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A02923 A Postill, or, Exposition of the Gospels that are usually red in the churches of God, vpon the Sundayes and feast dayes of Saincts written by Nicholas Hemminge a Dane, a Preacher of the Gospell, in the Vniuersitie of Hafnie ; and translated into English by Arthur Golding. ; before which Postill is sette a warning of the same Nicholas Heminge too the Ministers of Gods vvorde, concerning the co[n]tinuall agreement of Chrystes Church in the doctrine and true worshipping of God ... Hemmingsen, Niels, 1513-1600.; Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606. 1569 (1569) STC 13062; ESTC S5140 503,499 736

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riches too the ouerthrow of the ministerie like as many Tyrantes haue doone in times past and doo at this day Secondly such as plucke away the Churche goodes and kéepe them too themselues Thirdly also such as bestowe no parte of their owne goodes too the mayntenance of the ministerie of the woord And moreouer suche as by sute or other sleights get intoo their hands the Church goods vnder an honest tytle as though they were ministers of the Churche wheras they bée no better than dombe dogges which neither haue doone seruice too the Church or commō weale nor euer can doo seruice but are slouthful bellies and dul beasts whoo neuerthelesse wil bée saluted by the names of Prelats Chanons Uicars Abbots c. The second and true lawfull vse of riches is that wée imploy part of them too the maintenance and garnishing of the common weale wherin wée liue For common weales are the sogeorning places of the Churche and therefore wée owe thankefulnesse vntoo them although wée should receiue none other commoditie by them Ageinst this vse many offend as for example those that pay not the ryghtfull Tributes those that rayse vnryghtfull Tributes those that imploy not the Tributes too the mayntenaunce of the common weales but too ryot and surfetting and oftentymes too making wrongfull warres The third right and lawful vse of riches is that euery mā should mainteine his owne estate honestly without nigardship Ageinst which vse offēd first they that wast away their goodes in drinking feasting and apparell too sumptuous for their degrée as many doo And secondly also couetous men which delite in their own filthynesse mainteine not their estate honestly as becōmeth them but are basely appareled and feede grosly when in the meane while their money lyeth rusting and rotting in their cofers The fourth true and lawfull vse of riches is that wée bestow some part of it vpon the poore and specially vpon suche as in their pouertie are also godly For this is y e cheefe cause why God sendeth poore folkes among vs that he may make a proofe whither we will folowe his mercie according too Chrystes commaundement Bée mercifull as your heauenly father is mercifull Against this vse doo many also offend with this rich glutton whose felowes they shall be one day in punishment for that they haue in this world folowed him as their master in cruelnesse towards the néedie Now foloweth the fourth thing which I sayd was too bée considered in the example of the rich glutton Namely what is the state of their soules that depart out of this life without faith For wheras Christ sayth y t the rich glutton lifting vp his eyes in hel saw Abraham a far of desired that Lazarus might dip the top of his finger in water too coole his tong he peinteth out a table which representeth the state of wicked mens soules after their death wherin these things are noted First the excéeding great torment the cōtinual worme of the conscience 2. The remembrance of his crueltie which he had executed vppon them that were in miserie 3. Their desire too bée reléeued by the help of those too whom they had bin vnmercifull in this life 4. That there shall bée no end of their torments that it is in vaine for them to sue for any easement of their paynes For looke what our Lord for oure capacities sake peynteth out by way of communication betwéene the glutton and Lazarus that did the glutton féele in his own cōscience which the Lord who knoweth al things could not be ignorant of Let this punishmēt of vngodlinesse therfore allure vs too earnest repētance that wée bée not put too torments whither wée will or no. ¶ Of the second ANd there vvas a certeine begger named Lazaraus vvhiche lay at his gate full of sores desiring too bee satisfied of the crummes that fell from the rich mans table and no man gaue vntoo him In this exāple of Lazarus are many things too bée obserued wherby wée may receiue bothe instruction and comfort First héer is confirmed the Sermon of Peter who saythe that iudgement beginneth at the house of the Lord. For God punisheth his own in this life that they may as it were with a brydle bée kept within the boundes of theyr duetie For if all things shold happen to them as they would wish they would be made drunken with the prosperous successe of things and fall from godlynesse too vngodlynesse Whervppon Moyses speaking of the Iewes sayd The people sat downe too eate and drink and rose agein too play that is too say they fel too Idolatrie and other heinous offences Wherfore let vs beare in mynd the saying of Paul 1. Cor. 11. When wée are iudged that is to say afflicted wée are chastysed of the Lord that wee should not bée damned with this worlde Therfore let vs haue an eye to Gods fatherly mynd as often as wée bée hardly delt withall in thys lyfe and taking warning by our crosse let vs feare God leading a godly and blamelesse lyfe Ageine by this example of Lazarus wée are taught that they are not all wretched before God which are cast vnder foote in this world nor on the other side all in Gods fauor that séeme happy and blissed in this life Lazarus was miserable in this lyfe but he was in fauoure with God The Glutton was happye in this world but he was in Gods displeasure What was the cause Lazarus feared GOD through a liuely faith but the Glutton feared not God but was voyde of fayth Thirdly wée sée in Lazarus an exāple of Gods prouidēce He lyeth despised and disdayned But when he lay without all comfort the dogges came licked his sores Wherby is signifyed that God suffereth not the godly to bée so ouerpressed with miseryes but that hée intermedleth comforte wyth their sorowes For there is no doubt but it came too passe by Gods prouidence that the dogges came licked the sores of Lazarus too the greater damnation of the Glutton and his houshold For the meynie folowed the wickednesse of theyr master for the text sayth and no man gaue vntoo him Fourthly let vs marke héere the common lot of the godly and vngodly The Glutton dyeth and Lazarus dyeth Death is cōmon too them both but not the falling out of their death For the Glutton by death passed too miserie but Lazarus atteyned too felicitie Fiftly héer is too bée marked in Lazarus the ministerie of the Angels The Glutton despised Lazarus while he was alyue but the Angels caryed vp his soule when hée was dead He that was despysed in his lyfe was regarded and honored of Gods Angels in his death Neither happeneth this in Lazarus alone but that which wée read of him is common too all the godly For as the soules of the godly are regarded of God so are they caryed by the Angels intoo the hauen of saluation and blissefulnesse Sixthly in the example of Lazarus wée sée what is the state of
bee vvritten euery one I suppose the vvorlde could nor conteine the bookes that should bee vvritten The exposition of the text THe summe of the Gospell After that Christe had asked Peter thrice whether hée looued him hée commaunded him too followe him meaning thereby that he should glorifie him by his death Furthermore by correcting Peters errour the Euangelist correcteth the opinion of the other disciples who misvnderstanding the Lordes woordes were in a wrong opinion that Iohn should not die Last of al he auoucheth that the Gospel whiche Iohn wrate concerning Christe is true And of this Gospel let vs make foure places whiche are these 1 The talke betwéene Christ and Peter Christs commaundement that he should folow him 2 As euery mans vocation is commended too him so is curiousnesse condemned 3 The correcting of the errour of Christes disciples risen of the mistaking of the Lordes woordes 4 A commendation of the Gospel written by Iohn ¶ Of the first ANd vvhen he had sayd so he said vntoo Peter folovve mee Bicause Peter had denied Christ thrice it was the Lordes wil to restore him too his former estate and Apostleship by his thrice confessing him For it was méete that hée whiche had so often denied his Lord and maister should by this meane and as it were by this discipline bée chastised and tried and that his conuersion should bée made knowen There are thrée things whiche Christ dooth héer with Peter First hée asketh him thrée times whither hée looueth him Too whom Péeter answereth thrice also that by this thrée times confessing hée might washe away his thrice denying of him and so bée restored into his place againe Secondlye hée commendeth vntoo him the office of Apostleship thrice saying Féed my shéepe that is too say bée my Apostle too gather my shéepe vntoo me by the doctrine of the Gospell by my sacramentes and by holy life Here it is giuen vs too vnderstand that the duetie of the Apostleship yea and of all ministers of Gods woord is too féede Christes shéepe Besides this by the metaphor of Shéepe is signified what maner a companie of men that shall bée whiche is figured vnder the name of shéepe First therefore somewhat must bée sayde héere of the manner of féeding and secondlye of the Shéepe Christ féedeth and the apostles and other ministers of the woorde féede but the manner of them all is not alike For Christ féedeth as owner and shepherde of the shéep the apostles féede as his seruantes Christe inwardly by his spirite the Apostles by their outwarde ministerie For suche as in crueltie of cōditiōs were Beares or Lions they make tame through the Lordes woorking inwardly by his holy spirite And so they bring them intoo the shéepfolde of Christ that is too say Christes kingdome and this they doo by putting too the keys of Christes churche giuen them of Chryst the true shepeheard Nothing else are these keys than the woord and Faith The minister applyeth the woorde outwardely and the spirite of Chryste inwardly ioyneth fayth too the preaching For the preaching of Gods woorde concerning the forgiuenesse of sinnes too bée obteyned through Christ is the onely key too open the kingdome of heauen Now if he that heareth ioyneth also thervnto true faith and do verily agrée vnto the Gospell then commeth also the other key With these two keis is the kingdom of heuen opened and forgiuenesse of sinnes obteined That is too say the Ambassage of Chryst sheweth wherein that which is spoken figuratiuely vnder the name of keyes is expressed in cléere and plaine meanyng woordes When hée sayth Go and preach the gospell too all creatures Behold héere haue you the firste key And when hée addeth hee that beleeueth shall bee saued Hée sheweth the other key The woord and fayth therfore are the twoo keys wherewith the kingdome of heauen is opened The woorde is applyed outwardly by the Minister which béeing receyued by the vertue of the spirite engendreth Faythe wherethrough men enter intoo the shéepefolde of Chryst. And when the shepherds haue let in the shéepe into Christes shéepfolde they must féede them with the woord and with his Sacraments When any stray from the shéepfold they must fetch them backe againe wyth theyr shéepehookes that is too say with rebuking them If any bée weake and sickely they must refresh them with chéerfull comforte And they must alwayes kéep watche about their flock least wolues come and breake vp the folde and scatter the shéepe All these things the Lorde committed too Peter and the other Apostles or rather too all the ministers of the Gospell when hée sayd too Peter féede my shéepe But why calleth he them shéep whom the apostles bring vntoo Chryst I finde specially thrée causes Wherof the first is for that it behoueth them too bée méeke which professe Chryste or will bée named Christians For it becommeth not them that will bée registred intoo Chrystes houshold too bée cruel like Lions rauening like Wolues wylie like foxes lecherous like Goats filthy like swine or too shewe them selues in affections like too other wilde beastes The second cause is for that like as shéepe doo know the voyce of their owne shepeherde and flée from a straunger so the godly acknowledge Chryste onely for their teacher and will héere those onely that vtter his woord and not any other how greatly renoumed so euer they bée no thoughe they were Angels from heauen The thirde cause is for that like as shéepe followe their owne shepherde whither so euer he goeth so must the godly folowe Christ in life in persecution and in glorie beholding hys lyfe as a rule too leade their life by bearing his Crosse through pacience as often as néede shall require and afterwarde becomming partakers of his glorie whose companions they had bene in persecution according as Paule sayth If wée suffer with him wée shall also bée glorified with him Hereby therfore may the godly ministers of y e woord learne too féede Christes flock And let the shéepe bée méeke let them héere the voyce of their shepherd only and let them folowe him in life in crosse and in glorie The thirde thing that Christ dooth héere is that he doothe Peter too vnderstand with what kinde of death hée shoulde glorifie God when he sayth VVhen thou vvert yong thou diddest girde thy selfe and vventest vvhither thou vvoldest but vvhen thou art olde thou shalte stretche out thy hande and an other shall girde thee and leade thee vvhither thou vvoldest not It is ment by these woordes that Peter for confessing Christ should one day be crucified which thing Irenaeus and diuers of the auncient writers testifie too haue béene done at Rome in the reigne of Nero. Herevntoo Christ addeth his commaundement vntoo Peter and bids him folow him not deny him any more as he had heretofore done but too shew him self stoutly an inuincible souldier of Christ euen vntoo death And let euery one of vs think the same too bée spoken too him selfe ¶
