cesar together But the truthe is the Iewes woulde neyther haue geuen to God that was due to God nor to Cesar that belonged vnto Cesar. And here muste we diligently note that as GOD geueth to Cesar his imperie and regimente perfecte whole and sounde For before God or in thy Faith it bryngeth no impediment whatsoeuer thy office or vocation bee thou mayest also if thou wylte with that thy outwarde office exercise trewe godlynesse so likewyse Cesar ought not to trouble the kyngdom of God nor violentlye to compelle menne that they should not geue that to God whyche is due to god What we doo owe to God it was declared before namely to heare his worde gladly and accordyng vnto that to order oure lyfe and to doo nothyng contrary vnto it We canne doo no more to God here in this worlde Neyther oughte Cesar nor any magistrate to bee an impedimente to theyr subiectes in thys seruice of GOD. For if the Magistrate wold presume to doo it the subiectes oughte not to obeye hym yea they ought rather to suffer all extremities thenne to doo any thynge agaynste God and theyr conscience Therefore this is a moste horrible synne whenne the Magistrate is so importune in requyryng obedience that he wyll forbydde that obedience whyche is due vnto God As whenne they forbydde the trewe doctrine of the Gospell to bee taughte in theyr countreys and punyshe theyr subiectes whenne they receaue the Sacrament of the body and blood of CHRIST vnder bothe kyndes accordynge to Christes institution Agayne whenne they enforce and by compulsion dryue men vnto Idolatrie worshippyng of images goynge on pylgremage inuocation of Sainctes byenge of the Popes pardons Masses for soules departed and suche other abhominations In these and such lyke they excede and passe the boundes of theyr power and hynder that obedience whiche is dewe vnto God For that doth God require of vs aboue all thynges And lette vs obeye hym in all poyntes Therfore when the Magistrates sette them selues agaynst God and the trewe woorshyppyng of hym the subiectes ought to know that in thys behalfe they owe noo obedience to theyr rulers neyther are they to be obeyed For it is written We muste obeye God more then menne And Christ commaundeth here not onely to geue to Cesar that is dewe to Cesar but also to geue to God that is due to God If the magistrate can not abide this but for thine obediēce sake toward god his word doth cruelly entreat thee yea taketh thy life from thee be content suffer his tirany paciently cōmit thy cause to God and let this cōfort thee that although the magistrat hath power ouer vs yet hath he not power alone but god also euen the Lord that dwelleth in heuen which is greater then either king or Cesar therfore more to be obeyd thā any magistrate vnder the heuēs And if it so be that one of their commaundementes muste bee neglected and sette aside the commaundement of Cesar oughte to geue place to the cōmaundement of God For if thou wilt not obeye God but shewe thy selfe a flatterer to the Magistrate God is so myghtie a Lorde that he will punyshe that disobedience that thou doest vnto him wyth hell fyre and euerlastynge dampnation Who knowyng this wyll wyttingly cast himselfe into such myserye and not rather wyshe onely one Cesar but also all Cesars yea the whole worlde to be agaynst hym thenne he shoulde disobeye the Lorde hys God and thoroughe that disobedience to purchase to hym selfe eternall deathe Bee the magistrates neuer so madde they can do no more but punyshe the body as oure Sauiour CHRIST sayeth Bee not afrayde of theym that kylle the bodye As for the sowle they canne not kylle But feare hym rather whyche is able to destroye bothe body and soule in hell fyre But we shall here marke that vnder this one word Cesar not onely the persone of Cesar is to be vnderstanded but also euery ciuile Magistrate temporall ruler worldly gouernour officer c. Geue sayeth Christ to Cesar that is dewe to Cesar and to God that is due to God Nowe consyder also the rewardes If thou obeye God and folowe his commandemente the rewarde of thys obedyence shall be euerlastynge and immortall that is to saye heauen and eternall lyfe But yf thou obeye the temporall magistrate agaynste God the rewarde that thou shalte receaue shall bee but shorte and transitorye and after that thou shalte suffer the peynes of euerlastynge damnation in that moste horrible lake that burneth with fyre and brymstone Such as lyue vnder tyrants ought to consyder this that they may certainly knowe that God requireth of all men his obedience whych also oughte vnfaynedly to bee shewed come lyfe come deathe mangre the tyrantes beardes GOD doothe not forbydde but that thou mayste geue to Cesar that belongethe vnto Cesar yet so that that whiche is due vnto hym be not omitted nor lefte vndone And that not withoute a cause For of Cesar we haue no more but meate drynke cloth defence peace and whatsoeuer is requisite vnto thys present lyfe But of God we haue all these thynges body soule and at the last euerlastyng lyfe Why then should we sette lesse by God of whome we haue all good and