kéepeth Chrystes sayings shall not sée death for euer Howebéeit too the intent wée may the better vnderstand these thinges I will shew forth in order what they conteyn For the first thing too be obserued héere is Chrysts othe The second what maner a ones wee bée without Christ. The third what wée obteyn by him The fourth how we may be able too béecome partakers of Chrystes benefits His othe is to this end too assure vs of Gods truth ageinst all the doctrines of men and deuils against the reason of the flesh yea against the whole kingdome of the Deuil which consisteth of Sophistrie Hipocrisie and Tyrannie For it is not possible that the sonne of God should deceyue whoo hath warranted his doctrine by so great an othe What maner a folke bée wée without Christ By Christ it cōmeth too passe that wée sée not euerlasting death Wherfore without Chryst wée are giltie of euerlasting Death Now as there are foure kindes of Lyfe so are there foure kindes of death also The first is the lyfe of nature wherby wée naturally liue in this world This life simply in respect of it self is good bycause it is the gift of God which hée promiseth in the fourth commaundemente but it varieth according too the state of men Untoo Abraham it was good bicause hée vsed it too Gods glorie But vntoo Nero it was euil bicause hée abused it both too the reproch of God that gaue it also to his owne damnation Ageinst this natural life is set naturall death which of it self is euil bicause it is the punishment of sinne Notw tstanding it varieth according to the states of men For lyke as vntoo Abraham this death was a passage vntoo a better life and therefore was good vntoo him so vntoo Nero it was the gate of Hel and therfore too him it was euil The second life is of sinne namely wherby sinne liueth in man and reigneth through his lusts as it dooth in all the vngodly This is alwayes euil bicause it tendeth too dānation Ageinst this is set the death of sinne wherby sinne is mortified in vs which thing cōmeth then too passe whē wée liue in true repentance the feare of God This death of sinne is euermore good bicause it is the passage too eternal life The thirde life is of grace whereby Christe lyueth in vs through grace This is euermore good bicause it is Gods gift and the way too glorie Ageinst this is set the death of grace that is too say the priuation of grace whiche thing commeth too passe when wée slide backe ageyne intoo sinne and cast away fayth This is alwayes euill bicause it is the way intoo hell The fourth life is the euerlasting lyfe by which the godly shall liue with God and his Angels in endlesse blisse This life is most excellent good Ageinst this is set euerlasting death which is endlesse damnation Unto this endlesse death are all men subiect without Christ. For vnlesse wée bée deliuered from this death by the benefite of Chryste it shall bée our perpetual reward for sinne as Paule sayth too the Romanes the .6 chapter Such are wée without Chryst that is wretched damned and giltie of eternall death But what doo wée become through Chryst That doothe Chryst assure vs of by his othe namely that being deliuered from euerlasting death wée are rewarded with eternal life in which shal be ioy without end Howe are wée made partakers of Chrystes benefites This Gospell aunswereth Verely verely I say vntoo if any man kepe my saying he shal not see death for euer Then is this great treasure in Chrystes woordes which who so kéepeth hath Chryst whoo only is the way too life What is too kéepe the woord of Chryste It is too héer it too lerne it and to beléeue it according to this saying He that beléeueth in the sonne hath life euerlasting Why so bicause hée that beléeueth is iustified by his owne faithe that is to say is set frée from sinne endued with the rightuousnesse of Chryste and accepted too eternall life for Chrystes sake He therfore that coueteth eternall life let him marke well the things aforesayd let him liue in continual repentance let him héer Christes word let him beléeue it and let him cōtinue in the faith euen vnto death So shal it fall out that this naturall death shall be vnto him a passage vntoo eternall life But what say the Iewes too this healthfull Doctrine of Christes Chryst saith He that kepeth my vvord shall not se death The Iewes answere now wée know wel thou hast a Deuil Abraham and the Prophets are dead and thou sayest if a man kéepe my woord he shall not tast of death for euer Art thou greater than our father Abraham who is dead c. Whom makest thou thy self As if they had said If thy woord bée of such power that they which héer thée shall not taste of euerlasting death surely thou art greater than the prophets and our patriark Abraham which are dead but this is false for thou art not greater than Abraham Ergo it is false that thou sayest he that kéepeth my saying shall not tast of death for euer Therfore thou art a blasphemer of God and hast a Deuil Christ answereth and sayeth If I glorifie my selfe my glory is nothing that is too vvit by your iudgement It is the father that glorifyeth mee The méening of these words is this The only begotten sonne of God is greater than the seruāts of God or than the adopted sonne of God I am the only begotten sonne of God according as the father himself witnesseth by his own voyce and woorks But the Prophets and Abraham are Gods seruants and Gods children by adoption wherfore I am greater than Abraham and the Prophets Ergo it is no maruel though my woord bée of greater power than theirs Then vsed they a poynt of Sophistrie For that which Chryst spake of the euerlasting death they construed of the naturall death howbeit maliciously Wherfore Chryste procéedeth too reproue them saying If I say I knovve him not I shall be a lyar as you are For you say you know him whom you know not But what is it to knowe god First it is to know whoo he is that is to wit the father the sonne the holy Ghost Secondly to beléeue in him And thirdly too order a mans life according to his wil. Howbeit bicause the Iewes gloried of their father Abraham Chryst procéedeth too shew how vaine this boasting is and sayth Your father Abraham vvas glad to see my day and reioyced In these woords Chryst teacheth thrée things The one that he was before he tooke mās nature vpon him that is to say from euerlasting God euerlasting The other that Abrahā beléeued in him For too beléeue in Chryst is spiritually too sée him And Chryst is séene thrée ways in body only as the Iewes saw him that talked héer with him in spirite only as Abrahā wée y t beléeue in him
set forth the gospel concerning the chéef shepherd Iesus Chryst his care toward his shéepe and that to this intent that the faithfull ministers of the woord might in their doctrine life and charge folow the example of this shepherd Hithertoo concerning the occasion why this present Gospell is red as this day The summe of the Gospell is that lyke as Chryst professeth himselfe too be the true shepherd and to haue a care of his shéepe So on the contrary parte he testifieth that there bée woolues that lie in wait for his flock whom the hirelings séeing doo flée away leaue the shéepe too be torne in péeces by the wolues against the falsenesse of whom the Lord promiseth that he himselfe will looke to his shéepe he declareth that he hath yet other shéepe which he will bring togither that there may be made one fold and one shepherd The places are thrée 1 Of Christ the shepherd and other true shepherds 2 Of the Woolfe the hireling the fléeing of the hireling 3 Of Chrystes shéepe of their marke and of the vnitie of the shéepfold ¶ Of the firste IN the first place concerning the shepherd Chryst we haue two things The one is what is his towardnesse the other what are his benefits towards his church Now as touching Chryst the shepherd wée must alwais beare in mynd the cōfession of Thomas which we herd an eight dayes ago For wheras he saith my Lord and my God first he cōfesseth him whom he speaketh too too bée the same man that had bin crucified and dead whom he now acknowledgeth too bée risen agein from the dead in déede Secondly he confesseth also the same mā to be very God for he sayth my God Thirdly he confesseth this man God to be one person For he sayth not my Lords but my Lord. Fourthly he cōfesseth this God and man one person which is both God man too bée his sauior For he is my Lord hath charge of mée and he is my God that hath taken mée intoo his tut●on and fauor Therfore he confesseth Chryst to be the true Messias and Sauiour of the world and consequently that true shepherd that was promised of old time of whom Zach 10. I wil raise vp a shepherde vppon the earth Him doth Peter call the shepherd Bishop of our soules This haue I spoken bréefly of Thomas confession concerning Chryst the shepherd too the entent we may vnderstande what is the towardnesse or inclination of this our shepherd Now let vs héer our Lords woords I sayth he am the good shepherd but what dooth the good shepherd The good shepherd giueth his life for his sheepe That is to say he is a good shepherd which loueth his shéepe so well that he wil rather suffer death than leaue his shéepe to be a pray too théeues and to bée torne of the wolues This promis he confirmed also by his déede for he suffred a most shamefull death for his shéepe Wée haue herd how great Chrystes loue is towards his shéepe Now that we may behold his benefits which he bestoweth of his méere goodnesse we will apply the similitude of a shepherd of shéepe to Chryst our shepherd What then dooth a good shepherd First he gathereth his shéepe togither secondly he goeth before them thirdly he leadeth them forth intoo pastures fourthly he féedeth them fifthly he watcheth them sixthly he ruleth them seuenthly he defendeth them eightly he healeth them that bée hurt ninthly he fetcheth in thē that stray with his shepherds hooke and tenthly he bringeth them home when he hath fed them All these benefites dooth Chryst perfourme spiritually too his church First therfore Chryst our shepherd gathereth his shéep togither But how by the preaching of the Gospel This begā he too doo by and by after the fal of our first parēts For in spirit he was present with the Prophets and gathered many shéepe vnto him Afterward he came himself to séeke the lost shéepe And at this day he giueth preachers too gather shéepe in his name Secondly he goeth before his shéepe How In persecution and in glorie In persecution whē he suffred diuers miseries in this life which the saincts also must néedes tast of And in glory when by rising ageine from death he entered intoo the glory of heauen whom in their time all shall folow as many as bée his true shéepe Thirdly he leadeth them foorth too féede into most plesant and fine medowes as Dauid saith in the .23 Psalm he made me sit downe in well growen pastures to the waters of refreshment shall he leade mée Fourthly when he hath led them intoo the medowes he féedeth them with his woorde with his spirit With his spirit when he comforteth them and strengthneth them within and with his woord when his gospel is preached wherby faith is conceiued too beléeue vpon this shepheard Fifthly he watcheth them sitteth as it were in a watch-toure too foresée that no body fal vpon his shéepe vnbewares And this dooth he by his Angels by the faithful ministers of his woorde by the godly Magistrate and too bée short by good gouernors in families ▪ common weales and housholdes ▪ Sixthly he ruleth them namely with his spirit his word and his discipline Whervpon Dauid saith The Lorde ruleth mée and nothing shall be wanting to mée In a place of pasture hath he setled mée Seuenthly he defendeth them Wherupon Paule saith if God bée on our side who can be against vs And Dauid Although I walk in the valey of the shadow of death I wil not feare any harme bicause thou art with me Thy rod and thy staffe they haue comforted me Eightly he healeth them that bée hurt for as shéepe are oftentimes atteinted with thornes venims which are healed by the skilful shepherd so Chryst our shepherd doth cure and heale his shéep that are hurt with the thornes of euil conditions and the venim of poysoned doctrine Wherupon the .146 Psalm saith which healeth the woūded in hart bindeth vp their sores Ezech. 34. I wil féede my shéepe I wil make thē sit down I wil séeke that which was lost I will bring ageine that which was cast away I wil binde toogither that which was broken I wil strengthen y t which was weake Ninthly he fetcheth in them that stray with his shéephook while he lodeth them with the crosse and as it were casteth a sna●●le vpon their heads If that good shepherd should not doo so many shéepe would through the delights prosperities of this world bée led away from Christes flocke and cast them selues intoo the mouthes of the woolues Wherupon Dauid saith of himself It is good for mée o Lord that thou hast brought mée low that I might lerne thy Iustifications Lastly when he hath fedde them he leadeth them home Chryst gathereth féedeth defendeth and cureth his shéepe in this world as in a wildernesse of a forein realme But at the last day he shall conuey
only that wée should learne by the example of this multitude first too séeke the kingdome of God but also that we should bée confirmed concerning the power of Chryst. For Chryst sheweth that he hath a care of those that hée his and he declareth that no man is able too performe any thing in his vocation vnlesse ●e be present with him in his businesse and as it were put to his hand too the dooing of it according as he sayeth Without me yée can doo nothing And the Psalme sayeth Unlesse the Lord build the house in vayne doo they watche that kéepe it The places are foure 1 The néedfulnesse in héering Gods woord is commended by the example of this multitude which was so gréedy too héere Chryst. 2 An Image of the Church and of the teachers hearers of the woord 3 The present miracle and the vse of the same 4 The example of Peter bothe in catching the Fishes and also in the acknowledging of Chryst méete too bée folowed ¶ Of the firste ANd it came too passe vvhen the people preased vpon him too heere him The example of this multitude teacheth vs that the gospell is too bée her● desirously For this people would neuer haue folowed Chryst so earnestly if they had not vnderstoode that his doctrine had bin very néedfull This multitude then folowed Christ not too lye in the wynde for him not too take aduauntage of his woords not too laugh him too scorne as the Scribes Pharisies and Hypocrites did but too héer Gods woord too déefed with the bread of saluation For the woord of God is heauenly bread farre swéeter than the Hony and the Hony combe as is said in the Psalm This multitude therefore like a sorte of hungry soules come flocking about him as one that were dealing of some large almesse and not without cause For as the body is susteyned with materiall b●●●d bicause it is materiall it selfe so is the soule nourished with spirituall bread ▪ which is the woorde of God bicause it selfe is spirituall Ageyne like as the appetite too meat betokeneth health and the lothing of it is a ●oken that the body is faint and ill at ease So the longing after Gods woord 〈◊〉 a sig●● that the soul is in good plight and contrarywise the lothing of Gods woord bewrayeth the disease of a crased soule Therfore if wée lothe Gods woord wée must doo as they doo that are diseased in their body For like as they take counsell of Phisitians that by receyuing a medicine they may recouer health and haue a good stomacke too their meate So wée when Gods woord goeth ageinst oure stomacke and that our soule lotheth it must by Prayer séek too Chryste the Phisitian that hée may make oure soules too like of Gods woorde whiche is the breade of saluation least wée starue for want of Gods woorde For Gods woord is the heauenlye foode That is too say the breade of life and the drinke whereof who so euer drinketh shall not thirst for euer Ihon. 4. How bée it too the intent we may hunger after this bread of life and thirste after this heauenly drinke as this multitude did Wée muste thinke vppon the néedfulnesse of thys foode whiche béeing perceyued there is no man but wil haue an appetite too it vnlesse it bée suche a one as is so blinded bereft of his wits by the Deuil that hée hath no care at all of his soule helth The first néedfulnesse is this that euery soule must néeds die whiche is destitute of this heauenly foode vntoo the ende For firste wée obteine life when wée conceiue fayth by the woord Ageine the woorde is the foode of fayth wherewith it is fed and nourished This néedfulnesse is confirmed by oure Lords saying Hée that beléeueth not shall die for faith cōmeth not from else where than by héering the woord of God Rom. 10. Ageine without this food mā abideth vnder Gods wrath Hée that beléeueth not sayth Chryst the wrath of God abideth vpon him Besides that this is the food that strengthneth too eternall life Héeruppon sayeth Paule The Gospel is the power of God too saluation too euery one that beléeueth Lastly to cōclude all in one woord Gods word is y e vncorruptible séed as the Apostle Peter teacheth wherwith wée who before were the children of wrath by reason of y e sinne of our first Parentes and of our selues are begotten a new borne a new through the grace of the sonne of God Therfore as by nature wée are born the children of wrath that is of damnation vnt● euerlasting death So by grace through the séed of Gods woorde wée are borne the children of grace that is to say of blissing to eternal life They that beléeue are the children of Abraham and heires of the promisse Wherfore if the helth of our soules if the escaping of death Gods wrath and damnation if the dignitie that wée are called too by being adopted the sonnes of God doo moue vs Let vs bée desirous of Gods woorde let vs héere it and kéepe it and that not onely after the example of this multitude but also of the whole Churche whiche coueteth nothing more than too bée throughly fed with this woord of God ¶ Of the second IEsus vvent intoo a Shippe in vvhiche he sate him dovvne and taught the people standing on the shore In these woordes is the state of the Church militant and floting in the waues of this world very trimly peinted out In which picture thrée things are too bée obserued The ship it self Chryst sitting in the ship and the people standing on the shore The shippe it self is a shadowe of the Churche Chryst betokeneth all true Preachers and teachers The people standing on the shore represent the héerers of the woorde Now like as a shippe is horribly shaken when a tempest riseth on the Sea euen so nothing is more shaken and tossed in the worlde than the church which thing the story of the whole world auoucheth How sorowful was the shaking of this shippe when Cayne slue his owne brother And afterwarde when Lothe was in Sodome and Abraham in his wayfarings Ageine howe sore was Gods Churche shaken firste in Egipte and after that by the space of fortye yéeares toogyther too passe ouer in silence the persecutions whiche the Churche endured at all times vnder the Iudges vnder the kings and in the captiuitie of Babilon And too omit other things and too speake of our time Howe sore is the Churche shaken by them that wil séeme too bée Citizens of the Churche Some assaile it with heresies as with horrible tempests sent out by the Diuell him selfe What is it that the Sacramentaries doo not What is it that the other Sectaries Anabaptistes and Libertines doo not too ouerturne this little ship of Peters The Byshops condemne it of heresie The Iewes iest at it The Turke despiseth it The ciuill Magistrate in many places appeacheth it of sedition as wée reade in the storie of
not only ageinst the sorow that wée conceiue for the deade but also ageinst all afflictions as well of minde as bodie But some man obiecteth I haue forgon the comfort of my life Thē thou bewaylest not him that is dead but thou bewaylest thine owne self and thy losse that thou hast by forgoing him It is a naturall thing too wéepe Thou sayest truthe but let grace ouercome nature Th●s muche is added bréeflye in the seconde circumstance concerning comfort at the death of our déere fréends The third Our Lord toucheth the coffin wherin the dead● men lay By which touching he declareth that his body was the instrument too get vs life and saluation The fourth He speaketh too the yoong man and sayeth I say to thee yong man arise So also raysed he the yong ma●d as is in Marke So raysed he Lazarus that had bin buried foure dayes as is in Iohn Héere wée are taught bothe that Chryst is stronger than death and that his word is the word of life and saluation The fifth The dead man ryseth at Chrysts call and this is the miracle he riseth y t was dead he began streight wayes too speake and our Lord deliuered him too his moother The sixth Feare fel vpon them al ▪ and they glorified God saying A great prophet is risen vp among vs and God hath visited his people and this saying vvas spred abrode of him through all Ievvrie Héere is described a double frute of this miracle The one befalleth too the present héerers and the other extendeth vntoo others too whom the report of this miracle came The present beholders conceyued faith héereby and so feared God glorifying him with true woorship and acknowledged the Messias too bée come whom also they confessed Besides that the report héereof came vntoo others that were in Iewrie and the countrey bordering thervpon who in likewyse conceyued Fayth in the Messias And in these dayes the report héereof commeth vntoo vs wherby we may acknowledge Christ too bée the very Messias and too bée strōger than death ▪ and may conceiue faith in him magnifying God with hart voyce confession and manners and so it will come too passe that one day wée shall haue by him a ioyfull resurrection too euerlasting life ¶ Of the second SAinct Ambrose sayeth that the image of the Churche is set foorthe héere and bicause it representeth our estates it is woorth the opening The widow saith he signifieth y e church the dead yong man euery sinner y t liueth without repentāce and the 〈…〉 the body of sinne The widow bewaileth hir dead 〈◊〉 ▪ That is to say the church l●●●nenteth for the vnrepentantnesse of the wicked entreateth Chryst too moue them and draw them too him with his woord his spirit Chryst therefore biddeth them that caried the corse too stand still Fo● the sinner is borne to hell byfoure porters which are the●e First 〈◊〉 of longer life Secondly looking vppon other mennes faultes Thirdly presumption vppon Gods mercy And fourthly ●●atterie of lend company Now if th●u wilt ryse from the death of sinne thou must néedes héere Chryst who biddeth the porters stay First therefore then must exclude hope of long lyfe bicause life is ●ncerteyn according as the experience of many teacheth and perill is at hand as it is too bée séene in the riche glutton Ageine thou muste not set another mannes euill l●●e before thée as a paterne too follow ▪ but thou must submit thy selfe too God as Abraham did thou must trust in him and thou must ●mend thy cōditions knowing th●t the 〈…〉 in iudgement ▪ It 〈…〉 The 〈◊〉 that thou gauest mee hath giuen mée of the Apple Thirdly l●y away presumption of Gods mercy for this presumption is a great contempt of God Rom. 2. Fourthly put away flatterers that entice thee too euill And when thou hast done so leane vppon Chryst with liuely faith the will quicken thée too eternall lyfe the which Chryst graunt vnto vs 〈◊〉 whom bée 〈◊〉 for euermore Amen Vpon the .xvij. Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Gospell Luke xiiij IT chaunced that Iesus vvent intoo the house of one of the cheefe Pharisies to eate bread on the Saboth day and they vvatched him And behold there vvas a certeine man before him vvhich had the dropsie And Iesus ansvvered and spake vntoo the Lavvyers and Pharisies saying Is it lavvfull too heale on the Sabboth day And they hild their peace And he tooke him and healed him and let him go and ansvvered them saying vvhich of you shall haue an Asse or an Oxe fallen intoo a pitte and vvyll not straight vvay pull him out on the Sabboth day And they coulde not ansvvere him ageine too these things He put foorth also a similitude too the guestes vvhen he marked hovve they preaced too bee in the highest roumes and sayde vntoo them VVhen thou art bidden too a vvedding of any man sit not dovvne in the hyest roume lest a more honourable man than thou bee bidden of him and he that bad him and thee come and saye too thee giue this man roume and thou beginne vvith shame too take the lovvest roume But rather vvhen thou art bidden goe and sit in the lovvest roume that vvhen he that bad thee commeth he may say vntoo thee frende sit vp hyer Then shalt thou haue vvoorship in the presence of them that fit at meate vvith thee For vvhosoeuer exalteth him selfe shall bee brought lovve and he that humbleth himselfe shall bee exalted The exposition of the Text. THe occasion of this Gospell was this Chryst beyng bidden too dinner of a certeyne Pharisie was watched by those that sate at meate with him that either in his woordes or in his déedes they might haue found somwhat too charge him withall For the world is so wicked that like as men cloke vices vnder the visors of vertue So they are not ashamed too rayse slaunder vppon honest déedes and true vertue So great is the malice of men Notwithstanding Chryst is not feared away with their leudnesse but kéepeth his old woont and executeth his office euen in the thickest of his enimies leauing vs an example that wée should not cease too procéede in well dooing though wée should sée all the whole world hent ageinst vs. Chryst therefore healeth this wretche declaring therein the might of his Godhead his most forward will too helpe them that bée in miserie and his Office for which he came intoo the worlde Moreouer he sheweth the right maner of halowing the Saboth day and by his déede dooth as it were define the true kéeping of the Saboth By which thing like as he reproueth the pryde of the Pharisies and their ignorance in the scriptures So he exhorteth them vntoo true humilitie And thus much concerning the summe of this present Gospell The places are thrée 1 Of the Saboth and the true woorks therof 2 Of the miracle by which the true vse of the Saboth is confirmed 3 Of true Humilitie ¶ Of the firste WHen the
afterward whither he would haue bin circumcised and suffred death or no. But he y t was frée becam the seruāt of al to the intent he might make al free or as Austin sayth God became man to y e intent to make men gods Paule saith he was bound vnder the law too the intent he might redéeme those that were vnder the lawe And therefore he béeing the first borne would also bée offered vp in the Temple But how was he the first borne There was neuer any such borne First he was first borne in his Godhead for he was the eternall Sonne of God This day sayth he haue I begotten thée Secondly he was the first born son of Mary in his manhood For she neuer bare any before him nor yet after him Thirdly he was first borne in grace For he was the first man that euer was borne which being offered vp vntoo God was accepted of himselfe Fourthly in power For he was the firste borne of the deade And fifthly that wée might bée borne new men through him Furthermore it is too bée marked that mary offred a paire of yong pigeons wherby is shewed that she was poore For the richer sort did offer a Lamb. Héereby wée may lerne not too bée abashed of our pouertie It was Chrysts will too bée borne poore that he might make vs riche so that wée wyll accept his riches with a thankfull minde ¶ Of the second AND beholde there vvas a man in Hierusalem vvhose name vvas Simeon Héere we haue first a description of Simeon and afterward his blissing First he is commended for his rightuousnesse For he liued so among his people that he was counted of all men for a good and iust man The Euangelist méeneth not by this that he was so rightuous that he had no néede of any other rightuousnesse for in his owne song he confesseth Christ too bée his sauior but that he liued vnblamable among men and honestly so as he did no man harme but good too all men according too his power Suche a one is called of Cicero or rather of al men a iust or rightuous man Secondly he is commended for his godlinesse For he feared God Under the name of fear is comprehended the whole seruice of God For he that feareth God as he eschueth al things wherewith he knowes he shall offend him so also dooth he whatsoeuer he perceiueth too bée acceptable too him This feare hath his beginning of faith There is an other feare of God without faith which is no seruice of God and such a one there is in all the vngodly For they alwayes dread Gods iudgement agaynst them and wold rather that there were no God than too bée punished for their wickednesse The feare that is commended in Symeon was none such For it foloweth that he wayted for the comforte of Israel By which saying is shewed that he longed very ernestly for the comming of Chryst. For he knew that the prophesies of Iacob and Daniel pointed too this time of his Wherfore hée longed for it the more earnestly and wished that his life might bée prolonged vntil hée might sée Chryste present And it is no maruaile that hée wayted so earnestly for Chrystes comming For hée was sayth the Euangelist ful of the holy Ghost Suche was this holy man But what was the reward of this godlinesse Hée receyueth an answer of the holy ghost that he should not sée death before hée had séene the Lordes Chryst and by the motion of the same holy Ghoste hée came intoo the Temple And what did hée there When the Parentes Ioseph and Mary hadde brought in the Childe hée took him intoo his armes and praysed God Nowe hath this holy olde man that whiche hée desired so earnestlye and hée giueth witnesse too Chryste openly protesting this childe too bée the same anoynted Sauiour that was promised too the fathers Wée haue the godlinesse of Simeon what it was now let vs set him before vs. Let old men first and afterward al men learne of him too feare God Let them learne too liue holilye and vprightly among men Let them learne too take Chryste intoo their armes that is too say intoo their hartes Let them set him out praise him and professe him Which thing if thei doo they shall one day with Simeon receiue a plentuous reward in Heauen ¶ Of the third NOw foloweth Simeons song Lord novv lettest thou thy seruant depart in peace according to thy vvord This song hath customably bin soong in the church many hūdred yéeres wée are wont to sing the same when corpses are layde intoo their graues For it cōteyneth a doctrine concerning Chryste it techeth frō whence chéefe cōfort is too bée sought specially at what time we must depart out of this life Now too the intēt we may vnderstād this song the better I will deuide it intoo two parts In y e first wherof the old man Simeon reioyceth in his own behalf and in the latter part comprehendeth very bréefly the benefits of Chryst towards y e whole world The first part is Lorde novv lettest thou thy seruaunt departe in peace according too thy vvoorde For myne eyes haue seene thy saluation Héere the olde man Simeon reioyseth in his owne behalfe that hée had séene Chryste with his bodily eyes according too the answere that hée had receyued of the holy Ghost For albéeit hée had séene him before with the eye of his faith like as our Lorde saith of Abrahā Abraham saw my day was glad yet notwithstāding bicause he had receiued a promise of y e holy ghost y t hée should sée Chryst present w t his bodily eyes before he dyed he was gretly delited with his sight with great strength of faith desired streight too be deliuered frō his body y t he might be gathered to his fathers in peace But sée he receiued a promise that he should sée the Lords anoynted Héer is brought him a poore babe there appéereth héere none other outwarde countenance than of contempte Is hée offended at this outwarde countenaunce No. Whom hée saw too bée lea●● with his bodily eyes him sawe hée too bée greatest with the sight of his faith Whom hée behild base in the shape of a seruant with his bodily eyes him knew he too be King of Kings Lord of Lords And he was not ignoraunt what Zacharie had prophesied of him who sayth Behold thy King cometh poore He knew he came not too take intoo his hād the kingdoms of the world but too giue the kingdom of God too beléeuers Héerby also wée may lern too beléeue the scriptures and too looke vpon Chryste and his church not only with our bodily eyes but much rather with the eyes of oure fayth And séeing hée desireth too bée let go by and by and to change this miserable life for death hée declareth sufficiently that Chrysts kingdom is not of this world but an euerlasting kingdome whiche consisteth in peace of conscience As if he should
health of his soule ¶ Of the thirde BIcause Chryst foresaw with what euils the world should ouerflow about the time of his comming hée framed an exhortation partly to the intent they shuld eschue the things which at that time should exclude the greatest part of the world from the promised saluation and chiefly too the intent they should shewe them selues stout souldiers too fight with watching and Prayer against this world vnder the standarde of only Iesus Chryst. And too the intent they may bée the readyer vntoo bothe hée alledgeth reasons too persuade them For hée both telles them that that day shall come vpon the sodain and also declareth plainly that by this meanes they shall bée quite rid from all euils and bée set in the presence of the sonne of God Therfore he sayth Take héede too your selues that your harts bée not at any tyme ouerloden wyth surfettyng and droonkennesse and the cares of this worlde These then are the thyngs that are too bée eschued that is too say surfetting dronkennesse and the care of this world namely vngodly and Heathenish care which quencheth the faith of Christ. In as muche as it is most manifest that all estates of the worlde are wrapped and snarled in these euils so much the more ought this exhortation of Chrystes too bée in our sight least wée perishe béeing deceiued with the euill trades of this world Furthermore where as the Lorde addeth Watche yee continually in Prayer hée teacheth with what things it béehoueth those too bée occupied y e couet too escape the euils that are too come In that summe he requireth the shunning of euill things and the earnest folowing of good things Bothe these the Apostle ioyneth toogither in his Epistle vntoo Titus writing Renouncing all vngodlinesse worldly lusts let vs liue sobrely vprightly and godlily in this world looking for the blissed hope and the coming of the glorie of the great GOD too whome bée praise soueraintie and glorie world without end Amen The thirde Sunday in Aduent ¶ The Gospell Luke xj WHen Iohn being in pryson heard the vvorkes of Christ he sent tvvo of his disciples and said vntoo him Art thou hee that shall come or doo vvee looke for an other Iesus ansvvered and sayd vntoo them Go and shevv Iohn ageine vvhat yee haue hearde and seene The blinde receiue their sight the lame vvalk the leapres are clensed and the deafe heare the deade are raised vp and the poore receiue the glad tidings of the Gospell and happie is he that is not offended by mee And as they departed Iesus begā too say vntoo the people cōcerning Iohn VVhat vvent ye out intoo the vvildernesse too see A reede that is shaken vvith the vvind or vvhat vvent yee out for to see A man clothed in soft rayment beholde they that vveare soft clothing are in kings houses But vvhat vvent yee out for to see a Prophet verily I say vntoo you more than a Prophet For this is he of vvhome it is vvritten Beholde I sende my messanger before thy face vvhich shall prepare thy vvay before thee The exposition of the text THis gospel describeth vntoo vs the kingdom of Chryst and peinteth it out in his proper colours so much at least wise as perteyneth too the outward appéerance therof which is séene with outwarde eyes For if yée regard his secrete power with the eyes of faith it is a most bright a most glorious thing In this place therefore is intreated only of his outward shape The forerūner lieth in prison Wherby wée are warned y ● Christes kingdome is put vnder the crosse The disciples being in doute are sent foorth howbeit vntoo Chryst only Chryst the king himself is conuersant among the poore the blind the deafe and the leapres These are healed and receiue the glad tydings of saluation which things the mighty noble and wise men of the world despise In fewe woords as this Gospel peynteth out the Kingdome of Chryst so it confirmeth the mynistery of Iohn by assured arguments proueth that Christ is the true Messias that was promised to the fathers Notwithstanding for more plentiful doctrines sake let this Gospell bée distributed intoo foure parts which are these 1 Is shewed bothe the lot and office of the ministers of the woorde 2 The question of Iohn 3 The aunswere of Chryst. 