myghtily brake the chawes of hell braste on pieces the paunche of death and so valiantly victoriously and triumphantly rose agayne frome deathe Nowe for as muche as CHRIST was in all poyntes pure and innocente and vtterly wythout all synne Deathe and hell coulde by no meanes ouercome hym For seynge that death is the rewarde of synne as the Apostle saythe and Christe hadde no synne at all so doothe it ryghte well followe that death had no power ouer Christ and that it assaulted hym wythoute cause and therfore deathe loste hys ryghte because wythoute cause hee abused Christe beynge innocente and free frome all synne The Innocencye therefore of Christe was the cause that deathe and hell they onely haue power ouer synners For for synne entred deathe into the worlde coulde not retayne holde and deuoure hym but that hee muste needes retourne vnto lyfe and ryse agayne frome deathe Besides this innocencie Christe also had this that he was the true and naturall sonne of God and therfore coulde not he bee retained and holden of deathe nor yet of helle or of any other kynde of myserie as hee hym selfe glorieth and reioyceth of thys power sayinge That he hathe power to geue ouer hys lyfe and also to take it agayne And that no man takethe hys lyfe frome hym but he geueth it ouer of hym self Whiche is none other thyng then yf he should saye I am GOD and the Lord both of death and of lyfe I handle them as I my selfe lyste Therefore Saint Paule in hys Epistle to the Romaines writeth that by thys he was declared to bee the Sonne of GOD whenne he rose agayne frome deathe For no manne can escape deathe as Dauid saythe What manne is he that shall lyue and not see deathe And Saincte Paule to the Hebrues sayeth That all menne muste needes ones dye and after that commeth the Iudgement Seyng then that Christe was not onely man but also very GOD the Creator and lyfe geuer of all creatures yea the lyfe it selfe as he hym selfe testifyeth in the Gospell of Sainct Iohn It was not possible for deathe and helle to retayne and ouercome hym as S. Peter recordeth in the Chronicle of the Apostles Actes saying Whome he meaneth Christ God hath raysed vp and loosed the sorowes of death because it was impossible that he shoulde bee holden of it For seyng he was the holy one of God he could not abyde in helle neyther coulde his fleshe see corruption As S. Peter strongly proueth out of Dauid By this it is an easye thynge to aunswere that question howe this maye be that the passion and deathe of Christe and the syght of the infernall damnation wherin Christe was but a short tyme could be a sufficient satisfaction for the synnes of the whole worlde which notwithstandyng after the seuere iudgemente of God ought to haue ben punyshed with euerlasting payne and endles damnation I aunswere This satisfaction is of an incomparable force might strength and power and hath a meruailous energie and perfection because of the person of Christ. For seing Christe was true God and true man the God head the manhode ioyned in one person and yet toke vpon him this worke of our redemption the peyn which Christ God and man suffred ought worthily to be iudged and taken to be of suche excellencie and dignitie again of so great and such inestimable price that it ought to be estemed as it is in dede sufficiently great and large inough to the vttermoste for the synnes of the whole world For as the synne of man wherwith the noble maiestie of God is cōtemned and dishonored ought to be punished with perpetuall euerlastyng paine so in like maner the punishmēt which the sonne of God toke vpon him ought to be as it is vndoubtedly sufficiente full and perfect for al that beleue on him seke their saluation in his most blessed and glorious name For the deuine maiestie is of so great glorie that worthily al that offend it suffer euerlasting pain again all for whom it cam into so great ignominie torment and supplied their duties shold haue euerlastyng ioy and gladnes enioy the same worlds without end Seing then that Christ Iesus the true son of God of one substāce glory with the father hath offred himself an oblation swete smelling sacrifice to god by his death passion hath satisfied for our sinnes It is reason that for the worthynes of his person which was both god man it shold be also euerlasting and sufficient for euermore For consider how great worthye hygh infinite and euerlasting the person was that susteined this pain so great worthy high infinite and euerlasting is this worke of our redēption satisfaction wrought by Christ must endure and remaine for euer and euer in full force and strength for so many as repent beleue in his name Now forasmuch as wee know that Christe for his innocencie and Godheade rose agayne frome Deathe vnto lyfe we wyl briefly reherse the fruicts profytes and benefites which he hath purchased gotten deserued for vs by his victorious triumphaunt and glorious resurrection What soeuer Christe by hys deathe and passion hathe gotten and deserued for vs that dydde hee afterwarde receaue by hys Resurrection and broughte wyth hym so that the fruites of Christes resurrection doo not muche differ frome the fruites of hys Passion Wee wylle therefore speake and entreate of theym brefely at this presente for as muche as wee haue somewhat largely spoken of them when we handeled the Passyon of CHRIST our Sauioure The fyrste fruicte and profyte of Christes resurrection is that by it wee haue remyssion of synnes althoughe we feele them in vs and are not vtterly free frome them For when Christe dyed for vs and yet remayned not in deathe whyche muste needes haue comme to passe yf hee coulde not haue satisfied for synnes It followethe that hee by hys Resurrection broughte wyth hym Remyssion of synnes and gaue the same vnto vs as blessed Paule proueth in hys Epistle to the Corinthians sayenge If Christe bee not rysen agayne frome the dead thenne is your faythe vayne and you are stylle in youre synnes And agayne But nowe is Christe rysen agayn from the deade beynge the fyrste fruites of them that wer fallen a sleape For by manne came deathe and by man commeth the Resurrection of the dead As by Adam all dye so lykewyse by Christ all shall receaue lyfe Afterwarde the Apostle mocketh death saieth O deathe where is thy stynge The stynge of death is synne and the power of synne is the lawe But thankes bee to GOD whyche hathe geuen vs the victorie thorough our Lorde Iesus Christe Herof it is euident that Christ by his death hath slayne synne as we hearde in the Sermon of the Passion and by hys Resurrection hee hathe broughte with hym remission