4 The commendation and praise of Iohn ¶ Of the first ANd vvhē Iohn being in prison heard the vvorks of Christ he sent tvvoo of his Disciples vntoo him Iohn béeing bound in gyues teacheth by his owne example what is the lot of the ministers of the word And the same Iohn by sending his disciples vnto Chryst sheweth the true dutie of the ministers of the worde I will therfore speake of either of them in order and first of their state in this lyfe Iohn exhorteth men to repentance and findeth fault with their wickednesse And what happens to him for it that doth the storie tell Math. 14. for there it is shewed that bycause Iohn reproued Herode and told him it was not lawfull for him to haue his brothers wife he was cast in prison and at lengthe lost his heade This rewarde receiued the holy Baptist at the vngodly tyrantes hande For as a Surgion if he touch the wound of a mad man and go about too cure it can looke for none other thyng but that the mad man should fall vpon him and render euil for good euen so if the minister of Gods woorde reproue the sinne of any vngodly man especially of any tyrāt to the intent he should repēt and hée heled of the wound of sin let him loke for none other than threats reuilyngs and death How true thys is not only Iohns example techeth but also the storie of the whole Churche and the storie bothe of the olde and newe Testament For this haue so many béen famous through martyrdom For this haue so many Prophets béen put to death for this were the apostles persecuted for this was Paul murthered Peter crucified diuers others diuersly tormented which things doo put vs in mynd of the lot of the sain●tes in this life But happy is y e Crosse which Chryst auoucheth too bée noble Blissed is the Crosse whiche is the waye too true and euerlasting victorie by Chryst Iesus And therfore the mynisters of the Gospell must not bée slack in their dutie bycause of persecution but béeing stirred vp by the example of Iohn they must doe theyr duetie manfully which consisteth chéefly in these poynts First let them preache Chryst and shewe the Lambe that taketh away the sinnes of the world Then let them rebuke sinne For they are the instrumēts of the holy Gost who by them reproueth the world of sinne as wée sée in Iohn Thirdly let them beautifie their mynisterie by their holy and godly life Fourthly let them despise the threatnings of the world as Iohn did putting them selues in a redynesse too suffer any tormēts rather thā to séeme slack in their
offended God before Therfore wil I flée vntoo the same Lorde God that hée may take mée intoo fauour also Hée vouchsafed to pardon Péeter after his horrible fall and therfore though I bée falne I wil not dispair for hée is alwayes stable in him self and euermore like him selfe and there is no respect of persons with him The fifth is that euery one of vs should follow the example of the Saincts in our vocation Paule was not quayled with the hugenesse of persecutions but taught the Gospell constantly His example let the ministers of Gods woord folow Iohn feared not the threats of Herod therefore let the godlye preacher learne by his example too set lighte hy the woodnesse of the world Abraham through faith trayned vp his house holylie in the true feare of God and in calling vpon him Therfore let all godly housholders lern at his hād and so let all other examples bée applyed The sixt is that the memoriall of Saincts may bée pleasant vntoo vs and their vertue bée commended for that they vsed well the gifts of GOD for that they are Gods houses and witnesses of him for that they are garnished with great vertues and for that they are vntoo vs liuely examples of conuersion faith repentaunce stedfastnesse pacience and other vertues These sixe causes are the weightiest for whiche bothe the memoriall of the Sainctes according too the example of the auncient Churche is reteyned and their feasts halowed which points béeing rightly obserued all things turn too the glory of God and too the welfare of our selues Now must I speak a litle concerning Stephen in whose storie let vs consider these circumstances his religion his office in the Church the defence of his religion his constancie in confessing it his calling vppon Chryste his comforte and the ende of his life The religion of Stephen Stephen was a christian a man full of faith and the holy ghoste full of grace and manlinesse For where as is true faithe there is the holye Ghoste The greater encreasment that faith taketh so muche the more dooth the holy Ghoste witnesse him self too bée present kindling motions in mens heartes agréeable with the lawe of God Contrarywise where the holy Ghoste is not felt effectuall there also it is manifest that true faith is away Wée haue héere therfore that which we may followe in Stephen that is too wéete an effectuall faith whervntoo the holy ghost beareth witnesse Those men followe not Stephens faith which haue it in their mouth and yet therewithall wallowe in wicked lustes and runne headlong whither soeuer their blinde affections leade them Stephens office in the church was too minister too y e poore and too kéepe the treasure of the church too the vse of the poore sainctes in whiche office no dout but hée was diligent For he had the holy ghoste his gouerner and true faith and charitie as a rule too woorke by Let maisters of Hospitalles and Deacons then set thys man before their faces Firste let them bring faith with them without whiche no charge nor office can be executed as it ought for to bée Secondly in the execution let them shew them selues too bée gouerned by the holy ghoste that they doo not eyther deale too hardly with the poore or laye out the goodes at other mennes pleasure or bée slacke in their dutie or purloyne it away them selues or els bestowe that vppon others whiche of right belongeth vntoo the poore but let them performe all faithfulnesse in their office bearing in minde that God is a looker vppon their dealing assuring them selues that those of whom they haue the chardge are the membres of Christe and beléeuing verily that they ouer whome they are set are the temples of God how muche soeuer they bée brought vnder foote with pouertie diseases and store of biles and botches How Stephen defended the religion that hée professed hée sheweth in the sixt and seuenth chapters of the Acts. He dooth not in daunger forsake his profession hée cloketh it not as many doo But hée is a constant and manfull defender of his religion The multitude of sects whiche at that time swarmed hindred him not at all Hée was not abashed at the authoritie of the Phariseys and great men in Iewry But setting him self manfully against sects he susteyneth the brunt of the people alone and defendeth his religion with a long oration whiche example let vs followe also His constancie in his confession appéereth héereby that he is not feared from his confession neyther by threatnings nor by excommunication nor by stoning but as an inuincible Souldiour holdeth faste his Confession euen in the myddes of peryls This also is set foorth as an example too vs. His calling vpon Christe at suche tyme as hée lay ouerwhelmed with stones bothe sheweth hys fayth and also beareth recorde of the charitie of this man For hée made intercession for them that put him too death and he made not intercession for them in vain For Paule whoo was the kéeper of their garmentes that stoned Stephen was afterward conuerted Comfort is founde in thys inuocation For he sawe the sonne of God for whose sake he suffred these things standing at the right hand of GOD and making intercession for him through which consolation the bitternesse of his punishment was not a little asswaged If wée therfore followe the example of this man in our Crosse or persecution wée shall assuredly féele the present help of GOD comforting vs with his holy spirite The end of his life was moste ioyfull For in this prayer Lorde Iesu receyue my soule he yéelded vp his ghoste and fell a sléepe in the Lorde And so hée bothe finished his race and kept his faith and also as a stout conqueror obteined a garland with glory Let vs therfore at the time of our death also set him for an example before our eyes Now let vs looke vpon the text of the Gospel the summe wherof is this Christ foretelleth the daungers of the ministers of Gods woord and threatneth punishment too their persecuters Wée for instruction sake will entreat of foure places which are these 1 The foretelling of the persecutions of the ministers of Gods woord 2 The aggrauating of the sinne of the persecuters 3 The threatning of punishment 4 The vpbraiding of the vnthankfulnesse of them that refuse Christ when hée allureth them too repentaunce ¶ Of the first BEhold I send vntoo you prophets and vvise men and scribes and of them some yee shall kill and crucifie and some of them you shall vvhip in your synagoges and yee shall persecute them from Citie too Citie Thys speaketh Christ too the Iewes who séemed at that time too bée the very churche of GOD and dooth them too vnderstand with howe greate outrage they shoulde in time too come persecute his Ambassadors the Prophets and Apostles Uerily God sendeth his woord too the intent that such as receiue his woorde and beléeue it might bée saued Nowe that some by meanes therof become worser it
of Simeon Anne concerning Christe 3 The proofe of Christes manhood ¶ Of the first THe maruelling of Christes parents sheweth that reason perceiueth nothing of heauenly matters We must therfore beléeue the voice of God and maruell at it rather than deny it or renounce it They woonder that God now according too his eternall and secret purpose hath sent the Messias whom so many Prophets Patriarkes and kings looked for They wonder at the testimonie of the angel They wonder at old Simeons saying whereby they are also confirmed the more substancially in the fayth This woonderment is a certein holy bethinking of themselues wherethrough they reuerently consider and embrace the prophecie of the holy Ghost whereby they profite more and more in the knowledge of Chryst. This also is too bée set before our eyes for an example For we wil by and by shake of those things that reason comprehēdeth not But wée must with holy woonderment embrace the heauenly Oracles and too the intent our Faythe may take new encreasement wée must gather toogither all the helpes that may bée out of the prophecies out of miracles out of examples and finally out of all things too our greater admiration For he is like too profit best in Chrystes schoole which with the encreasement of his faith woondereth daily more and more Furthermore Ioseph is héere called the father of Chryst bicause Marie was maryed vntoo him and bicause Ioseph by Gods commaundement had the charge of the childe and his moother and bicause he was commōly thought too bée the father of Chryst. Paule sayeth too the Hebrues that Chryst is fatherlesse and motherlesse Fatherlesse in respect of his fleshly birth and motherlesse in respect of that woonderfull and eternall birth of his wherby he is borne the sonne of God begotten of the father without moother from euerlasting Of which birth the beginning of S. Iohns Gospel preacheth as wée haue heard of late ¶ Of the second IN the testimonie of Simeon foure things are too bée considered First he blisseth them By which dooing Simeon declareth his affection towardes Christe and his kingdome namely that hée wisheth well too the newe kingdome of this new king and this did Simeon according to the custome of the holy Patriarkes which being olde were wont too wishe well too the yonger For too blisse is in the Hebrew maner of spéeche nothing else but too wish one happy successe and to desire good things for him Héerby euery one of vs may lern first too confesse Chryst then too wish wel too his kingdom which thing perteineth too the second commaundement and too the second petition One thing that is too bée considered in Simeons testimonie is his prophesie which comprehendeth two things First that Christ shall bée vntoo many an occasion of falling that many dashing against him may stomble and not perish not through his fault but through their owne for that they will not embrace this Chryst. But some man wil demaund how Chryst is put too bée a fall too the vnbeléeuers which are already cast away The vngodly perish twice First they are lost through their owne vnbeléefe and secondly for that they wilfully depriue themselues of the saluation that is offered them For they deale in like wise as if a man being once already condemned too death for theft should afterward spit at the kings sonne that sueth for his pardon and despise the deliuerance offered by him Such a one may woorthily bée called twice cast away partly for his owne theft but more bycause hée holdeth skorne of his deliuerer too his greater punishment Therefore although that all the vngodly which haue not heard of Christes name are assured of perdition for their vnbeléefe yet notwithstanding those that wittingly willingly refuse Christ shal féele the second fall and receiue gréeuouser punishment For the seruaunt that knowes his masters will and doeth it not shall bée beaten with many stripes Therfore the Turks and heathen men shalbée more gently delt withal in the last day than they vnlesse they repent An other thing is that the same Christ shall bée the rising ageine of many in Israel that is too say their deliuerāce from sinne their rewarde of righteousnesse their resurrection from death and their heritage of all good things The third thing that is too bée considered in Simeons testimonie is the turning of his talke vntoo the virgin Christes moother too whō he prophecieth crosse persecution saying And through thy soule shall the svvoord passe Although these woords pertaine properly to Mary yet they are too bée referred too the whole churche wherof Mary bare a figure Mary néeded this admonishment in twoo respects First that being warned by this Oracle of the holy ghost shée should settle hir selfe too beare the sorowfull aduentures that were too come when she should sée hir sōne euil entreated of his owne coūtrie folk at the length hanged vpon the crosse And secōdly that béeing so fensed against the assaults that were too come shée should neuerthelesse reioyce through assured confidence for y t in the end hir sonne should become conqueror of his enemies Therfore being stablished with this confidence shée stood by his crosse looking for his triumphe with a stout courage Also these woords perteine too the whole Churche For by this Prophecie is shewed that the churche it selfe in this world shalbée vnder the crosse whiche after the example of y e virgin must raise vp it selfe with hope of the glory too come The fourth thing that is too be considered in this testimonie of Simeons is that Simeon sayeth that the thoughtes shalbée disclosed out of y e harts of many By which spéeche he signifieth there shall bée many that shall shewe them selues openly too bée Christes enemies and many ageine that shall confesse Christ yea and that euen with vtter perill and sheding of their bloud The one serueth too comforte vs against the offence or stumbling block of the crosse the other to nourishe our trust or faith In the testimonie of Anne twoo things are too bée considered First the description of the persone of Anne whome hée cōmendeth for the spirite of Prophecie that is too say for hir knowledge of spirituall things or of the kingdom of Christ for hir parents for hir age for hir chastitie and for hir earnestnesse in praying These things tend too the end too purchace greater credite too that moste holy matrone too the intent wée should more beléeue one holy matrone than all the pack of the Pharisies and priests which acknowledge not this Christe Let vs therfore rather folow the example of a few godly thā an innumerable multitude of the vngodly which persecute the Gospel Also wée may here beholde the Image of Christes Churche whiche is a small flocke and sheweth no countenaunce of glistering too the worlde but the Cresset of Gods heauenly woorde The other is Annes confession whiche conteyneth thrée things One is that with Simeon shée confessed Christ and ioyntly
aske importunately that he should doo as hee had alwayes doone vnto them Therefore as they were clustered togither Pylate answered vnto them Yee haue a custome that I should let one loose vnto you at Easter therefore whither wil you that I let go vnto you Barrabas or Iesus that king of the Iewes whiche is called Christe For he knewe that the cheefe Preestes had deliuered him for enuie Now as he was sitting in the place of iudgement his wife sent vnto him saying Haue thou nothing too doo with that rightuous man for I haue suffered many things for him this night in my sleep But the cheefe of the preests the elders stirred the people persuading them too desire too haue Barrabas let loose to them too haue Iesus put too death The president answering sayd vntoo them which of the two wil yee that I let loose vntoo you And all the whole multitude cried out toogither saying Away with this man and let looce too vs Barrabas And Pilate spake too them agein and being desirous too haue let go Iesus sayd What wil yee then that I doo vntoo Iesus whome you call King of the Iewes And they all cryed ageine crucifie him crucifie him Thē sayd he too them the third time VVhat euil hath he doone I finde no fault in him woorthy death I will therefore chastise him and let him go But they cried out the more saying Let him bee crucified And they cryed importunately vpon him requiring that he might bee crucified And the noyse of them and of the high Preests preuayled Then Pilate tooke Iesus and whipped him And the presidentes men of warre caryed him away intoo the Palace whiche is the Counsel house and called vntoo him all their band and vnclothing him put vpon him a purple garment and platting a crowne of thorne set it vppon his head and gaue him a reede in his right hande and bowing their knees before him began to salute him in mockage saying Hayle king of the lewes And they buffetted him And when they had beespitted him they tooke the Reede and smote him on the head and kneeling downe woorshipped him Pilate therfore went foorth ageine and sayd vntoo them Beholde I bring him out vntoo you that you may knowe I finde no cause in him Iesus therefore went foorth wearing a crowne of thorne and a robe of purple And Pylate sayde too thē Beholde the man VVhen the high preests and officers saw him they cried out saying crucifie him crucifie him Pilate sayd vntoo them Take you him and crucifie him For I finde no cause in him The Iewes answered him we haue a law and according too our lawe he ought too die bicause he hath made him self the sonne of God VVhen Pilate had heard this saying he was more afrayd And he entred againe intoo the common Hall and sayd vnto Iesus From whence art thou But Iesus made him none ansvvere Then sayde Pilate too him speakest thou not too mee Knovvest thou not that I haue power to crucifie thee and that I haue power too let thee go Iesus ansvvered Thou shouldst not haue any povver against mee vnlesse it were giuen thee from aboue Therefore he that deliuered mee vntoo thee hath the greater sinne From that time foorth sought Pilate to acquit him But the Iewes cryed out saying If thou quit him thou art not Caesars freend For vvhoo so euer maketh him selfe a King is ageinst Caesar. VVhen Pilate herd that vvoord he brought Iesus foorth and sate dovvn too giue iudgement in a place whiche is called Lithostrotos and in Hebrew Gabbata And it was about the sixt hour of the day of the preparation of the passeouer And he sayd to the Iewes Behold your king And they cried away with him away with him crucifie him Pilate sayd vntoo them Shall I crucifie your King The high Preestes answered we haue no King but Caesar. Then Pilate seeing hee auayled nothing but that the noyse encreased more willing too satisfie the people adiudged him too bee dealt with according too their demaunde And taking water hee washed his hands before the people saying I am giltlesse of the blud of this righteous person Looke you too it And all the people answering sayd his bloud be vppon vs and vppon our children And he let loose Barrabas vntoo them whoo for insurrection murder had bin cast in prison according to their demaund And hauing whipped and mocked Iesus he deliuered him intoo their hands too be crucified The souldyers taking Iesus put of his purple garment and put vpon him his owne garments and led him away bearing his owne crosse to be crucified And as they were going out they found one passing by a man of Cyrene named Simon cōming from his ground the father of Rufus Alexander Him they layde holde vpon and compelled him to take vp his crosse And they layd the crosse vpon him that hee might carye it after Iesus And there followed him a greate multitude of people and women that wept and bewayled him Iesus turning him to the women sayd vnto them Yee daughters of Hierusalem weepe not for mee but weepe for youre selues and for your children For behold the dayes shal come in which they shall say blessed be the barreyn and the wombes that haue borne no children and the brests that haue not giuen suck Then shal they begin too say too the mountayns fall vpon vs and to the hilles couer vs. For if they doo these things in a greene tree what shall bee doone in the withered And there were two other also led with him that were offenders to be put to death And they led him to a place whiche in Hebrewe is called Golgatha whiche is by interpretation a place of dead mens skulles And there they gaue him eyzle or mirrhe wine mixt with gall too drinke And when he had tasted of it hee would not drinke And they crucified him in Golgatha and with him twoo theeues one on his right hand and another on his left and Iesus in the midst And the scripture was fulfilled whiche saith and he was acounted among the wicked And it was the third houre when they crucified him And Iesus sayd Father forgiue them for they knowe not what they doo Moreouer Pylate wrate a title cōteyning the cause of his death and they set it vpon the crosse ouer the head of Iesus the wryting was this Iesus of Nazareth kinge of the Iewes This title did many of the Iewes read bicause the place where Iesus was crucified was neere vnto the Citie And it was written in Hebrue Greek and Latin letters Then sayd the highe Preests of the Iewes vnto Pylate write not king of the Iewes but that hee sayde I am king of the Iewes Pylate answered That whiche I haue written I haue written Then when the souldiers had crucified Iesus they took his garments and made foure peeces vnto euery souldier a pece and his cote also But this cote of his was without seam wouē from the top
is performed Phi. 2. He humbled himself and became obediēt euen vntoo the death of y e crosse The seconde is that the Deuil is ouercome For this purpose sayth Iohn appéered Chryst that he might destroy the works of the Deuil according too the first promise The womans séede shall tread down the Serpents head The thirde is that man is saued from sinne and iustified Behold sayth Iohn the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world Also Rom. 4. He dyed for our sins 2. Cor. 5. Him that knew no sin he made sin that wée might bée made the rightuousnesse of GOD in him that is too say he made Chryste a sacrifice for sinne that through his rightuousnesse we might be made rightuous before God The fourth is that the Iewes and Gentiles are made equall according too that saying Ephes. 2. For hée is our peace whiche made bothe one and hath broken down the wall that was a stop betwéene vs and hath also put away through his flesh the cause of hatred that is too say the law of commaundementes conteyned in the law written too make of twaine one new man in himselfe so making peace that he might reconcile both vntoo God in one body through his crosse The fifth is that death is abolished Osée 13. O Death I wil be thy death Too be bréefe Chrystes sacrifice is oure redemption For it is the price payd for vs wherewith God is pacified man redéemed the Deuil ouercome yea all thinges in heauen earth put vnder one head which is Chryste Ephes. 1. ¶ Of the third THe godly helthfull minding of our Lordes passion may bée brought intoo sixe partes whiche Christen folk ought too think vpon not only at this time but all the time of their whole life For the godly minding weying of these partes dooth not onely confute those whiche in the Papacie thinke them selues too haue discharged their dutie if they say ouer so many Pater nosters and Aue maries knéeling before Idols set vp for a supersticious seruice of God but also woonderfully strengthneth and comforteth the godly I wil therefore set out the sixe partes of this minding The first is that therby wil come too our mind how great the wrath of GOD must néedes haue bin for the sinnes of men which could not bée appeased by the woork of any creature but that of necessitie the onely begotten Sonne of God must die too pacifie Gods wrath by making this rightful satisfaction for sinne The second is that therby wil come too our remembrance how vnmeasurable and vnsercheable hath bin the mercie of God the Father who rather would that his onely begotten Sonne should suffer moste bitter death than that mankinde whome hée had created shoulde perishe Peraduenture thou 〈◊〉 ●urmise that God coulde haue deliuered mankinde by some other meanes What art thou that wilt teache God what he might haue done Think thou vpon Gods Iustice and mercy togither For as his mercy moued him too saue so his iustice moued him too looke for rightfull amends of the wrong Man sinned and for so doing he must either perish or make amends Nowe man béeing no more but man could not satisfie Gods Iustice and other than man none ought too doo it Gods wisdome therfore found through mercie a remedie in this case which was that the eternal sonne of God should become man by meanes wherof he both was able too satisfie Gods iustice bicause he was God and ought too doo it bicause he had taken mans nature vpon him Thus in Chrysts Passion appéereth mercie too bée mixte with iustice and wisedome hath tempered them both The thirde is that thereby will come too mynde the moste excellent and vnspeakable loue of the Sonne of God towards mankinde who vouchsaued too turne the wrathe of his Father too him selfe and too abyde so slaunderous a Death and that for his enimies as Paule beareth witnesse Rom. 5. The fourth is that thereby will come too minde the true meane whereby the frute of our Lordes Passion may bée applyed too thee so as it may bée for thy soule health This applying of it is brought too passe thrée wayes by the woord by fayth and by the Sacrament By the woorde as it were by the hande of GOD is the benefite of the Lordes passion offered vntoo thée where and as often as the Gospell of Iesus Chryst is preached and the ministers of the woorde do in Gods stéede shewe the frute of our Lordes Passion too all that héere the Gospell Ageyne when the benefite of the Lordes Passion is thus offered as it were by the hande of God it must bée receyued by Faith as it were a certeyn hande of man the which Fayth the holy Ghost woorketh in men that héere the Gospell and obey it Furthermore it is sealed vp with either Sacramente of Baptim and of the Lordes supper and the strength and vse therof is painted out as it were in tables like as wée heard yesterday Therfore when thou rehersest the Article of thy beléefe concerning the Passion of the Lorde persuade thy selfe firmely and beléeue most assuredly that the sonne of GOD suffered death for thée Which thing if thou doo thou art partaker of the Lords death in so muche that all the whole obedience of Chryst is thy acquitall from sinne and thy righteousnesse But there is a double obedience too bée marked in Christ his obedience of the Crosse and his obedience of the lawe which was his perfect fulfilling of the same Like as his obedience too the crosse is our clensing from sinne so his obedience of the law is imputed to vs for our righteousnesse Rom. 5. The fifth is that when wée bée thus made partakers of the Lords passion through faith it wil come too our remembrance what is the lotte of the godly in this lyfe For like as Christ hath suffered so will he haue the rest of the godly too suffer that they may bée comformable too the image of the sonne of God Whervpon Paule in the sixt too the Romans sayth For therefore doo wée suffer with him that wée may bée glorified togither with him The sixt is that we shal call too minde what thing Chryste who hath redéemed vs with his own blud requireth at our hands For now sith we are redéemed by him wée must obey him What willeth he First that wee should renounce his enimie the diuil Secōdly y t we should flée sin that we offend not God ageine wittingly and willingly with our sinnes Thirdly that we giue our selues too holinesse and godlinesse and that wée serue him in true feare all the dayes of our life Which thing if wée doo wée shall obteyne the ende of our fayth that is the euerlasting saluation of our soules Whiche God the Father graunt vntoo vs through Iesus Chryst our Lorde Amen Easter day The Storie of the Resurrection of our Lorde Iesus Chryst compiled by laying toogither with the foure Eaangelists AS soone as the Sabboth daye
Angel that Chryste is risen This is the summe of the storie The women are willed not too bée afrayd This is the frute of this benefite and the women séek Chryst raysed from death By the example of whom is commended vntoo vs the helthful vse of our Lords resurrection Wherefore not without cause Paule wryting too Timothie sayth Remember that Iesus Chryste is risen from death For as the same Apostle saith in the .10 too the Romains If thou beléeue in thy harte that God hath raysed him from death thou shalt bée saued How bée it too the intent this Article of oure fayth may be the better confirmed vntoo vs I wil handle thrée places in this sermon whiche are 1 How many wayes there are too proue the Lorde resurrection 2 Why hée arose the third day 3 What is the frute of Chrystes resurrection ¶ Of the firste BY thrée kindes of Testimonies is the Lordes Resurrection confirmed For there are Testimonies that go before and that go with it and that come after it Of which I will speake in order Christ admonisheth vs in the .xxiiij. of Luke that we should aduisedly wey the testimonies that went before the Lordes Resurrection where he sayth So is it written and so ought Christ too haue suffered and risen agein the third day and repentance and remission of sinnes to be preached in his name vntoo all nations But where is this written He himself answereth and saith In Moises and the prophets the Psalmes it is written of mée Therfore in Moyses in the Prophets and in the Psalmes must wée séeke for the Testimonies that go before our Lords resurrection In Moyses there is a double kinde of Testimonie concerning the Lords Resurrection For it is both foretolde in expresse woords shadowed with many figures The expresse woordes are these The womans séede shall breake the Serpents head that is too say Chryst shall ouercome the Deuil which thing could not bée doone but by Chrysts rising ageyn from death ▪ For if Chryst had taried stil in his graue the deuil had had the vpper hand of Chryst. For as long as Chryst lay in his graue Christ had no victorie that is he had no triumph But assoone as our Lorde opened his graue and came out of it aliue he shewed him selfe conqueror and triumpher ouer Sathan Héerevnto also perteyneth this saying In thy séede shall all the nations of the earth bée blissed Now as in death is the curse so is blissing too bée séen in y e life of Christ. Also it is shadowed with figures in Moses Adam dying and afterward being raysed ageyne was a figure of Chryste dying and rysing ageine For thus sayth Augustine Chrystes resurrection was prefigurate in our first father Adam because like as Adam rising after sléepe knew Eue shaped out of his séede So Christ rising agein from the dead builded the church out of the wound of his syde Isaac also being laid vpon the altar too bée sacrificed and yet beyng deliuered by the Angell was a figure of Chryste offered vp vpon the Crosse and afterward raysed from death by the power of God Ioseph being cast into prison afterward brought foorth vntoo high honor did betoken the death resurrection of the Lord. In the Prophets also are both sayings and figures of this Resurrection Esai 53. chapter If he giue his soule for sinne he shall sée long lasting seede and the will of the Lord shall prosper in his hand Daniell telleth openly that Chryst shall bée put too death and that he shall reigne for euer Oseas also sayth the thirde day he shall quicken vs. Among many other figures are these Sampson is shut within the Citie and the gates fast locked And our Lord is closed in the graue fast sealed Sampson breaking the lockes and bearing away the gates escapeth without harme And Chryste breaking the powers of hell goeth out frée Like as the shippe should haue perished if Ionas had not bin cast out so should the woorld perish if Chryst had not suffered And like as Ionas was in the belly of the Fishe thrée dayes and afterwarde was cast out on lande So Chryste was thrée dayes in the earth and afterward came foorth aliue out of his graue In the Psalmes also are Testimonies and Figures of Chrystes resurrection The second Psalme entreateth altoogither of the kingdome and préesthood of Chryst. The fiftene Psalme Thou shalt not suffer thy holy one too sée corruption The .xxij. Psalme preacheth the Lordes Passion and resurrection The Cx. Psalme He shall drinke of the brooke by the wayes side therfore shal he lift vp his head The same Dauid doth shadow the death resurrection of the Lord. Dauid fléeing so oftentimes at length being aduaunced too the kingdom was a figure of Chrysts abacemēt by death of his glorificatiō by rising agein Such maner of proofes of y e lords death resurrection there are many in Moises in the Prophets and in the Psalmes but I haue recited but fewe for shortnesse of time To the furtherance héerof cōmeth it also y e Chryste oftentimes forewarned his Disciples of his deathe and resurrection Of testimonies that go with it there be twoo sorts namely expresse woords signes In this Gospel the Angel sayth He is risen he is not heer The signe was séen the graue was emptie there was an Earthquake the Lorde shewed him selfe first too Mary Magdalene afterward too the more part of the Apostles and then too fiue hundred bréethren hée is conuersant with his Disciples fortie dayes and at the ende in the sight of a great number he ascēded visibly intoo heauen from whence the .x. day after his ascencion hée sendeth the holy Ghost according too his promise whiche holy Ghost conuinceth Chryst too haue ascended intoo heauen in déed as triumpher ouer death and hel The testimonies that folowe are of twoo sortes also The preaching of the Apostles whiche is confirmed wyth sundry miracles afterward the recorde of the whole Churche confessing Chryst their Lord and mediator ▪ Besides these there bée other signes also The inward signe is Chrysts spirit in the harte of the beléeuers whiche testifieth vntoo them that Chryste liueth The outwarde signes are Baptime and the Lords supper For by Baptim is figured Chrysts death buriall and resurrection as Paule teacheth the .vij. too the Romaines The Lordes Supper dooth also represente vntoo vs Chrystes resurrection Hee that beléeueth not these testimonies going before it with it and comming after it shall one day sée him comming in the Clouds too be his iudge whome hée acknowledged not too be his Sauiour héer on earth ¶ Of the second WHy arose he ageine the third day Why did he not put it of till the last day that wée mighte haue risen toogyther with him He rose ageine the third day first too fulfil the Prophecies For it was tolde before by the Prophet Oseas and prefigured in Ionas that he should rise ageine the third day Secondly too make
clensing héerof hath he giuen his sonne willeth that those which wil be partakers of his mercy should mortifie it in thēselues by continual repentāce But how doth God loue the world So as he hath giuen his sonne for it that is to wit that he should take vpon him the sinne of the world die for it vpon the crosse Surely it is a great loue than which there can be none greter But reason is héer offēded which vnderstandeth not Gods purpose and obiecteth in this wise Is not God almighty Yes surely Can he not doo what hée listeth Yes vndoubtedly can he Had it not bin better then if he had shewed his loue towards men by some other meane Austin answereth If hée had doone otherwise neyther would y t haue liked thée It pleased him saith Paul too saue the vnbeléeuers by the foolishe preaching of the Gospel Wherefore setting aside the iudgemente of reason let vs saye with Dauid Thy woorde is a lanterne too my feete Also this is too bée knowne that God is not only almighty but also most iust most merciful and most wise Mankinde was falne intoo sinne What did Iustice require in this case Surely that mankind should bée punished according too the greatnesse of his sinne Nowe as his sinne was infinite for the infinite goodnesse was defaced therby so Gods iustice required that eyther mankinde should suffer endlesse punishmēt or else that rightfull amēds should bée made in stead of the punishemente This amends could none make but God But forasmuch as God ought not too bée punished the sonne of God tooke mannes nature vpon him and in it made satisfaction for the sinnes of the worlde And so God shewed himself not only almighty but also most iust most merciful and most wise For he alone foūd out the way which reason could not find He gaue his sonne whoo by his heauenly power ouercame sinne death the Deuil Hel who of his mercy hath receyued vs who with his rightuousnesse hathe satisfied the iustice of God who through his wisdome hath found out the way of saluation ¶ Of the second THat all that beleeue in him shoulde not perishe but haue euerlasting life Héere is the instrument set foorth whereby the benefites of our Mediatour Chryst are applyed vntoo vs. Howbéeit for asmuch as these are the woordes of the sonne of God and the chéef floure or pith of the whole scripture I wil sift them one by one and shew what doctrine is too bée gathered of euery word First hée sayth All. This woord all remedieth two moste gréeuous temptations whereof the one is of particularitie and the other of vnwoorthinesse for the multitude of sinnes There are diuers that confesse God too bée merciful too many for Christes sake but they dout whither so great a good turne perteine too them selues or no. This is a sore temptation the whiche the sonne of God remedyeth with this one woord all For if Chrystes benefite extended not it self too all he would in no wise haue sayd all but many or some Let vs then giue the praise of truth vntoo Chryste and let euery man throughly persuade him self that Christes benefits belong to him also Ageine another temptation riseth of the thinking vppon the greatnesse of sinnes whiche temptation the miseries of this present life encrease This dooth Chryste remedy also by this woord all For hée sayth not euery iust man or that committeth the lesser sinnes but all that is to wit euery one that is found within this wide worlde This also confirmeth the price of our redemptiō The blud of Christ saith Iohn clenseth vs from all iniquitie that is too say from all that whiche wée doo amisse contrary too the law of God Therefore let no man despaire by reason of the greatnesse of his disease Oure Phisicion Chryste is wise and hath an effectuall remedye ageinst all diseases namely his owne death and obedience Then foloweth the second woord that beleeueth by whiche woord mākind is disseuered intoo twoo sorts of men of whom the one beléeue the other beléeue not They beléeue whiche persuade them selues that Christ is fauorable to them according too his promisse and they beléeue not whiche despise the gospel and wil not credit Christ these perish through their owne default Uerely the benefit extendeth it self too al men is offred too all according too Christs commaundement but it is receiued of the beléeuers only according too Chrysts cōmaundement and promisse Go yee intoo the vvhole vvorld preach the gospel to al creatures He that beleueth shal be saued Behold the benefit is offred vntoo all but only the beléeuers take hold of it the rest perish through their own default For althoughe that God of his mercy is willing too haue all men saued yet wil hée of his iust iudgement that the vnbeléeuers perish whom hée would haue saued if they had not refused to embrace their saluation by faith The third woord is on him For hée is saued that beléeueth on him that is on the sonne of God very man the sauyoure of the world Iesus Chryst. What is it too beléeue on him It is too despaire of thy self and too hope for all good at his hand The fourth woord is should not perish In this saying are shewed twoo things Firste that all whiche beléeue not on Christ are subiect too the sentence of damnation And secondly that men bée acquit from this sentence of dānation by the merites of only Chryst through fayth only This therfore is the greatest benefite of the Gospel too bée set frée from deserued destruction and endlesse damnation The fifthe saying is but haue life euerlasting This is the chéefest benefit of the Gospel Endlesse death is due to vs by oure owne desert eternall life is due too vs by the deserte of Christ so that wée leane vntoo him by stedfast fayth vntoo the end By these things now is too be gathered a firme differēce betwixt the law and the Gospel and betwéene woorkes and fayth The law promiseth eternall life but it is too them that doo the lawe But bicause no man is able too fulfil the lawe it foloweth that no man can atteine life by the law The Gospel promiseth eternal life fréely too all that beléeue in Christ bicause Chryste hath for all suche satisfied the rightuousnesse of the lawe Fayth therefore receyueth that benefite fréely whiche the lawe offereth without condicion of fulfilling the law Notwithstanding when wée haue obteyned this benefite by faith we must doo works not too the intent too deserue Heauen and euerlasting life by them but as Gods Children too performe true obedience too our Father and to shew oure fayth by our frutes in all godlynesse and honestie ¶ Of the third FOr God hathe not sent his sonne intoo the vvorlde too comdemne the vvorlde but that the vvorlde mighte bee saued by him Hee that beleeueth in him is not condemned but he that beleeueth not is iudged already bycause hee beleeueth not on
that thou in thy life time receyuedst thy pleasure and contraryvvise Lazarus receyued paine But novve hee is comforted and thou arte punished Beyonde all this betvveene vs and you there is a greate space set so that they vvhich vvould go from hence too you cannot neyther may come from thence too vs. Then hee sayde I pray thee therefore Father sende him too my Fathers house for I haue fiue brethren for too vvarne them leaste they come also intoo this place of tormente Abraham sayde vntoo him they haue Moyses and the Prophets let them heare them And hee sayde Nay Father Abraham but if one come vnto thē from the dead they vvil repent Hee sayde vntoo him If they heare not Moyses and the Prophets neyther vvil they beleeue though one rose from death ageine The exposition of the Text. FRom the first sunday in Aduent hithertoo hath bin set foorth the doctrine concerning euery seuerall article of our Fayth Now in the Sundayes folowing vntoo the first Sunday in Aduent agein is intreated of Chrysts miracles and of the nature and true frutes of faith and that too this intent that the truthe of the Gospell might bée confirmed by the doctrin of miracles and that the doctrine of fayth and the frutes of the same might stirre vs vp too good woorkes Chryst teacheth of good woorkes fiue wayes For sometime he is contented with the doctrine alone as whē he sayth Bée yée merciful fal too repentance bring foorth frutes woorthy repentance And sometime he alledgeth himself for an example for his too folow as when he sayth learne of me bicause I am méeke and lowly of hart One whyle he propoundeth parables as of the good steward of the ten virgins of the séede cast intoo the groūd and such others wherof there is store in the stories of the Gospel And another while he vseth threatnings as when he sayth except your righteousnesse excéede the righteousnesse of the Scribes Pharisses yée shall not enter into the kingdome of heauen Also wo bée too you Scribes Pharisies Hypocrites c. And now then he setteth foorth the rewardes and penalties with notable examples lyke as he dooth in this Gospell Too bée short the Lorde leaueth nothing vnattempted wherby he may make his disciples bent too liue honestly Now let vs come too this daies Gospel the summe wherof is that Chryst our Lord by putting foorth two examples discourageth vs from vnmercifulnesse and crueltie towards the poore and encourageth vs too pitie and too constantnesse in suffering the miseries of this life For as by the example of the rich glutton he teacheth what punishment remayneth for the vnmercifull So by the example of poore Lazarus he exhorteth too pitie and honest life in the feare of God The vse héerof therfore shal bée that the rich men which are mercylesse towards their neighbours may beholde as it were in a table what punishment they shall one day abyde if they amend not betimes And ageyne that the poore béeing godly and afflicted in this lyfe may by the example of this poore man Lazarus rayse vp themselues and patiently tarie for their deliueraunce and blissed rest yf they continue in faith vntoo their death The places bée thrée 1 The description of this Glutton with the lessons therof 2 The description of Lazarus with the comforts therof 3 The Lordes saying They haue Moyses and the Prophets ¶ Of the firste THere vvas a certeine riche man vvhich vvas clothed in Purple and fine vvhite In this first place are foure things too bée marked which are 1. A generall rebuke of them that are cruell to the poore 2. The cause of this riche mannes damnation 3. The right vse of riches 4. The state of the wicked mennes soules after this life First therfore when this Glutton is damned in generall are all they reproued that are hard too the poore and whiche flowing in riches them selues are touched with no care of the poore of which sort there bée many in the world This rebuke perteyneth too those also that neither with their counsell nor with their substance doo helpe the ministerie of the world or the néedy members of the church Wherfore let euery man aduise himself wel and take warning by the damnation of this Glutton that he may lerne too bee wise The cause of this Gluttons damnation ar not his riches and the finenesse of his apparell and his deintie fare so they had bin measurably vsed as it appereth by the Gospel it self For poore Lazarus was taken vp intoo the riche Abrahams bosom For if riches had bin y e efficient cause of damnation Abraham also had bin damned Dauid had bin damned and so had many other kings and rich men bin damned But riches and honor and such other things may bée an occasion of damnation namely when men abuse them to the dishonor of God and the contempt of their neighbor too the maintenāce of pride superfluitie But what were the causes why this Glutton was damned Thrée horrible faults which are noted expresly in the text Of which the first was fleshly carelesnesse which had with it these euils that he repented not that he had no féeling of Gods iudgement and wrath that he was touched with no care nor regarde of his duetie For fleshly carefulnesse hath these things continually going with it An other fault for which this Glutton was damned was ryot and surfeting by which bothe mennes bodyes and myndes are ouercharged that they cannot think a whit of the matters of their saluation The third fault for which the Glutton was dāned was the disdeyning of Lazarus which thing sufficiently bewrayeth that he had no faith For wher as is true faith there can bée no crueltie towardes the poore and néedie For these thrée causes was the Glutton damned After whose example many runne daily too assured damnation which with their riches do meynteine carelessenesse surfetting and disdain of Chrysts members Wherfore if we like too be saued let vs amend betimes and let vs take héede that wée abuse not Gods gifts too our owne destruction In the third place it is to be gathered by this example on the contrary part what is the true vse of riches which true vse consisteth in these foure poynts The first is that we employ part of our substance too the mayntenaunce of the ministerie and this vse is confirmed first by the end of man For man was made too the end he should acknowledge and praise God Wherefore the goodes that he hath ought too bée imployed too this ende Secondly this vse is confirmed by the commaundement of God oftentymes repeted For God commaūdeth vs too help the church with our abilities Moreouer this vse is stablished by the examples of godly kings and other holy men who wished nothing so much as with their riches too beutifie and maintain the ministerie of the woord Ageinst this first and godly vse of riches doo many offend among whome bée First suche as conuert their
Apostles testifie These are the things in generall that are too bée considered in this Gospell Howbéeit too the intente wée may receiue the greater frute thereby I wil propound thrée places whiche I will intreate of in this Sermon 1 What maner of affection Chryste beareth towardes vs. 2 The declaration of this present miracle with the circumstances of the same 3 An Image of all Mankinde ¶ Of the first THe Euāgelist telleth a storie of a certeine yong man that was dead and caryed out too be buryed at the sight wherof our Lord was moued with compassion For when hée behilde the sorowfull moother hée conceyued a déeper thoughte There came too his remembrance the fall of mankinde the tirannie of the Deuil the greatnesse of the miseries wherwith mankind is distressed by reason of sinne He considered it was his office too ouerthrow these fortificatiōs of Sathan For he saw in this womā a paterne of mans wretchednesse whiche did put him in minde of mannes fall and of his owne office Wée may therefore gather twoo things of this place One what wée be and another what Chryst is toward vs. Wée in very déede are miserable in distresse and damned and we cannot of our owne power wrest our selues out of so greate mischéeues Chryste is God and man and came too saue that whiche was loste who in this case vttereth his affection towardes mankinde For hée is none otherwyse mynded towards vs than he was towards this widow Hée is gréeued for hir calamities and he is gréeued for ours He helpeth hir and he wil help vs also This is the very thing that the Apostle sayth writing to the Hebrues we haue a high préest that can bée sory with vs in our infirmities Yea surely hée hathe greater affection and loue towards vs than this widow hath toward hir only sonne whom shée foloweth héer wéeping too the place of his buryall For thus sayeth the Prophete Can a woman forget the Babe of hir owne wombe though shée doo forget yet wil not I forget thée But what are the causes of this vnspeakable louingnesse of Chrystes towards vs that are all too bée dawbed with the filthinesse of many wicked crimes Surely there is no desert of ours ne woorthinesse in vs. Howbéeit there bée foure causes whereby the sonne of God is moued too embrace vs with so great louingnesse The first is his fatherly kindnesse For hée created vs and therefore wée are his by righte of creation And although hée know vs too bée ful of filth and wickednesse yet notwithstāding he findeth somewhat in vs that is his namely that wée bée his creatures Thou hast mercy on all things sayeth the wise man and thou hatest none of the things that thou haste made The seconde is the woorthinesse of our creation Namely for that wée are created too the likenesse of God according too this Let vs make man after our own image and likenesse And bicause this image was for the chéefe part thereof defaced through sinne the Lord himself came too repair it ageine Which thing cometh then too passe when wée beholding him stedfastly by true faith are transformed intoo the likenesse or image of God The third is the ende too whiche wée are created For wée are created too be the temple of God glorifying God And albéeit that this Temple was then vnhalowed through sinne yet the stuffe of it was stil remayning wherof Chryst might buyld vp a new Temple The fourth is the destruction of Sathans kingdome too ouerthrow the which Chryst came intoo this world A certein hansel of this destruction was giuen in this miracle Chryste encountered oftentimes with Sathan and oftentimes didde put him too flight and at length ouercame him when hée rose ageine from death This victorie of Chrystes shall bée séene perfect in the last day whē the last of al enimies death shall bée abolished These foure causes moued oure Lorde too take flesh vpon him and to become man and in the flesh that is in the nature of mā too suffer both in soule body for mankind And although this affection of Chrystes bée oftentimes cōmended vntoo vs in the woorde of God and warranted with many miracles yea and with the obedience of the Sonne of God himself who was obediente too the father euen vnto th● death of the crosse yet notwithstanding there be thrée things that laboure too persuade vs otherwise That is the law cōscience and the heap of miseries wherwith ▪ we be ouerwhelmed in this life For these things crye vntoo vs that wée are abiects from Chryst. The law sayeth Cursed is euery one that continueth not in all the things that are written in the book of the law And there is no man but hée séeth hée hathe innumerable wayes transgressed y e law Wée look vpon Eue who became subiect to the sentence of cursing for breaking of one cōmaundemēt and what shall become of vs that haue offēded God so often The sentence of this law is confirmed by the fearfulnesse of the conscience whiche is as good as a thousand witnesses as it is sayed in the Prouerbe The conscience is a thousand witnesses Héeruntoo perteyneth this saying of the Poet As eche mannes conscience findeth him so feeles he in his hart a ioyfull hope or dreadful feare according too desert And S. Bernarde sayth The euil conscience of our sinnes is our witnesse our iudge our tormentor and our prison for it accuseth vs it iudgeth vs and it condemneth vs. What can bée more gréeuous I pray you than day night too cary suche a witnesse about vs in our brest Many béeing conuicted by the recorde of this conscience haue abridged their owne liues while they could not endure too heare hir accusing them and bearing witnesse ageinst them Too the furtherance héerof cometh the huge heape of calamities which confirme y e sentēce of the law the conscience Ageinst these .iij. moste gréeuous temptations let vs in true repentance set Christ alone He came intoo the world to take away y e curse of the law too wipe out sin too turn intoo glory al the miseries of those that beléeue in him howbéeit in such wise as al things ar doon orderly This world is a wast wildernesse frō whence wée must passe intoo our countrey The people of Israel came not by by intoo the resting place that was promised them Ioseph came not too so great dignitie in Egipt without imprisonment before Christ entred not into his glory till he had bin first crucified dead buried Wherfore it behoueth vs also to enter into glory by the crosse For thus sayth Paule If we suffer with him we shall reigne w t him also He y t shunneth the encounter looketh for y e garland in vain No mā shal be crouned saith the Apostle but he that contendeth lawfully The same sayth we are made safe by hope Therfore ageinst the cursse of the law let vs set Christ who became accursed for vs. Ageinst our conscience
accusing vs let vs set Chryst acquiting vs from sinne If the sonne set you frée sayth he you are frée in déede Ageinst the miseries of this present life let vs set Chryst and the purpose of God whose wil it is y t we should become like vntoo y e image of his sonne To be bréef let vs in true repentance faith flée to the throne of grace our Lord Iesus Christ. In him only shal we find help at time conuenient For he sayth too all that beléeue in him Bée not afraid my little flocke for it hath pleased my father too giue you a kingdome And so let vs not suffer any thing in heauen in earth or hel too persuade vs that Christ is otherwise affectioned towards vs thā he was towards this widow Therfore let vs lern héerby y t god iudgeth far otherwise than dooth y e world Our God mediator Iesus Chryst dooth not after the maner of the world reiect them that be in misery and distresse but he receiueth al that come vnto him according too his promise Come vntoo me all yée that labor are loden I wil refresh you ye shal find rest vnto your soules Furthermore godly widowes may lern héerby what a patron● aduocate comforter they haue Let gouerners of churches lerne heereby not to shun such as be in misery distresse And let the magistrate lerne by the exāple of Chryst not too despise not too shake of not too condemne men bicause they bée in miserie and distresse but rather too cherish comfort them Ageine let vs all lerne too embrace one another with mutuall affection of charitie too comfort one another after a godly maner And thus much cōcerning the first part of this Gospell Now foloweth the second ¶ Of the second IN the declaration of this present miracle there bée many circumstances Of which eche one hath his seuerall lesson and therfore I wil reherse them in order with their lessons and admonishmentes The first VVhen the corse vvas caryed foorth the vvidovv his mother folovved after and a great cōpany of the citie vvith hir Héer wée sée two things of which the first is the solemne bearing out of the Corse which the sorowfull moother foloweth and the other is the honour solemnitie of the buriall They cary the dead Corse after an honest sort too the place of buriall so also did the holy Fathers Abraham buryed his wife honourably Ioseph conueyed the Corse of the Patriarke Iacob too buriall with a great trayne of people Iacob and Esau buried their father Isaac honourably Too bée short among all the Godly there was great solemnitie vsed in burials And that was doone in hope of the resurrection of their bodies and of the immortalitie that is too come The Church at this day foloweth the example of the holy fathers though many bée too bée found which cast out their dead Corses as if they were the carkasses of swine In our burials is vsed suche a solemnitie as this is The godly béeing present folowe the Béere and there is singing ringing and sometime preaching They that folowe the Béere doo first vtter their good will towards him that is departed 2. By this déede they shewe an example of their fayth concerning the rising agein of the dead 3. They are warned that they themselues in their time when the Lord shall thinks good must folow and by death take their leaue of these miseries of the world Then is there singing and that is too the intent the liuing may comforte themselues wyth godlye Psalmes and gyue GOD thankes for him that is dead if hée departe in the true profession The ringing is not onely too call the people toogither too bring the Corse too church but also that the liuing may therby bée put in minde of Gods trumpet by whiche all the dead shall bée waked vp in the last day Lastly there is preaching too the intent that those whiche wayt vppon the Corse too Churche may cary home some instruction comfort with them ageinst death And thus much bréefly concerning the firste circumstance and the solemnitie of buriall whiche is obserued among vs. The second Our Lord sayth too the vvidovve vveepe not Héer some demaund whither it bée lawful too moorne for the dead The examples of holye men and the scriptures admitte mourning for the deade In Deuter. the last Chapter all the peopl● mourned in the desert for Moyses when he was dead Abraham bewayled his wife Sara Ioseph a holy mā mourned many dayes for his Father Iacob Dauid mourned for Ammon his sonne Israell for Samuell Martha for Lazarus and den Lord himselfe also wept for Lazarus Iesus the sonne of Syrach in his ▪ ●8 chapter sayth My sonne shed thy teares ouer the dead and begin too sorowe as if thou hadde●● suffered harme But Ieremie in his ▪ 22. Chapter sayeth Bewaile not the dead And Chryst sayeth héere too the woman wéep not These countersayings Paule reconcileth Th. 4. where hée sayth ▪ Brethren I would not haue you ignorant concerning them that are falne a sléep that yée sorow not as others doo which haue no hope Then is it heathenish sorowing that is forbidden whiche hathe no hope of comfort by the resurrection of the dead But measurable mourning is graūted such as they vse which haue cōfort set present before thē But in as muche as wée fall intoo mention of comfort let vs bréefly say from whence Christians may fetch comfort in the death of their fréends First let them thinke vppon Gods wil which they are bound too obey 2. Let them thinke vppon the vniuersal case of al men For we must all die once 3. Let them thinke vppon Gods ryghtuousnesse For what is more rightful than that hée whiche hath giuen life shoulde take it too himself ageine and kéepe it when he sées it good so too doo 4. Let him thinke vpon Gods wisdome who only knoweth whither it is more for our behoof too liue or die For he taketh many away eyther bicause they should not bée made woorse or else that they should not endure any moe troubles in this mortall life 5. Let them thynke wyth themselues that the deade are set frée from all miseries of thys lyfe 6. Let them thinke it is vaine too take long sorowe for them fith sorowe cannot call them ageine For so did Dauid comfort himselfe in the. 12. Chapter of the seconde booke of Kings Hée moorned as long as his Child lay sick but when he was dead he arose washed and ate meat 7. Let them think that hée whiche soroweth ouermuche dooth hurte his owne body in so dooing sinneth ageinst God 8. Let them thinke that the blisse of immortalitie is not too bée enuyed too the partie deceased For blissed are they sayth the Scripture that die in the Lorde 9. Let them think vpon the resurrection of Chryst and of oure selues also which shalbée at the latter day For this thought must bée a common remedie
the causes according as I promised in the thirde place whiche surely are many The first is Gods commaundement For the first table requireth humilitie too Godward and all the seconde table requireth humblenesse to manward The second is the example of Chryst. Wherupon Paule in the second chapter too the Philippiās Let the same minde bée in you which was in Iesus Chryst who béeing God tooke the shape of a seruant vpon him The thirde is the consideration of thy selfe what thou warte before thy birth what thou arte from thy birth too thy deathe and what thou shalt bée after this life Thou warte séed and bloud in thy mothers wombe now thou art in a wildernesse of miseries during this life and in the ende thou shalte bée woormes meate The fourth is that thy goodes and good giftes if thou haue any are not thine own but Gods bestowed vpon thée too doo good with vntoo others Therfore if thou bée eyther proude of them or abuse them thou muste stande in feare of horrible punishement The fifth is too think that God is able too take away what giftes soeuer thou haste if thou abuse them and yéeld not the praise too him alone The sixt is that many which séeme too haue lesse gifts than thou doo oftentimes imploye their laboure more too the profite of the common weale and the Churche than thou doost For as God is the strength of bread so is he the power wherby any thing is made acceptable too himselfe And these are the sixe causes which béeing knit toogither make true humilitie the which is hindered by twoo mischéeues strife and vainglory Wherfore Paule in the second too the Philippians sayeth Doo nothing of strife or vaineglorie but through humilitie let euery man estéeme other better than himself For as for those whiche haue a delighte in striuing like as they bée destitute of charitie so are they also voyde of true humilitie and vaineglorie fighteth ful butte ageinste humilitie Thus haue wée what humilitie is of howe manye sortes it is and what causes it hath Now foloweth that whiche I promised too speake of in the fourth place of the rewarde and naturall fruites of the same Hée that is humble shall receiue thrée fruites the first before God the seconde before men the third in himselfe Firste before God the frute is that hée whiche is rightly humble hath God dwelling in him Whereuppon Esay 57. I dwell highe aboue and in the Sanctuarie with him also that is of a contrite humble spirite And in the .66 Whome shall I regarde Euen him that is poore and of a lowly troubled spirite and standeth in awe of my woords Luke the second GOD exalteth the lowly 1. Peter 5. God resisteth the proude and giueth grace too the lowly Before men the lowlye person receyueth this frute Euen as the proude body is disdeyned of al men euen so he that is lowly in déede is honored of all men and an honeste name and report foloweth him In himselfe the lowly person findeth these moste swéete frutes First humilitie or lowlinesse is the mother of chastitie pacience Secondly it is the way vntoo wisdome Prouerbs 11. Where as is lowlinesse there is wisdome Thirdly it is the kéeper of fayth and of the feare of God Fourthly it is the furtherance of inuocation and after a sorte procureth too bée hearde of the Lorde Psalme 101. The Lord looked down vpon the prayer of the lowly Fifthly glorie accompanieth lowlynesse Math. v. Blissed are the poore in spirit for theirs is the kingdome of heauen Mat. 24. He that humbleth himselfe shal be exalted Prouerbes 29. The lowly person shall come too woorship not for that lowlynesse deserueth these things but bycause these things fall vntoo the lowly through the lowlynesse of Christ. To whom bée glory for euer and euer Amen Vpon the .xviij. Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Gospell Math. xxij WHEN the Pharisies had heard that Iesus did put the Saducees too sylence they came toogither and one of them vvhich vvas a doctor of lavv asked him a question tempting him and saying Maister vvhiche is the greatest commaundement in the lavv Iesus said vntoo him Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God vvith all thy hart and vvith all thy soule and vvith all thy minde This is the first and greatest commaundement And the seconde is like vntoo it Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe In these tvvo commaundementes hang all the lavv and the Prophets VVhyle the Pharisies vvere gathered toogyther Iesus asked them saying VVhat thinke yee of Chryst vvhose sonne is he They saide vntoo him The sonne of Dauid He said vnto them Hovv then dooth Dauid in spirite call him Lord saying The Lord sayde vntoo my Lord sit thou on my right hande tyll I make thine enimies thy footstoole If Dauid then call him Lord hovv is he then his sonne And no man vvas able too ansvvere him any thing neither durst any man from that day foorth aske him any mo questions The exposition of the text THis Gospel conteineth a summe of the christen doctrine that is too wit the doctrine of the lawe and of the Gospel A Pharisie propoundeth a question concerning the lawe and Chryst ageine an other concerning the Gospell but for a sundrie purpose For the Pharisie asketh a question concerning the lawe too the intent too tempt Chryst and too picke a quarell too him But Chryst demaunded of him concerning the Gospell too the intent too bring the miswéening Iewes and Pharisies vntoo the true knowledge of the law the gospel For they bicause they thought y t men wer iustified by the déedes of y e law despised the Gospell supposing there was no néede of any other doctrine too the attaynment too saluation than the doctrine of the law whose error Chryst confuteth Sée héer the goodnesse of Chryst. Although the Pharisies aske the question vppon malice yet notwithstanding Christ answereth them according too his owne office and teacheth an absolute doctrine concerning the lawe and the Gospell Therfore the summe of this Gospell is that Christe contriueth all the lawe and the Prophets intoo these two poyntes which are the loue of God and the loue of our neybour Afterward he enquireth of the Messias that is too wit of himselfe too the intent he might shew what one he was namely God and man who was too this end promised too the fathers that he should destroy the woorkes of the diuell and that all kinreds of the earth myght bée blissed in him who becomming our préest should pacifie Gods wrath by paying our raunsome for vs. The places are thrée 1 Of the Saducées whose mouthes our Lord stopped 2 The question concerning the summe of the Law and a rule how too serue God 3 The question concerning the Messias ¶ Of the firste THe Pharisies hearing that hee had put the Saducees too silence assembled toogither c. Albéeit that the Pharisies and Saducées were of a sundry religion one from another and defended contrary
our senses by outward signs which are the seales of his woord So in these dayes he had disclosed his wil vntoo vs by his Gospel the which he sealeth vp with the outward signes of Baptim and the Lordes supper Howbéeit in this cōmunication of the Angel with the virgin this spéech is too be noted wher he saith ●or vvith God no vvord shal be impossible This woord this saying of the Angel conteineth two things First it sealeth vp the truth and certentie of Gods promises And secondly it admonisheth vs to set gods power ageinst al sense iudgement of the flesh to assure our selues y t God is true although the whole frame of things shuld go about to persuade vs otherwise and to say with the virgin do according to thy woord thou reuelest thy wil by thy woord fulfil thy wil by thy power that thou alone may be glorified Thou art a sinner bewailest thy misery But herken what Gods woord saith of his wil. I wil not the death of a sinner Also all that cal vpon the name of the Lord shal be saued Include thou within this woord both Gods wil his power ageinst which nothing is able too stād When y u art sorowful bicause thou art at deaths doore flée vnto Christ héer his woord Blissed are they that die in the Lord. In this word ioyne togither Gods wil his power then assure thy self y t death shal be vntoo thée the way to blisfulnesse through Chryst Iesus our Lord too whom with the father the holy Ghost be honor praise glory world without end Amen Vpon the Natiuitie of Iohn Baptist. The Gospel Luke j. ELizabeths time came that she should be deliuered and she brought forth a son And hir neibors and hir cousins herde hovv the lord had shevved gret mercy vpon hir reioiced And it fortuned that in the eight day they came too Circumcise the childe and called his name Zacharie after the name of his father And his mother ansvvered and said not so but his name shal be called Iohn And they said vnto hir There is none in thy kinred that is named vvith this name And they made signes to his father hovv he vvould haue him called And he asked for vvriting tables and vvrote saying his name is Iohn And they marueiled al. And his mouth vvas opened immediatly and his toung also and he spake and praysed God And feare came on all them that dvvelt nie vntoo him And all these sayings vver noised abrode throughout al the hie countrie of Ievvrie and they that herd them laid them vp in their harts saying ▪ vvhat maner of childe shal this bee And the hand of the Lorde vvas vvith him And his father Zacharias vvas filled vvith the holy Ghost and prophecied saying Praysed be the Lord God of Israel for he hath visited and redeemed his people And hath raysed vp an horne of saluation vntoo vs in the house of his seruant Dauid Euen as he promised by the mouth of his holy Prophets vvhich vvere since the vvorld began That vve should bee saued from our enimies and from the hand of all that hate vs. That he vvould deale mercifully vvith our fathers and remember his holy couenaunt And he vvould performe the othe vvhich he svvare too our father Abraham for too forgiue vs. That vvee being deliuered out of the handes of our enimies might serue him vvithout feare all the dayes of our life in such holynesse and rightuousnesse as are acceptable for him And thou childe shalt bee called the Prophet of the hyest for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord too prepare his vvays Too giue knovvledge of saluation vnto his people for the remission of sinnes Through the tender mercy of our God vvherby the day spring from an hye hath visited vs. To giue light too them that sate in darknesse and in the shadovv of death and to guide our feete into the vvay of peace And the child grevv vvexed strong in spirit and vvay in vvildernesse til the day came vvhen he should shevv himselfe vntoo the Israelites The exposition of the Text. ALthough it bée a heathenish Idolatrie too call vppon Sainctes which thing is doone by the Papistes in the feastes of Sainctes yet it is very behoofefull and that for many causes too kéepe still the feasts of some Saincts The first cause is for that it is very profitable that the storie of the Church should bée known For from thence wée may fetche instruction confirmation and comfort The second is for that it is a swéete thing too thinke vppon Gods benefites towards his Church whereby commeth singuler frute too the godly hartes The third is that thanks may bée giuen to God for his benefites towards the members of his Churche The fourth is that by weying throughly the variable chaunces of the Sainctes wée may arme and strengthen our minds ageinst chaunces present and too come which we must needes taste of The fifth is that the Sainctes maye bée as it were samplers vntoo vs of repentance conuersatiō woorshipping confession constancie patience and other vertues according to which wée may frame our liues The sixth is that wée with godly gronings should desire too come too the felowship of the Saincts These and other weightie causes there bée why wée reteine feastes of Sainctes in the Church Would God that many men abused not the feasts of Saincts and other things too their owne pleasures and madde deuises like as many in the papacie abused chéefly this feast when they halowed it with daūcing and reueling with méetings of louers with bibbing and tippling al night long and with other more shamfull things which I will not speake of wherin they pleased not God nor the Angels and Saincts but they serued Sathan too the reproch of God and of the Angels and Saincts Thus much bréefly concerning the feasts of Saincts and the right vse of them In this feast I wil entreat of one point only that is too wit the story of Iohn out of which I will build certeine admonishments ¶ Of the Storie of Iohn Baptist. IN the Storie of Iohn Baptist let these circumstances bée weyed His parents his conception his birth his bringing vp his calling his office Chrysts recorde concerning Iohn his death and the things that hapned about his death and after his death Iohn Baptists parents wer Zacharie a préest a holy mā and of blamelesse life and his moother was Elizabeth a woman far striken in yéeres and of singuler godlinesse Of both these Luke the Euangelist beareth this witnesse in his first chapter They were both perfect before God and walked in al the lawes and ordinances of the Lord that no man could find fault with thē And they had no child bicause Elizabeth was barren both were well striken in age This description sheweth of what yéeres the parents of Iohn were with what innocentnesse they liued that being now growne in yéeres they were destitute of
say Graunt mée now that I may die in peace and happily Héereof may wée gather bothe instruction and comfort Instruction that the spirituall beholding of Chryst whiche is by Faith maketh a man too depart ioyfullye oute of this life bicause hée that before his death séeth Chryst in this wise hath a light too guyde ●●m vntoo lyfe He that foloweth me sayth the Lorde walketh not in darknesse Contrarywise he that séeth not Chryste passeth from the death of this present lyfe vntoo euerlasting darknesse And wée may gather comforte bycause they that sée Chryst at the instant of death haue wherewith too comforte themselues They know they are at the point too bée dismissed in peace They know they shall not goo too darknesse but too euerlasting ioy Bicause the théefe vppon the Crosse not only saw Chryst with his bodily eyes piteously tormented but also saw him conqueror of death with eyes of his faith he herd the Lord say This day shalt thou bée with me in Paradyse So Steuen at his death saw Chryst and with excéeding pleasure and ioyfulnesse of mynde sayde vntoo him Intoo thy hands O Lorde I commit my spirit After this maner thou also when sickenesse brings thée too the pittes brinke looke too Chryst thy Sauiour by Faith and desire of him that he will let thée departe in peace that is too say that he will giue thée leaue too depart out of this lyfe and too enter intoo the rest that is promised too al the faithfull This thought will make vs manfully despise this world and the miseries of this present lyfe and comfort our minde with hope of saluation the whiche he that can not lye hath promised vs. Now ensueth the other part of this song VVhich thou hast prepared before the face of all people to bee a light to lighten the Gentyles and to bee the glory of thy people Israel Héere are bréefly shewed two things The one what are Chrysts benefites the other to whō these benefits are appoynted The benefits are saluation light and glorie Without Chryst then the world sticketh stil in damnation darkenesse and shame and that is for sin For Christ taketh away damnation and restoreth saluation he driueth away darknesse sheadeth foorth light he remoueth shame and giueth glorie How great things are these I pray you Surely no man is able too value them sufficiently But 〈◊〉 whom are these benefites appoynted Too all people Iewes and Gentiles howbéeit they must bée receyued by faith For they are offered vniuersally too all suche is the vnserchable goodnesse of God Howbéeit with condition he that beléeueth shal bée saued and he that beléeueth not shall bée damned Wherfore if wée couet these good things let vs with Simeon receiue this our Lord and Sauior Iesus intoo the armes of our hart leane vntoo him with stedy faith To this our sauior be honor glory for euer euer So be it Vpon the Annuntiation of our Lady Sainct Mary the Virgin The Gospel Luke j. AND in the sixth moneth the Angell Gabriell vvas sent from God intoo a citie of Galilee named Nazareth too a virgin spoused too a man vvhose name vvas Ioseph of the house of Dauid and the virgins name vvas Mary And the Angell vvent in vntoo hir and sayde Hayle full of grace the Lorde is vvith thee Blissed art thou among vvomen VVhen she savv him she vvas abashed at his saying and cast in hir minde vvhat manner of Salutation that shoulde bee And the Angell saide vntoo hir feare not Mary for thou hast founde grace vvith God Beholde thou shalt conceyue in thy vvombe and beare a sonne and shalt call his name Iesus Hee shall bee greate and shall bee called the sonne of the hyghest And the Lord God shal giue vntoo him the seate of his father Dauid and he shall reigne ouer the house of Iacob for euer and of his kingdome there shall bee none ende Then sayde Mary too the Angell hovv shall this bee seeing I knovv not a man And the Angell aunsvvered and saide vntoo hir the holy Ghost shal come vppon thee and the povver of the highest shall ouershadovv thee Therfore also that holy thing vvhiche shal be borne shal be called the sonne of God And beholde thy cousin Elizabeth shee hathe also conceyued a Sonne in hir age and this is the sixth Moneth vvhiche vvas called barrein for vvith God nothing shall bee vnpossible And Mary sayde Beholde the handmayde of the Lord be it vntoo mee according too thy vvoord And the Angel departed from hir The exposition of the text THis feaste conteyneth the story of the conception of Iesu Chryst which is told vntoo the virgin by the Angel of God For long agoe the thrée thousande nine hundred sixtith yéere before his conception God promised the séede of the woman that shoulde tread downe the Serpents head that is too say which shuld destroy the Deuils woorks sin and death God béeing mindful of this promise sends his Angel too the most chast virgin too whome hée bringeth tidings that shée shoulde conceiue by the holy Ghoste without the séede of man and bring foorth a Sonne that should bée the sauiour of the worlde This is the summe of the story whereof there be fiue principall points and these are they 1 A description of the message 2 The Salutation of the Angel 3 The comforting of the troubled Uirgin 4 An exposition of the Message 5 The maner of the conception ¶ Of the firste IN the description of this Message many circumstances are too bée obserued of whiche wée wil consider euery one seuerally by it selfe too the intente wée may drawe out of it some doctrine too confirme our selues The first is time In the sixth moneth sayeth hée that is too wit after the conception of Iohn Baptist who according too the sayings of the Prophets should bée the forerunner of the Lorde that men myghte prepare the waye ageinste the comming of their King And it was the twentith yéere since the Scepter was taken from Iuda For thus was it Prophecied before by the Patriarke Iacob The scepter shall not bée taken from Iuda ▪ vntill Silo come that is till the séede of the woman come whiche was promised too our firste Parentes Therfore this circumstance of time conuinceth that this son of the virgin is the true Messias For hée was borne the selfe same time that y e holy Ghost had spoken of before by the prophets And as concerning y e day this is woorthy too bée remēbred that the killing of the paschal Lambe the conception of Chryst the passion of him fel all vpō one day of the yéer on which day the holy Fathers supposed that Adā was created These things set oute vntoo vs the truthe of Gods promises God delayed too sende his Sonne a great while after the promise was made but yet hée continued true in his promises The Sonne hath promised that hée wil come too iudgement but he maketh delay yet wil hée come when he